(Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 95) Donev, Rossen-Proteomics in Biomedicine and Pharmacology-Academic Press (2014)

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Khaled Alawam
Forensic Medicine Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Hossein Baharvand
Department of Developmental Biology, University of Science and Culture, and Department
of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology at Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute
for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
A. Elizabeth Bond
Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United
Christoph H. Borchers
University of Victoria—Genome British Columbia Proteomics Centre, and Department of
Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, Petch Building Room 207, Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
Nanobiotechnology and Biophysics Laboratories (NBL), Department of Experimental
Medicine (DIMES); Nanoworld Institute Fondazione ELBA Nicolini (FEN), Pradalunga,
Bergamo, and School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL),
University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Juan Casado-Vela
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologı́a, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid,
Ed Dudley
Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United
Octavio Luiz Franco
Centro de Análises Proteômicas e Bioquı́micas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências
Genômicas e Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica de Brası́lia, Brası́lia, Brazil
José Manuel Franco-Zorrilla
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologı́a, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid,
Dustin C. Frost
School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Manuel Fuentes
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer/IBMCC (USAL/CSIC), IBSAL, Departamento de
Medicina, Unidad de Proteomics & Servicio General de Citometrı́a, University of
Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

x Contributors

Lingjun Li
School of Pharmacy, and Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, USA
Claudio Nicolini
Nanobiotechnology and Biophysics Laboratories (NBL), Department of Experimental
Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, Genoa; Nanoworld Institute Fondazione ELBA
Nicolini (FEN), Pradalunga, Bergamo, Italy, and Biodesign Institute, Arizona State
University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Eugenia Pechkova
Nanobiotechnology and Biophysics Laboratories (NBL), Department of Experimental
Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, Genoa, and Nanoworld Institute Fondazione
ELBA Nicolini (FEN), Pradalunga, Bergamo, Italy
Bernardo A. Petriz
Centro de Análises Proteômicas e Bioquı́micas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências
Genômicas e Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica de Brası́lia, Brası́lia, Brazil
Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko
University of Victoria—Genome British Columbia Proteomics Centre, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada
Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh
Department of Molecular Systems Biology at Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute
for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, and Department of Systems
Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Karaj, Iran
Faezeh Shekari
Department of Molecular Systems Biology at Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute
for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, and Department of Developmental Biology,
University of Science and Culture, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

In the last decade, proteomics emerged as a very valuable tool in biomedical

and pharmacological research. Different proteomic techniques have been
employed in the screening for biomarkers for different disorders and diseases,
in understanding molecular mechanisms underlying pathological alterations
in humans, in studying protein structures, design of potential therapeutics,
etc. Considering the wide application of proteomics in biomedicine and
pharmacology and the increasing number of specialists from different fields
employing proteomic techniques, we focused this volume of the Advances in
Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology on Proteomics in Biomedicine and
Chapter 1 in this volume presents the main classical gel-based methods
and the advances of gel-free quantitative proteomic techniques. The appli-
cation of these proteomic methods in elucidation of host–bacteria interac-
tions and design of treatment for a number of infectious diseases is reviewed.
Protein phosphorylation and glycosylation play fundamental roles in
many biological processes as one of the most common, and the most com-
plex, posttranslational modification. Alterations in these posttranslational
modifications are now known to be associated with many diseases. As a
result, the discovery and detailed characterization of phosphoprotein and
glycoprotein disease biomarkers is a primary interest of biomedical research.
There have been many advances in this area and these are detailed in Chap-
ters 2 and 3, both in relation to available protocols for phospho/glyco-
proteomic analysis and to the widening range of biomedical fields in
which such approaches are being commonly applied. A special emphasis
is given to their application to cancer biomarkers and neurodegenerative
Next five chapters review in details the use of different proteomic tech-
niques in studying oral diseases (Chapter 4), alterations in protein structure
and design of personalized treatment (Chapters 5 and 6), stem cells organelle
proteomics research and challenges in subcellular proteomics (Chapter 7),
and screening of protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions and its
application in biomedicine (Chapter 8).
The final chapter (Chapter 9) in this volume focuses on the application of
different proteomic techniques in diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric dis-
orders such as major depression, suicidal behavior, schizophrenia, and

xii Preface

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The potential of specific biomarkers

determined by proteomic tools for distinguishing between comorbid psy-
chiatric disorders in clinical setup as well as their potential for understanding
mechanisms underlying the disorders and in discovery of new treatment
strategies is also discussed.
The aim of this volume is to promote further proteomic-based studies in
biomedicine and pharmacology in order to discover reliable tools for early
diagnosis and treatment/management of different diseases and disorders.
Singleton Park
Swansea University
Swansea, UK

Application of Cutting-Edge
Proteomics Technologies for
Elucidating Host–Bacteria
Bernardo A. Petriz, Octavio Luiz Franco1
Centro de Análises Proteômicas e Bioquı́micas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Genômicas e
Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica de Brası́lia, Brası́lia, Brazil
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

1. Introduction 2
2. Classical Proteomics Strategies for Biomedical Research in General 2
2.1 Gel-based methods 4
3. Gel-Free Methods 5
3.1 Gel-free-labeling methods 6
3.2 Label-free and absolute quantification 8
4. New Proteomic Methods in Looking for Bacterial Pathogens 9
5. Proteomic Advances in Looking for Host Organisms 13
6. Prospects 17
References 18

Advanced techniques and high-throughput protein analysis have led proteomics to
substantive progress in the understanding of bacterial–host interactions. Mass spec-
trometry (MS)-based proteomics have been a central methodology in the discovery
of new protein involved in the infectious process that leads to thousands of deaths
every year. The discovery of novel protein targets, together with de novo drug design,
improves the accuracy of early diagnosis, leading to improved new treatments.
MS-based proteomics has also been widely applied to structural biology, where prote-
omic investigation is being used to improve knowledge on the relationship between
protein sequence, structure, and function. Thus, the search for therapeutic targets for
infectious diseases using these cutting-edge technologies represents the new frontiers
for proteomics applications in biomedicine and pharmacology. In this review, the main
classical gel-based methods (2-DE, DIGE) are discussed, as well as the advances of gel-
free quantitative proteomic techniques, from metabolic and chemical labeling (SILAC,
iTRAQ, ICAT, 16O/18O, QconCAT) to nonlabeling (MS spectra counting and peak integra-
tion) strategies. Together, these proteomic methods are currently being used in the

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 1
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
2 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

quest for tailor-made pharmaceutical and biomedical research for bacterial control,
where advances in these analytical methods may represent greater improvements in
the treatment of a number of infectious diseases.

In recent decades, infectious diseases caused by microorganisms have
become an increasing health problem. Bacterial infections caused by resistant
strains are of grave concern in numerous hospitals around the world, espe-
cially in elderly patients, those compromised by illness and those receiving
immunity-suppressant drugs (Grundmann et al., 2011). In this context, it is
essential to improve the understanding of infectious mechanisms and the
host response in order to develop drugs with potential activity against these
pathogens. To fill the manifold gaps that remain in our understanding of bac-
terial infectious processes, proteomics has been widely used (Cox et al.,
2012). In recent years, proteomic tools have accomplished significant
advances in the characterization of proteins involved in the mechanism of
infectious pathogens and also in the patient’s response (Lima et al., 2013).
In this context, this review focuses on proteomics tools used in the better
understanding of proteins involved in infectious processes in microorganism
and mammals, providing a broad overview of proteins possibly related to the
resistance process.


The prominent role of proteins in all biological process, here with spe-
cial attention to pathogenesis and pathophysiology, has made the study of
proteins become widely incorporated into a number of fields in biomedical
research, which include biomarker discovery and novel drug design (De
Masi, Pasca, Scarpello, Idolo, & De Donno, 2013; Oswald, Groer,
Drozdzik, & Siegmund, 2013; Parguina, Rosa, & Garcia, 2012). In this con-
text, the discovery of protein targets associated with infectious pathologic
development represents an advance in early diagnosis and drug development
(Bougnoux & Solassol, 2013; Ghafourian, Sekawi, Raftari, & Ali, 2013;
Konvalinka, Scholey, & Diamandis, 2012; Oswald et al., 2013). In recent
years, this objective has produced a substantial amount of proteomic data,
especially associated with phenotypes derived from abnormal protein
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 3

profiling and biomarker discovery (Banks et al., 2000; Castagna, Polati,

Bossi, & Girelli, 2012).
Proteomics is an ensemble of tools used to reveal a static profile of pro-
teins expressed in a complex system resulting from dynamic biological sig-
naling and gene regulation. In this way, proteomic analysis aims to identify
and verify the role of a given protein or more precisely, a collection of gene
products in biological processes (e.g., in pathology) (Domon & Aebersold,
2006). This process is often challenging, due to the complex dynamic range
and heterogeneity of several proteome samples (e.g., plasma and tissue if
much greater than genome size) (Anderson & Anderson, 2002; Harrison,
Kumar, Lang, Snyder, & Gerstein, 2002). Moreover, proteomic analysis
may also be laborious and time-consuming, sometimes involving several sets
of biologic and technical analysis to overcome possible failures in technical
reproducibility. Despite these challenges, as a great advance, some proteo-
mic analysis may resolve thousands of proteins/peptides simultaneously
(Tang, Beer, & Speicher, 2011).
Proteomic techniques may be divided into gel-based and gel-free
methods, but this division does not limit the interaction of both method-
ologies, frequently seen in several studies as complementary strategies
(Charro et al., 2011; Jungblut et al., 2010; Selvaraju & El Rassi, 2011;
Thierolf et al., 2008). Gel-based techniques are represented mainly by
the classic 1D, 2-DE, and 2D-DIGE, the ultimate evolution of classic
two-dimensional electrophoresis (Minden, 2012). Otherwise, gel-free ana-
lyses are conducted by a wide range of liquid chromatography strategies
(e.g., HPLC, UPLC, nanoLC, MudPIT) which are often directly coupled
to automated mass spectrometry (MS) apparatus (e.g., LC/MS) (Franzel &
Wolters, 2011; Mitulovic & Mechtler, 2006; Nagele, Vollmer, Horth, &
Vad, 2004). In addition, protein/peptides may be labeled in advance to
LC/MS for absolute and/or relative proteome quantitation, enhancing
quantitative proteomic analysis (May et al., 2011). Independently of the
chosen strategy, MS analysis is a central technology and key step for simple
and high-throughput proteomic characterization and analysis (protein/pep-
tide identification) (Domon & Aebersold, 2006; May et al., 2011). More-
over, MS is fundamental for identifying posttranslational modifications
(PTMs), a key molecular signaling process, highly investigated by
MS-based proteomics (Cravatt, Simon, & Yates, 2007; Zhao & Jensen,
2009), since some PTMs such as phosphorylation are associated with the
development of clinical conditions (e.g., Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular dis-
ease, cancer) (Kolarova, Garcia-Sierra, Bartos, Ricny, & Ripova, 2012;
4 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

Thakur et al., 2008; Toepfer et al., 2013; Trombino et al., 2004; Walker,
Fullerton, & Buttrick, 2013).
Hence, biomedical and pharmacology fields have benefited from the
great advances in MS-based proteomics, fundamental for high-throughput
biomarker screening and development of novel pharmacologic strategies
(Berna et al., 2008; Thierolf et al., 2008; Vasudev et al., 2008; Yang
et al., 2011). In this review, the application of MS-based proteomics tools
and strategies in biomedical and pharmacologic fields will be addressed
for bacterial control and the treatment of a number of infectious diseases.
Section 1 focuses on the proteomic tools used for quantitative and qualitative
analysis followed by their application in the research of host–bacterial

2.1. Gel-based methods

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) is still the most widely used
method in quantitative and qualitative proteomic studies and is the only
technique that can resolve up to 10,000 protein species from large sets of
complex protein mixtures (May et al., 2011; Wittmann-Liebold,
Graack, & Pohl, 2006). This technology separates the samples by two con-
secutive techniques: isoelectric focusing, which discriminates proteins based
on their isoelectric point, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacryl-
amide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), which discriminates proteins based
on their molecular weight (Gorg, Weiss, & Dunn, 2004).
Despite the amplitude of 2-DE application, the technique is extremely
laborious, time-consuming, and more sensitive to technical reproducibility
error, since large sets of gel repetition and sample are usually needed (Petriz ,
Gomes, Rocha, Rezende, & Franco, 2012). Thus, limited sample availabil-
ity is an issue in 2-DE analysis, especially concerning poor protein extrac-
tion. Moreover, 2-DE technique also fails to resolve low abundant and
hydrophobic proteins as well as those with molecular size out of the range
of 5–150 kDa or with extreme pH range (<3.5 and >10) (May et al., 2011).
The majority of these limitations were overcome by the development of dif-
ferential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) (Unlu, Morgan, & Minden, 1997).
DIGE is the ultimate evolution of 2-DE technique, which significantly
improved the analytical power of gel-based methods in proteome research
(Minden, 2012). These improvements are based on significantly enhancing
technical reproducibility and quantification over different proteome sam-
ples, previously labeled with spectrally resolvable fluorophore agents
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 5

(CyDyes™: Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5; GE Healthcare Europe GmbH). After

labeling, samples are pooled together with an internal standard consisting
of the mixture of all samples, which leads to a more accurate normalization
of protein spots from all sample gels. When the gel is digitalized using dif-
ferent wavelengths, each particular fluorophore is excited, generating dis-
tinct gel images corresponding to each prelabeled proteome sample. The
abundance of each protein spot is measured as a ratio to its corresponding
spot present in the internal standard, by software programs, and the statisti-
cally significant changes in spots are marked for further MS analysis (Scherp,
Ku, Coleman, & Kheterpal, 2011). In this way, DIGE followed by MS is
extremely useful for characterizing differential proteome expression
(Winnik et al., 2012). This gel-based technique may also be used together
with gel-free methods (e.g., LC/MS, LC-MS/MS), improving its analytical
power (Frohlich et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2012; Raggiaschi et al., 2006;
Weeks, 2010).

As mentioned before, a limited sample is a common situation in sev-
eral biomedical fields (e.g., rare cancer and invasive procedures), sometimes
becoming a restrictive issue for some proteomic techniques such as huge sets
of 2-DE gels, which usually require a high amount of sample. Therefore, the
option for gel-free methods is often applied as an alternative to gel-based
techniques, since a low amount of sample is required and because peptide
mixture is less complex to analyze compared to proteins (May et al.,
2011). The direct connection of LC to MS analyzers leads these methods
to be referred to as MS-based methods.
A typical LC-MS workflow begins with the protein sample being enzy-
matically digested (e.g., trypsin, chymotrypsin, Lys-C, Glu-C, Asp-N),
with the resultant peptide mixture being separated by 1D or multi-
dimensional chromatography (HPLC or UPLC, also performed in nano-
scale) depending on its complexity. Eluted peptides are then loaded
directly (on line) to electrospray ionization (ESI) for further MS analysis
(e.g., LC-ESI-MS, LC-ESI-MS/MS). After LC separation, digested pep-
tides may also be connected indirectly (off line) to MS by automated loading
of eluted fractions into MALDI steel plates for solid ionization process and
subsequent MS analysis (e.g., LC-MALDI-MS, LC-MALDI-MS/MS)
(Bodnar, Blackburn, Krise, & Moseley, 2003). After MS analysis, data on
peptide masses and fragmentation of ion masses are researched against a
6 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

protein database for peptide and protein identification. These research

engines are well reviewed elsewhere (Eng, Jahan, & Hoopmann, 2013;
Perkins, Pappin, Creasy, & Cottrell, 1999; Sharma, Eng, Maccoss, &
Riffle, 2012).
As mentioned before, the use of multidimensional chromatography is an
accurate strategy to reduce highly complex peptide mixtures as well as
improving MS analysis. Moreover, multidimensional protein identification
technology (MudPIT) is a successful multi LC-MS strategy (Elschenbroich
et al., 2009) used in several types of biomarker research (Gonzalez-Begne
et al., 2009, 2011). The basis for MudPIT is the combination of different
chromatographic columns (e.g., RF-IEX-RF, IEX-RF, SCX-nanoRF)
prior to MS (Mitulovic & Mechtler, 2006; Nagele et al., 2004). Additional
procedures, such as depletion of high-abundance proteins (e.g., ionic col-
umns) and the enrichment of low-abundance peptides, improve MudPIT
sensitivity, resulting in enhanced MS quantity and quality data (Fonslow
et al., 2011), but the availability of a greater amount of sample must be con-
sidered (Aebersold & Mann, 2003). Other strategies, such as enrichment
methods, have been frequently implemented in order to enhance the iden-
tification of low-abundance proteins, PTMs (e.g., glycopeptides, phospho-
peptides) (Fonslow et al., 2012), as well as membrane or other specific
organelle proteins (Elschenbroich et al., 2009). Current enrichment strate-
gies are reviewed elsewhere (Wu, Shakey, Liu, Schuller, & Follettie, 2007;
Zhao & Jensen, 2009).

3.1. Gel-free-labeling methods

In classic gel-based methods, protein expression is detected and quantified
by the spot staining intensity, which was highly improved with fluorescent
dyes used in the DIGE method. Still, a limited dynamic range in protein
identification is a limiting issue. However, in gel-free analysis, a series of
labeling methods were developed to perform relative and absolute
MS-based quantitative analysis (DeSouza & Siu, 2013). These methods
are based on chemical, metabolic, synthetic, and proteolytic protein/peptide
labeling in order to separate distinct proteomes or proteome states (e.g.,
healthy vs. pathological tissue) through MS analysis. In relative quantifica-
tion analysis, the most common methods are ICAT/cICAT, iTRAQ,
TMT, ICPL, 16O/18O, or metabolic (SILAC and 15N) isotope labeling
( Julka & Regnier, 2005), while absolute quantitation is often performed
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 7

3.1.1 Chemical labeling

The isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT) labels cysteine side chains with
“heavy” or “light” isotope tags (Gygi et al., 1999). Distinctly labeled samples
are then digested together, separated by LC and submitted to MS analysis
(LC-ESI-MS/MS or LC-MALDI-MS/MS) (Griffin et al., 2001). Ion inten-
sity from both labeled peptides is pair contrasted. However, peptides lacking
cysteine residues are a gap in the ICAT method. Other popular isotope
labeling methods, iTRAQ (isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantita-
tion) and TMT (tandem mass tagging), present up to eight different isobaric
tags that bond to N-terminus, lysine residues, and side chain amine peptides
(Ross et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2003). In these methods, protein sam-
ples are labeled, digested, and submitted to nanoLC-MS/MS, which will
result in a unique peak for each individual sample within the MS/MS spec-
trum (Ross et al., 2004). The fragmentation of the tags will also lead to a low
molecular mass reporter ion, which is used to perform the relative quanti-
fication between the samples. This approach has simplified MS analysis com-
pared to the ICAT method. Similar to ICAT, isotope-coded protein
labeling (ICPL) labels proteins within all free amino groups. In this way,
two proteome samples are labeled with a “light” or “heavy” ICPL tag,
pooled together, and submitted to proteolysis for further MS analysis
(Schmidt, Kellermann, & Lottspeich, 2005). The difference in this method
from the other chemical labeling approaches is the labeling at the protein
level. However, all of the aforementioned methods may fail to fully label
the entire proteome. Proteome sample may also be digested in the presence
of normal H216O water and with heavy water (H218O), which will result in a
mass shift of 4 Da between peptides. This happens because, when digested
with trypsin, the Glu-C and Lys-C peptides are incorporated with up to two
oxygen atoms, but a sample with heavy water will present the extra mass
shift. Digested peptides are pooled together and fractionated by LC for
MS quantification and identification process.

3.1.2 Metabolic labeling

Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a proteomic
technique based on the incorporation of normal essential amino acids (light
label) and isotopic modified amino acids (heavy label) into cell culture, lead-
ing to light- and heavy-marked protein synthesis (Ong et al., 2002). After
protein extraction and digestion, peptides are analyzed by MS. The differ-
ence between the peaks from eluted peptides is used to verify the abundance
of each analyzed peptide. Compared to the other LC-MS labeling methods,
8 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

SILAC is considered the technique that achieves the most accurate results.
Alternative metabolic labeling is also performed by 15N labeling method,
where all nitrogen atoms in peptides are labeled (DeSouza & Siu, 2013).
This method is preferred for quantifying autotrophic cells, thus being
more efficient in quantifying plant proteome (Oeljeklaus, Meyer, &
Warscheid, 2009).

3.2. Label-free and absolute quantification

Label-free methods arise from the necessity to overcome some prime lim-
itations of labeling methods, such as noncomplete labeling and even the high
cost of some of these methods. Besides requiring a smaller amount of sample,
label-free methods do not permit multiproteome analysis within the same
experiment (May et al., 2011). One of the main label-free methods is based
on spectra counting (Old et al., 2005). The amount of mass spectra from a
protein is used as a parameter value for quantifying this ion. In this case, the
ion quantification is proportional to its peptide concentration within the
analyzed sample. A new variant of label-free quantification is known as
LC/MSE. This method alternates scans of low collision energy and elevated
collision energy during LC/MS analysis. This method permits one to obtain
both protein quantification and protein identification data in a single sample.
Its advantages include a reduction in the sample consumption, an improve-
ment in detection sensitivity, and an enhancement in data quality for pro-
teomic studies (Silva et al., 2005).
The absolute quantification (AQUA) of proteins is one of the focuses
of proteome research, where the AQUA method elicits a straight quantifi-
cation from proteins and also PTMs (Gerber, Rush, Stemman,
Kirschner, & Gygi, 2003). This is performed with a chemically synthesized
isotope peptide, which is used as an internal standard, corresponding to a
specific target protein. The ratio between the endogenous and the synthetic
peptide is used to calculate the absolute amount of protein within the sample
and the identification of PTM after LC-ESI-MS (Gerber et al., 2003). The
use of recombinant expression of peptide concatemers (QconCATs) has
recently been shown to display similar fidelity and quantitative accuracy,
being also highly suitable for multiplex quantitative proteomic analysis
(Austin et al., 2012; Russell et al., 2013).
Comparative investigation of gel-based and gel-free proteomic technol-
ogies has verified that both methods have advantages for investigating com-
plex protein samples and should consequently be seen as complementary
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 9

Figure 1.1 Proteomics workflow for application in host–pathogen experiments.

rather than exclusive (Wu, Wang, Baek, & Shen, 2006). Figure 1.1 summa-
rizes the wide range of proteomic tools described in this review that are used
in biomedical and pharmacologic research.


The use of the extraordinary tools described above has opened new
perspectives in understanding bacterial pathogens during the infectious pro-
cess, in spite of their multiple properties, strategies of infections, and levels of
lethality (Lima et al., 2013). Moreover, not only has the whole proteome
been determined for such dangerous bacteria but also numerous sub-
proteomes from cell walls, outer membranes, cytosol, or exoproteome,
which help us to better understand the proteins secreted during the infec-
tious process (Mahdavi et al., 2014; Maria-Neto et al., 2012; Papasergi
et al., 2013). These approaches have been extremely useful in clarifying
the mechanisms of interaction between host and pathogens, improving
knowledge of these relationships, which is essential for the development
of new pharmaceuticals. In this context, novel techniques have been used
to shed some light on secretomics, also known as the study of the
exoproteome from pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic microbes have been
able to synthesize complex secretion systems to deliver virulence factors
into host mammalian cells. The elucidation of such factors seems to be crit-
ical for understanding the progression of infection. Mahdavi et al. (2014)
described a very interesting approach to labeling and identifying pathogen
proteinaceous secreted compounds. Selective labeling of microbial proteins
is carried out via translational incorporation of azidonorleucine, a methio-
nine surrogate that requires a methionyl-tRNA synthetase variant form for
10 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

activation. After being thus labeled, secreted pathogen proteins containing

Anl can be marked by azide–alkyne cycloaddition and enriched by affinity
purification. This pioneering method was applied to understand better the
human pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion system, enabling an
efficient identification of distinct proteins involved in the infectious process,
as well as the identification of distinct secretion profiles for intracellular and
extracellular bacteria. Finally, the best order in which to inject substrates into
host cells was also evaluated.
From all these studies, it can be seen that labeling and enrichment
appear to be a good way to understand the infectious process. Nevertheless,
the labeling of pathogens with green fluorescent protein or the generation
of a reliable antibody does not always succeed due to multiple difficulties
and pitfalls. So, a different approach was also applied to Staphylococcus aureus,
in which the pathogen traffic was monitored after internalization into
host mammalian cells by fluorescence microscopy and for separation of
bacteria from host–pathogen interaction assays using iron or gold oxide
core, poly(vinyl alcohol)-coated, and fluorescence-labeled nanoparticles
(Depke et al., 2014). This incubation was associated with quantitative pro-
teome analysis after enabling researchers to investigate the bacterial behav-
ior during infection of human epithelial cells by fluorescence microscopy
and proteomics using magnetic separation or cell sorting (Depke
et al., 2014).
Additionally, not only have labeling techniques been used in an unusual
way to elucidate bacterial and host interactions, but also Gault, Malosse,
Dumenil, and Chamot-Rooke (2013) described a novel approach based
on the combination of mass profiling and tandem MS in order to localize
all PTMs on the major pilin protein PiIE expressed by the pathogenic
Neisseria species. This very precise work focuses on PilE, one of the main
pili components, which is a filamentous organelle located at the surface of
many bacterial pathogens and considered extremely important for virulence
factors. Previous reports have shown that PilE can harbor various combina-
tions of PTMs and have established clear links between such modifications
and pathogenesis (Aas et al., 2006; Anonsen et al., 2012; Giltner, Habash, &
Burrows, 2010). In this context, a complete PTM mapping of proteins
involved in bacterial infection could be considered a main target. Such alter-
ations, identified with high resolution by a combination of mass profiling
and tandem MS, included a processed and methylated N-terminus, disulfide
bonds, glycosylation, and glycerophosphorylation at two different sites
(Gault et al., 2013).
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 11

Furthermore, a clear combination between MS and labeling could

improve bacterial protein detection in some cases. The expansion of a mass
spectrometric workflow for quantitation and identification of kinetic mod-
ifications in metaproteomes or, more especially, for bacterial pathogens after
internalization by host cells was also described (Pfortner et al., 2013). This
specific procedure, applied to S. aureus after internalization by human bron-
chial epithelial cells of S9 type employs three different stages, comprising
SILAC pulse-chase labeling and infection assay followed by isolation of bac-
teria by using GFP-assisted cell sorting and further MS-based proteome anal-
ysis. This combined approach displays higher sensitivity in comparison to
techniques that used conventional cell sorting and protein separation, since
it employed an efficient arrangement of a filtration-based purification with
on-membrane digestion. With this same approach, bacteria with high resis-
tance to antibiotics have also been evaluated. Multidrug-resistant strains are a
significant cause of hospital-acquired infections, being related to increased
mortality and length of stay in hospital (Lima et al., 2013). In order to
obtain a better understanding of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in
Acinetobacter baumannii, large-scale 2-D LC/MS/MS-based quantitative
proteomics was used to compare drug-sensitive and -resistant strains. An
impressive 20% of the expressed proteome modified twofold or more among
the compared strains, including proteins related to resistance mechanisms,
xenobiotic modification, or drug transportation (Chopra, Ramkissoon, &
Anderson, 2013).
Another important contribution of proteomics to the infectious disease
field consists of rapid bacterial identification by MS using ion patterns. Fur-
thermore, these same protocols could be applied for resistance detection
(Chang et al., 2013; Hoyos-Mallecot et al., 2014; Jung et al., 2013). In this
context, a rapid shotgun proteomics method was applied for A. baumannii
b-lactam-resistant identification. In this study (Chang et al., 2013), auto-
mated data-dependent scanning on a nano-LC/ion trap MS was used
to characterize proteotypic peptides from the pathogen. Furthermore,
SEQUEST software was applied to search a specific database named
BRPDAB, the b-lactam-resistance protein database of A. baumannii. In this
case, the authors positively found a large number of associated antibiotic-
resistant proteins including AmpC, b-lactamase, and carO in resistant strains,
being able to differentiate them from wild-type bacteria. In this case, the
authors were able to combine the MS analyses with classical genomic bio-
informatics tools including Uniprot annotations, Gene Ontology, and
BLAST bioinformatics tools (Chang et al., 2013). In fact, this proteomic
12 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

study provides us with a nice combination of bench and in silico techniques to

create a platform for the rapid diagnosis of resistant bacteria.
With the emergence and rising complexity of bacterial resistance to
medication, speedy and consistent susceptibility testing has become a news-
worthy issue. While the uses of MALDI-ToF MS for the rapid detection of
antibiotic resistance are a striking option, the current methods for MALDI-
ToF MS susceptibility testing are restricted to very limited conditions. Given
this, an option that may allow for rapid susceptibility testing could be based
on a SILAC-like approach ( Jung et al., 2013). This technique was used to
visualize bacterial growth in the presence of antibiotic as observed for Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa. In this case, bacterial strains were incubated in normal
broth, broth supplemented with 13C6–15N2-labeled lysine, and broth
supplemented with labeled lysine and antibiotic. Peak shifts arising due to
the incorporation of the labeled amino acids were MALDI-ToF
MS-detected. In this specific report, three antibiotics with different mech-
anisms of action, meropenem, tobramycin and ciprofloxacin, were evalu-
ated. A semi-automated algorithm was yielded to empower fast and
unbiased data analyses, making a clear distinction between resistant and
susceptible isolates possible for three antibiotics.
Finally and no less importantly, there are some unusual multidisciplinary
procedures involving proteomic techniques that have been proposed in
order to clarify the infectious processes. According to Seibel et al. (2013),
the current developments in apparently independent fields of the natural sci-
ences, biophysical visualization, bioorganic synthesis, and bioanalysis open
the doors for a promising interdisciplinary tactic to study human infection
processes. For example, the use of special synthesized carbohydrate labels,
in combination with new super-resolution imaging approaches, could allow
access to mapping and identification of glycoproteins from the cell surface
well below the diffraction bounds. Moreover, a similar approach could also
be developed for lipids in the case of lipoproteins or nucleic acids in order to
better understand the genetic processes of infectious bacteria. Such method-
ologies could clarify which surface or deep molecules are involved in bac-
terial adherence, among other biological mechanisms with potential
implications for bacterial infection prevention (Seibel et al., 2013).
In summary, all procedures here described can be applied for the char-
acterization of other host–pathogen pairs, allowing identification and quan-
titation of thousands of bacterial proteins in several hours postinfection,
leading to a better understanding of the proteins involved in bacterial pre-
dation on mammal cells.
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 13


If, on the one hand, it is important to deepen understanding of the
bacterial nuances for elucidating infection processes, on the other, it is also
clearly essential to improve patient response to the presence of such patho-
gens (Fig. 1.2). For that, proteomics also seems to be extremely important in
a number of other cases, contributing to elucidate not only the immune
response but also the deleterious effects caused by bacteria inside a mammal
It is also important to remember that most of the time, animal and cell
models have been used for such trials, and although they did not perfectly
match a human organism, they provided an essential contribution to clari-
fying the host cellular response. Thus, by using an animal fish model (Para-
lichthys olivaceus), the proteomic response to bacterium Streptococcus parauberis
infection was analyzed by using label-free protein quantitation associated
with LC-MS(E) tandem MS (Cha et al., 2012). A total of 82 proteins from
fish kidney were found to be differentially expressed between healthy and
infected conditions. Between the differentially expressed proteins, those
involved in immune responses including cathepsins, goose-type lysozyme,
heat-shock proteins, and complement components were significantly

Figure 1.2 Differential protein expression observed in pathogenic bacteria (left side),
human host (right side), and during the bacterial infection over human host (middle).
14 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

upregulated by bacterial infection. It was interesting to observe that there

was uninterrupted activation of expression of immune-associated proteins
during the infection process. Nevertheless, there was also lessening in the
expression of proteins not involved in immune response (Cha et al.,
2012). The modification of immune response was also observed in other
host–pathogen interaction models like mice and Francisella tularensis, a vir-
ulent bacterial pathogen that causes the zoonosis tularemia in humans
(Varnum et al., 2012). For that, a global proteomic style to characterize pro-
tein modifications in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from mice exposed to
bacteria was applied. As a result, the composition of bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid proteins was altered due to the infection, including proteins related to
oxidative stress, neutrophil activation, and inflammatory responses. More-
over, innate immune response components were also induced, including
the complement system and the acute-phase response. This study identifies
two candidate biomarkers, which were chitinase 3-like-1 and peroxiredoxin
1; this identification was also a complex main goal in proteomic studies
(Varnum et al., 2012).
Swine is another model often employed for an in vivo approach to study
pathogen–mammal interactions (Collado-Romero et al., 2012; Lu et al.,
2012; Martins et al., 2012). DIGE-based proteomics was used to monitor
the response of porcine mesenteric lymph nodes to Salmonella typhimurium
infection (Martins et al., 2012). The proteome response of porcine lymph
nodes to infection was associated with induction of different processes such
as cytoskeleton remodeling, phagocyte infiltration, and pyroptosis. More-
over, data reported suggested that S. typhimurium antigens are cross-
presented via MHC-I in a proteasome-dependent manner in porcine lymph
nodes, suggesting that host innate and adaptive immunity act together in
mesenteric lymph nodes to control bacterial dissemination in swine infec-
tions (Martins et al., 2012). S. typhimurium and porcine ileum mucosa inter-
action was also studied by 2-DE, MALDI-ToF/ToF-based approach in
order to better understand the mammalian host response (Collado-
Romero et al., 2012). In this study, 51 proteins involved in apoptosis,
pathogen-mediated cell invasion, and immune response were identified as
being differentially expressed after pathogen trial. Furthermore, anti-
inflammatory signals and dendritic cell maturation downregulation were
also observed. Transcriptional analysis by using RT-qPCR confirmed sev-
eral proteins observed. In both cases, results derived from both studies are
extremely valuable to better characterize the pathogen modulation of
in vivo host responses (Collado-Romero et al., 2012).
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 15

Another target of immunoproteomics in host organisms consists of the

better understanding of vaccine response and the discovery of new antigens
for vaccine production. As an example, a model using the antigen prepared
from the Gram-negative intracellular bacterium Brucella abortus, which cau-
ses chronic infection in humans and infectious abortion in food-producing
animals, was evaluated in vaccinated cattle by proteomic techniques
(Pajuaba et al., 2012). Gel analyses of the hydrophilic phase antigen revealed
a wide spectrum of polypeptides. Furthermore, immunoblot evaluation
showed widespread seroreactivity profile. By using this approach, potential
infection markers and excluding vaccinal response were obtained. The pro-
teomic characterization revealed 56 protein spots, with 27 of them being
antigenic spots displaying differential seroreactivity profiles (Pajuaba et al.,
2012). In conclusion, immunoproteomics of novel antigen preparations
could enable protein characterization as a tool to develop sensitive and spe-
cific immunoassays for serodiagnosis of bacterial infection.
Additionally, the effects of exosomes have been studied in different ways
(Wang et al., 2014). One example consists of the case of Mycobacterium avium
sp. paratuberculosis-infecting macrophages in intercellular communication
processes (Wang et al., 2014). In this specific case, the reactions of resting
macrophages infected with this pathogen with resting macrophages treated
with exosomes previously released from M. avium-infected macrophages
were evaluated by 2-DE MS-MS. Both M. avium and exosomes from
infected cells improved the expression of CD80 and CD86 and also the
secretion of cytokines TNF-a and IFN-g by macrophages, suggesting that
exosomes from infected macrophages may be compound carriers, including
bacterial antigens and/or infected macrophage components, which can elicit
resting cell responses (Wang et al., 2014).
Due to the high complexity of relations between pathogen and host, the
definition of the antigenic repertoire or “immunoproteome” of multiple
bacterial pathogens is also a significant step toward understanding how to
effectively prepare vaccines against such infections or how to reduce the
lethal immune response as observed in sepsis (Silva et al., 2011). Until
now, most strategies for antigen discovery were built on traditional meth-
odologies for separation and identification of antigens from complex bacte-
rial protein mixtures (Andersen & Doherty, 2005). Otherwise,
unconventional methods have employed screening of bacterial antigens
expression libraries in heterologous systems such as Escherichia coli with
T-cell clones derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals
(Coler et al., 2009). Although these methods have been fruitful in
16 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

identifying immunodominant antigens, they provide limited pathogen cov-

erage (Kunnath-Velayudhan & Porcelli, 2013). Progress in proteome-wide
selection approaches nowadays permits an extensive and unbiased investiga-
tion of antigenic targets on complex pathogens. With the advance of tech-
nologies that allow high-throughput protein synthesis, it is now possible to
look for entire proteomes for antigens and, after that, to link them to the
human immune response, also further evaluated by proteomics and other
“omics” techniques. So far, three proteome-wide and moderately unbiased
methods to recognize candidate antigens have been described. The first
approach was based on the use of a peptide library designed to select poten-
tial targets of T-cell responses in infected individuals (Lindestam Arlehamn
et al., 2013). The second strategy is related to protein microarrays printed
with products of all pathogens expressing ORFs that could be used to screen
sera from infectious disease patients for antibody reactivity (Kunnath-
Velayudhan et al., 2010). Finally and no less importantly, a similar screen
for serum antibody responses against bacterial proteome in human patients
was also performed using traditional methods of recombinant protein
expression, ELISA and MS, with a very interesting combination of immune
and proteomic techniques (Li et al., 2010).
In addition to the use of animal models, only a few proteomic studies
have been performed with human tissues or fluid in bacterial infectious dis-
eases (Fu, Yi, Guan, Zhang, & Li, 2012; Lee et al., 2012). One example is a
pioneer study that evaluated the qualitative and quantitative differences
in sputum pulmonary protein expression submitted to tuberculosis
(Fu et al., 2012). For that, 2-DE MALDI-ToF MS and an enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay were used to identify and further confirm the prote-
omic results. Sixty-two differentially expressed proteins were identified in
the tuberculosis sputum in comparison to the controls. Furthermore, bioin-
formatics analysis proposed that multiple host cell pathways were involved in
tuberculosis infection processes, including signal transduction, immune and
acute-phase responses, and others revealing the particular human response
during active pulmonary tuberculosis infection (Fu et al., 2012).
It is also important to remember that a bacterium is able to modify mam-
mal response. Moreover, during the infection process, the bacterial patho-
gen is also modified in order to adapt to the host organism (Ansong et al.,
2013; Melo, Schrama, Andrew, & Faleiro, 2013; Melo, Schrama, Hussey,
Andrew, & Faleiro, 2013). In this case, the proteome could also be helpful
in improving understanding of the interaction. In this area, Ansong et al.
(2013) provided a very interesting contribution, since the description of
Cutting-Edge Proteomics Technologies for Elucidating Host–Bacteria Interactions 17

the mature protein complement in cells seems to be crucial for a greater

understanding of cell processes on a systems-wide scale. In this case,
single-dimension ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography MS was used
to investigate the comprehensive “intact” proteome of S. typhimurium.
Top-down proteomics analysis revealed hundreds of unique proteins
including thousands of proteoforms yielded by PTMs, demonstrating a vast
microbial top-down dataset. These data revealed several additional biolog-
ical insights, such as showing that the differential use of protein S-thiolation
forms S-glutathionylation and S-cysteinylation during infection-like
conditions in comparison to basal circumstances (Ansong et al., 2013). This
clearly described bacteria modifying several biosynthetic pathways under
infection-like conditions and throughout real infection of host cells, show-
ing that the presence of certain mammalian compounds is able to modify
bacterial response, as observed here by top-down proteomics methods
(Ansong et al., 2013).

Although several different types of research have been presented here,
the use of proteomics in bacterial pathogens and host mammalian interac-
tions in order to prevent, cure, or simply understand some infectious diseases
is just beginning. At the moment, only a little information has been obtained
in various animals and cell models and less work has been done in humans.
For that, we must fill several gaps in knowledge and methodologies. It is
obvious that classical techniques have been extremely useful, including
2-DE MS, MS/MS, and label-MS methods, as previously described.
Nevertheless, such methods must be combined with others, including
immunoassays, electron microscopy, histological pathology, and infe-
ctology, transforming the task of understanding the host–pathogen interac-
tion into a multidisciplinary activity. Moreover, novel techniques and
approaches are extremely welcome in improving this information, and these
may include laser ablation ESI, for example (Kiss, Smith, Reschke, Powel, &
Heeren, 2013), which is a novel technique for MS imaging. This technique
allows lipids and small metabolites to be imaged in different samples such as
tissue sections and bacterial colonies without pretreatment. Moreover, laser
ablation ESI seems to be valuable also for the identification of proteins
directly from sample surfaces, and this could be extremely desirable for
experiments between bacteria and humans. This technique and others could
be interesting to map such interactions in real time.
18 Bernardo A. Petriz and Octavio Luiz Franco

Therefore, the multifactor aspect of infectious diseases still needs to be

better explored by a multiple strategy, which unquestionably involves a sys-
tems biology approach. To this end, next-generation sequencing combined
with all proteomics methodologies demonstrated here could open a new
prospect for dealing with infectious diseases. Therefore, the authors believe
that synergistic use of different techniques, including genomic, trans-
criptomic, and proteomic technologies, will meaningfully improve the
capability of bacterial detection, host immune response information, finding
new biomarkers, and designing new drugs. In summary, all these techniques
could clearly help in reducing the effects of infectious diseases worldwide.

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Phosphoproteomic Techniques
and Applications
Ed Dudley1, A. Elizabeth Bond
Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 25
2. Phosphoproteomic Methodologies 32
2.1 Phosphopeptide enrichment 33
2.2 Peptide separation by HPLC 38
2.3 MS analysis 42
3. Applications of Phosphoproteomics in Biomedicine 45
3.1 Applications in cancer research 45
3.2 Applications in stem cell research 53
3.3 Applications in cardiac research 55
3.4 Applications in immunity research 58
4. Discussion 59
References 60

Phosphoproteomic analysis seeks to determine the overall level of protein phosphor-
ylation, as a result of kinase and phosphatase activity, and determine the identity of pro-
teins which are phosphorylated and the amino acid residues which hold the phosphate
group. The methodologies available have improved with increased research efforts;
however, the most commonly followed procedure is to enrich for phosphoproteins
or peptides and undertake tandem mass spectrometric analysis focusing on specific sig-
nature losses which represent phosphopeptides. There have been many advances in
this area and these are detailed both in relation to available protocols for phospho-
proteomic analysis and to the widening range of biomedical fields in which such
approaches are being commonly applied.

High-throughput analysis has allowed for the study of changes in the
biological functions of cells at a variety of levels—ranging from the study of
differential gene expression, transcriptomic variations, alterations in the

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 25
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
26 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

protein complement at the cellular level, and further study of the biochem-
ical effect of these changes in the metabolite complement presented. The
technologies required to undertake these individual analyses and combina-
tions of them have continually developed over the last decade and are con-
stantly improving in relation to their throughput, reduction in cost of
analysis, the robustness of the data produced by the analyses, and the bioin-
formatics software solutions available to interpret the increasingly large data
sets produced. The combination of the different analyses aims to fully inter-
rogate the underlying cause behind a change in a cell’s behavior, be it trans-
formation into a tumor, differentiation into different cell types, or the
production of a diagnostically or prognostically useful biomarker of a specific
disorder or disease. Generally, the genome represents the overall comple-
ment of what may be produced by a cell while the transcriptome defines
which of these elements is being actively utilized at any given time point.
The proteome therefore is an illustration of which transcripts are being uti-
lized at the protein level, and the metabolome can be studied in order to
demonstrate the biochemical consequences of the previous analyses. In this
manner, combining such data sets allows for a fully developed image of how
different cells, tissues, or biological fluids may differ under different circum-
stances and this has a number of benefits in biomedical research and
Phosphoproteomics represents a subdivision of proteomic analysis con-
cerned with the study of the phosphorylation status of proteins within a
biological sample (or comparisons between biological samples). Before dis-
cussing how protein phosphorylation can be monitored in a global manner,
it is worth considering the process of protein phosphorylation and its impli-
cations for the cell. The process of phosphorylation is performed by the
kinase enzymes having different specificities for the target proteins which
become phosphorylated and also the site of the phosphorylation. Com-
monly, phosphorylation occurs as a downstream effect of an external cell
receptor protein interacting with its associated ligand (commonly a hormone
or other circulating signaling molecule). Receptor activation causes a signal
transduction cascade to be initiated which can often either activate a tyrosine
kinase activity within the cytoplasmic section of the receptor protein or acti-
vate cytoplasmic protein kinases via the biosynthesis of secondary messen-
gers such as the cyclic nucleotides. Once activated, the kinase enzymes
utilize adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to add a phosphate residue to a specific
amino acid within the target protein structure. In mammalian systems, only
three amino acid residues are available for phosphorylation, these being
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 27

threonine, tyrosine, and serine. The act of adding a phosphate group to the
amino acid residue has a number of consequences for the protein phosphor-
ylated. The addition of a phosphate residue to the amino acid sequence pro-
vides for two additional potential negative charges (arising from dissociated
oxygen atoms attached covalently to the phosphate itself ) and these are
therefore available to either disrupt existing electrostatic interactions or pro-
vide new interactions between sections of the protein. These oxygens and
hydroxyl components can also create new hydrogen bonds within the struc-
ture, and therefore conformational change of the protein’s overall structure
can occur due to the minor act of phosphorylation. Finally, the phosphate
residue itself is derived from the hydrolysis of ATP and this hydrolysis reac-
tion is highly exergonic and therefore provides a significant release of
energy. While approximately half of this energy is required to add the phos-
phate residue to the protein, the other half can be conserved by the protein
and/or the reactions which the protein then undertakes. As a result of these
factors, the simple act of phosphorylation can lead to a significant change in
the proteins activity—usually by bringing about conformational change
within the proteins overall structure which can lead to increased or
decreased activity of the protein and different kinetic parameters, such as
Km and Vmax, are usually exhibited by proteins in their different conforma-
tional forms. The common signal transduction systems that result in differ-
ential protein phosphorylation vary in their net result in different cells
allowing different mammalian organs to respond differently to the same cir-
culating “signal.” These systems react rapidly due to a number of factors;
first, the rate-limiting step in the phosphorylation reaction itself is the con-
centration of the phosphate-donating substrate, ATP. However, as ATP is
utilized as the cell’s major energy providing metabolite, the intercellular
levels of ATP are consistently maintained at a high concentration and this
ensures that the amount of ATP within a cell never becomes a rate-limiting
step in the phosphorylation response to a stimuli. Furthermore, the signal
transduction system by which a cell responds via differential protein phos-
phorylation to a change in hormonal levels or similar stimulus exhibits an
amplification cascade regarding the steps involved in eventual protein phos-
phorylation. For example, a single binding event of a single hormone at a
single extracellular receptor will activate that one receptor, the activated
receptor can then activate a single adenylate cyclase enzyme (as an example).
This single adenylate cyclase enzyme can then produce a large number
of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) secondary messenger metabo-
lites inside the cell. Each secondary messenger may activate a single kinase
28 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

(such as protein kinase A) and this kinase in turn may activate multiple fur-
ther kinases. At each step where multiple end products are produced, the
single binding event is in effect amplified and therefore a single binding
can cause the eventual altered phosphorylation of a significant number of
individual proteins. Therefore, the response of the cell is rapid and substan-
tial for any particular binding event. The phosphorylation of proteins in this
manner is a reversible process and the removal of the phosphate from any
particular target protein is undertaken by a separate series of enzymes
referred to as phosphatases. Therefore, the overall protein phosphorylation
status of a cell is controlled by the activity of the kinase and phosphatase
enzymes which respond to stimuli which is external to the cell allowing
for coordinated regulation of cellular activity within organisms. The ability
of different cells to respond differently to similar stimuli is essential for dif-
ferent organs within mammalian systems to act in a relevant manner to any
given change (usually represented at the molecular level by an altered level of
a specific hormone released as a response by the given change). This spec-
ificity relies on a number of factors including whether or not the particular
cell produces an extracellular receptor for the particular hormone in ques-
tion and the isoform of the secondary messenger producing protein that is
produced by the cell in question. Different cells produce different isoforms
of the cyclase enzymes that produce the secondary messenger and also the
phosphodiesterases which catabolize the cyclic nucleotide secondary mes-
sengers. These different isoforms affect how the cell responds and how long
the signal that is being transduced is maintained. This variation in the
enzymes in different cells also allows for different therapeutic interventions
to be produced which effect selectively one specific isoform and therefore
only bring about an intervention in a specific target organ or cell without
effecting other tissues. A key example of this is the drug Viagra
(Sildenafil), which acts as an inhibitor of the type 5 class of cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cGMP) phosphodiesterases. The inhibition of this enzyme
results in elevated cGMP levels being maintained most prominently in the
corpus cavernosum and the retina providing for the drugs therapeutic ben-
efits via the maintenance of the signal transduction signal that leads to a spe-
cific alteration in the phosphorylation status of the cells proteome.
Proteins are modified posttranslationally for a number of different pur-
poses, and protein phosphorylation represents one such modification pro-
cess. Significant other posttranslational modification processes include
glycosylation (the addition of a sugar residue—usually a complex polysac-
charide chain), farnesylation and geranylation (the addition of hydrophobic
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 29

residues to the protein), and altered redox properties of the target protein
and ubiquitination (usually targeting proteins to the proteasome system
for degradation). The major posttranslation modifications of interest are
phosphorylation, glycosylation, and farnesylation. Ubiquitination represents
a significantly wider and more diverse field of research interest. Of the stated
three posttranslational modifications, a survey of research literature between
2007 and 2012 clearly demonstrates that phosphorylation has been more sig-
nificantly researched compared to the other two modification processes.
Protein phosphorylation articles represent over 70% of the published liter-
ature with glycosylation represented in 16% of the literature and
farnesylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation in 14% (Fig. 2.1). This focus
upon protein phosphorylation analysis can be attributed to a number of dis-
tinct reasons. First, as mentioned previously, the impact of protein phos-
phorylation is prominent in all cells and the mechanism behind the
phosphorylation events is reasonably well understood and appreciated; this
makes the protein phosphorylation event an attractive target therefore for
the study of the development of clinical disorders and also as a therapeutic
target for the treatment of any such disorder. Second, as a posttranslation
modification, protein phosphorylation is a comparatively simple and consis-
tent modification. In mammalian systems, only three amino acids represent
targets of protein phosphorylation (as discussed previously) and the addition
of a single phosphate to any given amino acid is the sole modification.


Figure 2.1 Proportions of publications covering protein and phosphorylation, glycosyl-

ation, and other posttranslational modifications as their topic between 2007 and 2012.
30 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

In comparison, glycosylation can occur at a wider number of amino acid

residues and the chemical nature of the modification itself is more hetero-
geneous. Glycosylation status can include a small number of carbohydrate
residues or a more elaborate modification with a large number of such res-
idues attached as a long glycosyl linear chain or as a multiply branched poly-
saccharide chain. As the nature of the modification is so variable and
comparatively complex, methods allowing for the accurate analysis of this
modification on a global proteomic scale have lagged behind the develop-
ment of methods that may be applied to the analysis of protein phosphory-
lation on the same scale. Similarly, the nature of the hydrophobic residue
added when proteins are modified by processes such as farnesylation and
geranylation is more varied and complex and therefore less easily applicable
to high-throughput global analysis. The analysis of protein phosphorylation
is therefore prominently featured in the scientific literature compared to
these other posttranslational protein modification types. The application
of modern analysis techniques to protein phosphorylation analysis has rap-
idly developed over the past decade or so as can be seen by considering the
increase in the number of scientific publications related to phosphoprotein
analysis published per year. As can be seen in Fig. 2.2, there has been a dra-
matic increase in publications in the field between 2007 and 2012, and con-
sideration of the number of citations of scientific manuscripts detailing
phosphoprotein studies gives rise to a significant number of citations per



No. publications





2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Figure 2.2 The number of publications related to phosphoproteomics between 2007
and 2012.
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 31

year. This increasing and dramatic increase in interest in protein phosphor-

ylation analysis is not only a result of the interest in the phosphorylation
events themselves (and how these play a role in disorder development
and may act as therapeutic targets) but also as a result of an increased interest
in the development and validation of novel methods allowing for accurate
protein phosphorylation determination encompassing as much of the pro-
teome as is possible. While a significant development in global phosphopro-
tein analysis has utilized mass spectrometry (MS) as a method of detecting
phosphorylation status and detailing protein phosphorylation sites within
proteins, other methods of analysis are also still utilized and methods to
enrich phosphoproteins and phosphorylated peptides resulting from proteo-
lytic digestion by enzymes such as trypsin have also been a major focus of
research. The complexity of the analysis required in order to study phospho-
proteins depends to an extent on the sample to be analyzed. Phosphoproteins
and phosphopeptides have been studied from cell lines and biopsy material
commonly; however, levels and differences in phosphoprotein/peptide
levels present in archived tissue samples have also been attempted allowing
past samples from previous patients to be analyzed and phosphoprotein levels
to be correlated with patient records. As well as sampling from cellular mate-
rial, the phosphoprotein complement of biological fluids has also become a
major area of research interest in the biomedical field. While the majority of
studies have focused upon serum as the biological fluid of interest, other
studies have utilized urine, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, and bronchoalveolar
fluid as the biological source of the phosphoproteome. Beyond the challenge
represented by the dynamic phosphoproteome and its accurate analysis, a
further hurdle to overcome in proteomic data sets (including phosphopro-
tein analysis) is the analysis of the large data sets produced as a result of the
high-throughput analyses available. This challenge relates not only to the
amount of data that can be produced in a comparatively short experimental
time period but also to the extraction of biologically relevant information
from the data and the successful appreciation of the implications of the
change in phosphorylation status. For many proteins, the effect of phosphor-
ylation upon the enzymes activity is well established and therefore this can be
determined easily. The impact of this posttranslational modification on the
overall metabolism pathways of the cell in question is a more complex
challenge, however, and therefore bioinformatics can be utilized in order
to illustrate the overall impact of a phosphorylation event on multiple
intersecting pathways. Protein phosphorylation has been studied in many
areas including plant research (Bond, Row, & Dudley, 2011; Newton,
32 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

Brenton, Smith, & Dudley, 2004) and has been utilized to study the function
of newly identified secondary messengers (Bond et al., 2007).
The aim of this review is to first discuss the methodologies available in
order to detect phosphorylated proteins and investigate the site of protein
phosphorylation. Methods that have been developed for the purification
or enrichment of phosphorylated peptides/proteins from proteomes will
also be reviewed as these can be coupled to “traditional” MS proteomic
analysis platforms to provide phosphoproteomic data sets. Following the dis-
cussion of techniques available for phosphoproteomic analyses, examples of
applications in a number of fields will be reviewed in order to provide the
reader with an understanding of the potential of the field to inform biomed-
ical and pharmacological studies in the future.

Traditional methods for studying protein phosphorylations were labo-
rious and time consuming and included techniques such as radiolabeling
of phosphorus atoms, phosphospecific antibodies, and in vitro kinase assays.
These techniques generally involved specific knowledge of the phosphory-
lation sites and phosphate groups. With the advent of MS and supporting
technology, a more rapid and unbiased analysis was developed, allowing
large-scale identification of phosphorylation sites from different model sys-
tems. MS phosphoprotein analysis provides both qualitative and quantitative
analyses to identify and profile the abundance of thousands of phosphopro-
teins in a single experiment. With improvements in separation affinity media
and MS selectivity and sensitivity, there has been an increase in the number
of phosphorylation sites identified (Kanshin, Michnick, & Thibault, 2012)
using specific phosphoproteome databases (Gruhler et al., 2005; Ham
et al., 2008; Mann et al., 2002; Nagaraj, D’Souza, Cox, Olsen, & Mann,
2010; Swaney, McAlister, & Coon, 2008; Syka, Coon, Schroeder,
Shabanowitz, & Hunt, 2004). Protein phosphorylation is a highly dynamic
modification regulated by enzymic control of kinases and phosphatases.
Both intrinsic and extrinsic processes can stimulate proteins to be phosphor-
ylated or dephosphorylated instantly; therefore, sample preparation for
phosphoprotein analyses is an important consideration when planning
method strategies. Inhibitors of both phosphatases and proteases must be
used, and appropriate protein isolation and extraction protocols must be
designed to maintain the integrity, concentration, and phosphorylation sta-
tus of the phosphoproteins from samples. Over the past decade, protocols
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 33

for phosphoprotein analysis following cell fractionation with protein extrac-

tion have consisted of three main strategies:
1. phosphopeptide enrichment
2. peptide separation by HPLC
3. MS analysis.

2.1. Phosphopeptide enrichment

This section encompasses techniques such as immunoaffinity chromatogra-
phy, metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC), and immobilized metal
affinity chromatography (IMAC).
The use of selective enrichment techniques is necessary for the detection
of phosphopeptides in complex biological samples. These techniques are
applied following protein digestion either by trypsin or by chemical means,
as they aid in protein solubilization and remove any nonphosphorylated
peptides. Outlined below are the most common affinity techniques used
in phosphopeptide enrichment.

2.1.1 Immunoaffinity chromatography

This technique involves the use of specific antibodies to purify phospho-
peptides from the sample, with the major drawback that there are only a lim-
ited number of these antibodies commercially available. These can be
classified according to recognition signal or residue-specific binding. Anti-
bodies against phosphotyrosine are the most commonly used antibody for
the enrichment of phosphotyrosine peptides in cell cultures and tissue
extracts. The disadvantage with this technique is the requirement of large
amounts of starting sample (10 mg) due to the low proportion of proteins
phosphorylated on tyrosine (Frackelton, Ross, & Eisen, 1983). However,
this technique is able to isolate and identify a number of phosphorylation
sites from different proteins ( Jedrychowski et al., 2011). Although this num-
ber is significantly lower than that of phosphorylated serine and threonine
residues, there are commercially available antibodies for tyrosine residues,
whereas there is a lack of suitable antibodies for their selective enrichment
(Pandey et al., 2000). Rush et al. (2005) conducted a proteomic study of
tyrosine phosphorylation in Jurkat cells. Phosphotyrosine-containing pep-
tides from a cell digest of a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor-treated Jurkat cells
were immunoprecipitated with P-Tyr-100, a phosphotyrosine-specific
antibody noncovalently coupled to protein G agarose. The enriched pep-
tides were analyzed by LC–MS, and 688 pTyr-containing peptides and
628 pTyr-sites were identified.
34 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

2.1.2 Metal oxide affinity chromatography

The application of MOAC in phosphoproteomics is based on the ability of
metal oxides to form complexes with a phosphate group. The most common
MOAC affinity medium is TiO2, which was first utilized for the selective
retention of inorganic phosphate (Connor & McQuillan, 1999). The use
of TiO2 was then used for the purification of phosphorylated amino acids
(Ikeguchi & Nakamua, 1997) and then for phosphopeptides with on-line
enrichment in LC–MS analysis (Pinkse, Uitto, Hilhorst, Ooms, & Heck,
2004), and to date, the use of TiO2 is still the most popular MOAC tech-
niques used for the enrichment of phosphopeptides in LC–MS analysis. The
method details a two-dimensional chromatographic setup with titanium
dioxide-based solid-phase material (Titansphere) as the first dimension
and reversed-phase material as the second dimension. Phosphorylated pep-
tides are separated from nonphosphorylated peptides in the first dimension
by trapping them under acidic conditions (0.1 M acetic acid) on the TiO2
precolumn. Nonphosphopeptides are not retained in the first dimension but
trapped in the second dimension precolumn before analysis by nanoflow
LC–ESI–MS/MS. The phosphopeptides are eluted from the column under
alkaline conditions (ammonium bicarbonate, pH 9.0), 125 fmol of a pho-
sphopeptide in a 1:1 mixture of the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated
form can be successfully identified with a recovery rate of above 90%.
MOAC methods are characterized by high affinity for phosphopeptides
and by high enrichment efficiency using loading buffers. These methods
are tolerant to salts, detergents, and denaturing agents. The advantages of
these metal oxides include large adsorption capacities, chemical stability
when used under extreme pH ranges, mechanical stability, and unique
amphoteric ion-exchange properties (Ikeguchi & Nakamura, 2000;
Kawahara, Nakamura, & Nakajima, 1989; Matsuda, Nakamura, &
Nakajima, 1990; Mazanek et al., 2007; Tani & Suzuki, 1997). The disadvan-
tage of all MOAC methods is the amount of nonspecific binding, in partic-
ular of acidic peptides, which in turn decreases the enrichment efficiency
and reduces the detection and identification of phosphopeptides by MS.
Larsen, Thingholm, Jensen, Roepstorff, and Jorgensen (2005) proposed
the use of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) to compete with the binding
of acidic peptides on TiO2 beads while maintaining the specificity for phos-
phopeptides. This was demonstrated for the enrichment of phosphopeptides
from a tryptic digest of casein with different concentrations of DHB in 80%
acetonitrile and 0.1% TFA. The selective elution of phosphopeptides was
performed by using ammonium hydroxide (pH 10.5). The presence of
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 35

DHB in the loading buffer showed an increased enrichment of phospho-

peptides and suggested that the binding of acidic peptides and phospho-
peptides is facilitated by different active sites on the TiO2 surface.
Mazanek et al. (2010) suggested using a mix of DHB and octanesulfonic acid
(OSA), an ion pairing agent used for improved peptide separation in
reversed-phase chromatography, to reduce unspecific binding. The addi-
tives were used in lower concentration and should therefore be less prob-
lematic for the following analysis. This method has since been optimized
further in terms of selectivity using slightly increased concentrations of
DHB and OSA, and with the addition of heptafluorobutyric acid
(Sugiyama et al., 2007). However, these aromatic acids were too hydropho-
bic to be removed by the desalting step before LC-MS/MS analysis.
Current methods use hydrophilic hydroxylated modifiers such as
lactic acid instead of DHB to improve selectivity and capacity of TiO2
toward phosphorylated peptides. Sugiyama et al. (2007) tested different
hydroxy acids in MOAC—an aliphatic hydroxy acid-modified metal oxide
chromatography—and determined that lactic acid provided enhanced selec-
tivity for the isolation of phosphopeptides from tryptic digests of HeLa cells.
In addition, aliphatic hydroxy acids can be easily removed by desalting with
reversed-phase cartridges, which is necessary for subsequent LC–MS/MS
analyses. Large-scale phosphoproteome studies utilizing MOAC (TiO2)
have reported the variety of phosphorylation sites from different cell model
systems (Hilger, Bonaldi, Gnad, & Mann, 2009; Simon, Young, Chan,
Bao, & Andrews, 2008). Both multiply and singly phosphorylated peptides
bind to TiO2. Singly phosphorylated peptides are eluted with a typical elu-
ent (pH 10–11.5), but there are several reports indicating that multiply phos-
phorylated peptides are also eluted under different pH conditions (Kyono,
Sugiyama, Imami, Tomita, & Ishihama, 2008; Leitner, Sturm, Smått, Järn, &
Lindén, 2009; Thingholm, Jorgensen, & Jensen, 2006).
Other MOAC sorbents including SnO2 (Rivera, Choi, Vujcic,
Wood, & Colón, 2009), HfO2 (Qi, Lu, Deng, & Zhang, 2009), Ta2O2
(Kweon & Håkansson, 2006), ZrO2 (Ficarro, Parikh, Blank, & Marto,
2008), Nb2O5 (Rivera et al., 2009), and Al2O3 (Wang & Bruening,
2009) have also been described for the enrichment of phosphopeptides from
tryptic digests. When compared to TiO2, these sorbents showed different
populations of phosphopeptides, thus suggesting complementary selectivity
for these metal oxide resins. Although these results are promising, there is no
clear pattern of selectivity has been obtained for the chemical properties of
phosphopeptides retained by each resin. Kweon and Håkansson (2006)
36 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

enriched 100 pmol tryptic a-casein and b-casein digests on both TiO2 and
ZrO2 microtips prior to analysis by negative-ion ESI–FT–ICR (Fourier
transform ion cyclotron resonance) MS. They found more phosphorylated
peptides using ZrO2 and concluded that TiO2 microtips were more selective
for the enrichment of multiply phosphorylated peptides, whereas the ZrO2
tips enriched primarily monophosphorylated peptides. Recently, on-plate
enrichment for MALDI–MS has been developed. Wang and Bruening
(2009) described a method for modification of silicon wafers, which serve as
MALDI plates with 250-mm diameter microspots of phosphopeptide-binding
polymer brushes enclosed by a hydrophobic poly(dimethylsiloxane) layer.
Enrichment resulted in a fivefold decrease in MALDI–MS detection limits
and femtomole-level sensitivity. Zhou, Xu, and Ye (2006) who used zirconium
phosphonate monolayers immobilized on porous silicon observed excellent
selectivity of this approach demonstrated by analyzing phosphopeptides in
the digested mixture of b-casein and BSA with molar ratio of 1:100. Pipette
tip-based off-line TiO2 minicolumns have been widely used for pho-
sphopeptide purification (Bodenmiller et al., 2008; Mohammed et al., 2008;
Ovelleiro, Carrascal, Casas, & Abian, 2009; Wolschin, Wienkoop, &
Weckwerth, 2005). In this regard, Agilent Technologies has introduced a
chip-based device with integrated TiO2 enrichment and RP-LC separation
that is now commercially available (Raijmakers, Kraiczek, de Jong,
Mohammed, & Heck, 2010).

2.1.3 Immobilized metal affinity chromatography

In 1986, Andersson and Porath reported the use of IMAC for the enrich-
ment of phosphorylated proteins using Fe(III) immobilized via
iminodiacetic acid onto a sepharose matrix (Andersson & Porath, 1986).
Phosphorylated amino acids like phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, or
phosphotyrosine were retained by the chromatographic material, whereas
nonphosphorylated amino acids were not, or in some cases, like aspartic acid
or glutamic acid, only weakly bound. The ion pair formation between
Fe(III) and the negatively charged phosphate group enabled the selective
retention of ovalbumin phosphoisoforms. An advantage of the method
was that all steps could be carried out in water or buffer and no protein dena-
turing components were needed, and consequently, IMAC has been applied
to a wide range of applications in phosphoproteomics (Nuhse, Yu, &
Salomon, 2007). Although similar to MOAC in terms of the selective
retention of phosphopeptides and binding conditions, the electrostatic
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 37

interactions between phosphorylated residues and the immobilized cations

favor the selective retention of phosphopeptides from a complex mixture.
Over the years, a variety of different supports have been introduced for
IMAC-based enrichment, and the technique has long been the most fre-
quently used method for enrichment of phosphopeptides, also due to the
fact that commercial kits are available from different suppliers. Phospho-
peptides are loaded on IMAC columns using acidic buffers and eluted with
high pH, EDTA, or inorganic phosphate buffers. IMAC methods are uti-
lized for the enrichment of peptides phosphorylated on serine, threonine,
and tyrosine residues. Although Fe3+ is predominantly used with IMAC,
other coordinating metal ions such as Ga(III), Zr(IV), and Al(III) have also
been described for the selective enrichment of phosphopeptides (Kokubu,
Ishihama, Sato, Nagasu, & Oda, 2005; Posewitz & Tempst, 1999).
To reduce the extent to which acidic peptides can bind nonspecifically to
IMAC resins, solutions containing 0.1% TFA in 50% acetonitrile are used as
loading buffers (Huttlin et al., 2010). This affinity medium is entirely suited
for large-scale phosphoproteomics experiments (Schreiber et al., 2012). Just
96 nonphosphopeptides and 1654 phosphopeptides were assigned by Mas-
cot from a mouse brain sample. After manual validation, 166 phosphosites
on 135 different proteins were identified using this approach. In regard to
metal affinity enrichment, a novel Fe3+ chelate matrix based on chelate
ligand called PHOS-Select Iron Affinity Gel (Sigma, St. Louis, MO,
USA) should be mentioned, since it has overcome some of the problems
arising with IMAC (as mentioned above). A new phosphoprotein enrich-
ment Fe–NTA kit was introduced (Thermo Scientific, Pierce, Rockford,
IL, USA), and according to manufacturer, it outperformed PHOS-Select
in both number of total and unique phosphopeptides (862 vs. 430 and
178 vs. 90, respectively). The application of IMAC can also be used in quan-
titation experiments. More than 8000 phosphosites were shown in wild-
type and PPt1-deficient yeast strains and the identity of Ser/Thr sites which
are regulated by this phosphatase (Collins et al., 2005). Other notable
IMAC-based studies on complex biological samples were able to identify
several hundred to thousands of phosphorylation sites (Ficarro et al.,
2002; Gruhler et al., 2005; Li et al., 2007). Methyl esterification of acidic
residues has also been proposed to enhance the selectivity of IMAC with
no apparent loss in sensitivity (Posewitz & Tempst, 1999). A disadvantage
of the esterification procedure is the occurrence of side reaction products
(partial hydrolysis of peptides, deamidation of asparagine and glutamine res-
idues) that can increase sample complexity.
38 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

In 1994, Reynolds et al. used an excess of Ca2+ in 50% ethanol for pre-
cipitating phosphopeptides from a tryptic casein hydrolysate (Reynolds,
Riley, & Adamson, 1994). At lower pH, only peptides containing multiple
phosphoserines were enriched. At a pH of 8, all phosphopeptides except two
monophosphorylated ones could be found in the precipitate. Although iron
is used as a central ion in most IMAC methods, other metal ions have been
evaluated for selective phosphate affinity. Posewitz tested different metal
ions including Ga, Sn, Ge, Fe, and others for their applicability in IMAC
phosphopeptide enrichment (Posewitz & Tempst, 1999). With Ga3+, a bet-
ter selectivity compared to conventional Fe3+–IMAC was reported when
analyzing a tryptic digest of phosphoproteins. An interesting approach
was reported from the group of Zhou (Feng et al., 2007; Zhou et al.,
2008). They used a phosphate polymer to coordinatively bind Ti4+ or
Zr4+ ions, and the resulting IMAC resin was used for phosphopeptide
enrichment and compared to Fe3+–IMAC, TiO2, and ZrO2 enrichment
methods. In contrast to MOAC which favors the isolation of mono-
phosphorylated peptides, IMAC was reported to yield a higher proportion
of multiply phosphorylated peptides ( Jensen & Larsen, 2007). The comple-
mentary distribution of phosphopeptides obtainable by TiO2 and Fe(III)–
IMAC can be used advantageously for the combined separation of mono-
phosphorylated and multiply phosphorylated peptides from cell digests.
The sequential use of IMAC and TiO2 also termed SIMAC (sequential elu-
tion from IMAC) gave a twofold increase in phosphopeptide identification
from lysates of human mesenchymal stem cells compared to TiO2 alone
(Thingholm, Jensen, Robinson, & Larsen, 2008). Liang et al. used iTRAQ
(Liang et al., 2007) to compare commercial and prototypal immobilized
metal affinity chelate and metal oxide resins. They tested IMAC magnetic
beads from Invitrogen (Captivate beads), Applied Biosystems (Poros
20 MC beads), and Calbiochem (ProteoExtract) against Nexus tetradentate
metal chelator (Valen Biotech Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA) coupled to
Dynabeads-MyOne (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) tosylactivated beads
(U.S. patent application 20020019496).

2.2. Peptide separation by HPLC

Numerous groups have exploited the negatively charged phosphate moiety
of phosphopeptides to enrich them using ion-exchange or mixed mode
chromatography separation. The analytical merits of these approaches are
briefly outlined here.
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 39

2.2.1 Ion-exchange chromatography

Different forms of ion-exchange chromatography are commonly used in a
two-dimensional chromatography setup in proteomics. Because of the
strong negative charge of the phosphate group, most phosphopeptides show
particular retention behavior in ion-exchange chromatography in compar-
ison to the majority of unmodified peptides. Ion chromatography separation
of phosphopeptides has been reported for both strong anion (SAX) and
strong cation (SCX) exchange resins. This type of chromatography uses
the strong electrostatic interactions taking place between the ionized groups
of the stationary phase and the peptide counter ions present in the sample at a
given pH. For example, the interaction of peptides with the SCX resin is
proposed to be (mainly) of electrostatic and (partially) of hydrophobic char-
acter, due to some residual hydrophobicity of the polymeric stationary
phase, so that structurally similar peptides with the same net charge may
be separated to some degree. The elution of target analytes is obtained by
modulating the strength of the interactions using salts, pH, and/or organic
buffers. The application of SAX for the fractionation of phosphopeptides
was first demonstrated for the tryptic digest of casein (Zhang, 2006) and
enabled the separation of phosphopeptides from their nonphosphorylated
peptide counterparts. The application of SAX was soon utilised by different
groups for the analyses of complex cell extracts including human liver
tissue (Han et al., 2008) and HeLa cells (Dai et al., 2009). SAX fractionation
has been mostly described with on-line reverse-phase LC–MS analysis,
although a recent report described the use of an on-line RP-SAX-RP con-
figuration to enhance the peak separation and the number of unique
phosphopeptides from cell lysates (Ficarro et al., 2011). Multiple phosphor-
ylated peptides show a higher affinity to the SAX resin than singly
phosphorylated ones.
Since SAX requires that alkaline solutions are used for sample and elution
buffers, precautions must be taken to avoid the formation of elimination
products from phosphorylated serine and threonine residues under these
conditions. Another disadvantage arising from this method is that the sol-
vents used in SAX chromatography are not optimal for on-line LC–MS/MS
coupling because the weakly acidic to neutral pH and the aqueous buffer
lower the ionization efficiency when LC–ESI–MS is used.
A larger number of reports have described the application of SCX for
on-line and off-line separation of phosphopeptides. The separation of pep-
tides on SCX resins is typically performed at low pH, and the large majority
of tryptic peptides containing at least one basic amino acid have an overall
40 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

charge higher than two. The presence of a phosphate group reduces their
effective charge and their interactions with the SCX resin, resulting in a rel-
ative enrichment of phosphopeptides in early fractions. Beausoleil et al.
(2004) were the first to take advantage of this feature in a phosphoproteomic
study on tryptic digests of HeLa cells where they identified more than 2000
phosphorylation sites using off-line SCX fractionation.
SCX fractionation alone is not sufficient to enrich phosphopeptides from
complex cell extracts, and this technique is typically used to decrease sample
complexity (Imamura, Wakabayashi, & Ishihama, 2012). But, peptides that
have net zero or even negative charge, such as phosphopeptides with basic
residues or multiply phosphorylated peptides, are not well retained on SCX
columns. In order to capture these peptides, ultra acidic SCX exchange was
recently introduced (Hennrich, van den Toorn, Groenewold, Heck, &
Mohammed, 2012), in which tandem SCX is performed under two different
pH conditions (usual and more acidic conditions). Further enrichment of
phosphopeptides from SCX fractions is achieved using IMAC
(Dephoure & Gygi, 2011; Villen, Beausoleil, Gerber, & Gygi, 2007;
Zhai, Villen, Beausoleil, Mintseris, & Gygi, 2008) or MOAC (Olsen
et al., 2006; Sui et al., 2008). The combination of the SCX–IMAC enrich-
ment strategy provided up to 30-fold increase in the proportion of phospho-
peptides observed from Saccharomyces cerevisiae compared to SCX alone
(Villen & Gygi, 2008).

2.2.2 Hydrophilic interaction chromatography and electrostatic

repulsion–hydrophilic interaction chromatography
Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) can also provide an
orthogonal separation to RP chromatography, and phosphopeptides can
be selectively enriched due to their increased polarity (Garbis et al.,
2011). In HILIC, analytes are separated according to their polarity. The sam-
ple is typically loaded on a polar stationary phase with a high concentration
of organic solvent (typically 95% ACN) favoring the retention of polar phos-
phopeptides. Their subsequent elution is achieved by increasing the propor-
tion of aqueous buffer leading to desorption of phosphopeptides with
increasing polarity. IMAC enrichment of phosphopeptides from HILIC
fractions provided 99% selectivity, as demonstrated by McNulty and
Annan (2008) for HeLa cell lysate where more than 1000 unique phosphor-
ylation sites were identified. Phosphopeptides with the highly polar phos-
phate group should therefore be strongly retained on the HILIC
stationary phase. IMAC phosphopeptide enrichment was added after the
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 41

HILIC step to increase selectivity of the setup. Nearly 100% selectivity for
phosphopeptides was achieved when IMAC enrichment was performed
after HILIC chromatography, and over 1000 phosphorylation sites on
914 peptides were identified, demonstrating the use of HILIC as a powerful
prefractionation tool before selective phosphopeptide enrichment is per-
formed. Additionally, phosphopeptides elute at a buffer composition of
70% to 50% ACN containing 0.1% TFA which is asserted to be the optimal
loading buffer composition for IMAC phosphopeptide loading.
The main disadvantage of HILIC is the high organic content of the frac-
tions, which precludes its direct coupling to on-line RP-LC and HILIC is
generally preferred as a prefractionation technique prior to LC–MS analysis
of phosphopeptides. More recent applications of HILIC have been demon-
strated in combination with size-exclusion chromatography to identify low-
abundance phosphoproteins from immunodepleted plasma samples from
prostate cancer patients (Garbis et al., 2011) or with IMAC and stable iso-
tope labeling to profile the abundance of 2857 unique phosphorylation sites
in 1338 phosphoproteins from 1 mg of cell lysates (Wu, Chen, Tai, & Chen,
2011). In contrast, electrostatic repulsion–hydrophilic interaction liquid
chromatography (ERLIC), introduced by Alpert (2008), uses electrostatic
repulsion as an additional chromatographic stationary-phase property to
adjust selectivity in HILIC chromatography. ERLIC makes use of the prop-
erties of HILIC and ion-exchange chromatography whereby the selectivity
is modulated by changing the pH, organic content of mobile phase, or by
applying a salt gradient (Gan, Guo, Zhang, Lim, & Sze, 2008). Anionic
phosphopeptides are preferentially retained on weak anion-exchange col-
umn at pH 2 while neutral and protonated peptides are eluted. At low
pH, carboxyl groups of Glu and Asp and the C-terminus are largely proton-
ated and peptides with positively charged N-termini are electrostatically
repelled from the column. However, negatively charged phosphate groups
of phosphopeptides interact electrostatically with WAX and their retention
times are increased compared with nonphosphopeptides (Chien, Liu, &
Goshe, 2011). In 2011, Chein et al. developed a method utilizing ERLIC,
IMAC, and LC–MS/MS to study Marek’s disease virus (MDV) infection
(Chien et al., 2011). They were able to study the changes occurring in
the phosphoproteome by fractionating peptides from chicken embryo
fibroblast (CEF) digests using ERLIC, then IMAC enrichment to selectively
target phosphorylated peptides prior to LC–MS/MS analysis. Five hundred
and eighty-one unique phosphopeptides were identified from the MDV-
infected CEF samples.
42 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

In addition to chromatography-based methods, tagging phosphate spe-

cies with certain compounds using a specific chemical derivatization reac-
tion is another strategy for phosphopeptide enrichment (Leitner &
Leitner, 2009). Site-specific modification of phosphoseryl and pho-
sphothreonyl residues ( Jaffe, Veeranna, & Pant, 1998) using a combination
of elimination and Michael addition is a way to introduce phosphosite-
specific tagging. The benefits of this method are that one can selectively
enrich via different types of tags available, and the tags can be isotope labeled
for quantification purposes (Oda, Nagasu, & Chait, 2001) or carry functional
groups to increase the ionization efficiency or to facilitate phosphorylation
site determination (Arrigoni et al., 2006; Knight et al., 2003). Another label-
ing technique recently documented by Wijeratne, Manning, Schultz Jel, and
Greis (2013) utilizes acetone-based peptide labeling or reductive alkylation
by acetone. The research group investigated the regulation of FGF2 and
LMW FGF2 in cardiac tissue phosphoproteome in mouse hearts. They
found significant phosphorylation changes at 14 different sites on 10 distinct
proteins. This study can be used in both exploratory and targeted quantifi-
cation phosphoproteome studies. Multiple enzymic methods have been
developed to enable consecutive digestion of samples with two or more
enzymes (Hunt, Buko, Ballard, Shabanowitz, & Giordani, 1981). Filter-
aided sample preparation liberates peptides after each digestion step and
the remaining sample is then cleaved by the next proteinase. This method
identified 40% more proteins and phosphorylation sites when compared to
the one-step trypsin digest at low microgram concentration level.

