7 Chakras For Beginners The Complete Guide

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7 Chakras 
for Beginners – 
The Complete Guide


Energy surrounds us everywhere. Even the first civilizations of 

mankind knew this. 

It haunts us in all epochs of our lives. In our everyday life, in our free 
time, when we feel good when we feel bad. Energy is the trigger for 
everything. Besides the environmental influence, there is also the 
energy within us. 

These energy centers in the body are called chakras. There are 114 
chakras, all with different points all over the body. They are mainly 
responsible for our internal exchange of energy. Yet, the following 7 
main chakras are particularly important: Root chakra, sacral chakra, 
solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, 3rd eye chakra 
and the crown chakra. 

The word chakra itself comes from the philosophical language of 
Hinduism, Sanskrit, and means wheel or discus. A chakra thus 
represents the inner driving force in our body. Each of these 7 
chakras is in motion and drives us. 

If you learn how to balance and align your 7 chakras, you will 
experience a positive effect on your body. In addition to emotional 
and spiritual balance, you will quickly notice the effect of energetic 
cleansing on your physical health. 

With this guide, you will learn more about the 7 chakras, especially 
what they are and how to use and activate them to make the most 
of the energy they contain. 

What Are Chakras? A Brief Overview 

Now that we have given you a basic understanding of the 7 major 

chakras, let us talk about their meaning and impact on your life in 

detail. In the following sections of the guide, we will discuss the 

purpose and influence of the following chakras: 

● 1. Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara) 

● 2. Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) 
● 3. Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) 
● 4. Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata) 
● 5. Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) 
● 6. Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra (Ajna) 
● 7. Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 


Chakras and Meanings: Symbols and Colors 

Chakras symbolize an intense connection between your body and 

your mind. It has been proven that people who cultivate their 
chakras and live their lives in a spiritual way are happier and more 

Imagine an unencumbered and pure heart of a child, with the 

experiences of an adult. 

Each chakra has its own symbol and color. The c

​ hakra colors​ are of 
special importance. 

How to Open Your Chakras 

It may sometimes happen that some blockages of your inner energy 

prevent a free energy flow through your body. In such cases, you 
should open your chakras. However, there is no universal way to 
perform such a chakra opening. Each chakra must be activated in a 
different way. More on this in the following chapters and in our 
article ​“Tips And Tricks To Heal Your Chakra”​. 

The 1st Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara) 

The root chakra, also called Muladhara, connects the body with its 
actual roots of this world, the earth. In a figurative sense, it stands 
for the primal drive of survival that is deeply rooted in everyone of 


What Color Is the Root Chakra? 


What Does the Root Chakra Symbol Look Like? 

What Is the Location of My Root Chakra? 

The root chakra is located directly at the core of the spine. 


How Does a Balanced Root Chakra Feel Like? 

You feel a sense of success and satisfaction for things like money 
and physical security. This is due to the fact that the urge to survive 
is nowadays mostly reflected in financial matters. 

When Is My Root Chakra Overactive? 

If your root chakra is overactive, you will generally appear more 

anxious. Even if there is no acute danger. You will feel fear and 
excitement on a daily basis. This feeling is expressed in different 
ways: financial fear for your existence, fear for your psychological 
well-being or even for your physical safety. 

Fear has always been closely linked to the struggle for survival and 
can also have negative effects on physical health. If your root 

chakra is overactive, digestive problems or lower back pain may 


How to Balance the Root Chakra? 

The easiest way to balance your root chakra is to take care of your 
financial and safety needs. As long as you take care of these things, 
your chakra will help you as an energy source to pursue your goals. 
The root chakra also becomes active when you reach your goal. It 
boosts the feeling of success afterward. 

Through meditation and prayers you should maintain the natural 

connection with your soul and bring it into harmony with your body. 
Other options are voluntary work and all actions that divert the 
energy into the other chakras. Especially when your root chakra is 

When Is My Root Chakra Inactive? 

