5 Extra Description
5 Extra Description
5 Extra Description
* Now we know that I and resistor voltage VR are in phase or have the same phase angle (there
zero crossings are the same on the time axis) and VR is greater than I in magnitude.
* Since I equal the capacitor current IC and we know that IC leads the capacitor voltage VC by
90 degrees, we will add VC on the phasor diagram as follows:
* Now, the source voltage VS equals the vector summation of VR and VC:
B- This circuit acts as a capacitive circuit and I leads VS by a phase shift of Ө (which is the
current angle if the source voltage is the reference signal).
Ө ranges from 0o to 90o (0o < Ө <90o). If Ө=0o then this circuit becomes a resistive
circuit and if Ө=90o then the circuit becomes a pure capacitive circuit.
C- The phase shift between the source voltage and its current Ө is important and you have
two ways to find its value:
b- =- =-
D- Using the phasor diagram, you can find all needed quantities in the circuit like all the
voltages magnitude and phase and all the currents magnitude and phase.
For a series RC circuit, if the magnitude of VC and VR was measured in Lab. (as a peak
value from an oscilloscope or rms value from a digital multimeter), then we can find the
magnitude of VS as follows:
| | √| | | |
E- You can find all leading or lagging voltages and currents in this circuit with respect to a
reference signal like the source voltage VS.
For example, it is clearly shown by the phasor diagram that I leads VS by Ө degrees, VR
leads VS by Ө degrees (since it is in phase with I) and VC lags VS by 90o- Ө.
F- The phasor diagram helps in finding the change in current and voltage (magnitude and
phase) with voltage source frequency f changing.
With frequency f increasing, the capactive reactance XC will decrease and VC will
decrease too, the the resistor R will not be affected by the change of f, then by voltage
In a concise way:
f ↑ | XC |↓ |Z|↓ |I|↑ |VR|↑ |VC|↓ Ө↓ .
G- Figure (3) below shows a time domain representation for all the vectors shown on the
phasor diagram:
* Start with the quantity (voltage or current) that is common for the
resistor R and the capacitor C, which is here the source Voltage VS
(because it is parallel with both R and C without being divided).
* Since VS equal the voltage VC and we know that VC lags the capacitor current IC by 90
degrees, we will add IC on the phasor diagram as follows:
* Finally, the source current I equal the vector summation of IR and IC:
B- This circuit acts as a capacitive circuit and I leads VS by a phase shift of Ө (which is the
current angle if the source voltage is the reference signal).
Ө ranges from 0o to 90o (0o < Ө <90o). If Ө=0o then this circuit becomes a resistive
circuit and if Ө=90o then the circuit becomes a pure capacitive circuit.
C- The phase shift between the source voltage and its current Ө is important and you have
two ways to find its value:
= =
D- Using the phasor diagram, you can find all needed quantities in the circuit like all the
voltages magnitude and phase and all the currents magnitude and phase.
For a parallel RC circuit, if the magnitude of IC and IR was measured in Lab. (as a peak
value from an oscilloscope or rms value from a digital multimeter), then we can find the
magnitude of I as follows:
|| √| | | |
E- You can find all leading or lagging quantities in this circuit with respect to a reference
signal like the source voltage VS.
For example, it is clearly shown by the phasor diagram that I leads VS by Ө degrees, IR
lags I by Ө degrees and IC leads I by 90o- Ө.
F- The phasor diagram helps in finding the change in quantities (magnitude and phase) with
voltage source frequency f changing.
In a concise way:
f ↑ |XC|↓ |Z|↓ |Y|↑ |I|↑ |IC|↑ Ө↑ |IR|constant.
G- Figure (3) below shows a time domain representation for all the vectors shown on the
phasor diagram: