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ESAPA – European Soda Ash Producers Association

Issue N°: 3 Date of issue: March 2004

Document approved by ESAPA
Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 2


PREFACE............................................................................................................................... 8

DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 9

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 10

1.1. HISTORY OF THE PRODUCTION...................................................................... 10
1.2. OVERVIEW ABOUT TYPE OF PRODUCTION ................................................ 11
1.2.1. Solvay process ..................................................................................................... 11
1.2.2. Trona and nahcolite based process....................................................................... 11 Trona ............................................................................................................. 11 Nahcolite ....................................................................................................... 12
1.2.3. Nepheline syenite process.................................................................................... 13
1.2.4. Carbonation of caustic soda ................................................................................. 13
1.3. USES IN INDUSTRIAL SECTORS ....................................................................... 13
1.3.1. Glass industry....................................................................................................... 13
1.3.2. Detergent industry................................................................................................ 13
1.3.3. Steel industry ....................................................................................................... 13
1.3.4. Non-ferrous metallurgy industry.......................................................................... 14
1.3.5. Chemical industry ................................................................................................ 14 Sodium bicarbonate ...................................................................................... 14 Sodium sesquicarbonate................................................................................ 14 Chemically pure sodium carbonate............................................................... 14 Sodium bichromate ....................................................................................... 15 Sodium percarbonate .................................................................................... 15 Sodium phosphates ....................................................................................... 15 Sodium silicates ............................................................................................ 15 Sodium sulfites.............................................................................................. 15
1.3.6. Other applications ................................................................................................ 15
1.4.1. Worldwide............................................................................................................ 15
1.4.2. European Union ................................................................................................... 16
1.5. SOCIO-ECONOMICAL ASPECTS ....................................................................... 19
1.5.1. Main characteristics of the industry ..................................................................... 19
1.5.2. Social integration - employment .......................................................................... 19
1.5.3. General economic standing.................................................................................. 19
1.5.4. Environmental taxes and levies ........................................................................... 20
1.5.5. Manufacturing and operating cost ....................................................................... 20
2. APPLIED PROCESS AND TECHNIQUES ................................................................. 21
2.1. PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.1. Main chemical reactions ...................................................................................... 21
2.1.2. Process steps ........................................................................................................ 22 Brine purification .......................................................................................... 24

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 3 Lime kilns and milk of lime production........................................................ 25 Absorption of ammonia ................................................................................ 26 Precipitation of sodium bicarbonate ............................................................. 26 Separation of sodium bicarbonate from mother liquid ................................. 26 Sodium bicarbonate calcination .................................................................... 27 Ammonia recovery........................................................................................ 27
2.1.3. Product storage and handling............................................................................... 28
2.2. RAW MATERIALS.................................................................................................. 28
2.2.1. Brine..................................................................................................................... 28 Typical composition...................................................................................... 29 Storage .......................................................................................................... 29
2.2.2. Limestone............................................................................................................. 29
2.2.3. Carbon for the lime kiln ....................................................................................... 30 Typical composition...................................................................................... 30 Storage .......................................................................................................... 30
2.2.4. Ammonia.............................................................................................................. 31 Characteristics............................................................................................... 31 Storage .......................................................................................................... 31
2.2.5. Miscellaneous additives ....................................................................................... 31
2.3. MAIN OUTPUT STREAMS ................................................................................... 31
2.4.1. Purity of raw materials......................................................................................... 32
2.4.2. Raw material consumptions ................................................................................. 33
2.4.3. Energy .................................................................................................................. 33
3. PRESENT INPUT/OUTPUT LEVELS ......................................................................... 33
3.1. RAW MATERIALS.................................................................................................. 36
3.2. UTILITIES ................................................................................................................ 36
3.2.1. Steam.................................................................................................................... 36
3.2.2. Process water ....................................................................................................... 36
3.2.3. Cooling waters ..................................................................................................... 37
3.2.4. Electricity ............................................................................................................. 37
3.3. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS ......................................................................................... 38
3.3.1. Particulate dust..................................................................................................... 38
3.3.2. Carbon dioxide and monoxide ............................................................................. 39
3.3.3. Nitrogen oxides .................................................................................................... 39
3.3.4. Sulfur oxides ........................................................................................................ 39
3.3.5. Ammonia.............................................................................................................. 40
3.3.6. Hydrogen sulfide.................................................................................................. 40
3.4. LIQUID EFFLUENTS ............................................................................................. 41
3.4.1. Wastewater from distillation................................................................................ 41
3.4.2. Wastewater from brine purification ..................................................................... 43
3.5. SOLID EFFLUENTS................................................................................................ 44
3.5.1. Fines of limestone ................................................................................................ 44
3.5.2. Non recycled stone grits at slaker ........................................................................ 44
3.6. CO-PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................... 45
3.6.1. Calcium chloride .................................................................................................. 45
3.6.2. Refined sodium bicarbonate ................................................................................ 45 Background information ............................................................................... 45

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 4 Process description........................................................................................ 48 Major environmental impact......................................................................... 50
4. CANDIDATE BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES.................................................... 51
4.1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ............................................................................. 51
4.2. ENERGY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 52
4.2.1. Energy conversion of primary fuels..................................................................... 52
4.2.2. Energy saving in the process................................................................................ 53 Heat recovery ................................................................................................ 53 Energy minimisation ..................................................................................... 53
4.3. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS MANAGEMENT.......................................................... 54
4.3.1. Calcination of limestone ...................................................................................... 54
4.3.2. Precipitation of crude sodium bicarbonate .......................................................... 55
4.3.3. Filtration of the bicarbonate................................................................................. 56
4.3.4. Production of dense soda ash ............................................................................... 56
4.3.5. Conveying and storage of light and dense soda ash............................................. 56
4.4. LIQUID EFFLUENT MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 57
4.4.1. Liquid effluent treatments.................................................................................... 57 Marine outfalls .............................................................................................. 58 Lake and river discharge ............................................................................... 58 Settling ponds................................................................................................ 59 Purpose and principles ........................................................................... 59 Operation of settling basins ................................................................... 59 Monitoring during operation.................................................................. 60 Hydraulic confinement........................................................................... 60 Coverage and final closure..................................................................... 60 Underground disposal ................................................................................... 60
4.4.2. Liquid effluent discharge management................................................................ 61 Concept of equalisation in modulation basins .............................................. 61 Performance .................................................................................................. 61 Available techniques ..................................................................................... 62 Management of equalization basins.............................................................. 62
4.4.3. Adjustment of pH................................................................................................. 62
4.4.4. By-products recovery and reuse........................................................................... 63 Dissolved CaCl2 in distillation wastewater ................................................... 63 Suspended solids in distillation wastewater.................................................. 63 Product from brine purification .................................................................... 64
4.5. SOLID MATERIALS MANAGEMENT................................................................ 65
4.5.1. Limestone fines .................................................................................................... 65
4.5.2. Grits from slaker .................................................................................................. 65
ASH ....................................................................................................................................... 65
5.1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 65
5.3. EMISSION TO WATER.......................................................................................... 68
5.3.1. Ammonia.............................................................................................................. 68
5.3.2. Suspended solids.................................................................................................. 69

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 5

5.4. EMISSION TO AIR ................................................................................................. 71
5.4.1. Lime kilns gas ...................................................................................................... 71 Quantity of lime kiln gas produced............................................................... 72 Composition of lime kiln gas ........................................................................ 72
5.4.2. Gas effluent of the manufacturing sector............................................................. 73
5.4.3. Dust ...................................................................................................................... 74
5.5. ENERGY ................................................................................................................... 74
Heat recovery ............................................................................................................. 74
Energy minimisation .................................................................................................. 75
6. REFERENCES................................................................................................................. 76

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 6



Table 1 Worldwide capacity of soda ash manufacture (reference year : 2000) ............. 16
Table 2 European soda ash capacity and producers (reference year : 2002)................. 17
Table 3 Soda ash manufacturing costs............................................................................... 20
Table 4 Plant area/operations ............................................................................................. 24
Table 5 Raw and purified brines (typical composition ranges) ....................................... 29
Table 6 Coke for lime kilns (typical composition ranges) ................................................ 30
Table 7 Main output streams from the soda ash process ................................................. 32
Table 8 Soda ash process major Input/Output levels ....................................................... 35
Table 9 Wastewater from distillation................................................................................. 42
Table 10 Effluent from brine purification (typical composition) ................................... 43
Table 11 Solid effluents from soda ash process................................................................. 44
Table 12 Worldwide Refined Sodium Bicarbonate Annual Capacities (reference year :
2002) .............................................................................................................................. 45
Table 13 Consumption of Refined Sodium Bicarbonate in EU (reference year : 2002)
........................................................................................................................................ 46
Table 14 European Refined Sodium Bicarbonate capacity and producers (reference
year : 2002) ................................................................................................................... 47
Table 15 Vent gas from bicarbonation columns blown with lime kiln gas..................... 50
Table 16 Vent gas from lime kilns after cleaning.............................................................. 55
Table 17 Vent gas from column section after washing .................................................... 55
Table 18 Filter gas after washing ....................................................................................... 56
Table 19 Typical gas composition resulting of limestone calcination ............................. 72
Table 20 Vent gas from column section after washing ..................................................... 73
Table 21 Ranges of energy consumption ........................................................................... 75


Figure 1 Geographic distribution of soda ash plants (Solvay process) within the
European Union (2002)................................................................................................ 18
Figure 2 Process block diagram for the manufacture of soda ash by the Solvay process
........................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3 Process block diagram for the manufacture of refined sodium bicarbonate.. 49

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 7


The European Soda Ash Producers Association (ESAPA), through CEFIC, has produced this
Best Practice Reference Document (BREF) in response to the EU Directive on Integrated
Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC Directive). The document was prepared by technical
experts from the ESAPA member companies and covers primarily the production of soda
ash (sodium carbonate) by the Solvay Ammonia-Soda process.

This BREF reflects industry perceptions of what techniques are generally considered to be
feasible and presently available and achievable emission levels associated with the
manufacturing of soda ash. It does not aim to create an exhaustive list of Best Available
Techniques (BAT) but highlights the most widely used and accepted practices.

The document uses the same definition of BAT as that given in the IPPC Directive 96/61 EC
of 1996. BAT covers both the technology used and the management practices necessary to
operate a plant efficiently and safely. The principles of Responsible Care to which the
companies voluntarily adhere provide a good framework for the implementation of
management techniques. The BREF is focused primarily on the technological processes,
since good management is considered to be independent of the process route.

It should be noted that different practices have developed over time, dependant upon
national and local regulatory requirements, differences in plant location and issues of local
environmental sensitivity. This has resulted in differences in best practices between EU
Member States. Moreover certain practices may be mutually exclusive and it must no be
assumed that all achievable minima can be met by all operations at the same time.

Neither CEFIC, ESAPA nor any individual company can accept liability for accident or loss
attributable to the use of the information provided in this document

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 8


The following definitions are taken from Council directive 96/61/EC of 1996 on Integrated
Pollution Prevention and Control:

“Best Available Techniques” shall mean the most effective and advanced stage in the
development of activities and their methods of operation which indicate the practical
suitability of particular techniques for providing, in principle, the basis for emission limit
values designed to prevent or, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce emissions
and the impact on the environment as a whole:

"Techniques" include both the technology used and the way in which the installation is
designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned.

“Available” techniques shall mean those developed on a scale which allows implementation
in the relevant industrial sector, under economically and technically viable conditions, taking
into consideration the costs and advantages, whether or not the techniques are used or
produced inside the Member State in question, as long as they are reasonably accessible to
the operator.

“Best” shall mean most effective in achieving a high general level of protection for the
environment as a whole.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 9



Before the advent of industrial processes, sodium carbonate, often-called soda ash, came
from natural sources, either vegetable or mineral. Soda made from ashes of certain plants or
seaweed has been known since antiquity.

At the end of the 18th century, available production was far below the growing demand due
to the soap and glass market. The French Academy of Science offered an award for the
invention of a practical process to manufacture soda ash.

Nicolas Leblanc proposed a process starting from common salt and obtained a patent in

The so-called Leblanc or “black ash” process was developed in the period 1825 till 1890.
The major drawback of this process was its environmental impact with the emission of large
quantities of HCl gas and the production of calcium sulfide solid waste which not only lost
valuable sulfur but also produced poisonous gases.

In 1861, Ernest Solvay rediscovered and perfected the process based on common salt,
limestone and ammonia.

Competition between both processes lasted many years, but relative simplicity, reduced
operating costs and, above all, reduced environmental impact of the Solvay process ensured
its success. From 1885 on, Leblanc production took a downward curve as did soda ash price
and by the First World War, Leblanc soda ash production practically disappeared.

Since then, the only production process used in Western Europe as well as in main part of
the world is the Solvay process.

In the meantime and mainly since the twenties, several deposits of minerals containing
sodium carbonate or bicarbonate have been discovered. Nevertheless the ore purity and the
location of these deposits, as well as the mining conditions of these minerals, has limited the
effective number of plants put into operation.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 10


1.2.1. Solvay process

The Solvay process, also called ammonia soda process, uses salt (NaCl) and limestone
(CaCO3) as raw materials. Ammonia, which is also used in the process, is almost totally
regenerated and recycled. The main advantage of this process is the availability of the raw
materials, which can be found almost everywhere in the world and therefore allows
operating production units relatively close to the market.

The Solvay process produces “light soda ash”, with a specific weight or pouring density of
about 500 kg/m3. It is used in that form mainly for the detergent market and certain chemical

“Light soda ash” is transformed by recrystallization firstly to sodium carbonate

monohydrate, and finally to “dense soda ash” after drying (dehydration). Dense soda ash has
a pouring density of about 1000 kg/m3. It is used mainly in the glass industry. Dense soda
ash can also be produced by compaction.

