A Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E (1st Quarter)

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The lesson plan covers topics on lifestyle and weight management, sports officiating, and community fitness. It aims to teach students about maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and proper nutrition.

The topics covered include lifestyle and weight management, sports officiating, nutrition month celebration. It also discusses specific learning outcomes for each day of the week.

Some of the learning outcomes mentioned are being able to distinguish between facts and myths about eating habits, monitor progress towards fitness goals, perform first aid, and get involved in community service through sports officiating.

Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte Division



School : Campo Bacuag National High School Grade Level : Grade 9 (Dove, Eagle, Oriole, Heron)
Teacher : Shiela T. Gamayon Learning Area : MAPEH (PHYSICAL EDUCATION)
Date : July 23-27, 2018 Quarter : 1st

PE9PF-Ia-h-23 PE9PF-Ia-40
PE9PF-Ia-39 PE9GS-Ib-h-5
(Physical Activity and Eating Habits)

The learner…
A.CONTENT STANDARDS:  demonstrates the understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness.  Officiate a sport competition in school or in community

The learner…
B.PERFORMANCE STANDARD:  maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community
 practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

The learner…  determines risk factor (obesity, physical inability, poor nutrition
 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments; and smoking) for major non-communicable diseases lifestyle
related (e.g. diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, cancer);
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES:  assesses eating habits based on the Philippine Food Pyramid/ My Food Plate;  officiates practice and competitive games;
(9:50-10:50/10:50-11:50/2:15- (7:30-8:30/8:30-9:30/2:15- (9:50-10:50/10:50- (10:50-11:50/2:15-3:15/3:15-4:15) (10:50-11:50)
3:15/3:15-4:15) 3:15/3:15-4:15) 11:50/2:15-3:15/3:15-4:15)
At the end of the lesson the At the end of the lesson the At the end of the lesson the At the end of the lesson the
learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
 Distinguish among  Monitor periodically  Perform appropriate  involve oneself in
facts, myths, and one’s progress first aid for injuries community service though
misinformation towards the fitness and emergency sports officiating and Nutrition Month
associated with eating goals situations in physical physical activity programs Celebration
habits. activity and sports
setting (e.g. cramps,
sprain, heat

II. MATERIALS: Laptop, LCD multi-media projector, manila paper, pentel pens, metacards, etc.

References: Learner’s Material & Teacher’s Guide

Teacher’s Guide pages : Page 2 - 56
Learner’s Materials pages: Page 1 - 42
Other Learning Resources:



Preliminary Activities (5 minutes) Let us pray. In the name of the Let us pray. In the name of the Let us pray. In the name of the Let us pray. In the name of the Father
 Prayer Father and the Son and of the Holy Father and the Son and of the Father and the Son and of the and the Son and of the Holy spirit...
spirit... Holy spirit... Holy spirit... Amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

 Greetings Good morning class! Good morning class! Good morning class! Good morning class!
 Checking of Attendance Check if your seatmate is around. Is Check if your seatmate is around. Check if your seatmate is around. Check if your seatmate is around. Is
there any absent in the class? Is there any absent in the class? Is there any absent in the class? there any absent in the class?

Okay, anybody can recall what was our

Okay, anybody can recall what was Okay, anybody can recall what Okay, anybody can recall what topic last meeting? Are there any
 Review
our topic last meeting? Are there was our topic last meeting? Are was our topic last meeting? Are clarifications or questions from the
any clarifications or questions from there any clarifications or there any clarifications or previous discussion? If none, then we’ll
the previous discussion? If none, questions from the previous questions from the previous now move to another topic.
then we’ll now move to another discussion? If none, then we’ll discussion? If none, then we’ll
topic. now move to another topic. now move to another topic. The Teacher will introduces the
following Specific Learning Outcomes
 Presentation of the Learning The Teacher will introduces the The Teacher will introduces the The Teacher will introduces the using any of the suggested protocols
outcomes following Specific Learning following Specific Learning following Specific Learning (Verbatim, Own words, Read-aloud)
Outcomes using any of the Outcomes using any of the Outcomes using any of the
suggested protocols (Verbatim, suggested protocols (Verbatim, suggested protocols (Verbatim,  Involves oneself in community
Own words, Read-aloud) Own words, Read-aloud) Own words, Read-aloud) services through sports
officiating and physical activity
 Distinguishes aong facts,  Monitors periodically  Performs appropriate programs;
myths, and one’s progress towards first aid for injuries and
misinformation the fitness goals; emergency siuatins in
associated with eating physical activity and
habits; sports settings (e.g.
cramps, sprain, heat
a. Motivation
The Teacher will play a video The Teacher will play a video The Teacher will show a video The Teacher will play a video
(5 minutes) presentation showing MY FOOD presentation showing different presentation of a doctor applying presentation showing different physical
PLATE / a balanced diet meal personality motivated with first aid and performing CPR. activities that involves cooperation
required everyday. physical exercises. among members.

