Willing To Do Everything For Healing: I. The Agency That Is Willing
Willing To Do Everything For Healing: I. The Agency That Is Willing
Willing To Do Everything For Healing: I. The Agency That Is Willing
I am Rexenne Marie A. Mariano, a BS Social Work student from the University of the
Philippines Diliman. Along with Christine, we were placed in Philippine Children Medical
Center (PCMC), focused on catering children who are suffering from all sorts of illnesses, for
our fieldwork.
Prior to this experience, I have been really hesitant of going back to the hospital, because
I have a recent bad experience with hospitals. I do not want to even step on it because it brings
back a lot of memories.
However, I have always loved to challenge myself and I do not want to be a person who
sticks so much to her past. Also, I love kids and I wanted to change my perception about the
medical setting, although it wasn’t really my first choice. I was assigned to the agency and after a
month or so, I kind of accepted how system exists and it depends on us how we take it.
As expected, the journey was a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, there were triggering
moments and there were victorious moments. In this paper, I will try to put into words my entire
experience in our one month field work experience- failures, successes, feelings, and everything
else needed to be shared and knows- which certainly proved how a person who is wILLing will
do everything for their loved one to heal.
The vision of the Philippine Medical Center is to be the leader in pediatric medicine in the
Philippines in service, training, and research, and to be a self-reliant institution devoted to quality
pediatric healthcare.
Its mission is to deliver the most responsive service to patients. We train our people to foster
intellectual development and conduct collaborative research to achieve the best health outcomes,
Currently it is structurally re-organizing so the student cannot provide the other information
At first, the student did not know much what a medical social worker does. So, she had to
look up on references so that she would have basic knowledge on what she can do. She was also
scared of acquiring diseases within the premises so she was really hesitant of being placed in this
setting. However, as a social worker you have to be flexible and always challenge yourself.
According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook, the Philippines ranked 161
out of 224 in terms of average life expectancy. This 2016 data found that the average life
expectancy in the Philippines is 69.2 years. More specifically, life expectancy for males in the
Philippines is 65.7 years, while life expectancy for females in the Philippines is a bit higher at
72.9 years.
At first glance, the Philippines’ life expectancy when compared to the rest of the world seems
promising; however, there are a variety of fatal diseases and health complications that could
impact your health, and reduce your life expectancy. For this instance, the cases I’ve handled are
those in category with a chronic disease.
In the Philippines, chronic diseases accounted for 57% of all deaths in 2002 (see chart,
below). Total deaths in the Philippines, 2002 = 449,000. ▪ Total deaths related to chronic disease
in the Philippines, 2002 = 253,000 (The Impact of Chronic Disease in the Philippines)
At least 80% of premature heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and 40% of cancer could
be prevented through healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoidance of tobacco products
(The Impact of Chronic Disease in the Philippines). Although, it is really suprising because the
case the student handled involved kids, who does not have access to these said products. Most of
them also, have no family member who had these kind of vices.
What are roles of the medical social workers?
Chronic Care Model (Martin)
Self-management support
Empower and prepare patients to manage their health care. Patients are encouraged to set goals,
identify barriers and challenges, and monitor their own conditions. A variety of tools and
resources provide visual reminders. Emphasize to patients their role in managing their health.
Use effective self-management support strategies that include assessment, goal setting, action
planning, problem solving, and follow-up. Organize internal and community resources to provide
ongoing self-management support to patients (eg, patient interest groups).
Community involvement
Mobilize community resources to meet needs of patients: community resources, from school to
government, non-profit to self-help organizations. Bolster health systems’ efforts to keep
chronically ill patients supported, involved, and active.
Health systems
Create an organization that provides safe, high-quality care. A health system’s business plan
reflects its commitment to apply the chronic care model across the organization. Clinician
leaders are visible, dedicated members of the team. Visibly support improvement at all levels of
the organization, beginning with the senior leader. Encourage open and systematic handling of
errors and quality problems.
Delivery system design
Assure effective, efficient care and self-management support. Regular and proactive planned
visits that incorporate patient goals help individuals maintain optimal health and allow health
systems to better manage their resources. Visits often employ the skills of several team members.
Define roles and distribute tasks among team members of planned interactions to support
evidence-based care. Provide clinical case-management services for complex patients with
regular follow-up by the care team. Give care that patients understand and that agrees with their
cultural backgrounds.
Decision support
Promote care consistent with scientific data and patient preferences. Clinicians have convenient
access to latest evidence-based guidelines for care of chronic conditions. Continual educational
outreach reinforces utilization of standards. Embed evidence-based guidelines into daily clinical
practice. Share evidence-based guidelines and information with patients to encourage their
participation. Integrate consultant expertise and primary care.
Clinical information systems
Organize data to facilitate efficient and effective care. An inclusive list (registry) of patients with
a given chronic disease provides the information necessary to monitor patient health status and
reduce complications with timely reminders for providers and patients. Identify relevant
subpopulations for proactive care. Facilitate individual patient-care planning. Share information
with patients and providers to coordinate care. Monitor performance of practice team and care
Medical social workers are responsible for offering the support and resources that patients
need in order to fully recover from a medical illness or injury as well as the resulting emotional,
physical, or psychological concerns. They are concerned in the functioning not only by the
patients but the whole family as well. After performing a comprehensive assessment of a
patient’s support needs, they work with the patient’s family, support system, and other health
service providers to coordinate an individualized discharge plan for in-home medical equipment,
transportation, meal plans, counseling, or other follow-up treatments. Medical social workers
arrange all available resources to ensure patients recover and achieve optimal well-being (What
Do Medical Social Workers Do?).
Medical social workers complete psychological assessment, develop discharge plans, arrange
home care services, provide appropriate referrals, offering support groups, and advocating for
patients and their families. However, since medical social workers work with patients with
ranging medical situations from traumatic sexual assault that will be catered by in this case
Children Protection Unit (CPU) to terminal cancer diagnosis, their duties tend to change
according to each patient’s individual needs. In serious cases of child abuse or violence, medical
social workers may also be responsible for providing psycho-social support, grief counseling,
and assisting law enforcement in their investigations (What Do Medical Social Workers Do?).
A. Case Studies
In my one-month stay in the agency, I handled five cases and along with my partner,
Christine, facilitated a single session group work activity. Five of these cases has already their
own social workers, however, we have noticed that the social worker in charge do not really
follow-up that much in their clients, so technically we know more about the clients on a personal
The summary of the profiles of the five cases can be found in the table below.
Name Age Sex Disability Presenting
James 1 M Secondary Her mother is in
Biliary Cirrhosis need of medical
assistance for the
upcoming organ
transplant which
will probably
happen abroad
for it is cheaper.
Lara 14 F Intracranial Mass Her father
applied for
assistance so that
they can go to
and from
Pampanga to
Quezon City for
her weekly
check-up and is
observation if
she can treat her
illness through
medication not
Carl 5 months M CNS Infection His mother
applied for
because she is
jobless and
because her
partner is also
with her in the
city he could also
not work since
they live in the
Shana 3 F Intracranial Mass Her mother
applied for
because she has
no job and her
husband is only
on-call and is the
only one caring
for her child.
Sandra 1 F Celebral Palsy Her mother
applied for
assistance for her
medicines and
for the oxygen
tank and other
The student used the strengths based-perspective but in context with the systems theory
as it is important to assess all aspects of the clients to better anchor a fitting intervention plan. As
social worker, we have to maximize all our resources to be able to know where to link and in
what level we can enter.
They student also used the human rights based perspective to highlight the lack of support the
state has for its people. It is their responsibility to give its people quality health care however you
can already see the line between the privileged and the poor.
B. Group Work
Aside from doing case management, as mentioned earlier, we also facilitated a group work
activity called Stress Express which targeted the parents of patients. We had a total of seven
participants; two of which are male and five are female with ages ranging from 25 to 48 years
old. Our main target was eight participants but since there were last minute changes, like
unanticipated discharge of patients and caring from another parent's patient; we decided to push
through and continue even with seven participants who were present. We recruited our
participants by coordinating with the agency supervisor and then she directed us to Ma'am Diane,
another social worker from the agency who later referred us to these clients, she told us that these
participants are those who she saw as participative. Refer to the table below for the summary of
each participant's profile ad individual goal.
Lastly, she wanted the
complete recovery and
normal development of her
Jolo M 32 Jolo’s daughter has Intracranial Mass Since the operation of his
and have an upcoming operation. The daughter is up coming, he
family said that the chance of her wanted it to be successful. He
survival is thin but they would risk it hopes that his child will
for the complete recovery of the return to her normal state and
daughter. They have been preparing reach her dreams.
for the operation.
Ailyn F 35 Ailyn’s daughter suffers from She expressed that she really
hydrocephalus and she pities her child wanted them to go home now
because of all the procedures and and rest.
maintenance drugs, and the oxygen
tank she needs to take and use in order
for her to survive.
Marissa F 31 Marissa’s daughter has brain tumor She fears the operation that
and has undergone surgery yesterday. would soon happen but she
She wished that she will have a does not want to think about
successful operation and that there it that much.
will be no complications.
Mayriesh F 32 Mayriesh’s daughter suffers from viral She says that she will accept
encephalitis and got tested with the wholeheartedly whatever the
neuro and had negative findings they findings about her daughter
have to talk to the psychiatry to will reveal. She hopes that
confirm her daughter’s condition. her child recovers and goes
back to school.
Vivian F 40 Vivian’s son was diagnosed with viral She hopes that her son gets
encephalitis and has a lot of fears well soon and continues his
because it is their first getting studies.
admitted. She fears whenever her son
gets seizure.
The chosen participants have one thing in common: they all experience distress due to the
difficult circumstance of caring for their child and having no proper outlet to express their
feelings which affects their emotional and psychological aspect significantly. Their long stay or
frequent admission in the hospital sometimes let them feel helpless and thus negative feelings
enter the picture.
These thoughts and feelings have affected their lifestyle. These have caused them trouble
in sleeping, being awake all night and even losing their appetite. If these feelings are not attended
to, it might give rise to other more complex problems.
In spite of these challenges, they do find strength with their child, their peers with the
same circumstances and through spiritual belief. The students then established a goal for the
Group Work Session which is to help them ease some burden off their shoulders, and have a
proper outlet on their bottled thoughts and emotions. Ultimately, to find strengths and hope in
themselves and their peers that they will go through this hardship heart strong.
We applied the systems approach in the group work because we saw the
interconnectedness of the aspects of the individual and the family and his/her community which
will bring about of who he/she is at the moment. We also saw the need for the group work to be
participatory and apply the group therapy as well. It is for the sharing of knowledge and
experience, recognising and encompassing different perspectives, working in teams on practical
tasks, an open-ended creative learning process will help in the development of shared
understanding and jointly owned plans, the capacity for reflection and self-assessment will also
be improved. Then, there will be -universality,an understanding of a common circumstance. The
instillation of hope that they are not alone and there are their peers that could help them in this
We started the Group Work with the introduction of the facilitators and brief discussion
on what will happen during the course of the session. Then we incorporated a fruit salad tree
where they can see what was really happening so with the use of the tree we let them write of
their expectations of the facilitator and the program itself. Next, we played the game whose stufff
is this, where they would talk about who they think the owner of the stuff is and then try to guess
what his/her personality is like then the owner would confirm which statements were correct.
