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IND US 20190393765A1

(19) United States
( 12 ) HOLCOMB
Patent Application Publication (10 ) Pub. No.: US 2019/0393765 A1
(43 ) Pub . Date : Dec. 26 , 2019
(54 ) COMPACT HIGH -EFFICIENCY , HO2K 7116 (2006.01 )
HO2K 31/02 ( 2006.01 )
(71) Applicant: HOLCOMB SCIENTIFIC (52) U.S. CI.
RESEARCH LIMITED , DUBLIN (IE ) CPC HO2K 53/00 (2013.01 ); HO2K 16/02
(72 ) Inventor : ROBERT RAY HOLCOMB , (2013.01); HO2K 31/02 ( 2013.01 ); H02K
SARASOTA , FL (US ) 11/0094 ( 2013.01) ; HO2K 11/30 ( 2016.01) ;
H02K 7/116 ( 2013.01)
(21) Appl. No.: 16 /474,052
( 22 ) PCT Filed : Dec. 21 , 2017 ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
( 86 ) PCT No.: PCT/EP2017 /084100
$ 371 ( c ) ( 1 ), A generator with reduced reverse torque which may be used
(2 ) Date : Jun . 26 , 2019 as a singular, point of use , compact electric generator that
produces power with high efficiency and very low reverse
Related U.S. Application Data torque . The generator comprising a stator having slots and
(60 ) Provisional application No.62/498,400, filed on Dec. stator coils and a series of slot rotors placed in relation to the
stator coils such that minimal destructive interaction is
27 , 2016 . caused between magnetic fields of each rotor and induced
Publication Classification magnetic fields of the stator when the power generator is
connected to an electric load with at least a portion of that
(51) Int. Ci. power being sent to a storage device where a portion of the
HO2K 53/00 (2006.01) stored power is provided to excitation circuitry utilized to
HO2K 16/02 (2006.01) re - excite a motor to drive the slot rotors .

(B ) (C )
(+) (-)
(D )
(A ) (E )
11 33 10 31 34 S
13 30
42 (F )
14 28 (+)
(+ )(P ) 41M 45
51 6 (3) (GX-)
o -51
49 41M S (H ( + )
17 -26
(N )( + ) -46
18 (+ ) 25
S 24
19 36 23 35 N
(M ) 20
(-) (-) (-)
21 51 (K )
( +)
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1


2 an
2 N.
2 2
12 1110 9 8 17767
14 #P2

2 115 P3 1 5 PA # 2 Pz 10
16 .
6 (1)
Hs ole N

6 (2)

2 6 (3)
8 7165 32 16 -2
P2 # 4 Po 2 # 3 P3 15
P3 8 P2
14,15 16 21011
2 5
aux 53

FIG . 1
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1

5 12
11 10 31 5
13 -9

12 11100
P2 171675Pz 13
15 #1 #2
16 , 2. P
14 45
8 4
6 (4) 27
15 53
6 (5)
16 7
53 32
8 6 (3)
17 26
6 5 3
10 P2 # 4 PA os # 3 P3
5 11
P3 7
131415161 N
101113 25
19 20
22 23 5 24
A 53

FIG . 2
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1

4 53

11 10 12 31 30
N 29
33 S
S N.
6(8 ) S
6 (9) 28
6 (6 ) 2
15 53
oo 617)
S 4
oo 6 (3) 32
S N.
36_ 26
NS 6(11) SN 6 (10)
19 20 21 22 23

FIG . 3
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1

4 63
38 38
11 10 31 30
13 N 29

os 12
33 34
14 6 (3) 28
-15 27 37

4 - 16 32 4
17 26
36 35
21 22

18 25
20 23
19 24
38 53 38

FIG . 4
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1


38 38
11 30
10 31
13 N 29

O 9 12
33 34
14 28
6 (3)
-15 27 37

53 53
4 16 32 4
17 26
36 -35
-21 22

18 25
20 23 24
38 53 38

FIG . 5
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 6 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1

(B ) (C )
(+ ) (-)
(D )
(A) 51 (+ ) (E )
(- ) 43
11 33 10 31 34 S
13 44
42 (F )
147 -N 28 (+ )
( + )(P) 41M S 45
S 40
51 O 6(3) (G )(-)
(-10) 415
49 41M S (H )( +)
17 26
(N )( + ). -46
18 48 25
19 36 23 35 N
(M ) 20
21 51 (K )

(+ )

FIG . 6
Patent Application Publication Dec.26.2019 Sheet 7 of8 US 2019/0393765A1


30 34 31 10 33 11
29 13

28 -14
6(12) 50
52 -6(13 )

6 (3 )
26 . 17

25 18
S 23 20 19
24 36
N 22 21

FIG . 7
Patent Application Publication Dec. 26 , 2019 Sheet 8 of 8 US 2019/0393765 A1