Some producers have made several modifications to the original process. The main ones are:
- the “dual process”, which allows production units to co-produce in nearly equal
quantities ammonium chloride, which is used as a fertilizer in rice cultivation.
There are several plants in the world which are working with that process. Most are
situated in China
- the “Akzo” or “dry lime” process, which uses dry lime instead of lime milk for
ammonia recovery

1.2.2. Trona and nahcolite based process

All processes are based on ore treatment from which impurities (i.e. organics and insolubles)
have to be stored underground or in tailing ponds. Trona

Trona minerals can be found underground (Green River trona deposit in Wyoming - USA,
Inner Mongolia - China, Henan - China) or in dry lakes (Searles Lake trona brine deposit in
California – USA, Magadi Lake trona brine deposit in Kenya, Sua Pan trona brine deposit in

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 11

Underground "dry" trona processing consists in several steps:
- mechanical mining by the “room and pillar” or “long wall” method
- as trona is an impure sodium sesquicarbonate mineral (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O),
it has firstly to be calcined to produce a soda ash still containing all the impurities
from the ore
- next, calcined trona is dissolved, the solution is settled and filtered to remove
impurities (insolubles and organics)
- the purified liquor is sent to evaporators where sodium monohydrate crystals
- the monohydrate slurry is concentrated in centrifuges before drying and
transformation into dense soda ash

Deposits from trona lakes and solution mined trona are processed as follows :
- dissolving trona in wells
- carbonation of the solution in order to precipitate sodium bicarbonate
- filtration of the slurry
- calcination of the bicarbonate to get “light soda ash”, recycling of the carbon
dioxide to the carbonation
- “light soda ash” transformation into “dense” by the “monohydrate method”
- carbon dioxide make-up produced by burner off-gas enrichment Nahcolite

A Nahcolite deposit has been found in Piceance Creek in Colorado - USA and an industrial
soda ash plant has been put into operation at the end of the year 2000. Little practical
experience of this process is therefore available.

Nahcolite is processed as follows:

- by solution mining (wells, with injection of hot mother liquor returned from the
surface facilities)
- as nahcolite is an impure sodium bicarbonate mineral (NaHCO3), it must be treated
- the hot solution is decarbonated by heating
- the solution is sent to settling and filtration.
- next, the purified liquor is sent to evaporators where sodium monohydrate
- the slurry is concentrated by centrifugation and the monohydrate crystals
transformed to soda ash by drying
- the mother liquor is sent back to the solution mining

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 12

1.2.3. Nepheline syenite process

There is still a process operated in Russia, mainly in a plant situated in Siberia, which uses
mixed minerals and allows the coproduction of alumina, cement and soda ash. The soda ash
produced is of poor quality.

1.2.4. Carbonation of caustic soda

Small quantities of soda ash are made by the carbonation of caustic soda. This produces a
soda liquor solution which is treated in similar ways to those described above. Alternatively
where this caustic soda is from diaphragm cells it contains high levels of residual sodium
chloride which can be used either in conjunction with a conventional Solvay ammonia soda
process or in the brine purification process.


Soda ash is a commodity chemical used in several branches of industry. The main ones are
quoted in the following paragraphs.

1.3.1. Glass industry

Soda ash is used in the manufacturing of flat and container glass. Acting as a network
modifier or fluxing agent, it allows lowering the melting temperature of sand and therefore
reduces the energy consumption.

1.3.2. Detergent industry

Soda ash is used in a large number of prepared domestic products: soaps, scouring powders,
soaking and washing powders containing varying proportions of sodium carbonate, where
the soda ash acts primarily as a builder or water softener.

1.3.3. Steel industry

Soda ash is used as a flux, a desulfurizer, dephosphorizer and denitrider.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 13

1.3.4. Non-ferrous metallurgy industry

- treatment of uranium ores

- oxidizing calcination of chrome ore
- lead recycling from discarded batteries
- recycling of zinc, aluminium

1.3.5. Chemical industry

Soda ash is used in a large number of chemical reactions to produce organic or inorganic
compounds used in very different applications. Sodium bicarbonate

- animal feeds to balance their diets to compensate for seasonal variations and meet
specific biological and rearing needs
- paper industry for paper sizing
- plastic foaming
- water treatment
- leather treatment
- flue gas treatment, especially in incinerators
- detergent and cleaning products such as washing powders and liquids, dishwashing
products, etc…
- drilling mud to improve fluidity
- fire extinguisher powder
- human food products and domestic uses : baking soda, effervescent drinks,
toothpaste, fruit cleaning, personal hygiene, etc…
- pharmaceutical applications : effervescent tablets, haemodialysis Sodium sesquicarbonate

- bath salts, water softener Chemically pure sodium carbonate

- pharmaceuticals industry, cosmetics, food industry and fine chemicals

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 14 Sodium bichromate Sodium percarbonate

- bleaching agent for various fabrics and constituent of domestic detergent powders
- cosmetology Sodium phosphates Sodium silicates Sodium sulfites

1.3.6. Other applications

- production of various chemical fertilizers

- production of artificial sodium bentonites or activated bentonites
- manufacture of synthetic detergents
- organic and inorganic coloring industry
- enamelling industry
- petroleum industry
- fats, glue and gelatine industry, etc.


1.4.1. Worldwide

The current worldwide soda ash nameplate capacity is estimated to be around

42 million t/year. The split between processes and geographical zones is given in Table 1.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 15

Table 1
Worldwide capacity of soda ash manufacture
(reference year : 2000)

Production EU25 Rest of North. Latin Asia Africa Oceania Total

capacity Europe America America

million t/year

Solvay 7.7 6.6 0.5 9.7 0.1 0.4 25


Na minerals 11.6 0.5 0.6 12.7


Others 0.1 0.8 3.7 4.6

Total 7.8 7.4 11.6 0.5 13.9 0.7 0.4 42.3

1.4.2. European Union

There are only four producers in the European Union (EU15) applying the Solvay process:
Solvay, Brunner Mond, Novacarb , Sodawerk Stassfurt, with a total capacity of 6625
kt/year. BASF has two plants which co-produce sodium carbonate with a combined capacity
of 65 kt/year.

Solvay has 7 plants situated in 6 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and
Austria with a total capacity of 4200 kt/year.

Brunner Mond has 3 plants in 2 countries: United Kingdom and Netherlands with a total
capacity of 1375 kt/year.

Novacarb has one plant, in France, with a capacity of 600 kt/year.

Sodawerk Stassfurt has one plant, in Germany, with a capacity of 450 kt/year.

The enlarged European Union (EU25) will take in two additional plants in Poland operated
by Ciech with a combined capacity of (1100 kt/year) already member of ESAPA. ESAPA
also represents the Turkish operation of Şişecam (800 kt/year) and the Bulgarian factory
(1200 kt/year) operated as a production joint venture between Solvay (75%) and Şişecam
(25%) and the two Romanian factories operated by Bega with a combined capacity of (710
kt/year). These give a combined additional production capacity of 3810 kt/year.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 16

Table 2
European soda ash capacity and producers
(reference year : 2002)

Producers Country - location Capacity (kt/year) Plant start-up


Solvay France – Dombasle 700 1874

Germany – Rheinberg 600 1903

Germany – Bernburg 540 1883

Spain – Torrelavega 950 1908

Italy – Rosignano 1020 1917

Portugal – Povoa 230 1934

Austria – Ebensee 160 1885

Solvay - Şişecam Bulgaria – Devnya 1200 1954

Brunner Mond United Kingdom – Northwich 1000 1873


The Netherlands – Delfzijl 375 1958

Novacarb France - La Madeleine 600 1884

Sodawerk Germany – Stassfurt 450 1886


Ciech Janikosoda Poland – Janikowo 550 1957

Ciech Soda Poland – Inowroclaw 550 1879


Soda Sanayii Turkey – Mersin 800 1975

Bega Govora Romania – Govora 400 1960

Bega Upsom Romania – Ocna Mures 310 1894

Sodaso Bosnia – Herzegovina 260 1893

BASF - 65 -

(*) Obviously, all these plants have been revamped several times in order to implement technology upgrade
and plant capacity has been increased progressively to follow market demand.

Production sites in the European Union are shown on a map in Figure 1.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 17

~ ~ Delfzijl Stassfurt
Northwich (2)
~ ~ Inowroclaw
Rheinberg ~ ~ Janikowo
~ Bernburg

La Madeleine ~
Ebensee ~Ocna Mures
~ Govora

~ ~
Lukavac ~
~ Devnya


Figure 1
Geographic distribution of soda ash plants (Solvay process)
within the European Union (2002)

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 18


1.5.1. Main characteristics of the industry

Soda ash is a chemical product of the inorganic “commodity” family. As one of the major
raw materials of the chemical and glass industry, it is also of strategic importance for the
industrial framework in the world and especially in Europe.

The estimated invested capital necessary to build a new soda ash plant in the EU is very
high : about 600 €/t of annual capacity (excluding the cost of steam and power plant). The
current economic situation could not justify the construction of new plants and for many
years producers have been progressively revitalizing and modernizing existing plants.

1.5.2. Social integration - employment

The total number of people employed directly by the European producers (EU25) is
estimated at 8500 persons (or about 900 t per person employed per year). These numbers
will of course depend upon the boundary of operation and will therefore vary from site to

Furthermore, there are a certain number of subcontractors working in the plants on activities
such as bagging, loading, transport, engineering, construction, maintenance,…which can be
estimated to 14000 persons.

In Western Europe it is estimated that about 22500 are employed, directly and indirectly, in
the production of soda ash and direct derivatives.

1.5.3. General economic standing

Since the end of the eighties, the progressive opening of the borders, the reduction of trade
barriers and the reduction of transportation costs have created very competitive conditions in
the soda ash business to the point where today this market can be considered as worldwide
and predominantly commodity.

The European Union soda ash industry has suffered severely from these changes. In the last
ten years, five plants shut down: three in Germany, one in France and one in Belgium.

Constant efforts have been made by the European soda ash industry to improve its
competitiveness in order to resist cheap Eastern Europe and US imports. The soda ash
industry in these other regions is favoured by lower energy costs both for natural gas and

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 19

Total manpower costs in the EU are, in general, significantly higher than in the US and than
in Eastern Europe.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the European soda ash industry is still being
challenged by US and Eastern Europe imports.

1.5.4. Environmental taxes and levies

There is no consistent picture throughout Europe on Environmental Taxes or Levies. In the

UK the majority of the costs are associated with maintenance of existing authorisations
where as in other member states the emphasis is on taxes for specific discharges to water, or
emissions to atmosphere.

As for other industries, a number of taxes and levies are imposed on producers, such as
social or environmental fees.

The soda ash sector is especially sensitive to those when they are based on occupied surface,
water consumption or energy inputs/outputs and emission.

In some countries, the total amount of taxes and levies, including local taxes, energy,
mining, housing, training, properties… are as high as 6.4 €/t soda ash.

1.5.5. Manufacturing and operating cost

Exact Figures for production costs are obviously confidential. A rough existing indication
provided by consultants is given in Table 3. These data have to be considered carefully since
operating costs will vary depending on the production location.

Table 3
Soda ash manufacturing costs

Item Cost [€/t soda ash]

Raw materials 25

Energy 40

Labour 35

Maintenance 20

Total (cash costs) 120

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 20

The actual cost will vary according to a number of factors including location and ownership
of raw materials, energy sources etc.



2.1.1. Main chemical reactions

The SOLVAY process relative to the production of soda ash could be summarized by the
theoretical global equation involving the two main components: sodium chloride and
calcium carbonate.

2 NaCl + CaCO3 → Na2CO3 + CaCl2

In practice this direct way is not possible and it needs the participation of other substances
and many different process steps to get the final product: soda ash.

First reactions occur in salt solution (brine). First of all, ammonia is absorbed (1) and then,
the ammoniated brine is reacted with carbon dioxide to form successive intermediate
compounds: ammonium carbonate (2) then ammonium bicarbonate (3). By continuing
carbon dioxide injection and cooling the solution, precipitation of sodium bicarbonate is
achieved and ammonium chloride is formed (4). Chemical reactions relative to different
steps of the process are written below:

NaCl + H2O + NH3 ↔ NaCl + NH4OH (1)

2 NH4OH + CO2 ↔ (NH4)2 CO3 + H2O (2)

(NH4)2CO3 + CO2 + H2O ↔ 2 NH4HCO3 (3)

2 NH4HCO3 + 2 NaCl ↔ 2 NaHCO3 ↓ + 2 NH4Cl (4)

Sodium bicarbonate crystals are separated from the mother liquor by filtration, then sodium
bicarbonate is decomposed thermally into sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide (5).

2 NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + H2O Ê + CO2 Ê (5)

CO2 is recovered in the carbonation step (see equations 2 and 3 above). CO2 recovery cycle
is shown in Figure 2.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 21

Mother liquor is treated to recover ammonia. The ammonium chloride filtrate (4) is reacted
with alkali, generally milk of lime (6), followed by steam stripping to recover free gaseous

2 NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2 NH3 Ê + 2 H2O (6)

NH3 is recycled to the absorption step (see equation 1 above). Ammonia recovery cycle is
shown in Figure 2.

Carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide originate from limestone calcination (7) followed by
calcium oxide hydration (8).

CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 Ê (7)

CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 (8)

Brine (NaCl) has to be treated before the input in the process to remove impurities : calcium
and magnesium. If not removed they would react with alkali and carbon dioxide to produce
insoluble salts contributing to scale formation inside equipment. Brine purification reactions
are described in the following equations:

Ca2+ + CO3 2- → CaCO3 ↓ (9)

Mg2+ + 2 OH- → Mg(OH)2 ↓ (10)

Sodium carbonate formed (equation 5) is called "light soda ash" because its bulk density is
approximately 0.5 t/m3. A subsequent operation called densification enables this value to be
doubled by crystallisation into sodium monohydrate, by adding water (equation 11) then
followed by drying (equation 12). Final product is "dense soda".

