ICCFA Magazine May 2019

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May 2019



KIP 2018
Awards for
services and
Cedar Memorial
funeral director
memorialized her
lost baby by helping
other families
Before I Die Festival
brings community
together to discuss
life and death issues
Loyless plans a fitting
sendoff at golf club
Lytle & Lewis’
field of flags
Aftercare via texting
A walking stick + urn
Also in this issue:
• How to put your
operation on the map
• Due diligence when
buying a cemetery
• Being a great listener

Inside: Check out the college programs for ICCFA University, July 19-24, 2019
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International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association®

Promoting consumer choices, prearrangement and open competition

Providing exceptional education, networking and legislative guidance and support

to progressive cemetery, funeral and cremation professionals worldwide
Offering DNA services? Put the paperwork in place first What
could be more personal than a person’s DNA? If you’re going to offer
DNA collection, make sure your legal bases are covered.
by Poul Lemasters, Esq.


Above left, participant in the Dia de Cedar Memorial director memorializes lost child by helping other
Los Muertos parade that was part of
the Before I Die Festival in New Mexico
families A funeral director who suffered a miscarriage channeled her
spearheaded by Gail Rubin of A Good grief and memorialized her lost child by creating a way to bring com-
Goodbye. Story, page 22. Above right, fort to other families who have experienced a similar loss.
the support pack that Cedar Memorial Cedar Memorial Park Funeral Home and Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
associates provide for families who have
lost a child through miscarriage. Cedar 14 Loyless gave golf official and veteran fitting tribute at golf
Memorial is the 2018 Grand Prize winner
course clubhouse
in the KIP (Keeping it Personal) Awards.
Story, page 12. Loyless Funeral Home, Tampa, Florida


8 Washington Report Domanicare takes aftercare into the modern era through text mes-
Body broker bill introduced; saging Domanicare is designed to make aftercare both personalized
New OT rules, threshold proposed;
FTC: Funeral complaints down and easy to accomplish.
again The Domani Group, Orem, Utah
by Robert M. Fells, Esq.
20 Walking stick + urn = the TOLAD
40 Supply Line
UPD Urns, Manassas, Virginia
44 Update
47 New Members
Before I Die Festival gets people talking about death and how it
54 Calendar
affects life A community festival dedicated to talking about death? The
54 Classifieds Before I Die Festival, spearheaded by Doyenne of Death Gail Rubin
54 Ad Index

ICCFA officers  Cremation and Funeral Association. Subscription

May 2019 rates: In the United States, $39.95; in Canada,
Jay D. Dodds, CFSP, president
VOLUME 79/NUMBER 4 $45.95; overseas: $75.95. One subscription is
Gary M. Freytag, CCFE, president-elect
Andrés Aguilar, vice president included in annual membership dues. POST-
Shawna de la Cruz, vice president MASTER: Send address changes to ICCFA
Lee Longino, vice president Magazine, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100,
Katherine Devins, communications manager; Daniel Osorio, subscription coordinator
Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE, vice president Sterling, VA 20164-4468. Individual written
[email protected]; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1224 (habla español)
Chris Keller, treasurer contributions, commentary and advertisements
Jason Brown, communications assistant [email protected]; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1215
Robbie L. Pape, secretary appearing in ICCFA Magazine do not necessarily
[email protected]; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1218 reflect either the opinion or the endorsement
Nadira Baddeliyanage, executive director ICCFA Magazine (ISSN 1936-2099) is published
Robert M. Fells, Esq., general counsel Nadira Baddeliyanage, executive director of the International Cemetery, Cremation and
by the International Cemetery, Cremation and
& publisher Funeral Association®.
Magazine staff Funeral Association®, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite
[email protected] ; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1225
Susan Loving, managing editor 100, Sterling, VA 20164-4468; 703.391.8400;
[email protected] Robert M. Fells, Esq., general counsel FAX 703.391.8416; www.iccfa.com. Published
[email protected] 10 times per year, with combined issues in
Rick Platter, supplier relations manager March-April and August-September. Periodicals
Brenda Clough, office administrator
[email protected]; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1213 postage paid at Sterling, VA, and other offices.
& association liaison; [email protected];
1.800.645.7700, ext. 1214 Copyright 2018 by the International Cemetery,

4 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Let families know you are thinking about

them after the service is over.


Today, 3:40 PM

Hi Pam, we wanted to let you Personalized, caring text

know that all of us at Jones
Funeral Home are thinking messages sent automatically
about you on this special
day. If there is anything you Thank you message, birthday of loved one,
need, please let us know.
holidays + first anniversary

Thank you so much for

All messages come from a local 10-digit
remembering me, that is so number in your area code
kind. Your staff has treated
me like family and I am Get feedback from families and increase
grateful for that.
online reviews



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ICCFA news
48 Are ‘U’ ready for the 2019 session
of ICCFA University? and supported by death care organizations, is a winner.
July 19-24, Fogelman Executive Center, A Good Goodbye, Albuquerque, New Mexico
University of Memphis, Tennessee
Welcome 26 Field of flags covering funeral home’s front lawn honors mili-
Chancellor Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE tary veterans
College of Hospitality & Event Planning Jackson Lytle & Lewis Celebration of Life Center, Springfield, Ohio
49 College of 21st Century Services How to put your operation on the map—literally You don’t see
Dean Glenda Stansbury, CC people using phone books and fold-out maps to find places anymore.
College of Cremation Services Addresses, maps and directions are easily available on a smartphone,
Dean Jim Starks, CFuE, CCrE which is why you need to make sure your location as well as your
50 College of Funeral Home organization’s name and phone number are easy to find that way.
Management by Welton Hong
College of International Studies Cemetery Impossible: How to evaluate price & do due diligence on
Dean Jim Hammond a cemetery for sale by Dan Isard, MSFS
College of Land Management &
Grounds Operations
The 2 1/2 minute manager: ‘I’m a great listener—just listen to
Dean Gino Merendino
how great a listener I am!’ by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE
51 College of Leadership,
Administration & Management
Dean Gary Freytag, CCFE ICCFA calendar
go to www.iccfa.com for program, registration & scholarship info
J. Asher Neel College of Sales &
2019 Crematory Operator Training
Dean Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE
May 28, Mid-America College of Funeral Service,
52 Educational Foundation awards Jeffersonville, Indiana
85 scholarships to attend July 16, Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, Dallas Texas
the 2019 session of ICCFA University
ICCFA Cremation Program Coordinator Poul Lemasters, Esq.
2019 PLPA College
July 17-19, Holiday Inn, University of Memphis, Memphis,
Tennessee, PLPA Chair Roberta Knauf, CPLP;
Education Chair Leslie Reid, CPLP
Catch the WIRELESS news­letter in your
inbox for industry news, stories about colleagues 2019 ICCFA University
making headlines and updates on ICCFA July 19-24, Fogelman Conference Center,
educational events & conferences
University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee,
Chancellor Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE
Follow the ICCFA’s LinkedIn
page to read breaking news about
colleagues, the profession and the 2019 Fall Management Conference
association September 25-27, Hyatt Regency Tamaya,
Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
Co-chairs Stacy Adams and Steve Feliciano
Follow the ICCFA on Twitter
to receive instant updates on the 2020 Wide World of Sales Conference
association’s educational events January 15-17, Luxor Las Vegas, Nevada
& conferences Co-chairs Yvonne Slonaker, CCrE, and Don Winsett

Like and follow the ICCFA 2020 ICCFA Convention & Expo
to read up-to-date news on the March 30-April 2, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
industry, ICCFA members making & Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, Texas
headlines and ICCFA events &
Co-chairs Gino Merendino and Robbie Pape

6 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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& You
Washington Report
by ICCFA General Counsel
Body broker bill introduced
Robert M. Fells, Esq.
[email protected] ongressmen Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) industry has been largely unregulated and
1.800.645.7700, and Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) sadly many families have been exploited
ext. 1212 have introduced H.R. 1835, the for profit. Our bill gives family members
direct line: 703.391.8401 Consensual Donation and Research the peace of mind of knowing that their
➤Fells is ICCFA general Integrity Act of 2019. This legislation will wishes are being honored.”
counsel, responsible for create a registration and tracking system “Body brokers have made an untold
maintaining and improv­ for bodies and body parts donated for amount of money at the expense of grief-
ing relationships with research and guarantees their respectful stricken loved ones. By introducing this
federal and state govern­ disposition.  legislation, we are sending a clear message
ment agencies, the news H.R. 1835 amends the Public Health that this practice is unacceptable. I am
media and consumer organizations. Service Act to ensure the consensual grateful to Rep. Bilirakis for joining me in
➤ Fells has worked on behalf of the ceme­ donation and respectful disposition of this important effort and I know we both
tery and funeral service profession on legal human bodies and human body parts look forward to its passage,” said Rep.
and legislative issues since 1975 and joined donated or transferred for education, Rush.
the ICCFA staff in 1983. He is retired from research, or the advancement of medical, At the writing, the text of H.R. 1835 has
his position as the association’s executive dental or mortuary science. not been published. The ICCFA supports
director, which he held for six years.
Rep. Bilirakis stated, “This important the concept of federally regulating the
➤ He has published legislation provides safeguards to ensure body broker industry but awaits the
a number of books. that human remains are disposed of in availability of the bill’s text prior to
His latest, “The Curse a manner that preserves the dignity and commenting on it. r
of the Tomb,” brings
choices of the patient or next of kin. The
back Maj. Alexander
Armstrong, who featured
in two previous books.
The discoveries of New OT rules, threshold proposed
the royal tomb of King
Tutankhamen creates a n March, the U.S. Department of Labor went into effect due to court decisions
huge black market in forgeries of antiquities (DOL) announced its new proposed blocking it in 2016 and 2017.
where the stakes include murder, and the rules for increasing the salary threshold The DOL estimates that under the new
British government seeks assistance from for exemptions to mandatory overtime rule, over 1 million employees will be
the Americans. under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The eligible for overtime for the first time. This
new proposal would increase the salary is more modest than the Obama-era rule
threshold, under which all workers must be referenced above, which was expected to
paid overtime for working over 40 hours impact more than 4 million employees.
per week, to over $35,000 per year. Public comments will be requested by
The current salary threshold—which DOL when the rulemaking proceedings
was last updated in 2004—is $455 per formally begin. To read more information
week ($23,660 per year). That number was on the DOL proposal, go to www.hrlegalist.
set to double, to almost $47,500 per year, com/2019/03/ew-salary-thresnew-overtime-
in December 2016, but it never actually rule-unveiled-nhold/?lang=en. r

FTC: Funeral complaints down again

T he Federal Trade Commission recent­
ly published its annual Consu­mer
Sentinel Data Book. This report totals all
overall number of complaints had increased.
For 2018, there were 964 funeral-
related complaints. This number represents
the consumer complaints received during three-tenths of one percent (0.03 percent)
2018 by the FTC, other federal agencies, of the total complaints reported. By
state and county consumer protection comparison, there were 1,302 complaints
agencies and, most importantly, all of the in 2016 and 1,144 in 2017. Those made
Better Business Bureaus. up 0.04 percent of the total complaints for
The total for 2018 was 2.9 million those years. The full report can be accessed
com­plaints, an increase from 2.8 million at www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/
in 2017. However, the number of funeral- reports/consumer-sentinel-network-data-
related complaints continued to decline book-2018/consumer_sentinel_network_
from previous years, even though the data_book_2018_0.pdf. r

8 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
by Poul Lemasters, Esq.


What could be more personal than a person’s DNA? If you’re going

to offer DNA collection, make sure your legal bases are covered.

Offering DNA services? Put

the paperwork in place first
ith DNA companies such as following as a framework for your business:
513.407.8114 Ancestry.com flooding the
[email protected] Our Funeral Home (insert the name of
market, DNA is becoming a
your crematory or cemetery, if that’s what
ICCFA Magazine spotlight big dollar arena. And how does this affect
you are) offers DNA collection to families.
➤Lemasters is principal of Lemasters death care? In the case of DNA, the funeral
The DNA program that we participate is
Consulting, Cincinnati, Ohio. provider provides the final time where DNA
done through DNA Co. (insert the name of
www.lemastersconsulting.com can be taken from the deceased and saved
the company you use). The DNA process
for the family. Overall, it’s a great offering,
➤He is the ICCFA’s cremation program requires us to obtain several small samples
but the process must be documented.
coordinator and special cremation counsel, from the deceased that contain DNA. We
and co-chairs the Government and Legal The question becomes how and when to
typically obtain samples by collecting a
Affairs Committee. document.
cheek swab using a sterile buccal swab
The how is probably the easier of
➤He is an attorney and funeral director, from the inside of the deceased’s cheek.
graduated from the Cincinnati College of the issues. The request can easily be
These samples are then provided to DNA
Mortuary Science in 1996 and from North­ incorporated into current documents or even
Co. who provides DNA analysis as well as
ern Kentucky University, Chase College of a stand-alone request. Many providers are
storage. We will provide you details of all
Law, in 2003. He is licensed as a funeral now incorporating a DNA request into their
available DNA options from DNA Co. By
director and embalmer in Ohio and West cremation authorization forms, but consider
initialing below, you either allow us or do
Virginia and admitted to practice law in incorporating it into a separate document or
Ohio and Kentucky. not allow us to obtain the samples for DNA
additional document as well.
Co. Please know, that if we do not collect
Why? After cremation, DNA can no
ICCFA membership benefit DNA samples, it may be impossible (due to
longer be obtained. It is also very difficult to
➤Lemasters is the ICCFA’s cremation cremation or other forms of disposition) to
obtain DNA after a burial. There is a push
program coordinator and special collect DNA at a later time.
to include DNA disclaimers into cremation
cremation legal counsel. ICCFA mem­ ___ YES. We hereby acknowledge
authorization forms, and I agree, but I also
bers in good standing may call him to and authorize you to obtain samples from
discuss cremation-related legal issues think providers should think broader.
the Deceased for DNA analysis and/ or
for up to 20 minutes at no charge to the If you are going to start offering DNA
storage. (Full products and services will be
member. The association pays for this services, there are two main items to include
identified in the contract.)
service via an exclusive retainer. in your disclosure/authorization. The first
___ NO. We hereby do not authorize
➤Lemasters also provides, to ICCFA mem­ item to include is a brief description of
you to obtain any samples from the
bers in good standing, free GPL reviews to your process. This should include how the
Deceased for DNA analysis and/or storage
check for Funeral Rule compliance. DNA is acquired as well as with whom your
and we understand that due to the type of
business works. The second item to include
disposition we may not be able to obtain
is the authorization OR declination of the
DNA at a later time if we change our mind.
DNA service.
It makes sense that we get permission to The other issue here is when you ask
obtain DNA, but what is equally important for permission. This is a tougher question,
is to get acknowledgment that a family and there is debate on when you must ask.
was offered and declined the service. The easiest answer is this: The earlier you
Unfortunately, there are families who have ask the better. The reason for “earlier is
come back and said they wanted DNA, but better” is that before you do anything to the
no one gave them the option. However, the deceased, you should get consent.
funeral provider states that they offered it, However, DNA collection is not a
but no one wanted it. common request yet, and it can be tough to
Instead of a he-said/she-said situation, talk about when we first contact the family.
document the exchange to protect your The end result is that we have a gap in
business. While there is no standard DNA communication with the family, potentially
sisclosure/authorization form, consider the creating an issue. r

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K I P 2 0 1 8 A WA R D S :

A funeral director who suffered a miscarriage channeled her grief

and memorialized her lost child by creating a way to bring comfort
➤2018 First Place to other families who have experienced a similar loss.
& Grand Prize Winner:
Cedar Memorial Park
Funeral Home and
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

What the judges said

n Speaking as someone who
experienced this on more than
one occasion and never felt
more helpless at the feeling
of loss after that, this would
have brought peace to me if
this would have been offered
as a way to cope. It’s a feeling
that never goes away. This,
for so many women and men
that lose a pregnancy and a
chance at meeting that beauti­
ful face, a place, a way, to
n Such a beautiful program to
help bring some healing and
offer a place for parents who
are mourning a miscarriage to
permanently memorialize their
n A well-thought-out tribute
borne from personal tragedy.
It’s is an amazing gift.
The contents of the support pack that Cedar Memorial associates
provide for families who have lost a child through miscarriage.