81 -80

SHUTOFF (+ ) (-)
56 -77 54
78 58
57 59

-69 -60
-70 68 O O

64 63 62
71 -72 -76 83
73 75 82

46 42 49 45 48 44 47 43

FIG . 8
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

COMPACT HIGH -EFFICIENCY, engine and quantifying the power of the steam engine . The
LOW -REVERSE TORQUE ELECTRIC unit “ watt " was recognized by the Second Congress of the
POWER GENERATOR DRIVEN BY A HIGH British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1889 ,
EFFICIENCY ELECTRIC DRIVE MOTOR concurrent with the start of commercial power production .
The dynamo was the first electrical generator capable of
FIELD OF INVENTION delivering power to industry and is still an important gen
[0001] Systems and methods for generation of current erator in use even to this day. The dynamo uses a particular
with reduced electromagnetic drag , commonly referred to as machine design and electromagnetic principles to convert
reverse torque , thereby improving the operating efficiency of mechanical rotation into an alternating electric current. The
a generator. first commercial power plants which were operated in Paris
in the 1870's were designed by Zenobe Gramme. The use of
BACKGROUND electric generators made it desirable to establish a common
unit for electrical power in order to standardize this newly
[0002 ] Rapid depletion of the Earth's fossil fuel sources evolving energy source. The watt is a derived unit of power
along with environmental pollution and climate change ( i.e., an algebraic combination of base units ). The watt is
makes obvious the clear need for alternative energy supplies . now an approved unit of the International System of Units
The rapid expansion in the area of electronic information (SI).
technology and communication services increases the [0007 ] As defined , 1 watt is the rate at which work is done
demand and makes small , point of use , stand-alone power when an object's velocity is held constant at 1 meter per
supplies desirable . second against a constant opposing force of 1 Newton .
[0003 ] A significant contribution to safely resolving W = J/S = N.M /S =Kg:M /S3
Earth's population's demand for increasing energy con [0008 ] J= Joule M =Meter N = Newton Kg = Kilogram
sumption , including in the area of information management [0009 ] Joule = Work done when a force of 1 Newton is
and communications, is to increase the efficiency of electric displaced through a distance of 1
power generation by removing reverse torque from electric [0010 ] Meter
power generators of all sizes, from megawatt sizes down to [0011 ] 1 Joule = 1 watt-second , 107 ergs = 0.2390 calories or
fractions of a watt. Removal of reverse torque from genera 0.738 ft- lb .
tors associated with converting mechanical energy into [0012 ] Therefore , if one mechanical horsepower (HP ) is
electrical power can provide an opportunity for electrically equal to 550 ft-lb per second (or 33,000 ft - lb per minute),
powered , high efficiency generators for a multitude of sizes then by definition of the watt being 0.738 ft- lb per second ,
and applications. Removal of the reverse torque allows a 1 HP = 550 ft -lb per second/ 0.738 ft - lb per second = 745.257
generator to operate with 400-500 % increase in efficiency . watts. Therefore, by definition , the electrical watt is the rate
This permits the opportunity to drive the generator with a at which work is done when 1 ampere ( A ) of current flows
smaller electric driver and, therefore , greatly improve the through an electric potential difference of 1 volt (V ):
generator's efficiency .
[0004 ] The World's first known electrical generator was
Faraday's disk dynamo. Michael Faraday discovered the [0013 ] 745.257 watts = 27.299 VX27.299A or any combi
operating principle of electromagnetic generators in the nation of amps and volts in which the product is equal to
years 1831-1882 . These observations were later reduced into 745.257 watts . Therefore by definition and derivation , 1
a principle called Faraday's Law by James Clerk Maxwell, HP = 746 watts
a mathematician and physicist from Edinburgh , Scotland . [0014 ] The original work on which these standards units
The law simply states that an electromagnetic force is hinge was performed by James Watt who introduced the
generated in an electrical conductor that encircles a varying term “ horsepower” when he wanted to explain how power
magnetic flux . Faraday built the first magnetic rotary induc ful his steam engines were compared to horses . After some
tion generator called a Faraday Disc . This first machine was tests (not with engines, rather with horses), he established
a type of homo-polar generator, using a copper disc rotating that, on average, the horses being used could pull coal up a
between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. This generator mine shaft at the rate of 22,000 ft-lb per minute . For
produced a small DC voltage but high amperage . The whatever reason , he decided to raise this number by 50 %
Faraday dynamo or uni-pole (or uni-polar ) generator, how and arrived at a number which is commonly accepted as
ever, does not lend itself well to practical commercial 33,000 ft - lb per minute . So , if an engine or any rotary
development because of the nature of its output, i.e., very machine can push 33,000 lbs. of something 1 foot in 1
low DC voltage at extremely high current. The Faraday minute, the machine is considered a 1 HP engine .
generator does lend itself well , however, to the study the [0015 ] As noted above , a conventional generator requires ,
mechanisms of reverse torque in electrical induction by definition and measurement, 1 HP to generate 746 watts
machines. plus enough additional horsepower to turn the physical
[0005 ] Conventional generators in use today require, by mechanisms of the rotor at proper speed to maintain the
definition , 1 horsepower of kinetic energy input to generate desired frequency. The horsepower required to spin the
746 watts (W ) of electrical energy. This relationship of mechanism is usually about 0.2 HP in a conventional gen
mechanical horsepower to electrical watts involves derived erator to generate 746 watts for a total 1.2 horsepower to
units of power which have evolved from observations and generate 746 watts , although only 0.2 HP of that energy is
measurements on physical and electricalmachines (as well used to actually generate electrical power . The remaining 1
as horses ). HP which is equal to 746 watts is required to overcome the
[0006 ] The term " watt” was named after James Watt , a reverse torque or so - called “ back electromotive force” (back
Scottish scientist, for his work on improving the steam EMF) .
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

