NCERT Geography Notes

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The distribution of matter and energy was not even in the early universe, which led to the formation of galaxies and stars. Stars form from the accumulation and condensation of hydrogen gas in nebulae.

The stages in the formation of stars are: (1) gas and dust accumulate in nebulae to form dense cores, (2) the cores continue condensing to form stars, (3) planets may form from the disc of material around new stars.

Terrestrial planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are smaller, closer to the Sun, and made up of rock and metals. Jovian planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are larger, farther from the Sun, and composed mainly of gases. Terrestrial planets could not hold on to their gases due to their lower gravity and proximity to the intense solar winds.

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Page 1 (row 1, column 1)

Laplace revised it in 1796. It is

known as Nebular Hypothesis. The
hypothesis considered that the
planets were formed out of a cloud of
material associated with a youthful
sun, which was slowly rotating.

Otto Schmidt in Russia and Carl

Weizascar in Germany somewhat
revised the ‘nebular hypothesis’,

origin of the universe is the Big

Bang Theory. It is also called
expanding universe hypothesis. Edwin
Hubble, in 1920, provided evidence
that the universe is expanding

The Star Formation The distribution of matter and energy was not even in the early
universe. These initial density differences gave rise to differences in gravitational forces
and it caused the matter to get drawn together. These formed the bases for development
of galaxies. A galaxy contains a large number of stars. Galaxies spread over vast
distances that are measured in thousands of light-years. The diameters of individual
galaxies range from 80,000-150,000 light years. A galaxy starts to form by accumulation
of hydrogen gas in the form of a very large cloud called nebula. Eventually, growing nebula
develops localised clumps of gas. These clumps continue to grow into even denser
gaseous bodies, giving rise to formation of stars. The formation of stars is believed to have
taken place some 5-6 billion years ago.

The following are considered to be the stages in the development of planets :

(i) The stars are localised lumps of gas within a nebula. The gravitational force within
the lumps leads to the formation of a core to the gas cloud and a huge rotating disc of
gas and dust develops around the gas core.

(ii) In the next stage, the gas cloud starts getting condensed and the matter around the
core develops into small- rounded objects. These small-rounded objects by the process
of cohesion develop into what is called planetesimals. Larger bodies start forming by
collision, and gravitational attraction causes the material to stick together. Planetesimals
are a large number of smaller bodies. (iii) In the final stage, these large number of small
planetesimals accrete to form a fewer large bodies in the form of planets.
The following are considered to be the stages in the development of planets :

(i) The stars are localised lumps of gas within a nebula. The gravitational force within
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the lumps leads tofinal ncert'
the formation of a core to the gas cloud and a huge rotating disc of

Page 2 (row 2, column 1)gas and dust develops around the gas core.
(ii) In the next stage, the gas cloud starts getting condensed and the matter around the
core develops into small- rounded objects. These small-rounded objects by the process
of cohesion develop into what is called planetesimals. Larger bodies start forming by
collision, and gravitational attraction causes the material to stick together. Planetesimals
are a large number of smaller bodies. (iii) In the final stage, these large number of small
planetesimals accrete to form a fewer large bodies in the form of planets.

planets. The tenth planet 2003 UB313 has also been recently sighted

Out of the nine planets, other five planets are

mercury, venus, earth and called the outer planets. A
mars are called as the
inner planets as they lie
between the sun and the
The rest five are called
belt of asteroids
Jovian or Gas Giant
planets. Jovian means
the first four are called jupiter-like
Terrestrial, meaning earth-like
as they are made up of rock
and metals, and have
relatively high densities

The difference between terrestrial and jovian planets can be attributed to the following
conditions: (i) The terrestrial planets were formed in the close vicinity of the parent star where
it was too warm for gases to condense to solid particles. Jovian planets were formed at quite
a distant location. (ii) The solar wind was most intense nearer the sun; so, it blew off lots of
gas and dust from the terrestrial planets. The solar winds were not all that intense to cause
similar removal of gases from the Jovian planets. (iii) The terrestrial planets are smaller and
their lower gravity could not hold the escaping gases.

Project”. The deepest drill at Kola, in Arctic Ocean, has so far reached a depth of 12 km

The point where the energy is released is called the focus of an earthquake, alternatively, it is called
the hypocentre

The point on the surface, nearest to the focus, is called epicentre

All natural earthquakes take place in the lithosphere


This unit deals with
• Geography as an integrating discipline; as a science of spatial
• Branches of geography; importance of physical geography


ou have studied geography as one of the of the earth’s surface. The understanding and
components of your social studies course the skills obtained in modern scientific
upto the secondary stage. You are techniques such as GIS and computer
already aware of some of the phenomena of cartography equip you to meaningfully
geographical nature in the world and its contribute to the national endeavour for
different parts. Now, you will study ‘Geography’ development.
as an independent subject and learn about the Now the next question which you may like
physical environment of the earth, human to ask is — What is geography? You know that
activities and their interactive relationships. earth is our home. It is also the home of many
Therefore, a pertinent question you can ask at other creatures, big and small, which live on
this stage is — Why should we study the earth and sustain. The earth’s surface is
geography? We live on the surface of the earth. not uniform. It has variations in its physical
Our lives are affected by our surroundings in features. There are mountains, hills, valleys,
many ways. We depend on the resources to plains, plateaus, oceans, lakes, deserts and
sustain ourselves in the surrounding areas. wilderness. There are variations in its social
Primitive societies subsisted on ‘natural means and cultural features too. There are villages,
of subsistence’, i.e. edible plants and animals. cities, roads, railways, ports, markets and
With the passage of time, we developed many other elements created by human beings
technologies and started producing our food across the entire period of their cultural
using natural resources such as land, soil and development.
water. We adjusted our food habits and This variation provides a clue to the
clothing according to the prevailing weather understanding of the relationship between the
conditions. There are variations in the natural physical environment and social/cultural
resource base, technological development, features. The physical environment has
adaptation with and modification of physical provided the stage, on which human societies
environment, social organisations and cultural enacted the drama of their creative skills with
development. As a student of geography, you the tools and techniques which they invented
should be curious to know about all the and evolved in the process of their cultural
phenomena which vary over space. You learn development. Now, you should be able to
about the diverse lands and people. You attempt the answer of the question posed
should also be interested in understanding the earlier as to “What is geography”? In very
changes which have taken place over time. simple words, it can be said that geography
Geography equips you to appreciate diversity is the description of the earth. The term
and investigate into the causes responsible for geography was first coined by Eratosthenese,
creating such variations over time and space. a Greek scholar (276-194 BC.). The word has
You will develop skills to understand the globe been derived from two roots from Greek
converted into maps and have a visual sense language geo (earth) and graphos (description).

Put together, they mean description of the earth. changing earth and untiring and ever-active
The earth has always been seen as the abode human beings. Primitive human societies were
of human beings and thus, scholars defined directly dependent on their immediate
geography as, “the description of the earth as environment. Geography, thus, is concerned
the abode of human beings”. You are aware of with the study of Nature and Human
the fact that reality is always multifaceted and interactions as an integrated whole. ‘Human’
the ‘earth’ is also multi-dimensional, that is is an integral part of ‘nature’ and ‘nature’ has
why many disciplines from natural sciences the imprints of ‘human’. ‘Nature’ has influenced
such as geology, pedology, oceanography, different aspects of human life. Its imprints can
botany, zoology and meteorology and a be noticed on food, clothing, shelter and
number of sister disciplines in social sciences occupation. Human beings have come to terms
such as economics, history, sociology, political with nature through adaptation and
science, anthropology, etc. study different modification. As you already know, the present
aspects of the earth’s surface. Geography is society has passed the stage of primitive
different from other sciences in its subject societies, which were directly dependent on
matter and methodology but at the same time, their immediate physical environment for
it is closely related to other disciplines. sustenance. Present societies have modified
Geography derives its data base from all the their natural environment by inventing and
natural and social sciences and attempts their using technology and thus, have expanded the
synthesis. horizon of their operation by appropriating and
We have noted that there exist variations utilising the resources provided by nature. With
over the surface of the earth in its physical as the gradual development of technology, human
well as cultural environment. A number of beings were able to loosen the shackles of their
phenomena are similar and many are dissimilar. physical environment. Technology helped in
It was, therefore, logical to perceive geography reducing the harshness of labour, increased
as the study of areal differentiation. Thus, labour efficiency and provided leisure to
geography was perceived to study all those human beings to attend to the higher needs of
phenomena which vary over space. life. It also increased the scale of production
Geographers do not study only the variations and the mobility of labour.
in the phenomena over the earth’s surface The interaction between the physical
(space) but also study the associations with environment and human beings has been very
the other factors which cause these variations. succinctly described by a poet in the following
For example, cropping patterns differ from dialogue between ‘human’ and ‘nature’ (God).
region to region but this variation in cropping You created the soil, I created the cup, you
pattern, as a phenomenon, is related to created night, I created the lamp. You created
variations in soils, climates, demands in the wilderness, hilly terrains and deserts; I
market, capacity of the farmer to invest and created flower beds and gardens. Human
technological inputs available to her/him. beings have claimed their contribution using
Thus, the concern of geography is to find out natural resources. With the help of technology,
the causal relationship between any two human beings moved from the stage of
phenomena or between more than one necessity to a stage of freedom. They have put
phenomenon. their imprints everywhere and created new
A geographer explains the phenomena in possibilities in collaboration with nature. Thus,
a frame of cause and effect relationship, as it we now find humanised nature and
does not only help in interpretation but also naturalised human beings and geography
foresees the phenomena in future. studies this interactive relationship. The space
The geographical phenomena, both the got organised with the help of the means of
physical and human, are not static but highly transportation and communication network.
dynamic. They change over time as a result of The links (routes) and nodes (settlements of all
the interactive processes between ever types and hierarchies) integrated the space and

gradually, it got organised. As a social science present world is being perceived as a global
discipline, geography studies the ‘spatial village. The distances have been reduced by
organisation’ and ‘spatial integration’. better means of transportation increasing
Geography as a discipline is concerned with accessibility. The audio-visual media and
three sets of questions: information technology have enriched the data
(i) Some questions are related to the base. Technology has provided better chances
identification of the patterns of natural of monitoring natural phenomena as well as
and cultural features as found over the the economic and social parameters.
surface of the earth. These are the Geography as an integrating discipline has
questions about what? interface with numerous natural and social
(ii) Some questions are related to the sciences. All the sciences, whether natural or
distribution of the natural and human/ social, have one basic objective, of
cultural features over the surface of the understanding the reality. Geography
earth. These are the questions about attempts to comprehend the associations of
where? phenomena as related in sections of reality.
Taken together, both these questions take Figure 1.1 shows the relationship of geography
care of distributional and locational aspects of with other sciences. Every discipline, concerned
the natural and cultural features. These with scientific knowledge is linked with
questions provided inventorised information of geography as many of their elements vary over
what features and where located. It was a very space. Geography helps in understanding the
popular approach during the colonial period. reality in totality in its spatial perspective.
These two questions did not make geography Geography, thus, not only takes note of the
a scientific discipline till the third question was differences in the phenomena from place to
added. The third question is related to the place but integrates them holistically which
explanation or the causal relationships may be different at other places. A geographer
between features and the processes and is required to have a broad understanding of
all the related fields, to be able to logically
phenomena. This aspect of geography is related
integrate them. This integration can be
to the question, why?
understood with some examples. Geography
Geography as a discipline is related to
influences historical events. Spatial distance
space and takes note of spatial characteristics
itself has been a very potent factor to alter the
and attributes. It studies the patterns of
course of history of the world. Spatial depth
distribution, location and concentration of
provided defence to many countries,
phenomena over space and interprets them
particularly in the last century. In traditional
providing explanations for these patterns. It
warfare, countries with large size in area, gain
takes note of the associations and inter -
time at the cost of space. The defence provided
relationships between the phenomena over
by oceanic expanse around the countries of
space and interprets them providing
the new world has protected them from wars
explanations for these patterns. It also takes being imposed on their soil. If we look at the
note of the associations and inter-relationships historical events world over, each one of them
between the phenomena resulting from the can be interpreted geographically.
dynamic interaction between human beings In India, Himalayas have acted as great
and their physical environment. barriers and provided protection but the
passes provided routes to the migrants and
GEOGRAPHY AS AN INTEGRATING DISCIPLINE invaders from Central Asia. The sea coast has
Geography is a discipline of synthesis. It encouraged contact with people from East and
attempts spatial synthesis, and history Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa. Navigation
attempts temporal synthesis. Its approach is technology helped European countries to
holistic in nature. It recognises the fact that colonise a number of countries of Asia and
the world is a system of interdependencies. The Africa, including India as they got accessibility

through oceans. The geographical factors have econometrics. Maps are prepared through
modified the course of history in different parts artistic imagination. Making sketches, mental
of the world. maps and cartographic work require
Every geographical phenomenon undergoes proficiency in arts.
change through time and can be explained
temporally. The changes in landforms, climate, Geography and Social Sciences
vegetation, economic activities occupations and
cultural developments have followed a definite Each social science sketched in Figure 1.1 has
historical course. Many geographical features interface with one branch of geography. The
result from the decision making process by relationships between geography and history
different institutions at a particular point of have already been outlined in detail. Every
time. It is possible to convert time in terms of discipline has a philosophy which is the raison
space and space in terms of time. For example, d’etre for that discipline. Philosophy provides
it can be said that place A is 1,500 km from roots to a discipline and in the process of its
place B or alternately, it can also be said that evolution, it also experiences distinct historical
place A is two hours away (if one travels by processes. Thus, the history of geographical
plane) or seventeen hours away (if one travels thought as mother branch of geography is
by a fast moving train). It is for this reason, included universally in its curricula. All the
time is an integral part of geographical studies social science disciplines, viz. sociology,
as the fourth dimension. Please mention other political science, economics and demography
three dimensions? study different aspects of social reality. The
Figure1.1 amply depicts the linkages of branches of geography, viz. social, political,
geography with different natural and social economic and population and settlements are
sciences. This linkage can be put under two closely linked with these disciplines as each
segments. one of them has spatial attributes. The core
concern of political science is territory, people
Physical Geography and Natural Sciences
and sovereignty while political geography is
All the branches of physical geography, as also interested in the study of the state as a
shown in Figure 1.1, have interface with natural spatial unit as well as people and their political
sciences. The traditional physical geography behaviour. Economics deals with basic
is linked with geology, meteorology, hydrology attributes of the economy such as production,
and pedology, and thus, geomorphology, distribution, exchange and consumption. Each
climatology, oceanography and soil geography of these attributes also has spatial aspects and
respectively have very close link with the here comes the role of economic geography to
natural sciences as these derive their data from study the spatial aspects of production,
these sciences. Bio-Geography is closely related distribution, exchange and consumption.
to botany, zoology as well as ecology as human Likewise, population geography is closely
beings are located in different locational niche. linked with the discipline of demography.
A geographer should have some proficiency
The above discussion shows that
in mathematics and art, particularly in drawing
geography has strong interface with natural
maps. Geography is very much linked with the
and social sciences. It follows its own
study of astronomical locations and deals with
latitudes and longitudes. The shape of the earth methodology of study which makes it distinct
is Geoid but the basic tool of a geographer is a from others. It has osmotic relationship with
map which is two dimensional representation other disciplines. While all the disciplines have
of the earth. The problem of converting geoids their own individual scope, this individuality
into two dimensions can be tackled by does not obstruct the flow of information as in
projections constructed graphically or case of all cells in the body that have individual
mathematically. The cartographic and identity separated by membranes but the flow
quantitative techniques require sufficient of blood is not obstructed. Geographers use
proficiency in mathematics, statistics and data obtained from sister disciplines and

Figure 1.1 : Geography and its relation with other subjects


attempt synthesis over space. Maps are very BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY (BASED ON
effective tools of geographers in which the SYSTEMATIC APPROACH)
tabular data is converted into visual form to
bring out the spatial pattern. 1. Physical Geography

BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY (i) Geomorphology is devoted to the study

of landforms, their evolution and related
Please study Figure 1.1 for recapitulation. It has processes.
very clearly brought out that geography is an (ii) Climatology encompasses the study of
interdisciplinary subject of study. The study of structure of atmosphere and elements
every subject is done according to some of weather and climates and climatic
approach. The major approaches to study types and regions.
geography have been (i) Systematic and (iii) Hydrology studies the realm of water
(ii) Regional. The systematic geography approach over the surface of the earth including
is the same as that of general geography. This oceans, lakes, rivers and other water
approach was introduced by Alexander Von bodies and its effect on different life
Humboldt, a German geographer (1769-1859) forms including human life and their
while regional geography approach was activities.
developed by another German geographer and a (iv) Soil Geography is devoted to study the
contemporary of Humboldt, Karl Ritter processes of soil formation, soil types,
(1779-1859). their fertility status, distribution and
In systematic approach (Figure 1.2), a use.
phenomenon is studied world over as a whole,
2. Human Geography
and then the identification of typologies or
spatial patterns is done. For example, if one is (i) Social/Cultural Geography encom-
interested in studying natural vegetation, the passes the study of society and its
study will be done at the world level as a first spatial dynamics as well as the cultural
step. The typologies such as equatorial rain elements contributed by the society.
forests or softwood conical forests or monsoon (ii) Population and Settlement Geography
forests, etc. will be identified, discussed and (Rural and Urban). It studies population
delimited. In the regional approach, the world growth, distribution, density, sex ratio,
is divided into regions at different hierarchical migration and occupational structure
levels and then all the geographical phenomena etc. Settlement geography studies the
in a particular region are studied. These characteristics of rural and urban
regions may be natural, political or designated settlements.
(iii) Economic Geography studies economic
region. The phenomena in a region are studied
activities of the people including
in a holistic manner searching for unity in
agriculture, industry, tourism, trade,
and transport, infrastructure and
Dualism is one of the main characteristics
services, etc.
of geography which got introduced from the
(iv) Historical Geography studies the
very beginning. This dualism depended on the historical processes through which the
aspect emphasised in the study. Earlier scholars space gets organised. Every region has
laid emphasis on physical geography. But undergone some historical experiences
human beings are an integral part of the earth’s before attaining the present day status.
surface. They are part and parcel of nature. They The geographical features also
also have contributed through their cultural experience temporal changes and these
development. Thus developed human form the concerns of historical
geography with emphasis on human activities. geography.

