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Sustainability – technical feature

Cement type/early age properties

The use of low CO2 cements in concrete should not restrict the rate of construction

materials to strength development.

table 1: Summary of the main physical characteristics
The main components of these
of CEM I and the additional materials
There is a wide range of cement hydraulic, latent hydraulic and
and cementitious materials avail- Physical CEM I (Portland Fly ash Ground granulated Limestone Silica pozzolanic materials are calcium,
property cement) blastfurnace slag fines fume
able in the UK, available as either (ggbs)
alumina and silica, as shown in a
factory-made composite cements, simplified form on the ternary
or equivalent combinations of Fineness, 350-450 450 350-550 660 15,000- diagram of Figure 1. On this dia-
m2/kg 35,000
CEM I (Portland cement) and gram, the more calcium a
additional materials added at the Bulk den- 1400 1000 1200 1300 1350- pozzolanic material has, the closer
concrete mixer. sity, kg/m3 1510 it will be to the calcium corner of
There is a growing demand to Relative 3.15 2.2 2.9 2.7 2.2 the triangle, and similarly with
use these cements and additions density alumina and silica.
as they will help reduce the envi- CEM I is the most reactive
ronmental impact of concrete, material, as it is high in calcium,
figure 1: Ternary diagram showing the simplified
may reduce cost and can be used but ggbs is not far away and is
chemistry of cementitious materials
to enhance durability. The most part of the reason that combina-
commonly used additional mate- Silica tions of CEM I with up to 50 per
rials, used either in factory-made cent ggbs develop much the same
or combination cements, are 28-day concrete strength as CEM
ground granulated blastfurnace Silica I alone.
slag (ggbs), fly ash, limestone and fume Fly ash is somewhat further
silica fume. away and hence the more typical
The reactivity of the additional combination level is 30-35 per
materials depends on their chem- cent. Although chemically silica
ical composition and their Fly fume is furthest away from CEM I,
fineness. Simply stated, the ash its fineness, at nearly two orders
greater the ratio of calcium and of magnitude finer than the other
alumina to silica, and the finer the materials, means it is very reac-
particle size material, the more ggbs tive, but the fine particles must be
reactive the material and so the effectively dispersed.
more it can contribute to strength CEM I In practice, this means it is
development. Table 1 shows a essential that silica fume is used
summary of the main physical together with a superplasticising
characteristics of CEM I and the Calcium Alumina admixture such that a maximum
additional materials.
It should be noted that none of
these additional materials are table 2: Cement and combination types
usefully cementitious without an Cement notation Composition
activator. The normal activator is Cement type Cement to EN Combination to Clinker fly ash ggbs limestone silica fume
provided by Portland cement or 197-1 [1] BS 8500 [2]
the Portland cement clinker com- Portland CEM I — 95-100 — — — —
ponent of a factory-made
CEM II/A-V CIIA-V 80-94 6-20 — — —
composite cement. Portland fly ash
Pozzolanic or latent hydraulic CEM II/B-V CIIB-V 65-79 21-35 — — —
additional materials, such as fly CEM II/A-S 80-96 — 6-20 — —
ash, silica fume and ggbs, are Portland slag CII-S
CEM II/B-S 65-79 — 21-35 — —
those that either react with, or are
activated by, alkali released by the Portland limestone CEM II/A-L or LL CIIA-L or LL 80-94 — — 6-20 —
hydration of the cement to form Portland silica fume CEM II/A-D CIIA-D 90-94 — — — 6-10
products that contribute to
CEM III/A CIIIA 35-74 — 36-65 — —
strength. Blast- furnace
Limestone fines are not poz- CEM III/B CIIIB 20-34 — 66-80 — —
zolanic but act as additional CEM IV/A CIVA-V — 11-35 — — —
nucleation points for cement Pozzolanic
CEM IV/B CIVB-V — 36-55 — — —
hydration and so contribute a little