2.3. MS analysis
After a digested peptide is injected into the MS, a precursor ion is fragmented
into product ions. The abundance and richness of fragmentation ions are
important factors for the effective identification of phosphorylated sites in
shotgun proteomics. Technological development in this area has recently
been very rapid, and very powerful MS instruments have become available.

2.3.1 Collision-induced dissociation

Collision-induced dissociation (CID) is a standard fragmentation technique
in proteomics and phosphoproteomics. In CID, protonated peptides are
accelerated by an electrical potential in the vacuum chamber of the mass
spectrometer. Then a neutral gas is introduced and bond disruption occurs
to generate a series of b and y ions (Schroeder, Shabanowitz, Schwartz,
Hunt, & Coon, 2004). Even with low-energy CID (less than 100 eV),
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 43

the O-phosphate bonds in serine- and threonine-phosphorylated peptides

are labile during this process, and neutral loss (elimination of phosphate)
of phosphopeptides tends to dominate over dissociation of the main peptide
backbone. To prevent or minimize neutral loss, pseudo-MS3 (Gruhler et al.,
2005) or neutral-loss-directed MS3 has been developed. In these strategies,
product ions generated by neutral loss are again fragmented to cleave the
peptide backbone. A possible issue in CID is intermolecular phosphate
transfer reaction in the ion trap. Aguiar, Haas, Beausoleil, Rush, and
Gygi (2010) used synthetic peptides to examine this issue and found that
phosphate transfer does occur, but only doubly charged precursors form
measurable amounts of transferred fragments. Since only a part of the ion
undergoes the reaction, there is no critical effect on the precision of site
determination (Dunn, Watson, & Bruening, 2006).

After enrichment, phosphopeptides are subsequently (in the case of MALDI–
TOF MS approach) spotted onto a plate. Selection of matrix crucially
affects phosphopeptide signals. Typically, a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid
(CHCA) and DHB are used in phosphoproteomics, but the use of other
matrices has also been reported. 2,4,6-Trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP)
with diammonium hydrogen citrate (DAHC) was found to overcome sup-
pression of phosphopeptides by the nonphosphorylated peptides during
positive-ion MALDI–TOF MS analysis compared to CHCA (Yang,
Wu, & Kobayashi, 2004). The abundances of phosphopeptides in tryptic
digests of protein kinase C-treated mouse cardiac troponin I were enhanced
more than 10-fold and using THAP/DAHC leading to the identification of a
unique phosphorylation site. Kjellstr€ om and Jensen (2004) have tested
several organic and inorganic acids as matrix additives to enhance signal
of phosphopeptides in both positive- and negative-ion modes. After exam-
ining phosphoric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, TFA, and heptafluorobutyric
acid, they concluded that 1% phosphoric acid added to DHB significantly
improved the resolution of MALDI mass spectra of intact proteins. According
to Dunn et al. (2006), DHB/phosphoric acid typically results in stronger sig-
nal than CHCA. In our hands, DHB/phosphoric acid also yields stronger
phosphopeptide signals in MS; however, CHCA is more suitable for MS/MS
measurements (A.E. Bond, unpublished data).
Both MALDI and ESI–MS techniques enable the transfer of intact
proteins into the gas phase without fragmentation, but that is all these
two methods have in common. MALDI produces mostly singly charged
44 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

ions and is preferably used with a high mass range analyzer such as the TOF
mass analyzer, while ESI produces multiply charged ions (making larger pro-
teins more accessible to analysis than MALDI does) and can be used with
quadrupoles and ion traps (Fenn, Mann, & Meng, 1989). MALDI is a rapid,
solid-phase technique that can be utilized, for example, in high-throughput
microarrays or imaging of tissue or detection of individual cells or microor-
ganisms. ESI, in contrast, is a liquid technique compatible with on-line
chromatographic techniques and capillary electrophoresis. When coupled
with FT mass spectrometers, it is more sensitive and reaches high perfor-
mance indeed, although the sensitivity of ESI is reduced by the presence
of salts, impurities, and organic buffers, which are more easily tolerated

2.3.3 Phosphoproteome sequencing by MS/MS

In general proteomics, sequencing is often performed with triple quadru-
pole. The first quadrupole selects the ion, which will be fragmented (precur-
sor or parent ion). The second one is filled with an inert gas (usually argon)
and the interaction of peptide ions and molecules of collision gas leads to the
breakage of a peptide bond. Masses of charged fragments are subsequently
measured by the third quadrupole. TOF–TOF mass spectrometer functions
similarly; the first TOF analyzer selects precursor ions (which enter the col-
lision cell located between the two) and the spectrum of fragments is mea-
sured by the second TOF analyzer.
A combination of a quadrupole and TOF analyzer (so-called QTOF) has
become very popular; however, in phosphoproteomics nowadays, LTQ
orbitrap and ion trap instruments play a major role due to higher sensitivity
in full-scan MS/MS. It has been widely demonstrated that during CID in the
positive-ion mode the labile phospho-Ser and phospho-Thr containing
phosphopeptides will typically undergo b-elimination of phosphoester bond
resulting in the loss of phosphoric acid (H3PO4; neutral loss of 98 Da),
unlike Tyr residues which are more stable and preferentially lose 80 Da
(HPO3). On the other hand, in the negative-ion mode Ser, Thr, and
Tyr-phosphorylated peptides form phosphopeptide-specific marker ions
at m/z 79 (PO3 ) and m/z 63 (PO2 ) (Salih, 2005). Additionally, scanning
for characteristic immonium ion by triple quadrupole instruments was
suggested when searching for Tyr-phosphorylated peptides (m/z
216.043). Steen, Kuster, and Fernandez (2001) recommended the use of
high-resolution MS such as QSTAR Pulsar Q-TOF mass spectrometer
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) to distinguish between a
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 45

diagnostic immonium ion and those generated by other a, b, and y ions.

According to the energy used for fragmentation, we can distinguish two
types of dissociation; low-energy CID (<100 eV) and high-energy CID
(>1000 eV). Olsen and Mann (2004) reported that efficient ion capture
in a linear ion trap leads to MS3 informative and low-background spectra
allowing resolution of ambiguities in identification even at subfemtomole
levels of peptide. A method commonly known as data-dependent neutral
loss MS3 analysis is a scan mode that improves acquisition of MS3 scans only
of those compounds that show the desired neutral loss; however, the pro-
duction of neutral loss ions in MS/MS is almost always associated with partial
fragmentation of the precursor ions. These sequence-informative fragment
ions produced in MS/MS are not included when neutral loss ions are iso-
lated for MS3 (Boersema, Mohammed, & Heck, 2009). A new strategy, ter-
med multistage activation, avoids the loss of sequence-informative ions and
provides more fragments from the ion produced by the neutral loss. In this
approach, the product ions from both the precursor and the neutral loss
product activation are simultaneously stored and a composite spectrum that
contains fragments from multiple precursors is generated (Schroeder et al.,
2004). Savitski et al. reported that different fragmentation techniques differ
strongly in their ability to localize phosphorylation sites (Savitski, Lemeer, &
Boesche, 2011). At 1% false localization rate, the highest number of correctly
assigned phosphopeptides was achieved by higher energy CID in combina-
tion with an Orbitrap mass analyzer followed very closely by low-resolution
ion trap spectra obtained after ETD. Another option for detection of phos-
phopeptides is so-called postsource decay (PSD) which also takes advantage
of the phosphorylation-specific losses. The molecular ion of interest is
selected by ion gate and undergoes “PSD” in the first field-free region of
the instrument.

3.1. Applications in cancer research
Phosphoproteomic analyses have been often utilized in the study of dys-
regulation of proliferative pathways which lead to the onset and progression
of various cancers due to the major role that protein phosphorylation usually
plays in the overall control of cellular processes. Phosphoprotein analysis has
commonly been used in order to attempt to obtain a global phosphoprotein
data set with a view to then determining key proteins rather than selectively
46 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

targeting the analysis of specific proteins in their phosphorylated or non-

phosphorylated state. Winck et al. (2014) utilized MS for phosphoprotein
analysis to compare the proteins phosphorylated in two strains of epithelia
cell, one tumorigenic and the other a “normal,” wild-type epithelial cell line
as representative cell lines of tissues in which oral cancers commonly
develop. Their aim was to determine key protein regulators of the process
of cancer development, and to this end, proteins associated with structural
and regulatory functions of the nucleus were identified as being differentially
phosphorylated between the two cell lines. The analysis therefore allowed
for a mechanism of tumorigenesis in these call types to be tentatively iden-
tified. Similarly, Xie et al. (2010) studied global phosphoprotein changes in
two isogenic cell lines one with metastatic properties and the other without
any metastatic characteristics. Using spectra counting as a semi-quantitative
methodology, 27 proteins were identified as being differentially phosphor-
ylated between the two cell lines with confirmation of the findings being
undertaken by Western blot analysis. Other groups have utilized statistical
clustering bioinformatics approaches in order to identify changes in complex
phosphoproteomic data from cancer cell analysis such as lung cancer
(Grimes, Lee, van der Maaten, & Shannon, 2013). A separate study by
Frederick et al. (2011) utilized reverse-phase protein microarrays to study
a large number of biopsies from head and neck cancer patients and compar-
ative normal tissue biopsies from the same patients. The microarrays detailed
the status of the end points of 60 different kinase pathways and the compar-
ison implicated a number of these as being differentially regulated. Approx-
imately, the same number of kinase pathways were up- and downregulated
in the comparison and a specific protein kinase C isoform was identified as
having a potential role in these cancers for the first time. A separate study
combined data from both model cell lines and benign and cancerous biopsies
from gastric cancer and analyzed these at both the phosphoproteome level
and at the transcriptomic level with a view of collating the data to obtain a
wider view of cellular changes (Guo et al., 2011). Almost 200 phosphopro-
teins were shown to be overexpressed in the cancer samples and a wide
range of kinases and phosphatases could also be studied at the level of protein
and transcript. Phosphorylation of p53 was shown to have a pivotal role in
the cancer alongside pathways responsible for DNA damage repair. A further
study utilized an animal model to provide protein samples that represented
the same animal during different stages of skin cancer development
(Zanivan et al., 2013). The phosphoprotein data obtained in the study were
matched to known metabolic pathway networks in order to identify that the
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 47

PAK4–PKC/SRC network exhibited a role in carcinogenesis. The role of

protein phosphorylation on the metastatic development of tumors has also
been explored and elaborated via phosphoproteomic analysis. Wu et al.
(2010) studied a subphosphoprotein profile (encompassing just tyrosine
phosphorylated proteins) in lung cancer cell line models which represented
differing levels of invasiveness and compared their phosphoproteomes. In
doing so, they identified a known network of pathways involved in lung
cancer metastasis and also identified seven novel tyrosine kinases which
interact to activate these pathways which had not been previously identified
and therefore act as new initiators of metastases. Within the area of brain
tumors, a novel mutation within the epidermal growth factor receptor
was characterized within such disorders and phosphoproteomic analysis
was utilized in order to characterize the downstream effects of the mutation
and thereby reveal the network involved in the eventual over proliferation
caused by the novel mutations within the receptor (Pines, Huang, Zwang,
White, & Yarden, 2010). Other groups, when undertaking the study of
mechanisms behind tumor development and uncontrolled proliferation,
have sought to combine data sets from phosphoprotein analysis with data
sets from techniques studying the other aspects discussed in the introduction
(transcriptomics, metabolomics, etc.). A combination of epigenetic, trans-
criptomic, and phosphoproteomic data was collected in respect to a cell line
model of glioblastoma multiform which exhibited a mutation in the epider-
mal growth factor receptor in order to identify cellular networks of interac-
tions and the effect of different compounds addition to the cell line on these
network systems (Huang et al., 2013). While this study sought to combine
proteomic data with data sets representing biological events earlier in
the protein expression pathway (the transcription of DNA and its regulation
by means of epigenetic changes to cellular structures), a separate study
combined phosphoprotein expression data with metabolomic data sets
(representing the downstream net effects of the differential protein phos-
phorylation itself ). McDonnell et al. (2013) investigated large cell lympho-
mas which were known to produce the protein, active tyrosine kinase
nucleophosmin–anaplastic lymphoma kinase. The phosphoprotein data
obtained allowed for the confirmation of the phosphorylation of the anaplas-
tic lymphoma kinase (ALK) protein as an important event in the develop-
ment of the disorder, while the metabolomic data (and data obtained via the
chemical induction of the process or similar analysis utilizing a cell line with a
mutation in the target protein) identified increased lactate production via an
elevation in the rate of aerobic respiration as a net consequence of the altered
48 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

phosphoproteomic, resulting in increased cell biomass and therefore

As well as using cancer cell lines to investigate and propose the role of
proteins in cancer development, phosphoprotein analysis can also be utilized
to further validate such hypotheses once proposed. In the case of lung cancer
development, the protein ephrin and associated signaling pathway has been
implicated in tumor development. Ståhl et al. (2011) demonstrated that
downregulation of the protein in a lung cancer cell line model resulted in
a reduction in the rate of cellular proliferation and therefore sought to utilize
phosphoproteomic analysis to assist in determining the proteins and path-
ways responsible. A number of proteins phosphorylation status were shown
to be dependent upon whether ephrin was expressed or depressed and
erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular receptor tyrosine kinase class A2
phosphorylation was shown to required for the tumor survival and therefore
further proliferation. A separate study by Iwai et al. (2013) studied collagen
and downstream pathways mediated via collagen signaling as being involved
in lung cancer progression via specific collagen receptors (DDRs). The study
mapped theoretical pathways and protein phosphorylation targets of the
pathway using in vitro kinase data and cell lines with DDRs mutated were
further studied and one of these suggested targets shown to be correlated
to tumor development dependent upon its phosphorylation status (Src
homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2).
The protein transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) has been suggested
as having a role in cancer progression in colon cancer and is usually thought
to act via the protein Smad4; however, it has been hypothesized that alter-
native pathways controlled by TGF-b may also be important in cancer
development. Ali and Molloy (2011) therefore utilized phosphoproteomic
analysis in order to identify novel pathways and proteins affected by the
TGF-b pathway in colonic cancer cell lines. A number of proteins including
hepatoma-derived growth factor and cell division kinases were identified as
targets for phosphorylation via the pathway, thereby suggesting further roles
for the pathway.
As well as using phosphoproteomic analysis to study possible mechanisms
of disorder development, cell lines and biopsies which represent specific can-
cers have also been analyzed in order to collate and provide a record of the
proteins modified in these cancers. Yu et al. (2011) undertook such an anal-
ysis for the type II human lung cancer, A549, cataloging 373 phosphoryla-
tion sites on a total of 181 proteins within the cells, many of which were
reported as being phosphorylated in the cancer for the first time in the study.
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 49

A separate study undertook a similar analysis in LNCaP human prostate can-

cer cells, and of the 116 phosphoproteins identified in the multiple analyses,
56 were newly identified as phosphorylation targets in such cancers
(Myung & Sadar, 2012). A separate study sought to characterize the phos-
phoproteome of gastric cancer secretions (the secretome) (Yan et al., 2011),
whilst other similar studies have sought to use archived clinical tissues for the
study of phosphoproteins present, with tissues from a tissue repository being
utilized for the study of prostate cancer protein phosphorylation (Chen,
Fang, Giorgianni, Gingrich, & Beranova-Giorgianni, 2011). The study
demonstrated that phosphoprotein data could still be obtained for known
cancer-relevant proteins.
A further impact of phosphoproteomic analysis in cancer research is in
the study of mechanisms that cause tumors to become resistant to chemo-
therapeutic drug regimes with a view to preventing or reducing the capacity
of the tumor to survive the treatments given. A study concerning the poten-
tial role of the protein tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) in
the development of resistance of breast cancers to drug treatment utilized
cell lines in which the protein was up- and downregulated (Hekmat
et al., 2013). A group of enzymes which are common targets of chemother-
apeutic drugs, the topoisomerases, were shown to be overexpressed and/or
overphosphorylated in the cells with expressed TIMP-1, and therefore drug
resistance and phosphorylation of this drug target were hypothesized as con-
ferring resistance. Another drug target for breast cancer treatment is the tyro-
sine kinases which can be inhibited by drugs such as lapatinib where the cells
are shown to overexpress the gene HER-2. Rexer et al. (2011) produced
cell lines representing breast cancer cells whose proliferation was not
inhibited by the addition of lapatinib to the growth media as a model of
cancer resistance to the drug and studied protein phosphorylation between
cancer cells with and without this resistance. In the analysis, over-
phosphorylation of a group of enzymes, the Src family kinases, was exhibited
in the resistant cell line and addition of Src family kinases alongside lapatinib
caused the cells to lose their resistance. Therefore, such analyses can also pro-
vide possible mechanisms of overcoming resistance as well as detailing
pathways involved. A separate study of cancer cell resistance to lapatinib
utilized breast cell cancers exhibiting different levels of susceptibility and
resistance—this was controlled by inducing overexpression of HER2 in
some cells using a retrovirus vector (Vazquez-Martin, Oliveras-Ferraros,
Colomer, Brunet, & Menendez, 2008). A human phospho-MAPK array
proteome profiler was utilized to study cellular changes in the different cells,
50 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

and a specific serine/threonine kinase was highlighted as an important medi-

ator within the cellular processes involved. A further study focusing upon
tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer combined phosphoprotein and trans-
criptomic data in cancer cell lines with and without resistance and then com-
pared the data obtained to that determined from clinical biopsy data (Oyama
et al., 2011). Against expectations, resistant cell lines presented a reduced
protein phosphorylation status overall compared to wild-type cell lines.
One particular protein, glycogen synthase kinase 3b was more often phos-
phorylated in the wild-type cell, and network analysis and transcriptomic
data suggested that normal phosphorylation of the protein has an inhibitory
effect on GSK3b at serine 9 and removal of this inhibition in drug-resistant
cell lines allows for the increased activity of cAMP-responsive element-
binding protein and AP-1 transcription factors causing resistance. Docetaxel
resistance has also been investigated utilizing phosphoproteomic analysis as
resistance can occur in 50% of prostate cancers and resistance is a major con-
cern during treatment (Lee et al., 2014). The phosphoproteomic investiga-
tion of docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines identified specific
phosphorylation sites as being modified on the protein focal adhesion kinase,
and bioinformatic analysis was utilized in order to identify metabolic and
cellular pathways that would be affected as a result. A similar global phos-
phoproteomic analysis was also applied to acute myeloid leukemia cell lines
with differing degrees of resistance to kinase inhibitors in order to under-
stand the mechanism employed by drug-resistant cancers of this type
(Alcolea, Casado, Rodrı́guez-Prados, Vanhaesebroeck, & Cutillas, 2012).
As well as drug resistance, some tumors demonstrate radiotherapy
resistance; a similar phosphoproteomic analysis was utilized to study the
phosphorylated proteins affected in mammalian epithelial cells when a can-
didate protein required for resistance, TGF-b, is activated. The network
analysis identified 14-3-3s as a target of the growth factor pathway
and phosphorylation analysis identified two novel phosphorylation sites at
serines in positions 69 and 74 within the protein that were dependent
on TGF-b for their phosphorylation. The network analysis suggested that
such an activation would have multiple downstream effects, a com-
plex formation required for interaction with p53 and that this may assist
in the resistance to radiotreatment (Zakharchenko, Cojoc, Dubrovska, &
Souchelnytskyi, 2013).
A further area of exploitation of the global analysis of protein phosphor-
ylation events and selected protein phosphorylation analysis is in the iden-
tification of novel potential therapeutic targets in order to treat tumors or
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 51

reduce proliferation rates within cancer cells (Yu, Issaq, & Veenstra, 2007).
Bhola et al. (2011) studied the phosphoproteome in head and neck cancer
models which were undergoing proliferation. The proliferative rate was
activated by using gene silencing technology to repress the expression of
the epidermal growth factor receptor (whose express is associated with
reduced tumor growth) while G-protein coupled receptor activation was
ensured by adding an agonist for this receptor type (as these are over-
expressed in such tumors). The study of the phosphoproteomic changes that
were identified as a result of such intervention allowed for the selection of
the protein p70S6K as being more phosphorylated in tumors in which pro-
liferation was activated in this manner (increased sixfold). Therefore, it was
concluded in the study that this protein represents a potential downstream
target of the reduced growth factor receptor/elevated G-protein coupled
receptor activation of cellular proliferation processes. A recent study con-
sidered castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancers taken via biopsy com-
pared to primary prostate tumors which were biopsied prior to any therapy
(Drake et al., 2013). The study profiled phosphotyrosine peptides from the
different samples and highlighted a number of phosphoproteins which cor-
related well with the resistance within tumors which were more aggressive,
including ALK, and MAPK1/3 with a view to developing inhibitors selec-
tive for these particular kinases in such cancers. Further studies have consid-
ered myeloma cancers as the therapeutic target and studied 25 different cell
strains via phosphoproteomic approaches in order to identify tyrosine kinase
receptors specifically phosphorylated (and therefore activated) in such pro-
liferative cell lines as novel targets (Tworkoski et al., 2011). Ovarian cancers
have been studied via similar approaches, with 69 primary cancer cell cul-
tures being utilized and compared (Ren et al., 2012). The study identified
overphosphorylation of the protein ALK in 2–4% of cases and therefore
suggested this protein phosphorylation as a novel target in a number of ovar-
ian cancer cases.
As well as new therapeutic targets, phosphoproteomic analysis has been
applied to investigate resistance mechanisms (as discussed previously) and
identify targets that would reduce resistance in tumors, thereby enhancing
the efficacy of the existing treatment options available to clinicians. An
example of this comes from the field of gastrointestinal cancers and their
treatment with the drug, imatinib. Takahashi et al. (2013) analyzed the phos-
phoproteome of cancers after treatment in order to identify focal adhesion
kinase and associated protein phosphorylation as a key event in the reduction
of the efficacy of the drug on the tumor development (confirmed using
52 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

Western blotting approaches). Addition of an inhibitor of the kinase enzyme

identified in the study had a dramatic effect on the IC50 of imatinib and over-
came the identified resistance, and therefore, such analyses can have the
effect of increasing the potency of current therapeutic regimes as well as
reducing the required dose to be administered.
One further area of increasing interest in the treatment of various tumors
is the application of phosphoproteomic analysis to allow for the study of the
treatment efficacy in different patients, allowing for a stratified approach to
the treatment of patients. More specifically, phosphoproteomic analysis has
been applied to study key phosphorylation changes that can be used as bio-
markers or biological indicators of the predicted response to a particular anti-
cancer agent. A bank of cancer cell lines (NCI-60) was utilized alongside a
therapeutic whose mechanism involves the inhibition of phosphoinositide 3
kinase in order to determine any key phosphorylation events that could pre-
dict drug efficacy in such patients (Kwei, Baker, & Pelham, 2012). The
degree of phosphorylation of two key proteins within the samples was
thereby shown to be directly correlated to the in vitro response of the cancer
cell lines to treatment with the drug and therefore acts as biomarkers that
could be studied in biopsies in order to better manage patient treatment.
A similar approach has also been applied to nonsmall cell cancer cell lines
treated with dasatinib (a further protein kinase inhibitor), identifying 58 pro-
tein phosphorylation events that could be used to predict cancer cell vulner-
ability to the treatment (Klammer et al., 2012). Of the 58 signatures
identified, a panel of 12 of these was sufficient in order to accurately identify
cell lines which would respond well to the kinase inhibitor, and interest-
ingly, 4 of these particular events were presented on the same protein,
integrin b4. The same approach applied to hematological cancer cell lines
including acute myeloid leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma
allowed for the quantitation of more than 2000 protein phosphorylation
events within the cell lines (Casado et al., 2013). The profiling was analyzed
and regression analysis based modeling of the changes allowed for the opti-
mal combination of signatures which differentiate cells based upon their
sensitivity to kinase inhibitors without necessarily identifying the proteins
involved. As well as finding a role in stratified medicine, the study of
phosphoprotein and phosphopeptide signatures has also found a role in
diagnosis and prognosis of patients. One example of this approach is
represented by the work of Takano et al. (2010) who studied the phospho-
protein profile of serum derived from pancreatic cancer patients, control
subjects, and patients suffering from nonmalignant pancreatitis. The serum
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 53

phosphoprotein biomarker elucidated during the analysis provided a posi-

tive identification rate of 82% which was far superior to the 53% identifica-
tion rate exhibited by the existing biomarker utilized clinically, and
therefore, the potential of global phosphoproteomic analysis in identifying
novel cancer serum biomarkers is of continued interest in many research
groups. As discussed in this section of the review, cancer has been a major
focus of phosphoproteomic analysis to date due to the particular role of
kinase enzymes in the control of cellular proliferation rates and the mech-
anisms behind dysregulation of these in tumor cells. The phosphoproteomic
data are particularly powerful when combined with other data sets both
those upstream of the phosphorylation event (transcriptomics, etc.) and
downstream effects of differential protein phosphorylation events in the cell
(metabolomic analysis).

3.2. Applications in stem cell research

A recent application of phosphoproteomic analysis is in the field of regen-
erative medicine, in particular the analysis has been utilized in order to study
and further understand changes at the cellular level that are involved in stem
cell differentiation processes (Tobe et al., 2012).
The application of phosphoproteomics to the differentiation of embry-
onic stem cells was undertaken by Brill et al. (2009). Pluripotent cells were
utilized in the study and analyzed before and after differentiation and a clear
distinction in the phosphoproteome determined between the two cell types
with hundreds of differentially phosphorylated proteins identified. The
undifferentiated stem cells exhibited a larger number of phosphorylated
tyrosine kinase enzymes, and these findings were further validated by under-
taking a biochemical assay of the specific enzyme activities implicated in the
two cell lines to show an reduction in activity during differentiation.
A separate study of the phosphoproteomic changes taking place examined
embryonic stem cell differentiation after initiation of the process using a
diacylglycerol analog (Rigbolt et al., 2011). Of the over 6000 proteins iden-
tified, half exhibited a difference during the first 24 h after initiation of the
differentiation process, suggesting a significant biochemical change in the
cell’s metabolism in response to the initiation of the process. As well as
the expected kinase targets that would be expected to undergo differential
phosphorylation during differentiation, DNA methyltransferases were also
detected which were implicated in interacting with polymerase-associated
factor 1 which then further interacts with specific transcription factors to
54 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

control the differentiation process. This methyltransferase was therefore

defined as a target protein that may be inhibited or activated as a target
for interventions designed to control the differentiation process in vitro.
The differentiation of embryonic stem cells into neuronal cell lines has been
investigated at the phosphoprotein level via 2D SDS PAGE analysis of the
phosphoproteome of the cells before and after differentiation (Kim et al.,
2011). During differentiation, a number of specific proteins involved in
the functioning of the differentiated neuronal cell line were phosphorylated
including voltage-gated ion channels, vimentin, and a number of heteroge-
neous nuclear ribonucleoproteins.
Lo et al. (2012) utilized LC/MS analysis for the purpose of phospho-
proteomic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells which display the ability to
differentiate into osteoblast cells via osteogenic differentiation. The thera-
peutic potential of such stem cells in the future treatment of conditions such
as osteoporosis could be further developed with increased understanding of
differentiation into such cell lines. Three time points during differentiation
were studied, and an initial hypomodification status of the proteome with
respect to phosphorylation at the early time point monitored was reported
and related to proteins involved in proliferative processes. During further
differentiation, a number of ion channel proteins and transcription factors
were shown to become differentially phosphorylated and it was therefore
suggested that these proteins may be key factors in the conversion to oste-
oblast cells. The study of the phosphoproteome of human CD34(+) hema-
topoietic progenitor cells has also been undertaken in isolation with a view
to understanding the underlying proteomic pathways activated in such cells.
Of the proteome studied, more than 3000 proteins were shown to be phos-
phorylated at one amino acid residue or more, and bioinformatic analysis
was then applied to the data set to assist in identifying the pathways found
to be active in the specific stem cell type (Guo et al., 2013).
The role of phosphorylation of specific known proteins with a suggested
function within the stem cell development process as well as the effect of a
suspected protein involved in differentiation initiation has also utilized phos-
phoproteomics as a mechanism to further add to researcher’s understanding
of the biochemical mechanisms behind the process. Nestin is a filament pro-
tein which has been implicated as a neural stem cell/progenitor biomarker in
past studies and a recent study sought to study the phosphorylation of this
protein in the central nervous system and in the vascular system in neural
cells and in bone-marrow-derived progenitor cells, respectively. The nestin
determined from the neuronal cell line was shown to be multiply
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 55

phosphorylated while the vascular isoform did not present any phosphory-
lation sites being actively modified, suggesting a different function of this
protein within the two different cell types based upon their eventual func-
tion (Namiki, Suzuki, Masuda, Ishihama, & Okano, 2012). Fibroblast
growth factor 2 (FGF-2) acts as a growth factor in human embryonic stem
cells in order to allow for their efficient and effective expansion and produc-
tion. The addition of FGF-2 therefore allows for the stimulation of the stem
cells, and this process was monitored by studying phosphoprotein changes in
the cells, after which 40% of the detected phosphoproteome demonstrated a
significant change in their modification status. The identified proteins
included proteins involved in the self-renewal processes underlying cell pro-
liferation processes and proteins whose expression is regulated by transcrip-
tion factors previously implicated in pluripotency (Zoumaro-Djayoon et al.,
2011). Finally, the role of the phosphoproteome in the clinical disorder,
hemoglobin E/b thalassemia, in which increased apoptosis of erythrocytes
leads to the symptoms of the disorder was undertaken by comparing stem
cells that differentiate to provide these cells on a continual basis in patients
with the disorder compared to control hematopoietic stem cells (Ponnikorn
et al., 2011). The research found that 229 phosphoproteins were found to be
differently presented in the normal and ineffective stem cell lines of which
many were of importance in such cells including cytochrome c and caspase
6—suggesting its direct role in the observed apoptosis symptoms. Within the
discipline of regenerative medicine and further understanding of stem cell
differentiation and production, phosphoproteomics is therefore beginning
to show its value as a targeted method which can be utilized to obtain infor-
mation regarding the function of this posttranslational modification on a
global scale. Further work in this field is envisaged to allow for stem cells
to be more efficiently produced in the laboratory setting and also to provide
a more refined methodology for the control of the differentiation process (in
relation to controlling when this process is initiated and also the nature of the
resulting differentiated cell).

3.3. Applications in cardiac research

Phosphoproteomics has also found a role in the investigation of cardiovas-
cular illnesses, mainly in the study of the phosphoproteome of cardiac mus-
cle in normal conditions and during or after stress or myocardial infarction.
A recent review highlighted the application of phosphoproteomics in the
global and high-throughput identification of proteins phosphorylated in
56 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

the different subcellular compartments of cardiac tissues, outlining the

potential biological insight that may be gained by such analysis of the heart
and its proper functioning (Edwards, Cordwell, & White, 2011). At around
the same time, Deng et al. (2011) reported on the analysis of the phospho-
proteome of murine cardiac mitochondria. Given the changing energy
requirements of myocardial tissue, the mitochondria and the mechanisms
that underlie its ability to adapt to energy requirements brought about by
differential muscle contraction needs are a major factor in the health of
the heart. LC/MS with a combined fragmentation analysis using both
CID and ETD allowed for a more comprehensive study of the phospho-
peptides present after enzymatic proteolysis with some phosphopeptides
being solely identified by one or other of the fragmentation approaches.
As would be expected, key components of the electron transport chain
and the tricarboxylic acid cycle were shown to be important regulatory sites
within the mitochondria, and kinases associated with these steps were also
shown to be regulated by phosphorylation status. Other kinases, such as
Scr, which had previously not been associated with mitochondrial function,
however, were also should be present and represent phosphorylation targets
within the subcellular compartment, suggesting further novel mechanisms
of regulation that are as yet not fully understood. A further study sought
to study the phosphorylation status of a single protein present in the heart,
cardiac myosin-binding protein C, as it has been suggested that dephosphor-
ylation of this particular protein is linked directly with contractile dysfunc-
tion in patients (Kooij, Holewinski, Murphy, & Van Eyk, 2013). The study
identified the N terminal section of the protein as being the most phosphor-
ylated section of the protein, containing the majority of the 17 phosphory-
lation sites identified; however, a specific dephosphorylation of a serine
amino acid residue at position 284 was shown to be the most commonly
dephosphorylated site in patients with symptoms of heart failure. In relation
to the study of heart defects or pressure-derived damage via phospho-
proteomic analysis, the effect of pressure overload has been studied in
murine heart tissue using transverse aortic banding in order to bring about
increased aortic pressure and sampling myocardial tissue after 10, 30, and
60 min and also at a 2-week time point (Chang et al., 2013). In total,
360 phosphorylation sites were shown to be differentially modified as a result
of the banding with some being exhibited during acute pressure overload
while others were linked to chronic increases in pressure. Dynamin-related
protein 1 (DRP-1) was demonstrated to be of interest with the banding
bringing about phosphorylation-dependent translocation of the DRP-1
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 57

to the mitochondria where it plays a role in mitochondrial fission. Further-

more, inhibition of this protein was shown to reduce the hypertrophic
response undergone by the myocardial tissue when presented with increased
pressure, thereby implicating the protein as having a role in the disruptive
consequences of pressure overload on the heart. As well as focusing on
the myocardial tissue, phosphoproteomic analyses have also widened their
target in cardiovascular studies to incorporate the prolonged impact of sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage on the longer-term health and functioning of cere-
bral artery systems. Parker, Larsen, Edvinsson, and Povlsen (2013)
demonstrated longer-term changes in phosphorylation status in such arteries
after hemorrhage and identified key proteins whose phosphorylation
appeared to be linked to the longer-term damage and ischemia. Inhibition
of one of the kinases identified was shown to lead to improved cerebrovas-
cular outcomes and suggest a novel target in treating longer-term deficien-
cies brought about by increased pressure within the cerebral artery system.
A further study utilized phosphoproteomic analysis to investigate the role of
oxidized phospholipids in the development of atherosclerotic plaques lead-
ing to hypertension and eventual myocardial infarction. The study identified
proteins which were specifically phosphorylated in response to the oxidized
phospholipids, suggesting a role in cellular signaling as well as plaque forma-
tion due to deposition of lipid during atherosclerosis (Zimman et al., 2010).
As well as cardiac damage brought about by tissue damage and hypertension,
the effect of pharmaceutical interventions for other disorders on the heart has
also been investigated from a phosphoproteomic perspective. The chemo-
therapeutic family of drugs, the anthracyclines—such as doxorubicin, have
limited use due to their effect on the heart as a side effect of the therapy, and
recently, phosphoproteomics has been applied in order to further determine
the mechanism behind these detrimental cardiac specific side effects. Rat
heart tissue utilized as a model for the heart was infused with doxorubicin
at two concentrations—the usual clinically relevant concentration and an
elevated concentration, five times greater than the clinical dose. The phos-
phoproteome was then studied using 2D SDS PAGE with phosphoprotein
specific staining for protein visualization and MS protein identification
(Gratia et al., 2012). Differences in the phosphoproteome, identified by
MS, were verified by Western blotting and proteins associated with the
functions of the mitochondria constituted 40% of the differences suggesting
this as the subcellular site of action of the drug, and the implicated functions
impaired by the therapy were suggested as being energy balance and myo-
fibrillar organization processes. Phosphorylation of specific proteins has also
58 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

been suggested as representing potential biomarkers of myocardial infarction

and dysfunction. Dubois et al. (2011) and Dubois-Deruy et al. (2013) inves-
tigated the efficacy of the phosphorylation status of the circulating protein,
troponin, at a serine at position 208 in the protein’s amino acid sequence
compared to existing biomarkers of cardiac dysfunction in rat models of
the disorder. The level of phosphorylation of troponin was shown to be
reduced in rats with induced myocardial infarction compared to rats with
no dysfunction and this reduced phosphorylation status was reversed in
treated rats upon treatment with a heart rate reducing drug, alleviating
the symptoms. The phosphorylation of this circulating protein therefore
has the ability to assist in the diagnosis of poor cardiac function and also
allows for the study of the efficacy of treatment regimes. As well as studying
the role of phosphoproteins in disorder progression, the same type of
analysis has also been applied to the study of mechanisms behind protective
measures that reduce the risk or impact of myocardial damage. Isoflurane
was shown to provide a protective function to heart tissue in a rat model
and protein extraction, 2D SDS PAGE, and immunoblotting with a
phosphor—serine/threonine/tyrosine stain allowed for the comparative
phosphoproteomes of the respective mitochondria to be studied. Eleven
phosphoproteins in total were shown to provide differences in their phos-
phorylation status after treatment with isoflurane. Further mass spectromet-
ric analysis identified a novel phosphorylation site in an adenosine
nucleotide cotranslocator and mutation of this amino acid site in yeast
resulted in impaired growth (Feng et al., 2008). A further mechanism
thought to improve the protection of myocardial tissue is the inhibition
of protein phosphatase 1 (Nicolaou et al., 2009). The group produced a
transgenic mouse model with an inducible inhibitor of the phosphatase
enzyme and demonstrated that the increased expression of the inhibitor
allowed for improved contractile function in the mice. Phosphoproteomic
analysis was also performed and demonstrated an increased phosphorylation
of phospholamban which allowed for improved calcium transport,
suggesting a mechanism by which the change in phosphorylation might
bring about the observed protective effects.

3.4. Applications in immunity research

Protein phosphorylation analysis has also been applied to the study of
immune responses in a few studies. Such an analysis was utilized in order
to study the signal transduction cascade activated by the binding of thymic
Phosphoproteomic Analysis in Biomedicine 59

stromal lymphopoietin to its cytokine receptor, as the ligand’s over-

expression has been linked to the development of asthma in patients.
A quantitative phosphoproteomic approach was used in order to study
the proteins involved in bringing about the cytokines cellular effects
(Zhong et al., 2012). The study identified 226 proteins whose phosphory-
lation status was altered in response to the addition of the cytokine including
specific kinases involved in the amplification of the ligand-binding event. An
earlier study utilized an antiserum to probe the phosphoproteome of acti-
vated T cells and demonstrated phosphorylation of pro-interleukin 16 on
a specific serine residue (position 144) allowing the determination of Erk
1/2 kinase as the modifying enzyme involved, thereby identifying the kinase
as a novel target for therapeutic regimes that seek to limit the interleukin
production and release (Laurence, Astoul, Hanrahan, Totty, & Cantrell,
2004). While this study focused on the specific protein identified as being
phosphorylated, immunoprecipitation and phosphoprotein analysis in a
more recent study identified 2814 phosphopeptides after T cell activation
with roles in cytoskeletal restructuring and GTPase activation, suggested
as having a role in the formation of the immune synapse (Ruperez,
Gago-Martinez, Burlingame, & Oses-Prieto, 2012). The approach of study-
ing protein phosphorylation has also been of benefit when investigating
antibody-mediated rejection of organs during organ transplant treatments.
Jindra et al. (2008) developed a mouse model for heart transplant rejection
and studied protein phosphorylation during the rejection process, identify-
ing the class-I signaling pathway in the in vivo experiment and the relation-
ship of this pathway with the pathway which is the therapeutic target of the
drug, rapamycin. The improved knowledge as to the role of protein phos-
phorylation events in mediating immune response has also led to the devel-
opment of phosphopeptides as drugs which act by blocking the normal
phosphorylation process. For example, one such drug was developed which
acts by binding the SH2 domain of STAT3 to prevent its role in the normal
response (McMurray, Mandal, Liao, Klostergaard, & Robertson, 2012)
while a separate study developed a cell-permeable phosphopeptide drug
which bound the SH2 domain within an inducible T cell kinase whose
overactivation can lead to severe lung inflammation (Guimond et al., 2013).

Following on from advances in the application of modern proteomic
techniques to categorize proteomes and the various changes in expression
60 Ed Dudley and A. Elizabeth Bond

levels of proteins, the ability to accurately characterize the protein posttrans-

lational modification status, especially in terms of protein phosphorylation,
has also improved both in relation to the robustness of the data obtained and
the throughput of the analytical protocols undertaken. MS remains a key
analytical device in such global phosphoproteomic analysis, and advances
in the development of mass spectrometers have led to improvements in
the rate of phosphoprotein discovery. The applications of the ability to mon-
itor protein phosphorylation status on a global proteomic scale have been
applied to many distinct and varied areas of biomedicine. While cancer
phosphoproteomics has been very well researched (due to the role of signal
transduction cascades and kinase activity in the unregulated cell proliferation
process itself ), further areas of study within the biomedical field have utilized
the same technologies (as detailed in the select few highlighted areas covered
within this review). Furthermore, the global importance of protein phos-
phorylation as a mediator and regulator of cellular metabolism and adapta-
tion means that the areas within biomedicine (and beyond) which will
benefit from such analytical techniques are ever expanding.

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Recent Advances in Mass

Dustin C. Frost*, Lingjun Li*,†,1
*School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 72
2. Glycoproteomic Profiling by MS 75
2.1 Glycoproteomics methodology 75
2.2 Affinity enrichment 76
2.3 Glycoprotein digestion 82
2.4 Glycan release 83
2.5 Chromatographic separation and SPE 85
2.6 Mass spectrometry 88
2.7 Quantitation 93
2.8 Bioinformatics 98
3. MS-Based Glycoproteomics in Disease Research 99
3.1 Cancer biomarker research 99
3.2 Neurodegenerative disease research 104
4. Concluding Remarks 106
Acknowledgments 107
References 107

Protein glycosylation plays fundamental roles in many biological processes as one of the
most common, and the most complex, posttranslational modification. Alterations in gly-
cosylation profile are now known to be associated with many diseases. As a result, the
discovery and detailed characterization of glycoprotein disease biomarkers is a primary
interest of biomedical research. Advances in mass spectrometry (MS)-based glyco-
proteomics and glycomics are increasingly enabling qualitative and quantitative
approaches for site-specific structural analysis of protein glycosylation. While the com-
plexity presented by glycan heterogeneity and the wide dynamic range of clinically rel-
evant samples like plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and tissue make comprehensive
analyses of the glycoproteome a challenging task, the ongoing efforts into the devel-
opment of glycoprotein enrichment, enzymatic digestion, and separation strategies

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 71
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
72 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

combined with novel quantitative MS methodologies have greatly improved analytical

sensitivity, specificity, and throughput. This review summarizes current MS-based glyco-
proteomics approaches and highlights recent advances in its application to cancer bio-
marker and neurodegenerative disease research.


Glycosylation is the most frequent posttranslational modification

(PTM) of proteins, with over 50% of proteins featuring covalently attached
glycans (Apweiler, Hermjakob, & Sharon, 1999), and is undoubtedly the
most structurally complex in the types and linkage patterns of these glycans.
This structural diversity serves to impart functional variance, placing cell sur-
face and secreted glycosylated proteins into vital roles in a wide variety of
biological processes including molecular recognition, cellular adhesion,
intra- and intercellular signaling, fertilization, immunity, and host–pathogen
interactions (Copeland, Han, & Hart, 2013; Helenius & Aebi, 2004; Lux &
Nimmerjahn, 2011; Varki, 1993). Alterations in glycan composition can sig-
nificantly modify the activity and function of a glycoprotein, and aberrant
glycosylation has long been known to be involved in the progression of dis-
ease, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases (Dube & Bertozzi,
2005; Fuster & Esko, 2005). A crucial first step in investigating the involve-
ment of glycoproteins in disease is the unambiguous identification, detailed
characterization, and accurate quantitation of glycoproteins and their glycan
features using sensitive and robust methods. Thus, glycoproteomics and gly-
comics have become increasingly relevant areas of interest in biomedical
research for the initial phase of disease biomarker discovery as the starting
point for diagnosing and treating disease. Mass spectrometry (MS), in par-
ticular, is an extremely versatile and powerful tool for the investigation of
complex biological problems and provides a rapid and sensitive means of
structural elucidation of peptides and glycans. However, comprehensive
profiling of glycoproteins in clinically relevant samples like plasma and serum
by MS-based methods is still an elaborate and difficult task. The tremendous
dynamic range of protein abundance in human plasma poses a technical
challenge in that the top 22 most abundant proteins represent nearly 99%
of the total protein mass, while glycoproteins of diagnostic or therapeutic
value are likely to be low in abundance and heterogeneous in nature
(Anderson & Anderson, 2002). Furthermore, the move from proteomics
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 73

to comprehensive glycoproteomics comes with an exponential increase in

the amount of information encoded by glycan structures.
The complexity of glycan moieties presents a significant challenge to
glycoproteomics analysis. Glycans exist as polysaccharides that vary widely
in composition, linkage, and branching, all of which define their structural
diversity. Seven monosaccharides constitute these structures in humans: man-
nose (Man), glucose (Glc), galactose (Gal), N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc),
N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc), fucose (Fuc), and N-acetylneuraminic acid
(Neu5Ac), also referred to as sialic acid (SA). Due to the stereoisomeric nature
of monosaccharides, the glycosidic bonds that connect them exist in two
anomeric forms, denoted as a- or b-linked (Mariño, Bones, Kattla, &
Rudd, 2010). Linear or branching glycans are covalently attached to amino
acid residues on the protein backbone, and two classes of glycosylation,
N- and O-linked, are of greatest interest for biomedical studies. N-linked gly-
cosylation occurs at the amino group of asparagine residues within a consensus
sequence of Asn-X-Ser/Thr, in which X may be any amino acid residue
except proline. O-linked glycosylation occurs most commonly at the
hydroxyl group of Ser or Thr residues but lacks a specific amino acid sequence.
N-linked glycans begin with a conserved GlcNAc2Man3 chitobiose core
structure and can be categorized into high-mannose, complex, and hybrid
subgroups, while O-linked glycans do not feature a common core structure
but exist in eight common formations (Mariño et al., 2010). O-linked mono-
saccharide b-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a dynamic PTM that is
similar to phosphorylation and plays central roles in healthy biological pro-
cesses. O-GlcNAcylation is mutually exclusive to phosphorylation at many
Ser/Thr sites and can modulate phosphorylation-dependent pathways
(Copeland et al., 2013). Figure 3.1 illustrates the common N- and
O-linked glycan structures using the Consortium for Functional Glycomics
(CFG) notation.
The complexity of profiling the glycoproteome is further compounded
by the microheterogeneity at which glycans occupy specific sites along the
polypeptide chain of a glycoprotein (Hua, An, et al., 2011). That is, a protein
with a single site of glycosylation can display a range of different glycans and
glycan isoforms. It has been suggested that a glycoprotein with just three gly-
cosylation sites displaying 10 different glycans at each site could realize a
thousand different glycoforms of the protein (An, Froehlich, & Lebrilla,
2009). Moreover, macroheterogeneity arises from the observation that a
glycosite may be only partially occupied or vacant entirely (Mariño
et al., 2010).
74 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

N-linked glycans

Chitobiose Bisecting
core GlcNAc

High mannose Complex Hybrid

O-linked glycan cores

β6 β6
α6 α6
β3 β3 β3 β3 β3 α3

Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core 6 Core 7 Core 8

N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) Mannose Galactose Fucose

N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) N-acetylneuraminic acid
Figure 3.1 Basic structures of high-mannose, complex, and hybrid N-linked glycans and
the eight common O-linked glycan cores depicted using the CFG notation. Adapted with
permission from Alley, Mann, and Novotny (2013). Copyright 2013 American Chemical

One of the principal goals of biomedical research is preclinical biomarker

discovery. Glycoproteins can act as biomarkers for disease through devia-
tions in their secreted expression levels in plasma, serum, urine, or other
bodily fluids. Irregularities in glycosylation site occupancy patterns or aber-
rance in glycan composition or structure can also serve as indicators of dis-
ease. Thus, elucidating biomarkers in the glycoproteome requires a
comprehensive approach that includes glycomics and the ability to form
not only qualitative but also quantitative conclusions, aiming to provide
the identification and relative abundances of glycoproteins, the locations
and degree of occupancy of glycosites, and detailed characterization of gly-
cans and their abundance. Due to recent technological advances, MS-based
glycoproteomics has become an ideal platform for the discovery of disease-
associated glycoproteins and glycoforms. Modern workflows using glyco-
protein or glycopeptide enrichment and multidimensional chromatographic
separation followed by rapid and sensitive detection via high-resolution,
high mass accuracy MS have decreased limits of detection and increased
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 75

analytical dynamic range of glycoproteomics analyses of complex biological

samples, and MS-based quantitative profiling of the glycoproteome is
increasingly being served by stable isotopic- or isobaric-labeling strategies
that have been introduced in the past decade. Still, truly comprehensive pro-
teomics methods are rare. Most strategies focus on only one or two parts of
the equation. A protein-based approach may enrich for glycoproteins or gly-
copeptides, deglycosylate them, and proceed with standard glycoproteomics
workflow to achieve protein identification and reveal basic glycosite indica-
tion at the expense of glycan structure information. On the other hand, a
glycan-based approach separates glycans from their glycopeptide counter-
parts to achieve detailed glycan characterization at the expense of informa-
tion on specific glycosite origin. The integration of the two approaches is a
work in progress for the glycoproteomics field as a whole but is necessary for
effective application of MS-based glycoproteomics to biomedical studies
that aim to understand certain biological processes, discover biomarkers
for disease, determine drug targets, and develop therapeutic agents. The
aim of this review is to summarize the current state of MS-based glyco-
proteomics and highlights recent advances in their contribution to disease
biomarker research.

2.1. Glycoproteomics methodology
Because the success of any MS experiment relies heavily on analyte purity,
the ultimate aim of sample preparation in an MS-based glycoproteomics
workflow is to simplify or purify a sample to facilitate sensitive detection
of peptides and glycans by the mass spectrometer. Once proteins are
harvested from biological specimens, glycoproteins must be isolated from
nonglycosylated proteins. Top-down MS analysis of purified glycoproteins
can be performed, but bottom-up strategies, in which glycoproteins are
digested into peptides and glycopeptides prior to MS analysis, are most com-
mon. Mixtures of glycopeptides and nonglycosylated peptides present a
problem, however. The hydrophilic nature of attached glycans significantly
impairs the ionization of glycopeptides, and the nonglycosylated peptides are
preferentially ionized and detected by a great degree. The combination of
enrichment and chromatography serves to sufficiently isolate the glycopep-
tides of interest. Glycan cleavage, followed by derivatization and separation,
allows detailed glycomics characterization of composition, structure, link-
ages, and isomers by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), though the
76 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

relationship of the glycans to peptide glycosylation sites is lost. Likewise,

MS/MS analysis of deglycosylated peptides provides more sensitive analysis
of peptide sequence, but only limited glycosylation site information is
obtained. Depending on the acquisition parameters, analysis of native, intact
glycopeptides may provide only glycan composition or peptide sequence
with glycosite indication, though recent technological advances in alterna-
tive digestion strategies, instrumentation, and bioinformatics allow more
complete site-specific glycosylation information.
The general glycoproteomics workflow consists of glycoprotein enrich-
ment, proteolytic digestion, multidimensional chromatographic separation,
MS/MS analysis, and bioinformatic data processing. Enrichment may be
performed at the glycoprotein level or the glycopeptide level. Intact glyco-
peptides can be analyzed directly by MS/MS, under specific acquisition
parameters discussed later in this review, to obtain glycan composition
and peptide sequence information for glycoprotein identification. Alterna-
tively, the glycopeptides can be deglycosylated through enzymatic or chem-
ical means prior to separation and MS/MS analysis to obtain protein
identification and glycosylation site assignment, and the released glycans typ-
ically undergo chemical derivatization prior to separation and MS/MS anal-
ysis to determine glycan structure. The raw MS/MS spectral data then rely
heavily on bioinformatics software and database searching to provide peptide
sequencing and protein identification, glycosylation site assignment, glycan
characterization, and quantitation. A schematic diagram of a general glyco-
proteomics and glycomics workflow is illustrated in Fig. 3.2.

2.2. Affinity enrichment

Generally, proteins of diagnostic or therapeutic interest exist in far lower
abundance compared to the rest of the proteins in biological samples. Thus,
reducing sample complexity via selective, affinity-based enrichment of pro-
teins and peptides is an essential step in MS-based proteomics methods. Sev-
eral detailed reviews discussing affinity enrichment techniques for general
proteomics have been recently published (Hage et al., 2012; Medvedev,
Kopylov, Buneeva, Zgoda, & Archakov, 2012; Ongay, Boichenko,
Govorukhina, & Bischoff, 2012; Pernemalm, Lewensohn, & Lehti€ o,
2009; Selvaraju & Rassi, 2011; Zhang, Lu, & Yang, 2009). A common
approach for plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples is the
antibody-based depletion of several highly abundant proteins prior to down-
stream enrichment techniques, whereby the removal of over 90% of the
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 77

Biological sample Immunodepletion

Glycoprotein enrichment


and peptides



Isotopic labeling N-glycan release

Peptides Glycans

Mass spectrometry Derivatization


Glycoprotein identification
Glycan characterization
Glycosylation site assignment

Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram of an integrated glycoproteomics and glycomics


original protein content greatly facilitates downstream analysis of low abun-

dance, potentially interesting proteins (Plavina, Wakshull, Hancock, &
Hincapie, 2007; Tep, Hincapie, & Hancock, 2012). Glycoprotein or glyco-
peptide enrichment is then widely performed using lectin affinity chroma-
tography (LAC) (Kaji et al., 2003; Sparbier, Koch, Kessler, Wenzel, &
Kostrzewa, 2005; Wang, Wu, & Hancock, 2006) or hydrazide capture
(Liu et al., 2005; Zhang, Li, Martin, & Aebersold, 2003), and boronic acid
(Xu et al., 2009) and titanium dioxide (Larsen, Jensen, Jakobsen, &
Heegaard, 2007) are also used.
78 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

LAC is the primary method of glycoprotein enrichment and is often

applied to glycopeptide enrichment. An in-depth review of LAC methods
has recently been published (Fanayan, Hincapie, & Hancock, 2012). Lectins
are a diverse group of proteins that recognize and reversibly bind specific
sugar groups. More than 60 lectins with different binding affinities are com-
mercially available, some of which have specificity that broadly covers the
plasma and serum glycoproteome while others have very narrow specificities
toward small glycoproteomic subsets. This flexibility allows researchers to
select lectins whose affinities are either wide for exploratory biomarker
discovery studies or strict for a known disease-specific glycoprotein target.
The most extensively used lectin, concanavalin A (Con A), binds a vast
number of N-glycoproteins at the trimannosyl core of accessible high-
mannose glycans and at branched a-mannosidic groups of hybrid and com-
plex biantennary glycans; wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binds chitobiose
N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid; and jacalin binds O-linked glycans
and galactosyl (b1–3) N-acetylgalactosamine. Release of bound glycopro-
teins or glycopeptides is accomplished with an elution buffer containing
appropriate sugars that disrupt the lectin–glycan interaction through com-
petitive binding, with acidic conditions, or a combination of both. The
use of nonionic detergents at low concentrations in a technique called
detergent-assisted lectin affinity chromatography has been reported by
Wei et al. to enhance lectin binding and elution of glycoproteins, especially
hydrophobic and membrane glycoproteins, facilitating their enrichment
from tissue samples (Wei, Dulberger, & Li, 2010). Importantly, salts and
sugars introduced during LAC must be removed and pH is adjusted prior
to proteolytic digest of glycoproteins or analysis of glycopeptides via MS.
Lectins are commonly immobilized on agarose, silica, or polyhydroxylate
polymer (POROS™) supports for use in centrifugal filter units, pipet tips,
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns, and micro-
arrays (Gupta, Surolia, & Sampathkumar, 2010; Kullolli, Hancock, &
Hincapie, 2008; Zielinska, Gnad, Wiśniewski, & Mann, 2010).
Because the affinities of individual lectins make them unable to bind the
entire glycoproteome, comprehensive enrichment strategies benefit from
using several different lectins with contrasting binding specificities to
achieve more complete coverage. Serial lectin affinity chromatography
(SLAC) (Cummings & Kornfeld, 1982) uses single lectin enrichments of
a sample in succession to simultaneously target different glycoprotein sub-
sets, enabling the comparison of glycosylation patterns or determination
of glycoform structural changes in glycoprotein biomarkers. Multilectin
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 79

affinity chromatography (MLAC) (Yang & Hancock, 2004) combines

several different lectins into a single enrichment format to increase
glycoproteome coverage by targeting a more diverse subproteome of N-
and O-glycoproteins. Elution of glycoproteins in an MLAC strategy can
be performed en masse by using an elution solution containing a mixture
of all appropriate eluting sugars (Yang, Hancock, Chew, & Bonilla, 2005;
Yang, Harris, Palmer-Toy, & Hancock, 2006) or in a serial fashion by using
elution solutions separately for each lectin (Yang & Hancock, 2005), though
overlap in the fractions will be observed for glycoproteins bound by multiple
lectins due to multiple glycosites or microheterogeneity of specific
glycosites. The MLAC strategy has been extended to HPLC column format
as high-performance lectin affinity chromatography (HP-MLAC) (Kullolli
et al., 2008), and modern platforms combine depletion of highly abundant
proteins followed by inline HP-MLAC and reversed-phase (RP) cleanup on
a single HPLC system for automated, high-throughput sample enrichment
(Gbormittah et al., 2013; Kullolli, Hancock, & Hincapie, 2010; Zeng
et al., 2011).
The lectin array has been used for rapid, sensitive, and high-throughput
profiling of glycosylation. The lectin microarray, recently reviewed in depth
elsewhere (Gupta et al., 2010; Hirabayashi, Yamada, Kuno, & Tateno, 2013;
Yue & Haab, 2009), consists of a glass slide containing many different
immobilized lectin spots, onto which fluorescently labeled proteins are
bound, detected, and the extent of binding to the different lectin spots based
on fluorescent signal intensity allows glycoform characterization without the
liberation of glycans. While microarrays are not a technique for enrichment,
they can serve as an initial probe into the glycomic profile of a sample in
order to guide an appropriate lectin enrichment approach prior to LC–
MS/MS analysis, a strategy which has been used recently in several glyco-
proteomics studies of cancer (Kaji et al., 2013; Li, Wen, et al., 2013; Zhu,
He, Liu, Simeone, & Lubman, 2012). The idea has been adapted for high-
throughput glycoprotein enrichment using magnetic bead-immobilized
lectins and microwell plates for parallel isolation of several sub-
glycoproteomes from a sample, followed by LC–MS/MS analysis (Choi,
Loo, Dennis, O’Leary, & Hill, 2011; Loo, Jones, & Hill, 2010).
Hydrazide capture is another common glycoprotein and glycopeptide
enrichment method. Here, glycans are covalently coupled to a resin
displaying immobilized hydrazide groups through periodate oxidation of
glycan cis-diol groups (Zhang et al., 2003). In contrast to lectin affinity, hydra-
zide capture is nonspecific, allowing the enrichment of all glycoconjugates.
80 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

Glycoprotein-level hydrazide capture is followed by proteolytic digestion,

washing of nonglycopeptides, and enzymatic release of glycopeptides by
peptide-N4-(acetyl-b-glucosaminyl)-asparagine amidase N-glycosidase
F (PNGase F), a glycosidase which specifically cleaves N-linked glycans at
the asparagine-bonded GlcNAc (except those carrying a(1–3)-linked core
fucose, Liu et al., 2005). Glycopeptide-level hydrazide capture shows greater
specificity and yield for glycopeptide enrichment owing to better accessibility
to N-glycosites compared to the glycoprotein-level approach (Zhou,
Aebersold, & Zhang, 2007), though glycoprotein-level enrichment may result
in greater numbers of glycopeptide and glycoprotein identifications (Berven,
Ahmad, Clauser, & Carr, 2010; Wang et al., 2012). Recently, hydrazide resin
has been integrated into pipet tips for rapid, automated solid-phase extraction
of N-linked glycopeptides (Chen, Shah, & Zhang, 2013).
Some shortcomings to hydrazide capture have been identified. While
the hydrazide capture is nondiscriminatory, the recovery and downstream
analysis of captured glycopeptides is limited by the release method. Addi-
tionally, since glycans remain bound to the hydrazide resin, structural and
glycosite occupancy information is lost, making comparative glycan bio-
marker research difficult. One method addresses this issue to an extent
for sialylated N- and O-glycopeptides by replacing PNGase F cleavage
with acid hydrolysis of sialic acid glycosidic bonds using formic acid,
which retains the glycans with the exception of terminal sialic acid
(Nilsson & Larson, 2013; Nilsson et al., 2009), but consequently does
not allow downstream analysis of sialylation or of nonsialylated glyco-
peptides. Hydrolysis with ice-cold 1 M HCl, however, appears to
retain sialic acids (Kurogochi et al., 2010). Specific release of O-GlcNAc
peptides by hydroxylamine has been described (Klement, Lipinszki,
Kupihár, Udvardy, & Medzihradszky, 2010), and a modified hydrazide
capture by O-GlcNAc derivatization with 2-keto-galactose (GalNAz)
and 3-ethynylbenzaldehyde (3EBA), rather than periodate oxidation,
was recently devised to enable reversible hydrazine chemistry
(Nishikaze, Kawabata, Iwamoto, & Tanaka, 2013). Still, general and rou-
tine hydrazide enrichment of O-linked glycopeptides remains difficult due
in part to the lack of enzymes for cleaving O-linked glycans (Klement
et al., 2010). Chemical release of O-linked glycopeptides from hydrazide
resin, by b-elimination, for example, is destructive to peptides and has
proved generally impractical. Thus, hydrazide capture is relegated primarily
to N-linked glycopeptides, though efforts are continually being made to
improve the method for O-linked glycopeptide applications.
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 81

Boronic acid chemistry has been used for glycopeptide enrichment based
on its covalent, yet reversible, chemical reaction with 1-2 and 1-3 cis-diol con-
taining saccharides (e.g., Man, Glc, and Gal) to form stable cyclic esters
(Sparbier et al., 2005; Sparbier, Wenzel, & Kostrzewa, 2006). Binding occurs
under basic or nonaqueous conditions, and elution under acidic conditions
yields the glycopeptides with native glycans still attached. Boronic acid recog-
nition of glycans is nonspecific and tolerant of the various branching and linear
glycans as well as monosaccharide modifications, enabling unbiased enrich-
ment of a wide range of N- and O-linked glycopeptides. The covalent inter-
action with glycosylated peptides allows stringent washing conditions at pH
>8. Boronic acid can be easily functionalized to a variety of supports such
as mesoporous silica (Xu et al., 2009), monoliths (Huang et al., 2013), and
nanoparticles (Pan, Sun, Zheng, & Yang, 2013; Zhang, Xu, et al., 2009;
Zhou et al., 2008) for use with HPLC and capillary columns (Zhang et al.,
2008, 2007), pipette tips (Takátsy et al., 2009), and matrix-assisted laser
desorption–ionization (MALDI) plates (Tang et al., 2009; Xu, Zhang,
Lu, & Yang, 2010).
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in glycopeptide enrichment and solid-
phase extraction (SPE) applications due to its affinity for sialic acid (Larsen
et al., 2007; Palmisano et al., 2010; Zhang, Sheng, et al., 2011). As both
phosphopeptides and glycopeptides bind to TiO2, phosphatase pretreatment
to removed phosphate modifications benefits glycopeptide enrichment effi-
ciency (Larsen et al., 2007). Binding of sialic acid to TiO2 occurs by way of
negative charges on the carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups of sialic acid
that form a multidentate chelating ligand to Ti4+. The specificity toward
sialic acid is especially attractive in that increased glycan sialylation has been
associated with cancer progression, hepatitis, and inflammation (Larsen
et al., 2007; Mondal, Chatterjee, Chawla, & Chatterjee, 2011; Nie, Li, &
Sun, 2012).
Antibody-based strategies are especially useful when a single glycopro-
tein target needs to be isolated. However, because glycans are poor antigens,
it is difficult to obtain antiglycan antibodies with sufficient affinity and spec-
ificity to use for enrichment purposes. Still, a number of antibodies with rel-
evant antigens in O-GlcNAc (Comer, Vosseller, Wells, Accavitti, & Hart,
2001; Wang, Pandey, & Hart, 2007), O-GalNAc (Nakada et al., 1991), sialyl
LewisX (Cho, Jung, & Regnier, 2008), and polysialic acid (Liedtke et al.,
2001) have been used effectively for glycoprotein enrichment. Recently,
Teo et al. were able to procure three monoclonal antibodies against
O-GlcNAc using a synthetic antigen and enrich three subsets of potentially
82 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

O-GlcNAcylated glycoproteins from human embryonic kidney HEK293T

cell lysate followed by MS analysis to identify over 200 proteins (Teo
et al., 2010).
Selecting a proper affinity enrichment strategy depends on the aim of the
study. For most, depletion as a first step is likely to benefit analysis of glyco-
proteins, especially low-abundance potential biomarker candidates. On the
other hand, protein–protein interactions in complex samples or nonspecific
interactions with the solid phase could result in unintended losses of
low-abundance proteins. Nonbiased methods like boronic acid and several
separation strategies discussed later that do not rely on distinct structural
characteristics of glycoproteins or glycopeptides are best for overall compre-
hensive enrichment. Many biomedical studies, whether discovery-based or
diagnostic in nature, are interested in a subset of the glycoproteome con-
taining a biomarker candidate displaying particular glycan elements. Such
studies may be better served by a carefully selected lectin affinity strategy.
Even more effective are combinations of affinity strategies in conjunction
with chromatographic separation and SPE.

2.3. Glycoprotein digestion

Upon isolation of glycoproteins, digestion into peptides using proteolytic
enzymes is the next step in bottom-up approaches. For most proteins, spe-
cific proteases like trypsin cleave at well-defined sites, resulting in peptides in
length that are readily ionized, well fragmented by collision-induced disso-
ciation (CID) tandem MS, and have predictable sequences for protein data-
base searching. However, some drawbacks with using trypsin for
glycoprotein digestion have been reported. While some glycoproteins con-
tain cleavage sites in abundance, others, such as transmembrane glycopro-
teins that densely populate lipid bilayers of cells, may contain few
cleavage sites and produce long glycopeptides upon digestion that are diffi-
cult to detect by MS due to decreased ionization efficiency or instrument
limitations. Such long peptides may also contain several glycosylation sites,
fatally confounding glycan assignment (Hua, Hu, et al., 2013). Additionally,
glycans themselves can sterically hinder access to nearby tryptic cleavage sites
and cause missed cleavages (Dodds, Seipert, Clowers, German, &
Lebrilla, 2009).
Alternative specific proteases, nonspecific proteases, and multiple-
protease digestion strategies can be employed to overcome these limitations
and provide increased coverage of glycosylation sites upon MS analysis.
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 83

Proteins that are poorly digested by trypsin alone have been successfully
analyzed following digestion with chymotrypsin (Grass, Pabst, Chang,
Wozny, & Altmann, 2011; Nyalwidhe et al., 2013), pepsin (Taga,
Kusubata, Ogawa-Goto, & Hattori, 2013), and Glu C–trypsin mix
(Pompach, Chandler, Lan, Edwards, & Goldman, 2012). In a complex
glycoproteomics experiment, Chen et al. demonstrated that pepsin and
thermolysin digestion complemented trypsin digestion for human liver tis-
sue samples, increasing the number of identified glycosites by half (Chen
et al., 2009). The nonspecific proteinase K and broadly specific pronase (a
protease cocktail) produce short glycopeptides three to eight amino acids
in length that are perhaps more useful for site-specific glycosylation analysis
(Clowers, Dodds, Seipert, & Lebrilla, 2007; Temporini et al., 2007). The
resulting glycans with short amino acid sequence “tags” are then appropriate
for proved glycan separation techniques like hydrophilic interaction chro-
matography (HILIC) or porous graphitized carbon (PGC) (Froehlich
et al., 2011; Zauner, Koeleman, Deelder, & Wuhrer, 2010). Recently,
Plomp et al. used trypsin, proteinase K, and chymotrypsin to digest poly-
clonal IgE and were able to determine site-specific assignments and struc-
tural characterization of all six N-linked glycans as a result of the
complementary peptide sequences (Plomp et al., 2013). Schiel et al.
employed extended pronase digestion of RNase B to achieve universal pro-
teolysis and obtain N- and O-linked single amino acid glycans, which were
then permethylated and subjected to MSn analysis (discussed later in this
review) to identify detailed isomeric structure information. This alternative
glycan “release” strategy mitigates some limitations to traditional glycan
cleavage strategies (see below), though peptide sequence and glycosite iden-
tification are compromised (Schiel, Smith, & Phinney, 2013). Hua et al.
were able to achieve site-specific, isomeric, and quantitative glycan profiling
with rapid, in-solution proteinase K, pronase, and subtilisin digestion to
yield short glycopeptides in a strategy called glycoanalytical multispecific
proteolysis (Glyco-AMP) (Hua, Hu, et al., 2013).

2.4. Glycan release

Once glycopeptides are obtained, glycans may be enzymatically or chemi-
cally released to facilitate separate analyses of stripped peptides by traditional
shotgun proteomics and/or glycans by glycomics strategies. The enzyme
PNGase F is widely used for complete cleavage of high-mannose, complex,
and hybrid N-glycans (except those with a(1–3)-linked core fucose) from
84 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

the asparagine side-chain amide, converting the asparagine to aspartic acid

through a deamidation process and introducing a mass shift of 0.9840 Da.
While these deamidation modifications can act as an indicator of a glycosyl-
ation site, spontaneous deamidation reactions can occur during sample prep-
aration and produce false-positives. To increase confidence in site assignment,
performing the deglycosylation reaction in H218O to impose a mass shift of
2.9890 Da through the incorporation of 18O at glycosylation sites has been
proposed (Küster & Mann, 1999). However, this has recently been further
investigated, and it was shown in a large-scale N-glycoproteomics experiment
that uncertainty remains as chemical deamidation at N-linked consensus sites
can occur with incorporation of 18O and is dependent on factors such as pH,
temperature, reaction time, and proximity to glycine and serine (Palmisano,
Melo-Braga, Engholm-Keller, Parker, & Larsen, 2012). Furthermore, partial
incorporation of 18O at the C-terminus of a peptide may also confound site
identification (Lin, Lo, Simeone, Ruffin, & Lubman, 2012). Thus, the inter-
pretation of a deamidation modification for N-glycan site assignment still
requires discretion.
An alternative family of enzymes is endo-b-N-acetylglucosaminidase
(ENGase) which specifically hydrolyzes the glycosidic bond between the
two GlcNAc residues of the N-linked chitobiose core while retaining a termi-
nal GlcNAc residue at the asparagine, which can be detected by a 203.0793-Da
mass shift, as an unambiguous marker of glycosylation. Whereas PNGase
F cleaves nearly all N-linked glycans, ENGases are not as widely specific but
provide complementary site identification. For example, Endoglycosidase
H (Endo H) cleaves only at high-mannose and hybrid glycans but is tolerant
of the core fucosylation sometimes present on hybrid and complex glycans,
so detection of core fucosylation by a 349.14-Da mass shift provides indication
of a hybrid glycan (Zhang, Wang, Zhang, Yao, & Yang, 2011). Increased core
fucosylation has been implicated in inflammation and cancer and can be more
sensitive and specific than corresponding protein abundance (Drake et al.,
2011; Miyoshi, Moriwaki, & Nakagawa, 2008), making Endo H a potentially
useful tool in fucosylation biomarker studies. Endo M, on the other hand, does
not cleave in the presence of core fucosylation but includes biantennary com-
plex glycans (Segu, Hussein, Novotny, & Mechref, 2010). Endo D is limited to
certain trimannosyl glycans with tolerance of fucose. Endo F1 cleaves high
mannose, hybrid, and GlcNAc-bisected hybrid; Endo F2 cleaves high mannose
and biantennary complex glycans; and Endo F3 cleaves bi- and triantennary
complex glycans, with fucose position-dependent specificity (Gerlach,
Kilcoyne, Farrell, Kane, & Joshi, 2012). Exoglycosidases b-galactosidase,
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 85

neuraminidase, and N-acetyl-b-glucosaminidase have been used in conjunc-

tion with Endo D, Endo H, and Endo M to enable site assignment of complex
glycans (Hägglund et al., 2007; Segu et al., 2010), though the exoglycosidase
treatment limits glycan characterization. In a recent study, Lin et al. used both
PNGase F and Endo F3 for comprehensive site-specific N-glycosylation and
core fucosylation analysis of alpha-2-macroglobulin, identifying six out of eight
potential N-glycosylation sites and characterizing glycoforms for three sites;
Endo F3 provided five site assignments and uniquely revealed core fucosylation
at three sites (Lin et al., 2012). The range of specificities and the confidence of
glycosylation site assignment afforded by the preservation of GlcNAc and
fucosylated GlcNAc make the ENGase family a versatile, though perhaps
underexplored, alternative for N-glycan release and site-specific study.
The release of O-linked glycans is commonly performed through
chemical b-elimination due to the lack of broadly specific enzymes for
O-linked glycan core structures. The classic reductive b-elimination method
(Carlson, 1968), though still widely used, results in loss of the glycan reducing
end and suffers from low sensitivity due to excessive salt cleanup (Goetz,
Novotny, & Mechref, 2009). Milder, nonreductive b-elimination methods
have been developed which are better suited for sensitive glycan MS analysis
and yield either permethylated or pyrazolone-derivatized O-glycans that can
be separated by RP-HPLC or purified by PGC SPE (Furukawa et al., 2011;
Goetz et al., 2009; Wang, Fan, Zhang, Wang, & Huang, 2011; Zauner,
Koeleman, Deelder, & Wuhrer, 2012). The method described by Furukawa
et al. also derivatized the deglycosylated peptides at the O-linked glycosylation
sites and phosphorylation sites, allowing some site specificity to be deter-
mined. Hydrazinolysis is another method that for releasing O-glycans with
free-reducing termini, undesirable and destructive “peeling” remains a prob-
lem (Kozak, Royle, Gardner, Fernandes, & Wuhrer, 2012). Nonspecific
digestion of O-glycoproteins with pronase followed by PGC SPE can yield
O-glycans attached to very short peptide “tags” that enable site-specific,
isomer-specific, and quantitative O-glycan analysis by chip-based PGC
nano-LC–MS/MS (Hua, Nwosu, et al., 2011; Nwosu et al., 2011).
A recent review rigorously covering O-glycosylation analysis has been pub-
lished (Zauner, Kozak, et al., 2012).

2.5. Chromatographic separation and SPE

Separation of glycopeptides from nonglycosylated peptides based on their
physicochemical properties by chromatographic means serves to further
86 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

simplify complex samples to allow sensitive downstream analysis by MS.