Cedar Memorial director memorializes

C. John
lost child by helping other families
Cedar ne in four women will experience a caused this.” That was it. The appointment felt
Memorial miscarriage. Annie Harrison, a funeral clinical and sterile; Annie and her husband, Dan,
chairman director for Cedar Memorial Funeral left the office feeling isolated and heartbroken.
of the Homes, is a face for this statistic. There were no support groups and few
board. On October 27, 2014, Annie prepared to leave resources to address the grief of miscarriage.
work to attend a 9 a.m. appointment for a routine Everyone seemed to act as if this was just a
blood draw. By the time she reached her home at medical event rather than a profound loss for
Anne Harri- 9:30, she had already suffered a miscarriage. their family. No one spoke about it, as if it were
son, Cedar A nurse from her doctor’s office confirmed that a taboo subject, or Annie and Dan should be
Memorial there was nothing that could be done to stop the loss ashamed of the pregnancy failure.
funeral of this joyfully anticipated baby. The feeling of loss Annie knew they weren’t the only couple to
director was only compounded by her overwhelming feeling experience this type of loss and became determined
of helplessness and isolation. to break this cycle of embarrassment and instead
makes the
butterfly The follow-up appointment with her doctor find ways to offer support. She worked with
blankets. consisted of him saying, “Nothing you did fellow associates at Cedar Memorial to develop

12 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Below left, a butterfly

for Annie and Dan Har-
rison’s child in Cedar
Memorial’s new Butter-
fly Garden, left, where
people can memorialize
children lost to miscar-

The garden features

flowering bushes and
blooms specifically
planted to attract butter­
flies. Families have the
option of purchasing a
beautiful personalized
bronze butterfly which
may be attached to one
of the granite boul­
ders in the garden to
permanently memorialize
their little one.
Since Cedar Memor­ial
the “Butterfly Blankets Pro­gram.” Annie is a perpetual care cemetery, it made sense
handmade tiny blankets the size of a handker­ to provide parents with a place that would
chief—small enough to fold and place in your forever honor the memory of the child that
pocket or purse—as a daily reminder that the they never got to meet but was nonetheless
little one will be a part of you forever, and as deeply loved. The baby may never have had a
something to hold onto whenever the grief name, but will never be forgotten.
becomes too much to bear. Annie and Jim Parton, Cedar Memorial
These beautiful blankets are featured in aftercare specialist who experienced the
a support pack that also includes the book loss of miscarriage three times, deliver
“Empty Cradle, Broken Heart,” by Deborah to certified grief counselors who answer the butterfly blankets support packs to
L. Davis, PhD; “A Guide for Fathers when calls 24 hours a day. local OB/GYN offices, hospitals and
a Baby Dies,” by Tim Nelson; a sun catcher In addition, in 2018 Annie and other bereavement groups. They also present the
crystal to remind parents that brighter days associates who had experienced an early support packs to the parents who contact
are coming; a butterfly charm to represent pregnancy loss helped develop a beautiful Cedar Memorial about their loss, offering
the loss; and a GriefCare Line brochure butterfly garden at Cedar Memorial Park them the comfort of knowing that they do
which offers a private access phone number Cemetery. not walk this path of grief alone. r

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K I P 2 0 1 8 A WA R D S :

Loyless Funeral Home matched a widow with a celebrant who could help
her plan a service that would celebrate all aspects of her late husband’s life.
➤2018 Honorable
Loyless Funeral Home,
Tampa, Florida

What the judges said

n You can tell the staff took
great care in this send-off to
n The way the fun stuff was
integrated in with the military
items is fantastic and honor­
n Very meaningful celebra­
tion that intertwined all of Les
Brown’s passions. The staging
of the celebration and the
thought that went into the ser­
vice provided the beginnings
of healing for this family.
n Terrific details.

The front and back of the funeral folder designed by Loyless Funeral Home for
Les Brown.

Loyless gave golf official and veteran
fitting tribute at golf course clubhouse
John E.
y the rules of golf for fairway fun” for the service that would set the stage for a
was just one line in the opening successful celebration of life. They first decided
poem Loyless Funerall Home used that the service would take place at his home
to set the scene of the memorial service for Les golf course’s clubhouse, overlooking the course
Brown. Brown had been a USGA rules official where he had played many times.
Certified for many years, so after meeting with his wife, Cocktails would be served as guests arrived
Celebrant Judy, and planning his service, celebrant Laura and while they took time to watch the video
and funeral Holland knew that this was going to be a special tribute the funeral home put together and t o
director one which would be able to really showcase look over important memorial items placed in
Brown’s interests and pay tribute to the amazing the lobby for guests to reminisce about.
man he was. Those items displayed included pictures of
First, after receiving the call that Les had Les being a rules official for many different
passed away, the Loyless staff secured an tournaments. One photo, his favorite, pictured
appointment time for the funeral director in him with Jack Nicholas, looking at Jack’s ball in
charge, Bud Walsh, to meet with Judy. During a hazard. Items also showcaded his love of the
their time together, Walsh decided that Holland University of Kansas, running, The Royal School
would be a great match to continue developing of Artillery and other military services.
the plan for Brown’s celebration of life. Once the service started, Les’ sister-in-
While meeting with Judy, Loyless staff law sang, his service to the country was
spoke about what special things they could do acknowledged with full military honors and

14 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

The take-aways for the service were

wristbands with #WWLBD, standing for
“What would Les Brown do?”

Above left, memorabilia from Brown’s years as a USGA official, and, above right,
as a Kansas University Jayhawks fan.

A flag and urn ready for the service.

Celebrant Laura Holland speaks during the celebration of life, which included full
military honors for the deceased.

friends shared how he impacted their talked about their travels.

lives. Throughout the service, Holland At the end of the service, Holland
interjected golfing quotes. When spoke about how Brown mentored up-
introducting a friend of Brown’s who and-coming rules officials and shared a
happens to be a priest, Holland quoted Lee story about how they would often ask
Trevino, who one said, “There are two themselves and others, “What would Les
things you can do with your head down— Brown do?” As a take-away for everyone
play golf and pray.” who attended the service, Loyless provided
Holland also included a military poem bracelets inscribed with WWLBD.
before welcoming a colleague who spent The service ended with Brown’s sister-
many years in the service with Brown, and in-law singing and playing “Danny Boy”
helped tell Les and Judy’s love story and on the piano as a final tribute to Les. r
The register book and prayer cards.

16 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”


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K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 8 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

Domanicare is designed to make aftercare

both personalized and easy to accomplish.

➤First place:
The Domani Group, Domanicare takes aftercare into the
Orem, Utah
modern era through text messaging
omanicare is a text message-based
aftercare program. Because funerals aren’t
What the judges said
a common occurrence in people’s lives
n Great use of technology
to keep in touch with people and because people don’t interface with the funeral
afterwards. home too often, funeral homes use aftercare as an
opportunity to nurture families and maintain or
n Text message-based after-
care is very progressive and a increase brand loyalty. That way, when the need
great way to interact with those arises again, they’ll turn to that funeral home again
who have suffered a lost. instead of a competitor.
n Gives the funeral home the Traditionally, most aftercare programs fall into
ability to show they care in a one of two categories: Personalized and time-
timely manner, offering comfort consuming, or efficient and impersonal. It can
in a time of grief and providing take a lot of time for a funeral director or funeral
families a way to share their home owner to write a card, or call all the families
feelings, ask for help and give they have helped. Funeral directors are usually so
feedback on the service they busy helping the families who currently need them
received. that they don’t have time to do all the follow-up
n Great way to stay in touch themselves.
with families without being Because of this lack of time, some funeral homes
intrusive. have tried to automate their aftercare programs
n An effective relationship either themselves or by outsourcing to a third party.
product that allows a funeral The most common aftercare medium is a series of
home to maintain its brand templated cards sent on significant dates throughout
awareness without becoming the year. The problem with this method, though
efficient, is that it’s impersonal and impossible to
know how well/poorly the message was received.
That’s why we developed Domanicare. Because
Domanicare is delivered through text messaging,
it is highly personal. The first text is sent any time
from one week to a month after the funeral service
with custom, personalized message from the funeral
home. This first message is very compassionate and
warm. The template that most funeral homes use is
Hi [first name], this is Elizabeth with [funeral The initial Domanicare text messages and
some of replies it has generated.
home name]. [Funeral director name] asked me
to reach out and let you know we were thinking Most of the time it’s relationship-based,
about you today and wanted to check in and see and we continue the conversation and express
how you're doing. We know how challenging these condolences and support. Occasionally, the
first weeks can be. Please let me know if there’s family will have questions or need something
The Domani anything we can do for you. from the funeral home. In those instances, it
Group founder The response to this initial text has been pheno­ is escalated right away to the funeral home,
and CEO John menal. We see an average 45 percent response rate and we’ll either pass the conversation off to
Lefrandt. to this text. All responses have been very positive the funeral home, or we’ll obtain and send the
and appreciative. When families do respond, one of requested information to the family. It depends
our highly trained, compassionate text monitors will on the type of question and preference of the
respond and continue the conversation. funeral home.

18 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Personalized texts are sent throughout

the year on important dates.
All of the conversations are compiled and
sent to the funeral home in a monthly report
so they can see what families are saying
about their services and the conversations
that are happening on their behalf. It provides
excellent feedback to the funeral home We are Proud to Introuduce
because they get a good pulse on how satis­ the Only True In-Ground Niche in the Market
fied customers are with their services and
how they can improve. 1. You are not obligated to use a certain kind and shape of urn; Double Deep
In-Ground Niche
This process of strengthening the rela­ your families have more freedom to chose the urn of their liking.

tionship is continued through a series of

2. Urns are fully accessible after being inurned.
3. Large 21” x 21” memorialization surface area.
personalized texts we send throughout the 4. Maximizes your ground space with a High Capacity - Small Footprint.
year. Most are sent on significant dates: 5. Easy and clean installation, hole is only 16” in diameter and 25” deep.

birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. 6. No special anchoring needed.

7. It can be installed anywhere as long as you can dig a hole.
Through these messages, we identify brand 8. It wont break or deform under pressure. Grass/Ground Line

ambassadors and those who are very loyal 9. No water penetration.

to the funeral home. Once we’ve identified 10.Inert to degradation and deterioration, dirt and humidity
will not rust it nor damage it. It will last forever.
those families, we send them an invitation 11.Easy to relocate.
to leave a Google review of their experience 12.No maintenance needed.
as well as a link so they can easily do it right 13.Patented design made out of thick and strong polyethylene. Top View

there on their phone.

14.Proudly Made in the USA.

Ninety seven percent of consumers today

6 424 3 7
Click or Call 877-7Niches.com - 3212 Richards Ln, Ste B Santa Fe, NM 87507
read online reviews when making a purchase
decision, and it’s no different in the funeral
industry. By improving their rating and
Building One Great Project at a Time
increasing their number of reviews, funeral
Breaking Ground on April 25th, 2019
homes can improve their SEO ranking, see
higher clickthroughs to their website and
increase at-need case volume. Businesses that
invest in review marketing see an average
increase in revenue of 5 to 9 percent annually.
Domanicare keeps funeral homes in St. Stephen’s Cemetery – Cremation Garden
front of families in a highly personalized Hamilton, OH www.columbariumbydesign.com
thoughtful way and puts them in front of new
families by improving their online reputation
and ratings. We are excited to bring this
technology and ability to funeral homes
and are working on expanding the current
offering so that Domanicare brings even
more value to our funeral home partners and Gerardo G. Garcia - Direct 505-660-7819 [email protected]
families across the country. r

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 19

K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 8 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

The TOLAD walking stick turns the idea of scattering in nature into
a processional, hands-on ritual for the deceased’s loved ones.

➤Honorable Mention:
UPD Urns,
Manassas, Virginia

What the judges said

n I can see where this would
be great for avid hikers, travel­
ers, those who wanted to travel
to see new places, how this
would come in very handy
without the family looking
awkward scattering.
n Extremely innovative. Pro­
vides friends and family a way
to share stories and memories
of their loved one while talking
part in a new parting ritual.
n A nice option for cremation
famiies who choose to scatter.
n A very special way for loved
ones to create a legacy of the
one who has passed. Above and below, people use the TOLAD walking stick to slowly disperse cremated
remains as they walk in a place with some meaning to the deceased.