Then, we used arts and craft as a form of therapy where they would draw a river that represented
their life, they can draw rocks within it, choose what color of the water, how the current flows
and in the end of the river they would write their hopes and dreams and also they would form a
boat which represent themselves. Then, later on we would share of how they felt drawing,
sharing, and hearing stories from their peers. Lastly, we also asked them which of their
expectations were met and ask of suggestion how we could further improve our facilitation and
the program.
At the end of the group work, the group was able to build good relationship with each
other. Safe and supportive environments were created by the group. Individual participants were
able to share their thoughts and feelings regarding their situation. The group was able to provide
support for other families.
sailing. At the end of the day, you are just a facilitator and in the group work it is the group who
does all the sharing and processing. Throughout the process, she also found documenting crucial
as social workers should have evidences in their work to actually see progress. She also learned
how to assess and evaluate situations better due to constant updating of case studies. Lastly, she
saw how she can apply theories she learned at school in real life setting.
In the field practice you should already exhibit professionalism because then the client
will see you as someone credible and reliable if you show how you look at work, as simple as
following dress codes and rules and regulation of agency you can already how you comply with
it shows how professional you wanted to be. You also should follow with the protocol of
confidentiality as you are extracting something personal and private about the clients then you
should promise them that you are only using the information for a certain purpose. You should
also be aware of your own feelings so that your own self-efficacy helps you in performing your
roles. With this experience, the student really learned of how she should be goal-oriented and
that how she should flexible because there would always be unanticipated situations and as
everything she also needed much patience and determination to achieve her goals and objectives.
It is also important to be hard-working and always trace back why she is doing things on the first
You should see to it that you are goal-oriented as it is also important that you follow a
systematic process. First, prepare for the needs and concerns assessment of clients utilizing the
Group Work method. Then, plan sessions fitting the group structure and group process. You then
have to showcase interventions skills by actively listening and questioning. Then you will have
facilitated session to establish a supportive environment in which members of the group can
become medium of change. Also, produce a recording and documentation for evidence-based
Working with individuals and groups is really hard but if you enjoy talking with people you
will really have many insights in the end of the day. The case management was very extensive
and we went back and forth a couple of times just to get the necessary information needed which
was also good in establishing rapport. The roles of a social worker really makes you challenge
yourself and exhaust your resources just to offer the best help you can and for you to help them
achieve their maximum potential. Throughout the experience we learned how we can makisama,
because people here are from different walks of life and they have power against you. You
always have to dalaw everyday so they can be familiar and comfortable with you and
makipagpalagayan ng loob through pakikipagkwentuhan. You can also see that despite of their
situation, there will always be that tightly knit family unity.
We realized our immediate concerns needed to be addressed, which is the space so that
we can do our matters, the cases which we could manage from start to termination, and lastly
being able to be introduced to other professionals so that they wouldn’t be surprised seeing us
from time to time in the wards.
Facilitating factor is that we trust that the faculty does her best in guiding us so that we
would be able to finish our field instruction meaningfully. We also want to process the feelings
we have regarding the experience so that we would not feel burnt out. Hindering factor on the
other hand, is the fear of nothing changing despite our devised plan of action. Recognizing a
mistake is one but actually doing something is another.
Another hindering factor is those relatives who enter the picture even if they should not be
part of it which also delays the flow of the program. Also, another scenario was that a doctor
barged in the session and was talking with the parents of the patient but the program was already
delayed for 20 minutes so we politely asked the doctor if we could proceed with the program
even if she was talking, and answered us that she would continue the interview after our session
and she went out of the room looking disappointed. And a relative told us if what we were saying
is more important with that of the doctor’s. It made me disappointed that they were treating
social work as a profession which was inferior.
V. Recommendations
The student saw that the medical setting can really trigger a lot of emotions. Throughout her
stay, she felt stressed and unmotivated because of the space issue. As a student, it is important to
showcase your patience and hard-work and strive to submit quality outputs and not just comply
with requirements. Lastly, make sure to build rapport not only with the clients and patients but
also with the social work staff, as these may be the people you are going to work with in the
The student sees that it is not recommended to again place students in this agency
because first and foremost there is no space to cater students, and then they will have no space to
do their tasks and responsibilities. But if there is a need to really place students there, the first
thing to address is that they give students proper orientation and mentoring so that students will
really know what to do. Then they should be monitored well and be delegated of task so that
would feel productive every single day. Lastly, there should be a scheduled supervision session
between students and agency supervisor so that they would be able to voice out their concern.
It is recommended that there is a prior preparation and planning of students for Field
Instruction Program so that they would also be properly briefed on the field work requirements.
Also, it is better if there is a review first of the Generalist Social Work practice prior to
deployment. Lastly, it is crucial to ensure the students’ welfare upon deployment as even the
psychological exam can trigger the students’ feelings if not properly processed, in this setting
where there are deaths and sickness seen every day you cannot really expect what or when the
trigger will come.
VI. References
VII. Appendices
A. Semestral Plan
Goal: To know more about myself and see if what kind of setting I will be entering in the future
and apply and integrate the theories I have learned from school
Objective Activity Activity Target Output Time frame of
Description Implementation
1. Major 1.1 Trialogue The student and Attendance, June 9, 2018
takeaway the adviser journal entry
s from the would be able to
experienc establish the goal
e in the of the FI
medical program.
1. Major 1.2. Agency The agency will Journal entry June 11, 2018
takeaways from Orientation orient the student
the experience in of what she can
the medical do to feel like a
setting real social
1. Major 2.1 Desk reviews The student will Journal entry June 11, 2018
takeaways from about medical be enlightened of
the experience in social work what happens in
the medical materials reality within the
setting setting.
2. Put into 2.2 Integrate The student will Journal entry June 11-July 5,
practice things I with staff be able to 2018
have learned in establish rapport
school into real with her
life setting colleagues.
2. Put into 2.3 Start of case The student will Journal entry, June 11-July 5,
practice things I work manage cases on documentation 2018
have learned in her own from
school into real start to
life setting termination.
2. Put into 2.4 Scouting of The student will Profiling July 5- July 9,
practice things I participants for learn how to 2018
have learned in group work assess the
school into real concerns of the
life setting clients and put a
purposive group
2. Put into 2.5 Planning for The student will Group work July 5- July 9,
practice things I group work be able to plan a proposal 2018
have learned in group work
school into real fitting of her
life setting participants.
2. Put into 2.6 Group work The student will Group work July 10, 2018
practice things I implementation be able to session,
have learned in facilitate well her documentation,
school into real group work plan. draft
life setting
2. Put into 2.7 Processing of The student will Group work July 10, 2018
practice things I group work be able to close session, final
have learned in results the program with output
school into real no wounds left
life setting open.
B. Accomplishment Report
Week Activity Inclusive Dates Accomplishment Objective
Conducted served
1 Trialogue June 9, 2018 Journal entry 1
1 Agency June 11, 2018 Journal entry 1
1 Received 5 of June 11, 2018 Journal entry 2
my cases,
3 Consultation, July 6, 2018 Submission of 2
Mid sem cv, journal entry,
sharing final powerpoint
4 Making of draft July 8, 2018 Journal entry 2
of group work
4 Group work July 10, 2018 Final 2
session & presentation and
feedback from documentation
06/21/18 08:00 am 05:00 pm 9 hours Agency Follow-up
06.22.18 08:00 am 06:30 pm 10 hrs, 30 Agency Follow-up,
mins Supervision
06/23/18 07:30 am 08:10 pm 12 hours, 40 Agency Follow-up
06/24/18 07:30 am 09:10 pm 13 hours, 40 Agency Observation
06/25/18 08:10 am 08:10 pm 12 hours Agency Follow-up
06/26/18 08:07 am 08:15 pm 12 hours, 8 Agency Follow-up
06/27/18 08:00 am 08:10 pm 12 hours, 10 Agency Bed side
mins Intervew
06/28/18 08:00 am 05:00 pm 9 hours Agency Observation
06/29/18 07:55 am 08:35 pm 12 hours, 25 Agency Follow-up
07/02/18 07:30 am 08:30 pm 13 hours Agency Group work
07/03/18 07:30 am 06:30 pm 11 hours Agency Social Case
Study Report
07/04/18 07:37 am 05:30 pm 10 hours, 07 Agency Supervision
mins session
07/05/18 07:40 am 4:00 pm 8 hrs, 40 mins Agency Social Case
Study Report
07/05/18 04:00 pm 08:00 pm 4 hours Library Work
07/06/18 12:00 pm 08:00 pm 8 hours Library Work
07/07/18 1:00 pm 08:00 pm 7 hours Library Work
07/10/18 05:00 pm 09:00 pm 4 hours Library Work
07/11/18 03:30 pm 08:30 pm 5 hours Library Work
07/12/18 07:30 am 08:30 pm 13 hours Library Work
07/14/18 08:00 am 08:00 pm 12 hours Library Work
Subtotal: 56 hours
Total: 324 hours
D. Case Studies
The Case of James
I. Identifying Data:
have some few time in her hands where she can scroll down in her phone and talk to other
parents of the patients who are just new with their child’s illness and share some information and
experiences with them and advise them with what they can do, for dinner same as their lunch
rice and some soup as well. According to his mom, though the hospital serves them with some
meat she does not feed him some meat as it is tougher to chew and harder to digest. He also
cannot eat salty, oily, and sweet food. It is better for him to eat blended vegetables. As what he
eats will be what he excretes after.
B. Family Composition
Name Age Relation Education Occupation/Inc
Sarah Alde, 29 years old, is the mother of James and is the primary source of information
and a vital part of the client system. She is the one responsible of taking care of the patient while
the father is busy with earning money for their needs. She was born and reared in Bicol where
she also finished high school and took first year in Vocational. She pursued Peace Operation
course because she wanted to apply in the government when she graduates but was unable to
financial due to financial reasons. She used to study in the night and work in the morning. In
2008, she went here in Manila to look for better job opportunities for her and her family because
she knows that the salary she would earn in the province is much lower. A year after, she got
accepted in the job on the pharmacy and then worked there for 5 years until getting pregnant and
stopped working.
On the same year she met her partner, they lived in together and rented a house in DNR
and 7 months of her pregnancy, she went home to Bicol because her partner cannot take care of
her by the time she gives birth. Currently, they live in her sister’s house.
Fabio Yoball, Sarah’s partner is a tailor in a company in Sto. Domingo, he is stay-in and
works for 8 am in the morning until 8 in the evening. Sometimes, he even works during
Saturdays. His work has a little breaks in-between for an hour in the morning 10 am, lunch break
and 4pm in the afternoon. Since it is peak time during the “ber” months, when December comes
he works every day, even half day on a Sunday. He sews sando and earns P5600 a month. His
monthly income obviously cannot suffice for the needs of the family. His income is usually
allocated in buying milk and diaper supplies of their patient.
The same way normal couples do, Sarah and Fabio had their fair share of arguments but
nonetheless, she describes him to be a kind, hardworking, and does what she told him. She said
despite of being tired from word, he is still sweet to his child. When they argue, she said that he
does not mind the arguments at all, she just ignores it and let her head cool off and just
understand her partner as the fight would only prolong if she didn’t because her partner can get
immature at times. Minutes after, they would make up and just don’t mind the problem at all.