The Teacher will let the learners ACTIVITY 1: ACTIVITY 2:

copy the template of PAR-Q Fix Me I’m Broken (on first aid) Trim Down a Bit, Be Safe, and Be
(Physical Activity Readiness Materials Fit (on weight management) The Teacher will flash on the screen the
b. Activity Questionnaire) and accomplish First aid kit (bandage, elastic Materials different hand signals on basketball,
(10 minutes) them in a one whole sheet of bandage, dressing, antiseptics, -activity notebook volleyball and football. The learners
paper. etc.), splints, -bond paper should familiarize the different hand
Name: stretcher/improvised stretcher, -calculator signals and later perform them
Questions Yes No activity notebook, whistle, manila -whistle individually.
paper, markers. Procedure:
Has your doctor ever said that Procedure: 1. Preliminary activities
you have a heart condition and Do the following activities: -obtain heart rate at rest
that you should only do physical -Preliminary activities. -10-15 minute warm-up exercises
activity recommended by a -Obtain heart rate at rest. -obtain heart rate after the warm-
doctor? -10-15 minute warm-up exercises up activity
(static and dynamic stretching 2. Groupings according to BMI
exercises). classification
Do you feel pain in your chest -Obtain heart rate after the G-1 Underweight
when you do physical activity? warm-up activity. G-2 Normal
-Groupings G-3 Overweight/Obese
In the past month, have you - Ask learners to assemble 3. Introduce the Game: Follow the
had chest pain when you were columns, 1 for the As and another instructions: You are going to have
not doing physical activity? for the Bs per group. Let them a game. It’s called modified
bring with them their first aid kits. obstacle relay. You will be
Do you lose your balance -As you blow the whistle, all As provided with an obstacle course
because of dizziness or have you shall pretend to be injured with specific stations indicating
ever lost consciousness? (decide on what injury to the task to accomplish. All are
portray). The next whistle signals related to sports officiating (e.g.
Do you have a bone or joint the Bs to employ appropriate first basketball). Blow your whistle first
problem (for example, back, before executing the needed
knee, hip) that could be made aid techniques to their partners signal or skill.
worse by a change in your who are pretending to be injured. 4. The first team to finish wins.
physical activity? The last whistle signals them to
Is your doctor currently Example: sprain, strain,
prescribing drugs for your heart dislocation and fracture
condition? - Let them explain in pairs.
- To unlock difficulties or
Do you know of any other misconceptions, encourage them
reason why you should not do to read the following readings on
physical activity? first aid:

The teacher processes the activity and

The teacher processes the activity The Teacher divides the class into The Teacher task the learners to instructs the students to reflect the
c. Analysis and instructs the students to reflect four (4). Assign a leader in assemble in column per group and following:
(5 minutes) the following: answering the following discuss among group members 1. What went well? What went wrong?
questions: the following questions: 2. Why is there a need to give a precise
-If you answered YES to any of 1. Injuries may happen anytime, 1. What went well? What went and immediate calls when officiating a a
these questions, talk with your anywhere. List at least three wrong? game?
Doctor before you start engaging in factors that can cause injuries. 2. How does body weight
3. What limits an officiating official from
physical activity. Tell your doctor Explain why they can lead to influences one’s physical like in
giving precise and immediate calls?
about your PAR-Q and which injuries. the one you just did?
4. How can one improve his or her
questions you answered yes. 2. How important is knowledge 3. What suggestions can you give
officiating skills in terms of precision and
and skills in applying appropriate to perform better next time, and
-If you answered NO to all PAR-Q first aid techniques to an injured in other physical activities in
questions, you can take start official or athlete? hand?
participating in physical activity.

