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Institut für Integrierte Systeme

Integrated Systems Laboratory

Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Design of Very Large Scale Integration Circuits

Exercise 12

Physical Verification
Prof. L. Benini
F. Gürkaynak

Last Changed: 2019-05-28 10:33:08 +0200

1 Overview
We are now in the final stages of the back end design. We started with floorplanning in Exercise 3, and
proceeded with the placement and routing which we covered in Exercise 8. In the previous Exercise 11 we
made several checks and exported the GDSII that will be used for manufacturing the chip. In this Exercise, we
will perform one more final check using M ENTOR G RAPHICS C ALIBRE1 . Once these checks are complete, the
chip is ready to be shipped out.

1.1 About the Style

We will use a number of different styles to identify different types of actions as shown below:

Student Task: Parts of the text that have a gray background, like the current paragraph, indicate steps
required to complete the Exercise.

Actions that require you to select a specific menu will be shown like the following:
Whenever there is an option or a tab that can be found in the current view/menu we will use a BUTTON to
indicate such an option.
Throughout the exercise you will be asked to enter certain commands using the command-line2 .
sh > command to be entered on the Linux command line

2 Physical Verification Design Flow

The goal of the back end design is to convert the structural netlist that we obtained through the front end de-
sign into a physical layout database that essentially contains the geometrical design information for all design
layers. This information (also called the mask data) is used by the IC foundry site as a blueprint for manufac-
turing. Essentially the IC foundry gets only a large database that contains a set of geometric shapes (mostly
rectangles) in different layers.
Some of the layers in the database are physical layers. That means these layers will be directly manufactured.
A good example are the various metal layers used for interconnections. There are some non-physical layers
that are used as part of the design flow to identify certain structures (umcL65 uses a dedicated layer to identify
resistors for example), or just for informational purposes (various text layers)
The IC foundry defines several rules for each of the process layers. In essence the foundry would say
“If you manage to send me a geometrical database that obeys all the rules I have sent you, I
guarantee that I will be able to manufacture an ASIC that works (with some yield).”
For example, in the umcL65 technology that we use in our exercises, if you want to draw two parallel intercon-
nections on metal-1 (the lowest metal layer), you have to make sure that the metal lines are at least 90 nm wide
and are separated by at least 90 nm between them3 . These rules are known as design rules.
DRC is a rigorous process where the entire physical design database is checked against these design rules.
Over time, the IC manufacturing technology has evolved tremendously. With each technology step, the de-
sign rules have become more complex and numerous. A modern process like umcL65 has many different
manufacturing options (In fact there are 57! different metallization options you can choose from), making

1 At the end of the exercise we will also have a discussion as why there could still be problems, following all the checks we have
seen in Exercise 11.
2 There are many reasons for using a command-line. Some functionality can not not be accessed through GUI commands, and
in some cases, using the command-line will be much faster. Most importantly, things you enter on the command-line can be
converted into a script and executed repeatedly
3 For modern technologies, the rules are actually slightly more complex. For example, in the above example the separation is at
least 160 nm if the two parallel running metal-1 lines are wider than 500 nm, and 300 nm if the two lines are wider than 2.8 µm.

DRC an increasingly complex operation. The design rules for the process are linked under: docs/65\
As mentioned earlier, the IC foundry receives only geometrical information on the design. Before submitting this
data base, it is important to make sure that the bunch of polygons that we are submitting indeed represent our
circuit. This process is known as the Layout (the physical database that contains polygons) Versus Schematic
(the design database that contains a netlist of transistors) check. During LVS, the tool takes the physical
database and identifies transistors and interconnections and thereby creates a netlist directly from the physical
database. In the second step this netlist is compared against the original logical netlist (gate level netlist) that
was the basis of our design. If both netlists match, we can be confident that the physical database that we are
sending for manufacturing contains our design, has no shorts or missing connections4 .
We will be using the Calibre tool from Mentor Graphics for both DRC and LVS in our design flow as illustrated

TCL script for export

encounter/scripts/ Cadence EDI

Physical Layout Verilog Netlist

encounter/out/final.gds encounter/out/final.v

SPICE includes

verilog2spice calibre/lvs/spice.inc

Calibre DRV
Verilog includes


SPICE Netlist

Runset file Runset file

calibre/drc/runset.drc calibre/lvs/runset.lvs

Antenna Runset file Calibre DRC Calibre LVS Labels

calibre/drc/antenna.drc calibre/lvs/lvs_labels.txt

2.1 Getting Started

Student Task 1:
• Start by copying the example files into your directory by issuing the command
sh > /home/vlsi2/ex12/install.sh .