C. Environment
James’s environment is limited to their home and hospital. James, his mother, his tita,
cousins, lives in a house which has an elevated setting which requires going up and down. It is
located in what she calls as “squatter area”. In front of their house is just another house same as
theirs, few houses away, there is a sari-sari store, and also a nearby market. Upon entering their
home, one can see scattered items which they would soon arrange after to be able to lay their bed
in the sala and sleep there in the evening as there are no rooms available, just an open space.
They would sleep beside his cousins. They have a washing machine but they dry their clothes in
the room upstairs. Their house is made up of light materials.
They don’t receive any form of financial assistance from their baranggay and family
members because they already have their own families and since his grandparents do not have a
job anymore and also Sarah only gets funds from processing requirements to get a Guarantee
Letter from the Congress. The income of her partner then goes to the milk and diaper of James.
Fortunately, they gain strength from support groups who share information where they could
have a cheaper transplant operation and on how much it would cost them. She also has not
mentioned anything bad experience in relation to their neighborhood. They also seek help online
by promoting for a cause in Sarah’s facebook, like clothes and tumbler and sometimes get help
in selling these items from those concerned people.
has responsibility on making sure that their rights be fulfilled which includes healthcare, that
they survive and develop and healthily. Lastly, they should be given good quality health care.
Despite this, James’ illness only made their family stronger, Sarah is hopeful that their
child will get well. His parents does all that they can so that this will come true. They get
strength from James himself and believes that because he is doing the best that he can in fighting
his sickness then they have to support him all the way out and believe that he can make it. Now,
they are raising funds through online media, they are selling shirts and tumblers to finance the
operation that will be done if they can reach the target amount for transplant and other expenses
abroad which is P2M if it happens in India and P5.5M if in the Philippines. They are hopeful that
if James gets better, they would celebrate and thank God in helping them get through this
Looking at systems theory, James is sick and is in need of a transplant operation as soon
as possible, his situation would most probably worsen if this prolongs, coming from Sarah they
say that if patients with his sickness reach 2 years of age, it would lower his chance of survival,
because they cannot digest their food properly because their liver is damaged, and that there a lot
of medicines he needs to take, also the family fears that he would vomit and excrete blood. The
family is financially unstable and cannot provide the medical needs of James, there are is no
other source of income other than the father’s job, but the relationship of the family is good and
they get emotional strength from each other. The community is supportive and sometimes help
them online in advocating the cause, there are support groups that help them in selling and
promoting the shirt and tumblers sold online.
If their problem is not attended to immediately, then this would result to prolonged wait
of accumulating money on their own and could possibly worsen the situation of James. As this
kind of illness, worsen as they age, and the only possible reason now is just the transplant
operation. This would lead to a poorer health condition for James and possibly lowering his
chance of survival.
V. Recommendation
The above mentioned helping plan is recommended for the social worker to follow.
I. Identifying Data:
A. Client
Tanya is a 14 year old girl with a slender figure. She is currently in Grade 7. On June 8, 2018 she
was admitted in Philippine Children Medical Center and was diagnosed with Intracranial Mass.
She is the second born among three children. According to her father, she started to complain
about her deteriorating vision during the December break, come March her vision started to
worsen, not being able to see anymore. As of now, they have two options either to cure it using
medication or through operation. They are first trying out their option of medicating it for 2
months and see if it has a significant effect.
B. Family
Name Age Relation Education Occupation/Inco
Fabio and Rowena had 3 children, Aira is the second born and she is the only one with that
condition. Although, Fabio has mentioned that he also has eye problems, he has a blurry vision.
Fabio is the main provider in the family, he is a fisherman and earns P200 a day, however he has
to quit for a time because no one could look after Aira in the hospital.
Aira’s siblings are presently residing in Pampanga, in her maternal grandparent’s house where
they are currently studying college. According to his father, after getting in this situation, their
family’s bond only got stronger. Even their relatives and neighbors tried to pitch in money for
her medications.
Aside from financial problems, as of the moment they cannot cite another main problem which is
urgent as they are clouded with a lot of thoughts and couldn’t identify another.
C. Environment
Aira’s environment in is far from where services are offered, they are 3 hours away from the
center, you have to travel for at least 6 hours to get to the nearest hospital, and fortunately
enough there is a nearby school. There are also some neighbours who have vices, specifically
smoking tobacco. But nonetheless, the environment can described as clean and tidy and kind
III. Assessment
Lara needs to get help in getting enough money, which includes their fare going from
Pampanga and to Quezon City. This is because she needs to follow-up her check-up once a week
then if her condition improves it will be once a month. Since her parents are unemployed they do
not have a stable source of income they can use whenever there is an emergency and also to
purchase the medications needed and if ever an operation is necessary, and another medications
for recovery.
Her father possesses strengths like going out of his way just to care for Lara. He is forced to
give up his work for a while just to be able to come with Lara, and is the one responsible for
other options to seek for financial help and also is determined to give his children good quality of
life and hoping that all of them would finish their studies. He believes in the strength of his child
that she could make it and has strong hold with his faith in God that they will surpass this
2. Helping Plan
Goal: At the end of two months, Lara would enjoy a better quality of life through interventions
aimed at his father, Lando as the effects of these efforts are seen to have direct effects to her.
To widen his Social Worker, Lando, The father
knowledge Seminar on 1 day Doctor/s would know
on Lara’s Neuro illness more on how
current to handle
condition Lara’s
situation so
that they
could know
more of a
better quality
To extend his Groupwork 2 weeks Social worker, Lando, The father
support 3 sessions Support Group could express
group, which his sentiments
will in turn, and release
serve as her some of her
outlet of stress building
stress up.
I. Identifying Data:
Birthplace: Quezon
Age: 5 months
Religion: Catholic
A. Client
Axhel, who is diagnosed with CFC R/O CNS Infection, can just only drink milk and cannot do
things on his own. His favorite thing to do is to thumb suck. Her mother borrows a tub at the
nurse’s station so she can bathe him. He sometimes wakes up at 3 in the midnight and falls back
asleep at 5am. He was in seizure one time and was already turning black so they rushed him to
the nearest hospital.
B. Family Composition
Name Age Relation Education Occupation/Inco
Lee, the father, is a farmer, he usually goes to the farm at 8 am in the morning and goes
home at 4:30 in the afternoon. He is also here in PCMC and alternates in the duties of caring for
Axhel. He still cries whenever he sees Axhel taking a shot every seizure. He stays at the lobby to
Jenny, the mother, the vital source of information, feels sad and stressed as it is their first
time getting admitted. She admits that she does not have the appetite to eat because of the
negative things clouding her head. One time, she got sick with fever but she did her best to
recover fast ad care for Axhel.
C. Environment
The mother describes their house as made of wood and only has two rooms one for the
father’s parents and one for them.The family lives in Quezon and they are from the city, before
getting they still have to cross a body of water and then ride a jeepney. Therefore, there are really
no neighbors that they could rely on so they would only rely on each other.
Their parents and relatives help in shouldering financial expenses. After Axhel got sick,
she stated that all the family members are usually gloomy and sad and always want to talk with
Axhel. She hopes that Axhel is okay and tests turn out to be fine.
II. Assessment
Since the parents has no stable source of income they needed to apply for a medical
assistance because the father has no job because he came with them here in PCMC now only the
parents of the parent support them financially.
The family gets strength from each other. They believe that their child will get well soon
although they fear every time their son gets seizure. The thing that they do is to pray to God and
talk to other parents in the room and whenever Carl is asleep she browses her cellphone so that
she would not think about Axhel’s sickness much. When Axhel gets better, she says that they
will always visit the church and would even pray to Black Nazarette in Quiapo.
To extend his Groupwork 2 weeks Social worker, parents, The parents
support 3 sessions Support Group could express
group, which their
will in turn, sentiments
serve as her and release
outlet of some of her
stress stress building
V. Recommendation
The above mentioned helping plan is recommended for the social worker to follow.
I. Identifying Data:
Birthplace: Montalban
Age: 3
Religion: Catholic
A. Client
Janela, who just turned 3 this July, is diagnosed with brain tumor, will undergo an operation this
July 9. She just recently lost her vision, just 2 weeks after she went through her first operation
and also had some infections on May 23 to remove the mass which contained lots of water.
She loves to write, sing, and listen to music. She used to walk in the past, but now she can no
longer walk now but could sit on her own. There is no specific food which they should avoid, but
she loves to eat fish and rarely eats meat. She has an irregular sleeping and eating schedule and
wakes up at 3 or 4 am in the morning.
She showed symptoms of complains of her head aching, irritability, and her feet getting weak.
She gets five shots daily. She then used to take 4 antibiotics but now just two and intakes another
4 capsules. She also gets fever often.
B. Family Composition
Name Age Relation Education Occupation/Inco
Isabel, the mother of the patient, used to question God, “Bakit yung anak ko?” But, after seeing
other children with the same situation, she tells herself “Kaya ko, may ibang higit na problema”.
Presently, she has many things in mind but she knows she can depend on God. For her, it is hard
and painful. As a mother, she feels pain twice as much. She fears the operation that would soon
happen but she does not want to think about it that much. She usually reads the newspaper and
finishes Janela’s coloring book so that she can avoid overthinking. Because, she fears that she
would lose her child.
C. Environment
Isabel is the only one caring for her child because her husband is busy in his job and caring
for their children. Shana’s environment is only limited within the house and the hospital because
she easily gets infected she cannot also get out of the hospital and house that much. Because of
complications, Shana can no longer see.
III. Assessment
In spite, of their situation Isabel is accepting of their situation and because she sees how
strong her child is she strives to become strong for child because her child depends on her. She
has a lot of fears but because of the support of her peers in the ward she also gains some comfort.
She prays whenever she cannot sleep. Fortunately, some of her friends and relatives donate
some money to ease some burden off their shoulders. She wishes that they could already go
home so that she could also take care of her other children. When Janela gets better, they would
thank God and other people who helped her in making this possible.
I. Identifying Data:
Age: 1
Religion: Catholic
A. Client
Oceana, 1 year old, who is turning 2 this November, is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She cannot
even sit on the bed on her own, she cannot turn, no do things on her own yet. She cannot utter
and comprehend even simple words. She is usually asleep the whole day and only wakes up
midnight. She is completely dependent on her mother. She cannot eat solid food because of the
tube connected in her mouth. She only drinks milk. Her mother can only identify discomfort
whenever she cries. She is usually blank and just looks at her surroundings. According to the
mother, one of the possible reasons of her sickness is that she was delivered prematurely at 33
weeks, or simply put 7 months.
She usually wakes up at 11pm and then could finally fall asleep back at 7am. She showed signs
of being sick, when she was always irritable and always cries discomfort. She cannot get out of
the room, even the door because she could easily get infection and she is in active seizure and
cannot survive without the oxygen tank.
B. Family Composition
Name Age Relation Education Occupation/Inco
Leni Perez 35 Mother College Graduate Housewife
Lloyd Lo 10 Brother
Pat, works as a technician and stays in their home in Bicol. He works depends on his time,
whenever he finishes his works he can go home on whim. He cannot care for the patient as he
has work.
Leni Perez, who is a source of information and a vital part of the client system, she is
born in Mindanao and pursued a course in Education, which was a choice of her parent. 2001,
she then decided to get here in Manila because of her relatives’ influence; she believed that she
could have more opportunities here in the city. Sometimes, she would sell perfume if she gets the
chance to.