[0016 ] The back EMF or reverse torque of rotary genera the stator. The induced pole is induced by current flow which
tors in use today can best be described by reference to is generated by the standing pole. Again, the induced pole is
“ Lenz's Law .” It, in summary , states that when an EMF is in no way responsible for current flow or power generation
generated by a change in magnetic flux according to Fara in the induced coils. This design change removes Lenz
day's Law , the polarity of the induced EMF is such that it losses produced by the induced stator poles attracting and
produces a current whose magnetic field opposes the mag repelling polar coupling between the stator poles and the
netic flux which produces it . The induced magnetic field rotor poles. To the extent that stator coupling occurs, it will
inside any loop ofwire always acts to keep the magnetic flux act to produce additional magnetic drag upon the rotor
in the loop constant. If the magnetic field B is increasing , the which is linearly proportional to the load current drawn and
induced magnetic field acts in equal and opposite direction thereby satisfy Lenz's Law .
to it; if it is decreasing, the induced magnetic field acts in the
direction of the applied field with equal force . In conven SUMMARY
tional generators , the rotor is stationed inside the coil loops
of the stator and, thus , the rotor generates a current which in [0024 ] Consistentwith the present disclosure , systems and
turn generates a magnetic field which is equal in force and methods are provided for a generator with reduced reverse
opposite in polarity . Therefore , reverse torque is a product of torque which may be used as a singular, point of use ,
the design . compact electric generator that produces power with high
[0017 ] In the case of the generator of the present disclo efficiency and very low reverse torque .
sure, the rotors are outside of the coil loop and , therefore , do [0025 ] In accordance with exemplary embodiments , a
not interact with the induced pole . This induced pole is system is provided for generating power with a reduced
induced by current flow and is not responsible for a current reverse torque . For example , a power generator comprises a
flow , as is evidenced by the fact that the generator reaches stator having slots and stator coils; a series of slot rotors
full voltage prior to current going to an electrical load . placed in relation to the stator coils such that minimal
[0018 ] Due to the reverse torque , in a conventional gen destructive interaction is caused between magnetic fields of
erator about 85 % more mechanical energy is required to turn each rotor and induced magnetic fields of the stator when the
the rotor than is required to generate power. However, in the power generator is connected to an electric load . The gen
case of the generator of the current disclosure, it only erator includes first members of the slot rotors that are
requires energy to turn the mechanical mechanisms of the distributed along the outer periphery of a first stator section
generator or about 20 % of output power to drive the gen having induction windings accommodated in the stator slots ,
erator. Therefore, the system takes the needed 20 % and and the slots of the first stator section are axially aligned
cycles it back to drive the generator and the remaining 80 % along a lengthwise and depthwise axis . The first members of
is usable electric power to be used for whatever purpose is slot rotors contain permanent magnets that have a first
required . magnetic polarity on the 360 ° external face of the slot rotors
[ 0019 ] In conventional generators, as noted above, the and a second polarity on the inner face for 360 °, and the slot
rotor is stationed inside the coil loops of the stator. There rotors are distributed along the outer periphery alternating in
fore, the rotor generates a current which in turn generates a polarity from first magnetic polarity to second magnetic
magnetic field which is equal in force and opposite in polarity . The slot rotors are rotated in such manner that the
polarity , hence reverse torque is a product of the design . The first pole having a first magnetic polarity and the second pole
Lenz losses are related to inductive coupling between the having a second magnetic polarity are located in geometri
rotor standing poles and the stator induced poles . Concern cally adjacent corners of the stator body .
ing efforts to reduce reverse torque, Nikola Tesla published
an article entitled “ Notes on an Unipolar Dynamo ” , Nikola [0026 ] Before explaining certain embodiments of the pres
Tesla , The Electrical Engineer, N.Y. Sep. 2 , 1891. Tesla ent disclosure in detail, it is to be understood that the
reported upon a modification of the Faraday Dynamo disclosure is not limited to the arrangements of the compo
design . The design varied in two major ways : nents set forth in the following description or illustrated in
[0020 ] 1. First, he used a magnet that was bigger in the drawings. The disclosure is capable of embodiments in
diameter than the disc , so that the magnet completely addition to those described and of being practiced and
covered the disc . carried out in various ways. Also , it is to be understood that
[0021 ] 2. Second , he divided the disc into sections with the phraseology and terminology employed herein , as well
spiral curves out from the center of the outside edge . as in the abstract , are for the purpose of description and
[0022 ] The Tesla modification caused the current to make should not be regarded as limiting.
a full trip around the outside edge of the disc. Because the [ 0027 ] As such , those skilled in the art will appreciate that
current is flowing in a large circle at the rim of the disc , the conception and features upon which this disclosure is
the magnetic field created does not work against the based may readily be utilized as a basis for designing other
inducing/ standing pole. This modification eliminated a structures, methods, and systems for carrying out the several
significant problem of electric power generation , i.e., the purposes of the present disclosure . Furthermore , the claims
reaction to every action or, as is commonly called , reverse should be regarded as including such equivalent construc
torque or back EMF. tions insofar as they do not depart from the spirit and scope
[0023 ] This design change and its effect on reverse torque of the present disclosure .
were accomplished by geometric isolation of the standing
pole from the induced pole of the machine . In the case of the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
generator of the current disclosure, the rotors are outside of
the induction coil loop . Therefore , the standing coils of the [0028 ] The accompanying drawings, which are incorpo
rotor are geometrically isolated from the induction coils of rated in and constitute part of this specification , and together
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

