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Dissertation Report
“Design of Water Distribution System”
Submitted as per Curriculum of
Savitribai Phule Pune University.
In the Partial fulfilment of the requirements for
Batchelors Degree in Civil Engineering
(2015 Pattern)
Submitted By
1] Girme Shwetali Dhananjay B150780022
2] Gurav Aarti Ramkrushna B150780024
3]Halder Manisha Nikhil B150780025
4] Kharmale Bhakti Bhagwat B150780030
5] Nimbalkar Pallavi Rajendra B150780044

Guided By

Department of Civil Engineering


This is to certify that

1] Girme Shwetali Dhananjay B150780022

2] Gurav Aarti Ramkrushna B150780024
3]Halder Manisha Nikhil B150780025
4] Kharmale Bhakti Bhagwat B150780030
5] Nimbalkar Pallavi Rajendra B150780044

Student of B.E. Civil Engineering (Final Year) was examined in

Project Dissertation entitled

“Design Of Water Distribution System ”

On / / 2018.

Department of Civil Engineering



Prof.R.P.Thanedar Dr.W.N.Deulkar

Project Guide Head Of Department



First and the foremost, I express my deep sense of gratitude, sincere thanks and deep sense of
appreciation to Project Guide Prof.R.P.Thanedar, Department of Civil Engineering,
Government College Of Engineering And Research ,Awasari (kh). Your availability at any time
throughout the year, valuable guidance, opinion, view, comments, critics, encouragement, and
support tremendously boosted this research work.
A lot of thanks to HOD, Department of Civil Engineering Dr. W.N.Deulkar for providing me
the best support I ever had. Your opinion, view, comments and thoughts have really helped me to
improve my writings.
I like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.A.S.Pant, Principal,Government College Of
Engineering And Research Awasri (kh) for providing a great platform to complete the thesis within
the scheduled time.
I am also Thankful to all the faculty members of Civil Engineering Department, Government
College Of Engineering And Research Awasari (kh) for giving comments for improvement of work,
encouragement and help during the completion of the thesis.

Thank you….!

1] Girme Shwetali Dhananjay B150780022

2] Gurav Aarti Ramkrushna B150780024
3]Halder Manisha Nikhil B150780025
4] Kharmale Bhakti Bhagwat B150780030
5] Nimbalkar Pallavi Rajendra B150780044


CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................8

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................8

1.1 General...........................................................................................................8

1.2 Background:...................................................................................................9

1.3 Objectives:......................................................................................................9

1.4 Limitations & Scope:.....................................................................................9

1.5 Methodology:...............................................................................................10

CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................11

2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................11

CHAPTER III............................................................................................................14

3. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................14



List of Figures

Sr. Name of Figure Page No.

1.0 Components of water supply system 15

2.0 Branching pattern with dead end 16

3.0 Grid pattern 18


Key words- Water supply,Water Distribution System,Pipes,Discharge,Water demand,etc.



1.1 General

Potable water is becoming scarcer; often making it more energy intensive to procure. More energy is
required to pump water to greater distances and from deeper depth in the ground. This alarming
situation and ever-increasing population has cautioned everybody to conserve the available water
resources and adapt oneself to optimum use of available water. The water supply, as an essential
commodity, has to be looked upon from demand side as well as supply side. The urban local bodies,
which form the supply side, will have to play a vital role in managing this often-scarce resource. As
global urbanization continues, they have the complex task of cost effectively providing water to keep
cities functioning. Further in the process of improving overall water system efficiency, energy &
water consumption have to be viewed as linked inputs rather than viewing them as separate and
unrelated. On the other hand, the demand side which consists of consumers have to be made aware
of the present situation of the available water resources, necessary habitual changes required to be
made by adopting various means of water conservation, optimal use of available water, re-use and re-
circulation of waste water for some activities, frequent inspection and rectification of home
appliances to reduce leak & wastage, restricted use of appliances requiring more water, etc.

Water is one of the fundamental necessities for sustaining life on the earth for all living entities. Man
needs water for many of his activities in day to day life. Initially Man used to live near by water
bodies such as rivers, lakes etc. This led to the development of water supply engineering, as a part of
civil engineering, to develop a system for supplying protected water to all the people to meet their
demands. The water distribution system consists of several components such as intake, pumping,
transmission, treatment, storage, distribution network etc. Supplying water at required pressures to
draw sufficient quantity of water. Design plays vital role in the water distribution system. Optimal
design of water distribution network is the aim of any agency dealing with water supply distribution.
Through trial and error procedure and by the use of a simulation model, a water distribution network
may be designed. Selecting a network configuration with minimum pipe cost and maximum
reliability is a complex process. Consideration of reliability in water distribution networks has been
received increasing attention over the past few years. If the network is designed with reliability alone
as a prime objective, then the resulting system may be an uneconomical one.

