Well Placement Optimization Using The Quality Map Approach - Badru, O
Well Placement Optimization Using The Quality Map Approach - Badru, O
Well Placement Optimization Using The Quality Map Approach - Badru, O
June 2003
The objective of the study was to investigate the applicability of the quality map concept
to optimal determination of well locations. The quality map attempts to simplify the
complex and diverse parameters governing fluid flow through porous media into a simple
two-dimensional representation of the reservoir. Two approaches are presented: the Basic
Quality Map (BQM) approach and the Modified Quality Map (MQM) approach. The
BQM approach, in contrast to other optimization methods, does not require simulation
runs once the quality map is in place. The fitness function for any given well
configuration is obtained through an inverse distance weighting method.
Results obtained from the BQM approach showed that wells appeared to be placed
sequentially although the optimization process was simultaneous. This counterintuitive
feature of the basic quality map approach gave suboptimal results in some situations. An
attempt was made to remove this “static” feature by calibrating “quality paths” using
streamlines. This however did not lead to any improvement.
The study however found the quality map concept useful as a screening tool in an
optimization method that uses the numerical simulator as the true fitness function coupled
with a decline proxy. The screening of possible well locations provided by the quality
map led to significant reductions in the number of flow simulation runs and the use of the
decline proxy resulted in remarkable CPU time savings. This approach was the basis of
the MQM method.
My gratitude goes to my advisor, Prof. Roland Horne for the suggestion of the topic for
this research, for his guidance, understanding and contributions towards the completion
of this work.
Financial support provided by the SUPRI-D consortium on innovation in well testing and
optimization is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated.
I would also like to thank my friends, Dayo, Toyin, Chizoba and my roommates, Yuhong
and Ying for making my stay at Stanford a memorable one.
To my parents, words certainly cannot express my gratitude for the support they gave
even across the thousands of miles of separation.
The greatest gratitude of all goes to God, who makes all good things a reality.
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... v
Acknowledgments............................................................................................................. vii
Contents ............................................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... xi
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... xii
1. Introduction................................................................................................................... 15
1.1. Literature Survey ................................................................................................. 16
1.2. Report Outline ..................................................................................................... 17
2. Underlying Theory ........................................................................................................ 18
2.1. Genetic Algorithms.............................................................................................. 18
2.1.1. Basic Terminology........................................................................................ 19
2.1.2. GA Operators ................................................................................................ 20
2.2. Polytope Algorithm ............................................................................................. 21
2.2.1. Description.................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Decline Proxy ...................................................................................................... 23
2.3.1. Standard Nomenclature................................................................................. 24
2.3.2. Harmonic Decline ......................................................................................... 24
2.4. Uniform Design ................................................................................................... 25
2.4.1. Single Well Example .................................................................................... 25
2.4.2. Multiple-Well Example ................................................................................ 26
3. The Quality Map Approach .......................................................................................... 27
3.1. Building the Quality Map .................................................................................... 27
3.2. The Quality Concept............................................................................................ 27
4. The BQM Method......................................................................................................... 29
4.1. Optimization Algorithm Parameters.................................................................... 29
4.2. Straight-line Inverse-Distance Weighting ........................................................... 30
4.2.1. Case Study-1, Reservoir-1 ............................................................................ 30
4.2.2. Case Study-2, Reservoir-2 ............................................................................ 31
4.3. Results ................................................................................................................. 32
4.4. Limitations of the BQM Method ......................................................................... 35
4.5. Calibrating with Streamlines ............................................................................... 36
5. The MQM Method........................................................................................................ 40
5.1. Description........................................................................................................... 40
5.2. Application to Synthetic Examples ..................................................................... 41
5.2.1. Results - Reservoir-1..................................................................................... 42
5.2.2. Results - Reservoir-2..................................................................................... 43
5.2.3. Discussion of Results.................................................................................... 44
5.3. Threshold Sensitivity........................................................................................... 45
5.4. Proxy Limitations ................................................................................................ 46
5.5. Usefulness of Screening and Decline Proxy........................................................ 48
6. Field Example – Pompano Water Injection Project...................................................... 50
6.1. Reservoir Description .......................................................................................... 50
6.2. Methods Used. ..................................................................................................... 51
6.2.1. The Quality Map Approach .......................................................................... 51
6.2.2. The HGA Approach ...................................................................................... 55
7. Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................. 59
7.1. Limitations of the Quality Map Approach........................................................... 59
7.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................... 59
Nomenclature.................................................................................................................... 60
References......................................................................................................................... 61
List of Tables
Figure 1.1: Optimization varies the input to achieve a desired output. ............................ 15
Figure 2.1: Unimodal surface............................................................................................ 18
Figure 2.2: Multimodal surface......................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.3: Schematic of simple crossover operator......................................................... 20
Figure 2.4: Schematic of mutation operator...................................................................... 21
Figure 2.5: Possible outcomes for a step in the polytope method for a minimization
problem. ............................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 2.6: Application of uniform initialization to a single-well placement problem. ... 26
Figure 2.7: Application of uniform initialization to a three-well placement problem...... 26
Figure 4.1: Flowchart for the BQM method. .................................................................... 29
Figure 4.2: Permeability distribution for Reservoir-1....................................................... 31
Figure 4.3: Quality map for Reservoir-1 showing cumulative oil. ................................... 31
Figure 4.4: Permeability distribution for Reservoir-2....................................................... 32
Figure 4.5: Quality map for Reservoir-2 showing cumulative oil. ................................... 32
Figure 4.6: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-1 (BQM method).33
Figure 4.7: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-1 (BQM method). .. 33
Figure 4.8: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-1 (BQM method). 33
Figure 4.9: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-2 (BQM method).34
Figure 4.10: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-2 (BQM method). 34
Figure 4.11: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-2 (BQM method).
