Ample Bass Manual: Beijing Ample Sound Technology Co. LTD

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Ample Bass Manual

Ample Bass Manual

Beijing Ample Sound Technology Co. Ltd

Ample Bass Manual


1 INSTALLATION AND ACTIVATION ........................................................................................................... 6

1.1 INSTALLATION ON MAC...................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS ............................................................................................................................ 8

1.3 FULL FEATURES TRIAL & ACTIVATION .............................................................................................................. 13

2 PARAMETERS SETTING ..............................................................................................................................16

2.1 OVERVIEW OF SETTINGS PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 16

2.2 SAVE / LOAD PRESET ........................................................................................................................................ 17

2.3 INSTRUMENT PATH SETTING ............................................................................................................................ 17

2.4 MASTER TUNE .................................................................................................................................................. 17

2.5 MIDI OUT ........................................................................................................................................................ 17

2.6 MAX VOICES .................................................................................................................................................... 18

2.7 VELOCITY LAYERS ............................................................................................................................................. 18

2.8 POLY BENDER ................................................................................................................................................... 19

2.9 CYCLE MODE .................................................................................................................................................... 19

2.10 CYCLE PLUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

2.11 MIDI GUITAR MODE........................................................................................................................................ 20

2.12 CUSTOMIZED PARAMETERS CONTROL ............................................................................................................. 20

2.12.1 MIDI Controller .................................................................................................................................... 20

2.12.2 Automation .......................................................................................................................................... 21

3 INSTRUMENT PANEL ..................................................................................................................................22

Ample Bass Manual

3.1 OVERVIEW OF INSTRUMENT PANEL.................................................................................................................. 22

3.2 SAMPLE LIBRARY .............................................................................................................................................. 22

3.3 OPEN STRING FIRST ......................................................................................................................................... 23

3.4 PLAY MODE SWITCH ........................................................................................................................................ 23

3.5 AUTO LEGATO ................................................................................................................................................... 23

3.6 TUNER .............................................................................................................................................................. 23

3.7 VOLUME RATIO ................................................................................................................................................ 24

4 MAIN PANEL .................................................................................................................................................25

4.1 OVERVIEW OF MAIN PANEL ............................................................................................................................. 25

4.2 ARTICULATIONS AND POLY LEGATO ................................................................................................................. 27

4.2.1 Acoustics and Electrics ...................................................................................................................... 27

4.2.2 Metal ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

4.2.3 Sustain ................................................................................................................................................... 28

4.2.4 Natural Harmonic ............................................................................................................................... 29

4.2.5 Palm Mute............................................................................................................................................. 30

4.2.6 Slide In from below & Slide Out downwards (Original) ........................................................... 31

4.2.7 Legato Slide (Poly Legato) ................................................................................................................ 32

4.2.8 Hammer On & Pull Off (Poly Legato) ............................................................................................ 33

4.2.9 Staccato ................................................................................................................................................. 34

4.2.10 Slap ......................................................................................................................................................... 35

4.2.11 Tap .......................................................................................................................................................... 36

4.2.12 Pop .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Ample Bass Manual

4.3 MIC AND DI(ACOUSTIC ONLY) ................................................................................................................... 38

4.4 AUTO BUZZ ...................................................................................................................................................... 38

4.5 AUTO ACCENTUATION NOISE........................................................................................................................... 38

4.6 FRET SOUND .................................................................................................................................................... 38

4.7 TOTAL START TIME AND DI DELAY ................................................................................................................... 38

4.8 CAPO ................................................................................................................................................................ 40

4.9 MANUAL VIBRATO WHEEL (ORIGINAL)............................................................................................................ 40

4.10 STRMAN AND CAPOMAN ............................................................................................................................... 41

4.10.1 StrMan ................................................................................................................................................... 41

4.10.2 CapoMan ............................................................................................................................................... 41

4.11 FX SOUND GROUP ........................................................................................................................................... 41

4.11.1 Acoustics and Electrics ...................................................................................................................... 41

4.11.2 Metal ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

4.12 BUZZ................................................................................................................................................................. 43

