Saint Francis University Loretto, PA 15940 Education Department Lesson Plan Format

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2/7/19 and 2/8/19


Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Arlan Zelenky Grade 10

Subject Geometry _
Time Needed for Lesson 65 minutes Lesson Concept 6.4: Isosceles Triangles

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

2.9.8.A : Name, describe and apply geometric relations for 1-dimensional shapes and 2- dimensional shapes and 3-
dimensional solids.

2.9.11.A: Create justifications for arguments related to geometric relations.


What are the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles?

How can we use these properties to find more information about isosceles and equilateral triangles?


M11.C.1.2.3: Identify and/or use properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

The teacher will go over the Section 6.1-6.3 quiz on the Board with all students who took the quiz in class on Wednesday
(with 100% participation).
The student will find the value of each variable in the isosceles triangles on the PowerPoint with 75% accuracy.
The student will find the value of each variable using properties of angle bisectors and medians on the PowerPoint
with 80% accuracy.

Section 6.4 PowerPoint
ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

 The teacher will briefly go over the quiz from yesterday’s class (roughly five minutes).
 The teacher will ask students what they think the prefix “iso-“ means.
 The teacher will explain that “iso-“ is a prefix that means “equal”
 More specifically, there are two things that are equal in “isosceles triangles”: angles and sides
 We want to be able to talk about specific properties of isosceles triangles
 The teacher will mention the bolded parts of the objectives in class.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

 The teacher will go to Slide 2 in the PowerPoint and have the students work on the five review problems for three
 The teacher will explain that these five review problems mirror the last homework assignment that you had.
 The teacher will walk around the room to check for student understanding.
 The teacher will go over all of the answers on Slide 2
 The teacher will move on to Slide 3 in the PowerPoint
 The teacher will read through and explain Theorems 6.2-6.3 regarding isosceles triangles in the PowerPoint
 The teacher will move on to Slide 4 in the PowerPoint and work through the first example with the students
 The teacher will have students work on examples 2 and 3 on Slide 4 in the PowerPoint
 The teacher will ask students if they have any questions on what we have covered so far.
 The teacher will move on to Slide 5 and explain Theorem 6.4 and how it relates to Theorem 6.2
o Theorem 6.4 is the converse of Theorem 6.2
 The teacher will move on to Slide 6 in the PowerPoint and work through the example
 The teacher will ask students if they have any questions on this example
 The teacher will move on to Slide 7 and explain Theorem 6.5 regarding equilateral triangles (all sides and angles
are the same)
 The teacher will move on to Slide 8 and explain the Homework Assignment that is due during tomorrow’s class
(Pg. 250 #12-18)

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
 The teacher will ask students what things are equal in isosceles triangles.
 The teacher will ask students what things are equal in equilateral triangles.
 The teacher will explain that we used these properties to solve for various angles and side lengths in isosceles and
equilateral triangles throughout the lesson
 In addition, the teacher will say that we also reviewed properties of angle bisectors and medians at the start of the
lesson which is something that a lot of you wanted to have a review on.

 Student 1
o Will receive a copy of the completed Teacher’s notes for this section at the end of the lesson
 Student 2
o Will received reduced homework assignment (Pg. 250 #12-16) instead of (Pg. 250 #12-18)
ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and summative
assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
 The student will master the objective of finding the value of each variable in the isosceles triangles through an
informal check for understanding by the teacher as the teacher walks around the room
 The student will master the objective of finding the value of each variable using properties of angle bisectors
and medians through an informal check for understanding by the teacher by calling on volunteers to give their
answers to each of the five questions on Slide 2 in the PowerPoint.
 The teacher will master the objective of reviewing the quiz with students by having students give a “thumbs up”
or “thumbs down” signal to indicate whether or not they have questions about the quiz.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in clinical

I felt that this lesson went over really well. This was a good way for me to incorporate a quiz review, tie in old
material, relate old material to the new material, and get all of my students caught up and on the same page. I
had my second formal observation from Mr. Cunningham for the first part of this lesson. I thought that this was
a very good time for him to see me “tie up loose ends” with my students.

I had students out for different parts of the week for various reasons. I also had students who owed me
homework assignments. While no students had any homework to turn in to me, they all know what is expected
of them after our lesson. Students struggled with the basic concepts yet they understood how to do the math
behind the problems. This became apparent when I was reviewing with them on the Section 6.3 material.

I re-emphasized the fact that we were dealing with angle bisectors and explained how angle bisectors can be
useful for isosceles triangles. I feel that the lesson went over in a much smoother manner as a result. I am
learning that Geometry is very cross-curricular in terms of topics. I want my students to get the full experience
of understanding that mathematics is in the world all around them and that they may even start to like it by the
end of the course.

I feel that I could have done better at incorporating technology in this lesson. I wanted to teach using a
PowerPoint, but I realized that this would not work using the iPad technology. I had to convert my file over to a
PDF form in order to get it to work while using the iPad. While I like the way that I am conveying my notes to
the students, I feel that I should be able to find some different ways to present my material to the students. I
look forward to changing my delivery up a little bit in any way that I can.

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