Na2CO3 + H2O -------- > Na2CO3.H2O (11)

Na2CO3.H2O --------- > Na2CO3 + H2O Ê (12)

2.1.2. Process steps

The SOLVAY process has been described in details in several recognized references (see
chapter 6).

Chemical reactions described in § 2.1.1 are realized industrially in different areas illustrated
in the block diagram of Figure 2.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 22

vent or recovery for
bicarbonate production

washing LO3 bis

LIMESTONE of the gas
washing and CO2 gas
screening of the LO3

calcination brine
lime kilns purification
wastewater with salt impurities
(CaCO3, Mg(OH)2…)

NH3 make up
GO4 slaking of the NH3 gas washing with GO2
lime absorption purified brine

LO4 energy
fines containing

inert material

lime milk


carbonation of

ammoniated cooling
SO2 air

steam recovery of CO2

ammonia recovery cycle

wastewater LI2 GI3

treatment of calcination of gas cooling and

the wastewater crude washing with
bicarbonate purified brine GO6
energy dedusting
gas washing
with purified storage of light LIGHT
brine soda ash SODA ASH
monohydratation water
of the light soda
GO3 ash
vacuum pumps
washer drying of the storage of dense DENSE
GO5 GI5 monohydrate SODA ASH
condenser soda ash

process raw materials,
solid liquid gaseous streams XXX end products
optional operation GI, GO LI, LO SI, SO = Gaseous, Liquid, Solid streams Inlets/Outlets

Figure 2
Process block diagram for the manufacture of soda ash
by the Solvay process

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 23

The usual names of the plant area where the main process operations are taking place are
given in Table 4.

Table 4
Plant area/operations

Area Operation

Brine purification Brine preparation (9) (10) (*)

Lime kilns and slaker (dissolver) Limestone calcination and milk of lime
production (7) (8)

Absorption Absorption of ammonia (1)

Columns (Carbonation Towers) Precipitation of NaHCO3 (2) (3) (4)

Filtration Separation of NaHCO3 crystals from

mother liquor

Calcination Decomposition of NaHCO3

to Na2CO3 (5)

Distillation Recovery of ammonia (6)

Densification Production of dense soda ash (11) (12)

(*) Figures in brackets refer to equations in section 2.1.1 Brine purification

Impurities such as calcium and magnesium have to be removed from brine. This operation is
achieved in the brine purification area.

Magnesium ions, Mg2+, are precipitated as insoluble magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, by

the addition of an alkaline reagent. The most commonly used reagent is milk of lime as this
is already produced in large quantity for ammonia recovery; another possibility consists of
using sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

Calcium ions, Ca2+ are precipitated as insoluble calcium carbonate, CaCO3, by reaction with
sodium carbonate. Depending upon the purification process used and to sulfate and
magnesium contents, a certain amount of calcium can be precipitated as gypsum

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 24

Addition of these two reagents is regulated in such a way as to reach the necessary reagent
excesses for adequate purification. A sufficient reaction time of the suspension that contains
suspended CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 ensures a correct crystallization of the two components.
Thereafter the separation of Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3 from the purified brine is usually achieved
in a decanter or brine settler. The decanter has to be purged frequently (stream LO1 in
Figure 2). The purge can be treated in the same way as the distillation wastewater (see
4.4.1.) or sent back to salt wells or cavities after treatment (see Lime kilns and milk of lime production

Theoretically, in the soda ash process, the CO2 balance is stoichiometrically neutral.
However, a CO2 excess is needed to compensate the non complete absorption of CO2 in the
carbonation stage, in the different washers (streams GO2 and GO3) and losses in the
treatment of the mother liquid in the distillation (LI2). This excess is generated by
combustion of normally coke which provides an energy source used for limestone
decomposition, as well as the additional CO2.

Burning of the limestone (natural form of CaCO3) is carried out in a temperature range of
950 to 1100°C. The operating conditions for a lime kiln fitted to soda ash production are
critically different from those used for lime production, because of the need to produce a gas
with the maximum concentration of carbon dioxide for its subsequent use in the process.
This is done to the detriment of produced lime purity, which will be less than that necessary
in the lime industry. To improve particle sizing of limestone loaded in lime kiln, screening is
sometimes carried out prior to kiln charging (stream SO1 in Figure 2).

In the case of soda ash plants, considering the quantities of limestone to be burned and the
necessary CO2 concentration, the energy contribution is generally provided by means of
solid high carbon fuels such as coke, coal or lignite. Use of gaseous fuel leads to too low a
CO2 concentration in the gas produced making its subsequent use impossible without an
expensive reconcentration unit.

Raw burnt lime produced by lime kilns associated with a soda ash plant contains
approximately 75 to 90% of CaO. Its direct use in the solid form is uncommon because of
the difficulty in controlling an adequate feed rate of a material in which the active
constituent, CaO, is not constant. By hydrating the CaO to milk of lime a better control of
the alkali addition is achieved during the ammonia recovery step.

Hydration of the raw lime is carried out in slakers (dissolvers) where raw lime and water
flows are regulated to ensure that the alkali content of milk of lime produced is as constant
as possible. This reaction is a highly exothermic. A part of the heat generated vaporizes
some water which is released from the slaker vent (GO4). During the hydration, fine inert
materials contained in limestone (sulfates, silica, clay, silico-alumina compounds, unburned
limestone and others) can mainly be found in milk of lime. Larger particles are separated by
screening, then washed and recycled or released out of the process (stream SO2 in Figure 2).
The unburned pieces of limestone are recycled.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 25 Absorption of ammonia

Ammonia is recovered by recycling the outlet gas from the distillation plant to the
absorption stage where it is absorbed in purified brine. This flow mainly contains recovered
NH3 and a quantity of CO2. This chemical operation is achieved in equipment that allows
close gas/liquid contact.

Because this is an exothermic reaction, cooling of the liquid is necessary during the
operation to maintain efficiency. The outlet solution, with a controlled ammonia
concentration, is called ammoniacal brine. Any gas that is not absorbed (stream GI2) is sent
to washer contacted with purified brine to remove traces of ammonia before it is recycled or
released to the atmosphere (stream GO2). Precipitation of sodium bicarbonate

Ammoniacal brine is progressively CO2-enriched (carbonated) with recycled carbon dioxide

from sodium bicarbonate calcination and carbon dioxide originating from lime kilns. To
ensure adequate CO2 absorption and sodium bicarbonate precipitation, the ammoniacal brine
is cooled with water. Suspension of crystals exiting from columns or carbonators is sent to
the filters.

Outlet gas from the carbonation towers is sent to a final washer, contacted with purified
brine to absorb NH3 traces still present in the gas before release to the atmosphere (stream
GO2). These may be separate or combined washers with waste gas from the absorber
vacuum system. Separation of sodium bicarbonate from mother liquid

Separation of sodium bicarbonate crystals from mother liquor is achieved by means of

centrifuges or vacuum filters. After washing of the cake to eliminate mother liquor chloride,
it is sent to calcination. The liquid phase “mother liquor” is sent to the distillation sector for
ammonia recovery.

Where filters are used, air is pulled through the cake by means of vacuum pumps.
Thereafter, this gas carrying ammonia and some CO2 (stream GI3) is cleaned by a washer
fed with purified brine before exhausting to atmosphere (stream GO3).

"Crude" sodium bicarbonate manufactured by the carbonation process is the primary

"output" of the Solvay ammonia soda process. The bicarbonate produced in this way is the
feed to the calcination stage described in section, for the conversion to the finished
product solid soda ash. In some cases a small part of this “crude” bicarbonate, which
although predominantly sodium bicarbonate also contains a mixture of different salts
(ammonium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and sodium chloride), may be extracted from the
Solvay process cycle to be dried as “crude” bicarbonate product made without purification,
by simple drying process. This crude product may find applications in some commercial
outlets. However, since any drying gases produced by this simple process are handled in
combination with gases from the Solvay ammonia soda ash process and common abatement
technology is applied, this process is not described in any more detail. “Crude” bicarbonate

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 26

has not to be confused with Refined Sodium Bicarbonate, which is a purified product
manufactured according to the process described in section 3.6.2. Sodium bicarbonate calcination

Sodium bicarbonate cake is heated (160 to 230°C) to achieve calcination into a solid phase
«light soda ash» and a gaseous phase containing CO2, NH3 and H2O.

This gas is cooled to condense water and the condensates formed are sent to distillation for
NH3 recovery, either directly or via filter wash water. After cleaning, the gas (high CO2
concentration) is compressed and sent back to the carbonation columns (CO2 recovery cycle
in Figure 2).

Normally, energy needed for sodium bicarbonate calcination is provided by steam that
condenses in a tubular heat exchanger which rotates through the sodium bicarbonate. The
method consisting of heating externally by gas or fuel oil combustion in a rotating drum
containing sodium bicarbonate is occasionally encountered. Ammonia recovery

One of the major achievements of the Solvay process is the high efficiency of the ammonia
recycle loop illustrated in Figure 2. This loop circulates roughly 500 to 550 kg NH3/t soda
ash from which the ammonia loss is less than 0.5 % of this flow rate. The purpose of this
important process “distillation” is to recover ammonia from the ammonium chloride
containing mother liquors recovered from the bicarbonate filters/centrifuges.

After pre-heating with outlet gas from the distiller, supported by the injection of steam at the
bottom of the NH3 stripping column, the mother liquor releases almost all its CO2 content.
Addition of alkali normally in the form of milk of lime decomposes NH4Cl into NH3 which
is stripped from the solution by injected low pressure steam at the bottom of the distillation
column. The outlet solution contains calcium chloride together with all the residual solid
materials. Ammonia recovery yield is controlled according to the permitted ammonia
concentration in the released liquid. The lower the permitted value, the higher the quantity of
stripping steam and therefore the global energy consumption, and the higher the cost of the
ammonia recovery. This control can only be applied to a theoretical minimum ammonia

After cooling and condensation of steam, the gaseous phase containing recovered CO2 and
NH3 is returned to the absorption area for reuse.

The liquid phase coming out from distillation unit contains: unreacted sodium chloride
(reaction (4) in paragraph 2.1.1. is not complete due to thermodynamic and kinetic
limitations), calcium chloride resulting from reaction with NH4Cl, solid matter that is
derived primarily from the original limestone and finally, small quantity in excess of lime
that can ensure a total decomposition of NH4Cl. This liquid called “DS-liquid” or “Distiller
Blow Off DBO“ (stream LI2 in Figure 2) will be treated in different ways depending on the
particular site and processes used.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 27

Clear liquid from “DS-liquid” can be further used for calcium chloride production, prepared
as a concentrated solution or an anhydrous or partially hydrated solid.

2.1.3. Product storage and handling

Soda ash has to be stored in a dry place to avoid hydration, crusts formation or hardening.
Precautions are taken to prevent contamination by other nearby stored products, and to
prevent the release of soda ash dust during handling.

Most of the time, sodium carbonate is stored in large capacity metallic or concrete silos.
Because of high daily production in large production units (1000 t/day or more), the
available total storage volume is normally less than a week production.

Bulk handling of dense soda ash is easily achieved, for example, by belt conveyor.
Necessary precautions have to be taken to avoid and control dust release. Handling methods
are selected to minimize any particle size reduction of the product.


Because the production of sodium carbonate is a large-tonnage low cost operation, the plants
have been historically situated close to some or all of the critical raw materials (limestone,
salt deposits, water) to reduce the transport cost.

2.2.1. Brine

Sodium chloride (i.e. common salt) is extracted by solution mining from underground
deposits formed during the geological periods (mesozoïc and cenozoïc ages) by evaporation
of sea water.

In the SOLVAY process, the sodium chloride reacts in liquid phase. This is known as brine
which contains as much sodium chloride as possible (around 300 g NaCl/l) and is virtually
saturated. This brine also contains unwelcome impurities, mainly magnesium, calcium and
sulfate (see §

In several cases mother liquor from salt production process can be used as raw material to
partially replace brine when the mother liquor has a suitable composition for the soda ash

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 28 Typical composition

A typical composition of raw and purified brine is given in Table 5.

Table 5
Raw and purified brines
(typical composition ranges)

Composition [g/l] raw brine purified brine

Na+ 120 -125 115 -125

Cl- 186 - 192 180 - 190

SO42- 2.4 - 10 2.6 - 8.5

Ca2+ 0.8 - 1.7 0 - 0.2

Mg2+ 0 - 1.5 0 - 0.1

CO32- 0.4 - 0.9

OH- 0 - 0.3 Storage

The raw and purified brine can be stored in open tanks made of mild steel, polymers, or in
open lined reservoirs.

2.2.2. Limestone

Limestone deposits originate from calcareous shell and skeletons of biota as well as
chemical and bio-chemical precipitation in the sea during geological ages (mesozoïc).

Basically, a high content of CaCO3 in the limestone is an important parameter to avoid

difficulties related to the limestone calcination and improves production efficiency. The cost
to transport the inert part of the limestone from the quarry to the plant is also minimized. A
limestone rich in CaCO3 (see also 2.4.1. for other relevant limestone properties) will not only
reduce solid matters in the effluent of the distillation unit but will also, for those soda ash
plants that have settling, reduce the volume of solids to be treated.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 29

Particle size distribution of the limestone from quarries is generally between 40 and 200 mm.
The more homogeneous it is, the better the lime kiln will work but the greater the amount of
limestone fine by-product produced at the quarry.