1.2 Background:

The existing water supply to the Ahmednagar city is managed by Ahmednagar Municipal
Corporation (AMC). Main source of the Ahmednagar water supply system is Mula dam
which is 35 kilometers away from the city.Water is pumped from the Mula dam and conveyed to
water treatment plant by three mild steel (MS) pipe pumping mains ( two 600 mm and 813 mm ).
Raw water is pumped to Break Pressure Tank (BPT) near site and then transmitted by gravity
through the transmission mains of 17 kms to WTP at Vilad. Then treated water is pumped to Vasant
Tekadi in city through which the water is distributed by Elevated Service Reservoirs (ESR's) in the
city. This water from the ESR's is distributed through the distribution network of length of 400km.
The system presently covers almost 100o/o of the developed areas including the slums. The newly
added areas are currently being catered to by tanker supply. The distribution system in the city is
based on both gravity and pumping. The distribution system in the city is based on the division of the
entire city into four distinct parts on the basis of its topography. There are total 51,025 service
connections in entire AMC area as per details shown in Table below;

Table No 1: Details of House Connections

Category Number
Total Connections 51,025
Metered Connections 77
Un-metered Connections 47219
Slum Connections 0
Non-Domestic Connections 3799

1.3 Objectives:
 To study existing water distribution system.
 To implement the objectives of AMRUT scheme under water supply system.
 To design to convert intermittent water supply into continuous.
 To achieve economy as well as reduce water losses through design.
 To suggest solution to existing WDS for future development.

1.4 Limitations & Scope:

Limitation of project will be that for design purpose part of Kedgaon,Ahmednagar area will be
considered due to time bound.

 Scope of this project is that through this design an optimum solution will be provided to
existing problems of WDS of Ahmednagar city giving one step ahead towards smart city.

1.5 Methodology:



1.Dipal Paneriai;Bhasker Bhatt; “Modernization in Water Distribution System”(2017): In this
paper, the main concentration is to modernize the existing water distribution system. Due to the loss
of water in the system, user may be suffer. To detect that is loss is very important for the sufficient
supply. So by applying modern tools and equipments the system may work more efficiently. By
using WaterGEMS the operation of the system will be so easy and if some problem is noted than it
can be tracked easily by the software. There are so many different type of tools used for the water
distribution system that included is different literature, but as compared to others, WaterGEMS is
more accurate.

2. S.Chandramouli and P.Malleswarara; “ RELIABILITY BASED OPTIMAL DESIGN OF A

research paper, the main focus was to develop a new parameter for assessing the overall network
reliability using fuzzy logic concepts based on the excess pressures available at the demand nodes
and to be incorporated in the optimal design and to incorporate this parameter in a two objective
optimization model for design of water distribution network using the combination of Genetic
Algorithms and EPANET tool kit in the MATLAB environment.The best range of excess of
minimum residual pressures was considered in this paper in such a way that the reliability of the
network is maximum. The proposed methodology was applied on a two loop gravity network which
was referred by most of the researchers. 54 optimal solutions were identified for the network. The
Network Reliability Parameter (NRP), Cost Reliability Ration (CRR) and Cost per Unit Reliability
and Unit Length (CURUL) parameters were used to compare the results with the previous
researchers. It was found that this research paper shows better results of when comparing with the
results of the previous researchers.

3.T.Devi Prasad;Nam-Sik Park; “Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms For Design Of Water

Distribution Networks”(2004):This paper presented a multiobjective genetic algorithm approach to
WDS network. The objectives considered were minimization of the network cost and maximization
of a reliability measure. In this paper,network resilience was introduced.This measure mimics a
designers desire of providing excess head above the minimum allowable head at the nodes and of
designing reliable loops with practicable pipe diameters.The proposed method produced a set of
pareto-optimal solutions in the search space of cost and network resilience.Genetic algorithms were
observed to be poor in handling constraints.To handle constraints,a constraint handling technique that
does not require a penalty coefficients and is applicable to WDS was presented.

