Search For Most Prepared School 2017 Monitoring Tool

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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tandag City
S.Y. 2017- 2018

School : Name of School Head:

District: LINGIG II Type of School: Date: __________

Instruciton: Check the following indicators according to the rating scale indicated below.
* 5- Very High (100% in all indicators are met)
* 4- High (80%- 90% in each indicators are met)
* 3- Moderate (60%- 70% in each indicators are met)
* 2- Low (40%- 50% in each indicators are met)
* 1- Very Low (none of the requirement in each indicators are met)
I. School Management (25%) 5 4 3 2 1
1 * Updated Permanent Records (with Pupil's/Students' Profile and Anecdotal Records) and 138-E

2 * Updated Annual Procurement Plan (APP)/ Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP)

3 * School Calendar of Activities

4 * INSET's/ Meetings conducted during summer

5 * Recent General Class Program

6 * IPCR/ OPCR compiled (atleast 3 years)

7 * Individual Development Plan

8 * Child Protection Policy Implementation

9 * Enhanced School Improvement Plan/ Annual Implementatin Plan

* Transparency Board with Financial Management Report (Liquidation) in the most conspicuous
10 area but not near in the Principal's Office

11 * SMEA ( Progress Monitoring Report)

SubTotal Score/ 11 x 25%

II. School Facilities and School Surroundings (20%) 5 4 3 2 1

1 * School signage with School ID Number on the roof of the school entrance

2 * Deped Mission, Vision, Core Values and reflected in the most conspicuous area

3 * School signage with School ID on the roof of the tallest building

4 * Balik Aral/ Welcome Back to School campaign streamers/ tarpaulins hung/ posted
* Streamer/ Tarpaulin stating " This school adheres to DepEd No Collection Policy" hung/ posted in the
5 school's most conspicuous area
6 * Updated DepEd Official Directory posted at the most conspicuous area

7 * Locators Map

8 * Transparency Board in the most conspicuous area but not near the Principal's Office

9 * Citizens Charter

10 * Persons with Disability (PWD) Lane

11 * School Evacuation Plan

12 * School Fire Safety Compliance

13 * Clean Buildings (aisles, front and back area, walls and sides)

14 * Repainted/ Repaired Schools Buildings

15 * Guidance Office solely utilize for Guidance Services with amenities (sala set, computer, etc.)

16 * Proof of Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) Implementation/ GPP Nursery

II. School Facilities and School Surroundings (20%) continue... 5 4 3 2 1
17 * Functional Instructional Laboratories

18 * Hand Washing Area

19 * Proper Drainage

20 * Presence of School Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)/ Trash Bins/ Waste Segregation Bins

21 * Apparent Landscaping with ornamental plants

22 * Hazard- free playground facilities

23 * Canteen (presence of previous financial statement, hygienic, and sell nutritous food)

24 * Water Supply

25 * Electricity

26 * Essential Health Care Program (EHCP)

* Safe Classrooms (fixed ceilings, doors with padlock, smooth and clean floors, window bladesa and frames
27 are fixed
* Conducive Classrooms (Sufficient number of armchairs/desk in the classroom, well ventilated. Clean black
28 boards with eraser

29 * Listing of Pupils/ Students on the door/ wall of the classroom

30 * Classroom/ Offices/ Laboratories are labled for learners/visitors information and guidance
SubTotal Score/ 30 x 20%
III. Classroom Essentials (15%) 5 4 3 2 1
1 * Structured Board/ Learning Stations

2 * Personality Corner

3 * Health Corners

4 * Mini Library

5 * Bulletin Boards

6 * Classroom EMIS

7 * Attendance Chart

8 * Head Boards

9 * Forms Racks/ Drawer/ Cabinet

10 * Functional Clock

11 * Display Board for Learner's Best Output

12 * Lightly colored valance curtains

13 * Teacher's Stand

14 * Classroom Norms

15 * Learners Routine

16 * Electrical Facilities

17 * Demonstration Table

18 * Broomcase/ Divan

19 * Teacher's Table/ Chair

20 * Paraphenalia like pieces of chalk, board eraser, class record

21 * Teacher's Schedule/ Class Program and Framed Door Label

SubTotal Score/ 21 x 15%

IV. Teacher's Portforlio (10%) 5 4 3 2 1

1 * Well prepared lesson plans/ log sheets (updated)

2 * Individual Work Plan/ IPCRF/ IDP

IV. Teacher's Portforlio (10%) continue... 5 4 3 2 1
3 * Updated Instructional Materials/ Modules/ Worksheets
* Budget of Work, ATAS, PELC/ PSSLC, Teaching Guides on K to 12 and MTB- MLE, GAD/ Peace
4 Education/ Consumer Education, Lesson Examplars

5 * Test Item Bank

6 * DepEd School Forms (Form 1,2,3)

7 * Teacher's Profile

8 * School Calendar of Activities

SubTotal Score/ 8 x 10%
V. School Activities during Class Opening (15%) 5 4 3 2 1
1 * Flag ceremony conducted on time

2 * Welcome Program/ Orientation Conducted

3 * Presence of HelpDesk/ Action Center by External Stakeholders to usher new entrants/new concerns
* Presence of Volunteers/ Stakeholders to monitor school activities related to the operation of the Oplan
4 Balik Eskwela
* Presence of Security Officers to assist learners in the traffic particularly in crossing streets and cleaning the
5 way to prevent accident

6 * "Getting to Know Each Other" activities/setting up the classroom norms and expectations conducted

7 * Prepared Diagnostic Test ( to be conducted within the week)

8 * 100% attendance of the School Head, Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff

9 * All school personnel in prescribed uniform

SubTotal Score/ 9 x 15%

VI. Monitoring and Evaluation (10%) 5 4 3 2 1

1 * Enhanced School Improvement Plan (E-SIP) and Annul Improvement Plan (AIP)

2 * Presence of Instruction, Supervisory Plan and Technical Assistance Plan

* DepEd Programs, Activities and Project Monitoring Chart with tentative deadline of submission date posted
3 in the school's conspicuos area

4 * Logbook with Time-In and Time-Out for School Personnel

* Presence of Security Officers to assist learners in the traffic particularly in crossing streets and cleaning the
5 way to prevent accident

6 * Updated School Report Card (SRC)

7 * Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Plan

8 * SEF Plan and Utilization of Funds
SubTotal Score/ 8 x 10%

VII. Reporting and Documentation (5%) 5 4 3 2 1

1 * Advocacy on Oplan Balik Eskwela (streamers posted, flyers, etc.)

2 * Evidence of Brigada Eskwela Implementation (BE Accomplishment Report)

3 * Early Registration Report submitted on or before due date

4 * Guidance Program/ Action Plan

5 * Inventory of Students with Failed Grades and Intervention Plan

6 * Enrolment Report ready for submission to the district and division office
SubTotal Score/ 6 x 5%

Rater: _____________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________

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