4.13 OCTAVE PATTERN ............................................................................................................................................. 43

4.14 SINGLE NOTE REPEAT ....................................................................................................................................... 43

5 TAB PANEL .................................................................................................................................................... 44

5.1 OVERVIEW OF TAB PANEL................................................................................................................................. 44

5.2 TAB LOAD ......................................................................................................................................................... 44

5.3 TAB PLAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 45

5.4 HOST PLAYBACK ............................................................................................................................................... 45

5.5 VELOCITY PROPORTION AND HUMANIZATION ................................................................................................ 45

Ample Bass Manual

5.6 TAB SWING ....................................................................................................................................................... 45

5.7 TAB DURATION PROPORTION .......................................................................................................................... 45

6 EDIT PANEL ....................................................................................................................................................46

Ample Bass Manual

1 Installation and Activation

1.1 Installation on Mac

1. Continue to install.

2. Read and accept the license agreement.

Ample Bass Manual

3. Select plugin formats to install. Change Location if you want to install sample library in a

different place.

4. Close to exit.

Ample Bass Manual

1.2 Installation on Windows

1. Continue to install.

2. Read and accept the license agreement.

Ample Bass Manual

3. Specify location to install standalone.

4. Specify location to install 64bit VST.

Ample Bass Manual

5. Specify location to install 32bit VST.

6. Specify location to install sample library.

Ample Bass Manual

7. Select plugin formats to install.

8. Choose if to create a Start Menu folder.

Ample Bass Manual

9. Finish to exit.

*Please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable if program cannot run.

Microsoft official download page

*If encountered with error shown above, please close and simply ignore it.

Ample Bass Manual

1.3 Full Features Trial & Activation

1. 7-days trial with full features is offered.

2. Trial requires an internet connection.

3. Activation: open Activation Manager to activate products.

Ample Bass Manual

4. Online Activation: fill in User ID and password and click "Activate" to complete activation. Click

"Forgot" if you want to inquire User ID and reset password.

Ample Bass Manual

5. Offline Activation: please send Challenge Code and User ID to [email protected] . Our

customer service will send you Key Code within 24 hours. Fill in User ID and Key Code and click

"Activate" to complete activation. Keep your User ID and Key Code in case of reinstallation.

6. After activation succeeds, please close Activation Manager and restart program.

Ample Bass Manual

2 Parameters Setting

2.1 Overview of Settings Panel

1. Save/Load Preset
2. Instrument Path Setting
3. Master Tune
4. MIDI Out
5. Max Voices
6. Real Time Memory Display
7. Velocity Sensitivity
8. Real Time Voices Display
9. Velocity Layer Thresholds
10. Bender Range
11. Poly Bender
12. Mod Wheel Range
13. Auto Mod Wheel
14. Hold Pedal Noise
15. Cycle Mode
16. Cycle Plus
17. Cycle Reset
18. MIDI Guitar Mode Setting and Toggle

Ample Bass Manual

2.2 Save / Load Preset

You can save your current parameters setting as local file for later use with other projects or


2.3 Instrument Path Setting

You can move sample library folder indicated by original path to anywhere, and set path to new


2.4 Master Tune

Default tune is in 440Hz. You can set tune to any non-standard between 430 and 450Hz.

2.5 MIDI Out

Toggle on MIDI Out, add a MIDI track in project and set the input to MIDI Out of Ample Bass.

Then any note being played will be converted to MIDI, including those by tab.

Ample Bass Manual

2.6 Max Voices

Defines the maximum number of voices which can be played simultaneously. Voices will be

forced stop if the number goes beyond maximum.

2.7 Velocity Layers

Each Cycle: Separate sample cycle for each note and each velocity layer, greatly improving


Rhombic Sampling Structure: Greatly improves sample utilization proficiency.

Ample Bass Manual

Sliders control velocity thresholds of corresponding layers. Adjust them according to your play


2.8 Poly Bender

When toggled on, open string and multiple notes can be bended.

2.9 Cycle Mode

You can switch cycle mode among Each Cycle (default), Round Robin (Kontakt like) and Random.