with the description , illustrate and serve to explain the may be stored . Examples include random access memory
principles of the exemplary embodiments disclosed herein . (RAM ), read -only memory (ROM ), volatile memory, non
In the drawings: volatile memory , hard drives , CD ROMs, DVDs, flash
[0029 ] FIG . 1 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional drives, disks, and any other known physical storage
view of an exemplary stator of the generator disclosed medium . Singular terms, such as “ memory ” and “ computer
herein revealing a geometric arrangement of rotor cavities , readable storage medium ,” may additionally refer to mul
wire slots , and rotor mu metal shielding, consistent with tiple structures , such a plurality of memories and /or com
embodiments of the present disclosure . puter-readable storage mediums. As referred to herein , a
[0030 ] FIG . 2 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional “ memory ” may comprise any type of computer -readable
view of an exemplary end portion revealing a geometric storage medium unless otherwise specified . A computer
arrangement of the rotor cavities , wire slots with stator readable storage medium may store instructions for execu
winding in place along with mumetal shielding , a stator end tion by at least one processor, including instructions for
compression plate , and a central drive shaft, consistentwith causing the processor to perform steps or stages consistent
embodiments of the present disclosure . with an embodiment herein . Additionally, one or more
[0031] FIG . 3 is a diagram illustrating the cross -sectional computer -readable storage mediums may be utilized in
view of the end portion of the stator revealing a geometric implementing a computer-implemented method . The term
arrangement of the rotor cavities, wire slots with stator " computer -readable storage medium ” should be understood
winding in place along with mu metal shielding , stator end to include tangible items and exclude carrier waves and
compression plate, magnetic rotors, and central drive shaft, transient signals.
consistent with embodiments of the present disclosure . [0038 ] Embodiments of the present disclosure provide
[0032] FIG . 4 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional numerous advantages over prior systems and methods . For
view of the end portion of the stator revealing the geometric example , exemplary embodiments are discussed and
arrangement of the rotor cavities, wire slots with stator described herein involving aspects of an electric machine ,
windings in place along with mumetal shielding , stator end such as a generator that produces power with high efficiency
compression plate , magnetic rotors, and rotor drive wheel and very low electromagnetic drag. The relevance of elimi
mounted on central drive shaft, consistent with embodi nation of the drag to its uses and applications is presented
ments of the present disclosure . and discussed . For example, embodiments of the present
[0033 ] FIG . 5 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional disclosure provide systems and methods for a generator
view of end portion of the stator revealing the geometric design virtually free of reverse torque due to a number of
arrangement of the rotor cavities, wire slots with stator design changes when compared to a conventional electric
windings in place along with mu metal shielding , stator rotary generator. These design features , including Geometric
magnetic rotors , drive wheel, mu metal spacer plate , and Isolation , Singular Stator Winding Pattern , Shielding , and
drive shaft, consistent with embodiments of the present Unique Rotor Design , are explained next .
disclosure . [0039 ] Geometric Isolation : Each stator armature induc
[0034 ] FIG . 6 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional tion coil can be located in two separate rotor cavities, such
view of the end portion of the stator from the drive end that only one side of a stator coil is in close proximity to a
revealing the geometric arrangement of the rotor cavities, first magnetized rotor, while the opposite side of the coil is
wire slots with stator windings in place along with mumetal in close proximity to a second magnetized rotor. Both rotors
shielding , magnetic rotors , magnetic rotor shaft bearing are outside of a closed induction loop . Reverse torque of a
support structure with electromagnetic drive poles, and a conventional generator may be formed when a single rotor
drive wheel attached to central drive shaft, consistent with excites both sides of a stator coil, one being at least one north
embodiments of the present disclosure. pole and the other at least one south pole. Based on Lenz's
[0035 ] FIG . 7 is a diagram illustrating a cross -sectional Law , there is an induced current in a closed loop if the
view of an exemplary non-drive end portion of the stator magnetic flux through the loop is changing . The direction of
revealing the geometric arrangement of the rotor cavities the induced current is such that the induced magnetic field
and wire slots along with stator windings in place, mumetal opposes a change in flux . In the case of the present disclo
shielding , and non - drive end compression plate containing sure , however, the magnetic field of the rotor is geometri
central drive shaft, consistent with embodiments of the cally removed and isolated from a magnetic axis or center
present disclosure. line of a statormagnetic pole. Therefore, reverse torque does
[0036 ] FIG . 8 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary not occur to any significant extent due to this geometric
schematic of the generator disclosed herein , consistent with separation of the would -be opposing magnetic poles .
embodiments of the present disclosure. [0040 ] Singular Stator Winding Pattern : A stator armature
DETAILED DESCRIPTION may be wound with lapping coils in wire slots such that a
direction of current flow in the lapping coils is identical in
[0037 ] Embodiments herein include systems and methods. all slots of an individual rotor cavity . However, as the coils
At least some disclosed methods may be executed , for exit stator induction slots, the coils are physically wound in
opposite directions thereby creating opposite magnetic
example , by at least one processor that receives instructions
from a non -transitory computer -readable storage medium . polarities and effectively canceling available magnetic
Similarly , systems consistent with the present disclosure polarity which may otherwise form a small amount of
may include at least one processor and memory, and the reverse torque .
memory may be a non - transitory computer -readable storage [0041 ] Shielding : A stator armature iron also contains a
medium . As used herein , a non - transitory computer -readable series of mu metal shields between wire slots, which allow
storage medium refers to any type of physical memory on flux linkage between narrow segments of side iron and back
which information or data readable by at least one processor iron and a uni-pole rotor flux such that an armature coil
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

