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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 9, Issue 3, Jun 2019, 517-524
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.





Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
AMC College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Design Engineer, Aircraft Research and Design Centre,
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore, India

Original Article
This paper manages the creation and assessment of wear properties by presenting 90-micron size B4C
particulates into LM29 compound network. LM29 amalgam-based metal framework composites were set up by stir cast
strategy. 3, 6 and 9 wt. % of 90 microns estimated B4C particulates were added to the base framework. For every
composite, the support particles were pre-warmed to a temperature of 600 degree Celsius and after that scattered in
ventures of two into the vortex of liquid LM29 amalgam to improve wettability. The microstructural characterization was
finished by utilizing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), which uncovered the uniform appropriation of B4C particles
in network amalgam, EDS investigation affirmed the nearness of B4C particles in the LM29 composite grid. A pin-on-disc
wear testing machine was utilized to assess the wear loss of arranged examples, in which the solidified EN32 steel plate
was utilized as the counter face. The outcomes uncovered that the wear misfortune was expanded with increment in
typical load and sliding speed for every one of the examples. The outcomes additionally demonstrated that the wear loss of
the LM29-B4C composites were lesser than that of the LM29 grid. The worn surfaces and wear debris were characterized
by SEM microanalysis.

KEYWORDS: LM29 Alloy, B4C, Stir Casting, Microstructure, Wear, Worn Morphology & Wear Debris

Received: Mar 11, 2019; Accepted: Mar 31, 2019; Published: Apr 27, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN201955


Aluminium and its combinations have kept on keeping up their imprint as the framework material most
sought after for the improvement of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) [1-3]. This is essentially because of the
wide range of interesting properties it offers at moderately low preparing expense. A portion of the appealing
property mixes of Al based network composites are high specific stiffness and strength, better high temperature
properties, warm conductivity, and low warm extension [4-5].

Therefore, these materials are observed to be utilized in mechanical segments, for example, gears, cams,
wheels, impellers, brakes, grips transports, transmission belts, bushes and bearings [6]. In most of these

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518 G. Pathalinga Prasad, H. C. Chittappa & Madeva Nagaral

administrations the parts are exposed to tribological stacking conditions.

There are a few creation strategies accessible to fabricate MMC materials however there is no one of a kind
course in thiss regard. Because of the decision of material and fortification and sorts of support, the manufacture strategies
can shift impressively. There are two kinds of creation strategies accessible I) solid stage manufacture strategy incorporates
dissemination holding,
lding, hot moving, expulsion, drawing, powder metallurgy course, and pneumatic impaction ii) liquid
stage creation technique incorporates fluid metal invasion, stir casting, compo casting, and splash co-statement
co [7] The
readiness of such Al based composites
es by softening and throwing courses for example blend throwing is by a long shot the
most prudent one, yet is related with some inborn issues emerging primarily from the clear non wettability of particles by
fluid aluminium compounds [8] and the density contrasts
contrasts between the two materials. In this manner, the presentation and
maintenance of hard fired particles like Al2O3, B4C, TiC and delicate particles like graphite in the liquid aluminium is
incredibly troublesome. Poor wettability and thickness contrasts
contrasts likewise results in poor recuperation of graphite particles
in aluminium liquefy. Great wetting is a fundamental condition for the age of a palatable security between particulate
fortifications and fluid metal amid throwing to permit exchange and appropriation
appropriation of load from the lattice to the
fortifications without disappointment. In the present work an endeavor has been made to improve the wettability of
fortification particles with aluminium by including particles in two stages into the framework. Hard ceramic particulates
such as zirconia, alumina, B4C and SiC have been introduced into aluminium based matrix in order to increase the strength,
stiffness, wear resistance, fatigue resistance. Among these reinforcements B4Cis compatible with aluminium and forms
good bond with the matrix.

In this study, an attempt has been made to prepare LM29 alloy composites by adding 3, 6 and 9 wt. % of B4C
particulates with 90 micron size into matrix by using a novel two stage reinforcement addition method. Further, the
prepared LM29-B4Ccomposites were studied for effect of load and sliding speed on the wear properties by using
pin-on-disc wear testing machine.

Materials Used

Metal network composites containing 3, 6 and 9 weight rates of B4C particulates

particulates with 90 micron size were
delivered by liquid metallurgy course. For the generation of MMCs, a LM29 combination was utilized as the framework
material while B4C particles with a normal size of 90µm were utilized as the fortifications as appeared in the figure 1.
The compound arrangement of the composite utilized in the present examination is given in Table 1.