Figure 1.2 : Branches of geography based on systematic approach

(v) Political Geography looks at the space 3. Biogeography

from the angle of political events and The interface between physical geography
studies boundaries, space relations and human geography has lead to the
between neighbouring political units, development of Biogeography which
delimitation of constituencies, election includes:
scenario and develops theoretical (i) Plant Geography which studies the
framework to understand the political spatial pattern of natural vegetation in
behaviour of the population. their habitats.

(ii) Zoo Geography which studies the (c) Field Survey Methods
spatial patterns and geographic (d) Geo-informatics comprising
characteristics of animals and their techniques such as Remote
habitats. Sensing, GIS, GPS, etc.
(iii) Ecology /Ecosystem deals with the The above classification gives a
scientific study of the habitats comprehensive format of the branches of
characteristic of species.
geography. Generally geography curricula is
(iv) Environmental Geography concerns
taught and learnt in this format but this
world over leading to the realisation of
format is not static. Any discipline is bound
environmental problems such as land
gradation, pollution and concerns for to grow with new ideas, problems, methods
conservation has resulted in the and techniques. For example, what was once
introduction of this new branch in manual cartography has now been
geography. transformed into computer cartography.
Technology has enabled scholars to handle
BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY BASED ON REGIONAL large quantum of data. The internet provides
APPROACH (FIGURE1.3) extensive information. Thus, the capacity to
1. Regional Studies/Area Studies attempt analysis has increased tremendously.
Comprising Macro, Meso and Micro GIS has further opened vistas of knowledge.
Regional Studies GPS has become a handy tool to find out exact
2. Regional Planning locations. Technologies have enhanced the
Comprising Country/Rural and Town/ capacity of attempting synthesis with sound
Urban Planning theoretical understanding.
3. Regional Development You will learn some preliminary aspects of
4. Regional Analysis these techniques in your book, Practical work
There are two aspects which are common in Geography – Part I (NCERT, 2006). You will
to every discipline, these are: continue to improve upon your skills and
(i) Philosophy learn about their application.
(a) Geographical Thought
(b) Land and Human Interaction/
Human Ecology
(ii) Methods and Techniques This chapter appears in the book entitled
(a) Cartography including Computer Fundamentals of Physical Geography. The
Cartography contents of the book clearly reflect its scope.
(b) Quantitative Techniques/Statistical It is therefore, appropriate to know the
Techniques importance of this branch of geography.

Figure 1.3 : Branches of geography based on regional approach


Physical geography includes the study of sea-food, oceans are rich in mineral resources.
lithosphere (landforms, drainage, relief and India has developed the technology for
physiography), atmosphere (its composition, collecting manganese nodules from oceanic
structure, elements and controls of weather bed. Soils are renewable resources, which
and climate; temperature, pressure, winds, influence a number of economic activities such
precipitation, climatic types, etc.), hydrosphere as agriculture. The fertility of the soil is both
(oceans, seas, lakes and associated features naturally determined and culturally induced.
with water realm) and biosphere ( life forms Soils also provide the basis for the biosphere
including human being and macro-organism accommodating plants, animals and micro
and their sustaining mechanism, viz. food organisms.
chain, ecological parameters and ecological
balance). Soils are formed through the process What is Geography?
of pedogenesis and depend upon the parent
rocks, climate, biological activity and time. Geography is concerned with the description
and explanation of the areal differentiation of
Time provides maturity to soils and helps in
the earth’s surface.
the development of soil profiles. Each element
Richard Hartshorne
is important for human beings. Landforms
provide the base on which human activities are Geography studies the differences of
located. The plains are utilised for agriculture. phenomena usually related in different parts
of the earth’s surface.
Plateaus provide forests and minerals.
Mountains provide pastures, forests, tourist
spots and are sources of rivers providing water
to lowlands. Climate influences our house The study of physical geography is
types, clothing and food habits. The climate emerging as a discipline of evaluating and
has a profound effect on vegetation, cropping managing natural resources. In order to
pattern, livestock farming and some achieve this objective, it is essential to
industries, etc. Human beings have developed understand the intricate relationship between
technologies which modify climatic elements physical environment and human beings.
in a restricted space such as air conditioners Physical environment provides resources, and
and coolers. Temperature and precipitation human beings utilise these resources and
ensure the density of forests and quality of ensure their economic and cultural
grassland. In India, monsoonal rainfall sets the development. Accelerated pace of resource
agriculture rhythm in motion. Precipitation utilisation with the help of modern technology
recharges the ground water aquifers which has created ecological imbalance in the world.
later provides water for agriculture and Hence, a better understanding of physical
domestic use. We study oceans which are the environment is absolutely essential for
store house of resources. Besides fish and other sustainable development.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following scholars coined the term ‘Geography’?
(a) Herodotus (c) Galileo
(b) Erathosthenese (d) Aristotle
(ii) Which one of the following features can be termed as ‘physical feature’?
(a) Port (c) Plain
(b) Road (d) Water park

(iii) Make correct pairs from the following two columns and mark the correct

1. Meteorology A. Population Geography

2. Demography B. Soil Geography
3. Sociology C. Climatology
4. Pedology D. Social Geography

(a) 1B,2C,3A,4D (c) 1D,2B,3C,4A

(b) 1A,2D,3B,4C (d) 1C,2A,3D,4B
(iv) Which one of the following questions is related to cause-effect relationship?
(a) Why (c) What
(b) Where (d) When
(v) Which one of the following disciplines attempts temporal synthesis?
(a) Sociology (c) Anthropology
(b) Geography (d) History
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What important cultural features do you observe while going to school?
Are they similar or dissimilar? Should they be included in the study of
geography or not? If yes, why?
(ii) You have seen a tennis ball, a cricket ball, an orange and a pumpkin.
Which one amongst these resembles the shape of the earth? Why have
you chosen this particular item to describe the shape of the earth?
(iii) Do you celebrate Van Mahotsava in your school? Why do we plant so many
trees? How do the trees maintain ecological balance?
(iv) You have seen elephants, deer, earthworms, trees and grasses. Where do
they live or grow? What is the name given to this sphere? Can you describe
some of the important features of this sphere?
(v) How much time do you take to reach your school from your house? Had
the school been located across the road from your house, how much time
would you have taken to reach school? What is the effect of the distance
between your residence and the school on the time taken in commuting?
Can you convert time into space and vice versa?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) You observe every day in your surroundings that there is variation in
natural as well as cultural phenomena. All the trees are not of the same
variety. All the birds and animals you see, are different. All these different
elements are found on the earth. Can you now argue that geography is
the study of “areal differentiation”?

(ii) You have already studied geography, history, civics and economics as
parts of social studies. Attempt an integration of these disciplines
highlighting their interface.

Project Work
Select forest as a natural resource.
(i) Prepare a map of India showing the distribution of different types of forests.
(ii) Write about the economic importance of forests for the country.
(iii) Prepare a historical account of conservation of forests in India with focus
on Chipko movements in Rajasthan and Uttaranchal.

This unit deals with
• Origin and evolution of the earth; Interior of the earth; Wegener’s
continental drift theory and plate tectonics; earthquakes and



o you remember the nursery rhyme argument. At a later date, the arguments
“…Twinkle, Twinkle little star…”? considered of a companion to the sun to have
been coexisting. These arguments are called
Starry nights have always attracted us since binary theories. In 1950, Otto Schmidt in
the childhood. You may also have thought of Russia and Carl Weizascar in Germany
these stars and had numerous questions in somewhat revised the ‘nebular hypothesis’,
your mind. Questions such as how many stars though differing in details. They considered that
are there in the sky? How did they come into the sun was surrounded by solar nebula
existence? Can one reach the end of the sky? containing mostly the hydrogen and helium
May be many more such questions are still along with what may be termed as dust. The
there in your mind. In this chapter, you will friction and collision of particles led to
learn how these “twinkling little stars” were formation of a disk-shaped cloud and the
formed. With that you will eventually also read planets were formed through the process of
the story of origin and evolution of the earth. accretion.


However, scientists in later period took up the

Early Theories problems of origin of universe rather than that
A large number of hypotheses were put forth of just the earth or the planets. The most
by different philosophers and scientists popular argument regarding the origin of the
regarding the origin of the earth. One of the universe is the Big Bang Theory. It is also called
earlier and popular arguments was by German expanding universe hypothesis. Edwin
philosopher Immanuel Kant. Mathematician Hubble, in 1920, provided evidence that the
Laplace revised it in 1796. It is known as universe is expanding. As time passes, galaxies
Nebular Hypothesis. The hypothesis considered move further and further apart. You can
that the planets were formed out of a cloud of experiment and find what does the expanding
material associated with a youthful sun, which universe mean. Take a balloon and mark some
was slowly rotating. Later in 1900, Chamberlain points on it to represent the galaxies. Now, if
and Moulton considered that a wandering star you start inflating the balloon, the points
approached the sun. As a result, a cigar-shaped marked on the balloon will appear to be moving
extension of material was separated from the away from each other as the balloon expands.
solar surface. As the passing star moved away, Similarly, the distance between the galaxies is
the material separated from the solar surface also found to be increasing and thereby, the
continued to revolve around the sun and it universe is considered to be expanding.
slowly condensed into planets. Sir James Jeans However, you will find that besides the increase
and later Sir Harold Jeffrey supported this in the distances between the points on the

balloon, the points themselves are expanding. The expansion of universe means increase
This is not in accordance with the fact. in space between the galaxies. An alternative
Scientists believe that though the space to this was Hoyle’s concept of steady state. It
between the galaxies is increasing, observations considered the universe to be roughly the same
do not support the expansion of galaxies. So, at any point of time. However, with greater
the balloon example is only partially correct. evidence becoming available about the
expanding universe, scientific community at
present favours argument of expanding

The Star Formation

The distribution of matter and energy was not
even in the early universe. These initial density
differences gave rise to differences in
gravitational forces and it caused the matter
to get drawn together. These formed the bases
for development of galaxies. A galaxy contains
a large number of stars. Galaxies spread over
vast distances that are measured in thousands
of light-years. The diameters of individual
galaxies range from 80,000-150,000 light
years. A galaxy starts to form by accumulation
Figure 2.1 : The Big Bang of hydrogen gas in the form of a very large
The Big Bang Theory considers the cloud called nebula. Eventually, growing
following stages in the development of the nebula develops localised clumps of gas. These
universe. clumps continue to grow into even denser
gaseous bodies, giving rise to formation of
(i) In the beginning, all matter forming the
stars. The formation of stars is believed to have
universe existed in one place in the form
taken place some 5-6 billion years ago.
of a “tiny ball” (singular atom) with an
unimaginably small volume, infinite A light year is a measure of distance and
temperature and infinite density. not of time. Light travels at a speed of
(ii) At the Big Bang the “tiny ball” exploded 300,000 km/second. Considering this,
violently. This led to a huge expansion. the distances the light will travel in one
It is now generally accepted that the year is taken to be one light year. This
equals to 9.461×10 12 km. The mean
event of big bang took place 13.7 billion
distance between the sun and the earth
years before the present. The expansion is 149,598,000 km. In terms of light
continues even to the present day. As it years, it is 8.311 minutes of a year.
grew, some energy was converted into
matter. There was particularly rapid
Formation of Planets
expansion within fractions of a second
after the bang. Thereafter, the The following are considered to be the stages
expansion has slowed down. Within first in the development of planets :
three minutes from the Big Bang event, (i) The stars are localised lumps of gas
the first atom began to form. within a nebula. The gravitational force
(iii) Within 300,000 years from the Big within the lumps leads to the formation
Bang, temperature dropped to 4,500 K of a core to the gas cloud and a huge
and gave rise to atomic matter. The rotating disc of gas and dust develops
universe became transparent. around the gas core.

(ii) In the next stage, the gas cloud starts of them are much larger than the terrestrial
getting condensed and the matter planets and have thick atmosphere, mostly of
around the core develops into small- helium and hydrogen. All the planets were formed
rounded objects. These small-rounded in the same period sometime about 4.6 billion
objects by the process of cohesion develop years ago. Some data regarding our solar system
into what is called planetesimals. are given in the box below.
Larger bodies start forming by collision,
and gravitational attraction causes the Why are the inner planets rocky while
material to stick together. Planetesimals others are mostly in gaseous form?
are a large number of smaller bodies.
(iii) In the final stage, these large number The difference between terrestrial and jovian
of small planetesimals accrete to form planets can be attributed to the following
a fewer large bodies in the form of conditions:
planets. (i) The terrestrial planets were formed in
the close vicinity of the parent star
OUR SOLAR SYSTEM where it was too warm for gases to
condense to solid particles. Jovian
Our Solar system consists of nine planets. The planets were formed at quite a distant
tenth planet 2003 UB313 has also been recently
sighted. The nebula from which our Solar
(ii) The solar wind was most intense nearer
system is supposed to have been formed,
the sun; so, it blew off lots of gas and
started its collapse and core formation some
dust from the terrestrial planets. The
time 5-5.6 billion years ago and the planets
solar winds were not all that intense to
were formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Our
cause similar removal of gases from the
solar system consists of the sun (the star), 9
Jovian planets.
planets, 63 moons, millions of smaller bodies
(iii) The terrestrial planets are smaller and
like asteroids and comets and huge quantity
their lower gravity could not hold the
of dust-grains and gases.
escaping gases.
Out of the nine planets, mercury, venus,
earth and mars are called as the inner planets
The Moon
as they lie between the sun and the belt of
asteroids the other five planets are called the outer The moon is the only natural satellite of the
planets. Alternatively, the first four are called earth. Like the origin of the earth, there have
Terrestrial, meaning earth-like as they are made been attempts to explain how the moon was
up of rock and metals, and have relatively high formed. In 1838, Sir George Darwin suggested
densities. The rest five are called Jovian or Gas that initially, the earth and the moon formed a
Giant planets. Jovian means jupiter-like. Most single rapidly rotating body. The whole mass

The Solar System

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Distance* 0.387 0.723 1.000 1.524 5.203 9.539 19.182 30.058 39.785