2.2.3. Carbon for the lime kiln

Coke, and rarely coal, are used in lime kilns for soda ash production due to the necessity to
obtain the highest CO2 concentration. Other type of fuels, natural gas or fuel oil, would
result in a too low CO2 concentration in the kiln gas. This is important because the kiln gas
is used further in the process for its CO2 contents. Higher CO2 concentration enables
reduction of the equipment size and ammonia losses.

The particle size distribution of the solid fuel has to be appropriate in order to get an
homogeneous distribution within the kiln. Typical composition

Typical compositions for coke to the lime kiln are given in Table 6.

Table 6
Coke for lime kilns
(typical composition ranges)

Constituents Coke

H2O [kg/t] 40 - 70

Volatiles [kg/t] 0 - 30

Fix carbon [kg/t] 800 - 890

Ashes [kg/t] 60 - 110

Net calorific value [GJ/t] 26.6 - 29.6 Storage

The storage of coke requires no specific precaution other than normally adopted, i.e. open
ground storage.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 30

2.2.4. Ammonia Characteristics

The SOLVAY process for soda ash requires an input of ammonia to compensate for the
inherent losses from the process. The input is generally carried out as aqueous ammonia
solution (10 to 35%) , or direct injection of anhydrous gaseous ammonia or by the use of an
aqueous solution of ammonium bisulfide. Ammonia addition may also be achieved by the
use of ammoniacal liquor from coal gas plants. Storage

Storage of the aqueous ammonia solution in achieved in steel tanks. Specific precautions
have to be taken during works on the equipment, because some mixtures of air and NH3 are
explosive when in contact with a heat source or flame (16-26% NH3 in air).

When liquified NH3 is stored, additional specific preventive measures are required for

2.2.5. Miscellaneous additives

In addition to the major raw materials there are a number of miscellaneous raw materials
which may be added to the process for their various physical attributes: compounds to aid
gas absorption, compounds to avoid scaling, corrosion inhibitors, settling aids. These all may
have minor potential environmental impact.


The main streams leaving the process under solid, liquid or gaseous form are summarized in
the Table 7 related to the flow sheet presented in Figure 2. Details about composition and
treatment options are covered in chapter 3 and 4.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 31

Table 7
Main output streams from the soda ash process

Stream Description

LO1 Wastewater from brine purification.

LI2 (LO2) Wastewater from distillation (after optional treatment)

LO3 and LO3bis Wastewater from washing/cooling of lime kiln gas

LO4 Water from compressed gas cooling

GO1 Vent gas from lime kiln, not used to carbonation

GO2 Vent gas from columns washing, not recycled to carbonation

GO3 Air from bicarbonate filtration, after washing

GO4 Waste gas from lime slaking

GO5 Water vapor from densification (monohydrate drying)

GO6 Air from light soda ash dedusting

GO7 Air from dense soda ash dedusting

SO1 Solids from screening of limestone upstream of kiln

SO2 Solids from screening milk of lime


The possibilities to improve the process are concerned with yield improvement and with the
reduction of raw materials, energy consumption as well as environmental impact.

2.4.1. Purity of raw materials

Raw materials purity has a direct influence on the specific consumptions of the process and
the quantities of waste (residues) produced.

Limestone with a high CaCO3 content will produce a milk of lime with a relatively low inert
content, resulting in less solids from distillation units and less subsequent treatment.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 32

CaCO3 content in the limestone is in the range 84-98 %. This variation induces a ratio of 1 to
8 in the non convertible content of the limestone.

Similarly a crumbly limestone produces a lot of fines that need to be removed before it is put
into the kilns. The more robust is the stone, the less fines are produced. The quantity of fines
ranges from 2.5 to 25 % of the limestone fed to the kiln. These properties are inherent to the
limestone available in the region (restricted choice) and cannot therefore be modified.

Salt used in the form of brine contains more or less impurities following the composition of
the salt deposit. So, the quantity of precipitated impurities will be directly dependant on its
source. Again the raw salt purity is a natural parameter that cannot be changed.

2.4.2. Raw material consumptions

Limestone, salt and coke consumptions can be reduced by an in depth knowledge of the
process and therefore, of the equipment design. In addition, the use of advanced process
control technology will ensure a closer approach to theoretical equilibrium of chemical
reactions and consequently minimise reagent excesses.

2.4.3. Energy

Several possibilities to reduce the energy consumptions are possible as far as the technology
and the economics allow. These should primarily be implemented in the initial design stages
to incorporate combined heat and power generation, the efficient use of energy and
appropriate heat exchange technology for energy recovery. Within the plant itself, reductions
of energy losses are obtained by favouring energy transfer between flows at different thermal
levels by the installation of heat exchangers and flash vessels for hot fluids.

A good knowledge of the process, with the assistance of an advanced control technology will
lead to a reduction of the energy consumption.


The following Table 8 provides indicative ranges for the major input and output levels of the
Solvay soda ash process. They are further described in § 3.1 to 3.5. Information concerning
the major possible co-products of the soda ash process are given in § 3.6. The data in Table 8
are taken from plants that operate with a number of process-integrated and end-of-pipe
techniques to reduce emissions. Information regarding these techniques and their effect to
the emissions is given in chapter 4.

Emissions in the liquid are for outlet distillation prior to any further treatment. The different
treatment schemes according to specific location are described in § 4.4.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 33

Consumptions and emissions resulting from brine extraction and transportation, limestone
extraction and transportation, power generation and cooling systems are outside the scope of
this document.

As a rule, Figures in this chapter and in particular in Table 8 are annual averages and are
indicative values based on various measurement or estimation techniques.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 34

Table 8
Soda ash process major Input/Output levels

Main raw material kg/t soda ash
Limestone 1050 - 1600 (inlet lime kiln) 1090 - 1820 (inlet plant)
Raw brine NaCl (1530 - 1800) + water (4500 - 5200)
NH3 make up 0.8 - 2.1
Water m3/t soda ash (dense)
Process (1) 2.5 - 3.6
Cooling 50 -100
Energy GJ/t soda ash (dense)
Fuels (lime kiln) 2.2 - 2.8
Fuels (soda ash) , 7.5 - 10.8,
including electricity 0.18 - 0.47 (50 - 130 kWh/t soda ash)
Gaseous emissions kg/t soda ash
CO2 200 - 400
CO 4 - 20
NH3 < 1.5
Dust < 0.2
Liquid emissions (outlet distillation) kg/t soda ash
Cl- 850 - 1100
Ca 340 - 400
Na 160 - 220
SO42- 1 - 11
NH4+ 0.3 - 2
Suspended solids 90 - 700
Solids emissions (4) kg/t soda ash
Fines of limestone 30 - 300
Non recycled grits at slaker 10 - 120
(1) see § 3.2.2. (3) see § 3.4.1 (4) see § 3.5 (6) see § 3.3.5
(2) includes electric energy and primary fuels (gas, coal, fuel oil) for the process needs (mechanical and thermal
power) without fuels for lime kilns
(5) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on various measurement or estimation

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 35


Major inputs to the process are covered in the section on raw materials (§ 2.2) , see also
Table 8 on raw materials expressed as typical unit usages.


3.2.1. Steam

Steam is an important energy vector in the manufacture of soda ash by the Solvay process
both because of its mechanical capability (to drive a range of machinery including turbo
generators, gas compressors, vacuum machines,etc…) and as a thermal energy carrier for
decomposition, distillation and drying.

A range of pressures and temperatures are therefore required to meet the process needs and
to maximise the energy efficiency of the process.

Steam is typically generated at superpressure (SP: 100-150 bar) or high pressure at 60-80
bar. Mechanical energy is removed from the steam reducing its pressure to 10-40 bar
(IP : intermediate pressure steam) and some to low pressure (LP < 5 bar) steam.

IP steam is normally used for thermal decomposition and drying duties associated with the
conversion of sodium bicarbonate to light soda ash and the decomposition of sodium
carbonate monohydrate and drying to produce dense ash. LP steam is primarily used for
ammonia distillation.

The steam process consumptions lie in the range of:

- recovery of ammonia (depending of the applied process) :1300 to 2400 kg/t soda
- decomposition of bicarbonate: 1100 to 1300 kg/t soda ash
- drying of monohydrate (dense soda ash) : 350 to 450 kg/t soda ash

3.2.2. Process water

Basically, the main consumer of water (apart from brine) is the slaker where the lime coming
from the lime kilns reacts with water to produce milk of lime. The quantity is in the range of
1.9 to 2.4 m3/t soda ash.

The quality requirement for this water is not high. It is normally taken at the outlet of the
cooling water system (warm water).

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 36

Other water needs, in the range of 0.6 to 1.2 m3/t soda ash require higher purity (absence of
Ca and Mg salts) for different uses as additional washwater to wash the sodium bicarbonate
cake at the filter outlet.

The above quoted process water needs exclude the water entering the process in the form of
brine which typically represent 4500-5200 kg/t soda ash and steam condensate mainly
partially condensing in the distillation tower (roughly 650 kg/t soda ash).

3.2.3. Cooling waters

Many unit operations of the soda ash process are exothermic. The cooling agent is normally
cooling water in open or closed loop. The closed loop requires a cooling tower with special
water treatment. The open loop is the once-trough system using for example river water. In
the latter case, the total flow of cooling water required for:
- lime kiln gas treatment
- carbonation towers
- CO2 compression
- distillation
- absorption
- calcination

amounts to 50 to 100 m3/t soda ash depending upon the cooling water temperature. Cooling
water consumption is minimised by managing different cross flow heat exchangers.

3.2.4. Electricity

The gas compressors can be driven by either electrical motors or steam turbines, leading to a
range of electrical consumption between 50 and 130 kWh/t soda ash.

The necessary consumption for compression is also linked to CO2 concentration.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 37


3.3.1. Particulate dust

Dust is emitted from the soda ash production in limited quantities, arising from the following
steps :
- handling of mineral raw materials (coke, limestone) as diffuse sources
- limestone conversion in kilns, but in limited quantities or during abnormal
operation since all the gas is collected to a washing cooling step and thereafter is
used in the carbonation stage in a liquid solution
- handling of soda ash and densification of light ash (hydration and dehydration) to
produce dense ash
- during the handling of these products

It is common to use bag filters or wet scrubbers which significantly reduce the levels of dust
emitted to atmosphere.

The dust emitted is around 0.10-0.15 kg of dust/t soda ash, and represents a typical quantity
of 50-75 t/year.

The composition of the dust reflects the composition of material handled, namely:
- C from coke
- CaCO3, Al2O3 and SiO2 from limestone, sand and clays
- CaO from burnt lime
- Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 from soda ash and sodium bicarbonate production and

The most stringent environmental regulations in western countries require limit values of 40
or 50 mg/Nm3 for atmospheric emission of dust. For instance, in Germany,
limits are 50 mg/Nm3 if the discharge is more than 0.5 kg/h and 150 mg/Nm3 if the
discharge is less than 0.5 kg/h. No maximal load is defined.

Measurements made in some plants indicate that more than 75 % of the dust emissions are
relatively large particles >10 microns and that the contribution to PM10 is relatively low.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 38

3.3.2. Carbon dioxide and monoxide

During the burning of CaCO3 to CaO inside the limekilns, CO and CO2 are produced from
the combustion of coke and from the decomposition of limestone. A normal Solvay process
needs an excess of CO2 above that which is stoichiometrically required. Some of the excess
is required to compensate for non ideal absorption of CO2 in the carbonation towers.

Carbonating towers also have an outlet for the discharge of gases that have not reacted in the
process. This gas is cleaned with brine in a washer to recover NH3 and possibly H2S, if
present, and to reintroduce these components back into the process, while CO2, CO and other
inert gases pass out to atmosphere. [GO2]

Further excess CO2 may be beneficially used in sodium bicarbonate production. Any surplus
CO2 is vented as kiln gas to atmosphere [GO1]. The amount of CO2 vented to atmosphere
from a stand alone soda ash process is in the order of 200 to 300 kgCO2/t soda ash. The split
of losses to atmosphere will depend upon the detailed plant configuration.

CO gas is virtually inert through the process. All CO produced must therefore be vented to
the atmosphere either at the kilns or through the carbonation tower after gas scrubbers. CO
generation is in the order of 4 to 20 kg CO/t soda ash, depending on the conversion of CO
into CO2 (Boudart reaction) during the limestone calcination step.

When released into the atmosphere, the CO is converted by natural processes into CO2
which is a gas naturally present in the atmosphere. Furthermore, provided the dispersion of
CO and CO2 is adequate and the stack responds to the normal dispersion rules, no local
impact on the environment or health are expected or experienced.

3.3.3. Nitrogen oxides

NOx are produced inside the kiln by oxidation of nitrogen during the combustion. Since the
temperature inside the kiln are moderate (up to 1100°C), the formation of NOx is rather

Measurements in some plants indicate concentration after washing less than

500 mg NOx/Nm3.

3.3.4. Sulfur oxides

SOx are produced by the oxidation of sulfur containing compounds in the limestone and
coke. The formation of SOx are limited due to low sulfur content of fuels used and some
autopurification reactions in the lime kilns (see § 4.3.1.). Furthermore, SOx in the kiln gas
sent to the process are absorbed.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 39

3.3.5. Ammonia

It is worth noting that the total emissions of NH3 in Western Europe (UE15) for all sources,
including agricultural activities, are estimated around 2800 kt/year. The soda ash production
emissions represent only 0.13 % of all emissions.