2.10 Cycle Plus

When toggled on, more cycles will be available for each note

Ample Bass Manual

2.11 MIDI Guitar Mode

Toggle on when you use midi guitar as input. Make sure the input channel of midi track is set to


2.12 Customized Parameters Control

2.12.1 MIDI Controller

All buttons, knobs and sliders on GUI can be controlled by MIDI Controllers. Alt + click or

right-click a control to open the dialog below and assign a controller.

Ample Bass Manual

1.Left Column: Available controllers, including After Touch, Bender

and MIDI CC.
2.Right Column: Assigned parameters.
3.OK: Assign the selected controller to the control.
4.Cancel: Close dialog.
5.Learn: MIDI Learn.
6.Clear: Clear the assigned controller of the control.

2.12.2 Automation

You can also use automation to control parameters.

Ample Bass Manual

3 Instrument Panel

3.1 Overview of Instrument Panel

1. Sample Library Switch

2. Master Volume
3. Capo Logic - Intelligent Fingering Simulation Algorithm
4. StrMan
5. Open String First (G#6)
6. Hold Pedal
7. Play Mode Switch
8. Auto Legato Mode Switch(D#6)
9. Tuner
10. Volume Ratio

3.2 Sample Library

You can switch between Finger and Pick sample libraries.

*Sample Library cannot be switched during play

Ample Bass Manual

3.3 Open String First

Used for playing high position arpeggios with open strings. When toggled on, notes will be

played priorly on open strings regardless of Capo Logic. G#6 can toggle it on with high velocity

and off with low velocity.

3.4 Play Mode Switch

When keyboard mode is on, multiple notes can be played on same string simultaneously. When

solo mode is on, only one note can exist at a time. Both keyboard mode and solo mode will mute

Auto Legato.

3.5 Auto Legato

When two notes on the same string overlap and keyboard/solo mode is off, a legato will be

automatically made. D#6 can switch auto legato mode, high velocity for Auto SL and low velocity

for Auto HP.

3.6 Tuner

You can tune every string by turning its corresponding tuner, 2 semitones down at most. Tuning

is fully compatible with strummer, tab and all articulations.

Ample Bass Manual

3.7 Volume Ratio

Adjusts the volume ratio of non-slap articulation to slap articulation.

Ample Bass Manual

4 Main Panel

4.1 Overview of Main Panel

Ample Bass Manual

1.Articulations and Poly Legato keyswitches (Important)

2.Peak meter / Sound Mode, Pan and Width
3.Open String First Toggle
4.Tab Play Toggle
5.Fade In / DI Delay
6.Auto Buzz (Original) / Mic, DI and Master Volume and EQ / Pick Attack Accentuation
7.Auto Accentuation Noise (Original) / Pick Attack Random
8.Release Sound Volume
9.Noise Sound Volume
10.Accentuation Noise Volume
11.Fret Sound Toggle and Volume (Original)
12.Total Start Time (Original)
15.Manual Vibrato Wheel (Original)
17.Fx Sound Group
18.Manual Buzz / Fx Sound Group 2
19.Dead Note
20.Octave Pattern (Original)
21.Single Note Repeater (Original)
22.Auto Accentuation Noise Toggle
23.Auto Legato Mode Switch

Ample Bass Manual

4.2 Articulations and Poly Legato

4.2.1 Acoustics and Electrics

Abbr. Full Name Keyswitch Range

SUS Sustain C0 B0-F4
NH Natural Harmonic C#0 E2-G4
PM Palm Mute D0 E1-F4
SIO Slide In from below & Slide Out downwards D#0 F#1-F4
LS Legato Slide (Poly Legato) E0 F1-F4
HP Hammer On & Pull Off (Poly Legato) F0 E1-F4
STA Staccato F#0 E1-F4
SLAP Slap G0 E1-F4
TAP Tap G#0 E1-F4
POP Pop A0 E1-F4

