Application For To ParticipateThird Global Ministerial Conference On Road Safety Submit NGO Details

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Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety: Submit NGO details

A number of places are reserved for NGOs to attend the Ministerial Conference. Priority will be given to organizations that will maximize the opportunity.
One application can be made per organization and the application should be for the decision maker in the organization.
* Required

About You
Your name *
Minati Bindhani
Your organization *
Women & Child Welfare Society
Is your organization a member of the Alliance? *
Only Alliance NGOs can apply using this form. Non-members can request an invitation via the official website:
official website:

[ ]Yes
[ ]No
Your job title/role in the organization *
General Secretary
Your e-mail address *
[email protected]
Your country *
Application criteria
A limited number of places have been allocated for Alliance member NGOs. Priority will be given for those
applicants who are most able to maximize the opportunity with their governments. The following questions will be
used to assess which applications are put forward to WHO and the Government of Sweden to receive an invitation.
Please consider your answers carefully.
Describe your current level of engagement with your government (maximum 500 characters).
Include the name and title of your highest level contact. *
Do you have contacts at national level? Are they decision makers? Do you have the ability to influence them? How have
you influenced them in the past?
We are working with District Road Safety Committee, District Administration, Regional Transport Authority,
State Transport Authority, Police Department, Education Department, Transport Minister and other line
Departments of Govt,of Odisha.

Due to rapid growth of population, industrialization, urbanization and advanced transport technology more
and more vehicles come to road to meet day to day human demands. These days almost every person
essentially depends upon the vehicles for routine works. Due to lack of adequate road structural facilities,
proper skill in driving and unawareness of traffic rules, we face so many problems and risks in relation to our
lives and property

It's never too early to teach your child to be street smart. All it takes is a little time—time to prepare, plan and
teach your child how to be safe on the road. However, problems have been identified on priority:
High-risk driving
 High-risk driving includes speeding, failing to yield, ignoring traffic control devices, following too closely
and improper passing.
Failing to yield the right of way is a huge problem
 Pedestrians are perhaps at the greatest risk when drivers fail to yield in intersections.
 Signs and traffic signals often help determine who needs to yield to whom.
Ignoring traffic-control devices: Remember yellow lights mean you must stop unless it's unsafe to do so.
 Following too closely
Speeding: You need time to see and react before your brakes take effect and slow you down; reducing your
speed gives you more reaction time and less braking distance is required. Each time you double your speed,
your braking distance is multiplied by four. In wet or icy road conditions, it’s even more.Speeding reduces
your reaction time, and the faster you go, the longer it takes to stop. Speed limits are intended for optimal
conditions. The speed you're going should be relative to the road and weather conditions.
Distracted driving: Even if you're not using your phone, you may still be distracted.
 Any diversion of your attention away from the safe operation of your vehicle, like chatting with
passengers, eating or drinking, or adjusting radio or vehicle settings, can contribute to distracted and
inattentive driving. We all play a part in making our roads safe – when you're behind the wheel, focus on
the road not on cell phone.
Safety and road conditions: We want your time on the road to be safe—whether it’s a short city drive for
groceries or a long-distance highway journey. Check our advice on handling many of the situations you could
encounter. No body checks road conditions before making a drive.
Plan ahead: Getting home safe is a shared responsibility. Take your turn being the designated driver – your
friends and family will thank you. If no one is able to be a designated driver, there are still plenty of options for
you to get home. Leave your car overnight and consider taking a taxi, transit, or calling a friend.
Youth drivers and passengers: Youth drivers out of enthusiasm cause terrific mistakes to himself as well as
passengers too. Their education and controlling a few restraining behavior is the need of the day.
Lack of good examples:
Get back to the basics with these simple safety tips.
 Look left-right-left and shoulder check before crossing. Make eye contact with drivers and keep looking
for approaching vehicles while crossing.
 Listen. Remove your headphones so you can hear approaching traffic that may be hard to see.
 Be seen. Wear reflective materials or bright clothes and use lights after dark.
 Walk on the inside edge of the sidewalk away from the road. If there's no sidewalk - walk facing
oncoming traffic, so you can see approaching vehicles.
 Never jaywalk.

Please provide examples of what activities you have done in preparation for the conference.
(maximum 500 characters) *
This could include engaging your leaders to attend the conference, holding a Round the World Roundtable or a
consultation related to the conference.
Our organization have been implemented many Traffic Safety project in Odisha(India),”SADAK SURAKHYA-JEEVAN
RAKHYA”is one of the best project. Through this project we organized series of activities such as Awareness Campaign,
Traffic Training for Students, Drivers, Teachers etc. different competition like Painting, Essay, Debate, Distribution of
Printing materials, Seminar, Workshop, lecture and demonstration programme, Projection of Road Safety Film Show for
raising road safety consciousness among the school and college students and general public to know the traffic rules and
regulations when they are on road. Observation of National Road Safety Week, Global Road Safety Week and World Day
of Remembrance of Road Accident Victims.
# We have developed a road map of certain specific roads with black spots, Police Department and Transport Department
have been approached for mitigation
# Effective Trauma care centers across the state have been identified for rush of accident victims more particularly during
golden hour
# Quick response ambulance system have been advised for implementation.
# Guidelines have been provided for vehicular safety standards
# Working on Safe School Zone etc.
Some of the effective and efficient parameters on road safety management advocacy were:
Child resistraints.
Distracted driving
Helmet wearing Compulsory
Drinking and Driving
For details please visit:

Provide examples of how your NGO and your country would benefit from your participation in
the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety (maximum 500 characters) *
For example, work that you are doing with your government.
In India, more than 150,000 people are killed each year in traffic accidents. That’s about 400 fatalities a day
and far higher than developed countries in comparison. Now, our Prime Minister Narendra Modiji is
attempting to curb the carnage on Indian roads caused by everything from speeding two-wheelers to cars not
equipped with proper safety measures. The programme tries to promulgate harsher penalties for traffic
offenses and the same has been passed in the lower house of parliament. However, it was little relief to note
that those killed on the roads in India came down by 4,560 or 3% in 2017 from 1.51 lakh the previous year,
the Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety said in a report to the apex court. While Punjab, West Bengal
and Gujarat have shown a decline, Bihar, UP, Odisha and MP have reported more deaths.
It is high time to prioritize road safety education with a focus on issues like drunk driving, driving
fast, negligent and rash driving are among the 22 main recommendations highlighted in a report submitted
recently to the ministry of road transport and highways. A working group on road safety education has made
the suggestions that assume significance in the wake of increasing fatal accidents on the city roads and
highways. Keeping this in view “Women & Child Welfare Society” is arranging “Road Safety Awareness
Programme” in different places of Odisha by availing Grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, Govt. of India, New Delhi & Regional Transport Authority, Cuttack.
Here are the 5 simple ways by which road safety in India can be improved:
1. Proper construction of roads
If the roads are constructed with space for pavements, bus bays, and smoother bends, chances for road
accidents will be reduced. Ditches are a chronic problem that spoils Indian roads. They should be immediately
taken care of.
2. Implementation of the road safety laws
Quite often, road accidents are caused by violation of road safety rules. When rules are strictly implemented,
this problem can be solved easily. Placing police officials at various points may not work every time.
3. Monitoring of roads
When you start monitoring the roads through CCTV cameras, certain traffic violations such as violating speed
limits, motorcyclists without helmets, people not following road safety rules, etc. can be reduced, as they have
a feeling that they are being watched.
Otherwise, you can replace obsolete systems with modern traffic solutions.
4. Quick response time:Usually when an accident happens, the response time is too long, which eventually
leads to the death of the victim. The system being slow and disorganized, there is a chance for more
casualties. If the CCTV cameras are integrated with intelligent solutions, traffic officials will be able to get real-
time data and with that information, they can take immediate action at emergency situations. Road safety
awareness can also help traffic and transportation departments to smoothly overcome the adverse situations
on the road.
5. Phone booths and health centres
Though people have smart phones in their possession, they often face network issue. Poor network is a
common issue found in highways. Hence, phone booths can be of great help to people as they can quickly
contact the relevant authorities, especially, in the case of accidents. A health centre can be constructed on
highways that help to provide first aid to accident victims before admitting them to the hospital. In addition to
this, we can also arrange mobile emergency services for highways in order to reduce the road accident rates
and thereby, enhance road safety.
Do you need a visa for Sweden? *
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
Do you wish to apply for a travel subsidy to attend the Conference? *
NOTE: INVITATIONS DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FUNDING. The Alliance will have a limited number of subsidies available
but these will not cover full costs and not everyone will receive one. You should also seek alternative funding from your
government as part of the Ministerial delegation or from other sources. If you select yes for this question, you will be taken
to an additional set of questions.

[* ]Yes, please consider me for Alliance funding

[ ]No, my trip will be funded from other sources
Travel subsidies
Limited funding will be available to help NGOs attend the Conference. Not every NGO will receive a subsidy, priority will be given based
on your responses to the questions above. Subsidies are unlikely to cover your full expenses and you should also seek additional
sources. If you are able to receive full funding from another source, we encourage you not to apply for an Alliance subsidy to enable us
to get as many NGOs as possible to the conference.

Describe your advocacy plans with your government in the lead up to the Conference
(maximum 500 characters) *
For example, work that you are doing with your government before the Conference.
Road Safety Strategy 2025 is similar to its predecessors in a number of ways. It retains the long-term vision of Towards
A number of principles key to the strategy’s success have been aligned with international best practices in road safety.
These principles include:
Providing an inventory of proven and promising best practices to address key risk groups and contributing factors
builds on the work of Road Safety Strategy 2020 with a flexible approach to allow for jurisdictions to implement road
safety programs that meet their own needs.
Vision Towards Zero - The safest roads in the world” Towards Zero is not a target to be achieved by a certain date; it is
aspirational. This vision will continue beyond RSS 2025’s timeline and highlights the desire for the best road safety
outcomes for all Canadian jurisdictions.
Strategic Objectives
The following strategic objectives form the cornerstone on safer road users, road infrastructure and vehicles:

Raising public awareness and commitment to road safety
Improving communication, cooperation and collaboration among stakeholders
Enhancing legislation and enforcement
Improving road safety information in support of research and evaluation
Improving the safety of vehicles and road infrastructure
Leveraging technology and innovation
Adopting a Safe System Approach
The Safe System Approach (SSA) is how many countries leading in road safety are achieving their vision of eliminating
deaths and serious injuries. SSA contains the following principles:
 Ethics: human life and health are paramount and take priority over mobility and other objectives of the road traffic
system (i.e., life and health can never be exchanged for other benefits within the society)
 Responsibility: providers and regulators of the road traffic system share responsibility with users
 Safety: road traffic systems should take account of human fallibility and minimize both the opportunities for errors and
the harm done when they occur
Mechanisms for change: providers and regulators must do their utmost to guarantee the safety of all citizens; they must
cooperate with road users; and all three must be ready to change to achieve safety. It is recognized that Canadian
jurisdictions will implement the SSA in a manner that is Appropriate to their environment
By submitting this form, you agree that your responses will be shared with the selection panel for review and with WHO and the Government of Sweden

for processing. *
[ * ]I consent to this use of my data.
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