The main atmospheric emissions containing ammonia originate from the bicarbonate
precipitation and filtration stages of the process.
- from precipitation of bicarbonate in carbonation tower after cleaning in a tower
- from filtration of bicarbonate, after cleaning in filter washers
- in addition they are a number of diffuse losses of ammonia from filters,
bicarbonate conveyors and from the handling and processing of the distillation

The emissions fluctuate and can be explained by:

- performance of the stripping columns and operating parameters control (height,
steam injection, temperature control, monitoring of outlet concentrations)
- disturbances in the mother liquor feed (flowrate, composition)

The emitted gaseous load is on average of 0.55 kg NH3/t soda ash but the spread can be very
large, from 0.09 up to a typical range of 0.6 to 1.5 kgNH3/t soda ash from the production
unit, representing a release into the environment of 30 to 750 t/year for a 500 kt/year soda
ash unit.

Typical concentration lies around 30-40 mg/Nm3 but much higher values can be
encountered (> 100 mg/Nm3). This wide range has resulted from a number of international
variations in regulatory requirements and equipment availability.

Considering the high turnover into the process (550 kg NH3/t soda ash), the loss rate of
ammonia in the process is therefore very low (generally less than 0.5 %).

Considering the type of release (continuous emission from elevated stack ensuring
appropriate dispersion), the very low persistence of ammonia into the atmosphere (in the
range of a few days), due to its high solubility in rainwater and its rapid turnover into the
ecosystems by biological nitrification/denitrification mechanisms, the local or regional
environmental impact burden is to be considered as very low.

3.3.6. Hydrogen sulfide

In some plants H2S may be added as a corrosion inhibitor, in the form of sodium hydrogen
sulfide. Emission sources are from the tower gas washers and H2S is typically controlled at
maximal emission levels of 5 to 15 mg/Nm3.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 40


The sources of liquid effluent from the soda ash process are typically:
- wastewater from the distillation (after treatment)
- wastewater from the brine purification
- cooling waters from lime kiln gas washers, cooling in the CO2 compression loop,
cooling of the absorption and distillation towers, calcination (once through or
closed circuits)

3.4.1. Wastewater from distillation

Flow rates and concentrations for the major components present in the liquid outlet
distillation (stream LI2 in Figure 2) are given in Table 9. These indicative ranges represent
distiller effluent prior to any form of treatment and should not necessarily be considered as
levels or concentrations emitted to the environment.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 41

Table 9
Wastewater from distillation

Component Quantity (4) Concentration (4)

[kg/t soda ash] [kg/m3 clear liquid]

Clear liquid 9300 - 11800

8.5 - 10.7 [m3/t soda ash]

Cl- 850 - 1100 99 - 115

OH- 9 - 30 1 - 2.7 (3)

SO42- 1 - 11 0.1 - 1.2

Ca2+ 340 - 400 39 - 45

Na+ 160 - 220 18 - 25

NH4+ 0.3 - 2.0 0.03 - 0.24

Suspended solids 90 - 700 11 - 70

“alkalinity expressed as 7 - 20 - 80 (1) 0.7 - 9.0

CaO” (2)

CaCO3 30 - 70 - 110 3.8 - 11

SO4 as CaSO4 15 - 35 - 90 1.7 -7.1

Rest (clays, sands,…) by difference by difference

(1) underlined values are typical averages

(2) determined as total Ca minus Ca in CaSO4, CaCO3 and CaCl2
(3) kg/m3 raw liquid
(4) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on
various measurement or estimation techniques

The suspended solids particle size distribution is typically characterized by an average

particle size between 5 and 10 µm, 85% of particles smaller than 50 µm and 100% smaller
than 1.25 mm.

It is worth noting that large variations in suspended solids quantity and composition can
occur according to the composition of the type of the available limestone.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 42

Some additional low quantities of calcium sulfate (CaSO4), calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)
and trace elements are also present. Traces of heavy metal originating naturally from raw
materials are related to limestone, coke and salt composition; the process in itself does not
add heavy metals. Given the alkaline nature of wastewater emissions, metals are in major
part insoluble and are included as part of suspended solids.

According to its composition, the suspended solids is classified as non-hazardous.

3.4.2. Wastewater from brine purification

Brine purification wastewater is basically brine with suspended precipitated CaCO3 and
Mg(OH)2 in variable proportions according to the nature of the salt deposits (calcium and
magnesium ions coming naturally from the original sea water).

These solids (10-70 kg/t soda ash) can be treated separately or can be disposed together with
liquid effluent from the distillation unit for solid removal and treatment.

Typical concentration is as follows in Table 10.

Table 10
Effluent from brine purification
(typical composition)

Component Concentration (1)

(% w/w)

CaSO4 2H2O 0-8

Mg(OH)2 1-6

CaCO3 5 - 15

Brine By difference

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of

annual averages based on various measurement
or estimation techniques

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 43


The typical solid wastes produced by the soda ash process are given in Table 11.

Table 11
Solid effluents from soda ash process

Effluent Quantity (1) [kg/t soda ash]

fines of raw limestone from screening 30 - 300

grits from slaker containing inert material 10 - 120

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on various
measurement or estimation techniques

3.5.1. Fines of limestone

After crushing, the limestone is passed through a sieve in order to remove the 'fine gravel'
fraction (0-40 mm) which could be a cause of plugging and bad distribution of combustion
air in the lime kiln. This may be done at the quarry or in some cases at the soda ash plant if
the limestone is too crumbly.

The fines composition is 85% to 97% CaCO3 with impurities of sand, clays (as SiO2, Al2O3)
depending on the limestone composition in the deposit.

3.5.2. Non recycled stone grits at slaker

Some underburned stone, due to imperfect conversion reaction inside the kiln, are drawn
with the lime to the slaker. The coarser unburned stone can be separated at the slaker and is
sent back to the kiln. The smaller sizes of unburned stone are rejected and the very fine
material is suspended in the milk of lime and simply passes through the distiller and out in
the distiller waste liquid.

The unburned stone contains most of the impurities and pieces of silica present in the
limestone feeding the kiln.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 44


The manufacturing of soda ash by the SOLVAY process enables two main co-products
(calcium chloride and refined sodium bicarbonate) to be produced.

3.6.1. Calcium chloride

Outlet liquor from the distillation unit contains primarily CaCl2 in solution in quantity
corresponding to sodium carbonate production. By treating this liquid to remove suspended
solids and dissolved sodium chloride, a pure solution of calcium chloride can be obtained.
By successive concentration steps in evaporators, the solution is concentrated from 11% to
40% and by further concentration up to around 78% CaCl2, to produce a white solid
hydrated flake or prill, which has to be dried, stored and is used for several applications.

3.6.2. Refined sodium bicarbonate Background information

Refined sodium bicarbonate is produced on all major continents of the world and the current
worldwide capacity is estimated to around 2.4 million t/year (2002) (see Table 12). The
predicted growth of the market for the coming years is 3-5% per year.

Table 12
Worldwide Refined Sodium Bicarbonate Annual Capacities
(reference year : 2002)

Production EU 25 USA Central Africa Japan Others Total

capacity and and
Eastern Middle
Europe East

kt/year 650 800 210 100 105 500 2365

% 28 34 9 4 4 21 100 %

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 45

Refined sodium bicarbonate has a wide range of uses, from the chemical and pharmaceutical
industries through animal feed and human food products, to paper sizing, fire extinguisher
powders and domestic cleaning agents (see paragraph The consumption breakdown
in EU is presented in Table 13.

Table 13
Consumption of Refined Sodium Bicarbonate in EU
(reference year : 2002)

Application Percent of Application Percent of

total [%] total [%]

Animal feed 43 Detergents/Cleaning Agents 7

Personal Care/Pharmaceuticals 18 Fire Extinguishers 2

Flue Gas Treatment 11 Textiles/leather 1

Baking/Foodstuffs 10 Others 8

Total 100%

The capacities and location of production sites in Europe are given in Table 14.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 46

Table 14
European Refined Sodium Bicarbonate capacity and producers
(reference year : 2002)

Producers Country - location Capacity (kt/year)

Solvay France - Dombasle 120

Germany - Rheinberg 50

Spain - Torrelavega 120

Italy - Rosignano 125

Portugal - Povoa 10

Austria - Ebensee 15

Solvay - Şişecam Bulgaria - Devnya 10

Brunner Mond United Kingdom - Northwich 90

Novacarb France - La Madeleine 20

Sodawerk Germany - Stassfurt 45


Soda Matwy Poland - Inowroclaw 50

Soda Sanayii Turkey - Mersin 70

Bega Upsom Romania - Ocna Mures 24

Cheva (1) Czech Republic - Usti nad Labem 5

Lukavac Bosnia - Tusla 15

(1) production non coupled with a soda ash plant

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 47 Process description

The refined sodium bicarbonate is mostly produced from a solution of sodium carbonate that
may also contain small amounts of dissolved sodium bicarbonate. This solution can be
prepared following two ways. The first consists of dissolving soda ash in water. In the
second, the solution is the result of the thermal decomposition of crude sodium bicarbonate
from the filtration step of the soda ash process after being suspended in a soda ash solution
(see Figure 3). In the latter case, the thermal decomposition reaction is as follows:

2 NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O

The CO2 produced by this reaction is totally recovered in the soda ash process by mixing
with the outlet gas from the calcination of the crude sodium bicarbonate (see Figure 2).

The prepared sodium carbonate solution is sent to a bicarbonation tower where CO2 is blown
until precipitation of sodium bicarbonate occurs. This crystallisation (precipitation) after
dissolution ensures the purity of the product.

Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 NaHCO3

If the refined sodium bicarbonate unit is linked to a soda ash plant, the CO2 gas is sourced
from the lime kiln gas excess. The quantity of CO2 fixed in the carbonation reaction
represents a net additional consumption of CO2, removed from the quantity otherwise

The bicarbonate is separated from the mother liquor by filtration/centrifugation. The mother
liquor is recycled upstream of the preparation of the sodium carbonate solution. The purge
from the recycle loop may be used as a carbonate source (in the case of a soda ash plant, it
could be sent to the brine purification area, see Figure 2).

The bicarbonate cake from separation is dried (e.g. by hot gas), sieved, graded, stored and
sold as bagged or bulk product.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 48

coming from Soda Ash plant

preparation of purge
sodium carbonate
solution L100

CO2 gas preparation bicarbonation of vent gas

cleaning of vent
of the CO2 gas sodium carbonate
(filtration,…) solution GO100

filtration of mother liquor

bicarbonate slurry

drying gas
outlet gas
preparation drying of
gas cleaning
of the drying gas bicarbonate cake

gradiing of sodium

storage and
air dedusting



(1) depending upon the drying technique which is used

Figure 3
Process block diagram for the manufacture of refined sodium bicarbonate

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 49

Different grades of refined sodium bicarbonate, differentiated by their properties (particle
size distribution, purity,…) are sold to the market according to the final uses of the product
e.g.. animal feed, food, pharmaceutical or technical applications. Major environmental impact

The environmental impacts from the sodium bicarbonate process are not very significant.

Gaseous effluents

The gaseous effluent from the bicarbonation columns [GO100] contains some unconverted
CO2 due to equilibrium limit of the reaction. When kiln gas is used to feed the carbonation
columns, the CO already present in the gas flows is essentially inert (as in the soda ash
process), flows through the bicarbonation step and is dispersed with the vent gas into the
atmosphere, where it is converted to CO2 (see paragraph 3.3.2).

Typical quantities of CO2 and CO in the gas released after bicarbonation are given in
Table 15.

Table 15
Vent gas from bicarbonation columns blown with lime kiln gas

Component Quantity (1)

[kg/t sodium bicarbonate]

CO2 130 - 290

CO 3 - 25

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages

based on various measurement or estimation techniques

The gas from the dryers is cleaned before release (GO101) or recycling depending upon the
drying technique which is used.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 50

Liquid effluents

If the bicarbonate plant is located near a soda ash plant, any purge from the recycle loop
[LO100] is recovered, for instance in the brine purification area, such that the bicarbonate
process has no liquid wastewater process stream.



The most significant environmental aspect of the Solvay process is the treatment of the
wastewater originating from ammonia recovery.

Raw materials quality and geographical location of the production plants have a large
influence on composition, volume and treatment of effluents.

Other typical environmental aspects correspond to energy consumption and recovery and
gaseous emissions related to the calcination of limestone and the carbonation of ammoniated

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 51


The energy needs for the production of sodium carbonate take on different forms: electrical,
thermal and mechanical energies. It was therefore natural that, during the historical
development of the process, much attention has been paid in trying to reduce the energy
consumptions and to improve the transformation efficiency of the involved primary fuels.

4.2.1. Energy conversion of primary fuels

The Solvay process requires a large amount of steam of which a big part is used as low-
pressure steam (<5 bar abs), injected directly into the process for the recovery of ammonia
(steam stripping). It is therefore logical to include [within the energy conversion process,
between the primary fuel combustion and its final use at low energy level] electricity
generation by reducing steam pressure in a set of turbogenerators. This electricity is in this
manner produced with a "cogeneration" of steam, with an excellent efficiency (about 90 %)
because all the steam leaving the turbines is used in the process. In comparison, the same
quantity of energy will be generated, in a classical power station, with a much lower
efficiency (about 30 %) because of the lost released steam.

The same concern for reducing the energy consumptions has lead to some operators giving
up the direct use of fuels (combustion) in other parts of the process where only thermal
inputs are needed such for the sodium bicarbonate decomposition or the sodium
monohydrate drying to dense soda ash. The thermal input in the form of steam has been

With the improvement of efficiency in use of primary energy, cogeneration steam-electricity

units with gas turbines have been installed inside soda ash units. Those units generate large
quantities of electricity which normally exceed the needs of the soda ash unit and therefore
feed the national electricity network.

On the other hand, the possibility of using large quantities of steam produced, especially
with low energy content level, makes the soda ash industry an ideal partner for the thermo-
electric units, with increased global energetic efficiency.