........................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.12: True fitness (cumulative oil) vs BQM fitness. ............................................. 35
Figure 4.13: Streamline grid for Reservoir-1 showing the clustering of streamlines along
high permeability regions.................................................................................................. 36
Figure 4.14: Streamlines paths at four different time slices for Reservoir-1. ................... 37
Figure 4.15: Ranking of well locations based on true cumulative oil and BQM results for
a two-producer configuration (Reservoir-1). .................................................................... 39
Figure 5.1: Flowchart for the MQM method. ................................................................... 41
Figure 5.2: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-1 (MQM method).
........................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 5.3: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-1 (MQM method). . 42
Figure 5.4: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-1 (MQM method). 43
Figure 5.5: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-2 (MQM method).
........................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 5.6: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-2 (MQM method). . 44
Figure 5.7: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-2 (MQM method). 44
Figure 5.8: Three-dimensional representation of the quality map for Reservoir-1........... 45
Figure 5.9: Three-dimensional representation of the quality map for Reservoir-2........... 46
Figure 5.10: Comparison of estimated and true cumulative oil for a three-producer
problem for Reservoir-1.................................................................................................... 47
Figure 5.11: Comparison of estimated and true cumulative oil for a two-producer problem
for Reservoir-2. ................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 5.12: Average number of simulations and CPU-time for four different
optimization scenarios. ..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 6.1: Numerical model for the Pompano field (from Güyagüler et al., 2002). ....... 51
Figure 6.2: Quality map for the Pompano field obtained from exhaustive runs............... 52
Figure 6.3: Optimal well location for the single injector problem using the BQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 6.4: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the BQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 6.5: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the BQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 6.6: Optimal well location for the single injector problem using the MQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 6.7: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the MQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 6.8: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the MQM method.
........................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 6.9: Optimal well location for the single-injector problem using the HGA
approach. ........................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 6.10: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the HGA
approach. ........................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 6.11: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the HGA
approach. ........................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
The quality map approach considered in this study is in two parts. The first is the Basic
Quality Map (BQM) approach, which acts as a “feeder” to the second, the Modified
Quality Map (MQM) approach. The BQM method attempts to expedite the optimization
process by eliminating the need for further simulation runs once the quality map is built.
The second approach takes as input the result of the BQM, and fine-tunes it through a
screening procedure. This screening feature of the MQM method ultimately leads to
system calls to the numerical simulator. To increase the speed of the optimization
process, partial simulation is carried out and future reservoir performance is estimated
through the use of a decline proxy.
In recent years, modern optimization methods have shown an increasing trend towards
artificial intelligence concepts borrowed from the biological sciences. The Genetic
Algorithm (GA), a member of these evolutionary techniques, was introduced in 1975 by
Holland. GAs are based on nature’s way of finding the individual fittest to its
environment, utilizing ideas from the principles of genetics as found in the biological
sciences, as well as in Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
To date, several optimization studies have been carried out with Genetic Algorithms.
Güyagüler and Horne (2000) optimized well-location problems based on maximization of
NPV. They developed the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) involving genetic algorithm,
polytope algorithm together with kriging and neural network proxies to reduce the
number of simulation runs. Güyagüler and Horne found kriging a good alternative to the
flow simulator but the neural network proxy still had some issues to be addressed.
Bittencourt and Horne (1997) also used a hybrid genetic algorithm, coupled with polytope
algorithm and a Tabu search method to determine the optimal layout of wells for an oil
field development project. Yenten et al. (2002) showed how the use of GAs, a hill-
climbing search algorithm, and artificial neural networks could be used in optimizing not
only well locations but also well trajectories. Güyagüler and Gümrah (1999) optimized
production rates for a gas storage field using GAs.
The focus of a large number of well-placement optimization studies has been numerical
simulation, coupled with an automated optimization algorithm. Most of the proposed
algorithms have been demonstrated to be very reliable. However, a significant number of
them are CPU-intensive. As a result, studies have been carried out on ways of reducing
the number of simulation runs. The use of a proxy in place of the numerical model has
particularly evoked considerable interest. Neural networks and kriging have shown
promise as proxies, but before they can be reliably used, a significant initial investment in
simulation runs is required.
Pan and Horne (1998) investigated the use of kriging in solving multivariate optimization
problems, particularly in field development scheduling and well-placement design. Their
objective was also NPV maximization and from their studies, kriging led to a significant
reduction in the number of simulation runs. Johnson and Rogers (2001) also used neural
networks in lieu of the numerical model for a water-injection optimization project.
The quality map used in this study is itself a proxy and it is an extension of the work of da
Cruz et al. who introduced the method as a possible well-placement optimization tool in
1999 (da Cruz, Horne, and Deutsch, 1999). The usefulness of the map is particularly
noticeable in multiple well-placement scenarios as discussed in later chapters.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 cover the quality map approach in detail. How a quality map is built,
and the fundamental concepts of “quality evaluation” are explained in depth for the two
methods investigated. Limitations of the BQM method as well as the pros and cons of the
MQM approach are discussed and applications of both methods to two synthetic
reservoirs are presented.
Chapter 6 shows the application of the quality map methods to a real water injection
project. Results obtained from both the BQM and MQM methods were also compared
with those obtained using the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) approach from
Güyagüler and Horne (2000).
Chapter 2
2. Underlying Theory
Traditional methods, for example gradient-based methods are well tuned for solving well-
behaved unimodal analytical functions as shown in Fig. 2.1.
However, most problems in the real world are complex, involving many variables that are
very often correlated nonlinearly. GAs have found wide application for such ill-behaved
problems. The robustness of GA over gradient-based methods is its ability to propose
many solutions (individuals) to the problem. These individuals are then made to evolve
under specified rules to a state where the fitness (objective function) is maximized. This
feature of GAs prevents the search algorithm from being stuck in a local optimum for
multimodal problems (see Fig 2.2).