• Step into the exercise folder that has been installed, and start the cockpit using
sh > icdesign umcL65 -update all &

The design that we will use in this exercise is the one we have used in a previous exercise, we have included
only the relevant parts of the design database.
4 Note that this only ensures that the layout corresponds to the final gate-level netlist, whether or not the gate-level netlist
actually does what we expect it to do is an entirely different manner that is handled by design verification.

2.2 Accessing the Layout

Selection Type

Hierarchy Layer
Display Selection

Layout Display


We will use the M ENTOR G RAPHICS C ALIBRE DesignRev (DRV) tool to access the gdsii file produced by
C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER. Start the tool by clicking on the C ALIBRE DRV button of the cockpit. You could
also start the tool from the calibre directory and use the command line5 :
sh > calibre-2018.2 calibredrv -dl .init/L65.layerprops

The -dl option specifies a configuration file that will load the layer information so that the colors of the layout
looks similar to that you have seen in C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER.

Student Task 2:
• Load the final gdsii file. Select File→Open Layout Files.. to bring out a requester.
• Change to the directory ../encounter/out where our outputs are located. You will have to
change the F ILE TYPE at the bottom of the requester to ZIP (*.gz, *.Z, *.z) in order to be
able to see our file example_chip.gds.gza .
a Most tools like Mentor Graphics Calibre will be able to read compressed (*.gz) files without a problem.

You should now see the layout in the main window as shown in the previous figure 6
5 Do not use a ’&’ to run this program in the background, as it needs to access the console.
In the following we will assume that the calibre runset files for the DRC and the LVS are already set by the cockpit. In order
to have the same behaviour when runnign calibre from the command line, you may want to set a couple of environmental
variables before starting the tool:
export MGC_CALIBRE_DRC_RUNSET_FILE="./drc/runset.drc"
export MGC_CALIBRE_LVS_RUNSET_FILE="./lvs/runset.lvs"
6 By default Calibre DRV will draw an outline around each instance and will write its name inside the box, while this is
sometimes very useful, it will make the screen very cluttered. You can disable this, by selecting Options →Layout View...
and deselecting the option Draw reference outlines from the requester that comes up.

2.3 Hierarchy
Physical design tools, like calibredrv we are using in this exercise, rely heavily on hierarchy. The example
design example_chip.gds.gz has 10 levels of hierarchy as displayed by the D EPTH indicator on the bottom
right side of the DRV window. By default only the top level of this hierarchy is shown. All lower levels of the
hierarchy are shown as empty boxes with a name in them.
In a hierarchical design, you can only edit the physical layout of the top hierarchy only. Frequently the top layer
will contain instances of other cells (called references). These will be included in their entirety and you will not
be able to edit inside these cells directly. In our case these include:
• Standard cells (like ANDs and ORs)
• I/O Drivers
• Macro cells (like the SRAM macro on the top left)
• Via instances, that connect various metal layers.
While you can not modify these instances directly, you can move, copy and delete them in its entirety. This is
important to understand when you start editing. If you want to edit a reference (for example the physical layout
of a NAND gate), you can select the reference from hierarchy browser on the left side. Note that once you
modify the reference all the instances that point to this reference will also be changed. In most cases this is
not what you want to do, and the hierarchy prevents such accidental changes. One point that is really annoying
is that the interconnection between different metal layers is done by instantiating a couple of via references,
which you will not be able to edit directly as well (as they are in a different hierarchy level). You will have to get
used to working with these levels.
You can change how many levels of the hierarchy are displayed by clicking on the numbers on the D EPTH
indicator. If you select the S TART DEPTH as 0, and the E ND DEPTH as 10 you will be able to see the entire
physical layout. However, regardless of how many levels you can see, you will only be allowed to edit the
top-level hierarchy.