Walking stick + urn = the TOLAD

PD Urns is selling the TOLAD
(Totem of Life and Death), developed
by entrepreneur Wout Brink of The
Netherlands, as a unique and meaningful way to
scatter the ashes of a loved one.
The TOLAD is a walking stick that can be
filled with the cremated remains of a deceased
person. During the walk, every time the stick
is placed on the ground and the mechanism is
UPD Urns foun­
activated, a little bit of ash comes out of the
der and CEO
Tyler Fraser. stick, scattering it step by step.
The walk with the TOLAD is a special way
of saying goodbye. The location for the walk
is a personal choice. For example, the walker
might choose an area where their loved one spent
time, or a place that has special meaning for the
family. (People should always check in advance
whether scattering ashes is legal and permitted in
the chosen location.)
The TOLAD offers a way o pay a respectful
farewell. During the walk, the TOLAD is handed With each step, the TOLAD becomes
from person to person. Thus, every survivor gets lighter—the walkers are saying goodbye to their
an opportunity to hold the TOLAD and scatter loved one step by step.
some remains at some point along the walk. Before starting the walk, there is a TOLAD

20 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 8 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

A walk with the TOLAD can be combined with some sort of ceremony to make the experience even more meaningful.

app that can be downloaded. With this this site, so it will become a wonderful other time. People might choose to hold an
app, the route of the walk is saved to a in memoriam site remembering the loved annual remembrance walk.
commemoration site. All who are invited one’s life. Relatives who couldn’t join The TOLAD contributes to a personal
can add photographs and messages to the initial walk can walk the route some and respectful farewell ritual. r


Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 21
2 0 1 8 K I P A WA R D S : E V E N T

A community festival dedicated to talking about death?

The Before I Die Festival, spearheaded by Doyenne of Death
Gail Rubin and supported by death care organizations, is a winner.
➤First Place:
A Good Goodbye,
New Mexico

What the judges said

n This workshop looks to give
the average person a leg up
on what to expect. Hospitals
should be offering this type of
n Absolutely ingenious way
to get people talking about
their death! Creative, fun and
non-threatening. Yoga, movie
viewings, cemetery tours,
Death Cafés, workshops on
decluttering—this festival has
something for everyone.
n Advertising designed to hit
target audience where they
get their news. Impressive
reach using limited funds with
a big payoff for the community
by allowing people to start the
conversation about what they
want their legacy to be, and
what they can do now to start
their end-of-life planning. Gail Rubin in makeup and with her casket float for the Dia de Los Muertos Marigold Parade, part
n A truly wonderful event that of the six-day 2018 Before I Die Festival. Planning for the 2019 festival is already under way.
finds a way to deal with death.

Before I Die Festival gets people talking

about death and how it affects life
he second annual Before I Die New Festival events included Death Cafés,
Mexico Festival fostered reflection about workshops, movies, speakers, parties, panel
how we address death and dying. By discussions and field trips to cemeteries, a
providing space and opportunities to openly crematory, the Office of the Medical Investigator
discuss end-of-life issues, we can improve the and casket manufacturers.
number of those who plan ahead and take actions Every festival participant was eligible to
to address our mortality. enter a drawing to win a pair of burial plots at
These actions can reduce stress and conflict, La Puerta Natural Burial Ground, New Mexico’s
save money and help grieving individuals better first Green Burial Council-certified cemetery.
navigate the mourning process. The event was Videos of festival panel discussions are
A Good Goodbye CEO Gail Ru- coordinated by death educator Gail Rubin, CT, avail­able on YouTube and online at www.
bin, CC, holding up her com- of A Good Goodbye, with support from multiple BeforeIDieNM.com. In addition to “Millennial
pany’s motto: “Talking about
sponsors and local partner organizations. Morticians with ABQ Brews,” panels included
sex won’t make you pregnant;
The 2018 Before I Die New Mexico Festival, “Downsizing While Keeping Your Family
talking about funerals won’t
make you dead.” with events in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Belen, Legacy” and discussions at the festival sympo­
New Mexico, was a resounding success. A total of sium. Symposium topics included “Green Burial
685 people participated in 32 free or low-cost events in New Mexico,” “Near Death Experiences and
to prompt death discussions and planning ahead. End-of-Life Visions,” “Financial, Legal and

22 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
A couple dressed for the Dia de los KOAT-TV at Sunset Memorial Park to do
Muertos Marigold Parade. a story on the Before I Die Festival.

An ad for the “MIllennial Morticians”

event, where young directors talked
about what they do.

Raymond Lucero and Rick Bernardinelli,

who hosted events at their funeral home.

An event sign marks the French

Funerals location of one of the
festival’s Death Cafés.

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 23

K I P A WA R D S : E V E N T

Digital Assets Related to Death,” “How to Based on encouraging feedback from Insurance Co. (NGL), French Funerals
Reach a Gentle Death in New Mexico” and festival attendees, a third annual Before I & Cremations, EstatePros, Morris Hall,
a panel discussion with three Albuquerque Die New Mexico Festival is being planned Legacy Concierge, Passages International
funeral directors. for the first week of November 2019. and Zia Trust.
In addition to the festival participants, A portion of sponsor fees were donated Festival partners included Osher
hundreds more learned about Before I Die to the festival’s charitable partner, Fathers Lifelong Learning Institute at the Univer­
New Mexico at the Marigold Parade in Building Futures. This nonprofit social sity of New Mexico, La Puerta Natural
Albuquerque. At this annual event, people enterprise provides jobs and skills to Burial Ground, Fathers Building Futures,
dress in costumes and wear calavera (skull) previously incarcerated parents, reducing The Guild Cinema, LifeIzShort.com,
makeup for Day of the Dead celebrations. recidivism. They build pine caskets that Berardinelli Family Funeral Service,
Rubin connected with parade attendees are kosher for Jewish burial and fine wood Daniels Family Funeral Services, Children’s
by wheeling a mini-float based on a casket cremation urns in their woodworking shop. Grief Center of New Mexico, Central New
built by Fathers Building Futures. She The Before I Die NM Festival was Mexico Community College, Compassion
distributed materials from festival sponsors made possible by sponsors Eternity­ & Choices NM Action Team, National
about planning ahead on end-of-life issues. Gardens.com, National Guardian Life Hispanic Cultural Center and others. r

New Mexico 2018 Before I Die Festival schedule of events

Tuesday, October 30 directors about today’s new approaches to
(Create a Great Funeral Day) undertaking. Plus, couples can play The
9-11 a.m.: Death Café at FRENCH. Newly-Dead Game, which tests how well
noon: Tour of the Fathers Building you know your partner’s last wishes.
Futures casket and urn workshop. Friday, November2
2-3 p.m.: Gentle yoga class accessible (All Souls Day, Plan Your Epitaph Day)
to all. 10-11 a.m.: “Who Lies Beneath”
3-4:30 p.m.: Death doula panel presentation about famous people buried in
discussion. Albuquerque cemeteries, at Daniels Family
4-6:30 p.m.: An obituary-writing and Funeral Services.
life-celebration-planning workshop led 10 a.m.: Cremated remains committal
by Aubrey Hovey with French Funerals service at Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery
and Cremations and Gail Rubin, CC. in Albuquerque and Rosario Cemetery in
Refreshments. Location: FRENCH. Santa Fe.
5-6 p.m.: “What will your loved ones do Noon-4 p.m.: “Carved in Stone,” under­
with all your stuff?” with an estate pro. standing the language of old cemetery
6:30-8:30 p.m.: “What Does After-Death Festival participants at an obituary- headstones, at Daniels Family Funeral
Communication Have to Do with Before I writing and life-celebration-planning Services. Test what you learned at Fairview
Die?” Writing letters to deceased beloveds workshop at FRENCH. Cemetery after the class.
to express love, regret, gratitude, anger or 1-2 p.m.: Crematory behind-the-scenes
anything left unsaid. noon- 2 p.m.: Death Café at FRENCH.
tour, including viewing cremated remains
1-2:30 p.m.: “End of Life Issues/Medical
Wednesday, October 31 as they emerge from the retort, Sunset
Aid in Dying: A Timely Overview.”
(Halloween/Dia de los Muertos) Memorial Park.
3-4 p.m.: “Dying: A Natural Process”
10-noon: Death Café at FRENCH. 3-5 p.m.: Death Café at FRENCH.
with a hospice nurse and life transition
1-2 p.m.: Tour at Passages International. 4:30 p.m.: Cemetery tour with headstone
4:30-5:30 p.m.: Children’s Grief Center image expert, Fairview Memorial Park.
3:30-5 p.m.: Tour the laboratories of the
memorialization activities for kids and Saturday, November 3
Office of the Medical Investigator. Limited
parents, preceded by cartoon film clips 8 a.m.-5 p.m.: Before I Die Festival
to 30 people, RSVP is a must.
about Dia de los Muertos traditions, at the Symposium with panel discussions,
4-5 p.m.: “Protect Your Digital Assets
Mausoleum Chapel at Sunset Memorial speakers, short films and vendors selling
BEFORE You Die” with the founder of
Park. urns, caskets and related products.
Legacy Concierge and an attorney.
6:30 p.m.: Dia de los Muertos party 1 p.m.: The Guild Cinema showing of
5, 6:30 and 8 p.m.: The Guild Cinema
in Sunset Memorial Park Pavilion. Bring “Defending Your Life.”
shows the documentary “Living While
photos of deceased loved ones, both
Dying.” Sunday, November 4
people and pets, for a community ofrenda
5:30-7 p.m.: “The Long and Winding 9 a.m.: Field trip to visit La Puerta
of remembrance. Dinner and drinks
Road,” with people speaking about their Natural Burial Ground, with attendees
included in ticket cost.
experiences with parents who lived and welcome to participate in a cremated
Thursday, November 1 died with dementia, followed by a group remains scattering ceremony.
(All Saints Day) discussion. 1 p.m.: The Guild Cinema showing of
9-11 a.m.: “How to Downsize and 7-8:30 p.m.: “Millennial Morticians with “Defending Your Life.”
Still Keep Your Family Legacy,” with ABQ Brews” and The Newly-Dead Game. A noon: The South Valley Dia de los
professional organizers and an estate pro. panel discussion with 30-something funeral Muertos Marigold Parade & Festival. r

24 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
2 0 1 8 K I P A WA R D S : E V E N T

This funeral home turns its front lawn into an Honor Field,
where from the anniversary of D-Day to Flag Day they display
hundreds of American flags to honor the service of military veterans.
➤Honorable mention:
Jackson Lytle & Lewis
Life Celebration Center,
Springfield, Ohio

What the judges said

n Wonderful event that of­
fered the community a way to
honor and thank local veterans
for their service to our country.
n Well planned, with many
levels of participation avail­
able, from sponsorship of a
flag, to attending the lunch
with a veteran or simply
driving by the Honor Field to
witness and remember.
n Impressive fundraiser to
benefit veteran service organi­
n This seems like a wonderful
community event that more
areas in the U.S. should look
to as an example of what to
do. A boy holds onto one of the poles where flags are being placed on the funeral home’s lawn.

Field of flags covering funeral home’s

front lawn honors military veterans
Frank Lewis,
owner of very year from June 6 to June 14 (D-Day
Jackson to Flag Day) Jackson Lytle & Lewis Life
Lytle &
Celebration Center, Springfield, Ohio, with
Lewis Life
help from many volunteers and sponsors, turns
Center. its front lawn into a sea of red, white and blue by
placing approximately 400 American flags on 8-foot
Each 3 x 5 flag in this Honor Field flag memorial
represents a million thank yous to service men and
women currently serving, as well as to veterans.
Each flag is a visible reminder of the selfless,
dedicated service to our country by military service
personnel and the ultimate sacrifice made by some
of these men and women.
The flags not only pay tribute to those who have
fought for our freedom, but also help visitors to
heal, honor and remember that freedom isn’t free.
The Honor Field was funded with the help of
business sponsors and flag sales. In addition to the
volunteers who helped with the program, a Boy
Scout troop, assisted living facilities and churches
helped or brought people to participate in the
program. An ad soliciting flag sponsors for the field.

26 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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K I P A WA R D S : E V E N T
a view
of the
400 flags
set up at
Lytle &
Lewis Cel-
of Life
part of the
for the
ans held
to kick
off the
Left, veter-
ans enjoy
lunch with
members of
the com-
munity who
attended to
hear their
stories and
thank them
for their
set up the
Honor Field.

funeral home’s website.