If you have covered your primary needs sufficiently, your root 

chakra may become inactive. You can sense this if you’ve been 
daydreaming a lot lately or if you’ve been going through the day 
without any real goals in general. You often have the feeling that 
you are head over heels. 

How to Open My Root Chakra? 

Besides meditation and prayers, we recommend you to spend a 

little more time in the fresh air to open your Muladhara. As you have 
learned already, the root chakra symbolizes the connection 
between your body and the earth. Therefore it makes sense to 

refresh it a little. Why don’t you just stay out in nature? It will 
strengthen and stabilize your root chakra.  

The 2nd Chakra: Sacral Chakra 


The sacral chakra, also called Svadhisthana, is the key to your 

creativity, which is deep within every one of us. Besides creativity, it 
also stands for the pleasure of life. This chakra expresses itself after 
the work is done in taking the credit and enjoying your personal 

What Color Is the Sacral Chakra? 


What Does the Sacral Chakra Symbol Look Like? 


What Is the Location of My Sacral Chakra? 

The sacral chakra is slightly below the belly button. 

How Does a Balanced Sacral Chakra Feel Like? 

You can enjoy all the great and pleasant things life has to offer 
without exaggerating them. Most of these desires include the 
appetite for sex, good food or other activities that are fun and 
maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

When Is My Sacral Chakra Overactive? 

The essential message of the sacral chakra is divided into two 

parts: E
​ njoy your life​ and honors for your work. But always keep in 

mind: ​Don’t overdo it though!​ As with any other chakra keeping the 
balance is crucial. 

If you do not balance the sacral chakra it is often expressed in 

addiction or dependence. You can be sure that your sacral chakra is 
overactive when you no longer enjoy things you like to do. 

How to Balance the Sacral Chakra? 

Control your desire and your craving for pleasure. Ask yourself a 
few questions before you do anything. With these questions, you 
can control yourself better. One of these questions could be: ​“How 
will the following action affect me and my health? Is it really good 
for me to do the following?”   

When Is My Sacral Chakra Inactive? 

The sacral chakra becomes inactive if you live life emotionless. If 
you work without enjoying the good things in life. The other 
extreme, so to speak. An inactive Svadhisthana manifests itself 
physically in depression, impotence and other health problems. 

How to Open My Sacral Chakra? 

The connection to your sacral chakra is rarely disturbed. However, if 

it is blocked, it is usually particularly intense. We recommend a 
special meditation with which you can purify your sacral chakra. 

Actually, maintaining your sacral chakra is relatively easy – enjoy 

your life! But always keep the balance between work and pleasure. 

The 3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra 


Manipura, or ​solar plexus chakra​, figuratively stands for 

self-confidence, your personal self-consciousness and all the power 
and energy that lies deep inside of you. The solar plexus chakra 
strengthens our intuition. When we listen to our gut feeling, we 
actually trust our Manipura. 

What Color Is the Solar Plexus Chakra? 


What Does the Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol Look 



What Is the Location of My Solar Plexus Chakra? 

It starts at the belly button and extends high up to the sternum. 

How Does a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra Feel 


By acting self-confident you will feel wise and capable of making 

decisions. Furthermore, this chakra mainly supports you in forming 
personal opinions and values on certain topics. When your solar 
plexus chakra is balanced, you will feel the control you have over 
your life. 


When Is My Solar Plexus Chakra Overactive? 

As mentioned above: When your Manipura chakra is balanced, you 

feel, among other things, the control you have over your own life. 
However, if it takes possession of other people, your solar plexus 
chakra is way too active. 

People with an overactive solar plexus chakra are more likely to 
experience an unhealthy level of ambition and control. From a 
health perspective, this imbalance manifests itself in problems and 
complaints in the appendix, liver or pancreas. 

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra? 