Following tryptic digestion of glycoprotein samples, glycopeptides make
up only 2–5% of the peptide mixture (Alvarez-Manilla et al., 2006).
Established RP and strong cation exchange separation methods for general
proteomics applications are less effective for separating native, intact glyco-
peptides due mainly to the size and hydrophilicity of the attached glycans.
Glycosylated peptides are poorly retained on hydrophobic RP stationary
compared to their deglycosylated counterparts, and separation of a complex
glycopeptide mixture is mainly based on peptide sequence. Efficient sepa-
ration of glycopeptide glycoforms displaying differences in glycan compo-
sition but similar glycan size is generally not observed due to similar
hydrophobicity; rather, separation occurs based mainly on glycan size
(Otvos, Urge, & Thurin, 1992). Coelution of glycoforms of similar mass
can be problematic in that abundant glycoforms can suppress the signals
of less-abundant glycoforms. Instead, chromatographic methods based on
size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), HILIC, electrostatic repulsion
hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC), or using PGC are com-
monly used for native glycopeptide separation. The ability of a chromato-
graphic technique to separate isomeric glycopeptides or isomeric glycan
structures is especially useful for biomarker studies in which specific glycan
isomers or alterations in isomeric abundance signal a disease state.
SEC allows separation of N-linked glycopeptides in particular from non-
glycosylated peptides based on the considerable amount of added bulk of
N-glycans. This technique has been shown to give a threefold increase in
observed glycosylation sites (Atwood et al., 2005).
HILIC is a variation of a normal-phase HPLC using a polar, hydrophilic
stationary phase with a less polar mobile phase of organic solvent (typically
acetonitrile) in an aqueous buffer at concentrations between 50% and
95% ACN. Most glycopeptides can be well retained on the hydrophilic sta-
tionary and well separated with an eluting gradient of increasing aqueous
buffer, though highly hydrophobic glycopeptides are not retained (Alley,
Mechref, & Novotny, 2009a). For example, zwitterionic HILIC (ZIC-
HILIC) functionalized with sulfobetaine groups—one of many functionalized
HILIC phases—was shown to separate sialylated N-glycopeptides with iso-
meric tri- and tetraantennary N-glycans (Takegawa et al., 2006). The reten-
tion mechanism and selectivity can vary greatly depending on solid support
and functional group as well as mobile phase composition. ERLIC combines
HILIC mode of separation on ion-exchange stationary. At low pH, retention
acts by hydrophilic interaction for glycopeptides displaying noncharged
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 87

glycans and by charge-based repulsion forces for those displaying charged

glycans with sialic acid. Nonmodified peptides flow through, and an elution
gradient of increasing aqueous buffer separates glycopeptides well. Phospho-
peptides are also retained by ERLIC, but phosphatase treatment prior to sep-
aration eliminates copurification. Hydrophilic interaction chromatography is
now a popular approach to glycopeptide and glycan separation and purifica-
tion due to its efficient yet flexible modes of separation. Recent, extensive
reviews of HILIC and ERLIC stationary phases and their current applications
to glycoproteomics and glycomics are available elsewhere for further informa-
tion (Chen, Su, Huang, Chen, & Tai, 2014; Ongay et al., 2012; Zauner,
Deelder, & Wuhrer, 2011).
PGC is a highly effective material for separation and SPE of glycans and
glycopeptides. Used in SPE cartridges, glycopeptides are retained and non-
glycopeptides flow through. Glycopeptide retention is a function of both
peptide and glycan structure in that retention of small peptides is controlled
more by the glycan and retention of large peptides is less controlled by
the glycan, so glycopeptide separation by PGC is most advantageous for
short peptides made by non- or broadly specific proteases like proteinase
K or pronase. It has been shown to be particularly useful in separating iso-
meric glycoforms (Mechref & Novotny, 2002). The introduction of PGC in
chip-based nanoflow LC (Alley, Mechref, & Novotny, 2009b) has enabled
rapid and sensitive online separation and MS analysis of pronase and protein-
ase K glycopeptides to provide detailed site-specific glycosylation informa-
tion (Froehlich et al., 2011; Hua, Nwosu, et al., 2011). Microfluidic chip-
based PGC combined with nano-LC–MS has been recently used by Hua
et al. to separate and quantify native N-glycans from the serum of prostate
cancer and ovarian cancer patients and allow rapid and detailed composi-
tional and structure-specific profiling of potential glycan biomarkers
(Hua, An, et al., 2011; Hua, Williams, et al., 2013).
Purification of glycans released from peptides and their chromatographic
separation are important steps for sensitive glycan-centric analyses by MS.
Isolation of glycans from peptides can be done with C18 or C8 sorbents
in the RP, where peptides are bound and glycans flow through. Both puri-
fication and chromatographic separation are commonly fulfilled by HILIC
or PGC for native glycans. In a recent example, Hua et al. used PGC SPE to
both purify PNGase F-released native N-glycans from mouse serum pro-
teins and separate them online using chip-based PGC nano-LC for MS
and MS/MS analysis, enabling isomer-specific structural analysis (Hua,
Williams, et al., 2013). Parker et al. used both PGC separation of native
88 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

N-glycans and ZIC-HILIC purification of N-linked glycopeptides followed

by orthogonal offline (pH 8) and online (pH 3) RP-HPLC glycopeptide
separation in a multidimensional approach for site-specific glycan/glycopep-
tide characterization by nano-LC–MS/MS (discussed further in Section 2.6)
(Parker et al., 2013). However, in contrast to the examples just described,
glycans are commonly first derivatized by permethylation, sialic acid mod-
ification, or reducing end modification to increase their hydrophobicity,
which can facilitate retention, improve recovery, and enhance separation
(Walker, Carlisle, & Muddiman, 2012). As a detailed summary of glycan-
specific separation techniques is beyond the scope of this review, the reader
is referred to other recent publications (Alley et al., 2013; Harvey, 2011;
Ruhaak et al., 2010; Yang & Zhang, 2012).

2.6. Mass spectrometry

The most widely used ionization methods for glycopeptide and glycan anal-
ysis by MS are MALDI and electrospray ionization (ESI). In MALDI anal-
ysis, the analyte is combined with a matrix which facilitates ionization into
singly charged species, usually via a sodium ion. In ESI analysis, analytes in
solution are aerosolized into multiply charged species. ESI is a gentler ion-
ization technique and benefits from the ability to be interfaced with online
liquid chromatography techniques. MALDI, on the other hand, can cause
source dissociation of labile glycosidic bonds, especially those containing
glycans with sialic acids or fucose, so derivatization is usually a prerequisite
for MALDI MS analysis (Leymarie & Zaia, 2012). While ESI is capable of
native glycan ionization, derivatization benefits both ionization methods as
the inherent hydrophilicity of glycans results in poor ionization and signal
suppression during ESI. Derivatization of glycans at hydroxyl groups, sialic
acids, or reducing ends prior to MS analysis increases their hydrophobicity,
which facilitates their ionization and detection. Permethylation is the most
common derivatization, which modifies hydrogens on hydroxyl groups,
carboxyl groups, and amines by replacing them with methyl groups
(Ciucanu & Kerek, 1984). This not only stabilizes sialic acids for MALDI
analysis but also renders acidic glycans neutral, facilitating positive-mode
MS analysis (Guillard et al., 2009) while also enabling cross-ring MS/MS
fragmentation mechanisms for linkage/branching structural elucidation
(Prien, Ashline, Lapadula, Zhang, & Reinhold, 2009). Derivatization of
the glycan reducing end by reductive amination for incorporation of hydro-
phobic tags, UV/fluorescent tags, or stable-isotope-labeled tags for
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 89

quantitation are common, as are pyrazolone and hydrazone derivatization

(Walker et al., 2012). Comprehensive reviews covering glycan derivatiza-
tion, chromatographic separation, and MS analysis specifically have been
published recently (Alley et al., 2013; Harvey, 2011; Kailemia, Ruhaak,
Lebrilla, & Amster, 2014; Wuhrer, 2012).
Direct tandem mass analysis of intact glycopeptides to glean information
on the peptide sequence, glycosite location, and glycan characteristics is a
complex and challenging task. Typically, a single fragmentation mode or
stage offers only one piece of information. Tandem mass fragmentation of
glycopeptides by CID results predominantly in cleavage of the glycan but
leaves the peptide backbone relatively intact, revealing glycan composition
based on B- and Y-type fragmentation of glycosidic linkages at the expense
of peptide sequence and glycosylation site information. Ion trap instruments
capable of multiple-stage tandem mass (MSn) events can provide peptide
backbone fragment ion spectra by following the MS/MS scan with an
MS3 scan in which the remaining intact peptide ion is isolated and fragmen-
ted to produce B- and Y-type peptide backbone fragment ions. Partial
retention of N-linked GlcNAc on some fragments allows determination
of glycosylation site. Higher orders of MSn can be used for analysis of
released glycans to elucidate linkage and branching of structural isomers
( Jiao, Zhang, & Reinhold, 2011; Prien et al., 2009). Quadrupole-time-of-
flight (Q-TOF) instruments produce different glycopeptide fragmentation
characteristics based on applied collision energy. At low energy, predomi-
nantly glycosidic bond cleavage is observed; at high energy, peptide backbone
cleavage prevails with few observed glycan fragments, though retention of
N-linked GlcNAc may be evident depending on peptide sequence
(Wuhrer, Catalina, Deelder, & Hokke, 2007). Higher energy collision-
induced dissociation (HCD) in the C-trap of Orbitrap instruments generates
intense, distinct y1 ions of the peptide + GlcNAc which can serve as a good
marker for glycosylation site identification, especially when detected at high
mass accuracy (<1 ppm) in the Orbitrap. Additionally, because the C-trap
lacks the low mass cutoff inherent to ion traps, strong HexNAc oxonium
ion signals are observed in the low mass range, which also serve as markers
for glycosylation. However, CID offers stronger glycan fragmentation signal
in the higher mass region (Segu & Mechref, 2010).
Electron-activated dissociation (ExD) techniques like electron capture dis-
sociation (ECD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) fragment the pep-
tide backbone while retaining the glycan intact, allowing simultaneous
peptide sequencing and glycosylation site determination based on c- and
90 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

z-type peptide fragment ions and observed mass shifts attributed to the
attached glycan (Håkansson et al., 2001). In Fourier transform ion cyclotron
resonance instruments (FT-ICR), soft fragmentation of glycopeptides by
ECD is carried out at low kinetic energy (1.5 eV), resulting in peptide back-
bone fragments (Adamson & Håkansson, 2006). Hot-ECD at moderate
kinetic energy (9 eV) has been applied to permethylated glycans, resulting
in glycosidic and cross-ring fragmentation, and at high kinetic energy
(14 eV), electronic excitation dissociation takes place, resulting in more exten-
sive cross-ring fragmentation to elucidate glycan composition, branching, and
linkage information in detail (Yu, Huang, Lin, & Costello, 2012; Yu et al.,
2013). Other electron-aided fragmentation methods applied to glycopeptides
in negative mode include electron detachment dissociation (Leach et al.,
2012) and negative electron transfer dissociation (Wolff et al., 2010).
Strategies that alternate or combine multiple fragmentation modes have
recently been reported for more complete intact glycopeptide analysis, as
have concerted approaches that separately analyze released glycans and their
deglycosylated peptide counterparts in order to obtain more detailed infor-
mation on each of the parts. Scott et al. employed a strategy of parallel CID,
HCD, and ETD for N-linked glycoproteomic analysis of Campylobacter
jejuni to identify 130 glycopeptides with 75 glycosylation sites following
ZIC-HILIC enrichment of glycopeptides (Scott et al., 2011). Singh et al.
utilized HCD and product ion-triggered ETD fragmentation of N-linked
glycopeptides, based on observed oxonium ions from the initial HCD
MS/MS spectra, to identify glycopeptide sequence, glycan localization,
and glycan structure from RNase B and IgG digests (Singh, Zampronio,
Creese, & Cooper, 2012). Yin et al. compared alternating HCD–ETD
and HCD product ion-triggered ETD MS/MS for analysis of ZIC-HILIC-
enriched derivatized glycopeptides, which were either analyzed directly or
treated with PNGase F in H18 2 O and subjected to separate peptide and glycan
analysis. They found that HCD product ion-triggered ETD detected more
complex/hybrid glycoforms and lower abundant species compared to alter-
nating HCD–ETD, with alternating HCD–ETD selecting larger glycopep-
tides at higher intensities, higher charge, and smaller m/z, resulting in little
overlap of glycopeptide identification between the two acquisition methods.
They also observed little overlap in identifications between direct glycopep-
tide analysis and separate peptide and glycan analysis (Yin et al., 2013). Halim
et al. combined complementary CID-MS2/MS3 and ECD/ETD acquisition
for O-glycan structure characterization, glycopeptide identification, and
O-glycosylation site determination in a nano-LC–MS/MS analysis of
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 91

hydrazide-enriched glycopeptides from human CSF (Halim, Rüetschi,

Larson, & Nilsson, 2013) in an approach that the authors had previously
demonstrated for human urinary glycoprotein characterization (shown in
Fig. 3.3) (Halim et al., 2012). An integrated, multidimensional glyco-
proteomics and glycomics approach to site-specific analysis of N-linked gly-
cosylation heterogeneity in rat brain using complementary fragmentation

Glycan sequence


400 800 1200 1600 2000

FT-MS1 Peptide sequence



400 800 1200 1600 2000

Attachment site

z1 z3 z4 z7 6
c7 c 8
c3 z8 c10 c11

400 800 1200 1600 2000

Figure 3.3 Schematic of mass spectrometric characterization of glycan sequence, pep-
tide sequence, and glycosylation site identification by CID-MS2, CID-MS3, and ECD, using
a desialylated O-glycosylated tryptic peptide as an example. Yellow circle (gray circle in
print version), Hex; yellow square (gray square in print version), HexNAc. Adapted
with permission from Halim, Nilsson, Rüetschi, Hesse, and Larson (2012). Copyright 2012
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
92 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

modes was recently reported by Parker et al. The investigators first

used PGC LC–MS/MS for global characterization of PNGase F released
native N-glycans to create a database consisting of 71 structurally unique
N-glycans. Then, tryptic glycopeptides were enriched by ZIC-HILIC,
fractionated by offline orthogonal RP-HPLC (pH 7.9), and analyzed by
online nano-LC–MS/MS on a Thermo LTQ Orbitrap Velos in two sepa-
rately acquired sample sets as either intact glycopeptides or PNGase
F-deglycosylated peptides. Intact glycopeptides were subjected to CID,
HCD, and ETD fragmentation, and deglycosylated peptides were subjected
to HCD fragmentation. Glycopeptide sequences were determined by HCD
spectra, and glycans were assigned from the database based on glycopeptide
CID spectra linked to HCD spectra containing an oxonium ion signal or
based on ETD spectra. This multifaceted, comprehensive approach enabled
confident identification of 863 unique N-linked glycopeptides from 161 rat
proteins (Parker et al., 2013). Further information on fragmentation strate-
gies can be found in recent reviews covering MS/MS analysis of glycopep-
tides (Dodds, 2012), glycans (Zaia, 2010), and both (Leymarie & Zaia, 2012)
have been published recently.
Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) offers a unique method of
separation of gas-phase ions during MS acquisition. As ions travel through
a specialized drift tube containing an inert buffer gas, ions separate based on
their mobilities through the gas, which depends on the shape and conforma-
tion of the ions. Isobaric glycan isomers differing by their glycosidic linkage
arrangements and branching can be distinguished based on their drift times
and resolved prior to MS detection. Clemmer and coworkers used
ESI-IMS-TOF/MS to separate and characterize PNGase F released ovalbu-
min N-linked glycans, revealing 19 different glycan structures with 42 dis-
tinct isomeric features (Plasencia, Isailovic, Merenbloom, Mechref, &
Clemmer, 2008). McLean and coworkers demonstrated MALDI-IM-MS
separation of singly charged peptides and glycans from a PNGase
F-treated RNase B digest, as well as ESI-IM-MS separation of singly
charged peptides, singly charged glycans, doubly charged peptides, and
higher order charged species (Fenn & McLean, 2009). The same researchers
later showed structural separation of isobaric positional and structural iso-
mers using a library of synthetic glycan isomers and combined pre- and
post-IM fragmentation to improve confidence in MS identification
(Fenn & McLean, 2011). Harvey et al. demonstrated the versatility of trav-
eling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry for negative mode native
N-glycan analysis by ESI-MS/MS on a Synapt G2 Q-TOF. A complex mass
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 93

spectrum of N-glycans released from bovine fetuin by hydrazinolysis could

be extracted into discrete spectra of singly, doubly, or triply charged glycans,
as well as doubly, triply, and quadruply charged glycopeptides. N-glycan
spectra contaminated by PEG could likewise be extracted into discrete sin-
gly, doubly, and triply charged spectra and properly identified. Small iso-
meric glycans from ovalbumin separated well and could be characterized
in detail by their CID fragmentation; large glycans, the authors note, require
higher resolution ion mobility separation than currently available in com-
mercial instruments (Harvey et al., 2013). Isomeric glycopeptides with dif-
ferent glycan site localization can also be characterized by IMS. Creese et al.
showed that isomeric O-linked GalNAc glycopeptides from mucin 5AC
that coelute during online LC can be separated by high-field asymmetric
wave ion mobility spectrometry at different compensation voltage ranges
and fragmented by supplemental activation ETD to reveal the peptide struc-
ture and O-linked glycosylation sites (Creese & Cooper, 2012).

2.7. Quantitation
The correlation between changes in glycosylation and disease makes relative
quantitative assessment an important part of glycoproteomics studies of dis-
ease states. Relative quantitation of two or more similar samples by MS
requires special considerations in that things like ionization efficiencies, dif-
ferences in sample matrix, instrument to instrument variability, instrument
performance variability, and sample preparation all introduce errors into the
quantitative analysis. In general, MS-based quantitative approaches either
incorporate stable isotope labels onto analytes or are label-free. Label-free
strategies are attractive in that they require little to no modification to a
glycoproteomics workflow, instead relying more heavily on data analysis
and bioinformatics to interpret the semiquantitative value of acquired data
through normalized ion intensities or spectral counting, but generally ought
to be considered a method for screening of potential biomarkers rather
than for definitive quantitative assessment (Orlando, 2013). Isotopic mass
difference labeling strategies enable relative quantitation of a few chemically
derivatized peptide samples within an MS run through comparison of
heavy- and light-labeled peptide ion peak abundances, while isobaric-
labeling strategies involve chemically labeling several peptide samples with
a multiplexed set of isobaric reagents that are indistinguishable in the MS
scan but form discrete reporter ion peaks during MS/MS fragmentation,
enabling relative quantitation based on reporter ion peak abundances
94 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

(Iliuk, Galan, & Tao, 2008). These approaches require extra sample prepa-
ration by derivatization with costly stable isotope reagents but compensate
for variations in ionization efficiencies and instrument to instrument vari-
ability for coeluting labeled analytes; still, since isotopic labels are incorpo-
rated during sample preparation, losses due to sample preparation can
introduce errors (Orlando, 2013).
Both glycopeptides and glycans can be labeled and quantified using
stable isotope labels. The abundance of enriched glycoproteins can be deter-
mined using established proteomics labeling strategies, like stable isotope
dimethylation (Hsu, Huang, Chow, & Chen, 2003), ICAT (Gygi et al.,
1999), iTRAQ (Ross et al., 2004), or TMT (Thompson et al., 2003) by label-
ing digested glycopeptides, combining samples to be compared, and analyzing
by ESI LC–MS/MS. A study comparing protein-level and peptide-level iso-
baric labeling for serum glycoprotein quantification was recently published by
Nie et al. under the justification that variance in sample preparation prior to
peptide labeling contributes to quantitative error that can be eliminated by
labeling at the protein level. Three commercial isobaric tags for tandem mass
quantitation—iTRAQ 4-plex, TMT 6-plex, and iTRAQ 8-plex—were
compared, optimal solvent conditions for protein labeling were tested, and
several proteases—trypsin, trypsin–GluC, chymotrypsin, and Asp-N—for
digestion of labeled proteins were explored. Under the optimal conditions,
immunodepleted human serum enriched for glycoproteins with AAL LAC
was labeled in 50 mM TEAB:DMSO, combined, digested with trypsin and
Asp-N, deglycosylated with PNGase F, and analyzed via ESI LC–MS/MS
on a Thermo Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer using HCD fragmentation.
Alternatively, enriched glycoproteins were digested with trypsin prior to
labeling for comparison. The combination of trypsin and Asp-N resulted in
a 30% increase in quantified proteins over the other proteases, and iTRAQ
4-plex gave a 20% increase in identified and quantified proteins over the other
labeling strategies. Protein-level labeling performed slightly better than pep-
tide labeling, with 169 vs. 140 identified proteins and 135 vs. 125 quantified
proteins at a higher quantitative precision (RSD ¼ 11% vs. 15%) (Nie et al.,
2013). Unfortunately, quantitative approaches like this may have limited
implication for disease biomarker studies without glycosylation site or
glycoform analysis. In another study, using bovine fetuin as a model glycopro-
tein for qualitative and quantitative characterization of both glycopeptides and
glycoforms, Ye et al. combined TMT labeling of tryptic glycopeptides and
LC–MS/MS analysis using a Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL instrument, acquir-
ing tandem mass spectra via alternating CID, HCD, and ETD fragmentation,
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 95

to identify 23 glycoforms from five glycopeptides. Glycopeptide sequences

and glycosylation sites were determined from ETD and HCD spectra, glyco-
peptide quantitation was determined by TMT reporter ions from HCD spec-
tra, and N- and O-linked glycoforms were identified at high mass accuracy
(<3 ppm) from high-resolution (100,000 resolving power) CID spectra. Poor
ETD glycopeptide fragment ion signal and poor HCD reporter ion signal
were overcome by using an Advion BioSciences Triversa NanoMate to col-
lect and reinfuse 15s target fractions, and 50–100 scans were averaged to obtain
high-quality ETD and HCD spectra. It was observed that changing the HCD
collision energy yielded different sets of ions—at high energy, b and y ions
were observed, and reporter ion signal was strong; at low energy, glycosidic
bond cleavage was preferred (Ye, Boyne, Buhse, & Hill, 2013).
Because changes in glycoforms can be biomarkers for disease, differential
labeling techniques for glycan quantification have also been introduced. In
this approach, glycans are released from two glycopeptide samples (e.g.,
healthy and disease state), labeled with “light” and “heavy” stable isotope
reagents, combined, and then analyzed in a single LC–MS run, yielding peak
pairs in the MS parent scan whose abundances can be used for relative quan-
titation. Permethylation of N-glycans by 12CH3I and 13CH3I allows quan-
titation of the resulting light and heavy differentially labeled samples upon
LC–MS/MS analysis of the combined sample, though this method imparts
variable different mass shifts depending on glycan structure and cannot
quantify differences between isomeric glycans (Alvarez-Manilla et al.,
2007, 2010). By instead labeling with 13CH3I and 13CH2DI, which impart
much smaller mass differences, and analyzing with high-resolution MS/MS,
isomeric glycoforms with the same nominal mass are isolated and fragmented
together but can be differentiated and quantitated by differences in product
ions in the MS/MS spectra (Atwood et al., 2008). The drawbacks to these
methods are that if permethylation efficiency is not identical between the
two samples, an error of 3–10% can be introduced depending on glycan size.
Also, a heavy-labeled glycan carrying multiple deuteriums can experience a
retention time shift during online RPLC separation, causing it to elute at a
different time from its light-labeled counterpart and introduce analytical var-
iability (Walker, Budhathoki-Uprety, Novak, & Muddiman, 2011). How-
ever, deuterium effects have been evaluated for ZIC-HILIC separations, and
under acidic mobile phase conditions (pH 3.5), the effect is eliminated
(Di Palma, Raijmakers, Heck, & Mohammed, 2011). A nonreductive iso-
topic labeling of glycans with nondeuterated (d0) and deuterated (d6)
Girard’s reagent P for quantitative glycomics was reported for ESI direct
96 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

infusion and ESI HILIC LC–MS (Wang et al., 2013). Another glycan-
labeling approach incorporates light (12C) and heavy (13C6) hydrazide
biphenyl reagents (4-phenetyl-benzohydrazide; P2GPN) on the reducing
end of glycans, which increases their hydrophobicity and ESI ionization effi-
ciency while avoiding chromatographic shifts (Walker et al., 2011).
Recently, the same authors demonstrated a method, individuality normal-
ization when labeling with isotopic glycan hydrazide tags (INLIGHT), to
compensate for quantitative inaccuracies due to overlapping isotopic enve-
lopes of light and heavy P2GPN-labeled species (Walker, Taylor, &
Muddiman, 2013). An isobaric stable isotope labeling reagent, glyco-
TMT, was recently reported for mass difference or isobaric tandem mass
quantitation of glycans (Fig. 3.4). The reagent consists of an isotopic reporter
group and a mass balance group and bears a carbonyl-reactive aminooxy
group for reaction with the glycan reducing end. Light (TMT0) and heavy
(TMT6) amino oxy labels were demonstrated to have an accessible dynamic
range of 1:20 by MALDI-TOF analysis of N-glycans from ovalbumin. The
isobaric versions TMT6-128 and TMT6-131, which instead yield discrete
reporter ions in the low mass region upon tandem mass fragmentation,
do not add spectral complexity to the parent scan, but were demonstrated
to show limited dynamic range by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis compared
to the mass difference labels, though the choice of instrumentation was likely
the limiting factor (Hahne et al., 2012). Gong et al. recently demonstrated
duplex labeling of N-glycans from a monoclonal antibody with commer-
cially available amine-reactive TMT0 and TMT6. Under basic conditions
(pH 8.3) in 50 mmol TEAB buffer, PNGase F release of N-glycans results
in stable N-glycosylamines which are readily labeled by the NHS-ester of
TMT reagents. The dynamic range for three coeluting TMT6:TMT0-
labeled glycans was shown to be accurate to 1:20 by LC–MS/MS analysis
on a Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL (Gong et al., 2013). Detailed reviews of
glycan-labeling strategies for quantitative glycomics have been recently pub-
lished elsewhere (Mechref, Hu, Desantos-Garcia, Hussein, & Tang, 2013;
Ruhaak et al., 2010).
Once candidate biomarkers have been determined and sufficiently isolated
from the complex sample, targeted, label-free MS quantitation can be per-
formed via selected or multiple reaction monitoring (SRM or MRM) using
a triple quadrupole (QqQ), Q-Trap, or hybrid QqTOF mass spectrometers.
In this approach, MS analysis time is focused exclusively on analytes of interest
and all others are excluded in order to increase sensitivity by several orders of
magnitude. This is achieved by isolating precursor ions of interest,
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 97

Glyco-TMT 5 Da

* Oxime formation
Reporter Mass normalizer Aminooxy

1553.630 1715.700
5 Da
2041.870 TMT 0 TMT 6
1635.694 2448.059


1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 m/z


6 6 Y2 Y1
TMT -128 TMT -131
128.1 131.1 TMT
Y4 B4
1198.7 A5
B3 B4
Y3b 1318.7

B3 Man6GlcNAc2-TMT
C3 1416.8
995.3 1720.8
Y1(H ) Y1 Hex4 1013.5 TMT
523.3 545.3 671.3 B4/Y4
+ Metastable decay
Hex(H ) Hex2(H )
+ 1036.4
163.1 325.1 3,5
GlcNAc(H ) Y2 1069.5
204.1 401.2 748.3

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 m/z

Figure 3.4 (A) Structure of Glyco-TMT reagent with reporter group, mass normalizer,
and aminooxy functional group. Locations of isotopic substitution in the Glyco-TMT
reporter structure are indicated (*). A mass shift of 5 Da is incorporated between
heavy- and light-labeled glycans; the heavy-labeled species in the spectra is indicated
(*). (B) MALDI-TOF MS1 level quantitation of heavy- and light-labeled (TMT0/TMT6 1:1)
N-glycans from ovalbumin. (C) MALDI-TOF/TOF MS2 level reporter ion-based quantita-
tion and structural determination of isobarically labeled N-linked ovalbum glycan Man6-
GlcNAc2 (m/z 1720.708, aminooxy TMT6-128/131, 1:1). Circle, Man; square, GlcNAc;
diamond, NeuNAc. Adapted with permission from Hahne et al. (2012). Copyright 2012
American Chemical Society.
98 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

fragmenting them, and selecting specific product fragment ions for detection
and scheduling precursor/product “transitions” based on retention times over
an LC run. Absolute quantitation is accomplished by spiking synthetic, stable
isotope-labeled versions of each analyte peptide in known concentrations and
comparing signal intensities of the analyte and stable isotope reference to
determine protein concentration (Gillette & Carr, 2013). Recent glyco-
proteomics studies have employed MRM approaches for quantification of
core fucosylated peptides in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patient serum
(Zhao et al., 2011), sialylated peptides from mouse serum (Kurogochi
et al., 2010), IgG glycopeptides and their site-specific glycoform abundances
in serum (Hong, Lebrilla, Miyamoto, & Ruhaak, 2013), haptoglobin glyco-
peptides and their site-specific glycoform abundances in liver disease (Sanda
et al., 2013), and serum glycopeptides based on selection of oxonium ion tran-
sitions rather than peptide ion transitions (Song, Pyreddy, & Mechref, 2012).
Targeted MS-based quantitation by MRM is seeing wide clinical and
bioanalytical use in biomarker studies and has been reviewed extensively
(Boja & Rodriguez, 2012; Gillette & Carr, 2013; Kitteringham, Jenkins,
Lane, Elliott, & Park, 2009; Lemoine et al., 2012; Liebler & Zimmerman,
2013; Meng & Veenstra, 2011; Percy, Parker, & Borchers, 2013).
A recently developed alternative method of label-free quantitation is
SWATH-MS, a data-independent acquisition approach that rapidly cycles
through defined 25-Da precursor isolation windows (swaths) to obtain
broad fragmentation data for all analytes using Q-TOF, QqTOF, or triple
TOF mass spectrometers. This technique has been shown to provide qual-
itative and quantitative performance comparable to SRM (Gillet et al.,
2012). Aebersold and coworkers used SWATH-MS for quantitative analysis
of N-linked glycoproteins in human plasma and observed similar quantita-
tive accuracy, reproducibility, and dynamic range between SWATH-MS
and SRM, though SRM was the more sensitive approach (Liu et al., 2013).

2.8. Bioinformatics
Following MS-based glycoproteomics analyses, the acquired tandem mass
spectral data contains a wealth of information that must be interpreted using
bioinformatics software. Such tools determine protein identifications based
on sequencing of peptide fragment ions and protein database search, glyco-
sylation site assignment based on peptide fragment ions containing markers
of glycosylation (e.g., Asn->Asp conversion following PNGase F treatment,
N-linked GlcNAc, retained glycans from ETD), and glycan characterization
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 99

based on oxonium ions, glycosidic cleavage ions, and cross-ring cleavage ions
and glycan structural database matching. Given the vast amounts of data
acquired during large-scale glycoproteomics experiments, the importance
of bioinformatics in the glycoproteomics workflow cannot be overstated.
While a detailed summary of current bioinformatics tools is beyond the scope
of this review, several recent reviews are available for further information
(Dallas, Martin, Hua, & German, 2013; Li, Glinskii, & Glinsky, 2013;
Woodin, Maxon, & Desaire, 2013). Recent bioinformatics tools introduced
since the publication of these reviews include: SweetSEQer, a simple,
open source tool for de novo analysis of glycoconjugate MS/MS spectra with
annotations (Serang et al., 2013); GlycoFragwork, a framework for
N-glycopeptide scoring and glycan sequencing that combines LC–MS/MS
data set alignment, scoring of CID, HCD, and ETD spectra, and an algorithm
for elucidating glycan structure based on peaks in the CID spectrum with
scoring, ranking, and FDR reporting for potential glycans (Mayampurath
et al., 2014); PTM MarkerFinder, a tool for screening database search output
of HCD and ETD data for marker ions of glycosylation (e.g., HexNAc, Hex)
(Nanni et al., 2013); GlycoPep Detector, a tool for assigning glycopeptide
composition based on ETD spectra (Zhu, Hua, Clark, Go, & Desaire,
2013); and SRMAtlas, a library of SRM assays of N-glycosites for targeted
quantitative analyses of N-glycoprotein biomarkers (Hüttenhain et al., 2013).


Glycoproteomics and glycomics methodology development is
advancing at an explosive rate. The combination of selective enrichment,
efficient separation, tailored digestion strategies, quantitative labeling, and
rapid, sensitive, high-resolution MS is increasingly enabling sophisticated,
novel applications in a wide range of disease research fields. This review
highlights just two of these fields, cancer biomarker and neurodegenerative
disease research, with a focus on recent studies.

3.1. Cancer biomarker research

It has been established that aberrant glycoforms detected in plasma, serum,
tissues, and bodily fluids can be associated with various types of cancers, and
MS-based glycoproteomics and glycomics approaches have been used to
study changes in N-and O-linked glycosylation and glycan isoforms in gly-
coprotein biomarkers for prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer,
100 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer. Several can-
cer biomarkers have been identified: prostate-specific antigen for prostate
cancer; CA125 and sialylated LewisX glycans for ovarian cancer; HER2,
CA27-29, and O-glycan sialylation of CA15-3, and sialylated LewisX gly-
cans for breast cancer; carcinoembryonic antigen for colon cancer;
CA19-9 and fucosylated haptoglobin for pancreatic cancer; sialylated
LewisX glycans for lung cancer; alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and AFP-L3 core
fucosylation for HCC (Adamczyk, Struwe, Ercan, Nigrovic, & Rudd, 2013;
Kuzmanov, Kosanam, & Diamandis, 2013; Mechref et al., 2012). In a recent
study by Hua et al., chip-based PGC nano-LC-TOF/MS was used to quan-
titatively profile N-glycans from 15 different cancer cell lines isolated from
ovarian, breast, lung, cervical, and lymphatic cancer patients to uncover sig-
nificant relative abundance changes in broad glycan classes (high mannose,
complex/hybrid fucosylated, complex/hybrid sialylated, etc.) and individual
glycan structures to differentiate between cell lines (Figs. 3.5 and 3.6)
(Hua et al., 2014). Once cancer-associated glycoforms are identified,


Intensity (counts)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Retention time (min)

High mannose Complex/hybrid (C/H)

C/H fucosylated C/H sialylated

C/H sialylated and fucosylated

Figure 3.5 Extracted compound chromatograms of cell membrane N-glycans
identified on non-CD4 T cells from human blood. Colors denote the biosynthetic class
of each glycan. Glycan structures are putative, based on known biosynthetic pathways.
Adapted with permission from Hua et al. (2014). Copyright 2013 American Chemical
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 101

100 1.0

Correlation (R)
Ovarian carcinoma




Relative abundance (%)





High man C/H C/H-F C/H-S C/H-FS
N-glycan type and decoration
Figure 3.6 Glycan class profiles of four B-cell lymphoma cell lines (Raji, Ramos, NCI-H929,
and BCBL-1) and one ovarian carcinoma cell line (ES-2). Relative abundances are shown
for each glycan biosynthetic class. Inset: color-coded representation of the Pearson cor-
relation coefficient (R) between each pair of cell lines, ranging from red (high correlation;
gray top of scale in print version) to blue (low correlation; black bottom of scale with hash
lines in print version), along with hierarchical clustering trees. Adapted with permission
from Hua et al. (2014). Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.

MS-based diagnostic protocols using specific affinity enrichment or chro-

matographic separations that target that glycoform may be developed.
LAC has seen wide use for MS-based cancer glycoproteomics. Many
studies use LAC as an initial step for broad cancer biomarker discovery.
For example, HCC cell lines have been studied using Con
A-immobilized magnetic nanoparticles (Tang et al., 2010; Yang et al.,
2013); breast cancer biomarker candidates have been determined using
SLAC (Selvaraju & Rassi, 2012) and MLAC (Zeng et al., 2011) as initial
enrichment methods; and pancreatic cancer biomarker candidates have been
determined from pancreatic cyst fluids using MLAC enrichment
(Gbormittah et al., 2013). Lectins have also been used to target specific gly-
can characteristics as biomarkers. Drake et al. reported a LAC workflow
using Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) and Sambucus nigra agglutinin to enrich
102 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

glycoproteins with fucose and sialic acid from several luminal (less aggres-
sive) and triple negative (more aggressive) breast cancer cell lines, followed
by deglycosylation with PNGase F and LC–MS/MS analysis on a Thermo
LTQ Orbitrap XL. Their statistical analysis of over 1000 glycosites on 533
identified glycoproteins revealed that 100 glycosites were solely detected in
several triple negative lines, and differential expression of fucosyl- and
sialyltransferases between the two line subtypes suggests that changes in gly-
cosylation may act to indicate putative biomarkers (Drake et al., 2012). Ahn
et al. also used AAL to enrich fucosylated glycoproteins from small-cell lung
cancer (SCLC) patient sera samples. A combination of label-free and
iTRAQ-labeled quantitative MS analysis revealed decreases in abundance
of serum paraoxonase (PON1) alongside increases in the degree of
N-linked glycan fucosylation of PON1 (Ahn, Sung, et al., 2013), findings
which support previous reports of increased fucosylation and sialylation of
serum PON1 in liver cirrhosis patients (Sun et al., 2012) and suggest
PON1 glycosylation patterns as a biomarker for both HCC and SCLC.
IMS-MS can uniquely facilitate MS-based cancer biomarker glyco-
proteomics research due to its ability to separate glycan isomers during MS
analysis, prior to detection. Isaiolovic et al. demonstrated the potential of
IMS-MS for cancer biomarker discovery by characterizing serum N-linked
glycans from patients with cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer patients.
The combination of supervised principal component analysis (PCA) with
ion mobility distributions of glycan isomers and conformers of 10 different
glycans was sufficient to discriminate cirrhosis and liver cancer from healthy
patients (Isailovic et al., 2012). The same IMS–MS and PCA approach of
serum N-glycan analysis was then used for distinguishing phenotypes of
Barrett’s esophagus, high-grade dysplasia, and esophageal adenocarcinoma
from normal control. Composite ion mobility distributions constructed from
11 glycans revealed 46 features that allowed unambiguous differentiation of
the esophageal adenocarcinoma samples from the normal control samples;
the authors noted, however, that improvements in IMS separation efficiency
are required to observe individual isomer contributions (Gaye et al., 2012).
Abnormal or incomplete O-glycosylation has been recognized as a bio-
marker for cancer and is commonly observed in carcinomas. Mucins and
glycoproteins in tumor cells feature truncation of O-glycans to GalNAc-
a-Ser/Thr, also known as the Tn antigen, which does not appear in normal
tissues. It has been reported that 70–90% of cancers of the colon, lung, bladder,
cervix, ovary, stomach, and prostate express this O-glycan truncation, and in
other cancers, the expression correlates with poor prognosis and metastasis
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 103

( Ju et al., 2013). O-GlcNAc has also been implicated in the cause and pro-
gression of cancer (Fardini, Dehennaut, Lefebvre, & Issad, 2013). The targeted
enrichment of O-linked GalNAc or GlcNAc has been demonstrated recently
using the Helix pomotia agglutinin lectin with human breast cancer cell lines
(Rambaruth, Greenwell, & Dwek, 2012), and O-GlcNAc enrichment by
reversible hydrazide chemistry, mentioned previously, has also been devel-
oped (Nishikaze et al., 2013). The identification of O-GlcNAc sites by
MS/MS has been facilitated appreciably by ETD fragmentation, as demon-
strated by several recent studies (Chalkley, Thalhammer, Schoepfer, &
Burlingame, 2009; Myers, Daou, Affar, & Burlingame, 2013; Wang et al.,
2010). Current reviews have covered O-GlcNAcylation and its role in disease
and cancer in detail (Copeland et al., 2013; Fardini et al., 2013; Hart, Slawson,
Ramirez-Correa, & Lagerlof, 2011).
Targeted analysis of glycoprotein cancer biomarker candidates has been
performed using SRM and MRM approaches. Yoo and coworkers have
investigated aberrant glycoforms of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase
1 (TIMP1), a colorectal cancer (CRC) biomarker candidate, in serum
and from CRC cell lines that combine L-PHA lectin enrichment, stable
isotope standard and capture by antipeptide antibody of a target tryptic
peptide, and quantitative MRM analysis (Ahn et al., 2010, 2009). Abun-
dance of the aberrant glycoform TIMP1 in CRC cells was shown to be
11.7-fold greater than control (Ahn et al., 2010). The same researchers
recently used AAL enrichment and MRM quantitation for aberrant protein
glycosylation analysis of a-1-antitrypsin and a-2HS-glycoprotein in HCC
plasma, observing a 4.7- and 2.2-fold increase, respectively, in the aberrant
glycoforms (Ahn, Shin, et al., 2013). Sanda et al. used MRM to study aber-
rant hyperfucosylation of a haptoglobin N-glycosite in HCC and cirrhosis
patient plasma, monitoring oxonium ions for quantitation. Relative quan-
titation among HCC, cirrhosis, and control revealed that glycoforms dis-
playing multiple outer arm fucose were considerably elevated in HCC and
cirrhosis (Sanda et al., 2013).
Cancer has become a primary focus of MS-based glycoproteomics and
glycomics biomarker studies. A comprehensive summary of the highly
active field is beyond the scope of this review, and interested readers are
encouraged to consult the numerous published reviews covering recent
research progress (Adamczyk et al., 2013; Fardini et al., 2013; Kim &
Misek, 2011; Kuzmanov et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2012; Meany & Chan,
2011; Mechref et al., 2012; Ruhaak, Miyamoto, & Lebrilla, 2013; Tan,
Lee, & Chung, 2012; Ueda, 2013).
104 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

3.2. Neurodegenerative disease research

Irregularities in glycoprotein expression and glycosylation patterns have been
observed in several neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD),
Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob
disease (CJD), a human prion disease (Botella-López et al., 2006; Rudd,
Merry, Wormald, & Dwek, 2002; Shan, Vocadlo, & Krieger, 2012;
Silveyra et al., 2006). CSF is an ideal source for biomarker discovery for dis-
eases of the central nervous system due to its proximity to the brain. There-
fore, changes in glycoforms or in abundance of glycoproteins in the CSF may
reflect neurological disease conditions. A number of CSF glycoproteins with
altered glycosylation have been implicated in AD, such as amyloid precursor
protein (APP), acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, transferrin, tau,
nicastrin, and reelin, which have been discussed in a recent review of protein
glycosylation in AD (Schedin-Weiss, Winblad, & Tjernberg, 2013). The
pathological indicators of AD in the brain are b-amyloid (Ab) plaques orig-
inating from abnormal cleavage of APP by a- and g-secretase and the presence
of neurofibrillar tangles made up of oligomerized hyperphosphorylated tau
proteins (Barone, Sturiale, Palmigiano, & Zappia, 2012). Site-specific
O-glycopeptide characterization of endogenous APP/Ab peptides from
AD and non-AD patient CSF with analysis by LC–MSn using ECD and
CID was recently reported by Halim et al. Interestingly, they discovered
27 glycopeptides with Tyr linked sialylated O-glycans, which were most
abundant in AD, alongside 37 glycopeptides with Ser-/Thr-linked
O-glycans (Halim et al., 2011). A follow-up collaborative study by
Brinkmalm et al. using a similar method and instrumentation confirmed
the previously identified endogenous Ab peptides, glycopeptides, and Ser/
Thr/Tyr O-glycans, as well as discovering several new peptides
(Brinkmalm et al., 2012). Butterfield and coworkers enriched glycoproteins
from AD and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) inferior parietal lobule and
hippocampus brain tissue via lectin affinity—WGA in one study, and Con
A in another—followed by MALDI-TOF MS or LC-ESI Orbitrap MS/MS
analysis to reveal altered levels of proteins involved in metabolism, cytoskeletal
integrity, synaptic function, cell signaling, protein translation, and chaperon-
ing, all of which are relevant to the disease (Di Domenico et al., 2010; Owen
et al., 2009). A recent study of IgG–Fc N-glycosylation in plasma from MCI
and AD patients was conducted by Zubarev and coworkers via LC–MS/MS
using ETD and HCD fragmentation on a Thermo Velos Orbitrap followed by
PCA assessment. A total of 19 glycoforms of two tryptic N-linked
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 105

glycopeptides were quantified in a label-free manner across samples to reveal

significant differences in glycosylation profile of one peptide in the AD sam-
ples, displaying increased core fucosylation and decreased biantennary-linked
galactosylated and sialylated structures. The investigators connected the anti-
inflammatory effect of sialylation of IgG–Fc receptor function to the observed
inverse correlation between galactosylated and sialylated IgG glycoforms and
AD. Additionally, it was determined that glycan truncation in females corre-
lated with disease progress, but in the males, glycan complexity increased prior
to the onset of AD, suggesting different inflammation response between gen-
ders (Lundstr€ om et al., 2014). Luider and coworkers explored the serum pro-
teome of amnestic MCI patients by LC–MS/MS on a Thermo LTQ Orbitrap
XL followed by MRM quantitative analysis of select proteins on an AB Sciex
400 QTrap. Two of the eight selected proteins were downregulated glyco-
proteins, galectin-3-binding protein, which has not previously been associated
with neurodegenerative disease, and serum amyloid P-component (SAP),
which has been previously suggested as an AD biomarker (Ijsselstijn
et al., 2013).
Several studies have shown that O-GlcNAcylation deregulation of tau,
APP, and nicastrin is concomitant with AD. The pathophysiological impair-
ment of glucose uptake and metabolism observed in the AD brain reduces
O-GlcNAcylation of proteins (Liu, Iqbal, Grundke-Iqbal, Hart, & Gong,
2004), and in the case of tau, which contains more than a dozen
O-GlcNAcylation sites, this leads to hyperphosphorylation and the onset
of neurofibrillary degeneration (Liu et al., 2004, 2009). In the mouse model,
treatment with an O-GlcNAcase inhibitor, thiamet-G, effectively blocks
this tau-driven neurodegeneration (Yuzwa et al., 2012). Similarly, reduced
O-GlcNAcylation of APP results in increased Ab production, through
abnormal APP processing, and consequently amyloid plaque formation.
Inhibition of O-GlcNAcase in human neuroblastoma cells by PUGNAc
increases O-GlcNAcylated APP and leads to a decrease in Ab through par-
tially restored normal APP processing ( Jacobsen & Iverfeldt, 2011). Related
evidence was shown both in vitro and in vivo using the O-GlcNAcase inhib-
itor NButGT to decrease Ab production, instead by inhibition of
g-secretase activity via O-GlcNAcylation of nicastrin, a component
of g-secretase (Kim et al., 2013). Because the use of O-GlcNAcase inhibitors
has widespread impacts on many O-GlcNAcylated proteins, it is possible,
or perhaps even likely, that more than one protein is responsible for
the observed effects. Still, the results of these recent studies indicate
O-GlcNAcylation as a potential therapeutic target for AD.
106 Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li

Prion diseases, or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are caused

by abnormal folding of normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) in the brain into
a protease-resistant isoform (PrPSc) which is prone to aggregation. As a
glycoprotein itself, PrPC contains two N-linked glycosites and can carry
one, two, or no glycans, for 52 different glycoform variants (Browning
et al., 2011). Comparatively, PrPSc glycoforms have fewer bisecting
GlcNAc and more tri- and tetraantennary glycans, suggesting a decrease
in N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III enzyme activity (Rudd et al.,
1999). Several potential CSF biomarkers for CJD have been determined,
which include 14-3-3 protein, total tau, S100B, neuron-specific enolase,
ERK1/2, and transferrin (Hsich, Kenney, Gibbs, Lee, & Harrington,
1996; Jesse et al., 2009; Otto et al., 2002; Sanchez-Juan et al., 2006;
Singh, Beveridge, & Singh, 2011; Steinacker et al., 2010). Recently, Wei
et al. reported a quantitative MS-based glycoproteomics approach for pre-
mortem prion biomarker discovery in plasma from prion-infected mice
using LAC, isotopic formaldehyde labeling, and multidimensional separa-
tion. Out of 708 proteins identified from plasma collected at three time
points postinoculation, 53 proteins had a greater than twofold increase,
and 58 proteins had a greater than twofold decrease in at least one time point.
The glycoprotein SAP, which has previously been linked with amyloid
deposits in vivo and accompanying neurofibrils in other neurodegenerative
disorders, was detected in all three time points and was significantly elevated
in the earliest one. The glycosylated form of SAP was also detected at sig-
nificantly greater abundance compared to the unglycosylated form at the
same time point, and showed significant elevation compared to the control
sample. These results suggest that glycosylation of SAP plays a role in prion
disease progression and that glycosylated SAP may be a useful preclinical
biomarker for prion disease (Wei, Herbst, Ma, Aiken, & Li, 2011).
The use of MS-based glycoproteomics strategies in neurodegenerative
disease research is still expanding, and a few current general glycoproteomics
and glycomics reviews are available (Barone et al., 2012; Hwang et al.,
2010), as is a recent comprehensive review of general MS-based quantitative
neuroproteomics (Craft, Chen, & Nairn, 2013).

MS-based glycoproteomics and glycomics have become a vital part of
biomedical research for discovery and characterization of disease biomarkers
due to rapid technological advances in affinity enrichment, chromatographic
Recent Advances in Glycoproteomics 107

separation, quantitation, MS methodology and instrumentation, and bioin-

formatics. Quantitative comparative analyses of low-abundant, disease-
related glycoforms in complex biological samples, enhanced by efficient
separation and highly sensitive and accurate mass measurement, are provid-
ing deeper understanding into the onset and progression of disease. With this
knowledge, improvements in diagnostic methods and therapeutic treat-
ments are sure to follow. The glycoproteomics and glycomics strategies that
were previously isolated from each other are increasingly converging in
sophisticated workflows that better provide quantitative, site-specific struc-
tural characterization of glycoforms that potentially serve as the real bio-
markers of a disease state. As the field moves forward, this unification is
critical to take full advantage of new technological developments to effec-
tively characterize disease phenotypes, identify drug targets, and develop

Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health
Grant R01 NS071513. L. L. acknowledges an H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship.

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Proteomics and Proteogenomics

Approaches for Oral Diseases
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi*,†,{, Eugenia Pechkova*,†, Claudio Nicolini*,†,},1
*Nanobiotechnology and Biophysics Laboratories (NBL), Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES),
University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Nanoworld Institute Fondazione ELBA Nicolini (FEN), Pradalunga, Bergamo, Italy
School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 126
2. An Integrated Proteogenomics Protocol for Personalized Dentistry 126
2.1 Human samples 126
2.2 Bioinformatics analysis 130
2.3 Proteomics technologies, with a focus on the label-free tools 138
3. Oral Diseases 145
3.1 Dental caries 146
3.2 Periodontitis 147
3.3 Oral lichen planus 149
3.4 Oral cancer 151
4. Concluding Remarks 151
References 151

Design and implementation of new biocompatible materials and achievements in the
field of nanogenomics and nanoproteomics as well as in other related and allied sci-
ences in the broader framework of translational and clinical nanomedicine are paving
new avenues for nanodentistry. Classical dentistry is becoming more predictive, preven-
tive, personalized, and participatory, providing the patients with a tailored and targeted
treatment and handling of their diseases. Considering the global impact of the oral
pathologies, being particularly heavy in underdeveloped and developing countries, it
is mandatory from an ethical perspective to ensure a global oral health.
Nanobiotechnologies play a major role in this ambitious goal. In this review, we will
focus on the bioinformatics, nanogenomics, and nanoproteomics aspects of contem-
porary nanodentistry, emphasizing the urgent need for an integrated proteogenomics
approach and addressing its clinical and translational implications and new future per-
spectives and scenarios.

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 125
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
126 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

Advancements in the field of oral biomaterials (Choi, Ben-Nissan,
Matinlinna, & Conway, 2013; Covani et al., 2007; Mallineni, Nuvvula,
Matinlinna, Yiu, & King, 2013; Marconcini et al., 2014; Riley,
Bavastrello, Covani, Barone, & Nicolini, 2005; Zandparsa, 2014), nano-
technologies (Ozak & Ozkan, 2013) and nanobiotechnologies, such as
nanogenomics (Nicolini, 2006, 2010) and nanoproteomics (Kobeissy
et al., 2014; Nicolini & Pechkova, 2010a,2010b) tools as fundamental com-
ponents of a modern nanobiomedical approach (Nicolini et al., 2012;
Nicolini, Bragazzi, & Pechkova, 2012; Nicolini, Bragazzi, & Pechkova,
2013) have enabled the birth of a new, highly interdisciplinary and rapidly
growing discipline, termed as nanodentistry (Freitas, 2000; Kanaparthy &
Kanaparthy, 2011; Mantri & Mantri, 2013), emerging from complementary
and converging approaches.
Early diagnosing and properly monitoring oral diseases, avoiding their
recurrence, providing the patients with a tailored, individualized, and targeted
treatment (Bragazzi, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c) are important tasks within the field
of personalized dentistry (Garcia et al., 2013; Glurich et al., 2013; Kornman &
Duff, 2012; Razzouk & Termechi, 2013), that is becoming more predictive,
preventive and participatory (Cafiero & Matarasso, 2013). Oral diseases have a
tremendous burden and societal impact, affecting approximately 3.9 billions of
people worldwide and particularly in underdeveloped and developing coun-
tries (Richards, 2013), and therefore ensuring global oral health is an ethical
onus (Giannobile, 2013).
In this review, we will focus on the bioinformatics, nanogenomics, and
nanoproteomics aspects of contemporary nanodentistry, addressing its clin-
ical and translational implications and foreseeing its new future perspectives
and scenarios.


2.1. Human samples
Human samples collected from a properly stratified cohort of patients offer
the possibility to study and underpin the diseases-related biomarkers, con-
necting the symptoms, the diagnosis and the prognosis with the molecular
and cellular levels, and ensuring the possibility of a targeted and individual-
ized treatment. Many different kinds of biospecimens are available in the
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 127

field of oral dentistry, each one with its own peculiarity and advantages, as
well as pitfalls and drawback (Fig. 4.1). Once obtained, data can be eventu-
ally combined in order to have a robust molecular signature and a panel of
selected, differentially expressed markers, that need to be replicated and val-
idated before entering everyday clinical practice and routine. A bio-marker
is indeed defined as reliable, reproducible, sensitive, and specific (Strimbu &
Tavel, 2010). In the following subsections, we briefly overview the main
sources of biomarkers in the field of oral pathologies, namely tissues biopsies,
blood, dental plaque and oral biofilms, gingival crevicular fluid (GCF),
saliva, and oral rinse.

2.1.1 Tissues
Oral cavity is a multifunctional environment made up of different compo-
nents, building up a complex architecture. Its anatomy includes tissues from
the mucosa (which is divided into different parts, namely the labial, buccal,

Figure 4.1 Protocol of the integrated nanoproteogenomics approach for personalized

nanodentistry. After collecting the samples from the patients from one or more sources
(tissue biopsies, saliva, gingival crevicular fluid or GCF, dental plaque and oral biofilms,
and oral rinse), differentially expressed genes (DEG) are studied using for example the
Leader Gene Algorithm (LGA). Thus, only few genes of interest are selected (genomics
signature), which can be used as a panel for monitoring the diseases or can be subse-
quently expressed via the Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Array (NAPPA) technol-
ogy and protein–protein interactions (proteomics signature) are fully characterized via
label-free nanobiotechnologies (namely Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation
Factor Monitoring or QCM_D, Anodic Porous Allumina or APA, mass spectrometry or
MS), overcoming the limitations and difficulties encountered in the use of labeled
128 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

lingual, palatoglossal, gingival, and palatal one), alveolar bone, periodontal

ligament, and the cementum, as well as the salivary glands. These samples
can be collected only in an invasive way, and even though they are quite
reliable and reproducible, they are characterized by low acceptance and
are therefore challenging. Few studies, indeed, give detailed pieces of infor-
mation about oral tissues genomics and proteomics (Jágr et al., 2012).

2.1.2 Blood
Blood is a bodily fluid that delivers nutrients, oxygen, and other fundamental
molecules for life, clearing and removing cellular waste products. It is a very
common and popular, accepted sample, which is easy-to-obtain, and not
difficult to store and process. It can be used as a whole blood or selected puri-
fied components.
In oral diseases, blood-derived biomarkers are associated with systemic
risks and pathologies, such as cardiovascular (Meurman, Janket,
Qvarnstr€ om, & Nuutinen, 2003), rheumatological ( Joseph, Rajappan,
Nath, & Paul, 2013; Kobayashi et al., 2014; Okada et al., 2013), gastroin-
testinal ( Jaiswal, Deo, Bhongade, & Jaiswal, 2011), and metabolic
(Pradeep, Kumari, Kalra, & Priyanka, 2013) diseases. Some studies have cor-
related blood with other samples like saliva (Haririan et al., 2012; Sundar,
Krishnan, Krishnaraj, Hemalatha, & Alam, 2013), GCF (Fiorini et al.,
2013; Gokul, Faizuddin, & Pradeep, 2012; Patel & Raju, 2013; Pradeep
et al., 2011; Raghavendra et al., 2012; Sharma, Pradeep, Raghavendra,
Arjun, & Kathariya, 2012; Thorat, Pradeep, & Garg, 2010), finding a pos-
itive correlation, even though in few cases not always concordant (Fiorini
et al., 2013).

2.1.3 Dental plaque and oral biofilms

Dental plaque is a unique and dynamic biofilm, highly heterogeneous and
poly-microbial, usually of a yellowish color, that develops naturally on the
teeth’s smooth surfaces (Kuboniwa et al., 2012). The oral flora colonizing
the human oral cavity is also called the human oral microbiome
(Dewhirst et al., 2010; Dimitrov & Hoeng, 2013), being different from
an individual to another, as well as reflecting the effect of the treatment
(Schwarzberg et al., 2014), and genomics/metagenomics and proteomics
approaches have underpinned the different stages of dental (Peterson
et al., 2011) plaque formation (dental biofilm, dental calculus or tartar)
and shed light on the interaction between the host and the pathogens
(Lemos & Burne, 2008; Lemos et al., 2005).
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 129

2.1.4 Gingival crevicular fluid

GCF is known also as sulcular fluid, since it is a serum transudate an inflam-
matory exudate produced by the sulcular epithelium of the oral mucosa in
physiological conditions or from periodontal or gingival pockets in oral dis-
orders (Lamster & Ahlo, 2007). It exerts a variety of functions, from antimi-
crobial activity to the lubrication of the oral cavity. It can be site-specific
(from 1 of the 168 possible sampling sites) or not (Guzman et al., 2014).
It is emerging as a promising sample for collecting information, thanks also
to progresses in the way of obtaining it via extra-crevicular techniques
(Lamster & Ahlo, 2007) and its unique transforming nature from a transudate
to exudate and enrichment in disease-specific proteins, molecules, and
microorganisms (Guzman et al., 2014). However, it is not-so-easy to obtain
and requires specialized and trained staff (Guzman et al., 2014), moreover a
complete mouth examination can be demanding, time consuming, and
therefore challenging (Guzman et al., 2014).

2.1.5 Saliva
Saliva is a complex biological fluid (Huang, 2004; Ruhl, 2012; Wong, 2009;
Ogawa et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2013), produced by major salivary glands
(submandibular, sublingual and parotid glands) and minor ones (scattered
throughout the entire oral mucosa), and made up of water for the
99–99.5% (594–1194 mL/day) and of a mixture of microorganisms (bacte-
ria, viruses, fungi, protozoa), (Jagtap et al., 2012; Wong, 2009) ions,
enzymes and catalytic proteins, DNA and RNA, hormones, desquamated
cells, food debris, and other molecules for the remaining 0.5–1%
(3–12 mL/day), ranging up to 4–5% ore more (24–60 mL/day) in some
clinical cases (Wong, 2009). Moreover, being the oral cavity in intimate
contact with the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts (Wong, 2009), it
may contain also expectorated bronchial and nasal secretions, typical gastro-
intestinal or respiratory microorganisms, and some serum constituents that
are derived from the local vasculature of the salivary glands and GCF, as well
as from oral wounds (Deepa & Thirrunavukkarasu, 2010). Its production is
finely tuned by the autonomic system, at least for the exocrine components
(Wong, 2009), and plays a role in different functions, from speech and pho-
nation, bolus formation and swallowing, starch digestion, protection, lubri-
cation, buffering action, maintenance of tooth integrity through
maintenance of an adequate level of mineralization, to perception of taste.
Its proteome has unique features that makes it different from other
130 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

proteomes: 73% of proteins present in saliva are absent in plasma, being

exclusive to saliva (Cuevas-Córdoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014). Moreover,
it is highly heterogeneous when compared to the plasmatic one or other
proteomes (Cuevas-Cordoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014).
Even though quite attractive, being easy to obtain in noninvasive and
acceptable ways and enabling also the study of other nonoral diseases
(Bassim et al., 2012; Cuevas-Cordoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014; Wong,
2009), saliva has many pitfalls and technical drawbacks that need to be
addressed and overcome, in order to be a reliable source of information.
Molecules are found at generally lower concentrations than in other fluids,
in the nanomolar or picomolar range, proteins for example are found at con-
centration ranges of 150–400 mg% (Wong, 2009), and only recent advance-
ments in the field of microseparation, purification, detection, and
nanobiosensors have enabled its feasibility as source sample (Cuevas-
Cordoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014; Wong, 2009).
Moreover, many biomarkers need to be still validated (Cuevas-
Cordoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014). Saliva diagnostics represents the fron-
tiers in oral diseases diagnostics: recently many high-throughput and
OMICS technologies have focused on this fluid (Bencharit et al., 2012;
Cuevas-Cordoba & Santiago-Garcia, 2014).

2.1.6 Oral rinse

Concentrated oral rinse has been used to detect the presence of oral bacteria
and in particular fungi, which are difficult to find with other techniques, but
can be found in abundance if collected from the dorsum of the tongue and
the oral mucosa (Ghannoum et al., 2010). This procedure has different
advantages: for example, it can be performed prior to sputus and expecto-
ration, enhancing the sensitivity, and specificity of these procedures (Kalema
et al., 2012). Moreover, it is relatively simple and noninvasive to collect,
therefore is accepted by patients, and is safer to handle than other bio-
specimens (like blood; Ghannoum et al., 2010). Some drawbacks of the
technique are possible contamination with extraoral environments, meal
interference, and variations induced by different salivary flow rates.

2.2. Bioinformatics analysis

Bioinformatics is playing a growing role in the field of oral pathologies
(Giacomelli & Covani, 2010), since it enables to collect many data and to
store, retrieve them. Not only big data can be collected but also new data
can be inferred and simulated through sophisticated and powerful
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 131

2.2.1 Bioinformatics resources

Besides classical bioinformatics tools that have been developed for general
purposes, the specifically designed and available bioinformatics resources
for oral health are summarized in Table 4.1. Moreover, bioinformatics
has been used to study complex interaction networks of microbial commu-
nities and oral biofilms, in the effort to associate particular microbial flora and
interactions with cellular events, such as immune alterations (Yu, Hu, Zhou,
Xia, & Amar, 2010), metabolic conditions (Mazumdar, Snitkin, Amar, &
Segrè, 2009), and/or with a specific clinical trait (Duran-Pinedo, Paster,
Teles, & Frias-Lopez, 2011; Hsiao et al., 2012; Zainal-Abidin et al.,
2012). Pathways underlying human osseous remodeling (Sbordone et al.,
2009), as well as the interaction between genetic factors, environment
and microorganisms (a new field called “infectogenomics”; Kellam &
Weiss, 2006; Nibali, Donos, & Henderson, 2009) and connections among
the different diseases (Covani, Marconcini, Derchi, Barone, & Giacomelli,
2009) have been elucidated using a systems biology approach.
Bioinformatics has been used also in the field of reverse vaccinology
(Rappuoli, 2000) for developing vaccine candidates for oral pathologies
(Ross et al., 2001).
Dental informatics (Schleyer, 2003; Schleyer et al., 2011), dental bioin-
formatics (Giacomelli & Covani, 2010), and dental nanoinformatics (De La
Iglesia et al., 2009) are growing and expanding fields, and new tools are likely
to be released in the next years.

2.2.2 Leader-gene algorithm

Previously, we introduced a bio-data mining strategy for gene prioritizing,
that is to say for selecting the most important, highly interconnected genes
(termed as “leader genes” or “hub genes”; Bragazzi, Giacomelli,
Sivozhelezov, & Nicolini, 2011; Bragazzi et al., 2011; Bragazzi &
Nicolini, 2013) involved in different biological events, both at a cellular
or molecular level (Giacomelli & Nicolini, 2006; Nicolini, 2006;
Sivozhelezov, Giacomelli, Tripathi, & Nicolini, 2006) and more specifically
in human diseases (Covani et al., 2008; Jovanovic et al., 2010; Marconcini
et al., 2011; Orlando et al., 2013; Racapé et al., 2012; Sivozhelezov
et al., 2008).
There are different candidate genes prioritizing computational
approaches in the literature—for a broad and comprehensive review, the
reader is referred to Moreau and Tranchevent (2012)—but our strategy is
not limited to mono- or oligogenetic Mendelian diseases (Bragazzi et al.,
2011; Bragazzi & Nicolini, 2013).
Table 4.1 A comprehensive list of bioinformatics resources available for oral diseases
Database Features URL Reference
Bioinformatics Resource for Oral It includes and integrates the Oral http://brop.org Chen, Abbey,
Pathogens (BROP) Pathogen Microarray Database, Deng, and
the Genome Viewer, and the Cheng (2005)
Genome-wide ORF Alignment
CORE (a streamlined and It allows to recognize http://microbiome.osu.edu/ Griffen et al.
phylogenetically curated database microorganisms from clinical (2011)
of 16S rDNA sequences that samples, exploiting next-
represent the core oral generation sequencing
microbiome) technologies
Head and Neck and Oral Cancer It enables to mine genes, http://gyanxet.com/hno.html Mitra et al.
Database (HNOCDB) miRNAs, and altered loci/ (2012)
chrosomes related to oral diseases
Human Oral Microbiome It is a vast, comprehensive, and http://homd.org Chen et al.
Database (HOMD) authoritative database that (2010) and
includes information about Wade (2013)
the human oral microorganisms.
It also addresses nomenclature
OralCard Manually curated database, it http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/oralcard Arrais et al.
combines different resources (2013)
and approaches: the ecological
one (the oral molecular
ecosystem or OralPhysiOme),
the oral proteome of human
(OralOme), and microbial origin
(MicroOralOme). It integrates
both nonproteomics and
proteomics resources
Oral Cancer Gene Database It exploits STRING database and http://www.actrec.gov.in/oralcancer/ Gadewal and
(OCGD) OrCGDB integrates genomics and GeneHome.htm (version I) Zingde (2011)
proteomics resources http://www.actrec.gov.in/OCDB/index.
htm (version II)
Oral Fungal Microbiome Manually curated list of oral Available as supplementary materials, at http:// Ghannoum
(Mycobiome) fungal pathogens www.plospathogens.org/article/info%3Adoi et al. (2010)
OralOme Manually curated list of proteins Available as supplementary materials, at http:// Rosa et al.
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ (2012)
Oral Pathogen Sequence It provides the researchers with http://www.oralgen.lanl.gov/oralgen/ Xie et al.
Databases of the Los Alamos genomics and metagenomics http://www.oralgen.org/ (archived and (2010)
National Laboratory Bioscience tools and resources mirror copy)
Division (ORALGEN)
Orca-DB It is a manually curated database Reshmi et al.
that includes molecular and other http://www.rgcb.res.in/orcadb (2012)
clinically relevant information
about oral cancer
Table 4.1 A comprehensive list of bioinformatics resources available for oral diseases—cont'd
Database Features URL Reference
OrCGDB It integrates mining tools such as http://www.tumor-gene.org/Oral/oral.html Levine and
PubMed/MEDLINE and Steffen (2001)
Pathogenic Pathway Database for It is a manually curated database http://bio-omix.tmd.ac.jp/disease/perio/ Suzuki et al.
Periodontitis containing pathogenic pathways (2009)
for periodontitis, linked to causal
relations, and biological entities
obtained from text mining
Salivaomics Knowledge Base It enables saliva diagnostics, http://www.hspp.ucla.edu/skb.swf Ai, Smith, and
(SKB) exploiting tools such as Saliva Wong (2012)
Ontology, and SdxMart
Salivary Gland Tumor It is a curated collection of https://research.mdacc.tmc.edu/Salivary_ Used in Matse
Biorepository (SGTB) salivary gland, tumor-related DB/index.html et al. (2013)
biospecimens, and cell lines,
enabling both basic and
translational research
A searchable database for It is a database that includes http://www.myamagu.dent.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ Nakano et al.
proteomes of oral proteomes of oral bioinformatics/index.html%20 (2005)
microorganisms microorganisms obtained with http://www.bipos.mascat.nihon-u.ac.jp/
two-dimensional electrophoresis index.html
(2DE) gel
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 135

Namely, a comprehensive combination of exhaustive, recursive, and

iterative search of diseases-related genes mining different databases is
performed, like PubMed using the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
standardized and controlled vocabulary based on medical subject headings
or MESH terms (Doğan, Leaman, & Lu, 2014), the National Center for
Biotechnology Information Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
(NCBI OMIM; Doğan et al., 2014; NCBI Resource Coordinators,
2014), GenBank (Benson et al., 2012), GeneCards (Stelzer et al., 2011)
and MalaCards (Rappaport et al., 2013), GeneAtlas, using the standardized
nomenclature (HUGO, or Human Genome Organization), and/or repos-
itories containing DNA microarrays data, such as GEO or Gene Expression
Omnibus (Edgar, Domrachev, & Lash, 2002), DDBJ, or DNA Data Bank of
Japan (Kodama et al., 2010), and ArrayExpress (Rustici et al., 2013). For fur-
ther information about mining and accessing genomics public repositories,
the reader is referred to Huttenhower and Hofmann (2010) and references
Links to other repositories and databases such as Genetic Association
Database (GAD; Becker, Barnes, Bright, & Wang, 2004) are currently in
The obtained hits can be integrated after quality-check, preprocessing,
and statistical meta-analysis, using also available resources such as
AnnotCompute (Zheng, Stoyanovich, Manduchi, Liu, & Stoeckert,
2011), MageComet (Xue et al., 2012), M(2)DB (Cheng et al., 2010),
ArrayMining (Glaab, Garibaldi, & Krasnogor, 2009), or virtualArray
(Heider & Alt, 2013).
Moreover, in an updated version, that is currently in progress, the user
will be able to choose whether to use specifically curated databases (such as
the resources and tools listed in Table 4.1), it will be possible also to inter-
rogate cross-species databases (Le, Oltvai, & Bar-Joseph, 2010).
This step is followed by the networks and pathways reconstruction using
STRING software (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes,
Heidelberg, Germany; Franceschini et al., 2013) and finally the list of genes
is clustered according to their weighted number of links (WNLs).
This measure is calculated for each gene using the program STRING,
and this value is derived from the weighed sum of three types of interactions:
1. literature co-occurrence of the names of genes, and/or their products in
abstracts and/or full texts of papers available on the Internet. The scores
assigned are derived from a benchmarked and validated scoring system,
which is based on the frequencies and distributions of gene/gene
136 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

products names in the aforementioned abstracts and/or full texts. The

benchmarks themselves are set from a manual evaluation and assessment
of predictions of gene and protein interactions by experts and are typi-
cally below 0.5;
2. scores derived from different databases dedicated to gene networks, con-
taining data on induction and expression of a particular genes by other
genes derived from microarray experiments, or other high-throughput
omics techniques. The score of 1 is assigned if the link is already present
in the databases, while putative links have lower values (typically in the
range 0.6–0.8);
3. the same range of scores is assigned to gene interactions via physically
observed interactions between proteins. The software used does not dis-
criminate between in vivo or in vitro experiment-derived data. Generally,
the scores are close to those of interaction type 2, but links of this type
occur much rarely than of type 2.
The combined association scores Sij were summed for each gene i over its
neighbors (i, j), giving the final WNL for the gene i. Further, clustering
methods are applied to the WNLs in order to identify the group of leader
genes. Cluster analysis, also called segmentation analysis or taxonomy analysis,
is a way to partition a set of objects into homogeneous and separated groups or
clusters, in such a way that the profiles of objects in the same cluster are very
similar and the profiles of objects in different clusters are quite distinct.
Genes belonging to the highest rank are defined as “leader genes” or “hub
genes” because they may be assumed to play an important role in the analyzed
processes. Leader-gene algorithm (LGA) can suggest a list of few, but strong
candidate genes potentially relevant within a given cellular process or a
pathology, according to the already available experimental data. Moreover,
the interaction map among all the genes involved in the same process may be
useful in interpreting the experimental and clinical results, and in planning
new targeted experimentation. Interestingly, such experimentation may be
simpler to be analyzed than mass-scale molecular genomics, whose wealth of
details may raise problems and complications. This computational method
gave promising results, when applied to the human T lymphocyte cell cycle
(Giacomelli & Nicolini, 2006; Nicolini et al., 2006; Sivozhelezov et al.,
2006) and its malignant transformation (Sivozhelezov et al., 2009), human
kidney transplant with a focus on operational tolerance (Braud et al., 2008;
Jovanovic et al., 2010; Racapé et al., 2012; Sivozhelezov et al., 2008), oral
lichen planus (OLP; Orlando, Bragazzi, & Nicolini, 2013), and periodontitis
(Covani et al., 2008; Marconcini et al., 2011). These results were also
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 137

integrated with a targeted experimental analysis, to draw an overall picture of

these processes (Giacomelli & Nicolini, 2006; Marconcini et al., 2011;
Racapé et al., 2012), and only those related to oral diseases are reviewed
in the following paragraphs.
This interactive, automatic, and user-friendly stand-alone tool has been
written in house in Java, JavaScript, PHP, and HTML. The completely
automated pipeline is performed via NCBI e-utilities (e-search, e-fetch,
for further information the author is referred to the NCBI site), and other
similar facilities.
A scheme of the algorithm together with a screen-shot of the software is
given in Fig. 4.2.

Figure 4.2 The algorithm on which the leader-gene tool for molecular genomics is
based and a screen-shot of the software.
138 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

The clustering techniques the user can choose are Clustering K-means
and Chinese whispers (which has been thought specifically for graph clus-
tering); as far as the number of clusters is concerned, the user can choose
from heuristic number or provided by the user himself.
The obtained list of Class A and Class B genes can be used for predicting
further biomarkers such as miRNAs (work currently in progress) or being
validated with ad hoc experiments, such as gene microarrays or protein arrays
after being expressed and subsequently analyzed via labeled or label-free
nanobiotechnologies (Fig. 4.1), which are better described in the following

2.3. Proteomics technologies, with a focus

on the label-free tools
2.3.1 Mass spectrometry
MS is a technique widely used in the field of proteomics and is emerging as a
useful technology for oral biology and dentistry (Al-Tarawneh, Border,
Dibble, & Bencharit, 2011; Amado et al., 2013). However, only few studies
have attempted to analyze saliva or other human bodily fluids with MS, and
currently consensus on the sample collection protocol is still missing (Al-
Tarawneh et al., 2011). Size of the recruited cohorts is usually low-middle
and some inconsistencies among the studies have been found (Al-Tarawneh
et al., 2011), even though scholars have benefit from the advancements in
MS technology.
In our laboratory, we have successfully coupled the matrix assisted laser
desorption ionization time of flight MS (MALDI-TOF MS) to nucleic acid
programmable protein arrays (NAPPA) technology (Spera, Labaer, &
Nicolini, 2011) and bioinformatics analysis (Belmonte, Spera, & Nicolini,
2013; Nicolini et al., 2013a, 2013b) for the detection of the proteins trans-
lated from the cDNA on the surface of the array. However, the development
of a MALDI-TOF MS-compatible protein microarray was not a trivial and
straightforward task, but was rather complex and demanding, since existing
methods and techniques for obtaining protein microarrays may not be com-
patible with LDI MS, and therefore a specifically ad hoc modified support,
having an electro-conductive target surface, was essential.
Moreover, one of the challenges in properly identifying the mass spectra
generated from the MS coupled with the label-free NAPPA technology was
their particular complexity, due to the presence of extra biological material
besides the target protein, such as the BSA complex, the additional peptide
chain (the GST tag), and the anti-GST capture antibody. Since this material
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 139

is present in all the features of the array, as a “common background,” in house

developed bioinformatics tools can be used to better interpret the obtained
results, since the available software is not fully adequate for the analysis of
such complex mixtures (Belmonte et al., 2013). Namely a matching algo-
rithm was developed to identify and discriminate between real “protein
peaks” and “background peaks.”
This R-script based in house software is termed as Spectrum Analyzer and
Data Set manager, or SpADS (Belmonte et al., 2013). It is able to perform
different tasks, from the data preprocessing and binning to smoothing, noise
filtering, data reduction, peak extraction, and normalization, as well as peak
alignment, background subtraction, and peak identification. Finally, it can
be coupled to simple data mining algorithms such k-means clustering or
other statistical strategies such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in
order to identify proteins in case of failure in attempt of identifying the peak
by mining MASCOT database (Matrix Sciences, Ltd, available at the URL:
www.matrixscience.com; Belmonte et al., 2013).
The current NAPPA chemistry and the recent advance in MS allows us
potentially to validate this label-free technology even in clinical settings
through the correlation with the tremendous amount of fluorescence data
already acquired over the years.
In this case, the end game is to demonstrate that we can identify proteins,
in particular proteins that bind to the target proteins on the array. Toward this
end we have shown that we can identify the expressed proteins, printing on
gold slides four different genes (each one with 16  300 m spots)—first in a
known configuration, then in an unknown configuration. MS analysis was
conducted successfully by searching peptides on a database. Key to success
was to do trypsin digests and get the peptides to fly and to be identified. Once
dried, the array was placed on the MALDI target and analyzed. The analysis
was performed with an Autoflex MALDI-TOF MS (Bruker Daltonics,
Leipzig, Germany) operating in linear and reflector mode. The resulting mass
accuracy for peptides was <20 ppm. MALDI-TOF mass spectra were
acquired with a pulsed nitrogen laser (337 nm) in positive ion mode, using
two software programs to acquire and process mass spectra: FlexControl,
designed to configure and to operate TOF MS of the Bruker’s flex-series,
and FlexAnalysis, designed for data analysis of spectra acquired with Bruker’s
TOF MS. We acquired spectra for each sample (p53, JUN, CdK2, CdKN1A,
A, B, C, D) and in order to identify the A, B, C, and D samples we matched,
with the aid of our in house developed “matching algorithm” implemented by
us and described in Belmonte et al. (2013), Nicolini, Adami, et al. (2012),
140 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

Nicolini, Bragazzi, and Pechkova (2012), Nicolini et al. (2013), Nicolini et al.
(2013), and Spera et al. (2010), their experimental mass lists with that of the
known samples (P53, JUN, CdK2, CdKN1A).
We can then conservatively conclude that the implemented chemistry and
analysis for the first time demonstrate the successful use of MS for the
characterization of proteins immobilized on NAPPA. Further development
is in progress to bring this label-free procedure to practice as an adjunct to
fluorescence NAPPA work, which has already seen significant clinical appli-
cations in the last decades (Anderson et al., 2008; Nand, Gautam, Pérez,
Merino, & Zhu, 2012; Nicolini & Pechkova, 2010a,2010b; Sibani &
LaBaer, 2011; Spera et al., 2013b). NAPPA approach has been indeed used
for investigating cancer (Anderson et al., 2011, 2010), type 1 diabetes
(Miersch et al., 2013), rheumatological diseases (Gibson et al., 2012;
Wright et al., 2012), and infections (Ceroni et al., 2010; Manzano-Román
et al., 2012; Montor et al., 2009; Rolfs et al., 2008; Thanawastien,
Montor, Labaer, Mekalanos, & Yoon, 2009).
The background generated by the reticulocytes lysate is, however, still
significant and need to be reduced to make this approach routinely applica-
ble in the clinics. This reduction might be instead achieved by the use of a
bacterial cell-free expression system with respect to the traditional mamma-
lian lysate, particularly required by the highly sensitive nanotechnologies
being here utilized. The application of bacterial PURExpress to NAPPA
(in progress) consists of a template double-stranded DNA containing the
gene of interest fused to a SNAP tag and the upstream T7 promoter
(Nicolini, Spera et al., 2013; Pechkova et al., 2010).
By adding the PURExpress reconstituted cell-free translation system
(Houlihan, Gatti-Lafranconi, Kaltenbach, Lowe, & Hollfelder, 2014), the
template DNA is transcribed into mRNA, and then translated into a fusion
protein containing the N-terminal SNAP tag and the C-terminal target pro-
tein. In the same spot, the SNAP tag allows the synthesized protein to bind
to its own template DNA via the BG linkage, thus immobilizes the target
protein. The rest of the reaction mixture can be washed away and the
immobilized target protein is allowed to interact with a mixture of query
proteins. After the binding reaction, the unbound proteins are washed away
and the target protein complex is released by cleaving the template DNA.
To compare the backgrounds of NAPPA between PURExpress (bacte-
rial lysate) and RRL (rabbit reticulocyte lysate) by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
and Fluorescence we are presently utilizing NEB in vitro system and SNAP
fusion as an alternative to in vitro system and GST tag.
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 141

Their advantages are higher expression level and cleaner for downstream
analysis, making possible and really effective Label Free quantitative analysis
at the nanoscale (work in progress in cooperation with Arizona State Uni-
versity, ASU, and New England Biolabs, NEB; Nicolini et al., 2013;
Nicolini et al., 2013).