Parameters or decision variables in GA are often encoded using binary digits (0,1).
However, other types of encoding such as integer or alphabet strings may also be used.
• They encode the parameter set such that optimization is done with the encoded
parameters and not the parameters themselves.
GAs use a specific terminology with some terms derived from genetics as found in the
biological sciences. Below is a list of the definitions of some of the terms in the GA
Fittest: Solution with highest objective function within a generation.
2.1.2. GA Operators
1. Reproduction
2. Crossover
3. Mutation
Reproduction: This is a process in which individual strings are selected according to their
objective function values (fitnesses). The objective function is usually some measure of
profit or utility. Cumulative oil and NPV were used as objective functions in this study.
Selecting strings according to their fitness values implies that strings with a higher value
have a probability of contributing one or more offspring in the next generation.
Mutation: This is the occasional random alteration of the value of an allele (bit). In simple
binary encoding, this simply means changing a 0 to 1 and vice versa. Fig. 2.4 shows how
this step is implemented in a simple GA.
The simple GA used in this study also incorporated elitism and fitness scaling.
Elitism: The best solution from the previous generation is propagated unchanged on to
the next generation. This elitist strategy ensures that potential solutions to the
optimization problem are not lost.
Fitness Scaling: At the start of a GA run, it is quite common to have a few extraordinary
strings in a population of poorer individuals. Scaling is used to reduce the influence of
these high fitness strings on the selection process thereby preventing premature
The polytope algorithm, also known as the simplex method was used as a helper method
to refine the search. The method, introduced by Nelder and Mead (1965), does not require
the calculation of derivatives. A polytope is a geometrical figure consisting in n
dimensions of n + 1 vertices and all their interconnecting line segments. In two
dimensions, a polytope is a triangle and in three dimensions, a tetrahedron. At each step
in the algorithm, a new vertex is generated for the polytope. If this new point is better
than at least one of the existing vertices, it replaces the worst vertex. The method is not
very efficient in terms of the number of function evaluations that it requires. However,
the polytope was found to be useful in providing new and better individuals within a GA
population, as shown earlier by Bittencourt and Horne (1997) and Güyagüler et al.
2.2.1. Description
Each polytope iteration has n + 1 points or decision variables: x1, x2, x3, …, xn+1. Each
point, xi, has associated with it an objective function fi with each function arranged in
decreasing order: f1 ≥ f2 ≥ f3 ≥ … ≥ fn+1 where
fi = f ( xi ) (2.1)
The centroid of the vertices is given by:
1 n
c = ∑ xi (2.2)
n i =1
The polytope first constructs a reflection step:
xr = c + α (c − xn +1 ) (2.3)
where α, the reflection coefficient is greater than zero. The objective function fr, is
evaluated at the new point. The value of fr determines the next step which could be any of
three cases.
xe = c + β ( xr − c) (2.4)
xc = c + γ ( xn +1 − c) (2.5)
and when fr < fn+1,
xc = c + γ ( x r − c ) (2.6)
where γ, the contraction coefficient is between 0 and 1(0 < γ < 1).
If the objective function at the point of contraction (fc) is greater than both fr and fn+1,
the contraction is successful and xc replaces xn+1. If the opposite is the case, further
contraction steps are carried out.
Figure 2.1 shows all the possible outcomes of a step for a three-dimensional polytope.
The Numerical Recipes polytope source code (Press et al., 1992) was used in this study.
Figure 2.5: Possible outcomes for a step in the polytope method for a minimization problem
(after Numerical Recipes, Press et al., 1992).
Studies have shown that the most reliable way of judging the “goodness” of any well
location is through direct optimization of the objective function with a numerical model.
Most optimization algorithms however require a large number of simulation runs in the
search for the global optimum. Use of decline curve analysis as a proxy in place of a full
simulation was explored in this study. Decline curve analysis is the extrapolation of
future reservoir-fluid production rates versus time.
2.3.1. Standard Nomenclature
t - Elapsed time
D - Decline rate
The choice of the appropriate decline method depends on what is known about the
reservoir mechanics and drive mechanism. The harmonic decline curve applies to oil
reservoirs where the reservoir mechanism is a natural water drive or water injection. The
three reservoirs considered in this study were all water injection reservoirs and as such,
harmonic decline was used as a proxy in place of the full simulation. Under this decline
type, the reciprocal of the decline curve exponent, b, is 1.
qt 1
= (2.7)
qi 1 + Di t
• Rate - Cumulative production relationship
qi ln
Qt = (2.8)
• Decline rate – Time relationship
Di t = i − 1 (2.9)
• – Rate relationship
qi t
ln( )
Qt qt
= (2.10)
qi t qi
2.4. Uniform Design
Fang (1980) developed a uniform design algorithm and the key idea in this study was to
use the algorithm to generate initial well locations uniformly distributed within the
reservoir. This enables proposed solutions to the well-placement optimization problem to
cover the entire search space. Suppose there are s factors or decision variables and each
factor has q levels (discretized possible values of parameters), the total number of
possible combinations is qs. Uniform Design is based on number theory and has some
general principles as follows:
• If q is an odd number, positive integers a1, a2 ,…, as are selected such that (ai ,q) = 1, i
= 1,…, s . Then the distributed points will be:
To simplify the use of this method, only two variables (I and J locations in the reservoir)
were considered at a time and each had 31 levels. Any reservoir size could then be
standardized to this 31 by 31 search space in the I, J direction.
in Fig. 2.6. This ensures that every part of the search space is visited as the optimization
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The same concept is applied to multiple wells as shown in Fig. 2.7. For a population size
of 10, ten sets of colored points are shown. Each set represents well locations for a three-
well configuration uniformly distributed within the reservoir.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Chapter 3
The parameters governing fluid flow in porous media are complex and numerical models
are often the best tools capable of analyzing the various phenomena existing in the
subsurface. While these models are quite reliable, they become quite expensive when
coupled with an automated optimization algorithm. In the quest for the most profitable
solution to reservoir management questions, numerical models are run perhaps thousands
of times for each development scenario. An example is determining optimal performance
of the reservoir with increasing well count. By contrast, once the map is built, the basic
quality map approach eliminates the need for further flow simulations irrespective of the
number of wells to optimize.