The event was especially meaningful
for Alex Ryan, who played “Reveille” and
“Taps,” and whose grandfather participated in
the D-Day landings in Normandy.
Funds raised through sponsorships and
flag sales are donated donated to local veteran
On the opening day of the event, Jackson organizations. Jackson Lytle & Lewis has
Lytle and Lewis hosts Lunch With a Veteran raised more than $60,000 since starting this
and invites the community to attend. The program.
funeral home provides lunch for attendees, Funds have gone to the following
including local veterans. At least one veteran organizations: Feeding Our Heroes, Local
is seated at each table, giving members of the VFW posts, Tuskegee Airmen, Purple Heart,
community a chance to express their thanks Wagging Warriors, Honor Flight and other
to a veteran directly. More than 100 lunches local veteran causes.
were served at the 2018 event. The funeral home also accepts retired flags
The 2018 event also included a live as part of the program and uses the retired
broadcast by a local radio station. It was flags to cover the caskets of veterans who
promoted ahead of time through Facebook, choose cremation as a way to pay tribute to
email, press releases, radio ads and the them and retire the flag in a proper manner.r

28 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 29

by Welton Hong
welton@RingRing You don’t see people using phone books and fold-out maps
to find places anymore. Addresses, maps and directions
➤Hong is the
founder of Ring are easily available on a smartphone, which is why you
Ring Marketing, Las
need to make sure your location as well as your organization’s
Vegas, Nevada. He
is an expert in case name and phone number are easy to find that way.
generation from
online platforms
to the phone line. How to put your operation
on the map—literally
He is the author of “Making Your Phone
Ring with Internet Marketing for Funeral

ew technological advances in the past of business you have, it’s pretty important
➤Ring Ring Marketing offers a decade have been as beneficial to for people to be able to find you. If you’re
comprehensive suite of marketing everyday Americans as online maps not showing up on a physical map of their
services, from broad techniques such as and their coordination with GPS navigation. local area, won’t that seem a little strange to
reputation management, pay-per-click
No more pulling out an enormous paper potential clientele?
advertising, local search optimization,
email marketing and website content
map to figure out where you’re driving—
generation, to more surgical tools such or having to figure out how to refold it Number one in maps:
as geotargeting, remarketing and social when you’re done. No more stopping to Google (of course)
media marketing. ask a stranger on the corner where to find Google isn’t the king of the hill for
a destination in a strange city. No more everything, of course. Google has never made
presumably heading east for an hour only to your favorite pizza or produced an Oscar-
discover you were actually driving west all winning movie. (But give it time. Outside of
along. Amazon, there’s arguably no more ambitious
Instead, GPS lets you know exactly where company in the world.)
you are at all times. If you’re using automatic However, for most aspects of promoting
navigation, either through your smartphone your organization online, Google is always
or your vehicle itself, it will let you know the place to start. And that’s true of its Maps
when you’re going the wrong way—and function as well.
immediately find the best route to get you While the crowdsourcing-powered
back on track. Waze has rapidly grown in popularity in
And if you’re in a strange place and need recent years for the basic function of getting
a repair shop to replace a flat tire? A hotel? A around town—thanks to its ability to identify
bank? A place to eat? accidents, road closures, alternative routes,
No problem. Just ask for the type of etc.—there’s one important thing to keep in
business you need and the map app will get mind: Google actually owns Waze. Google
you there. purchased the GPS navigation app for $966
Obviously, that’s why it’s critical for your million in 2013.
business to show up on a digital map if you It’s also notable that the feature people
have an auto repair shop, or a hotel. love most about Waze—the ability for drivers
What’s not as obvious is why you need to report incidents in real time, alerting fellow
to appear on a map if you’re a death care travelers of paths to avoid or watch out for—
business. soon will be coming to Google Maps, as well.
Why would a cremation provider need to Last year, Google Maps also added
appear on a digital map? Is anyone driving restaurant recommendations personalized for
around and suddenly needing to navigate to a the user—which is pretty easy for Google,
crematorium, a cemetery or a funeral home? frankly, because it’s constantly collecting
Of course not. But that doesn’t mean death data on what you search for, and thus what
care businesses are exempt from needing to interests you. Additionally, Google added
show up on online maps. In fact, it’s critically its Assistant capabilities to Maps in January
important for search engine optimization and 2019, letting you execute voice-controlled
your organization’s overall visibility. options such as adding a stop on your route.
Also, let’s be honest: No matter what type All of that means Google Maps just keeps

30 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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If crypt flies don’t keep you

up at night, maybe this will.
It’s bad enough that crypt flies are probably inhabit-
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Zontec is your best defense against crypt flies: safe,
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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 31


The data on your website becomes a relevance factor in how Google

determines your ranking in Google Maps. For this reason, optimizing meta tags
on your site such as title tags, meta description tags and headline tags becomes critical.
Find ways to (organically) include location-based information in these tags.
getting more powerful, and it already owned If your business address is on W Main occur in copy. As long as the references are
about two-thirds of the smartphone app St., make sure it’s “W Main St.” everywhere, natural and conservatively incorporated,
market share at the time of a large summer not “West Main St.” or “W Main Street.” If you’re fine.
2018 consumer survey. there’s a unit or suite number, either include But you don’t want to be stuffing those
That’s not even including Waze (Google’s the term “unit” or “suite” in every reference, long-tail keywords (and/or related phrases)
own product), which had 12 percent of the or simply use the # sign everywhere. into the copy throughout your site. Every
market share, followed by Apple Maps at 11 It’s all about consistent styling in every word on your site must read as though it’s
percent and MapQuest at 8 percent (per the citation. Typically, it’s best to use whatever intended for human visitors.
same survey). If we combine the usage of format the U.S. Post Office defaults to for That’s especially important for businesses
Google and Waze, Google-owned map apps your address. in the death care industry, because the copy
are preferred by about four out of five users. If you have multiple locations, look for on your site must convey trustworthiness
ways to increase citations for all of them. and reverence. If it’s packed with keywords
Ranking higher You won’t get as much SEO juice as you intended only to boost your SEO (for Google
in Google Maps would if all that SEO were concentrated on Maps or organic rankings in general), you’ll
If you’re steadily working on improving one location, but as long as the citations are immediately turn off visitors, and they’ll
the SEO of your death care business—and I consistent, you’ll still do OK. bounce out rapidly.
certainly hope you are doing that—you will Ensure your business website is Create local-focused content.
naturally start ranking higher in Google Maps optimized with meta tags. The key to great SEO is having lots
over time. However, if you want to speed This area can get a bit complex, but of great relevant content, and when you
up that process (which I also recommend), the short version is that Google will be want to rank well in Google Maps, you’ll
make sure you’re incorporating the following associating your business website with your do especially well if the content is highly
tactics: address in its mapping technology. The data localized.
Verify and fully complete your Google on your website becomes a relevance factor In other words, while it’s certainly
My Business page. in how Google determines your ranking in beneficial for your website to include short
Every single business needs to ensure its Google Maps. articles and/or blog posts about cremation-
GMB page is optimized. If you’re unsure For this reason, optimizing meta tags on related topics in general, you’ll do even better
about your GMB status, rectify that problem your site such as title tags, meta description if you include local references as well.
right now. tags and headline tags becomes critical. Find Google wants to see that your business has
The link is https://www.google.com/ ways to (organically) include location-based a lot of credibility in death care, but it also
business/, but you can also get there by information in these tags. The more “location wants to see that you have a lot of relevance
simply Googling “Google My Business.” authority” you have in these places, the more to your local area. When you’ve “proven
Verify your business site, if that hasn’t transfers over to your Google Maps listing. yourself” to Google in both areas, you’ll
been done already, and make sure all the Improve location references on your be considered one of the most important
information there is filled out and accurate. business website. providers in local search results and in
Crank up business citations. In addition to improving references Google Maps.
Citations are simply online references to within meta tags, you need to reference your Of course, I know that many funeral
your business that include your NAP, which location regularly in your website text content homes, cemeteries and cremation-specific
is marketer-speak for the business’s name, itself. However, having said that, I need to businesses aren’t set up to regularly create
address and phone number. sneak in a warning: I’m not recommending text content in-house, which is why I strongly
To get more citations, make sure your jamming a ton of location-based keywords suggest contracting with a good marketing
funeral home, cemetery or cremation-specific into your copy. company or a veteran freelance writer to
business is listed in as many relevant online Google has been cracking down on that strengthen your onsite content.
directories as possible. Look for additional sort of thing for years. It can tell if you’re At the end of the day, how your website
places where your business could be logically “keyword stuffing,” and it will punish you ranks in both organic listings and in Google
listed online. The more citations Google with a lower search ranking overall, in Maps—which naturally turns into more
discovers about your operation, the better addition to hurting your SEO with Google at-need calls and more revenue overall—
you’ll rank in Google Maps. Maps. depends on how much relevant content your
One additional tip: It’s incredibly For example, if you have a cremation site includes.
important that the name, address and phone business in Sarasota, Florida, you definitely Analyze your local competitors’ sites and
number be consistent across all references. want to organically work in phrases such as look for ways to produce a greater quantity
That is, you must ensure they’re styled the “Sarasota cremation services” and “cremation and quality of relevant local content. r
exact same way. in Sarasota” where they should naturally

32 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”


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by Daniel M. Isard, MSFS
Owning a cemetery doesn’t necessarily prepare you
Magazine for deciding whether or not to buy an additional cemetery property.
There’s a lot to consider—and to get in writing if you do buy.
➤Isard is president of

How to evaluate price & do due

The Foresight Compa­
nies LLC, a Phoenix-
based business and
management consulting firm specializing
in mergers and acquisitions, valuations, diligence on a cemetery for sale
accounting, financing and customer
surveys. Dear Dan,
I own two cemeteries. I have been
➤He is the author of several books, involved in the business now for 25 years.
and frequently speaks at industry conven­
I have been negotiating with a large
operator of cemeteries to buy one of their
More from this author properties. a limited period of time post-closing to
➤Educational information, including What are the key components that discover if the seller told you the truth.
copies of this article, can be found at account for valuation differences between Without the integrated purchase agreement
www.theforesightcompanies.com cemeteries within the same market? What and due diligence, you are merely buying
are the key due diligence purchase issues a potential “pig in a poke.” That can be a
➤You can follow Isard on Twitter at
that I should be aware of? fatal financial decision.
@f4sight, LinkedIn and “like” The Fore­
sight Companies on Facebook. Looking to buy in Boston Therefore, regardless of whatever
the due diligence discovers or doesn’t
Editor’s note Dear Looking, discover, you must make certain your
The Cemetery Impossible column is Frankly, I expect there to be a great many purchase agreement deals with the
written by the staff of The Foresight cemeteries for sale in the next decade. We memorialization of this work product.
Companies. If you have a question have some national companies that are As to the first question, the value of a
you want to be featured in this not good at managing cemeteries that will cemetery is an organized analysis. In the
column, please send it to danisard@ 1,000 or more cemetery valuations I have
elect to divest. We have owners getting
theforesightcompanies.com. Dan
older and they will need to divest. performed over 30 years, I analyzed the
Isard or a member of his staff will call
you to get more information and a I also see cities, benevolent groups following:
recommendation will be provided via this and religious organizations that have 1. Book value of the assets and convert
column, helping not only you but also previously felt it was part of their duty to them to an economic value of assets.
others who are facing similar challenges. create and manage a cemetery now realize 2. Historical operations to develop a pro
this is a business, not a social cause, and forma operating statement.
they want to get out. 3. Historical financials and produce a
Your first question deals with the pro forma financial statement.
issue of value and your second question 4. I conclude with a resulting EBITDA.
deals with due diligence. I don’t think EBITDA is important for three reasons:
you can deal with due diligence without a. It allows me to arrive at the value of
understanding how the purchase agreement good will. Good will added to the value
works. Remember, the purchase agreement of the economic value of assets equals fair
will refer to the due diligence points. You market value.
will be protected by the due diligence b. EBITDA is the starting point of a
given, based on the purchase agreement. cash flow assumption, which allows us
For example, suppose the seller says, “I to confirm that financing can be obtained
don’t know anything about environmental for the business at the conclusion of fair
contaminants on my property!” Well, market value.
you can take that at face value and hire c. EBITDA gives us a return on
a third-party contractor to tell you what investment when contrasted to fair market
they see as far as environmental problems. value.
However, you must memorialize this in the Appraisers can ascertain the EBITDA
purchase agreement. of a business if given enough data.
If the seller says, “I have no environ­ However, the key is to know the multiple
mental problems,” then your purchase of EBITDA (or in the inverse, the
agreement must reflect that. You have capitalization of EBITDA) to arrive at the

34 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Things that might be liabilities include: 1. Advance sales.

How many have bought outright or are paying via install­ments? Are these marked
correctly in your site map, so you know the correct inventory available?
correct good will. Due diligence beyond your knowledge.
Not all cemeteries that have $100,000 of As to your second question, the key due 6. Taxes. Are they filed? Even in an
EBITDA will have the same value of good diligence issues are akin to what Ben asset purchase, you want to know the taxes
will. That is because a cemetery in one part Franklin used to advocate: You divide a were filed. You don’t want to fight the IRS
of the country might have a lower risk of paper in half. On the left half, write down to remove a seizure notice for something
operation than in another part of the country. the issues with this business that can be a done by the previous owner.
The lower the risk, the higher the value. liability. On the right half, list the positive 7. Litigation. Is there pending litigation
We see some banks demonstrating their items told to you to be proven true. from consumers or governments? You
desire to make a loan on cemeteries. To Things that might be liabilities include: don’t want to find out a road is going
them, $100,000 of EBITDA will allow a 1. Advance sales. How many have through your land post-closing.
loan of $X. But that might be more than, bought outright or are paying via install­ These are matters that can rain on your
less than or the right value. Banks that lend ments? Are these marked correctly in parade, starting the day after closing.
on cash flow want to make certain the cash your site map, so you know the correct Remember to get each of these items noted
flow meets their loan amount, but often I inventory available? as “there are none” on a seller’s warrantee
see them loaning more than a buyer should 2. Merchandise advance sales. What or representation.
pay. are the items to be delivered? Where
The following is a list of what I think is the money the consumer paid, or are As to the confirmation of representa­
makes one cemetery worth more: consumers being billed as receivables for tions given:
1. A solid selling program that has future deliverable item(s)? 1. Does the seller have the authority to
more advance sales revenue than at-need 3. Perpetual care/endowment trust. Is sell the property?
revenue. it properly funded? Where is the money? 2. How many sales took place each of
2. No deferred maintenance. Are the investments correct for your risk the past few years?
3. A management team or sales team tolerance? Are the state-mandated forms 3. How are salespeople paid? Are there
that is remaining in place. filed? any outstanding commissions?
4. An active outreach or aftercare 4. Payroll. Has everyone been paid? Are 4. What is the pricing for the various
program there any outstanding benefits accrued and inventory items? How many of each
5. The ability to create a funeral home not paid for? inventory item do you have to sell?
on the site. 5. Title, survey and environmental 5. What events have taken place in the
If an operation has all five of these situation. Is everything within the property past to generate leads?
items, it equates to a very strong argument where it is supposed to be? Are there any
for a much higher than average value. I claims by third parties or judgements Your first day of ownership will be
also contend that if a business has all or registered on the business, its assets or difficult enough. Don’t make it be the first
many of these items, it is a more valuable property? Is there anything on the property day you regret buying this place! r
one to start, as the sales/interments would that should not be there? For example, a
probably be increasing each year. buried fuel tank, asbestos or something

