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Valve mechanism


Disassembly diagram for valve mechanism...................................EM.3-2

Disassembly of timing chain/camshaft...........................................EM.3-3

Inspection &repair for timing chain/camshaft components.............EM.3-5

Replacement of front oil seal on crankshaft..................................EM.3-8

Installation of timing chain/camshaft..............................................EM.3-9
EM.3-2 Valve mechanism Disassembly figure for valve mechanism

Disassembly figure for valve mechanism

sealing ring

valve-box cover

rocker shaft

push rod

thrust disk

vibration absorber

cam chainwheel
timing chain cover
cam chainwheel

timing chain

sealing ring
pulley bolt

front oil seal of crankshaft

crankshaft pulley

Those with mark * refer to spare parts which have been used and can not be re-used.
Valve mechanism Disassembly of timing chain/camshaft EM.3-3

Disassembly of timing chain/camshaft

Preparation for disassembly
(a)Dismantle of driving belt.
(b)Dismantle of fan &water pump pulley.
(c)Dismantle of rocker arm shaft assembly and push rod.

1. Removal of valve tappet

Eight tappets will be removed using a steel wire or magnet.
Note A lways k eep tappets in an upr ight ar r ay as
per a cor r ect sequence.

2. Removal of crankshaft pulley

(a)Removal of pulley bolt using SST
SST 09213-70010 and 09330-00021

(b)Even removal of crankshaft pulleys using SST

EM.3-4 Valve mechanism Disassembly of timing chain/camshaft

3. Removal the cover of timing chainwheel chamber

The cover of chain wheel cham ber may be removed by unscrewing
eleven bolts on the cover of chainwheel chamber using a torque

4. Inspection on the tension degree of timing chain

Subject to a removal of crankshaft front belt /timing chain cover, the
tension degree of timing chain may be checked in accordance with Max.
allowable tension degree 13.5mm when applied with a 98N pulling force.
If it exceeds Max. allowable value, the timing chainwheel shall be changed.
5. Removal of chair tensioner

6. Removal of timing chainwheel

(a)To loosen the fixing bolts on camshaft chainwheel, crankshaft pulley
needs to be installed.

(b)After unscrewing the fixing bolt, SST may be used to have camshaft
chainwheel, crankshaft chainwheel and chain dismantled evenly.
SST 09950-20017
Valve mechanism Inspection &repair for timing chain/camshaft components EM.3-5

7. Removal of shock absorber

Two bolts plus the shock absorber may be dismantled.

8. Removal of thrust disk and camshaft

(a)Two bolts plus the thrust disk may be dismantled.
(b)Take out the camshaft carefully.
Note Do not damage the camshaft bear ing.
I nspection and r epair of timing chain and camshaft
1. Check the camshaft
(a)When the camshaft is placed on a V-shape steel, measure the radial
runout at neck journal on the center of camshaft.
Max. circumferential radial runout 0.06 mm
T he camshaft needs to be changed if the runout exceeds Max.value.

(b)Measure the height of convexity of camshaft using amicrometer

Standard height of convexity
A ir inlet por t (38.620 38.720)mm
A ir exhaust por t (38.629 38.729)mm
M in height of convexity
A ir inlet por t 38.26 mm
A ir exhaust por t 38.27 mm
T he camshaft needs to be changed if the height of convexity is less than
Min. value.

(c)Measure the diameter of neck journal using a micrometer.

Standard diameter from front side
No. 1 (46.459 46.475)mm
No. 2 (46.209 46.225)mm
No. 3 (45.959 45.975)mm
No. 4 (45.709 45.725)mm
No. 5 (45.459 45.475)mm
EM.3-6 Valve mechanism Inspection &repair for timing chain/camshaft components

(d)Have the thrust disk and the camshaft chainwheel installed on

(e)The fixing bolts for camshaft chainwheel need to be installed and
Tightening torque 90 N M

(f)Axial clearance between the thrust disk and the camshaft may be
measured using a feeler gage.
Standard axial clearance (0.07 0.22)mm
M ax. axial clear ance 0.30 mm
T he thrust disk needs to be changed when the clearance exceeds Max.
value, and the camshaft needs to be changed as well when necessary.
2. Inspection on chain and chainwheel
(a)When chain is thoroughly stretched, measure its length.
(b)A similar measurement may be performed on three pointsormore having
been random selected.
Max. stretched length of chain 291.4mm when a49N str etching
for ce is applied.
T he chain needs to be changed if the read value of stretched length exceeds
Max. value.

(c)Measure the diameter of chainwheel installed with chain using callipers.

Min. diameter of chainwheel with chain
Crankshaft 59 mm
Camshaft 114 mm
The chain needs to be changed if the actual diameter is less than Min.