The map is built by running a flow simulator with a single well (producer or injector) in
the reservoir. The well location is varied in each run over the active part of the reservoir
and the quality of each well position is evaluated as either the cumulative oil or NPV
value. Thus each active cell in the reservoir in the I-J plane has a quality associated with
it. da Cruz et al. (1999) showed that the number of visited points used in building the
quality map could be reduced by kriging.
The reasoning behind the quality concept is that because building the map takes into
account the interactions between reservoir heterogeneity and the flow of fluids, it could
serve as a tool for determining the “good spots” in the reservoir. Thus, the quality map is
itself a proxy used in place of the simulator for multiple well scenarios.
Determining the quality or the objective function of any given well configuration is based
on a simple inverse-distance weighting process. The method determines each well quality
(Qw) by adding the qualities (Qc) of all the cells assumed to belong to the well based on
inverse-distance weighting as shown in Eqs 3.1 and 3.2.
Qw = ∑ Qc wc (3.1)
c =1
wc = (3.2)
a * d wb −c
where wc , the inverse-distance weight is 1 when the well-cell distance ( d w− c ) is zero.
The quality (Qt) for the total number of wells is the sum of all the well qualities, Qw and
that is what the optimization process seeks to maximize as shown in Eq. 3.3.
Qt = ∑ Qw (3.3)
w =1
where nc w is the number of cells belonging to well w , and nw is the total number of
wells to be optimized.
Sensitivity studies showed that optimal values for the coefficient a and the exponent b are
1 and 2 respectively. These values worked best for all the cases investigated.
As mentioned earlier, two well-placement optimization methods based on the quality map
approach were investigated in this study. The first is the Basic Quality Map (BQM)
Method and the second is the Modified Quality Map (MQM) Method. The methodologies
and the pros and cons of the two approaches are discussed in subsequent chapters.
Chapter 4
Binary encoding was used for the decision variables. A crossover probability, (pCross) of
0.6 was used as suggested by Goldberg (1989). A population size of 12 was used in this
study. This population size is much lower than is generally used for GA. However, the
smaller size was found sufficient for our purpose because of the enhancement provided
by the polytope method. The mutation probability (pMutate), used was also higher than is
generally used. This higher value however worked well in this study. Table 4.2 shows the
values of the parameters used in the BQM runs.
Fitness scaling was performed in order to prevent highly fit individuals from dominating
early in the run, a leading cause of premature convergence. Another way of preventing
premature convergence is through rank-based selection. Linear scaling was used here as
suggested by Goldberg (1989) with a Cmult, the number of expected copies desired for
the best population member being 1.2. For small populations, a Cmult in the range of 1.2
to 2 has been successfully used (Goldberg, 1989).
GA Parameters
Population size 12
Data Structure Binary
Fitness multiple (Cmult) 1.2
Crossover probability (pCross) 0.6
Mutation probability (pMutate) 0.4
Number of elitists 1
Objective Function Parameters
Inverse distance coefficient (a) 1
Inverse distance exponent (b) 2
distance Straight-line
In the straight-line inverse-distance weighting approach, cells are assigned to wells based
on their degree of proximity. Each well quality as defined by Eq. 3.1, is a function of the
straight-line distance between it and the surrounding cells. Thus with this definition,
d w−c in Eq. 3.2 is a straight-line distance. The method was applied to the determination
of optimal locations for producers in a water injection project. Two synthetic reservoirs
were used as case studies. The quality maps for the two reservoirs were built using
Streamsim Technologies’ 3DSL streamline simulator.
Figure 4.2: Permeability distribution for Reservoir-1.
Reservoir-2 is also a 60 × 20 model composed of a single layer. All of the cells are active,
meaning that all of them are suitable candidates for well completions. Porosity was also
derived from permeability using Eq. 4.1. In Reservoir-1, it is observed that the
permeability values fall within a wide range, Reservoir-2 by contrast has a much narrower
band as shown in Fig. 4.4.
Figure 4.4: Permeability distribution for Reservoir-2.
The objective function and duration of project were the same as those of Reservoir-1. The
quality map for this reservoir is shown in Fig. 4.5.
Because of the nature of the permeability distribution, the quality map for Reservoir-2 has
a more uniform surface compared to that of Reservoir-1 as shown in Fig. 4.3. The nature
of the surface of the quality map is an important factor to consider when specifying
certain parameters for the Modified Quality Map (MQM) method as discussed in the next
4.3. Results
The results for the producer-placement problem for Reservoir-1 and Reservoir-2 are
shown in Figs. 4.6 to 4.8. From these figures, it appears as if the wells were optimized in
sequence, one after the other, even though the well-placement decisions were actually
made simultaneously. For example, the optimal placement of the first two wells in a
three-well problem was not altered from their chosen locations in the two-well case. The
same observation was made from the results of Reservoir-2 shown in Figs. 4.9 to 4.11.
Though these locations appear to be quite intuitive, well locations should change as more
wells are added to the reservoir because of interactions between wells.
Figure 4.6: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-1 (BQM method).
Figure 4.7: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-1 (BQM method).
Figure 4.8: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-1 (BQM method).
Figure 4.9: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-2 (BQM method).
Figure 4.10: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-2 (BQM method).
Figure 4.11: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-2 (BQM method).
These results show that the BQM method’s attempt to capture the various complexities of
production and injection in a simple two-dimensional frame may be overly simplistic.