Do not compare yourself with others. Avoid interfering too actively 

in the lives of other people and see yourself as an emotional and 
good-hearted person. Aligning your solar plexus chakra may also 
be seen as a balancing act between a healthy social life and your 
own self-confidence. 

When Is My Solar Plexus Chakra Inactive? 

If your solar plexus chakra is overactive it will spread to your 

environment. If it is inactive however, you will feel anxiety, 
insecurity, and indecisiveness. You feel weak and vulnerable, like a 
victim of external circumstances. 

You feel a certain negative energy surrounding you because you 

think you don’t have your life under control. You just don’t feel like 
you’re the one who makes the decisions in your life. This can 
happen when a third person takes control of your life. Even if it’s not 
real, you will start imagining it. 

How to Open My Solar Plexus Chakra? 

Breakthrough the mental structures to your subconscious mind. 

Remember the things you’re good at. But don’t place yourself above 
or below other people. Avoid comparison at all. Focus on your own 
talents and abilities. 

This strengthens your self-confidence and your Manipura in one. 

Also, consciously observe things that have previously been routine. 
Be more aware of your surroundings, because this way you will 
start recognizing the power and control you actually have. 

The 4th Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata) 

The heart chakra is the “healer” for our remaining chakras. It 
connects the 7 chakras and ensures a fluent exchange of chakra 
energy. The Anahata chakra can be seen as a connector or bridge 
between our spiritual, psychic and physical self. 

Anahata means unharmed and stands for all the good qualities 
that make us human: ​Love, compassion, ​and​ kindness.​ The heart 
chakra is also the reason why we associate the heart with love. 

What Color Is the Heart Chakra? 



What Does the Heart Chakra Symbol Look Like? 

What Is the Location of My Heart Chakra? 

Slightly above the heart. 


How Does a Balanced Heart Chakra Feel Like? 

You feel pure and balanced love for yourself and for your family and 
friends. Even after negative events. The balance is intact and you 
have a strong empathy for your environment. 

When Is My Heart Chakra Overactive? 

When your heart chakra is overactive, you act self-sacrificing in 

many ways. You’d do anything in the name of love and compassion. 
No matter how positive or negative this may be for yourself. 

This lapse in boundaries can go all the way to absolute 

self-exploitation or even self-destruction. In terms of health, this 

hyperfunction manifests itself above all in problems in the heart, 

blood circulation, and respiration. 

How to Balance the Heart Chakra? 

Always treat yourself and your fellow people in a balanced 

momentum of love. Balance the needs of others with your own. 

Self-love can also express itself in things you like to do. Just prepare 
your favorite food or treat yourself with a relaxing meditation. Show 
yourself, even if only unconsciously, that you love yourself and that 
you care about your own interests. 

When Is My Heart Chakra Inactive? 

You realize that your heart chakra is blocked when you find yourself 
in a state of emotional coldness. Apart from a lack of love, this 
blockage can go to such a degree that you can completely isolate 
yourself from your environment on an emotional level and no longer 
develop any feelings or ties to your fellow people. 

How to Open My Heart Chakra? 

Open to your feelings. Connect your mind to your soul. Don’t make 
the mistake of building a wall around your feelings. This protects 
you from further pain, but in the long run, it endangers the 
connection between your mind and soul. 

You can find more tips and tricks on how to open your heart chakra 

The 5th Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) 

The throat chakra represents the way we communicate with the 

world around us. It connects and unites all areas of our 
communication. This includes ​self-expression​, i.e. how we appear 
to people from the outside, our ​speech-brain​ and the p​ hysical way 
of expression​. 

As the source of communication, the throat chakra stands above all 

for the uniqueness of each person. How we speak, what words we 
use and our posture as we speak. All these things are influenced by 
the throat chakra. 

Vishuddha is not limited to speaking itself, but also includes singing, 

dancing and any other kind of individuality, expression, and art. 

What Color Is the Throat Chakra? 



What Does the Throat Chakra Symbol Look Like? 

What Is the Location of My Throat Chakra? 