Student Task 3:
• Familiarize yourself with the editor, try displaying all levels of the hierarchy, zooming, maneuvering,
displaying only certain layers.
Note that, unlike in C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER you have full access to the layouts you can examine
individual standard cells as well.
• Take a piece of paper, and looking at the layout draw the transistor level schematic of the following
cells including the transistor dimensions similar to the example given below for INVM2W.: BUFM4W,
ND3M1W, ND3M2W, OA211M2WA.




In the previous step you have managed to extract the circuit looking at the geometric information, this is exactly
the same way that Calibre will extract your circuit during LVS phase.

Student Task 4:
• View the full chip again.
• You can also extract nets. Try to determine the connectivity of some nets. By default you can only
extract on the top-level, you can change this behavior by by selecting Options →Nets... and
selecting All Levels for the option S EARCH D EPTH a .
• Try this feature. Select one net. Click with the right mouse button to get a small context menu. You
can select E XTRACT N ET from this menub
a Note that if you select the supply nets, the extraction will take very long. There will be an Abort option visible during
the extraction on the bottom left corner of the DRV.
b to be able to select a net, make sure that the Polygon is the only option selected on the top right side of the DRV.

By extracting a net you will have created a new filter for calibredrv. This filter will allow you to see all the
physical components of the net that is electrically connected. You can add this filter on top of the normal layout
to show this particular net. Multiple such filters can be added.
Trying to understand the connections in modern technologies such as the umcL65 is difficult since they have
many layers. This is why it is important to use the tools we have at our disposal.
• hierarchy, use this to examine the circuit only at certain hierarchy levels.
• layers, enable only the layers of interest. I.e. for metal2, enable only via, via2, and metal27 .
• filters allow you to select and highlight interconnected nets (at all layers). This can be useful to see what
is really connected.

7 These are the only layers that are physically interconnected.

3 Running DRC
In this section we will perform a DRC on the layout we have just loaded.

Student Task 5: Select Verification →Run nmDRC.. to start the DRC process. This will bring out a
new window titled Calibre Interactive -nmDRC. The cockpit setup we have has sensible defaults for most
of the settings, and the DRC is practically ready to run.

The main DRC window contains four main configuration steps which are available as buttons on the left hand
side8 :
Rules Defines the run file which contains all the design rules and the run directory where the results will be
written (./calibre/drc in the cockpit setup)
Inputs Tells where to find the layout file. The default is to export it from the DRV viewer9
Outputs Specifies where the output will be written (the defaults should be OK)
Run Control Allows you to set some options about the run.
If any of the configurations is not valid you will see the content of the field in red color. At the moment we are
not going to make changes and use the setup as it is.

Student Task 6:
• Run the DRC by pressing on the RUN DRC button on the left hand side of the window. This will take
some time, a progress bar at the bottom will show you how far along you are
• After a few seconds the RVE window will start. This window is used to browse the DRC errors. You
can already browse the error markers while the DRC is running.
• Once DRC is completed, you will see a DRC Summary Report pop up. Now the RVE should show
you all DRC errors and allow you to browse them.

If you scroll to the end of the DRC Summary Report window, you should see a summary like:


CELL example_chip ....... TOTAL Result Count = 5 (5)
RULECHECK M1.S1 ..... TOTAL Result Count = 2 (2)
RULECHECK 1XM2.W1 ... TOTAL Result Count = 1 (1)
RULECHECK 1XM2.S1 ... TOTAL Result Count = 1 (1)
RULECHECK 1XM2.A1 ... TOTAL Result Count = 1 (1)
TOTAL CPU Time: 134
TOTAL Original Layer Geometries: 120363 (24207152)
TOTAL DRC RuleChecks Executed: 4355
TOTAL DRC Results Generated: 5 (5)

The summary tells us that there were 120’363 shapes (geometries), and they were checked for 4355 different
rules10 , in the end the important part is the last line TOTAL DRC Results Generated, which tells us there
were ”5” violations. The lines above actually tell us which rules were violated, and how many times. For
example M1.S1 (whatever it is) was violated 2 times. Now it is time to figure out what the problems are, and fix
8 There is a fifth configuration button, DRC options which is not enabled by default. You will have to go to the menu Setup
and enable the DRC Options. However the default values should be sufficient for most cases
9 If you are not editing the file, it might be a better idea to disable this feature.
10 For the previous technology we used for the exercises (i.e. the umcL180) there were only 455 rules.