Comparison of the primary energy needs of a co-generation unit (based on gas) - for a soda
ash plant - with that required for the separate production of steam and electricity (by a
classical power station for electricity and boilers for steam), shows that it is possible to
achieve 30% savings with co-generation. Moreover, it reduces 60% of the CO2 and 50% the
NOx emitted.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 52

4.2.2. Energy saving in the process

Energy savings are achieved at two levels, namely heat recovery and minimisation of
consumption. Heat recovery

The recovery of heat has been gradually improved throughout the history of the process by
optimising energy fluxes of different thermal levels contained in gas and liquids flowing
through the process.

Low grade heat is used to preheat different streams such as:

- raw brine entering the brine purification step to improve purification efficiency
- raw water used for milk of lime production
- boiler feed water
- mother liquor from the filtration to the recovery of ammonia by the distillation off

Vacuum flashing of distillation liquor may be used for producing low pressure steam
available for distillation and any evaporation units like salt production. Energy minimisation

The following techniques may be considered:

- careful control of the burning of limestone and a good choice of the raw materials
allow a reduction of the primary energy necessary for the operation
- improvement of process control by the installation of distributed control systems
- reduction of water content of the crude bicarbonate by centrifugation before
calcination to minimise energy need for its decomposition
- back-pressure evaporation (e.g. calcium chloride liquors)
- energy management of stand-by machinery
- equipment lagging, steam trap control and elimination of energy losses

In addition to the techniques listed, operator training and awareness are key factors in energy
minimisation. The applicability of each technique will depend on the economics of its

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 53


Gaseous effluents are generated in the following main steps of the process (names in square
brackets make reference to the name of the corresponding streams in Figure 2):
- calcination of limestone [GO1]
- precipitation of crude bicarbonate [GO2]
- filtration of bicarbonate [GO3]
- storage of light soda [GO6] and dense soda [GO7]

4.3.1. Calcination of limestone

The calcination of limestone produces CaO and CO2 and is designed to maximise the CO2
content by minimising the presence of oxygen in the outlet gas [stream GI1]. A conventional
ammonia soda process produces about 30 % more CO2 than theoretically needed and it is
necessary to purge some of the CO2 produced to the atmosphere [stream GO1]. If there is an
associated sodium bicarbonate plant then this gas wasting can be reduced or avoided.

Atmospheric emissions of SO2 from the lime kilns are low (less than 350 mg/Nm3) because
the concentration of sulfur in the fuel (coke) and the limestone employed is very low. The
small amount of SO2 produced tends to be fixed by CaO and CaCO3 as CaSO4, producing
autopurification similar to the technique used for boiler flue gas treatment.

Before discharge to the atmosphere, kiln gas may be cleaned and generally cooled at the
same time by washing towers.

Alternatively, gas cleaning systems (normally bag filters) can also be used to collect the dust
as dry material. If dry cleaning is used, residual material is made of fine particulates
containing limestone, lime, organic carbon (coke). This can be collected separately and may
be disposed without further treatment. However this type of gas cleaning is difficult to
operate because the lime kiln gas may be too hot for the filtering media (risk of fire).

Typical quantities of CO2, CO and dust in the gas effluent from lime kilns after cleaning
(stream GO1 in Figure 2) are given in Table 16. This excludes the major component which
is inert, mainly N2.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 54

Table 16
Vent gas from lime kilns after cleaning

Component Quantity (2)

[kg/t soda ash]

CO2 200(1) - 300

CO 0-8

Dust 0.1 - 0.2

(1) values are significantly lower when a refined sodium

bicarbonate plant is operating
(2) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual
averages based on various measurement or estimation

4.3.2. Precipitation of crude sodium bicarbonate

Outlet gas from the carbonation columns (stream GO2) is subjected to a cleaning process
with brine in a packed or plate washer to recover NH3 and possibly H2S (if used, see § 3.3.6)
and recycle them into the process via the feed brine. Washers may have an optional final
water washing section to minimise emissions. This type of equipment has been designed to
meet the specific needs of the process and to allow efficient recycle of valuable raw

Typical quantities of CO2, CO, and NH3 in the gas from column section after cleaning are
given in Table 17.

Table 17
Vent gas from column section
after washing

Component Quantity (1)

[kg/t soda ash]

CO2 40 - 100

CO 4 - 12

NH3 0.01 - 0.6

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual

averages based on various measurement or estimation

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 55

4.3.3. Filtration of the bicarbonate

Air containing ammonia (stream GO3 in Figure 2) from the filtration (vacuum) step of crude
sodium bicarbonate undergoes a cleaning process with brine in a washing tower to recover
NH3 and reintroduce it to the process. The design is normally very similar to that used for
scrubbing the gases from carbonation towers.

Typical quantities of CO2 and NH3 in the filter air after cleaning are given in Table 18.

Table 18
Filter gas after washing

Component Quantity (1)

[kg/t soda ash]

CO2 2-4

NH3 0.005 - 0.3

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual

averages based on various measurement or estimation

4.3.4. Production of dense soda ash

Outlet water vapor (stream GI5 in Figure 2) of dense soda dryers is cleaned with water by
means of a packed or spray washer to eliminate soda ash particles in the vapor and recover
this soda water for use in the production process. The cleaned vapor stream (GO5) is a
mixture of air and water vapor.

Additional gas cleaning may be required where calcination is carried out in fluid beds rather
than steam heated rotary calciners.

4.3.5. Conveying and storage of light and dense soda ash

Storage of light and dense soda ash is achieved in large silos equipped with dedusting
systems, which keep the products dry and isolated and prevent dust emission to the

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 56

Because of the nature of conveyers, elevators, air lock valves, etc… the soda ash process
typically uses a range of high efficiency bag filters to separate dust from vent gas streams.


Wastewater discharge treatment is the environmental aspect in which significant differences

arise from one production plant to another.

Apart from cooling water, aqueous emissions of soda ash production plants are characterised
by a high concentration of suspended solids and dissolved salts. These solids and salts are
unreacted limestones and salts of natural origin.

Suspended solids and dissolved salts originate from three different steps of the process
(names in square brackets make reference to the name of the corresponding fluxes in
Figure 2):
- brine purification [L01]
- ammonia recovery [L02]
- as a minor contribution, cleaning of CO2 originating from calcination of limestone

In most production plants, brine purification effluent is discharged jointly with effluent
originating from the distillation unit. Possibilities to use products from brine purification are
mentioned in §

The typical composition varies according to raw materials quality. However different
treatment schemes have been developed according to geographical location of the production
plants and the requirements of the local regulatory authorities.

Options available for treatment of these effluents are:

- direct discharge of raw effluent, with or without partial removal of some fraction of
the solids, and with or without preliminary pH adjustment
- indirect discharge of waste water after removal of suspended solids (for possible
reuse of this material see §, and with or without preliminary pH
- further treatment to produce by-product such as CaCl2,… (see § 4.4.4)

4.4.1. Liquid effluent treatments

According to production plants location and raw materials deposits, two basic lines are
established for the suspended solid treatment: total dispersion and/or separation of the
suspended solids and liquid dispersion.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 57

Total dispersion is employed when production plant is close to the sea or high flow rivers.
This technique ensures that the solid material is assimilated with the natural sediments of
similar composition. Chlorides and other soluble salts present in the liquid fraction are
dispersed in a medium which, in the sea case, already contains them in large quantities or, as
the case of high flow rivers, is able to ensure that water quality is suitable for subsequent
uses. With a careful study of environmental aspects and a good selection of the discharge
point, it can be ensured that the disposal system has an acceptable impact completely
assimilated by the environment.

Deposition/dispersion has generally been used where there is no suitable environmental

medium to allow for total dispersion. This method involves the physical separation of liquid
and solid phases. The liquid phase is then discharged to a local watercourse with or without
pH adjustment as appropriate and solids are used to build up the settling basin itself. The
underground deposition of the solids is carried out when salt deposits are found near
production plants and when deposit characteristics and the salt extraction system enables it. Marine outfalls

Soda ash production wastewater containing suspended solids can be discharged directly to
the sea or in estuary under tidal influence by means of an open channel or underwater
outfalls, designed with the necessary environmental and technical studies. The
environmental impact is minimal due to the similarity between the chemicals present in the
receptor medium and in the discharged material (chloride, sodium, calcium as ions).

In addition to the hydraulic calculations, the marine outfall diffuser design requires a
detailed study of the receptor medium to set the coordinates of the discharge point to ensure
an adequate dispersion and a minimum impact.

In an environmental impact study, coastal and marine dynamics (bathymetry, currents,

physiochemical analysis of water and sediments,…) and biology (planktons,…) may need to
be considered and assessed.

With data obtained and the use of transport and dispersion models, the length and the
optimum depth of outfall can be determined assuring an impact acceptable to the receiving
environment. Lake and river discharge

The direct discharge or discharge after preliminary treatment is to be decided after a careful
examination of the local conditions of the receiving water and available land and
environmental impact assessment.

Direct discharge is practised when the flowrate of the receiving medium is high compared to
the industrial effluent.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 58

Mixing effluents with either cooling water or with natural waters (river or lake) leads to a
natural homogeneous pH adjustment (see § 4.4.3.). Settling ponds Purpose and principles

The clarification by decanting (liquid/solid separation) large quantities of suspended solids

in aqueous effluents is usually achieved in settling ponds (also called 'lagoons' or 'dykes').

Fines of limestones or solid particles settled in the basin can be used to build up the walls as
the deposit in the basin accumulates. The height of the deposit can reach 25-40 m above

Each basin has a typical minimum 15-25 ha operating area, but can be much larger, in order
to limit the number of alternate settling/drying phases (2-4 times/year).

The aqueous outfall is collected at several points through separators and drainage pipes to a
peripheral channel collecting all outfalls of drainage.

The location of settling ponds depends on several factors including : area available for
permanent long term land occupation, distance between factory and final discharge point,
underground geological and hydrogeological characteristics and landscape impact.

In the case of available alluvial deposits with economical value (gravels or sands), the area
can be previously excavated, thereby increasing the volume available for deposition, the
excavated material being used as a civil engineering product. Operation of settling basins

Usually, 2 or 4 basins are built and used alternatively: one basin in operation for settling and
one or more basins drying the deposits and leaving the water draining.

The peripheral wall of basin is increased using either limestone fines (size 0/30 or 0/40 mm),
possibly mixed with boiler ashes, or the settled material itself. This practice of leaving beds
to dry out is known as resting or consolidating.

In the case of very large ponds, the operation of several separate basins is not needed.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 59 Monitoring during operation

During normal operation, several parameters are measured/monitored in order to secure the
operation and achieve good settling efficiency: piezometric water level, flowrates at inlet and
outlet of the basin, remaining suspended solids (< 250 mg suspended solid/liter). Regular
visual inspections are done in order to detect any failure. Bed wall stability is monitored by
regular piezometric monitoring and other geophysical measurements. Hydraulic confinement

Usually the base of the basins is not constructed to achieve a complete impermeability,
because of the size of the area occupied and because of the necessity to ensure enough
drainage of the deposit, through the walls and through the bottom of it. This is essential for
the structural stability of the walls and the basin itself.

In order to control the drainage and the release of salts (mainly as NaCl and CaCl2) from the
deposit, it is a common practice to install the deposit above an impervious ground mass with
no shallow aquifer or to manage an hydraulic confinement in order to direct the water that
have been in contact with salt to the surface waters (river, lakes,…). Coverage and final closure

The basin is closed down when its final height has been reached. The final closure may
include covering the last layer by earth (typically 0.5-1.5m), with appropriate slope and
drainage of rainwater out of the basin.

The landscape can be enhanced with natural greening or planting of trees and providing
natural habitats for wild life (including small ponds) or for other recreational purposes
(including sport activities). Considering the inert characteristics of the material, no special
provision is required for prohibiting access to the sites. The natural drainage of the deposit
will progressively remove the soluble salts. Underground disposal

Brine supplies for soda ash manufacture are normally produced by the in situ dissolution of
salt from salt bearing strata at depths of 200 to 1500 m below ground level. Fully developed
cavities are typically in the range of 500.000 m3 to 2.000.000 m3. The actual volume left by
dissolution depends on brine field lay out, salt deposit depth and thickness and possibilities
for future use (e.g. gas storage). In favorable conditions, each cavity is essentially a self
contained unit with no cross connection to other cavities and is hydraulically sealed, in order
to avoid any contact between the saturated brine in the cavity and any underlying or over
lying aquifers or ground water flows.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 60

Methods for salt cavity disposal of the distillation solids have been developed. Firstly the
suspended insoluble material is separated from the clear liquor phase and is re-suspended in
saturated crude brine. The resulting slurry is then pumped to dedicated “disused” salt
cavities where the solids settle out within the large volume of the cavity. Displaced brine
from the cavity is recycled for the repeated transport of the solids. Particularly critical
aspects of this activity are:
- avoid dilution of the saturated brine with water which can lead to further salt
dissolution with eventual destabilization of the cavity
- control of calcium sulfate concentration of the brine phase to avoid scaling
- control of temperature

As with basin settling, the clear liquor phase is discharged to the local water course and may
require pH adjustment (see 4.4.3.) using one of a range of techniques. If excess CO2 is used
further solid separation is required before discharge to the local water course. Where settling
in basins continues to be used, in combination with cavity disposal, lagoon capacity is
maintained by regular dredging of solid material, suspension in saturated brine and disposal
to the brine cavity.

4.4.2. Liquid effluent discharge management

The impact of direct discharge of the liquid phase containing soluble salts in rivers is linked
to the flowrate of the receiving rivers, the fluctuations of it and the inherent qualities of the
water including its natural salinity. Concept of equalisation in modulation basins

In some cases of small or medium size receiving waters or low seasonal flows, a buffer
equalization storage basin may be used to store the settled liquid effluent prior to discharge.