4.4. Limitations of the BQM Method
Consider three different well location configurations with each configuration consisting
of three producers. The true fitness based on full simulation and the estimated fitness
obtained from the BQM are compared in Fig. 4.12.
1.2E+07 1.40E+07
Cumulative oil (Bbls)
Fitness (BQM)
0.0E+00 0.00E+00
1 2 3
Well location configuration
In Fig. 4.12, the optimum configuration based on the true objective function is that of
well location configuration-1 but according to the BQM method, well location
configuration-3 is best. Thus, objective function evaluation based on inverse weighting
using straight-line distance could put good well locations at a disadvantage. Possible
reasons for this shortcoming include:
• The method’s inability to account for well interactions leading to the lack of change
in previous well locations with the introduction of additional wells.
• The assumption that the contribution of cell qualities Qc , to well qualities, Qw, is a
function of the degree of proximity of a cell to a well location (see Eq. 3.1).
As a result, the BQM method may lead to suboptimal decisions as observed in the two
synthetic cases.
4.5. Calibrating with Streamlines
Streamlines offer a way of determining accurately which cells belong to any particular
well by establishing flow paths. In essence, the use of streamlines is actually a calibration
of sorts enabling the accurate determination of flow paths and flow lengths to use in the
inverse-distance weighting equation. The streamline simulator used was 3DSL by
StreamSim Technologies. In streamline based simulation, fluids are transported along the
streamlines as if all the streamlines were individual one-dimensional problems. When
flow is governed by certain conditions, streamline methods are often very accurate and
faster than finite-difference methods.
Though the objective of the BQM approach was to expedite the optimization process by
eliminating the need for further simulation runs, this extension did not require significant
CPU-time for the following reasons.
• Heterogeneity: Because streamline paths are defined based on the solution to the
pressure equation, the more heterogeneous the system, the smaller the number of
pressure solutions required. Heterogeneity helps define the flow paths, and thus,
streamlines tend to bundle in the high permeability regions as shown in Fig. 4.13.
Thus, for highly heterogeneous systems, streamlines may not change appreciably as
displacement proceeds.
Figure 4.13: Streamline grid for Reservoir-1 showing the clustering of streamlines along high
permeability regions.
• Incompressible Flow: The least number of pressure solutions are required for
incompressible systems. When compressibility is the driving force for production or
injection, streamline simulators are no better than traditional finite-difference methods
in terms of speed. Reservoir-1 and Reservoir-2 are both incompressible oil-water
Reservoir-1 satisfied all of the above requirements and therefore partial simulation was
carried out to establish flow paths. Fig. 4.14 shows that the streamline grid did not change
significantly over the entire project life.
Figure 4.14: Streamlines paths at four different time slices for Reservoir-1.
In the evaluation of quality, the distance from a cell to any well, dw-c , was now based on
the actual length of any particular streamline and no longer on the assumption of a simple
straight-line distance. Thus the streamline approach added a realistic refinement to the
inverse-distance weighting method.
However, contrary to expectations, the streamline refinement did not improve the results.
Optimal well locations remained the same as those obtained using the simple BQM
method. Well interactions remained unaccounted for and well locations still appeared as
if the optimization was done in sequence.
It was therefore concluded that the flaw of the BQM method lies in the evaluation of the
objective function, Qt. The reason is that the major contributor to the quality of a well,
Qw, is essentially the quality of the cell in which that well resides, that is the “host cell”
(Qhost). Therefore, the algorithm would tend to hold on to previous well locations even
when additional wells are introduced into the reservoir. Attempts were made in this study
to reduce the influence of the quality of the host cell (s) by raising to some power the
qualities of the surrounding cells (Qneighbours). Qhost and Qneighbours are defined as:
Qhost = ∑ Qw (4.2)
for dw-c = 0.
Qneighbours = ∑ Qw (4.3)
for dw-c ≠ 0.
Qw = ∑ Qcp wc (4.4)
c =1
Table 4.2: Breakdown of estimated and true objective functions for four two-producer
configurations for Reservoir-1.
Fig. 4.15 shows the true ranking of the locations compared to the ranking obtained with
results from the BQM method.
14.00 30,000,000
Cum ulative oil
BQM (power=1.0)
BQM (power=1.2)
12.00 BQM (10^5) (power=2.0)
Cumulative oil (MMbbls)
0.00 0
1 2 3 4
Well location configurations
Figure 4.15: Ranking of well locations based on true cumulative oil and BQM results for a two-
producer configuration (Reservoir-1).
From Fig. 4.15, it is once again observed that none of the BQM scenarios preserved the
true ranking. Based on the true objective function (cumulative oil), well location
configuration-1 is the best out of all the four. The BQM fitness of well location
configuration-1 increased with increasing power, p, but so also did that of configuration-
4. A closer look at Table 4.2 shows that configuration-4 has the highest contribution from
both Qhost and Qneighbours and therefore has the highest overall Qt even though its true
objective function is 0.54 MMbbls less than that of configuration-1. As a result, the BQM
ranking, despite being suboptimal, will always be preserved irrespective of how much the
contribution from Qneighbours is adjusted.
Consequently, attempts to base business decisions wholly on the BQM approach may be
limiting. However, the BQM method could still serve a very useful purpose as a screening
component of a broader method as discussed in the following chapter.
Chapter 5
As shown in the previous chapter, the BQM approach can lead to suboptimal results if
used as a stand-alone optimization method. The BQM method however could be very
useful when combined with an optimization method that uses the true objective function
to determine the qualities of well locations. The Modified Quality Map Approach (MQM)
is an example of such a method. Because data used to build the quality map were
obtained from flow simulations, the map gives a good indication of profitable well
locations. The information is used in two ways. First, the result from the BQM method is
used as an initial solution to the well-placement problem. Second, the qualities of
subsequent well locations proposed by any direct optimization algorithm are evaluated
through a screening process using the quality map. Screening helps to determine if the
proposed configuration truly has potential as a possible solution to the optimization
problem before expending the effort to run a full simulation.