4. E. Alperovits1 and u. Shamir; “Design of Optimal Water Distribution
A method called linear programing gradient (LPG) was presented, by which
the optimal design of a water distribution system can be obtained. The system
was a pipeline network, which delivers known demands from sources to
consumers and may contain pumps, valves, and reservoirs. Operation of the
system under each of a set of demand loadings was considered explicitly in the
optimization. The decision variables thus include design parameters, i.e.. pipe
diameters, pump capacities and reservoir elevations, and operational
parameters, i.e., the pumps to be operated and the valve settings for each of
the loading conditions. The objective function, to be minimized, reflects the
overall cost capital plus present value of operating costs.The constraints were
that demands were to be met and pressures at selected nodes in the network
were to be within specilied limits. The solution was obtained via a hierarchial
decomposition of the optimization problem. The primary variables were the
flows in the network. For each flow distribution the other decision variables arc
optimized by linear programing. Postoptimality analysis of the linear program
provides the information necessary to compute the gradient of the total cost
with respect to changes in the How distribution. The gradient was used to
change the flows so that a (local) optimum was approached. The method was
implemented in a computer program. Solved examples were presented.

5. Kevin E Lansey, Ning Duan, Larry W Mays, Yeou-Koung Tung; “ Water distribution system
design under uncertainties”(1989): A chance constrained model was presented for the
minimum cost design of water distribution networks. This methodology attempted to
account for the uncertainties in required demands, required pressure heads, and pipe
roughness coefficients. The optimization problem was formulated as a nonlinear
programming model which was solved using a generalized reduced gradient method.
Details of the mathematical model formulation were presented along with example
applications. Results illustrate that uncertainties in future demands, pressure head
requirements, and pipe roughness can have significant effects on the optimal network
design and cost.
6. Kevin E Lansey, Larry W Mays; “Optimization model for water distribution system
design”(1989): A new methodology was developed for determining the optimal (minium-cost)
design of water distribution systems. The components that can be sized were the pipe network,
pumps or pump station, and tanks. In addition, the optimal settings for control and pressure-reducing
valves was determined. This methodology couples nonlinear programming techniques with existing
water distribution simulation models. Previous methodologies had typically simplified the system
hydraulics to be able to solve the optimization problem. This new methodology retains the generality
of the hydraulic simulation model so that the problem was only limited by the ability of the
simulation model rather than the optimization model. The methodology uses a generalized reduced
gradient model to solve a problem that was reduced in size and complexity by implicitly solving the
conservation of mass and energy equations using the hydraulic simulator and an augmented
Lagrangian approach to incorporate pressure head bounds in the objective function. Since the
network equations were solved implicitly any number of demand patterns were considered, including
steady state loads, extended period simulations, or both

7. Matthew D. Jolly1; Amanda D. Lothes2; L. Sebastian Bryson, P.E., M.ASCE3; and

Lindell Ormsbee, P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE4; “Research Database of Water Distribution System
Models”(2014): This paper has documented several water distribution systems that have been used
historically in the testing of various water distribution models and algorithms. In many cases, such
systems represent highly simplified or skeletonized versions of the actual large system. Because of
the lack of a general robust database of water networks for use by the general research community,
many researchers have been forced to test new algorithms on a handful of systems or, in some cases,
a single network. In such instances, it is possible that a particular algorithm may be ideally suited for
that system but may not be as efficient for other networks. As a result, it is hoped that the
development of an expanded database of real networks may provide researchers with a more
comprehensive test bed with which to evaluate potential algorithms. This paper has introduced a
database of 12 water distribution system models based on actual systems in Kentucky, each
representing all of the pipes in the network. It is the intent and hope of the authors that these models
can be used by the water distribution system research community as a robust database for testing and
evaluating new algorithms for a wide range of network issues (e.g., optimal design, sensor
placement). While the current database should provide a valuable resource to the research
community, it does have some limitations. In the future,
the authors plan to update the database by adding models that will be fully calibrated and will
include more details from the utility, such as demand patterns based on billing records, as well as the
locations of valves and fire hydrants. The addition of these models hopefully will open up the
database to a wider variety of applications, such as network reliability and resiliency.



3.1 Definition:

 Distribution system is a network of pipelines that distribute water to the consumers.

 They are designed to adequately satisfy the water requirement for a combination of

o Domestic

o Commercial

o Industrial

o Fire fighting purposes.

 A good distribution system should satisfy the followings:

o Adequate water pressure at the consumer's taps for a specific rate of flow (i.e, pressures should be
great enough to adequately meet consumer needs).

o Pressures should be great enough to adequately meet fire fighting needs.

o At the same time, pressures should not be excessive because development of the pressure head
brings important cost consideration and as pressure increases leakages increases too.

