Tunisia Unit Plan 1 New

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The key takeaways are that the unit plan aims to teach students about life in Tunisia through exploring factors like geography, culture, traditions and global citizenship.

The main goals are for students to understand how factors like geography, culture and language affect quality of life in communities like Tunisia and to introduce them to the concept of global citizenship.

Some of the key planned activities and assessments include class discussions, worksheet booklets, videos, a Google Slides travel guide and a unit test.

Social Studies Unit Plan

Grade: 3 Unit: Tunisia Unit Dates: January 10 - Teacher: Miss. Leys

Overview: Grade 3 students will investigate life in four diverse communities around the world. The contemporary communities
examined will be drawn from India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru. Students will inquire into how geographic, social, cultural and
linguistic factors affect quality of life in communities in the world. Students will enrich their awareness and appreciation of how
people live in other places. Their understanding of global citizenship will be further developed and they will recognize Canada’s
involvement in other parts of the world.

Rationale: Grade 3 provides opportunities to explore the defining and diverse nature of communities around the world. There will
be an exploration of how common human needs are met and how they contribute to quality of life. Grade 3 also introduces students
to global citizenship.

Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcome:

3.1 - Communities in the World: General Outcome Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geographic,
social, cultural and linguistic factors affect quality of life in communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.
3.2 - Global Citizenship: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of Canada’s roles and responsibilities in
global citizenship in relation to communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

3.1.1 - appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities
3.1.2 - examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that affect quality of life in communities in other parts of the world by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry
3.1.3 - examine the geographic characteristics that shape communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon
the following questions for inquiry
3.1.4 - examine economic factors that shape communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon the following
questions for inquiry
3.2.1 - appreciate elements of global citizenship
3.2.2 - explore the concept of global citizenship by reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry

Key Teachings and Learning Activities:

● Each SLO is discussed and focused on during the classes
● Class Discussion helps further students understanding and allowing them to relate with personal stories will help them
● The Worksheet Booklet holds all of the information that we discussed throughout the unit as well as activities or fill in the
blank notes/short answer questions. So they can refer back to it
● Videos provide students with a visual of the information and can be easier to remember that way
● Google Slide - Travel Guide: displays the information that the students learnt throughout the unti. Will have a guide to help
them determine what needs to be included i the Travel Guide
● The unit test is a way for me to assess the students learning of the entire unit.

Resources: Planning for Diversity: Assessment and Evaluation:

Program of Studies While determine which students need to Class Discussion
Jenny’s Resources compete entire worksheet and who needs Observation
Various Websites to complete only some of it. Will be Worksheet Booklet
Youtube determined depending on their Google Slides - Travel Guide
Discovery Education comprehension or ability. Exit Slips
‘All About Tunisia people and places’ Focus and monitor students who are
‘Connecting with the World’ - textbook struggling. Encourage or provide extra help
when needed.

Date SLO Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Materials Assessment and
Evaluation (Formative
and Summative)

Jan 3.1.1 Introduction to Tunisia: DiscoveryEducation Worksheet Class Discussion

10 ● Introduction video: .ca Observation
https://app.discoveryeducation.ca/learn/video Worksheet Booklet Worksheet
s/6545c1fa-ae7e-4aa5-9b38-0220e46d14d3/ Exit Slip
● Google Slide to introduce the topics that we
are going to cover over the unit.
○ Where it is located, capital city, land,
animals, resources, weather, services,
people, buildings, food, clothing,
● Read about Ahmed’s life in Tunisia from the
textbook (maybe had a scanned version and
have it up on Notebook, read to them)
● Show a map of the world, zoom in on Tunisia
and talk about the countries around it.
● Hand out worksheet booklet which will have
the information we learn about in the unit and
some worksheets. This booklet will help them
when they work on the project for the unit.
● Start going over basics of Tunisia as a class
and write answers on Notebook file.
continent, Capital City, Population, size,
religions, languages, currency
● Once students have finished researching we
will go over the answers as a class
● Collect booklets
● Exit Slip: What is something new you learned
about Tunisia?

3.1.3 Land: Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Class Discussion

● Explain that we are going to be learning ‘All About Tunisia Observation
about the land and geography of Tunisia. people and places’ Worksheets
Looking at the landscape Exit Slip
● Review what continent Tunisia is from
● Discuss that Tunisia is made of four different
areas: The Atlas Mountains, Hammamet
Beach, The Sahara Desert, and A Tunisian
Palm Oasis.
● Explain that we are going to be making
posters about each landscape
● I will split the class into four groups and allow
a few group members to get chromebooks
● I will handout a worksheet for the group to
write down their information and to guide
their research.
○ This poster will take a few
● Once the posters are complete I will have
each group present to the class.