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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 35

by ICCFA Magazine columnist
Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE
toddvanbeck@ If you are an expert at speaking and writing but don’t know
how to listen properly, you are not a good communicator.
➤Van Beck is one
The 2 1/2-minute manager
of the most sought-
after speakers and
‘I’m a great listener—just listen
educators in funeral
to how great a listener I am!’
service. He is the director of continuing
education for John A. Gupton College,
Nashville, Tennessee. llow me to begin this article with a actually interested in listening to someone
www.guptoncollege.edu confession: I am not a good listener. else, which many people clearly are not.
So let’s take some advice about Interestingly, most people think they are
➤Van Beck is dean of ICCFA University’s
College of Funeral Home Management listening from someone who is admittedly not outstanding at listening to other people (I
and received the ICCFA Educational a good listener. think I am a great listener, but that is just my
Foundation’s first ever Lasting Impact Listening is the most important skill in ego talking), but you know firsthand how
Award in 2014. human communication, and so much has many times you have not been listened to,
been written on the subject that one would or how often the message you are trying to
More about this subject think that by now the members of the human communicate simply gets lost.
➤Previous articles in this series can be race, including me, would actually be better A big no-no in listening is missing the
read online by members in good stand­ at it, but such is usually not the case. message someone is trying to commu­
ing. Go to www.iccfa.com under ICCFA How many of you have poured your heart nicate. Attitudes determine our behavior. To
Magazine. out to another person only to end up feeling discover your listening attitudes, complete the
More from this author poorly listened to, getting un­wanted advice following exercise. If a statement describes
or feeling not understood in the least? It is no your listening attitude or behavior, check
➤In Van Beck’s new wonder there are global conflicts, because if “Yes,” if not, check “No.” Be tough-minded
book, “Exploring the
people who are speaking plain English to one and honest.
Heart of Funeral Ser­
another miss the message, just imagine how 1. I am interested in many subjects and
vice,” he explores topics
pertinent to funeral com difficult it would be for someone speaking do not knowingly tune out dry-sounding
munications and funeral English to communicate with and listen information.
service counseling. effectively to someone speaking Swahili. r Yes r No
www.amazon.com Oddly enough, despite listening being 2. I listen carefully to discern a client
challenging and difficult, the definition family’s main ideas and supporting points.
is almost absurdly simple: the process of r Yes r No
➤Van Beck’s book “hearing” the other person. 3. I take notes during client family meet­ings
“Reverence for the Dead: Academically, there are three aspects to to record key points.
The Unavoidable Link,” listening: r Yes r No
addresses in detail the 1. Linguistic: actual words, phrases and 4. I am not easily distracted.
ethical standards of car­ metaphors used to convey feelings. r Yes r No
ing for the dead and the 2. Paralinguistic: not the words themselves 5. I keep my emotions under control.
ethical consequences of
but the timing, accent, volume and pitch. r Yes r No
not doing so.
3. Non-verbal: “body language” or facial 6. I concentrate carefully and do not fake
expression, use of gestures, body position and attention.
➤Van Beck’s book movement, proximity or touch in relation to r Yes r No
“The Genius of Frank the other person. 7. I wait for the speaker to finish before
E. Campbell,” is the first finally evaluating the message.
biography of the famed Test yourself r Yes r No
funeral director, probably I think we can do a little better. Attitude 8. I respond appropriately with a smile, a
the most famous and fa­ trumps academics in listening. nod or a word of acknowledgement as a
miliar name in the history Developing listening skills is an ongoing speaker is talking.
of the funeral profession. process. Good listening is a key to success r Yes r No
www.amazon.com in communication. Discovering your atti­ 9. I am aware of mannerisms that may
tude about listening is an important first step distract a speaker and keep mine under
toward improving listening skills. This is control.
always a worthwhile thing to do if you are r Yes r No

36 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 37


Become a “whole-body” listener. Listen with your ears, your eyes and, particularly in funeral and
cemetery service, with your heart. Build rapport by mirroring your speaker’s gestures,
expressions and voice patterns. This does help to create a comfortable communication.
10. I understand my biases and control Here are some practical steps you can take and show the other person you are interested
them when I am listening. in learning to be genuinely interested in what and give you time to think about a good
r Yes r No our client families are saying to us. response.
11. I refrain from constantly interrupting. Remember statistics say that when a 2. Listen now, talk later. Plan to tell
r Yes r No funeral home or cemetery loses a call, it can someone else in the funeral home/cemetery
12. I value eye contact and maintain it be traced to someone on the staff who was what the client family said, what you heard,
most of the time. rude, discourteous and/or did not listen. This and you will remember it better later. Make
r Yes r No truth is applicable to all communication, but sure what you tell someone else in the funeral
13. I often restate or paraphrase what is of particular sensitivity when it comes to home does not breach a confidence, and does
the speaker said to make sure I have the “telephone shoppers.” not ridicule the client family.
correct meaning. Here is the number one skill necessary 3. Learn to want to listen. You truly need
r Yes r No for effective listening: Shut up! It is a to have desire, interest, self-discipline and
14. I listen for the speaker’s emotional physiological impossibility for a human being concentration to be a good listener.
meaning (grief communication) as well as to talk and listen at the same time—it cannot 4. Be present. Watch for the tendency to
subject matter content. be accomplished, ever. daydream.
r Yes r No Here are some things to think about: 5. Anticipate excellence. We get good
15. I ask questions for clarification. • Funeral and cemetery service work and communication more often when we
r Yes r No listening are inseparable. expect it.
16. I do not finish other people’s sentences • Lazy listening is a hidden but costly way 6. Become a “whole-body” listener. Listen
unless asked to do so. of doing business—we lose calls because of with your ears, your eyes and, particularly in
r Yes r No it. funeral and cemetery service, with your heart.
17. When listening on the telephone, • We listen for our own reasons and we 7. Build rapport by mirroring your
I keep one hand free to take notes. also don’t listen for our own reasons, so speaker’s gestures, expressions and
r Yes r No having an attitude of offering high quality voice patterns. This does help to create a
18. I attempt to set aside my ego and focus service to others is paramount in effective comfortable communication.
on the speaker rather than on myself. listening skills. 8. Control distractions and interruptions.
r Yes r No • People who are excellent at listening stay Controlling internal and external distractions
19. I am careful to judge the message out of more trouble than people who refuse helps you manage your work in the helping
rather than the speaker. to listen and want to talk all the time. Recall interview more effectively.
r Yes r No the sage advice of President Calvin Coolidge: 9. Give the gift of listening generously.
20. I am a patient listener most of the time. “You will never be asked to repeat something Listening is a skill but it is also a gift, so give
r Yes r No you haven’t said.” it away.
The following grading scale will help 10. Hot buttons: Many in funeral and
you interpret your current listening skill Tips for better listening cemetery service are ultra-sensitive to any
level, based on your current attitudes and As cynical and negative as this sounds, it remote possibility of criticism, suggestions
behaviors: seems abundantly true: We listen best when for improvement and/or having their
• 1-5 “no” answers: You are an there is a payoff or a penalty. I know I do emotional “hot buttons” pushed.
excellent listener. Keep it up! this. If I detect that the person who is talking The result of this ultra-sensitivity on the
• 6-10 “no” answers: You are a good has something really good for me, then no funeral/cemetery professional’s part is that
listener, but can improve. question I am all ears. client families are ridiculed (behind their
• 11-15 “no” answers: Through practice, Conversely, if I detect that the person I backs), called “weird” or “kooks” or, to
you can become a much more effective am talking to—and that person has some use modern parlance, “high maintenance,”
listener in your funeral interviewing and authority over me—is annoyed and provoked when in reality the client family has pushed a
personal relationships. with me, then once again, I am all ears. funeral/cemetery professional’s “hot button.”
• 16-20 “no” answers: Listen up! I truly try to listen, but sometimes I am Client families who request new service
mighty fickle about communication. How­ ideas can push “hot buttons” at times.
Practical steps to develop ever, there are some ideas I have tried very Knowing what makes you react emotionally
interest in what others say hard to incorporate in my life and work, and is your key to preventive maintenance.
I have long held to the idea that there is they have helped in my communication. I still
no such thing as an uninteresting topic flop many times, but I have found these 10 Coping skills
concerning anything to do with funeral and/ simple steps useful, and I hope you will, too. Here then are 10 coping skills for preventive
or cemetery services, there are simply some 1. In professional communications, take maintenance when your hot button is
uninterested people in our profession. notes. Use a writing pad. They aid retention activated by how a client family, or a co-

38 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

The result of this ultra-sensitivity on the funeral/cemetery professional’s part is that client families are
ridiculed (behind their backs), called “weird” or “kooks” or, to use modern parlance, “high maintenance,”
when in reality the client family has pushed a funeral/cemetery professional’s “hot button.”
worker, or a friend or even family member is problem, you have failed me, odd as that may I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational,
communicating with you: seem. All I asked of you was that you listen to then I can quit trying to convince you and
1. Listen attentively without interrupting. me, not talk or do—simply listen to me. can get about the business of understanding
Take several deep breaths to help you control Advice is cheap. For the price of a dollar, what’s behind these irrational feelings.
your reactions. I can get advice from Dear Abby and a host Irrational feelings only make sense when
2. Make a conscious choice about your of others in the same news­paper. I can do we understand what is behind them.
response. Think this out! You have basically that for myself; I am not helpless. I may Maybe this is why prayer works. Because
two choices: work it out, or ignore it. Trying be discouraged and faltering, but I am not God does not talk, God only listens and then,
to solve the issue is the best way to keep it helpless. in time, the direction we should take becomes
from happening again. When you do something for me that clear.
3. Acknowledge the other person’s I can and need to do for myself, you are So please listen and just hear me. Give me
feelings. It is okay for people to not feel the contributing to my fears and weaknesses. time. And if you wish to talk, wait for your
same as you do. But when you accept as a simple fact that turn, and then I will listen to you. r
4. Ask objective questions for clarifi­cation.
Open-ended question skills are useful.
5. Try to see the other person’s point of
6. Stick to the subject. Don’t let other
issues interfere.
7. Be patient. Problems don’t always have
immediate solutions. Be patient with the other
person and yourself.
8. Gently, humbly express your point of
view. Nothing of value has ever been said at
the top of one’s lungs, and the next thing you
know you are charging into a real battle.
9. Explain. A reasonable explanation can
often take the sting out of an emotional issue.
10. Work out a “win-win” plan. Make sure
your solution is fair and workable for both (or May '19:Layout 1 4/9/19 1:35 PM Page 1
all) people involved.
This list is far from complete or
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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 39

Supply Line
specializes in custom, site-specific work, Phoenix, Arizona, and THE ROOSEVELT
including memorials, markers and reli­ INVESTMENT GROUP INC., New York,
quar­ies. Owner and designer is sculptor New York, have announced a collabora-
Elena Colombo, who has produced environ- tion. Foresight Roosevelt Wealth Manage-
mental sculptures, fire and water features ment aims to reinvent financial planning. It
and place-making markers since 2004. Her will provide holistic resources for business
first reliquary and grave marker was for her management, personal wealth investment,
mother, a lifelong ornithologist, gardener and asset protection, business suc-
nest collector. Colombo cast the pruned twigs cession and estate planning.
of her mother’s mature rosemary topiary in Also, Foresight has
bronze and wove them into a nest to cradle named Chris Cruger as
a jeweled egg. Inside the sealed egg are her its new COO. Cruger spent
mother’s ashes, personal charms and a private almost a decade at SCI as a
note. The nest reliquary was placed in the hol- vice president of business
Fire Features owner Elena Colombo’s low of a curved bronze wall with her name, development. He spent many
first grave marker, for her mother, an or- birth and death dates. www.firefeatures.com Cruger years facilitating the analysis,
nithologist, gardener and nest collector. acquistion and divestiture of funeral homes
n GRANVILLE URNS, Greensboro,
North Carolina, has introduced two new and cemeteries for SCI.
products, The Adelaide and The Craig,
both keepsake urns. These mini-urns, suit-
able for an infant, a pet or a small amount of n ARGENT TRUST CO.,
remains from an adult, are smaller versions of New Orleans, Louisiana,
the Horizontal Urn. 336.448.5000; has opened a new office in
[email protected]; Wilmington, North Caro-
www.granvilleurns.com lina, and added three new
employees. Justin Wilson,
n BOGATI URN CO., Sarasota, Florida,
senior vice president and legal
has introduced a secure display case for
counsel, and trust officers Tif-
cremation jewelry. The display was created Wilson fany Farwell and Jason Velie
to give funeral directors a way to display
all will work in Wilmington. Wilson has more
Granville Urns’ new Craig keepsake urn. products, an important sales tool, while
than 15 years of trust and banking expereince.
preventing losses from theft. The case can
He was previously senior vice
be purchased on its own, but is available for
president and senior legal
free with the puchase of 18 cremation jewelry
counsel at Live Oak Bank in
designs. [email protected];
Wilmington, vice president
and legal counsel at Regions
n ASD, Media, Pennsylvania, is beta test- Bank and title attorney at First
ing its MobileFH texting feature. The fea- American Title Insurance Co.
ture, being tested with the help of more than He earned his law degree from
100 funeral homes, allows funeral profession- South Texas College of Law. Farwell
als to send and receive text messages on their Farwell has 12 years of banking and trust
cell phones using the funeral home’s business experience. She was trust operations super-
Bogati’s anti-theft display case. number or any associated company number visor at Live Oak Bank and client services
as the sending number. The feature ensures specialist in the trust depart-
that families are using the correct contact ment at First Citizens Bank
READERS: To find the products and number when texting sensitive information to & Trust Co. A certified trust
services you need online, go to the funeral home, allows funeral directors and
www.iccfa.com for the Supply
financial advisor, she earned
managers the freedom to conduct business her bachelor’s degree from the
Link Search Engine, the fastest
way to find the products and
on their cell phones without giving out their University of North Carolina
services you need at your funeral home, personal numbers; allows managers to review at Asheville. Velie has three
cemetery or crematory. staff message exchanges with families; allows years of trust and wealth
the entire staff to receive relevant materials; Velle management experience. He
SUPPLIERS: Send your press releases
about your new products and services,
and provides a log of all text messages, in- was a trust operations associate at Live Oak
and about awards, personnel changes cluding photos, that can be accessed anytime Bank. He received his bachelor’s degree in
and other news to [email protected] for within the ASD Mobile app. finance from the University of North Carolina
inclusion in Supply Line. [email protected]; 1.800.868.9950; at Wilmington. Argent now has offices in 30
www.myasd.com markets. www.ArgentTrust.com

40 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Who Supplies
the Suppliers?
For funeral and cemetery suppliers, business
has never been more isolating. Often ideas
are done in a vacuum. What you know is only
what you know, which limits how far you can
go. IMSA membership can change that. We’ve
brought together some of the top industry
experts to offer our members free one-on-
one advice on marketing, business planning,
legal issues and more. We also bring to
our members insightful business-boosting
webinars, meaningful industry resources and
networking with other IMSA members. All this
for just $175 a year. We’re the only association
serving all funeral and cemetery suppliers.
Because what’s good for the suppliers is
good for the providers and that’s good for the
families. IMSA. Supplying opportunity.