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table 3: Cement strength classes in accordance with
n CEM I is available as 52,5 N and
52,5 R;
“The local
EN 197-1 and EN 197-4
n CEM II/B-V is available as CEM availability should
Standard Class Compressive Strength, MPa II/B-V 42,5 N and CEM II/B-V 32,5 R; be confirmed if a
Early strength Standard strength n CEM II/A L or LL is available as
32,5R, 42,5 N, 42,5 R and 52,5 N; particular type
2 day 7 day 28 day
32,5 L* — ≥ 12,0
n CEM III/A is available as CEM and strength class
32,5 N — ≥ 16,0 ≥ 32,5 ≤ 52,5
III/A 42,5 L but where CEM I is
used in combination with higher
is required at
32,5 R ≥ 22,5 — percentages of ggbs then the commercially
BS EN 197-1 42,5 L* — ≥ 16,0
appropriate equivalent strength
class would be 32,5 L;
viable rates”
42,5 N ≥ 10,0 — ≥ 42,5 ≤ 62,5 n CEM IV/B is available and where
(BS EN 197-4*)
42,5 R ≥ 20,0 — CEM I is used in combination with
higher percentages of fly ash then the range of cementitious materi-
52,5 L* ≥ 10,0 — the appropriate equivalent als using CEM I concrete as a
52,5 N ≥ 20,0 — ≥ 52,5 — strength class would also be 32,5 L. reference, and this is shown in
52,5 R ≥ 30,0 —
It should also be noted Table 4.
although these types and strength An oddity in Table 4 is that the
classes are available in the UK the early strength of CEM I is shown
local availability should be con- as ‘High’, whereas as the table
of surface area is available for where there are minimum limits firmed if a particular type and generally takes CEM I as the refer-
reaction. to early-age strength and limits strength class is required at com- ence perhaps the comparison
As silica fume is so reactive it for 28-day strength. mercially viable rates. should be ‘Normal’.
uses up the alkali released by the Cement strength is based on Although the cement types The reason for this is that for a
cement, so the percentage used is testing a standard mortar, one with the lowest amount of clinker wide range of concrete applica-
generally quite low, that is around part cement to three parts sand at and of the lowest strength classes tions the strength provided by
10 per cent. Limestone is generally a water/cement of 0.5, and so are likely to require more time to using CEM I cement is more than
used in cement to improve the there will be no direct relation- set, stiffen and develop strength, what is actually required.
fresh concrete or mortar proper- ship between cement strength there is no unique relationship, as For some applications such as
ties, where up to 15 per cent or so and concrete strength where the increasing the cementitious con- precast concrete elements, in-situ
does not significantly reduce mix proportions will be very tent and reducing the w/c ratio of post-tensioned concrete or cold
28-day strength. different. the concrete may counter the weather concreting, the early
Table 2 shows the main cement It is also important to note that effects of the lower reactivity strength development of CEM I
and combination types, together there is no unique relationship materials. concrete is essential, but for more
with the standard nomenclature between cement type and cement Having said this, it is useful to normal applications then the per-
and the main constituents. strength class. compare some of the earlier age formance is rightly considered
The pozzolanic cement with For example, in the UK: properties of concrete made with high.
siliceous fly ash as the pozzolana
at 11-35 per cent, CEM IV/A-V, is
included for completeness, but table 4: Comparison of early age properties of concrete using various
this is not available as a factory- cementitious materials
made composite cement and in
Cement (or equivalent combination)
practice the readily available
CEM II/B-V is used. Silica fume Portland Portland fly Blastfurnace Cements Pozzolanic
Property Portland cement CEM
In accordance with EN 197-1 cement CEM Limestone ash cement
Cement IV/B-V
and EN 197-4 [1], cement is also CEM I (CIVB-V)
categorised by strength class as
well as cement type, and these Early Strength High High High Moderate Moderate Low Low
categories are shown in Table 3, 28-day Strength Normal High As CEM I As CEM I As CEM I < CEM I < CEM I
Long term
Normal High As CEM I High High High High
Workability Longer than Longer than Longer than Longer than Longer than
“Combinations of retention
Normal < CEM I
CEM I with up to 50 Bleeding/plastic
Less likely Less likely Less likely More likely More likely More likely
per cent ggbs settlement than CEM I than CEM I than CEM I than CEM I than CEM I than CEM I

develop much the Plastic shrinkage

Normal High As CEM I As CEM I
Less likely
than CEM I
Less likely
than CEM I
Less likely
than CEM I
same 28-day Setting finishing
Normal/ Normal/ Normal/
Moderate Slow Slow
concrete strength times Moderate Moderate Moderate

as CEM I alone” Low heat Poor As CEM I Modest Moderate Moderate Very good Very good

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Sustainability – technical feature