d. Abstraction The teacher discusses the following The teacher discusses the
topics: following topics:
(15 minutes)
(Physical Activity and Eating
e. Application The Teacher processes the activity The Teacher divides the class into The Teacher task the learners to The teacher processes the activity and
(10 minutes) and instructs the learners to reflect four (4). Assign a leader in assemble in column per group and instructs the students to reflect the
the following: answering the following discuss among group members following:
1. How much calorie do you need questions: the following questions: 1. What went well? What went wrong?
to keep yourself active while 1. Injuries may happen anytime, 1. What went well? What went 2. Why is there a need to give a precise
planning to lose, gain or maintain anywhere. List at least three wrong? and immediate calls when officiating a a
weight? factors that can cause injuries. 2. How does body weight game?
2. What are the food you should Explain why they can lead to influences one’s physical like in 3. What limits an officiating official from
take in and at what amount should injuries. the one you just did? giving precise and immediate calls?
you take them in? 2. How important is knowledge 3. What suggestions can you give
4. How can one improve his or her
and skills in applying appropriate to perform better next time, and
officiating skills in terms of precision and
first aid techniques to an injured in other physical activities in
official or athlete? hand?

f. Evaluation The Teacher will ask the students

to prepare ½ sheet of paper and
answer the following questions;
(Formative Assessment)
1. How does your knowledge and
(5 minutes) skills in officiating help improve
fitness level of members of the
2. How do values in officiating help
in the successful conduct of sports
activities in the community?
3. How does participation in
officiating related activities help
achieve fitness of the community?
V. Assignment
(5 minutes) Choose the best answer from the ______3. Which best describes ________7. Which is not an effect
options below. Write the letter on the benefits of a healthy of Climate Change?
the space provided before each environment? A. Dead trees from oil spillage
number. A. Less disease, less health care B. Increased risk of drought, fire
_______1. Which best describes cost and floods
community health as an art and B. Active community involvement C. More health related illness and
science? C. More budget for health disease
A. It maintains, protects and problems, increases supply of D. Economic losses
improves the health of all members medicines ________8. Which of the
of the community through D. More community projects for following environmental problems
organized and sustained community development causes Climate Change?
community efforts. A. Oil Spill C. Pollution
B. It maintains and improves the ________4. Which of the B. Deforestation D. Flashfloods
health of all members of the following problem is a leading _________9. Which of the
community through organized and causes of environmental following programs of Department
sustained community efforts. destruction? of Health promotes
C. It protects and improves the A. Soil Erosion communityhealth?
health of all members of the B. Oil Spill A. Maternal Health C. Child Health
community through organized and C. Illegal Mining Care
sustained community efforts. D. Deforestation B. Primary Health Care D. Control
D. It maintains, protects and of Communicable Diseases
improves the health of all members ________5. What environmental _________10. Why do we need to
of the community problem reduces the ability of soil ensure community health in
______2. Which does not describe to store water and planning for community
a healthy community? support plant growth? development?
A. A clean and safe environment A. Soil Erosion A. To attain a luxury of life
B. An environment that meets B. Oil Spill B. To keep the safety of the
everyone’s basic needs C. Illegal Mining community
C. An environment that promotes D. Deforestation C. To live in a clean, safe and
social harmony and actively comfortable home
involves everyone ________6. What environmental D. To maintain an enjoyable
problem does this picture depict? lifestyle
D. An environment that is fully
A. Water pollution
aware of its daily opportunities.
B. Deforestation
C. Improper waste disposal
D. Flashfloods


a. No. of Students who earned 80%

in evaluation

b. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remedial

c. Which of my teaching
Strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

d. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

e. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish I could share to other teachers?

Prepared by : Ms. Shiela T. Gamayon, SST I

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