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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

Vol. x, No. x, 2019.


1 Corresponding Author Affiliation (10pt regular, center align)
2 First Co-Author Affiliation (if different from Author Affiliation) (10pt regular, center align)
3 Second Co-Author Affiliation (if different from upper affiliations) (10pt regular, center align)
*Corresponding author E-mail: (10pt regular, center align)
Remark: If all authors are from the same university it is not necessary to use numbering/superscript for each
author’s name.


Original Article The abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words. The abstracts should
Received: xx, xx.2019. avoid any abbreviations and mathematical formulas.
Revised: xx, xx.2019. The abstract is a summarization of the full report, written in one paragraph,
Accepted: xx, xx.2019. and should include next elements:
doi:10.5937/IJCRSEExxx 1. Purpose
UDK 2. Methodology
xxx 3. Results
Keywords: 4. Conclusions
should include 4-6 key words 5. Recommendations
that summarize the contents of 6. Additional data
the paper /Times New Roman, /Times New Roman, 10/
Italic, 10/
© 2019 IJCRSEE. All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION be to supply sufficient background

information to allow the reader to
Use A4 paper, Portrait, margins understand and evaluate the results of the
Left/Right 2,5 cm, Top 2,5 cm, Bottom 2,5 present study without needing to refer to
cm, Header/Footer 1.5 cm. Alignment previous publications on the topic. Much of
Justify, Line Spacing Single, Paragraph the Introduction should be written in the
Before 0 pt, After 0 pt, Indentation present tense. /Times New Roman, 12/
Right/Left 0 pt.
Introduction is the first section of an 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
IMRAD paper. It purposes is to state clearly
the problem investigated and to provide the Materials and methods are the second
reader with relevant background section of an IMRAD paper. Its purpose is to
information. State the objectives of the work describe the experiment in such retail that a
and provide an adequate background, competent colleague could repeat the
avoiding a detailed literature survey or a experiment and obtain the some or
summary of the results. equivalent results. Provide sufficient detail
The purpose of the Introduction should to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods

Page | 1
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. x, No. x, 2019.

already published should be indicated by a Collate acknowledgements in a

reference: only relevant modifications separate section at the end of the article
should be described. before the references and do not, therefore,
include them on the title page, as a footnote
3. RESULTS to the title or otherwise. List here those
individuals who provided help during the
Results are the third section of an research (e.g., providing language help,
IMRAD paper. Its purpose is to present the writing assistance or proof reading the
new information gained in the study being article, etc.). They should be brief.
reported. It should be clear and concise. The
Results are core of the paper. You shouldn`t Conflict of interests
start the Results section by describing The authors declare no conflict of interest.
methods that you inadvertently omitted from
the Materials and Methods section. The REFERENCES
Results must be writing in past tense.
All manuscripts should be formatted
4. DISCUSSIONS using the American Psychological
Association (APA) citation style. For
The final section of an IMRAD paper. additional examples, consult the most recent
Its purpose is to fit the results from the edition of the Publication Manual of the
current study into the preexisting fabric of American Psychological Association.
knowledge. The important points will be Reference list should only include
expressed as conclusions. This should works that have been published or accepted
explore the significance of the results of the for publication. Unpublished works should
work, not repeat them. A combined Results be only mentioned in the text. Reference list
and Discussion section is often appropriate. should be with the bibliographic details of
Avoid extensive citations and discussion of the cited books, book chapters, or journal
published literature. articles.
Many papers are rejected by journal Reference list entries should be
editors because of a fault Discussion. alphabetized by the last names of the first
author of each work in the format hanging,
5. CONCLUSIONS Times New Roman, 10.
Citation of Books
The main conclusions of the study Author’s surname Initial(s) of the
may be presented in a short Conclusions given name(s). (Year of Publication) Title of
section, which may stand alone or form a Book, Volume number (if relevant), edition
subsection of a Discussion or Results and (if relevant). Publisher, Place of Publication
Discussion section. Conclusions should Citation of Articles
provide a summary of important findings Author’s surname Initial(s) of the
and their implicants to the area of research given name(s). (Year of publication) Title of
that is the forms of the article. article. Journal Volume number (and issue
number if issues within a volume number
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS are not consecutively paginated): Number of
first and last page of article
Page | 2
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. x, No. x, 2019.

Citation of Websites All tables are to be numbered using

Author’s surname Initial(s) of the Arabic numerals.
given name(s). (if known) title, type of Tables should always be cited in text
document (if relevant), date of issue (if in consecutive numerical order.
available), web address and date of access, if For each table, please supply a table
the document or the website may be subject caption (title) explaining the components of
to change. the table.
Example: Identify any previously published
McCormick, J., & Barnett, K. (2011). material by giving the original source in the
Teachers' attributions for stress and form of a reference at the end of the table
their relationships with burnout. caption.
International journal of educational Footnotes to tables should be indicated
management, 25(3), 278-293. by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical
120114 data) and included beneath the table body.
Ozdemir, S. M. (2012). An Investigation of For the best quality final product, it is
Violence Against Teachers in Turkey. highly recommended that you submit all of
Journal of Instructional Psychology, your artwork – photographs, line drawings,
39(1). etc. – in an electronic format.
Stead, G. (2005). Moving mobile into the
main-stream. Paper presented at the Example:
mLearn 2005: 4th World Conference Table 1. Comparison of characteristic
on m-Learning. Cape Town, South values obtained by PCA and threshold
Africa. values obtained by the parallel analysis Values
Serial The actual
tead.pdf obtained by
number of characteristic Decision
Stosic, l. (2010). Information education and parallel
components values of PCA
children's development. In analysis
Инновационный потенциал 1 5,716 1.5595 Accept
субъектов образовательного 2 1,913 1.4326 Accept
пространства в условиях 3 1,107 1.3287 Reject
модернизации образования (pp. 252- 4 0,967 1.2433 Reject
258), Ростов-на-Дону, Россия.
Stošić, L., & Stošić, I. (2013). Diffusion of
innovation in modern school.
International Journal Of Cognitive
Research In Science, Engineering And
Education (IJCRSEE), 1(1),


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