Search For Most Prepared School 2017 Monitoring Tool
Search For Most Prepared School 2017 Monitoring Tool
Search For Most Prepared School 2017 Monitoring Tool
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tandag City
S.Y. 2017- 2018
Instruciton: Check the following indicators according to the rating scale indicated below.
* 5- Very High (100% in all indicators are met)
* 4- High (80%- 90% in each indicators are met)
* 3- Moderate (60%- 70% in each indicators are met)
* 2- Low (40%- 50% in each indicators are met)
* 1- Very Low (none of the requirement in each indicators are met)
I. School Management (25%) 5 4 3 2 1
1 * Updated Permanent Records (with Pupil's/Students' Profile and Anecdotal Records) and 138-E
2 * Updated Annual Procurement Plan (APP)/ Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP)
2 * Deped Mission, Vision, Core Values and reflected in the most conspicuous area
4 * Balik Aral/ Welcome Back to School campaign streamers/ tarpaulins hung/ posted
* Streamer/ Tarpaulin stating " This school adheres to DepEd No Collection Policy" hung/ posted in the
5 school's most conspicuous area
6 * Updated DepEd Official Directory posted at the most conspicuous area
7 * Locators Map
8 * Transparency Board in the most conspicuous area but not near the Principal's Office
9 * Citizens Charter
13 * Clean Buildings (aisles, front and back area, walls and sides)
15 * Guidance Office solely utilize for Guidance Services with amenities (sala set, computer, etc.)
19 * Proper Drainage
20 * Presence of School Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)/ Trash Bins/ Waste Segregation Bins
23 * Canteen (presence of previous financial statement, hygienic, and sell nutritous food)
24 * Water Supply
25 * Electricity
30 * Classroom/ Offices/ Laboratories are labled for learners/visitors information and guidance
SubTotal Score/ 30 x 20%
III. Classroom Essentials (15%) 5 4 3 2 1
1 * Structured Board/ Learning Stations
2 * Personality Corner
3 * Health Corners
4 * Mini Library
5 * Bulletin Boards
6 * Classroom EMIS
7 * Attendance Chart
8 * Head Boards
10 * Functional Clock
13 * Teacher's Stand
14 * Classroom Norms
15 * Learners Routine
16 * Electrical Facilities
17 * Demonstration Table
18 * Broomcase/ Divan
7 * Teacher's Profile
3 * Presence of HelpDesk/ Action Center by External Stakeholders to usher new entrants/new concerns
* Presence of Volunteers/ Stakeholders to monitor school activities related to the operation of the Oplan
4 Balik Eskwela
* Presence of Security Officers to assist learners in the traffic particularly in crossing streets and cleaning the
5 way to prevent accident
6 * "Getting to Know Each Other" activities/setting up the classroom norms and expectations conducted
6 * Enrolment Report ready for submission to the district and division office
SubTotal Score/ 6 x 5%
Rater: _____________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________