Good Citizen Lesson Plan

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Good Citizen Lesson Plan

The purpose of the first activity is to check students’ understanding of what qualities
identify a good citizen.

Essential Question: What makes a good citizen?

Qualities of a good citizen chart. Students will each be given a piece of paper to identity
good citizen qualities to place on a KWL chart or this could be done as a Knowledge
survey: Good Citizen: Yes/No/Not sure
After they have completed their chart/survey follow with a class discussion. Then have
students sort into categories to identify key concepts of being a good citizen: Obeying the
law, voting, paying attention to government and politics, contacting elected officials
about issues and problems, volunteering to help others, donating money to help others.

“Citizenship– A Challenge for all Generations”
Citizen Knowledge Survey
Registered to vote voted in all elections
Does homework always follows the speed limits
threw out the absentee ballot Tutors elementary school kids
Read the newspaper everyday Gives to the Salvation Army
Ran for a school office Picked up trash
Donates Blood Called a Senator
Worked on a neighborhood committee recycles
Didn’t vote can food drive
Didn’t stop at a crosswalk Litters
Sells Meth Didn’t give to the Red Cross
Drives fast Smokes cigarettes
Wrote a letter to the editor complains
Smokes in public goes to school
Public Protesting visit state Capital
Getting an education not registered to vote
Registered but doesn’t vote reads the voters pamphlet
Volunteers at local food bank bake cookies for a bake sale
Have a car wash gives a pack of cigarettes to a 16 yr old friend
Complains about the WASL attend city council meeting
Watches TVW/CSPAN aware of current events

Knows who is President of the US donates old bike/clothes

Know where the state capital is tags the freeway underpass
Chewing gum in class sharpening a pencil while teacher is talking
Getting your pet neutered or spayed Unemployed
Letting your pet wander taking a bag while walking your dog
Recycles Not taking responsibility for your actions
List can be modified as needed.

Review classroom expectations on day one. Day two: students brainstorm or journal in
response to “What are the qualities of a good citizen?” Day three: Conduct Citizen
Knowledge survey. Tally results to determine percentages. Extension: Home/School
connection students could survey friends, family teachers.

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