Figure 1: Showing the SEM Micro-Photograph of 90-Micron

Sized B4C Particles Used in the Study

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Processing, Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of LM29 Alloy – 90 519
Micron Sized B4C particulates Reinforced Composites

Table 1: Chemical Composition of LM29 Alloy

Elements Si Cu Mg Ni Al
Wt. % 24.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 bal

Preparation of Composites

The manufacture of LM29-B4C composites with 90 micron estimated particles were done by liquid metallurgy
course by means of stir casting procedure. Determined measure of the LM29 compound ingots are put into the furnace for
liquefying. The melting temperature of aluminium combination is 660°C. The liquify superheated to a temperature of
750°C. The temperature will be recorded utilizing achrome-alumel thermocouple. The liquid metal is then degassed
utilizing solid hexachloroethane (C2Cl6) for 3 min. A tempered steel impeller covered with zirconium is utilized to mix the
liquid metal to make a vortex. The stirrer will be turned at a speed of 300rpm and the profundity of drenching of the
impeller was 60 percent of the stature of the liquid metal from the outside of the liquify. Further, the B4C particulates are
preheated in a heater upto 600°C will be brought into the vortex. Stirring is proceeded until interface communications
between the support particulates and the network advances wetting. At that point, LM29-3wt. % B4C blend are filled
lasting cast iron form having measurements 120mm length and 15mm distance across. Similarly, 6 and 9 wt. % of B4C
particulates reinforced composites are prepared. Further, in light of the microstructalanalysis, wear properties assessment
led according to ASTM G99 principles at different loads, sliding speeds and sliding distances.

Wear Test

Dry sliding wear tests were completed on LM29 amalgam and LM29-B4C composites utilizing a pin on-disc wear
test contraption. Cylindrical examples of 8 mm measurement and 30 mm length were mounted vertically on a stick holder.
The finish of examples were cleaned with grating paper of coarseness measure 600 and pursued by evaluation 1000. Amid
the test the pin was squeezed against the partner EN32 steel plate with hardness of 60 HRC. Preceding each run, the steel
counter-face was ground with 320grit and after that 600grit SiC rough for a couple of minutes pursued by cleaning with
acetone. Test conditions included varying speed settings of 100, 200, 300 and 400 rpm under a 4kg typical load, and 1, 2, 3
and 4kg loads at 400rpm speed. The underlying load of the example was estimated in an electronic gauging machine with
± 0.01mg precision. Information gathered and noted down for wear rates as weight reduction.


Microstructural Analysis

Figure 2 (a) shows microstructure of as cast LM29 aluminium alloy, figure 2(b-d) represents LM29-3, 6 and 9 wt.
% of B4C. The SEM micrographs reveal the almost uniform distribution of B4C particulates throughout the matrix as
observed in the figure 2(b-d) below. Uniformly distributed particulates increase the overall strength and other properties
reducing the porosity of the MMC.

It is observed from the figure 2 (d) as the weight percentage of B4C particulates increases in the LM29 alloy
matrix, the presence of number of particles are more in the LM alloy matrix. Also, it is visible that, there is strong
interfacial bonding between the B4C particles and LM29 alloy matrix, which makes the composites strong.

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520 G. Pathalinga Prasad, H. C. Chittappa & Madeva Nagaral

(a) (b)

(c)) (d)
Figure 2: Scanning Electron Microphotographs of (a) as Cast LM29 Alloy (b) LM29-3%
LM29 B4C
(c) LM29-6%
6% B4C (d) LM29-9%
LM29 B4C with 90-Micron B4C Particles

Wear Behaviour

The variation of wear loss is as shown in figure 3. Applied load affects the wear rate of Al-Alloy
Al and the
composites significantly and is the most dominating factor controlling the wear behaviour. The wear loss varies with the
normal load which is an indicative
cative of (Archardi’s law) and is significantly lower in case of composites.

With the increment in applied loads there is a higher volumetric wear misfortune for network compound and the
composites. Be that as it may, at all the loads considering wear obstruction
obstruction of the composites is better than the framework
compound. A few scientists [9, 10] showed that under various connected load conditions recognized diverse wear
instruments, at lower stacks the particles bolster the connected load in which the wear opposition
op of MMC's are in the
request of extent, superior to LM29 combination. At higher loads and the progress to separate wear the surface temperature
surpasses a basic esteem. So as connected load increments at last there is an expansion in the wear misfortune
misf for both the
strengthened and unreinforced composite materials. The variety of wear loss of the grid amalgam LM29 and its composites
with 3, 6 and 9 wt. % of B4C content is appeared in figure 3. The improvement in the wear opposition of the composites
with B4C fortifications can be credited to the improvement in the hardness of the composites and improved hardness results
in the decline in the volumetric wear loss of the composites.