IMSA members now get free consultation with Dan Katz & Rolf Gutknecht of LA ads, Jake Johnson
of Johnson Consulting, Ryan Thogmartin of Disrupt Media and Poul Lemasters of Lemasters Consulting.

n BEHAR MAP- category in the contest run by Great Place

PING, East Ruther- to Work and FORTUNE magazine. Great
ford, New Jersey, Place to Work, a global people analytics
has launched its and consulting firm, evaluated more than 60
3D GIS map- elements of team members’ experience on
ping solution for the job and considered feedback from more
cemeteries and than 42,000 Texas-based employees.In the
mausoleums. survey, employees expressed their apprecia-
Cutting-edge tech- tion for Funeral Directors Life’s culture and
nology allows for work environment. Nine-eight percent of
web-based visual employees stated that people at the com-
3D representation pany care about each other and celebrate
of all graves, plots, special events regularly. Nine-nine percent
niches, crypts and of employees agreed that the company
mausoleums and facilities contribute to a good working envi-
connection to a GIS ronment. www.funeraldirectorslife.com
Behar Mapping’s 3D mapping solution
can pinpoint an individual crypt. database. The technology re-creates a visual n EFuneral Solutions, a subsidiary of
representation of the property and allows HOMESTEADERS, West Des Moines,
for details such as location and depth of Iowa, has launched an online planning
graves. The functionality and the data that platform. EFuneral’s storefront guides
Shiva can be featured on the 3D renderings are
Shade’s consumers through the planning process,
completely customizable based on the needs allowing them to view, select and purchase
new Celtic
of the cemetery, ensuring that each cem- their funeral plans online. The goods and
etery is given a bespoke product. Behar’s services are customized to match each
mapping solution is based on the technol- funeral provider’s service offerings, and
ogy of Esri, which provides GIS sofware. all advance funeral plans are funded with a
www.beharmapping.com Homesteaders life insurance policy.
n SHIVA SHADE, Merrick, New York, Homesteaders also has recently named
will be introducing a Celtic-themed Jill Muenich as senior vice president
cremation urn in the summer of 2019. of business development. Muenich has
The urn, made of fine porcelain by Belleek nearly three decades of experience in sales
Pottery, was designed and hand-crafted and financial services, including Fortune
exclusively for Shiva Shade. The urn in- 100 companies, including MassMutual,
cludes two platinum accents, a single green, Verizon and Pepsi. Most recently, she
hand-painted shamrock on the underside spent seven years as vice president of
and a Celtic knot on the lid and base. It is marketing services for another pre-need
also factory stamped “Made in Ireland” on funding company. 1.800.477.3633;
the bottom. Celtic knots have long been www.homesteaderslife.com
associated with the deceased. Comprised of n SAUDER FUNERAL PRODUCTS,
one continuous line, these knots are looped Archibold, Ohio, has add a 28-inch over-
to have no start or finish. They have been sized and full couch casket to its Whit-
found in ancient burial sites in Ireland. It is man line. It is an eco-friendly model with a
thought that they symbolize eternity or how blue laminate exterior. Made of 100 percent
life and eternity are interconnected. The engineered wood with a weight capacity
205-cubic-inch urn is available for pre- of 1,100 pounds, it has all the features of
order from Shiva Shade. the regular-size unit, including a white flat
Chateau Urns’ new catalog. 516.665.8323; [email protected]; crepe interior, three-quarter length adjust-
www.shivashade.com able bed and Sauder EZ Fit pillow.
n CHATEAU URNS, Port St. Lucie, 1.866.419.3010;
Florida, has a new catalog of its products www.sauderfuneralproducts.com
available. 1.800.536.5450; n EXPRESS FUNERAL FUNDING,
www.chateauurns.com Clarksville, Indiana, has hired Kevin
n FUNERAL DIRECTORS LIFE Smith as a national account manager.
INSURANCE CO., Abilene, Texas, has Smith has more than 20 years in the funeral
been honored as one of the 2019 Best profession, including insurance assignment
Workplaces in Texas. FDLIC took the #14 funding. 812.949.9011;
spot in the small and medium companies www.expressfuneralfunding.com

42 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

granite headstones. The second tri-fold has

granite markers and marble plaques only.
[email protected];
Madison, Wisconsin, has had its A- rating
reaffirmed by A.M. Best.
1.877.402.5900; www.nglic.com The Domani Group’s online grieving
ANCE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, has had its for free by the funeral home as a part of a
B++ financial strentgh rating affirmed by Domanicare subscription. Individuals and
A.M. Best. Co. The company outlook was families can also benefit from the dozens of
New Memorials Direct’s new marketing
rated as stable. www.uflife.com free online grief courses and
materials for its pet division.
n THE DOMANI GROUP, Orem, Utah, 24/7 message-based grief
n NEW MEMORIALS DIRECT, Gig has launched Domani for Grief and Loss, coaching.
Harbor, Washington, has released new an online grief support platform dedicated Also, The Domani
printed marketing materials for its pet to connecting grieving individuals with Group has appointed Jeff
division, a new pet memorial brochure qualified therapists and providing free online Carpenter as chief financial
and two new pet product tri-folds. The pet grief courses. It will be presented to families officer. He has 14 years of
brochure has been completely re-vamped through Domanicare text messaging as an op- experience, most recently
with new cremation urns and pet personal- tion for grief support. If needed, individuals as vice president of finance Carpenter
ized jewelry options. The new pet tri-folds may sign up to receive a free therapy session at Traeger Pellet Grills. Out
are available in two different versions. The with a Domani-certified grief therapist. The of college, he worked for a local public ac-
first features a sampling of all of the pet me- first therapy session is provided to the family counting firm in Utah.
morial products including jewelry, urns and www.thedomanigroup.com
 ➤to page 46

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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 43

Update Send in news about your cemetery, funeral home, crematory or association to [email protected]. If you publish a newsletter,
please email a copy to [email protected] or mail to: Susan Loving, ICCFA, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164.

n FOREST LAWN, Glendale, California, and supervisor of service arrangements.

has appointed three park vice presidents. she has an associate’s degree in mortuary
Angie Ray has assumed the role of vice science degree from Cypress College and
president—Glendale, Nickol Ladd has as- a bachelor’s degree from Thomas Edison
sumed the role of vice president—Cypress University. She is also a California licensed
and Shivon Ozinga has been promoted to funeral director, embalmer, cemetery man-
vice president—Long Beach. The three ager, crematory manager and a Certified
internal promotions represent the caliber Funeral Service Practitioner (CFSP).
of strong leadership present across Forest Ladd Ray Ozinga “Under the leadership of these three
Lawn’s six Southern California locations. She has worked in the funeral profession dedicated women, we have watched the
Ray has been with Forest Lawn since since 2001, and in 2006, she helped estab- individual Forest Lawn parks flourish into
2014 and has served as vice president of the lish the new Skylawn Funeral Home and places that honor the memories of loved
Glendale, Cypress and Long Beach parks. Memorial Park in the Bay Area, where she ones while offering programs and spaces
She has worked in the end-of-life profes- later received the California Funeral Direc- for reflection that make them places for the
sion for 32 years. Before joining Forest tor Association Young Funeral Director of living,” said Scott Drolet, Forest Lawn’s
Lawn, she worked with Dignity Memorial the Year Award. She holds an associates senior vice president—operations. “From
from 2012 to 2014 as the sales manager for degree in mortuary science from Cypress Angie Ray’s development of new com-
Westminster Memorial Park, where she was College, is a California licensed funeral munity partnerships and facilitation of the
was named to the Century Club for North director, embalmer, cemetery manager, groundbreaking, building and dedication of
America and honored as Sales Manager crematory manager and a Certified Funeral the new Heritage Mausoleum and Patriots
of the Year for California. She began her Service Practitioner. Chapel, to Nickol Ladd’s improvement
career with Matthews International, where Ozinga started her funeral service career of the customer survey scores to above
she spent 25 years working in almost every at Forest Lawn in November 2010, work- previous Forest Lawn standards and Shivon
aspect of the foundry’s operations, conclud- ing part-time while enrolled in mortuary Ozinga’s partnership with the Long Beach
ing as regional sales manager, and was school. She was drawn to funeral services Homeless Coalition to establish and host
named Salesperson of the Year seven years after experiencing the impact she made the nationally recognized Homeless Memo-
in a row. She has a bachelor’s degree in while volunteering as a massage therapist rial Service in Long Beach in 2017, it is
business from University of Phoenix and is for hospice patients and critically ill infants clear that our communities and all we serve
a California licensed funeral director, cem- and children in the United States and in will benefit from the standard of excellence
etery manager and crematory manager. Cambodia and India. At Forest Lawn, she these new park vice presidents set.”
Since 2015, Ladd had served as vice has worked as a funeral service assistant, Founded in 1906, Forest Lawn has six
President at Forest Lawn—Long Beach. apprentice embalmer, licensed embalmer locations throughout Southern California.r

GROUP, Orlando, Florida, has ac-
quired David C. Gross Funeral Homes
and Cremation Centers, located in St.
Petersburg and Clearwater, Florida, and
Hebrew Memorial Funeral Services in
Sarasota, Florida. The acquisition expands
Foundation Partners presence in Florida
to 24 locations. Gross began his career by
purchasing an existing funeral home in St.
Petersburg in 1979, just as he was graduat-
ing from mortuary school, making him the
youngest licensed funeral home owner in
Florida. After acquiring several competi-
tors in the ’80s and ’90s, Gross expanded
Above left, Myra Kivett (left) and Carrolle Banks (right) with Maureen Lindley, vice
to a second location in Clearwater in 2010. president of marketing at Flanner Buchanan. Above right, Carrie Smith.
He expanded again in 2015 with Hebrew
Memorial at the request of the local Jewish and Carrolle Banks were both selected as ington Park East in Indianapolis. Musician
community. the Volunteer of the Year and Carrie Smith, and former Indianapolis Colts player Hunter
a social worker with IU Health & Hospice, Smith was the keynote speaker. Flanner
n FLANNER BUCHANAN, Indianapo- was selected as the Caregiver of the Year at Buchanan, along with Legacy Cremation &
lis, Indiana, recently honored volunteers. the sixth annual Hospice Awards Banquet Funeral Services, honored all 2018 Caregiv-
Kindred Hospice volunteers Myra Kivett held at the Community Life Center at Wash- ers and Volunteers of the Month.

44 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 45


others and brings lasting, beneficial behalf of the family. A separate celebration
change to the community.” Baddeliyanage of life was held at UVA.
was a resident advisor and vice chair for Those wishing to donate to the scholar­
professional expectations and promotions ship fund may do so by following the link
in UVA Housing and Residence Life. at rehanlivingthedream.com or simply
He belonged to Theta Tau engineering iccfa.com/rehan.
Rehan fraternity and the IMP Society, a secret
society at UVA dedicated to unpublicized
Bennett Goldstein
A scholarship foundation philanthropy. Bennett Goldstein, grandfa-
has been established to He lived present in the moment, ther of KAVOD executive
honor the memory of “living the dream,” as he always said, and director Jason Goldstein,
Rehan Baddeliyanage, 21, embodied the love of his family. died on March 12, 2019.
Sterling, Virginia, son of Survivors also include his father, He is also survived by two sons, three ad-
ICCFA Executive Director Ravi, a brother, Roshan; and grandmothers ditional grandchildren, six great-grandchil-
Nadira Baddeliyanage, who died March Mangala Baddeliyanage and Elaine dren and a brother.
12 while hiking a rainforest trail in Puerto Obeyesekera. Funeral services were held at
Rico with friends. The scholarship will A funeral mass was held at Christ the Rosenbergs Raphael-Sacks’ Philadelphia
help University of Virginia students afford Redeemer Catholic Church, Sterling, chapel, Pennsylvania. Intermnent was
their education. followed by a reception in the church hall. at Montefiore Cemetery in Philadelphia.
He was a senior at the University The service was preceeded by a sharing Shiva was observed at Beth Sholom
of Virginia, majoring in biomedial of memories by several people who had Congregation, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.
engineering with a minor in business known him: the principal of his alma Memorial contributions can be made
engineering. He received the Kris Kishore mater, Dominion High School in Sterling; to Sonny Goldstein Memorial Fund at
Memorial Scholarship, awarded to a rising a friend from UVA; ICCFA Past President Abramson Senior Care, 1425 Horsham
fourth-year UVA student “to continue and ICCFAU Chan­cellor Jeff Kidwiler, Road, North Wales, PA 19454, or to Beth
leading a life of public service that inspires CCE, CSE; and a friend who spoke on Sholom Congregation. r


➤from page 43 Roberts-Reed-Culver Funeral Home. www.johnsonconsulting.com

The winners in Category 2 (300 sur- n AFTERCARE.COM, Clinton, North
n JOHNSON CONSULT- veys): Posey Funeral Directors, Biggers
ING, Scottsdale, Arizona, Carolina, has launched Aftercare-
Funeral Home, Crapo-Hathaway Funeral By-Text, a new program that will send
has named Jeff Casey as Home, Reardon Simi Valley Funeral Home,
COO. He has been with the personalized text messages automatically
Blessing Funeral Home, Rushing-Estes- to families after the service is over. The
company since 2015. Knowles Mortuary, Wheeler & Woodlief
Also, Johnson recently program was designed so the messages
Funeral Home & Cremation Services, do not look or feel automated and are
presented awards to its Kersey Funeral Home, Heartland Funeral
client funeral homes who personalized for each family. If a family
Casey Home, Benito & Azzaro Pacific Garden responds to a message, the funeral director
received the highest scores Chapel, Herr Funeral Home & Cremation
from family satisfaction surveys. The who served that family gets a notification
Services, International Cremation Services, on their phone and can assist them without
scores measure results in four area: initial Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes, Sibille
contact with the funeral home, the arrang- their cell phone number being revealed.
Funeral Home and Keizer Funeral Chapel. The funeral home decides what messages
ing director, facilites and vehicles, staff The winners in Category 2 (more than
and services provided. are sent and the schedule.
300 surveys): Treasure Coast Funeral Home The program also allows funeral homes
The winners in Category 1 (150 surveys): & Crematory, Whitney & Murphy Funeral
Rose Lawn Funeral Home and Cemetery, to send text messages to all their families to
Home, Luyben Dilday Mortuary, Ott and invite them to an annual service of remem-
Ascension Funeral Home, Fuqua-Bankston Lee Funeral Home, Smith North Little
Funeral Home, Ingold Funeral & Crema- brance or other event. A key component of
Rock Funeral Home, Rabenhorst Funeral the program is the ability to send a message
tion, Powell Funeral Home, Garrett-Sykes Homes - Downtown, Ingram Funeral Home
Funeral Service - Ahoskie Chapel, John- asking the family to leave a review online.
& Crematory, Menke Funeral & Crema- The funeral director can enroll a family
son Funeral Home & Cremation Services, tion Center , Starks & Menchinger Family
Weigel Funeral Home, Minton-Chatwell right from their phone while they are in the
Funeral Home, Andrews Mortuary Mar- arrangement conference. Enrolling takes
Funeral Directors, LaFond-Ardoin Funeral ket Street Chapel, Michels & Lundquist
Home, Muehlebach Funeral Home, Ander- less than 30 seconds and the messages can
Funeral Home, Hansen Mortuaries - Desert be sent to multiple people.
son-Peterson-Mahn Funeral Home, Carey Hills, Twiford Funeral Homes, Greenwood
Hand Colonial Funeral Home, McGuinness 1.800.721.7097; www.aftercare.com r
Funeral Home and Sunset View Cemetery
Funeral Home - Washington Township and & Mortuary. 1.888.250.7747;

46 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
New Members
Providing exceptional education, networking MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS
and legislative guidance and support to Admission to ICCFA membership normally requires a majority vote of
progressive cemetery, funeral and cremation those present and voting at any meeting of the executive committee.
professionals worldwide The names of all applicants must be published in this magazine. IC­
FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE ICCFA AND MEMBERSHIP CFA members objecting to an application must do so in writing to the
• Go to www.iccfa.com/membership to download a benefits ICCFA executive director within 45 days of publication. In the event of
brochure and an application form. an objection, the executive committee will conduct an inquiry. If an ap­
plicant is rejected, they will be granted an appeal upon written request.
• Call 1.800.645.7700 to have membership information faxed or
The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
mailed to you.