5.1. Description
The MQM method is a combination of the BQM method and other direct optimization
methods, GA and polytope. This approach makes use of the information provided by the
BQM method but in contrast to the BQM approach, it uses the simulator and a decline
proxy in evaluating the objective function. Thus, the MQM method has three distinct
• Seeding: The solution to the optimization problem obtained from the BQM method is
used as a starting point for the MQM method. Even though the BQM approach could
give suboptimal solutions, these locations have nonetheless been found to be quite
good. Seeding has shown significant potential to lead to very good final results
compared to when the optimization run just started randomly.
equal to the threshold, the proposed well configuration is assumed to have potential as
a possible solution to the well-placement problem. Flow simulation together with a
decline proxy are then used to evaluate the objective function. If the threshold is not
passed, then the well configuration is probably not very good, the algorithm then uses
an alternative and cheaper means to evaluate the objective function. Screening thus
helps to reduce the number of calls to the simulator and therefore expedites the
optimization process.
• Partial Simulation and Decline Proxy: The MQM method performs partial
simulation on well locations that exceeded the specified threshold. The rest of the
production profile is obtained through the use of a decline proxy. Harmonic decline
was used in this study because all the cases considered were water injection projects.
The details of this proxy approach have already been discussed in Chapter 2.
The example reservoirs considered here, Reservoir-1 and Reservoir-2 were the same
reservoirs investigated using the BQM method as described in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
The objective once again is the optimal determination of producers for a water-injection
5.2.1. Results - Reservoir-1
Figs. 5.2 to 5.4 show optimal producer locations obtained using the MQM method. Table
5.1 shows how the BQM and MQM methods compare in terms of cumulative oil
Figure 5.2: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-1 (MQM method).
Figure 5.3: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-1 (MQM method).
Figure 5.4: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-1 (MQM method).
Table 5.1: Comparison of results obtained from the BQM and MQM methods in terms of
cumulative oil recovered for Reservoir-1.
Figs. 5.5 to 5.7 show optimal producer locations for this reservoir based on the MQM
method. How the BQM and MQM methods compare in terms of cumulative oil recovered
is shown in Table 5.2.
Figure 5.5: Optimal well location for a single producer for Reservoir-2 (MQM method).
Figure 5.6: Optimal well locations for two producers for Reservoir-2 (MQM method).
Figure 5.7: Optimal well locations for three producers for Reservoir-2 (MQM method).
Table 5.2: Comparison of results obtained from the BQM and MQM methods in terms of
cumulative oil recovered for Reservoir-2.
For the single-producer problem, both the BQM and MQM gave the same results as
expected. The optimal location for a single well is known once the quality map is built
because this corresponds to the location of the cell with the highest quality on the map.
From the results of the MQM, the wells no longer appeared as though they were placed
sequentially, thus the method accounted for well interactions. The MQM locations also
performed better than those obtained from the BQM from a recovery standpoint, despite
the fact that they did appear counterintuitive. This observation once again points to the
complexities involved in attempting to predict optimal locations based on intuitive
judgement alone. Another factor to consider is the project life. The water-injection project
for the two reservoirs was for 8.9 years. A longer development plan might put one of the
wells in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7 located in the eastern flank of the reservoir closer to the north-
east in order to have a better, albeit slower sweep of the reservoir.
The speed of the MQM method is highly dependent on the threshold specification. The
higher the threshold, the fewer the number of well location configurations whose fitnesses
would exceed the value specified, and hence, fewer simulation runs would be performed.
However, specifying too high a threshold may lead to poor results in some cases. Studies
suggested that for very rough response surfaces as shown in Fig. 5.8, high thresholds, a
typical value being 0.98, may be undesirable. On the other hand, for fairly smooth
response surfaces, for example Fig. 5.9, specifying a high threshold expedites the run
without necessarily sacrificing the quality of the results. Tables 5.3 and 5.4 give a
summary of the dependence of results and the CPU-time on the value of threshold
specified for Reservoir-1 and Reservoir-2 respectively.
Figure 5.9: Three-dimensional representation of the quality map for Reservoir-2.
Table 5.3: Effect of threshold value on the quality of results and CPU-time for Reservoir-1.
Table 5.4: Effect of threshold value on the quality of results and CPU-time for Reservoir-2.
Thus, the nature of the surface of the quality map is an important factor to consider in
specifying an optimal threshold value.
The use of the decline proxy significantly reduces the CPU-time during the optimization
process. However, Figs. 5.10 and 5.11 show that the proxy is not always foolproof.
In Fig. 5.10, six different well-location configurations are shown for a three-producer
placement problem for Reservoir-1. The total life for the water injection project was 8.9
years, partial simulation was carried out for 2.2 years and the remaining performance
profile was obtained through a harmonic decline proxy.
1.6E+07 Estimated Cum. Oil (Harmonic decline)
True Cum. Oil
1 2 3 4 5 6
Well location configurations
Figure 5.10: Comparison of estimated and true cumulative oil for a three-producer problem for
Fig. 5.11 shows how estimated and true cumulative oil compare for three different
configurations in this case for a two-producer problem for Reservoir-2. Total project life
and start of decline calculations remain the same as those described for Reservoir-1.
1 2 3
Well location configurations
Figure 5.11: Comparison of estimated and true cumulative oil for a two-producer problem for
In Fig. 5.10, the proxy preserved the true ranking of well locations but the same was not
observed in Fig. 5.11. It is obvious that the longer the true production history, the more
reliable would be the proxy but at the same time, the less savings in terms of CPU-time.
In essence, it is a trade-off, in our attempt to expedite the optimization process, sacrifices
may have to be made in terms of complete accuracy. In general, however, the use of a
proxy still remains useful and can be reliable as shown in Fig. 5.10.