Similarly, the hydration of CEM

I generates a significant amount
figure 2: Comparative concrete strength development “Where horizontal
of heat, which may be a problem
at standard 20°C water cure for the range of cements formwork is to be
and combinations, at equal 28 day strength
in thicker sections, say greater removed and the
than about 400 mm, where there
is a requirement to minimise the concrete structure
risk of thermal cracking, and so it has to support
is correct to identify CEM I as hav-
ing ‘Poor’ low heat properties.
itself then higher
For properties such as worka- strengths are
bility retention, bleeding/plastic
settlement, plastic shrinkage and
setting finishing times, the nega-
tive aspect can be ameliorated by
the concrete mix design, and
does not generally cause any term durability properties.
difficulty. Where additional materials are
However, the main drawback of used to replace significant propor-
using cements or combinations tions of CEM I, or the Portland
that incorporate ggbs, fly as or Cement clinker component of fac-
limestone is that, although the tory-made composite cements,
28-day strength will be similar to then the effect on early age prop-
that achieved with CEM I alone, erties may require some
the early strength may be signifi- consideration to show that the
cantly reduced. required finishing or formwork
Figure 2 shows the comparative striking times can be achieved.
strength development of a range
of concretes incorporating the References
various types of cementitious ‘execution’ is the European tech- where horizontal formwork is to [1] British Standards Institution,
materials, on the basis of equal nical term for construction, be removed and the concrete BS EN 197-1 Cement – Part 1: 2000
28-day strength. requires that the concrete surface structure has to support itself Specification, performance, pro-
In overall terms, the pozzolanic temperature shall not fall to then higher strengths are duction and conformity criteria
reaction of ggbs and fly ash does 0 deg C until the concrete surface required. for common cements, BSI,
not really start until after a day or compressive strength has reached Guidance on early striking of London, February 2001, last
so, and so their contribution to a minimum value of 5 MPa. slab soffits and back-propping is amended 25 October 2004. Part 4:
concrete strength at one day is The UK complementary guid- given in CS 140 Guide to flat slab 2004, Cement Composition, speci-
not significant. ance, the National Structural falsework and formwork5. fications and conformity criteria
For example, in Figure 2 where Concrete Specification [4] (NSCS), Eurocode 2 for the Design of for low early strength blastfurnace
30 per cent fly ash is used, the one- recommends for formwork strik- Concrete Structures Part 1-1, sub- cements, BSI, London, July 2004.
day strength is only around 70 per ing that in all cases a concrete clause 3.1.2 gives an expression [2] British Standards Institution,
cent of that achieved with CEM I, strength of 2 MPa is required, but for estimating the early age com- BS 8500 Concrete –
and similarly where 70 per cent 5 MPa is recommended to mini- pressive strength of concrete at 20 Complementary British Standard
ggbs is used the one-day strength mise the risk of mechanical deg C, in terms of cement to BS EN 206-1 – Part 1: 2006
is only around 30 per cent of that damage. strength classes. Method of specifying and guid-
achieved with CEM I. Unless the concrete curing It is apparent that where avail- ance for the specifier. Part 2: 2006
Early strength is particularly temperature is particularly low, able it is preferable to use more Specification for constituent
important as this will control the the 5 MPa requirement at one day specific data, noting also that the materials and concrete, BSI,
age at which formwork can be is not an onerous requirement. Eurocode 2 expression does not London, November 2006.
removed. The European Standard For example, if it is assumed cover the use of low early strength [3] British Standards Institution,
for the execution of concrete that Figure 2 applied to a C40/50 cements – the ‘L’ cements from BS EN 13670: 2009, Execution of
structures BS EN 13670 [3], where concrete then 5 MPa represents Table 3. concrete structures, BSI, London,
12.5 per cent of the 28-day For these reasons the expres- February 2010.
strength, so all the cementitious sion is not particularly useful for [4] Construct, National Structural
materials show that this can be application in the UK and refer- Concrete Specification for
achieved by one day, except for ence to Figure 2 would be more Building Construction, CCIP 50,
“Early strength is the CEM IIIB at 70 per cent ggbs useful. MPA The Concrete Centre, April
particularly where the curing time required is In summary, the variation in 2010, Fourth Edition.
only just over a day. early age properties of concrete [5] Pallet, P. F. Guide to flat slab
important as this Where the concrete curing containing a wide range of falsework and formwork,
will control the age temperature is much below 20 cementitious materials should Construct CS 140, 2003.
at which formwork deg C then the striking time will
increase and greater considera-
not be a barrier to their use to
reduce environmental impact, By Dr Chris A Clear, technical director,
can be removed” tion is required. In addition, material cost or enhance long- BRMCA

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