Density@ 5.44 5.245 5.517 3.945 1.33 0.70 1.17 1.66 0.5-0.9

Radius# 0.383 0.949 1.000 0.533 11.19 9.460 4.11 3.88 -0.3

Satellites 0 0 1 2 16 about 18 about 17 8 1

* Distance from the sun in astronomical unit i.e. average mean distance of the earth is 149,598,000 km = 1
@ Density in gm/cm3
# Radius: Equatorial radius 6378.137 km = 1

became a dumb-bell-shaped body and started getting separated depending on their

eventually it broke. It was also suggested that densities. This allowed heavier materials (like
the material forming the moon was separated iron) to sink towards the centre of the earth
from what we have at present the depression and the lighter ones to move towards the
occupied by the Pacific Ocean. surface. With passage of time it cooled further
However, the present scientists do not and solidified and condensed into a smaller size.
accept either of the explanations. It is now This later led to the development of the outer
generally believed that the formation of moon, surface in the form of a crust. During the
as a satellite of the earth, is an outcome of ‘giant formation of the moon, due to the giant impact,
impact’ or what is described as “the big splat”. the earth was further heated up. It is through
A body of the size of one to three times that of the process of differentiation that the earth
mars collided into the earth sometime shortly forming material got separated into different
after the earth was formed. It blasted a large layers. Starting from the surface to the central
part of the earth into space. This portion of parts, we have layers like the crust, mantle,
blasted material then continued to orbit the outer core and inner core. From the crust to the
earth and eventually formed into the present core, the density of the material increases. We
moon about 4.44 billion years ago. shall discuss in detail the properties of each of
this layer in the next chapter.
Do you know that the planet earth initially was Evolution of Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
a barren, rocky and hot object with a thin The present composition of earth’s atmosphere
atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. This is is chiefly contributed by nitrogen and oxygen.
far from the present day picture of the earth. You will be dealing with the composition and
Hence, there must have been some events– structure of the earth’s atmosphere in Chapter 8.
processes, which may have caused this change There are three stages in the evolution of
from rocky, barren and hot earth to a beautiful the present atmosphere. The first stage is
planet with ample amount of water and marked by the loss of primordial atmosphere.
conducive atmosphere favouring the existence
In the second stage, the hot interior of the earth
of life. In the following section, you will find
contributed to the evolution of the atmosphere.
out how the period, between the 4,600 million
Finally, the composition of the atmosphere was
years and the present, led to the evolution of
modified by the living world through the
life on the surface of the planet.
process of photosynthesis.
The earth has a layered structure. From
The early atmosphere, with hydrogen and
the outermost end of the atmosphere to the
helium, is supposed to have been stripped off
centre of the earth, the material that exists is
as a result of the solar winds. This happened
not uniform. The atmospheric matter has the
not only in case of the earth, but also in all the
least density. From the surface to deeper
terrestrial planets, which were supposed to
depths, the earth’s interior has different zones
have lost their primordial atmosphere through
and each of these contains materials with
different characteristics. the impact of solar winds.
During the cooling of the earth, gases and
How was the layered structure of the water vapour were released from the interior
earth developed? solid earth. This started the evolution of the
present atmosphere. The early atmosphere
largely contained water vapour, nitrogen,
Development of Lithosphere carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and very
The earth was mostly in a volatile state during little of free oxygen. The process through which
its primordial stage. Due to gradual increase the gases were outpoured from the interior is
in density the temperature inside has called degassing. Continuous volcanic
increased. As a result the material inside eruptions contributed water vapour and gases

Geological Time Scale

Eons Era Period Epoch Age/ Years Life/ Major Events
Before Present
Quaternary Holocene 0 - 10,000 Modern Man
Pleistocene 10,000 - 2 million Homo Sapiens
Cainozoic Tertiary Pliocene 2 - 5 million Early Human Ancestor
(From 65 Miocene 5 - 24 million Ape: Flowering Plants
million years and Trees
to the Oligocene 24 - 37 Ma Anthropoid Ape
present Eocene 37 - 58 Million Rabbits and Hare
Palaeocene 57 - 65 Million Small Mammals :
Rats – Mice
Mesozoic Cretaceous 65 - 144 Million Extinction of Dinosaurs
65 - 245
Jurassic 144 - 208 Million Age of Dinosaurs
Mammals Triassic 208 - 245 Million Frogs and turtles
Permian 245 - 286 Million Reptile dominate-replace
Carboniferous 286 - 360 Million First Reptiles:
Palaeozoic Vertebrates: Coal beds
245 - 570 Devonian 360 - 408 Million Amphibians
Million Silurian 408 - 438 Million First trace of life on land:
Ordovician 438 - 505 Million First Fish
Cambrian 505 - 570 Million No terrestrial Life :
Marine Invertebrate
Proterozoic 570 - 2,500 Million Soft-bodied arthropods
Archean 2,500 - 3,800 Million Blue green Algae:
Pre- Unicellular bacteria
Hadean 3,800 - 4,800 Million Oceans and Continents
570 Million
- 4,800 form – Ocean and
Million Atmosphere are rich in
Carbon dioxide
Origin of 5,000 Million Origin of the sun
Stars 5,000 -
Supernova Million 12,000 Million Origin of the universe
Big Bang 13,700 Million

to the atmosphere. As the earth cooled, the that the oceans are as old as 4,000 million
water vapour released started getting years. Sometime around 3,800 million years
condensed. The carbon dioxide in the ago, life began to evolve. However, around
2,500-3,000 million years before the present,
atmosphere got dissolved in rainwater and the
the process of photosynthesis got evolved. Life
temperature further decreased causing more
was confined to the oceans for a long time.
condensation and more rains. The rainwater Oceans began to have the contribution of
falling onto the surface got collected in the oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.
depressions to give rise to oceans. The earth’s Eventually, oceans were saturated with oxygen,
oceans were formed within 500 million years and 2,000 million years ago, oxygen began to
from the formation of the earth. This tells us flood the atmosphere.

Origin of Life living substance. The record of life that existed

on this planet in different periods is found in
The last phase in the evolution of the earth
rocks in the form of fossils. The microscopic
relates to the origin and evolution of life. It is
structures closely related to the present form
undoubtedly clear that the initial or even the of blue algae have been found in geological
atmosphere of the earth was not conducive for formations that are much older than these were
the development of life. Modern scientists refer some 3,000 million years ago. It can be
to the origin of life as a kind of chemical assumed that life began to evolve sometime
reaction, which first generated complex organic 3,800 million years ago. The summary of
molecules and assembled them. This evolution of life from unicellular bacteria to the
assemblage was such that they could duplicate modern man is given in the Geological Time
themselves converting inanimate matter into Scale on page 18.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following figures represents the age of the earth?
(a) 4.6 million years (c) 4.6 billion years
(b) 13.7 billion years (d) 13.7 trillion years
(ii) Which one of the following has the longest duration?
(a) Eons (c) Era
(b) Period (d) Epoch
(iii) Which one of the following is not related to the formation or modification
of the present atmosphere?
(a) Solar winds (c) Degassing
(b) Differentiation (d) Photosynthesis
(iv) Which one of the following represents the inner planets?
(a) Planets between the sun and the earth
(b) Planets between the sun and the belt of asteroids
(c) Planets in gaseous state
(d) Planets without satellite(s)
(v) Life on the earth appeared around how many years before the present?
(a) 13.7 billion (c) 4.6 billion
(b) 3.8 million (d) 3.8 billion

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) Why are the terrestrial planets rocky?
(ii) What is the basic difference in the arguments related to the origin of the
earth given by :
(a) Kant and Laplace
(b) Chamberlain and Moulton

(iii) What is meant by the process of differentiation?

(iv) What was the nature of the earth surface initially?
(v) What were the gases which initially formed the earth’s atmosphere?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Write an explanatory note on the ‘Big Bang Theory’.
(ii) List the stages in the evolution of the earth and explain each stage in

Project Work
Collect information about the project “Stardust” (website:
and along the following lines.
(i) Which is the agency that has launched this project?
(ii) Why are scientists interested in collecting Stardust?
(iii) Where from has the Stardust been collected?


hat do you imagine about the nature SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE INTERIOR
of the earth? Do you imagine it to be The earth’s radius is 6,370 km. No one can
a solid ball like cricket ball or a reach the centre of the earth and make
hollow ball with a thick cover of rocks i.e. observations or collect samples of the material.
lithosphere? Have you ever seen photographs Under such conditions, you may wonder how
or images of a volcanic eruption on the scientists tell us about the earth’s interior and
television screen? Can you recollect the the type of materials that exist at such depths.
emergence of hot molten lava, dust, smoke, fire Most of our knowledge about the interior of
and magma flowing out of the volcanic crater? the earth is largely based on estimates and
The interior of the earth can be understood only inferences. Yet, a part of the information is
obtained through direct observations and
by indirect evidences as neither any one has nor
analysis of materials.
any one can reach the interior of the earth.
The configuration of the surface of the earth Direct Sources
is largely a product of the processes operating The most easily available solid earth material
in the interior of the earth. Exogenic as well as is surface rock or the rocks we get from mining
endogenic processes are constantly shaping areas. Gold mines in South Africa are as deep
the landscape. A proper understanding of the as 3 - 4 km. Going beyond this depth is not
physiographic character of a region remains possible as it is very hot at this depth. Besides
mining, scientists have taken up a number of
incomplete if the effects of endogenic processes
projects to penetrate deeper depths to explore
are ignored. Human life is largely influenced
the conditions in the crustal portions. Scientists
by the physiography of the region. Therefore, world over are working on two major projects
it is necessary that one gets acquainted with such as “Deep Ocean Drilling Project” and
the forces that influence landscape “Integrated Ocean Drilling Project”. The
development. To understand why the earth deepest drill at Kola, in Arctic Ocean, has so
shakes or how a tsunami wave is generated, it far reached a depth of 12 km. This and many
is necessary that we know certain details of the deep drilling projects have provided large
interior of the earth. In the previous chapter, volume of information through the analysis of
you have noted that the earth-forming materials collected at different depths.
materials have been distributed in the form of Volcanic eruption forms another source of
obtaining direct information. As and when the
layers from the crust to the core. It is interesting
molten material (magma) is thrown onto the
to know how scientists have gathered
surface of the earth, during volcanic eruption
information about these layers and what are it becomes available for laboratory analysis.
the characteristics of each of these layers. This However, it is difficult to ascertain the depth of
is exactly what this chapter deals with. the source of such magma.

Indirect Sources information about the interior of the earth.

Hence, we shall discuss it in some detail.
Analysis of properties of matter indirectly
provides information about the interior. We
know through the mining activity that
temperature and pressure increase with the The study of seismic waves provides a complete
increasing distance from the surface towards picture of the layered interior. An earthquake
the interior in deeper depths. Moreover, it is in simple words is shaking of the earth. It is a
also known that the density of the material also natural event. It is caused due to release of
increases with depth. It is possible to find the energy, which generates waves that travel in
rate of change of these characteristics. Knowing all directions.
the total thickness of the earth, scientists have
estimated the values of temperature, pressure Why does the earth shake?
and the density of materials at different depths. The release of energy occurs along a fault. A
The details of these characteristics with fault is a sharp break in the crustal rocks.
reference to each layer of the interior are Rocks along a fault tend to move in opposite
discussed later in this chapter. directions. As the overlying rock strata press
Another source of information are the them, the friction locks them together. However,
meteors that at times reach the earth. However, their tendency to move apart at some point of
it may be noted that the material that becomes time overcomes the friction. As a result, the
available for analysis from meteors, is not from blocks get deformed and eventually, they slide
the interior of the earth. The material and the past one another abruptly. This causes a
structure observed in the meteors are similar release of energy, and the energy waves travel
to that of the earth. They are solid bodies in all directions. The point where the energy is
developed out of materials same as, or similar released is called the focus of an earthquake,
to, our planet. Hence, this becomes yet another alternatively, it is called the hypocentre. The
source of information about the interior of the energy waves travelling in different directions
earth. reach the surface. The point on the surface,
The other indirect sources include nearest to the focus, is called epicentre. It is
gravitation, magnetic field, and seismic activity. the first one to experience the waves. It is a point
The gravitation force (g) is not the same at directly above the focus.
different latitudes on the surface. It is greater
near the poles and less at the equator. This is Earthquake Waves
because of the distance from the centre at the
equator being greater than that at the poles. All natural earthquakes take place in the
The gravity values also differ according to the lithosphere. You will learn about different
mass of material. The uneven distribution of layers of the earth later in this chapter. It is
mass of material within the earth influences sufficient to note here that the lithosphere refers
this value. The reading of the gravity at different to the portion of depth up to 200 km from the
places is influenced by many other factors. surface of the earth. An instrument called
These readings differ from the expected values. ‘seismograph’ records the waves reaching the
Such a difference is called gravity anomaly. surface. A curve of earthquake waves recorded
Gravity anomalies give us information about on the seismograph is given in Figure 3.1. Note
the distribution of mass of the material in the that the curve shows three distinct sections
crust of the earth. Magnetic surveys also each representing different types of wave
provide information about the distribution of patterns. Earthquake waves are basically of two
magnetic materials in the crustal portion, and types — body waves and surface waves. Body
thus, provide information about the waves are generated due to the release of energy
distribution of materials in this part. Seismic at the focus and move in all directions travelling
activity is one of the most important sources of through the body of the earth. Hence, the name

body waves. The body waves interact with the propagation. As a result, it creates density
surface rocks and generate new set of waves differences in the material leading to stretching
called surface waves. These waves move along and squeezing of the material. Other three
the surface. The velocity of waves changes as waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of
they travel through materials with different propagation. The direction of vibrations of
densities. The denser the material, the higher S-waves is perpendicular to the wave direction
is the velocity. Their direction also changes as in the vertical plane. Hence, they create troughs
they reflect or refract when coming across and crests in the material through which they
materials with different densities. pass. Surface waves are considered to be the
most damaging waves.

Emergence of Shadow Zone

Earthquake waves get recorded in seismo-
graphs located at far off locations. However,
there exist some specific areas where the waves
are not reported. Such a zone is called the
‘shadow zone’. The study of different events
reveals that for each earthquake, there exists
Figure 3.1 : Earthquake Waves
an altogether different shadow zone. Figure 3.2
There are two types of body waves. They (a) and (b) show the shadow zones of P and
are called P and S-waves. P-waves move faster S-waves. It was observed that seismographs
and are the first to arrive at the surface. These located at any distance within 105° from the
are also called ‘primary waves’. The P-waves epicentre, recorded the arrival of both P and
are similar to sound waves. They travel S-waves. However, the seismographs located
through gaseous, liquid and solid materials. beyond 145° from epicentre, record the arrival
S-waves arrive at the surface with some time of P-waves, but not that of S-waves. Thus, a
lag. These are called secondary waves. An zone between 105° and 145° from epicentre was
important fact about S-waves is that they can identified as the shadow zone for both the types
travel only through solid materials. This of waves. The entire zone beyond 105° does not
characteristic of the S-waves is quite receive S-waves. The shadow zone of S-wave is
important. It has helped scientists to much larger than that of the P-waves. The
understand the structure of the interior of the shadow zone of P-waves appears as a band
earth. Reflection causes waves to rebound around the earth between 105° and 145° away
whereas refraction makes waves move in from the epicentre. The shadow zone of S-waves
different directions. The variations in the is not only larger in extent but it is also a little
direction of waves are inferred with the help of over 40 per cent of the earth surface. You can
their record on seismograph. The surface draw the shadow zone for any earthquake
waves are the last to report on seismograph. provided you know the location of the epicentre.
These waves are more destructive. They cause (See the activity box on page 28 to know how to
displacement of rocks, and hence, the collapse locate the epicentre of a quake event).
of structures occurs.
Types of Earthquakes
Propagation of Earthquake Waves
(i) The most common ones are the tectonic
Different types of earthquake waves travel in earthquakes. These are generated due to
different manners. As they move or propagate, sliding of rocks along a fault plane.
they cause vibration in the body of the rocks (ii) A special class of tectonic earthquake is
through which they pass. P-waves vibrate sometimes recognised as volcanic
parallel to the direction of the wave. This exerts earthquake. However, these are confined
pressure on the material in the direction of the to areas of active volcanoes.

(v) The earthquakes that occur in the areas

of large reservoirs are referred to as
reservoir induced earthquakes.

