Case Summary Sheet Santiago

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Case Summary Sheet

Name: Santiago
Grade: 2nd Grade Examiner: Jayme Vetz Date: 6/22/2017

Recognition Informal Reading Inventory Words Their
Level Test Way
Oral Reading
Timed 1 Spelling
minute Reading Accuracy Comprehension Rate Inventory

13 words Early Letter

Preprimer read in a Name
Level D/E minute 69% Alphabetic Stage

Instructional Level Oral Level A/B: Santiago’s reading accuracy for Preprimer
books is at 69, which indicates that his instructional level is Supported
reading level A-C books. reading practice
to help recognize
Level A-C words with

Frustration Level Oral Preprimer: 69% Reading Accuracy - frustration

Uses, but
Preprimer confuses, short
vowels and
Level D/E digraphs.

Student: Santiago Writing Progression Summary

Completion Time: 30 minutes

Structure Result Analysis

Area Grade Level Santiago made some great progress in the

structure area. His first narrative writing
Overall 1 piece indicated that the majority of his
The writer wrote about when he did something. structure was at a pre-kindergarten level. For
example, he told a story with pictures and
Lead K some writing, he started by drawing or
The writer had a page that showed what happened first.
saying something, and he kept on writing. At
Transitions K the end of our tutoring session, Santiago
The writer put his pages in order wrote about when he did something and put
his pages in order from beginning, middle,
Ending K
The writer had a page that showed what happened last in
and end. Our next step is to help Santiago
his story. with some of the first-grade skills such as
trying to make a beginning and finding a way
Organization K to end his story.
The writer’s story had a page for the beginning, a page
for the middle, and a page for the end.
Development Result Analysis

Elaboration K Santiago did an excellent job with writing a

The writer’s story indicated who was there and what they story about who was there and what they did.
He also drew and wrote some details about
Craft K what happened in his story. At the beginning
The writer drew and wrote some details about what of tutoring he was at the pre-k level for craft
happened. because he told and showed what happened
and made progress by the end of tutoring
because he was able to write some details in
his story. The progress that was made was
supported through our daily writing
Language Conventions Result Analysis

Spelling Pre-K Santiago is working on learning the

The writer could read his pictures and some of his words. importance of purpose and audience for
The writer tried to make words.
writing. When he understands more of the
purpose for writing he will be more likely to
read his writing and write a sound for the
letters that he hears. The Language
Conventions were supported through Words
Their Way word sorts and spelling practice.
Punctuation K Santiago’s first writing piece indicated that
The writer put spaces between words. he needed more support with spaces between
The writer used lowercase letters unless capitals were
words. He made progress on spaces between
needed. words as his last writing assessment showed

Words Their Way – Primary Spelling Inventory:

Analysis: Direct instruction will begin in the Early Letter Name-Alphabetic stage.
Santiago has mastered initial and final consonants. He is using, but confusing, short vowels (mainly
vowel i). He is also using, but confusing, digraphs (mainly ch and th). Santiago did not make progress
on the short vowel or digraph features from the beginning of tutoring to the end. His instructional level
is mastering the short vowels and digraphs.

Next Steps: Word study with Santiago will begin by having him sort pictures containing short i and
short u so he can practice hearing the different vowel sounds in the middle of the words. Next, he will
practice sorting pictures containing short vowels with an oddball category so he can practice listening to
the sound patterns. After the picture sorts Santiago will receive more practice with short vowels through
sorting word patterns. This will help him to visually recognize patterns and he can begin to complete
writing sorts containing short vowels to give him further practice. After he has mastered short vowels I
will begin to have Santiago practice sorting pictures containing digraphs so he can differentiate the
sounds. After this, Santiago will practice digraph feature sorts so he can master using digraphs in his
writing and reading.
Informal Reading Inventory:
Analysis: Santiago’s word recognition score was 13 words in a minute. At the end of first grade, a word
recognition score of 45 words in a minute predicts successful print processing. This indicates he has a
developing sight word vocabulary. Santiago’s reading accuracy was 69% on the PrePrimer level D
passage. This indicates that level D/E texts are at his frustration level and his instructional level is level
A-C texts. Santiago understands concept of word, as he was able to match spoken words to written
words while reading. He understands that each word is separate, and that words are separated by a space
within each sentence.

Next Steps: Santiago will need more practice with reading level A-C texts independently and
instructionally. He needs to understand the purpose of reading a lot of books. Santiago will make more
progress in reading when he reads a lot books, rereads texts, and reads a variety of genres.
Writing Progression Inventory:
Writer’s Workshop Conference:

Step 1: As a writer, Santiago is writing a small moment story about himself.

Step 2: He could read his pictures and some of his words in his story.

Step 3: My suggestion for Santiago is to find his purpose and audience for writing. Once he understands
the purpose of writing he will be more likely to slow down and write a letter for the sounds he hears. I
will ask him to share with his audience a small moment story about himself and explain to him that his
audience wants to learn more about him.

Step 4: Santiago will practice implementing this strategy as he rehearses his story to me two or three
times before he begins writing and drawing. He will practice writing a letter for the sounds he hears in
each word so he can read his writing. At the end of writing he will share his story.

Santiago’s greatest strengths are in his ability to generate a story and write a lot of texts about his story.
He is excited about sharing stories with others, which contributes to great writing. Santiago needs to
practice the short vowel features and digraphs. This will certainly help with reading PrePrimer texts at
an instructional level. He needs to read and write everyday so he understands that lots of practice helps
him make progress in literacy. The volume and variety of texts that he reads will support his growth in
vocabulary acquisition, recognizing short vowels and digraphs, and fluency.

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