A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4 For COT
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4 For COT
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4 For COT
III. Learning
Materials from
Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
5. VALUES Asking permission and keeping the things back in its place, Respecting
INTEGRATION the members of the family
Other Learning Chart, pictures, strips of words, activity cards, tag board, markers
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Review
previous lesson or The teacher shows pictures to the whole class simultaneously and let the pupils
presenting the new tell an adjective that describes it. The first and third pictures will be answered by
lesson boys and the second and last pictures will be answered by girls.
B. Establishing a Motivation
purpose for the Show a picture of a family and let them describe the role of each member.
Ella Mae Bargamento 2019
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Guide Questions:
What is the picture all about?
How many are they in the family? Is it a big or small family?
How about you, who among you here have small families? Who among here
have big families?
The teacher will recite the poem about family followed by the pupils with proper
phrasing and intonation.
This is mother, kind and dear,
This is father standing near,
This is brother, see how tall,
This is sister not so tall,
This is baby, sweet and small.
Comprehension Check
1. Who are the members of the family?
2. What words describe the father, mother, brother sister and the baby?
3. What is the role of the father, mother, sister and brother? Are you performing
your role in the family? How?
4. In what way, can you help your family members?
Values Integration
What should we do so that family members will live peacefully and will not fight
each other? How about, if we use the things of other members, what should we
C. Presenting Now, let’s have a short drama, think that your father is a scientist and your mother
examples/instances is a chef. Let us try to visit their working area and familiarize the things inside their
of the new lesson working area.
Group 2
Directions: Study the given pictures and determine the right adjectives in
each object. Then, use it in a sentence.
Number Quality Color Noun
Group 3
Directions: Arrange the adjectives in the correct order. Then, use it in a
Group 4
Directions: Match the adjectives to the correct noun and use it in a
four long green * * chairs
a small brown * * tables
three plastic white * * cabinet
Presentation of answers will be done by one or representatives from the group.
Teacher reviews and check the answer by group and give points based on the
rubrics in presentations and writing sentences.
Discuss the arrangement of adjective in a series if students are still confused with
the lesson.
The teacher also asks the students on how they feel while having their group
F. Developing With the same grouping, let the pupils brainstorm adjectives that fit the given noun
Mastery (Leads to in the table. The nouns will be presented in succeeding manner. Students are
Formative given one minute to think and write their answer. The answers will be written in a
Assessment) tag board.
Describe each noun using the correct order of adjectives.
Number Quality Color Noun
G. Finding practical Arrange the adjectives in a correct order.
application of 1. I bought ______________ t-shirts. (pink five expensive)
concepts and skills in 2. My friends looked for ____________ jeans. (black skinny two)
daily living 3. My sister had _____________ hair. (curly brown a)
4. I saw ______________ slippers (soft six yellow)
H. Making Adjectives tell about the number, kind, and color of a person, animal or thing.
generalizations and When several adjectives are used in one sentence, the order of adjectives is as
abstractions about follows: number, kind or quality, and color.
the lesson
I. Evaluating Arrange the adjectives inside the parenthesis in correct order.
1. Mother gave Ana (beautiful yellow a) dress on her birthday.
2. I ate (sweet red ten) strawberries last night.
3. There are (brown seven big) cows on the farm.
4. Andrew has (fat white six) rats as his pets.
J. Additional Answer page 256 Exercise 2.
activities for
application or Arrange the series of adjectives in the correct order.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
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B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities to
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other
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