2.3.2 Anodic porous alumina

Anodic porous alumina (APA) is a versatile material that can be used in order
to design nanostructured materials, such as nanoporous membranes and
arrays, as well as nanoparticles (Nicolini, Adami, et al., 2012; Nicolini,
Bragazzi, & Pechkova, 2012; Nicolini et al., 2013). APA surface can be pre-
pared following a two-step protocol (Masuda & Fukuda, 1995), by a suitable
electrolytic process designed to obtain a regular honeycomb distribution of
deep micrometric/nanometric holes. The task of evaporating aluminum
over glass has been accomplished by avoiding its detachment during the
anodization process, a typical problem due to the incompatibility of cold
borosilicate glass to the vapors of aluminum. This phenomenon can be easily
contrasted by means of a thin layer of chromium (deposited by sputtering) as
medium element between glass and aluminum.
The dielectric properties of Al2O3 make this structure optimal for the
realization of an electrically anisotropic system; the electrochemical reac-
tions occurring on the bottom of the well (caused by the interaction
between the biological probe molecules and the test molecules) induce var-
iation on the electrical response to alternating voltage signal, and they can be
quantified by means of scanning electrodes moving on the surface of the
array, placed in a proper solution. The walls of the pore behave like insulator
decoupling from the electrochemical events occurring few microns/milli-
meters away from the measurement place. This option constitutes the
APA label-free approach to the analysis of protein arrays, since no fluores-
cent/marked molecule is utilized, while the alternative one still linked to
APA requires a fluorescent molecule to spread the luminous signal through
the APA wave guide. The potential of label-free approaches to complement
and even to improve other detection technologies of proteins being
expressed in NAPPA microarrays has never been higher.
NAPPA printing on APA has proven (Nicolini, Correia, et al., 2013;
Nicolini, Singh, Spera and Felli, 2013):
• The ability to spot a colored fluid on the APA surface in discrete spots
• The ability to rapidly exchange that fluid with a different fluid
• The ability to repeat these manipulations as needed
142 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

• The production of the APA slides in a format compatible also with a

fluorescence reader and not only with electrochemistry
• The structural integrity of APA slide format (either alone or over alumi-
num) has been proven acceptable for “routine” manipulation and espe-
cially during fluorescence readings, mainly relying for the stand-alone
configuration also on alternative printing which exploits capillary forces.
• Last but not least the usefulness of APA substrate was shown as a candi-
date to isolate protein expression in a defined space followed by detec-
tion of the photoluminescence signal emitted from the complex
secondary antibody anchored to Cy3 with a CCD microscope. The
fluorescence of these labeled proteins was clearly evident in circular
shaped arrangements on a limited surface of APA where the proteins
were confined in the pores. APA surface appears to allow a label-free
analysis using electric impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It is known that
with EIS it is possible to detect different amounts of organic materials
deposited even indirectly over conducting surfaces. After the hybridiza-
tion/expression experiment, using a scanning electrode controlled by a
manipulator (MPC 200 by Sutter Technologies) via a PC, different EIS
measurements were performed in different spots on the surface of the
array in phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS; Nicolini et al., 2013;
Nicolini et al., 2013).
Moreover, this nanomaterial has proven to be efficient for osteoblast growth
(Karlsson, Pålsgård, Wilshaw, & Di Silvio, 2003; Salerno et al., 2013;
Salerno, Giacomelli, & Larosa, 2011; Song, Ju, Morita, & Song, 2013).
Moreover, its high aspect ratio (depth/width ratio) of the pores makes this
material also a natural wave guide for any fluorescent molecule present on
the bottom of the pores, avoiding crosstalk of many point-light sources too
close as frequently in fluorescent NAPPA (Nicolini et al., 2013; Stura et al.,
2007). It has been adapted and used coupling with a laser desorption/ion-
ization (LSI) MS (Shenar, Martinez, & Enjalbal, 2008), realizing a variant
of the desorption/ionization on porous silicon (DIOS) MS device, using
an aqueous suspension of porous alumina (pore size of 90 Å). Other scholars
have coupled APA with Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR; Kim
et al., 2008). The utilization of an APA-based substrate is indeed a promising
approach for proteomics (Wang, Xia, & Guo, 2005).

2.3.3 Nucleic acid programmable protein arrays

NAPPA is a cell-free technology (Ramachandran et al., 2004). Different
other protein arrays exist, like DNA-array to Protein-array (DAPA), PISA
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 143

(Reddy et al., 2011), but we focused on NAPPA since it offers many advan-
tages in comparison with classical technologies.
Recently, we have developed a new device that couples NAPPA with the
quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation factor monitoring (QCM_D;
Nicolini, Adami, et al., 2012; Nicolini, Bragazzi, & Pechkova, 2012; Spera
et al., 2013b).
The QCM_D instrument was developed by Elbatech Srl. The quartz
was connected to an RF gain-phase detector (Analog Devices, Inc.,
Norwood, MA, USA) and was driven by a precision DDS (Analog Devices,
Inc., Norwood, MA, USA) around its resonance frequency, thus acquiring
a conductance versus frequency curve (conductance curve) which shows
a typical Gaussian behavior. The conductance curve peak was at the
actual resonance frequency while the shape of the curve indicated how
the viscoelastic effects of the surrounding layers affected the oscillation.
The QCM_D-dedicated software, QCMAgic-Q5.3.256 (Elbatech srl,
Marciana—LI, Italy) allows to acquire the conductance curve or the fre-
quency and dissipation factor variation versus time. In order to have a stable
control of the temperature, the experiments were conducted in a tempera-
ture chamber. Microarrays were produced on standard nanogravimetry qua-
rtz used as highly sensitive transducers. The QC expressing proteins
consisted of 9.5 MHz, AT-cut quartz crystal of 14 mm blank diameter
and 7.5 mm electrode diameter, produced by ICM (Oklahoma City,
OK, USA). The electrode material was 100 Å Cr and 1000 Å Au and the
quartz was embedded into glass-like structures for easy handling.
The NAPPA-QC arrays were printed with 100 spots per QC.
Quartzes gold surfaces were coated with cysteamine to allow the immo-
bilization of the NAPPA printing mix. Briefly, quartzes were washed 3 
with ethanol, dried with Argon and incubated over night at 4  C with
2 mM cysteamine. Quartzes were then washed 3  with ethanol to remove
any unbound cysteamine and dried with Argon. Plasmids DNA coding for
GST tagged proteins were transformed into E. coli and DNA were purified
using the NucleoPrepII anion exchange resin (Macherey Nagel). NAPPA
printing mix was prepared with 1.4 mg/ml DNA, 3.75 mg/ml BSA
(Sigma–Aldrich), 5 mM BS3 (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA), and 66.5 mg
polyclonal capture GST antibody (GE Healthcares). Negative controls,
named master mix (hereinafter abbreviated as “MM”), were obtained
replacing DNA for water in the printing mix. Samples were incubated at
room temperature for 1 h with agitation and then printed on the
cysteamine-coated gold quartz using the Qarray II from Genetix. In order
144 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

to enhance the sensitivity, each quartz was printed with 100 identical fea-
tures of 300 m diameter each, spaced by 350 m center-to-center.
Gene expression was performed immediately before the assay, following
the protocol described in Spera et al. (2013b). Briefly, in vitro transcription and
translation (IVTT) were performed using HeLa lysate mix (1-Step Human
Coupled IVTT Kit, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.), prepared according to
the manufacturers’ instructions. The quartz, connected to the nanogravimeter
inside the incubator, was incubated for 10 min at 30  C with 40 ml of HeLa
lysate mix for proteins synthesis and then, the temperature was decreased to
15  C for a period of 5 min to facilitate the proteins binding on the capture
antibody (anti-GST). After the protein expression and capture, the quartz was
removed from the instrument and washed at room temperature, in 500 mM
NaCl PBS for 3. The protocol described above was followed identically for
both negative control QC (the one with only MM, i.e., all the NAPPA chem-
istry except the cDNA) and protein displaying QC.
After protein expression, capture, and washing the QCs were used for
the interaction studies QC displaying the expressed protein was spotted with
40 ml of the desired molecule solutions in PBS at increasing concentrations
at 22  C.
We also tested the possibility to analyze drug/small molecule–protein
interactions in QC displaying multiple proteins, a task which is not possible
with fluorescence based arrays (Spera et al., 2013a,2013b).
QCM_D measures were calibrated for frequency and for D factor shifts.
The calibration curves equation (obtained with Ordinary Least Squares
methods, OLS) are (Spera et al., 2013a,2013b):

Df ¼ 7:16  231:18m withr 2 ¼ 0:9986

D ¼ 0:831 + 0:286 withr 2 ¼ 0:9990

We analyzed the conductance curves acquired in NAPPA-QCs in dif-

ferent steps of the expressing and capturing process. Moreover, the con-
ductometer can be employed under both flow and static conduction.
Figure 4.3 shows the conductance curves for the NAPPA-QCs
expressing p53, CDK2, and Jun (all the cDNAs were co-immobilized in
the same feature). These data, combined with the data previously acquired,
pointed to a unique conductance curve shape for each gene/protein and
suggested the possibility to identify the expressed gene/proteins by
QCM_D even when combined on the same expressing QC (Fig. 4.3).
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 145

Figure 4.3 Conductance curves for the NAPPA-Quartz Crystal expressing p53, CDK2,
and Jun (all the cDNAs being co-immobilized in the same feature).

The coefficients of variations yield values that are usually very low, con-
firming the repeatability of the experiments and the validity and portability
of the technique. In our hands, NAPPA-based QCM_D proved to have an
intra-assay overall CV of 5% (range 3.3–8.0%; Spera et al., 2013b).
In conclusion, our innovative conductometer, realized by combining
NAPPA technology with QCM_D, enables the study of genes and their
products, the characterization of protein–protein and protein–drugs/small
molecules interactions in a multiparametric way, taking advantage of the
multiple information provided by the analysis of the conductance curves
(i.e., conductance, viscoelasticity, and adsorbed mass). Moreover, through
our conductometer it is possible to acquire detailed information about
the kinetic constants of the interaction.
All these approaches can be combined and together can provide useful
information (Fig. 4.4).

Oral diseases are complex pathologies, deriving from the intersection
of different components: the oral microbial flora (microbiome), environ-
mental and behavioral factors and life styles, the human genetic make-up
146 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

Figure 4.4 MALDI-TOF spectra of NAPPA after protein trypsin digestion, 5–20 kDa
range, for p53 (upper, left) versus A (bottom, left) samples. p53 Normalized conductance
curve acquired with the NAPPA-QCM_C conductomer (right). Proteomics approaches
can be combined in order to get more information.

(the genome), its transcription and translation (the transcriptome, the pro-
teome, the metabolome, or metabonome and further levels).
For this reason, all the approaches that we have overviewed in the pre-
vious sections should be coherently integrated into a proper framework.

3.1. Dental caries

Caries is a very common and expensive oral disease (Bánóczy & Rugg-
Gunn, 2013).
Besides classical clinical investigations, decaying teeth have been studied
with nanobiotechnologies that have enabled an unprecedented characteri-
zation down to the nanometer scale using small-angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS) and synchrotron technologies (Gaiser, Deyhle, Bunk, White, &
Müller, 2012).
Wang and collaborators have used the bioinformatics approach based on
prioritizing candidate genes and protein–protein interaction analyses. They
identified three major clusters putatively leading to dental caries: namely, the
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 147

cytokine network, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) family, and the

transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b) cluster (Wang et al., 2013).
Genomics and metagenomics studies have characterized the evolution
and differentiation the oral microbiome ( Jiang et al., 2014).
Proteomics studies have analyzed saliva fluid and superoxide dismutase
(SOD), copper and zinc concentrations were found to be different between
patients and healthy subjects in a statistically significant way (Hegde, Hegde,
Ashok, & Shetty, 2014). In another study, the proteomics investigation of
the parotid gland secretion lead to the identification of some biomarkers
such as cystatin S and collagen as being upregulated, while dermcidin was
downregulated (Preza, Thiede, Olsen, & Grinde, 2009).
However, some scholars have not been able to find differences in saliva
proteome between subjects with and subjects without caries (Zehetbauer,
Wojahn, Hiller, Schmalz, & Ruhl, 2009).
The study of the entire Streptococcus mutans, one of the causative micro-
organisms of the dental caries, has lead to the discovery of 84 uncharacterized
proteins, that can be studied for identifying potential drug targets for a phar-
macological intervention (Horst et al., 2012; Klein et al., 2012; Nan et al.,
2009). In a series of comparative proteomics analyses, carolacton has for
example shown an inhibitory effect, by disturbing the Streptococcus peptido-
glycan biosynthesis and damaging the integrity of the cell envelope
(Li, Wang, Wang, & Zeng, 2013).
Models incorporating both proteomics and genomics/metagenomics
approaches have been demonstrated more predictive than models including
only microbial or salivary data (Hart et al., 2011).

3.2. Periodontitis
Periodontitis is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the periodontium,
that is, the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Periodontitis involves
progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, and if left untreated,
can lead to the loosening and subsequent resorption and loss of teeth. Peri-
odontitis is caused by microorganisms that adhere to and grow on the tooth’s
surfaces, along with an overly aggressive immune response against these
Until 1977, periodontitis was divided into two classes (juvenile and
chronic marginal periodontitis), that have become four in 1986 (the first class
has been split into subclasses, prepubertal, localized and generalized, the
other classes including adult, necrotizing ulcerative gingivo-periodontitis,
148 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

and refractory periodontitis). The 1989 classification has introduced new

classes: (1) early onset periodontitis (that includes the former prepubertal
and juvenile periodontitis, both localized and generalized, plus the rapidly
progressive periodontitis), (2) adult periodontitis, (3) necrotizing ulcerative
periodontitis, (4) refractory periodontitis, and (5) periodontitis with system-
atic disease. The 1999 classification, criticizing the concept and definition of
an early onset periodontitis, has replaced it with aggressive periodontitis, has
recognized the gingival diseases as a precursor of periodontitis (even though
the transition from gingivitis to periodontitis is not always clear and clinically
obvious), and, thinking of periodontitis as a continuum set of pathologies,
has introduced further categories (abscess of the periodontium, periodontitis
associated with endodontic lesions, and developmental or acquired deformi-
ties and conditions; Wiebe & Putnins, 2000).
Also for periodontitis, the gene prioritization algorithm has been applied
(Zhan et al., 2014), leading to the identification of 21 putative genes
involved or potentially involved in periodontitis, 9 of them have been
already confirmed, while other genes, such as CSF3, CD40, TNFSF14,
and C3, have not been associated with periodontitis, even though evidences
from the extant literature show their involvement in bacterial infection,
immune response, and inflammatory reaction.
Using bioinformatics and decision tree, modeled the risk. Laine and col-
laborators identified the presence of bacterial species Tannerella forsythia,
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, and SNPs
TNF-857 and IL-1A-889 as discriminators between periodontitis and non-
periodontitis. The model reached an accuracy of 80%, sensitivity of 85%,
specificity of 73%, and AUC of 73% (Laine et al., 2013).
In a bioinformatics analysis (Covani et al., 2008), five genes (namely, the
nuclear factor-KB1 or NFKB1, the gene for transcription factor p65 or REL-A, the
growth factor receptor binding protein 2 or GRB2, the Casitas B-lineage lymphoma
gene or CBL, the phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) or
PIK3R1) were identified as “leader genes.” Their expression in the leukocytes
of 10 patients with refractory chronic periodontitis was subsequently inves-
tigated using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tech-
nology (Marconcini et al., 2011).
The authors found that the association of pathology with the genes was
statistically significant for GRB2 and CBL (P < 0.01), while it was not sta-
tistically significant for the other genes (Marconcini et al., 2011).
As far as the proteomics biomarkers are concerned, a recent systematic
review and meta-analysis has underpinned up to 20 classes of proteins and
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 149

molecules that are differentially regulated in periodontitis—4 downregulated,

15 upregulated (Guzman et al., 2014), these proteins are involved in inflam-
matory and immune response, cellular homeostasis, cell cycle regulation and
control, catalysis, metabolism, bone mineralization and maintenance and anti-
microbial activity.
Metagenomics and proteomics of periodontitis-related microorgan-
isms have contributed to detail the molecular basis and mechanisms of
pathogen–host interactions and shown that the microbial flora may act as a
link between periodontitis and systemic risks (Liu et al., 2012; Pham et al.,
2010; Zainal-Abidin et al., 2012; Zijnge, Kieselbach, & Oscarsson, 2012).

3.3. Oral lichen planus

OLP is a chronic T-cell-mediated autoimmune mucocutaneous disease
which involves the oral cavity. Despite advancements in the field of epide-
miology, its precise etiology remains unknown: OLP shows a higher inci-
dences among females and has an overall age-standardized prevalence of
1.27% (McCartan & Healy, 2008).
According to Andreasen’s classical classification, there are six recognized
oral manifestations, that is, reticular, papular, plaque, atrophic, erosive
(ulcerative), and bullous lesions (Andreasen, 1968). Later, this classification
was modified and simplified into a new clinical one that included only the
reticular, atrophic, and erosive forms (Silverman, Gorsky, & Lozada-Nur,
1985). Another, more simplified, clinical classification is that by Carbone
and Gandolfo that differentiates between white and red OLP (Carbone
et al., 2009; Gandolfo et al., 2004).
Histopathological criteria usually include hypergranulosis, different degrees
of keratosis (hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, orthokeratosis), acanthosis, and
apoptosis with the formation of the so-called Civatte bodies, liquefaction,
and hydropic degeneration of the basal cell layer, presence of irregular ridges,
and band-like T-lymphohistiocytic infiltrate at the level of papillary dermis and
lamina propria, absence of epithelial dysplasia.
OLP is currently considered by the World Health Organization (WHO)
as a potential premalignant status, like other disorders such as leukoplakia,
erythroplakia, submucous fibrosis.
Few bioinformatics analyses have been performed: one investigated the
relationship between OLP and oral cancer at a genomics level (Giacomelli
et al., 2009), the other applied LGA and systems biology approach in order
to identify JUN, EGFR, FOS, IL2, and ITGB4 as “hub genes” (Orlando
et al., 2013; Fig. 4.5).
150 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi et al.

Figure 4.5 Up- and downregulated genes involved in pathogenesis of OLP. In black:
genes for which there are no or little information about expression; in light grey, neutral
genes in OLP disease; in grey, upregulated genes in OLP disease; in dark grey, down-
regulated genes in OLP disease (top). Plot of disease-related connectivities (WNL,
weighted number of links) versus global connectivities (TIS, total interactions score).
Calculated leader genes are above the regression tendency line (bottom).

Very few proteomics studies have been conducted on patients suffering

from OLP, in a saliva-based proteomics investigation, two proteins (urinary
prokallikrein, and short palate, lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma associated
or PLUNC protein) were identified as potential biomarkers (Yang et al., 2006).
Proteomics and Proteogenomics Approaches for Oral Diseases 151

3.4. Oral cancer

Oral cancer is the eighth cancer in terms of prevalence, its incidence rate is in
the range of 1–10 cases/100,000 people in the developed countries, whilst it
is up to 12.6 cases/100,000 in South-Central Asia and in India, where is one
of the three leading tumors (Petersen, 2009).
OMICS-based technologies are paving new avenues for the early diag-
nosis and treatment of oral cancer ( Chen et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2008; Jessri &
Farah, 2014; Krishna Prasad, Sharma, & Babu, 2013), even though not so
many studies have been carried out (Hu & Wong, 2007; Lee et al., 2013;
Marimuthu et al., 2013; Tung et al., 2013). Found protein markers belong
to interleukin class, and are involved in inflammatory and immune response,
showing the feasibility and clinical utility of the Salivary Transcriptome
Diagnostics (STD; Li et al., 2004).

Impressive progresses have been made in the last decades. New bio-
informatics tools and resources have been designed, as well genomics, meta-
genomics and proteomics approaches that have a great added clinical value.
Interestingly, integrated proteogenomics approaches have lead to models
which have been proven superior to those including only data deriving from
a single omics technology.
Our bioinformatics algorithm enables the prioritization and selection of
few genes that can be subsequently expressed within the NAPPA array. Our
conductomer appears promising in analyzing multigene and -protein inter-
actions and seems to overcome most difficulties and hurdles of the classical
techniques. Being versatile, it can be used in studying gene–gene, gene–pro-
tein, protein–protein, gene–drug, and protein–drug interactions.
However, some limitations remain, such as those due to the usually small
size of the performed clinical trials and studies (Skates et al., 2013), that hin-
der the power of the investigations themselves and the generalizability of
their findings. Efforts should be undertaken in this direction, in order to pro-
vide reliable results that can be translated into the clinical practice in order to
provide the patients a tailored treatment.

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Advances in Nanocrystallography
as a Proteomic Tool
Eugenia Pechkova*,†, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi*,†,{, Claudio Nicolini*,†,},1
*Nanobiotechnology and Biophysics Laboratories (NBL), Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES),
University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Nanoworld Institute Fondazione ELBA Nicolini (FEN), Pradalunga, Bergamo, Italy
School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 164
2. Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-Based Crystallization 166
3. Comparison of LB-Based Crystallization with Other Techniques 168
4. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy for Investigating LB-Films 170
5. Raman Spectroscopy 171
6. Laser-Induced Microdissection and Microfragmentation 172
7. Micrograzing-Incidence X-Ray Scattering Angle (m-GISAXS) 172
8. In Silico Simulations 176
9. Bioinformatics 177
10. Molecular Dynamics 178
11. Clinically Relevant Proteins 180
11.1 GroEL 180
11.2 Casein kinase 2 181
11.3 Cytochrome P-450 side-chain cleavage 181
11.4 Rhodopsin 182
11.5 Globins 183
11.6 Insulin 183
12. Conclusions 184
References 185

In order to overcome the difficulties and hurdles too much often encountered in crys-
tallizing a protein with the conventional techniques, our group has introduced the inno-
vative Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-based crystallization, as a major advance in the field of
both structural and functional proteomics, thus pioneering the emerging field of the
so-called nanocrystallography or nanobiocrystallography. This approach uniquely com-
bines protein crystallography and nanotechnologies within an integrated, coherent

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 163
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
164 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

framework that allows one to obtain highly stable protein crystals and to fully charac-
terize them at a nano- and subnanoscale.
A variety of experimental techniques and theoretical/semi-theoretical approaches,
ranging from atomic force microscopy, circular dichroism, Raman spectroscopy and
other spectroscopic methods, microbeam grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scatter-
ing to in silico simulations, bioinformatics, and molecular dynamics, has been exploited
in order to study the LB-films and to investigate the kinetics and the main features of
LB-grown crystals.
When compared to classical hanging-drop crystallization, LB technique appears
strikingly superior and yields results comparable with crystallization in microgravity
Therefore, the achievement of LB-based crystallography can have a tremendous
impact in the field of industrial and clinical/therapeutic applications, opening new per-
spectives for personalized medicine. These implications are envisaged and discussed in
the present contribution.

Since the birth of crystallography in 1840 (Giegé, 2013), over the past
decades, a remarked progress in the field of protein structure determination has
been achieved thanks to advancements in X-ray crystallography combined
with the brighter and highly focused, third-generation synchrotron
(Belmonte, Pechkova, Tripathi, Scudieri, & Nicolini, 2012; Riekel, 2004;
Riekel, Burghammer, & Schertler, 2005). This unique method based on a
combined and integrated approach is likely to remain the most important
method for the determination of protein structure in the foreseeable future
(Belmonte et al., 2012). In comparison with other methods, such as (cryo)elec-
tron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, solution scattering, and neu-
tron diffraction, X-ray crystallography is indeed the most utilized approach
for obtaining a full atom detailed structure of the investigated protein.
However, in the literature, there is a remarked lack of both structural and
functional studies devoted to the investigation and characterization of ther-
apeutically and clinically relevant proteins, considering that at least 60% of
the commercially available drugs target membrane proteins (Drews, 2000),
which are instead scarcely represented on the Protein Data Bank (PDB)
(Kang, Lee, & Drew, 2013; Ubarretxena-Belandia & Stokes, 2010). This
is because of the initial reluctance of the protein to being crystallized and
the difficulties often encountered while trying to develop standardized pro-
tocols, which would shift crystallography from an art to a science (Chayen,
2004; Chayen & Saridakis, 2008; Helliwell & Chayen, 2007). These hurdles
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 165

could be in part solved by exploiting advanced techniques such as

cocrystallization, structural genomics (Chayen & Saridakis, 2002), molecular
modeling (Sivozhelezov, Pechkova, & Nicolini, 2006), combinatorial
chemistry (Delucas et al., 2005), and the nanodroplet high-throughput crys-
tallization approach which uses robotic platforms and interfaces, and thanks
to advancements in microfluidics (Li & Ismagilov, 2010; Zheng, Gerdts, &
Ismagilov, 2005), and is able to perform up to thousands of experiments
per day, minimizing the necessity of doing repeated trials and extensive
screening and tuning of the different parameters, and thus increasing the per-
centage of success (Chayen, 2007, 2009; Stevens, 2000). Biotechnology and
nanobiotechnology play an important role (Nicolini & Pechkova, 2004,
2006; Pechkova, Roth, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Vasile, Spera, Fiordoro, &
Nicolini, 2005), facilitating crystallization by means of nanobiomaterials such
as the nanotemplates or the molecularly imprinted polymers or MIPs
(Saridakis & Chayen, 2013; Saridakis et al., 2011) and other smart biomate-
rials, leading to universal solutions (Nicolini & Pechkova, 2004; Saridakis &
Chayen, 2009) or tailored ones (Saridakis & Chayen, 2013) in the field of
protein crystallography.
Another major drawback is the X-ray radiation-induced damage, which
limits the quality of the collected diffraction data, causing an increase in
mosaicity, Debye–Waller factor (known also as temperature factor or B-fac-
tor), reliability factor (termed as residual factor, R-factor, or R-value), crystal
unit cell volume, and a decrease in resolution and diffracting behavior
(Belmonte et al., 2012; Holton, 2009). Several solutions have been studied
in order to decrease radiation-induced damage such as the usage of cryopro-
tectants and scavengers (Garman & Owen, 2006), a better calibration and
focusing of incident X-ray intensity, computation of radiation intensity,
and integration of X-ray radiation with techniques like Raman
(Berweger et al., 2009), optical (Berweger et al., 2009), X-ray spectroscopy
(Garman & Nave, 2009). Third-generation synchrotron monochromatic
microbeams may reduce radiation damage by means of a photoelectron
escape from a narrow diffraction channel (Moukhametzianov et al., 2008).
Furthermore, synchrotron microbeams are characterized by less background
scattering from sample environments (Riekel, Burghammer, & Popov,
2011). Despite these advancements, radiation damage is still an important
issue to address and cope with.
Indeed, crystallization is a highly demanding and time-consuming
task, being a real bottleneck in the nowadays basic research. Several efforts
have been made in order to understand which factors and parameters
can influence this process, from the pH, ionic strength, salt, and protein
166 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

concentration, as well as additives, detergent, and other molecules concen-

tration and temperature. However, a complete explanation of the processes
leading to crystal formation is still lacking.
Our group has introduced Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-based crystallization
as a major advance within both structural and functional proteomics
(Pechkova & Nicolini, 2004), pioneering the emerging field of the
so-called nanocrystallography or nanobiocrystallography (Pechkova & Nicolini,
2004; Pechkova, Roth, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Vasile, et al., 2005). This
approach integrates protein crystallography and nanotechnologies within
a unique, coherent framework that allows to obtain highly stable protein
crystals and to fully characterize them down to atomic resolution
(Pechkova, Roth, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Vasile, et al., 2005). It is notewor-
thy to underline that the prefix nano- is here used to refer to the use of
cutting-edge nanobiotechnologies for the task of protein crystallization,
and not just or not only to the size and dimension of the protein crystals
(Chen & Millane, 2013).

LB nanotemplate crystallization method has proved to give prominent
results in target proteins crystallization, such as thaumatin, a 207-amino acid,
22.2-kDa sweet-tasting protein, obtained from the African plant
Thaumatococcus daniellii Bennett (Gebhardt, Pechkova, Riekel, & Nicolini,
2010; Pechkova, Gebhardt, Riekel, & Nicolini, 2010; Pechkova,
Scudieri, Belmonte, & Nicolini, 2012; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov,
Belmonte, & Nicolini, 2012), which can be used as a low-calorie sweetener
and flavor modifier. Other proteins that have been tested for crystallization
are lysozyme, EC, a 14.7-kDa protein, of Gallus gallus (Hen egg
white lysozyme) (Pechkova & Nicolini, 2002; Pechkova, Roth, et al.,
2005; Pechkova, Vasile, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Sartore, Giacomelli, &
Nicolini, 2007; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, & Nicolini, 2007), ribonuclease
A, EC, a small 124-amino acid, 13.7-kDa RNAse from Bos taurus
(Pechkova, Scudieri, et al., 2012; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2012),
thermolysin, EC, a 34.6-kDa enzyme of Bacillus thermoproteolyticus
(Pechkova, Scudieri, et al., 2012; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2012), and
proteinase K, EC, of Engyodontium album, formerly known as
Tritirachium album (Pechkova, Tripathi, & Nicolini, 2009; Pechkova,
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 167

Tripathi, Ravelli, McSweeney, & Nicolini, 2009; Pechkova, Scudieri, et al.,

2012; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2012) (Fig. 5.1).
LB technology enables to make highly ordered thin films, which can
be used for a variety of bioengineering tasks such as the building and
implementation of biosensors (Bragazzi et al., 2012; Nicolini, Adami,
et al., 2012; Nicolini, Bezerra, & Pechkova, 2012; Nicolini, Belmonte,
Maksimov, Brazhe, & Pechkova, 2013; Nicolini, Bragazzi, & Pechkova,
2013; Nicolini, Bruzzese, Cambria, Bragazzi, &Pechkova, 2013; Nicolini,
Correia, et al., 2013). In the field of macromolecular crystallography,
LB-nanostructured templates act as a catalyst for crystal nucleation and
growth (Gebhardt et al., 2010; Pechkova et al., 2010). Briefly, an LB trough
is a laboratory apparatus that is used to compress and to spread monolayers or
multilayers of molecules, with Hamilton syringes without the use of any dis-
persant, by small droplet on the surface of a given subphase (usually distilled

Figure 5.1 Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-grown crystals of target proteins (namely, protein-

ase K, thaumatin, lysozyme, thermolysin, and ribonuclease A).
168 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

water, purified and filtered with Milli-Q system, 18.2 MO cm). Later, uti-
lizing the Langmuir–Schaefer (LS) method (horizontal lift), the floating pro-
tein thin film is transferred onto the surface of a solid substrate (such as
siliconized circular glass or glass wafers, washed in water, and dried in a gas-
eous nitrogen flux). LS technique consists of making the prepared substrate
horizontally touching the monolayer or multilayer, in such a way that the
layer transfers itself onto the substrate surface.
In case of multilayer deposition, the regularity and uniformity can be
controlled using nanogravimetric measurements and verifying by comput-
ing the area per molecule of the proper packing density.
The trough is connected to a personal computer that, being equipped
with dedicated software, enables the measuring and recording of surface
phenomena due to Teflon barriers movement and compression, after prop-
erly stabilizing the paper Wilhelmy plate.
The advantages of using this nanobiotechnology are different: they
include the accelerated nucleation and growth of protein crystals
(Pechkova & Nicolini, 2002), their higher quality both in terms of X-ray
diffraction and radiation stability when employing the high energy X-ray
source and focused beans, such as the third-generation synchrotrons and
the microdiffraction beamlines (Belmonte et al., 2012; Pechkova et al.,
2004). This could be due to enhanced mechanical properties of the protein
crystals, as we review and describe in detail in the following sections. More-
over, LB-grown crystals are larger, have a more regular and clearly defined
shape, and more perfect domains (Pechkova & Nicolini, 2010; Riekel et al.,
2011) (Fig. 5.2).


Different crystallization techniques have been proposed during the
decades (Giegé, 2013; Manuel Garcı́a-Ruiz, 2003), like the “classical”
hanging-drop vapor diffusion method and its variant (sitting drop and sand-
wiched drop), capillaries, gel, dialysis (conventional, microdiffusion, and
meso- and microdialysis), cryotemperature (or cryocooling) (Garman &
Owen, 2006), (micro-)batch (and its Jakoby variant) (Chernov, 2003),
liquid–liquid diffusion, or free interface diffusion (FID), counterion diffusion
or CID, and variants such as the liquid bridge technique, hybrid approaches
such as the diffusion/dialysis one, heterogeneous nucleation approaches
(such as seeding), and even in space or in simulated (Wakayama et al.,
2006) microgravity environments (using techniques like gels, dialysis, FID
Figure 5.2 Classical hanging-drop vapor diffusion crystallization technique and atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization of crystal
domains (left); Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-assisted crystal growth and AFM characterization of crystal domains and a pictorial explanation of
the mechanisms leading to LB crystal nucleation and growth (right).
170 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

and CID, and microbatch) ( Judge, Snell, & van der Woerd, 2005;
Khurshid & Chayen, 2006; Otálora, Gavira, Ng, & Garcı́a-Ruiz, 2009;
Vergara, Lorber, Sauter, Giegé, & Zagari, 2005). Very recently, also seeding
and heterogenous nucleations have been applied in space (Sch€ ope &
Wette, 2011).
Differences in protein crystal formation between classical hanging-drop
and LB have been established by a variety of methods including both ex situ
and in situ GISAXS (Gebhardt et al., 2010; Nicolini & Pechkova, 2006;
Nicolini, Belmonte, et al., 2013; Nicolini, Bragazzi, et al., 2013;
Nicolini, Bruzzese, et al., 2013; Nicolini, Correia, et al., 2013; Nicolini,
Belmonte, Riekel, Koenig, & Pechkova, 2014; Nicolini, Bragazzi,
Pechkova, & Lazzari, 2014; Pechkova & Nicolini, 2006, 2011; Pechkova,
Roth, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Vasile, et al., 2005; Pechkova, Tripathi, &
Nicolini, 2009; Pechkova, Tripathi, Ravelli, et al., 2009; Pechkova et al.,
2010), laser microdissection combined with nano- and microfocus
beamlines (Nicolini, Belmonte, et al., 2014; Nicolini, Bragazzi, et al.,
2014; Riekel et al., 2011), Raman spectroscopy (Nicolini, Belmonte,
et al., 2013; Nicolini, Bragazzi, et al., 2013; Nicolini, Bruzzese, et al.,
2013; Nicolini, Correia, et al., 2013), and atomic force microscopy
(Pechkova, Sartore, et al., 2007; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2007). In
the following paragraphs and sections, we overview the main conclusions
originated from these experiments.


Introduction of LB film affects protein stability and preservation of
secondary structure as experimentally proved in the case of lysozyme, which
turned out to be quite thermally stable up to 200  C, as shown by means of
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and circular dichroism
(Pechkova, Sartore, et al., 2007; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2007).
Above 200  C, the thermostability of lysozyme multilayer film ceases,
and the protein begins to aggregate.
FTIR is a label-free technology that is widely used to characterize pro-
tein structure with a focus on folding and misfolding/aggregation dynamics
(Miller, Bourassa, & Smith, 2013) as well as protein–protein interactions
(Haris, 2013) and drug delivery and release (Kazarian & Ewing, 2013),
together with its recent variants such as attenuated total reflection FTIR
and surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (Glassford et al., 2013).
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 171

Raman spectroscopy (named after the Indian physicist Sir
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman) is an advanced spectroscopic technique
that enables to observe and measure vibrational, rotational, and other
low-frequency modes of a given system, relying on inelastic scattering or
Raman scattering.
Raman spectroscopy is attractive as a potential diagnostic technology
because it requires no extrinsic labeling, is not limited by masking water con-
tributions, and is inherently a multiplexing technique. Raman-based mea-
surements of biological samples have already been exploited for the
identification of molecular-specific markers for disease detection and moni-
toring (Turzhitsky et al., 2014). The use of fiber optic technology coupled
with Raman spectroscopy is ideal for application to aqueous solutions, either
with or without LB nanotemplate. Raman is expected to evaluate the protein
concentration changes in vapor diffusion hanging-drop method with and
without LB nanotemplate. Acquired Raman spectra have previously been
subjected to quantitative infrared partial least squares (PLS) models with
remarkable success. The PLS model generated correlates the spectral region
from 2700 to 3600 cm1 with the concentration (g/ml) of lysozyme. This
spectral region encompasses vibrations due to the protein C–H stretches cen-
tered at 2950 cm1 and the water O–H stretches centered at 3230 cm1.
On the basis of our Raman spectroscopic analysis (Nicolini, Belmonte,
et al., 2013; Nicolini, Bragazzi, et al., 2013; Nicolini, Bruzzese, et al., 2013;
Nicolini, Correia, et al., 2013), we suggest that LB-assisted crystal growth
with time is accompanied by:
1. Formation of disulfide bonds S6–S127/S30–S115 that brings Trp123
into new position and facilitates vibrations of its rings. It could also pro-
mote the formation of hydrogen bond between Trp indole ring and the
nearby amino acids;
2. Formation of disulfide bonds S6–S127/S30–S115 that brings the whole
C-end closer to Phe31 and Phe38 residues. This affects phenylalanine
aromatic rings vibrations;
3. Formation of SdS bonds in C-terminal that affects the conformation of
the C-terminal and, possibly, the whole lysozyme. C-terminal is more
rigid in LB crystals than in classic crystals, and in larger LB crystals than
in smaller ones. This can have an impact on the mechanical properties of
LB-grown crystals, producing more rigid and stable crystals.
172 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

We suggest that the main difference in lysozyme conformation in LB and

classical crystals is caused by higher amount of disulfide bonds, probably
in C-end of protein, resulting in the higher stiffness of lysozyme molecules
and LB crystal in a whole. Development of LB crystal in time and increase in
its size is also accompanied by the formation of SdS bonds.

Laser-induced microdissection of LB nanotemplate-facilitated protein
crystals in glycerol solution results in distinct, coherently diffracting domains
(Nicolini, Belmonte, et al., 2014; Nicolini, Bragazzi, et al., 2014). Laser-
microdissection is indeed very useful in order to obtain pieces of crystals
of very small dimensions in conjuction with X-ray nanodiffraction tech-
niques capable to overcome the very common problem of twinned, defect,
aggregated and mosaic crystals. Microdissected crystals can separatel into
smaller fragments due to effects such as cavitations at domain boundaries
and solvent interpenetration. Only crystals produced according to the LB
nanotemplate technique reveal in all four proteins being tested (lysozyme,
insulin, thaumatin, and ribonuclease) domains that are highly radiation resis-
tant, while the crystals produced by the standard hanging-drop crystallization
method do not. Actually, the very same laser exposure causes the disappear-
ance of these “classical” protein crystals during the same time frame of 40 min
needed for the laser cutting in all four proteins being tested. The micro-
diffraction of microcrystals prepared by the combination of LB and laser
technologies (Schlichting & Miao, 2012; Smith, Fischetti, & Yamamoto,
2012) proves that not only the lysozyme survives the process, as shown
recently by nanodifraction, but also all three other model proteins appear
to behave similarly well, namely, insulin, thaumatin, and ribonuclease.
The result confirms the emerging of a new biophysical technique uniquely
useful for synchrotron radiation studies based on small protein microcrystals
uniquely radiation resistant when prepared by LB nanotemplate and subse-
quently fragmented by laser.


GISAXS is an advanced scattering technique that can be used to inves-
tigate large-scale structures in thin films, including biofilms (Gebhardt &
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 173

Kulozik, 2014; Gebhardt, Vendrely, & Kulozik, 2011; Metwalli et al.,

2013). A combination of this technique with synchrotron radiation micro-
beams (m-GISAXS) (Müller-Buschbaum, 2003; Pechkova, Roth, et al.,
2005; Pechkova, Vasile, et al., 2005) has been used for studying surface gra-
dients or confined surfaces (Bass, Berman, Singh, Konovalov, & Freger,
2010; Uhlmann et al., 2011), supported islands and buried structures, quan-
tum dots (Buljan et al., 2012; Urban, Talapin, Shevchenko, & Murray,
2006), nanoparticles (Al-Hussein et al., 2013; Richard, Schülli, Renaud,
Zhong, & Bauer, 2011), enabling the investigation and characterization
of nanobiomaterials down to the nanoscale, measuring important features
and parameters like the lateral correlation, the surface roughness, the size
and dimension of substructures and domains.
Experiments were performed at the ID13 microfocus beamline at the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France.
A monochromatic beam was focused by crossed Fresnel lenses on a spot
at the sample position with a high photon flux and energy. The m-GISAXS
pattern was recorded by a two-dimensional charge-coupled device detector
(MAR CCD). Specular scattering is observed for Qx ¼ Qy ¼ 0, Qz > 0, and
diffuse scattering for Qx, Qy 6¼ 0. Correlations vertical to the sample surface
can be probed along Qz at Qy ¼ 0. Critical angles of each specific investi-
gated protein and glass for the used X-ray energy were calculated on the basis
of their chemical formula and densities. The Fit2D software package was
used for data reduction. The direct beam and the specular beam are striking,
invariant features and both generate small-angle scattering. This scattering
broadens the specular beam, causing scattered intensity, with a curve that
can be modeled by fitting two Gaussian profiles around the direct beam.
The Yoneda peak consists of a contribution from glass and a contribution
from protein. Compared to the glass signal, the scattering contribution from
the protein is weak. The peak height of the Yoneda peak of glass is affected
by changes in the protein Yoneda peak. Changes in the Yoneda region can
be referred to the interplay between specular and diffuse scatterings.
Nanotemplate-assisted crystallization experiments were acquired with ex
situ m-GISAXS for penicillin G acylase, urease (Pechkova, Tripathi, &
Nicolini, 2009; Pechkova, Tripathi, Ravelli, et al., 2009), cytochrome
P450scc (Nicolini & Pechkova, 2006), and lysozyme (Pechkova &
Nicolini, 2006).
In the case of the former two enzymes, GISAXS experiments shed light
on the effect of temperature on the protein reorganization taking place in an
LS-multilayered enzyme film. Merging of layers is likely to occur during the
174 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

heating (up to 423 K) and cooling process (down to room temperature),

leading to a loss of correlation between the interfaces of the layers and to
the establishment of long-range order.
Since the data generated by these experiments were extremely complex
to interpret and needed to be studied in parallel with microscopy character-
ization, using either the classical method or the nanotemplate hanging-drop
method, we planned further ad hoc in situ experiments.
For this purpose, we used an experimental setup, specifically designed
for the in situ GISAXS acquisition: a modified hanging-drop crystallization
cell, connected via Teflon tubes to two Harvard syringe pump for buffer
exchange. This particular layout enabled to study the kinetics of crystalli-
zation by monitoring and measuring it directly on the interface of the
LB film crystallization nanotemplate (Gebhardt et al., 2010; Pechkova
et al., 2010).
Using dynamic mathematical modeling based on first-order differential
equations, we found that the biofilm reorganizes itself and leads to crystal
formation. The model assumes a reservoir of an oversaturated protein solu-
tion, P1, which corresponds to the protein in the hanging drop. The change
in the reservoir concentration results from a process that leads to a protein
association on the LB film. The association depends on the amount of over-
saturated thaumatin concentration in the hanging-drop reservoir, P1, on the
amounts of the LB film states, P2 and P3, and association rates k1 and k3,
respectively. P1 association leads to the association states P12 and P13 of
the LB film. Besides the protein inflows, the concentration of the associated
states depends also on their rates of conversion (k2 and k4) into the end states
P12* and P13*. Both conversions lead to a decrease of protein in the LB film
due to dissociation reactions. The change in the associated state P12 corre-
sponds to the thaumatin crystalline state in the LB film, which leads to
increased specular intensity due to a smoother surface and a crystalline struc-
ture factor peak in the Qy cut. Its fast formation and dissociation takes place
at high thaumatin concentration in the reservoir. Moreover, the formation
of P12 starts from the intensity level of the LB film, which acts as a seed for
crystal growth. After reaching the maximum at t ¼ 100 min, the process
drops down to zero, which means that the crystalline state becomes
completely depopulated in favor of the crystalline state P12*. This state
corresponds to a completely dissociated crystal, leaving a hole in the LB
film. The formation of associated state P13 runs more slowly. In contrast
to the temporal change of P12, this process first starts at zero and in a second
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 175

stage proceeds at comparatively low thaumatin concentrations in the

hanging-drop reservoir. The former means that the state P13 is not populated
at the beginning and not comparable to the ordered thaumatin state in the
LB film. Hence, we identify this state as a less-ordered thaumatin protein
that associates at low free thaumatin concentrations on the LB film. The deg-
radation of the less-ordered state at t > 500 min can have different causes.
Normal protein degradation or an onset of LB film disruption due to the
long duration of the experiment at room temperature (295 K) and the radi-
ation damage have to be taken into consideration.
Similar findings were obtained with lysozyme (Pechkova & Nicolini,
2011). Interestingly, while the two peaks in the Yoneda region appear to
be already present at the start of plating with the LB nanotemplate, without
the LB nanotemplate they are absent at the start and present only at the end.
The data on LB intensity fluctuations in the GISAXS pattern versus time
appear to be associated with rapid seed formation and crystal growth and
damage, while the classic continuous shift of intensity in the Yoneda region
is compatible with slow crystal growth and significantly larger damage,
apparent by light microscopy both in the hatch and in the parallel experi-
mentation carried out on the bench, quite compatible with the radiation
damage being assessed by LB crystal diffractions.
In conclusion, taking both ex situ and in situ data, the evolution of the
m-GISAXS patterns suggests that:
1. Lateral spatial correlations of the film lead to a contribution of diffuse
scattering to the overall GISAXS scattering distribution and can be stud-
ied by means of Qy cuts;
2. The specular intensity increases considerably between t ¼ 100 and
t ¼ 300 min and the film roughness decreases in this period;
3. The smooth decay in intensity of the cuts with increasing Qy can be well
approximated by two Gaussian profiles. When comparing the cuts, a
peak at Qy ¼ 0.1 nm1 measured after t ¼ 100 min becomes conspicu-
ous. Such a feature in the Qy cut indicates highly ordered crystalline
regions in the LB film, like a bidimensional paracrystal with a mean dis-
tance between adjacent structures on the LB film of D ¼ 58 nm;
4. The increase in intensity in the Yoneda region is due to protein incor-
poration into the LB film. The intensity variation suggests several steps,
namely, a first, fast, process, attributed to the crystal growth and its
detachment from the LB film, and a second, slower process, attributed
to an unordered association and conversion of protein on the LB film.
176 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

Crystal growth has been simulated exploiting the 2D lattice Monte
Carlo algorithm and the coarse-grained hydrophobic-polar approximation,
using monomer and tetramer (aggregate) units models. These simulation
lead to the conclusion that lysozyme tetramers LB-based crystal is expected
to be slightly accelerated when compared to its monomer-based counterpart
(Siódmiak, Gadomski, Pechkova, & Nicolini, 2006).
Previously acquired in situ GISAXS spectra (Gebhardt et al., 2010;
Pechkova & Nicolini, 2011; Pechkova et al., 2010) were analyzed using
IsGISAXS software developed by Rémi Lazzari, a tool which is dedicated
to simulation of scattering from supported nanostructures. The scattering
cross section is expressed in terms of island form factor and interference func-
tion and the specificity of the grazing-incidence geometry is stressed, in par-
ticular in the evaluation of the island form factor in the distorted-wave Born
approximation. A full account of size and possible shape distributions is
given in the decoupling approximation, where sizes and positions are not
correlated, and in the local monodisperse approximation. Two types of
island repartitions on the substrate can be implemented: disordered systems
characterized by their particle–particle pair correlation functions, and
bidimensional crystalline or paracrystalline systems of particles.
Proteins have been modeled as cylinders, LB film thickness, found with
the best fit, was fixed at 7.4 nm for thaumatin and at 6.4 nm for lysozyme,
while the wavelength was experimentally known (0.0991 nm). Critical inci-
dent angle for thaumatin and for lysozyme was computed to be 0.71 . The
delta refraction coefficients were 3.336  106 for glass and 2.19  106 for
proteins. The beta absorption coefficients were about 0 for proteins and
1.68  108 for glass. Curves have been fitted with a w2 Levenberg–
Marquardt minimization procedure, which is an iterative technique
commonly used for solving nonlinear least squares problems, with constant
standard error bars of sR/R ¼ 0.005 by means of the IsGISAXS software.
At 100 min, the particle radius of thaumatin is about 5.62 nm, while the
LB film layer thickness is about 2.25 nm, with a height ratio of 1 nm. At
900 min from the start of the experiment, the particle radius has increased
up to 40.89 nm, while on the contrary, the LB film layer thickness has
decreased down to 0 nm, with a decreased height ratio of 6.30  102 nm.
Thus, we confirmed the working hypothesis that the protein appears to trans-
fer directly from the nanobiostructured film into the drop to directly trigger
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 177

the formation of the crystal, therefore highlighting the physical interpretation

of the mechanism for nanobiotemplate-facilitated protein crystallization.

On the basis of a mass-scale analysis of crystal structures by mining the
PDB repository and confirming the hypothesis with a targeted ad hoc exper-
iment using thermostable thioredoxin from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius ver-
sus the mesophilic Escherichia coli counterpart, we have established a role of
the aqueous surroundings of a protein in its thermal stability (Pechkova,
Sartore, et al., 2007; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov, et al., 2007), and in particular
of the inner bounded water shell.
The introduction of LB film indeed affects the aqueous environment of
the protein leading to smaller numbers of water molecules.
This explanation has been recently confirmed by the water characteristics
in all model proteins (Fig. 5.1). The shape of the frequency distribution of
volumes occupied by water molecules is found to be different between
“classical” samples of different proteins, but surprisingly quite similar for
LB samples. LB film leads to the appearance of water molecules close to
the protein surface but occupying large volumes. The data suggest a
“quite Gaussian distribution” for LB and a “quite periodic distribution”
for classical as shown by the kurtosis and skewness analysis (Belmonte
et al., 2012; Pechkova, Scudieri, et al., 2012; Pechkova, Sivozhelezov,
et al., 2012).
In another study, we applied clustering algorithm and protein alignment,
showing how LB-based crystals can be compared with those obtained in
space. Proteins were downloaded from the PDB database (http://www.
rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do), then we iteratively refined the choice
excluding proteins belonging to other taxa or radiation-damaged structures,
and finally, we subdivided the structures using the crystallization procedure
as variable (Pechkova, Bragazzi, Bozdaganyan, Belmonte, & Nicolini,
2014). The most accurate method of three-dimensional (3D) protein struc-
ture alignment algorithm based on the TM-align topological score was used,
root mean square deviation (RMSD) for C-a atoms was used as the similar-
ity measure for all structures: All the calculations were performed using the
web-based protein structure comparison tool ProCKSI.
The clustering algorithm was used selecting the Ward distance, both as
all-against-all and as all-against-target options.
178 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

We found that for lysozyme and human insulin structures were abso-
lutely comparable (Fig. 5.3, left), while similar evidence was collected also
for thaumatin and proteinase K.
From clustering algorithm, bioinformatics, and biostatistics, we can con-
clude that:
1. Bioinformatics and clustering algorithms can be applied to the study and
modeling of proteins crystallized according to different crystallization
2. According to the clustering algorithm and statistical analysis of parame-
ters like resolution, B-factor, and solvent content, LB-based and micro-
gravity proteins are comparable and different from proteins crystallized
with other techniques.


In silico simulation of molecular systems dynamics (Cheng & Ivanov,
2012) is widely used in molecular physics, biotechnology, medicine, and
chemistry (Kerrigan, 2013) to predict physical and mechanical properties
of new molecular complexes and materials.
In the molecular dynamics (MD) method, there is a polyatomic molec-
ular system in which all atoms are interacting like material points, and the
behavior of the atoms is described by the equations of classical mechanics
(CM). This method allows doing simulations of the system of the order
of 106 atoms in the time range up to 1 ms. Despite some limitations such
as approximations, it may be useful in describing the dynamics of macromol-
ecules at the atomic level. However, this method does not take into account
the chemical reactions and the formation or breaking of chemical bonds. For
these purposes, there are more advanced and sophisticated approaches that
combine classical Newtonian and quantum mechanics simulations (hybrid
CM/QM approaches).
We downloaded our protein crystals from PDB and all other structures
belonging to the same protein family and crystallized under the same exper-
imental conditions. All the proteins were solvated and neutralized adding Cl
or Na+ depending on the charge of the protein. OPLS-aa (optimized poten-
tials for liquid simulations all atom) force field were used for our MD simu-
lation. For the long-range electrostatic interactions, we used particle-mesh
Ewald method, which calculates direct space interactions within a finite dis-
tance using a modified Coulomb’s law, and in reciprocal space using a Fourier
transform to build a “mesh” of charges, interpolated onto a grid. It is from this
charge interpolation that long-range forces can be calculated and
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool
Human insulin structural alignment and clustering

LB-space cluster

















Radius of gyration’s behavior at 300 ⬚K





2r in






1l A-

ph 1 HN -1
A- 4I A
3i3z -1 0.075

Normalized radius of gyration (nm)

3v -1
1g 3i4 A-1
A- 4n
1ty 1 3u 0.074
lA- -1
1 3ut
A-1 A-1
3utt 0.073
1tym A-1
A-1 1mso
1benA -1
-1 3exxA 0.072
1g7bA-1 3tt8A-1
1g7aA-1 3incA-1
2r35A-1 3ilgA-1

miA-1 3brrA-1
2o 0.070
3ir0A Classical
2ws6 -1
pA-1 A-1 LB
1w8 1os 0.069
11- 3A
2om 1o
1-1 s4
o m0 2w 0.068
2 -1 s7
lzA 1 2g A-
2o - 54 1
l yA 1 2w A- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
2o A- by 1
z9 A-

Time (ps)

u 1

2g 2A-1



















Figure 5.3 Theoretical/semi-theoretical approaches for investigating Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-grown crystals features and behaviors in com-
parison with other crystallization techniques. Bioinformatics analysis is shown at left, while at right, the radius of gyration simulated with
molecular dynamics (MD). LB crystal and those grown in space tend to behave in a similar way, strikingly different from the behavior of
classical crystals.

180 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

incorporated into the nonbonded interactions in a simulated system. For the

van der Waals interactions, a typical 12 Å cutoff was used. A standard equil-
ibration procedure was used and adopted for all systems.
From our simulations (Bozdaganyan, Bragazzi, Pechkova, Shaytan, &
Nicolini, 2014), we found that LB-grown crystals follow the trends of micro-
gravity crystals, that is, to say higher resolution, lower content of water (in term
of the Matthew coefficient), lower B-factor (i.e., thermal noise and atom dis-
placement), and higher number of reflections (i.e., the crystals diffract better).
One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) in fact showed statistically sig-
nificant differences among the groups for B-factor (p value <0.05, with
p ¼ 0.024) and for water content (p value <0.05, with p ¼ 0.032).
From MD, we can observe that (Fig. 5.3, right):
1. The structure of all proteins were very stable with the RMSD values
remaining almost constant around 1–1.3 Å at 300 K for all protein crys-
tals, namely LB, classical, and space. Such small changes in structure are
in line with those expected for a protein effectively transferred from a
crystal to a solution environment. The RMSD increased more signifi-
cantly after 2 ns when proteins in water were simulated at
500 K. Classical proteins exhibited higher RMSD values than LB and
space: the difference is around 2–3 Å. The above results indicate that,
comparing to HD-proteins, LB and space proteins seem to be more sta-
ble at high temperature;
2. The same is true for the gyration radius at different temperatures. As we
can see, LB and space-grown proteins have smaller meaning of Rg than
the classical ones in both cases—for 300 and 500 K, indicating that the
LB and space proteins are more compact than classical.
According to all data provided above, we can conclude that secondary and
tertiary structures of the proteins are not destroyed during our simulation
even at 500 K. Also, LB crystals are seemed more compact and resistant
to high temperatures.
Large-scale atomistic MD simulations can be applied to the study and
modeling of proteins crystallized according to different crystallization tech-
niques. According to RMSD analysis, space-grown and LB proteins are
more stable to unfolding at 500 K than classical ones.


11.1. GroEL
Phage growth l Escherichia coli large (GroEL) ribosomal protein, expressed in
the Escherichia coli cytoplasm, is a chaperonin involved in proper protein
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 181

folding, and it was the first member of heat-shock protein 60 (hsp60) family
to be identified, being recognized as a chromosomally encoded product
whose deficiency resulted in defective morphogenesis of bacteriophage
T4 head structures and T5 tail structures (Pechkova, Tripathi, Spera, &
Nicolini, 2008). Despite a huge body of studies and investigations, the pre-
cise molecular mechanisms of substrate recognition and protein folding are
not exactly known (Azia, Unger, & Horovitz, 2012).
GroEL is a protein of high interest in the field of biosensors for gut micro-
biota sensing and has a clinical relevance, being utilized in sublingual vacci-
nation against atherosclerosis (Hagiwara et al., 2014), and against diarrhea
and colitis (Péchiné, Hennequin, Boursier, Hoys, Collignon, 2013). More-
over, GroEL is also involved in the suppression of amyloidogenesis (Yagi-
Utsumi et al., 2013) and this could have significant therapeutic implications
in the field of protein disorder and aggregation-induced disorders, also fos-
tering the discovery of new drugs and inhibitors ( Johnson et al., 2014).
It could be anticipated that LB-based crystallization of GroEL could open
new perspectives in the chaperonin biochemistry and physiopathology.

11.2. Casein kinase 2

CK2 (casein kinase II or casein kinase 2) is one of the most acidophilic,
pleiotropic, versatile, and multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinases
(Bian et al., 2013), first discovered in 1954 by Burnett and Kennedy
(Cozza, Pinna, & Moro, 2012; Sarno & Pinna, 2008) even though its full
atom structure was revealed only recently (Pechkova, Zanotti, &
Nicolini, 2003), prompting the discovery of new-generation CK2 drug
inhibitors (Cozza et al., 2012). It is involved in a variety of functions and
biological processes, ranging from transcription, signaling, proliferation,
and in various steps of cell development (Bian et al., 2013). Its abnormally
elevated levels are correlated to most tumors (Trembley, Wang, Unger,
Slaton, & Ahmed, 2009): from multiple myeloma (Piazza, Manni, &
Semenzato, 2013), leukemia (Dovat, Song, Payne, & Li, 2011), and lym-
phoma, pancreatic cancer (Giroux, Dagorn, & Iovanna, 2009), breast tumor,
colorectal cancer, prostate, kidney, and lung, as well as autoimmune disor-
ders and infectious diseases (Cozza et al., 2012). It constitutes an important
disease biomarker (Sarno & Pinna, 2008).

11.3. Cytochrome P-450 side-chain cleavage

Cytochrome P-450 side-chain cleavage (CYP450scc), chemically charac-
terized by a three beta-hydroxyl and a delta 5-ring configuration, is an
182 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

extremely selective enzyme, interacting with few substrates (Lambeth,

1986). It is involved in steroid synthesis, catalyzing the conversion of
cholesterol into pregnenolone and its deficiency leads to adrenal insuffi-
ciency, disrupting adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis, and clinically and
hormonally mimicking congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia (Tee et al.,
2013). CYP450scc dysregulation has been linked also to other forms of adre-
nal failure (Gucev, Tee, Chitayat, Wherrett, & Miller, 2013) and polycystic
ovary syndrome (Wickenheisser et al., 2012).
Properly immobilized CYP450scc (e.g., via LB technology) can be used
for cholesterol sensing (Arya, Datta, & Malhotra, 2008), eventually coupling
it with advanced molecular modeling (Sivozhelezov & Nicolini, 2005) and
new label-free techniques (Spera et al., 2013).

11.4. Rhodopsin
Rhodopsin has a molecular weight of 40 kDa and consists of an apoprotein,
opsin (348 amino acid residues), a chromophore, 11-cis-retinal, covalently
bound to Lys296 via a protonated Schiff base (PSB), and two oligosaccharide
chains (Shichi & Rafferty, 1980).
It crosses the membrane with seven a-helices which constitute as much
as 60% of its secondary structure and which appear oriented mostly perpen-
dicular to the plane of the disk membrane (Unger & Schertler, 1995; Unger,
Hargrave, Baldwin, & Schertler, 1997).
The rhodopsin chromophore, 11-cis-retinal, is located in a hydrophobic
pocket between the helices (Palczewski, 2012); this covalent bond of the
chromophore contributes to the tightly held rhodopsin in a nonsignaling
conformation. The extracellular domain of rhodopsin is relatively rigid,
which may help to reduce spontaneous activation of the receptor in the
absence of light (Smith, 2010).
The visual rhodopsin is a typical representative not only of the retinal-
containing proteins but also concurrently of a large family of G-protein-
coupled receptors (class A G-protein-coupled receptors or GPCRs)
(Lodowski, Angel, & Palczewski, 2009).
A better molecular understanding of rhodopsin structure could open
new perspectives in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases, such as ret-
initis pigmentosa (RP) and other disorders related to retinal degeneration
(Hollingsworth & Gross, 2012). Mutations related to RP cause protein mis-
folding and could be properly targeted by chaperones and derivative mole-
cules (Mendes, Zaccarini, & Cheetham, 2010).
Bacteriorhodopsin can be used for nanobioelectronics (Wagner, Greco,
Ranaghan, & Birge, 2013), for building and implementing 3D optical
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 183

memories, real-time holographic processors, and artificial retinas, while

octopus rhodopsin could be used as a new biomaterial characterized by sig-
nificant photoreversibility, photostability, and photochromic properties
(Paternolli et al., 2009; Sivozhelezov & Nicolini, 2006). Crystallization of
octopus rhodopsin is currently in progress.

11.5. Globins
Globins are heme-containing proteins involved in binding, transporting,
and delivering oxygen and other nutrients. They are typically composed
of eight a-helices that fold themselves into a three-over-three a-helical
sandwich structure. In particular, Hell’s gate globin I (HGbI), a single-
domain protein with 133 residues, was identified from the genome of
Methylacidiphilum infernorum (Teh et al., 2011), an aerobic, acidophilic,
and thermophilic obligate methanotroph that grows optimally at 608  C
and pH 2.0.
HGbI is structurally homologous to mammalian neuroglobins. Its partic-
ular features are:
1. High affinity and avidity for the oxygen;
2. Negligible auto-oxidation in the pH range of 5.2–8.6 and temperature
range of 25–50  C;
3. Unique resistance to the extreme acidity and hostile environments.
These features make globin quite interesting and attractive for building
and implementing bioelectronic devices and biosensors (Chan, 2001) such
as oxygen (Perutz, Paoli, & Lesk, 1999), nitric oxide sensor (Xu, Wu, &
Zhao, 2013), useful for a vast array of applications in the field of molec-
ular nephrology (Palm, Nordquist, & Buerk, 2007) to anesthesiology
(Collison & Meyerhoff, 1990).

11.6. Insulin
Insulin is a 51-amino acid dimer protein, with a molecular weight of
5.8 kDa. The two chains are linked together by disulfide bonds. It is a clin-
ically relevant peptide hormone, produced by beta cells of the pancreas, and
plays a major role in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the
body. Its dysregulation causes diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and
other metabolic disorders. Insulin is required for the management of patients
with diabetes and the discovery of more active biosimilar insulins represents
a therapeutically important advancement (Heinemann, 2012). Our solved
LB-grown insulin structure has one of the best and lowest resolutions among
all the insulin crystals deposited in PDB.
184 Eugenia Pechkova et al.

LB-based crystallography has proved successful in solving the structure
of both target proteins (Fig. 5.1) and proteins difficult to crystallize with the
conventional techniques (Fig. 5.4).
LB-grown crystals have a lot of interesting features and properties: from
resistance to radiation to better domains and regular shape.
A future step of LB-based crystallography will be the structure determi-
nation of further membrane proteins (Moraes, Evans, Sanchez-Weatherby,
Newstead, & Stewart, 2014) and cytochromes (Nicolini & Pechkova, 2006;
Paternolli, Ghisellini, & Nicolini, 2007; Sivozhelezov et al., 2006; Spera
et al., 2013) that play a pivotal role in nanomedicine and above all person-
alized medicine, being the targets of commonly used drugs.

Figure 5.4 Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-grown crystals of proteins difficult to crystallize

using classical hanging-drop vapor diffusion crystallization approach (namely, insulin,
casein kinase 2 or CK2, and oxygen-bound Hell's gate globin I).
Advances in Nanocrystallography as a Proteomic Tool 185

In addition, nanocrystallography could also be useful for creating arrays at

a nanoscale, which, until now, have been based on lithographic techniques,
using protein crystals for the construction of next-generation electronic and
photonic devices (Nicolini & Pechkova, 2010a,2010b; Nicolini, Adami,
et al., 2012; Nicolini, Bezerra, et al., 2012, Nicolini, Bragazzi, &
Pechkova, 2012; Pechkova & Nicolini, 2004). LB-immobilized enzymes
may indeed have important industrial applications in the field of biocatalysis
(Nicolini, Bruzzese, Sivozhelezov, & Pechkova, 2008; Nicolini, Adami,
et al., 2012; Nicolini, Bezerra, et al., 2012), as well as diagnostics tools
(Nicolini, Adami, et al., 2012; Nicolini, Bezerra, et al., 2012).

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Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based

Structural Proteomics
Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko*, Christoph H. Borchers*,†,1
*University of Victoria—Genome British Columbia Proteomics Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, Petch Building Room 207, Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 194
2. The Concept of Structural Proteomics 194
3. Limited Proteolysis 195
4. Surface Modification 196
5. Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange 200
6. Cross-linking 201
7. Additional Mass Spectrometric Techniques for the Protein Structure Analysis 207
8. Combination of Multiple Structural Proteomics Techniques 207
9. Use of Experimental Structural Proteomics Constraints in Protein Structure
Modeling 209
10. Future Directions 210
11. Conclusions 211
Acknowledgment 211
References 211

Recent developments in the modern mass spectrometry of proteins and peptides have
resulted in significant progress in structural proteomics techniques for studying protein
structure. A variety of protein structural questions, ranging from defining protein inter-
action networks to the study of conformational changes and the structure of single pro-
teins, can be addressed using multiple mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics
approaches. Each technique provides specific structural information which can be used
as experimental structural constraints in protein structure modeling. Here, we describe
recent developments in limited proteolysis, surface modification, hydrogen–deuterium
exchange, ion mobility, and cross-linking—all combined with modern mass spectro-
metric techniques—for the studying protein structure.

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 193
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
194 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

The knowledge of protein structures is crucial for understanding of the
functioning of biological systems in healthy and disease states. The recent
revolution in mass spectrometry-based proteomics has revived an interest
in the traditional protein chemistry methods for studying protein structure.
The combination of methods such as limited proteolysis, chemical surface
modification, hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX), cross-linking, and
affinity labeling with mass spectrometry has led to the new field of structural
proteomics. Each of these methods provides specific and unique information
on the protein system studied. For example, limited proteolysis can indicate
portions of folded proteins that are accessible to a large probe (a proteolytic
enzyme) and must therefore be exposed to the solvent. Similarly, chemical
surface modification can provide similar information on the accessibility of a
particular amino acid residue to a smaller probe (a modification reagent).
HDX of the amide protons in the peptide bonds can provide data on the
hydrogen bonding status and accessibility, and, therefore, the presence of
secondary structure elements in the protein sequence. Chemical cross-
linkers of different lengths form a “molecular ruler” which can provide dis-
tances between the cross-linked residues (Fasold, Klappenberger, Meyer, &
Remold, 1971; Green, Reisler, & Houk, 2001; Peters & Richards, 1977).
Taken together, these methods provide a set of structural constraints on the
folded protein or protein complex being studied. In this review, we describe
the current status of these various structural proteomics methodologies, and
their application to the elucidation of the structures of proteins and protein
complexes, using the example of our recent study of prion protein conver-
sion and aggregation (Serpa, Patterson, et al., 2013).


The concept of structural proteomics is to obtain multiple types of
experimental data to characterize the structure of the protein system studied
(Konermann, Vahidi, & Sowole, 2014; Serpa et al., 2012). Traditionally, as
for proteomics in general, structural proteomics implies the use of mass spec-
trometry as the major instrumental tool. The recent revolutionary develop-
ments in the mass spectrometric analysis of peptides and proteins, which
made proteomics possible, have also had an effect on advancement of struc-
tural proteomics. This new level of technology has opened the way for the
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 195

combination of traditional protein chemistry methods with novel mass spec-

trometric methods, allowing the characterization of the protein structure
with amino acid residue resolution.
Structural proteomics can be applied to the study of protein systems of
varying levels of complexity. Certain types of protein structural information
can be obtained for each level of organization of the sample, that is, single
proteins, binary protein complexes, multisubunit protein assemblies,
proteome-wide protein interaction networks, organelles, cells, and tissues.
Thus, for a single protein, structural proteomics can supply information at
the amino acid residue level which is often impossible to obtain by other
methods, including distance information between functional groups, the
degree of a specific amino acid residue’s exposure to the solvent, and its
involvement in hydrogen bonding and secondary structure elements. These
data can be used as constraints in the molecular modeling process for an
unknown protein structure, or can be used to assess the dynamic and con-
formational changes of the protein. In the case of known interacting pro-
teins, information pertaining to the spatial proximity of interacting groups
and to the changes in the exposure of protein surfaces upon complex forma-
tion can be useful for elucidating details of the protein interaction interfaces.
This information can also be used for establishing protein complex topolo-
gies in multisubunit protein assemblies. For entire proteome-scale applica-
tions, the identities and structural details of the interacting proteins and
protein domains within protein complexes can be determined. In this
review, we will primarily focus on our studies of the structures of single pro-
teins and known protein complexes.

The limited proteolysis method is based on short controlled exposures
of the protein to a proteolytic enzyme. The first cleavage of the protein
occurs while the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein complex
should still be preserved, so the initial cleavage sites should be restricted to
the outermost regions of the protein subunit surfaces—that is, those are
accessible to the active site of the proteolytic enzyme. Because most enzymes
are globular proteins with molecular weights of at least 15–20 kDa, the
location of the cleavage sites will reflect their accessibility to a nearly spherical
probe, whose diameter corresponds to the size of the enzyme used.
Several mass spectrometric approaches can be used for the determination
of the cleavage sites. The most common approach is to first characterize the
196 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

limited proteolysis reaction by SDS-PAGE. Serial time points for short (e.g.,
1–5 min) exposures of the protein to the diluted proteolytic enzyme (e.g.,
1:100 enzyme:substrate ratio) are used, and the reactions quenched and the
products are separated by SDS-PAGE. The process of proteolysis can be
visualized by time-wise appearance of the proteolytic fragments resulting
from the enzymatic cleavage. The fragments that are first to appear can then
be identified by in-gel digestion followed by peptide mapping, which will
indicate the sites of cleavage (Fig. 6.1A). Alternatively, cleavage sites can be
deduced from measuring the exact mass of the entire fragment by Orbitrap/
FTICR mass spectrometry and top-down MS/MS analysis.
Using the former approach, we have characterized conformational
changes occurring in course of native (PrPC) to aggregated state (PrPb) con-
version of prion proteins. We demonstrated increased protection of the
K110 cleavage site in PrPb compared to PrPC, suggesting intra- and/or
inter-protein interactions; and increased cleavage at sites in the region of res-
idues 149–156 in PrPb, but not in PrPC, which indicates increased exposure
of the hydrophobic residues in this region (Fig. 6.1B). These changes indi-
cate unfolding or rearrangement of the C-terminal portion of the amphi-
pathic helix 1 (H1) during the PrPC to PrPb conversion process (Serpa,
Patterson, et al., 2013).

Surface modification provides information similar to that obtained
from limited proteolysis approach (i.e., protein surface accessibility), but
the determined accessibilities are to a smaller probe, in this case, a modifi-
cation reagent. The basis of this method is a chemical reaction of the protein
with a water-soluble modification reagent. Chemical modification of the
protein surface thus allows the determination of which regions of the pro-
teins are exposed to the solvent. Although the microenvironment can have a
significant influence on the reactivity of amino acid residues, it is mainly
those functional groups that are solvent exposed (i.e., which are located
on the surface of the protein molecules) which will be modified with amino
acid specific reagents. Identification of these modification sites thus indicates
which amino acid residues are on the protein surfaces and are in contact with
the solvent. The regions of the protein that are internal or are involved in
formation of interprotein contacts are shielded from the modification
reagent and consequently remain largely unmodified. Thus, analysis of
the distribution of the chemical modification sites for a multisubunit protein

Protein Proteolytic enzyme

Intact protein

Limited proteolysis

Protein cleavage products

Peptides derived from
protein cleavage products

MS analysis

Identification of the cleavage site


10 min
30 min

10 min
20 min
30 min
10 min
30 min

10 min
20 min
30 min

0 min
1 min
5 min

0 min
1 min
5 min
0 min
1 min
5 min

0 min
1 min
5 min

98 188
62 98
49 62
38 49
1 38 undig
28 2
17 28 1
14 17 3

14 5
6 4 2
6 4

Trypsin Pepsin
Figure 6.1 Limited proteolysis. (A) Principle of limited proteolysis cleavage-site deter-
mination by peptide mapping of the cleavage products. Following a short controlled
exposure to the proteolytic enzyme, cleavage products are separated by SDS-PAGE
and are in-gel digested. Peptide mapping of the cleavage products indicates the cleav-
age site. (B) An example of a differential limited proteolysis study of the native (PrPC)
and pathological (PrPb) states of the prion protein. Different patterns of limited prote-
olysis products were observed for the two states of the protein. Peptide mapping anal-
ysis of the cleavage products (indicated by the arrows) revealed that K110 and the
aa149–156 region are differentially accessible in the two forms of the prion protein.
Reprinted from Serpa, Patterson, et al. (2013), with permission.
198 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

complex indicates which regions of protein surfaces are solvent accessible

and which are “shielded” or “protected” because they are either buried
or are involved in protein interaction interfaces of the protein complexes.
This approach can be particularly informative for comparing two states of
the protein, and can indicate changes in protection resulting from confor-
mational changes and/or complex formation. In this type of differential
experiment, surface modification is performed in parallel for two states of
the protein and differences in reactivity of the particular amino acid residues,
which can be quantified by mass spectrometry, will reflect their involvement
in the protein’s structural changes. Differential chemical surface modifica-
tion can benefit greatly from the use of isotopically coded reagents which
behave identically during mass spectrometric analysis. Light and heavy iso-
topic forms of the modification reagents, chemically identical, but different
in mass, will produce modification products of different masses because of
the mass differences in the stable isotopes employed. If the light form is used
for one conformational state, and the heavy form is used for the other, com-
bining the two samples before mass spectrometric analysis provides a con-
venient method for relative quantitation of the modification reaction
yields for both samples in the same mass spectrum and under the same instru-
mental conditions (Fig. 6.2A).
We have also applied this approach for the characterization of the PrPC
to PrPb conversion. The isotopically coded water-soluble amine-reactive
modification reagent PCASS-H4/-D4 (Fig. 6.2B), developed by our group,
was used to quantitatively determine differences in specific amino acid reac-
tivities between PrPC and PrPb. Each form was modified with either the
light or the heavy isotopic forms of the reagent so that differences in residue
reactivities between the two prion isoforms could be determined from the
ratios of the signal intensities of the light (H4) and heavy (D4) forms of the
modified peptides. Several residues were found to be preferentially modified
in the PrPC form: K110 (located on N-terminal portion of the protein),
S132, S135, (located on the b1–H1 loop, residues 128–142), and K220,
Y225, Y226, S231 on the C-terminal portion of H3 (residues 200–232).
Changes in the reactivity of these residues, as a result of PrPC to PrPb con-
version, may indicate involvement of these regions in intra- and/or inter-
protein interactions within b-oligomers. The increased modification of
residues on the H1–b2/H2–H3 interface (Y128, Y149, Y150, Y157,
Y163, Y169) in PrPb as compared to PrPC, also suggests a conformational
change/rearrangement of this region, which was in good agreement with
the limited proteolysis data (Serpa, Patterson, et al., 2013).
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 199

200 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

Recently, we have expanded this approach for the use of isotopically

coded hydrogen peroxide (H216O2 and H218O2) as the modification
reagent. This allowed us to obtain an additional complementary set of dif-
ferentially modified methionine and tryptophan residues between PrPC and
PrPb (Serpa, Petrotchenko, Wishart, & Borchers, 2013), which was found
to be in good agreement with PCASS modification results.