C. Environment
They are renting a two-story apartment which is made-up of light materials and whenever it
rains gets flooded. Because she is the only carer of her child she does not usually goes outside so
she don’t really know much about her neighbours.
She only gets meal allowances from her siblings. Her parent then cares for her first child,
supporting his education since she cannot care for him because she is in Manila.
III. Assessment
Presently, she is feeling sad and expressed that she really wanted them to go home now and
rest. She says she pities her child because of all the procedures she undergoes, the patient will
still undergo laboratory and esophageal tests, takes a lot of maintenance medicines, and cannot
survive without the oxygen tank. She can only rest when the sister of her hipag comes by, but
cannot stay for long as she has high blood pressure. She believes that prayer is the number 1
medicine. She does not mind all the financial expenses, because what important for her is child
and nothing else matters. She believes in her child that she will get well and is willing to do
everything for her to heal. When Sandra gets better, they will go to the mass together and bond,
they cannot go to other place because of Sandra’s situation but they could go visit the church and
offer words of thanks.
Goal: At the end of two months, Sandra would enjoy a better quality of life through
interventions aimed at his mother, Leni as the effects of these efforts are seen to have direct
effects to him.
V. Recommendation
The above mentioned helping plan is recommended for the social worker to follow.
We started by introducing ourselves and what was the goal of the day, then we let them
introduce themselves to their peers. Next we established our house rules. Then we began to ask
them of their expectation of us a program and we then posted it in the fruit salad tree. Next, we
began with our ice breaker which was the stuff is this which main goal was really to establish
rapport and comfort by trying to guess the owner of the certain stuff. The stuff holds a
sentimental value or a story which represents the owner. There they can deduce the personality
of the owner or the situation of the owner. Then the owner would affirm what remarks were true
and would share more about him/her.
Then we went quickly to our main activity which was the Ilog ng Buhay where they would draw
a river which represent their lives it may have a flowing current or a rough one, rocky one, what
color of the water of the river, and so on in the end of the river they would then write their
aspirations in life for the patient and for the family. Then they would fold a paper which
represents them and then we would ask them where they boat is at present and how they plan on
resolving and getting to the end of the river.
After that, we let them write their comments about us on what we needed to improve about
ourselves and if their expectation were met or not. Also, we the distributed their snacks and
ended up the program in a lighter note.
E. Journal
Journal No. 1
Date: June 11, 2018
9 hrs, 30 min
7:30 am-5:00 pm
The orientation was very informational we skimmed through the book “Integrated
Management Systems Manual” I was introduced to the 8 centers or specialty PCMC has and the
steps that must be undergone so that a patient can afford the medical assistance given by the
Medical Social Service department.
Reading the “Manual for Social Workers” I felt intimidated by it at first because matters
in the medical setting is life and death and it materializing before my eyes really woke me up that
this is the reality medical social workers face everyday. I learned how the system does not
entirely depend on just giving off financial means but also tries to look at other aspects that could
be worked out. During the orientation, I also found out the importance of intake, and being
entrusted with the task of intake made me really nervous at first, but eventually being familiar
with it I became more interested in hearing stories of these patients and assessing what services
they should be given by first classifying what category they belong in.
One of the minor hindering factor I can point out is that the lack of space, because there
are a lot of clients needed to be catered, the lack of space made the process of interviewing
harder. Since we can only entertain one person at a time, the queue of clients gets longer and
longer as minutes pass by.The facilitating factors on the other hand, that made the experience
interesting is that patients families’ are really participative, and being able to serve as an outlet
for them makes me appreciate more the role of Social Workers. The experience made me look
forward more of the actions I should take in the future. It made me feel a step closer to the
patient and made me want to follow them and be able to overlook the progress they go through
day by day.
During our first day, we were shocked and hesitant if we could do a good job because of
the fact that we already need to interview clients for intake, as usual interview process takes
some prepping time. We have to first establish rapport building as for my very first client
interview, I had to introduce myself first and the purpose of the interview. Being able to
establish, that this is for their case update, the client slowly easen up and gave me even a bit of
their trust. Also, coming to Social Service to ask for assistance is not an easy thing to do, as you
have to ask for help to a stranger, and needs a lot of courage, but thinking of their children they
can easily lower their pride and with no doubts goes to Social Service this makes us see how we
Filipinos value our family. We even witnessed a death of a patient and seeing the family
mourning together and supporting each other in such difficult time made me realize the
importance of support systems. One of the main ethical consideration that we should always put
in mind is the confidentiality aspect, because, our patients are composed of children, and these
children have rights that us social workers ought to protect. Disclosing such private information
puts all in grave harm and danger.
As per interview, it was evident that all of the clients are trying to meet the physiological
needs of the patients first. Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and
that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, and
this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level
up is what motivates us, and so on. Usually, the clients seek help to the Social Services for
financial assistance so that they can also provide for the food and of course the medicine of the
patient. Some basic needs like shelter is not tended as it is not that urgent, the companion of the
clients usually sleep in the lobby because they cannot afford to even rent a place near the
For me, the supervision was okay because the supervisor let us learn on our own and
made us observe so that we could keep up on the tasks at hand. We were accompanied to a tour
in the wards and later on made us explore by ourselves so that we could better familiarize with
the characteristics and elements of the wards.
Journal No. 2
Date: June 13, 2018
9 hours
08:00 am-05:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Intake/Interview
Because we are a bit familiar already with intake, we were smoother in asking questions.
We were accompanied by another social worker to the hema ward, where the interview would
take place. The environment we in were both a facilitating factor and hindering factor. Hindering
factor, because sharing private information about your family is difficult enough sharing to us
social workers how much more if those who are you in the ward can also hear it. Facilitating
factor, because the clients were also very participative and receptive of us students. They still
willingly and patiently reiterated the story of their life and fed us of the information we needed
for the intake. Also, you can visibly notice that the client was very frantic and stressed. Hearing
the situation of the patient, that he has an illness which is hard to cure might have been the
trigger of such distress. But, they can still breath little, because you can see that the procedures
the patient went through had visible effects and that later that day the patient was allowed to be
As a social worker, it is important that you empathize with the feelings of the client. With
this interview, I just listened to what the client has to say and made her feel that I understand
what she is saying and what she is feeling is valid. At the same time, surface her options and
educate her of what actions she could take next.The decision that the client is taking is very
crucial as the life of the patient depends on it.
From a clinical perspective, it is suggested that the psychosocial component in the gate
control theory contributes a great deal in treating patients with pain. Negative states of mind—
such as helplessness, hopelessness and anger—tend to amplify the intensity of the sensory input,
while strategies focusing on coping and stress reduction help to “close” the gate. Also, behaviors
found to facilitate keeping this gate “open” include poor eating habits, smoking, inadequate
sleep, and lack of exercise. By promoting positive health behaviors, proactive choices can be
factors in lessening the perception of pain.
With the continuous procedures the client’s son undergone, it was evident that the client
was put under a lot of stress, as they say only if the pain the child is experiencing can be
transferred to the mother then she would gladly accept it. But then this is their situation and as a
pillar of the family, she is expected to be strong as she is the family member the patient is relying
This day we were taught that the information that we got yesterday was not enough. The
checked part on the intake sheet was not the only thing to be filled up. Not knowing this fact, it
was a pity that I missed some information because most of the patient that I held were already
I know that there shouldn’t be a spoon-feeding session taking place but it would be better
if before throwing the student out in the field, the supervisor should see to it that the student
knows the basic things so that she would not be embarrassing and that she really knows what she
was doing. Only after another social worker checked up them, only then she knew that they were
missing some parts of the intake.
I recommend that the students ask questions more often and ask for help if they need to
do things they aren’t sure of. The students should have more initiative
Journal No. 3
Date: June 16, 2018
6 hours, 50 mins
12:50 pm- 8:00
Activity/ies Conducted: Intake/Interview
This client was first admitted to the ER, we thought we were supposed to enter the ER, I
was nervous for a moment because I fear that there would be deaths whenever we were inside of
the ER. But, then they were transferred to another room.
During the interview, the father was kind of disoriented because it took time for him to
process the basic questions asked but still was able to answer the necessary information asked
about their family. Facilitating factor is that the client was welcoming of the social workers and
willingly participated even though the client’s reaction time hindered it a bit. Another
contributing factor to this is that sometimes clients adjacent to the patient’s bed intercepts with
the on-going interview. They also say some remarks related to what the client is saying; thus,
making it harder to revert back to the original topic.
Application of what I have learned yesterday was one of my main goals so that my intake
interview would be more comprehensive. The past few days I have missed out on asking more
on the daily expenses of the family, but now I made sure to ask so. As day passes by, I think I
became more curious of what these sicknesses are; I tried to educate myself more by reading
online medical descriptions and possible causes of these. In this medical setting, it is important
that you are knowledgeable of these things so that you know what you can advise your clients
accordingly to their needs.
I always see to it that when I conduct interview I avoid discrimination against participants
on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors not related to scientific competence and
integrity. It is your responsibility as a social worker to make them feel like participating in this
interview will do them no harm. Also, in the process of the interview I try to seek to shed light
on the positive knowledge, skills, and attitude of the clients that would help them realize what
actions the can take so that they can solve their own problems. For me, it better serves the clients
when we discover and use strengths, assets, and resources, of their own rather than focusing on
problems. So, we ask the client on what are their plans on resolving their problem and help them
realize on what they can tap on.
Later that day the patient would be discharged and would come the next week for follow-
up check-ups. I also found out that the client was suffering from eye problems but because of
lack of monetary resources he also cannot afford to check-up his eyes. This is one of possible
history references of the illness of the patient. I recommend on how we can also be able to
extend help to the client.
Journal No. 4
Date: June 18, 2018
11 hours, 15 min
07:55 am- 07:10 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Intake/Interview
Today we were able to intake people who would be admitted for the first time. I was
nervous at first because this intake is really important as it will determine how much these clients
would pay throughout their stay in the PCMC. The facilitating factor is the need to fulfill the
requirements so that you can avail the Medical Social Service assistance. Also, the guarantee that
all that would be said would be confidential. Since, there is one person entry in the room.
Hindering factor would be the un-readiness of the client to share private information. Opening up
to a professional could still be hard task to do since not everyone is fond of disclosing their status
in life.
The more you practice, the more you can execute it efficiently. As the more we intake,
the more I can practice my interviewing skills. I became more wary of how we can stay on topic
and ask more follow-up questions. I also filled up the intake forms objectively.
Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual
differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients' socially responsible
self-determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients' capacity and opportunity to change
and to address their own needs. Social workers are cognizant of the inherent worth and dignity
of the clients. Sometimes, their social status take off their self-esteem and resorting to asking for
assistance is a big blow to them and as social workers we should be mindful of such feelings and
understand their behavior.
I felt that the supervisor trusted us more now as she also allowed us to do intake for the
new clients, as this would be one of their first documentation in PCMC and it bears a huge
responsibility I can say. This process also made us practice what social workers reality as they do
this process everyday. Its purpose is to make us become more familiar to the procedures social
workers do. Applying the Rational choice theory, where all action is fundamentally rational in
character, and people calculate the risks and benefits of any action before making decisions. We
first explain what will happen if they are classified as service patients and what they should do
next and let them decide for themselves if they approve of this and also social workers would tell
them what kind of assistance we can offer and we can tap in the future so that there would be
even a bit of burden taken off from the client’s shoulders.
I recommend that the supervisor let the students do this more as they really feel the
essence of becoming a social working by doing these. As they can see results and they can
monitor their clients more. Social workers continually strive to increase their professional
knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice. Social workers should aspire to contribute to
the knowledge base of the profession.
Journal No. 5
Date: June 19, 2018
9 hours
08:00 am- 05:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Follow-up Interview
We came back to the patients to update on their cases and on the feelings that they
presently have so that we can process them. Hindering factor is that we do not have space so that
we can privately talk about them and it is hard whenever they cry in front of you. You cannot
promise them things that you are unsure that you can grant them. Facilitating factor is the
motivation to uplift their circumstance and ask questions regarding their situation and cases.
With, talking with us they also find their outlet. I guess this is why talk therapies also work.
I think I am developing more in terms of assessing family and social factors impacting
patients, devising guide questions that would cater in expounding more to better present the
collected client and patient information. Also, a major takeaway I’ve learned from the client is
the emotional resilience they have. The sickness their patient have inspire them more to become
better people and that in the future if they get well they would even want to help other patients
with the same situation. Lastly, interacting efficiently with diverse clientele, even though there
are patients with almost same situation, there would always be a difference in intensity of drain
to the family and the coping mechanisms toward the circumstance plays a part.
With this, I put the value of service to heart. Social workers' primary goal is to help
people in need and to address social problems. Social workers elevate service to others above
self-interest. Social workers draw on their knowledge, values, and skills to help people in need
and to address social problems. Social workers are encouraged to volunteer some portion of their
professional skills with no expectation of significant financial return (pro bono service). I believe
we can help them more by teaching them the Problem Solving approach, which Rather than tell
clients what to do, social workers teach clients how to apply a problem solving method so they
can develop their own solutions. Also make them refer to Task-centered practice, a short-term
treatment where clients establish specific, measurable goals. Social workers and clients
collaborate together and create specific strategies and steps to begin reaching those goals.
There is little supervision in our part but I like that we have our autonomy over our
activities and flexibility on our time schedule. With this process, the clients will also be familiar
with us. I understand that with the intake process, we were a step closer in knowing each other
but seeing each other day by day can make us better monitor the situation of the patients.
Since this was not the first time conducting this, we are already known by these patients.
With this, I feel more that the job of a social worker is very important. Other than, the financial
expenses, there are other things we can focus on, like for example, the biopsychosocial being of
the patient.
Facilitating factor is the certain comfortability and familiarity I and the patient has
established and the trust that we can do something indirectly. Hindering factor, on the other hand
is the remaining clouded feeling of anxiety of what their patient will experience and the billings
they would have to settle.
The skill I have enriched is the emotional intelligence I have, as a social worker we have
to be aware of our own emotions and feelings. Self-awareness is important so you can be
prepared of the biases that you have and entering this case means separating yourself from the
political by recognizing that there can be a lot of perspectives in a certain issue at hand and you
cannot dismiss other opinions and emotions so learn how you can compromise.
There is no supervision in the follow-up process, because I feel like they have
expectations that we already know what to do since this was already our second week. Our
supervision comes with fact checking our social case study reports and commenting on how we
can improve them.
It is recommended that we manage our cases closely and to visit them as much as
possible so we cannot miss the important events that will happen in accordance to the relevance
of the case.
Journal No. 7
Date: June 22, 2018
10 hours, 30 mins
08:00 am-06:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Social Case Study
Supervision Session
Today, I started a social case study report which is comprehensive. Doing this
was really hard because I want to cover all the necessary information needed and for me to
surface their issues and concern I again visited some of the patients to follow-up their condition
and ask for their immediate concerns and know what I can do so that I can help them help
themselves resolve it. I have to fill up the identifying information, the family composition, and
the matters where an in-depth interview is needed to assess carefully like the presenting problem
and the underlying problem. Some background information which would then be gathered from
the daily interviews and then assessment of the patient, so that you could recommend a treatment
plan later on.
After finishing the draft social case study, we went on to the supervision session held on
the college. During the session, I remembered the regrets I used to have with our scenario. It’s
really hard to assert your rights, when there is power involved. But since these are my rights as a
student, I will try to confront them so that I could feel more at ease that I did something so that
there would be an improvement to our situation. Also, with the session we realized our
immediate concerns needed to be addressed, which is the space so that we can do our matters,
the cases which we could manage from start to termination, and lastly being able to be
introduced to other professionals so that they wouldn’t be surprised seeing us from time to time
in the wards.
Facilitating factor is that we trust that the faculty does her best in guiding us so that we
would be able to finish our field instruction meaningfully. We also want to process the feelings
we have regarding the experience so that we would not feel burnt out. Hindering factor on the
other hand, is the fear of nothing changing despite our devised plan of action. Recognizing a
mistake is one but actually doing something is another.
I could relate this to the Social Learning Theory, but rather than I learning from my
parents I learn through observation that sharing your feelings in a way has a positive effect.
Because, if you have an outlet you kind of release some stress. I realized that there is nothing
wrong opening a part of yourself with your faculty, or even strangers. We, Social workers
recognize the primary importance of human relationships. We understand that relationships
between people are important vehicles for change, advocacy and equity. Social workers engage
clients, other professionals and community program staff as partners in the healing and helping
The skills I have improved on is the skill of communicating well. Being able to express
my sentiments. I felt like because people have shared their life to me, sharing some emotions
isn’t that bad. All emotions are valid even those of disappointment. With communication, you
feel that your humanity is still intact.
The faculty supervision went well, we had a clearer view on the direction we could take
and possible schedules so that we could already plan on what to do. The supervision also made
me realize that the clock is ticking and we should already have done something now. It made me
question things that I should start doing now.
I recommend that placement should be based on what the student is interested with, and
not imposed to what is just available. It is hard to work within the setting that you are not
comfortable with, because you should also consider the state where the student is in and the
experience and insight she has with it. Also, note the difference it would bring if the student gets
to explore her passion.
Journal No. 8
12 hours, 40 mins
07:30 am-08:10 pm
So, after we learned that we are going to give-up our former case for fresher ones, we felt
a bit empty but before we can do that, we still have to follow-up on the cases so that we can
terminate the relationship properly. I went to check my patient Jimenez and asked how is the
condition of the patient and what was needed to be done. They were asking me for the
requirements for the radiotherapy assistance. Because, I have no clue about that I went back to
our department to check on the social worker on what should be done. Miss Carmen enumerated
what to be done, the first step of getting a referral was already done so we have to proceed to the
next step which is accomplishing the requirements: valid id, clinical abstract from the doctor, and
the quotation from where the procedure will be undergone. I then went back to the patient’s
mother to inform her about this. Knowing this, she thanked me for the essential information
needed for her to process her papers.
Knowing that no social worker has managed this case comprehensively. This has driven
me more to check on them from time to time. Because, as a social worker you should be able to
extend help and exhaust resources for you to help them. But, knowing the reality that this could
not happen in reality made me question on how a social worker really works. Aside from this, we
asked a question regarding the Childhaus, and learning that it was only good in writing made me
wonder, why they were still partners with Childhaus and continuing to send patients there
knowing that it may not be good in reality. Also, the facilities needed by the patients, the parents
themselves would find sponsors of. Many parents are solo, and to be able to process these, they
would need someone to be responsible for the papers and for the funds from other foundation. If
she is alone in doing this, how can she manage given the limited time of the day she has?
I also conducted another intake interview, having been able to do something for the day
already makes me joyful. Sometimes, social workers here does not sound that encouraging while
interviewing and displays some tone of power, which makes me want to be able to do the job, so
that at least the client would feel more at ease because I would see to it that I am mindful of the
verbal and non-verbal cues. But today, the social worker in charge for me is the most
approachable one, so working that day was better. She was conversing with us and all so it made
the day more insightful.
Facilitating factor was the relationship established by knowing the stories of the patient
and role the social worker should play which I want to follow effectively in a manner which is
not degrading. So, they would have a high morale. Facilitating factor is also knowing necessary
information about their procedures. The hindering factor is the failure in the performance of the
role that a social worker should play and for that it is harder for the client to share information
about them.
Applying systems theory, the family system, in this case Jimenez is focusing on the needs
of the patient, the medicines, treatments, and care, which then would reward them if the situation
of the patient improves, and they expect that the cancer cells would not go back, the
perseverance and love that the family has for their patient is selfless. individual needs, rewards,
expectations, and attributes of the people living in the system.
It is recommended for the social workers to re-visit the values and skills taught to fresh
social workers because the system makes us lose our principles along the way to adapt to the
societal standards. But, as social workers we should know what and when to stand up, as we
should be an advocate for change and be models for that.
Journal No. 9
13 hours, 40 mins
07:30 am-09:10 pm
We just stayed in the room to observe. This weekend time passed by slowly. Even though
it’s a weekend there were still many clients processing their papers and admitting patients. So
far, it was a normal day. Three points has struck to me, first one is the patient who passed away.
The patient came here to the city to celebrate his aunt’s birthday. They thought that what he is
experiencing is UTI, but when diagnosed here in PCMC, he is already suffering from severe
dengue on the day of the aunt’s birthday, which was yesterday. Now I heard the news, that the
patient already died because of the complication, like sepsis which is the infection of the blood.
Another is that, I heard that many of the dengvaxia patients developed their acute leukemia after
they got a shot. With these kind of problems, who is to be blame? Why did they experiment on
these children like they are some sort of lab rat? Who should be held responsible if they die? Can
they bring back the old healthy child? Last point is that, they talked about a father who is
misusing drugs, sells his wife and children for sex and even abuses them physically and even
shelter them in what they call a pig pen. On their way, they encountered an old lady whom they
asked for directions, then they asked another stranger for direction and they were told that they
were going the opposite way. On their way back, they saw the old lady was carrying a bag, and
that she was the mother of the perpetrator. It suddenly made sense. They concluded that the man
should be sentenced death penalty.
Facilitating factor is that they were all social workers and colleagues here and they get
the context of what is said and those they were talking about were patients of PCMC. They also
share their opinions regarding the topic to hear insights. Hindering factor is knowing that there
are students that could have a bad impression about them and might tell about things they told.
actions. It also takes away his inherent worth and dignity. We should hate the deed, not the
Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person.Social workers treat
each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and
ethnic diversity. Social workers sees what the reason is behind their behavior. Social workers
display a non-judgmental attitude. Social workers promote clients' socially responsible self-
determination. They do not impose what decisions to make rather help them come up with it.
Social workers seek to enhance clients' capacity and opportunity to change and to address their
own needs. They seek to resolve conflicts between clients' interests and the broader society's
interests in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and
ethical standards of the profession.
Today, I revisited the advocacy skills I should always keep in mind, social workers
should persevere to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources and opportunities
that allow them to meet their basic needs. We have to exhaust our resources to effect a positive
change to the lives of the clients.
I recommend that the social workers be more sensitive about their remarks. What will
people who are repentant of their actions feel when they hear about this? How will the future
social workers perspective be when they learn about this? I recommend that the social workers
treat them still with respect because we should advocate for equity and equality.
Journal No. 10
12 hiurs
08:10 am-08:10 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Intake
Follow-up Interview
We started the day by expressing our concerns to Ma’am Emilie regarding handling the
cases on our own. She addressed that by offering resolutions, one of which is asking us who we
wanted to retain as our cases and another is changing those who had just a short-term stay here in
PCMC. She called Ma’am Grace so that she could give us newly admitted patients. We were
supposed to interview the patients from the Emergency room guided by Ma’am Grace, but then
she claimed that the ER was toxic as of the moment so she suggested that we conduct it inside
the Medical Social Service room. The intake was undergone inside the room, it was like my
other interviews, however I was not that comfortable because some of the colleagues were
listening and kind of supervising. But, then I have asked the necessary questions to fill the sheet.
I spent the next few hours, following-up on the case of Jimenez, the past days they were
very optimistic about the soon-to-be radiotherapy sessions. But, as I followed-up on it I’ve
learned that they will be back to zero, as it was needed to go through another operation because
the cancer cells were very aggressive and that the radiotherapy would have little or no effect.
They have many worries regarding the operation as they have not been in a family conference to
discuss on the date of the operation. They are very hesitant as given the situation of James, who
is very weak, they are not that confident with the operation. But, they have no choice as it was
doctor’s orders and they will believe in their child that he would struggle to make it out of his
sickness. Also, they told me that they are relying on herbal medicine as well as they heard a
fellow cancer patient is now healthy after believing in its effects and actually depending on it as
well. So, now they are applying this in the patient’s scars and stitches in the head and if he
excretes black feces then that is the sign that it is indeed effective.
Facilitating factors is that being able to surface their current feelings and emotions to a
person that could offer some sort of help. Also, they know that we were there so that we can
update on their case and this is something confidential and we are doing this so that we would
know what we could focus on the help that we could provide. Hindering factor, is still the
distance that people have towards someone who is not a part of their family. Struggling
sometimes financially and emotionally is something shared only among family members.
The feminist perspective makes me realize how selfless a mother is and the importance of
her role in making sure that her patient and other children needs are met. It also takes a lot of
sacrifice when fulfilling her daily tasks both the reproductive and productive. Nowadays, women
are not dependent of man economically, there are lot of single parents working their ass off just
to provide their children their basic needs. Mothers can be independent and still manage to
suffice her children needs. Women know their rights and fight back when it is needed.
As more of this happens, I realized that my note taking skills has improved immensely. I
also know how to ask questions more freely so that the interview low would be better. I also
have prepared follow-up questions in advance so that there would be no dead air and also know
when to cut the conversation, when it is already dragging and if we are already going out of
The supervision went well as we have said our immediate concerns and that they
also tried on doing what they can so as to plan out solutions to the problems. Also, there is a
hope in resolving these as soon as possible. So, I believe that we were successful in letting out
our opinion towards our situation.
I recommend that students assert their rights but still in the manner which has that level
of respect. We are still on the process of practicing, and even these slight mishaps are part of the
learning process.
Journal No. 11
12 hours, 8 mins
08:07 am-08:15 pm
Follow-up interview
The new case that was given to me was Catungal’s case whose child has a diagnosis of
intracranial mass and who we asked to validate their PhilHealth so that they could have a
discount in their hospital bill. So, I decided that today I would follow-up on their case. So, as I
have been devising my questions a few minutes later, the patient’s mother reported that her child
already passed away. I was really shocked because I felt that for a moment I was hopeful that the
child would be still alive and would offer some words of comfort to the parents. Then, it came
sudden to me, do I have the right to do that knowing that I am not yet a social worker myself?
But, what I did was just to smile and offer some condolences.
Later on that day, Maam Marissa and Maam V gave us new cases to handle, which is
Macapas and Yoball who were most likely to stay longer in the ward. Before I could intake them
I also went to follow-up to Jimenez as we would pass their ward along the way. So she updated
me that because both chemo and radiotherapy has no assurance of being totally cancer-free.
Their choice is radiotherapy because in chemo there is a chance that James would be comatose
for a week or more and they would not want to see that. Also, they couldn’t do anything yet
because the doctor has that plake needed so that the hospital could give them a quotation. Also,
they said that they would go to UST for the radiotherapy as what the doctors recommended and
they were hopeful that the herbal medicine would help them as well.
Then I went to Yoball and Macapas to get to know them and then asked a few questions
and told them that I’d be back for a couple of days to check-up on them. It was again a feeling of
fear because there was an emergency on-going on the room where Macapas is in so we were
hopeful that the patient be well. So, I just said hi that day and told her that I would be back so not
to disturb any procedure happening in the room.
In these situation, it is hard to see where could families get strength and knowing
that they seek strength from their patients themselves make me see how much parents would
sacrifice for the sake of their children. Also, most of them cited God to be their source of
It is importance to practice self-awareness because then you can be sensitive with your
remarks, as an agnostic, it was hard for me to believe in the presence of God, but meeting these
people who still believes in God despite of their situation made me rethink of my own beliefs.
But, I know I should separate my professional self and made sure to get some insights.
The supervision came from those social workers who gave us cases and made sure that it
was long term so that we could get some more information.
I recommend that students follow-up their patient everyday so to update the progress
Journal No. 12
12 hours, 10 mins
08:00 am-08:10 pm
Today we learned, that the one being ongoing an emergency procedure on room 123,
already passed away. It makes me realize the reality that these parents face that in such
circumstance, your child has no guarantee and assurance of survival. You have to just believe on
your child that he/she can make it. I really cannot imagine how much pain they are in most
especially that their child is too young.
Then, followed this I learned that today will be the discharge of Jimenez finally a good
news. But, I know that still there will be upcoming procedures to be done but I am hopeful that
they will make it with supportive parents and relatives it should be a must that the patient would
get well. I just hope the patient’s body wouldn’t fail him.
Towards the night, we conducted a bed-side interview in the ER, I realized that having
conversation in the ER, is a little bit more scary because there will be an ongoing procedure there
that you can witness and if you are not mentally prepared might trigger some of your emotions.
Facilitating factor is the need to share some information as a requirement. Hindering
factor is our lack of position in management of the case.
Applying the Task-Centered model which focuses on breaking down the problem into
small tasks that the client can accomplish. The social worker used requirements and contracts, in
order to help the client feel successful and motivated towards solving the problem. They have to
accomplish these so that they could earn financial help and so not to burden themselves
Social workers’ work can be emotionally challenging. When we are dedicated, it can take
a lot out of us. It is essential to our health and the efficacy of our practice that we take care of
ourselves, emotionally and psychologically. So, we ate some comfort food after our work.
There was no supervision done, only the task was given and we agreed because we
wanted to try conducting a bedside interview by ourselves.
I recommend that future supervisors let the students experience more things for them tp
experience, not just the usual stuff so that they could learn and apply it in the future.
Journal No. 13
9 hours
08:00 am-05:00 pm
It was hard for us because we still do not have a space so we do not have much to do. So,
we just observed around our seat. They bought new plastic chairs but they weren’t for us really,
it was for the clients. However, they only cater them one by one so I did not really see the need
to buy a new one. Facilitating factor is that clients needs to share the necessary information
needed to be filled in the intake sheet while the hindering factor is that too many people are there
and the shame of disclosing private information.
Also, I realized that there was a division amongst the workers. The social workers from
the other room seem to have issue on the other one and vice versa. Knowing that this sort of wall
exist makes me question were they commenting about us while we were away?
Applying the conflict theory, it seems that since Ma'am Ems has the superiority, then she
has more power than other social workers. It is important that you are on her good side because
she has the power to approve your absence. There was an instance when Ma’am Carmen asked
for an undertime because she needed to attend a close friend’s burial and Maam Em’s did not
allow her while the clerk asked for undertime because she needed to accompany her cousin to the
airport. As an outsider, the level of importance of the excuse I guess Ma’am Carmen’s was more
valid. However, she claims that Ma’am Ems do not favor her. So, I guess this is why that
As social workers, we need to develop our communication skills more specifically our
confrontational skills. If we cannot work these out in our daily life then how more in our career?
We have to resolve the issue by saying out loud what our concerns our so the problem does not
worsen. If there is a discrepancy between clients desired goal and current behavior then we have
to call it out. We have to tell them the truth so that they can change and we could cater their best
There is no supervision and it’s sad because it seems like they were ignoring us so we
were forced to go out the office and look for space ourselves. We have to yet ask for a session
which needs to be consulted in the higher-up first it makes you realize the lack of power within
us, students.
I recommend that workers learn to confront issues themselves. We voiced out our need of
managing cases on our own and our own spaces. However, not all issues are addressed properly
and promptly.
Journal No. 14
Date: June 29, 2018
12 hours, 25 mins
07:55 am-08:35 pm
Today, I went back to Yoball and Macapas, so that I could follow-up on their cases and
know more about it. It made me realize how a general symptom like cough and fever could give
birth to a serious illness. Also, I liked how Ailen seemed to be empowered and how she
answered the questions with so much knowledge on her side. Facilitating factor is the
willingness to share information to people so that they would be able to help them later on.
Hindering factor on the other hand, is the trust you have to still build up so that they would be
more comfortable in confiding.
Ailen knows her rights, she knows that the government lacks in supporting these families,
who suffer from biopsychosocial exhaustion, she knows that fundings are messed up and that
they are not the priority. She also claimed that organizations like PCSO cannot shoulder the
procedures to be conducted abroad. Since liver transplant is much cheaper in India which will
only cost them P1.6M rather than here in the Philippines which cost P5M it’s so unfortunate.
For me, it is really easy to empathize with these parents though I have not yet
experienced being a parent I can really feel their struggle and knowing that I have no power yet
to effect a significant change I feel hopeless. But, as a future social worker, I will see to it that I
can be an advocate for change and help in surfacing their issue which seems to be taken for
granted. Their issues are valid and the government should be sensible enough in catering its
There was no supervision given much but we still did our task by ourselves and made do
with our time.
I recommend to follow-up more on Ailen’s case and gather more information because the
things she said were very interesting.
Journal No. 15
13 hours
07:30 am-08:30 pm
Since, we already got hold of how much time we have left we kind of panic because we
do not have much time on our hands and we need to pace ourselves so that we can be able to
finish on time. We decided to start planning our group work. The first thing that we did is to
browse on what activities we can make use in our group work, then out of the bunch that came
out we look for the activities that we can modify so that we could insert oue purpose. We kind of
agreed that our working purpose is more on the psychological health of the parents and how we
could help in teaching them how they could manage their stress. As having to care for your child
24/7 is no easy task and would exhaust them not only physically and financially but even
We approached our adviser about this and we discussed who the target clients would be
more cooperative and available for the group work, she then referred as to Maam Diane who
then referred her patients in room 114 & 115. Then we went to these rooms so that they could be
more familiar with us and so that we can announce and introduce ourselves and the purpose of
the said activity. Facilitating factor is that the parents were very cooperative and open ears in
hearing us and they showed some interest which made us sigh in relief. Hindering factor on the
other hand, is the fact that since we are not sure of the operation date of the patients in the ward
and when they can be discharged, we fear that there will be no permanence in the progress of our
group work.
We know of the importance of the biopsychosocial, but in these setting where your child
is your priority, you often take for granted yourself that is why we thought of what we could do
to get some burdens off the shoulder of these parents that is why we kind of made stress
management as our working purpose. We thought of how these parents would be able to express
their real emotions so that we could know what and how we could address these issues.
I have to develop my communication skills as it is important to be clear in saying what is
within the realm of possibility and what is not. Also, to establish that you are building a
relationship during contracting and goal setting.
The supervision came more on the part of Miss Dianne, who gave us the patients and
made sure that she gave us ones who are cooperative and asked us what are plans are and
commented ones on which she thought was a good idea.
I recommend that students always monitor their times so that they would not feel anxious
later on.
Journal No. 16
11 hours
07:30 am-06:30 pm
Making the social case study report is really hard because you really need to be in-depth
and concise in putting into words the data you have gathered. You have to see to it that it was
smartly put. Also, it was harder because of the fact that still we do not have our own space to be
able to finish writing this. I know that they are already making some adjustments but still it is
hard because we do not have our own computer, it is okay if we bring our own laptops however
we do not have our own desk to put it. We already felt out of place and having this piece of
gadget hanging makes the scenario a lot worse. The facilitating factor on the other hand, is that
making the social case study report is a double edged sword as it could also be a hindering
factor, which is following-up on the patient’s parent, because it is facilitating if they are still
there and you can still ask questions you have missed and hindering if they were already
discharged and you have to make use of the data you have gathered and expound that using your
own skills. It is also hard to visit the wards almost every day because we have not been formally
introduced to the professionals and it is a bummer when they give you a look and you repeatedly
introduce yourself and your purpose, because in a way, it makes you feel that you are still a
student and you do not have a ticket to be there.
The follow-up interview really made me look into the systems theory, because you have
to re-visit the individual then their families and even look deep into their environment, and
expand even to what the government actions upon such kind of situations. As a social worker,
you have to promise them the confidentiality that these information exchange is only between
you and the client, because these information are very private and that they have ample trust to
you that is why they could confide and if they learned that you broke this, then they have the
power to no longer cooperate with the activities you have.
I developed more my note-taking skills because it is important that I could jot down the
important things the client told me as it would later on be put on paper and I should be able to
capture all the necessary information needed to make the case study more comprehensive. It is
also important that while you take notes you are still actively listening to the client and makes
eye contact because then it would feel like you are only conversing and easing up some of her
bottled-up emotions. As a social worker, you have the task to get to know more the client so that
you could really come up with the recommendation that they are suitable of.
There is no longer a supervision and we do our own task. It is sad though that we feel
like we are being ignored and left out, maybe because the supervisor is too busy.
I recommend that students get even just a little space so that they can work on their own
and finish the requirements that they have. Also, so that they wouldn’t feel as left out.
Journal No. 17
Date: July 4, 2018
13 hours, 07 mins
07:37am-08:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Supervision Session
I believe that having the supervision session is all about being on track with the work we
are doing. We have been doing our social case study reports for the past few days. Choosing
what interesting case to report on was really hard because for me all of the cases have something
important to be talked about. But because we have to choose one then I have to follow. I was
viewing all my notes and polishing my report, deciding what more to add or needed to be
expounded on and followed-up upon. Facilitating factor is that I want to be able to give justice in
delivering the case of my patient so that we could refer them to the higher-ups and the hindering
factor is the limited time I have to follow-up more on the things I want to expound about, I
decided to change who I would report on the last minute because I feel like we could learn more
from the case I have chosen. The facilitating factor was choosing a case study that is interesting
enough and that I could share lessons that could help other clients and so that their story would
be heard and could also be referred to higher-ups if given a chance. The hindering factor is the
pressure that if I could not present it well then they would miss the chance of getting recognized.
Also, because I wanted to present almost all the cases I have handled it was sad I can only
present one.
Doing all the cases, I realized the importance of focusing more on finding solutions rather
than just looking at the problem as it is. Doing the treatment plan you have to really exhaust all
your resources and also I realized the importance of having connections because then you could
have an easier time in contacting organizations and foundations you can refer your client to.
As a student and a social worker you really have to be good in note taking because you
have to revise your paper in such a way that you incorporate all the constructive criticism the
professor has given you; also, partnered with this are your active listening skills because you
cannot space out while discussing important things about your work.
The supervision session helped a lot because Ma’am guided us in what we needed to
improve in our paper and suggested what we needed to highlight and surface. It was also hard
making up a treatment plan and Ma’am helped us in polishing it and made sure we apply the
theories that fit best.
I recommend conducting more supervision session but since this field instruction was
conducted in the mid-semester the time was a little tighter so we can only have supervision
Journal No. 18
Date: July 5, 2018
12 hours, 40 mins
07:40 am – 08:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Social Case Study Report
The day before finally sharing our cases, we were finalizing our case studies. I collated
all the data that I have gathered. It was hard to choose what things I should include in my paper. I
also felt like I lacked some parts but I made do with what I already have and also I can no longer
follow-up since my patient was already discharged the same day. I finished my paper and was
already preparing for the presentation the next day. The facilitating factor is that I have to finish
my paper so that I could present it well and master all the things and information I have to say
and share and give justice to the crucial information that was disclosed to me by the client. On
the other hand, the hindering factor is that since we cannot really monitor the discharge date well
I could no longer follow-up things that I wanted to check.
I realized how rights are easily taken for granted by the state. It is a pity that our rights
remain unfulfilled and only the privileged gets catered. It really shows how people are
discriminate in a lot of levels, health care, education, and all of these are rights that should be
equally provided by everyone but not is the case we see every day. According to the rights-based
perspective the state has the responsibility to give its people the right that they deserve as a
citizen of the Philippines and as a human.
As a social worker, I learned that we have to organize things well because we have to
weight things by its urgency. We have to see to it that we have our long term and short term
goals that we can base our plans from. By this, we can monitor the progress of our patients.
The supervision went well Ma’am had checked on our papers the last time and said
nothing major changes and she said we could already present it. Other than reading the papers,
there were no sessions to talk about it more comprehensively.
I recommend that the agency supervisor would check more on the works since she knows
more about the setting and could recommend more so that we could improve our treatment plan.
I know that we should not be spoon fed however the feeling of not being monitored sends off
some anxiety.
Journal No. 19
Date: July 6, 2018
3 hours
09:00 am-12:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Mid-Semester Sharing
The Mid-Semester sharing made me nervous because I have many things to discuss and
of course the highlight was the case I was preparing for the past few days. We were also doing
the power point presentation and all the preparations needed for the sharing. We also made print-
outs of the presentation and the case study. The facilitating factor is the need to finally share
what was needed so we would be able to proceed to the next activities. Like every other cases
and things needed termination. The hindering factor is not executing the presentation well as the
efforts in to mastery and making the case study would go to waste.
These are the three theories I have applied in the sharing: human rights based, strengths
based, and systems theory.
According to the human rights-based perspective, it is just a universal right to provide
every child accessible health services and he should be given efficient treatment and care to
serve his best interest. On the UN Convention on the Rights of the child says that, government
has responsibility on making sure that their rights be fulfilled which includes healthcare, that
they survive and develop and healthily. Lastly, they should be given good quality health care.
Despite this, James’ illness only made their family stronger, Sarah is hopeful that their
child will get well. His parents does all that they can so that this will come true. They get
strength from James himself and believes that because he is doing the best that he can in fighting
his sickness then they have to support him all the way out and believe that he can make it. Now,
they are raising funds through online media, they are selling shirts and tumblers to finance the
operation that will be done if they can reach the target amount for transplant and other expenses
abroad which is P2M if it happens in India and P5.5M if in the Philippines. They are hopeful that
if James gets better, they would celebrate and thank God in helping them get through this
Looking at systems theory, James is sick and is in need of a transplant operation as soon as
possible, his situation would most probably worsen if this prolongs, coming from Sarah they say
that if patients with his sickness reach 2 years of age, it would lower his chance of survival,
because they cannot digest their food properly because their liver is damaged, and that there a lot
of medicines he needs to take, also the family fears that he would vomit and excrete blood. The
family is financially unstable and cannot provide the medical needs of James, there are is no
other source of income other than the father’s job, but the relationship of the family is good and
they get emotional strength from each other. The community is supportive and sometimes help
them online in advocating the cause, there are support groups that help them in selling and
promoting the shirt and tumblers sold online.
The supervision went well because there a lot of comments given on how I could
improve my paper and what I should add. There were also comments on our group work working
plan and it was all supportive of making use of stress management in our coming group work.
Recommendation is that in everything that we do, we should always come prepared.
Also, it is important that you ask the students of their opinions as they should be part of the
decision making in the placement because it will be affected much of this process.
Journal No. 20
Date: July 7, 2018
6 hours
07:30 am-1:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Profiling
Now, we can proceed to the second half of the field instruction which is the Group Work.
So, before we could finally conduct the session. We have to first find participants who will be
targeted by the Group Work and they should have a common goal to be considered as a group.
We asked for our supervisor if she could help us in finding direction of who we can target for the
Group Work. She then referred us to another social worker which is Ma’am Diane. She gave us
the participants who she thinks are participative, so we were given the clients who are in room
114. We went there and interviewed them for their basic information and asked for their
concerns and there we decided that we would settle in stress management as our purpose because
we see that almost all of the parents was disoriented and feeling some sort of helplessness. We
wanted to at least make our session as an outlet of their stress. Facilitating factor is that when we
get there they were really accommodating and gave smiles of approval. The hindering factor is
their attention which was really towards their patient but still they gave us their time.
For me, I always notice that they find strength usually on their children themselves also
they can also find hope from their peers. You can also find the family unity within Filipino
families but still the hiya is present even with their own families who already have their own
families so they will no longer ask for their help and do the things by themselves. It is easy to say
that they should do things for their children, but of course they will take a lot of consideration in
doing things. You can see that the most humble people even lies with people who have no
means. They are the kindest and put others first.
The practice of confidentiality always play a part because you have to promise them that
this will only be between the worker and the client to show a sense of professionalism. You have
to establish boundary that this is for work and that this will benefit them.
The supervision was more on finding the target participants. But, other than that we went
on our own way, which was okay because by this time we are already familiar with the ward and
we can already talk with some professionals who give us permission on doing our tasks.
However, I still recommend that there is a hands-on supervision on doing these kinds of
things. I also recommend that students plan ahead what their working plan for the Group work is
and profile as soon as possible so that they would be able to have more time in their hands to
Journal No. 21
Date: July 8, 2018
6 hours
07:30 am-1:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Observation
Case study
I’m already collating the data I have gathered yesterday and compile them into mini case
studies also write about what their concerns are so that we can make needs assessment. I’m
doing these so that I can prepare more if ever things went wrong I will still have time to revise. I
also started doing the Group Work proposal so that I can let the professor check my work and so
that I can still edit. Facilitating factor is that I want to make sure that I assessed well the need and
that the purpose of the Group Work is fitting and that we could be able to proceed in conducting
it. Hindering factor is the load of paper works. We are doing a lot of paper works and still we do
not have our own space so it is really a struggle to wait for a space so that I can do my tasks
which have already piled up.
It is important for a social worker to also have good writing skills because you also have
to encompass in to writing the data you have gathered and so that if people would read your
work they can easily understand what you mean and how you came up with it. It is also
important that you are organized in writing and that there is a flow in what you are saying and
The supervision was mainly on making sure that we complete our hours and reminding us
if we are right on track in monitoring the time. On paper works, we do things on our own.
