Believing in Allah in The Unseen by Dr. Mohsen El-Guindy

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Believing in Allah in the unseen

Dr. Mohsen El-Guindy

If Allah were to reveal Himself in His full majesty, all of

mankind would fall into prostration and believe in Him without
even a moment’s hesitation or shadow of a doubt. But the
Creator has spread all of the signs of His powers around us,
which point clearly to His omnipotence and omnipresence. Any
eye that observes and any receptive heart that reflects, can
easily find Allah and believe in Him, without even seeing Him.
Therefore, the whole point of having faith is to believe in
something unseen.
The Koran says:

This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance for

those who are conscious (of Allah). Who believe in the Unseen,
are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have
provided for them (Al-Baqarah 2, 3).

These verses lay emphasis upon the fact that belief in the
unseen is a part of faith.
A person is a believer if he possesses faith. Faith is born into
the heart and is a genuine, spiritual state. Belief in the unseen
is a fundamental condition of faith in Islam. Having faith in a
vast, unseen world which cannot be comprehended by our
sense of perception is a requirement for having faith in Allah.

As Muslims, the basic foundation of our faith lies upon our

belief in Allah that we cannot see, hear, or feel. Believing in the
unseen includes believing in Allah, His angels, divine Books, all
Messengers, the Last Day, Paradise, Hell, the meeting with
Allah, life after death and Resurrection. Believing in the unseen
applies also to later generations who believe in Muhammad
without seeing him. For such generations, there is greater

reward compared with those who lived with him and received
the Divine revelation right in their midst.

Those who are steadfast in praying to Allah have proven

without doubt that they believe in Allah in the unseen. Prayer is
one of the most important acts of worship to draw Muslims
nearer to Allah. Prayer is a gift given to every Muslim to enable
him to experience a spiritual ascension five times a day.
Prayers give Muslims the chance to communicate with their
Lord. The real Master is Allah. He Alone is Mighty, He Alone, is
Great. He Alone is never tired, never needs rest, and is never
dependent upon anyone. Prayers remind the worshipper that
time is short, the journey is long, the destination is distant, the
task is heavy, and the deadline is closing in. Faith in the unseen
means belief in a relationship between oneself and the unseen
and not thinking of the two as totally separate.

Believing in the unseen is highly appreciated by Allah and He grants

the worshippers in the unseen a great reward.

We read in the Koran:

He is the Lord of the heavens and the Earth and all that is in between
them, so worship Him and be patient in His worship; do you know any
equal to Him? (Maryam, 65).

The Prophet said:

“Faith is to affirm your faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, His
Messengers and the Last Day, and to believe in the Divine Destiny
whether it be good or bad.”

Many things in life require a leap of faith, a decision we take in order to

extend our experience without knowing the resulting impact with
certainty. Having faith in the unseen is definitely more challenging; after
all, the outcome will be revealed only after we cease to exist in this life.
Faith requires us to build a conceptual bridge from our material
existence to an unknown destination and to journey through bravely.
Perhaps this is why the results are expected to be far more rewarding.

Allah has promised the believers in the unseen forgiveness and a great

Surely those who fear their Lord in the Unseen – there awaits them
forgiveness and a great wage (Al-Mulk, 12).

Allah created human beings, for a purpose. The purpose is to worship

Him alone without incorporating with Him other deities. Man was
created only to worship Allah.
Allah says in the Koran:
‘I created not the Jinns and mankind except to worship me’
(Adh-Dhariyat, 56).
Allah also says:

I am Allah. There is no god but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer

to remember Me (Taha, 14).
Man is to live in this world as a worshipper of Allah and prayer
is the best means for worship.
The Prophet said:
‘Prayer is regarded as a dividing line between a believer and a non-
believer ( Sahih Muslim).
The Messenger also said, “Prayer is the pillar of religion." (Al-Baihaqi).
He also informed that Islam is built upon five pillars, the second being to
establish prayer five times a day.
In prayer the worshipper stands in awe in the presence of Allah
by feeling His might and grandeur, with fear and respect.
Prayer is a great opportunity to remember the Lord, praise
Him, and worship Him as one God free of all imperfections.

Prayer in Islam has a special role of connecting the weak and vulnerable
human beings to Almighty Allah, the Powerful and the Source of all

In addition, daily worship remind Muslims to give thanks for Allah’s

blessings and that submission to Allah takes precedence over all other
concerns, thereby revolving their life around Allah and submitting to His
will. Worship also serves as a means of remembering Allah. The true
believers are those who feel fear in their hearts when God is mentioned.

And when His Revelations are recited to them, they find their faith
strengthened. They do their best and then put their trust in their Lord.
The Koran says:

Those only are believers who, when God is mentioned, their hearts
quake, and when His signs are recited to them, it increases them in faith,
and in their Lord they put their trust (Al-Anfal, 2).

Allah says, concerning the plight of the disbelievers on the Day of

Judgment, that they will be asked by the Believers, ‘What led you into
the Hell-fire?" They will say, 'We were not of those who prayed.' (Al-
Muddaththir 42, 43). Allah also says, ‘Successful indeed are the
Believers, those who humble themselves in their prayers (Al-Mu’minun
1, 2). Allah also says about the believers, ‘And who observe their
prayers; those shall be in Gardens, high honoured (Al-Ma’arij 34, 35).

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