Note: The errors in this particular example were manufactured to show you different types of errors that
can be found during DRC and LVS. As we will discuss later, there are reasons why errors can still be found
in a design that was completed using an automated design flow.

3.1 Fixing DRC Errors

The tool that we will need to fix the errors is the RVE. The following figure shows a screenshot of the RVE as it
should approximately look like after the DRC run.

Errors for selected check

List of Checks
of error

Explanation of error

In this DRC run there are five DRC errors (RVE calls them results) violating four different rules (RVE calls
them checks). In the figure we have selected the first check named M1.S111 and at the bottom there is an
explanation of the design rule:

Minimum spacing and notch of Metal1 region is 0.09

For a given check, multiple results can be listed (like the one in the figure). The RVE window is connected to
the DRV window. Once you double click on any result, you can highlight the error location on the DRV window,
alternatively you can select one result and press H, or use the right mouse button to show a context menu.
The highlighting will be made using a new layer (called rve) in the DRV window. You can treat this layer just
like any other layer and hide it if necessary.
We will now locate and correct all the errors. Since this is an exercise we have made sure that the errors are
easy to locate and fix.

Student Task 7:
• Let us start with the error M1.S1, select and highlight the first error.
• You will see the error marker, showing the region where the error has been encountered. However
we do not see the complete layout, only the top level of the hierarchy. You can change the number
of hierarchy levels visible by pressing ”>”a . Press > at least three times to make the first 4 levels of
hierarchy visible.
• Currently many layers will be visible, this makes it quite hard to understand what is going on. We
have an error that only concerns metal1. Figure out how you can disable the layers, and arrange

11 The name is listed in the design rule manual. In our case it is on page 55 of the design rule manual accessible under docs/65\

that only metal1 (and the error marker) remains visible.
a Or as we did earlier by clicking on the number next to the Depth field at the bottom right side of the DRV window.

Use "Box" to draw rectangles

Use "Move" to move shapes around Selection filters

Use "Ruler" to make measurements

Leave "metal1" visible

and turn all others off

The "rve" layer

is at the very bottom,
Region that causes the error
something is wrong here! you can change
the appearance, visibility etc

make sure "Depth" shows suffcient layers

Now you should see the problem much more easily. The design rule says that metal1 structures need at least
0.09 µm separation. The current error is what we call a notch. This is essentially when a small gap exists
between structures that belong to the same net (like ’U’ shape). There is one more error (not highlighted
yet) of the same type visible directly above the one that is highlighted (the structure is symmetric, so you got
flagged for the notch below and above separately, essentially an ’H’ shape). In our case the notch is smaller
than 0.09 µm.
There are multiple ways you can solve this problem. Basically you can either move the structures further apart
so that the notch does not violate the minimum distance rule, or you can choose to fill-in the notch.
Editing the layout is quite tricky and very error prone. Here are some general suggestions to keep in mind.
• Prior to manufacturing everything that is on one layer will be merged together, and there will be a mask
for every layer (i.e. metal1). So it does not really matter on what level of the hierarchy the structure is
drawn, if the structures overlap, or if they are drawn on top of each other. In the end there will be only
one combined mask12 .
• Make sure to show always the relevant layers. Note that the relevant layers will also depend on the type
of operation you are doing. In our case, if you plan on adding some metal1 to fill in the notch, then all
you need to see is metal1. However if you decide to move things around, you have to consider that the
metal1 structures might also be connected to other structures. Metal1 can connect down using a contact
layer to either poly or active, or up using via layer to metal2. You have to at least make sure that contact

