FX3x Programming Manual
FX3x Programming Manual
Technical Document
December 2006
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Table of Contents
Section Page
Overview 3
System BOM 3
Software Configuration 3
Procedures 7
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This technical document demonstrates using recipes for the HMi operator interface.
First, the software is configured for recipes and passwords. Procedures are given to
explain the flow of events. Then, examples are shown.
System BOM
HmiSoft Software
HMi unit
PLC (ELC recommended)
Software Configuration
1. In the HMiSoft Software, select Options->Configuration from the menu bar.
2. In the Control Block->Size drop down, change the value to 8. The Control Block
address for our examples is D0 and the Status Block is D10.
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The Control Block sets aside the registers designated for the Control Area. The
registers in the Control Area are used to control HMi functions, such as screen
number, backlight status, buzzer status, history flags, and recipes from a PLC. In this
example, we selected registers D0-D7 as the control area. The highlighted registers
and bits in the tables below are used for recipes.
In our example:
Also, note the Status Block address. The Status Block contains registers that are
used by the HMi to report the state of the HMi and contains eight words.
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In our example:
Check the Enable Recipe Check box. Select the first address to be set aside for
recipe values by clicking on the ellipsis following the Address box, selecting a register
type from the Device Type drop down, entering the starting register in the Address
text box, and clicking the OK button. Choose the length of the recipe and number of
recipes. Click the Input button. In this example, Address D100, Length 5, and
Recipe # 3 was selected. Fill in the values for your recipe or import from a .csv file
(MS Excel can be used to make .csv files. Click SaveAs when saving in Excel). It is
good engineering practice to save your recipe on disk. Click OK when done entering
the recipe.
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In our example
D100- The values for the current recipe running in the PLC (R/W)
D104 The current recipe number that is running (R/W)
The system also allows the programmer to access internal memory locations through
variables that act as pointers. The following picture shows the system variables
corresponding with recipes:
The first row of the table points to the recipe values found in RCPNO. The subsequent
rows point to the recipes stored in the HMi.
In our example
If RCPNO=2, then RCP0 and RCP10 will be the same, RCP1 and RCP11 will be the
same, RCP2 and RCP12 will be the same, RCP3 and RCP13 will be the same, and
RCP4 and RCP14 will be the same. Any changes to one will affect the other.
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These procedures assume the control registers, status registers, and recipes are setup
as listed above.
To change the Recipe values in the HMi without affecting the PLC:
3. Change the values of RCP0-RCP4.
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Sample application one: Two-Step HMI=>PLC
This HMi screen shows the HMi selecting the Recipe Values to load. The arrow buttons
are increment/decrement elements, with a limit of one and three. The “select” button is a
set constant element and is setting the value of D5 to be a “1” (bit 0 on). The “confirm”
button is a set constant element and is setting the value of D5 to be “4” (bit 2 on). The
elements reading D registers are pre-stored message elements. In addition, the different
sections or steps should be placed on separate screens and password protected to
ensure proper flow and access.
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Sample application two: PLC Logic for Loading Recipes
This ladder logic code fragment shows how the ELC can direct Recipe Values stored in
the HMi to load.
The HMi elements can close the M1 contact using a momentary button element.
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Sample application three: 1-Step HMI=>PLC
This HMi screen shows the HMi selecting the Recipe Values to load. The arrow buttons
are increment/decrement elements, with a limit of one and three. The load button is a set
constant element and is setting the value of D5 to be “4” (bit 2 on). In addition, the
different sections or steps should be placed on separate screens and password protected
to ensure proper flow and access. Note, the control and the status registers D6/D16
are not updated in this example.
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Sample application four: Edit the Selected Recipe in HMi
This HMi screen shows the HMi editing the Recipe value stored in the HMi. The D
register values are not affected in the PLC. The arrow buttons are increment/decrement
elements, with a limit of one and three. The Numeric Entry element writes to the HMi
internal memory locations RCP#. The input mode property for the Numeric Entry
element allows the operator to use the keypad if it selected to touch non pop up. In
addition, the different sections or steps should be placed on separate screens and
password protected to ensure proper flow and access. Note, the control and the status
registers D5/D6/D15/D16 are not updated in this example.
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Sample Recipe Five: Save D-register Values to Recipe
In this example, the operator changes values in the D registers, and then decides to save
the current configuration as a Recipe in the HMi. The Numeric Entry element writes to
the ELC base port values of the D registers. The input mode property for the Numeric
Entry element allows the operator to use the keypad if it selected to touch non pop up.
The arrow buttons are increment/decrement elements, with a limit of one and three. The
Select button is a set constant element and is setting the value of D5 to be “1” (bit 0 on).
The Update with D Register Values button is a set constant element and is setting the
value of D5 to be “2” (bit 1 on). After Execute Macros are used to keep D104 and D6 the
same. In addition, the different sections or steps should be placed on separate screens
and password protected to ensure proper flow and access.
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In order to ensure D104 stays equal to the recipe #, the following macro needs to be entered.
Select Before Execute Macro in the properties box for the Set Constant element that is labeled
Update with D-register values.
Enter the following lines in the macro editor. This macro takes the value in RCPNO and copies it
to D6. It will run once immediately following the operator pressing the button, but before the
constant is written. The 1@ selects the PLC station number.
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Sample Application Six: Edit the Full Recipe Table
This sample application shows a screen that allows the operator to change the values of
the recipes inside the HMi directly. The Numeric Entry element writes to the internal
memory values of RCP#. The input mode property for the Numeric Entry element allows
the operator to use the keypad if it selected to touch non pop up. Note, the control and
the status registers D5/D6/D15/D16 are not updated in this example.
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