Learning Competency:: EN7LC-I-a-5.1
Learning Competency:: EN7LC-I-a-5.1
Learning Competency:: EN7LC-I-a-5.1
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify themselves in terms of their study habits;
b. explain why note-taking is an important study skill; and
c. show importance of listening skill in note-taking.
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Opening prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
Recite things that you promise to do to succeed in high school:
Things I will continue to do to succeed ……..
New things I will do to succeed……
C. Lesson Proper
Rate yourselves in terms of your use of the given study habits. Write Yes or No depending on whether it applies
to you or not. (See in page 3)
D. Discussion
1. What are your own strengths and work according to those strengths?
2. What is note taking?
3. What is an indispensable skill in note taking?
4. Tips in taking notes.
5. Listening words that are important, like names and details among others.
E. Application
Listen and take note of the importance information by answering the following questions. (see in page 4)
IV. Evaluation
The teacher will read some paragraphs about the Philippines. Listen carefully, fill in the blanks to complete the
sentences. (See in page 5)
V. Assignment
Unit I – Philippine Oral Lore
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. distinguish the sounds of the given words;
b. Perform proper pronunciation in terms of Voice, Voice Projection, Tone; and
c. alter formal and informal conversation in a proper situation or context.
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Opening prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
Follow your teacher as he/she pronounces the following words. (See in page 6)
C. Lesson Proper
Form a triad with your classmates and list the words that you find difficult to pronounce. Help each other find
the proper pronunciation of these words. Then, write a sentence using each of the words you have listed. Lastly,
try to put the sentences together in one meaningful paragraph.
D. Discussion
1. What is Oral Communication?
2. What are the definition of Voice, Voice Projection, and Tone?
3. Differentiate formal and informal conversation in oral communication.
4. What is the importance of pronouncing sounds correctly?
E. Application
Complete the expression of these informal/colloquial terms on the line. (See in page 4)
IV. Evaluation
Using straight English present a two-minute introduction of yourself, but you will be guided by the pieces of
information that are given. (See in page 9)
V. Assignment
Unit I – Philippine Oral Lore
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. distinguish the sounds of the given words;
b. Perform proper pronunciation in terms of Voice, Voice Projection, Tone; and
c. alter formal and informal conversation in a proper situation or context.
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Opening prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
Watch and reflect a story about the importance of reading.
C. Lesson Proper
What was your reaction in the story?
Did you encounter difficulties in reading long stories?
If so, how did you overcome them?
D. Discussion
1. What are the Reading Techniques?
2. Differentiate Scanning, Skimming and Close Reading.
E. Application
Read “Electing Class Officers”, and check the ideas that are found in the selection. (See in page 14)
IV. Evaluation
Match the activities in column I with the corresponding expressions in column II. Write the letter of your answer
in the blank before each number. (See in page 15)
V. Assignment
Unit I – Philippine Oral Lore
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define the different references;
b. modify the reference source that is use to find the information; and
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Opening prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
4 pics 1 word, identify the given word in the pictures presented. (Book, Magazine, Computer)
C. Lesson Proper
Get something in the classroom that you can also find inside the library. Each student will present it in
front of the class.
D. Discussion
What is a Library?
Different references in the Library.
What are the 3 types of card in the catalog?
How to get information from the following:
o general references in the library
o Using the internet and the online catalog
E. Application
Answer the following questions and give the reference source that you use to find the information. (See in page
IV. Evaluation
Arrange the following sets of words in correct alphabetical order. (See in page 24)
V. Assignment
Unit I – Philippine Oral Lore
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. distinguish the sounds of the given words;
b. Perform proper pronunciation in terms of Voice, Voice Projection, Tone; and
c. alter formal and informal conversation in a proper situation or context.
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
Opening prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
4 pics 1 word, identify the given word in the pictures presented. (Book, Magazine, Computer)
C. Lesson Proper
Get something in the classroom that you can also find inside the library. Each student will present it in
front of the class.
D. Discussion
What is a Library?
Different references in the Library.
What are the 3 types of card in the catalog?
How to get information from the following:
o general references in the library
o Using the internet and the online catalog
E. Application
Answer the following questions and give the reference source that you use to find the information. (See in page
IV. Evaluation
Arrange the following sets of words in correct alphabetical order. (See in page 24)
V. Assignment