RLC Series Circuit-1

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Experiment no.

R L C series circuits
To study the characteristics of ac circuits.

1- Dual beam oscilloscope.
2- Function generator.
3- Resistance box.
4- Capacitance box.
5- Inductance box.
6- Coaxial cable.
7- Connecting wires.

A- Impedance : the impedance of a two terminal network may be
expressed as:

Z=v/I (ohms)

Where z = complex impedance

V= complex voltage

I complex current

The complex impedance is also expressed as:

Z=r+jx in Cartesian form

Z=zeiФ in polar form.


Fig 2.1 illustrate a series rc circuit connected to an ac voltage
The applied voltage can be expressed as:
V=Vm sinɷt
=Ir +1/C∫ 𝑖𝑑𝑡
The solusion of this differential equation results in.

I=IM sin(ɷt+Ф)

This equation shows that current I leads voltage v by Ф

The impressed voltage v can expressed form as:


Which can be expressed as(see phasor diagram):

|v|= 𝑉 +𝑉

= (𝐼𝑅) + (𝐼 𝑋 )

=|I| (𝑅) + ( 𝑋 )

Where XC=1/(ɷC)

And the phase angle Ф is given by:


a) Circuit and wave form

Fig 2.1 series RC

b) phasor diagram

FIG. 2.1 series RC

C- Series RL circuit:

Fig.2.2 illustrate a series RL circuit to which a sinusoidal voltage

v=VM sin ɷt is


Applying K.V.L, one gets:


Solving eqn for I, one gets

I=IM Sin(ɷt-Ф)

Thus the current I lags the voltage v by Ф.

From phasor diagram, one express:

|v|= 𝑉 +𝑉

= (𝐼𝑅) + (𝐼 𝑋 )

=|I| (𝑅) + ( 𝑋 )

Where XL= ɷL

a) circuit and waveforms

b) Phasor diagram

Fig 2.2 a series RL circuit


A series RLC circuit is illustrated in fig.2.3. as obvious from the

figure the effect of XL and XC are opposite. VL leads the current by
90° while VC lags the current by 90° thusthe voltage across capacitor
and inductor are out of phase by 180°. If the magnitude of these
voltage are equal, they cancel each other and the total reactance in the


The impedance of the circuit is


And the phase angle Ф is given by


=tan-1((XL-XC)/ R)
If XL=XC the circuit is resistive

XL>XC the circuit is inductive

XL<XC the circuit is capacitive

a) Circuit b) phasor diagram

c)impedance triangle

fig.2.3.A series RLC circuit

Part A: series RC circuit

i- Connect the circuit shown in fig 2.1

ii- Set the input voltage at 3VP.P, 300Hz
iii- Measure the phase shift between the current I and the applied
voltage v by using oscilloscope.
iv- Calculate the phase angle theoretically.
Part B:series RL Circuit

i- Connect the circuit shown in fig.2.2

ii- Set input voltage at 4VP.P, 250Hz
iii- Repeat step (iii)&(iv) in part A.

Part C: series RLC circuit

i- Connect the circuit shown in fig.2.3

ii- Set the input voltage at 4 VP.P 1 kHz
iii- Measure the phase shift between input voltage and total current.
iv- Calculate the phase angle theoretically

1- Explain why the phasor and the impedance have the same angle.
2- At what condition the following results obtained?
a- Phase angle equal zero
b- The applied voltage lead the current by 90°.
c- The average power equal to zero.
3- In general, how would the phasor diagram of Figure 2.1 change if
the frequency was raised?
4- In general, how would the phasor diagram of Figure 2.2 change if
the frequency was lowered?

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