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21, rue d'Artois, F-75008 Paris A2-105 Session 2004






Electricité de France Société Areva T&D


Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE) Société VA TECH JST


For a generator transformer or sub-station unit, the operating conditions are very different. They lead
to specific thermal performance requirements as regards to either ageing aspect or overload. The
evolutions of the electricity market have introduced new needs for technical and economic
optimisation generally leading to operate the equipment in a different way or for a longer period of
At the same time the manufacturers have made progress in thermal design control. They have
developed new calculation tools based either on simple analytical methods or thermal modelling.
This report illustrates with several examples the new needs of users and the calculation tool progress
made by manufacturers enabling them to master all these evolutions.

Transformer - Overload - Ageing - Modelling - Specification - Design - Optic fibre



1.1. Sub-station Transformers on RTE’s Transmission Network

The power transformers and auto-transformers account for approximately 10% of the permanent assets
of RTE. It is thus significant to optimise their use in order to differ purchase and installation from
additional transformers or to avoid the replacement of existing transformers by more powerful
equipment. Two types of events are taken into account to decide to increase the capacity of
transformation :
- technical event : It corresponds for example to the unavailability of one transformer, which may
result in transmitting the maximum power flow of the substation through a reduced number of
transformers. Severe climatic conditions are not taken into account in this case. In such a situation
one authorizes the transformers to be overloaded for a long duration with a current limited to Ild, or
for a short duration, limited to Is. This degraded mode is generally noted “N-1 situation”.
- climatic event : It corresponds to the supply of the maximum power, which may be called during a
cold spell of winter, all the network being available. In this mode, noted “N situation”, one
considers that each apparatus forwards only its rated current Ir.

* [email protected]
The choice of Ild and Ir values is essential to optimise the park of transformers. The definition of the
loading limits for substation transformers used currently within RTE today, was carried out in the
Sixties. Indeed several normative evolutions came at that time: in 1962 French standard NFC 52-100
brought to 75 K (against 70 K before) the maximum temperature rise of the hottest spot in steady state
operation at rated current. In addition the IEC loading guide published in 1968 limited the hot spot
temperature during exceptional transient overloads at 140°C.

Post-fault situation

Loading Normal Long-time emergency loading Short-time emergency loading

loading For several consecutive weeks 20 or 5 minutes 5 minutes

Currents Ir Ild Is
Temperature rise limit 75 K
Temperature limit 140°C 140°C

Figure 1 : Limitations for sub-station transformers overloads

From this maximum hot spot temperature of 140° C, new operating rules [1] were defined for the
overloads of the substation transformers. These rules summarized in Figure 1 consider two types of
overload :
- long-time emergency overloads (Ild): Under the degraded operation of the system, transformers
can be submitted to overloads of limited magnitude over long durations. As the highest loaded
periods of the network in France are in winter-time two levels of long-time overloads were defined
according to the ambient temperature : Ild = 1.15 Ir for an ambient temperature lower than 30°C
and Ild = 1.25 Ir for ambient temperature lower than 15°C. Later on, a third threshold of 1.35 Ir
was introduced for ambient temperature lower than 5°C following the periods of great cold met
during winter 86-87.
- Short-time emergency overloads (Is): Sudden failure of a system element leads to larger
overloads in transformers, that is to say up to Is=1.5 Ir. The transformer is not designed to
withstand such a level of overload without damage over a long period, but over the time needed for
the network to be operated (topology, generation, loads). A 20 minutes duration was defined for the
220/90 kV or 220/63 kV transformers for which the occurrence of high overloads are low, since the
63 and 90 kV networks are usually not meshed. Furthermore, the operation of the 400 kV
transformers between Ild and Is is authorized during 20 minutes only if the top oil temperature does
not exceed a predetermined value “TL” when the current reaches Ild. Beyond Is, tripping of the
transformer occurs automatically after 5mn. This temporisation used to be fixed at 20 seconds
before the Eighties.

1.2. Generator step-up transformers at EDF’s nuclear power stations

This equipment is made up of single-phase unit banks, the rated powers of which are in respect of
generator power, namely either 360MVA for 1120MVA generators of 900MW power stations or
respectively 550 and 570MVA for 1650 and 1710MVA generators of 1300 and 1400MW power
stations. These transformers produce on 400kV interconnection network and their low voltage level is
either 24 or 20kV on the generator side.

For this equipment, the slightest failure during production periods, means costs incurred as a
consequence of loss of production. These costs are much greater than the replacement cost of the
failed unit. The impact would be significant in the event of established generic default. Therefore,
these transformers are required a high level of reliability. The first manufacturing generations were
specified with acceptance tests in seventies, in particular a full temperature-rise test. The later
equipment was still constructed with the same design as the first generation power transformers.

One of the design features for the total of 174 single-phase transformers is to operate most of the time
at higher loads, close to their specifications duty. Another feature of all these transformers is that their
commissioning spread over a period of 20 years (1975 –1995), which is, a short period when
compared to the usual transformer life expectancy.

As regards the technology, this equipment is specified with ODAF type cooling and will comply with
the same requirements, such as average temperature rise and hot-spot temperature rise, as for the sub-
station transformers. These performances have to be respected with reference to rated power and for
each of 3 de-energized type taps, at 30°C ambient temperature. The minimum cumulative lifetime of
operation is set to 200 000 hours, for reference hotspot temperature value of 105°C. Some exceptional
duties are also specified, which correspond to a maximum cumulative duration of 5 hours, but which
will lead to hotspots lower than 120°C.

Supplying of new spare transformers is subjected to identical specifications, except for life
expectancy, which is extended to 40 years.


The technical and economic issues of the optimisation of the thermal design for transformers and
particularly for large power transformers are well known. This has given scope for a large number of
theoretical and experimental research by the manufacturers and by the users [2]. Regarding the use, we
are beginning to accumulate a large amount of data on apparatus which have been in service for many
years. In the frame of a partnership between manufacturers and users, this may allow the confrontation
between the life durations as estimated theoretically and the field observations.

In any case, the accurate knowledge of the temperatures reached within the transformer, and
particularly, the knowledge of the temperature reached by the hottest spot within the windings enables
the manufacturers to come up with the most reliable design, regarding a given assigned life duration of
the insulations.

Such a knowledge requires a good understanding of the principles of the generation and of the
dissipation of the heat in transformers. That is translated into thermal software with varying levels of

2.1. Control of the heat sources

Today, the manufacturers are equipped with powerful calculation tools to determine the losses, and in
particular, the winding stray losses with a good accuracy. Furthermore, some solutions allow to treat
and to reduce the losses. The following examples can illustrate this point :
- to reduce the no-load losses : elaborate techniques for the magnetic steel sheet cutting and
stacking (step lap core)
- for the load losses : use of continuously transposed cables (CTC) or permutation techniques,
use of magnetic shielding or conducting plate shielding.

Thus, all the heat sources are under control.

2.2. Control of the temperature rise

For a given technology, each manufacturer has developed theoretical and empirical methods for the
determination, not only of the average temperature rise of oil and of copper, but also for the
assessment of the hottest spot of the windings (See examples given in §4).

To act on the thermal performance of large power transformers, the aim is to achieve a sufficient oil
flow in every part of the magnetic circuit and of the windings. Various well known techniques are
being optimised by the manufacturers for a long time :
- cooling ducts for the windings and, if necessary, for the magnetic circuit
- forced and/or directed oil flow to improve the thermal exchange between the windings and the
- zigzag oil flow in ONAN (for core type transformers with disk type coils) …etc.

As an illustration, Figure 2, schematically gives an example of oil flow for a shell type transformer
with ONAN type cooling.




Figure 2 : Schematic cut section of a shell type transformer with the cooling of the active part

2.3. Use of more high-temperature materials

In addition to the solutions mentioned above, some high-temperature electrical insulation materials can
be used for the solid insulation and also for the dielectric liquids (full insulation or hybrid insulation).
That is the topic of the draft standard IEC 60 076-14. To give three examples :
- Thermo stabilized papers
- Aramide fibres (Nomex) for the turn insulation
- Esters (MIDEL) as dielectric liquid.

Nevertheless, their actual high cost still limits their practical use to low power rating apparatus for
which the mass reduction associated with high operating temperatures is an important factor; the most
usual application is the case of traction transformers.


3.1. Sub-station Transformers on RTE’s Transmission Network

The main evolutions for RTE result from a growing pressure on the transmission costs which leads to
search for new technical and economic optimisation in the use of equipment. Therefore new operating

modes, which go further than the existing practices, need to be defined for equipment without
decreasing their reliability.

As seen in § 1.1, the substation transformers are, most of the time, loaded under their nameplate rating
but they also have to face overloads due to climatic events or to unavailabilities (N-1 situation). It is
estimated that the thermal ageing of substation transformers does not exceed a few percent of a
transformer ageing running continuously at full load. The limiting factor to decide for a reinforcement
is then the hotspot temperature, which can be reached during these overloads.

In the same way, to allow an access to the market of electricity to all the actors, it is necessary to be
able to connect new producers in a short time as well as to facilitate the exchanges on the
interconnections. These new elements require to bring fast answers to solve the local constraints on the
network. Among the various solutions to relieve congestion zones with high load flows, one of them
consists on taking profit of the existing margins on the network by installing s like phase-shifting
transformers. One of the characteristics of the phase-shifting transformers compared to the substation
transformers, is to be in series with transmission lines. Therefore their transmission capacities must be
compatible with those of the line in steady state operation as well as in overload conditions. However
these loading capacities are dependent on the temperature and the thermal behaviour of a line is very
different from that of a transformer. Moreover the loading capacity of a line can be reinforced in

These two examples illustrate the need to modify the operation rules of transformers. Several
possibilities exist :
- to operate at continuous loads and overloads exceeding the nameplate rating by accepting an
accelerated thermal ageing rate,
- to assess the margins on the design of the transformers,
- to increase their performances (for example by improvement of the cooling system efficiency).

The implementation of these solutions requires to be able to calculate accurately the temperature rise
and to know the laws of thermal ageing.

3.2. Generator step-up transformers at EDF’s nuclear power stations

With the operating conditions of these transformers and the life expectancy of power stations where
they are installed, particular attention has begun to be focused to thermal ageing of the first-generation
equipment, which is presently considered to be, on average, at mid life. In the event of a demonstrated
generic thermal problem, a corrective action could be defined and applied to all the identical units.

In case of failure, the equipment is no longer systematically replaced with the original design, but with
newly design equipment, paying a particular attention to the thermal performances.

Therefore, the new computing tools and the new measurement device enable the manufacturers to
research thoroughly on the two following items :
- extending of life time of the first-generation equipment, with respect to original
specifications, from 30 years to at least 40 years
- testing of thermal performances of new designs.

An illustration of this second aspect is developed at § 4.2.


4.1. Examples of calculation tools fitted to new needs

The design tools and their validations have been improved using new calculation means, applicable for
any existing transformer technology.

We can illustrate these progresses on a case study concerning a three phase substation transformer of
70 MVA 227/21 kV Yy 50 Hz.

4.1.1. Analytical methods

New methods have been recently developed, from which we can notice a simple one for winding
temperature rise calculation [3].

The general formulation of the problem uses the electrical analogy. From analytical tools, we calculate
the thermal resistance of the solid insulation. The calculation of the thermal resistance of the oil
boundary layer is determined using the correlation of test data from actual transformers, for natural or
directed cooling.

The major improvements of this new method are the following :

- the new method dispenses with the gross approximation that the heat transfer is uniform
throughout the winding
- the treatment of the solid insulation is more rigorous
- test data from actual transformers is used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient of the oil
boundary layer.

This leads to more accurate results, as shown in Table I.

Table I: Average and standard deviation errors between calculations and measurements (in K)
Layer windings Disc windings
average deviation average deviation average deviation averag deviation
Previous methods between 2.6 between 5.9 1.8 9.5 between -0.4 between 1.2 -4.4 3.5
and 5.6 and 6.3 and 3.5 and 2.2
New method -0.5 2.6 -0.5 3.7 -0.5 1.3 -2.5 2.2

For the example of three units of 70 MVA, differences between calculation with new method and
measurements vary from –0.9 to 1.1 K.

4.1.2. Finite-element methods

Tools using finite-element methods are getting more and more powerful and give, today, possibilities
of coupling loss, thermal and hydraulic distributions. But, if they are more and more advanced, their
uses require more competencies. For example, oil volumes need to be modelled with sufficient number
of meshes, which reduce today the use of these tools to certain parts of the transformer without being
able to treat it as global.

We can, for example, examine the oil flow distribution in winding bottom blocks (see Figure 3). This
study can help to understand some oil distribution problems or to be a basis for shape optimisation.

Figure 3 : Oil flow distribution within winding Figure 4 : Oil flow distribution with a group of
bottom blocks of the 70 MVA discs

The example in Figure 4 shows the oil flow distribution calculated in a group of discs separated by
two washers.

Even if it is very difficult to get precise experimental validations of such models, these studies can be
useful for parametric analyses which can improve, for example, the design of the oil ducts.

4.1.3. System analysis

From methods similar to the analytical ones

(electrical analogy), it is possible to represent
the transformer behaviour with a system of
equations using a loss, thermal and hydraulic
coupling. The whole transformer and its
cooling devices can be modelled by some
systems whose definitions and numbers of
elements are chosen to have sufficient

For example, we can get the temperature

distribution within the windings, and more
particularly the hot spot location and the mean
copper temperature rises (see Figure 5 for the
case study of the 70 MVA). This last
information can be easily compared to the
temperature rise test measurements and then Figure 5 : Thermal model for the 70 MVA
validate the calculations. This comparison can
made for all windings and for all types of cooling modes (ONAN, ONAF, ODAF).

This thermal hydraulic model can be also used for transient analyses, for example for future
applications on overload capabilities. We can note that this transient ability can be validated by the
temperature rise test measurements, in which a cooling curve is measured.

Figure 6 represents the calculation 18

results for the 70 MVA thermal model 16

with different hypotheses on the 14

temperature of oil : constant bottom

12 Constant bottom oil temperature
oil temperature, decreasing bottom oil

Time (mn)
Decreasing bottom oil temperature
temperature, oil with only tank 10

Oil with only tank exchanges

exchanges. 8


10 100
Mean winding temperature (°C)

Figure 6 : Cooling curve for the 70 MVA

4.2. Example of instrumentation for a new design

With the occasion of an order, a collaboration was established between the manufacturer and the user
in order to equip the windings of a GSU transformer with thermal sensors. This was in order to enable
the online reading of the winding temperature evolutions during the factory heat run test and later
during operation on site.

- Electrical characteristics of the transformer :

The apparatus equipped is a single phase pole which is part of a three phase bank of a 1400 MW
nuclear plant step up transformers. These transformers are oil immersed and are of shell type. The
main characteristics are as follows :
Number of phases : 1 Number of windings : 2
Power rating : 570 MVA Voltage rating : 20/405 kV+/-2.5 % Ynd
Frequency : 50 Hz Cooling : ODAF

- Arrangement of the windings of the

transformer :

The transformer’s windings are laid out

symmetrically. In each half of the transformer,
Plane of symmetry

the HV winding is composed of two groups

located on both sides of the LV winding.
Electrically, the HV is composed of two
sections in parallel ([coil1-7 + coil16-
25]//[coil26-35 + coil44-50]). The LV is
composed of four sections in parallel ([coil8-
[Figure 7] .

Figure 7 : Winding arrangement of half a 570

MVA transformer
- Determination of the points to be equipped and instrumentation

The determination of the hottest spots of the coils is based on the manufacturer’s experience, taking
into account the local distribution of losses in the coils, the number of heat transfer surfaces, the

overheating due to insulated parts (presence of spacers), the average oil flow rate and the overheating
due to reduced oil flow rates in some parts of the windings.

The calculations made by the manufacturer were confirmed by a more detailed 2D thermo/hydraulic
model performed by the R&D department of the Utility taking into account the local losses and also
oil speeds between the spacers [Figure 9]. This modelling allowed to validate and to supplement the
instrumentation locations initially defined by the manufacturer.

Thus, during the design review dedicated partly to the thermal aspects, by mutual agreement, it was
decided to place 10 optic fibres on the coils of the LV winding :
- 4 optic fibres on coil number 8.
- 4 optic fibres on coil number 43 (coil symmetrical of the 8) .
- 1 optic fibre on coil number 13.
- 1 optic fibre on coil number 15.
- 2 other optic fibres in oil, in the vicinity of coils 8 and 43.

The following Figure 8 and Figure 10 illustrate the implantation technique developed by the
manufacturer and the optic fibre locations on coils 8 and 43.

Figure 10 : Locations / paths

of the optic fibres on coils 8
Figure 8 : Method of and 43
implantation of the optic

Figure 9 : Typical
temperature distribution plot
for coils 8 and 43

The optic fibres used are point sensors, performing temperature measurements, thanks to a semi-
conducting cristal in gallium arsenide (GaAs), using the principle of photoluminescence. This type of
optic fibres was qualified by the transformer manufacturer, particularly regarding the dielectric,
mechanical and thermal stresses. The instrumentation also comprises two measuring apparatus
(transmitter, receiver, reading and information storage), giving access to 2x6 measurement channels.

Thanks to positive feedback already acquired by the manufacturer on some other large power
transformers in service, the optic fibres will be kept in the transformer for online measurements of
windings temperature in service on line.

- Measurement results during the factory heat run test :

The factory heat run test was performed following the short-circuit method as described in the
standards (IEC 60076-2). Below are the curves of evolution of the LV winding hottest spot
temperature as well as the temperature of the surrounding oil during this test.
87,1°C Hottest spot 90,7°C 84,5°C

80 Measure: 24,1°K
Calculation: 25°K
58,4 °C Oil 62,7°C
60 Note :
60,4°C - The pumps are started at the beginning of the
heat run test.
40 Ambiant : 17,1 °C 29,7 °C 30,9 °C - The temperatures recordings begins at 0: 40
- 15 fans are started at 0:55
Total losses rated current

0:55 5:55 8:25

time ( h:mn )

Figure 11 : Evolution of the temperature of the

windings hottest spot during the factory heat run test


After a presentation of specificities concerning loading of the generator step-up transformer on the one
hand and the substation transformer on the other hand, this report has set out the new needs introduced
by evolutions of the electricity market. These needs concern the ability of existing equipment to be
used in different operation modes or the definition of spare unit supply based on new requirements.

For the two transformers types, the new operating modes require the mastering of temperature rise
calculation on the one hand and ageing rules on the other hand.

At the same time the manufacturers have made progress in controlling the generation and the
dissipation of the losses as well as using traditional or higher-temperature materials. Thus they have
developed new calculation tools based either on simple analytical methods or using thermal modelling.

By their increased know-how, the manufacturers are able to help the users to master the evolution of
theirs new needs.


[1] B.Favez, F.Salgues, H.Larrue, “EDF’s loading rules of power transformers for network
interconnection and supply to the distribution network“, RGE, July-August 1969, Tome 78 n°7-8,
[2] A.TANGUY, I.HENNEBIQUE, J.POITTEVIN, J.SAMAT, “Direct fiber-optic hot-spot
temperature measurement in an operating transformer“, CIGRE, Paris Session 1990, Report 12-
[3] S. A. Ryder, “A simple method for calculating winding temperature gradient in power
transformers”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 4, October 2002

[4] “Guide for the design and application of liquid-immersed power transformers using high-
temperature insulation materials”, IEC 60076-14, COMMITTEE DRAFT FOR VOTE
[14/468/DTS], August 2003


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