HDX is based on the principle that protein backbone hydrogens can
be exchanged with deuterium upon exposure of a protein to a D2O-based
buffer. The exchange rates for individual peptide bond amide hydrogen
atoms are dependent on the protein’s structure: tightly hydrogen-bonded
segments undergo very slow exchange, while disordered regions exchange
much more rapidly. The hydrogen bonding of the amide hydrogen in the
amide bond of a particular amino acid residue may indicate its involvement
in secondary structure elements and/or exposure to the solvent. Short con-
trolled immersion of the protein or protein complex into a D2O solution
will lead to the replacement of the exchangeable hydrogens on the protein
surface with deuterium atoms from the solvent. Because deuterium is twice
as heavy as hydrogen, the exchange can be readily detected and quantified by
mass spectrometry. There are two general strategies to assess the location and
extent of the exchange: bottom-up and top-down analysis. In the bottom-
up approach, the protein is quickly digested, usually with pepsin under con-
ditions of low pH and low temperature at which the peptide bond amide
hydrogen exchange rate is minimal. The peptides produced are then ana-
lyzed by mass spectrometry to determine the relative amount of exchange

Figure 6.2—Cont'd Chemical surface modification. (A) Principle of differential surface

modification amino acid residue reactivity determination using isotopically coded mod-
ification reagents. Proteins in two different states are modified with light and heavy iso-
topic forms of the reagent, respectively. Following quenching of the reaction, protein
samples are combined, digested, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Differentially
modified peptides manifest in the MS spectra as pairs of signals separated by the mass
difference between the light and heavy isotopic forms of the reagent used. The ratio of
the intensities of the light and heavy forms of the peptides reflects the relative reactiv-
ities of the modified sites in the two states of the protein. (B) An example of a differential
surface modification study of the prion protein in two conformational states, PrPC and
PrPb. The isotopically coded modification reagent PCASS-H4/D4 was employed. Several
residues showed differential reactivities between two forms of the protein. Reprinted
from Serpa, Patterson, et al. (2013), with permission.
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 201

that has occurred. In the top-down approach, the intact protein is exposed to
time-controlled incubation in D2O buffer, and is infused into mass spec-
trometer and analyzed by MS and MS/MS.
We have developed this top-down method in combination with
electron-capture dissociation (ECD)-FTICR MS (Pan, Han, Borchers, &
Konermann, 2008, 2009). ECD is a rapid fragmentation technique that
produces selective fragmentation of peptide bonds, avoiding hydrogen scram-
bling (i.e., migration of the amide hydrogens along peptide chain), and pro-
duces an extensive series of c- and z-ions covering the protein sequence,
with most fragments differing by a single residue. By comparing the masses
of the consecutive fragments in both the c- and z-series, the exchange rate at
nearly single residue resolution can be determined (Fig. 6.3A).
We have applied this approach to the analysis of both the secondary
structures of intact proteins, as well as conformational changes, as in the case
of the prion protein conversion from PrPC to PrPb. The protein solution is
continuously mixed in a capillary—first with D2O, then with an acidic
quenching solution, and then the solution is directly infused into the mass
spectrometer. Using this approach, we determined that approximately
38 amides were protected from exchange in PrPC, while only 23 are protec-
ted in the misfolded PrPb form. In other words, 15 amides became unpro-
tected when PrP changed from the monomer to the oligomer. The region of
deprotection was localized to residues 148–164, which is the stretch of the
protein sequence encompassing H1–b2 (Fig. 6.3B). HDX deprotection in
this region indicates the loss of the secondary structure (melting of H1, dis-
assembly of the b-sheet involving the b2 strand) and/or disruption of the
H1–b2/H2–H3 interface (Serpa, Patterson, et al., 2013).

The idea behind the use of cross-linking to determine a protein’s
structure is straightforward: to introduce new covalent bonds between pairs
of functional groups in the protein in order to identify cross-linked sites
and—based on the length of the cross-linking bridges formed—to deduce
the distances between these cross-linked sites (Petrotchenko & Borchers,
2010a). These distances, in turn, can be used as constraints in the protein
structure model-building process, and/or as characteristic features of the
protein’s conformational changes.
The workflow in a typical “bottom-up” mass spectrometry-based cross-
linking experiment involves cross-linking the protein(s) of interest, optional
202 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

Figure 6.3 Hydrogen–deuterium exchange. (A) Principle of the determination of the

amino acid residues deuteration status by top-down ECD–FTICR FTMS. Facile ECD-
fragmentation produces scrambling-free series of the c- and z-series of fragments at
nearly every peptide bond in the protein. Comparing mass shifts between consecutive
fragments in the series allows to us estimate the degree of H/D exchange for every pep-
tide bond amide. Little or no exchange for the amino acid residue would indicate
involvement of its particular amide proton in hydrogen bonding. (B) Example of the dif-
ferential hydrogen–deuterium exchange study of the two states of the prion protein.
Hydrogen–deuterium exchange patterns, observed for the PrPC and PrPb forms, indi-
cates, that there is no significant difference in H-to-D exchange within the N- and
C-terminal regions; however, there is a significant difference in exchange for fragments
from the 148–164 regions. Reprinted from Serpa, Patterson, et al. (2013), with permission.

separation or purification of the cross-linked protein products, digestion of

the cross-linked proteins into cross-linked and non-cross-linked peptides,
and optional purification or enrichment of the cross-linked peptides
(cross-links) (Fig. 6.4A). Finally, mass spectrometric analysis of the inter-
peptide cross-links (two peptides connected by the cross-linker bridge) leads
Figure 6.4 Cross-linking. (A) Principle behind the determination of the cross-linked
sites. Cross-linked proteins are digested, cross-linked peptides are optionally enriched
and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Several MS-oriented features of the cross-linking
reagents facilitate detection and identification of the cross-links. Use of isotopically
coded affinity-enrichable CID-cleavable reagent CBDPS-H8/D8 allows specific and sen-
sitive detection and unambiguous identification of the cross-links. (B) Example of the
differential cross-linking study of the native and aggregated states of prion protein. Sev-
eral differential CBDPS cross-links are not compatible with the native structure of the
protein and point to the nature of the conformational change, which leads to the aggre-
gation. Reprinted from Serpa, Patterson, et al. (2013), with permission.
204 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

to the identification of the component peptides and the cross-linking sites.

Alternatively, the isolation of a small cross-linked protein can be done inside
the mass spectrometer, with the cross-linking sites being localized by top-
down FTICR MS (Kruppa, Schoeniger, & Young, 2003; Novak &
Giannakopulos, 2007; Novak, Young, Schoeniger, & Kruppa, 2003).
Despite the apparently straightforward nature of the chemical cross-
linking approach, there are several significant challenges, such as low relative
and absolute abundance of the cross-links, the combinatorial nature of the
possible combinations of peptides that constitute each cross-link, and the
generally higher molecular weight of these interpeptide cross-links. Up to
now, these issues have prevented the routine and widespread use of this
technique. Fortunately, many of these challenges have been addressed by
recent developments in mass spectrometric instrumentation, as well as by
the development of new cross-linking reagents (particularly isotopically
coded cross-linking reagents), and—not insignificantly—by the develop-
ment of specialized software for the processing of cross-linking data.
Numerous cross-linking reagents have recently been designed to incor-
porate special features which facilitate downstream processing and mass
spectrometric analysis. These features include affinity tags and charge
groups to facilitate selective enrichment of the cross-links, and the incor-
poration of isotopic coding, mass defect groups, MS/MS reporter groups,
and cleavage sites to facilitate mass spectrometric detection and identifica-
tion (Paramelle, Miralles, Subra, & Martinez, 2013; Petrotchenko &
Borchers, 2010a). In order to obtain shorter (and therefore tighter) distance
constraints, reagents with broader reactivity such as homo- and hetero-
bifunctional photoreactive and zero-length cross-linkers are currently
being developed. The complexity of the resulting mixture of cross-linking
products is expected to be even higher for nonselective cross-linking
reagents, so this approach will require more sophisticated data processing
approaches as well.
Digestion with trypsin targets lysines and arginines, while lysine is also
the target for amine-reactive cross-linking reagents. Because trypsin does
not cleave at modified lysine residues, this combination often results in large
cross-linked peptides. To circumvent this problem, double digestion (i.e.,
the use of an additional enzyme with a different specificity, such as GluC
or AspN, has been proposed; Yan et al., 2009). We have recently reported
on the successful use of the nonspecific enzyme proteinase K for generating
“families” of interpeptide cross-links of an optimal size for mass spectromet-
ric analysis (Petrotchenko et al., 2012).
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 205

Enrichment of cross-linked peptides—to separate them from the over-

whelming background of non-cross-linked peptides—also facilitates the
mass spectrometric detection and assignment of cross-links. Enrichment
techniques include gel-filtration chromatography (because a typical inter-
peptide cross-links is larger than a linear peptide; Leitner et al., 2012), strong
cation-exchange chromatography for the tryptic interpeptide cross-links
(because tryptic interpeptide cross-links carry twice of positive charges com-
pared to linear non-cross-linked tryptic peptides; Chen et al., 2010), affinity
purification using tags which have been incorporated into the structure of a
cross-linking reagent (usually a biotin group; Fujii, Jacobsen, Wood,
Schoeniger, & Guy, 2004), functional groups for covalent capture
(Buncherd et al., 2012; Chowdhury et al., 2009; Sohn et al., 2012; Yan
et al., 2009), antigenic groups (Petrotchenko, Doant, & Borchers, 2006),
and specific non-covalent interaction groups (Wang & Hakansson, 2008).
These recently developed techniques have all been crucial for the successful
detection of multiple cross-links.
There are several additional techniques, which have been developed to
improve mass spectrometric detection and identification of interpeptide
cross-links. These include enzyme-mediated introduction of 18O isotopes
during digestion (Back et al., 2002), N-terminal modification of the
cross-linked peptides with isotopically coded reagents (Chen, Chen, &
Anderson, 1999; Petrotchenko, Serpa, & Borchers, 2010) and the use of
metabolically labeled proteins (Taverner, Hall, O’Hair, & Simpson,
2002). All of these techniques can produce “signatures” in the mass spectra
that are specific to interpeptide cross-links.
Last but certainly not least, the introduction of high-mass accuracy high-
performance high-sensitivity instruments, such as FTICR-based mass spec-
trometers with multiple new and efficient fragmentation methods, has had a
major impact on the progress of the cross-linking approach. Due to the pre-
viously mentioned combinatorial nature of the interpeptide cross-links, the
accuracy of the mass measurements and facile MS/MS fragmentation are
crucial factors for obtaining the correct assignments of the cross-links.
The introduction of instruments such as the ThermoFisher Orbitrap with
high-mass accuracy and sensitivity—and, importantly, which can be easily
interfaced to HPLC—has been a significant breakthrough in detecting
and assigning cross-links contained within the complex mixture of cross-
linking reaction products.
The large amount of mass spectrometric data produced in a typical cross-
linking experiment requires specialized software tools for data analysis.
206 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

A number of programs specifically designed for the processing of mass spec-

trometric cross-linking data have recently been developed (Mayne &
Patterton, 2011). Available software packages can produce simple predic-
tions of the masses of cross-linked peptides, or go all the way to
proteome-wide MS/MS-based identification of the cross-links. Most often,
cross-linking studies are focused on a known protein or protein complex,
although cross-linking is starting to be used for the examination of protein
interaction networks on the proteome-wide scale (Yang et al., 2012). In our
laboratory, we usually employ the ICC-CLASS software package
(Petrotchenko & Borchers, 2010b) for interrogation of the LC–MS/MS
data from experiments using isotopically coded collision induced dissocia-
tion (CID)-cleavable cross-links. This software has components that have
been tailored for the analysis of data from cross-linking experiments using
specific techniques, such as 15N-labeling, isotopically coded N-terminal
modification of the cross-links, etc.
Of all the different types of data that can be determined by mass
spectrometry-based structural proteomics, interresidue distance constraints
is the most obvious type to be incorporated into protein structure modeling
software (see below).
We have used most of these recently developed methods in the cross-
linking-combined-with-mass-spectrometry approach for the characteriza-
tion of the prion protein conversion and for elucidating the structure of
the resulting aggregate. Our first line of experiments is usually Lys–Lys
cross-linking, using our isotopically coded CID-cleavable affinity-purifiable
amine-reactive cross-linker CBDPS-H8/D8 (Petrotchenko, Serpa, &
Borchers, 2011). Cross-linking was followed by proteinase K digestion,
purification with avidin, and LC–MS/MS analysis on Orbitrap instrument
(Fig. 6.4A). The use of proteinase K allowed unambiguous identification of
the interpeptide cross-links in the prion protein, which has few tryptic cleav-
age sites and is resistant to enzymatic digestion by more-specific enzymes
when in its aggregated form. We were able to detect and identify 13 cross-
links, some of which were preferentially found in either the PrPC or PrPb
forms of the protein. Analysis of this data revealed that some of the cross-
links observed in PrPb (K185–K220 and K204–K220 in the H1–b2/
H2–H3 region) were not compatible with the NMR structure of PrPC,
suggesting specific sites of conformational change or the formation of
new interprotein contacts in PrPb (Fig. 6.4B).
To further examine not only the conformational changes of the individ-
ual PrPb molecules but also the arrangement of the PrPb molecules in an
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 207

aggregate, we utilized an 15N metabolic labeling strategy to discriminate

between intra- and interprotein cross-links (Taverner et al., 2002). To
obtain tighter distance constraints, we used several zero-length cross-linking
reagents. 15N-labeled PrP was produced and mixed 1:1 with 14N-PrP,
followed by conversion, cross-linking and enzymatic digestion. While
intraprotein cross-links produce only 14N–14N or 15N–15N paired peptides
and a doublet signature, interprotein cross-links produce a series of four
peaks: 14N–14N, 14N–15N, 15N–14N, or 15N–15N. Cross-links can be fur-
ther confirmed by a characteristic “signatures” in the fragment ions. An
in-house program called 14N15N DXMSMS Match was developed to ana-
lyze this kind of data. This strategy resulted in the identification of
13 intraprotein cross-links and 11 interprotein cross-links. The intraprotein
cross-links confirmed suggested rearrangement of the b1–H1–b2 loop away
from the H2–H3 interface, and the introduction of a segment of the
N-terminal tail region into the core. Interprotein cross-linking has allowed
for the first time, the experimental determination of the stacking of the prion
protein monomers within the oligomer.


The collection of the structural proteomics techniques is enhanced by
any other complementary mass spectrometry approach that can provide
detailed protein structural information. Native ESI-MS, for example, can
provide some information on the possible arrangements of the subunits in
multicomponent protein assemblies, deduced from the dissociation pattern
and the order of the proteins which “fall off” the complex (Marcoux &
Robinson, 2013). Ion-mobility MS is able to provide specific conformational
characteristics of the protein and protein complexes, derived from their mea-
sured cross-sectional areas (Konijnenberg, Butterer, & Sobott, 2013). All of
this additional information can be used when models of the final protein
structure or the protein’s conformational changes are being postulated.


We believe that combining multiple structural proteomics approaches
for the characterization of the proteins under study is crucial for solving pro-
tein structures. Although each method cannot provide complete structural
208 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

information on its own, each method provides different and specific structural
information on the protein. Thus, a combination of these multiple approaches
may provide sufficient complementary information to derive the detailed
protein structure. Results from different methods verify and support each
other findings and, ultimately, provide confidence in the final result.
For the prion protein study mentioned here, we have used limited pro-
teolysis, chemical surface modification, HDX, and cross-linking as part of
our collection of the structural proteomics tools. The data from these mul-
tiple approaches are in remarkable agreement and have provided a total of
>30 residue-specific constraints, which collectively suggest that the
rearrangement of the b1–H1–b2–H2 region is the major conformational
difference between PrPC and PrPb (Fig. 6.5). A conformational change

Figure 6.5 Summary of the structural differences between PrPC and PrPb, as revealed
by multiple structural proteomics methods. The residues, which are preferentially mod-
ified or cross-linked in the native PrPC and oligomeric PrPb samples, are highlighted in
light grey and dark grey, respectively. The preferential pepsin cleavage site for PrPb is
indicated by a light grey arrow. The region of the structure which loses protection from
hydrogen–deuterium exchange in the PrPb sample is indicated by the light grey arc.
The K185–K204, K185–K220, and K204–K220 CBDPS cross-links (light grey dashed lines)
are present only in the oligomeric PrPb sample. The K185–K220 and K204–K220 cross-
links are incompatible with the native PrPC structure, which suggests a possible confor-
mational change in the PrPb aggregated form of the protein. The data from multiple
approaches collectively suggest rearrangement of the b1–H1–b2–H2 region in PrPb.
Reprinted from Serpa, Patterson, et al. (2013), with permission.
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 209

in the H1–b2-rigid loop region and distortion of its contact with helices 2
and 3 would create new hydrophobic patches on the surface of the molecule,
which, in turn, could be responsible for driving the aggregation process.
Through analysis of the intra- and interprotein constraint data, only one pos-
sible dimeric structure was found that satisfied all of the constraints. Thus,
this can be considered as the first experimentally determined structure for
the early conversion and aggregation events in the prion protein’s misfolding
process. This study of prion proteins has illustrated—and validated—the
utility of applying an entire arsenal of structural proteomics methods to pro-
duce a detailed and comprehensive characterization of the conformational
changes and the aggregation process. The results obtained thus far have
encouraged us to propose a similar approach to the investigation of the struc-
ture of multiple protein systems.


The output of a mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics is a set
of characteristics for the amino acid residues of the protein. To make sense of
this array of experimental data, these pieces of information need to be trans-
lated into a final three-dimensional structure of the protein. Depending on
the structural question for a particular study, differing numbers of experi-
mental constraints may be needed to provide the answer. For example, a
few long distance cross-linking constraints may indicate a global conforma-
tional change, if differentially observed between two conformational states
of the protein. A small amount of data on the changes in amino acid residues
exposure between a free and bound state upon protein complex formation
may designate protein interaction interface. Likewise, a single cross-link can
rule out a potential conformational model (Petrotchenko, Pedersen,
Borchers, Tomer, & Negishi, 2001).
The ultimate challenge, though, would be to automatically solve a prob-
lem in protein structure by simply inputting structural proteomics data.
Unfortunately, to our knowledge, to date there is no turn-key protein struc-
ture modeling software that is able to incorporate all of the experimental
information provided by structural proteomics and independently solve
the structure. Human intervention is required in all cases. Again, selection
of templates or fold recognition in the threading process can be achieved or
influenced by a limited number of structural constraints (Young et al., 2000).
However, true ab initio protein structure modeling would probably require
210 Evgeniy V. Petrotchenko and Christoph H. Borchers

numerous tight structural constraints. We envision several conceptual ways

for accomplishing this. Multiple protein structural models could be gener-
ated and subsequently filtered for the selection of the “best” models, based
on satisfying structural constraints derived from structural proteomics exper-
iments. Alternatively, the modeling process itself can be somehow guided by
incorporating structural constraints into some type of scoring function,
influencing pathway of in silico folding process. Another possibility would
be constraint-guided three-dimensional arrangement of the secondary struc-
tural elements to generate an initial fold pattern followed by refinement of
the model.
Protein modeling software programs such as Rosetta (Herzog et al., 2012)
or NMR-based packages (Schwieters, Kuszewski, Tjandra, & Clore, 2003)
can already use distance constraints as input data. Due to the chemical nature
of the cross-linking process, however, only cross-links which can form on
the surface of the protein, but not those penetrating the protein globule,
should be used (Kahraman, Malmstr€ om, & Aebersold, 2011).


Structural proteomics using mass spectrometry for the structural anal-
ysis of proteins has a bright and promising future. The widening availability
of high-mass accuracy high-performance high-sensitivity instruments, such
as Thermo’s Orbitrap, which greatly facilitate successful cross-linking appli-
cations, will allow the use of mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics
by larger numbers of molecular biology researchers. Further development of
the mass spectrometric techniques, instrumentation, and methods including
top-down analysis, new fragmentation techniques, and gas-phase reactions
are certain to continue to have a positive impact on this field. To provide
more detailed structural information on proteins will require a new gener-
ation of nonselective modification reagents and short-range nonspecific
cross-linking reagents. A collection of reagents of varying specificities and
characteristics, specifically designed to facilitate downstream mass spectro-
metric analysis, as well as easy-to-use software for rapid processing of the data
are also elements of the structural proteomics toolkit. Interpretation of the
resulting structural data is also tightly linked to the development of protein
modeling software. Easy-to-use protein modeling software programs which
can easily and automatically incorporate and integrate distance and exposure
information generated by structural proteomics experiments also needs to be
developed. This will lead to rapid progress in this exciting field.
Modern Mass Spectrometry-Based Structural Proteomics 211

In summary, mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics is already
being successfully applied to many aspects of the structural analysis of pro-
teins and protein complexes, including the analysis of protein structures and
conformational changes, the determination of protein interaction interfaces,
and for elucidating the topology of multisubunit protein complexes.
Although not discussed in this review, the first examples of the application
of structural proteomics techniques to the identification of proteome-wide
protein interactions, have recently been presented (Herzog et al., 2012;
Zheng et al., 2011). With the successful integration of multiple types of
experimental data into the modeling process, we envision that the “holy
grail” of structural proteomics—the autonomous solving of protein
structures—will be achieved in the very near future.

This work was supported by a Genome Canada, Genome British Columbia, Technology
Development Grant.

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Organellar Proteomics of
Embryonic Stem Cells
Faezeh Shekari*,†, Hossein Baharvand†,{,1,
Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh*,},1
*Department of Molecular Systems Biology at Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute for Stem
Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

Department of Developmental Biology, University of Science and Culture, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology at Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute
for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Department of Systems Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Karaj, Iran
Corrresponding authors: e-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

1. Introduction 215
2. Organelle Proteome Analysis of ESC 219
3. Subcellular Fractionation: Current Approaches and Challenges 223
4. Organelle Proteomics Databases and Tools 225
5. Concluding Remarks 226
References 227

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are undifferentiated cells with two common remarkable
features known as self-renewal and differentiation. Proteomics plays an increasingly
important role in understanding molecular mechanisms underlying self-renewal and
pluripotency of ESCs and their applications in cell therapy and developmental biology
studies. As the function of a protein is strongly associated with its localization in cell, a com-
plete and accurate picture of the proteome of ESCs cannot be achieved without knowing
the subcellular locations of proteins. Subcellular fractionation allows enrichment of low
abundant proteins and signaling complexes and reduces the complexity of the sample.
It also provided insight into tracking proteins that shuttle between different compart-
ments. Despite the substantial interest and efforts in ESC subcellular proteomics area, pro-
gress has been relatively limited. In this review, we present an overview on current status of
ESCs organelle proteomics research and discuss challenges in subcellular proteomics.

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) have commendable attributes including
indefinite proliferation potential accompany with preservation of the ability

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 215
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
216 Faezeh Shekari et al.

to differentiate into derivatives of all three germ layers. Their marvelous

potentials bring them out as a worthy source for different applications such
as cell therapy and developmental biology studies. Moreover, they provide
remarkable sources for drug discovery and toxicity testing (Rubin & Haston,
2011; Fig. 7.1). The ultimate goal of stem cell technology is to generate and
expand cells that can be used in human diseases and regenerative medicine
either directly by transplantation of ESCs or indirectly by transplantation of
ESC derivatives. Molecular analysis of the ESCs will uncover and further
define molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the main-
tenance of the undifferentiated state and regulation of differentiation.
A comprehensive understanding of these molecular mechanisms will be
essential for the aforementioned ESCs applications. Proteomics may play
an increasingly important role in understanding molecular mechanisms
underlying self-renewal and pluripotency of ESCs (Baharvand, Fathi, Van
Hoof, & Salekdeh, 2007; Reiland, Salekdeh, & Krijgsveld, 2011).

Figure 7.1 Various aspects of ESC technology (branches) involved in the function of
plenty of proteins.
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 217

Despite advances in proteomics technologies, achieving a combination

of high-throughput screening while maintaining high sensitivity for the
detection of low copy number proteins still remains a major challenge. This
means that the dynamic resolution is restricted and only the most abundant
proteins can be detected when whole-cell proteomes are analyzed. Further-
more, many regulatory steps, especially those involved in cell proliferation
and differentiation depend on chemical modifications occur after proteins
are created that alter their binding ability, enzymatic activity, and stability.
Most regulatory proteins such as phosphatases, kinases, or GTPases exist in
low copy numbers but very specific subcellular locations. Although the
number of genes in the human genome expressed in ESCs is around
8000 (Lee et al., 2006), the alternative splicing of transcribed RNA and post-
translational modifications of proteins give rise to a human proteome size
that is likely to be significantly larger than the number of estimated genes
expressed and result in further complexity of eukaryotic cells (Harrison,
Kumar, Lang, Snyder, & Gerstein, 2002).
One of the main layers of increased complexity in eukaryotes is organi-
zation of proteins into different cellular compartments in order to localizing
various functions into the specific location (Baharvand et al., 2007). For
example, cytosolic or nuclear localization of b-catenin or GSK3, two
well-known players in self-renewal maintenance or differentiation of ESCs,
has been depicted in Fig. 7.2. b-Catenin localization in nucleus following by
Wnt signaling leads to activation of differentiation genes transcription (for
review see Merrill, 2012; Sokol, 2011). More recently, it has been shown
that b-catenin localization in nucleus of human ESC can be prohibited
by stabilization of b-catenin in cytoplasm and resulting in self-renewal
through a yet unknown mechanism (Kim et al., 2013). The localization
of GSK3 in nucleus or cytosol can also result in differentiation or self-
renewal, respectively (Bechard & Dalton, 2009; Fig. 7.2).
Obviously, a single-step characterization of an entire proteome seems at
least presently rather unfeasible.
Proteomics and subcellular fractionation form an ideal partnership when
it comes to enrichment and analysis of low abundant protein and intracel-
lular organelles. Separation of organelles in subcellular fractions termed
“subcellular fractionation” (Fleischer & Kervina, 1974) and proteomic anal-
ysis of subcellular fractions termed “subcellular proteomics” (Dreger, 2003).
Subcellular fractionation is a flexible and adjustable approach resulting in
reduced sample complexity and is most efficiently combined with mass spec-
trometry analysis. This approach allows the separation of organelles based on
Figure 7.2 Cytosolic or nuclear localization of beta catenin or GSK3 proteins result in different outcome in ESCs.
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 219

their physical properties and was initially applied to separate organelles

derived from rat liver (Fleischer & Kervina, 1974). In this review, we present
an overview on current status of ESCs organelle proteomics research and
discuss technical challenges for subcellular proteomics.


In the early of 1950s, sucrose gradient was used to isolating mitochon-
dria (Holter, Ottesen, & Weber, 1953). In 1974, the Nobel Prize in Phys-
iology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Albert Claude, Christian de
Duve, and George E. Palade because of their efforts to develop the basic
methodology to exploring organization of the cell; grinding the cells into
fragments and then sort them out on a large scale with the aid of the cen-
trifuge (Nobelprize.org, 2013). The main concept is sequential removal
of nucleus, mitochondria, and microsomes from disrupted cell. Since then,
centrifuge has been used as a powerful tool for traveling to the inside of the
cell. Although the original method is still being widely used, there are some
emerging methods which are not relying on centrifuge such as fluorescent-
assisted organelle sorting (Bock, Steinlein, & Huber, 1997; Gauthier,
Sobota, Ferraro, Mains, & Lazure, 2008), antibody based organelle isolation
(Hornig-Do et al., 2009; Kausch, Owen, Narayanswami, & Bruce, 1999;
Lawson et al., 2006), free-flow electrophoresis (Sengelov & Borregaard,
1999; Weber, Weber, & Eckerskorn, 2004), laser capture microdissection
(Pflugradt, Schmidt, Landenberger, Sanger, & Lutz-Bonengel, 2011) and
dielectrophoresis (Moschallski et al., 2010; for more review see Lee,
Tan, & Chung, 2010; Satori, Kostal, & Arriaga, 2012).
Despite the importance of protein localization based proteomics in
ESCs, relatively little research has been done in this field.
Plasma membrane (PM) proteomics of ESCs are among the most desir-
able proteomic analysis because of the importance of these proteins in cel-
lular signaling and communication. PM proteins have several functional
classes including ion channels, receptor tyrosine kinases, G protein-coupled
receptors, and integrins. Knowledge about PM proteins is crucial to under-
stand the cellular response to stimuli or changing environmental conditions.
In ESCs, PM proteins recognize growth factors and induce signaling cas-
cades that possibly lead proliferation or differentiation of cells. In addition,
PM proteins that are exposed on the outside of the cell may be used as han-
dles that are recognized by antibodies in cell-sorting experiments. The appli-
cation of antibodies against cell surface marker will allow fractionating
220 Faezeh Shekari et al.

heterogeneous populations into distinct classes, which can then be used for
further biological studies or cell therapy.
The first large-scale analysis of ESC PM proteome was performed using
cell surface biotinylation along with density gradient centrifugation to purify
the PM in mouse ESCs (Nunomura et al., 2005; Table 7.1). This approach
was also utilized to profile membrane proteome of human ESCs (Gu et al.,
2011) and mouse ESCs (Gu et al., 2010; Intoh et al., 2009; Wollscheid et al.,
2009). Gel electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry approaches
were also applied for membrane proteomics analysis of mouse (Intoh
et al., 2009) and human (Gerwe et al., 2011; Mcquade et al., 2009;
Shekari et al., 2011) ESCs. Fourier transform LC–ESI–MS/MS and
MS(3) mass spectrometry has been used to evaluate membrane proteome
of human ESCs independent of culture conditions (Harkness et al.,
2008).Various sample preparation and digestion procedures were also exam-
ined to evaluate their efficiency, quality, and compatibility with subsequent
mass spectrometry analysis (Dormeyer et al., 2008). Stable isotope labeling
by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) for human ESC lines was succeeded
in resolving more than 1000 membrane proteins (Prokhorova et al., 2009;
Sarkar et al., 2012). Furthermore, applying chemoproteomic targeting strat-
egy for discovery of cell surface N-glycoproteins of mouse ESC and induced
pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, resulted in identification of 500 cell sur-
face proteins (Gundry et al., 2012). Despite of these valuable efforts, our
knowledge of membrane proteins is still very limited. Approximately
20–30% of all genes in an organism encode integral membrane proteins,
which are far beyond current available data. Analysis of membrane proteins
requires methods that solve problems such as contamination of intracellular
components, protein insolubility, low abundance, and loss of hydrophobic
peptides, which prevent protein identification.
Although ER is a runway for ribosomes to translate and/or modify
newly synthesized proteins, it has many other important functions. ER is
the main site of lipid synthesis and Ca2+ storage and membrane contact sites
involving the ER provide an important function in both of these exchange
reactions to other organelles (Helle et al., 2013). Separation of the ER from
the PM results in misregulation of phosphoinositide signaling followed by
accumulation of PI4P levels at the PM and constitutively activation of
the unfolded protein response (Manford, Stefan, Yuan, Macgurn, & Emr,
2012). The ER and mitochondria contact sites have also many roles includ-
ing coordination of calcium transfer, regulation of mitochondrial fission,
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 221

Table 7.1 Proteomics studies of ESC organelles

Number of
Article Technical notes ESC line protein
Membrane Harkness et al. LTQ-FT hESC- 3133 identified,
part (2008) OD3 1075 validated
Dormeyer, Van LTQ-MS hESC line 1077
Hoof, HUES-7
Krijgsveld, and
Heck (2008)
Mcquade, IPG/LTQ-linear hESC line 2851
Schmidt, ion-trap SIVF001
Stojanov, and
Baker (2009)
Prokhorova SILAC/LTQ-FT hESC lines 1556
et al. (2009) Ultra (Odense-3,
Gerwe et al. 1D gel hESC lines 775
(2011) electrophoresis/ion (BG01,
trap FT-ICR WA09, and
Shekari et al. BN-PAGE/ hESC line 69
(2011) MALDI-TOF Royan H5
Gu et al. (2011) Biotin labeling/ hESC line 5405
Sarkar, Collier, SILAC/subcellular hESC line 1185
Randall, fractionation/LTQ- H9
Muddiman, and Orbitrap XL
Rao (2012)
Intoh et al. Biotin labeling/2D mESC line 258 and 659
(2009) DIGE/QTOF MS D3
and iTRAQ/
222 Faezeh Shekari et al.

Table 7.1 Proteomics studies of ESC organelles—cont'd

Number of
Article Technical notes ESC line protein
Gundry et al. Biotin labeling and mESC lines 500
(2012) Cell Surface R1 and D3 N-glycoproteins
Nunomura Biotin labeling/2D mESC line 324
et al. (2005) LC Q-Tof D3
Gu et al. (2010) Biotin labeling/ mESC line 3468
Wollscheid Biotin labeling mESC 408
et al. (2009) and cell surface N-glycoproteins
QTOF 6530
(Agilent), LTQ
and LTQ-FT
Nuclear Nasrabadi et al. 2DE/MALDI- monkey 560
part (2010) TOF/TOF ESC
Williamson iTRAQ/QSTAR mESC line 2389
et al. (2008) XL E14.1
Barthelery, 2DIGE/MALDI- hESC line 1521
Jaishankar, Salli, TOF/TOF H9 (WA-
Freeman, et al. 09)

inflammation, autophagy (Marchi, Patergnani, & Pinton, 2014) and can

modulate cell fate (Bravo-Sagua et al., 2013). The implications of ER pro-
teins in ESC self-renewal or pluripotency still remain to be elucidated.
In the case of highly proliferative stem cells, nucleus is the main location
for cell division, transcription, and cellular programming besides mainte-
nance of pluripotency. Nucleus isolation following by gel electrophoresis
for monkey (Nasrabadi et al., 2010) and human (Barthelery, Jaishankar,
Salli, Freeman, & Vrana, 2009) ESCs resolved 560 and 1521 spots, respec-
tively (Table 7.1). Furthermore, nuclear extracts of human ESCs with
human mesenchymal stem cells ( Jaishankar et al., 2009) or human ESC-
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 223

derived neural stem cell (Barthelery, Jaishankar, Salli, & Vrana, 2009) were
compared using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2DIGE).
Williamson et al. could identify some of important transcription factors
through nuclear proteomics (Williamson et al., 2008). Giving the limitation
of gel based proteomics, application of quantitative mass spectrometry pro-
teomics approaches will allow a more detailed and comprehensive insight
into nuclear proteome.
Despite the importance of mitochondria in both energy processing and
life or death decision of cell of stem cells (Chen, Hsu, & Wei, 2012; Liu et al.,
2013; Prigione & Adjaye, 2010; Prigione, Fauler, Lurz, Lehrach, & Adjaye,
2010; Rehman, 2010; Son, Jeong, Kwon, & Cho, 2013; Varum et al., 2011),
no published reports is available of ESC mitochondrial proteome.
Recently, Sarkar et al. reported proteomics of membrane, nuclear, and
cytoplasmic fractions human ESCs for membrane, nuclear, and cytoplasmic
fractions (Sarkar et al., 2012; Table 7.1).


As shown in Fig. 7.3, the very first step in all subcellular fractionation
method is disruption of cellular integrity to releasing intact organelles from
membrane enclosure (step 1). Mechanical homogenization by a homoge-
nizer or sonication is the most commonly used approach. The efficiency
of cell disruption is often checked out through microscope and, if confirmed,
the disrupted cell extract will be subjected to further centrifugal fractionation.
There are two main approaches, continuous and discontinuous gradients, for
fractionation of organelles on a sucrose gradient (step 2 or 3). Although var-
ious solutes (such as Nycodenz; Murayama, Fujimura, Morita, & Shindo,
2001) has been examined in the place of sucrose, it is still routinely being used
because it is biologically inert, inexpensive, and dialyzable (Lee et al., 2010).
Centrifugation on discontinuous gradients or differential centrifugation
divides cell extracts into two fractions: one containing nucleus and large
sheets of membrane and the other containing mitochondria, cytoplasm,
and microsomes (step 2). Each of these fractions subjected to further frac-
tionation (steps 4–8). Nucleus is separated from membrane sheets through
ultra-centrifugation on a discontinuous gradient (step 4), and mitochondria
is isolated by a high-speed centrifugation from microsomes and cytoplasmic
fractions (step 5). Further centrifugation of mitochondria on a
224 Faezeh Shekari et al.

Figure 7.3 Subcellular fractionation by discontinuous or continuous gradient (steps

2–3). Following by homogenization (step 1) all the organelles is released from plasma
membrane boundary. Nuclei and large sheets of plasma membrane (PM) are pelleted by
centrifugation (step 2) which is separated as nuclei pellet and interface of PM by a dis-
continuous gradient (steps 4 and 6). The supernatant of nuclei and large sheets of
plasma membrane after centrifugation is used to isolation of mitochondria, ER, and also
cytosolic fraction (steps 6–8). Following by continuous gradient, many fractions are
collected (step 9) which can be used for Protein Correlation Profiling (PCP) (step10)
or Localization of Organelle Proteins by Isotope Tagging (LOPIT) (step 11).

discontinuous Nycodenz gradient can improve purity of mitochondria frac-

tion (Okado-Matsumoto & Fridovich, 2001) and another step of ultra-
centrifugation can separate microsomes and cytoplasmic fraction (step 8).
Differential centrifugation is the classic and still a key method of subcellular
fractionation since theoretically separates each organelle at different stage.
However, it is technically so difficult, if not impossible, to resolve pure
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 225

organelle without any contamination through differential centrifugation

(Yan, Aebersold, & Raines, 2009).
Alternatively, continuous gradients can be followed by protein correla-
tion profiling (PCP; Andersen et al., 2003; Foster et al., 2006) (steps 3 and
9–10) or localization of organelle proteins by isotope tagging (LOPIT;
Dunkley, Watson, Griffin, Dupree, & Lilley, 2004) (step 11). Although
PCP or LOPIT provide attractive resolution, they need large amount of
analysis time and immunoblotting that can be a great bottleneck for these
approaches. By combining PCP profile of proteins with w2 test, Foster
et al. localized 1258 cytosolic proteins from Mouse liver homogenate
to eight cytoplasmic organelles (mitochondrion, ER, golgi, ER/golgi ves-
icles, early endosomes, recycling endosomes, PM, and proteasome; Foster
et al., 2006).
The greatest obstacle to subcellular fractionation is purity of fractions
which can be undermined by variability in preparation conditions, degree
of contamination to cell type and also different organellar behavior during
isolation processes (Dreger, 2003). Subcellular fractionation is based on
organellar buoyancy which is basically rooted in their composition and
structure. Contemplating cellular organelles as dynamically changing com-
ponent of cells; depend on cellular situation and their function, results in
contaminations in subcellular fractionation. These contaminations can be
originated from physicochemical, structural, or physiological properties of
dynamically changing organelles. For example, organellar fractionation in
cells with large mitochondria and small nuclei results in contaminated mito-
chondria and nuclear fractions in contrast to the cells with small mitochon-
dria and large nuclei (such as ESCs) which suffered from contaminated
mitochondria and PM fractions. Moreover, organelles are not isolated indi-
vidual island in the cells, but they are structurally and physiologically


As discussed above, there are only a few high-throughput experimen-
tal proteome datasets on subcellular localization in ESC. Out of about
50 million entries in UniProtKB database (2013_12 release), nearly 6 million
proteins have subcellular localization annotation; that means only 12%. This
clearly highlights the shortage of information on subcellular localization of
proteins and emphasize on the necessity of deep and comprehensive analysis
of organellar proteomics (Foster et al., 2006).
226 Faezeh Shekari et al.

Alternatively, many tools and databases have been developed in order to

predict subcellular localization of proteins. These include DBSubLoc (Guo,
Hua, Ji, & Sun, 2004), LocDB (Rastogi & Rost, 2011), LOCATE (Sprenger
et al., 2008) and eSLDB (Pierleoni, Martelli, Fariselli, & Casadio, 2007).
Database of Protein Subcellular Localization (DBSubLoc; http://www.
bioinfo.tsinghua.edu.cn/guotao/intro.html) collected the subcellular
localization annotation from primary protein database SWISS-PROT and
PIR. Protein Localization Database for Human and Arabidopsis (LocDB)
is a manually curated database with experimental annotations which contains
13342 human proteins. LOCATE (http://locate.imb.uq.edu.au/) is con-
tains higher number of proteins (about 65,000) and the subcellular locations
of selected proteins from RIKEN FANTOM4 (Functional Annotaion of
Mammalian genome; http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/) as determined by a
high-throughput, immunofluorescence-based assay, and by manually
reviewing over 1700 peer-reviewed publications. Eukaryotic Subcellular
Localization DataBase (eSLDB; http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/esldb/
index.htm) contains the experimental localizations, when available, the
homology-based annotations, when feasible, and predictions performed
with machine learning based methods.
Despite the remarkable effort to development prediction tools to localize
proteins into the subcellular parts, much progress still needed before specif-
ically for prediction multiple localization of proteins such as beta catenin and
GSK3 (Fig. 7.2).

Subcellular proteomics is where cell biology crossed proteomics
( Jung, Heller, Sanchez, & Hochstrasser, 2000; Millar & Taylor, 2014).
While subcellular fractionation faces many daunting challenges, it is still
one of the pillars of proteomics and there are plenty of rooms for further
improvement. As protein localization in a cell is strongly associated with
its function, a complete and accurate picture of the proteome of cells cannot
be achieved without knowing the subcellular location(s) of proteins (Au
et al., 2007; Gatto, Vizcaino, Hermjakob, Huber, & Lilley, 2010). Subcel-
lular fractionation allows enrichment of low abundant proteins and signaling
complexes and reduces the complexity of the sample. Analyzing organelle
proteome allows also tracking proteins that shuttle between different com-
partments. Recent advances in proteomics and bioinformatics tools are
essential for the future of organelle proteomics and we anticipate that
Organellar Proteomics of Embryonic Stem Cells 227

continuous advances in proteomics technologies will remarkably enhance

our knowledge about organelle proteins and their functions in ESCs.

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Screening of Protein–Protein and

Protein–DNA Interactions Using
Microarrays: Applications in
Juan Casado-Vela*,1,2, Manuel Fuentes†, José Manuel Franco-Zorrilla*
*Centro Nacional de Biotecnologı́a, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Centro de Investigación del Cáncer/IBMCC (USAL/CSIC), IBSAL, Departamento de Medicina, Unidad de
Proteomics & Servicio General de Citometrı́a, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]
Current address: Atomm -R&D consulting services-. www.atomm.com. José Abascal 57, 7D. 28003 Madrid

1. Introduction 232
2. Protein Arrays 237
2.1 Recent achievements of the protein arrays and their application
to address the study of the human proteome 246
2.2 Advantages and limitations of protein arrays 250
3. Protein-Binding DNA Arrays and Their Application to Address
the Study of DNA-Binding Proteins 254
3.1 Recent achievements of protein-binding DNA arrays and their application
to address the study of the human proteome 257
3.2 Advantages and limitations of protein-binding DNA arrays 259
4. Databases and Web Resources for PPIs and for PDIs 260
5. Conclusions and Future Perspectives 269
Acknowledgments 270
References 271

In this report, we focus on two different array-based technologies that enable large-
scale screening of protein interactions. First, protein arrays focus on the identification
of protein–protein interactions (PPIs). Second, DNA arrays have also evolved to explore
the identification of protein–DNA interactions (PDIs), offering novel tools to control key
biological processes. Such a tool is termed protein-binding DNA arrays (also protein–
DNA arrays or protein-binding microarrays). These two array-based technologies share
unrivaled screening capabilities and constitute valid approaches to address biological
questions at the molecular level and, eventually, may be used in biomedical applica-
tions. Outstanding achievements of these technologies and their eventual application
in biomedicine are discussed here, including the identification and characterization of

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 231
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
232 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

biomarkers, screening of PPIs, detection of protein posttranslational modifications and

biofluid profiling. Advantages and limitations of protein arrays, protein-binding arrays,
and other proteomic technologies are also discussed here. Finally, we built a list of ded-
icated databases and on-line resources comprising updated information on human PPIs
and PDIs that can serve as a toolbox for researchers in the field.

The pool of molecules concomitantly contributing to regulate and
keep homeostasis in living organisms includes: nucleic acids, proteins
(including enzymes and peptides), and metabolites. All of them play essential
roles and, thus, understanding their interaction is a fundamental step that
may foster biomedical applications. Currently, there is no single technique
able to cope with this complex mixture of molecules at the same time. For
that reason, different analytical techniques combined with enrichment or
purification protocols is required to address their identification, modulation,
and to measure their dynamic changes (Fig. 8.1).
The analytical techniques used for the characterization of each molecule
are very different and the interpretation of data typically requires specializa-
tion and expertise. Thus, four areas of science emerged, termed genomics,
transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics. These areas share a common
basic aim, which is the large-scale identification and characterization of pools
of biological molecules. From a general and simplistic perspective, genomics
and transcriptomics address the study of the DNA and RNA molecules,
metabolomics focuses on the study of “small molecules”, differing in
chemical composition and properties. Finally, proteomics addresses the
study of proteins, enzymes and peptides. As displayed in Fig. 8.1, the
complexity of each -omic approach is significantly higher (genomics
<metabolomics < proteomics), due to the increasing repertoire of different
molecules with high complexity to be analyzed.
From all the possible interactions among biomolecules within cells, in
this report we focus on protein interactions (specifically, protein–protein
interactions (PPIs), and protein–DNA interactions (PDIs)) and relevant
techniques enabling their characterization in high-throughput format. Pro-
teins carry out the majority the biochemical reactions within cells and may
also function as signal messengers or as gene transcription factors. Thus, pro-
teins constitute frequently targets for drug design and might also serve as bio-
markers in biomedical applications. Importantly, living organisms include a
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 233

Low Diversity/complexity High


Molecules Nucleic acids Metabolites Enzymes–protein and peptide

molecule interactions

Enrichment DNA, regulation of Lipids, metabolic Enzyme Phospho-,

& gene expression intermediates, purification/ glyco-,
purification (methylation) hormones, concentration/ ubiquitilated protein
Other nucleic acids of signaling fractionation enrichment, etc.
protocols interest: molecules, protocols
mRNA, miRNA, secondary
siRNA, shRNA, etc. metabolites, etc.

Main Gene arrays, NMR, LC–MS/MS, Enzymatic LC–MS/MS, 2D-PAGE,

karyotyping, (q)PCR, GC–MS, etc. assays, etc. western blot, NMR,
techniques protein–protein
RT-PCR, deep
used sequencing, Northern interaction: Y2H, TAP,
blot, Southern blot, NMR, antibody arrays,
Chip-sequencing, protein arrays, protein-
SNPs, etc. binding arrays,
immunoprecipitation, etc.

Figure 8.1 (A) Overview of the main types of compounds typically studied, well-
established enrichment protocols, and main techniques used. (B) A comprehensive view
of living organisms requires the functional integration of data comprising three closely
related branches of study, genomics/transcriptomics, proteomics/enzymology/
peptidomics, and metabolomics. Abbreviations: (q)PCR, quantitative polymerase chain
reaction; RT-PCR, real-time polymerase chain reaction; SNPs, single nucleotide polymor-
phism; Chip, chromatin immunoprecipitation; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; LC–
MS/MS, liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry; GC–MS, gas
chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, 2D-PAGE, two dimensional
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; Y2H, yeast two hybrid; TAP, tandem affinity

number of mechanisms leading to the generation of an ample repertoire of

proteins, which relies on three main processes: first, at deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) level (i.e., gene polymorphisms), second, at precursor messenger
ribonucleic acid (pre-mRNA) or messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) level
(i.e., alternative splicing or differential splicing) and, finally, at the protein
level (i.e., posttranslational modification). On top of this, other sources of
complexity include the occurrence of chimeric proteins (Casado-Vela,
Lacal, & Elortza, 2013). It has to be also noted that proteins rarely exist as
isolated entities inside living organisms and typically exert their biological,
biochemical or signaling activity either through binary interactions with
other molecules or by forming complexes and aggregates. Therefore,
234 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

unraveling the identity and the dynamic changes of such protein interactions
becomes crucial since they may provide the basis for protein regulation and,
thus, tools for controlling physiological alterations and signaling networks
where proteins are involved in.
Nowadays, there are several technologies available to address the study
PPIs. Yeast two-hybrid assay (Y2H) is a well-established methodology that
permits the rapid identification of binary interactions between a chosen test
protein, termed “bait” and an interacting protein(s), termed prey(s) (Fields &
Song, 1989). Y2H methods were reviewed by Bruckner, Polge, Lentze,
Auerbach, and Schlattner (2009). Basically, the identification of interacting
proteins by Y2H is achieved by expressing the bait protein as a hybrid, fused
to the DNA-binding domain of a transcription factor, and screening it
against a library of prey candidates that are fused to the corresponding tran-
scriptional activation domain. Both fusions are expressed in yeast cells that
carry a reporter gene whose expression is under the control of the transcrip-
tion factor, such that the interaction of the “two hybrids” leads to expression
of the reporter. Other methods used to decipher PPIs include affinity
purification methods that are based on antibodies mediated enrichment
and tandem affinity purifications (TAP; see, Xu et al., 2010 for review)
which is also being widely used for protein complex purification. These
techniques, in combination with mass spectrometry have led to valuable
information about protein complexes partners and PPI. Lately, array based
methods as nucleic acid programmable protein array (NAPPA; Sibani &
LaBaer, 2011) or protein in situ arrays (PISA; He, Stoevesandt, & Taussig,
2008) became popular approaches to test interactions in high-throughput
format. Despite of robustness and development of these approaches, it has
to be noted that none of the methods used to the study of PPIs are compa-
rably better than other and typically lead to the identification of different
subsets of interactions (Braun et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2004; Chen,
Rajagopala, Stellberger, & Uetz, 2010; Chen, Zhou, Sanders, Nolan, &
Cai, 2009). Analysis of protein complexes using affinity purification
followed by mass spectrometry typically identifies directly and indirectly
associated proteins, whereas Y2H analyses identify direct, binary PPIs
(Braun et al., 2009). Moreover, different Y2H systems can be used, which
also leads to detection of markedly different subsets of interacting proteins,
reviewed in (Chen et al., 2010). Therefore, the results derived from different
PPI analyses are complementary.
Previous publications inferred different estimations of the human inter-
actome (Table 8.1) with figures widely differing from 13,000 to
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 235

Table 8.1 Previous estimations of the human interactome, brief description,

and references
Estimation of the human
interactome (publication year) Description and references
375,000 (2005) These authors used literature-mining algorithms
and then estimated the number of protein
interactions assuming 25,000 human genes
(Ramani, Bunescu, Mooney, & Marcotte,
154,000–369,000 (2006) The authors quoted that their estimation
includes protein complexes
(Hart, Ramani, & Marcotte, 2006).
650,000 (2008) This estimation relies on data retrieved from
Y2Ha experiments and database searches
(Stumpf et al., 2008)
130,000 (2009) This number of protein interactions exclusively
considered binary interactions and considered
data from four repeat Y2H screens
(Venkatesan et al., 2009)
13,217b (2012) This estimation considered the longest protein
isoformc of 20,846 human protein sequences.
The size of the interactome was estimated using
computational methods based on structural
inference. The authors quoted that the figure
proposed includes self-interactions (Tyagi,
Hashimoto, Shoemaker, Wuchty, & Panchenko,
Y2H: yeast-two-hybrid.
Including self-interactions and based on structural inference.
See Casado-Vela, Cebrian, del Pulgar, et al. (2011) for definitions on protein isoform and
protein species.

370,000. Even the definition of the term “protein interaction” signifi-

cantly varies among references (binary interactions or protein complexes,
stable interactions versus weak or transient, predicted or computationally
inferred interactions, etc.).
Different experimental approaches may also be used to achieve informa-
tion on PDIs as follows: nitrocellulose-binding assays (Woodbury & von
Hippel, 1983), gel shift analysis ( Jansen, Gronenborn, & Clore, 1987),
southwestern blotting (Bowen, Steinberg, Laemmli, & Weintraub, 1980;
Miskimins, Roberts, McClelland, & Ruddle, 1985), yeast reporter
236 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

constructs (Hanes & Brent, 1991), electrophoretic mobility shift assays

(EMSA; Lane, Prentki, & Chandler, 1992) and nuclease foot printing
(Hampshire, Rusling, Broughton-Head, & Fox, 2007). All those techniques
are low throughput and are usually considered too laborious if the aim is the
analysis of a wide range of DNA sequence variants able to bind proteins.
More importantly, the previous mentioned protein–DNA techniques are
limited to a small number of DNA sequences tested. More recently, the
combination of classical methodologies and high-throughput techniques
is contributing to the characterization of PDIs. These methodologies include
bacterial one-hybrid (Meng, Brodsky, & Wolfe, 2005) and those based on
the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX)
coupled to large-scale DNA sequencing ( Jolma et al., 2010; Roulet et al.,
2002). Protein-binding DNA arrays (also found as protein–DNA arrays
or protein-binding microarrays in the literature) offer a high-throughput
strategy for the analysis of specific PDIs. Briefly, protein-binding DNA
arrays consist of a matrix of double stranded DNA probes arrayed on a solid
surface that can be probed with the test protein. DNA–protein complexes
are detected by fluorescence emission, either directly from the protein
labeled with a fluorochrome, or through an immunochemical reaction
(Berger et al., 2006; Warren et al., 2006). Protein–DNA arrays (PDI-arrays)
allow interrogating thousands of DNA molecules in a single experiment and
identifying the DNA sequences specifically recognized by a particular pro-
tein. With a particular interest on transcription factors, the use of PDI-arrays
is contributing in the elucidation of the cis-elements responsible for gene
expression and thus, in the deciphering of the transcriptional code (Badis
et al., 2009).
Regarding proteins with DNA-binding properties, transcription factors
constitute a subset of proteins intensively studied due to their eventual bio-
medical role. These proteins regulate gene transcription, mainly through
binding to particular DNA sequences, thus, activating or inhibiting their
transcription. In 2004 (Babu, Luscombe, Aravind, Gerstein, &
Teichmann, 2004), it was proposed that more than 2600 transcription factor
can be found in human cells. Nevertheless, that figure is just an assumption
based on the occurrence of DNA-binding domains in the sequence of pro-
teins. The number of proteins with DNA-binding properties still remains
From the literature, it becomes evident that our understanding of the
human interactome is in its early stages. Nevertheless, there is ample agree-
ment on the idea that deciphering PPIs and PDIs may be crucial to
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 237

understand protein function. In this sense, array technologies open the pos-
sibility to address this task and allow the identification of both PPIs and PDIs,
which constitute an “always-pursued” objective in science. Therefore, array
technology opens the door for addressing a plethora of biological questions
through sensitive and high-throughput (i.e., several thousand proteins/
molecules can be screened in a single experiment) approaches. The rapid
development and miniaturization of arrays led to remarkable achievements
in biomedicine. Miniaturization seems a must, in our race towards the iden-
tification of novel protein biomarkers.

Protein arrays may be concisely defined as collections of proteins
attached to known positions on solid surfaces. Albeit the apparent simplicity
of the concept “protein array,” different terms and definitions may be found
in the literature such as forward-phase or reverse-phase protein arrays, tissue
or antibody protein arrays and cell-free or cell-based protein arrays
(LaBaer & Ramachandran, 2005; Lee, Magee, Gaster, LaBaer, & Wang,
2013; Liotta et al., 2003; Matarraz, Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Jara, Orfao, &
Fuentes, 2011). Importantly, different criteria may be used to classify protein
arrays, such as the type and source of the proteins printed on the arrays, their
applications or the technologies used to build and detect interactions
(Casado-Vela, Gonzalez-Gonzalez, et al., 2013). A list of types of protein
arrays described in the literature, concise description, main applications,
and references is included in Table 8.2.
Since the introduction of the first arrays published in 2000–2001 (Haab,
Dunham, & Brown, 2001; MacBeath & Schreiber, 2000; Miller, Butler,
Teh, & Haab, 2001) both printing and detection technologies evolved rap-
idly, mainly because of their potential applications. Originally, the idea of
building protein arrays was based on the immobilization of purified target
proteins (obtained by heterologous cell-based systems or using recombinant
protein technology) directly onto defined positions on the array surface.
This idea may be extended to the attachment of known sets of antibodies
to build antibody arrays (Fig. 8.2).
Figure 8.2A shows an overview of the general workflow and key steps
involved in protein array and antibody array analysis. In protein arrays, the
target proteins are attached on defined positions of the array surfaces and
they are covered with a solution of the query protein of interest. Conversely,
in antibody arrays a set of known antibodies are printed on defined positions
238 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

Table 8.2 Type, description, and main applications of protein arrays

Type Description Main applications
Forward phase protein Purified protein Typically, these arrays aim
arrays (Espina et al., 2003; preparations in solution to identify molecules
Gulmann, Sheehan, Kay, are used to cover the (immobilized on defined
Liotta, & Petricoin, 2006; surface of arrays where positions the surface of
Liotta et al., 2003; target proteins are arrays) that bind to a
Paweletz et al., 2001; immobilized on defined protein of interest (layered
Wang et al., 2006) positions of the array. on the array surface as a
Reverse phase protein Complex protein mixtures Reverse phase arrays
arrays (Chandra, extracted or purified from typically aim the
Reddy, & Srivastava, any biological sample identification of proteins
2011; Espina et al., 2003; (e.g., cellular lysate, tissue present in complex
Gulmann et al., 2006; lysate, proteins extracted mixtures directly
Liotta et al., 2003; or purified from tumor immobilized on the
Paweletz et al., 2001; specimens, core needle surface of the array.
Wang et al., 2006) biopsies or biofluids such Especially valuable for
as blood, serum, plasma, screening purposes in
cerebrospinal fluid, clinical research.
synovial fluid, etc.,) are High-throughput
directly attached on the immunohistochemical
surface of the arrays. studies, identification of
Tissue protein arrays may auto-antibodies, and
be considered a subtype allo-antibodies present
of reverse phase protein in biological fluids.
arrays. The proteins of
interest are present in the
sample(s) under study.
Tissue protein arrays are
defined as the ordered
attachment of tissue core
slices (ranging from few
and up to thousands cores)
extracted from donor
blocks (fresh, frozen, or
paraffinated) on a
two-dimensional planar
adapted from Gulmann
et al. (2006).
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 239

Table 8.2 Type, description, and main applications of protein arrays—cont'd

Type Description Main applications
Differential profiling and This type of protein arrays Typically used to identify
screening protein arrays consists on the detection and quantify the
(Schweitzer, of proteins differentially occurrence and
Predki, & Snyder, 2003) expressed among samples, differential expression
enabling differential profiling of multiple
protein profiling of proteins simultaneously.
normal/control versus The aim of differential
diseased/treated. profiling is the eventual
identification of
biomarkers, representative
of an alteration/disease/
pathology with potential
diagnostic or prognostic
Functional protein arrays Focused on the The objective is the
(Schweitzer et al., 2003) identification and detection of multiple
characterization of the interactions with low
specific function of reagent consumption in a
proteins, their regulation, cost-effective manner and
and their interaction with in a reduced time scale.
other molecules Functional protein arrays
(including protein– also aim the detection
protein, protein–peptide, of posttranslational
protein–lipid, protein– modifications, which may
nucleic acid, or protein– modulate protein
small molecule/drug function.
Arrays from biological Protein pools extracted These arrays are of special
samples (Paweletz et al., from biological samples. In interest in clinical
2001) this case, the pool of applications since the
proteins present in sample (mainly protein
biological samples includes extracts from biopsies)
a wide diversity of protein represent the statu quo of
species (Casado-Vela, the individuals.
Cebrian, del Pulgar, et al.,
2011, for review) derived
after alternative splicing
and posttranslational
modification processes.
The occurrence of single
polymorphisms could also
increase protein diversity.
240 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

Table 8.2 Type, description, and main applications of protein arrays—cont'd

Type Description Main applications
Cell-based protein arrays Cellular systems are used Thousands of different
(proteins are produced as protein factories. proteins individually
using heterologous cells) Complex mixtures of produced and purified are
(Ptacek et al., 2005) proteins (cells or tissue spotted on the surface of
lysates) are attached on arrays. Low density (up to
two-dimensional planar hundreds of proteins) or
surfaces. In some cases, high-density (thousands
another dimension is of proteins) arrays may be
included when lysate printed in a “tailor-made”
is based on subcellular manner.
Cell-free protein arrays Protein in situ arrays (PISA) Cell-free protein arrays
(proteins are produced (He & Taussig, 2001). can be used in basic
using cell extracts directly DNA molecules are used research, but the aim is to
on the surface of arrays) as templates to produce build protein arrays
(He & Taussig, 2001; proteins that become including subsets of
Ramachandran et al., attached on the surface proteins that may serve for
2004, 2008; Tao & Zhu, immediately after their diagnostic or prognostic
2006) synthesis through purposes in clinical
recognition of a tag routine.
Puromycin capture protein
arrays (PuCa) (Tao & Zhu,
2006). DNA molecules
are transcribed into
mRNA in vitro and the
30 -end of the mRNA is
hybridized with single
stranded DNA (ssDNA)
oligonucleotides modified
with biotin and
puromycin. The mRNAs
molecules are, then,
arrayed on a streptavidin-
coated slide and translated
after immersion with a
cell-free lysate. The
puromycin molecules
attached to each DNA are
able to capture and
immobilize the nascent
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 241

Table 8.2 Type, description, and main applications of protein arrays—cont'd

Type Description Main applications
Nucleic acid programmable
protein arrays (NAPPA)
(Ramachandran et al.,
2004, 2008). cDNAs
encoding for the proteins
of interest are printed on
the surface nearby
positions where antibodies
selectively bind proteins de
novo synthesized directly
on the array surface using
commercially available
in vitro expression kits.
Antibody arrays Polyclonal and/or Antibodies specifically
(Wingren & Borrebaeck, monoclonal antibodies, binding proteins (or
2009) preferably well specifically binding lipids,
characterized, are attached sugars, or other small
on defined positions on molecules) are produced,
the surface of arrays purified, and printed on
enabling the detection the surface of protein
of cognate-binding arrays. Depending on the
molecules, tissue lysates, specificity of the
biofluids, and cell surface antibodies, many different
epitopes. molecules may be
screened. The main
limitation is the purity,
specificity, and affinity
of the antibodies printed
on the surface of arrays.

of the array, enabling the binding of cognate protein partners. Although pro-
tein arrays and antibody arrays are conceptually different, they both rely on
the detection and quantification of fluorescent signals on defined specific
areas of arrays. Thus, protein arrays and antibody arrays share the technol-
ogies used for digital image acquisition and image analysis, but differ in the
algorithms used for data interpretation. In the case of PPIs, the identification
of protein-binding partners is typically calculated using the z-score value—
see Dı́ez et al. (2012) for detailed description on the calculation of this and
other statistical strategies used in microarray data analysis. In antibody arrays,
two different conditions (such as control versus treatment) are typically
32 blocks
4 rows ´ 4 columns
Protein arrays Antibody arrays 4 blocks 512 spots
6 rows ´ 20 columns
480 spots

Known sets of antibodies are printed

Target proteins are printed on defined
positions of the surface of arrays on defined positions of the array

The surface of the array is covered

The surface of the array is covered
with protein extracts. Each protein
with purified query protein, which
binds to specific antibodies on the
binds to target proteins
surface of arrays

48 blocks
Antibody-based fluorescent Fluorescent detection of antibody 48 blocks 25 rows ´ 32 columns
detection of binary interactions protein interactions 22 rows ´ 22 columns 38400 spots
23232 spots

Digital image acquisition

Definition of areas
corresponding to known
proteins / antibodies
Image analysis

Conversion of fluorescent pixels

Data processing to quantitive data

Differential display, fold-change,

z-Score calculation as a measurement of
log2 data transformation, heat maps and
quality/strenght of interactions
hierarchical clustering

Figure 8.2 (A) Outline of the general experimental workflow for protein array and antibody arrays analysis. (B) Overview of different array
configurations showing increasing number of features/spots printed and detected as round fluorescent spot signals. Low-density arrays (less
than 1000 spots) and high-density arrays (typically over 1000 spots) are shown. The highest density array (bottom-right corner) corresponds
to HuProt™ arrays, bearing more than 17,000 full length human proteins distributed in 38,400 spots printed on a single array surface the
image was provided by Dr. Ronny Schmidt from Cambridge Protein Arrays Ltd.
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 243

compared, facilitating data comparison using differential display image anal-

ysis, fold-change measurements, heat map, and hierarchical clustering
Protein arrays also constitute flexible tool since, regardless of the nature
of the molecules of interest (proteins, antibodies, or even peptides), they all
may be attached onto solid surfaces in different physical configurations and
in a wide range of spot densities to adapt to experimental needs
Fig. 8.2B. This task requires both automation and miniaturization, typically
achieved using automated spotting platforms. To exemplify this, low-
density protein arrays (480 spots and 512 spots, respectively, printed with
different block, row and column disposition) and high-density arrays
(printed arrays including 23232 and 38400 spots) are shown in
Fig. 8.2B. In all cases, protein spots (differing in signal intensities) were
detected after digital image acquisition.
Regarding the source of the proteins printed on arrays, different tech-
niques can be used. In antibody arrays, a wide variety of antibodies is cur-
rently available in the market and the technologies to produce polyclonal
and monoclonal antibodies are well known. On the other hand, a wide
range of protein purification strategies have been described, but the use
of bacterial systems as protein factories is still frequent. Despite the proven
utility of cellular systems to produce proteins, several limitations hampered
their use in protein arrays (Angenendt, Kreutzberger, Glokler, & Hoheisel,
2006): (a) different cellular systems typically differ in protein production
yields, which may also differ from batch-to-batch, (b) purification of the
protein(s) products of interest is required and the purification yield could
be difficult to predict, (c) after purification, the proteins could be improperly
folded, not functional or insoluble, (d) the posttranslational modification sta-
tus of the proteins produced may differ depending on the cellular system
used, and (e) the production and purification of recombinant proteins are
tedious and slow. As a mean to circumvent some of the inherent limitations
of cell-based protein arrays, cell-free approaches emerged as a valid alterna-
tive. Three different cell-free protein array technologies have been reported
in the literature: PISA (He & Taussig, 2001), puromycin capture protein
arrays (PuCa; Tao & Zhu, 2006), and NAPPA (Ramachandran et al.,
2004, 2008). Briefly, in the three cell-free protein array strategies the pro-
teins are synthesized from their corresponding messenger ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) or complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) templates
directly on the surface of arrays and using in vitro cell-free coupled transcrip-
tion and/or translation expression systems. As a result, PISA, PuCa, and
244 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

NAPPA render protein arrays including a matrix of different proteins

attached on defined positions of the arrays. Out of the three cell-free
approaches, NAPPA evolved at a rapid pace due to several advantages. With
the NAPPA strategy, protein synthesis may be easily achieved in a few hours
just by immersion of the mRNA or cDNA molecules of interest within
appropriate cellular lysates. Such lysates contain the necessary machinery
(transcription, translation factors, chaperones, etc.,) to trigger transcription
and/or translation to produce the corresponding protein products in a cell-
independent manner (reviewed in Katzen, Chang, and Kudlicki, 2005). It is
important to mention that cell-free coupled transcription and translation is
preferred because it usually achieves higher protein yields and eliminates
mRNA handling at the same time (Arduengo, Schenborn, & Hurst,
2007). From the three cell-free strategies and bearing in mind the increasing
number of publications in the field, it seems that the NAPPA strategy is
gaining ground in the scientific community for the screening of PPIs.
As depicted in Fig. 8.3A, in NAPPA arrays, cDNA encoding for the
protein(s) of interest are configured to append a common protein tag on
their N- or C-terminus. Commonly, the tag is in the C-terminus, which
provides a triple advantage: first, it ensures that the proteins bound onto
the array correspond to full-length proteins. Second, the tag facilitates pro-
tein detection using anti-tag antibodies. Finally, the surface of the array is
coated with a single type of antibody, as a capture reagent, selectively bind-
ing a common protein tag that serves as anchor for all the different protein
products. Proteins are de novo synthesized directly on the array using com-
mercially available in vitro expression systems. The novel proteins are further
captured by anti-tag antibodies coprinted close to each specific cDNA mol-
ecule. As a result, a layer of proteins (termed “target” proteins) is
immobilized forming a network where the position of every protein is well
established. Using this strategy, PPIs can be detected as follows: soluble
cDNA encoding for a protein of interest (query protein) is simultaneously
coexpressed with a set of target proteins directly on the surface of arrays. This
step is carried out using the same in vitro expression system but the plasmid
vector coding for the query and the target proteins typically harbor different
tags. Target proteins bind to each specific defined positions on the surface
of arrays and remain exposed for interaction with the query protein
(Figure 8.3B). The surface of the array is then covered with a solution of
an antibody specifically binding to the tag of the query protein. Eventually,
the antibody reveals those positions of the array where a query–target pro-
tein interaction is taking place, thus, revealing the occurrence of PPIs.
A Biotin
Nucleic acid programmable protein (NAPPA) array cDNA
Avidin Label Label
Labeled secondary Labeled secondary
Tag Antibody antibody antibody

Ribosome Primary antibody Primary antibody

Amino acid

mRNA Tagged protein Tag Tagged protein Tag


Protein synthetized Tagged protein

Tag de novo synthetized

a a a a
b b c b b c

Differential protein
e e
ab c ab c b




d a d a
(a) Positive control
(b) Printing buffer Horseradish Protein tag used for
OH peroxidase purification
(c) BSA
(d) Negative control Antibody Query protein
Tyramide Activated Query protein (e) GST
tyramide modification
246 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

Figure 8.3C shows a differential display analysis corresponding to the iden-

tification of PPIs detected after the comparison of two fluorescent images.
The image on the left corresponds to NAPPA arrays incubated with a tagged
protein. The image on the right corresponds to a control experiment using
only the tag. Close-up views of the digital images clearly show a number of
protein partners (printed in duplicates).

2.1. Recent achievements of the protein arrays

and their application to address the study of
the human proteome
Protein arrays showed to be successfully applied for screening of PPIs and
derived applications such as protein expression profiling, biomarker discov-
ery, screening of PPIs, identification of posttranslational modifications and,
eventually, for clinical diagnostic purposes.
Focusing on PPIs, we would like to emphasize the capabilities of protein
arrays as a tool enabling the screening of PPIs in a large-scale manner. Several
hundred binary PPIs may be detected in a single experiment, as it was
reported for amyloid-b—a protein involved in Alzheimer’s disease (Virok
et al., 2011)—or NF-kB—an essential modulator involved in cellular signal
transduction (Fenner, Scannell, & Prehn, 2010). Indeed, high-density pro-
tein arrays enabling the screening of PPIs are commercially available, which
include several thousands of human proteins (or fragments of the proteins)
printed on standard glass slide (7.5  2.5 cm). The main problem now resides

Figure 8.3 (A) Fluorescence image protein array. Those spots displaying higher lumi-
nescence correspond to binary protein–protein interactions. A zoomed view on a single
spot displays a schematic view of the main processes taking place during de novo pro-
tein synthesis before incubation of the protein of interest (de novo protein synthesis,
antibody-based protein binding to known positions on the array). (B) Schematic view
of fluorescent (Cy3) tyramide activation by horseradish peroxidase (right panel displays
fluorescent signal amplification in those array positions where the query protein binds
to interacting proteins de novo synthesized on the array surface). Fluorescent signal
amplification only takes place if binary protein–protein interactions take place. (C) Dif-
ferential display analysis corresponding to the identification of protein–protein interac-
tions detected after the comparison of two fluorescent images. The image on the left
corresponds to NAPPA arrays incubated with a tagged protein. The image on the right
corresponds to a control experiment using only the tag. Close-up views of the digital
images clearly show a number of protein partners (printed in duplicates). Quality con-
trols including fluorescent dyes, printing buffer, BSA, GST, and negative controls are also
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 247

in discerning those interactions with biological meaning and their

Regarding differential profiles of protein expression, a number of studies
support the idea that protein arrays are among the best technologies enabling
reliable detection of low abundant proteins, even in complex mixtures of
proteins such as blood/serum. As an example, protein arrays allow the iden-
tification of cytokines in serum (Huang, Huang, Fan, & Lin, 2001; Kader
et al., 2005; Mor et al., 2005). Cytokines comprises a family of more than
one hundred small proteins that are involved in different cellular processes
(e.g., proliferation, inflammation, immunity, migration, fibrosis, repair, and
angiogenesis; Feldmann, 2008; McInnes & Schett, 2007) and seem to be also
involved in inflammatory disorders and cancer (Huang et al., 2001, 2005).
Therefore, cytokines hold tremendous potential as therapeutic targets
(Feldmann, 2008) and the detection of the whole repertoire of cytokines is
pursued. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that the applicability of anti-
body protein arrays to detect the presence of 169 different proteins, including
cytokines. Although the list of antibodies arrayed and their cognate-binding
proteins was not pointed out (Mor et al., 2005), the authors described signif-
icant increased cytokine levels in sera from patients with ovarian cancer.
Noteworthy this report represents a relevant approach demonstrating the
applicability of protein arrays to detect low abundant proteins in serum.
Currently, new proteomics tools have been progressively introduced to
unravel changes under pathologic conditions. Conceivably, biomarker dis-
covery might be described as the identification and quantification of
protein(s) characteristic of defined biological responses, such as pathogenic
processes or treatment responses (Aronson, 2005). Many examples in the lit-
erature aimed the identification of protein biomarkers in cancer (Hudson,
Pozdnyakova, Haines, Mor, & Snyder, 2007; Matarraz et al., 2011). In a
report by Hudson et al. (2007) the authors built high-density protein arrays
containing >5000 human proteins and probed them with sera from ovarian
cancer patients. After comparison with control sera, 94 tumoral antigens
were identified acting as potential ovarian cancer biomarkers. As an extrap-
olation of these findings, the applicability of protein arrays for biomarker dis-
covery can be extended to other disorders including liver disease,
immunological disorders, and bacterial infection as previously reviewed
(Wilson, Liotta, & Petricoin, 2010).
In the field of posttranslational modifications, it is well known that phos-
phorylation is one of the most important and common ways of regulating
protein function and biological processes. For that reason, this type of
248 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

protein modification deserves special attention. Remarkable applications of

protein arrays include the identification of phosphorylated proteins and pro-
tein kinase-mediated signaling networks in humans (Feilner et al., 2005;
Ptacek et al., 2005; Tarrant & Cole, 2009). A brilliant application of protein
arrays to address the study of protein phosphorylation was published by
Nielsen (Nielsen, Cardone, Sinskey, MacBeath, & Sorger, 2003). These
authors built an array of monoclonal antibodies specific for phosphorylated
+/ forms of EGFR, ErbB2, and TfR, three proteins involved in the ErBb
signal transduction pathway (Yarden & Sliwkowski, 2001). In that report,
the authors combined detection of proteins of interest, detection of post-
translational modifications, measurement of protein abundance, and protein
kinetics after treatment with EGF (an upstream regulator of the ErBb path-
way) at different time points. The use of protein arrays to detect other post-
translational modifications may also be found in the literature, such as
ADP-ribosylation a protein modification still poorly characterized (Feijs
et al., 2013) but in all cases, the identification of protein posttranslational
modifications rely on the availability of well characterized antibodies specif-
ically binding the modifications of interest.
The applicability of protein arrays for clinical diagnostic purposes resides
in the possibility of performing large-scale (i.e., up to several thousand pro-
teins may be monitored in a single experiment) comparisons of protein
expression patterns occurring in two or more biological samples, allowing
the detection of those altered protein profiles that harbor biomedical impli-
cations. Belov and coworkers reported a remarkable application of protein
arrays that serves to diagnose leukemia and even discern among three major
subtypes of leukemia (acute myeloid leukemia, AML; acute lymphocytic
leukemia, ALL; and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL) by incubating
the arrays directly with leukocyte sample preparations from donor samples
(Belov, de la Vega, dos Remedios, Mulligan, & Christopherson, 2001;
Belov, Huang, Barber, Mulligan, & Christopherson, 2003). For this pur-
pose, the authors built antibody arrays containing a panel of antibodies spe-
cifically binding cluster of differentiation (CD) antigens. With this approach,
focusing on the screening of proteins leukocyte surface antigens, the authors
demonstrated that antibody arrays in combination with purified leukocyte
blood preparations constitute a valid alternative to other conventional tech-
niques (i.e., flow cytometry) currently in use to detect chronic lymphocytic
leukemia. Interestingly, a similar approach also served to detect the occur-
rence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes found in colorectal cancer speci-
mens surgically resected (Ellmark et al., 2006).
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 249

The construction of customized antibody arrays specifically targeting

modified proteins is also feasible. As an example, Chen et al. (2009)
described the constructions of arrays bearing a small subset of three anti-
bodies specifically binding glycoproteins (alpha-1B-glycoprotein, serum
amyloid P-component, and antithrombin-III). The authors claimed that
the different expression levels in these proteins, proposed as biomarkers,
could serve for early detection or pancreatic cancer.
Other examples of the applicability of protein arrays that hold potential
for diagnostic purposes include their use for the detection of antibodies pre-
sent in blood, serum, or biofluids raised against intrinsic (auto-antibodies) or
extrinsic antigens (alo-antibodies). An outstanding report showing the appli-
cability of protein arrays for detection of auto-antibodies was published by
Madoz-Gurpide in 2008 (Madoz-Gurpide, Kuick, Wang, Misek, &
Hanash, 2008). In this report, reverse phase protein arrays were constructed
by immobilizing lung adenocarcinomas cancer cell protein extracts. These
arrays were used to detect auto-antibodies present in serum samples from
lung cancer patients. The occurrence of increased levels of auto-antibodies
in serum was evidenced through their binding to specific antigens present in
lung cancer cell models attached on protein arrays. Consequently, this tech-
nique represents a promising tool for early diagnosis of cancer (Anderson &
LaBaer, 2005; Anderson et al., 2008, 2011; Locker et al., 1999; Madoz-
Gurpide et al., 2008), but could also be extended to other diseases or alter-
ations leading increased levels of auto-antibodies in blood or biological
Finally, protein arrays may also be used for identification of human path-
ogens. A brilliant example of the last application was reported by Beare et al.
(2008), who virtually expressed the whole proteome (i.e., 1988 open read-
ing frames, representing 97.2% of the coding sequences) of a human path-
ogen termed Coxiella burnetii using cell-free protein expression systems. The
resulting proteins were purified and attached on arrays to identify the occur-
rence of antibodies in sera from individuals infected with this bacterium. As a
result, the authors identified 44 immunoreactive proteins. The advantages of
such protein array including the proteome of this pathogenic bacterium
were double: first, protein arrays allowed discerning infected from
noninfected individuals. Second, the results served as a solid basis for the
design and development of vaccines against immunogenic proteins. Recent
reports conducted using the same pathogenic bacteria as a model validated
those observations (Vigil et al., 2010, 2011). The examples above demon-
strate that protein arrays represent a promising tool in biomedical research
250 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

and open new avenues for the development of protein arrays that can serve as
reliable diagnostic tests in clinical practice.