inductive power generation may be attained . However, no [0049 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal
significant reverse torque is developed . an alternating lap winding pattern of the stator to shield the
[0042 ] Unique Rotor Design : The modified pole rotor is a uni-polar rotors from the magnetic fields of the stator when
singular uni-polar ( functioning as a single -pole ) rotor. The the generator is connected to an electrical load .
rotor does not exhibit a detectable magnetic center pole or [0050 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal
center line which could tend to line up on small magnetic the use of the small high efficiency generator as part of a
poles of the stator and thereby develop some counter torque . stand -alone , high efficiency electric power source for cellu
The first and second magnetic poles can be permanent fixed lar phones and other electronic information devices.
poles on 360 ° of rotor surface . [0051] Some embodiments of the current disclosure pro
[ 0043] In accordance with an aspect of the disclosed vide distributed slot rotors that rotate in a close proximity to
generator, a method is disclosed for reducing drag in an align and skew wire slots disposed around the circumference
electric generator that includes a unique geometric design of of a stator of a miniature power generator.
the stator and placement of a unique series of uni-polar [0052 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure pro
rotors in relation to the stator coils along with a system of vide equally spaced wire slots for 360° in the rotor cavities
magnetic shielding which results in minimal destructive with narrow openings into larger slots which contain wound
interaction of the rotor magnetic fields with the magnetic magnetic wire . This arrangement aids in the control of
fields of the stator when the generator is connected to an permeance harmonics.
electric load . The design includes distributing first members [0053 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure pro
of slot rotors along the outer periphery of a first stator vide a skew in the slot alignment equal to at least the width
section having induction windings accommodated in stator of the tooth between the slots sufficient to control permeance
slots. The slots of the first stator section are axially aligned harmonics in the air space between the magnetized rotors
along a lengthwise and depthwise axis. The first members of and the stator iron of the rotor cavity .
slot rotors contain permanent magnets that have a first [0054 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure dem
magnetic polarity on the 360 ° external face of the rotor and onstrate a means to complete an intensified magnetic circuit
the second magnetic polarity on the inner face adjacent to and place maximum flux into wire slots , the side iron , the
the rotor shaft . The slot rotors distributed along the outer stator tooth and back iron using uni-polar slot rotors.
periphery are distributed in alternating polarity from first [0055 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure dem
magnetic polarity to second magnetic polarity. The slot onstrate the use of uni-polar rotors , with one side of each coil
rotors may be rotated in such manner that the first pole excited by the first polarity and the second side of the coil
having a first magnetic polarity and the second pole having excited by the second polarity such that DC current is
a second magnetic polarity are located in geometrically generated.
adjacent corners of the stator, such that a first side of a stator [0056 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal
armature coil is excited by a firstmagnetic polarity , a second the mechanism and design of the stator such that energy
side of a stator armature coil is excited by a second magnetic input is released as usable electric power which would
polarity such that maximum moving flux density is provided otherwise be dissipated or consumed by electromagnetic
in the induction windings to induce a DC current to flow drag forces .
therein . The rotor magnetic fields are magnetically shielded [0057 ] Some embodiments of the currentdisclosure reveal
such that magnetic drag resulting from magnetic interaction the method by which the rotor magnetic forces are separated
between the rotors and stator is minimized . from the stator induction magnetic forces by specific geo
[0044 ] According to some embodiments , the present dis metric locations and shielding of the distributed slot rotors
closure presents a method and apparatus for reducing the as well as by the unique winding pattern of the stator which
electromagnetic drag in a miniature electric generator to effectively shields and cancels significantmagnetic poles in
improve efficiency and simultaneously allow a constant the stator.
power supply for miniature applications, such as cellular [0058 ] Some embodiments of the currentdisclosure reveal
phones, smart phones , computers, implantable medical the use of a very low electrical conductor wire to wind both
devices, and the like. the stator and the rotors with significant increases in power
[0045 ] In an embodiment of the current disclosure , dis output to an electrical load .
tributed slot rotors rotate in a close proximity to aligned wire [0059 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal
slots disposed around the circumference ofa miniature stator methods for the release of energy which would be consumed
of an electric power generator. or dissipated by electromagnetic drag forces, this method
[0046 ] According to an embodiment, means are revealed ology being specific geometric location and shielding of
to provide a uni-polar permanent magnetic rotor in order to distributed slot rotors in a high efficiency generator.
place maximum flux into the wire slots of the stator. [0060 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal
[0047 ] According to some embodiments of the current the use of superconductor material with very low resistance
disclosure , the structure of laminated steel and /or graphene to electron flow to wind the stator of the unit and thereby
or other suitable material is used in a stator such that a increase the power output by a significant amount.
uniform ferro magnetic environment is created surrounding [0061] Some embodiments of the current disclosure utilize
the uni-polar magnetic rotor. high conductivity or superconductive materials such as but
[0048 ] According to some embodiments of the current not limited to graphene or ceramic or other high temperature
disclosure, the high efficiency generator demonstrates the superconductors to aid in the function of the unit of a
release of energy which would otherwise be consumed by stand -alone power source for all applications.
electromagnetic drag forces by specific geometric location [0062] Some embodiments of the currentdisclosure reveal
and shielding of distributed slot rotors in the generator. the use of the high efficiency generator to power electronic
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