Measuring Earthquakes
The earthquake events are scaled either
according to the magnitude or intensity of the
shock. The magnitude scale is known as the
Richter scale. The magnitude relates to the
energy released during the quake. The
magnitude is expressed in absolute numbers,
0-10. The intensity scale is named after
Mercalli, an Italian seismologist. The intensity
scale takes into account the visible damage
caused by the event. The range of intensity scale
is from 1-12.

Earthquake is a natural hazard. The following
are the immediate hazardous effects of
(i) Ground Shaking
(ii) Differential ground settlement
(iii) Land and mud slides
(iv) Soil liquefaction
(v) Ground lurching
(vi) Avalanches
(vii) Ground displacement
(viii) Floods from dam and levee failures
(ix) Fires
(x) Structural collapse
(xi) Falling objects
(xii) Tsunami
The first six listed above have some bearings
upon landforms, while others may be
considered the effects causing immediate
Figure 3.2 (a) and (b) : Earthquake Shadow Zones
concern to the life and properties of people in
the region. The effect of tsunami would occur
(iii) In the areas of intense mining activity, only if the epicentre of the tremor is below
sometimes the roofs of underground oceanic waters and the magnitude is
mines collapse causing minor tremors. sufficiently high. Tsunamis are waves
These are called collapse earthquakes. generated by the tremors and not an
(iv) Ground shaking may also occur due to earthquake in itself. Though the actual quake
the explosion of chemical or nuclear activity lasts for a few seconds, its effects are
devices. Such tremors are called explosion devastating provided the magnitude of the
earthquakes. quake is more than 5 on the Richter scale.

Frequency of Earthquake Occurrences STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH

The earthquake is a natural hazard. If a tremor The Crust
of high magnitude takes place, it can cause
heavy damage to the life and property of It is the outermost solid part of the earth. It is
people. However, not all the parts of the globe brittle in nature. The thickness of the crust
necessarily experience major shocks. We shall varies under the oceanic and continental areas.
be discussing the distribution of earthquakes Oceanic crust is thinner as compared to the
and volcanoes with some details in the next continental crust. The mean thickness of
oceanic crust is 5 km whereas that of the
continental is around 30 km. The continental
crust is thicker in the areas of major mountain
systems. It is as much as 70 km thick in the
Himalayan region.
It is made up of heavier rocks having
density of 3 g/cm3. This type of rock found in
the oceanic crust is basalt. The mean density
of material in oceanic crust is 2.7 g/cm3.

The Mantle
The portion of the interior beyond the crust is
A view of the damaged Aman Setu at the LOC called the mantle. The mantle extends from
in Uri, due to an earthquake
Moho’s discontinuity to a depth of 2,900 km.
chapter. Note that the quakes of high The upper portion of the mantle is called
magnitude, i.e. 8+ are quite rare; they occur asthenosphere. The word astheno means
once in 1-2 years whereas those of ‘tiny’ types weak. It is considered to be extending upto 400
occur almost every minute. km. It is the main source of magma that finds

been released out in the recent past. The layer

below the solid crust is mantle. It has higher
density than that of the crust. The mantle
contains a weaker zone called asthenosphere.
It is from this that the molten rock materials
find their way to the surface. The material in
the upper mantle portion is called magma.
Once it starts moving towards the crust or it
reaches the surface, it is referred to as lava.
The material that reaches the ground includes
lava flows, pyroclastic debris, volcanic bombs,
ash and dust and gases such as nitrogen
compounds, sulphur compounds and minor
amounts of chlorene, hydrogen and argon.

Volcanoes are classified on the basis of nature
of eruption and the form developed at the
surface. Major types of volcanoes are as follows:
Figure 3.4 : The interior of the earth

its way to the surface during volcanic Shield Volcanoes

eruptions. It has a density higher than the Barring the basalt flows, the shield volcanoes
crust’s (3.4 g/cm 3 ). The crust and the are the largest of all the volcanoes on the earth.
uppermost part of the mantle are called The Hawaiian volcanoes are the most famous
lithosphere. Its thickness ranges from 10-200 km.
The lower mantle extends beyond the
asthenosphere. It is in solid state.

The Core
As indicated earlier, the earthquake wave
velocities helped in understanding the
existence of the core of the earth. The core-
mantle boundary is located at the depth of
2,900 km. The outer core is in liquid state while
the inner core is in solid state. The density of
material at the mantle core boundary is around
5 g/cm3 and at the centre of the earth at 6,300 Shield Volcano
km, the density value is around 13g/cm3. The
core is made up of very heavy material mostly
constituted by nickel and iron. It is sometimes
referred to as the nife layer.


You may have seen photographs or pictures of
volcanoes on a number of occasions. A volcano
is a place where gases, ashes and/or molten
rock material – lava – escape to the ground. A
volcano is called an active volcano if the
materials mentioned are being released or have Cinder Cone

examples. These volcanoes are mostly made more than 50 m. Individual flows may extend
up of basalt, a type of lava that is very fluid for hundreds of km. The Deccan Traps from
when erupted. For this reason, these volcanoes India, presently covering most of the
are not steep. They become explosive if Maharashtra plateau, are a much larger flood
somehow water gets into the vent; otherwise, basalt province. It is believed that initially the
they are characterised by low-explosivity. The trap formations covered a much larger area
upcoming lava moves in the form of a fountain than the present.
and throws out the cone at the top of the vent
and develops into cinder cone. Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanoes

Composite Volcanoes These volcanoes occur in the oceanic areas.

There is a system of mid-ocean ridges more
These volcanoes are characterised by than 70,000 km long that stretches through
eruptions of cooler and more viscous lavas all the ocean basins. The central portion of this
than basalt. These volcanoes often result in ridge experiences frequent eruptions. We shall
explosive eruptions. Along with lava, large be discussing this in detail in the next chapter.
quantities of pyroclastic material and ashes
find their way to the ground. This material VOLCANIC LANDFORMS
accumulates in the vicinity of the vent openings
leading to formation of layers, and this makes Intrusive Forms
the mounts appear as composite volcanoes.
The lava that is released during volcanic
eruptions on cooling develops into igneous
rocks. The cooling may take place either on
reaching the surface or also while the lava is
still in the crustal portion. Depending on the
location of the cooling of the lava, igneous rocks
are classified as volcanic rocks (cooling at the
surface) and plutonic rocks (cooling in the
crust). The lava that cools within the crustal
portions assumes different forms. These forms
are called intrusive forms. Some of the forms
Composite Volcano are shown in Figure 3.5.
These are the most explosive of the earth’s
volcanoes. They are usually so explosive that
when they erupt they tend to collapse on
themselves rather than building any tall
structure. The collapsed depressions are called
calderas. Their explosiveness indicates that
the magma chamber supplying the lava is not
only huge but is also in close vicinity.

Flood Basalt Provinces

These volcanoes outpour highly fluid lava that
flows for long distances. Some parts of the
world are covered by thousands of sq. km of
thick basalt lava flows. There can be a series of
flows with some flows attaining thickness of Figure 3.5 : Volcanic Landforms

Batholiths conduit from below. It resembles the surface

A large body of magmatic material that cools volcanic domes of composite volcano, only
in the deeper depth of the crust develops in the these are located at deeper depths. It can be
regarded as the localised source of lava that
form of large domes. They appear on the surface
finds its way to the surface. The Karnataka
only after the denudational processes remove
plateau is spotted with domal hills of granite
the overlying materials. They cover large areas, rocks. Most of these, now exfoliated, are
and at times, assume depth that may be several examples of lacoliths or batholiths.
km. These are granitic bodies. Batholiths are
the cooled portion of magma chambers. Lapolith, Phacolith and Sills
Lacoliths As and when the lava moves upwards, a
These are large dome-shaped intrusive bodies portion of the same may tend to move in a
with a level base and connected by a pipe-like horizontal direction wherever it finds a weak

Activity : Locating an Epicentre

For this you will need

Data from 3 seismograph stations about the time of arrival of P-waves, S-waves.
1. Find the time of arrival of P and S-waves of the given quake for the three stations for which
you have the data.
2. Compute the time lag between the arrival of P and S-waves for each station; it is called time
lag. (Note that it is directly related to the distance of the seismograph from the focus.)
A. Basic rule : For every second of time lag, the earthquake is roughly 8 km away from you.
3. Using the rule quoted above, convert the time lag into distance ( # seconds of time lag * 8)
for each station.
4. On a map locate the seismograph stations.
5. Draw circles, taking the seismograph stations as the centre, with the radius equal to the
distance you have calculated in the previous step. (Do not forget to convert distance as per
the map scale.)
6. These circles will intersect each other in a point. This point is the location of the epicentre.
In normal practice, the epicentres are located using computer models. They take into account
the structure of the earth’s crust. The locations with accuracy within a few hundred metres
can be achieved. The procedure outlined here is a much simplified version of what is normally
done, although the principle is the same.
In the following diagram, the epicentre is located using this procedure. It also contains a
table giving necessary data. Why don’t you try for yourself ?

Arrival time of
Station P-waves S-waves
Hour Min. Sec. Hour Min. Sec.
S1 03 23 20 03 24 45
S2 03 22 17 03 23 57
S3 03 22 00 03 23 55
Scale of the map 1cm = 40km

plane. It may get rested in different forms. In while the thick horizontal deposits are
case it develops into a saucer shape, concave called sills.
to the sky body, it is called lapolith. A wavy
mass of intrusive rocks, at times, is found at Dykes
the base of synclines or at the top of anticline
When the lava makes its way through cracks
in folded igneous country. Such wavy materials
and the fissures developed in the land, it
have a definite conduit to source beneath in
the form of magma chambers (subsequently solidifies almost perpendicular to the ground.
developed as batholiths). These are called the It gets cooled in the same position to develop a
phacoliths. wall-like structure. Such structures are called
The near horizontal bodies of the dykes. These are the most commonly found
intrusive igneous rocks are called sill or intrusive forms in the western Maharashtra area.
sheet, depending on the thickness of the These are considered the feeders for the eruptions
material. The thinner ones are called sheets that led to the development of the Deccan traps.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following earthquake waves is more destructive?
(a) P-waves (c) Surface waves
(b) S-waves (d) None of the above
(ii) Which one of the following is a direct source of information about the
interior of the earth?
(a) Earthquake waves (c) Gravitational force
(b) Volcanoes (d) Earth magnetism
(iii) Which type of volcanic eruptions have caused Deccan Trap formations?
(a) Shield (c) Composite
(b) Flood (d) Caldera
(iv) Which one of the following describes the lithosphere:
(a) upper and lower mantle (c) crust and core
(b) crust and upper mantle (d) mantle and core

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) What are body waves?
(ii) Name the direct sources of information about the interior of the earth.
(iii) Why do earthquake waves develop shadow zone?
(iv) Briefly explain the indirect sources of information of the interior of the
earth other than those of seismic activity.
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) What are the effects of propagation of earthquake waves on the rock mass
through which they travel?
(ii) What do you understand by intrusive forms? Briefly describe various
intrusive forms.


In the previous chapter, you have studied the theory” in 1912. This was regarding the
interior of the earth. You are already familiar distribution of the oceans and the continents.
with the world map. You know that continents According to Wegener, all the continents
cover 29 per cent of the surface of the earth formed a single continental mass, a mega ocean
and the remainder is under oceanic waters. surrounded by the same. The super continent
The positions of the continents and the ocean was named PANGAEA, which meant all earth.
bodies, as we see them in the map, have not The mega-ocean was called PANTHALASSA,
been the same in the past. Moreover, it is now meaning all water. He argued that, around 200
a well-accepted fact that oceans and million years ago, the super continent,
continents will not continue to enjoy their Pangaea, began to split. Pangaea first broke
present positions in times to come. If this is into two large continental masses as Laurasia
so, the question arises what were their positions and Gondwanaland forming the northern and
in the past? Why and how do they change their southern components respectively. Subse-
positions? Even if it is true that the continents quently, Laurasia and Gondwanaland
and oceans have changed and are changing continued to break into various smaller
their positions, you may wonder as to how continents that exist today. A variety of evidence
scientists know this. How have they determined was offered in support of the continental drift.
their earlier positions? You will find the answers Some of these are given below.
to some of these and related questions in this
chapter. Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift
CONTINENTAL DRIFT The Matching of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit)
Observe the shape of the coastline of the Atlantic The shorelines of Africa and South America
Ocean. You will be surprised by the symmetry facing each other have a remarkable and
of the coastlines on either side of the ocean. No
unmistakable match. It may be noted that a
wonder, many scientists thought of this
map produced using a computer programme
similarity and considered the possibility of the
to find the best fit of the Atlantic margin was
two Americas, Europe and Africa, to be once
presented by Bullard in 1964. It proved to be
joined together. From the known records of the
quite perfect. The match was tried at 1,000-
history of science, it was Abraham Ortelius, a
fathom line instead of the present shoreline.
Dutch map maker, who first proposed such a
possibility as early as 1596. Antonio Pellegrini
Rocks of Same Age Across the Oceans
drew a map showing the three continents together.
However, it was Alfred Wegener—a German The radiometric dating methods developed in
meteorologist who put forth a comprehensive the recent period have facilitated correlating the
argument in the form of “the continental drift rock formation from different continents across

the vast ocean. The belt of ancient rocks of Force for Drifting
2,000 million years from Brazil coast matches
Wegener suggested that the movement
with those from western Africa. The earliest
responsible for the drifting of the continents
marine deposits along the coastline of South
was caused by pole-fleeing force and tidal force.
America and Africa are of the Jurassic age. The polar-fleeing force relates to the rotation
This suggests that the ocean did not exist prior of the earth. You are aware of the fact that the
to that time. earth is not a perfect sphere; it has a bulge at
the equator. This bulge is due to the rotation
Tillite of the earth. The second force that was
It is the sedimentary rock formed out of suggested by Wegener—the tidal force—is due
deposits of glaciers. The Gondawana system to the attraction of the moon and the sun that
of sediments from India is known to have its develops tides in oceanic waters. Wegener
counter parts in six different landmasses of the believed that these forces would become
Southern Hemisphere. At the base the system effective when applied over many million years.
has thick tillite indicating extensive and However, most of scholars considered these
prolonged glaciation. Counter parts of this forces to be totally inadequate.
succession are found in Africa, Falkland Island,
Madagascar, Antarctica and Australia besides Post-Drift Studies
India. Overall resemblance of the Gondawana It is interesting to note that for continental drift,
type sediments clearly demonstrates that these most of the evidence was collected from the
landmasses had remarkably similar histories. continental areas in the form of distribution of
The glacial tillite provides unambiguous flora and fauna or deposits like tillite. A number
evidence of palaeoclimates and also of drifting of discoveries during the post-war period
of continents. added new information to geological literature.
Particularly, the information collected from the
Placer Deposits ocean floor mapping provided new dimensions
The occurrence of rich placer deposits of gold for the study of distribution of oceans and
in the Ghana coast and the absolute absence continents.
of source rock in the region is an amazing fact.
Convectional Current Theory
The gold bearing veins are in Brazil and it is
obvious that the gold deposits of the Ghana Arthur Holmes in 1930s discussed the
are derived from the Brazil plateau when the possibility of convection currents operating in
two continents lay side by side. the mantle portion. These currents are
generated due to radioactive elements causing
Distribution of Fossils thermal differences in the mantle portion.
Holmes argued that there exists a system of
When identical species of plants and animals
such currents in the entire mantle portion. This
adapted to living on land or in fresh water are
was an attempt to provide an explanation to
found on either side of the marine barriers, a
the issue of force, on the basis of which
problem arises regarding accounting for such
contemporary scientists discarded the
distribution. The observations that Lemurs
continental drift theory.
occur in India, Madagascar and Africa led some
to consider a contiguous landmass “Lemuria” Mapping of the Ocean Floor
linking these three landmasses. Mesosaurus
was a small reptile adapted to shallow brackish Detailed research of the ocean configuration
water. The skeletons of these are found only revealed that the ocean floor is not just a vast
in two localities : the Southern Cape province plain but it is full of relief. Expeditions to map
of South Africa and Iraver formations of Brazil. the oceanic floor in the post-war period
The two localities presently are 4,800 km apart provided a detailed picture of the ocean relief
with an ocean in between them. and indicated the existence of submerged

mountain ranges as well as deep trenches, Abyssal Plains

mostly located closer to the continent margins.
The mid-oceanic ridges were found to be most These are extensive plains that lie between the
active in terms of volcanic eruptions. The dating continental margins and mid-oceanic ridges.
of the rocks from the oceanic crust revealed The abyssal plains are the areas where the
the fact that the latter is much younger than continental sediments that move beyond the
the continental areas. Rocks on either side of margins get deposited.
the crest of oceanic ridges and having equi-
distant locations from the crest were found to Mid-Oceanic Ridges
have remarkable similarities both in terms of This forms an interconnected chain of
their constituents and their age. mountain system within the ocean. It is the
longest mountain-chain on the surface of the
Ocean Floor Configuration earth though submerged under the oceanic
In this section we shall note a few things related waters. It is characterised by a central rift
to the ocean floor configuration that help us in system at the crest, a fractionated plateau and
the understanding of the distribution of flank zone all along its length. The rift system
continents and oceans. You will be studying at the crest is the zone of intense volcanic
the details of ocean floor relief in Chapter activity. In the previous chapter, you have been
13. The ocean floor may be segmented into introduced to this type of volcanoes as mid-
three major divisions based on the depth oceanic volcanoes.
as well as the forms of relief. These divisions
are continental margins, deep-sea basins and Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
mid-ocean ridges. Study the maps showing the distribution of
seismic activity and volcanoes given in Figure
4.2. You will notice a line of dots in the central
parts of the Atlantic Ocean almost parallel to
the coastlines. It further extends into the Indian
Ocean. It bifurcates a little south of the Indian
subcontinent with one branch moving into
East Africa and the other meeting a similar line
from Myanmar to New Guiana. You will notice
that this line of dots coincides with the mid-
oceanic ridges. The shaded belt showing
another area of concentration coincides with
the Alpine-Himalayan system and the rim of
the Pacific Ocean. In general, the foci of the
earthquake in the areas of mid-oceanic ridges
Figure 4.1 : Ocean Floor
are at shallow depths whereas along the
Alpine-Himalayan belt as well as the rim of the
Continental Margins Pacific, the earthquakes are deep-seated ones.
The map of volcanoes also shows a similar
These form the transition between continental
pattern. The rim of the Pacific is also called rim
shores and deep-sea basins. They include
of fire due to the existence of active volcanoes in
continental shelf, continental slope, continental
this area.
rise and deep-oceanic trenches. Of these, the
deep-sea trenches are the areas which are of
considerable interest in so far as the
distribution of oceans and continents is As mentioned above, the post-drift studies
concerned. provided considerable information that was not