2.2. Advantages and limitations of protein arrays

Both, the technologies used for building protein arrays and the increasing
number of applications contribute to provide advantageous characteristics
to this technology (Table 8.3). Remarkable characteristics of protein array
technology include reduced reagent consumption and the ability to keep
a tight control of the experimental conditions. Roger Ekins and coworkers
described these binding events based on miniaturization as the key param-
eter. They predicted that a system that uses small amounts of capture mol-
ecules and a small amount of sample can be more sensitive than a system
using one hundred times more material. This is true if K < 0.1 where K
is the affinity constant between ligand and target. The capture ligand is pres-
ented in a confined area of the array, reducing its diffusion. The binding
event with its specific target takes place with the highest possible capture
molecule concentration and therefore, the highest signal intensities and opti-
mal signal-to-noise ratios can be achieved in these small spots (Ekins & Chu,
1992; Ekins, Chu, & Biggart, 1990). An immunoassay in an array format
displays sensitivities in the pM to fM range, enabling testing low-abundant
(pg/mL) analytes in crude proteomes with a small volume of sample. In
many cases, the sample to test is minimal so protein microarrays show a rel-
evant advantage in clinical applications.
Notably, protein array technology offers improved reproducibility com-
pared to techniques such as Y2H. In this regard (Ito et al., 2001) compared
their results with two previous reports also using Y2H technology, and
pinpointed a surprisingly low overlap among three datasets (<20% in every
case). Lack of reproducibility could jeopardize the comparability and reli-
ability of the results obtained in high-throughput screening experiments
and evidenced the need of carrying out technical replicates in order to iden-
tify genuine interactions, which is also applicable to other protein interac-
tion screening techniques. In terms of sensitivity, LC–MS/MS and gel-based
analysis of complex protein mixtures frequently require protein enrichment,
fractionation, or high-abundant protein depletion steps in order to detect
low abundant proteins that could be biologically relevant—see Ly and
Wasinger (2011) and Millioni et al. (2011) for comparative description on
enrichment versus depletion strategies. Protein fractionation, enrichment,
and depletion strategies may be tedious and frequently require higher sample
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 251

Table 8.3 Advantages and limitations of protein arrays to address the study
of protein–protein interactions

Large-scale monitoring experiments (several thousand proteins can be monitored
in a single experiment).
Wide range of applications: screening, differential profiling, detection of
biomarkers, functional characterization of proteins, protein–protein/peptide/
molecule interactions.
Low sample consumption (especially relevant for clinical applications).
Fast experiments, allowing detection/quantitation/characterization of up to
thousands of proteins in a single experiment.
Experimental conditions can be easily controlled.
Increased protein detection levels compared to other high-throughput proteomic
technologies (e.g., LC–MS/MS).
A range of different chemistries may be used to modify solid surface (typically
glass) to achieve protein binding.
Customizable, they can be constructed “ad hoc” for specific purposes.
Proprietary antibodies raised in-house may be printed.
Typically focused on binary protein–protein interactions (not optimized for the
identification of protein complexes).
Increased possibility of detecting false positives as potential interactors.
Validation experiments (coimmunoprecipitation, Western-blot, colocalization,
etc.,) are required.
The posttranslational modification status of the proteins attached on arrays is
difficult to control.
The largest “whole proteome” currently reported corresponds to a relatively
simple model organism (yeast), complete eukaryotic proteomes remain unknown.
Lack of ability to measure binding/dissociation constants.
The concentration of the target protein/molecule in the solution cannot be
The highest density arrays reported to date include 23,000 different positions
on a single array.
Several variables may alter the functionality of the proteins during the production
and/or storage of the protein arrays.
Complexity of experimental design, lack of standardized protocols.
The proteins arrayed may not be properly folded, fully functional, or optimally
oriented after binding to solid surfaces.
Deep characterization of the specificity and stability of the antibodies used in
antibody arrays is required.
252 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

volumes, which could be limiting in the case of clinical samples. Compar-

atively, the probability of detecting low abundant proteins present in small
sample volumes containing complex protein mixtures seems to be signifi-
cantly higher in protein array analyses. Indeed, protein detection limits as
low as 3–5 amol (Kim, Daniel, & Mirkin, 2009; Thaxton et al., 2009) of
protein were reported, requiring only minute amounts of sample material
and without the need for enrichment protocols (Brase et al., 2010).
Some of the outstanding achievements of protein arrays reported in
previous sections underline the applicability of protein arrays to detect
low abundant proteins (such as cytokines and biomarkers) in complex pro-
tein mixtures (e.g., serum samples) without the need of sample fractionation
or protein enrichment protocols. Therefore, the sensitivity of protein arrays
is comparable to liquid chromatography coupled to selected reaction mon-
itoring (SRM) technology (Lange, Picotti, Domon, & Aebersold, 2008).
Indeed, reports using SRM approaches accurately quantified some low
abundant proteins such as cancer biomarkers in human body fluids
(Huttenhain et al., 2012) or quantified proteins at concentration below fifty
copies per cell (Picotti, Bodenmiller, Mueller, Domon, & Aebersold, 2009).
Despite the similar sensitivities achieved by protein arrays and SRM, protein
arrays offer unrivaled and versatile capabilities to characterize protein–
protein/molecule interactions (Hurst et al., 2009; Katz et al., 2011;
Kersten et al., 2004). However, it is important to highlight the limitations
of protein arrays to characterize protein partners (Table 8.3), including lack
of ability to measure binding/dissociation constants or to measure the con-
centration of the target protein/molecule in the solution.
Other inherent limitation of protein arrays is that an ideal protein array
should include the whole repertoire of proteins of the organism of interest.
In the case of humans, this may be considered as a utopian thought. The
number of different protein species in humans is vast (i.e., including
alternative-spliced variants, posttranslational modifications, single nucleotide
polymorphisms, and chimeric proteins; Casado-Vela, Cebrian, del Pulgar,
et al., 2011) and greatly exceeds the current ability to attach proteins on a sin-
gle array. The printed densities of arrays reported in the literature greatly vary
from few hundreds to up to 38,400 different spots (see examples of high-
density arrays in Fig. 8.2). The largest protein array in terms of number of
different proteins that we found in the literature included 16,368 unique
full-length human open reading frames ( Jeong et al., 2012). In fact, protein
arrays bearing more than 17,000 human recombinant proteins printed
on arrays bearing 38,400 spots are already available (www.cdi-lab.com;
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 253

www.cambridgeproteinarrays.com). A major limitation of protein arrays is

that the biochemical diversity of the proteins found in humans precludes
the possibility of producing and purifying every single protein, regardless
of the strategy used to produce those proteins. To exemplify this, it is widely
accepted that transcription factors and membrane proteins are often difficult
to express and/or purify. In this sense, protein arrays based on cell-free pro-
tein expression systems represent a promising alternative, overcoming some
limitations of protein synthesis using cellular systems (i.e., in cellular systems
improperly folded proteins tend to aggregate and are frequently proteolyzed
and degraded). High protein yields were reported in a number of membrane
proteins using cell-free protein expression systems (Schwarz, Dotsch, &
Bernhard, 2008). Whereas the advantages of cell-free protein expression
systems, different cell extracts used for protein production show different
tolerance to additives. Protein arrays based on cell-free protein expression
allow rapid and customized production of proteins from different templates.
Protein expression using cell-free models is affordable and can be accom-
plished within a short period of time (typically 2–3 h is enough to translate
all the proteins on a given array). More importantly, proteins are produced
just prior to use precluding potential deleterious storage effects and provide
high stable arrays.
Even if the whole human proteome could be attached on the surface of
arrays, a number of variables may alter the functionality of the proteins dur-
ing the production and/or storage of the protein arrays. The list of main fac-
tors significantly affecting the production of protein and antibody arrays was
already reported more than one decade ago (Kusnezow, Jacob, Walijew,
Diehl, & Hoheisel, 2003), but they are still frequently underestimated.
A key variable is the need to produce properly folded and functionally active
proteins, which may be also modulated by posttranslational modification.
Different cellular lysates may influence the posttranslational modification
status of the proteins produced, which may cause an effect on the
function of the proteins. As an example, insect cell extracts allow phosphor-
ylation (Casado-Vela, Martinez-Torrecuadrada, & Casal, 2009) and
N-glycosylation of proteins (Harrison & Jarvis, 2006). Recent reports sup-
port that posttranslational modification and serine/threonine/tyrosine phos-
phorylation is possible in bacteria. Indeed, bacteria possess serine/threonine
kinases (structurally similar to those found in eukaryotic organisms), tyrosine
kinases (termed BY-kinases), and other kinases not yet categorized. The
occurrence of bacterial kinases and the increasing number of phosphorylated
proteins in bacterial systems contrast with previous reports stating that
254 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

bacterial systems lacks most of the eukaryotic posttranslational machinery

(see Sahdev, Khattar, and Saini 2008, for review). Hence, it is important
to underline that the phosphorylation efficiency of bacteria is significantly
lower (10–100; Mijakovic & Macek, 2012) compared to eukaryotic sys-
tems and the phosphorylation patterns may significantly differ—reviewed in
Mijakovic and Macek (2012). Therefore, the selection of appropriate cell
lysates able to mimic the posttranslational modification status of the proteins
could be advantageous.
More importantly, the plethora of potential interactions retrieved using
protein arrays raises questions about the possibility of including false positives
in the list of potential interactors and introduces the necessity of including
further validation experiments such as coimmunoprecipitation followed by
Western-blot, ELISA, or colocalization approaches. Therefore, any strategy
precluding the potential occurrence of false positives represents a valuable
advantage. In this sense, validation of the specificity and suitability of the
antibodies used as reagents in protein arrays may significantly contribute
to that task (Spurrier, Ramalingam, & Nishizuka, 2008). A recent report
(Gujral et al., 2012) used protein arrays to screen for proteins and
phospho-proteins acting as signaling molecules in breast cancer. In their
study, the authors emphasized that out of several thousand antibodies tested
(most of them commercially available) only 5% exhibited sufficient specific-
ity, supporting the idea that checking antibody specificity is of paramount
importance. In addition, detection methods for protein microarrays are
mainly based on dyes or labels, which do not allow real-time detection; then,
it is not easy to obtain info regarding binding parameters by using protein
arrays for studying PPIs.
Finally, protein arrays, as other -omic technologies, provide large
amounts of data in a high-throughput manner. Thus, the major current chal-
lenge is the standardization, analysis, integration, and eventual interpretation
of the huge amount of data generated with protein array technology
(Casado-Vela, Cebrian, del Pulgar, et al., 2011; Dı́ez et al., 2012).


DNA-binding proteins are involved in a number of key cellular pro-
cesses such as DNA repair and modification, transcriptional regulation,
recombination, replication, and restriction. Thus, the identification of the
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 255

list of proteins able to bind DNA and the elucidation of the specific
sequences within DNA that are recognized constitute two main objectives.
Of particular interest, is the case of transcription factors (TFs), responsible for
the transcriptional regulation through recognition and binding to specific
DNA sequences located inside regulatory domains. The elucidation of
DNA-motifs recognized by TFs is a main task for elucidating the so called
“transcriptional regulatory code” (Harbison et al., 2004). Chromatin immu-
noprecipitation (ChIP) of TF–DNA complexes and analysis of DNA
fragments with oligonucleotide arrays (ChIP-chip) or deep-sequencing
(ChIP-seq) provides an in vivo landscape of the target genes of TFs—
reviewed in Park (2009). However, ChIP-based methodologies make the
study of TF-binding sites at large scale an unaffordable task, given the neces-
sity of specific antibodies against the TFs under study. Alternatively,
PDI-arrays offer a valuable alternative to analyze and detect specific DNA
sequences-binding proteins.
Figure 8.4 shows a schematic overview of protein-binding DNA arrays
and their application to unravel PDIs. With this approach, single-stranded
DNA molecules (ssDNA) are converted into double-stranded DNAs
(dsDNA) in a primer extension reaction using universal primers comple-
mentary to all the DNA sequences. In this manner, known dsDNA
sequences remain attached on known positions of the array. Such array of
molecules can be directly incubated with soluble preparations of the protein
of interest (purified or bacterial protein extracts may be used). Finally, PDIs
are immunologically probed with Cy5 fluorescent-labeled specific anti-
bodies raised against protein epitopes (or against epitope tags).
Fluorescent-labeled primary or secondary antibodies may be used to detect
the interactions. Subsequently, specific sequences within DNA that bind
query proteins are identified after image processing using dedicated software.
Several fluorochrome-based detection strategies may be used. For
instance, Warren et al. (2006) conjugated Cy3 at a particular cysteine residue
on an unstructured portion of the protein Exd that did not affect its
functionality. More versatile and easier are those strategies based on immu-
nological detection of DNA-transcription factor complexes with
fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies. In this case, PDI-array is incubated
with the transcription factor of interest fused to an epitope tag (e.g., gluta-
thione S-transferase, GST), and bound PDI-array incubated with a labeled
antibody (Mukherjee et al., 2004). Alternatively, the protein may be fused to
a fluorescent protein (e.g., DsRed), and fluorescence directly detected
without need for multistep incubations (Kim, Lee, et al., 2009).
256 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

Synthesis of protein binding Incubation of protein of Dectection of protein-DNA
DNA arrays interest with dsDNA interactions

Synthesis of ssDNA sequences Primary antibody anti-tag

onto the array
Primer extension +Universal primer
+dUTP-Cy5 labeled Secondary antibody-Cy3 labeled
Purified protein of interest or
Synthesis dsDNA bacterial soluble extracts
Detection of protein–DNA interactions
using fluorescence imaging
Protein hybridization with Cy3
Quality control (Cy5 fluorescence protein binding DNA array
incorporated to dsDNA)

Protein–DNA complexes,
washing for detection of

Figure 8.4 Schematic overview of the detection protein–DNA interactions using

protein-binding DNA arrays. (A) Single-stranded DNA molecules (ssDNA) are converted
into double-stranded DNAs (dsDNA) in a primer extension reaction using universal
primers complementary to all the DNA sequences. Cy5-dUTP is incorporated to monitor
the synthesis of the second strand and to normalize the signal intensity. A detail of the
image after scanning at the red channel where the Cy5 signal is uniformly distributed is
shown. (B) dsDNA arrays are then incubated with the protein of interest, purified from
bacterial cultures. Whole bacterial cell lysates may be used for incubation of array. Alter-
natively, purified protein preparations may be also used. (C) DNA–protein complexes
are probed with specific antibodies raised against the epitope tag and subsequently
with a Cy5-conjugated secondary antibody. After scanning the slide, DNA–protein com-
plexes are revealed as bright spots, displayed as light-grey spots.

The current number of different DNA sequences represented in the

PDI-arrays depends on three main factors: the design of dsDNAs; the length
of the oligonucleotide spotted onto the array; and the resolution of the array
(i.e., number of different spots). Accordingly, optimum design choice is crit-
ical for obtaining as much information as possible in a single experiment. In
their hairpin-based design, Warren et al. (2006) included four copies for all
the possible 8-mer sequences synthesized in a high-density microarray
(131,584 features per array; NimbleGen systems). The group of Martha
Bulyk followed a different strategy to compact all the possible 10-mer in
a 44 k microarray based on the use of a universal linker sequence for primer
extension. The optimization of the design of DNA molecules with pseudo-
random properties in a maximally compact manner is also of paramount
importance (Berger & Bulyk, 2009; Berger et al., 2006). The possibility
of multiplexing this design (e.g., four 44 k microarrays synthesized in a single
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 257

slide, as manufactured by Agilent Technologies), allows analyzing DNA-

binding properties of several different proteins in a single experiment. Using
a similar approach for optimizing the number of different DNA molecules,
we increased the resolution of the interrogated patterns up to 11 bp. This
design not only allows detecting longer motifs than other previous designs,
but also increases the number of DNA probes containing lower order
sequences, enhancing the statistical power for identification of specific
DNA-motifs (Franco-Zorrilla & Solano, 2014; Godoy et al., 2011).
More importantly, the design of PDI-arrays is critical for determination
of specific sequences recognized by DNA-binding proteins. With this
respect, two types of molecules have been used in PDI-arrays: short dsDNAs
designed as self-complementary palindromes (Warren et al., 2006); and short
dsDNAs originated by primer extension using a universal primer comple-
mentary to a common DNA sequence present in all the DNA oligonucle-
otides (Mukherjee et al., 2004). Other issue for consideration in the design
refers to the number of different DNA sequences represented in the PDI-
array. Because most metazoan DNA-binding proteins recognize less than
10 bp (Berger et al., 2006; Wingender et al., 2001), PDI-arrays should be
capable of identifying sequences preferred by almost any DNA-binding pro-
tein. In addition, the number of different DNA sequences increases expo-
nentially with the length of the interrogated fragment. For example, we can
obtain all possible 8 bp-long dsDNA sequences (8-mer) in 32,768 different
molecules (¼48/2), but all possible 9-mers, 10-mer, and 11-mer should rep-
resent 131,072, 524,288, and 2,097,152 dsDNA probes, respectively.

3.1. Recent achievements of protein-binding DNA arrays

and their application to address the study
of the human proteome
The identification of regulatory networks governing animal development,
core biological processes, and responses to environmental stimuli is critical
for understanding the central role of transcriptional programs and TFs in
these processes. This becomes particularly interesting in the case of human
diseases, as about 40% of cancer genes (genes which, when mutated, are
responsible to the development of cancer) correspond to nucleic acid-
binding proteins (Furney, Higgins, Ouzounis, & Lopez-Bigas, 2006), and
a third of human developmental disorders have been attributed to dysfunc-
tional TFs (Vaquerizas, Kummerfeld, Teichmann, & Luscombe, 2009). This
understanding requires cataloging target genes of TFs, as effectors of the cel-
lular responses to intrinsic and environmental stimuli. Comprehensive
258 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

characterization of DNA-binding specificities of TFs then emerges as a crit-

ical bottleneck in the identification of target genes.
PDI-arrays offer an extremely useful tool for the identification of
TF-binding DNA motifs in vitro. Berger et al. (2008) used PDI-arrays for
the identification of DNA-binding patterns of the majority (168) of mouse
homeodomain proteins, defining 65 distinct DNA-motifs. Interestingly,
distinct DNA-motifs correlated well with amino acid sequence similarity
among the homeodomain proteins, revealing striking structure–function
relationships. Moreover, this large-scale analysis of mouse homedomains
allowed predicting DNA-binding specificities among animal homeodomains
(Berger et al., 2008).
Similar approaches were followed in the characterization of DNA-
binding profiles of yeast and mouse TFs belonging to different structural
classes (Badis et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2009). In the case of yeast, Zhu
et al. (2009) characterized the DNA-binding profiles for 89 TFs, some of
them previously undiscovered as DNA-binding proteins. In addition, data
obtained using PDI-arrays correlated well with available data on DNA-
binding in vivo obtained from ChIP experiments (Zhu et al., 2009). Thus,
given the good agreement between in vitro and in vivo experiments, opens
novel possibilities for the identification of targets genes of TFs. Moreover,
PDI-array data can be used to further refine ChIP-based data in order to dis-
tinguish between direct or indirect targets of TFs. Similarly to that described
for yeast TFs, Badis et al. (2009) analyzed 104 mouse TFs belonging to
22 structural classes. The main achievement of this study relates the com-
plexity in DNA recognition of TFs, where approximately half of the pro-
teins tested recognized multiple sequence motifs. When PDI-array data
were used to analyze ChIP-based results, both primary and secondary
DNA motifs where enriched among bound DNA fragments by two differ-
ent TFs, indicating that data obtained in vitro had a good agreement with
TF-targets observed in vivo.
In summary, PDI-arrays have been extremely useful for the identifica-
tion of the DNA sequences recognized by TFs in some model organisms,
and these data are likely to be similar for conserved homolog proteins in
other organisms. Moreover, PDI-array data can be used to refine ChIP data
and, when integrated with additional strategies, such as phylogenomic
shadowing or nucleosome occupancy data, will serve to predict cis-
regulatory elements and target genes.
Early studies on the regulation of gene expression have demonstrated
that TFs regulate the expression of their target genes in a combinatorial
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 259

manner (McKenna & O’Malley, 2002; Remenyi, Scholer, & Wilmanns,

2004). That means that the expression of a given gene depends on the com-
binatorial action of several TFs, each recognizing a specific DNA-sequence
motif. Recent studies highlighted the relevance of the establishment of par-
ticular PPIs for transcriptional regulation in different tissues, both in mouse
and human (Ravasi et al., 2010). In spite that physical interactions among
TFs do not necessarily involve a combined interaction of the protein com-
plex with DNA, this opens the possibility that heterodimeric TFs recognize
specific DNA sequences. With this respect, PDI-arrays may also offer a tool
for determining DNA-binding specificity of heterodimeric TFs, beyond
their uses indicated above. Actually, Grove et al. (2009) performed an inte-
grated analysis of several paralog basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) TFs, and
demonstrated that bHLH proteins that do not form heterodimers bind to
DNA as homodimers. By contrast, bHLH proteins that participate in
heterodimeric interactions do not bind to DNA on their own, but rather
they need the formation of the corresponding heterodimers to recognize
and bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner (Grove et al., 2009).

3.2. Advantages and limitations of protein-binding DNA arrays

Major advantages and disadvantages have been pointed out in previous par-
agraphs and are summarized in Table 8.4. As stated above, protein-binding
DNA arrays offer a valuable alternative for the identification of DNA-
sequences specifically recognized by DNA-binding proteins. In principle,
the advantages of PDI-arrays are basically the same as in protein arrays.
PDI array data are very useful on their own thanks to the identification of
DNA-sequences recognized by the protein, helping in the design of artificial
promoters and/or TFs involved in a particular biological process. However,
these data are extremely useful when a combination of strategies is followed
for the identification of targets genes. With this respect, the analysis of the
promoter regions of genes presumably regulated by a particular TF will help
to define actual target genes of TFs. In this sense, the presence of the specific
DNA-sequence recognized by the TF in the proximal promoter of a gene
presumably regulated by the TF, will be an indicative of its regulatory poten-
tial. Transcriptomic assays specifically designed for the TF under study (e.g.,
knocked-out cells or organisms) will yield a transcriptional landscape of the
gene network regulated by the TF, and the presence of specific cis-elements
will discriminate between direct and indirect targets (Godoy et al., 2011).
This strategy may be even more accessible when analyzing publicly available
260 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

Table 8.4 Advantages and limitations of protein-binding DNA arrays to address

the study of protein–DNA interactions

Identification of specific DNA sequences recongized by DNA-binding
proteins in vitro.
Relatively simple methodology.
Fast: the entire process takes two working days.
No need of purification and/or labeling of the protein.
Suitable for any commercially available antibody.
Pararallelizable when using multiplexed arrays: several different proteins
can be assayed at once.
Relatively cheap with multiplexed arrays.
Data obtained in PDI-arrays correlate well with data obtained in vivo.
Aplicable to known heterodimers.
In vitro system that do not yield actual targets in vivo.
Restricted to short sequences, between 8 and 11 bp. Bipartite motifs are rarely
Depends on the solubility and correct folding of the protein expressed in E. coli.
Not suitable for proteins requiring post-translational modifications for
Not suitable for proteins requiring unknown specific heterodimerizations.

transcriptomic assays. Public repositories such as GEO (http://www.ncbi.

nlm.nih.gov/geo/) or ArrayExpress (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/)
contain more than 40,000 complete transcriptomic assays involving above
one million different samples (as in December 2013). Thus, simple searches
in databases of transcriptomic assays involving the TF of interest, or a struc-
turally similar TF, or a biological process in wich are involved may be an easy
alternative for identifying target genes (Godoy et al., 2011).


An increasing range of public databases currently allow the retrieval of
information on protein interactions, including predictions of interactions
and even modeling the pathways involved, reviewed in (Fernandez-
Suarez & Galperin, 2013). The information compiled in such databases con-
stitutes a valuable resource for information regarding interactions based on
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 261

previous experiments and to compare with novel experimental data. For that
reason, we also include here a directory of valuable resources (Table 8.5)
including the list, description, and links gathering information of PPIs
and PDIs.
An issue for consideration is that many databases include data derived
from prediction algorithms and computational methods. In this regard, a
number of algorithms and computational methods currently coexist and
can be used to infer the occurrence of PPIs (Gomez, Choi, & Wu, 2008;
Gong et al., 2008; Jessulat et al., 2011; Mishra, 2012; Pitre et al., 2008;
Skrabanek, Saini, Bader, & Enright, 2008). These algorithms rely on one
or more features—such as genomic sequence, topological genomic cluster-
ing, protein sequence, protein structure, protein functional/structural
domains, or evolutionary relationship—and may also take advantage of
known PPI datasets to test, train, and improve the quality of their predic-
tions. A comparative overview of prediction algorithms is beyond the scope
of this report, but it is important to underline that computational algorithms
frequently take advantage of reliable training datasets (i.e., bona-fide list of
protein interactions) to test and to improve their predictions.
More importantly, the list of candidate protein partners retrieved may
significantly differ among databases, due to the fact that the amount and
quality of the information deposited in each database are not really compa-
rable (Klingstrom & Plewczynski, 2011, reviewed PPI databases and their
sources of information). The overall information overlap among databases
is limited and, thus, gathering information from as many databases as possible
may represent an advantage if thorough information on the interactome of a
specific protein is the objective. This task currently constitutes an obstacle
that may be prohibitive in terms of time.
The reasons above justify the current trend towards the development of
web-based search engines able to gather protein interactors from multiple
databases at the same time and yielding updated information. Examples of
such engines include PSICQUIC (Aranda et al., 2011), DASMI
(Blankenburg et al., 2009), and BIPS (Garcia-Garcia, Schleker, Klein-
Seetharaman, & Oliva, 2012), recently developed and publicly available
for the scientific community. These web tools significantly simplify the
screening of information.
Nevertheless, relevant information affecting protein interactions (such
as the specific physical and biochemical parameters affecting to those
interactions) is frequently overlooked (Schleker et al., 2012) and, more
importantly, still suffers from high rates of false positives and errors
Table 8.5 Name, references link, and brief description of resources on human protein–protein interactions (PPIs)
and protein–DNA interactions (PDIs)
Name, acronym (reference) Web link Full name and description
2P2Idb (Bourgeas, http://www.hupo.org/research/hpp/ Hand-curated database dedicated
Basse, Morelli, & Roche, 2010) to the structure of protein–protein
complexes with known small molecule
3did (Mosca, Ceol, http://www.3did.irbbarcelona.org/ 3D interacting domains. Domain–
Stein, Olivella, & Aloy, 2013) domain interactions in proteins with
known 3D structures.
3D-Interologs (Lo, Chen, & Yang, http://gemdock.life.nctu.edu.tw/3d-interologs/ Protein–protein interactions in various
2010) evolutionary lineages
AANT (Hoffman et al., 2004) http://aant.icmb.utexas.edu/ Amino acid–nucleotide interaction
database. Categorizes all amino
acid–nucleotide interactions from
experimentally determined
protein–nucleic acid structures, and
provides users with a graphic interface
for visualizing these interactions in
BioGRID (Chatr-Aryamontri http://thebiogrid.org/ Genetic and physical interactions
et al., 2013) in yeast, worm, fly, and human
BioLiP (Yang, Roy, http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/BioLiP/ Semi-manually curated database for
& Zhang, 2013) high-quality, biologically relevant
ligand–protein-binding interactions
CancerResource (Ahmed et al., http://bioinf-data.charite.de/cancerresource/ Cancer-relevant proteins and
2011) compound interactions
CCSB Interactome database http://interactome.dfci.harvard.edu/index.php? Database including data from different
(reference not available to cite page¼home organisms, including humans
this database)
CellCircuits (Mak, Daly, Gruebel, http://www.cellcircuits.org/search/index.html Molecular network models: from
& Ideker, 2007) pairwise molecular interactions to
whole pathways
ConsensusPathDB (Kamburov, http://cpdb.molgen.mpg.de/ Integrates interaction networks in
Stelzl, Lehrach, & Herwig, 2013) Homo sapiens including binary and
complex protein–protein interactions,
genetic, metabolic, signaling,
gene regulatory, and
drug-target interactions, as well as
biochemical pathways
HPRD (Muthusamy, Thomas, http://www.hprd.org/ Human protein reference database.
Prasad, & Pandey, 2013) http://www.humanproteinpedia.org/ Includes abundant information on
protein characterization, mass
spectrometry, and protein–protein
interaction as follows:
Coimmunoprecipitation and mass
spectrometry-based protein–protein
interaction, coimmunoprecipitation,
and Western blotting based protein–
protein interaction, fluorescence-based
experiments, immunohistochemistry,
mass spectrometric analysis, protein,
and peptide microarray, Western
blotting, yeast two-hybrid based
protein–protein interaction.
Table 8.5 Name, references link, and brief description of resources on human protein–protein interactions (PPIs)
and protein–DNA interactions (PDIs)—cont'd
Name, acronym (reference) Web link Full name and description
IntAct (Kerrien et al., 2012) http://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/main.xhtml Database and analysis tools for protein
interaction data. All interactions are
derived from literature curation or
direct user submissions and are freely
JASPAR (Portales-Casamar et al., http://jaspar.genereg.net Open-access database for eukaryotic
2010) transcription factor-binding profiles
KDBI ( Ji et al., 2003) http://bidd.nus.edu.sg/group/kdbi/kdbi.asp Kinetic data of bio-molecular
interactions database. Kinetic data of
bio-molecular interaction (KDBI) is a
collection of experimentally
determined kinetic data of protein–
protein, protein–RNA, protein–DNA,
protein–ligand, RNA–ligand, DNA–
ligand binding, or reaction events
described in the literature.
KUPS (Chen, Jeong, http://www.ittc.ku.edu/chenlab/kups/ The University of Kansas Proteomics
& Dermyer, 2011) Service (KUPS) provides high-quality
protein–protein interaction (PPI)
datasets for researchers who are
interested in elucidating PPIs with
in silico methods.
MatrixDB (Chautard, Fatoux- http://matrixdb.ibcp.fr/ Extracellular matrix interaction
Ardore, Ballut, Thierry-Mieg, database.
& Ricard-Blum, 2011)
MiMI (Tarcea et al., 2009) http://mimi.ncibi.org/MimiWeb/main-page.jsp The Michigan molecular interactions
database provides access to the
knowledge and data merged and
integrated from numerous protein
interactions databases.
MINT (Licata et al., 2012) http://mint.bio.uniroma2.it/mint/Welcome.do Focuses on experimentally verified
protein–protein interactions mined
from the scientific literature by expert
curators. The full MINT dataset can be
freely downloaded.
Negatome (Smialowski et al., http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/proj/ppi/ Proteins and domain pairs which are
2010) negatome/ unlikely engaged in direct physical
interactions. The database currently
contains experimentally supported
noninteracting protein pairs derived
from two distinct sources: by manual
curation of literature and by analyzing
protein complexes from the PDB.
NPIDB (Spirin, Titov, http://npidb.belozersky.msu.ru/ Nucleic acid–protein interaction
Karyagina, & Alexeevski, 2007) database. Includes a collection of files in
the PDB format containing structural
information on DNA–protein and
RNA–protein complexes, and a
number of online tools for analysis of
the complexes.
Table 8.5 Name, references link, and brief description of resources on human protein–protein interactions (PPIs)
and protein–DNA interactions (PDIs)—cont'd
Name, acronym (reference) Web link Full name and description
Pathguide (Cary, Bader, & Sander, http://pathguide.org/ Provides an overview of more than 190
2005) web-accessible biological pathway and
network databases. These include
databases on metabolic pathways,
signaling pathways, transcription factor
targets, gene regulatory networks,
genetic interactions, protein–
compound interactions, and
protein–protein interactions.
PepCyber: PPep http://pepcyber.umn.edu/PPEP/ Human protein interactions mediated
(Gong et al., 2008) by phosphoprotein-binding domains.
PID (Schaefer et al., 2009) http://pid.nci.nih.gov/ Pathway interaction database.
Interactions and cellular processes
assembled into human signaling
PINA (Cowley et al., 2012) http://cbg.garvan.unsw.edu.au/pina/ Protein interaction network analysis.
Integrated platform for protein
interaction network construction,
filtering, analysis, visualization, and
management. It integrates protein–
protein interaction data from several
public databases and builds a complete,
nonredundant protein interaction
PIN database (Luc & Tempst, http://pin.mskcc.org/ Proteins interacting in the nucleus.
2004) Proteins interacting in nucleus
including information from human
(and yeast).
PINT http://www.bioinfodatabase.com/pint/ The protein–protein interactions
Protein–Protein Interactions thermodynamic database is a collection
Thermodynamic Database of experimental data of several
(Kumar & Gromiha, 2006) thermodynamic parameters along with
literature, sequence and structural
information, and experimental
PIPs (McDowall, Scott, & Barton, http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/www-pips/ Database of predicted human
2009) protein–protein interactions
piSite (Higurashi, Ishida, http://pisite.hgc.jp/ Database of protein interaction sites
& Kinoshita, 2009) using multiple binding states in PDB
ProtChemSI (Kalinina, http://pcidb.russelllab.org/ Protein–chemical structural
Wichmann, Apic, & Russell, 2011) interactions database includes all
existing 3D structures of complexes of
proteins with low molecular weight
POINT (Huang et al., 2004) http://point.bioinformatics.tw/Welcome.do; Prediction of human protein–protein
jsessionid¼82EDC3103003E47353C764517501AAFE interactome
PrePPI (Zhang, Petrey, Garzon, http://genomequebec.mcgill.ca/PReMod/ Predicted transcriptional regulatory
Deng, & Honig, 2013) modules in the human genome
Table 8.5 Name, references link, and brief description of resources on human protein–protein interactions (PPIs)
and protein–DNA interactions (PDIs)—cont'd
Name, acronym (reference) Web link Full name and description
PROMISCUOUS (von Eichborn http://bioinformatics.charite.de/promiscuous/ Protein–protein and drug–protein
et al., 2011) interactions resource
PSIbase (Gong et al., 2005) http://psibase.kobic.re.kr/ Molecular interaction database focusing
on structural interaction
of proteins and their domains
SNAPPI ( Jefferson, Walsh, http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/SNAPPI/ Structures, interfaces, and alignments
Roberts, & Barton, 2007) downloads.jsp for protein–protein interactions
TissueNet (Barshir et al., 2013) http://netbio.bgu.ac.il/tissuenet/ Tissue distribution of protein–protein
TRANSFAC (Wingender, 2008) http://www.biobase-international.com/product/ Private database for eukaryotic
transcription-factor-binding-sites transcription factor-binding profiles
TRIP (Shin et al., 2012) http://www.trpchannel.org/ Protein–protein interactions for
mammalian TRP channels
UniHI (Chaurasia & Futschik, http://www.unihi.org/ Integrated tool for the exploration
2012) of the human interactome
UniPROBE (Robasky & Bulyk, http://the_brain.bwh.harvard.edu/uniprobe/ Online database of protein-binding
2011) microarray data on protein–DNA
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 269

(Tyagi et al., 2012). For that reason, despite the increasing usability of
databases, literature searches on peer-reviewed journals still constitutes
the main source of information on PPIs in two ways: first, literature
searches may retrieve information that may not be included in databases.
Second, the comparison of the list of protein interactors retrieved upon
database and literature searches enable manual correction of involuntary
mistakes due to, for example, gene acronym redundancies (Casado-
Vela, Matthiesen, Selles, & Naranjo, 2013).


The two array based technologies described here (protein arrays and
protein-binding DNA arrays) offer the possibility of detecting protein inter-
actions through large-scale screenings. Protein array technology opens the
possibility of building customized arrays using specific subsets of printed
molecules, including well characterized antibodies found in many labs
and not yet commercialized.
Two main characteristics seem to contribute to the rapid evolution of
arrays for protein interaction screening. First, the optimization of the tech-
nologies used in the construction of arrays including: miniaturization, auto-
mation, protein-binding detection protocols, and low sample consumption
(Casado-Vela, Gonzalez-Gonzalez, et al., 2013; Corthals, Wasinger,
Hochstrasser, & Sanchez, 2000). Second, protein array technology provides
unrivaled possibilities to answer different biological questions. This assump-
tion relies on the ability to build array ad hoc, including custom-made or
specific sets of and in a cost-effective manner. Thus, from a practical point
of view, arrays constitute a promising tool for patient-tailored or
“personalized” medicine, defined as the selection of specific therapeutics
to treat disease in a particular individual.
Many valuable examples showing the applicability of arrays to biomed-
icine are included here, which support the validity of arrays as a tool for
functional proteomics focusing on the screening of interactions. Neverthe-
less, the number and refinement of applications of array technologies seem to
be continuously expanding.
It is obvious that the array technologies typically provide large sets of
information. As outlined in this report, both the information gathered using
these approaches and detailed description of the conditions used should be
available, since it constitutes a valuable resource of information and may
constitute the basis for future validation experiments.
270 Juan Casado-Vela et al.

An important idea to bear in mind is that the current number of protein-

coding genes is 21,500 and each gene encodes for, at least, one full length
protein, updated from Casado-Vela, Cebrian, Gomez del Pulgar, and Lacal
(2011). This means that current technologies already allow the attachment
of one single copy of each protein (or the full-length DNA sequence
encoding for each protein) of the whole human proteome. Although this
objective seems achievable from the theoretical point of view, several hur-
dles need to be surpassed to reach this aim. One of the main constraints is
that the complexity of the human proteome seems massive, especially if we
consider the idea of including protein species (i.e., proteins bearing any
chemical modification, including posttranslational modifications; Jungblut
et al., 1996), protein isoforms (derived after alternative splicing of a gene;
Casado-Vela, Cebrian, del Pulgar, et al., 2011) and even chimeric proteins
naturally found in humans (Casado-Vela, Lacal, et al., 2013; Frenkel-
Morgenstern et al., 2012; Li, Wang, Mor, & Sklar, 2008). All those
variables deserve extra consideration if the objective is the holistic and
comprehensive understanding of the human proteome. Therefore, the con-
struction of protein arrays including defined sets of proteins, antibodies,
or DNA sequences specifically selected to answer specific questions seems
to be both, more practical and affordable to an increasing number of
Although arrays constitute a versatile platform enabling the selection and
printing of the subsets of molecules of interest (either proteins or DNA
sequences), it is important to highlight some limitations. In this sense, despite
the rapid advances, not even the complete interactome for eukaryotic model
organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Caenorhabditis elegans, are not
currently known. (Tran, Choi, & Zhang, 2013). This limitation also applies
to humans, which evidences that we are still in early stages towards
unraveling the human interactome and its modulation.
Finally, it has to be noted that protein arrays, antibody arrays, and
protein-binding DNA arrays should be used in combination with alternative
proteomics technologies (Casado-Vela, Rodriguez-Suarez, et al., 2009),
since their combination typically lead to complementary results and contrib-
ute to enrich the interpretation of data.

J. C.-V. is a JAE-DOC (CSIC) holder supported by Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad,
Spain, co-funded by the European Social Fund.
Screening of Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 271

Ahmed, J., Meinel, T., Dunkel, M., Murgueitio, M. S., Adams, R., Blasse, C., et al. (2011).
CancerResource: A comprehensive database of cancer-relevant proteins and compound
interactions supported by experimental knowledge. Nucleic Acids Research, 39,
D960–D967. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkq910.
Anderson, K. S., & LaBaer, J. (2005). The sentinel within: Exploiting the immune system for
cancer biomarkers. Journal of Proteome Research, 4(4), 1123–1133. http://dx.doi.org/
Anderson, K. S., Ramachandran, N., Wong, J., Raphael, J. V., Hainsworth, E.,
Demirkan, G., et al. (2008). Application of protein microarrays for multiplexed detection
of antibodies to tumor antigens in breast cancer. Journal of Proteome Research, 7(4),
1490–1499. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/pr700804c.
Anderson, K. S., Sibani, S., Wallstrom, G., Qiu, J., Mendoza, E. A., Raphael, J., et al. (2011).
Protein microarray signature of autoantibody biomarkers for the early detection of breast
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Application of Proteomics
in Diagnosis of ADHD,
Schizophrenia, Major Depression,
and Suicidal Behavior
Khaled Alawam1
Forensic Medicine Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

1. Introduction 284
2. Analytical Approaches Applied 286
2.1 Background 286
2.2 Proteomic analysis 286
2.3 Genomic and transcriptomic analysis 287
2.4 Metabolomics 287
3. Analytical Techniques 288
3.1 Protein profiling using matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization
time-of-flight mass spectrometry 288
3.2 Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry 289
3.3 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 290
4. Biomarkers 291
4.1 Background 291
4.2 Types of biomarker 291
5. Depression 292
5.1 Definition of depression 292
5.2 Symptoms 292
5.3 Types of depression 293
5.4 Prevalence of major depression 293
5.5 Major depression theories 294
5.6 Comorbidity of other conditions with major depression 295
5.7 The potential benefit of biomarkers in depression 295
5.8 Forensic aspects of depressive disorders 296
6. Suicidal Behavior 297
6.1 Background 297
6.2 Definition 298
6.3 Risk factors 298
6.4 Prevalence 299

Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 95 2014 Elsevier Inc. 283
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
284 Khaled Alawam

6.5 Comorbidity 300

6.6 Biomarkers and suicide 300
6.7 Forensic aspects of suicide behavior 301
7. Schizophrenia 302
7.1 Background 302
7.2 Symptoms 303
7.3 Types of schizophrenia 303
7.4 Biomarkers and schizophrenia 303
7.5 Forensic aspect of schizophrenic disorders 304
8. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 305
8.1 Background 305
8.2 Symptoms 306
8.3 ADHD subtypes 306
8.4 Comorbidity 306
8.5 Biomarkers and ADHD 307
8.6 Forensic aspects of ADHD 307
9. Concluding Remarks 308
References 309

This report focuses on the application of different proteomic techniques in diagnosis
and treatment of psychiatric disorders such as major depression, suicidal behavior,
schizophrenia, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Firstly, we briefly
describe different analytic approaches that can be applied for the discovery of specific
biomarkers for diagnosing the above disorders, as well as for monitoring the effect of
their treatment. Secondly, we discussed the types of biomarkers in general used in bio-
medicine for characterizing different disorders and diseases. Next, the potential appli-
cations of these biomarkers for diagnosing and managing major depression, suicidal
behavior, schizophrenia, and ADHD are discussed in details. Forensic aspects of these
biomarkers for the above disorders are also considered. Finally, we discuss the potential
of specific biomarkers for distinguishing between comorbid psychiatric disorders in clin-
ical setup as well as their potential for understanding mechanisms underlying the dis-
orders and in discovery of new treatment strategies.

The primary focus of this review is the application of proteomic and
metabolomic protocols to the study of serum-based biomarkers of depres-
sion and associated suicidal tendencies. Major depression is a widespread
and devastating psychiatric condition with the majority of cases exhibiting
suicidal behavior after a time suffering from depression. Furthermore, other
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 285

psychiatric disorders may also exhibit suicidal behavior in severe states.

While biomarkers have been discovered via the application of modern
proteomic and metabolomics techniques for a wide range of clinical disor-
ders, it is only recently that such investigations have included different
neuropsychiatric disorders. As a result of this, compared to other clinical
conditions, such as cancer, the application of metabolomics and proteomics
is still relatively new in relation to clinical psychiatry disorders.
Proteomic technologies, based primarily on mass spectrometric analysis,
are increasingly being used as a valuable tool in psychiatric research. This
modern methodology allows for a high-throughput protein profiling and
identification revealing expression levels, posttranslational modifications,
and complex protein-interaction networks. In contrast to other methods
such as molecular genetics, this approach provides the opportunity to deter-
mine modifications at the protein level. Therefore, it can be argued that the
resulting protein levels relate more closely to the pathophysiological pro-
cesses underlying the clinical phenomenology of specific psychiatric condi-
tions. In the field of biomarker research, proteomic tools can be used to
identify quantitative and qualitative protein patterns in easily accessible bio-
logical fluids, such as serum and urine, and also in other biofluids, such as
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Alongside proteomic analysis, mass spectrometry
(MS) (and allied techniques in spectroscopy) can be used to obtain profiles of
metabolites within biofluids and combining different types of extraction and
analysis can allow for a large dataset of biological compounds to be moni-
tored in a single sample. As a change in the proteome would be expected
to cause a change in the balance of metabolites within a given biological sam-
ple, proteomic and metabolomic analysis can be thought of as complimen-
tary methods of studying the same question. The idea that psychiatric
disorders can be linked (and partially diagnosed at least) to altered protein/
metabolite levels is not without precedence. For example, there is existing
knowledge that neuropsychiatric conditions, such as depression, are linked
with altered levels of folate and its’ associated metabolism products.
It is well recognized that many psychiatric patients with conditions such
as depression also exhibit comorbid psychiatric disorders as well as depres-
sion. Therefore, many of the analyses undertaken in studying biomarkers for
depression need to be also applied to patients with these certain comorbid
disorders in order to determine whether the biomarkers are selective for
depression. The individual value of biomarkers specific for the other, often
comorbid conditions, within the context of forensic psychiatry will also be
considered outside of the consideration of their relevance to depression.
286 Khaled Alawam


2.1. Background
Mental health disorders are complicated regarding their affected genetic and
biological pathways and thus modern approaches such as proteomic analyses
are given a great hope to reveal a global view of the pathways involved in such
disorders. The proteomic tools are a technology-driven approach to attempt
to study the whole proteome data in a given sample. Comparative genomic
analyses study the genome alterations that reflect the pathophysiology of psy-
chiatric disorders. Therefore, proteomic studies are complementary with the
comparative genomic approaches supporting genetic analysis at protein level.
Metabolomic approaches determine changes that appear as a result of the pro-
teomic changes. Thus, all three methodologies act to gain a global insight into
the effect of changes within any given biological system. Application of these
techniques in clinic has been used to identify proteins involved in pathological
processes and to understand how illnesses can lead to altered protein expres-
sion. The primary proteomic research approach with respect to biomarker
discovery focuses on the comparison of the protein and/or peptide profile
between patients and healthy control individuals. Significant success has been
detected among various clinical research disorders. The most obvious success
in proteomic biomarker discovery has been achieved among disorders which
have a clearer biological cause, such as cancer studies and regarding tumor
metabolic activity (Cohen et al., 2011; Liu, Pan, Shen, Wang, & Yong,
2011; Zhao, Liu, Sun, Peng, & Ding, 2011). Recently, proteomic techniques
have begun to be applied to psychiatric disorders which have a known bio-
logical cause such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson disease (Li et al., 2011;
Lopez et al., 2005). Many psychiatric disorders, such as attention deficit/
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder, are multifac-
torial in biological nature and therefore the identification of primary patho-
physiological changes is much more challenging. However, recent research
efforts working to screen for potential biomarkers which may be of value in
diagnosing such disorders have suggested some promise (Corbett et al., 2007;
Taurines et al., 2010).

2.2. Proteomic analysis

Proteomics can be considered to represent the change in all proteins
expressed by a genome. The application of this technique in clinic has been
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 287

used to identify proteins involved in pathological processes and to under-

stand how illness can lead to altered protein expression. Clinical proteomics
can offer the opportunity and the potential to develop new diagnostic and
prognostic tests, to identify new therapeutic targets, and eventually to allow
the design of individualized patient treatment. Proteomic technologies are
predominantly based on MS and can assist in studying global protein expres-
sion levels and identification of potential biomarker related to psychiatric
The proteomic approach has four aspects:
– Expression proteomic
– Structural proteomic
– Interaction proteomic
– Functional proteomics
Of these, expression proteomics has been most commonly applied to med-
ical areas of investigation, studying the disregulation of certain proteins in
different disorders. Proteomics can be considered to be part of a set of studies
representing alterations in biological activity at different levels. These rep-
resent the flow of information from gene to RNA transcript, transcript to
protein, and the final metabolic change brought about by proteomic changes
as represented by the metabolome.

2.3. Genomic and transcriptomic analysis

Genomic and transcriptomic analysis seeks to study the changes associated
with gene profiles, while genomic studies allow analysis at the level of
DNA (sequencing, mutation, or single nucleotide polymorphism analysis),
the transcriptomic approach provides details of changes at the RNA level.
Psychiatry is generally considered as representing polygenic disorders,
meaning that multiple genes might contribute to the pictures of disorders.
Furthermore, symptom expression might not occur until much later in life
as seen in Alzheimer’s disorders (Karch et al., 2012). Recently, genomic
studies have been shown to have real implications in the identification of
susceptibility genes related to autism showing a greater promise in furthering
our understanding of etiology, diagnosis, and successful therapeutic inter-
vention of such psychiatric disorders.

2.4. Metabolomics
Metabolomic analysis encompasses the study of metabolite profiles, which
represent the end products of cellular processes in biological samples.
288 Khaled Alawam

Therefore, proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analyses can pro-

vide a complete physiological picture of a living organism. Metabolomics
is a new approach toward identifying metabolite biomarkers related to
human disorders. The topic of “functional genomics” has been developed
to determine the complex dynamic aspects in physiology/pathophysiology
such as gene transcription, translation, protein–protein interactions, and
metabolite state analysis in order to understand the overall phenotype of
disorders. MS approaches (and allied spectroscopy techniques) have been
developed to study metabolites, offering a potential impact on such under-
standing and the potential to reveal the relationship between the genomic and
phenotype pictures (Villas-Bôas, Mas, Akesson, Smedsgaard, & Nielsen,
2005). Proteomic and genomic analyses are newly diagnostic methods
beginning to emerge in psychiatry, while metabolomics too offers further
promising in diagnostic tools but as yet has not been as commonly applied
in the field. Further assessment of these methods, however, is required to fully
demonstrate their value and accuracy (Smith, Renshaw, & Bilello, 2013).

3.1. Protein profiling using matrix-assisted laser
desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass
Matrix-assisted laser desorption is an ionization method having been
described first by Karas (Costello, 1997; Karas & Hillenkamp, 1988). Their
work demonstrated that this techniques and results obtained can be consid-
ered a revolution in the way that MS experiments allowing the analysis of
biomolecules (biopolymers such as proteins, peptides, and sugars) and large
organic molecules (such as polymers, dendrimers, and other macromole-
cules). Franz Hillenkamp and colleagues by 1987 discovered that ions can
be produced from large proteins by laser desorption if these molecules are
mixed with small organic compounds working as matrices that strongly
absorbance the laser wavelength aimed at them during ionization. The sam-
ples if ionized can be analyzed based on their differing masses and relative
abundance. Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass
spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has become an important tool in the anal-
ysis of biomolecules.
The MALDI ionization process consists of a number of variables which
are optimized based upon the type of biomolecule being analyzed and sam-
ple source, as discussed below:
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 289

– Matrix: A solution of crystallized molecules (commonly used matrices

include sinapinic acid and alpha cyanohydroxycinnaminic acid for pro-
teins and peptides). The matrix is mixed with highly purified water
and organic solvent (normally acetonitrile or ethanol). Trifluoroacetic
acid may also be added. The matrix solution is then mixed with the ana-
lyte (protein sample) and then spotted onto a stainless steel MALDI plate
and allowed to dry before it is then analyzed inside the MALDI-TOF
analyzer, where the acidic matrix act as a proton source for the analyte.
– Laser: Laser energy is pulsed onto the matrix-sample mixture to be ion-
ized and causes localized vaporization. Molecules become positively
charged and travel along the time-of-flight (TOF) tube. At the time of
each laser pulse, a voltage is applied to accelerate the sample toward
the detector.
– Electric field: A strong electric field in a flight tube is applied so the ions
enter a vacuum can be accelerated toward the detector.
– Analyzer: The analyzer measures the TOF taken for particular ions to hit
the detector where smaller ions take a shorter time than larger ions. The
flight time of an ion is related to its mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio.
– Recorder: Ion fractions arriving at the end of the flight tube are detected
by a recorder that produces a signal for each ion group, mass spectrum
data are then generated from simple time measurement (the flight time
of an ion is related to its m/z ratio); thus, mass spectra can be generated.
MALDI-TOF MS has the ability to determine molecular weight informa-
tion accurately and is also suitable for the analysis of high molecular weight
compounds, including the determination of molecular masses of biopoly-
mers such as peptides and proteins, carbohydrates, oligonucleotides, and
synthetic polymers with relative masses up to several hundred kiloDalton
(Karas & Hillenkamp, 1988). This technique has been considered for the
future development of biomarkers among neuropsychiatric disorders
(Dudley, Hässler, & Thome, 2011). Such biomarkers might be used as indi-
cators regarding progress or severity of diseases/disorders.

3.2. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

The hyphenation of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry combined
with the complementary technique the Fourier transform infrared spec-
trometry (discussed in Section 3.3) have made a substantial contribution
in the clinical and forensic analysis. Clinical application can be seen in recent
reports which allow researchers to distinguish free fatty acids as potential
290 Khaled Alawam

biomarkers between healthy controls and Alzheimer’s patients (Wang et al.,

2012). Gas chromatography allows for the separation of volatile compounds
in the gas phase, briefly, a gaseous sample or small volume of a liquid sample
is injected into a flow of inert gas (usually helium), which carries the com-
pounds in gas form across a capillary column. The compounds separate by
partitioning between the helium (carrier gas) and the chemistry of the col-
umn (the stationary phase). Compounds which are strongly retained on the
column stationary phase are eluted by increasing the temperature in which
the column is held, thereby favoring release of the compounds and elution.
A temperature gradient is applied to gradually elute compounds individually
therefore separating them before release into the mass spectrometer. Once
released from the GC, the gaseous compounds are transferred to the ion
source of the mass spectrometer (usually an electron impact (EI) or chemical
ionization (CI) source). During EI ionization compounds are bombarded
with electrons causing fragmentation and release of electron from the com-
pounds themselves giving rise to ionized species, while in CI, compounds
are reacted with gas phase ions such as methane to form ions. The ions so
formed are separated by a quadrupole mass spectrometer and the m/z ratio
of the ions determined. There is a large database (produced by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) of the EI spectra of known
compounds against which spectra for each compound can be compared in
order to identify each compound analyzed.

3.3. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has traditionally been used in
material analysis within the chemical industry; however, more recently, it has
been applied to biological and biomedical analyses. FTIR is an adsorption
spectroscopy that uses an incandescent source of light to emit a bright ray
in the IR wavelength range. This beam arrives at a half-silvered mirror, which
divides it into 50% which is directed toward a fixed mirror and 50%
to movable mirror. The reflected beams return to the half-silvered mirror,
which rejoins them and sends them to the detector. Even if the two beams
arrive at the detector simultaneously, they have done so after covering a dif-
ferent optical path: depending on the differences of optical paths of two rays, a
constructive or destructive interference has therefore been created and these
interferences are converted into a signal at the detector. The signal detected in
this manner is proportional to the difference in the optical path of the two
beams and to the position of movable mirror during analysis. Each organic
compound has a specific infrared spectrum depending on its molecular
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 291

structure. The absorption of infrared radiation generates characteristic vibra-

tional movements in molecules, defined as stretching and bending due to a
changing of electric dipole; in fact, the molecule changes its vibrational state
as it passes from fundamental vibrational state to excited vibrational state.
FTIR has found increasing use in metabolomics analysis as a complimen-
tary method of analysis alongside MS. Furthermore, the FTIR technique has
been used to monitor drug toxicology (Pandey, Pandey, Tiwari, Tiwari, &
Rai, 2012) and offers a viable, low cost test of bones in forensic analysis
(Fredericks, Bennett, Williams, & Rogers, 2012) besides many other clinical

4.1. Background
Psychiatric research commonly focuses on genomic pathways to reveal
genes abnormally expressed in patients and their products thus understand-
ing the pathophysiology of different neuropsychiatric disorders. Protein bio-
marker discovery can also be employed in neuropsychiatric disorders in
addition to genetic studies. There is also a growing need to identify various
biomarkers associated with psychiatric disorders to support the theories
regarding the initial development of the disorders and identify new target
sites for therapy development.
Biomarker assessment might be undertaken by studying either bodily
fluid or body tissue as initial sources of biological material. Body fluids avail-
able for study include serum, saliva, urine, and CSF, whereas body tissue
relies on biopsy (which is impractical and dangerous to the patient if at all
reliable in neuropsychiatric disorders), human postmortem samples, or cell
lines. Of these options, biological fluid collection is the easiest to access and
also the least invasive to the patient and serum has been a predominant focus
for previous biomarker studies. Biomarkers may also facilitate the identifi-
cation of treatment effects on disease progression and so aid the therapeutic
development related to the disorder and personalized treatments. Further-
more, specific biomarkers might also be considered not only in diagnostic
criteria but also as an indicator of prognosis.

4.2. Types of biomarker

Proteomic research in psychiatry disorders is focused on comparing protein
expression levels between patients and healthy controls. Biomarkers which
are related to specific psychiatry disorders are divided into trait or state
292 Khaled Alawam

biomarkers. The trait biomarkers are enduring and their levels reflect the
property of behavior and biological functioning which potentially play a role
in the etiopathology of disorders. Therefore, trait biomarkers can be present
in clinically unaffected individuals prior to any development of the disorder.
Trait biomarkers are representative for the origin of the disorder rather than
its expression in individuals. The state biomarkers are transient and charac-
terize the clinical manifestation of disorders rather than any disposition
toward them. Unlike trait biomarkers, state biomarkers would return to
“normal” levels with successful therapy and so can act as a prognostic tool
(Chen, Bidwell, & Norton, 2006).

5.1. Definition of depression
Depression is considered in part to be a completely normal stress reaction to a
number of factors that may be experienced by an individual. The depression
is only considered as being abnormal if it is disproportionate to the triggering
event, and when the individuals are determined to be unable to relieve
themselves of the depressive state. Depression is a very common psychiatric
disease worldwide and is estimated to become the second most common
cause of disability, after heart disease by 2020 (Peveler, Carson, & Rodin,
2002). People suffering with depression may be subjected to discrimination
and are more likely to be unemployed compared to other people in the gen-
eral population and other groups with mental disorders. The effect of the
disorder itself and the stigma attached to the disorder leads to a greater poten-
tial for people with depression becoming socially isolated, which in turn
reemphasizes the individuals’ feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness.
Depressive disorder as a psychiatric condition is characterized by psycholog-
ical, behavioral, and physical symptoms (Greden, 2003).

5.2. Symptoms
The symptoms of depression develop over an extended time period and for
the purpose of a clinical diagnosis it is considered that five symptoms should
be present and persist for a period of 2 weeks. Such diagnosis is based upon
patients’ self-reported or relative-reported behavior of the patient. Diagnosis
criteria for depression are detailed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-
fourth edition (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association and the
International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 293

(ICD-10) of the World Health Organization, with continual updating. The

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders outlines diagnostic
criteria for psychiatric disorders published by the American Psychiatry Asso-
ciation, whereas the International Statistical Classification of Disease outlines
diagnostic criteria for human disease (published by the World Health Orga-
nization). Emotional symptoms: sadness and depression, continual feeling of
hopeless and misery, excessive crying and even suicidal thoughts are com-
mon symptoms exhibited by depression patients. Further symptoms include
a lack of ability to find satisfaction and/or enjoyment in activities, a loss of
interest, motivation or initiative in day-to-day activities, negative thoughts,
and low self-esteem. Physical symptoms commonly include a loss of appe-
tite, insomnia, and fatigue. Furthermore, the depressive state magnifies the
effect of the physical symptoms felt by the patient, resulting in an increase in
the patients concern regarding their health. These symptoms must be present
during the same 2-week period episode for a clinical depression diagnosis to
be confirmed and last most of the day, occurring daily. Manic episodes also
typically occur, resulting in sudden mood elevation over a few days and
persisting for at least 1 week with three or more of the following symptoms:
more talking than usually, reduced need for sleeping, difficulties in concen-
tration, inflated self-esteem, racing of ideas, and engagement in activity
which appear pleasurable (Peveler et al., 2002).

5.3. Types of depression

Depression covers a wide range of forms of illness from unipolar, bipolar
forms, and shorter. The unipolar form (major depression) involves persistent
low moods and can be classified into different forms. (a) Major depression
(MDD) is diagnosed if the patient has five depression symptoms or more
over a 2-week period. MDD includes further subclasses such as (b) postnatal
depression after childbirth, (c) seasonal affective disorder depression associ-
ated with winter, and (d) dysthymia. Bipolar depression (also referred to as
manic depression) involves transient low moods separated by periods of
mania. Shorter forms of stress reaction in everyday life can result in
depression-like symptoms; however, overall clinical manifestations of psy-
chiatric depressive disorder must be considered in diagnosis.

5.4. Prevalence of major depression

The most common mental illness prevalence of the depressive states is major
depressive disorder (51.3%) followed by psychosis (38%) (Mekonnen &
294 Khaled Alawam

Kebede, 2011). The prevalence of major depression (MDD) is observed as

being about twice as common in women than in men suggesting that gender
may play a role. This is possibly reflected by changes in female endocrine
hormones that might trigger the stress reactions symptomatic of depression
and influence-associated neuropsychological processes (Kuehner, 2003).
Other factors, such as exercise activity levels have also been implicated in
prevalence (Reichert, Diogo, Vieira, & Dalacorte, 2011).

5.5. Major depression theories

Like many other neuropsychiatric disorders, depression is thought to be cau-
sed (at least partially) by some form of neurobiochemical disturbances which
might influence the severity of symptoms and is reflected on the phenom-
enological level by the typical clinical characteristics. For example, the
monoamine hypothesis postulates that a deficiency of certain neurotransmit-
ters is responsible for the corresponding features of depression, although in
the past two decades research has revealed multiple limitations of the
hypothesis (Hirschfeld, 2000; Meyer et al., 2006). An abnormality of the
dopaminergic system has been reported in depressive disorders and
suicide-comorbid major depression (Arango, Underwood, & Mann,
1996; Dailly, Chenu, Renard, & Bourin, 2004), while another clinical study
of depression concluded that neural plasticity plays a major role, as atrophy
and death of neurons in specific brain regions (hippocampus, prefrontal cor-
tex) could contribute to the pathophysiology of depression (Duman,
Malberg, & Thome, 1999; Thome, Henn, & Duman, 2002). A further the-
ory implicated anatomical structure abnormalities that might increase risk of
MDD, concluding that volume reductions in the hippocampus seen during
aging might be associated with a greater risk for MDD (Amico et al., 2011;
Halbach, 2010). A review study hypothesized that brain-derived neuro-
trophic factor (BDNF) is critically involved in the regulation of age-related
processes in the hippocampus. Therefore, the study suggested that distur-
bances in the BDNF system have such a role in hippocampal dysfunctions,
as seen in major depression and in Alzheimer disease. Essential dietary levels
of some bioactive compounds, such as folic acid and vitamin B12, have also
been previously implicated as possibly playing a role in depression outcome
(Coppen & Bolander-Gouaille, 2005). Hormonal theory, such as the use of
estrogen, has also been suggested as having potential for the treatment of
depression patients, especially perimenopausal women (Soares, Almeida,
Joffe, & Cohen, 2001). Although depression can be caused by a variety of
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 295

these potential factors among others, it may also be possible that other factors
including genetic, psychological, and environmental factors might also be
involved in the development of the condition.

5.6. Comorbidity of other conditions with major depression

Anxiety symptoms and ADHD can have a major impact on the course of a
depressive illness and commonly co-occur together in patients presenting in
the primary care setting (Hirschfeld, 2001; McIntosh et al., 2009). Further-
more, major depression is one of the most frequent comorbid conditions in
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) individuals with the incidence of first-
onset depression being elevated among individuals who develop PTSD fol-
lowing trauma compared to the trauma-exposed individuals who do not
develop PTSD (Breslau, Davis, Peterson, & Schultz, 2000). More frequently
depression is the most common psychiatric comorbid condition in epilepsy
disorders (LaFrance, Kanner, & Hermann, 2008). Pain complaints are com-
monly accompanied by major depressive disorder (Husain et al., 2007) and
high rates of comorbidity have been found among alcohol use disorder
patients and individuals with a number of mood and anxiety disorders
(Dawson, Grant, Stinson, & Chou, 2005). Depression is a serious disorder
and so misdiagnosis or lack of treatment in such an individual can have fatal
consequences due to prevalence of suicidal tendencies in such patients.

5.7. The potential benefit of biomarkers in depression

Psychiatric assessment of depression patients is usually based on doctor–
patient interviews carried out within the health services, for example,
hospital- or home-based sitting assessments. The majority of mental diagnos-
tic criteria for most psychiatric conditions are based on observation data
rather than biological data. Biological biomarker studies would have the ben-
efit of providing potential biological indicators for diagnosis and prognosis of
depressive disorders. Therefore, such biomarkers might be able to distinguish
depressed patients from healthy people and minimizing the differences
between self-reported assessment and clinical observation assessment for dif-
ferent psychiatry scale assessments. Furthermore, biomarkers would act as
objective physical measurements that might guide the clinical prognosis of
depressive disorders and monitor therapeutic intervention. A previous study
monitored the treatment of depressive disorder by selective serotonin reup-
take inhibitors (SSRI) and showed that emotion and behavior control was
affected if SSRI treatment was discontinued (Scoppetta, Di Gennaro, &
296 Khaled Alawam

Scoppetta, 2005), potentially biomarker profiles might be changed before

and after discontinuity. Any proteomic and/or metabolomics biomarker rep-
resents physical evidence concerning disorders and so would require valida-
tion and qualification support to have value in diagnostic purposes. In
addition, these biomarkers could be used to stratify patients into subgroups
thereby allowing patients to be diagnosed and treated as more homogenous
groups of patients dependent on a biological basis. These biomarkers may also
have legal implications in cases in which forensic reports should include phys-
ical evidence (beyond mere interview-based diagnosis), especially for those
convicted of criminal offenses linked to depressive behavior. Also, civil
reports in medico-legal assessments can be verified by biomarkers in cases
where compensation is required or where the mental state might be respon-
sible for some criminal behavior. Furthermore, health insurance agencies
require qualified assessments for individuals as a routine check-up, current
and past medical history, family history, and treatment history and these clin-
ical histories could be verified through biomarker data history further eluci-
dating an accurate picture of the candidate health. Therefore, the potential
benefits and applications of biological, objective biomarkers with statistical
credibility are wide ranging and may affect multiple disciplines.

5.8. Forensic aspects of depressive disorders

Mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers)
are frequently asked for mental health evaluations for offenders in a forensic
setting. These evaluations are utilized for documenting the role (if any) of
mental illness in any recorded antisocial or criminal behavior (Ackerman,
2006). Furthermore, depending on the underlying mental illnesses related
to the defined criminal activity, an accused individual can be transferred to
highly secure health services if judged to be not guilty by reason of insanity
as part of the legal process. The criminal-mental evaluation reports actually
cover two questions for the court. Firstly, the report defines whether a defen-
dant is deemed to be of sufficient mental state to be fit to plead; secondly, the
report provides details as to whether the defendants’ mental state may have
contributed, totally or in part, to their offense. Therefore, the purpose of the
forensic psychiatry report as a clinical evidence document (based on an indi-
vidual’s mental disease) aims to assist the court in reaching their conclusions.
Forensic reports should cover whether the defendant has a psychiatric
disorder and proof of this and also whether that disorder could contribute
to their offense.
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 297

Therefore, it is more convincing for such a report to include objective

biological/physical evidence compared to information gained via clinical
interview assessment as explained for the forensic situation. In this way,
any validated biomarker would assist in such cases. Tendency to criminal
behavior can also be associated with a psychiatric disorder background
and so violence committed by such patients could be reduced if screening
is performed on those at risk. Recently, criminal behaviors linked to psychi-
atry history have been investigated regarding criminal responsibility predic-
tion, prevention, and treatment. To date, the only biological information
that has been obtained that can be used when preparing such forensic reports
has been based on genetic research regarding key genes involved in various
psychiatric disorders. To further improve the use of biological factors in
assessing individuals in forensic reports, the overall research required would
need to identify psychopathological predictor factors, for example, bio-
markers for future violent for optimal use in any criminal behavior preven-
tion program. The role of forensic psychiatric examinations is important as
part of offender assessment, in particular in relation to the prediction of crim-
inal linked-behavior. A recent study reported that 50% of offenders have
depressive disorders (de Andrade, Assumpção, & Teixeira, 2011), however,
less exhibit violent behavior (Graz, Etschel, Schoech, & Soyka, 2009).
Among inmates with major depression there is evidence that suicide risk
is highly elevated (Baillargeon et al., 2009) and such findings highlight
the importance of improving forensic prediction tools especially within this
group of depression individuals. Furthermore, as inmates may represent
depression symptoms, it is important to consider not only the risk of suicide
behavior as a result of any untreated depressive illness as well as treating them
purely as a criminal and only considering their criminal behavior.

6.1. Background
Suicidal behavior includes complete suicide, attempted suicide, and suicide
ideation and such behavior may be considered to be an indicator of inade-
quate methods or application of screening of patients by the mental health
services within any specific region. Suicide behavior is always deliberate,
conscious, and represents emotional feelings with a strong passion for strong,
aggressive self-destructive acts. The suicide attempt is generally considered
to be a “call for help” or a way to communicate with others with the aim of
298 Khaled Alawam

changing the behavior of others, the primary motive is not therefore the
death of the individual.

6.2. Definition
The overall definition of suicide has been widely debated and varies
depending upon the mental illness, cultural, and religion. Generally, suicide
is defined by a person intentionally attempting to take his or her own life and
the World Health Organization defines suicide as the act of deliberately kill-
ing oneself. Many mental disorders are considered to be risk factors for sui-
cide behavior; thus, collaboration between psychiatric and social services
may improve suicide prevention strategies, initiating care of the patient
when suicidal thoughts first occur. Although suicide is a serious problem
for patients with psychiatric distress, especially for those with depression,
it is also considered as a component of the psychiatric symptoms and may
be related to other disorders associated with depression and therefore can
be easily misdiagnosed. For example, suicidal behavior may also be a com-
ponent of disorders such as anxiety and alcohol abuse. Generally, individuals
who make serious suicide attempts have high rates of mental disorders
(Beautrais et al., 1996); therefore, suicide is considered to the misdiagnosis
of a mental disorder. Improving physician education in depression disorder
recognition and treatment and restricting access of those with such risk fac-
tors to lethal methods has been shown to be a positive method of reducing
suicide rates (Mann et al., 2005).

6.3. Risk factors

Mental disorders (such as depression, personality disorder, alcohol depen-
dence, schizophrenia) and some physical illnesses, such as neurological dis-
orders, cancer, and HIV infection are risk factors for suicidal behavior.
Furthermore, gender and geographical differences have also been previously
implicated as strong association factors (Arsenault-Lapierre, Kim, & Turecki,
2004). The annual suicide rates have been reported as being higher in
males compared to females (Oquendo, Lizardi, Greenwald, Weissman, &
Mann, 2004).
Gender seems to play various roles as in the case of men, low social and
family support and depersonalization is related to suicide, while in the case of
women depressive mood and anxiety is more strongly associated (Yoshimasu
et al., 2006). Awareness of risk factors is therefore also a valuable tool for
clinicians in estimating the suicide risk among psychiatry disorder patients.
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 299

Risk factors in the case of depressed patients include agitation, depressive

mixed states (pseudo-unipolar depression), higher number of depressive epi-
sodes, comorbid anxiety, personality disorders, and alcohol dependence, as
well as sociodemographic and psychosocial factors (Rihmer & Akiskal,
2006). An investigation in the New York Prison Service found that 90%
of inmates who committed suicide had a history of substance abuse and that
heavy smoking also represented a risk factor of suicidal thoughts (Iwasaki,
Akechi, Uchitomi, & Tsugane, 2005; Way, Miraglia, Sawyer, Beer, &
Eddy, 2005). Suicide thoughts can also be strongly triggered by other socio-
economic factors such as unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and dis-
crimination (Qin, Agerbo, & Mortensen, 2003) and it is now recognized
that genetic factors may also induce suicide behavior in subjects with other
suicide risk factors (Bondy, Buettner, & Zill, 2006). Suicide studies in 2004
reported that in America there was a frequent association of mental health
diagnoses with suicidal behavior: depression (85.2%), bipolar disorder
(7.4%), and schizophrenia (3.3%). Furthermore, 16.5% had alcohol depen-
dence problems and nearly 19.0% of suicide victims had made previous
attempts (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2006). In
the majority of patients with mood disorders, the suicidal behavior seemed
to be predictable and even preventable (Rihmer, 2007). Approximately
87.3% of individuals had one or more psychiatric disorders at the time they
committed suicide (Arsenault-Lapierre et al., 2004).

6.4. Prevalence
Among ethnic groups suicide behavior is more recognized in association
with depression (Oquendo et al., 2004). Several reasons for the prevalence
of suicide behavior need to be considered as it is recognized as a multicausal
behavior with biological factors, psychopathological factors, and social and
cultural environment all playing important roles in the determination and
manifestation of suicidal behavior. Results from a study in Denmark have
shown that, across the entire population, prevalence of suicidal ideation is
6.9% and of suicidal attempts 3.4% (Kjøller & Helweg-Larsen, 2000). Being
female is associated with a higher prevalence of suicide ideation and attempts
by females who are divorced or widowed at a young age show a further
increase in prevalence. Although, there were significant differences in gen-
der as a Swedish study showed a higher suicide rate toward men (71%) com-
pared to women (29%) (Holmgren & Jones, 2010). Good mental health
services might increase life expectancy because females with major
300 Khaled Alawam

depression have a much increased rate (28%) of suicidal attempts (Bernal

et al., 2007). Therefore, as suicide is considered to be a sign of such mental
disorders, much emphasis has been placed on reducing the suicide preva-
lence and suicide attempts associated with these disorders. In relation to indi-
viduals with depression, biomedical approaches to identify biomarker
profiles which may represent predictive tools can contribute to the reduc-
tion in suicide prevalence rates.

6.5. Comorbidity
As mentioned previously, among cases of suicide, approximately 90% of
individuals had one or more psychiatric disorders at the time they committed
suicide (Arsenault-Lapierre et al., 2004). The most prevalent disorders were
depressive syndromes (66%) and alcohol dependence/abuse (43%)
onnqvist et al., 1995). The study of suicide victims from the nationwide
“suicide population” showed that at least one psychiatric diagnosis was pre-
sent in 93% of the victims. Other results among the subjects who had com-
mitted suicide demonstrated that 38.7% were afflicted by major depression,
24% by alcohol dependency, and 28.7% were dependent on drugs
(Grunberg et al., 1994). Therefore, mental disorders have been found in
most people making serious suicide attempts with suicide risk being partic-
ularly high in those with unobserved suicide intent, depression patients,
patients with chronic alcohol and drug misuse, social isolation, and current
physical illnesses (Mitchell & Dennis, 2006).

6.6. Biomarkers and suicide

Suicide acts represent a challenging behavior to trace, prevent, and predict
and so there is a clear rationale to explore any biology which may be related
to its manifestation. Generally, serotogenic system dysfunction is often
investigated in neurobiological research of suicide behavior and associated
comorbid disorders at the level of transporter systems of neurotransmitters,
receptors, relevant enzymes, and genes. The genetic role regarding suicide
behavior remains unknown and much effort is directed toward examining
genetic variants which may play roles in the development of suicide behav-
ior. Recently, more effort has focused on elucidating biomarkers which
might be associated with suicide behavior, primarily in relation to their pre-
dictive value and application in prevention programs. Biomarker measure-
ments might also be useful for evaluation of and in combination with the
suicide risk scale currently used as a diagnostic tool to provide a more
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 301

accurate diagnosis. The study of the risk of suicide among hospitalized

patients represents an efficient way in which to study biomarkers profile
due to the ease of access to the patients. For example, the suicide risk among
elderly patients with a history of hospital-treated psychiatric disorders (such
alcohol related disorder and depression) were reported as a high risk
(Karvonen, Hakko, Koponen, Meyer-Rochow, & Räsänen, 2009) and so
as well as a more controlled cohort of individuals being available, the prev-
alence of suicide behavior is present in such a population. Therapy provision
of the disorders regarding suicide risk may be assisted through any accurate
biomarker profile. Such a biomarker might also be used alongside the
recording of other prominent suicide risk behavior. For example, a previous
study reported that most depressive patients exhibiting suicide behavior are
those who have not taken their medication at time of death (Isacsson,
Holmgren, Wasserman, & Bergman, 1994) and so the combination of
any biological biomarker profile with such observational diagnoses would
seek to reduce suicide prevalence.

6.7. Forensic aspects of suicide behavior

Suicide victims are usually examined, postmortem, by a forensic practi-
tioner. A Coroner is required to examine all circumstances surrounding
the suicide and report their findings, elaborating the cause of death, via
the death certificate. Some countries require physical evidence such as notes
written by the victims as proof of suicide, while in many countries this
depends on a different range of factors associated with the circumstances
of death. Psychiatry history is an important part in reporting suicide on a
death certificate, and so clinical findings, medical records, and details of pre-
vious suicide attempts are helpful in such reporting. Biomarker profile com-
parison before and/or after death might reveal victims tendency to commit
suicide and suicide behavior itself may be considered as a predictor of later
mental disorders such as depression (MacDonald, Taylor, & Clarke, 2009).
Individuals with mental disorders showed increased violence to others
detained in a secure hospital setting and also a higher risk to suicide behavior
after discharge ( Jones, Hales, Butwell, Ferriter, & Taylor, 2010). Former
psychiatric conditions are reported as a diagnostic predictor for suicide
and therefore such individuals are usually considered for more intensive care
supervision (Powell, Geddes, Deeks, Goldacre, & Hawton, 2000;
Tidemalm, Elofsson, Stefansson, Waern, & Runeson, 2005). Any biological
biomarkers could further contribute to this care and biomarker levels can be
302 Khaled Alawam

recorded and shared for future use. The health records in forensic psychiatry
for reporting the clinical evidence regarding suicide victims are based on an
interviewed assessment which might not be sufficient, or even possible, in
some cases and so adding objective biomarkers may assist in helping reach a
forensic decision. Furthermore, biomarkers may exhibit a predictive value
and serve as screening tools in the prevention program.