4.2.2 Metal

Abbr. Full Name Keyswitch Range

SUS Sustain C0 B0-E4
LS Legato Slide (Poly Legato) C#0 C1-E4
HP Hammer On & Pull Off (Poly Legato) D0 B0-E4
SIO Slide In from below & Slide Out downwards D#0 C#1-E4

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.3 Sustain

Keyswitch is C0.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.4 Natural Harmonic

Keyswitch is C#0.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.5 Palm Mute

Keyswitch is D0. Subsequent note of low velocity will be dead note. If you press C0 and D0 at the

same time, subsequent notes of high velocity will be Sustain and notes of low velocity will be

Palm Mute.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.6 Slide In from below & Slide Out downwards (Original)

Keyswitch is D#0. When D#0 is before a note, Slide In is triggered. When D#0 lies in a note, Slide

Out is triggered. The velocity of slide is determined by D#0. Articulation will return to Sustain

when note ends. Poly slide is supported.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.7 Legato Slide (Poly Legato)

Keyswitch is E0. Two notes of Legato must overlap and E0 must be ahead of first note.

Articulation will return to previous one when second note ends. Legato triggered by E0 of high

velocity will change fret position. Low velocity will not.

Poly Legato (Original): The rule is same with mono legato except you only need to press the

highest note of second set if you want to slide upward, or lowest note of second set if you want

to slide downward.

Slide Smoother: The speed of a long legato slide (slide more than 2 frets) is determined by the

velocity of second note. Higher the velocity, faster the speed.

Auto SL: When keyboard/solo mode is off and auto legato mode is Auto SL, two overlapped

note on same string will legato automatically, no keyswitch needed.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.8 Hammer On & Pull Off (Poly Legato)

Keyswitch is F0. Two notes of Legato must overlap and F0 must be ahead of first note.

Articulation will return to previous one when second note ends. Legato triggered by F0 of high

velocity will change fret position if it goes beyond. Low velocity will not.

Auto HP: When keyboard/solo mode is off and auto legato mode is Auto HP, two overlapped

note on same string will legato automatically, no keyswitch needed.

Poly Legato (Original): The rule is same with mono legato except you only need to press the

highest note of second set if you want to hammer on, or lowest note of second set if you want to

pull off.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.9 Staccato

Keyswitch is F#0.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.10 Slap

Keyswitch is G0. Subsequent note of low velocity will be slap noise.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.11 Tap

Keyswitch is G#0.

Ample Bass Manual

4.2.12 Pop

Keyswitch is A0. Subsequent note of low velocity will be pop noise. If you press G0 and A0 at the

same time, subsequent notes on string 3&4 will be Slap and string 1&2 will be Pop.

Ample Bass Manual

4.3 Mic and DI(Acoustic only)

Ample Bass Acoustic is recorded via Mic and DI simultaneously. You can solo or mute either and

set EQ separately. Two mono and stereo modes are available. In addition, you can adjust mic and

di volumes, pan and width to meet your need.

4.4 Auto Buzz

When toggled on, notes will be randomly buzzed depending on frequency.

4.5 Auto Accentuation Noise

When toggled on, a noise will be randomly applied to sustain articulation depending on


4.6 Fret Sound

In real performance, hand is constantly moving and touching fretboard. Without fret sound

virtual instruments would sound artificially "clean".

4.7 Total Start Time and DI Delay

After pick strokes string, it takes around 50ms to get the string really vibrating. Ample Bass

preserves the moment of the stroke, otherwise it will sound like piano.

Ample Bass Manual

Ample Bass Manual

Set Start Time to 50ms and Track Delay of DAWs to 0ms as shown in the figure above on the left

when you are playing a MIDI keyboard.

Set Start Time to 0ms and Track Delay of DAWs to -50ms as shown in the figure above on the

right when you are playing tracks or exporting audio.

If your DAW doesn't support Track delay, you will need to drag tracks a few ms (according to start

time) forward manually, or use the formula of Time to BPM: Track Delay(beat) = Time(s) * Tempo

/ 60, e.g. for 50ms, you need to drag tracks 0.1 beat or 48 ticks forward when Tempo = 120.