12 However, it is very good practice to align the structures that you draw perfectly. Regularity is our most important friend when
drawing layouts. If you get a habit of drawing everything perfectly aligned, mistakes will stand out much more, every little bit

and via is turned on as well, as these are the places where a connection will take place. If you move
things around, take care that the connections are not broken.
• You can only make edits (add/modify polygons) on the top level of the hierarchy. You will not be able to
modify any structures within the instances, but you will be able to copy/move/delete these instances as a
whole. Look at the H shape in the screenshot above. The left side of the H shaped metal1 is actually a via
instance that connects metal1 to metal2. You can not edit parts of this instance (for example stretching
the right side edge) without changing all via instances in the design. Similarly almost everything on the
right side is part of a standard cell. However there are two rectangles drawn at the top level. These can
be modified directly.
• On the top right corner of the DRV, there are selection filters. These can be toggled to allow you only to
target specific structures. For the most part you will need the following options:
Reference Use this to select instances
Polygon Selects most drawn geometry (layouts from C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER will not have Path
Edge Allows you to only select one edge of a polygon. This is useful for stretching the connections.
Make sure you select the correct type. Although you could practically enable everything, you will make
fewer mistakes if you only enable the type of structure you want to edit.
• DRV allows you to change the appearance of the layers very easily. Simply, select a layer and click on
the color and shading pattern you want on the right hand side.
• Grid is your friend, try to get used to it. By default you will notice that you can not move the object by the
amount you want. There is a grid setting of 0.1 µm that restricts movements by this amount. Change this
preference by selecting Options →Grid Setting from the menu. Change this setting as the situation
demands it. For example metal1-6 are drawn with a pitch of 0.2 µm. If you are moving vias, if you have
the grid at this setting the vias will always magically jump to the next routing track.
• Investigate the situation and plan ahead before you start hacking away. You are essentially performing
surgery inside the chip. It is very easy to make a mess of the edits. You want to reduce the number of
errors, not create many more while trying to fix one.
• DRC will only tell you about the design rules, it will not tell you if two structures on the same layer should
be connected or separated. We will use LVS later on to determine if our connections are correct.
• In case you make a mistake there is always Edit →Undo:.

Student Task 8:
• Following the tips given above, try fixing the first two DRC errors from check M1.S1.
• Rerun the DRC after fixing the errors. Please note that you have modified the layout, and make sure
that E XPORT FROM LAYOUT VIEWER option is selected in the I NPUT tab of the DRC window.
If you did everything right, the errors should disappear.

In a lot of cases, one DRC or LVS error may cause a series of others. Furthermore, while fixing one error, it
is possible to introduce more errors. Depending on the run time of DRC, you may decide to check and correct
other errors first or go one by one. No matter which way you choose, fixing DRC errors requires patience and
The remaining DRC errors are all common problems that you will encounter:
• Minimum width of structures drawn in layer
• Minimum spacing between two metal structures on the same layer
• Minimum area of a given structure in a given layer must exceed a certain amount.

Student Task 9:
• Correct all errors until you have a clean DRC.
• Make sure that you save the end result, since we will use this for the LVS.

3.2 Antenna DRC

We are almost complete. There are some additional checks we have to complete before we finish. The DRC
rules that we have checked up to now were about physical distance rules related to manufacturing, if these
rules are violated the structures would be too small to manufacture reliably, potentially causing shorts and
There are other problems during manufacturing as well. One particularly nasty and interesting problem is re-
lated to antennas. During the manufacturing process there are several steps13 (such as reactive ion etching)
that generate charge carriers within the vicinity of the circuit that is still being manufactured. The long (incom-
plete) metal connections can act as antennas collecting these charges. If the long metal is connected to a
small gate, this charge may break through the thin gate oxide causing the device to fail. The antenna rules
check the metal structures and calculate the ratio of the charge collecting antennas to the connected gate
regions. If the ratio is too high (usually around 1000) then the long metal connection is marked as a potential
There is a special ruleset generated for M ENTOR G RAPHICS C ALIBRE to determine if any metal connections
are susceptible to such antenna effects. This check is different than the other geometric checks we have made
and a new ruleset file needs to be loaded14 . The runsets are located in the ./calibre/drc directory and
can be loaded by using file→Load Runset... from the Calibre Interactive window.