notebooks, laptop computers , desktop computers , e -readers, [0070 ] Reference will now be made in detail to the exem
electronic tablets , and the like. plary embodiments implemented according to the disclo
[0063] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal sure, the examples of which are illustrated in the accompa
the use of the high efficiency generator to power implantable nying drawings.
medical devices. [0071 ] FIG . 1 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary
cross -sectional view of an exemplary stator of the generator
[0064 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure reveal revealing a geometric arrangement of the rotor cavities ,
the use of the high efficiency generator to power any and all stator wire slots, and rotor mu metal shielding. Laminate 4
small power applications . contains rotor cavities # 1 , # 2 , # 3 , and # 4 . The rotor cavities
contain stator wire slots 5 and are surrounded mu metal
[0065 ] Some embodiments of the current disclosure use shielding 2. Each rotor cavity contains 18 wire slots ,but not
graphene and /or other substances or materials as supercon limited to 18 wire slots , 1-6 , 7-12 , and 13-18 for coil sets P1,
ductors, high -capacity capacitors , and super efficient ferro P2, P3, respectively . Rotor caps 1 are put in place after the
magnetic materials to enhance electromagnetic induction rotor cavity slots are wound. Laminate 4 also contains cavity
with small physical size and lighter weight generating 6 (1 ) designed to receive bearing mechanism 6 (2 ) of central
devices .
drive shaft 6 (3). Alignment holes 3 are also for compression
[0066 ] In accordance with various exemplary embodi after the laminates of the generator are stacked . Cavities 53
ments discussed and described and by way of brief sum are used as support bolt holes which are used as support of
mary, an exemplary high efficiency mini electric generator other portions of the generator, including its driving mecha
unit eliminates or greatly reduces electromagnetic drag or nism described below , and for additional compression of the
reverse torque so that upwards of 80 % of the driving energy laminates .
which conventionally is consumed and /or dissipated by [0072 ] The stator is of appropriate thickness and is con
magnetic drag is converted to electric power . In accordance structed of laminated electrical steel , laminated graphene, or
with the embodiment as will be described in greater detail in like material. The stator wire is, for example , copper, alu
connection with the illustrations below , the classic rotor or minum , graphene , or high temperature super conductor
armature and stator have been replaced by a laminated material such as ceramic . In a preferred embodiment the
electrical steel or laminated graphene stator. The stator stator section can have substantially a square shape, but not
section has, in one example, 18 wire slots that are magneti confined to a square shape, with the rotor cavities located in
cally coupled with individual slot rotors in adjacent corners the corners of the square, where the stator section is con
of the stator. In a preferred embodiment, the stator section centric about the longitudinal axis . The embodiment is
has, 18 wire slots that are geometrically spaced in the corner preferred , but not restrictive, in that in affords geometric
of a square or rectangle or the like and are magnetically isolation from the magneto -motive poles in the stator
coupled with individual slot rotors of adjacent slot rotors . thereby reducing the drag forces between the stator and the
[ 0067] The slot rotors can be constituted of, for example , magnetized rotors.
a permanent magnetic uni-pole for 360 ° of their outer [0073 ] FIG . 2 represents a diagram illustrating an exem
surfaces. The slot rotors are positioned in close proximity to plary cross - sectional view ofan exemplary drive end portion
the wire slots in order for each rotor to form a closed of the stator revealing the geometric arrangement of the
magnetic circuit with the stator slot tooth , side iron , and back rotor cavities , wire slots and stator induction windings in
iron in order to allow maximum moving magnetic flux place along with mu metal shielding, exemplary stator end
across the induction coils . Therefore , the shielding, geomet compression plate 7, and drive shaft 6 (3 ). Compression caps
ric isolation , and winding patterns allow only minimal to no 8 , in conjunction with compression plate 7, are used to
electromagnetic drag upon the slot rotors. compress and support generator's the stacked laminates .
[0074 ] The stator slot windings as shown in FIG . 2 are
[0068 ] To drive the shafts of the slot rotor mechanism , a wound such that electromagnetic drag forces are cancelled
central gear wheelmechanism may be employed at one end by coils that are in the same sector but with current running
of the individual slot rotor shafts over the inner or outer in the opposite direction . The first polarity of stator slots and
circumference of the stator. As the slot rotors are rotated on the second polarity may contain up to 48 slots , but not
both sides of the stator by the central gear mechanism , the restricted nor limited to 48 , without increasing the drag
step - up speed from the central gear to the rotor shaft has an forces or departing from the teachings of the invention . The
increased speed of 10 -fold or 1:10 gear speed ratio and slots are wired such that the 360 ° of slots are wound in a
power can be generated with greatly reduced drag as com counterclockwise direction and are lapped by 360 ° slots
pared with a single central rotating armature of a conven wound in a clockwise direction . Therefore , the induced
tional generator. north pole cancels the induced south pole , thereby electro
[ 0069 ] The shafts of the slot rotor mechanisms may be magnetically isolating the rotor magnetic field from the
driven by employing an electric high efficiency motor which induced potential stator magnetic field . The N’s and S’s in
is driven by multiple isolated magnetic poles in electromag FIG . 2 indicate the polarities of the stator winding patterns.
nets which are sequenced by a programmable logic center [0075 ] The stator slot windings as shown in FIG . 2 are
(PLC ) and relay mechanism such that magnetic drag or wound such that the electromagnetic drag forces are can
reverse torque on the driver mechanism does not exist. celled by two lapping coils which are wound with side # 1 of
Power generation in accordance with the reduced electro the stator coils in the wire slots in the same sector of the
magnetic drag provided by various embodiments discussed stator such that current flows in the same direction in the
and described herein can result in , for example , 4 to 5 - fold slots but exits the wire slots in such a fashion that side # 2 of
increase in electrical energy output with the samemechani the two lapping coils is wound in two different adjoining
cal or kinetic energy input. stator sectors . For example , side # 1 is wound in rotor cavity
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