Figure 4. 2 : Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes

available at the time Wegener put forth his (iv) The sediments on the ocean floor are
concept of continental drift. Particularly, the unexpectedly very thin. Scientists were
mapping of the ocean floor and palaeomagnetic expecting, if the ocean floors were as old
studies of rocks from oceanic regions revealed as the continent, to have a complete
the following facts : sequence of sediments for a period of much
(i) It was realised that all along the mid- longer duration. However, nowhere was the
oceanic ridges, volcanic eruptions are sediment column found to be older than
common and they bring huge amounts of 200 million years.
lava to the surface in this area. (v) The deep trenches have deep-seated
(ii) The rocks equidistant on either sides of the earthquake occurrences while in the mid-
crest of mid-oceanic ridges show oceanic ridge areas, the quake foci have
remarkable similarities in terms of period shallow depths.
of formation, chemical compositions and These facts and a detailed analysis of magnetic
magnetic properties. Rocks closer to the properties of the rocks on either sides of the
mid-oceanic ridges are normal polarity and mid-oceanic ridge led Hess (1961) to propose
are the youngest. The age of the rocks his hypothesis, known as the “sea floor
increases as one moves away from the spreading”. Hess argued that constant
crest. eruptions at the crest of oceanic ridges cause
(iii) The ocean crust rocks are much younger the rupture of the oceanic crust and the new
than the continental rocks. The age of rocks lava wedges into it, pushing the oceanic crust
in the oceanic crust is nowhere more than on either side. The ocean floor, thus spreads.
200 million years old. Some of the continental The younger age of the oceanic crust as well
rock formations are as old as 3,200 million as the fact that the spreading of one ocean does
years. not cause the shrinking of the other, made Hess

Figure 4. 3 : Sea floor spreading

think about the consumption of the oceanic PLATE TECTONICS

crust. He further maintained that the ocean Since the advent of the concept of sea floor
floor that gets pushed due to volcanic spreading, the interest in the problem of
eruptions at the crest, sinks down at the distribution of oceans and continents was
oceanic trenches and gets consumed. revived. It was in 1967, McKenzie and Parker
The basic concept of sea floor spreading has and also Morgan, independently collected the
been depicted in Figure 4.3. available ideas and came out with another

The motions of the continents during the past 540

million years. 1. Africa; 2. South America;
3. Antarctica; 4. Australia; 5. India; 6. China; 7. North
America; 8. Europe; 9. and 10. Siberia (Emilani, 1992)

Figure 4.4 : Position of continents through geological past


concept termed Plate Tectonics. A tectonic (ii) North American (with western Atlantic
plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a floor separated from the South American
massive, irregularly-shaped slab of solid rock, plate along the Caribbean islands) plate
generally composed of both continental and (iii) South American (with western Atlantic
oceanic lithosphere. Plates move horizontally
floor separated from the North American
over the asthenosphere as rigid units. The
plate along the Caribbean islands) plate
lithosphere includes the crust and top mantle
with its thickness range varying between 5-100 (iv) Pacific plate
km in oceanic parts and about 200 km in the (v) India-Australia-New Zealand plate
continental areas. A plate may be referred to (vi) Africa with the eastern Atlantic floor plate
as the continental plate or oceanic plate (vii) Eurasia and the adjacent oceanic plate.
depending on which of the two occupy a larger Some important minor plates are listed
portion of the plate. Pacific plate is largely an below:
oceanic plate whereas the Eurasian plate may be (i) Cocos plate : Between Central America
called a continental plate. The theory of plate and Pacific plate
tectonics proposes that the earth’s lithosphere is (ii) Nazca plate : Between South America
divided into seven major and some minor plates. and Pacific plate
Young Fold Mountain ridges, trenches, and/or
(iii) Arabian plate : Mostly the Saudi Arabian
faults surround these major plates (Figure 4.5).
The major plates are as follows :
(i) Antarctica and the surrounding oceanic (iv) Philippine plate : Between the Asiatic and
plate Pacific plate

Figure 4.5 : Major and minor plates of the world


(v) Caroline plate : Between the Philippine Transform Boundaries

and Indian plate (North of New Guinea)
Where the crust is neither produced nor
(vi) Fuji plate : North-east of Australia.
destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past
These plates have been constantly moving
each other. Transform faults are the planes of
over the globe throughout the history of the
separation generally perpendicular to the mid-
earth. It is not the continent that moves as
oceanic ridges. As the eruptions do not take
believed by Wegener. Continents are part of a
all along the entire crest at the same time, there
plate and what moves is the plate. Moreover, it
is a differential movement of a portion of the
may be noted that all the plates, without
plate away from the axis of the earth. Also, the
exception, have moved in the geological past,
rotation of the earth has its effect on the
and shall continue to move in the future period
separated blocks of the plate portions.
as well. Wegener had thought of all the
continents to have initially existed as a super How do you think the rate of plate
continent in the form of Pangaea. However, movement is determined?
later discoveries reveal that the continental
masses, resting on the plates, have been
Rates of Plate Movement
wandering all through the geological period,
and Pangaea was a result of converging of The strips of normal and reverse magnetic field
different continental masses that were parts that parallel the mid-oceanic ridges help
of one or the other plates. Scientists using the scientists determine the rates of plate
palaeomagnetic data have determined the movement. These rates vary considerably. The
positions held by each of the present continental Arctic Ridge has the slowest rate (less than 2.5
landmass in different geological periods. cm/yr), and the East Pacific Rise near Easter
Position of the Indian sub-continent (mostly Island, in the South Pacific about 3,400 km
Peninsular India) is traced with the help of the west of Chile, has the fastest rate (more than
rocks analysed from the Nagpur area. 15 cm/yr).
There are three types of plate boundaries:
Force for the Plate Movement
Divergent Boundaries
At the time that Wegener proposed his theory
Where new crust is generated as the plates pull of continental drift, most scientists believed
away from each other. The sites where the that the earth was a solid, motionless body.
plates move away from each other are called However, concepts of sea floor spreading and
spreading sites. The best-known example of the unified theory of plate tectonics have
divergent boundaries is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. emphasised that both the surface of the earth
At this, the American Plate(s) is/are separated and the interior are not static and motionless
from the Eurasian and African Plates. but are dynamic. The fact that the plates move
is now a well-accepted fact. The mobile rock
Convergent Boundaries beneath the rigid plates is believed to be
Where the crust is destroyed as one plate dived moving in a circular manner. The heated
under another. The location where sinking of material rises to the surface, spreads and
a plate occurs is called a subduction zone. begins to cool, and then sinks back into deeper
There are three ways in which convergence can depths. This cycle is repeated over and over to
occur. These are: (i) between an oceanic and generate what scientists call a convection cell
continental plate; (ii) between two oceanic or convective flow. Heat within the earth comes
plates; and (iii) between two continental from two main sources: radioactive decay and
plates. residual heat. Arthur Holmes first considered

this idea in the 1930s, which later influenced

Harry Hess’ thinking about seafloor spreading.
The slow movement of hot, softened mantle
that lies below the rigid plates is the driving
force behind the plate movement.


The Indian plate includes Peninsular India
and the Australian continental portions. The
subduction zone along the Himalayas forms
the northern plate boundary in the form of
continent— continent convergence. In the east,
it extends through Rakinyoma Mountains of
Myanmar towards the island arc along the
Java T rench. The eastern margin is a
spreading site lying to the east of Australia in
the form of an oceanic ridge in SW Pacific. The
Western margin follows Kirthar Mountain of
Pakistan. It further extends along the Makrana
coast and joins the spreading site from the
Red Sea rift southeastward along the Chagos
Archipelago. The boundary between India
and the Antarctic plate is also marked by
oceanic ridge (divergent boundary) running
in roughly W-E direction and merging into the
spreading site, a little south of New Zealand.
India was a large island situated off the
Australian coast, in a vast ocean. The Tethys
Sea separated it from the Asian continent till
about 225 million years ago. India is supposed
to have started her northward journey about
200 million years ago at the time when Pangaea
broke. India collided with Asia about 40-50 Figure 4.6 : Movement of the Indian plate
million years ago causing rapid uplift of the plate towards the Asiatic plate, a major event
Himalayas. The positions of India since about that occurred was the outpouring of lava and
71 million years till the present are shown in formation of the Deccan Traps. This started
the Figure 4.6. It also shows the position of somewhere around 60 million years ago and
the Indian subcontinent and the Eurasian continued for a long period of time. Note that
plate. About 140 million years before the the subcontinent was still close to the equator.
present, the subcontinent was located as From 40 million years ago and thereafter, the
south as 50oS. latitude. The two major plates event of formation of the Himalayas took place.
were separated by the Tethys Sea and the Scientists believe that the process is still
Tibetan block was closer to the Asiatic continuing and the height of the Himalayas is
landmass. During the movement of the Indian rising even to this date.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Who amongst the following was the first to consider the possibility of
Europe, Africa and America having been located side by side.
(a) Alfred Wegener (c) Abraham Ortelius
(b) Antonio Pellegrini (d) Edmond Hess
(ii) Polar fleeing force relates to:
(a) Revolution of the Earth (c) Rotation of the earth
(b) Gravitation (d) Tides
(iii) Which one of the following is not a minor plate?
(a) Nazca (c) Philippines
(b) Arabia (d) Antarctica
(iv) Which one of the following facts was not considered by those while
discussing the concept of sea floor spreading?
(a) Volcanic activity along the mid-oceanic ridges.
(b) Stripes of normal and reverse magnetic field observed in rocks of ocean
(c) Distribution of fossils in different continents.
(d) Age of rocks from the ocean floor.
(v) Which one of the following is the type of plate boundary of the Indian plate
along the Himalayan mountains?
(a) Ocean-continent convergence
(b) Divergent boundary
(c) Transform boundary
(d) Continent-continent convergence
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What were the forces suggested by Wegener for the movement of the
(ii) How are the convectional currents in the mantle initiated and maintained?
(iii) What is the major difference between the transform boundary and the
convergent or divergent boundaries of plates?
(iv) What was the location of the Indian landmass during the formation of the
Deccan Traps?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) What are the evidences in support of the continental drift theory?
(ii) Bring about the basic difference between the drift theory and Plate
(iii) What were the major post-drift discoveries that rejuvenated the interest
of scientists in the study of distribution of oceans and continents?

Project Work
Prepare a collage related to damages caused by an earthquake.

This unit deals with
• Rocks and minerals — major types of rocks and their
• Landforms and their evolution
• Geomorphic processes — weathering, mass wasting, erosion
and deposition; soils — formation


he earth is composed of various kinds Though the number of elements making
of elements. These elements are in solid up the lithosphere are limited they are
form in the outer layer of the earth and combined in many different ways to make up
in hot and molten form in the interior. many varieties of minerals. There are at least
About 98 per cent of the total crust of the 2,000 minerals that have been named and
earth is composed of eight elements like identified in the earth crust; but almost all the
oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium,
commonly occurring ones are related to six
sodium, potassium and magnesium (Table 5.1),
major mineral groups that are known as major
and the rest is constituted by titanium,
hydrogen, phosphorous, manganese, sulphur, rock forming minerals.
carbon, nickel and other elements. The basic source of all minerals is the hot
magma in the interior of the earth. When
Table 5.1 : The Major Elements of the Earth’s Crust
magma cools, crystals of minerals appear and
Sl. No. Elements By Weight(%) a systematic series of minerals are formed in
1. Oxygen 46.60 sequence to solidify so as to form rocks.
2. Silicon 27.72 Minerals such as coal, petroleum and natural
3. Aluminium 8.13
4. Iron 5.00
gas are organic substances found in solid,
5. Calcium 3.63 liquid and gaseous forms respectively.
6. Sodium 2.83 A brief information about some important
7. Potassium 2.59
minerals in terms of their nature and physical
8. Magnesium 2.09
9. Others 1.41 characteristics is given below :

The elements in the earth’s crust are rarely

found exclusively but are usually combined with PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
other elements to make various substances.
(i) Exter nal crystal for m — deter -
These substances are recognised as minerals.
mined by internal arrangement of
the molecules — cubes, octahe-
Thus, a mineral is a naturally occurring drons, hexagonal prisms, etc.
inorganic substance, having an orderly (ii) Cleavage — tendency to break in
atomic structure and a definite chemical given directions producing
composition and physical properties. A relatively plane surfaces — result
mineral is composed of two or more of internal arrangement of the
elements. But, sometimes single element molecules — may cleave in one or
more directions and at any angle
minerals like sulphur, copper, silver, gold,
to each other.
graphite etc. are found.