Student Task 10: Run a second DRC, this time by using the runset calibre/drc/antenna.drc. You
can load a new runset through the menu File →Load Runset.

Antenna errors are relatively easy to fix. You can either interrupt the long running metal by going up a level15 ,
or by inserting antenna diodes16 . This is usually done by C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER. The only problem is
that sometimes the way C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER determines the antenna ratios is not exactly the same
with M ENTOR G RAPHICS C ALIBRE (which is more accurate), and therefore sometimes there are cases which
C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER can not catch. Usually we tune the values in C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER so
that they are more conservative, reducing the possibility of problems at this stage. Still it is very important to
perform this test and ensure that there are no problems17 .
We are now done with DRC, so we can move to the next stage. Make sure that you have saved the latest
corrected version of the layout and you use this layout for the next part of the exercise. You can save a
checkpoint here (File →Save As... →checkpoint_example_chip.gds.gz) since in the next tasks we
will modify again the layout you obtained.

4 Running LVS
In this section we will run LVS on the same design. Note that both DRC and LVS have to be repeated whenever,
there is a change in the layout.
Before we start the LVS, we have to prepare the data. We already have the layout, what we need is to
generate the schematic (the S of LVS). We have the final Verilog netlist that we have saved in C ADENCE EDI
13 These will be covered in detail during VLSI III.
14 The setup we use automatically loads the default ruleset when you start Mentor Graphics Calibre so you did not have to
specifically select a ruleset when you started.
15 Assume that the antenna is on metal4. When this metal is exposed, the higher metal5 would not yet be there. If you interrupt
the metal4 and go up to metal5 for just a little while you do not change the connectivity, but you can reduce the area of the
antenna that is exposed during manufacturing of metal4.
16 This is a reverse biased diode that is only there to give the charges collected by the antenna a discharge path, during normal
operation, the diode will never turn on.
17 Never leave out a chance to make additional tests

E NCOUNTER. This netlist contains all modifications and additions (clock tree, buffers, filler cells) of the back
end design flow. This netlist does not contain the transistors within the standard cells. We will use a simple
script to generate a transistor level netlist (in SPICE format) that contains all necessary information for the

Student Task 11:

• If you still have the DRC window, close it, we will not need it for a while.
• Using a console change to the lvs directory calibre/lvs. You will find the script verilog2spice\
there. Executea it using:
sh > ./verilog2spice ../../encounter/out/example_chip_lvs.v example.sp

a You should add execute permission using chmod +x verilog2spice to execute the script.

This procedure will convert the Verilog netlist under ../../encounter/out/example_chip_lvs.v into a
SPICE netlist named example.sp in the current directory.
You will see a summary of warning messages such as:

Unsupported compiler directive : 4
Duplicate port/net : 0
Module instantiation XXXX has pin mismatches : 0
Calls port VSS not declared in module : 0
Calls port VDD not declared in module : 0

In this simple example there are not many problems. Most of these messages come from instantiations where
all defined outputs are not connected to a net. This is not tragic, and can be ignored18 .

Note: You may have noticed that we have two netlists under ./encounter/out, one is called example_chip_lvs\
.v and the other example_chip.v. The file with _lvs has for all standard cells the correct power pin
connections as well. In our setup this is needed, therefore we will always use the _lvs.v version for LVS,
the other netlist will be used for M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM post-layout simulations.

Now we have our schematic we need to start the LVS. Unlike the DRC, there are several additional files that
control the LVS flow. The example.sp file will include the file spice.inc which in turn includes the SPICE
level definitions of all the libraries and macro-cells.
The runset file runset.lvs among other things includes the file lvs_labels.txt. This file puts two labels
for VDDIO and VSSIO the power and ground signals for the I/O cells. Throughout the backend design we have
only used VDD and VSS as the only power signals. In reality, there are several other independent supply nets,
and these have to be taken into account for the LVS. The labels are positioned on the correct I/O supply pads19
and help identify the additional supply nets for the purpose of LVS.