The effect of screening and the decline proxy on the number of simulations and CPU-
time was investigated for a three-producer placement problem using Reservoir-1 as a case
study. The true global optimum was not known beforehand. In reality, the only answer
that is known with complete certainty is the best location for a single-well optimization
problem, simply because we possess the exhaustive run in the form of the quality map.
However, the single-well case could not be used for these sensitivity studies for the
following reason: the MQM method uses results from the BQM as a seed, and for the
single-well case, this result is always known beforehand, hence there would be nothing to
search for.
The objective was once again the maximization of the cumulative oil for a water injection
project. As before, the injector location was fixed. The algorithm was allowed to iterate
for 100 generations before termination.
• Seeding and Screening with the quality map coupled with a harmonic decline proxy
(S & H): For this scenario, all of the features of the MQM method were used. The
result obtained from the BQM was used to seed, and the availability of the quality
map enabled screening of proposed well location configurations before any simulation
was performed. Partial simulation was carried out for 2.2 years and harmonic decline
was used to obtain production data for the remaining 6.7 years.
• Direct optimization without the quality map and without a proxy (no S & no H): The
quality map was not made use of here, and as a result, neither seeding nor screening
of well locations was carried out. Full simulation was performed for 8.9 years to
obtain the true objective function for all proposed configurations.
• Seeding and Screening with the quality map but without the use of a decline proxy (S
& no H): Full simulation was performed without a proxy but seeding and screening of
well configurations were carried out before the simulator was called.
• Harmonic decline proxy but without the quality map (no S & H): Seeding and
screening were not performed because the quality map was not utilized. However, a
decline proxy was made use of to reduce the simulation time.
Because of the stochastic nature of the algorithm, each case was carried out five different
times and the average number of simulations and the average CPU-time consumed are
shown in Fig. 5.12.
Average num ber of
sim ulations
1000 Average CPU-tim e
Average CPU-time
400 600
0 0
S&H no S & no H S & no H no S & H
Figure 5.12: Average number of simulations and CPU-time for four different optimization
From Fig. 5.12, it is observed that seeding and screening significantly reduced the number
of simulations and CPU-time. The average “optimal” cumulative oil obtained from the
S&H case was 14.602 MMbbls for all the runs considered, while for the second case, the
direct optimization approach, the average was 14.622 MMbbls. The best optimal well
location configuration found from all the cases considered yielded 14.77 MMbbls and this
was found when the screening and proxy features were used.
Chapter 6
Pompano field is an offshore development located in the Gulf of Mexico. The objective
was to determine optimal locations for water injection wells after 2.6 years of production.
Güyagüler et al. (2002) also performed optimization work on this field using the Hybrid
Genetic Algorithm (HGA). The HGA allowed optimization of not only well locations, but
also water injection rates.
In this study, three different approaches were used to optimize injector locations. The first
two were the BQM and MQM methods, and the third method used was the HGA.
Because Güyagüler et al.’s work included the optimization of rates, the results from their
study could not be used here because the quality map approach is not suited to changing
well rates. Consequently, in order to have a fair comparison of all three methods,
Güyagüler et al.’s work was repeated using the HGA but with fixed injector rates.
The Pompano field extends over five Gulf of Mexico blocks, Mississippi Canton (MC)
27, 28, 72, and Viosca Knoll (VK) 989, 990 located about 24 miles Southeast of the
Mississippi River Delta. BP Amoco and Kerr McGee hold 75% and 25% equity
respectively. The Pompano platform receives production from three reservoirs: Upthrown
Pliocene, Downthrown Pliocene, and the Miocene. This study focused on the Miocene
reservoir, which comprises two thirds of the field reserves.
The Miocene sands are located in MC 28 and 72. They were deposited as mid-slope
turbidites in a large aggradational channel complex. The average sand thickness is 50 net
ft of oil (NFO) and the thickest sand penetrated is 110 ft NFO.
Production from these sands started in April 1995. The oil has a gravity and viscosity of
320 and 0.38 cp respectively. Initial gas-oil-ratio was 1037 SCF/STB. There are 12
existing producers, 5 of them drilled during phase I of the project and the remaining
drilled during phase II. A large aquifer estimated to be three times larger than the oil in
place underlies the reservoir, providing pressure support during reservoir depletion.
The reservoir was built with a 40×40×25 grid simulation model having a total of 7,533
active cells. The numerical model for the field is shown in Fig. 6.1.
Figure 6.1: Numerical model for the Pompano field (from Güyagüler et al., 2002).
The quality map approach and the HGA were used to investigate the possibility of
increasing hydrocarbon recovery with the drilling of injectors. The objective of the study
was the maximization of NPV after 8 years of injection. Parameters used for the NPV
calculations are given in Table 6.1. Injector rates were fixed at 30,000 STB/D.
The quality map was built exhaustively with 870 simulation runs. Kriging could have
been used to reduce the number of runs. Because the quality map is itself a proxy, kriging,
though not investigated should not significantly affect the results of the quality map
approach. The reason is that complete accuracy is not the objective here, what is desired
is a map that shows the “good spots” in the reservoir. The quality values shown in Fig.
6.2 are the NPV for each cell on a two-dimensional grid after 8 years of injection.
Figure 6.2: Quality map for the Pompano field obtained from exhaustive runs.
The BQM approach did not require further simulations once the map was built. Results
obtained using this method are shown in Figs. 6.3 to 6.5. As in the synthetic examples
studied in Chapter 4, the BQM method did not change the chosen locations of wells as
additional wells were added to the decision process.
Figure 6.3: Optimal well location for the single injector problem using the BQM method.
Figure 6.4: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the BQM method.
Figure 6.5: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the BQM method.