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Micron Sized B4C particulates Reinforced Composites

Figure 3: Shows Wear Loss of LM29 Alloy and its Composites at Varying Loads and
400rpm Constant Speed for 90 Micron B4C Particulate Composites

Figure 4 demonstrates the variety of wear loss of LM29 lattice compound and LM29-3,
LM29 6 and 9 wt. % of B4C
composites at consistent 4kg load and varying sliding velocities. With an expanding speed for example 100, 200, 300, and
400 rpm, there is an expansion in the volumetric wear misfortune for both framework amalgam and its composites.
Anyway at all the sliding rates contemplated,
mplated, the wear loss of the composite was much lower when contrasted and the
network combination. Further expanded wear rate with expanded sliding pace is because of enhanced heat of the composite
[11]. Then again, the expanded temperature at higher sliding
sliding rates can cause extreme plastic misshapening of the mating
surfaces prompting structure high strain rate sub-surface
sub surface twisting. The expanded rate of sub-surface
sub disfigurement builds
the contact zone by the break, and fracture of ill tempers. Subsequently
Subsequently these prompts upgraded delamination adding to
improve wear rate.

Figure 4: Shows Wear Loss of LM29 Alloy and its Composites at Varying Speeds
and 4 kg Constant Load for 90 Micron B4C Particulate Composites

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522 G. Pathalinga Prasad, H. C. Chittappa & Madeva Nagaral

Worn Morphology and Wear Debris

It’s important to study the worn out surface morphology of LM29 alloy & its composites as it indicates the type of
wear the materials with different composition have undergone. The LM29 matrix is softer than the rubbing disk material &
hence shows viscous flow of LM29 matrix, and during sliding the disk rubs onto the Al matrix which is in the form of pin
causing plastic deformation of the surface, resulting in very high material loss. The worn surface of LM29 alloy shows the
presence of grooves, micro-pits and fractured oxide layer as shown in figure 5 (a),, which would have caused the increase
of wear loss. B4C particles restrict the viscous flow of the matrix [12]. Meanwhile, the stress seems to be transferred on
B4C particles and strain concentration occurs around these B4C particles as in figure 5 (b-d).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5: Worn Surfaces SEM Micrographs of (a) LM29 Alloy (b) LM29-3
LM29 wt. % B4C
(c) LM29-66 wt. % B4C (d) LM29-9
LM29 wt. % B4C Composites with 90 Micron Particles

The byproducts obtained in the form of particles after wear mechanism are called wear debris. During
Duri rubbing
action always the softer material wears out. In wear debris analysis the worn out particles are observed in SEM to
understand type of wear the material has undergone. The various images obtained from SEM are shown in above figure 6

Figure 6 (a) shows an image of debris resulted from wear of LM29 aluminium alloy. The size of the debris due to
wear mechanism shows the extent of wear LM29 alloy has experienced. The long layers formed from wear surface were

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Micron Sized B4C particulates Reinforced Composites

not able to withstanding the high load

ad and hence the layers were pulled and thrown away in the form of thin plate, these
thin long mechanical layers resulted due to the ductility of test sample. Figure 6 (b) shows wear debris of LM29-9
LM29 wt. %
B4C composites with 90 micron sized particles, the debris can be seen in the form of fragments which are crushed between
test piece & rotating disc. The wear debris of B4C based composites exhibits less wear with small particles like fragments
pulled out from the pin (test piece). The size & shape of debris explain the extent of wear in LM29 alloy in comparison
with the Al-B4C composites.

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Wear Debris SEM Micrographs of (a) LM29 Alloy

(b) LM29-9
LM29 wt. % B4C Composites with 90 Micron Particles


The present work on preparing and assessment of LM29-B

LM29 4C metal grid composite by liquefy melt has prompted
following ends. LM29 combination based composites have been effectively manufactured by melt stir strategy utilizing
two phase expansion technique for fortification joined with preheating of particles. The SEM microphotographs of
composites uncovered uniform circulation of support particulates in the LM29 amalgam metal framework. The expansion
of B4C particles to LM29 combination grid improves the wear obstruction of the composite. The wear misfortune is
overwhelmed by load factor and sliding rate. The expansion of loads and sliding velocities prompts a huge increment in the
wear misfortune. The LM29-B4C composites have indicated lower rate of wear misfortune when contrasted with that saw
in as cast LM29 amalgam grid. SEM micrographs of the worn surface uncovered the nearness of smooth sections in the
LM29-B4C composite contrasted with the base framework. Littler size debris are noticeable on account of composites
when contrasted with the base amalgam network.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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