7.1. Background
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by disruption in cog-
nition and emotion which affects many patients’ attributes including
thoughts, perception, and speech. Diagnosis of schizophrenia is usually
made with reference to the criteria in DSM-IV and ICD-10 which states
that for a definitive diagnosis at least 1 month duration of two or more pos-
itive symptoms which reflect a function distortion should be identified.
The negative symptoms of schizophrenia are more difficult to evaluate
and persist in schizophrenic patients during periods in which positive
symptoms are absent. The disorder has several neurobiological abnormal-
ities with a previous etiology study suggesting that the disorder developed
due to a gene–environment interaction (van Os, Rutten, & Poulton,
2008). Biological abnormalities of the disorder are mostly detected
through image-based biomarkers such as abnormally large brain ventricles
due to CSF, decrease in grey matter, and alteration of white matter
(Davatzikos et al., 2005). However, the study of the dopamine system
has demonstrated abnormal dopamine concentrations, especially in the
acute psychotic state of the disorder, which has represented a major focus
of schizophrenia research (Howes & Kapur, 2009). Moreover, other stud-
ies have focused on the increase in dopamine synthesis, dopamine release,
and resting-state synaptic dopamine levels. This too has dictated much
research in respect of schizophrenia treatment strategy, with most treat-
ments mediating the blocking of dopamine receptors especially in the psy-
chosis state (Kapur, Agid, Mizrahi, & Li, 2006). In depression patients
with schizophrenia, the SSRI treatments are the most effective therapy
(Kasckow, Felmet, & Zisook, 2011). Gender variation also has been
suggested to have a role as the disorder is significantly more common in
males (Castle, Wessely, & Murray, 1993; McGrath, Saha, Chant, &
Welham, 2008).
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 303

7.2. Symptoms
The recognized symptoms of schizophrenia are listed by DSM-IV and are
grouped into three groupings. Positive symptoms commonly include delu-
sion (false beliefs), hallucination (including visual, auditory or tactile, olfac-
tory, and gustatory hallucinations), disorganized speech, and disorganized
behavior (catatonic behavior, abnormal and/or extreme rigidity/flexibility
of limbs). Negative symptoms include alogia (lack of additional normal
speech), avolition (lack of motivation), affective flattening (lack of emotion),
and finally, cognitive symptoms such as slow/disorganized thinking, poor
concentration, poor memory, difficulty in understanding, and abnormal
feeling behavior can be observed.

7.3. Types of schizophrenia

Various forms of schizophrenia are documented depending on the charac-
teristics of the disorder. The types of schizophrenia are based on symptoms
subclassification. According to the DSM-IV-TR subclassification of schizo-
phrenia consists of the following:
• Paranoid: delusion (false beliefs) and auditory hallucination are present
but other symptoms such as thinking, speech and emotion disorders
are not.
• Disorganized: disorganized behavior to perform normal activities, con-
fused, thought disorders, and inappropriate emotion disorders are
• Catatonic: immobile, unresponsive, and unwilling to move and speech
• Undifferentiated: if diagnosed but symptoms do not clearly fall into one
of other types.
• Residual: if positive symptoms present with low severity when originally

7.4. Biomarkers and schizophrenia

There are no physical tests that confirm the presence of schizophrenia and
the disorder shares a significant number of symptoms with other disorders
making misdiagnosis a common problem. Current physical diagnosis tests
(such as brain imaging, eye-tracking, and IQ tests) are either not sufficiently
specific or sensitive to allow for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, a correct
diagnosis may be delayed beyond the first onset of symptoms illustrating the
importance in developing more specific diagnostic methods in order for
304 Khaled Alawam

proper treatment, identification of partial, or complete recovery and preven-

tion of further complications caused by the disease symptoms. Biomarkers
may therefore have the potential to play a crucial role in assisting clinicians’
schizophrenia assessments and diagnostic decisions based on patients’ bio-
markers profile. Although current physical tests cannot effectively diagnose
schizophrenic disorders, further studies have tried to develop validated
disease-specific biomarkers regarding schizophrenia that enable better and
earlier diagnosis and effective monitoring of the treatment during disease
stages. At present, imaging biomarkers are widely used (Rathi et al.,
2010). Unlike molecular psychiatry, most diagnostic tests relate to physical
characteristics such as electroencephalogram, functional magnetic reso-
nance, and olfactory and eye movement tests. These are used to measure
the abnormal performance manifestations that might help in diagnosis. It
is envisaged that molecular research alternatively might develop disease-
specific diagnostic tests through the identification of specific biomarkers
related to disorders that reveal the mysteries, pathophysiology boundaries,
and even define a biological basis for subtype division.

7.5. Forensic aspect of schizophrenic disorders

With respect to schizophrenic individuals who are arrested for criminal
behavior, positive symptoms of psychotic disorder (hallucinations and delu-
sions) are reported to be present at the time of the offense in most cases (Yee,
Large, Kemp, & Nielssen, 2011). Other misdiagnosed disorders, such as
adult ADHD, are also associated with criminal behavior (de Andrade
et al., 2011) and thought to underline the schizophrenia and so forensic
examiners are required to improve their awareness in relation to
undiagnosed disorders leading to persistence of antisocial behavior if not
referred and treated by expert. Moreover, screening at custody services
may have potential value in predicting other family members who may
be at risk of not being diagnosed as also having symptoms, misdiagnosis,
and the impact of this on potential future criminal behavior. Schizophrenia
is reported to be associated with criminal behavior and most patients present
the paranoid subtype (and usually demonstrate violence behavior) compared

to the other subtypes (Teixeira & Dalgalarrondo, 2009; Ural, Oncü, Belli, &
Soysal, 2013). Individuals suffering from schizophrenia who are arrested for
criminal behavior usually present positive symptoms of psychotic disorders
(hallucinations and delusions) at the time of the offense (Yee et al., 2011).
Moreover, schizophrenia can be associated with comorbid depression
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 305

symptoms which result in a higher rate of death via suicide and suicide
behavior compared to patients with schizophrenia alone (Caldwell &
Gottesman, 1990; Inskip, Harris, & Barraclough, 1998; Isjanovski,
Vukovic, Hadjihamza, Pejoska-Gerazova, & Raleva, 2010; Kim et al.,
2010; Palmer, Pankratz, & Bostwick, 2005; Saha, Chant, & McGrath,
2007). Therefore, suicide victims may encompass a wide range of underlying
mental disorders; moreover, transient depressive mood pictures represent an
increased risk stage for suicide behavior (Fenton, 2000; Hawton, Sutton,
Haw, Sinclair, & Deeks, 2005).
Other misdiagnosed disorders, such as adult ADHD, are also associated
with criminal behavior (de Andrade et al., 2011) and thought to underline
any schizophrenia disorder present. Therefore, forensic examiners are
required to improve their awareness in relation to undiagnosed disorders
leading to persistence of antisocial behavior if not referred and treated by
expert. Moreover, screening at custody services may have potential value
in predicting other family members who may be at risk of not being diag-
nosed as also having symptoms, misdiagnosis, and the impact of this on
potential future criminal behavior.


8.1. Background
ADHD is a high-prevalence neurodevelopmental disorder which manifests
itself in childhood and can often persist into adulthood (Barkley, Fischer,
Smallish, & Fletcher, 2002; Kessler et al., 2006; Rubia, 2002; Voeller,
2004). While ADHD in children and adolescents has been well researched
in recent years, ADHD in adult patients has been under-researched for a
long time, and only recently has attention been given to the fact that adults
still may exhibit considerable ADHD symptoms. The behavior symptoms
can be diagnosed by the age of seven and can last to adulthood (Mayes,
Bagwell, & Erkulwater, 2008). Prevalence in adults has been reported to
be around 2.5% and declines with age (Simon, Czobor, Bálint,
Mészáros, & Bitter, 2009). The worldwide prevalence rate of ADHD has
been variously estimated as 5.8% (using DSM-IV criteria) and 1.5%
(ICD-10 criteria used) (Rohde et al., 2005) with gender studies concluding
that boys are more often diagnosed with ADHD compared to girls (Müller
et al., 2011). ADHD is a complex heterogeneous disorder with unknown
specific causes; therefore, several research centers have focused efforts in
many areas including genetic variation and environmental factors which
306 Khaled Alawam

might reveal the etiology of disorder. Furthermore, social factors and arti-
ficial food additives have also been considered as contributing to the etiology
of ADHD (McCann et al., 2007). Such research has the potential to identify
positive family history factors and help tracing trait biomarkers which under-
line the disorder. The pathophysiology of ADHD is unclear, however,
imaging analysis has previously shown several abnormalities of brain volume
in childhood patients with a total reduction of cortical and cerebral areas
being reported alongside a decrease in cortical folding (Wolosin,
Richardson, Hennessey, Denckla, & Mostofsky, 2009). There is also some
evidence that the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system may be involved in
the pathophysiology of ADHD (Tripp & Wickens, 2009). Additionally, a
plethora of other factors such as neurotrophins and CLOCK genes have
been implicated in the path-cascade ultimately leading to ADHD
(Conner et al., 2008; Kent et al., 2005; Kissling et al., 2008).

8.2. Symptoms
ADHD symptoms are listed in the DSM-IV and International Statistical
Classification of Disease-10 Revision (ICD-10) with core symptoms being
evident in early childhood. These symptoms are predominantly: increased
levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Adult ADHD patients
typically also exhibit these same tendencies (Wender, Wolf, &
Wasserstein, 2001).

8.3. ADHD subtypes

ADHD patients can be further differentiated into subtypes of ADHD,
dependent on the individual symptoms/elevated levels of behavior. The
main subtypes are hyperactive/impulsive, inattentive, and combined.
The three main types of ADHD are characterized as follows:
• Inattentive: marked by impaired attention and concentration.
• Hyperactive-impulsive: marked by hyperactivity without
• Combined: most common type includes all of the symptoms.

8.4. Comorbidity
ADHD may be associated with other disorders which can complicate the
diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The most commonly identified
comorbid disorders are conduct disorder, mood disorder, depression, anx-
iety disorder, and learning disability disorder (Biederman, Newcorn, &
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 307

Sprich, 1991). Furthermore, adult ADHD patients often exhibit several

comorbid conditions such as mood swings, addiction disorders, and person-
ality problems (Kessler et al., 2006; Wolf & Wasserstein, 2001).

8.5. Biomarkers and ADHD

Protein biomarkers from human biological fluid can be studied in neuropsy-
chiatry disorders, especially those with relatively well-established etiology
disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia; however, ADHD
has had much less previous study regarding biomarkers linked to the neu-
rodevelopmental disorder (Dudley et al., 2011). Therefore, it is more of a
research challenge to identify specific diagnostic biomarkers in biological
fluids; however, some genotype biomarkers previously explored have been
linked to ADHD (Wallis, 2010). It has been suggested that ADHD-like fea-
tures might also be an early vulnerability marker for schizophrenia
(Keshavan, Sujata, Mehra, Montrose, & Sweeney, 2003) and a so-called
“attention deficit disorder psychosis” has been previously described in some
patients (Bellak, Kay, & Opler, 1987). However, very little scientific work
has been published concerning the comorbidity of ADHD with schizophre-
nia in adult patients. ADHD screening may have a crucial impact on diag-
nosis and treatment and thereby greatly assist in the reduction of symptoms
in misdiagnosed and untreated individuals. This may be considered to be
especially important among young offenders whom require treatment
despite a severe lack of recognition of the contribution of ADHD and similar
disorders to continued offending in some individuals. The majority of the
effort in studying ADHD has been focused on the genetic etiology of the
disorder and so RNA products of suspected genes have been analyzed to
study how they might be applied as diagnostic biomarkers.

8.6. Forensic aspects of ADHD

Psychiatric disorders are often linked to criminal behavior and therefore
most offenders should, if possible, be screened for such disorders. ADHD
was the most important predictor of violent offending and so the Offender
Assessment System might develop identification tools based on any reliable
biomarker profile in offenders which may provide information regarding
offender’s behavior and potential treatment requirements. A previous study
reported that ADHD was the most commonly identified such disorder
among offenders 33.3% (de Andrade et al., 2011). A further study suggested
that childhood ADHD might increase the risk of developing antisocial
308 Khaled Alawam

behavior and substance use disorder in adulthood (Mannuzza, Klein, &

Moulton, 2008). A previous report utilized genetic information regarding
specific gene polymorphisms to confirm the role of ADHD in antisocial
behavior in children (Caspi et al., 2008). Adults who meet the criteria of
ADHD disorders are more likely to exhibit criminal and antisocial behavior
(Langley et al., 2010) and so ADHD can be an important risk factor for the
development of later antisocial behavior. While ADHD-like symptoms
might be present in much of the population at any given period of time,
ADHD individuals present such behavior more severely and this behavior
leads to clinically significant problems. Therefore, forensic reports regarding
the medical assessment of criminal offenders are required in some countries,
including data detailing clinical assessments and physical evidence con-
firming the diagnosis. Improving the health services in prisons toward indi-
viduals with criminal behaviors, especially with regard to ADHD is
important alongside assisting the future prevention and prediction programs.
However, left untreated such disorders might maintain the criminal behav-
ior and reduce the ability of an individual to change such behavior patterns.
A meeting held in November 2009 discussed the awareness of ADHD in
respective health services throughout the United Kingdom regarding
recognition, assessment, and management. The meeting discussed the needs
of ADHD offenders at different stages of the offender pathway which might
lead to crime reduction (Young et al., 2011). The forensic services of UK
prison studies demonstrated that 24% adult male prisoners were positive
for disorder childhood history and a variety of symptoms (fully symptomatic,
partial remission, and full remission). Thus, it was considered important to
screen and identify prisoners who remain symptomatic for ADHD and refer
such individuals to an expert for further diagnosis and treatment, as most
prison inmates are young men with complex healthcare needs (Young
et al., 2009).

The psychiatry service has a long way to go to develop standard criteria
based on laboratory-derived evidence, alongside the usually performed psy-
chometric results which are considered as a psychiatric (although potentially
subjective) opinion concerning the mental health of individuals. Moreover,
the development of a linkage between biomarker evidence and different
psychometric tools would be envisaged to optimize such psychiatric-
standard screening, diagnosis, and management strategies. Therefore, the
Proteomics in ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Suicide 309

establishment of novel biomarker information resources for certain psychi-

atric disorders utilizing proteomic techniques could provide a novel frame-
work of biological-based criteria as a parallel to the interview-based criteria.
Such a resource would further improve good mental healthcare services and
also potentially contribute to the forensic assessment of individuals by over-
coming substandard screening tests and the limited identification of certain
disorders commonly linked to criminal behavior or self harm. Beyond indi-
vidual evaluation, such biological evidence would also have a potential role
as a screening tool for larger populations of selected individuals, such as crim-
inal detainees or mental health patients with other disorders or disabilities.
The application of proteomic and metabolomic analyses in psychiatry and
their utilization in searching for prospective biomarkers among psychiatry
disorders is currently increasing (Dudley et al., 2011; Taurines et al.,
2010). The study of biological differences in psychiatric patients requires
cooperation between many groups to validate different biological, imaging,
and genetic biomarker data (both state and trait) that may help in categoriz-
ing psychiatry diagnosis criteria using physical evidence. Such an improve-
ment in our understanding of biological differences will also provide further
insights into the biological and pathogenesis variations in psychiatric disor-
ders. However, any central resource of data would require continuous mon-
itoring and updating as new evidences arise that add to or contradict
previous evidences.

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Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures, “t ” indicate tables and “np” indicate

A Akamine, M., 298–299

Aas, F. E., 10 Akechi, T., 298–299
Abbey, K., 132t Akesson, M., 287–288
Abe, A., 128 Akimoto, Y., 129
Abian, J., 35–36 Akimov, V., 53–54
Abney, T., 95–96 Akiskal, H., 298–299
Abramsohn, M., 181–182 Ako, M., 51–52
Academia, K., 6 Alam, M. N., 128
Accavitti, M. A., 81–82 Alamgir, M., 261
Acharya, A., 126 Albino, E., 252–253, 262t
Achour, B., 8 Alcolea, M. P., 49–50, 52–53
Ackerman, M. J., 296 Alexeevski, A., 262t
Ackermann, B., 4 Al-Hussein, M., 172–173
Ackermann, R., 3–4 Ali, M. S., 2–3
Adamczyk, B., 96–98, 103 Ali, N. A., 48
Adami, M., 126, 139–140, 141, 143, Alkema, M. J., 258–259
167–168, 185 Alkorta, N., 253–254, 270
Adamou, M., 307–308 Alley, W. R., 74f, 86–89
Adams, R., 262t Almeida, K. C., 15
Adamson, J. T., 89–90 Almeida, O. P., 294–295
Adamson, N. J., 38 Aloy, P., 262t
Ade, A., 262t Alpert, A. J., 41
Adelmant, G., 39 Alt, R., 135
Adjaye, J., 223 Altarawneh, S. K., 138
Adler, L., 305–307 Al-Tarawneh, S. K., 138
Aebersold, R., 3–4, 6, 7, 76–77, 79–80, Altmann, F., 82–83
94–95, 210, 223–225, 252 Alvarez-Manilla, G., 85–86, 95–96
Aebi, M., 72–73 Àlvarez-Prado, A. F., 140
Affar, E. B., 102–103 Amado, F. M., 138
Agerbo, E., 298–299 Amano, A., 128
Agid, O., 302 Amano, M., 80, 96–98
Agnew, H. D., 205 Amar, S., 131
Aguiar, M., 42–43 Amaral, D., 132t
Ahmad, R., 79–80 Ambatipudi, K. S., 130
Ahmed, J., 262t Ames, J. M., 81
Ahmed, K., 181 Ametzazurra, A., 253–254, 270
Ahn, J.-M., 103 Amico, F., 294–295
Ahn, Y. H., 101–102, 103 Amster, I. J., 88–89
Ai, J. Y., 132t An, H. J., 73, 85, 87, 235t
Aiken, J., 106 An, L., 234

318 Author Index

Andama, A., 130 Ashline, D. J., 88–89

Andersen, J. S., 220, 221t, 225 Ashok, A., 147
Andersen, P., 15–16 Ashwood, P., 286
Anderson, D. C., 11 Assumpção, F. Jr., 297, 304–305, 307–308
Anderson, K. S., 140, 249 Astoul, E., 58–59
Anderson, L., 151 Atwood, J. A., 85–86, 95–96
Anderson, N. G., 3, 72–73 Au, C. E., 226–227
Anderson, N. L., 3, 72–73 Auerbach, D., 234
Anderson, V. E., 205 Austin, R. J., 8
Andersson, L., 36–37 Aveline-Wolf, L., 8
Andreasen, J. O., 149 Azadi, P., 95–96
Andrew, P. W., 16–17 Azevedo, P., 3–4
Andrews, P. C., 35 Azia, A., 180–181
Angel, P. M., 220, 221t
Angel, T. E., 182 B
Angenendt, P., 243–244 Babu, H. M., 151
Anguizola, J. A., 76–77 Babu, M. M., 236
Annan, R. S., 40–41 Bacchiocchi, A., 50–51
Anonsen, J. H., 10 Back, J. W., 205
Ansong, C., 16–17 Bader, G. D., 261, 262t
Anthony, K., 262t Badino, F., 139–140
Aoshima, M., 80, 96–98 Badis, G., 235–236, 258
Apic, G., 262t Bae, K. Y., 304–305
Apter, A., 298 Baek, S. J., 8–9
Apweiler, R., 72–73 Bagwell, C., 305–306
Araki, K., 85 Baharuddin, A., 183
Aranda, B., 261, 262t Baharvand, H., 215–230
Arango, V., 294–295 Bai, J., 14
Aravind, L., 236 Baiker, A., 140
Arce, C., 14 Bailer, S. M., 140
Archakov, A., 76–77 Baillargeon, G., 297
Arduengo, M., 243–244 Baillargeon, J., 297
Arduino, P. G., 149 Bajic, V. B., 258–259
Arellano, M., 151 Baker, C. A., 106
Argiolas, M. R., 149 Baker, J. B., 52–53
Arjun, P., 128 Baker, M. S., 220, 221t
Arnim, C. A. F. V., 106 Balan, J., 98–99
Aro, H. M., 300 Baldoni, M., 131
Aronson, J. K., 247 Baldwin, J. M., 182
Arrais, J. P., 132t Balint, E., 246–247
Arriaga, E. A., 219 Bálint, S., 305–306
Arrigoni, G., 42 Ballard, J. M., 42
Arsenault-Lapierre, G., 298–299, 300 Ballut, L., 262t
Arya, S. K., 182 Banaschewski, T., 305–306
Aryal, R. P., 102–103 Bandhakavi, S., 129
Aryal, U. K., 79–80 Banks, R. E., 2–3, 4
Arzberger, T., 4–5 Bánóczy, J., 146
Asherson, P., 305–306, 307–308 Bao, Z. Q., 35
Author Index 319

Barber, N., 248 Belmonte, L., 138–140, 141, 142, 164, 165,
Barbieri, F., 182–183 166–168, 170, 171–172, 177
Barbosa, A. E., 15–16 Belov, L., 248
Barboza, M., 73 Bencharit, S., 138
Barbuti, S., 131, 136–137, 148 Bennett, D. A., 286
Barington, T., 220, 221t Bennett, P., 291
Bar-Joseph, Z., 135 Ben-Nissan, B., 126
Barker, K., 140 Benschop, J. J., 35–36
Barkley, R. A., 305–307 Benson, D. A., 135
Barnes, K. C., 135 Beranova-Giorgianni, S., 41, 48–49
Barone, A., 126, 131, 136–137, Berger, M. F., 235–236, 255, 256–257, 258
148 Bergeron, J. J., 226–227
Barone, R., 104–105, 106 Bergman, U., 300–301
Barquero, M.-S., 104–105 Berjanskii, M., 204
Barraclough, B., 304–305 Berman, A., 172–173
Barrasa, M. I., 258–259 Bern, M., 90–92
Barrett, A., 305–306 Berna, M., 4
Barrios-Rodiles, M., 234 Bernal, M., 299–300
Barshir, R., 262t Bernert, S., 299–300
Barthelery, M., 221t, 222–223 Bernhard, F., 252–253
Barton, G. J., 262t Bernhardt, J., 11
Bartos, A., 3–4 Bernstorff, S., 172–173
Basha, O., 262t Berntenis, N., 3–4
Basrur, V., 45–48 Bertl, K., 128
Bass, M., 172–173 Bertleff, N., 12
Basse, M. J., 262t Bertolote, J., 298
Bassim, C. W., 130 Bertolusso, G., 149
Bauer, G., 172–173 Bertozzi, C. R., 72–73
Bausch-Fluck, D., 220, 221t Berven, F. S., 79–80
Bavastrello, V., 126, 139–140, 141, 143, Berweger, S., 165
167–168, 185 Beseme, O., 55–58
Baxter, S. S., 138 Betesh, L. R., 82–83
Baynes, J. W., 81 Beveridge, A. J., 106
Beare, P. A., 249–250 Bezerra, T., 167–168, 185
Beausoleil, S. A., 37, 39–40, 42–43 Bharti, B., 128
Beautrais, A., 298 Bhattacharya, S., 220, 221t
Beautrais, A. L., 298 Bhola, N. E., 50–51
Bechard, M., 217 Bhongade, M., 128
Becker, K. G., 135 Bhullar, B., 140, 142–143, 238t, 243–244
Bedi, G., 6 Bi, C., 76–77
Beer, L. A., 3 Bian, X., 140
Beer, R., 298–299 Bibel, M., 220, 221t
Behrendt, K., 45–48 Bichsel, V. E., 238t
Bell, A. W., 226–227 Bidwell, L. C., 291–292
Bellak, L., 307 Biederman, J., 305–307
Belli, H., 304–305 Biegler, J. M., 181–182
Belliard, A., 55–58 Biggart, E., 250
Belloni, M., 45–48 Bilello, J., 287–288
320 Author Index

Binder, C., 295 Bosio, A., 219

Biondo, C., 9–10 Bossi, A. M., 2–3
Birge, R. R., 182–183 Bostwick, J. M., 304–305
Bischoff, R., 76–77, 86–87 Botella-López, A., 104–105
Bisio, A., 3–4 Boucher, L., 262t
Bitter, I., 305–306 Bougnoux, A. C., 2–3
Blackburn, R. K., 5–6 Bouman, T., 249–250
Blackstock, W. P., 2–3, 37 Bourassa, M. W., 170
Blaesing, F., 252 Bourgeas, R., 262t
Blagoev, B., 7–8, 33, 40 Bourin, M., 294–295
Blank, N. C., 35–36 Bourne, P. E., 262t
Blankenburg, H., 261 Boursier, C., 181
Blasse, C., 262t Bowen, B., 235–236
Blencke, S., 52–53 Boyer, L. A., 217
Blinco, D., 221t, 222–223 Boyer, R., 300
Bock, G., 219 Boyne, M. T., 94–95
oddi, K., 81 Bozdaganyan, M., 170, 172, 177, 180
Bodenmiller, B., 35–36, 252 Bozso, Z., 246–247
Bodnar, W. M., 5–6 Bracher, A., 210, 211
Boehringer, D., 210, 211 Braczynski, A., 247–248
Boersema, P. J., 44–45 Bragazzi, N. L., 125–162, 167–168, 170,
Boesche, M., 44–45 171–172, 177, 180, 182, 184, 185
Bogdanović-Radović, I., 172–173 Brailo, V., 131
Bohn, S., 205 Branca, R. M., 48
Boichenko, A., 76–77, 86–87 Brandizi, M., 135
Boja, E. S., 96–98 Brase, J. C., 250–252
Bolander-Gouaille, C., 294–295 Braud, C., 131, 136–137
Bolea, B., 307–308 Braun, P., 234
Bolscher, J. G., 132t Brauner, B., 262t
Bolser, D., 262t Bravo-Sagua, R., 220–222
Bomgarden, R., 95–96, 97f Bray, T., 164–165
Bonaldi, T., 35 Brazhe, N., 167–168, 170, 171–172
Bond, A. E., 25–69 Brazma, A., 135
Bonda, D. J., 3–4 Breitkreutz, B. J., 262t
Bondy, B., 298–299 Brent, R., 235–236
Bones, J., 73 Brenton, A. G., 28–32
Bonilla, L., 78–79 Breslau, N., 295
Boo, J. H., 105 Bretz, W. A., 128
Bookvich, A., 262t Breuza, L., 262t
Boon, S. D., 130 Brewer, H. M., 16–17
Boontheung, P., 151 Brezinski, M. L., 235–236, 255, 256–257
oottcher, M., 128 Bridge, A., 262t
Boovariwala, A., 294–295 Briganti, L., 262t
Borchers, C. H., 96–98, 193–213 Bright, T. J., 135
Border, M. B., 138 Brill, L. M., 53–54
Borrebaeck, C. A., 238t Brilliant, M. H., 126
Borregaard, N., 219 Brinker, A., 181
Borud, B., 10 Brinkmalm, G., 80, 104–105
Author Index 321

Brinkman, F. S., 261 Busso, S., 235–236

Brnakova, Z., 96–98, 103 Bust, M., 219
Broackes-Carter, F., 262t Bustelo, X. R., 33
Broccoletti, R., 149 Buteau, C. M., 300
Brock, J. W. C., 81 Butler, E. B., 237
Brodsky, M. H., 235–236 Butterer, A., 207
Brosseron, F., 3–4, 5, 8 Buttrick, P. M., 3–4
Brostromer, E., 147 Butwell, M., 299–300, 301–302
Broughton-Head, V. J., 235–236 Byers, K. J., 258
Brown, P. O., 237
Browning, S., 106 C
Bruce, B. D., 219 Cabrera-Alvargonzalez, J. J., 11–12
Bruckner, A., 234 Caccialanza, G., 82–83
Bruening, M. L., 35–36, 42–43 Cady, J., 287
Bruffaerts, R., 299–300 Cafiero, C., 126
Bruggink, C., 87–88, 95–96 Cai, H., 234, 249
Brugha, T., 299–300 Cairns, D. A., 4
Brunet, J., 49–50 Calame, W., 104–105
Brunner, R., 98 Caldwell, C. B., 304–305
Bruzzese, D., 142, 167–168, 170, 171, 185 Calero, M., 104–105
Buchen, C., 205 Calleri, E., 82–83
Bucher, P., 235–236 Calvert, V., 237, 238t
Buchner, J., 37 Cam, N. R., 58–59
Buchoff, J., 262t Camargo, A. A., 235–236
Budhathoki-Uprety, J., 95–96 Cambria, M. T., 167–168, 170, 171
Buerk, D. G., 183 Camillo, L. R., 15
Buettner, A., 298–299 Camp, D. G., 76–77, 79–80
Buffet, A., 172–173 Campbell, D., 35–36, 98–99
Buhse, L. F., 94–95 Campuzano, L., 37
Buitelaar, J. K., 305–306 Candido Ede, S., 9–10
Buko, A. M., 42 Caneva-Soumetz, F., 142
Buljan, M., 172–173 Cannistraci, C. V., 258–259
Bulyk, M. L., 235–236, 256–257, 258–259, Cantrell, D., 58–59
262t Cao, X., 247
Buncherd, H., 205 Caorsi, V., 3–4
Buneeva, O., 76–77 Carapito, C., 252
Bunescu, R. C., 235t Carbone, M., 149
Bunk, O., 146 Cardone, M. H., 247–248
Burch, T. C., 82–83 Caricasole, A., 4–5
Burdett, T., 135 Carlisle, B. C., 87–89
Burgaya, F., 104–105 Carlsohn, E., 80
Burghammer, M., 164–165, 166–167, 168, Carlson, D. M., 85
170, 172–173 Carlson, J., 138
Burke, D. J., 37 Carr, S. A., 79–80, 96–98, 151
Burlingame, A. L., 58–59, 102–103 Carrascal, M., 35–36
Burne, R. A., 128 Carrasco-Alfonso, M. J., 39
Burnina, I., 95–96 Carrozzo, M., 149
Burrows, L. L., 10 Carson, A., 292–293
322 Author Index

Carvajal, A., 14 Chao, C. C., 257–258

Carvalho, P. C., 6 Charboneau, L., 238t
Cary, M. P., 262t Charles, S., 142–143
Casaburi, G., 128 Charrier, J.-P., 96–98
Casadio, R., 226 Charro, N., 3–4
Casado, P., 49–50, 52–53 Chartowski, P., 3–4, 5, 8
Casado-Vela, J., 231–281 Chatham, J. C., 81–82
Casal, J. I., 253–254 Chatr-Aryamontri, A., 262t
Casas, V., 35–36 Chatterjee, B. P., 81
Caspi, A., 307–308 Chatterjee, U., 81
Castagna, A., 2–3 Chaurasia, G., 262t
Castillo, L., 49–50 Chautard, E., 261, 262t
Castle, D. J., 302 Chavan, S., 151
Catalina, M. I., 89 Chawla, Y. K., 81
Catassi, A., 3–4 Chayen, N. E., 164–165, 168–170
Catmull, D. V., 131, 149 Che, F. Y., 204, 205
Cattamanchi, A., 130 Cheetham, M. E., 182
Cazares, L. H., 84–85 Chen, A., 106
Cebrian, A., 235np, 238t, 252–253, 254, 270 Chen, C., 15, 249–250, 262t
Ceol, A., 261, 262t Chen, C. C., 55–58, 82–83, 86–87
Cepek, L., 106 Chen, C. R., 135
Cerciello, F., 98–99 Chen, C. T., 223
Ceroni, A., 140 Chen, J. P., 79–80, 166, 234, 249
Cesario, A., 3–4 Chen, K., 223
Cha, I. S., 13–14 Chen, L. C., 41, 45–49, 220, 221t
Chaerkady, R., 58–59 Chen, M., 40
Chai, L., 148 Chen, Q., 234
Chain, P. S., 132t Chen, R., 82–83
Chait, B. T., 42 Chen, S., 94–95, 223
Chamot-Rooke, J., 10 Chen, S. H., 41
Chan, A., 35 Chen, S. S., 55–58
Chan, D. W., 103 Chen, T., 128, 132t, 238t
Chan, M., 254 Chen, X. W., 54, 81, 205, 257, 262t
Chandler, K. B., 82–83 Chen, Y., 89–90, 147, 291–292
Chandler, M., 235–236 Chen, Y. C., 234, 262t
Chandra, H., 238t Chen, Y. H., 205
Chang, C. J., 11–12 Chen, Y. J., 55–58, 82–83, 86–87
Chang, C. W., 135 Chen, Y. T., 151
Chang, D. K., 8 Chen, Y. W., 41
Chang, F., 48 Chen, Y. Y., 131, 149
Chang, G., 243–244 Chen, Z. A., 205
Chang, H. Y., 45–48 Cheng, C. W., 151
Chang, J., 234 Cheng, F., 81
Chang, K. C., 11–12 Cheng, L., 95–96, 235–236
Chang, M., 82–83 Cheng, M. C., 132t
Chang, Y. T., 55–58 Cheng, W. C., 135
Chang, Y. W., 55–58 Cheng, X., 178
Chant, D., 302, 304–305 Chenu, F., 294–295
Author Index 323

Chernov, A. A., 168–170 Clifton, J. G., 219

Chew, T. R., 78–79 Clinton, R. W., 48
Chiba, T., 250–252 Clore, G. M., 210, 235–236
Chien, K. Y., 41 Clowers, B. H., 73, 82–83
Chiesa, S., 131 Coba, M. P., 37
Chitayat, D., 181–182 Cockrell, D. C., 249–250
Cho, H. S., 262t Coelho, E. D., 132t
Cho, N. H., 151 Cohen, L. S., 294–295
Cho, W., 81–82 Cohen, M., 286
Cho, Y. S., 223 Cojoc, M., 50
Choi, A. H., 126 Cole, K. D., 238t
Choi, C. W., 4–5, 16 Cole, P. A., 247–248
Choi, E., 79 Coleman, L., 4–5
Choi, K. P., 261, 270 Coler, R. N., 15–16
Choi, M. H., 4–5, 16 Collado-Romero, M., 14
Choi, Y. D., 255 Collier, T. S., 220, 221t, 223
Choi, Y. P., 151 Collignon, A., 181
Choi, Y. S., 35–36 Collins, M. O., 37
Chong, S., 139–140, 141, 142 Collison, M. E., 183
Chong, Y. M., 151 Colomer, R., 49–50
Choo, A., 54–55 Colominas, C., 106
Chopra, G., 147 Colón, L. A., 35–36
Chopra, S., 11 Comer, F. I., 81–82
Choquet-Kastylevsky, G., 96–98 Conlon, K. P., 45–48
Chou, H. C., 151 Conner, A. C., 286, 305–306, 308–309
Chou, P. S., 295 Conners, C. K., 305–307
Chouinard, C. R., 45–48 Connolly, A. M., 90–92
Chow, N., 94–95 Connor, P. A., 34
Chowdhury, S. M., 205 Constantinides, C. A., 40–41
Christiansen, H., 220, 221t Conway, R. C., 126
Christopherson, R. I., 248 Coogan, A. N., 305–306
Chu, C., 73 Coon, J. J., 32–33, 42–43, 44–45
Chu, F., 250 Cooper, A., 305–306
Chuang, I. C., 45–48 Cooper, H. J., 89–93
Chun, J. N., 262t Copeland, R. J., 73
Chung, K. A., 106 Coppen, A., 294–295
Chung, M. C. M., 103, 219, 223 Corbett, B. A., 286
Chuppa, S., 220, 221t Corby, P. M., 147
Chwastyniak, M., 55–58 Cordwell, S. J., 55–58
Cini, C., 104–105 Corega, C., 126
Ciucanu, I., 88–89 Correia, M. J., 132t
Clark, D. F., 98–99 Correia, T. B., 139–140, 141, 142, 167–168,
Clark, K., 135 170, 171–172
Clark, T., 105 Corthals, G. L., 269
Clarke, D. C., 45–48, 301–302 Cosenza, L., 164–165
Clauser, K. R., 79–80 Costello, C. E., 89–90, 288
Clement, R. M., 305–306 Cottrell, J. S., 5–6
Clemmer, D. E., 92–93 Covani, U., 126, 130, 131, 136–137, 148
324 Author Index

Cowley, M. J., 262t Dasilva, N., 237–243, 254

Cox, G., 2 Datki, Z., 246–247
Cox, J. C., 32–33, 45–48, 262t Datta, M., 182
Cozza, G., 181 Daub, H., 37
Craft, G. E., 106 Davatzikos, C., 302
Crain, A. M., 53–54 Davidow, A. L., 15–16
Cravatt, B. F., 3–4 Davis, G. C., 295
Creasy, D. M., 5–6 Davis, J. L., 130
Crecelius, A. C., 4–5 Davis, L., 295
Creese, A. J., 90–93 Dawson, D. A., 295
Crichlow, G. V., 164–165 Day, M., 262t
Crispin, M., 92–93 de Andrade, R. C., 297, 304–305, 307–308
Croft, M., 58–59 De Donno, A., 2–3
Crosby, K., 50–51 de Graaf, R., 299–300
Crossett, B., 90–92 De Hoog, C. L., 225
Cruchaga, C., 287 de Jong, A. P., 35–36
Crum, C. P., 140 de Koning, L. J., 205
Crumpler, D., 305–306 de Koster, C. G., 205
Cuadrado-Corrales, N., 104–105, 106 De La Iglesia, D., 131
Cui, F., 130, 132t de la Vega, O., 248
Cui, T., 101–102 de Lima, L. A., 2, 9–10, 11
Cunha-Junior, J. P., 15 de Lima Zanella, J., 45–48
Curcio, M., 131, 136–137, 148 De Masi, F., 258–259
Currier, D., 298 De Masi, R., 2–3
Cutillas, P. R., 49–50 de Moraes, L. M., 9–10
Czajkowski, L., 131 de Silva, E., 235t
Czobor, P., 305–306 de Sousa, D. A., 9–10
Deatherage Kaiser, B. L., 16–17
D Deavoll, B. J., 298
da Rocha, J. M., 128 Deeks, J. J., 301–302, 304–305
da Silva, E. M., 9–10 Deelder, A. M., 82–83, 85, 86–88, 89,
Dafas, P., 262t 95–96
Dagorn, J. C., 181 Deepa, T., 129–130
Dai, J., 39 Degauque, N., 131, 136–137
Dai, Z., 79–80 Degerman, E., 42
Dailly, E., 294–295 Deguchi, K., 86–87
Dalacorte, R. R., 293–294 Dehennaut, V., 102–103
Dalah, I., 135 Dehne, F., 261
Dalen, L., 305–306 Dekker, H. L., 205
Dalgalarrondo, P., 304–305 Dekker, L. J. M., 104–105
Dallas, D. C., 98–99 Dekroon, R. M., 4–5
Dalton, S., 95–96, 217 del Pulgar, M. T., 235np, 238t, 252–253,
Daly, M., 250–252 254, 270
Danford, T. W., 254–255 Delahunty, C. M., 147
Danger, R., 131, 136–137 Dell, A., 10
Daniel, W. L., 250–252 Delucas, L. J., 164–165
Daou, S., 102–103 Demczyk, C. A., 106
Dashper, S. G., 131, 149 Demirkan, G., 140, 238t, 243–244, 249
Author Index 325

Demler, O., 305–307 Domina, M., 9–10

Denckla, M. B., 305–306 Domingues, R. R., 45–48
Deng, C., 35–36, 81, 101–102 Domon, B., 3–4, 252
Deng, L., 262t, 270 Domrachev, M., 135
Deng, N., 55–58 Dong, J., 38
Deng, W. J., 132t Donos, N., 131
Dennis, J. W., 79 Doose, S., 12
Dennis, M., 300 Dormeyer, W., 220, 221t
Denny, R., 8 Dorschel, C. A., 8
Deo, V., 128 dos Remedios, C. G., 248
Dephoure, N., 40 Dotsch, V., 252–253
Depke, M., 10 Douglas, I., 149
Derchi, G., 131 Dovat, S., 181
Dermyer, P., 262t Downey, R., 142–143
Dervan, P. B, 235–236, 255, 256–257 Dražić, G., 172–173
Desaire, H., 98–99 Dragan, I., 82–83
Desantos-Garcia, J. L., 95–98, 99–101 Drake, J. M., 50–51
DeSouza, L. V., 6, 7–8 Drake, P. M., 101–102
DeVere-White, R., 73, 87 Drake, R. R., 84–85
Devgan, G., 238t, 247–248 Dreger, M., 217–219, 225
Dewhirst, F. E., 128 Drew, D., 164–165
Deyhle, H., 146 Dreze, M., 234
Di Domenico, F., 104–105 Drobecq, H., 55–58
Di Gennaro, G., 295–296 Drozdzik, M., 2–3
Di Palma, S., 95–96 D’Souza, R. C., 32–33
Di Silvio, L., 142 Du, X., 205
Diamandis, E. P., 2–3, 99–101, 103 Duan, W., 58–59
Diaspro, A., 142 Dube, D. H., 72–73
Dı́az-Martı́n, V., 140 Dubois, E., 55–58
Dibble, C. F., 138 Dubois-Deruy, E., 55–58
Diehl, F., 253–254 Dubrovska, A., 50
Dı́ez, P., 237–243, 254 Dudbridge, F., 305–306
Dillon, D. C., 15–16 Dudley, E., 25–69, 286, 289, 305–306, 307,
Dimapasoc, L. M., 87–88, 308–309
99–101, 100f Duff, G. W., 126
Dimitrov, D. V., 128 Dulberger, C., 78
Ding, V., 54–55 Duman, R. S., 294–295
Ding, W., 48–49 Dumenil, G., 10
Ding, X., 102–103 Dumontier, M., 261
Ding, Y., 286 Dunger, I., 262t
Diodato, E., 4–5 Dunham, M. J., 237
Diogo, C. L., 293–294 Dunkel, M., 262t
Dizaj, A. V., 221t, 222–223 Dunn, J. D., 42–43
Doğan, R., 135 Dunn, M. J., 2–3, 4
Doant, T, 205 Duong, T. T., 219
Dodds, E. D., 82–83, 90–92 Duong VanHuyen, J. P., 131,
Doherty, T., 15–16 136–137
Dolcini, L., 82–83 Duran-Pinedo, A. E
326 Author Index

Dwek, M. V., 102–103 Ercan, A., 96–98, 103

Dwek, R. A., 104–105 Erez, T., 286
Dylag, M., 135 Erkulwater, J., 305–306
Ernst, S., 11
E Esko, J. D., 72–73
Easley, C. A. T., 223 Esmans, E. L., 25–69
Easterling, M. L., 89–90 Espina, V., 237, 238t
Eberl, T., 11–12 Estep, P. W., 235–236, 256–257
Ebstein, R. P., 305–306 Etienne, C., 95–96, 97f
Eckerskorn, C., 219 Etschel, E., 297
Eckhardt, A., 128 Evans, G., 184
Eddy, J., 298–299 Ewing, A. V., 170
Edgar, R., 135 Ezkurdia, I., 270
Edgeworth, M., 92–93
Edvinsson, L. I., 55–58 F
Edwards, A. V. G., 55–58, 90–92 Fadini, G. P., 250–252
Edwards, D. A., 130 Faergeman, N. J., 32–33, 37, 42–43
Edwards, N., 82–83 Faizuddin, M., 128
Efazat, G., 48 Faleiro, M. L., 16–17
Egge-Jacobsen, W., 10 Faller, L. L., 149
Eisen, H. N., 33 Fallu, A., 295
Eisenberg, J., 305–306 Faltermeier, C. M., 50–51
Eisenstein, S., 142–143, 238t, 243–244 Falugi, C., 3–4
Ekins, R., 250 Fan, W., 85
El Rassi, Z., 3–4 Fan, Y., 247, 302
Elashoff, D., 132t Fanayan, S., 78
Elghanian, R., 250–252 Fang, B., 41, 48–49
Elias, J. E., 37, 39–40 Farah, C. S., 151
Ellington, A. D., 262t Fardini, Y., 102–103
Elliott, V. L., 96–98 Faria, D., 3–4
Ellmark, P., 248 Fariselli, P., 226
Elofsson, S., 301–302 Farrell, M. P., 84–85
Elortza, F., 84–85, 232–234 Fasold, H., 194
Elsayed, G. A., 81–82 Fasolo, J., 238t, 247–248
Elschenbroich, S., 6 Fassil, H., 130
Eluk, A., 262t Fathi, A., 215–216, 217, 221t, 222–223
Emam, I., 135 Fatoux-Ardore, M., 262t
Emig, D., 261 Fauler, B., 223
Emmett, M. R., 89–90 Feijs, K. L., 247–248
Emr, S. D., 220–222 Feilner, T., 247–248
Endo, T., 106 Feldmann, M., 247
Eng, J. K., 5–6, 209–210 Felli, L., 141
Enge, M., 235–236 Felmet, K., 302
Engels, I. H., 181 Feng, H., 38
Engholm-Keller, K., 81, 83–84 Feng, J., 55–58
Engle, S., 4 Feng, S., 4, 39, 45–48
Enjalbal, C., 142 Fenn, J. B., 43–44
Enright, A. J., 261 Fenn, L. S., 92–93
Author Index 327

Fenner, B. J., 246–247 Franco-Zorrilla, J. M., 231–281

Fenton, W. S., 304–305 Frank, G., 81–82
Ferguson, R. E., 4 Franzel, B., 3–4
Fergusson, D. M., 298 Fraser-Liggett, C. M., 131
Fernandes, D. L., 85 Frederick, M. J., 45–48
Fernandez, M., 44–45 Fredericks, J. D., 291
Fernandez-Suarez, X. M., 260–261 Freeby, S., 6
Ferraro, F., 219 Freeman, W. M., 221t, 222–223
Ferreira, R. P., 138 Freger, V., 172–173
Ferriter, M., 299–300, 301–302 Freilino, M., 50–51
Festa, F., 139–140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, Frenkel-Morgenstern, M., 270
182, 184 Frevert, C. W., 13–14
Ficarro, S. B., 35–36, 37, 39, 53–54 Frias-Lopez, J., 131
Fields, S., 234 Fricke, E., 257
Filice, N., 131 Fridovich, I., 223–225
Finn, R. D., 261 Friedler, A., 252
Finski, A., 254 Frodl, T., 294–295
Fiordoro, S., 164–165, 166–167, 170, Froehlich, J. W., 73, 98–99
172–173 Frohlich, H., 250–252
Fiorini, T., 128 Frohlich, T., 4–5
Fischer, L., 205 Frost, D. C., 71–123
Fischer, M., 305–306 Fu, Y. R., 16
Fischer, R., 140 Fuentes, M. G., 139–140, 231–281, 238t
Fischetti, R. F., 172 Fujii, N., 205
Fiser, A., 204, 205 Fujimoto, M., 51–52
Fleischer, S., 217–219 Fujimura, T., 223
Fletcher, K., 305–306 Fujisawa, K., 298–299
Flowers, L., 247 Fujitani, N., 85
Fobo, G., 262t Fujiwara, M., 168–170
Fogh, L., 49–50 Fukamachi, H., 132t
Foister, S., 235–236, 255, 256–257 Fukuda, H., 220, 221t
Follettie, M. T., 6 Fukuda, K., 141
Fonnum, G., 38 Fuller, T. W., 84–85
Fonslow, B. R., 6 Fullerton, D. A., 3–4
Fontani, D., 164–165, 166–167, 170, Funakoshi, I., 81–82
172–173 Furney, S. J., 257–258
Foong, L. Y., 54–55 Furukawa, J.-I., 80, 85, 96–98
oorster, F., 205 Fuster, M. M., 72–73
Ford, T., 307–308 Futschik, M., 262t
Forst, A. H., 247–248
Fortin, T., 96–98 G
Foster, L. J., 225 Gabashvili, A., 270
Fouad, A. F. ., 131 Gade, S., 250–252
Fowler, T., 307–308 Gadewal, N. S., 128
Fox, K. R., 235–236 Gadhikar, M. A., 45–48
Frackelton, A. R., Jr., 33 Gadomski, A., 176
Francavilla, C., 49–50 Gago-Martinez, A., 58–59
Franco, O. L., 1–24 Gaigalas, A. K., 238t
328 Author Index

Gaiser, S., 146 Gerlach, J. Q., 84–85

Galbo, R., 9–10 German, J. B., 82–83, 98–99
Galeota, E., 262t Gerrits, B., 35–36
Galperin, M. Y., 260–261 Gerstein, M., 3, 217, 236
Gan, C. S., 41, 45–48 Gerwe, B. A., 220, 221t
Gandolfo, S., 149 Getmanskiy, M., 171
Gans, J., 132t Getnet, D., 58–59
Gao, F., 58–59 Geyer, H., 81–82
Gao, J., 262t Geyer, R., 81–82
Garbis, S. D., 40–41 Ghafourian, S., 2–3
Garcia, A., 2–3, 96–98, 99–101, 294–295 Ghannoum, M. A., 130, 132t
Garcia, I., 126 Ghisellini, P., 182–183, 184
Garcı́a-Ayllón, M. S., 104–105 Ghodsi, M., 149
Garcia-Garcia, J., 261 Giacomelli, L., 126, 130, 131, 136–137,
Garcia-Ott, C., 78–79, 101–102 142, 166–167, 170, 177
Garcı́a-Ruiz, J. M., 168–170 Giannakopulos, A. E., 201–204
Garcia-Sierra, F., 3–4 Gibbs, C. J., 106
Garcia-Velasco, J. A., 270 Gibson, B. W., 42
Gardner, R. A., 85 Gibson, D. S., 140
Garg, B., 39 Giegé, R., 164, 168–170
Garg, G., 128 Gil, C., 14
Garibaldi, J. M., 135 Gilchrist, A., 226–227
Garman, E. F., 165, 168–170 Gillespie, J. W., 238t
Garzon, J. I., 262t, 270 Gillet, L. C., 98
Gaster, R. S., 237 Gillette, M. A., 96–98, 151
Gatti-Lafranconi, P., 140 Giltner, C. L., 10
Gault, J., 10 Gingrich, J. R., 41, 48–49
Gautam, A., 131 Ginovart, N., 294–295
Gauthier, D. J., 219 Giordani, A. B., 42
Gavı́n, R., 104–105 Giorgianni, F., 41, 48–49
Gavira, J. A., 168–170 Giral, M., 131, 136–137
Gaye, M. M., 102 Girelli, D., 2–3
Gbormittah, F. O., 78–79, 101–102 Giroux, V., 181
Ge, F., 48–49 Gjertson, D., 58–59
Gebhardt, R., 166–168, 170, 172–173, 174, Glaab, E., 135
176 Glick, M., 131
Geddes, J., 301–302 Glinskii, O. V., 98–99
Geffers, R., 257 Glinsky, V. V., 98–99
Geho, D., 237, 238t Gloerich, J., 88–89
Gehrig, P., 55–58, 98–99 Glokler, J., 243–244
Gehrke, A. R., 235–236, 258 Glurich, I., 126
Gelb, M. H., 7, 94–95 Gnad, F., 35, 40, 78
Gelpi, F., 126 Gnant, M. F., 249
Genovesi, A. M., 126 Go, E. P., 98–99
Gerardy-Schahn, R., 81–82 Goate, A. M., 287
Gerasimova, A., 15–16 Gobom, J., 252
Gerber, S. A., 7, 8, 37, 40, 94–95 Godoy, M., 256–257, 259–260
Gerdts, C. J., 164–165 Goetz, J. A., 85
Author Index 329

Gohler, A., 12 Greden, J. F., 292

Gokul, K., 128 Green, A., 106
Goldacre, M., 301–302 Green, E., 305–306
Goldman, R., 82–83, 96–98, 103 Green, J. R., 261
Goldstein, J., 303–304 Green, N. S., 194
Golenko, E., 286 Greenbaum, J. A., 15–16
Golshani, A., 261 Greenwald, S., 298, 299–300
Gomes, C. P., 1–24 Greenwell, P., 102–103
Gomes Junior, N., 2, 9–10, 11 Greis, K. D., 42
Gomez del Pulgar, M. T., 270 Griffin, T. J., 7
Gomez, S. M., 261 Grimes, M. L., 45–48
Gómez-Tortosa, E., 104–105 Grimmond, S. M., 262t
Gong, B., 38, 95–96 Grimshaw, K., 305–306
Gong, C. X., 105 Grinde, B., 147
Gong, S., 262t Gritsenko, M. A., 32–33, 76–77, 79–80
Gong, W., 261, 262t Groenewold, V., 40
González-Angulo, A. M., 49–50 Groer, C., 2–3
Gonzalez-Begne, M., 6 Gromiha, M. M., 262t
González-González, M., 140, 237–243, 247, Gronborg, M., 32–33
254, 269 Gronenborn, A. M., 235–236
Goodison, S., 45–48 Gross, A. K., 182
Gordon, D. B., 254–255 Grossmann, J., 98–99
Gordon, W., 45–48 Groth, D., 106
Gorenstein, M., 8 Grove, C. A., 258–259
Gorg, A., 4 Gruebel, B., 250–252
Gorsky, M., 149 Gruhler, A., 32–33, 37, 42–43
Goshe, M. B., 41 Grunberg, F., 300
Gosline, S. J., 45–48 Grundke-Iqbal, I., 105
Goss, V. L., 33 Grundmann, H., 2
Goswami, T., 37 Gu, B., 220, 221t
Gotta, S., 4–5 Gu, J., 105
Gottesman, I. I., 304–305 Guan, S. Z., 16
Gourabi, H., 221t, 222–223 Guan-Golan, Y., 135
Govada, L., 164–165 Gucev, Z. S., 181–182
Govorukhina, N., 76–77, 86–87 Guderian, F., 286, 308–309
Graack, H. R., 4 Gudjonsson, G. H., 307–308
Graham, M. E., 87–88, 90–92 Guenther, M. G., 217
Graham, N. A., 50–51 Gui, Y., 261
Graham, R. L., 9–10, 205 Guillard, M., 88–89
Gramolini, A. O., 6 Guimond, D. M., 58–59
Granja-Ingram Nde, M., 49–50 Gujral, T. S., 254
Grant, B. F., 295 Gulmann, C., 238t
Grass, J., 82–83 Gundry, R. L., 220, 221t
Grassl, J., 286, 308–309 Gunther, G., 219
Grasso, V., 142 Guo, A., 33
Gratia, S., 55–58 Guo, H., 54
Graz, C., 297 Guo, T., 41, 45–48, 226
Greco, J. A., 182–183 Guo, Y., 85–86, 142
330 Author Index

Gupta, G., 78, 79 Hanrahan, S., 58–59

Gur, R. C., 302 Hanson, K., 226
Gustavsson, M. K., 104–105 Harata, K., 168–170
Gutierrez, T., 220–222 Harazono, A., 129
Guy, R. K., 205 Harbison, C. T., 254–255
Gygi, S. P., 7, 8, 33, 40, 42–43, 94–95 Hargrave, P. A., 182
Haririan, H., 128
H Haris, P. I., 170
Haab, B. B., 78–79, 101–102, 237 Harkness, L., 220, 221t
Haack, H., 50–51 Haro, J. M., 299–300
Haas, A., 298 Harold, G., 307–308
Haas, W., 33, 37, 42–43 Harrington, M. G., 106
Habash, M., 10 Harris, E. C., 304–305
Hackett, M., 128 Harris, L. E., 78–79
Hadjihamza, K., 304–305 Harris, M., 181–182
Hage, D. S., 76–77 Harrison, P. M., 3, 217
Hagen, F. K., 6 Harrison, R. L., 253–254
Hägglund, P., 84–85 Hart, G. T., 235t
Hagmann, M. L., 3–4 Hart, G. W., 73, 81–82, 102–103, 105
Hahne, H., 95–96, 97f Hart, T. C., 147
Haines, K., 247 Hartnett, J., 252
Hainsworth, E., 139–140, 142–143, 238t, Harvey, D. J., 87–88, 89, 92–93, 106
243–244, 249 Harwood, M. D., 8
Hajivandi, M., 38 Hashimoto, K., 235t, 261–269
Håkansson, K., 35–36, 89–90, 205 Hasneen, K., 220, 221t
Hakko, H., 300–301 Hässler, F., 289, 307, 308–309
Halbach, O. B., 294–295 Haston, K. M., 215–216
Hales, H., 299–300, 301–302 Hattan, S., 7, 94–95
Halim, A., 80, 90–92, 97f, 104–105 Hattori, M., 250–252
Hall, N. E., 205, 206–207 Hattori, S., 82–83
Ham, A. J., 49–50 Hauschild, K. E., 235–236, 255, 256–257
Ham, B. M., 32–33 Hauskrecht, M., 147
Hamilton, N. A., 226 Hausmann, M., 219
Hammoud, Z. T., 102 Haw, C., 304–305
Hampp, N., 182–183 Hawi, Z., 305–306
Hampshire, A. J., 235–236 Hawkins, D., 164–165
Hamrick, D., 164–165 Hawton, K., 301–302, 304–305
Han, G., 38, 39, 73, 82–83 He, F. S., 235–236, 256–257
Han, J., 194–195, 196, 197f, 198, 199f, 200, He, H. J., 238t
201, 202f, 203f, 208f He, J., 79
Han, L. Y., 262t He, M., 234, 238t, 243–244
Han, X., 6 Healy, C. M., 149
Hanash, S. M., 78–79, 101–102, 249 Heck, A. J. R., 34, 35–36, 40, 44–45, 54–55,
Hancock, D. K., 238t 95–96, 220, 221t
Hancock, W. S., 76–77, 78–79, 101–102 Hee Ryu, O., 147
Hand, A. R., 6 Heegaard, N. H. H., 76–77, 81
Hanes, S. D., 235–236 Heeren, R. M., 17
Hannay, T., 262t Hegde, M. N., 147
Author Index 331

Hegde, N. D., 147 Hill, M. M., 79

Hegemann, B., 34–35 Hill, S., 49–50
Hehl, R., 257 Hillenkamp, F., 288, 289
Heider, A., 135 Hiller, K. A., 147
Heikkinen, M. E., 300 Hincapie, M., 76–77, 78–79, 101–102
Heinemann, L., 183 Hirabayashi, J., 76–77, 79
Heinicke, S., 262t Hirano, H., 220, 221t
Hekmat, O., 49–50 Hirozane-Kishikawa, T., 235t
Helenius, A., 72–73 Hirschfeld, R. M., 294–295
Helle, S. C., 220–222 Hirve, N., 58–59
Heller, M., 226–227 Hitchen, P. G., 10
Helliwell, J. R., 164 Hixson, D. C., 219
Helmstetter, D., 4–5 Ho, C. L., 151
Helweg-Larsen, M., 299–300 Ho, J., 90–92
Hemalatha, V. T., 128 Hochgräfe, F., 49–50
Hempel, J. C., 209–210 Hochstrasser, D. F., 2–3, 226–227, 269
Henderson, B., 131 Hocking, D., 131
Henderson, C., 220, 221t Hodges, E., 305–306
Henderson, R., 15–16 Hoeng, J., 128
Henderson, Y. C., 45–48 Hoffman, M. M., 262t
Hendrickson, E. L., 128 Hofmann, O., 135
Henn, F. A., 294–295 Hogan, J. M., 78–79, 101–102
Hennequin, C., 181 Hoheisel, J. D., 243–244, 253–254
Hennessey, J. G., 305–306 Højrup, P., 84–85
Henningsen, J., 53–54, 220, 221t Hokke, C. H., 89
Hennrich, M. L., 40 Holewinski, R. J., 55–58
Henriksson, M. M., 300 Hollfelder, F., 140
Henry, J. P., 55–58 Hollingsworth, T. J., 182
Hensbergen, P. J., 82–83 Holmgren, A., 299–300
Herbst, A., 106 Holmgren, P., 300–301
Hermann, B., 295 Holstein, C. A., 8
Hermjakob, H., 72–73 Holter, H., 219
Herukka, S.-K., 104–105 Holton, J. M., 165
Herva, M. E., 106 Holý, V., 172–173
Herwig, R., 262t Hong, H. S., 105
Herzog, F., 34, 205, 210, 211 Hong, L., 58–59
Herzog, G., 172–173 Hong, Q., 96–98
Herzog, N., 247–248 Hongeng, S., 54–55
Hess, S., 9–10 Honig, B., 262t, 270
Hesse, C., 80, 90–92, 97f Hood, B. L., 3–4
Hiding, J., 226–227 Hook, B. L., 252
Hiep, H. M., 142 Hoopmann, M. R., 5–6, 205–206, 209–210
Higgins, D. G., 257–258 Hooshyar, M., 261
Higurashi, M., 262t Horn, H., 49–50
Hildebrandt, P., 10, 11 Hornig-Do, H. T., 219
Hilger, M., 35 Horovitz, A., 180–181
Hilhorst, M. J., 34 Horowitz, I. R., 247
Hill, J., 94–95 Horst, J. A., 147
332 Author Index

Horth, P., 3–4, 6 Hussey, D., 294–295

Hou, J., 53 Hussey, S., 16–17
Houk, K. N., 194 Hutchins, J. R. A., 34–35
Houlihan, G., 140 Hüttenhain, R., 98–99, 252
Howes, O. D., 302 Huttenhower, C., 135
Hoyos-Mallecot, Y., 11–12 Huttlin, E. L., 33, 37
Hoys, S., 181 Huynh, V. T., 15–16
Hoyt, E., 95–96 Hwang, H., 106
Hsiao, W. W., 131 Hwang, S. R., 45–48
Hsich, G., 106
Hsu, S. H., 223 I
Hsueh, A., 58–59 Iannuccelli, M., 262t
Hu, A., 11–12 Ideker, T., 250–252
Hu, C. Y., 82–83 Idolo, A., 2–3
Hu, H., 131 Ignatchenko, V., 6
Hu, J., 252–253, 262t Ijsselstijn, L., 104–105
Hu, S., 151 Ikeguchi, Y., 34
Hu, X., 81 Ikeo, K., 135
Hu, Y., 95–98, 99–101, 102, 140 Iloro, I., 270
Hua, D., 98–99 Imami, K., 35
Hua, S. S., 73, 82–83, 85, 87–88, 98–101, Imamura, H., 40
100f, 226 Immink, R. G., 247–248
Huang, B. Y., 82–83, 86–87 Ingale, S., 81–82
Huang, C. L., 135 Inoue, M., 81–82
Huang, C. M., 129 Inskip, H. M., 304–305
Huang, F., 219 Intoh, A., 220, 221t
Huang, G., 81 Iorio, F., 52–53
Huang, J., 140 Iovanna, J. L., 181
Huang, L., 85 Iqbal, K., 105
Huang, P. H., 45–48, 248 Isacsson, G., 300–301
Huang, R. P., 247 Isailovic, D., 92–93, 102
Huang, S. S., 45–48, 94–95 Ishida, K., 128
Huang, T. C., 58–59 Ishida, T., 262t
Huang, T. W., 262t Ishihama, Y., 34–35, 36–37, 40,
Huang, W. S., 262t 54–55
Huang, Y. N., 7, 89–90, 94–95 Isjanovski, V., 304–305
Huber, L. A., 219 Ismagilov, R. F., 164–165
Hudecz, O., 34–35 Isometsä, E. T., 300
Hudson, M. E., 247 Issaq, H. J., 36–37, 50–51
Huhn, C., 87–88, 95–96 Isserlin, R., 54
Hultschig, C., 247–248 Itagaki, C., 220, 221t
Hünnerkopf, R., 305–306 Ito, H., 86–87
Hunt, D. F., 32–33, 42–43, 44–45, Ito, S., 128
102–103 Ito, T., 250–252
Hurst, R., 243–244, 252 Itzkan, I., 171
Husain, M. M., 295 Ivanov, I., 178
Husi, H., 37 Iverfeldt, K., 105
Hussein, A., 84–85, 95–98, 99–101 Iwai, L. K., 48
Author Index 333

Iwamoto, S., 80, 102–103 Jeong, J. C., 262t

Iwasaki, M., 298–299 Jeong, J. S., 4–5, 252–253, 262t
Izard, J., 128 Jeong, S. H., 99–101, 100f
Jesse, S., 106
J Jessri, M., 151
Jacob, A., 253–254 Jessulat, M., 261
Jacobsen, K. T., 105 Ji, E. S., 101–102, 103
Jacobsen, R. B., 205 Ji, X., 226
Jaeger, S. A., 235–236, 258 Ji, Z. L., 262t
Jaffe, H., 42 Jia, H. T., 48–49
Jaffuel, A., 96–98 Jia, W., 98
Jágr, M., 128 Jiang, H., 234
Jagtap, P., 129 Jiang, J., 151
Jahan, T. A., 5–6 Jiang, L., 252–253, 262t
Jain, A., 249–250 Jiang, W., 147
Jain, R., 142–143 Jiang, X., 38, 39, 82–83
Jaishankar, A., 221t, 222–223 Jiang, Y., 89–90
Jaiswal, G., 128 Jiang, Z., 14
Jaiswal, S., 128 Jiao, J., 89
Jaitly, N., 32–33 Jijith, V. S., 142–143
Jakobsen, L. A., 76–77, 81 Jilkine, A., 7
James, P., 142–143 Jin, X. W., 289–290
James, S. L., 3–4 Jindra, P. T., 58–59
Jang, H. B., 13–14 Joffe, H., 294–295
Jang, I., 262t Johansen, P. T., 53–54, 220, 221t
Janket, S. J., 128 Johnson, S. M., 181
Jans, T., 286, 308–309 Jolma, A., 235–236
Jansen, C., 235–236 Jona, G., 255, 257
Jara, M., 237, 247 Jones, A. W., 79, 299–300
Järn, M., 35, 42 Jones, C., 131
Jarvis, D. L., 253–254 Jones, E. E., 82–83, 84–85
Jasinskas, A., 249–250 Jones, R. M., 299–300, 301–302
Jawhari, A., 205 Jordan, R. C., 151
Jayachandran, H., 32–33 Jorgensen, T. J., 34–35
Jedrychowski, M. P., 33, 37, 39–40 Joseph, R., 128
Jefferson, E. R., 262t Joshi, L., 84–85
Jehmlich, N., 10 Josic, 219
Jeng, A. T., 287 Jovanovic, M., 35–36
Jenkins, H. T., 2 Jovanovic, V., 131, 136–137
Jenkins, R. E., 96–98 Joyce, P. R., 298
Jenkinson, A. M., 261 Joyce, S., 50–51
Jenner, R. G., 217 Ju, T., 102–103
Jensen, O. N., 3–4, 6, 32–33, 34–35, 38, 43, Ju, Y., 142
84–85 Judge, R. A., 168–170
Jensen, S. S., 38, 76–77, 81 Juhasz, O., 220, 221t
Jeon, Y. J., 53–54 Julka, S., 6
Jeong, B. R., 223 Jun, S. H., 4–5, 16
Jeong, B. Y., 4–5, 16 Jung, E., 226–227
334 Author Index

Jung, J. S., 11–12 Kasten, F. H., 151

Jung, J.-A., 103 Katagira, W., 130
Jung, K., 81–82, 101–102 Katayama, S., 258–259
Jungblut, P. R., 3–4, 270 Kathariya, R., 128
Jurevic, R. J., 130, 132t Kattla, J. J., 73
Katz, C., 252
K Katzen, F., 243–244
Kader, H. A., 247 Kaune, G., 172–173
Kafi, A., 55–58 Kausch, A. P., 219
Kahn, M., 15–16 Kawabata, S.-I., 80, 102–103
Kahraman, A., 210, 211 Kawada, M., 132t
Kailemia, M. J., 88–89 Kawahara, M., 34
Kaji, H., 76–77, 79 Kawakami, H., 129
Kalema, N., 130 Kay, E. W., 238t
Kalinina, O. V., 262t Kay, L., 55–58
Kalra, N., 128 Kay, S. R., 307
Kaltenbach, M., 140 Kazarian, S. G., 170
Kamburov, A., 262t Kebede, Y., 293–294
Kamenski, T., 205 Keira, T., 86–87
Kaminski, M., 52–53 Kellam, P., 131
Kaminuma, E., 135 Kellermann, J., 7
Kampourakis, T., 3–4 Kelley, F., 140
Kanai-Azuma, M., 129 Kelly, J., 286
Kanaparthy, A., 126 Kemp, R. I., 304–305
Kanaparthy, R., 126 Kenney, K., 106
Kanbe, M., 183 Kenski, D. M., 42
Kane, M., 84–85 Kent, L., 305–306
Kanfer, G., 220–222 Kerek, F., 88–89
Kang, H. J., 164–165 Kerman, K., 142
Kanner, A. M., 295 Kern, J., 131
Kanshin, E., 32–33 Kerrien, S., 261, 262t
Kantor, A. B., 286 Kerrigan, J. E., 178
Kaplan, D. A., 89–90 Kersten, B., 252
Kaplinsky, A., 181–182 Kervina, M., 217–219
Kapur, S., 302 Keshavan, M. S., 307
Karas, M., 288, 289 Kessler, B., 140
Karch, C. M., 287 Kessler, I., 76–77, 81
Karlsson, M., 142 Kessler, R. C., 305–307
Karp, R. L., 254 Khan, W., 2
Karpasas, M. M., 286 Khattar, S. K., 253–254
Karsch-Mizrachi, I., 135 Kheterpal, I., 4–5
Karunaratne, S., 226 Khrapov, M. A., 262t
Karvonen, K., 300–301 Khurshid, S., 164–165, 168–170
Karyagina, A., 262t Kienle, S., 7, 94–95
Kasckow, J., 302 Kieselbach, T., 149
Kass, I. J., 8 Kilcoyne, M., 84–85
Kassahn, K. S., 262t Kim, B.-G., 103
Kassem, M., 220, 221t Kim, B.-J., 82–83, 99–101, 100f
Author Index 335

Kim, C., 105, 298–299, 300 Klingstrom, T., 261

Kim, D., 250–252 Klitgord, N., 149
Kim, D. K., 142 Klostergaard, J., 58–59
Kim, D. W., 53–54 Klugman, K. P., 2
Kim, E. H., 103 Knight, Z. A., 42
Kim, H., 217 Ko, J. H., 103
Kim, H. E., 53–54 Kobayashi, D., 128
Kim, H. G., 262t Kobayashi, T., 43, 128
Kim, I. J., 4–5, 16 Koch, S., 76–77, 81
Kim, J., 53–54 Kodama, K., 85
Kim, J. M., 304–305 Kodama, Y., 135
Kim, J. S., 53–54 Koeleman, C. A. M., 82–83, 85
Kim, J. Y., 4–5, 16 Koenig, A., 247–248
Kim, K. H., 101–102, 103 Koenig, C., 170, 172
Kim, M. J., 255 Koepfinger, M., 261–269
Kim, M. S., 58–59 Koerner, S., 262t
Kim, S., 99–101, 100f Kojima, A., 128
Kim, S. I., 4–5, 16 Kojima, M., 132t
Kim, S. J., 304–305 Kokubu, M., 36–37
Kim, S. W., 304–305 Kolar, K., 220–222
Kim, S. Y., 304–305 Kolarova, M., 3–4
Kim, Y., 151 Kolesnikov, N., 135
Kim, Y. H., 255 Kolli, K., 86
Kim, Y.-S., 101–102, 103 Komisopoulou, E., 55–58
Kimura, F., 52–53 Kondo, T., 298–299
King, N. M., 126 Konermann, L., 194–195
Kingsmore, S. F., 247 Konig, S., 12
Kinoshita, K., 262t Konijnenberg, A., 207
Kirley, A., 305–306 Konovalov, O., 172–173
Kirschner, M. W., 8 Konvalinka, A., 2–3
Kislinger, T., 6 Koo, H., 147
Kiss, A., 17 Kooij, V., 55–58
Kissling, C., 305–306 Koomey, M., 10
Kitagawa, H., 81–82 Koponen, H., 300–301
Kitteringham, N. R., 96–98 Kopylov, A., 76–77
Kivioja, T., 235–236 Kornman, K. S., 126
Kiyoshi, T., 168–170 Kornmann, B., 220–222
om, S., 43 K€
orstgens, V., 172–173
Kjøller, M., 299–300 Kosanam, H., 99–101, 103
Kjus, N. H., 38 Kostal, V., 219
Klafki, H., 106 Kostrzewa, M., 11–12, 76–77, 81
Klammer, M., 52–53 Kotelev, M. S., 171
Klappenberger, J., 194 Kotler, G., 247
Klein, M. I., 147 Koudstaal, P. J., 104–105
Klein, R. G., 307–308 Koutsouleris, N., 294–295
Kleine, H., 247–248 Kozak, R. P., 85
Klein-Seetharaman, J., 261 Kozuka-Hata, H., 49–50
Klement, E., 80 Kraft, C., 35–36
336 Author Index

Kraiczek, K., 35–36 Kutcher, S., 295

Krainer, M., 249 Kuwajima, K., 181
Krajewski, A., 126 Kuzdzal, S., 286
Krasnogor, N., 135 Kuzmanov, U., 99–101, 103
Kratchmarova, I., 7–8, 53–54, 220, 221t Kuzmicic, J., 220–222
Kratochvil, N. C., 235–236, 255, 256–257 Kwei, K. A., 52–53
Kretzschmar, H. A., 4–5 Kweon, H. K., 35–36
Kreutzberger, J., 243–244 Kwon, J., 13–14
Krieger, C., 104–105 Kwon, K. H., 4–5, 16
Krijgsveld, J., 215–216, 220, 221t Kwon, Y., 223
Krise, J. M., 5–6 Kyono, Y., 35
Krishna Prasad, R. B., 151
Krishnan, V., 128 L
Krishnaraj, S., 128 Labadorf, A., 45–48
Kristensen, D. B., 7–8 Labaer, J., 138, 139–140, 143, 144, 145, 151,
Kristensen, O., 147 182, 184, 234, 237, 249
Kronish, J. W., 140 Lacal, J. C., 232–234, 270
Krupa, S., 262t Lacroix, V., 270
Kruppa, G. H., 201–204 Ladogana, A., 106
Ku, G., 4–5 Laemmli, U. K., 235–236
Kuboniwa, M., 128 LaFrance, W. C. Jr., 295
Kudelka, M. R., 102–103 Lagerlof, O., 102–103
Kudlicki, W., 243–244 Lai, M. J., 11–12
Kuehner, C., 293–294 Lai, Y., 247
Kugel, A., 286 Lair, D., 131, 136–137
Kuhn, K., 7, 94–96, 97f Laky, M., 128
Kuick, R., 249 Lam, H., 35–36
Kullolli, M., 78–79 Lambeth, J. D., 181–182
Kulozik, U., 172–173 Lamblin, N., 55–58
Kumar, A., 3, 217 Lambris, J. D., 58–59
Kumar, C., 40 Lamont, R. J., 128
Kumar, M. D., 262t Lan, A., 262t
Kumar, R. M., 217 Lan, R., 82–83
Kumari, M., 128 Landenberger, B., 219
Kummerfeld, S. K., 257–258 Lane, C. S., 96–98
Kunihara, T., 181 Lane, D., 235–236
Kunnath-Velayudhan, S., 15–16 Lang, A., 220–222
Kuno, A., 79 Lang, N., 3, 217
Kuntz, I. D., 209–210 Lange, C., 11–12
Kunz, N., 219 Lange, S., 3–4
Kupihár, Z., 80 Lange, V., 252
Kurisaki, A., 220, 221t Langley, K., 307–308
Kurogochi, M., 80, 96–98 Lanza-Cariccio, V., 9–10
Kurulugama, R. T., 102 Lapadula, A. J., 88–89
Kuska, R., 126 Lappe, M., 235t
Kusnezow, W., 253–254 Laremore, T. N., 89–90
Küster, B., 44–45, 83–84 Large, M. M., 304–305
Kusubata, M., 82–83 Larijani, M. R., 221t, 222–223
Kuszewski, J. J., 210 Laronga, C., 84–85
Author Index 337

Larosa, C., 139–140, 141, 142, 167–168, Lehti€o, J., 76–77

170, 171–172 Leitner, A., 35, 42, 205
Larsen, M. R., 34–35, 38, 55–58, 76–77, 81, Leitner, W., 35, 42
83–84, 87–88, 90–92 Lejnine, S., 247
Larson, G., 80, 90–92, 97f Lemeer, S., 35–36, 44–45
Lash, A. E., 135 Lemière, F., 25–69
Lau, A. Y., 142–143, 238t, 243–244 Lemmens, I., 234, 235t
Laurence, A., 58–59 Lemoine, J., 96–98
Lawson, E. L., 219 Lemos, J. A., 128
Lazure, C., 219 Lendal, S. E., 81
Lazzari, R., 170, 172 Lentze, N., 234
Le, H. S., 135 Lerno, L. A., 73
Le, R., 128 Lesage, A. D., 300
Leach, F. E., 89–90 Lesk, A. M., 183
Leaman, R., 135 Leth-Larsen, R., 81
Lebrilla, C. B., 73, 82–83, 88–89, 96–98, Leung, M. C., 3–4
103 Levander, F., 42
Lee, B. Y., 49–50 Leverenz, J. B., 106
Lee, C., 103, 164–165 Levin, Y., 270
Lee, C. S., 248 Levine, S. S., 217
Lee, E. J., 4–5, 16 Levitt, A., 295
Lee, J., 247–248 Levy-Beladev, L., 252
Lee, J. C., 4–5, 16 Lewensohn, R., 48, 76–77
Lee, J. E., 205 Leymarie, N., 88–89, 90–92
Lee, J. H., 4–5, 16 Li, B., 101–102
Lee, J. K., 50–51 Li, F., 98–99
Lee, J. R., 237 Li, G. Z., 8
Lee, J. S., 250–252 Li, H., 270
Lee, J. Y., 103 Li, J., 39–40, 147
Lee, K. A., 33 Li, K. L., 131
Lee, K. B., 53–54 Li, L., 71–123, 164–165
Lee, K. H., 106 Li, M., 16, 302
Lee, L. W., 8 Li, R., 76–77
Lee, R. S., 98–99 Li, S., 223
Lee, S. S., 45–48 Li, X., 37, 81, 219, 286
Lee, S. W., 4–5, 16 Li, X.-J., 76–77, 79–80
Lee, S. Y., 151 Li, Y., 15–16, 79, 81, 151, 234
Lee, T. H., 255 Li, Y. H., 286
Lee, T. I., 217, 254–255 Li, Z., 181
Lee, W. J., 45–48 Liang, G., 81
Lee, Y. C., 262t Liang, Q., 81
Lee, Y. H., 103, 219, 223 Liang, X. Q., 38, 81
Lefeber, D. J., 88–89 Liao, L., 6
Lefebvre, T., 102–103 Liao, W. S., 58–59
Legro, R. S., 181–182 Licata, L., 262t
Lehnartz, P., 219 Liebana-Martos, C., 11–12
Lehnert, S., 106 Liebich, I., 257
Lehoux, S. D., 102–103 Liebler, D. C., 96–98, 151
Lehrach, H., 223, 262t Liedtke, S., 81–82
338 Author Index