The holding capacity of such a basin is determined by the average and peak load to be
discharged and the available diluting flowrate of the receiving water . The basin may be as
large as the equivalent of 6 to 9 months of production (typically 3 x 10 m3 capacity). Performance

The optimal use of equalization basins is able to minimize the impact of chloride on
receiving water and avoid high peak concentrations during low river flow conditions

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 61

In determining appropriate control levels it is critical that the local conditions and the quality
of the receiving waters are taken into account.

In some countries it is considered that the final concentration in rivers or lakes should be
maintained in the range of 500 - 1500 mg Cl-/l in order to avoid any harm to aquatic life and
downstream uses.. Some higher values for limited periods of time can be allowed without
any harm to aquatic life. Indeed, recent studies conducted on the equilibrium of aquatic
ecosystems in rivers with a level of chloride at the range of 500 - 1500 mg Cl-/l show no
significant effect. Furthermore local pumping of water from aquifers is unlikely to be
affected. Specific local assessment may be necessary depending upon the type of soil, the
required water quality and the abstracted volume in relation to the volume of the aquifer. Available techniques

Flow equalization storage basins can be built as above ground basins with earth or stone
walls or in excavated areas.

The walls and the bottom of such basins need to be impervious (usually made in concrete or
polyethylene liners) or need to have a recovery pumping of the leakage flow. Management of equalization basins

The management of buffer equalization basins can be optimized by continuous monitoring

of flowrate and chloride concentration in the receiving water, after complete mixing,
controlling the daily discharge to be allowed.

4.4.3. Adjustment of pH

The typical value of pH of raw effluent is higher than 11.5 due to the alkalinity of OH- ions
from Ca(OH)2.

Theoretically, the pH adjustment of such an effluent can be achieved either by mixing, in

open channels or basins, with natural or raw waters containing dissolved bicarbonate, by
reacting with gas containing CO2 (for example flue gas from power units) in pH adjustment
columns or by other pH adjustment mechanisms if acid solutions or acids wastewaters are

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 62

In practice, the pH adjustment of soda ash wastewater is usually achieved by mixing with
natural water according to the following mechanism :

Ca(OH)2 + Ca(HCO3)2 → 2 CaCO3 ↓ + 2 H2O

Wastewater is mixed with available natural water (either cooling waters after use or surface
waters : river, channel, lake, sea or underground water,…) in a typical ratio natural
water/wastewater at 5 to 10:1. The formed CaCO3 particles are discharged or settled in
ponds, in natural or artificial lakes or in a dedicated channel of the waterway or estuary.
Appropriate hydraulic retention time for settling in quiescent waters is usually 6 to 8 hours.
Periodic removal of settled particles is achieved by dredging where the speed of the existing
stream is not sufficient to keep the particles in suspension up to settling zones (e.g. in the
sea). This method offers numerous advantages: pH adjustment mechanism is efficient and
reliable. No consumption of supplementary reactants is needed. The settled particles are
inert. Complex mixing and decanting equipment nor instrumentation and monitoring are

4.4.4. By-products recovery and reuse Dissolved CaCl2 in distillation wastewater

The recovery of CaCl2 dissolved in wastewater from distillation requires a large amount of
energy mainly in the form of steam to concentrate the diluted solution to solid CaCl2 (see
3.3.1). Moreover, the market for CaCl2 is limited. For those reasons, the number of CaCl2
recovery units operating in soda ash plants has progressively decreased. Suspended solids in distillation wastewater

Numerous studies have been carried out in order to find ways to recover and reuse the
suspended material coming out from the distillation unit.

The major difficulty to overcome is the removal of the salt content of the material by
numerous washing steps. Those operations can consume very large quantities of water (ratio
2-4:1), which is to be further discharged as a salt solution.

The second difficulty is to dry the material to an acceptable level of residual humidity for
transportation and reuse. This can be achieved by gravity settling and dehydration, but this
takes a long time, or by drying in a rotary kiln, which requires a large amount of energy for a
low value end product.

The cost associated with the complete removal and treatment (decanting, washing and
dehydration) for reuse of suspended solids in the wastewater effluent of soda ash factory are
high. They are now prohibitive for full scale implementation.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 63

Attempts to recover the coarse solid fraction suspended in the distillation wastewater have
been made. The efficiency of clarifying with hydrocyclones is limited due to operational
constraints (scaling, plugging, erosion) and require frequent maintenance interventions and
cleaning. Due to the higher grain size, the dewaterability of the fraction obtained is easier
but, because the remaining chloride content is around 15%, a preliminary washing is
necessary in order to enable the reuse or recovery.

Other obstacles to overcome are to find a commercial or useful application for the residual
material. It exhibits unfavorable properties for civil engineering works or construction
material in general, due to the presence of residual chlorides, the low size of particles, the
thixotropic characteristics of the material and variability in its composition.

Some practical experience has been gained with industrial recovery options such as soil
amendment, cement manufacture, gypsum raw material, concrete filler,…but none has been
implemented at full scale. Product from brine purification

Several attempts have been made to recover the CaCO3 fraction in the brine purification
effluent but they inevitably faced the problem of the chloride content in the effluent to be
treated and of the impurities remaining after treatment. The final product could never
compete with more pure products available on the market.

Some experience of agricultural land application for acidic soils with high clay content is
available, but the use is restricted by the areas of soils exhibiting the corresponding

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 64


4.5.1. Limestone fines

Since the composition of the limestone fines is the same as or close to raw limestone, this
material can be used without any restriction for civil engineering works and filler material
for roads, highway, dams, banks and for cement manufacturing.

In some existing soda ash factories it is mainly used for internal purposes (walls of the dikes,
roads in quarry operation).

Higher specification would require a further separation of gravel and clay material by water

4.5.2. Grits from slaker

The composition of grits from slaking operation enables recycling of this product to the lime
kiln, reuse of it as soil conditioner for pH correction or as filler for concrete.

A milling step is required to adjust the particle size distribution, as fine as possible for soil
conditioning or as regular as possible for concrete incorporation.




In understanding this chapter and its contents, the attention of the reader is drawn back to the
preface of this document and in particular the fifth section of the preface: "How to
understand and use this document". The techniques and associated emission and/or
consumption levels, or ranges of levels, presented in this chapter have been assessed through
an iterative process involving the following steps:
- identification of the key environmental issues for the sector
- examination of the techniques most relevant to address those key issues
- identification of the best environmental performance levels, on the basis of the
available data in the European Union and world-wide

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 65

- examination of the conditions under which these performance levels were
achieved; such as costs, cross-media effects, main driving forces involved in
implementation of the techniques
- selection of the best available techniques (BAT) and the associated emission and/or
consumption levels for this sector in a general sense all according to Article 2(11)
and Annex IV of the Directive

On the basis of this assessment, techniques, and as far as possible emission and consumption
levels associated with the use of BAT, are presented in this chapter that are considered to be
appropriate to the sector as a whole and in many cases reflect current performance of some
installations within the sector. Where emission or consumption levels "associated with best
available techniques" are presented, this is to be understood as meaning that those levels
represent the environmental performance that could be anticipated as a result of the
application, in this sector, of the techniques described, bearing in mind the balance of costs
and advantages inherent within the definition of BAT. However, they are neither emission
nor consumption limit values and should not be understood as such. In some cases it may be
technically possible to achieve better emission or consumption levels but due to the costs
involved or cross media considerations, they are not considered to be appropriate as BAT for
the sector as a whole. However, such levels may be considered to be justified in more
specific cases where there are special driving forces.

The emission and consumption levels associated with the use of BAT have to be seen
together with any specified reference conditions (e.g. averaging periods).

The concept of "levels associated with BAT" described above is to be distinguished from the
term "achievable level" used elsewhere in this document. Where a level is described as
"achievable" using a particular technique or combination of techniques, this should be
understood to mean that the level may be expected to be achieved over a substantial period
of time, in a well maintained and operated installation or process using those techniques.

Where available, data concerning costs have been given together with the description of the
techniques presented in the previous chapter. These data give a rough indication about the
magnitude of costs involved. However, the actual cost of applying a technique will depend
strongly on the specific situation regarding, for example, taxes, fees, energy cost and the
technical characteristics of the installation concerned. It is not possible to evaluate such site-
specific factors fully in this document. In the absence of data concerning costs, conclusions
on economic viability of techniques are drawn from observations on existing installations.

It is intended that the general BAT in this chapter are a reference point against which to
judge the current performance of an existing installation or to judge a proposal for a new
installation. In this way they will assist in the determination of appropriate "BAT-based"
conditions for the installation or in the establishment of general binding rules under Article
9(8). It is foreseen that new installations can be designed to perform at or even better than
the general BAT levels presented here. It is also considered that existing installations could
move towards the general BAT levels or do better, subject to the technical and economic
applicability of the techniques in each case.

While the BAT reference documents do not set legally binding standards, they are meant to
give information for the guidance of industry, Member States and the public on achievable

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 66

emission and consumption levels when using specified techniques. The appropriate limit
values for any specific case will need to be determined taking into account the objectives of
the IPPC Directive and the local considerations.



As explained in the previous chapters, soda ash is not only a product of essential importance
for the industrial framework but also a "commodity" product in a world-wide highly
competitive market. The European (EU25) soda ash output is in the region of 7.7 million
tonnes per year, produced at 14 plants in 9 Member States. The high capital cost of
necessary equipment and the current economic situation prohibit the construction of new
plants. Virtually all the European soda ash is made using the Solvay Ammonia Soda process,
typically by large, highly integrated production units, with unit size ranging from 160 to
1200 kt per year capacity.

Because of the large tonnage involved, the production units require large quantities of
limestone and sodium chloride brine (the basic raw materials) together with very significant
amounts of energy, cooling water and a range of minor raw materials including ammonia. A
soda ash plant is also characterised by very large volumes of liquid and high gas flows,
interdependency between unit operations and a very high degree of recycle between units.

The main environmental impacts of the ammonia soda process are the atmospheric and
aqueous emissions associated with the calcination of limestone, the carbonation of
ammoniated brine and the waste waters (and their subsequent treatment) from the
“distillation” (ammonia recovery) stage of the process.

Geographical location of the production plants and the availability and quality of raw
materials have a large influence on composition, volume and treatment of effluents (liquids,
solids and gasses).

Development of the process and the individual techniques used have been significantly
influenced by the geographical location of the plants; the location, availability and quality of
basic raw materials; the geological conditions (including ground porosity, subsurface rock
structure, local groundwater conditions etc.); and the availability of water for brine making,
process cooling and its availability as a disposal route for the liquid effluents.

Additional factors in the development of the process and its associated environmental
abatement techniques have been national or local environmental sensitivities and priorities
which have been controlled by regulation. For some existing units research of appropriate
solutions and their implementation has been conducted in collaboration with the relevant
authorities. This is discussed in more detail below.

This complex inter-relationship between the process, the environment in which it is operated
and the position taken by the local regulator(s) has lead to the development of a range of

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 67

“local” technologies, most appropriate to meet the particular needs of a production unit
within the community in which it operates.

One common feature of the abatement technologies, due primarily to the large volumes
involved is the high capital cost associated with development and installation. As a result
such improvements are long term investments and in many cases one particular technology
is inter-dependant on another. The real environmental benefits have also to be carefully
assessed and taken into consideration. There is therefore no individual solution to produce a
single list of best available technology.

In particular it must be noted that this interdependence means that abatement techniques may
be mutually exclusive. It is not a simple case of selecting all best performances and the
techniques used to achieve them and integrate them into a single process.

The other significant aspect of soda ash manufacture is its energy need in different forms:
electrical, thermal and mechanical. Much attention has been paid, during the historical
development of the process, to reduce the energy consumption and to improve the
transformation efficiency of the involved primary fuels. Those improvements have had a
positive impact on the environment through the reduction of primary fuels consumption and
the reduction of the emissions related to their combustion.

Soda ash production by the Solvay process has been developed over a 140 year period with
the focus of attention on raw materials and energy efficiencies and minimisation of the
environmental impact.


5.3.1. Ammonia

The primary abatement technique for ammonia is the ammonia recovery stage of the process
i.e. distillation.

This recovery of the ammonia and re-circulation within the Solvay process has been
described in chapter 2.1. It is achieved in the Distillation sector in two steps: initially a
chemical reaction between mother liquor (ammonium chloride solution) leaving filtration
and a strong alkali (milk-of-lime) followed by steam stripping of the released ammonia.

The strong alkali used is a suspension of Ca(OH)2 which also contains all the inerts of the
calcined limestone as well as fine fractions of the non decomposed limestone and traces of
ash from the carbon source (usually coke) used in the CO2 production process in the kilns.

During chemical reaction phase of the above mentioned “distillation”, crystallisation of

calcium sulphate is observed in a number of different complex forms, due to the presence of
sulphate ions in the mother liquor. This can appear as suspended crystals or deposited scale
depending upon reaction conditions, retention times etc. This reaction needs a sufficient
residence time to ensure good crystallisation in situ and not as scale in the downstream

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 68

equipment. Only after this holding time, can the released ammonia be effectively stripped by
steam and recycled to the process.

This set of successive chemical engineering unit operations involves hot chloride, high
alkalinity and scaling liquids loaded with suspended solids. The technique used have, over
the years, been fine tuned to enable a good contact between the reactive components and to
achieve an optimal stripping of the ammonia, despite the solids loading, while treating very
high flow rates (e.g. about 570m3/h for a 500 kt/year soda ash plant).