# 2 and side # 2 of one of the overlapped coils is wound in by a direct currentmotor device system . The motor device
rotor cavity # 1 with the second side of the second lapping system includes thin non -ferro magnetic disc drive wheel
coil being wound in rotor cavity # 3 . Therefore , the winding 41, containing two staticmagnets 41M in the outer periphery
pattern forms two opposite magnetic poles which cancel 180 ° separated . The disc is mounted on central drive shaft
each other within the rotor cavity . In this example , in FIG . 6 (3 ) . The disc can be rotated at 3,000 rpm , but not limited
2 , there are coil sets P1,P2, P3 and each set contains six coils. to 3,000 rpm , by energized electromagnets 42-49 mounted
The six coils are connected in series and each coil set is upon the support structure, for example, laminate 40. There
connected in series, therefore when the four rotors are in are eight, but not limited to eight, electromagnets 42-49
operation the unit generates DC power. For example , coil spaced 45 ° apart in proximity to the edge of disc 41 with the
group 1 in and out leads 12/22 , 26/17, 31/15 , and 9/27 . Coil south poles S adjacent the periphery of disc 41. Static
group 2 in and out leads include 11/28 , 30/23 , 24/20 , and magnets 41M on the outer periphery of driver disc 41 are
18/10 . Then coil group 3 in and out leads include 20/25 , placed such that north pole faces the outer periphery and the
26/19 , 21/13 , and 14/29 . An exemplary generator with the rotating south pole S fields generated by electromagnets
above described configuration may operate with uni-pole 42-49 . The south pole S of each magnet 41M faces the inner
rotors in DC mode and may be connected in series and /or in periphery of disc 41. When two of the electromagnets 42-49
parallel. 180 ° apart are excited for 5 milliseconds in sequence , 360 °
[0076 ] FIG . 3 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary of rotation occurs in 20 milliseconds or 3,000 rpm .
cross -sectional view of an exemplary end portion of the [0081] The eight electromagnets 42-49 are excited by four
stator revealing the geometric arrangement of rotor cavities, relays 61-64 which are controlled by PLC 57 illustrated in
wire slots with stator induction windings in place along with FIG . 8. Each relay closes a DC circuit to two of the
mu metal shielding , stator end compression plate along with electromagnets distributed 180 ° apart adjacent the circum
exemplary magnetic rotors and rotor drive shafts . An exem ference of drive wheel 41 through leads 71-76 and 82-83 in
plary generator with the above described configuration may FIG . 8. The leads are shown in FIG . 6 as (1)( - )/( J)( + ),
operate with uni-pole rotors. Exemplary rotors 33 , 34 , 35 ( A ) (- ) (B )( + ), (O ) - )/ (P ) ( + ), (G ) (- )/ (H ) ( + ), (M ) (N ) (+ ),
and 36 are made of permanent magnets of neodymium or (E ) - (F ) (+ ), (K ) (- ) (L ) (+ ), ( C ) ( - )/ (D ) (+ ), respectively .
like material, for example, and are on rotor drive shafts The excitation can be for a duration of 2.5 milliseconds, but
6 (8 )-6 (11 ). In a preferred embodiment, the four rotors are not limited to 2.5 milliseconds, followed by a rotational
uni-polar for the entire 360 ° of each rotor with a first polarity excitation by the three remaining relays each being excited
on the outer surface and a second polarity on the inner for a duration of 2.5 milliseconds. This excitation in
surface for one rotor and a second polarity on the outer sequence allows the disc to spin at a speed of 10 millisec
surface and a first polarity on the inner surface of the onds per rotation or 6,000 rpm .
adjoining rotor, as illustrated . That is, rotor cavity # 1 con [0082 ] Drive wheel 41 in FIG . 6 is connected to drive
tains a north magnetic rotor 33, rotor cavity # 2 a south wheel 39 in FIG . 5 by central drive shaft 6 ( 3 ). Drive wheel
magnetic rotor 34 , rotor cavity # 3 contains a north magnetic 39 in FIG . 5 is connected by drive shaft 6 ( 3 ) to a thin cogged
rotor 35 , and rotor cavity # 4 contains a south magnetic rotor drive wheel 37. Cogged wheel 37 meshes with small cogged
36. Thus, slot rotors 33, 34 , 35 , 36 distributed along the outer wheels 38 on drive shafts 6 (8 )-6 ( 11 ) of each of four rotors
periphery alternate geometrically between a first magnetic 33-36 , shown in FIG . 5. The ratio of larger wheel 37 to
polarity to a second magnetic polarity as illustrated. smaller wheels 38 can be 1-10 ; therefore , when driver wheel
[0077] FIG . 4 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary 37 is operating at 6,000 rpm's , rotor cogged wheels 38
cross - sectional view of an exemplary driver end portion of operate at 60,000 rpm's .
the stator. FIG . 4 is identical to FIG . 3 butwith the addition [0083] FIG . 7 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary
of central drive cog wheel 37 on drive shaft 6 ( 3) and cross - sectional view of an exemplary non - drive end portion
meshing with shaft cog wheels 38 on all four rotors 33-36 . of the stator revealing non -drive end compression plate 50 .
[0078 ] FIG . 5 is identical to FIG . 4 with the addition an Plate 50 contains cavities 52 as well as support structure
exemplary mu metal laminate 39 on drive wheel 37. It (unnumbered ) for the four rotor drive shafts .
functions to separate magnetic fields of the drive motor [008 ] FIG . 8 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary
mechanism described with reference to FIG . 6 from the rotor schematic of the generator disclosed herein . When switch 78
33-36 magnetic poles. is closed , power flows from battery 54 through conduits 81
[ 0079 ] FIG . 6 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary and 77 into PLC 57. The PLC sends sequential signals, for
cross - sectional view of the end portion of the stator from the example , 5 millisecond signals, through conductors 67 , 68,
drive end perspective revealing exemplary magnetic rotor 69 and 70 to relays 64 , 63 , 62 and 61. Each relay sends an
shaft bearing shaft support structures with exemplary elec excitation current to pairs of electromagnetic poles (46 , 42 ;
tromagnetic drive poles and drive wheel attached to drive 49, 45 ; 48 , 44 ; and 47, 43 in FIG . 6 ) separated 180 ° from
shaft 6 (3 ). FIG . 6 is identical to FIG . 5 with the addition of each other and the excitation is in a rotating 5 millisecond
an exemplary steel/mumetal laminate 40 which functions as sequence . Relay 61 activates magnetic poles 47 and 43
a magnetic shield and support structure for motor mecha through conduits 82 , 83, relay 62 activates poles 48 and 44
nism electromagnets 42, 43, 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 and 49 and through conduits 75 , 76 , relay 63 activates poles 49 and 45
their coil leads . Laminate 40 also contains supporting struc through conduits 73, 74, and relay 64 activates poles 46 and
ture for the four rotor drive shafts 6 (8 )-6 ( 11 ), which sup 42 through conduits 71, 72. Drive wheel 41, shown in FIG .
porting structure is unnumbered in the drawing. 6 , can drive wheel 39 and , thus, drive wheel 37 , shown in
[0080 ) As noted above , slot rotors 33, 34 , 35 , 36 distrib FIG . 5 , at 3,000 rpm and the meshed rotor cog wheels 38
uted along the outer periphery alternate geometrically rotate consequently at 30,000 rpm , thereby generating DC
between first magnetic polarities to second magnetic polari power in generator 60, a preferred embodiment of which is
ties . The rotors are rotated by a drive wheel which is driven described above . Generator 60 is connected to battery 54 by
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

