DLL - English 4 - Q1 - W5

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 19-23, 2022 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES Identify meaning of unfamiliar words through structural analysis (words and affixes:
(Weekly Objective) prefixes and suffixes) EN4V-IIc-32

A. Content Standards demonstrates an understanding of various linguistics nodes to

comprehend various texts

B. Performance Objective uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of
texts for a variety of purposes

C. Learning Competencies The learner should be able The learner should be able The learner should be WEEKLY
( Write the LC code for each) to: to: The learner should be able able to: SUMMATIVE TEST
1. Form new words by 1. Form new words by to: (1-10)
adding prefixes and adding prefixes and 1. Identify the meaning of 1. Identify the meaning
suffixes; and suffixes; and words with prefixes and of words with prefixes
suffixes in the sentence. and suffixes in the

( Subject Matter) Identifying Meaning through Identifying Meaning through Identifying Meaning Identifying Meaning through
Structural Analysis( Prefixes Structural Analysis( Prefixes through Structural Analysis( Structural Analysis( Prefixes
and Affixes) and Affixes) Prefixes and Affixes) and Affixes)
III. LEARNINGRESOURCES English 4 Module q1w5 English 4 Module q1w5 English 4 Module q1w5 English 4 Module q1w5 English 4 Module
A. References q1w5
1. Teachers Guide pages CG p.90 CG p.90 CG p.90 CG p.90 CG p.90
2. Learners Material Pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LRDMS
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Showing some affixed words. What is an affix?
A. Presenting the new lesson Unlocking the Difficulty. Give some examples of words with prefixes
An affix is a syllable or word added at the beginning or ending of a
word to form
another word. The kinds of affixes are prefix and suffix.
What is a prefix?
B. Establishing a purpose of the Prefix is a letter or group of letters added at the beginning of the A suffix is a letter or a group of letters added after the root or
new lesson(Motivation) root word to form another word. base words to form another word.

C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the

new lesson( Presentation)

D.Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills no.1 Examples: Examples:
( Modeling) 1. She was overjoyed when she received the gift from her 1. The dancer dances gracefully.
godmother. ( too much joy) 2. I am a writer.
2. Aira got a wrong answer in number two because she 3. My friend is careful while bringing the glass.
misunderstood the question. (not understood, wrongly 4. The child is homeless.
understood) 5. Daniel Padilla is my favorite actor.
3. At 10 years old, Marco can work alone with his homework, he 6. He walks eastward.
is independent.(not dependent)

E. Discussing new concepts and overconfident incorrect unfinished misspell ./er/ /r/ /or/ /ful/ /less/
practicing new skills no.2 overestimate inattentive unfriendly mispronounce Leader writer actor helpful hopeless
( Guided Practice) overflow inadequate unlock misplace Sweeper composer traitor careful tactless
Incomplete unsatisfied misbehave Farmer dancer sailor joyful careless
Invisible unaware misinterpret
Inexpensive /ness/ /ward/ /ly/
inseparable Kindness downward sadly
Imperfect reuse untidy mismanage Illness westward weekly
Impossible reread unwell Itchiness northward bravely
Immeasurable recite untie
impatient Review untrue
immature Rewrite unhappy
immovable Retell unhealthy
F. Developing Mastery Form new words by adding prefixes.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) 1. _____polite 6. _____tidy Form new words by adding suffixes.
( Independent Practice ) 2. _____ read 7. _____ pronounce
1. South_____
3. _____visible 8. _____friendly
2. Creat_____
4. ______behave 9. ____joy 3. Fear____
5. ______healthy 10. ____correct 4. Lone_____
Identify the meaning of each affixed words. 5. Compose___
1. His shoelaces are untie.
A. tie b. not tie Identify the meaning of each affixed words.
2. My friend gets incorrect answer in number three question. 1. Singer
A. Not correct b. correct A. person who sings B. person who dances
2. Softness
3. The teaher asked me to retell the story.
A. State of being soft B. state of being hard
A. Not tell B. tell again 3. Fearful
4. The water in the pail overflows. A. Full of fear B. full of joy
A. Too much water B. no water 4. Preacher
5. Her assignment is unfinished. A. Person who preaches B. person who composes
A. Finished B. not finished 5. Penniless
A. One without money B. one without friend

G.Finding practical application of Studying prefixes will help you increase your vocabulary and Studying prefixes will help you increase your vocabulary and
concepts and skills in daily living develop your skills in understanding, listening, and writing develop your skills in understanding, listening, and writing
( Application/Valuing) different text types. different text types.

H.Making Generalization and Affixes are the letters or syllables added at the beginning or end Suffixes such as ness, r, er, or, ful, less, and ly are letters or
abstraction about the lesson of the root words. Prefixes such as in, im, over, un, mis, and re syllables added after the root words.
( Generalization) are added at the beginning of the root words. By adding these
prefixes you can form new words with different meanings.
I. Evaluating learning Give ten- item test .
Give ten- item test C. Form new words
A. Form new words Identify the meaning
B. Identify the meaning
J. Additional activities for application List 10 words with suffixes and identify the meaning.
and remediation List 10 words with prefixes and identify the meaning.
( Assignment)

A. No. of learner who earned 80%

B .No. of learner who scored below

80% ( needs remediation)

C. No. of learners who have caught up

with the lesson

D. No of learner who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies work

well? Why?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal /supervisor can help me sove?

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to share
w/other teacher?


Grade IV-A Adviser

Checked by : YOLANDA D. TAYAS

Principal I

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