Lim, J. M., 262t Loo, D., 79

Lim, S. K., 41 Lopes, C., 3–4
Lima, T. B., 2, 9–10, 11 Lopez, M. F., 286
Lin, C., 89–90 Lopez, R., 8
Lin, H. C., 151 Lopez-Abarrategui, C., 15–16
Lin, H. M., 49–50 Lopez-Bigas, N., 257–258
Lin, J. H., 11–12 Lopez-Crisosto, C., 220–222
Lin, J. J., 55–58 Lorber, B., 168–170
Lin, S. T., 151 Lorenzetto, C., 4–5
Lin, X., 147 Lorenzo, O., 256–257, 259–260
Lin, Y., 220, 221t, 247 Loria, P., 126
Lin, Z., 83–85, 103 Lottspeich, F., 7
Lindén, M., 35, 42 Lovold, C., 10
Lindestam Arlehamn, C. S., 15–16 Lowe, D., 140
Lindsay, S., 128 Lowe, N., 305–306
Ling, Z., 147 Lozada-Nur, F., 149
Linhardt, R. J., 89–90 Lu, B., 6
Liotta, L. A., 237, 238t, 247 Lu, C. H., 48–49
Lipinszki, Z., 80 Lu, H., 55–58, 76–77, 81
Lipman, D. J., 135 Lu, J., 35–36
Lit, L., 286 Lu, Q., 14
Liu, B., 149 Lu, S. C., 54
Liu, C., 286 Lu, Z., 135
Liu, D., 302 Lubda, D., 82–83
Liu, F., 105 Lubman, D. M., 45–48, 79, 83–85, 94–95,
Liu, H. C., 41 103
Liu, J., 14, 135 Luc, P. V., 262t
Liu, K. L., 132t Lucchinetti, E., 55–58
Liu, L. Y., 289–290 Lucena, C., 14
Liu, T., 76–77, 79–80 Luczynski, M. T., 48
Liu, W., 6, 223 Lukk, M., 135
Liu, X., 16–17 Lundstr€ om, S. L., 104–105
Liu, Y., 4, 45–48, 79, 81, 98, 101–102, 286 Lurz, R., 223
Liu, Z., 131 Luscombe, N. M., 236, 257–258
Lizardi, D., 298, 299–300 Lutz-Bonengel, S., 219
Lo, A., 83–85, 94–95, 103 Lux, A., 72–73
Lo, C. C., 132t Lv, H., 148
Lo, T., 54 Ly, L., 250–252
Lo, Y. S., 262t Ly, M., 89–90
Lobet, Y., 15–16 Lynaugh, H., 95–96
Loboda, A., 7 Lynch, S., 140
Locker, G. J., 249 Lynn Fink, J., 226
Lodish, H. F., 33 Lyutvinskiy, Y., 104–105
Lodowski, D. T., 182
Loewenthal, N., 181–182 M
Logvinenko, T., 140 Ma, D., 106
Long, Q., 223 Ma, T., 101–102
onnqvist, J. K., 300 Macauley, M. S., 105
Author Index 339

MacBeath, G., 237, 247–248, 254 Marcus, K., 3–4, 5, 8

Maccoss, M. J., 5–6 Margetts, M., 131
MacDonald, R., 301–302 Maria-Neto, S., 9–10
Macek, B., 40, 253–254 Marimuthu, A., 151
Macgurn, J. A., 220–222 Mariño, K., 73
Macisaac, K. D., 254–255 Markó, L., 81
Madoz-Gurpide, J., 249 Marrero, J., 252–253, 262t
Magee, D. M., 237 Marshall, A. G., 89–90
Mahal, S. P., 106 Martelli, P. L., 226
Mahavisno, V., 262t Martin, D. B., 76–77, 79–80
Mahdavi, A., 9–10 Martin, W. F., 98–99
Mains, R. E., 219 Martinez, J., 142, 204
Mak, H. C., 250–252 Martinez-Esteso, M., 237, 269
Mak, P. A., 181 Martinez-Gomariz, M., 14
Mak, R., 210, 211 Martı́nez-Pinna, R., 55–58
Makabe, K., 181 Martinez-Torrecuadrada, J. L., 253–254
Makambi, K., 96–98, 103 Martins, R. P., 14
Maksimov, G., 167–168, 170, 171–172 Martins, S., 305–306
Malberg, J., 294–295 Martin-Sanchez, F., 131
Malcolm, J., 303–304 Marto, J. A., 35–36
Malhotra, B. D., 182 Marttunen, M. J., 300
Mallineni, S. K., 126 Marx, S., 52–53
Malmstr€om, L., 210 Mas, S., 287–288
Malosse, C., 10 Mason, A. C., 79–80
Mandal, P. K., 58–59 Masuda, H., 141
Manduchi, E., 135 Masuda, T., 34–35, 54–55
Manford, A. G., 220–222 Matarasso, S., 126
Mann, B. F., 74f, 87–89 Matarraz, S., 140, 237–243, 247, 254, 269
Mann, J. J., 294–295, 298, 299–300 Matejka, M., 128
Mann, M., 6, 32–33, 35, 37, 42–45, 78, Matinlinna, J. P., 126
83–84, 225 Matse, J. H., 132t
Manni, S., 181 Matsuda, H., 34
Manning, J. R., 42 Matsuda, R., 76–77
Mannsperger, H., 250–252 Matsushista, T., 80, 96–98
Mannuzza, S., 307–308 Matthiesen, R., 84–85, 261–269
Mantri, S. P., 126 Mattsson, N., 104–105
Mantri, S. S., 126 Mattsson, U., 131
Manuel Garcı́a-Ruiz, J., 168–170 Mausbacher, N., 37
Manzano-Román, R., 140 Maxwell, J., 50–51
Mao, Y., 165 May, C., 3–4, 5, 8
Maojo, V., 131 Mayampurath, A., 98–99
Marchese, J. N., 7, 94–95 Mayer, M. U., 205
Marchi, S., 220–222 Mayes, R., 305–306
Marchisio, O., 126 Mayne, S. L., 205–206
Marconcini, S., 126, 131, 136–137, 148 Mayor, T., 225
Marcos, A., 104–105 Mayr, M., 90–92
Marcotte, E. M., 235t Mays, J. W., 130
Marcoux, J., 207 Mazanek, M., 34–35
340 Author Index

Mazumdar, V., 131, 149 Mendoza, A., 8

McAlister, G. C., 32–33 Mendoza, E. A., 140, 249
McAllister, J. M., 181–182 Menendez, J. A., 49–50
McCann, D., 305–306 Meng, C. K., 43–44
McCarley, R. W., 303–304 Meng, D., 16–17
McCartan, B. E., 149 Meng, X., 235–236
McCleland, M. L., 37 Meng, Z., 96–98
McClelland, A., 235–236 Merenbloom, S. I., 92–93
McClintock, S. M., 295 Merino, A., 131
McCombs, D., 164–165 Mermod, N., 235–236
McCord, R. P., 258 Merrill, B. J., 217
McDonnell, S. R., 45–48 Merritt, J., 132t
McDowall, M. D., 262t Merry, A. H., 104–105
McDowell, G., 98–99 Mészáros, A., 305–306
McGowan, T., 129 Metwalli, E., 172–173
McGrath, J., 302, 304–305 Meurman, J. H., 128
McInnes, I. B., 247 Meves, A., 45–48
McIntosh, D., 295 Meyer, C., 194
McKenna, N. J., 258–259 Meyer, H. E., 7–8
McKenzie, E. A., 8 Meyer, J. H., 294–295
McLean, J. A., 92–93 Meyer, S., 247–248
McMurray, J. S., 58–59 Meyer-Arendt, K., 8
McNulty, D. E., 40–41 Meyerhoff, M. E., 183
Mcquade, L. R., 220, 221t Meyer-Rochow, V. B., 300–301
McQuillan, A. J., 34 Miao, J., 172
McSweeney, S., 166–167, 170, 173 Michailovich, O., 303–304
Meany, D. L., 103 Michal, J. J., 14
Mechref, Y., 84–85, 86–87, 89, 92–93, Michalik, S., 10
95–101, 102 Michaud, G., 238t, 247–248
Mechtler, K., 3–4, 6 Michel, A. H., 220–222
Medvedev, A., 76–77 Michelland, S., 55–58
Medzihradszky, K. F., 80 Michnick, S., 32–33
Mehra, A., 307 Miersch, S., 140
Mehta, A. I., 237, 238t Mijakovic, I., 253–254
Meier, R., 172–173 Mikšı́k, I., 128
Meinel, T., 262t Mikulskis, A., 286
Meisenzahl, E., 294–295 Millane, R. P., 166
Mekalanos, J. J., 140 Millar, A. H., 226–227
Mekonnen, D., 293–294 Miller, J. C., 237
Mele, F., 15–16 Miller, L. M., 170
Melo, J., 16–17, 132t Miller, W. L., 181–182
Melo-Braga, M. N., 83–84 Millioni, R., 250–252
Melvin, J. E., 6 Milne, B., 307–308
Memmel, E., 12 Minden, J. S., 3–5
Menchen, L., 235np, 238t, 252–253, 254, Mintseris, J., 40
270 Miraglia, R., 298–299
Menchini-Fabris, G., 131 Miralles, G., 204
Mendes, H. F., 182 Miranda-Casas, C., 11–12
Author Index 341

Mirgorodskaya, E., 252 Moro, S., 181

Mirjankar, N., 102 Mortensen, P., 32–33, 37, 40,
Mirkin, C. A., 250–252 42–43, 225
Misek, D. E., 103, 249 Mortensen, P. B., 298–299
Mishra, S., 261 Mosca, R., 262t
Miskimins, W. K., 235–236 Moschallski, M., 219
Mitchell, A. J., 300 Moseley, M. A., 5–6
Mitrováa, E., 106 Mostofsky, S. H., 305–306
Mitulovic, G., 3–4, 6, 34–35 Mottaz, H. M., 81
Miura, Y., 129 Moulin, J. F., 172–173
Miyamoto, S., 87–88, 96–98, 103 Moulton, J. L., 307–308
Miyazaki, Y., 51–52 Moura, M. B., 223
Miyoshi, E., 84–85 Mouritsen, J., 98
Mizrahi, R., 302 Muddiman, D. C., 87–89, 95–96,
Mo, L., 220, 221t 220, 221t, 223
Mocanu, M., 4–5 Mueller, L. N., 252
Moffitt, T. E., 307–308 Mueller, S., 98–99
Mogushi, K., 52–53 Muijsers, A. O., 205
Mohammed, S., 32–33, 35–36, 37, 40, Mukherjee, P. K., 130, 132t
42–43, 44–45, 95–96 Mukherjee, S., 255, 257
Molina, D. M., 15–16, 257–258 Mulder, K. C., 15–16
Mollenhauer, B., 106 Mulder, P., 55–58
oller, H. J., 294–295 Mulder, R. T., 298
Molloy, M. P., 48 Müller, B., 146
Momcilovic, O., 223 Muller, E. C., 270
Mondal, G., 81 Muller, N., 261–269
Monroe, M. E., 32–33, 76–77, Müller, U. C., 305–306, 307–308
79–80 Müller-Buschbaum, P., 172–173
Montor, W. R., 140 Mulligan, S. P., 248
Montrose, D. M., 307 Mummery, C. L., 220, 221t
Mooney, R. J., 235t Mun, J. W., 304–305
Moore, R. J., 13–14, 76–77, 79–80, 81, Munk, S., 49–50
95–96, 205 Muñoz, J., 54–55
Mootha, V. K., 225 Munske, G. R., 205–206
Mor, G., 247, 270 Muntel, J., 98–99
Moraes, I., 184 Murasawa, A., 128
Morava, E., 88–89 Murayama, K., 223
Moreau, Y., 131 Murga-Zamalloa, C., 45–48
Moreira, C. H., 128 Murgueitio, M. S., 262t
Morelli, X., 262t Murphy, A. M., 55–58
Moreno, A., 14 Murray, C. B., 172–173
Morgan, D. K., 248 Murray, O. J., 297
Morgan, M. E., 4–5 Murray, R. M., 302
Morissette, R., 300 Muthusamy, B., 262t
Morita, M., 223 Muthusamy, V., 50–51
Morita, Y., 142 Muzzey, D., 255, 257
Moritz, A., 33 Myers, S. A., 102–103
Moriwaki, K., 84–85 Myung, J. K., 48–49
342 Author Index

N Newstead, S., 184

Nagano, K., 220, 221t Newton, R. P., 28–32
Nagaraj, N., 32–33 Ng, J. D., 168–170
Nagashima, T., 49–50 Ng, W. H., 45–48
Nagasu, T., 36–37, 42 Ngo, J. T., 9–10
Nagele, E., 3–4, 6 Nho, S. W., 13–14
Nagy, G., 81 Nibali, L., 131
Nagy, L., 81, 164–165 Nicolaou, P., 55–58
Naik, S. B., 128 Nicolini, C., 125–162, 164–165, 166–168,
Nairn, A. C., 106 170, 171–173, 174, 175, 176, 177,
Nakada, H., 81–82 180–181, 182, 184, 185
Nakagawa, H., 86–87 Nie, H., 81
Nakagawa, T., 84–85 Nie, S., 94–95
Nakajima, T., 34 Nielsen, J., 287–288
Nakajima-Sasaki, R., 249–250, 257–258 Nielsen, U. B., 247–248
Nakamua, H., 34 Nielssen, O. B., 304–305
Nakamura, A., 34–35 Niessen, S. M., 6
Nakamura, H., 34 Nieves, E., 204, 205
Nakamura, T., 181 Nigg, E. A., 225
Nakano, Y., 132t Nightingale, S. K., 298
Nakatsuka, R., 51–52 Nigrovic, P. A., 96–98, 103
Nakorchevsky, A., 6 Niles, R. K., 101–102
Nam, D. W., 105 Nilsson, C. L., 89–90
Namiki, J., 54–55 Nilsson, J., 80, 90–92, 97f
Nan, J., 147 Nilsson, R., 42
Nand, A., 131 Nilsson, T., 226–227
Nanni, P., 98–99 Nimmerjahn, F., 72–73
Naqvi, A., 130, 132t Nı́Rı́ordáin, R., 131
Naranjo, J. R., 261–269 Nishikaze, T., 80, 102–103
Narayanswami, S., 219 Nishimura, S.-I., 86–87
Nasrabadi, D., 221t, 222–223 Nishizuka, S., 254
Nath, N., 252 Noirel, J., 149
Nath, S. G., 128 Nolan, J. P., 234, 249
Nativ, N., 135 Nordquist, L., 183
Navarro, P., 98 Norton, D., 291–292
Navarro-Mari, J. M., 11–12 N€
ot, L. G., 81–82
Neacsu, C. C., 165 Notenboom, V., 205
Neebe, M., 182–183 Nouse, N., 205
Negishi, M., 209 Novak, B. M., 95–96
Nehlin, J., 220, 221t Novak, P., 201–204
Neilson, L. J., 45–48 Novikov, A. A., 171
Nelson-Degrave, V. L., 181–182 Novotny, M. V., 74f, 84–85, 86–89
Nessen, M. A., 205 Nowotny, P., 287
Neubert, P., 95–96, 97f Nuhse, T., 36–37
Neumann, M., 106 Numata, Y., 81–82
Newburger, D. E., 258–259 Nunomura, K., 220, 221t
Newcorn, J., 306–307 Nuutinen, P., 128
Newhouse, J. S., 183 Nuvvula, S., 126
Author Index 343

Nwosu, C. C., 85, 87 Oses-Prieto, J. A., 58–59

Nyalwidhe, J. O., 82–83 Oshiro, C. M., 209–210
Nycz, G. R., 126 Osorio, C., 4–5
Ossola, R., 98–99
O Ostell, J., 135
O’Brien, R., 220, 221t Oswald, S., 2–3
Ocho, M., 79 Otálora, F., 168–170
Oda, Y., 36–37, 42 Otero-Gonzalez, A. J., 15–16
O’Donovan, M., 307–308 Ott, L., 4
Oeljeklaus, S., 7–8 Ottesen, M., 219
Ogawa, Y., 129 Otto, M., 106
Ogawa-Goto, K., 82–83 Otvos, L., 85–86
Oh, M. J., 82–83 Ouzounis, C. A., 257–258
Oh, N. R., 101–102, 103 Ovelleiro, D., 35–36
O’Hair, R. A. J., 205, 206–207 Owen, J. B., 104–105
Ohkura, T., 79 Owen, M. J., 307–308
Ohrfelt, A., 104–105 Owen, R. L., 165, 168–170
Okada, M., 128 Owen, T. P. Jr., 219
Okado-Matsumoto, A., 223–225 Oyama, M., 49–50
Okamura, N., 220, 221t Ozawa, R., 250–252
Okano, H., 54–55 Ozcan, S., 73, 87–88
Old, W. M., 8 Ozdemir, V., 142–143
O’Leary, C. A., 79
Oliva, B., 261 P
Olivella, R., 262t Pablo, J., 249–250, 257–258
Oliver, B., 307–308 Pabst, M., 82–83
Oliveras-Ferraros, C., 49–50 Pacheco, P., 3–4
Oliveros, J. C., 256–257, 259–260 Pagano, M., 149
Olsen, I., 147 Pagel, P., 262t
Olsen, J. V., 32–33, 37, 40, 42–43, 44–45 Pahk, Y. M., 255
Oltvai, Z. N., 135 Paik, Y. K., 142–143
O’Malley, B. W., 258–259 Pajuaba, A. C., 15
O’Malley, M., 102–103 Palczewski, K., 182
Omidi, K., 261 Palm, F., 183

Oncü, F., 304–305 Palmer, B. A., 304–305
Ong, S. E., 7–8, 32–33 Palmer-Toy, D. E., 78–79
Ongay, S., 76–77, 86–87 Palmigiano, A., 104–105, 106
Ooms, B., 34 Palmisano, G., 81, 83–84
Opler, L. A., 307 Pålsgård, E., 142
Oppermann, F., 52–53 Pan, C., 286
Oquendo, M. A., 298, 299–300 Pan, J., 194–195, 196, 197f, 198, 199f, 200,
Orfao, A., 237–243, 247, 254 201, 202f, 203f, 208f
Orlando, B., 136–137 Pan, M., 81
Orlando, R., 85–86, 93–94, 95–96, 220, Pan, T. L., 220, 221t
221t Pan, Y., 15
Orme, I. M., 15–16 Panchenko, A. R., 235t, 261–269
Ortega, R., 257–258 Pandey, A., 7–8, 32–33, 81–82, 262t
Oscarsson, J., 149 Pandey, P., 291
344 Author Index

Pandey, S., 291 Péchiné, S., 181

Panichakul, T., 54–55 Pechkova, E., 125–162, 164–165, 166–168,
Pankratz, V. S., 304–305 170, 171–173, 174, 175, 176, 177,
Panse, C., 98–99 180–181, 182, 184, 185
Pant, H. C., 42 Pedersen, L. C., 209
Paoli, M., 183 Pedrioli, P. G., 35–36
Papasergi, S., 9–10 Pejoska-Gerazova, V., 304–305
Papastavros, E., 76–77 Pelham, R. J., 52–53
Papma, J. M., 104–105 Pelikan, R., 147
Pappin, D. J., 2–3, 5–6 Peluso, D., 262t
Paramelle, D., 204 Peña-Casanova, J., 104–105
Parguina, A. F., 2–3 Pena-Castillo, L., 258
Parikh, J. R., 35–36 Peng, C. L., 262t
Park, B. K., 96–98 Peng, D., 81
Park, H. M., 255 Peng, K., 286
Park, H. R., 151 Penn, J. V., 297
Park, S. B., 13–14 Perani, E., 82–83
Park, S. H., 13–14 Percy, A. J., 96–98
Park, S. W., 151 Pérez, J. B., 131
Park, S. Y., 105 Perez-Perez, J., 256–257, 259–260
Parker, B. L., 55–58, 81, 83–84, 87–88, Perfetto, L., 262t
90–92 Perkins, D. N., 5–6
Parker, C. E., 96–98, 194–195 Perlich, J., 172–173
Parker, K., 7, 94–95 Perlo, P., 142
Parkinson, H., 135 Perlow, J., 89–90
Partyka, K., 78–79, 101–102 Perluigi, M., 104–105
Pasca, S., 2–3 Pernemalm, M., 76–77
Pascovici, D., 220, 221t Persson, R., 104–105
Paster, B. J., 128, 131 Perutz, M. F., 183
Pastorino, L., 142 Peske, F., 2
Pataridis, S., 128 Peskind, E. R., 106
Patel, S. P., 128 Peters, J.-M., 34
Patergnani, S., 220–222 Peters, K., 194
Paternolli, C., 182–183, 184 Petersen, P. E., 151
Patra, N., 142 Peterson, E. L., 295
Patterson, A. P., 196, 197f, 198, 199f, 200, Peterson, S. N., 128
201, 202f, 203f, 208f Petrey, D., 262t, 270
Patterton, H. G., 205–206 Petricoin, E. F., 238t, 247
Paul, B. J., 128 Petriz, B. A., 1–24
Paulech, J., 90–92 Petrotchenko, E. V., 193–213
Pauletti, B. A., 45–48 Peveler, R., 292–293
Paulus, A., 219 Pfeffer, M., 3–4
Pavlakis, K., 40–41 Pflugradt, R., 219
Paweletz, C. P., 238t Pfortner, H., 11
Payne, K. J., 181 Pham, T. K., 149
Payne, L. S., 48 Phan, Q., 164–165
Pearson, J. V., 262t Phanse, S., 54
Pearson, S., 221t, 222–223 Philippakis, A. A., 235–236, 256–257, 258
Author Index 345

Piazza, F., 181 Prasad, T. S., 262t

Pickering, C. C., 45–48 Prathibha, R., 142–143
Picotti, P., 35–36, 252 Predki, P., 238t
Pieper, U., 147 Prehn, J. H., 246–247
Pierce, K. G., 8 Preissner, R., 262t
Pierce, M., 85–86, 95–96 Prentki, P., 235–236
Pierce, W. M., 104–105 Preza, D., 147
Pierleoni, A., 226 Prien, J. M., 88–89
Pines, G., 45–48 Prigione, A., 223
Pinese, M., 262t Prilusky, J., 270
Pinkse, M. W. H., 34, 35–36 Priyanka, N., 128
Pinna, L. A., 181 Prlic, A., 261
Pinto, M. F., 2, 9–10, 11 Prokhorova, T. A., 53–54, 220, 221t
Pinton, P., 220–222 Ptacek, J., 238t, 247–248
Pirovani, C. P., 15 Ptolemy, A. S., 142–143
Pitre, S., 261 Pungpapong, V., 102
Pitteri, S. J., 78–79, 101–102 Puricelli, L., 250–252
Pitts, M., 307–308 Purvine, S. O., 81
Plasencia, M. D., 92–93, 102 Putnins, E. E., 147–148
Plavina, T., 76–77 Pyreddy, S., 96–98
Plewczynski, D., 261
Plomp, R., 82–83 Q
Podtelejnikov, A. V., 33 Qi, D., 35–36, 81
Pohl, T., 4 Qian, J., 55–58
Polanczyk, G., 305–306 Qian, W.-J., 76–77, 79–80
Polati, R., 2–3 Qian, X., 96–98
Polge, C., 234 Qin, P., 298–299
Pompach, P., 82–83, 96–98, 103 Qiu, J., 140, 249
Ponnikorn, S., 54–55 Qiu, L., 171
Popov, D., 165, 168, 170 Quadroni, M., 42
Porath, J., 36–37 Quiroga, C., 220–222
Porcelli, S. A., 15–16 Qureshi, A. M., 235–236, 256–257
Portelius, E., 104–105 Qvarnstr€om, M., 128
Posch, A., 219
Posewitz, M. C., 36–37, 38 R
Possling, A., 252 Rábano, A., 104–105
Potamias, G., 131 Racapé, M., 131, 136–137
Pothineni, V. R., 140 Rad, R., 33, 37
Poulton, R., 302 Radić, N., 172–173
Pounds, J. G., 13–14 Raftari, M., 2–3
Povlsen, G. K., 55–58 Raftery, M. J., 49–50
Powel, M. J., 17 Raggiaschi, R., 4–5
Powell, J., 301–302 Raghavan, B., 261–269
Powers, T. W., 82–83 Raghavendra, N. M., 128
Pozdnyakova, I., 247 Ragnhildstveit, E., 38
Pradeep, A. R., 128 Rai, A. K., 291
Prakobphol, A., 101–102 Raijmakers, R., 35–36, 95–96
Prasad, M. V., 128 Raines, E. W., 223–225
346 Author Index

Rajagopala, S. V., 234, 262t Ren, J. M., 50–51

Rajappan, S., 128 Ren, X., 55–58
Rajko, R., 246–247 Ren, Y., 261, 262t
Raju, P. A., 128 Renard, C. E., 294–295
Raleva, M., 304–305 Renaud, G., 172–173
Ramachandran, N., 140, 142–143, 237, Renshaw, P. F., 287–288
238t, 243–244, 249 Renuse, S., 151
Ramachandran, S., 142–143 Reschke, B. R., 17
Ramalho-Santos, J., 223 Reshmi, G., 142–143
Ramalingam, S., 254 Resjo, S., 42
Ramani, A. K., 235t Retz, W., 305–306
Rambaruth, N. D. S., 102–103 Rexer, B. N., 49–50
Ramirez, F., 261 Reynolds, E. C., 38
Ramirez-Correa, G., 102–103 Rezende, T. M., 1–24
Ramkissoon, K., 11 Rha, S. Y., 151
Ramon-Pardo, P., 2 Rho, H. S., 252–253, 262t
Ranaghan, M. J., 182–183 Ribeiro, S. M., 2, 9–10, 11
Randall, S. M., 220, 221t, 223 Ricard-Blum, S., 262t
Rao, A., 3–4 Richard, M. I., 172–173
Rao, B. M., 220, 221t, 223 Richard, V., 55–58
Rao, M., 15–16 Richards, D., 132t
Rao, N. S., 128 Richards, F. M., 194
Raphael, J. V., 140, 238t, 243–244, 249 Richardson, M. E., 305–306
Rappaport, N., 135 Richiardi, L., 149
Rappuoli, R., 131 Ricny, J., 3–4
Räsänen, P., 300–301 Riekel, C., 164–165, 166–168, 170,
Raschke, M. B., 165 172–173, 174, 176
Rassi, E. Z., 76–77, 101–102 Riffle, M., 5–6
Rastogi, S., 226 Rigbolt, K. T., 53–54, 220, 221t
Rathi, Y., 303–304 Rihmer, Z., 298–299
Rausch, W. D., 128 Riley, D. J., 126
Ravaglioli, A., 126 Riley, P. F., 38
Ravasi, T., 258–259 Rinaldi, N. J., 254–255
Ravelli, R. B., 166–167, 170, 173 Rinehart, C., 49–50
Razzouk, S., 126 Riordon, D. R., 220, 221t
Reddy, P. J., 142–143, 238t Ripova, D., 3–4
Regnier, F. E., 6, 81–82 Risler, J., 8
Rehman, J., 223 Rist, B., 7, 94–95
Reichert, C. L., 293–294 Rito, T., 252
Reiland, S., 215–216 Ritty, T. M., 221t, 222–223
Reinhold, V. N., 88–89 Rivera, J. G., 35–36
Reischl, R., 205 Ro, G. S., 73, 87–88
Reiser, M., 294–295 Robasky, K., 262t
Reisler, E., 194 Roberts, M. P., 235–236
Reiter, L., 98 Roberts, T. J., 262t
Remenyi, A., 258–259 Robertson, F. M., 58–59
Remold, H., 194 Robinette, J. B., 4–5
Ren, H., 50–51 Robinson, C. V., 207
Author Index 347

Robinson, P. J., 38 Row, R. H., 42

Rocha, L. A., 1–24 Roy, A., 262t
Roche, P., 262t Roy, S., 149
Rodin, G., 292–293 Royle, L., 85
Rodnina, M. V., 2 Roytrakul, S., 54–55
Rodrigues, A. S., 223 Rual, J. F., 235t
Rodrigues, D. R., 9–10 Rubia, K., 305–306
Rodriguez, A. E., 220–222 Rubin, L. L., 215–216
Rodriguez, H., 96–98 Rudd, P. M., 73, 96–98, 103, 104–105, 106
Rodriguez, P., 55–58 Ruddle, F. H., 235–236
Rodrı́guez-Prados, J. C., 49–50, 52–53 Ruderer, M. A., 172–173
Rodriguez-Suarez, E., 270 Rudiger, S. G., 252
Roepstorff, P., 34–35, 84–85 Rudner, A. D., 37
Roessler, M., 3–4 Rüetschi, U., 80, 90–92, 97f, 104–105
Rogers, J. C., 95–96, 97f Ruffin, M. T., 83–85, 94–95, 103
Rogers, K. D., 291 Rugg-Gunn, A., 146
Rohde, L. A., 305–306 Ruggiero, C., 142
Rohini, R., 11–12 Ruhaak, L. R., 87–89, 95–98, 103
Roitinger, E., 34–35 Ruhl, S., 147
Rojo-Martin, M. D., 11–12 Runeson, B., 301–302
Rolfs, A., 140, 238t, 243–244 Ruperez, P., 58–59
Rolland, D., 45–48 Rush, A. J., 295
Rombouts, Y., 82–83 Rush, J., 8, 33, 42–43
Rooney, M. E., 140 Rusling, D. A., 235–236
Rosa, I., 2–3 Russell, M. R., 8
Rosa, N., 132t Russell, R. B., 262t
Roschitzki, B., 55–58 Russo, P., 3–4
Roseboom, W., 205 Rustici, G., 135
Rosen, B., 142–143, 238t, 243–244 Rutherford, T., 247
Rosen, N., 135 Rutishauser, D., 104–105
Rosenblatt, K., 237, 238t Rutten, B. P., 302
Rosenbluth, M., 295 Ruzzene, M., 48
Ross, A. H., 33 Rykunov, D., 204, 205
Ross, B. C., 131
Ross, G. F., 138 S
Ross, M. M., 37 Sáanchez-Valle, R., 106
Ross, P. L., 7, 94–95 Sadar, M. D., 48–49
Rosser, C. J., 4 Sadayappan, S., 55–58
Rost, B., 226 Saez-Rodriguez, J., 52–53
Rost, H., 98, 252 Sagrati, S., 294–295
Rostami-Hodjegan, A., 8 Saha, S., 302, 304–305
Rotem-Bamberger, S., 252 Sahasrabuddhe, N. A., 151
Roth, S. V., 164–165, 166–167, 170, Sahdev, S., 253–254
172–173 Sahoo, S. S., 86
Rothel, L., 131 Sahu, A., 50–51
Roulet, E., 235–236 Saini, H. K., 261
Roumeliotis, T. I., 40–41 Saini, K. S., 253–254
Row, P. E., 25–69 Saito, H., 76–77
348 Author Index

Saito, J. A., 183 Schaefer, C. F., 262t

Saito, M., 142 Schäfer, J., 7, 94–95
Sakaki, Y., 250–252 Schalkwijk, J., 78–79, 101–102
Salamon, H., 15–16 Schaub, M. C., 55–58
Salekdeh, G. H., 215–230 Schedin-Weiss, S., 104–105
Salerno, M., 142 Scheler, C., 270
Sali, A., 147 Schenborn, E., 243–244
Salih, E., 44–45 Schepmoes, A. A., 81
Salli, U., 221t, 222–223 Scherp, P., 4–5
Salomon, A., 36–37 Schertler, G. F., 164, 182
Salvador, A., 96–98 Schett, G., 247
Salvatore, F., 128 Schiele, F., 3–4
Samanfar, B., 261 Schiess, R., 220, 221t
Sampathkumar, S.-G., 78, 79 Schilling, B., 42, 101–102
Samudrala, R., 147 Schindler, M., 172–173
Sanchez, J. C., 2–3, 226–227, 269 Schlage, K., 172–173
Sanchez-Juan, P., 106 Schlapbach, R., 98–99
Sanchez-Lopez, E., 235np, 238t, 252–253, Schlattner, U., 55–58, 234
254, 270 Schleker, S., 261–269
Sanchez-Weatherby, J., 184 Schleyer, T., 131
Sanda, M., 96–98, 103 Schleyer, T. K., 131
Sander, C., 262t Schlichting, I., 172
Sanders, C. K., 234, 249 Schmalz, G., 147
Sanger, T., 219 Schmid, M., 3–4
Saridakis, E., 164–165 Schmidt, A., 7
Sarkar, P., 220, 221t, 223 Schmidt, C., 250–252
Sartore, M., 126, 139–140, 141, 143, Schmidt, G., 7, 94–95
166–168, 170, 177, 185 Schmidt, U., 219, 220, 221t
Saruhashi, S., 135 Schmitt-Ulms, G., 6
Satanower, Y., 135 Schmitz, M., 305–306
Sathe, G., 151 Schoech, H., 297
Sato, T., 36–37 Schoenebeck, B., 3–4, 5, 8
Satori, C. P., 219 Schoeniger, J. S., 201–204, 205
Satyaraj, E., 247 Scholer, H. R., 258–259
Saunders, M., 99–101, 100f Scholey, J. W., 2–3
Sauter, C., 168–170 Schoof, E. M., 45–48
Savelsbergh, A., 2 Sch€
ope, H. J., 168–170
Savitski, M. M., 44–45 Schork, N. J., 128
Sawyer, D. A., 298–299 Schrama, D., 16–17
Sayagues, J., 237, 269 Schreiber, S. L., 237
Sayers, E. W., 135 Schreiber, T. B., 37
Sbordone, C., 131 Schroeder, M., 262t
Sbordone, L., 131 Schroeder, M. J., 32–33, 42–43, 44–45
Sbrignadello, S., 250–252 Schubert, S., 11–12
Scanlan, C. N., 92–93 Schuller, A., 6
Scannell, M., 246–247 Schülli, T. U., 172–173
Scarff, C. A., 92–93 Schulman, H., 286
Scarpello, R., 2–3 Schultz Jel, J., 42
Author Index 349

Schultz, L. R., 295 Sharon, N., 72–73

Schumbrutzki, C., 3–4, 5, 8 Shaytan, K., 180
Schwartz, D., 39–40 Shedden, K. M., 4
Schwartz, J. C., 42–43, 44–45 Sheehan, K. M., 238t
Schwartz, P. E., 247, 254 Shekari, F., 215–230
Schwartzkopf, M., 172–173 Shen, D., 302
Schwarz, D., 252–253 Shen, J., 234, 286
Schwarz, J., 7, 94–95 Shen, R. F., 8–9
Schwarzberg, K., 128 Shen, X., 234
Schweitzer, B., 238t Shen, X. D., 58–59
Schwieters, C. D., 210 Shen, Y., 261, 262t
Scoppetta, C., 295–296 Shenar, N., 142
Scoppetta, M., 295–296 Sheng, Q. H., 39, 81
Scott, M. S., 262t Sherman, N. E., 45–48
Scott, N. E., 87–88, 90–92 Shetty, S., 147
Scudieri, D., 164, 165, 166–168, 177 Shevchenko, E. V., 172–173
Segrè, D., 131 Shi, J., 15–16, 105
Segu, Z. M., 84–85, 89 Shi, Z., 258
Seibel, J., 12 Shibata, Y., 132t
Seidman, L., 303–304 Shida, T., 52–53
Seipert, R. R., 82–83, 85, 87 Shieh, C. H., 39
Seitz, H., 252 Shih, Y. R., 54
Sekawi, Z., 2–3 Shin, P. M., 101–102, 103
Selby, P. J., 4 Shin, S. Y., 262t
Selevsek, N., 98, 252 Shin, Y. C., 262t
Selles, S., 261–269 Shindo, N., 223
Selvaraju, S., 3–4, 76–77, 101–102 Shinkawa, T., 76–77
Semenzato, G., 181 Shinoda, K., 34–35
Semmes, O. J., 84–85 Shinohara, Y., 80, 85, 96–98
Sengelov, H., 219 Shiraishi, Y., 49–50
Serada, S., 51–52 Shoemaker, B. A., 235t, 261–269
Serang, O., 98–99 Shokat, K. M., 42
Serpa, J. J., 194–195, 196, 197f, 198, 199f, Shu, W. Y., 135
200, 201, 202f, 203f, 204, 205, 208f Shukla, S. K., 126
Sethi, A., 252 Sibani, S., 140, 234, 249
Sève, M., 55–58 Siedlak, S. L., 3–4
Sevinsky, J. R., 8 Siegmund, W., 2–3
Seymour, S., 129 Sigauque, B., 2
Shabanowitz, J., 32–33, 37, 42–43, 44–45, Signorino, G., 9–10
102–103 Sikaroodi, M., 130, 132t
Shah, P., 79–80 Sikkel, M. B., 3–4
Shakey, Q., 6 Silva, D. A., 15
Shan, X., 104–105 Silva, J. C., 8
Shannon, P., 45–48 Silva, O. N., 15–16
Sharif, O., 181 Silverman, S. Jr., 149
Sharma, A., 128, 151 Silveyra, M.-X., 104–105
Sharma, P., 6 Simeone, D. M., 79, 83–85, 103
Sharma, V., 5–6 Simon, D., 246–247
350 Author Index

Simon, E. S., 35 Smith, S. O., 182

Simon, G. M., 3–4 Smoly, I. Y., 262t
Simon, V., 305–306 Snell, E. H., 168–170
Simone, N. L., 238t Snesrud, E., 128
Simonitsch, I., 249 Snitkin, E. S., 131
Simpson, A. J., 235–236 Snyder, E. Y., 53
Simpson, R. J., 205, 206–207 Snyder, M., 3, 217, 238t, 247,
Sinclair, J., 304–305 255, 257
Singec, I., 53 Soares, C. N., 294–295
Singh, A., 106, 172–173 Soares, S., 73, 87
Singh, C., 90–92 Sobota, J. A., 219
Singh, M., 168 Sobott, F., 92–93, 207
Singh, N., 106 Sogabe, M., 79
Singhal, G., 50–51 Sogawa, K., 52–53
Sinha, U., 151 Soh, Y., 53–54
Sinskey, A. J., 247–248 Sohn, C. H., 205
Siódmiak, J., 176 Soininen, H., 104–105
Siu, K. W., 6, 7–8 Sokol, S. Y., 217
Sivozhelezov, V., 131, 136–137, Solano, R., 256–257, 259–260
164–165, 166–167, 170, 177, 182, Solassol, J., 2–3
184, 185 Solis, N., 87–88, 90–92
Siwach, S., 181–182 Solomon, M. J., 248
Sixma, T. K., 205 Solter, P., 4
Skates, S. J., 151 Somerman, M. J., 126
Skeiky, Y. A., 15–16 Sommer, D. D., 149
Sklar, J., 270 Son, M. J., 223
Skorobogatko, Y., 105 Song, C., 181
Skrabanek, L., 261 Song, E., 96–99
Slater, M. R., 252 Song, G., 142
Slaton, J., 181 Song, H., 105
Slawson, C., 102–103 Song, L., 40
Sliwkowski, M. X., 247–248 Song, O., 234
Sluss, P. M., 140 Song, W. L., 289–290
Smallish, L., 305–306 Song, X., 148
Smått, J. H., 35, 42 Song, Y., 142, 234
Smedsgaard, J., 287–288 Sorger, P. K., 247–248
Smialowski, P., 262t Soroka, J., 37
Smith, B., 132t Soste, M., 252
Smith, C. J., 25–69 Souchelnytskyi, S., 50
Smith, D. F., 17 Soulillou, J. P., 131, 136–137
Smith, D. L., 221t, 222–223 Sowa, M. E., 33
Smith, E., 106 Sowell, R. A., 104–105
Smith, G. T., 205 Sowole, M. A., 194–195
Smith, J. L., 172 Soyka, M., 297
Smith, K. M., 287–288 Soysal, H., 304–305
Smith, N. D., 250–252 Sparbier, K., 11–12, 76–77, 81
Smith, R. D., 13–14 Speicher, D. W., 3
Smith, R. J., 170 Spek, E. J., 33
Author Index 351

Spera, R., 126, 138–140, 141, 142, 143, Strauss, J. F., 181–182
144, 145, 164–165, 166–168, 170, Strimbu, K., 126–127
171–173, 180–181, 182, 184, 185 Strum, J. S., 85, 87
Spirin, S., 262t Struwe, W. B., 96–98, 103
Spotorno, L., 126 Stukenberg, P. T., 37
Sprenger, J., 226 Stumpf, M. P., 235t
Sprich, S., 306–307 Stura, E., 139–140, 141, 142, 167–168, 170,
Spurrier, B., 254 171–172, 182–183
Sresanga, K., 54–55 Sturiale, L., 104–105, 106
Srikanth, S. M., 151 Sturm, M., 35, 42
Srivastava, S., 139–140, 238t Su, X. D., 147
Srnec, M., 261–269 Subra, G., 204
St John, M. A., 151 Sud, S., 50–51
Stafford, G. P., 149 Sugahara, H., 298–299
Ståhl, S., 48 Sugawara, H., 135
Stanca, S. E., 10 Sugino, H., 220, 221t
Stanley, A. J., 4 Sugiyama, N., 34–35
Stark, C., 262t Sui, S., 40
Steen, H., 7–8, 32–33, 44–45, 98–99 Sujata, M., 307
Stefan, C. J., 220–222 Sultana, R., 104–105
Stefansson, C. G., 301–302 Sun, C. H., 289–290
Steger, G. G., 249 Sun, D., 82–83
Stein, A., 262t Sun, H., 129
Stein, T. I., 135 Sun, J., 261–269
Steinacker, P., 106 Sun, S., 101–102
Steinberg, J., 235–236 Sun, T., 234
Steiner, B., 249 Sun, X., 286
Steinlein, P., 219 Sun, X. H., 289–290
Stelder, S. K., 205 Sun, X.-L., 81
Stellberger, T., 234, 262t Sun, Y., 81
Stelzer, G., 135 Sun, Z., 98–99, 226
Stelzl, U., 235t, 262t Sundar, N. M., 128
Stemman, O., 8 Sung, H.-J., 103
Stene, T., 38 Sung, T. Y., 54
Stevens, R. C., 164–165 Surinova, S., 98–99
Stewart, P. D., 184 Suriyamongkol, B. P., 204
Stewart, R., 235t Surmann, K., 10, 11
Stingl, C., 34, 104–105 Surolia, A., 78, 79
Stinson, F. S., 295 Susin, C., 128
Stoeckert, C. J. Jr., 135 Sutton, L., 304–305
Stoeva, S. I., 250–252 Su, W. C., 82–83, 86–87
Stoevesandt, O., 234 Suzuki, H., 258–259
Stojanov, T., 220, 221t Suzuki, S., 54–55
Stokes, D. L., 164–165 Suzuki, T., 49–50
Stokes, S. T., 102 Suzuki, Y., 34
Storts, D. R., 252 Swaney, D. L., 32–33
Stoyanova, T., 50–51 Swann, J., 15–16
Stoyanovich, J., 135 Swatkoski, S., 130
352 Author Index

Sweeney, J. A., 307 Tateno, Y., 135

Sweredoski, M. J., 9–10, 205 Taurines, R., 286, 308–309
Syka, J. E., 32–33 Taussig, M. J., 234, 238t, 243–244
Szabó, S., 81 Tavel, J. A., 126–127
Sze, S. K., 41 Taverner, T., 205, 206–207
Szobot, C., 305–306 Taylor, A. D., 95–96
Szpakowski, S., 50–51 Taylor, E. W., 209–210
Szychowski, J., 9–10 Taylor, J., 135, 301–302
Taylor, N. L., 226–227
T Taylor, P. J., 299–300, 301–302
Taei, A., 220, 221t Tchernev, V. T., 247
Taga, Y., 82–83 Teasdale, R. D., 226
Tahir, S., 205 Tee, M. K., 181–182
Tai, C. I., 217 Teh, A. H., 183
Tai, H. C., 82–83, 86–87 Teh, B. S., 237
Tai, J. H., 41 Teichmann, S. A., 236, 257–258
Takahashi, T., 51–52 Teixeira, E. H., 304–305
Takamura, Y., 142 Teixeira, I. A., 297, 304–305, 307–308
Takano, S., 52–53 Teles, R., 131
Takátsy, A., 81 Temple, J. R., 297
Takegawa, Y., 85, 86–87 Temporini, C., 82–83
Talapin, D. V., 172–173 Tempst, P., 36–37, 38, 262t
Talukder, S., 235–236, 258 Teo, C. F., 81–82
Tan, H. T., 103, 219, 223 Tep, S., 76–77
Tan, K., 258–259 Terencio, T. B., 167–168
Tan, Y., 15 Termechi, O., 126
Tan, Z., 220, 221t Terstappen, G. C., 4–5
Tan, Z. P., 50–51 Tessari, P., 250–252
Tanaka, K., 80, 102–103 Thakur, A., 3–4
Tanaka, N., 81–82 Thanawastien, A., 140
Tang, H., 95–96, 98–99 Thapar, A. K., 307–308
Tang, H. Y., 3 Thaxton, C. S., 250–252
Tang, J., 81, 101–102 Thaysen-Andersen, M., 87–88, 90–92
Tang, L., 15 Theobald, D., 307–308
Tang, N., 81, 209–210 Thibault, P., 32–33
Tang, X., 205–206, 209–210 Thiede, B., 147, 270
Tani, K., 34 Thierolf, M., 3–4
Tanimoto, Y., 168–170 Thierry-Mieg, N., 262t
Tanimukai, H., 105 Thingholm, T. E., 34–35, 38
Tanner, A. C., 128 Thirrunavukkarasu, N., 129–130
Tao, S. C., 238t, 243–244 Thomas, A. D., 250–252
Taoka, M., 76–77, 220, 221t Thomas, C. R., 297
Tarasova, Y., 220, 221t Thomas, J. K., 262t
Tarcea, V. G., 262t Thomas, S. M., 50–51
Tarrant, M. K., 247–248 Thome, J., 289, 294–295, 307, 308–309
Tasan, M., 234 Thompson, A., 7, 94–96
Tate, S., 98 Thompson, G. S., 2
Tateno, H., 79 Thorat, M., 128
Author Index 353

Thorne, T., 235t Tung, C. L., 151

Thurin, J., 85–86 Turecek, F., 7, 94–95
Tian, Z.-X., 79–80 Turecki, G., 298–299, 300
Tidemalm, D., 301–302 Turzhitsky, V., 171
Tien, A. C., 262t Tuytten, R., 25–69
Titov, M., 262t Twik, M., 135
Titz, B., 55–58 Tworkoski, K., 50–51
Tiwari, G., 291 Tyagi, M., 235t, 261–269
Tiwari, R., 291 Tyritzis, S. I., 40–41
Tjandra, N., 210
Tjernberg, L. O., 104–105 U
Tobe, B. T., 53 Ubarretxena-Belandia, I., 164–165
Toepfer, C., 3–4 Uchitomi, Y., 298–299
Togayachi, A., 79 Udeshi, N. D., 102–103
Toivonen, J., 235–236 Udvardy, A., 80
Tokarska-Schlattner, M., 55–58 Ueda, K., 103
Tokunaga, S., 298–299 Uekusa, Y., 181
Toli’, N., 205 Uetz, P., 234, 262t
Tolin, S., 250–252 Uhlmann, P., 172–173
Tomer, K. B., 209 Uitto, P. M., 34
Tomita, M., 34–35 Unal, B., 249–250
Tong, L., 262t Underwood, M. D., 294–295
Toti, P. ., 131 Unger, G., 181
Totten, S. M., 82–83 Unger, R., 180–181
Totty, N., 58–59 Unger, V. M., 182
Tramontina, S., 305–306 Unlu, M., 4–5
Tran, N. H., 270 Unwin, R. D., 221t, 222–223
Tranchevent, L. C., 131 Ural, C., 304–305
Trembley, J. H., 181 Urban, J. J., 35–36, 172–173
Tribble, G. D., 128 Urge, L., 85–86
Tripathi, S., 131, 136–137, 164, 165,
166–167, 168, 170, 173, 177, 180–181 V
Tripp, G., 305–306 Vad, C., 3–4, 6
Trivedi, M. H., 295 Vahidi, S., 194–195
Trombino, S., 3–4 Valentine, S. J., 102
Tropiano, G., 166 Valerio, F., 142
Trudgian, D., 140 Valko, M., 147
Truman, P., 172–173 van den Bree, M., 307–308
Tsai, C. F., 54 van den Toorn, H. W., 40
Tsai, H. W., 151 van der Maaten, L., 45–48
Tsai, M. L., 135 van der Woerd, M. J., 168–170
Tsay, Y. G., 45–48 Van Eyk, J. E., 55–58
Tseng, H. H., 262t Van Hoof, D., 215–216, 217, 220, 221t
Tseng, V. S., 45–48 van Os, J., 302
Tsugane, S., 298–299 Vanhaesebroeck, B., 49–50, 52–53
Tu, Z. J., 129 Vanier, C., 300
Tuckerman, J. R., 183 VanMeter, A. J., 45–48
Tumani, H., 106 Vaquerizas, J. M., 257–258
354 Author Index

Varki, A., 72–73 Wakabayashi, M., 40

Varnik, F., 172–173 Wakayama, N. I., 168–170
Varnum, S. M., 13–14 Wakshull, E., 76–77
Varum, S., 223 Walijew, A., 253–254
Vasile, F., 164–165, 166–167, 170, 172–173 Walker, L. A., 3–4
Vasudev, N. S., 4 Walker, S. H., 87–89, 95–96
Vazquez, A., 235t Walker, W. L., 286
Vazquez-Martin, A., 49–50 Wallis, D., 307
Veenstra, T. D., 36–37, 50–51, 96–98 Wallstrom, G., 140, 249
Veeranna, H. C., 42 Walsh, T. P., 2, 262t
Veerman, E. C., 132t Walzthoeni, T., 205, 210, 211
Veith, P. D., 131, 149 Wandinger, S. K., 37
Vendrely, C., 172–173 Wang, B., 95–96, 205
Venkatesan, K., 235t Wang, C., 85, 95–96
Vergara, A., 168–170 Wang, D. C., 289–290
Verheugd, P., 247–248 Wang, F., 82–83
Viana, J. C., 2, 9–10, 11 Wang, G., 8–9, 181
Vianna, P., 128 Wang, H., 84–85, 249, 286
Vieira, J. L., 293–294 Wang, H. T., 181
Vigil, A., 249–250, 257–258 Wang, H. Y., 15–16
Vik, A., 10 Wang, J., 15, 40, 96–98, 270, 286
Vilaseca, M., 235np, 238t, 252–253, 254, Wang, J. H., 8
270 Wang, L., 79–80, 238t
Vilella, M., 237, 269 Wang, L. S., 39
Villas-Bôas, S. G., 287–288 Wang, M., 15–16
Villén, J., 37, 39–40 Wang, P., 129
Viner, R., 90–92 Wang, P. W., 220, 221t
Virok, D. P., 246–247 Wang, Q., 55–58
Visintin, I., 247 Wang, S. A., 135
Vitonis, A., 140 Wang, S. X., 237
Vitorino, R., 138 Wang, T., 101–102
Vittorio, O., 131, 136–137, 148 Wang, W., 48–49, 54, 147, 220, 221t
Vocadlo, D. J., 104–105 Wang, W. H., 35–36
Voeller, K. K., 305–306 Wang, X., 132t
Vollmer, M., 3–4, 6 Wang, X. S., 255, 257
von Arnim, C. A. F., 106 Wang, Y., 55–58, 76–77, 101–103, 142,
von Eichborn, J., 262t 147, 261, 262t
Vosseller, K., 81–82, 105 Wang, Y. T., 54
Vrana, K. E., 221t, 222–223 Wang, Z., 81–82, 85, 102–103
Vujcic, S., 35–36 Wanka, S., 35–36
Vukovic, V., 304–305 Warren, C. L., 235–236, 255, 256–257
Vuong, H., 45–48 Warren, N. L., 85–86, 95–96
Warscheid, B., 7–8
W Wasinger, V. C., 250–252, 269
Waddell, N., 262t Wasserfall, C. H., 140
Waern, M., 301–302 Wasserman, D., 300–301
Wagner, J., 11 Wasserstein, J., 306–307
Wagner, N. L., 182–183 Watson, D., 4
Author Index 355

Watson, J. T., 42–43 Wiemann, S., 250–252, 305–306

Way, B. B., 298–299 Wienkoop, S., 35–36
Weatherly, D. B., 86 Wiesner, R. J., 219
Webb, E., 131 Wijeratne, A. B., 42
Webber, J. T., 39 Wild, N., 3–4
Webber, K. M., 3–4 Wilkinson, C. J., 225
Webb-Robertson, B. J., 13–14 Williams, A., 291
Weber, G., 219 Williams, C. C., 87–88
Weber, P. J., 219 Williamson, A. J., 221t, 222–223
Weber, R., 219 Williamson, B., 7, 94–95
Webley, P. A., 76–77, 81 Wilmanns, M., 258–259
Weckwerth, W., 35–36 Wilshaw, P. R., 142
Weeks, M. E., 4–5 Wilson, B., 247
Wei, G., 235–236 Wilson, C., 221t, 222–223
Wei, J., 79 Wiltfang, J., 106
Wei, X., 78, 106 Winblad, B., 104–105
Wei, Y. H., 223 Winck, F. V., 45–48
Weidlich, P., 128 Wingender, E., 257, 262t
Weintraub, H., 235–236 Wingren, C., 238t
Weisbrod, C. R., 205–206, 209–210 Winnik, W. M., 4–5
Weiss, L. M., 204, 205 Winter, A., 262t
Weiss, R. A., 131 Winters, M. E., 238t
Weiss, W., 4 Winther-Larsen, H. C., 10
Weissman, M. M., 298, 299–300 Wishart, D. S., 196, 197f, 198, 199f, 200,
Welham, J., 302 201, 202f, 203f, 204, 208f
Wells, J., 307–308 Wisniewski, J. R., 295
Wells, L., 81–82 Wiśniewski, J. R., 78
Welt, M., 286 Wisniewski, S. R., 295
Wen, T., 79 Wittmann-Liebold, B., 4, 270
Wenzel, T., 76–77, 81 Wojahn, T., 147
Wessels, H. J. C. T., 88–89 Wolf, L. E., 306–307
Wessely, S., 302 Wolfe, S. A., 235–236
West, F. D., 220, 221t Wolfert, M. A., 81–82
West, T. G., 3–4 Wolff, J. J., 89–90
Westman-Brinkmalm, A., 104–105 Wollscheid, B., 220, 221t
Wette, P., 168–170 Wolosin, S. M., 305–306
Wevers, R. A., 88–89 Wolschin, F., 35–36
Weymouth, T., 262t Wolters, D. A., 3–4
Wheeler, S. F., 106 Wong, C. C., 6
Wherrett, D. K., 181–182 Wong, D. T., 132t, 151
White, F. M., 45–48 Wong, J., 140, 249
White, K. Y., 82–83 Wong, P., 262t
White, M. Y., 55–58 Wong, S. S., 165
White, S. N., 146 Wongborisuth, C., 54–55
Wichmann, O., 262t Wood, N. L., 205
Wickenheisser, J. K., 181–182 Wood, T. D., 35–36
Wickens, J. R., 305–306 Wormald, M. R., 104–105
Wiebe, C. B., 147–148 Wozny, M., 82–83
356 Author Index

Wright, C., 140 Yamamura, S., 142

Wright, P. C., 149 Yamanaka, Y., 220, 221t
Wu, C. J., 41 Yamauchi, Y., 76–77, 220, 221t
Wu, H. Y., 45–48 Yan, F., 204, 205
Wu, J., 6, 49–50, 94–95, 96–98, 103, 217 Yan, G., 101–102
Wu, J. F., 183 Yan, G. R., 48–49
Wu, J. R., 39 Yan, H., 217
Wu, R., 38 Yan, J., 81
Wu, S., 16–17, 81, 205 Yan, W., 223–225
Wu, S.-L., 76–77 Yang, B., 40
Wu, W. W., 8–9 Yang, D., 247
Wu, X., 58–59, 79, 302 Yang, F., 32–33
Wu, X. P., 43 Yang, G., 101–102
Wu, Y., 220, 221t, 261 Yang, H., 104–105
Wu, Y. B., 39 Yang, J., 262t
Wu, Z., 76–77, 81, 95–96 Yang, J. M., 262t
Wuchty, S., 235t, 261–269 Yang, L., 205–206, 209–210
Wuhrer, M., 81–83, 85, 86–89, 95–96 Yang, N., 4
Wulfkuhle, J., 238t Yang, P., 55–58, 76–77, 81, 84–85
Yang, S., 87–88
X Yang, W., 81, 247
Xia, X., 142 Yang, W. S., 103
Xia, Y., 131 Yang, X. F., 43
Xiang, G., 223 Yang, Z., 78–79
Xiao, C. L., 48–49 Yao, G., 81, 101–102
Xiao, J., 147 Yao, H., 45–48, 81
Xie, G., 132t Yao, J., 81, 84–85, 262t
Xie, L., 81 Yao, L. X., 262t
Xie, P., 15 Yao, N., 81
Xie, X., 4, 45–48, 225 Yarden, Y., 45–48, 247–248
Xing, Q., 90–92 Yates, J. R., 3, 147
Xiong, W., 53–54 Ye, H., 94–95
Xu, H., 48 Ye, M., 35–36, 38, 39, 82–83
Xu, M. Q., 183 Ye, S., 217
Xu, S., 35–36 Yee, N. Y., 304–305
Xu, S. H., 48–49 Yeger-Lotem, E., 262t
Xu, T., 6 Yeo, W. K., 262t
Xu, X., 148, 234 Yi, Z. J., 16
Xu, Y., 53–54, 76–77, 81 Yin, D. C., 168–170
Xu, Z., 48–49 Yin, P., 101–102
Xue, C., 15–16 Yin, X., 90–92
Xue, V., 135 Yin, X. F., 48–49
Ying, W., 96–98
Y Yiu, C. K., 126
Yadav, R., 49–50 Yokoyama, T., 128
Yagi-Utsumi, M., 181 Yong, L., 286
Yamada, M., 79 Yoo, J. S., 103
Yamamoto, M., 172 Yoon, G., 262t
Author Index 357

Yoon, S. S., 140 Zeng, J., 15–16

Yoon, Y.-H., 103 Zeng, Z., 78–79, 101–102
York, W. S., 95–96 Zetterberg, H., 104–105
Yoshida, M., 250–252 Zgoda, V., 76–77
Yoshimasu, K., 298–299 Zhai, B., 40
Yoshitomi, H., 52–53 Zhan, L., 147
Yoshizawa, J., 132t Zhan, Y., 148
Yossef, R., 286 Zhang, A., 129
Young, A., 220, 221t Zhang, B., 81
Young, M., 35 Zhang, H., 41, 76–77, 79–80,
Young, M. M., 201–204, 209–210 87–89, 234
Young, S., 307–308 Zhang, J., 40, 55–58, 106, 147,
Young, S. J., 307–308 220, 221t
Yu, C.-Y., 98–99 Zhang, K. (2006)., 39
Yu, G., 48–49 Zhang, L., 14, 76–77, 81, 84–85, 270
Yu, H., 234 Zhang, P., 85, 95–96
Yu, J., 147 Zhang, Q., 81
Yu, K., 36–37 Zhang, Q. C., 262t, 270
Yu, L., 37 Zhang, R., 148
Yu, L. R., 36–37, 50–51 Zhang, S. Y., 16
Yu, S., 286 Zhang, W., 84–85
Yu, W. H., 128, 131 Zhang, X., 35–36, 81, 220, 221t
Yu, X., 89–90 Zhang, Y., 39, 95–96, 225, 262t
Yuan, H. L., 220–222 Zhang, Y. L., 286
Yuan, J., 95–96 Zhao, G. C., 183
Yue, T., 79 Zhao, H., 247
Yumoto, N., 49–50 Zhao, L., 286
Yun, N., 82–83 Zhao, Y., 3–4, 6
Yuzwa, S. A., 105 Zhen, C. J., 262t
Zheng, B., 164–165
Z Zheng, C., 205–206, 209–210
Zabetian, C. P., 106 Zheng, J., 81, 135
Zaccarini, R., 182 Zheng, X. L., 286
Zagari, A., 168–170 Zhivotovsky, B., 48
Zaia, J., 88–89, 90–92 Zhong, J., 58–59
Zain, R. B., 131 Zhong, Z. Z., 172–173
Zainal-Abidin, Z., 131, 149 Zhou, D., 261, 262t
Zakharchenko, O., 50 Zhou, H., 35–36, 38, 39, 165
Zampronio, C. G., 90–92 Zhou, J., 234, 249
Zandparsa, R., 126 Zhou, Q., 131
Zandstra, P. W., 54 Zhou, S., 96–98, 99–101
Zanivan, S., 45–48 Zhou, W., 81
Zanotti, G., 181 Zhou, X., 55–58, 151, 217
Zappia, M., 104–105, 106 Zhou, Y., 79–80, 220, 221t
Zauner, G., 82–83, 85, 86–88, 95–96 Zhu, C., 258
Zedler, A., 52–53 Zhu, H., 238t, 243–244, 247–248
Zehetbauer, S., 147 Zhu, J., 45–48, 79, 94–95, 140
Zeng, A. P., 147 Zhu, M., 55–58, 79
358 Author Index

Zhu, X., 50–51, 238t, 247–248 Zisook, S., 302

Zhu, Y., 45–48, 131, 149 Zito, C. I., 50–51
Zhu, Z., 98–99 Zivkovic, A. M., 73, 85, 87
Zielinska, D. F., 78 Zobawa, M., 4–5
Zijnge, V., 149 Zong, C., 55–58
Zikos, G., 172–173 Zong, Y., 238t
Zill, P., 298–299 Zorpas, K. M., 40–41
Zimman, A., 55–58 Zou, H., 38
Zimmerman, L. J., 96–98 Zoumaro-Djayoon, A. D., 54–55
Zimny-Arndt, U., 3–4, 270 Zuo, Z., 261, 262t
Zingde, S. M., 128 Zwang, Y., 45–48

Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures and “t ” indicate tables.

A Bioinformatics
Absolute quantification (AQUA) method, 8 glycoproteomic profiling, 98–99
Acinetobacter baumannii, 11–12 leader-gene algorithm, 131–138
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 26–28 nanocrystallography, 177–178
ADHD. See Attention deficit/hyperactivity resources, 131
disorder (ADHD) Biomarkers
ADP-ribosylation, 247–248 ADHD, 307
Animal fish model, 13–14 blood-derived, 128
Anodic porous alumina (APA), 141–142 body fluids, 291
Antibody-based strategy, 81–82 cancer research (see Cancer research)
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder depression, 295–296
(ADHD) discovery and drug design, 2–3
biomarkers and, 307 schizophrenia, 303–304
comorbidity, 306–307 suicidal behavior, 300–301
forensic aspects, 307–308 types, 291–292
neurodevelopmental disorder, 305–306 Boronic acid chemistry, 81
psychiatric disorders, 307–308 Brucella abortus, 15
subtypes, 306
symptoms, 306 C
Auto-antibodies detection, 249 Cancer research
aberrant hyperfucosylation, 103
B alpha-fetoprotein, 99–101
Bacterial kinases, 253–254 anaplastic lymphoma kinase, 45–48
Bacterial pathogens B-cell lymphoma cell lines, 99–101, 101f
Acinetobacter baumannii, 11–12 castration-resistant metastatic prostate
antibiotic-resistant proteins, 11–12 cancer, 50–51
azidonorleucine, 9–10 collagen receptors, 48
bacterial infection prevention, 12 dasatinib, 52–53
mammal cells, 12 docetaxel resistance, 49–50
multidrug-resistant strains, 11 epidermal growth factor receptor, 45–48
PilE, 10 extracted compound chromatograms,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 12 99–101, 100f
secretomics, 9–10 gene silencing technology, 50–51
shotgun proteomics method, Helix pomotia agglutinin lectin,
11–12 102–103
Staphylococcus aureus, 10 imatinib, 51–52
Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion kinase enzymes, 52–53
system, 9–10 lectins, 101–102
Bacteriorhodopsin, 182–183 liver cirrhosis, 101–102
Bait protein, 234 mucins and glycoproteins, 102–103
Basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) proteins, phosphoprotein analysis, 45–48
258–259 phosphorylated proteins, 50

360 Subject Index

Cancer research (Continued ) Cytochrome P-450 side-chain cleavage

principal component analysis, 102 (CYP450scc), 181–182
protein ephrin, 48 Cytokines, 247
protein transforming growth factor-β, 48
secretome, 48–49 D
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1, Dental caries, 146–147
49–50 Dental plaque and oral biofilms, 128
Western blot analysis, 45–48 Depression
wild-type epithelial cell line, 45–48 biomarkers, 295–296
Cardiac research, 55–58 comorbidity, 295
Casein kinase 2 (CK2), 181 definition, 292–293
Chemical surface modification, 199f forensic aspects, 296–297
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), prevalence of, 293–294
254–255 symptoms, 292
Chromatographic separation and SPE, 85–88 types, 293
Classic reductive β–elimination method, 85 Detergent-assisted lectin affinity
Collision-induced dissociation (CID), chromatography, 78
42–43, 205–206 Differential protein expression, 13, 13f
Concanavalin A, 78 DIGE-based proteomics, 14
Coxiella burnetii, 249–250 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 34–35
Cross-linking, mass spectrometry Direct tandem mass analysis, 89
“bottom-up,”, 201–204 DNA-motifs, 258
CBDPS-H8/D8, 206, 208f 14N15N DXMSMS Match, 206–207
CID, 205–206 Dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP-1), 55–58
covalent bonds, 201 E
14N15N DXMSMS, 206–207 Electron-capture dissociation
N-terminal modification, 205 (ECD)-FTICR MS, 201, 202f
numerous cross-linking reagents, 204 Electron transfer dissociation (ETD), 89–90
peptides, 201–204, 203f Electrospray ionization (ESI), 88–89
proteinase K, 206 Electrostatic repulsion–hydrophilic interaction
PrPβ molecules, 206–207 chromatography (ERLIC), 40–42
techniques, 205 Embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
trypsin, 204 drug discovery and toxicity testing, 216f
Cutting-edge proteomics technologies GSK3 proteins, 217, 218f
bacterial pathogens, 9–12 organelle proteome analysis, 219–223
biomarker discovery and drug design, organelle proteomics databases and tools,
2–3 225–226
gel-based methods, 4–5 subcellular fractionation, 223–225
gel-free methods, 5–9 Endo-β–N–acetylglucosaminidase
gene products, 3 (ENGase), 84–85
host organisms, 13–17 Environmental stimuli, 257–258
laser ablation ESI, 17 Escherichia coli, 15–16
mass spectrometry, 3–4 Eukaryotic subcellular localization database
next-generation sequencing, 18 (eSLDB), 226
posttranslational modifications, 3–4
α–Cyano-4–hydroxycinnamic acid F
(CHCA), 43 Farnesylation, 28–32
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
26–28 spectroscopy, 170, 290–291
Subject Index 361

Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance permethylation, 88–89

instruments (FT-ICR), 89–90 preclinical biomarker discovery, 74–75
Francisella tularensis, 13–14 quadrupole-time-of-flight instruments, 89
quantitation, 93–98
G schematic diagram, 76, 77f
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Glycosylation, 28–32
289–290 Glyco-TMT reagent, 95–96, 97f
Gel-based methods, 3–5 GroEL, 180–181
Gel-free methods
chemical labeling, 7 H
eluted peptides, 5–6 HeLa cells, 39–40
label-free and absolute quantification, 8–9 Hell’s gate globin I (HGbI), 183
metabolic labeling, 7–8 Higher energy collision-induced
multidimensional protein identification dissociation (HCD), 89
technology, 6 High-performance lectin affinity
peptide mixture, 5 chromatography, 78–79
Geranylation, 28–32 Human proteome, 253–254
Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), 129 Hydrazide capture method, 79–80
Globins, 183 Hydrazinolysis, 85
Glu-C and Lys-C peptides, 7 Hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX)
Glycoprotein digestion, 82–83 D2O solution, 200–201
Glycoproteomics ECD-FTICR MS, 201, 202f
affinity enrichment, 76–82 H1–β2, 201, 202f
bioinformatics, 98–99 Hydrophilic hydroxylated modifiers, 35
Campylobacter jejuni, 90–92 Hydrophilic interaction chromatography
cancer biomarker research, 99–103 (HILIC), 40–42
chromatographic separation and SPE,
direct tandem mass analysis, 89 I
electron-activated fragmentation, 89–90 Immobilized metal affinity chromatography
electrospray ionization, 88–89 (IMAC), 36–38
Fourier transform ion cyclotron Immunity research, 58–59
resonance instruments, 89–90 Immunoaffinity chromatography, 33
glycan cleavage, 75–76 Immunoproteomics, 15
glycan release, 83–85 Insulin, 183
glycoprotein digestion, 82–83 Ion-exchange chromatography, 39–40
glycosylation, 72–73 Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMS-MS),
human plasma, 72–73 92–93, 207
human urinary glycoprotein IsGISAXS software, 176
characterization, 90–92, 91f Isobaric tag for relative and absolute
intact glycopeptides, 76 quantitation (iTRAQ), 7
ion mobility mass spectrometry, 92–93 Isoelectric focusing technique, 4
isobaric glycan isomers, 92–93 Isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT), 7
isotopic-/isobaric-labeling strategy, 74–75 Isotope-coded protein labeling (ICPL), 7
linear/branching glycans, 73
neurodegenerative disease research, L
104–106 N Labeling method, 7–8
O-linked monosaccharide Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-based crystallization
β–N–acetylglucosamine, 73 biosensors, 167–168
362 Subject Index

Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-based crystallization Metal oxide affinity chromatography

(Continued ) (MOAC), 34–36
“classical” hanging-drop vapor diffusion Microarrays
method, 168–170 analytical technique, 232, 233f
Langmuir–Schaefer method, 167–168 databases and web resources, 260–269
multilayer deposition, 168 human interactome, 234–235, 235t
protein crystals, 168 protein arrays, 237–254
target proteins, 166–167, 167f protein-binding DNA arrays, 254–260
Laser microdissection, 172 “protein interaction”, 234–235
Leader-gene algorithm transcription factors, 236
AnnotCompute, 135 yeast two-hybrid experiments, 234
cluster analysis, 136 Micrograzing-incidence X-ray scattering
Clustering K-means technique, 138 angle (μ–GISAXS)
diseases-related genes, 135 biofilms, 172–173
human T lymphocyte cell cycle, 136–137 enzymes, 173–174
leader/hub genes, 136–137 first-order differential equation, 174–175
miRNAs, 138 LB film crystallization nanotemplate, 174
molecular genomics, 137, 137f lysozyme, 175
NCBI e-utilities, 137 nanotemplate-assisted crystallization
STRING software, 135–136 experiment, 173
Leukemia, 248 nanotemplate hanging-drop method, 174
Localization of organelle proteins by isotope specular scattering, 173
tagging (LOPIT), 225 Molecular dynamics, 178–180
MS. See Mass spectrometry (MS)
M Multidimensional protein identification
Magnetic bead-immobilized lectins, 79 technology (MudPIT), 6
MALDI ionization, 288–289 Multilectin affinity chromatography
MALDI-TOF MS, 43–44, 288 (MLAC), 78–79
Marek’s disease virus (MDV), 41 Mycobacterium avium, 15
Mass spectrometry (MS) Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 15–16
cross-linking, 201–207
FlexControl, 139–140 N
glycoproteomics (see Glycoproteomics) Nanocrystallography
HDX, 200–201 casein kinase 2, 181
ion-mobility, 207 cytochrome P-450 side-chain cleavage,
label free quantitative analysis, 141 181–182
limited proteolysis, 195–196 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,
multiple structural proteomics 170
combining, 207–209 globins, 183
NAPPA, 139 GroEL, 180–181
oral biology and dentistry, 138 insulin, 183
protein microarrays, 138 Langmuir–Blodgett-based crystallization,
protein modeling software programs, 210 166–170
PURExpress, 140 laser microdissection, 172
reticulocytes lysate, 140 micrograzing-incidence X-ray scattering
Spectrum Analyzer and Data Set manager, angle, 172–175
139 molecular dynamics, 178–180
structural proteomics, 194–195 molecularly imprinted polymers, 164–165
surface modification, 196–200 radiation-induced damage, 165
Matrix-assisted laser desorption, 288 Raman spectroscopy, 171–172
Subject Index 363

rhodopsin, 182–183 metal oxide affinity chromatography,

in silico simulations, 176–177 34–36
Neurodegenerative disease research Phospho-proteins, 254
CSF, 104–105 Phosphoproteomic techniques and
galectin-3-binding protein, 104–105 applications
site-specific O-glycopeptide amino acids, 28–32
characterization, 104–105 cancer research, 45–53
thiamet-G, 105 cardiac research, 55–58
transmissible spongiform cyclic adenosine monophosphate, 26–28
encephalopathies, 106 farnesylation, 28–32
Nonreductive β–elimination method, 85 geranylation, 28–32
Nucleic acid programmable protein arrays glycosylation, 28–32
(NAPPA), 142–145 immunity research, 58–59
Numerous cross-linking reagents, 204 kinase enzymes, 26–28
mass spectrometry, 28–32
MS analysis, 42–45
Octanesulfonic acid (OSA), 34–35
peptide separation, HPLC, 38–42
Oral diseases
phosphatases, 26–28
dental caries, 146–147
phosphopeptide enrichment, 33–38
OLP, 149–150
posttranslational modification, 28–32
oral cancer, 151
protein isolation and extraction protocols,
periodontitis, 147–149
Oral lichen planus (OLP), 149–150
protein phosphorylation, 26–32, 29f
Oral rinse, 130
sequencing, 34–35
Organelle proteome analysis, ESCs
stem cell research, 53–55
cytoplasmic fractions, 223
transcriptome, 25–26
ER, 220–222
trypsin, 28–32
mitochondria, 223
ubiquitination, 28–32
nucleus isolation, 222–223
Viagra, 26–28
plasma membrane, 219
Phosphorylation, 247–248
SILAC, 220
PNGase F enzyme, 83–84
P Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Periodontitis, 147–149 technology, 148
Permethylation, 88–89 Posttranslational modification, 253–254
Personalized dentistry Protein arrays
anodic porous alumina, 141–142 advantages and limitations, 250–254
bioinformatics analysis, 130–138 and antibody analysis, 237, 242f
blood, 128 application, 246–250
dental plaque and oral biofilms, 128 cellular systems, 243–244
gingival crevicular fluid, 129 definition, 237–254
mass spectrometry, 138–141 NAPPA, 244–246, 245f
nucleic acid programmable protein arrays, PPIs (see Protein–protein interactions
142–145 (PPIs))
oral rinse, 130 spot densities, 242f, 243
saliva, 129–130 target, 244–246
tissues, 127–128 types, 237, 238t
Phosphopeptide enrichment Proteinase K, 206
immobilized metal affinity Protein-binding DNA arrays
chromatography, 36–38 application, 257–259
immunoaffinity chromatography, 33 ChIP, 254–255
364 Subject Index

Protein-binding DNA arrays (Continued ) Serial lectin affinity chromatography

dsDNA, 255 (SLAC), 78–79
interactions, 255, 256f Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel
Protein-DNA interactions, resources on electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), 4
human, 260–261, 262t Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell
Protein expression, 252–253 culture (SILAC), 7–8
Protein localization database for human and Staphylococcus aureus, 10
arabidopsis (LocDB), 226 Stem cell research
Protein modeling software programs, 210 CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells,
Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) 54
algorithms, 261, 262t fibroblast growth factor 2, 54–55
information gathering, 261 hemoglobin E/β thalassemia, 54–55
resources on human, 260–261, 262t mesenchymal stem cells, 54
screening, 246–247 methyltransferase, 53–54
web-based search engines, 261 nestin, 54–55
Proteogenomics pluripotent cells, 53–54
oral diseases, 145–151 regenerative medicine, 53
personalized dentistry, 126–145 Streptococcus mutans, 147
Proteomics strategies, biomedical research, Strong anion fractionation, 39
2–5 Subcellular fractionation, ESCs
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 12 centrifugation, 223–225
Psychiatric disorders LOPIT, 225
ADHD, 305–308 mechanical homogenization, 223
analytical techniques, 288–291 purity, 225
depression, 292–297 Suicidal behavior
genomic and transcriptomic biomarkers and, 300–301
analysis, 287 “call for help,”, 297–298
metabolomics, 287–288 comorbidity, 300
proteomic analysis, 286–287 definition, 298
schizophrenia, 302–305 forensic aspects, 301–302
suicidal behavior, 297–302 prevalence, 299–300
risk factors, 298–299
Raman spectroscopy, 171–172 Tandem mass tagging (TMT), 7
Reverse phase protein arrays, 249 Titanium dioxide (TiO2), 81
Rhodopsin, 182–183 Titansphere, 34
Top-down proteomics analysis, 16–17
S Transcriptional regulatory code, 254–255
Saliva, 129–130 2,4,6-Trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP), 43
Salmonella typhimurium, 14 Trypsin, 204
Schizophrenia Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
biomarkers and, 303–304 (2-DE), 4
forensic aspect, 304–305 W
symptoms, 303 Weat germ agglutinin (WGA), 78
types, 303
SDS-PAGE, 195–196 Y
Search tool for the retrieval of interacting Yeast two-hybrid experiments (Y2H), 234
genes (STRING) software, 135 Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion system,
Selected reaction monitoring (SRM), 252 9–10

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