4thper - Test UCSP

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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu Province
District of Liloan
Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu
Name:___________________ Grade &Section: ____________Date: _____________
I.MULTIPLE CHOICE :Directions: Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is defined as an act that violates a social norm.
a. Deviance b. Cooperation c. Cooperative d. Fads
2. It serves as the primary agency for socialization.
a. Media b. School c. Church d. None of the above
3. This occurs when people no longer high success goals but continue to toil as conscientious, diligent workers.
a. Conformity b. Innovation c. Ritualism d. Retreatism
4. This occurs when people rejected and attempt to change both the goals and means approved by society.
a. Innovation b. Conformity c. Ritualism D. Rebellion
5. It is composed of two or more persons who have something in common, are interacting with each other, and re
guided a set of norms.
a. In - Group b. Groupc. Out- Group d. Informal Group
6. It is a social system that is composed of people assigned to perform a definite task and function in a social system.
a. Folkways b.Norms c. Society d. Socialization
7. It is a continuous process serves as an avenue for developing self-concept which is essential in role identification.
a. Assimilation b. Accommodation c. Mobilization d. Socialization
8.It allows or permits a man to take only one spouse at a time.
a. Monogamy b. Polygamy c. Polyandry d. Polygyny
9.It refers to the web of social relationships that form an essential part of the lives of most humans in
most societies.
a. Kinship b. Family c. Society d. Socialization
10. It refers to the norm which dictates that one should marry within one’s clan or ethnic group.
a. Endogamy b. Exogamy b. Monogamy d. Polygamy
11. A family that is comprised of parents and children
a. Extended Family b. Nuclear Family c. Single Family d. Step Family
12. A form of marriage where a husband takes more than one wife.
a. Endogamy b. Exogamy b. Monogamy d. Polygamy
13. It refer to the norm that one can marry outside one’s clan or ethnic group.
a. Endogamy b. Exogamy b. Monogamy d. Polygamy
14. A family composed of the nuclear family and other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and
a. . Extended Family b. Nuclear Family c. Single Family d. Step Family
15.A family structure that is based on residence requires that the newly married couple live with or near
the domicile of the parents of the bride.
a.Bilocal b. Matrilocal c. Neolocal d. Patrilocal
16. A kinship where descent is based on the male blood line
a.Bilateral b.Matrilineal c. Patrilineal
17. A type of family in which the authority is vested is in the mother and where the mother dominates
the household.
a. Egalitarian b. Matriarchal c. Matricentric d. Patriarchal
18. A kinship that one’s descent is based on the female line.
a.Bilateral b.Matrilineal c. Patrilineal
19.These are folkways with ethical and moral significance which are strongly held and emphasized.
a.Folkways b. Laws c. Norms d.Values
20. . A type of family in which the authority is vested is to the father.
a. Egalitarian b. Matriarchal c. Matricentric d. Patriarchal
21. It refers to the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality
a. Descent b. Kinship c.Marriage
22. It is a very small , oftentimes nomadic group that is connected by family ties and is politically independent, and they
are loosely allied by marriage , descent, friendship and common interest.
a. Band b. Tribe c. Chiefdoms d. State
23.These are the customary patterns that specify what is socially correct and proper in everyday life.
a.Folkways b. Laws c. Norms d.Values
24. .A type of family which both the husband and wife exercise a more or less equal amount or degree of
a. Egalitarian b. Matriarchal c. Matricentric d. Patriarchal
25. These are rights inherent to man and given to him by God as human being.
a. Constitutional Rights b. Civil Rights c. Economic Rights d. Natural Rights
TEST II. Choose the answer from the terms inside the box below.

1. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.

2. A unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things
3. An important institutional element of family comprising of clustered mores and folkways and folkways, attitudes and ideas
4. The basic institution in most societies
5. Type of authority which is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition. The ability and right to rule is passed down, often through
heredity. It does not change overtime, does not facilitate social change, tends to be irrational and inconsistent, and
perpetuates the status quo.
6. A value whereby something or someone is recognized and accepted as right and proper and is usually understood as the
popular acceptance and recognition by the public of the authority of a governing regime, whereby authority has political power
through consent and mutual understandings, not coercion.
7. Family structure that is based on residence that permits the newly married couple to live independently
8. Refers to a group whose members are involved in politics. This can be seen in families that have been part of the government
for several generations
9. Different from bands and tribes in having a more less permanent full time leader with real authority to make major decisions
for their societies
10. An actual or nominal place where forces of demand of supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (directly or
through intermediaries)to trade goods, services, or contracts or instruments, for money or barter.
11. Refers to a system of economic exchange involving the centralized collection of goods from members of a group followed by
the distribution of those goods among those members
12. Is an organization whose membership consists of workers and union leaders , united to protect and promote their common
13. A Filipino superstition that attributes an illness to the greeting of a stranger
14. A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
15. Belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests.
16. Differ from other types of networks. They exist to promote principled cause, ideas and values, to change international policy as
well as make these changes real in the day - to - day lives of ordinary people
17. Refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially or culturally different from so called
“normal” individuals, such that they require modification of school practices to develop them to their maximum capacity,
18. A belief in the existence in one God, or in the oneness of God; distinguished from polytheism, the belief in the existence of
many gods, and from atheism, the belief that there is no God.
19. Is concerned primarily with continuing basic education of the elementary level and expanding
It to include the learning of employable, gainful skills, usually corresponding to four years of junior high school and two years
of senior high school.
20. Refers to any organized systematic educational activity carried outside of the framework of the formal system to provide
selected types of learning to a segment of a population. It is a lifelong process of learning by which every person acquires and
accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights from daily experiences at home, at work, at play, and from life itself.

Non-formal education 20 Monotheism 18 Polyandry 1 Marriage 3

Legitimacy 6 Political Dynasty 8 Neo – local 7 Market 10

Usog13 Animism15 Family 4 Chiefdom


Secondary Education 19 Redistribution 11 Religion 2 Corporation

14 market 10

Traditional Authority 5 Trade Union 12 Special Education 17

Transnational Advocacy Group 16

Give the 6 Rights of Human Beings


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