Coir Board (Secretary) Recruitment Rule, 1990

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RE.:.TSTE1 .I11:1 NO. D. (P.N.;' 427


:-Tpl 11-.3 ut (i)

PART H—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

stig-Am sichi6

2951 f4c,t1-1, 16, 199013TTtt1 25!1912

N. 295] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JULY 16, 1990/ASADHA 25, 1912

M'Ir Tr- i"-4M tTc.E*3 Zket4T uacit

4""q TtErff9- :•-u.•
TrT q't Tit
Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as 2
separate compilation

713fTr *7.tciit
07-11. TIT 9471T 6Ittrr '7eFF fT4rFr

fq -41, 16 TiTt:, 1990

t f9- 644(7A" ) (9"fq-q) 1j43, 1988 r ;xi; V4 7, 7,7-417r fafr-F-M-, 1953 ( 1953 9T 45) r 217T 26
-47-1 (i) r 19PT, 1i PT 4819 fTT) 8r 7F4.-1719-r 4.41- .T.T. fr. 1209(7),
1988 4; tPi Tt81 T 01,7,7171-, 'QM 2. 3, 7171F57.;" (i), T-Tri71" 27 1988; --t +1,41 811
'T4; fi 3irii -ti q21- •-t•c:10-11- P1--5 f;71-7 . 1 M-,19,71 TTT
r* -T, 4671r-R- 1S t If . :76 81 715 T1T9 'Ts R-71q 1411r Trl- ;

51f5,--11- 13-1-89 =rfT q97T1- S ol8T 8171 Tft qet ;

sqc, 5rETtr ti3rft2 -1-1c1,, qqm- 4 9;mT,-T 77TITT 3-TF-Ti 971T

- c'T'1 7713f"1-'cif;1,4 ,-1 971 aru 26 4.;'1"scp.Tr (1) 31TT 7-15.71 7rika-7-1197t s91 , f9. `,1 ,
g f
- rff


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ss f9,74f TT 4fe,515 9-fq 97715 91*". (4N71)

Trfum- 911T SITS gRvir :(i) 19815, 1990

% 51-7,Th"
2) '1 971979 9ff rr*M"91r wr

61190 (1)


22. 77-.7.-7:777, :
;,"11,7 *T. : —77CF:T 9.-F777-17, 77:TT 7.7.t-77,± tilfr
7:i 7117.; T .1"-7,,•,,T 2 ,--r7T441
3 9';'1 . .: 7:215 ,74fl 5T-; 6T j

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iR rxT 7;1. 15,755 enT:

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(57) f.7,i* z7f55 4 Nfond rif5 STJTI f77,-71

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sr fii r 1,-,Fr 2iTir <-7-1r 7.7■ 7.; 5sr ta,f, f=q-Nr

EAI :-: 1:9-7ki 7-'2Tt‘lt i'-11-11:, 71770:4"1, 3ATET-4011- 4 F. , ),41'. 1+4'4 f7;711"--.1"-'9i T4ITT5T r14r. fii--
q f9T14 1TP: =.7i1k7,1'T 37.:17141-1
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77 TT iTIT Tin:21 F9-

14' 7r-5- f474 774
ftif ,---.455,t 57 frla.- 73

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3 4 5 6

3700-125-4700- WR 91-41:917:-T TTST

150- 5000 7..

14-)7,417n f-714- r 1714-i : 4̀1-c-ft #)-a ST'Wei 51.'N Fulf5ria-frizjf /4,

4 3Y7TW-Tf
7.173 711:-Iqfk-77-nrilcci17F T-1-1 qf I 4 ,;:s, F7-54,H#5(tr/715-
tkfq-q- 97e-fdif 'd•171 WT4 a t-71' fvf555'i 1:-11.-451,,.- --Tra-F5T.ur fir -571, 7
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1. f74:4 43,55-1.41-zf f0515-rm-Er 4 WI" q-97 451- €1.15 "eV' IT 77,7=7 'ItIT 31
HP:uT 77,11t-61 TIT TTFAT
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9.-4 ,7E.T, 777

ti 0- 'T. 71


(Dep.rtmrnt of Small Scale Industries and Agro u:.a1 Industries)