Regular Ideal Funeral Parlor Inc. Forever Friends Pet Memorials

Arlington Memorial Gardens Funeral Home Florence, South Carolina Public Landing, New Brunswick
Cincinnati, Ohio La Paz Camposanto y Servicios Exequiales Gracious Paws Tribute Center and
Arrington Funeral Directors Portoviejo, Colombia Crematory
Jackson, Tennessee Martin Schwartz Funeral Homes & Victoria, Texas
Bells Funeral Home & Cremation Crematory Incineris/Horsia
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Lancaster, Wisconsin Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Diocese of Trenton Catholic Cemeteries Memorial Park Services Professional/Supplier
Egg Harbor City, New Jersey Iowa City, Iowa Blue Planet Environmental
El Consolador Mililani Group Inc. New York, New York
Willemstad, Curacao Honolulu, Hawaii Mobi Medical Supply
Farris Funeral Service Inc. New Cathedral Cemetery Columbia, South Carolina
Abingdon, Virginia Baltimore, Maryland Runway Pets
Finkenbinder Family Funeral Homes Organización San Francisco Mount Vernon, Missouri
Palmyra, Pennsylvania Tunja, Colombia Ted Green & Associates
Funeraria San Vicente SA Riverside Cemetery Association Montebello, California
Medellin, Colombia Norwalk , Connecticut The Executor’s Assistant Plus
Grace Funeral Home Smith Funeral Homes Canton, Georgia
Victoria, Texas North Little Rock, Arizona UMA GLR Inc.
Heritage Partners Stark Memorial Funeral Home & Montreal, Quebec
Elizabethton, Tennessee Cremation Services Uternel
Hoff Celebration of Life Center Salem, Ohio Biarritz, France
Winona, Minnisota Professional: Pet Loss Services Western Canada Cemetery Association
Holy Cross Cemetery Columbia Pet Cremation Center Saskatoon, Saskatchewan r
Charleston, South Carolina West Columbia, South Carolina
Huehns Funeral Home Forever After Pet Cremation Services
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Mt. Zion, Illinois


Submit your news to ICCFA Magazine

Have you held a groundbreaking or grand n Write it down. It doesn’t have to be written perfectly (that’s why we have editors)
opening for a new facility? Hired or promoted —it just needs to include the facts. Remember the basics: Who, What, Where, When &
someone? Is your company offering a new or How (and sometimes Why).
updated product to cemeteries and/or funeral
homes? Have you recently held an unusual n Send it in:
service or a successful seminar at your loca­ ➤ Email your Word document as an attachment to [email protected], or write
tion? Added a grief therapy dog to your staff? your release in the body of your email. Please include your full name and title
Share your news with colleagues all over the and the company’s name and location in the body of your email.
world—send it in to ICCFA Magazine! It’s a
simple way to receive some well-deserved ➤ Photos—high-resolution jpgs—can be emailed. Remember you must adjust
publicity for you and your staff and to share digital camera settings to take high-resolution images before taking the photos!
ideas with peers. Here’s how to get your news Check the owner’s manual for instructions. (If you’re scanning in glossies, they
in ICCFA Magazine: must be scanned in at a minimum of 300 dpi at the size they are to be printed.)

Questions? Need some guidance? Email ICCFA Magazine Managing Editor Susan Loving at [email protected].

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 47


Are “U” ready for the 2019 session of ICCFAU?

ear prospective students,
I am honored to serve as your ICCFA University chancellor. I was raised in the
funeral service industry, with my family owning a cemetery and funeral homes in the
Philippines, and me personally working for memorial design companies for numerous years.
I thought I had a pretty good grasp of what was going on in the profession until I was encour-
aged to attend ICCFA University back in 1992. After I attended, my career really began.
ICCFA University features eight colleges in tune with our profession today.
• 21st Century Services
• Cremation Services
• Funeral Home Management
• International Studies
• Land Management & Grounds Operations
• Leadership, Management & Administration
• J. Asher Neel College of Sales & Marketing
• Hospitality & Event Planning
The success that ICCFA University enjoys is the result of the dedication and hard work of our eight
remarkable deans and the numerous professors who have amassed a wealth of real-world
experience in their fields. They continually fine-tune their curricula throughout the year to present
you with the most relevant and current information to take back and apply as soon as you get home.
I encourage you to enroll in the 2019 session of “the U” to begin, or continue, your journey of
ICCFA University Chancellor
professional development today.
Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE
Sincerely yours,

Here is a preview of some college sessions happening at the U. Find complete program
details, hotel reservation and registration information at www.iccfa.com/university

Dean John Bolton, CCE, CCrE, CSE
Going into its second year, this college is designed to give students a foundation in funeral home/cemetery
hospitality and catering management. Classes will cover topics ranging from basic event planning and the
essentials of the hospitality and catering markets to interpreting financial budgets, leadership and catering team

Everybody Eats!: Stacie Schubert & Jeff Duffer

Did you know, on average a family will gather to eat between seven and nine times from when a death occurs to when services
conclude? In this session, we will discuss how to build value for catered events and receptions at the funeral home with both our
internal (funeral directors and staff) and external (our client families) customers. q

48 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Celebrants schedule a special “family time” meeting

COLLEGE OF when the family can share memories, anecdotes and
defining moments in the loved one’s life. They then base
21ST CENTURY the essence of the service on the remembrances of the
family, and family and friends are encouraged to
SERVICES participate.
Celebrants develop a library of resources available for
Dean Glenda Stansbury, CC readings, music, ceremonies and personal touches. They
consult with the family to help them choose elements of the
How do you respond to a family who says, “We don’t service that reflect their loved one. They are bound by a code of
want a traditional funeral”? You’ll learn how to go ethics for complete confidentiality in all dealings with the family.
beyond tradition with innovative offerings and become
certified as a funeral celebrant trained to provide Becoming a Certified Celebrant
meaningful alternatives to clergy-led services. After completing this college, students will be certified as
celebrants. The training for celebrants as established by the In
Classes include: Sight Institute seeks to provide the most comprehensive and
Celebrant Training: Glenda Stansbury and Kathy Burns sensitive training available for people who wish to develop this
Celebrants offer an alternative to services provided by clergy for as a profession or to add to their current job description. It is
families who are not affiliated with a church or who do not wish important that a family knows they are being served by someone
to have a traditional religious funeral service. They design ser- who understands the process and is prepared to offer the very
vices that are completely personal, incorporating unique stories, best funeral possible. q
songs and experiences that defined the deceased.

Please note: This college includes a one-day option for those who
COLLEGE OF wish to attend only the Certified Crematory Operator program.

CREMATION Cremation & Crematory Risk Management: Go Ahead.

Don’t Bother. I Dare You!: Jim Starks, CFuE, CCrE
SERVICES Starks will wow you with a riveting, real world presentation on
operations and compliance. Failure to properly manage the risk of
providing cremation services and/or operating a crematory is an
Dean Jim Starks, CFuE, CCrE invitation for disaster.
Cremation doesn’t have to mean “no service” or “no Arranging More Than a Cremation: Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE
memorialization.” You’ll discover how to better serve Too many times, funeral homes and cemeteries don’t have a
families, improve cremation operations and increase systematic process through which they help families consider the
your company’s cremation-related revenues. You’ll power and value of cremation memorialization. The beliefs and
also earn three types of certifications: operator, behaviors of how these options are approached, both pre-need
and at-need, have a lasting impact on both the family and the
administrator and arranger.
firm. In this session, you will be challenged and enlightened on
Classes include: how to make your cremation memorialization options more than
Crematory Operator Curriculum (sponsored by Matthews a passive phrase.
Cremation Division): Poul Lemasters, Esq., & Larry Stuart Jr. Arranger Curriculum: Reducing Your Liability to Add to
You will receive an extensive operations manual and training on: Your Bottom Line: Poul Lemasters, Esq.
• Professional terminology This seminar will focus on the cremation authorization form,
• Incinerator terminology and educate the arranger on why each section is critical.
• Principles of combustion Participants not only will learn the importance of each section,
• Cremation and the environment they also will learn how to explain the sections to the family.
• Incinerator criteria and design There will also be examples of lawsuits that have cost providers
• Basics of operating cremation equipment
• General maintenance and troubleshooting Know Your Cremation Consumer: Doug Gober
Gober will share ground-breaking research on what today’s
• Forms and record keeping
cremation consumers are looking for and what you can do to meet
• Handling and exposure control
and beat their expectations.  q

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 49


Train the Trainer: A Program for Managers

COLLEGE OF One of Dr. Deming’s favorite sayings was, “Train, train and
train.” Having a dependable, consistent and meaningful internal
FUNERAL HOME training program has proven to reduce the legal liabilities that

MANAGEMENT funeral homes and cemeteries can face, and is also an excellent
way for managers to communicate their expectations, procedures
and policies with their staff. Surveys consistently show that
Dean Todd Van Beck, CFuE managers who themselves know how to train can keep staff
longer, have fewer human resource headaches and generally have
Too many managers consider “creativity” someone
a more productive and pleasant work environment. This session
else’s department. In funeral service, creative will explore the principles of adult learning, the fundamentals
management is the key to differentiation. You’ll learn of communicating expectations, how to establish orientation
Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s creative service management programs for new hires and the importance and benefits of a
system and its specific applications to our profession. properly designed job training program. q

Chinese Funeral Practices and Customs: Jack Jensen

COLLEGE OF The burial of the dead is a matter taken very seriously in Chinese
societies. Improper funeral arrangements can wreak ill fortune
INTERNATIONAL and disaster upon the family of the deceased. To a certain degree,

STUDIES Chinese funeral rites and burial customs are determined by the
age of the deceased, the manner of his/her death, his/her status
and position in society and his/her marital status. Chinese
Dean Jim Hammond funerals will be discussed with an emphasis on how American
funeral and cemetery customs have been absorbed into burial
Globalization is making the world a much smaller place
traditions dating back thousands of years.
to live in. Are you sure that you know how to serve
families of all nationalities and religious backgrounds Jewish Funeral and Burial: Jenna Moerk
in your community? Learn about the funeral customs of Jewish tradition teaches that human beings are created in the
all major religions and population groups from around image of God. This is the foundation for all Jewish funeral and
the world. burial rituals. This class will examine those practices and the
religious traditions behind them. You will learn about funeral
customs, their origins and the practices of modern Jews. q


Dean Gino Merendino
Exceptional cemetery service starts with the grounds and operations department. Without effective land
management and a commitment to an attractive, well-maintained property, there will be no sales or service.
You’ll learn how your grounds management team can succeed and continuously improve interments, landscaping,
buildings, grounds maintenance and exceptional client experience and satisfaction.

Exceptional Cemetery Maintenance-Experience the Difference!: Gino Merendino

A cemetery’s maintenance operations, procedures and resulting outcomes are the defining experiences for families who enter our
gates. What is exceptional cemetery maintenance and why does it matter? We’ll kick off our week together with a high energy and
dynamic look at what we are doing to enable meaningful experiences at our cemeteries and share collective ideas on how to improve
our efforts.  q

50 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Dean Gary Freytag, CCFE
The cemetery, cremation and funeral service profession is changing, and so are the skills needed
to manage and lead effectively. You’ll receive solid, relevant, results-focused training targeted at today’s required
core competencies.

