Upu0002 - 2019.2 Rubric Plan

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Marking Criteria (Rubric): ESSAY PLAN

Criterion Not Demonstrated Poorly Demonstrated / Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction (80+%)
(0-29%) Understood (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%)
Limited background to the Some background to the essay Sentences provide some Well-written sentences that Very well written and engaging Introduction clearly prepares the
Introductory essay provided or context is is provided; although background/context for the provide background, context sentences that clearly prepare reader for the arguments to
irrelevant to the essay question. information is vague or lacks essay topic; however, the key and arguments for the essay to the reader for the points of follow, demonstrating faultless
Too much information has not clarity. The ideas presented points of argument to follow in follow. However, some argument to follow. opening sentences that appear
been supported by references. may have not been adequately the essay may be lacking or information may be repetitive, engaging and highly academic in
supported by references. unclear. redundant or lacking. nature through their use of quality
Spelling / Frequent spelling, grammar and Several spelling or grammatical A few spelling or grammatical Some errors in spelling, Minimal spelling, punctuation No errors in spelling, punctuation
Grammar / punctuation errors. errors. errors. punctuation and grammar, yet and grammar errors. and grammar. Deliberate style of
Style of language is not suitable Use of colloquial or informal Some use of colloquial or do not affect meaning. Well-constructed sentences language with sophisticated word
for university and / or sentences language and / or sentence informal language and / or No use of colloquial language and style of language choices appropriate to the task.
are poorly constructed. construction affects readability / sentence construction needs and sentences generally well- appropriate to task with some Ideas are very well paraphrased,
Frequent plagiarism or poor understanding. work. constructed. choice of wording for impact. demonstrating a clear
paraphrasing exists. Some evidence of plagiarism or Some evidence of plagiarism or Ideas are mostly paraphrased Ideas are consistently well- understanding.
poor paraphrasing. poor paraphrasing. well, showing some paraphrased, demonstrating a
understanding. good understanding.
Not demonstrated or Thesis statement attempted yet Thesis statement and blueprint Statement is clear and Very clear, well written thesis Excellent use of sentence
Thesis understood (e.g. statement fails to provide a clear and of reasons attempted; however, debatable, yet needs more work statement that presents a structure to produce a thesis
posed as a question) debatable claim that is needs more work to clearly to express writer’s viewpoint discussion that can be statement that clearly states the
connected to the essay topic. express the writer’s and discussion to come… appropriately argued. writer’s viewpoint and introduces
Blueprint of reasons lacking. claim/viewpoint as an arguable needs a little more work. the discussion to come.
Not demonstrated or Three sentences are presented; Three sentences that are Three sentences that are linked Three well written sentences Three very well written sentences
Topic understood (e.g. dot points or however, yet they are poorly somewhat linked to the thesis to the thesis statement, yet may that are closely linked to the (with no errors), that could be
Sentences questions posed rather than the expressed and fail to connect to statement, yet lack clarity or require more clarity to present thesis statement and clearly used in the final essay (such is
presentation of topic the thesis. clear connectedness to point of the point of argument presented present the points of argument their clarity and connectedness to
sentences). Several in-text referencing argument presented in the in the thesis. Sentences to come. the thesis statement).
Several in-text referencing errors or fail to provide thesis. Sentence construction generally well-constructed. Limited errors in in-text No in-text referencing errors
errors or fail to provide reference. may need work. May have Some errors in in-text referencing.
reference. errors in referencing in-text. referencing.
Not demonstrated, completed, Three references supported and Three appropriate scholarly Three appropriate and Three appropriate, thoughtful Three highly thoughtful, original
References or understood. justified, yet sources are not sources selected and justified connected academic references and connected academic and connected academic
scholarly or peer-reviewed with some referencing errors. from scholarly sources provided references from scholarly references from scholarly
and/or contain several and justified, with few sources provided and justified, sources provided and justified.
reasons) referencing errors referencing errors. with minimal referencing No referencing errors.
(20%) errors.

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