Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – Motion

• An object is said to be in motion if it changes its position with respect to

its surroundings in a given time.

Types of Motion

There are three types of motion

1. Translatory motion - In translatory motion the particle moves from

one point to another in space. This motion may be along a straight
line or along a curved path.
Example: A car moving on a straight road.

2. Rotatory motion - In rotatory motion, the particles of the body

describe concentric circles about the axis of motion.

3. Vibratory motion - When an object is displaced from its fixed

position and made to move to and fro periodically, it is known as
vibratory motion.
Distance and Displacement

Distance Displacement

It is the actual length of the path It is the shortest distance between the
covered by a moving object initial and final positions of the moving
It is a scalar quantity It is a vector quantity

Examples related to Distance and Displacement

Example 1

• The distance between A and B is 150 km. A bus travels from A to B.

The distance covered by the bus is 150 km.
• The bus travelling on the same route returns from B to the A. Thus
the total distance covered by the bus during the trip from A to B and
then from B to A is 150 km + 150 km = 300 km.

• But the displacement when the bus moves from A to B and then from
B to A is zero.
Example 2

• Suppose a person moves 3 meters from A to B and 4 meters from B to

C as shown in the figure.
Distance covered by the person = 3 + 4 = 7 m
Displacement of the person =??
• Displacement is defined as the shortest distance between initial and
final position. So we will use the Pythagoras theorem to determine the
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
(AC)2 = 9 + 16 = 25
AC = 5 m
Displacement of the person = 5 m

Uniform Motion and Non-uniform Motion

• When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time then the
body is said to have uniform motion.

Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Distance 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
• When a body moves unequal distances in equal intervals of time or
vice-versa, then the body is said to describe non-uniform motion.

Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Distance 0 10 15 20 30 60 65 75


• Speed can be defined as the distance covered by a moving object in

unit time.

• SI unit of speed is m/s or m s-1

• Speed is a scalar quantity.

Instantaneous Speed
• The speed of a moving body at any particular instant of time is called
instantaneous speed.

Average Speed
• It is defined as the ratio of the total distance travelled by the object to
the total time taken for the journey. This is called the average speed.
• Average Speed is calculated when speed of the object changes from
time to time during the whole journey.

• Velocity is defined as the distance covered by a moving object in a
particular direction in unit time.

• SI unit of velocity is m/s or (meter/second).

• Velocity is a vector quantity.

• Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity of a moving
body with time.
• Let an object moving with an initial velocity 'u' attain a final velocity
'v' in time 't', then acceleration 'a' produced in the object is
• Acceleration is a vector quantity.
Different Types of Acceleration

• Positive Acceleration –

o If the velocity of an object increases, then the object is said to be

moving with positive acceleration.
o When a stone is throwing down from the top of a building then it
comes down with more velocity as compare to initial one.

• Negative Acceleration –

o If the velocity of an object decreases, then the object is said to be

moving with negative acceleration.
o Negative acceleration is also known as retardation or deceleration.
• Zero Acceleration -

o If the change in velocity is zero, i.e., either the object is at rest or

moving with uniform velocity, then the object is said to have zero

o Example: a parked car, a train moving with a constant speed of 90


Equations of Motion

• Derivation of the First Equation of Motion –

o Consider a particle moving along a straight line with uniform

acceleration 'a’.

Initial Velocity (at t = 0) = u

Final Velocity (at t time) = v

v = u + at
• Derivation of the Second Equation of Motion –
From equations (1) and (2)

The first equation of motion is v = u + at

Substituting the value of v in equation (3), we get

• Derivation of the Second Equation of Motion –

The first equation of motion is
v - u = at ... (1)

From equation (2) and equation (3) we get,

Multiplying equation (1) and equation (4) we get,

(v - u) (v + u) = 2aS
[We make use of the identity a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a - b)]

v2 – u2 = 2aS

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