The recommendation is that the logistics which the students are places should be
checked. It is the worst experience feeling left out because sometimes you sit in the chair
intended for the clients, and when the clients arrive your only option is to stand. Often times we
sit in the lobby and just wait for the time to pass by because we cannot bring our laptops as we
do not have a desk and it is hassle to do paper works in the lobby which houses many people
who are in stand-by for procedures.
Journal No. 22
Date: July 9, 2018
14 hours
07:30 am-09:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Observation
Group Work Proposal
So, as I was finalizing the case studies. We decide to follow-up on our clients and to
remind them about the session that will happen tomorrow. However, it was then that we found
out that our clients were already discharged. One of them also will undergo an operation.
Knowing of this scenario, we suddenly needed to re-do our intakes and gather information from
new clients again and inform them about the session that will happen tomorrow. So, we took
down basic information and asked of essentials and same findings stress is still needed to be
processed. Facilitating factor is checking up on the clients if they are available and willing to
participate in the session. Hindering factor is the shock brought about not knowing that our
former clients were already discharged but of course, good thing for them because it means that
they will go home and wait for recovery.
I learned that social workers should be flexible at all times and find solutions to their
problems quickly so not to effect major delays. It is also good to practice flexibility in time
schedules and interacting with people. You always have to be prepared and just go with the flow
and make sure that you get the job done even with the minor or even major problems.
The supervision went on about giving us the names of the new patients and informing us
about the case. Other than that, we went on our own. We went to ward and questioned the new
I recommend that if they can make sure to visit the ward as many times as they can so
that you know the current situation and see if the condition can be monitored to avoid some
Journal No. 23
Date: July 10, 2018
9 hours
08:00 am-05:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Group Work
Fieldwork Journal: SW 150
Today we conducted our Group Work Session. For me, the session went well because we
saw that they tried their best to participate even though they have to monitor their child from
time to time while listening to the session. Also, we saw that they released some of their stress by
showing their real emotions and that they thanked us by the end of the session. Facilitating factor
is that they showed that they are thankful for the session and participated with our activities.
Hindering factor is the delayed brought by visits of the nurses and doctors which of course is
needed and caring for their child when they cried which delayed the time but is of course
understandable. Another hindering factor is those relatives who enter the picture even if they
should not be part of it which also delays the flow of the program. Also, another scenario was
that a doctor barged in the session and was talking with the parents of the patient but the program
was already delayed for 20 minutes so we politely asked the doctor if we could proceed with the
program even if she was talking, and answered us that she would continue the interview after our
session and she went out of the room looking disappointed. And a relative told us if what we
were saying is more important with that of the doctor’s. It made me disappointed that they were
treating social work as a profession which was inferior.
The supervision came on the part when the social worker came with us and discussed
with some professionals to ask for permission to our Group Work session and also informed the
clients again that this is for them to help them release their stress. Also, she went to visit when
we were almost done with the session and took some documentation pictures.
I recommend that the students be patient and understanding of the factors which are not
in their control of. Also, be aware of their feelings and try to process them at the end of the day.
Journal No. 24
Date: July 11, 2018
7 hours
08:30 am-3:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Observation
Our first plan was to conduct another session today. We already came up with fun
activities but hindering factor was that the place was not that conducive to conduct a session and
base on our experience delays often happen which disturbs the session and if we changed the
target participants it will take another time to establish rapport building the facilitating factor
though is that we know that we have already achieved our goal for the session and there is no
longer a need to conduct another session.
I realize that it is hard to separate the personal from the professional but I have to also
find strengths in myself so that I wouldn’t feel as distressed and continue what I’m doing. I also
have to find resiliency within myself to be able to bounce back with my current situation. Since it
is my self which I will use as means of doing things, it is important that I take care of myself and
be aware of all things I should get my hopes and strengths from.
As a social worker we should be aware of our feeling as well what would trigger our
emotions and such. For me, remarks that were uttered yesterday already put a mark on me.
Belittling our profession is really hard to take. It makes you realize is the 4 years of your life
worthless? However, looking back at the people you have already interacted with and was
thankful of your help can help you realize that you just can’t please everyone and you just have
to prove them that they are wrong, that you define your own worth.
I recommend that students also process their feelings because if you leave your feelings
unattended to that it will seriously scar you and can even make you feel down and depressed as
words really put stress in you. Also make sure that you have your own outlet to feel a bit better.
Also, don’t forget to review and retrace why you are there, and that is to serve the people no
matter how difficult it is.
Journal No. 25
Date: July 13, 2018
12 hours
08:00 am-08:00 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Observation
Today, I’m busy doing and finalizing some paper works. It is really tiring to do it but
thinking that these are all for the patients take some burden off the shoulders as I want to do my
best for their sake. Facilitating factor is the genuine concern to be able to see some progress with
their case. Hindering factor is the limited time I have and of course as all things we will reach the
termination and good bye part.
The important factor is really because people are complex, and our clients often seek help
for problems in many domains of their lives. Being able to think on your feet and to think
critically and creatively will allow you to effectively help your clients. As I am devising
treatment plans this is what I realized you have to be flexible and think hard.
There was no supervision really. It was us making do of what we have and just doing
things on our own. It makes me sad as I still feel that they look and treat us indifferently and not
as equal workers.
I recommend that you do things one at a time but really having no space was a big hassle
and it delayed me most especially as I cannot do my papers and now it’s really hard to keep up as
I have things piled-up and make me really anxious if I could finish.
Journal No. 26
Date: July 15, 2018
4 hours
02:30 pm-06:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Supervision Session
Today, we have conducted a supervision session in the agency, Ma’am Florence have
visited us to see what conditions we were in these past few weeks. We were always mentioning
about issues in space and she realized how grave it was. Facilitating factor was to check up on us
and initially to terminate the relationship between the students and the agency. Hindering factor
is that the agency supervisor was not around and also Ma’am Malou the head of the division.
During my stay in the agency, I realized that it undergoes under rigid bureaucratic
processes, which defeats the key purpose of the bottom to top approach, rather it only focuse on
top to bottom approach. Sometimes, I wonder if those in the bottom partake in decision-making
which happens in the agency. It is no longer new to me how other professional see think of social
workers as someone who is inferior, even the patient thinks like that.
I realized the importance of developing interpersonal skills so that you can really
establish rapport with people in all walks of life who can contribute not only in your career life
but self-development in all aspects of life. Sometimes we can even learn more by just listening to
our clients, you will realize how strong they are and how they can impact your life.
I recommend that the agency also conducts supervision session so that they can assess the
situation of the students, most especially emotionally and psychologically.
Journal No. 27
Date: July 16, 2018
2 hours
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Activity/ies Conducted: Final Sharing
Today was the last day of all of our activities in Field Instruction I. I am happy that
finally we are done with the things we should do. The next thing is the anxiety left in submitting
the paper. I believe facilitating factor is the support given by the supervisors, the peers of the
students, and the students themselves who did not give up even though there were circumstances
which were really demoralizing. The hindering factor was the same as the facilitating factor but
these were overcome by the students so they are here now.
As a social worker you really have to be knowledgeable with the theories learned in class
and put them into practice. In these setting, our most common used theories were systems,
human rights based perspective, and strengths based perspective, group therapy, and
participatory approach. These theories will serve as your guide in the field, without them you
wouldn’t be as reliable because we still have to show evidences that what we are doing is legit.
I recommend that students revisit their feelings and reflect how well they know
themselves and see how they can make use of their strengths and minimize their weakness so
that they can be resilient of whatever problem that might arise.
F. Process Documentation
Interview with Sarah, for client James
Questions Answers Observation Supervisor
Hi nay! Ako po pala Syempre di Kung ikukumpara sa
si Rexenne! Intern matanggap nung una ibang nanay,
po ako sa Social pero ngayon nafifeel ko yung
Service nandito lang nasanay nna lang. empowerment sa
po ako para po i- Kailangan maging kanya.
follow up po natin matatag eh.
ang iyong case at
malaman po kung
kumusta po kayo
ngayon. Nay, ano
pong nararamdaman
niyo ngayon?
Ano pong itsura ng Maliit lang nasa
bahay niyo? Mga squatters. May taas
kapitbahay po? light materials, okay
naman mababait sila
minsan may
Kumusta naman ang Ito tulong tulong.
relasyon po ng Kami kami lang kasi
pamilya? may pamilya na rin
yung mga kapatid
Ano pong mga Yung sumuka at
pangamba ninyo? tumae siya ng dugo.
Mas delikado kasi
habang tumatanda
siya.Andami kasing
iniinom na mga
gamut sa dugo
antibiotic every 8
hours. 2 antibiotic
once a day.
Tinutusukan sa ugat
mga gamut na
maintenance (anti-
Agaran pong Makalikom kami ng Nakakalungkot kasi
concern niyo? 1.6M na pondo para di matutulungan ng
sa transplant niya sa PCSO ang out of
India kasi mas country operations.
mahal kung sa
Pilipinas 5M.
Ano pong mga Hingi ng tulong sa
plano niyo para Congressman atsaka
masolusyunan po sa Social Service.
yung mga iniisip Kahit mahirap ang
ninyo? buhay “hanggang
kaya, kakayanin!”
Sino pong Sa Panginoon at
kinakapitan niyo? mga taong
tumutulong at
sumusuporta. Mga
fighter kami para sa
kapitbahay po? Malayo sa bayan
mga tatlong oras na
byahe. Walang
malapit na ospital
anim na oras pa.
Pero may
eskwelahan naman.
Kumusta naman ang Ayos. Mas naging
relasyon po ng close.
Ano pong mga Syempre yung mga
pangamba ninyo? pampagamot at saka
sana gumaling na
Agaran pong Wala patong patong
concern niyo? na kasi.
Ano pong mga plano Magpasalamat sa
niyo pag bumuti Diyos konting salu-
lalo ang kalagayan salo.
Sino pong Sa Panginoon at
kinakapitan niyo? mga taong
tumutulong sa mga
Agaran pong Itong second
concern niyo? operation niya sa
lunes at saka
pinansyal. Minsan
yung iba kong mga
kaibigan at kamag-
Ano pong mga plano Magdasal at
niyo para humingi ng tulong
masolusyunan po kay Lord.
yung mga iniisip
Sino pong Sa Panginoon at
kinakapitan niyo? hinihiling ko na sana
makauwi na kami
para maalagaan ko
na din yung iba ko
pang mga anak.
Ano pong mga Yung mga seizure
pangamba ninyo? niya baka hindi na
naman siya
makahinga kasi
nung isang beses
nangitim na talaga
Agaran pong Sa ngayon yung
concern niyo? pinansiyal. Sana
wag lang siyang
mapano. Sana okay
at walang problema.
Ano pong mga plano Magsisimba sa black
niyo pag bumuti nazarette sa Quiapo.
lalo ang kalagayan
Sino pong Si Lord lang talaga.
kinakapitan niyo?
pangamba ninyo? niya. Tsaka lagi
siyang nagkakasakit
mahina kasi ang
Agaran pong Maintenance, gatas,
concern niyo? oxygen, at lahat ng
gamit. Wala yang
pinansyal para sa
Ano pong mga plano Magsimba at
niyo pag bumuti bonding . sa
lalo ang kalagayan simbahan lang kasi
niya? di naman siya
pwedeng igala
Sino pong Prayer ang number
kinakapitan niyo? one medicine.
3. Pictures