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Electrical Circuits Lab.


Series RC Circuit Phasor Diagram

- Simple steps to draw phasor diagram of a series RC

circuit without memorizing:

* Start with the quantity (voltage or current) that is common

for the resistor R and the capacitor C, which is here the source
current I (because it passes through both R and C without
being divided). Figure (1) Series RC circuit

* Now we know that I and resistor voltage VR are in phase or have the same phase angle (there
zero crossings are the same on the time axis) and VR is greater than I in magnitude.

* Since I equal the capacitor current IC and we know that IC leads the capacitor voltage VC by
90 degrees, we will add VC on the phasor diagram as follows:

* Now, the source voltage VS equals the vector summation of VR and VC:

Figure (2) Series RC circuit

Phasor Diagram
Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi
- Important notes on the phasor diagram of series RC circuit shown in figure (2):

A- All the vectors are rotating in the same angular speed ω.

B- This circuit acts as a capacitive circuit and I leads VS by a phase shift of Ө (which is the
current angle if the source voltage is the reference signal).

Ө ranges from 0o to 90o (0o < Ө <90o). If Ө=0o then this circuit becomes a resistive
circuit and if Ө=90o then the circuit becomes a pure capacitive circuit.

C- The phase shift between the source voltage and its current Ө is important and you have
two ways to find its value:


b- =- =-

D- Using the phasor diagram, you can find all needed quantities in the circuit like all the
voltages magnitude and phase and all the currents magnitude and phase.

For a series RC circuit, if the magnitude of VC and VR was measured in Lab. (as a peak
value from an oscilloscope or rms value from a digital multimeter), then we can find the
magnitude of VS as follows:
| | √| | | |

E- You can find all leading or lagging voltages and currents in this circuit with respect to a
reference signal like the source voltage VS.

For example, it is clearly shown by the phasor diagram that I leads VS by Ө degrees, VR
leads VS by Ө degrees (since it is in phase with I) and VC lags VS by 90o- Ө.

F- The phasor diagram helps in finding the change in current and voltage (magnitude and
phase) with voltage source frequency f changing.

With frequency f increasing, the capactive reactance XC will decrease and VC will
decrease too, the the resistor R will not be affected by the change of f, then by voltage

Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi

division rule VR will increase (to prevent VS from changing since VS is a voltage source).
Since XC decrease and R is constant the total impedance Z will decrease and the source
current I will increase. and will decrease because
and the tan-1 function is increasing on the interval
from 0 to 90o.

In a concise way:
f ↑ | XC |↓ |Z|↓ |I|↑ |VR|↑ |VC|↓ Ө↓ .

G- Figure (3) below shows a time domain representation for all the vectors shown on the
phasor diagram:

Figure (3) Series RC Circuit Time Domain Representation

Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi

Electrical Circuits Lab. 0903219

Parallel RC Circuit Phasor Diagram

- Simple steps to draw phasor diagram of a parallel RC circuit

without memorizing:

* Start with the quantity (voltage or current) that is common for the
resistor R and the capacitor C, which is here the source Voltage VS
(because it is parallel with both R and C without being divided).

Figure (1) Parallel RC

* Now we know that resistor current IR and resistor voltage VR (which equals VS) are in phase
or have the same phase angle (there zero crossings are the same on the time axis) and VR is
greater than IR in magnitude.

* Since VS equal the voltage VC and we know that VC lags the capacitor current IC by 90
degrees, we will add IC on the phasor diagram as follows:

* Finally, the source current I equal the vector summation of IR and IC:

Figure (2) Parallel RC circuit

Phasor Diagram

Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi

- Important notes on the phasor diagram of Parallel RC circuit shown in
figure (2):

A- All the vectors are rotating in the same angular speed ω.

B- This circuit acts as a capacitive circuit and I leads VS by a phase shift of Ө (which is the
current angle if the source voltage is the reference signal).

Ө ranges from 0o to 90o (0o < Ө <90o). If Ө=0o then this circuit becomes a resistive
circuit and if Ө=90o then the circuit becomes a pure capacitive circuit.

C- The phase shift between the source voltage and its current Ө is important and you have
two ways to find its value:

= =

D- Using the phasor diagram, you can find all needed quantities in the circuit like all the
voltages magnitude and phase and all the currents magnitude and phase.

For a parallel RC circuit, if the magnitude of IC and IR was measured in Lab. (as a peak
value from an oscilloscope or rms value from a digital multimeter), then we can find the
magnitude of I as follows:
|| √| | | |

E- You can find all leading or lagging quantities in this circuit with respect to a reference
signal like the source voltage VS.

For example, it is clearly shown by the phasor diagram that I leads VS by Ө degrees, IR
lags I by Ө degrees and IC leads I by 90o- Ө.

F- The phasor diagram helps in finding the change in quantities (magnitude and phase) with
voltage source frequency f changing.

Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi

With frequency f increasing, the capacitive reactance XC will decrease and so IC will
increase, the the resistor R will not be affected by the change of f and IR will not change
with frequency. Since XC decrease and R is constant the total impedance Z will decrease,
the source current I will increase and the admittance Y will increase. and will
increase because and the tan-1
function is increasing on the interval from 0 to 90o.

In a concise way:
f ↑ |XC|↓ |Z|↓ |Y|↑ |I|↑ |IC|↑ Ө↑ |IR|constant.

G- Figure (3) below shows a time domain representation for all the vectors shown on the
phasor diagram:

Figure (3) Parallel RC Circuit Time Domain Representation

Prepared by: Eng. Wiam Anabousi

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