In the neck area, on the larynx. 


How Does a Balanced Throat Chakra Feel Like? 

A balanced throat chakra fills your words with love, compassion, 

and wisdom. You will not only be truthful at all times but also feel 
more creative and generally more free in your way of expressing 
yourself. More extroverted, so to speak. 

Once your throat chakra is balanced, it is easier for you to engage in 
certain conversations and find appropriate words for each situation. 

When Is My Throat Chakra Overactive? 

The communication with your outside world is disturbed. For 

example, you won’t notice that you always want to dominate the 
conversations, or that you’re the only person who speaks. It also 

happens more often that you try to overtone other people in 

These characteristics are considered negative by your fellow people 

and quickly bring you the status of a “plonker”. The main health 
problems are a sore throat and shoulder pain. 

How to Balance the Throat Chakra? 

Stand back in the conversations and let other people speak. Don’t 
push yourself into conversations. Be aware that the things you 
want to say are appropriate in the situation. Also, think of the way 
you want to say it and whether it corresponds to a good and polite 

In addition, be careful not to disappear completely from the 

conversations. This may be understood by other people as 
disinterested or even introverted. Try to keep your balance. 

When Is My Throat Chakra Inactive? 

Your Vishuddha will be blocked if you have been ignored or not 

taken seriously in the past. These mental barriers occur mainly 
between the ages of 16 and 21. The blockade itself causes total 
insecurity and fear of rejection, which is why you will be very careful 
to engage in conversations. 

How to Open My Throat Chakra? 

You can open your throat chakra in different ways. If you want to 
heal your throat chakra deeply, you have to look back into your 
past. What could be the reason for the blockade? Are you 

dissatisfied with something? Are you denying or hiding a negative 

event from the past? 

Work in daily routines. Ask yourself things like: ​“Why am I hiding 

from the truth? Does that change anything?” ​Another way to open 
the throat chakra can be rhetorical training. By strengthening your 
natural self-expression, you will stabilize your throat chakra at the 
same time. 

The 6th Chakra: 3rd Eye Chakra (Ajna) 

The 3rd eye chakra, or just ​“the third eye“​ shows you the world 
outside of the five senses. The 3rd eye chakra is the purest 
connection between your soul and body that you can reach. 

The 3rd eye provides a clear inner view and is the source of our 
intuition and psyche. If you manage to open and balance all the 
lower chakras, the 3rd eye chakra is the gateway to a higher 

What Color Is the 3rd Eye Chakra? 



What Does the 3rd Eye Chakra Symbol Look Like? 

What Is the Location of My 3rd Eye Chakra? 

Slightly below the forehead – Between the eyebrows. 


How Does a Balanced 3rd Eye Chakra Feel Like? 

One of the final stages of your spiritual journey. It is the most 

beautiful state a person can reach. You feel in harmony with the 
physical and spiritual world. When the third eye is activated, you 
will perceive supernatural things. 

A divine consciousness and an expanded psychic ability such as 

clairvoyance, telepathy and access to higher intuitions are some of 
the indicators of an open 3rd eye. 


When Is My 3rd Eye Chakra Overactive? 

It is very unlikely that your Ajna will be overactive. If this is the case, 
the additional information you receive through the third eye will be 
perceived as too much or overwhelming. 

This flood of information cannot be processed sufficiently by our 

mind and has a negative effect on your health. 

How to Balance the 3rd Eye Chakra? 

Obviously, you can also meditate on this chakra, and use certain 
oils or stones as support. 

However, it is most important to be aware of your spiritual power, 

to reveal the true potential of an opened 3rd eye. 

Important: Never let it go to your head. You are still a human being 
and not a god. Regardless of whether you have an active 3rd eye 
chakra or not. 

When Is My 3rd Eye Chakra Inactive? 

In most cases, it is due to our society that people close themselves 

to their spiritual destiny. You realize that your Ajna chakra is 
inactive when you can’t feel your spiritual connection at all or only 
very weakly. 