3. Inspection on chain tensioner

Measure the thickness of chain tensioner using callipers.
Standard thickness 15.0 mm
M in. thick ness 12.5 mm
T he chain tensioner needs to be changed if the actual thickness is less
than Min. value.
Valve mechanism Inspection &repair for timing chain/camshaft components EM.3-7

4. Change the chain tensioner column when necessary.

(a)Side plate may be removed using gasket scraper and hammer.
Note: do not bend the plate.
(b)Dismantle the chain tensioner column and spring.

(c) Machine oil for engine may be filled to the chain tensioner unit, or to
the sliding surface of column.
(d)Have the spring and chain tensioner column installed on the chain
tensioner unit.
(e)Install the side plate to place.
Note I nstallation direction.

(f)Strike the plate into place using hammer and socket spanner.
socket spanner

5. Inspection on the chain shock absorber

Measure the thickness of shock absorber using callipers: Standard
thickness 6.6 mm
M in. thick ness 5 mm
If the thickness is less than Min. value, the shock absorber needs to be
EM.3-8 Valve mechanism Replacement of front oil seal on crankshaft

6. Inspection on valve tappet

Measure the diameter of tappet using a micrometer.
Diameter of tappet (21.387 21.404)mm
If actual diameter does not conform to relevant stipulations, oil clearance
needs to be checked.

7. Take out the tappet when necessary.

Have the valve tappet submerged in diesel.
The disassembly and assembly of tappet may proceed when soaking in
diesel, and snap ring and push-rod seat may be installed using a presser
applicable to sealing test.
SST 09276-71010

8. Sealing drop test check

Using a presser applicable to sealing test (with stress set to196.2N) ,
measure the time it takes to drop for 1mm after it has dropped for about
Sealing drop time: (7-50)s/mm when at 20

Replacement of front oil seal on crankshaft

Method I Provided that the timing chain cover has been removed
from the timing chain box
(a)Strike the oil seal out using screw tap and hammer.
Valve mechanism Installation of timing chain/camshaft EM.3-9

(b)Strike new oil seal into place using SST and hammer until the surface
of oil seal reaches
The same height as the edge of timing chain cover.
SST 09223-22010
(c)MP multi-purpose grease shall be applied to the jaw of oil seal.

Method II
(a)Dismantle the oil seal using SST.
SST 09308-10010
(b)MP multi-purpose grease shall be applied to the jaw of new oil seal.
(c)Strike new oil seal into place using SST and hammer until the surface
of oil seal reaches
the same height as the edge of timing chain box.
SST 09223-22010

Installation of timing chain/camshaft

1. Installation of camshaft
(a)Have the camshaft inserted carefully into the air cylinder box.
Note Do not damage the camshaft bearing.

(b)Thrust disk will be fixed using two bolts.

Tightening torque 18.5N m
Note I nstallation direction

EM.3-10 Valve mechanism Installation of timing chain/camshaft

2. Installation of shock absorber

The shock absorber may be fixed using two bolts.
Tightening torque 18.5 N m

3. Installation of timing chain and chainwheel

setting of camshaft (a)The set key of crankshaft chainwheel must be installedupward.
(b)Have the set key on camshaft chainwheel matching well with the mark
made on the thrust disk.
set key of crankshaft

(c)Have the chainwheel installed on the timing chain.

Note H ave the timing chain matching well with
the mar k made on the chainwheel.
(d)T he installation of timing chain and chainwheel may proceed on an
even basis.
Valve mechanism Installation of timing chain/camshaft EM.3-11

(e)Have the crankshaft pulley installed on crankshaft.

(f)A thin layer of engine oil will be applied to the top /screwed parts of
camshaft chainwheel bolts.
(g)The camshaft chainwheel bolts may be installed using SST and
tightened as well
SST 09213-70010 and 09330-00021
Tightening torque 90N m
Dismantle the crankshaft pulley.

4. Installation of chain tensioner

The chain tensioner will be fixed using two bolts.
Tightening torque: 18.5N m
5. Installation of timing chain cover
Using eleven bolts, the installation of new sealing ring and timing chain
cover may proceed.
Tightening torque 6N m

6. Installation of crankshaft pulley

(a)A plastic hammer may be used to gently strike the crankshaft pulley
into place.

Plastic hammer

(b)A layer of engine machine oil will be applied to the top/screwed parts
of pulley bolt.
(c)The pulley bolt will be installed using SST and tightened as well.
SST 09213-70010 and 09330-00021
Tightening torque 160N m
EM.3-12 Valve mechanism Installation of timing chain/camshaft

7. Installation of valve tappet

One small part of steel wire or magnet may be used to insert the valve
tappet into the tappet hole carefully.

Installation at a later stage

(a)Installation of the assembly for push rod and rocker shaft;
(b)Installation of water-pump pulley and fan;
(c)Installation and adjustment of driving belt;
(d)Start the engine and check for leakage.
(e)Check the engine oil.

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