(iii) Fracture — internal molecular
arrangement so complex there are
no planes of molecules; the crystal
will break in an irregular manner,
not along planes of cleavage. Silicon and oxygen are common elements in
(iv) Lustre — appearance of a material all types of feldspar and sodium, potassium,
without regard to colour; each calcium, aluminium etc. are found in specific
mineral has a distinctive lustre like feldspar variety. Half of the earth’s crust is
metallic, silky, glossy etc. composed of feldspar. It has light cream to
(v) Colour — some minerals have salmon pink colour. It is used in ceramics and
characteristic colour determined glass making.
by their molecular structure —
malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite etc., Quartz
and some minerals are coloured by
It is one of the most important components of
impurities. For example, because
sand and granite. It consists of silica. It is a
of impurities quartz may be white,
green, red, yellow etc.
hard mineral virtually insoluble in water. It is
(vi) Streak — colour of the ground powder
white or colourless and used in radio and radar.
of any mineral. It may be of the
It is one of the most important components of
same colour as the mineral or may
differ — malachite is green and gives
green streak, fluorite is purple or Pyroxene
green but gives a white streak. Pyroxene consists of calcium, aluminum,
(vii) Transparency — transparent: light magnesium, iron and silica. Pyroxene forms
rays pass through so that objects 10 per cent of the earth’s crust. It is commonly
can be seen plainly; translucent found in meteorites. It is in green or black
— light rays pass through but will colour.
get diffused so that objects cannot
be seen; opaque — light will not pass Amphibole
at all.
(viii) Structure — particular arrange- Aluminium, calcium, silica, iron, magnesium
ment of the individual crystals; are the major elements of amphiboles. They
fine, medium or coarse grained; form 7 per cent of the earth’s crust. It is in
fibrous — separable, divergent, green or black colour and is used in asbestos
radiating. industry. Hornblende is another form of
(ix) Hardness — relative resistance amphiboles.
being scratched; ten minerals are
selected to measure the degree of Mica
hardness from 1-10. They are: It comprises of potassium, aluminium,
1. talc; 2. gypsum; 3. calcite; magnesium, iron, silica etc. It forms 4 per cent
4. fluorite; 5. apatite; 6. feldspar; of the earth’s crust. It is commonly found in
7. quartz; 8. topaz; 9. corundum; igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is used in
10. diamond. Compared to this for electrical instruments.
example, a fingernail is 2.5 and
glass or knife blade is 5.5.
(x) Specific gravity — the ratio between
the weight of a given object and Magnesium, iron and silica are major elements
the weight of an equal volume of of olivine. It is used in jewellery. It is usually a
water; object weighed in air and greenish crystal, often found in basaltic rocks.
then weighed in water and divide Besides these main minerals, other minerals
weight in air by the difference of the like chlorite, calcite, magnetite, haematite,
two weights. bauxite and barite are also present in some
quantities in the rocks.

Metallic Minerals Igneous Rocks

These minerals contain metal content and can As igneous rocks form out of magma and lava
be sub-divided into three types: from the interior of the earth, they are known
(i) Precious metals : gold, silver, platinum as primary rocks. The igneous rocks (Ignis –
etc. in Latin means ‘Fire’) are formed when magma
(ii) Ferrous metals : iron and other metals cools and solidifies. You already know what
often mixed with iron to form various magma is. When magma in its upward
kinds of steel. movement cools and turns into solid form it is
(iii) Non-ferrous metals : include metals called igneous rock. The process of cooling and
like copper, lead, zinc, tin, aluminium solidification can happen in the earth’s crust
etc. or on the surface of the earth.
Igneous rocks are classified based on
Non-Metallic Minerals texture. Texture depends upon size and
arrangement of grains or other physical
These minerals do not contain metal content.
conditions of the materials. If molten material
Sulphur, phosphates and nitrates are examples
is cooled slowly at great depths, mineral grains
of non-metallic minerals. Cement is a mixture
may be very large. Sudden cooling (at the
of non-metallic minerals. surface) results in small and smooth grains.
Intermediate conditions of cooling would result
in intermediate sizes of grains making up
The earth’s crust is composed of rocks. A igneous rocks. Granite, gabbro, pegmatite,
rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals. basalt, volcanic breccia and tuff are some of
Rock may be hard or soft and in varied the examples of igneous rocks.
colours. For example, granite is hard, soapstone
is soft. Gabbro is black and quartzite can be Sedimentary Rocks
milky white. Rocks do not have definite The word ‘sedimentary’ is derived from the Latin
composition of mineral constituents. word sedimentum, which means settling. Rocks
Feldspar and quartz are the most common (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) of the
minerals found in rocks. earth’s surface are exposed to denudational
agents, and are broken up into various sizes
Petrology is science of rocks. A petrologist of fragments. Such fragments are transported
studies rocks in all their aspects viz., by different exogenous agencies and
mineral composition, texture, structure, deposited. These deposits through compaction
origin, occurrence, alteration and turn into rocks. This process is called
relationship with other rocks. lithification. In many sedimentary rocks, the
layers of deposits retain their characteristics
As there is a close relation between rocks even after lithification. Hence, we see a number
and landforms, rocks and soils, a geographer of layers of varying thickness in sedimentary
requires basic knowledge of rocks. There are rocks like sandstone, shale etc.
many different kinds of rocks which are Depending upon the mode of formation,
grouped under three families on the basis of sedimentary rocks are classified into three major
their mode of formation. They are: (i) Igneous groups: (i) mechanically formed — sandstone,
Rocks — solidified from magma and lava; conglomerate, limestone, shale, loess etc. are
(ii) Sedimentary Rocks — the result of examples; (ii) organically formed — geyserite,
deposition of fragments of rocks by exogenous chalk, limestone, coal etc. are some examples;
processes; (iii) Metamorphic Rocks — formed out (iii) chemically formed — chert, limestone, halite,
of existing rocks undergoing recrystallisation. potash etc. are some examples.

Metamorphic Rocks major groups — foliated rocks and non-foliated

rocks. Gneissoid, granite, syenite, slate, schist,
The word metamorphic means ‘change of form’.
marble, quartzite etc. are some examples of
These rocks form under the action of pressure,
metamorphic rocks.
volume and temperature (PVT) changes.
Metamorphism occurs when rocks are forced
down to lower levels by tectonic processes or
when molten magma rising through the crust Rocks do not remain in their original form for
comes in contact with the crustal rocks or the long but may undergo transformation. Rock
underlying rocks are subjected to great cycle is a continuous process through which
amounts of pressure by overlying rocks. old rocks are transformed into new ones.
Metamorphism is a process by which already Igneous rocks are primary rocks and other
consolidated rocks undergo recrystallisation rocks (sedimentary and metamorphic) form
and reorganisation of materials within original from these primary rocks. Igneous rocks can
rocks. be changed into metamorphic rocks. The
Mechanical disruption and reorganisation fragments derived out of igneous and
of the original minerals within rocks due to metamorphic rocks form into sedimentary
breaking and crushing without any
appreciable chemical changes is called dynamic
metamorphism. The materials of rocks
chemically alter and recrystallise due to
thermal metamorphism. There are two types
of thermal metamorphism — contact meta-
morphism and regional metamorphism. In
contact metamorphism the rocks come in
contact with hot intruding magma and lava
and the rock materials recrystallise under high
temperatures. Quite often new materials form
out of magma or lava are added to the rocks.
In regional metamorphism, rocks undergo
recrystallisation due to deformation caused by Fig 5.1 : Rock Cycle
tectonic shearing together with high
temperature or pressure or both. In the process
rocks. Sedimentary rocks themselves can turn
of metamorphism in some rocks grains or
into fragments and the fragments can be a
minerals get arranged in layers or lines. Such
source for formation of sedimentary rocks. The
an arrangement of minerals or grains in
crustal rocks (igneous, metamorphic and
metamorphic rocks is called foliation or
lineation. Sometimes minerals or materials of sedimentary) once formed may be carried
different groups are arranged into alternating down into the mantle (interior of the earth)
thin to thick layers appearing in light and dark through subduction process (parts or whole
shades. Such a structure in metamorphic of crustal plates going down under another
rocks is called banding and rocks displaying plate in zones of plate convergence) and the
banding are called banded rocks. Types of same melt down due to increase in
metamorphic rocks depend upon original temperature in the interior and turn into
rocks that were subjected to metamorphism. molten magma, the original source for
Metamorphic rocks are classified into two igneous rocks (Figure 5.1).


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following are the two main constituents of granite?
(a) Iron and nickel (c) Silica and aluminium
(b) Iron and silver (d) Iron Oxide and potassium
(ii) Which one of the following is the salient feature of metamorphic rocks?
(a) Changeable (c) Crystalline
(b) Quite (d) Foliation
(iii) Which one of the following is not a single element mineral?
(a) Gold (c) Mica
(b) Silver (d) Graphite
(iv) Which one of the following is the hardest mineral?
(a) Topaz (c) Quartz
(b) Diamond (d) Feldspar
(v) Which one of the following is not a sedimentary rock?
(a) Tillite (c) Breccia
(b) Borax (d) Marble
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do you mean by rocks? Name the three major classes of rocks.
(ii) What is an igneous rock? Describe the method of formation and
characteristics of igneous rock.
(iii) What is meant by sedimentary rock? Describe the mode of formation of
sedimentary rock.
(iv) What relationship explained by rock cycle between the major type of rock?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Define the term ‘mineral’ and name the major classes of minerals with
their physical characteristics.
(ii) Describe the nature and mode of origin of the chief types of rock at the
earth’s crust. How will you distinguish them?
(iii) What are metamorphic rocks? Describe the types of metamorphic rock
and how are they formed?

Project Work
Collect different rock samples and try to recognise them from their physical
characteristics and identify their family.


fter learning about how the earth was forces continuously elevate or build up parts
born, how it evolved its crust and other of the earth’s surface and hence the exogenic
inner layers, how its crustal plates processes fail to even out the relief variations
moved and are moving, and other information of the surface of the earth. So, variations remain
on earthquakes, the forms of volcanism and as long as the opposing actions of exogenic and
about the rocks and minerals the crust is endogenic forces continue. In general terms,
composed of, it is time to know in detail about the endogenic forces are mainly land building
the surface of the earth on which we live. Let forces and the exogenic processes are mainly
us start with this question. land wearing forces. The surface of the earth is
sensitive. Humans depend on it for their
Why is the surface of the earth uneven? sustenance and have been using it extensively
and intensively. So, it is essential to understand
First of all, the earth’s crust is dynamic. You its nature in order to use it effectively without
are well aware that it has moved and moves disturbing its balance and diminishing its
vertically and horizontally. Of course, it moved potential for the future. Almost all organisms
a bit faster in the past than the rate at which it contribute to sustain the earth’s environment.
is moving now. The differences in the internal However, humans have caused over use of
forces operating from within the earth which
resources. Use we must, but must also leave it
built up the crust have been responsible for
potential enough to sustain life through the
the variations in the outer surface of the crust.
future. Most of the surface of the earth had and
The earth’s surface is being continuously
has been shaped over very long periods of time
subjected to external forces induced basically
(hundreds and thousands of years) and
by energy (sunlight). Of course, the internal
because of its use and misuse by humans its
forces are still active though with different
potential is being diminished at a fast rate. If
intensities. That means, the earth’s surface is
the processes which shaped and are shaping
being continuously subjected to by external
the surface of the earth into varieties of forms
forces originating within the earth’s atmosphere
(shapes) and the nature of materials of which
and by internal forces from within the earth.
it is composed of, are understood, precautions
The external forces are known as exogenic
can be taken to minimise the detrimental effects
forces and the internal forces are known as
of human use and to preserve it for posterity.
endogenic forces. The actions of exogenic
forces result in wearing down (degradation) of
relief/elevations and filling up (aggradation) of
basins/depressions, on the earth’s surface. The You would like to know the meaning of
phenomenon of wearing down of relief geomorphic processes. The endogenic and
variations of the surface of the earth through exogenic forces causing physical stresses and
erosion is known as gradation. The endogenic chemical actions on earth materials and

bringing about changes in the configuration ENDOGENIC PROCESSES

of the surface of the earth are known as
The energy emanating from within the earth is
geomorphic processes. Diastrophism and
the main force behind endogenic geomorphic
volcanism are endogenic geomorphic processes. This energy is mostly generated by
processes. These have already been discussed radioactivity, rotational and tidal friction and
in brief in the preceding unit. Weathering, mass primordial heat from the origin of the earth.
wasting, erosion and deposition are exogenic This energy due to geothermal gradients and
geomorphic processes. These exogenic heat flow from within induces diastrophism
processes are dealt with in detail in this chapter. and volcanism in the lithosphere. Due to
Any exogenic element of nature (like water, variations in geothermal gradients and heat flow
ice, wind, etc.,) capable of acquiring and from within, crustal thickness and strength,
transporting earth materials can be called a the action of endogenic forces are not uniform
geomorphic agent. When these elements of and hence the tectonically controlled original
nature become mobile due to gradients, they crustal surface is uneven.
remove the materials and transport them over
slopes and deposit them at lower level. Diastrophism
Geomorphic processes and geomorphic agents
All processes that move, elevate or build up
especially exogenic, unless stated separately,
portions of the earth’s crust come under
are one and the same.
diastrophism. They include: (i) orogenic
A process is a force applied on earth
processes involving mountain building
materials affecting the same. An agent is a
through severe folding and affecting long and
mobile medium (like running water, moving ice narrow belts of the earth’s crust; (ii) epeirogenic
masses, wind, waves and currents etc.) which processes involving uplift or warping of large
removes, transports and deposits earth parts of the earth’s crust; (iii) earthquakes
materials. Running water, groundwater, involving local relatively minor movements;
glaciers, wind, waves and currents, etc., can (iv) plate tectonics involving horizontal
be called geomorphic agents. movements of crustal plates.
In the process of orogeny, the crust is
Do you think it is essential to distinguish severely deformed into folds. Due to epeirogeny,
geomorphic agents and geomorphic there may be simple deformation. Orogeny is
processes? a mountain building process whereas
epeirogeny is continental building process.
Gravity besides being a directional force
Through the processes of orogeny, epeirogeny,
activating all downslope movements of matter
earthquakes and plate tectonics, there can be
also causes stresses on the earth’s materials.
faulting and fracturing of the crust. All these
Indirect gravitational stresses activate wave and
processes cause pressure, volume and
tide induced currents and winds. Without temperature (PVT) changes which in turn
gravity and gradients there would be no induce metamorphism of rocks.
mobility and hence no erosion, transportation
and deposition are possible. So, gravitational Epeirogeny and orogeny, cite the
stresses are as important as the other differences.
geomorphic processes. Gravity is the force that
is keeping us in contact with the surface and it
is the force that switches on the movement of Volcanism
all surface material on earth. All the movements Volcanism includes the movement of molten
either within the earth or on the surface of the rock (magma) onto or toward the earth’s
earth occur due to gradients — from higher surface and also formation of many intrusive
levels to lower levels, from high pressure to low and extrusive volcanic forms. Many aspects of
pressure areas etc. volcanism have already been dealt in detail

under volcanoes in the Unit II and under processes and their respective driving forces.
igneous rocks in the preceding chapter in this It should become clear from this chart that for
unit. each process there exists a distinct driving force
or energy.
What do the words volcanism and As there are different climatic regions on
volcanoes indicate? the earth’s surface owing to thermal gradients
created by latitudinal, seasonal and land and
water spread variations, the exogenic
geomorphic processes vary from region to
The exogenic processes derive their energy region. The density, type and distribution of
from atmosphere determined by the ultimate vegetation which largely depend upon
energy from the sun and also the gradients
created by tectonic factors.

Why do you think that the slopes or

gradients are created by tectonic factors?

Gravitational force acts upon all earth

materials having a sloping surface and tend to
produce movement of matter in down slope
direction. Force applied per unit area is called
stress. Stress is produced in a solid by pushing Figure 6.1 : Denudational processes and their
or pulling. This induces deformation. Forces driving forces
acting along the faces of earth materials are precipitation and temperature exert influence
shear stresses (separating forces). It is this indirectly on exogenic geomorphic processes.
stress that breaks rocks and other earth Within different climatic regions there may be
materials. The shear stresses result in angular local variations of the effects of different climatic
displacement or slippage. Besides the elements due to altitudinal differences, aspect
gravitational stress earth materials become variations and the variation in the amount of
subjected to molecular stresses that may be insolation received by north and south facing
caused by a number of factors amongst which slopes as compared to east and west facing
temperature changes, crystallisation and slopes. Further, due to differences in wind
melting are the most common. Chemical velocities and directions, amount and kind of
processes normally lead to loosening of bonds precipitation, its intensity, the relation between
between grains, dissolving of soluble minerals precipitation and evaporation, daily range of
or cementing materials. Thus, the basic reason temperature, freezing and thawing frequency,
that leads to weathering, mass movements, depth of frost penetration, the geomorphic
erosion and deposition is development of processes vary within any climatic region.
stresses in the body of the earth materials.
As there are different climatic regions on What is the sole driving force behind all
the earth’s surface the exogenic geomorphic the exogenic processes?
processes vary from region to region.
Temperature and precipitation are the two Climatic factors being equal, the intensity
important climatic elements that control of action of exogenic geomorphic processes
various processes. depends upon type and structure of rocks. The
All the exogenic geomorphic processes are term structure includes such aspects of rocks
covered under a general term, denudation. The as folds, faults, orientation and inclination of
word ‘denude’ means to strip off or to uncover. beds, presence or absence of joints, bedding
Weathering, mass wasting/movements, erosion planes, hardness or softness of constituent
and transportation are included in denudation. minerals, chemical susceptibility of mineral
The flow chart (Figure 6.1) gives the denudation constituents; the permeability or impermeability

etc. Different types of rocks with differences in

their structure offer varying resistances to
various geomorphic processes. A particular
rock may be resistant to one process and non-
resistant to another. And, under varying
climatic conditions, particular rocks may
exhibit different degrees of resistance to
geomorphic processes and hence they operate
at differential rates and give rise to differences
in topography. The effects of most of the
exogenic geomorphic processes are small and
slow and may be imperceptible in a short time
span, but will in the long run affect the rocks
severely due to continued fatigue.
Finally, it boils down to one fact that the
Figure 6.2 : Climatic regimes and depth of weathering
differences on the surface of the earth though
mantles (adapted and modified from Strakhov, 1967)
originally related to the crustal evolution
continue to exist in some form or the other due
to differences in the type and structure of earth Activity
materials, differences in geomorphic processes
and in their rates of operation. Mark the latitude values of different
Some of the exogenic geomorphic processes climatic regimes in Figure 6.2 and
have been dealt in detail here. compare the details.