New Delhi, the 16th July. 1990

G.S.R. 644- (E):--Wne.-eas the draft of the Coir Board (Secretary) Recruilmt..n1Rules 1988. wa s pt.bli,hrd as a oeio0 by
sub-section (i) of section 26 of the Coir Industry Act, 1953 (45 of 1953), with the notification of the Government oi [main
in the Ministry of Industry (Department of Industrial Development) No. G.S.R. 1209 (E) dated the 27th December, 1988
in the Gazette of India. Extra ordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (i) dated the 27th December, 1988 invitine ohrtcOons
and suggestions from all i-r.r,.ons likely to be affected thereby within a period of forty-five days from the date on thich the
said n3tifi.ration as published in the Ofileial Gazette was made available to the public.

And Wh r as copies of the said Gazette w e re made available to the public on the 13th Ja n . 1989.

Aid no objections or suggestions were cciwd from the public on the said draft, within the said period at viy_five

Nix Therefore, i n e xerciseof the powers cone-red by sub-section (1) of section 26 of the said Act. the Cearrai Govern-
ment hereby makes the following rules, namely :—


1. Shlrt and corn nen:einem—(i) These rules may be called the Coir Board (Secretary) Recruitment Rule. 990.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Number of posts. elas;ifieation, scale of pay and qualification—The number of the said post, classification, scale Of pay
a tI the In; lil?1,1111 1 tatifieations required shall be as specified i n columns 2 to 8 of the Schedule, annexed to these rules.

3. Method of -ecrultment—The method of recruitment and other matters relating thereto shall be a s specified ie.,. OLIMUS
'9 and 11 of the said Schedule.

4. A.A? ii tting authority—The Central Government,shall,efter consulting. the Cuir Board, appoint a p2rson as t: Secretary
to the Coir Board, i n accordance with these rules.

5. Disqualification—No person,—
(,a) MID has eive:,:d. iato or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or
(b) who, having a spousetiving has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said post:

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that, such marriage is permissible under the personal law appli-
caWe to such n rrson and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from
the operation of this rule.

6. Power to relax—Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do. it may
by orders, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provision of these rules in respect of any class or caterzory of

7. Saying—Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxations of age limit and concessions required to be pi (Added
for the S..:1-cd aled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with the
-order of the Central Government issued from time to time in this regard,


I N. of Ga Scale of pz,y Vin:,,the7 Age limit for 4irect Educational and

Posts selection post recruits other qua lific
or rz'quircd for direct
non-Selection cruits

3 4 5 6 7

S *One Group ' A' Rs. 3700-125- Selection Not Applicable Not Applicable
4700-1 50-5000.
*Subject to variation
depending on work load.

Minimum qualifications for Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by Composition of DPC

p.-ornotion. wh,ther by direct prOmotionideputationitransfe
recruitment or by promo- grades from which promotion/
tion or by deputation/ deputation/transfer to be made.
transfer &1”rcentage of
the vacancies to be filled
by various methods.

S 9 10 11

By transfer/deputation' 1. (i) Officers of the All India 1. Secretary/Ac'.ditionrl Secretary

1. A degree of a recognised promotion. Services or any other Central Department of Industrie I
Urtiversity or eqt.tivalent. Services Group 'A' or the Dt.velopment —Chairman
2. Not less than 10 years' State Services Group 'A' 2. Joint Secretary dealing
e:-tperience in Group 'A' holding posts equivalent to with Cola —Mt mbct
posts in the fi:ld of General that of Deputy Secretary to 3. Chairman, Coir Board,
Aiministration, or Personnel the Government of India or Cochin —Member
Management or Financial be eligible for, appointment to
Management of Legal Affairs posts equivalent to that of
be,tirable - Deputy Secretary to the Govt.
Post Graduate degree or degree Of India (Period of deputation
in law from recoe:nised shall not ordinarily exceed foul•

University. years).
(ii) Officers of Coil- Board with
5 years' regular Service in
posts in the scale of Rs.
3000-4500 and having mini-
mum qualification prescribed
under column 8.
2. In the event of Sekction of an
Officer of CAT- 13:)ard,
his appointment to the post shall
be treated as promotion.
IF. No. 6(2)/90-Coi
S.B. MOHAPATRA. ft. Secy.

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054, 1990

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