The recovery efficiency cannot be increased "ad libitum" but is governed by physico-
chemical equilibrium laws. Moreover, any attempt to improve ammonia recovery further
would be expected to be accompanied by some guarantee of performance. But, due to the
variability or reactivity of the materials involved and fluctuations in the process operation, it
would be necessary to set very low operating set points, well below the guaranteed emission
limit value. Any increase of this efficiency would require a huge additional quantity of steam
that, technically and economically, would not be sustainable. Distillation uses low pressure
steam to strip ammonia from the solution. The amount of ammonia remaining in the distiller
effluent is related to the amount of steam consumed. In simple terms the higher the quantity
steam used (and therefore energy consumption), the lower the ammonia concentration in the
liquid leaving the distiller. However, the relationship between steam consumption and
ammonia concentration is asymptotic, because of the theoretical limitations related to the
physico-chemical equilibria, heat and mass constrains and hydrodynamic conditions.
Increasing the amount of steam has therefore to be balanced with energy conservation and
minimisation. Also increasing the amount energy used increases the amount of greenhouse
gasses emitted during its generation.

In spite of the difficult conditions described here above, it can be concluded that, with
modern and adequate equipment and with the objective to remain economically sustainable,
it is possible to keep the annual average ammonia losses as low as 0.9 kg N-NH3/t soda ash.
However older equipment may no be able to achieve these conditions and yet may not be
economically replaced.

From the energy point of view, the stripping with low-pressure steam (1 to 3 bar abs)
contributes positively to the rational and optimal use of primary energy. This is the basic
concept of high efficiency embedded combined heat and power. The configuration enables
the distillation to operate as a final stage condenser for pass out steam from any upstream
electricity turbo-generator or similar use of high pressure steam such as driving force for
compression or vacuumation.

It is obvious that such high recovery rates necessitate advanced automatic control of the
apparatus as well as consistent quality of the reactive materials, although this quality is
always dependent on the quality of the available natural raw materials (limestone, brine).

5.3.2. Suspended solids

The liquid leaving the distiller, following the stripping of ammonia, contains solids which
are a combination of those derived from the burnt lime stone (usually via milk of lime), a

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 69

quantity of CaCO3 formed by reaction between the milk of lime and residual CO2 not
desorbed from the NH4Cl containing liquid (in spite of a recovery rate higher than 95%) and
precipitated calcium sulphate from sulphate ions in the incoming brine.

The total quantity and composition of this solid matters depend directly of the composition
of the raw materials i.e. limestone and brine. These are mainly CaCO3, CaSO4, Mg(OH)2,
silica and alumina components and a small quantity of lime corresponding to the reactive
excess needed to achieve effective decomposition of NH4Cl. The solid component in the
waste-water from distillation is in the range of 90 to 700 kg/t soda ash produced (annual
average) (ref: 3.4.1 table 9). The treatment of this effluent for the suspended solids depends
on the local conditions for the plant. There are no abatement techniques as such to eliminate
the solid arising and again the environmental impact is one of cross media effects.

Two basic techniques are used: (a) total dispersion or (b) separation and storage of the solids
and dispersion of the liquid. Which technique is used depends upon plant location, quality
of raw materials and local regulation.

(a) If the receptor is suitable for dispersion and assimilation of sedimentary material
(sea, high flow rate river, lake) then it is possible for this route to be used for total disposal.
The processes involved will include reaction of residual alkalinity with the natural
bicarbonates contained in the receiving water and the formation of CaCO3, some dissolution
of sparingly soluble materials such as sulphates and dispersion of insoluble solids within the
natural sediments of the receptor. With a study of environmental aspects and a good
selection of the discharge point, it can be ensured that the disposal system has an acceptable
impact and is completely assimilated by the environment.

(b) Solid deposition/liquid dispersion involves the separation of the liquid and solid
phases in basins (settling ponds) or separators. This technique may be applied where there is
sufficient land area and suitable environmental conditions. The outgoing clear liquid is
directed to the receptor (river). The separated solids deposited in the settling ponds may, in
some cases, be used for the construction and the build up of the basins. Under some
geologic conditions, solids can be retrieved and stored by wet deposition in the solution
mined cavities in the salt deposit.

On many occasions throughout the history of the Solvay process, these solid materials have
been the subject of research and tests to find alternative uses. Various sectors have been
investigated including the use in construction (for block and cement manufacture), as fillers
and potential road building materials and in agricultural applications as soil conditioners and
acidity regulators. Attempts have failed to provide a long term viable alternative, the major
restrictions being the chloride content of the material and its physical properties. Moreover,
the variability of their composition due to the composition of the natural raw materials does
not guarantee a material of constant quality; this limits any potential use to low value
applications for which other more readily processed materials already exist in abundance.

The best environmental option is highly dependent upon local conditions and there is no
particular technique that can be described as BAT.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 70


The main gaseous effluents discharged from point sources to the atmosphere have three
origins: the excess gas from lime kilns, the production of sodium carbonate itself and the
handling and storage of the sodium carbonate.

5.4.1. Lime kilns gas

The CO2 necessary for the formation of the sodium carbonate molecule originates from the
CaCO3 contained in the limestone. The decomposition of limestone has already been
mentioned in chapter and 3.3.2.
The decomposition of limestone for sodium carbonate manufacturing places a number of
constraints on the type and design of lime burning kiln that can be used. These constraints
- CO2 concentration in the resulting gas as high as possible (>40%)
- sufficient supply of CO2 providing an excess over the basic stoechiometric
quantity for the bicarbonate production reaction, this excess being derived from the
energy source
- maximum thermal efficiency of the calcination process
- an ability to accept a wide particle size distribution of limestone to minimise the
take at the quarrying step
- high unit capacity considering tonnages to be treated

Analysing the standard available types of kiln such as vertical shaft, rotary, annular and
Maerz kilns, fuelled with coke, fuel oil or natural gas, one can conclude that the vertical
shaft kiln, fed with coke, represents the best compromise satisfying the constraints
mentioned above. Indeed:
- concentration of gas: between 36 and 42% CO2. The other kilns can only deliver a
gas ranging between 25% and 32% CO2
- CO2 contribution by combustion sufficient to feed a soda ash unit and, possibly, an
associated refined sodium bicarbonate plant
- achieves the maximum thermal efficiency compatible with the requirements above.
The other solutions have an energy demand up to 52% greater
- the other types of kilns require limestone with a narrower particle size distribution.
Other types of kiln therefore need a more highly graded product producing larger
quantities of rejected fines and less efficient use of natural resources
- the design and operation of the vertical shaft kiln also gives the additional
advantage of providing a reserve gas capacity of several hours without loss of kiln

In the operation of the kilns, two factors are to be considered in relation to the gas produced:
the quantity of gas produced and its composition.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 71 Quantity of lime kiln gas produced

Theoretically, in the Solvay process, the CO2 balance is stoechiometrically neutral. A

certain excess is however necessary and is provided by CO2 in the combustion gases of the
fuel delivering the energy necessary to decompose the CaCO3 (see § Under normal
circumstances the quantitative operation of the kiln is driven by the amount of lime needed
to recover ammonia in the distillation stage. The CO2 generated is in excess of that required
for production.

Any excess of lime kilns gas, before its discharge to the air, may be de-dusted but its
composition remains unchanged and will be identical to that used in the soda ash unit. Composition of lime kiln gas

Various fuels can be used but, in the case of a soda ash plant using the gas as a reactive in
the process, the CO2 concentration must be as high as possible. This condition is maximised
by the use of solid rather than gaseous fuels. A range of typical gas composition resulting of
limestone calcination is given in Table 19.

Table 19
Typical gas composition resulting of limestone calcination

Component Volume fraction (1)


N2 approx. 60

CO2 36 - 40

CO 0.5 - 2

O2 0.5 - 2

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on various
measurement or estimation techniques

The above quoted operating parameters not only require a reduction in the amount of
excess air that would normally be associated with combustion processes, in order to increase
the CO2 content, but also adjustment of the fuel flow rate so as to minimise the production
of CO. This helps to maximise thermal efficiency and avoid excessive operating costs. The
CO content of the kiln gas is not directly manageable but depends of the load, the quality
(variable) of fuel, the composition of limestone.

The retention time for lime in this type of kiln is of 24 to 48 hours.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 72

NOx and SOx are not directly controllable by the process but are components of kiln gas.
NOx is limited by the normal kiln operating temperatures (See Section 3.3.3) and SOx is
regualted by the auto purification reaction with lime (See Section 4.3.1). These components
are essentially inert through the process and will leave with the Nitrogen content of the gas.

5.4.2. Gas effluent of the manufacturing sector

The gas effluents of this sector are mainly composed, in addition to the nitrogen (inerts), of
CO2, CO and of NH3 traces (see chapter 3.3.2) resulting from the bicarbonation columns.

The major quantities of CO2 and CO are derived from the lime kiln gas not absorbed in the
carbonation columns (paragraph 4.3.2). The ammonia is derived mainly from the stripping
effect of the inerts and un-reacted CO2 passing up through the carbonation columns.

The final washing of gases before discharge to the atmosphere has the principal objective of
ammonia recovery but also acts as a critical abatement step. CO2 and CO are virtually inert
not being absorbable in the brine.

The kind of apparatus used consists of a tower sprayed with the fresh brine (entering the
process) which is fed counter-current to the gas leaving the carbonation columns. The
efficiency of this absorption depends on the type of internals uses, in general packing rings
or plates. High efficiency modern units achieve concentration in the vent equal to or lower
than 50 mg NH3/Nm3 (annual average). This represents an efficiency of almost 100%.

However it is necessary to minimise the pressure drop across these units in order not to
increase the pressure at the outlet of the CO2 blowers (gas compressors) and at the inlet to
the carbonation columns, thus minimising the total energy consumption.

The values achieved by the developed abatement techniques are given in Table 20.

Table 20
Vent gas from column section after washing

Component Quantity (1)

[kg/t soda ash]

CO2 40 – 100

CO 4 – 12

NH3 0.01 - 0.6

(1) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on various
measurement or estimation techniques

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 73

CO emissions are effectively uncontrollable as this is virtually inert through the process.
Regarding the potential of CO2 emission reduction, one has to consider the balance of the
process because the kilns are run to provide sufficient amount of lime for decomposition of
ammonium chloride in the distillation phase with an associated excess of CO2. Therefore,
any reduction of CO2 from the carbonation towers would have to be off-set by increased
wasting of CO2 at the kilns.

5.4.3. Dust

The emissions of dust are generated mainly during the handling (conveying) and the storage
of the soda ash (see paragraph 4.3.5), when fine material is entrained in forced air flow
through the various pieces of equipment. The high volumes of gas flows that require
treatment often require very large pieces of equipment. A number of abatement techniques
are used which may be expected to achieve figures below 50mg/Nm3 although this figure is
seen as an overall achievable standard.


As described in Chapter 4, several possibilities to reduce the energy consumptions are

possible as far as the technology and the economics allow. Due to the diversity of the
existing plants and forms of energy supply, it is difficult to give too precise indications
where and how the energy savings are possible but some guidelines may be considered.

At the level of the use of primary energy, the initial design stages have to verify the interest
of combined heat and power generation to improve the generation efficiency of electricity
since the soda ash plant acts as the final stage condenser. Primary energy efficiency is
outside the scope of this document.

Within the plant itself, reductions of energy losses are obtained by favouring energy transfer
between flows at different thermal levels by the installation of heat exchangers and flash
vessels for hot fluids.

Heat recovery

Low grade heat may be used to preheat different streams such as:
- raw brine entering the brine purification step to improve purification efficiency
- raw water used for milk of lime production
- boiler feed water
- mother liquor from the filtration to the recovery of ammonia by the distillation off

Vacuum flashing of distillation liquor may be used for producing low pressure steam
available for distillation and any evaporation units like salt production.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 74

Energy minimisation

The following techniques may be considered:

- careful control of the burning of limestone and a good choice of the raw materials
allow a reduction of the primary energy necessary for the operation. However
availability of suitable materials and economic considerations may remove this
element of choice.
- improvement of process control by the installation of distributed control systems
- reduction of water content of the crude bicarbonate before calcination to minimise
energy need for drying and decomposition
- back-pressure evaporation (e.g. calcium chloride liquors)
- energy management of stand-by machinery
- equipment lagging, steam trap control and elimination of energy losses

In addition to the techniques listed above, operator training and awareness are key factors in
energy minimisation. The applicability of each technique will depend on the economics of
its application.

The energy consumptions achieved by a plant applying the above guidelines are given in
Table 21.

Table 21
Ranges of energy consumption

Energy GJ/t soda ash (dense) (2)

Fuels (lime kiln) 2.2 - 2.8

Fuels (soda ash) (1), 7.5 - 10.8,

including electricity 0.18 - 0.47 (50 - 130 kWh/t soda ash)

(1) includes electric energy and primary fuels (gas, coal, fuel oil) for the process needs
(mechanical and thermal power) without fuels for lime kilns
(2) figures in this Table are indicative ranges of annual averages based on various
measurement or estimation techniques

Fuel consumptions (lime kiln) are for a kiln of the vertical shaft type satisfying the
constraints described in paragraph 5.4.1.

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 75


1) BRAUNE (G.), SCHNEIDER (H.), Kali-Chemie AG. Natrium carbonat und

Natriumhydrogencarbonat. Ullmanns Enzyclopädie der technischen Chemie, Verlag
Chemie, Weinheim, Band 17, pp159-165, 1979

2) RANT (Z.), Die Erzeugung von Soda, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1968

3) HOU (T-P.), Manufacture of Soda, Rheinhold Publishing Corp., New York,


4) MIKULIN (G.), POLJAKOV (I. K.), Die Distillation in der Sodaerzeugung,

Leningrad, 1956

5) Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt Rahmen Abwasser VwV. Anhang 30. Neufassung

37 Datum 04.11.96 seite 762. Bezeichnung : Sodaherstellung

Soda Ash Process BREF - Issue N° 3 – March 2004 76

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