WEATHERING There are three major groups of weathering

Weathering is action of elements of weather and processes : (i) chemical; (ii) physical or
climate over earth materials. There are a mechanical; (iii) biological weathering processes.
number of processes within weathering which Very rarely does any one of these processes ever
act either individually or together to affect the operate completely by itself, but quite often a
earth materials in order to reduce them to dominance of one process can be seen.
fragmental state.
Chemical Weathering Processes
Weathering is defined as mechanical A group of weathering processes viz; solution,
disintegration and chemical decom- carbonation, hydration, oxidation and
position of rocks through the actions of reduction act on the rocks to decompose,
various elements of weather and climate. dissolve or reduce them to a fine clastic state
through chemical reactions by oxygen, surface
As very little or no motion of materials and/or soil water and other acids. Water and
takes place in weathering, it is an in-situ or air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) along with
on-site process. heat must be present to speed up all chemical
reactions. Over and above the carbon dioxide
Is this little motion which can occur
present in the air, decomposition of plants and
sometimes due to weathering synonymous
animals increases the quantity of carbon
with transportation? If not, why?
dioxide underground. These chemical
Weathering processes are conditioned by reactions on various minerals are very much
many complex geological, climatic, topographic similar to the chemical reactions in a laboratory.
and vegetative factors. Climate is of particular
importance. Not only weathering processes Solution
differ from climate to climate, but also the depth When something is dissolved in water or acids,
of the weathering mantle (Figure 6.2). the water or acid with dissolved contents is

called solution. This process involves removal Many clay minerals swell and contract during
of solids in solution and depends upon wetting and drying and a repetition of this
solubility of a mineral in water or weak acids. process results in cracking of overlying
On coming in contact with water many solids materials. Salts in pore spaces undergo rapid
disintegrate and mix up as suspension in and repeated hydration and help in rock
water. Soluble rock forming minerals like fracturing. The volume changes in minerals
nitrates, sulphates, and potassium etc. are due to hydration will also help in physical
affected by this process. So, these minerals are weathering through exfoliation and granular
easily leached out without leaving any residue disintegration.
in rainy climates and accumulate in dry
regions. Minerals like calcium carbonate and Oxidation and Reduction
calcium magnesium bicarbonate present in In weathering, oxidation means a combination
limestones are soluble in water containing of a mineral with oxygen to form oxides or
carbonic acid (formed with the addition of hydroxides. Oxidation occurs where there is
carbon dioxide in water), and are carried away ready access to the atmosphere and
in water as solution. Carbon dioxide produced oxygenated waters. The minerals most
by decaying organic matter along with soil commonly involved in this process are iron,
water greatly aids in this reaction. Common manganese, sulphur etc. In the process of
salt (sodium chloride) is also a rock forming oxidation rock breakdown occurs due to the
mineral and is susceptible to this process of disturbance caused by addition of oxygen. Red
solution. colour of iron upon oxidation turns to brown
or yellow. When oxidised minerals are placed
Carbonation in an environment where oxygen is absent,
reduction takes place. Such conditions exist
Carbonation is the reaction of carbonate and
usually below the water table, in areas of
bicarbonate with minerals and is a common
stagnant water and waterlogged ground. Red
process helping the breaking down of
colour of iron upon reduction turns to greenish
feldspars and carbonate minerals. Carbon or bluish grey.
dioxide from the atmosphere and soil air is These weathering processes are inter-
absorbed by water, to form carbonic acid that related. Hydration, carbonation and oxidation
acts as a weak acid. Calcium carbonates and go hand in hand and hasten the weathering
magnesium carbonates are dissolved in process.
carbonic acid and are removed in a solution
without leaving any residue resulting in cave
formation. Can we give iron rusting as an example
of oxidation? How essential is water in
Why are clay minerals easily erodible? chemical weathering processes? Can
chemical weathering processes dominate
in water scarce hot deserts?
Hydration is the chemical addition of water.
Physical Weathering Processes
Minerals take up water and expand; this
expansion causes an increase in the volume of Physical or mechanical weathering processes
the material itself or rock. Calcium sulphate depend on some applied forces. The applied
takes in water and turns to gypsum, which is forces could be: (i) gravitational forces such as
more unstable than calcium sulphate. This overburden pressure, load and shearing stress;
process is reversible and long, continued (ii) expansion forces due to temperature
repetition of this process causes fatigue in the changes, crystal growth or animal activity;
rocks and may lead to their disintegration. (iii) water pressures controlled by wetting and

drying cycles. Many of these forces are applied temperatures, this internal movement among
both at the surface and within different earth the mineral grains of the superficial layers of
materials leading to rock fracture. Most of the rocks takes place regularly. This process is
physical weathering processes are caused by most effective in dry climates and high
thermal expansion and pressure release. These elevations where diurnal temperature changes
processes are small and slow but can cause are drastic. As has been mentioned earlier
great damage to the rocks because of though these movements are very small they
continued fatigue the rocks suffer due to make the rocks weak due to continued fatigue.
repetition of contraction and expansion. The surface layers of the rocks tend to expand
more than the rock at depth and this leads to
Unloading and Expansion the formation of stress within the rock resulting
in heaving and fracturing parallel to the
Removal of overlying rock load because of
surface. Due to differential heating and
continued erosion causes vertical pressure
resulting expansion and contraction of surface
release with the result that the upper layers of
layers and their subsequent exfoliation from
the rock expand producing disintegration of
the surface results in smooth rounded surfaces
rock masses. Fractures will develop roughly
in rocks. In rocks like granites, smooth
parallel to the ground surface. In areas of
surfaced and rounded small to big boulders
curved ground surface, arched fractures tend
called tors form due to such exfoliation.
to produce massive sheets or exfoliation slabs
of rock. Exfoliation sheets resulting from
What is the difference between exfoliation
expansion due to unloading and pressure domes and exfoliated tors?
release may measure hundreds or even
thousands of metres in horizontal extent. Large,
smooth rounded domes called exfoliation Freezing, Thawing and Frost Wedging
domes (Figure 6.3) result due to this process. Frost weathering occurs due to growth of ice
within pores and cracks of rocks during
repeated cycles of freezing and melting. This
process is most effective at high elevations in
mid-latitudes where freezing and melting is
often repeated. Glacial areas are subject to frost
wedging daily. In this process, the rate of
freezing is important. Rapid freezing of water
causes its sudden expansion and high pressure.
The resulting expansion affects joints, cracks
and small inter granular fractures to become
wider and wider till the rock breaks apart.

Figure 6.3 : A large exfoliation dome in granite rock Salt Weathering

near bhongir (Bhuvanagiri) town in Andhra Pradesh
Salts in rocks expand due to thermal action,
Temperature Changes and Expansion hydration and crystallisation. Many salts like
calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and
Various minerals in rocks possess their own barium have a tendency to expand. Expansion
limits of expansion and contraction. With rise of these salts depends on temperature and
in temperature, every mineral expands and their thermal properties. High temperature
pushes against its neighbour and as ranges between 30 and 50 oC of surface
temperature falls, a corresponding contraction temperatures in deserts favour such salt
takes place. Because of diurnal changes in the expansion. Salt crystals in near-surface pores

cause splitting of individual grains within

rocks, which eventually fall off. This process of
falling off of individual grains may result in
granular disintegration or granular foliation.
Salt crystallisation is most effective of all
salt-weathering processes. In areas with
alternating wetting and drying conditions salt
crystal growth is favoured and the neighbouring
grains are pushed aside. Sodium chloride and
gypsum crystals in desert areas heave up
overlying layers of materials and with the result
polygonal cracks develop all over the heaved
surface. With salt crystal growth, chalk breaks Fig.6.4 : Exfoliation (Flacking) and granular
down most readily, followed by limestone, disintegration
sandstone, shale, gneiss and granite etc. temperature changes. Exfoliation domes and
tors result due to unloading and thermal
Biological weathering is contribution to or
removal of minerals and ions from the SIGNIFICANCE OF WEATHERING
weathering environment and physical changes Weathering processes are responsible for
due to growth or movement of organisms. breaking down the rocks into smaller
Burrowing and wedging by organisms like fragments and preparing the way for formation
earthworms, termites, rodents etc., help in of not only regolith and soils, but also erosion
exposing the new surfaces to chemical attack and mass movements. Biomes and bio-
and assists in the penetration of moisture and diversity is basically a result of forests
air. Human beings by disturbing vegetation, (vegetation) and forests depend upon the depth
ploughing and cultivating soils, also help in of weathering mantles. Erosion cannot be
mixing and creating new contacts between air, significant if the rocks are not weathered. That
water and minerals in the earth materials. means, weathering aids mass wasting, erosion
Decaying plant and animal matter help in the and reduction of relief and changes in
production of humic, carbonic and other acids landforms are a consequence of erosion.
which enhance decay and solubility of some Weathering of rocks and deposits helps in the
elements. Algae utilise mineral nutrients for enrichment and concentrations of certain
growth and help in concentration of iron and valuable ores of iron, manganese, aluminium,
manganese oxides. Plant roots exert a copper etc., which are of great importance for
tremendous pressure on the earth materials the national economy. Weathering is an
mechanically breaking them apart. important process in the formation of soils.

SOME SPECIAL EFFECTS OF WEATHERING When rocks undergo weathering, some

materials are removed through chemical
This has already been explained under or physical leaching by groundwater and
physical weathering processes of unloading, thereby the concentration of remaining
thermal contraction and expansion and salt (valuable) materials increases. Without
weathering. Exfoliation is a result but not a such a weathering taking place, the
process. Flaking off of more or less curved concentration of the same valuable
sheets of shells from over rocks or bedrock material may not be sufficient and
results in smooth and rounded surfaces economically viable to exploit, process and
(Figure 6.4). Exfoliation can occur due to refine. This is what is called enrichment.
expansion and contraction induced by

MASS MOVEMENTS the three forms of movements. Figure 6.5 shows

the relationships among different types of mass
These movements transfer the mass of rock
movements, their relative rates of movement
debris down the slopes under the direct
and moisture limits.
influence of gravity. That means, air, water or
ice do not carry debris with them from place to
place but on the other hand the debris may
carry with it air, water or ice. The movements
of mass may range from slow to rapid,
affecting shallow to deep columns of materials
and include creep, flow, slide and fall. Gravity
exerts its force on all matter, both bedrock and
the products of weathering. So, weathering is
not a pre-requisite for mass movement though
it aids mass movements. Mass movements are
very active over weathered slopes rather than
over unweathered materials.
Mass movements are aided by gravity and
no geomorphic agent like running water,
glaciers, wind, waves and currents participate
in the process of mass movements. That means Figure 6.5 : Relationships among different types of
mass movements, their relative rates of movement
mass movements do not come under erosion and moisture limits (after Whitehead, 2001)
though there is a shift (aided by gravity) of
materials from one place to another. Materials Mass movements can be grouped under
over the slopes have their own resistance to three major classes: (i) slow movements;
disturbing forces and will yield only when force (ii) rapid movements; (iii) landslides.
is greater than the shearing resistance of the
materials. Weak unconsolidated materials, Slow Movements
thinly bedded rocks, faults, steeply dipping Creep is one type under this category which
beds, vertical cliffs or steep slopes, abundant can occur on moderately steep, soil covered
precipitation and torrential rains and scarcity slopes. Movement of materials is extremely
of vegetation etc., favour mass movements. slow and imperceptible except through
Several activating causes precede mass extended observation. Materials involved can
movements. They are : (i) removal of support be soil or rock debris. Have you ever seen fence
from below to materials above through natural posts, telephone poles lean downslope from
or artificial means; (ii) increase in gradient and their vertical position and in their linear
height of slopes; (iii) overloading through alignment? If you have, that is due to the creep
addition of materials naturally or by artificial effect. Depending upon the type of material
involved, several types of creep viz., soil creep,
filling; (iv) overloading due to heavy rainfall,
talus creep, rock creep, rock-glacier creep etc.,
saturation and lubrication of slope materials;
can be identified. Also included in this group
(v) removal of material or load from over the
is solifluction which involves slow downslope
original slope surfaces; (vi) occurrence of flowing soil mass or fine grained rock debris
earthquakes, explosions or machinery; saturated or lubricated with water. This process
(vii) excessive natural seepage; (viii) heavy is quite common in moist temperate areas
drawdown of water from lakes, reservoirs and where surface melting of deeply frozen ground
rivers leading to slow outflow of water from and long continued rain respectively, occur
under the slopes or river banks; (ix) indis- frequently. When the upper portions get
criminate removal of natural vegetation. saturated and when the lower parts are
Heave (heaving up of soils due to frost impervious to water percolation, flowing occurs
growth and other causes), flow and slide are in the upper parts.

Rapid Movements discontinuities in the rock, the degree of

weathering and the steepness of the slope.
These movements are mostly prevalent in
Depending upon the type of movement of
humid climatic regions and occur over gentle materials several types are identified in this
to steep slopes. Movement of water-saturated category.
clayey or silty earth materials down low-angle Slump is slipping of one or several units of
terraces or hillsides is known as earthflow. rock debris with a backward rotation with
Quite often, the materials slump making step- respect to the slope over which the movement
like terraces and leaving arcuate scarps at their takes place (Figure 6.6). Rapid rolling or sliding
heads and an accumulation bulge at the toe.
When slopes are steeper, even the bedrock
especially of soft sedimentary rocks like shale
or deeply weathered igneous rock may slide
Another type in this category is mudflow.
In the absence of vegetation cover and with
heavy rainfall, thick layers of weathered
materials get saturated with water and either
slowly or rapidly flow down along definite
channels. It looks like a stream of mud within
a valley. When the mudflows emerge out of
Figure 6.6 : Slumping of debris with backward rotation
channels onto the piedmont or plains, they can
be very destructive engulfing roads, bridges
of earth debris without backward rotation of
and houses. Mudflows occur frequently on the
mass is known as debris slide. Debris fall is
slopes of erupting or recently erupted volcanoes.
nearly a free fall of earth debris from a vertical
Volcanic ash, dust and other fragments turn
or overhanging face. Sliding of individual rock
into mud due to heavy rains and flow down as
masses down bedding, joint or fault surfaces
tongues or streams of mud causing great
is rockslide. Over steep slopes, rock sliding is
destruction to human habitations.
very fast and destructive. Figure 6.7 shows
A third type is the debris avalanche, which
landslide scars over steep slopes. Slides occur
is more characteristic of humid regions with
as planar failures along discontinuities like
or without vegetation cover and occurs in
bedding planes that dip steeply. Rock fall is
narrow tracks on steep slopes. This debris
free falling of rock blocks over any steep slope
avalanche can be much faster than the
keeping itself away from the slope. Rock falls
mudflow. Debris avalanche is similar to snow
occur from the superficial layers of the rock

In Andes mountains of South America

and the Rockies mountains of North
America, there are a few volcanoes which
erupted during the last decade and very
devastating mudflows occurred down
their slopes during eruption as well as
after eruption.