 Note: In tower buildings, it is often necessary to provide booster pumps to elevate the water to
upper floors.

o Purity of distributed water should be maintained. This requires distribution system to be

completely water-tight.

o Maintenance of the distribution system should be easy and economical.

o Water should remain available during breakdown periods of pipeline. System of distribution should
not such that if one pipe bursts, it puts a large area without water. If a particular pipe length is under
repair and has been shut down, the water to the population living in the down-stream side of this
pipeline should be available from other pipeline.

o During repairs, it should not cause any obstruction to traffic. In other words, the pipelines should
not be laid under highways, carriage ways but below foot paths.

3.2 Distribution Systems

A. Branching pattern with dead end.
B. Grid pattern
C. Grid pattern with loop.

A. Branching Pattern with Dead End

 Similar to the branching of a tree.

 It consists of

o Main (trunk) line

o Sub-mains

o Branches

 Main line is the main source of water supply. There is no water distribution to consumers from
trunk line.

 Sub-mains are connected to the main line and they are along the main roads.

 Branches are connected to the sub-mains and they are along the streets.

 Lastly service connections are given to the consumers from branches.


 It is a very simple method of water distribution. Calculations are easy and simple to do.

 The required dimensions of the pipes are economical.

 This method requires comparatively less number of cut-off valves.

However, it is not usually favored in modern water works practice for the following disadvantages.


 The area receiving water from a pipe under repair is without water until the work is completed.

 In this system, there are large number of dead ends where water does not circulate but remains
static. Sediments accumulate due to stagnation of the dead end and bacterial growth may occur at
these points. To overcome this problem drain valves are provided at dead ends and stagnant water is
drained out by periodically opening these valves but a large amount of water is wasted.

 It is difficult to maintain chlorine residual at the dead ends of the pipe.

 Water available for fire-fighting will be limited since it is being supplied by only one water main.

 The pressure at the end of the line may become undesirably low as additional areas are connected
to the water supply system. This problem is common in many less-developed countries.

B. Grid Pattern

 Since water in the supply system is free to flow in more than one direction, stagnation does not
occur as readily as in the branching pattern.
 In case of repair or break down in a pipe, the area connected to that pipe will continue to receive
water, as water will flow to that area from the other side.
 Water reaches all points with minimum head loss.
 At the time of fires, by manipulating the cut-off valves, plenty of water supply may be diverted
and concentrated for fire-fighting.

 Cost of pipe laying is more because relatively more length of pipes is required.
 More number of valves are required.
 The calculation of pipe sizes are more complicated.

C. Grid Pattern with Loops

Loops are provided in a grid pattern to improve water pressure in portions of a city (industrial,
business and commercial areas).
Loops should be strategically located so that as the city develops the water pressure should be
The advantages and disadvantages of this pattern are the same as those of the grid pattern.


The purpose of distribution system is to deliver water to consumer with appropriate quality, quantity
and pressure. Distribution system is used to describe collectively the facilities used to supply water
from its source to the point of usage. Water quality should not get deteriorated in the distribution

It should be capable of supplying water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure. It should
be capable of supplying the requisite amount of water during fire fighting. The layout should be such
that no consumer would be without water supply, during the repair of any section of the system.

It should be fairly water tight as to keep losses due to leakage to the minimum. A sufficiently
designed water distribution system leads to conservation of water. An efficient water distribution
system leads to development towards smart city


1.Dipal Paneriai;Bhasker Bhatt; “Modernization in Water Distribution

System”(2017): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315825129

2. . S.Chandramouli and P.Malleswarara; “ RELIABILITY BASED OPTIMAL DESIGN OF A

S.Chandramouli et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (1), 2011, 13-19

3. T.Devi Prasad;Nam-Sik Park; “Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms For Design Of Water

Distribution Networks”(2004): Article in journal of water resources planning and management
130(1). January 2004.

4. . E. Alperovits1 and u. Shamir; “Design of Optimal Water Distribution

Systems”(1977): Paper number 9W 1052. VOL. 13. NO. 6 WATHR RESOURCES

5. Kevin E Lansey, Ning Duan, Larry W Mays, Yeou-Koung Tung; “ Water distribution system
design under uncertainties”(1989): Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 115 (5),
630-645, 1989

6. Kevin E Lansey, Larry W Mays; “Optimization model for water distribution system
design”(1989): Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 115 (10), 1401-1418, 1989

7. Matthew D. Jolly1; Amanda D. Lothes2; L. Sebastian Bryson, P.E., M.ASCE3; and

Lindell Ormsbee, P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE4; “Research Database of Water Distribution System
Models”: Article in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management · April 2014,


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