3.1.4 Services and Economy/Resources: exports DiscoveryEducation Video Class Discussion

● Today we will talk about the economy in .ca Worksheet Observation
Tunisia Worksheet Booklet Worksheets
● Explain that farming is an important job in ‘All About Tunisia Exit Slip
Tunisia as a lot of the resources that are people and places’
exported are fruits and vegetables.
○ Tunisia is the second largest exporter
of olive oil in the world
○ Define export
● The Date Tree: important resource
○ Discuss where they grow, how they
are eaten, show picture
○ Bring olives and dates for the class to
● These resources have to be created or taken
care of by workers. Today we are going to
talk about the different jobs available for the
people who live in Tunisia.
○ Agriculture or Farming
○ Fishing
○ Mining
○ Tourism (Souk)
● Each of those jobs will be discussed in
some detail. I want to emphasise how
tourism is a big one
● Industry:
○ What the most important industry is,
what minerals are found, crafts
○ Phosphate, petroleum, zinc, lead and
● Tourism (Souk): video
○ Clothing, rugs, pottery, copper,
leathered goods, jewelry
● Hand out a large piece of paper and have the
class fold the paper into four sections.
● Explain that I want the class to draw each of
the jobs on one section of the paper.
● Display pictures up on the screen for them
reference to while they are drawing

3.1.1 Quality of Life: Children - Venn Diagram Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Class Discussion
3.1.2 ● Today we are talking about what life is like ‘All About Tunisia Youtube Observation
for children in Tunisia people and places Video Worksheets
● Video on typical school day for children: Youtube Exit Slip
● Discuss the differences they found from their
school to our school: length in school, longer
periods, longer breaks
● I will hand out a venn diagram that as a class
we will be comparing school life in Tunisia
with school life in Alberta
● I will ask the students what about school life
in Tunisia they can recall from the video we
just watched and then compare it to Alberta.
● I will write down our answers on the
smartboard and then have the class copy

3.1.1 Introduction to Tunisia Culture: Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Class Discussion

3.1.2 ● Video: ‘All About Tunisia Observation
https://learn360.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.a people and places Worksheets
spx?xtid=81387&loid=339237&tScript=0 DiscoveryEducation Exit Slip
● Today we will be looking at how a home or
building is structured and compare it to our
● Looking at cities and villages:
○ Cities: have been built by many
different cultures, newer section built
by the French (modern looking
houses), rich or middle class live in
luxury homes or apartment buildings.
Most homes are small and have flat
○ Gourbivilles: makeshift houses without
running water
○ Village: small, one-story houses made
of whitewash stone or concrete, the
door and window frames are green or
blue. Flat roofs and can walk on it.
Provide a cool shelter from hot sun
○ Desert: live in tents permanently and
often form small villages
○ Berbers houses carved out of rock,
useful in hot, dry climates,
● Compare to what our houses look like in
● Explain that I will display a picture of each of
the types of houses and then I want each
student to choose one of the houses and
design their own type of Tunisian home.

3.1.1 Customs and Traditions: food Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Class Discussion
3.1.2 ● Food: Talk about the type of food that is ‘All About Tunisia Observation
common in Tunisia, that you would not people and places Worksheets
usually find in our homes.
● Discuss their national dish, couscous, and
different type of food that people in Tunisia
enjoy eating
○ I will bring in couscous for them to try
● Display a list of different Tunisian dishes
● Discuss the type of traditional clothing that
the men and women wear and compare it to
our clothing
○ The grade 3 team at my school has
social studies clothing to show the
● Other traditions:
○ Weddings: last 7 days, performing
different ceremonies with different
○ Wild Boar Hunting: traditional sport,
practices in dunes, hills and mountains
of Tabarka.
● Show the class a video or picture of each
and have the class complete fill in the blank
notes about the traditions.

3.1.2 Celebrations: Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Class Discussion

● What type of celebrations or holidays that are ‘All About Tunisia youtube Observation
common in Tunisia. Are they similar to us? Is people and places Worksheets
it present in Alberta or as present as it is in Exit Slip
● Explain that many celebrations have to do
with their religion
● Discuss the different celebrations: Islamic
New Year, Mouled, Ramadan.
● Videos for each:
○ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X
○ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT5
○ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX
● Videos will give a small explanation of the
different types of celebrations
● Students will complete a short fill in the blank

All Google Slide Brochure: Worksheet Booklet Worksheet Travel Guide

● Based on the information that the students Chromeboo (Summative
have been learning about Tunisia over the k Cart Assessment)
past unit, the students will create a Google Observation
Slide about Tunisia.
● The students will act as a Travel Guide and
will need to present information to inform
others about Tunisia
● I will give them a guide of what information
needs to be included in their travel guide.
● Students have the entire class to work on this
and the next class as well.

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