Student Task 12:

• Select Verification →nmLVS..” in the calibre DRV main window to start the LVS. This should
automatically load the the runset file located under calibre/lvs/runset.lvs, and you should
be ready to go.
• Make sure that you either have the correct version of the layout opened in the DRV window, and
export it to the file specified under the I NPUTS configuration, or alternatively disable the E XPORT
FROM LAYOUT VIEWER and make sure that the correct gds file is given under the F ILE for the L AYOUT
18 For your own designs you should always investigate what these messages are. For this exercise we have made sure that there
are no surprises.
19 Unless you have deviated from the power pin template given.

• You will notice that the I NPUTS configuration is still red. You should also notice that there are multiple
tabs in the configuration area. Currently the L AYOUT has been selected. Click on the N ETLIST and
bring up the file browser by pressing .... You should be able to select the SPICE netlist file that we
have created named example.sp.
• make sure that the TOP C ELL : corresponds to your design. In our case, this should be correct.
However if there is a mismatch you can find the correct name from the Verilog netlist, from the
SPICE netlist, or by browsing the instances within the file by clicking on the ”...” button.
• All other options should remain the same. Start the LVS run by clicking on the RUN LVS button on
the left hand side.

The LVS run will also produce two windows, the RVE and the LVS Report File. Before we start let us examine
the LVS Report File window that popped up at the end of the comparison. Bad news start with:


# # #####################
# # # #
# # # #
# # #####################

Error: Different numbers of nets (see below).

Error: Connectivity errors.

which basically tell us that the LVS did not match20 . If you scroll further down you will see a list of how the two
netlists compare:


Layout Source Component Type
------ ------ --------------
Ports: 40 40
Nets: 23178 23177 *
Instances: 21491 21491 MN (4 pins)
22254 22254 MP (4 pins)
44 44 R (3 pins)
103 103 D (2 pins)
------ ------
Total Inst: 43892 43892

It is actually not easy for the tool to determine which one of the two inputs: the layout or the schematic is
correct. It can just report that there is a discrepancy. In this case, we see that everything is not so bad. We
have the same number of nMOS and pMOS transistors, resistors and diodes as well as the same number of
top level connections. We have to look at the RVE to really understand what is going on:

20 Similar to the DRC part of the exercise, the errors have been specifically introduced to show some typical problems encountered
when dealing with LVS. Due to time constraints they are not particularly challenging.

Number of Errors

No SMILEY List of Errors

The problem

As seen from the Layout As seen from the Netlist

If you have not introduced any additional errors during DRC fixing you should have 5 discrepancies (errors)
during the LVS check. Note that we do not have a smiley face but a frowning face. This is because the layout
does not match the schematic. LVS errors are more difficult to locate than DRC errors, since one error can
cause multiple discrepancies. In the figure above, we have chosen D ISCREPANCY #1. At the bottom you can
see the problem. The left hand side is the Layout side and the right hand side is the Schematic (called Source
in DRV). The report can be interpreted as follows:

In the Layout there is a single net X16/239 but in the Schematic there are two separate nets
Xi_small_example/Xadd_x_1/n12 and Xi_small_example/Xadd_x_1/n11 that match to
the single net in the layout.
This is a typical mistake, most probably something in the layout has shorted the two nets in the schematic.
Often one mistake results in multiple discrepancies between the layout and the schematic. Similarly if you
find and correct one problem, sometimes many discrepancies disappear at the same time. Since some LVS
problems are related, it is important to go through all discrepancies, and try to find one that is more obvious21 .
The RVE tool has many interesting features that will allow you to compare the two netlists. Try clicking on
the net name. You will see two schematic windows appear. In some cases this can make it much easier to
understand what is wrong.

21 Some of the discrepancies may be misleading, keep an open mind, and look at them one by one.

Student Task 13:
• Let us start by the easiest problems first. Find the discrepancy where the Rst_RB net in the Source
matches two separate nets in the Layout. This should be easy as there should be a missing con-
nection between the two disjoint nets in the layout.
• Highlight one of the nets from the RVE. Under the menu Highlight→Clear Existing Highlights\
you can toggle the behavior on highlights, either a new highlight replaces the old one, or multiple
highlights are allowed at the same time. It will help if you allow multiple highlights (deselect Clear
Existing Highlights) for this particular error, and highlight the second net.
• Look for an obvious location where these two nets could be joined. And make the connection.
• Save your changes and run LVS again. This error should have disappeared.