You need to export audio one bar earlier after Track Delay is set as shown in the figure below.

For Ample Bass Acoustic, since DI channel transmits earlier than Mic channels, you can adjust DI

Delay to avoid phase cancellation.

4.8 Capo

Shifts all incoming notes without need to change original.

4.9 Manual Vibrato Wheel (Original)

Vibrato can be controlled by hand like a real musician does. An intensive vibrato is triggered

when the wheel position exceeds 3/4.

Ample Bass Manual

4.10 StrMan and CapoMan

4.10.1 StrMan

Specify a string to be played manually. E6-G6 correspond to 4th string-1st string. High velocity

StrMan will affect fret position while low velocity will not.

4.10.2 CapoMan

Switch to a fret position manually. Press A#0 and the CapoMan line (yellow) will appear. Then

press E1-A#2 to switch to position 0-18 respectively. For metal, press B0-E2 to switch to position

0-17 respectively.

4.11 FX Sound Group

4.11.1 Acoustics and Electrics

Note FX Sound
G#4 Hit Top (Mute)
A4 Hit Top (Open)
A#4 Hit Rim
F5 Scratch 1
F#5 Scratch 2
G5 Accentuation Noise
G#5 Slap Noise by Left Hand
A5 Slap Noise by Right Hand
A#5 Fx Slide 1: SIO on E string
B5 Fx Slide 2: SIO on A string
C6 Fx Slide 3: SO on E string
C#6 Fx Slide 4: SO on A string

Ample Bass Manual

4.11.2 Metal

Note FX Sound
D#5 Downstroke Noise
E5 Upstroke Noise
F5 Scratch 1
F#5 Scratch 2
G5 Silent Press
G#5 Fx Slide 1: SIO on B string
A5 Fx Slide 2: SIO on E string
A#5 Fx Slide 3: SIO on A string
B5 Fx Slide 4: SO on B string
C6 Fx Slide 5: SO on E string
C#6 Fx Slide 6: SO on A string

Ample Bass Manual

4.12 Buzz

When you press A4, all ringing notes will be buzzed.

4.13 Octave Pattern

Press B4, C5, D5 and E5 will respectively trigger descending fourth, unison, ascending fifth and

ascending octave of current note or last ended note with octave shape.

4.14 Single Note Repeat

You can press C#5 and D#5 to repeat notes being played or last ended note. Multiple notes are


Ample Bass Manual

5 Tab Panel

5.1 Overview of Tab Panel

1. Track Select
2. Load a Tab
3. Reload Tab
4. Host Playback
5. Tab Sync
6. Go to...
7. Tab Play Toggle (Note A6)
8. Tab Loop Toggle
9. Velocity Proportion
10. Velocity Humanization
11. Tab Swing
12. Tab Duration Proportion

5.2 Tab Load

Ample Bass supports four formats of tab, GP3, GP4, GP5 and GPX. Tab name and path can only

contain numbers and English letters. After you edit a tab, you can click Reload button to refresh.

Click on edge or "Go to..." buttons to browse tab.

Ample Bass Manual

5.3 Tab Play

Click the play button to play a tab. When loop toggle is on, tab will start over again when it

reaches end. When loop toggle is off, tab will stop. A6 can toggle on tab play with high velocity

and off with low velocity. Use A6 to control tab play when exporting audio.

5.4 Host Playback

When toggled on, tab can respond to host playback. Make sure the time signatures of host and

tab are same.

5.5 Velocity Proportion and Humanization

Velocity Proportion controls the percentage of original velocity with which to play tab.

Humanization applies random change to velocity.

5.6 Tab Swing

Randomly flexes the timing of tab to avoid mechanical performance.

5.7 Tab Duration Proportion

Controls the percentage of sustain notes' duration with which to play tab.

Ample Bass Manual

6 Edit Panel

You can adjust both pitch and gain of every sample according to your own need. Editor can

correspond to sample currently being played. You can save your tune setting for later use or load

setting from file.

Ample Bass Manual


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Tech-Born Music
Produced and Copyright provided by Beijing Ample Sound Technology Co. Ltd


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