Principals of Effective Leadership: Steven Tidwell A Critical Look into the Future: Adjusting to Issues, Trends
If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an and Changes: David Nixon
effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never-ending What are the critical issues, trends and changes in our
process of self-study, education, training and experience. Learn marketplace and in our profession? Nixon will uncover and
how to develop the leader within you by exploring various facets examine them and provide the strategic ideas and adjustments
of leadership, including attitude, motivation, vision, self you need to embrace to maintain your success. We’ll examine
discipline, character and handling change. This course will threats, opportunities and specific programs to help you compete
enable you to benchmark your leadership effectiveness and help both in the short term and the long term. Learn how to build a
you develop your leadership ability. stronger, more viable business with the knowledge of these future
trends and discover programs you can implement now to prepare
A Case Study in Leadership: Gary Freytag, CCFE yourself and your business for success in the future.
This course will challenge the class to take on a leadership crisis
Dynamics of the Organization: Dr. Robert Taylor
based on real life events. Students will team up to recommend
Every business requires an organizational structure
viable solutions to the CEO while dealing with human resource,
appropriate to the nature and size of the company. Successful
legal and operational repercussions. This course will help
businesses operate according to certain organizational principles,
evaluate and benchmark your leadership effectiveness and help
and this session will cover the basic models as defined in current
you develop your leadership ability.
business education programs. q

The Power and Process of Effective Recruiting:

J. ASHER Patrick Downey, CCE
Most would agree that a sales manager’s greatest challenge is
NEEL COLLEGE finding, hiring and keeping top sales talent. In this session you

OF SALES will learn effective methods for finding people, explaining the
opportunity our profession offers and creating an environment
MARKETING where good people want to stay and give their best.
Coaching for Success: Carlos Quezada, CCFE
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s difficult not be distracted with a
thousand different things every day. Keeping a strong focus on the
Dean Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE task at hand while developing good habits in our team members is
The principles of sales and marketing don’t change, only quite an undertaking. This session will teach you the foundations
technique and application do. Learn how to take the of coaching that will enable you to help your team develop habits
that deliver amazing results through the transformation of the
tried-and-true principles of cemetery and funeral sales
triangle between thoughts, emotions and actions. We will cover
and apply them within today’s highly mobile, multi-
the following topics:
cultural, high-tech, information-driven marketplace.
• The foundation of human behavior
You Don’t Need to Be a Superstar for Success, You Simply
Need an Effective Selling System: Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE • Coaching versus mentoring
Good sales managers focus on volume; great sales managers • The belief system and its impacts on decision-making
focus the daily activities that create the volume. In this session • The decision-making triangle of thoughts, emotions and
you will learn why selling is not voodoo and what a syste­matic actions
selling process can do. In this session you will learn the founda-
• The four things that block behavioral cycles
tional principles of activity and outcomes needed to make your
sales more controllable, predictable and repeatable. • The “self” concept q

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 51


Educational Foundation awards 85 scholarships ...

he ICCFA Educational Foundation Carlos Camargo Deborah Gagnon
awarded a record 85 scholar­ships to Universal Empreedimentos LTDA Knollwood Cemetery Corp.
the 2019 ICCFA University in July. Curitiba, Brazil Sharon, Massachusetts
Kenneth Edward Varner Memorial
The foundation trustees are proud to an- Scholarship Floyd Garcia
nounce the following scholarship winners: Stegenga Funeral Chapel
Emily Christopherson Belmont, Michigan
Felipe Badotti Professional Cemetery Services
Memorial Cemiterio e Crematorio LTDA Dundee, Illinois Porscha Gay
Passo Fundo, Brazil Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service
Chris Clements Decatur, Georgia
Ray Baldonado Oliver’s Funeral Home & Crematorium
Daniels Family Funeral Services Grand Prairie, Alberta Sandra Goldman
Rio Rancho, New Mexico Hebrew Cemetery Association of Greater
Carlos Colon Charlotte
Susan Barney US Chemical & Funeral Supplies Charlotte, North Carolina
Greenleaf Memorial Park Inc. Miami, Florida
New Bern, North Carolina Jolena Grande
Michael Conti Cypress College Mortuary Science
Diane Bergman Albany Diocesan Cemeteries Cypress, California
The Executor’s Assistant Plus Albany, New York Women in Leadership Scholarship
Canton, Georgia
Ethan Crawford Steven Harris
Emily Biersdorf Dayton Memorial Park Cemetery Curlew Hills Funeral Home
Green Hills Mortuary and Memorial Dayton, Ohio Palm Harbor, Florida
Rancho Palos Verdes, California Michelle Cregor Veronica Van Hof
Larkin Mortuary Baltimore Humane Society Memorial Park
Fred Billups Salt Lake City, Utah Reisterstown, Maryland
G.A.R. Cemetery—City of Miami
Miami, Oklahoma Judith Cruz Kim Horn
LMS Guam G.A.R. Cemetery—City of Miami
Cinnamon Bombard Tumon, Guam Miami, Oklahoma
Flanner Buchanan/Washington Park Women in Leadership Scholarship
Cemetery Colin Cumberworth
Indianapolis, Indiana Gethsemane Cemetery and Memorial Katey Houston
Gardens Weeks’ Enumclaw Funeral Home
David Boyle Charlotte, North Carolina Enumclaw, Washington
Town of Chelmsford Cemeteries
Chelmsford, Massachusetts Jennifer Danko Cynthia Hulsey
LETUM Inc. Bulloch Memorial Gardens
Ryan Brooke Belton, Texas Statesboro, Georgia
Oakwood Memorial Park
Ottawa, Illinois Rafael Domenciano William Hussar
Parque Memorial De Goiânia The Gardens at Gethsemane
Pamela Brown Goiânia, Brazil Boston, Massachusetts
Hillside Cemetery
Wilton, Connecticut Brian Dresang Linda Jankowski
St. Joseph Cemetery webCemeteries.com
Amanda Butler Appleton, Wisconsin Virginville, Pennsylvania
Smith Family Funeral Home Women in Leadership Scholarship
North Little Rock, Arkansas Stanley Eastep
Williams Funeral Homes & Crematory Marq Jeffrey
Carlos Camara Columbia, Tennessee Connelly-McKinley Funeral Home
Cemiterio Recanto Da Paz LTDA/ Edmonton, Alberta
SINCEP Mary Ferwerda
Iranduba, Brazil Graham-Hitch Mortuary Ashley Johnson
Pleasanton, California St. Petersburg College Funeral Service
Bernardo Camara Orlando, Florida
Cemiterio Recanto Da Paz LTDA/ Evan Frew
SINCEP Biondan North America Inc. David Jones
Iranduba, Brazil Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Holmes Community College Funeral
Kenneth Edward Varner Memorial Services Technology
Scholarship Danny Funchess Ridgeland, Mississippi
Citadel Management LLC
Forest City, North Carolina

52 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

... to attend the 2019 session of ICCFA University

Katy Justice Stephen Mulder Ron Swanson
Rest Haven Funeral Home and Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home
Memorial Park Richland, Washington Richland, Washington
Rockwall, Texas
Troy O’Brien Juan Tavera
Samuel Keasler Edmonds & Evans Funeral Homes Funeraria La Esperanza
Williams Funeral Home Chesterton, Indiana Medellin, Colombia
Columbia, Tennessee
Frank Oldani Nihkolas Tipton
Thomas Kiley Mt. Elliott Cemetery Association Fair View Cemetery Company Inc.
Kirby & Family Funeral and Cremation Clinton Township, Michigan Roanoke, Virginia
Mountain Home, Arkansas Diego Oliveira Evelyn Torres
Urbapi Urbanizadora do Piaui Ltda. Grupo La Resurreccion/Funerales Las
Paula Lindsey Teresina, Brazil Flores
Williams Funeral Home Kenneth Edward Varner Memorial Schol- San Salvador, El Salvador
Columbia, Tennessee arship
Monica Torres
Heather Long Cesar Pancinha NXT Generation Mortuary Support LLC
Arizona Funeral, Cemetery and SINCEP - Sindicato dos Cemitérios e Phoenix, Arizona
Cremation Association Crematórios
Gilbert, Arizona Particulares do Brasil Gretchen Varnell
Jardim Paulistano, Brazil Greenoaks Memorial Park and Funeral
Dan Mariner Home
Green Hills Mortuary Cheryl Pellow Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Rancho Palos Verdes, California Mission Hills Memorial Gardens and
Crematory Santiago Tavera Velez
Emory Martin Niles, Michigan Funeraria La Esperanza
Smith Family Funeral Homes Medellin, Colombia
North Little Rock, Arkansas Lorraine Piller
Western Canada Cemetery Association Heather Welborn
Maria de los Angeles Martinelli Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Cloverdale Funeral Home
Concesionaria Martinelli S.A. Boise, Idaho
Montevideo, Uruguay Tamala Randolph
StoneMor Partners LP Benjamin Wilson
Andrei Matzenbacher Lyman, South Carolina Evergreen Memorial Trust/Evergreen
Grupo Jardim da Saudade Burial Park
Curitiba, Brazil Mike Sanchez Roanoke, Virginia
Green Hills Memorial Park (Coastal
Lisa McClain Funeral Center) Christopher Zerebeski
The Arlington Memorial Gardens Lomita, California City of Saskatoon—Woodlawn
Cincinnati, Ohio Veteran Scholarship Cemetery
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Heather McCorkle Dustin Seog
East Lawn Memorial Park Mt. Elliott Cemetery Association Stephanie Zimmerman
Sacramento, California Clinton Township, Michigan Global Atlantic Financial Group
Batesville, Indiana
Tracy McFee Alesia Skinner Women in Leadership Scholarship
Oliver’s Funeral Home & Crematorium Paxtang Cemetery
Grand Prairie, Alberta Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Becky Zoch
City of Evansville Cemeteries
Christine Mickelson Anne Marie St. George Evansville, Indiana
Cress Funeral & Cremation Service Cooperative Funeral Fund Women in Leadership Scholarship
Madison, Wisconsin Madison, Connecticut
The ICCFA Educational Foundation
Alex Mildenberger Leon Stevenson
Memorial Parque das Araucárias Chapel of the Chimes Funeral Home is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity that
Curitiba, Brazil Westland, Michigan provides scholarships to attend ICCFA
Kenneth Edward Varner Memorial Schol- educational programs. Scholarship
arship Erin Sturgill applications for the 2020 session of
Raymer-Kepner Funeral Home and ICCFA University will be available
Donald Mill Cremation Services
Greenhaven Memorial Gardens Huntersville, North Carolina in the fall. For more information on the
Elgin, South Carolina ICCFA Educational Foundation, visit
iccfa.education. q

Visit the new and improved www.iccfa.com May 2019 53


5 Aftercare.com 11 Foundation Partners Group 9 Paradise Pictures

37 American Memory Craft 37 Funeral Call Answering Service 29 Platinum Celebration Services
39 American Cemetery/Mortuary 2 Funeral Home Gifts 43 Regions Funeral & Cemetery
Consultants 56 funeralOne Trust Services
33 ASD—Answering Service for 27 Global Atlantic Financial Group 19 SEP Technologies
Directors 45 Grever & Ward 45 Supply Link
7 C&J Financial 21 Holland Supply 3 Terrybear Urns & Memorials
31 Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery 41 IMSA 37 THE SYSTEM
and Funeral Home 29 Kryprotek 45 Thumbies
19 Columbarium by Design LLC 39 Madelyn Co. 37 Triple H Co.
25 Continental Computer Corp. 55 Merendino Cemetery Care 15 U.S. Metalcraft
13 Ensure-A-Seal 33 Nomis Publications 33 WithumSmith + Brown
17 Express Funeral Funding 45 Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & 31 Zontec Ozone r
33 Flowers for Cemeteries Hippel

Calendar ➤E-mail calendar listings, additions or corrections to [email protected] and [email protected]

May 8-10: Homesteaders May 14-16: Iowa Funeral May 20-21: Minnesota Directors Assn. 133rd Annual
and Drake University Directors Assn. Convention, Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Convention & Expo, Fort Worth
Certificate in Strategic Prairie Meadows Hotel & Conf. Convention, Rochester. Convention Center.
Business Management Center, Altoona. www.iafda.org www.mnfuneral.org www.tfda.com
course, Saint Louis University. May 14-16: Two Hearts May 20-21: North Carolina June 13-14: Georgia Cemetery
homesteaderslife.com/drake Pet Loss Center Grief Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Assn. Convention, Clar­ence
May 8-10: South Dakota Companioning Certification Convention, Pinehurst. Brown Conf. Center, Carters­
Funeral Directors Assn. Class, Dallas, Texas. www.ncfda.org ville. www.gacemeteries.com
Convention, Deadwood. twoheartspetlosscenter.com May 28: ICCFA Crematory June 16-18: Alabama Funeral
www.sdfda.org. May 16-21: Southern Ceme­ Ope­ra­­tor Train­ing, Mid-America Directors Assn. 133rd Annual
May 14: Batesville Casket tery, Cremation and Funeral College of Funeral Service, Convention, Grand
webinar, “Five levels of Assn. Convention & Sales Jeffer­sonville, Indiana. Hotel-Marriott Resort Golf Club
leadership: Proven steps School, San Antonio Marriott www.iccfa.com & Spa, Point Clear, Alabama.
to maximize your potential.” Rivercenter. www.sccfa.info. June 2-5: Louisiana [email protected];
www.Batesville.com/Webinars May 19-21: Texas Cemeteries and Mississippi Funeral [email protected]
May 14-15: Passare free Assn. Annual Convention, San Directors Assns. Joint Annual June 18-20: Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s
Advanced User Training Antonio Marriott River Center. Convention, Windsor Court training session for funeral
Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio. www.txca.us Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. directors, “Opening Your
www.passare.com/workshop/ May 20: 25th Annual National www.lfdaweb.org Community’s Eyes to WHY We
May 14-16: Asia Funeral & Museum of Funeral History June 2-5: Pennsylvania Need Funerals,” Ford Collins,
Cre­mation Expo & Conf., Charity Golf Classic, Kingwood Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Colorado.
Hong Kong. Country Club, Kingwood, Convention, Mount Pocono. www.centerforloss.com
www.asiafuneralexpo.com Texas. www.nmfh.org www.pfda.org June 20: Southern Monu­ment
June 2-5: Tennessee Funeral Builders Assn. Convention &
Directors Assn. Annual Conven­ Trade Show, Emerald Beach

Classifieds Check the classified announcements

at www.iccfa.com/employment.htm
tion, Sevierville. www.tnfda.org
June 4-6: Funeral Directors
Hotel, Corpus Christi, Texas.
To place a classified, contact Rick Platter, [email protected] Assn. of Kentucky 137th
Annual State Convention & June 21-23: Montana Funeral
Mid-West Regional Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Conven­
Trade Show, Kentucky Expo tion & Trade Show, Nor­thern
Cemetery & Crowne Plaza Hotel, Billings.
Hotel, Louisville. www.montanafda.com
www.FDAofKY.com June 25-27: Florida Cemetery,
June 5: Wisconsin Ceme­tery Cremation & Funeral Assn.
& Cremation Assn. Cemetery Annual Convention & Trade
Management Course, Milwau­ Show, Tampa Marriott
kee. www.wiscemeteries.org. Waterside Hotel & Marina.
June 5-7: Wisconsin Ceme­
tery & Cremation Assn. Annual June 27-29: Califoria Funeral
Conf., Milwaukee. Directors Assn. Annual Con­
www.wiscemeteries.org. vention, Harrah’s Casino, State­
line, Nevada. www.cafda.org r
June 10-13: Texas Funeral

54 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
smart phone scan Property in photo is Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, Merendino client since 2005

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