Note that any modification to the layout might result in a DRC error, so you should run a DRC on the design
as well. Depending on your experience you might prefer to process a couple of LVS errors before you go on
with DRC errors. If you make small modifications, it will be less likely that you generated new DRC errors, but
sooner or later you will have to check for DRC errors again.

Student Task 14:

• Find and correct the LVS errors, you will notice at least one pair of discrepancies that are related
and have to be solved at the same time.
• Make sure that your LVS error free design also passes DRC.

Congratulations, you have successfully corrected all errors.

5 Why should there be DRC/LVS errors in my design?

This is a valid question, after all we have only used EDA software to create the final layout, and have also per-
formed both a V ERIFY G EOMETRY (essentially the equivalent of a DRC) and V ERIFY C ONNECTIVITY (basically
an LVS) and had no errors there. There are a couple of explanations:

• While we did not use it in our design flow, it is possible or sometimes even necessary to make additional
changes on the layout, after C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER. This may be required to add logos, bonding
pads, chip corners, additional process control monitors, including IPs for which there are no design views
(lef, lib) for C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER etc. In some cases these additions will be done manually, which
is a very error prone operation.
• C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER may produce errors, which it can not detect. This may be a ’bug’ in C ADENCE
EDI E NCOUNTER (there is no guarantee that there will be none), or (more likely) a mistake in one of the
technology files used to customize C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER for a given technology.
• C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER works with abstract views of macro-cells and standard cells. These cells
only include relevant information for the cells, such as pin locations and obstructions within the cell but
not everything like transistors. Some errors may only show up when the real cells with full layouts are
used. In umcL65, there are some complex DRC rules that involve metal1 and contacts. Since C ADENCE
EDI E NCOUNTER does not have any information on where the contact layer is, under rare circumstances
the routing can generate a DRC error (which will be very easy to fix).
• IC foundries will only accept data if it passes DRC with a certain tool. In our case we have to make sure
that the Calibre DRC run reports no errors, otherwise the foundry will return the chip back to us for fixing.
• And last but not least, ASIC design is a very costly process, additional verification by a second tool would
increase our confidence in the overall design.

The next question might be ”So what happens if we actually find an error?”. The obvious answer is to fix it. But
before we start we need to understand the error. Especially modern processes have many processing options,
and many conflicting rules, so the first order of business is to identify the problem and verify that it actually
violates a design rule that needs to be fixed.
In our case, most of the time we will be violating various ”Metal Coverage” rules. However, we have an
agreement with our IC foundry that stipulates that the IC foundry will perform a ”metal filling” step that will get
rid of all problems with ”Metal Coverage”, so we can safely ignore these errors.
The second step is to try to determine what caused the error. If at all possible it is better to find a fix that can be
implemented in earlier stages (i.e. in C ADENCE EDI E NCOUNTER) rather than fixing the problem manually22 .
Sometimes this will not be possible, the reason may not be clear at the time, or there might be significant time
pressure to finalize the design as soon as possible, and you might be forced to correct the error manually.

6 Conclusion
DRC and LVS are both an essential part of the design flow. Ideally, the EDA tools should produce error free
designs. However, this is not always the case. In addition having a second opinion from a different tool is
always good.
Especially LVS errors can be tricky to locate and to correct. These exercises are not meant to be a thorough
manual on how to find and correct all types of errors, but to give you an idea on what can be done.
It is important to run a DRC after you modify the layout, as any edit could potentially also result in new design
rule violations. Similarly, if you modify a layout that was LVS-clean, you should re-run LVS.
Our design is now ready to be fabricated. The next step will be to send the GDS to the manufacturing facility.
Usually there are some additional post processing steps such as dummy structures to achieve a minimum
density at all layers, adding a seal ring around the chip to prevent cracking due to the dicing process, drawing
identifiers to the chip to help identification etc.

22 As mentioned earlier, manually altering the layout is a very error-prone process. In addition, the design might require another
iteration (for a completely different reason) leaving you to fix the same error over and over for subsequent iterations.


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