For the MQM method, a threshold of 0.98 was specified, and simulation was carried out
for 4 years of injection for those locations that exceeded the threshold. The remaining
production profile for the reservoir was obtained through harmonic decline proxy. Results
obtained using the MQM are shown in Figs. 6.6 to 6.8.
Figure 6.6: Optimal well location for the single injector problem using the MQM method.
Figure 6.7: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the MQM method.
Figure 6.8: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the MQM method.
6.2.2. The HGA Approach
The HGA, developed by Güyagüler et al. (2002) comprises Genetic Algorithm, Polytope
Algorithm and a kriging proxy. The method has been used successfully to optimize both
well locations and injection rates for the Pompano field. Existing results for the Pompano
field derived from the HGA also included the optimization of pumping rates. Hence,
there was a need to rerun the HGA with fixed pumping rates in order to have a good
comparison with the quality map methods. Results obtained using the HGA are shown in
Figs. 6.9 to 6.11. Tables 6.2 to 6.4 give the summary of how all three methods compare in
terms of number of simulations and incremental NPV.
Figure 6.9: Optimal well location for the single-injector problem using the HGA approach.
Figure 6.10: Optimal well locations for the two-injector problem using the HGA approach.
Figure 6.11: Optimal well locations for the three-injector problem using the HGA approach.
Table 6.2: Comparison of the quality map methods with the HGA for the single injector case.
Table 6.3: Comparison of the quality map methods with the HGA for the two-injector case.
Table 6.4: Comparison of the quality map methods with the HGA for the three-injector case.
It should be remembered that solving the single injector placement problem using the two
quality map approaches was not carried out explicitly, because the answer was known
automatically once the quality map was built. Building the quality map does require
considerable investment in terms of number of simulation runs. As mentioned earlier,
these may be reduced by kriging as shown by da Cruz et al. (1999). For the HGA,
because the answer to the single-injector problem was known beforehand, the run was
terminated once this global optimum was found and this occurred after 237 simulations.
The savings provided by the quality map approach were seen in the multiple-injector
placement problems. With the BQM approach, simulation runs were no longer required
for both the two and three-well problems. The termination criterion for the HGA was 500
simulation runs while the MQM was terminated after 70 runs. It was possible to specify
fewer simulation runs in the MQM method because of the screening advantage provided
by the quality map. The use of the decline proxy also reduced the time for each
For the two-injector placement problem, the BQM and the MQM approaches gave the
same result. However, for the three-injector problem, both the MQM and the HGA
performed better. Tables 6.3 and 6.4 also show that despite the fewer runs performed by
the MQM method, the quality of the results was not affected. All three methods are
stochastic and it has to be emphasized here that results shown in Tables 6.3 and 6.4 were
based on a single run.
To investigate the influence of stochastic algorithm performance on the results, the HGA
and the MQM method were carried out five different times, each with a different random
seed. Tables 6.5 and 6.6 give a summary of how the two approaches compare in terms of
incremental NPV and number of simulation runs for the two-injector and three-injector
placement problem.
Table 6.5: Comparison of the results of the HGA and MQM methods for the two-injector
placement problem in terms of incremental NPV and number of simulation runs.
Run no. No. of simulation NPV ($MM) No. of simulation NPV
runs runs ($MM)
1 150 159.90 70 202.85
2 250 186.53 70 202.85
3 250 176.44 70 205.10
4 350 190.77 70 182.86
5 500 170.79 70 202.85
Table 6.6: Comparison of the results of the HGA and MQM methods for the three-injector
placement problem in terms of incremental NPV and number of simulation runs.
Run no. No. of simulation NPV ($MM) No. of simulation NPV
runs runs ($MM)
1 400 193.86 70 224.45
2 400 207.72 70 231.57
3 400 228.37 70 231.17
4 400 176.77 70 225.91
5 400 166.26 70 231.57
For the two-injector case, the average incremental NPV is $176.89 million for the HGA,
and $199.30 million for the MQM method. The average incremental NPV for the three-
injector case is $194.60 million for the HGA and $228.93 million for the MQM method.
The better performance obtained with the MQM method is attributed to the use of the
seed provided by the BQM approach as an initial solution. The MQM method is in actual
fact a variant of the HGA. Hence, it is seen that the quality map provides an additional
advantage as a screening tool to the HGA, which leads to great savings by reducing the
number of simulation runs.
Chapter 7
The usefulness of a quality map as a tool in well-placement optimization was studied. For
the two synthetic reservoirs, the Basic Quality Map (BQM) approach gave “good”, albeit
suboptimal results with very little computational effort once the map was in place. The
Modified Quality Map (MQM) approach worked well in all the cases considered,
performing fewer simulation runs and consuming less CPU-time because of the starter
seed, screening and proxy features.
Comparison was made between the quality map methods and the Hybrid Genetic
Algorithm (HGA) on a real water injection project. The HGA and MQM methods
outperformed the BQM approach. However, the MQM did better than the HGA both in
terms of NPV and CPU-time. The time-saving advantage was more evident with
increasing number of injectors.
The quality map approach described here is most suited to optimizing locations of
vertical wells all with the same completion intervals. The approach could also be used to
optimize strictly horizontal wells when all the wells are assumed completed within the
same layer in the reservoir. However, in the real world, this assumption may not hold true
because horizontal well trajectories are often complicated, traversing several layers.
Another limitation of the method is that it can only optimize a single well type at a time,
namely the well type used in building the map. Injector qualities certainly cannot be used
as producer qualities and vice versa. However, for problems that require only the
optimization of injectors or producers, the quality map has been shown to be a useful
7.2. Recommendations
In this study, exhaustive runs were used to build the quality map. For large reservoirs
with a significant number of active cells, building the map with exhaustive runs may
become prohibitive in terms of CPU-time. In such instances, a proxy such as kriging or
artificial neural networks would have to be used to determine the quality of the
unsimulated points.
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