Interface para Usar El Osciloscopio Como Diagnosticador Por Imágenes
Interface para Usar El Osciloscopio Como Diagnosticador Por Imágenes
Interface para Usar El Osciloscopio Como Diagnosticador Por Imágenes
Ferreira, PY3PR
Av. Neusa Goultart Brizola, 555 apt 906, Porto Alegre, RS 90460-230, Brazil: [email protected]
Many hams enjoy experimenting with the secondary was out of question for indicate a potential problem. There are
electronics and troubleshooting circuits. me, I designed a simpler solution keeping four fundamental components signatures:
However, it is frustrating when we have my previous single-voltage secondary resistive, capacitive, inductive and semi-
no access to schematics or component transformer by using multiple voltage conductive. Recognizing and interpreting
identification, or when we need to remove dividers and current limiters. My Octopus these four basic signatures is crucial to
the suspicious components from the board to had its range improved at an insignificant successful Octopus utilization.
check them individually. We might even finish cost, and I got my junk box organized! In-circuit tests are generally possible in
by damaging the component or the board many cases. However, complex Lissajous
itself, or we might even get false readings with Octopus Basics figures from resistors, capacitors and
the multimeter, depending on the component. A curve tracer is a test equipment added inductors connected to semiconductors can
Fortunately, a simple and efficient way to to an oscilloscope — either digital or analog also be produced. In this case, we disconnect
overcome these problems has been around — that provides a graphical display of the one terminal of the device under test (DUT)
for decades. It consists in an electronic device V/I characteristic of an electronic component. from the circuit. Once we are familiarized
connected to an oscilloscope. It has a number It can be used to quickly check resistors, with Octopus operation, we can create a file
of designations, such as V/I (voltage/current) capacitors, inductors, semiconductors — of the measured Lissajous patterns of both
curve tracer, analog signature analyzer, both diodes and transistors — and, under normal isolated and in-circuit components
component tester, oscilloscope test adapter, some circumstances, integrated circuits. for future comparisons.
or simply “Octopus”. I constructed a basic The oscilloscope must have X-Y mode Please keep in mind, the components,
Octopus after reading an article published by capability, which allows one channel to drive as well as the board itself must not be
David Ludlow, W7QHX, in QST.1 My device the horizontal amplifier (the X-channel), connected to the ac mains line or to a battery.
nicely accomplished the job with its single while the other (Y-channel) drives the vertical No signal inputs are recommended. Remove
output of 1 V limited to 1 mA. As noted by amplifier. The X-channel measures voltage, all unnecessary cables from the equipment
David, the voltage and current are low enough while the Y-channel measures current. This under test and disconnect any other line or
for safe testing of almost any semiconductor V/I testing permits an on-screen plot of I electrical source.
circuit board assembly. versus V. The device has a precise limited A in-depth discussion of V/I testing and
Recently I needed to check some current applied to appropriate points on the signature analysis is beyond the scope of
unidentified Zener diodes and also a device under test using common multimeter this article, but very good overviews are
suspicious integrated circuit (IC) from red and black leads. The measured voltage available.2, 3 Descriptions of oscilloscope X-Y
my junk box, and required more optional drop, current flow, and phase shift are modes may be found in ARRL publications.4, 5
voltages to trace possibly higher Zener plotted as the current versus voltage on
voltages and IC junctions. After surveying the oscilloscope. The observed signatures, Assembly and Settings
the available literature, I found Octopus called Lissajous patterns, of known- This Octopus V/I curve tracer supports
circuits using transformers with multi-tap good components or printed-circuit boards three output voltages: 1 V ac, 5 V ac, and
voltages in the secondary. Because these are compared with those of a suspect 10 V ac, each at about 1 mA. Figure 1 shows
transformers are hard to find, and re-winding one. Unusual or unexpected signatures the circuit schematic diagram. Figure 2 shows
F1 C1
D1 D2
R1 R6 Red Lead
Black Lead
120 12 R2
Horizontal X Axis
Oscilloscope Ground
Figure 5 — Internal view of the assembled Octopus. Figure 6 — Front view of the assembled Octopus.