conduit 65 which includes voltage regulator 59 and conduit plurality of electromagnets are excitable by the relays which
66 and its unidirectional blocking diode 58. The battery are controlled by the programmable logic center (PLC ).
power drives the generator and powers a load 55 through 14. The power generator of claim 13 , wherein each relay
conductors 80 and 82. The unit can be turned off by the is operable to close a DC power circuit to two of the
on /off switch 78 or by an auto -charged shut -off 56, for electromagnets distributed 180 ° apart from each other next
example , by a MOSFET transistor which opens the circuit to the circumference of the magnetic disc .
when the battery is fully charged or needs additional charge . 15. The power generator of claim 14 , wherein the pro
When these operating conditions are met the unit can grammable logic center (PLC ) is configured such that one
operate at a power in to power out ratio of approximately relay is exited for a predetermined duration followed by a
1:20 . rotational excitation in the remaining relays, each being
1. A power generator, comprising : excited for the predetermined duration .
a stator having slots and stator coils ; 16. The power generator of claim 15 , wherein the exci
a series of slot rotors placed in relation to the stator coils tation in sequence allows the disc to spin at a speed of 10
such that minimal destructive interaction is caused milliseconds per rotation or 6,000 rpm .
between magnetic fields of each rotor and induced 17. The power generator of claim 8, wherein the drive
magnetic fields of the stator when the power generator wheel is connected to a central shaft which is also connected
is connected to an electric load . to a non -ferromagnetic cog wheel.
2. The power generator of claim 1 , wherein first members 18. The power generator of claim 17, wherein the cog
of the slot rotors are distributed along the outer periphery of wheel on the central shaft meshes with a smaller cog wheel
a first stator section having induction windings accommo on the shaft of each of the four rotors .
dated in the slots . 19. The power generator of claim 18 , wherein of the cog
3. The power generator of claim 2 , further comprising : the wheel is set to a predetermined ratio to the smaller cog
slots of the first stator section are axially aligned along a wheels .
lengthwise and depthwise axis. 20. The power generator of claim 1 , wherein the stator
4. The power generator of claim 2 , wherein the first coils include three coil sets .
members ofslot rotors contain permanent magnets thathave 21. The power generator of claim 20, wherein coils within
a first magnetic polarity on 360 ° of the external face of the each coil set are connected in series for generating DC
slot rotors, and a second polarity on 360 ° of the inner face power.
and adjacent to a shaft of the slot rotors. 22. The power generator of claim 15 , wherein the PLC is
5. The power generator of claim 2, wherein the slot rotors programmed to pulse a signal to a relay which in turn closes
are distributed along the outer periphery alternating in the DC circuit for the predetermined duration in series.
polarity from first magnetic polarity to second magnetic 23. The power generator of claim 22 , wherein the PLC is
polarity .
6. The power generator of claim 2 , wherein the slot rotors powered by a common battery which also powers an elec
are configured such that the first pole having a first magnetic trical load .
polarity and the second pole having a second magnetic 24. The power generator of claim 23 , further comprising
polarity are located in geometrically adjacent corners of the an on -off switch which breaks the circuit from the common
stator body battery to the PLC .
7. The power generator of claim 6 , wherein the first side 25. The power generator of claim 23 , further comprising
of a stator armature coil is excitable by a first magnetic a MOSFET transistor, which opens the circuit when the
polarity while a second side of the same stator armature coil common battery is fully charged and closes the circuit when
is excitable by a second magnetic polarity such that a the common battery needs additional charge.
moving flux density is provided in the induction windings to 26. The power generator of claim 23 , further comprising
induce a DC current to flow therein . a transistor voltage regulator that controls the voltage from
8. The power generator of claim 5 , further comprising a the power generator to the common battery.
drive wheel for rotation of the slot rotors . 27. The power generator of claim 1, wherein the stator is
9. The power generator of claim 8 , wherein the drive constructed of laminated electrical steel , or laminated gra
wheel comprises a non-ferromagnetic disc containing two phene, or a combination of laminated electrical steel and
static magnets on the outer periphery separated by 180 ° . laminated graphene.
10. The power generator of claim 9 , wherein the magnetic 28. The power generator of claim 1 , wherein the stator
disc is mounted on a central drive shaft by use of a bearing coils are made of copper, aluminum , graphene, and /or
mechanism . ceramic .
11. The power generator of claim 10, further comprising 29. The power generator of claim 1 ,wherein the stator has
a plurality of DC electromagnets spaced a predetermined a substantially square shape, with rotor cavities located in
number of degrees apart and in proximity to the edge of the the corners of the square , where the stator section is con
magnetic disc . centric about the longitudinal axis .
12. The power generator of claim 11 , wherein the DC 30. The power generator of claim 1, wherein the slots are
magnets are placed on the outer periphery of the magnetic wired such that 360 ° of slots are wound in a counter
disc such that north pole faces the outer periphery and south clockwise direction and are lapped by 360 ° of slots wound
pole the inner periphery for each static magnet separated by in a clockwise direction between the two adjacent rotor
180 ° on the face of the disc . cavities.
13. The power generator of claim 11, further comprising 31. The power generator of claim 30 , wherein the lapped
a programmable logic center (PLC ) and relays, wherein the winding is such that an induced north pole cancels an
US 2019/0393765 A1 Dec. 26 , 2019

induced south pole thereby electromagnetically isolating the

rotor standing magnetic pole from the induced potential
stator magnetic pole .

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