However, this is very rare as the underlying 5 chakras must be 

activated and in balance for this stage of spirituality to be reached 
in the first place. 

How to Open My 3rd Eye Chakra? 

The 3rd eye chakra can only be opened with a lot of practice. It is 
the most difficult to open compared to the 5 underlying chakras. 
You must concentrate completely on your surroundings and set 
your perception of meditation to an absolute maximum. A 
visualization of a dream trip can also be helpful here. 

The 7th Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is the divine light of all chakras 

and stands for an ultimate final state. It connects our body to the 
universe through a widespread energy field. This final state stands 
for maximum wisdom and knowledge. 

The crown chakra reaches further than the third eye chakra and 
can be seen as a transcendent identity of spiritual enlightenment. It 
is by far the most complex to explain and requires a certain basic 
attitude to the mystical and inexplicable to understand it. 

What Color Is the Crown Chakra? 

White and purple. 


What Does the Crown Chakra Symbol Look Like? 

What Is the Location of My Crown Chakra? 

The crown chakra is slightly above your head. 


How Does a Balanced Crown Chakra Feel Like? 

The crown chakra provides a profound and mystical connection of 

the human with the godlike state. It also stands for enlightenment 
and divine love. 

Balancing the crown chakra is not an easy task and only a few 
manage to achieve this state. 

When Is My Crown Chakra Overactive? 

This is not possible because the universe has an infinite amount of 

How to Balance the Crown Chakra? 

Since overreaction is not possible, there are no ways to balance the 

excess energy. 

When Is My Crown Chakra Inactive? 

Your Sahasrara is inactive as long as your other 6 chakras are 

inactive or overactive. If your crown chakra is inactive, it means that 
you are a human being and not a godlike creature. 

How to Open My Crown Chakra? 

The crown chakra can be achieved by opening and balancing the 

other 6 chakras. So you should concentrate on them first. 

The crown chakra is the last step towards absolute spirituality. To 
achieve this, it takes a personal attitude to devote one’s life to 
spirituality and wisdom and to prepare the body and mind for entry 
into the cosmos. 


We hope you were able to get a little enthusiastic about spirituality 

and the 7 chakras. However, it is important to mention that the 
respective chakras can’t be opened that easily. There are no 
mechanical openings in our body. Instead, you have to open this 
chakra in your conscious mind. 

The perception and a pronounced attention for the unconscious are 

the right way towards balance. Note, however, that the chakras 

have a deep bond with each other, which is most intense with the 
adjacent chakras. 

Due to the rotation of the chakras as they are activated, they 

interlock in their radius. So to be in harmony with yourself, you have 
to take care of all 7 chakras. 


Since this is a very complicated subject, we have put together the 

most common questions about chakras for you. If your question is 
not covered, feel free to post it in the comments at any time. We will 
take care of it as soon as possible. 

What Is Kundalini? 

Kundalini​ is also called snake power and is an important part of the 

energy system in our body. The Kundalini energy starts at the root 
chakra and ends at the crown chakra. 

You can imagine the Kundalini force as a kind of energy rod that 
coordinates and holds together the 7 chakras along your spine. 
However, it is unclear which things promote an activation of the 
Kundalini power. 

What Effect Does a Chakra Bracelet Have? 

That depends on many things. As a beginner we would not 

necessarily recommend you to buy such equipment. More important 
is the mental attitude to spirituality and whether you are ready to 
embark on this journey. 

Basically, chakra bracelets can have different effects, since each 

chakra stone has individual modes of action and healing powers. It 
is therefore not possible to make a general statement about chakra 

How Many Chakras Are There? 

It’s hard to say. Some say seven, some several hundred thousand. 
114 chakras​ is a number that one hears more often than others. 
But as a beginner, you should concentrate on the 7 major chakras 


To finish off, we have created an infographic chart to show you the 

7 chakras at a glance: 

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