These are known as relatively rapid and
perceptible movements. The materials involved
are relatively dry. The size and shape of the Figure 6.7 : Landslide scars in Shiwalik Himalayan ranges
detached mass depends on the nature of near river Sarada at India-Nepal border, Uttar Pradesh

face, an occurrence that distinguishes it from erosion it is not a pre-condition for erosion to
rockslide which affects materials up to a take place. Weathering, mass-wasting and
substantial depth. erosion are degradational processes. It is
erosion that is largely responsible for
Between mass wasting and mass continuous changes that the earth’s surface is
movements, which term do you feel is undergoing. As indicated in Figure 6.1,
most appropriate? Why? Can solifluction denudational processes like erosion and
be included under rapid flow movements? transportation are controlled by kinetic energy.
Why it can be and can’t be? The erosion and transportation of earth
materials is brought about by wind, running
water, glaciers, waves and ground water. Of
In our country, debris avalanche and
these the first three agents are controlled by
landslides occur very frequently in the
climatic conditions.
Himalayas. There are many reasons for
this. One, the Himalayas are tectonically
Can you compare the three climatically
active. They are mostly made up of
controlled agents?
sedimentary rocks and unconsolidated
and semi-consolidated deposits. The
slopes are very steep. Compared to the They represent three states of matter —
Himalayas, the Nilgiris bordering gaseous (wind), liquid (running water) and
Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and the solid (glacier) respectively. The erosion can be
Western Ghats along the west coast are defined as “application of the kinetic energy
relatively tectonically stable and are associated with the agent to the surface of the
mostly made up of very hard rocks; but, land along which it moves”. Kinetic energy is
still, debris avalanches and landslides computed as KE = 1/2 mv2 where ‘m’ is the mass
occur though not as frequently as in the and ‘v’ is the velocity. Hence the energy
Himalayas, in these hills. Why? Many available to perform work will depend on the
slopes are steeper with almost vertical mass of the material and the velocity with
cliffs and escarpments in the Western
which it is moving. Obviously then you will find
Ghats and Nilgiris. Mechanical weathering
that though the glaciers move at very low
due to temperature changes and ranges
is pronounced. They receive heavy velocities due to tremendous mass are more
amounts of rainfall over short periods. effective as the agents of erosion and wind,
So, there is almost direct rock fall quite being in gaseous state, are less effective.
frequently in these places along with The work of the other two agents of erosion-
landslides and debris avalanches. waves and ground water is not controlled by
climate. In case of waves it is the location along
the interface of litho and hydro sphere —
EROSION AND DEPOSITION coastal region — that will determine the work
of waves, whereas the work of ground water is
Erosion involves acquisition and transportation determined more by the lithological character
of rock debris. When massive rocks break into of the region. If the rocks are permeable and
smaller fragments through weathering and soluble and water is available only then karst
any other process, erosional geomorphic topography develops. In the next chapter we
agents like running water, groundwater, shall be dealing with the landforms produced
glaciers, wind and waves remove and by each of the agents of erosion.
transport it to other places depending upon Deposition is a consequence of erosion. The
the dynamics of each of these agents. Abrasion erosional agents loose their velocity and hence
by rock debris carried by these geomorphic energy on gentler slopes and the materials
agents also aids greatly in erosion. By erosion, carried by them start to settle themselves. In
relief degrades, i.e., the landscape is worn other words, deposition is not actually the work
down. That means, though weathering aids of any agent. The coarser materials get

deposited first and finer ones later. By of the weathered material) which is the basic
deposition depressions get filled up. The same input for soil to form. First, the weathered
erosional agents viz., running water, glaciers, material or transported deposits are colonised
wind, waves and groundwater act as by bacteria and other inferior plant bodies like
aggradational or depositional agents also. mosses and lichens. Also, several minor
What happens to the surface of the earth organisms may take shelter within the mantle
due to erosion and deposition is elaborated in and deposits. The dead remains of organisms
the next chapter on landforms and their and plants help in humus accumulation. Minor
evolution. grasses and ferns may grow; later, bushes and
trees will start growing through seeds brought
There is a shift of materials in mass in by birds and wind. Plant roots penetrate
movements as well as in erosion from one down, burrowing animals bring up particles,
place to the other. So, why can’t both be mass of material becomes porous and sponge-
treated as one and the same? Can there
like with a capacity to retain water and to permit
be appreciable erosion without rocks
the passage of air and finally a mature soil, a
undergoing weathering?
complex mixture of mineral and organic
products forms.
Is weathering solely responsible for soil
Soil and Soil Contents formation? If not, why?

You see plants growing in soils. You play in

the ground and come into contact with soil. Pedology is soil science. A pedologist is a
You touch and feel soil and soil your clothes soil-scientist.
while playing. Can you describe it?
A pedologist who studies soils defines soil
as a collection of natural bodies on the earth’s Soil-forming Factors
surface containing living matter and
supporting or capable of supporting plants. Five basic factors control the formation of soils:
Soil is a dynamic medium in which many (i) parent material; (ii) topography; (iii) climate;
chemical, physical and biological activities go (iv) biological activity; (v) time. In fact soil
on constantly. Soil is a result of decay, it is also forming factors act in union and affect the
the medium for growth. It is a changing and action of one another.
developing body. It has many characteristics
that fluctuate with the seasons. It may be Parent Material
alternatively cold and warm or dry and moist.
Parent material is a passive control factor in
Biological activity is slowed or stopped if the
soil becomes too cold or too dry. Organic matter soil formation. Parent materials can be any in-
increases when leaves fall or grasses die. The situ or on-site weathered rock debris (residual
soil chemistry, the amount of organic matter, soils) or transported deposits (transported
the soil flora and fauna, the temperature and soils). Soil formation depends upon the texture
the moisture, all change with the seasons as (sizes of debris) and structure (disposition of
well as with more extended periods of time. individual grains/particles of debris) as well
That means, soil becomes adjusted to as the mineral and chemical composition of the
conditions of climate, landform and vegetation rock debris/deposits.
and will change internally when these Nature and rate of weathering and depth of
controlling conditions change. weathering mantle are important consideration
under parent materials. There may be
Process of Soil Formation differences in soil over similar bedrock and
dissimilar bedrocks may have similar soils
Soil formation or pedogenesis depends first on above them. But when soils are very young
weathering. It is this weathering mantle (depth and have not matured these show strong links

with the type of parent rock. Also, in case of climates and in areas with intermediate
some limestone areas, where the weathering precipitation conditions, calcium carbonate
processes are specific and peculiar, soils will nodules (kanker) are formed.
show clear relation with the parent rock. Temperature acts in two ways — increasing
or reducing chemical and biological activity.
Topography Chemical activity is increased in higher
Topography like parent materials is another temperatures, reduced in cooler temperatures
passive control factor. The influence of (with an exception of carbonation) and stops
topography is felt through the amount of in freezing conditions. That is why, tropical soils
exposure of a surface covered by parent with higher temperatures show deeper profiles
materials to sunlight and the amount of and in the frozen tundra regions soils contain
surface and sub-surface drainage over and largely mechanically broken materials.
through the parent materials. Soils will be thin Biological Activity
on steep slopes and thick over flat upland
areas. Over gentle slopes where erosion is slow The vegetative cover and organisms that occupy
and percolation of water is good, soil formation the parent materials from the beginning and also
is very favourable. Soils over flat areas may at later stages help in adding organic matter,
develop a thick layer of clay with good moisture retention, nitrogen etc. Dead plants
accumulation of organic matter giving the soil provide humus, the finely divided organic matter
dark colour. In middle latitudes, the south of the soil. Some organic acids which form
facing slopes exposed to sunlight have different during humification aid in decomposing the
conditions of vegetation and soils and the north minerals of the soil parent materials.
facing slopes with cool, moist conditions have Intensity of bacterial activity shows up
some other soils and vegetation. differences between soils of cold and warm
climates. Humus accumulates in cold climates
Climate as bacterial growth is slow. With undecomposed
Climate is an important active factor in soil organic matter because of low bacterial activity,
formation. The climatic elements involved in soil layers of peat develop in sub-arctic and tundra
development are : (i) moisture in terms of its climates. In humid tropical and equatorial
intensity, frequency and duration of climates, bacterial growth and action is intense
precipitation - evaporation and humidity; and dead vegetation is rapidly oxidised leaving
(ii) temperature in terms of seasonal and very low humus content in the soil. Further,
diurnal variations. bacteria and other soil organisms take gaseous
Precipitation gives soil its moisture content nitrogen from the air and convert it into a
which makes the chemical and biological chemical form that can be used by plants. This
activities possible. Excess of water helps in the process is known as nitrogen fixation.
downward transportation of soil components Rhizobium, a type of bacteria, lives in the root
through the soil (eluviation) and deposits the nodules of leguminous plants and fixes nitrogen
same down below (illuviation). In climates like beneficial to the host plant. The influence of large
wet equatorial rainy areas with high rainfall, animals like ants, termites, earthworms, rodents
not only calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc., is mechanical, but, it is nevertheless
potassium etc. but also a major part of silica is important in soil formation as they rework the
removed from the soil. Removal of silica from soil up and down. In case of earthworms, as
the soil is known as desilication. In dry climates, they feed on soil, the texture and chemistry of
because of high temperature, evaporation the soil that comes out of their body changes.
exceeds precipitation and hence ground water
is brought up to the surface by capillary action Time
and in the process the water evaporates leaving Time is the third important controlling factor
behind salts in the soil. Such salts form into a in soil formation. The length of time the soil
crust in the soil known as hardpans. In tropical forming processes operate, determines

maturation of soils and profile development. A

Is it necessary to separate the process of
soil becomes mature when all soil-forming
soil formation and the soil forming control processes act for a sufficiently long time
factors? developing a profile. Soils developing from
recently deposited alluvium or glacial till are
Why are time, topography and parent
considered young and they exhibit no horizons
material considered as passive control or only poorly developed horizons. No specific
factors in soil formation? length of time in absolute terms can be fixed
for soils to develop and mature.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following processes is a gradational process?
(a) Deposition (c) Volcanism
(b) Diastrophism (d) Erosion
(ii) Which one of the following materials is affected by hydration process?
(a) Granite (c) Quartz
(b) Clay (d) Salts
(iii) Debris avalanche can be included in the category of:
(a) Landslides (c) Rapid flow mass movements
(b) Slow flow mass movements (d) Subsidence

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) It is weathering that is responsible for bio-diversity on the earth. How?
(ii) What are mass movements that are real rapid and perceptible? List.
(iii) What are the various mobile and mighty exogenic geomorphic agents and
what is the prime job they perform?
(iv) Is weathering essential as a pre-requisite in the formation of soils? Why?

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) “Our earth is a playfield for two opposing groups of geomorphic processes.”
(ii) Exogenic geomorphic processes derive their ultimate energy from the sun’s
heat. Explain.
(iii) Are physical and chemical weathering processes independent of each
other? If not, why? Explain with examples.
(iv) How do you distinguish between the process of soil formation and soil-
forming factors? What is the role of climate and biological activity as two
important control factors in the formation of soils?

Project Work
Depending upon the topography and materials around you, observe and record
climate, possible weathering process and soil contents and characteristics.



fter weathering processes have had means, each and every landform has a history
their actions on the earth materials of development and changes through time. A
making up the surface of the earth, the landmass passes through stages of
geomorphic agents like running water, ground development somewhat comparable to the
water, wind, glaciers, waves perform erosion. stages of life — youth, mature and old age.
It is already known to you that erosion causes
changes on the surface of the earth. Deposition What are the two important aspects of
follows erosion and because of deposition too, the evolution of landforms?
changes occur on the surface of the earth.
As this chapter deals with landforms and The evolutionary history of the continually
their evolution first start with the question, changing surface of the earth is essential to be
what is a landform? In simple words, small to understood in order to use it effectively without
medium tracts or parcels of the earth’s surface disturbing its balance and diminishing its
are called landforms. potential for the future. Geomorphology deals
If landform is a small to medium sized part with the reconstruction of the history of the
of the surface of the earth, what is a landscape? surface of the earth through a study of its
Several related landforms together make forms, the materials of which it is made up of
up landscapes, (large tracts of earth’s surface). and the processes that shape it.
Each landform has its own physical shape, size, Changes on the surface of the earth owe
materials and is a result of the action of certain mostly to erosion by various geomorphic
geomorphic processes and agent(s). Actions agents. Of course, the process of deposition too,
of most of the geomorphic processes and by covering the land surfaces and filling the
agents are slow, and hence the results take a basins, valleys or depressions, brings changes
long time to take shape. Every landform has a in the surface of the land. Deposition follows
beginning. Landforms once formed may erosion and the depositional surfaces too are
change in their shape, size and nature slowly ultimately subjected to erosion. Running water,
or fast due to continued action of geomorphic ground-water, glaciers, wind and waves are
processes and agents. powerful erosional and depositional agents
Due to changes in climatic conditions and shaping and changing the surface of the earth
vertical or horizontal movements of land- aided by weathering and mass wasting
masses, either the intensity of processes or the processes. These geomorphic agents acting
processes themselves might change leading to over long periods of time produce systematic
new modifications in the landforms. Evolution changes leading to sequential development of
here implies stages of transformation of either landforms. Each geomorphic agent produces
a part of the earth’s surface from one landform its own assemblage of landforms. Not only this,
into another or transformation of individual each geomorphic process and agent leave their
landforms after they are once formed. That distinct imprints on the landforms they

produce. You know that most of the streams and rivers in valleys. Most of the
geomorphic processes are imperceptible erosional landforms made by running water
functions and can only be seen and measured are associated with vigorous and youthful
through their results. What are the results? rivers flowing along gradients. With time,
These results are nothing but landforms and stream channels over steep gradients turn
their characteristics. Hence, a study of gentler due to continued erosion, and as a
landforms, will reveal to us the process and consequence, lose their velocity, facilitating
agent which has made or has been making active deposition. There may be depositional
those landforms. forms associated with streams flowing over
steep slopes. But these phenomena will be on
Most of the geomorphic processes are a small scale compared to those associated
imperceptible. Cite a few processes which with rivers flowing over medium to gentle
can be seen and a few which can’t be slopes. The gentler the river channels in
seen. gradient or slope, the greater is the deposition.
When the stream beds turn gentler due to
As the geomorphic agents are capable of continued erosion, downward cutting becomes
erosion and deposition, two sets — erosional less dominant and lateral erosion of banks
or destructional and depositional or increases and as a consequence the hills and
constructional — of landforms are produced valleys are reduced to plains.
by them. Many varieties of landforms develop
by the action of each of the geomorphic agents Is complete reduction of relief of a high
depending upon especially the type and land mass possible?
structure i.e. folds, faults, joints, fractures,
hardness and softness, permeability and Overland flow causes sheet erosion.
impermeability, etc. come under structure of Depending upon irregularities of the land
rocks. There are some other independent surface, the overland flow may concentrate into
controls like (i) stability of sea level; (ii) tectonic narrow to wide paths. Because of the sheer
stability of landmasses; (iii) climate, which friction of the column of flowing water, minor
influence the evolution of landforms. Any or major quantities of materials from the
disturbance in any of these three controlling surface of the land are removed in the direction
of flow and gradually small and narrow rills
factors can upset the systematic and
will form. These rills will gradually develop into
sequential stages in the development and
long and wide gullies; the gullies will further
evolution of landforms.
deepen, widen, lengthen and unite to give rise
In the following pages, under each of the
to a network of valleys. In the early stages,
geomorphic regimes i.e. running water;
down-cutting dominates during which
groundwater, glaciers, waves, and winds, first
irregularities such as waterfalls and cascades
a brief discussion is presented as to how
will be removed. In the middle stages, streams
landmasses are reduced in their relief through
cut their beds slower, and lateral erosion of
erosion and then, development of some of the
valley sides becomes severe. Gradually, the
erosional and depositional landforms is dealt
valley sides are reduced to lower and lower
slopes. The divides between drainage basins
are likewise lowered until they are almost
completely flattened leaving finally, a lowland
In humid regions, which receive heavy rainfall of faint relief with some low resistant remnants
running water is considered the most called monadnocks standing out here and
important of the geomorphic agents in there. This type of plain forming as a result of
bringing about the degradation of the land stream erosion is called a peneplain (an almost
surface. There are two components of running plain). The characteristics of each of the stages
water. One is overland flow on general land of landscapes developing in running water
surface as a sheet. Another is linear flow as regimes may be summarised as follows:

Streams are few during this stage with poor
integration and flow over original slopes
showing shallow V-shaped valleys with no
floodplains or with very narrow floodplains
along trunk streams. Streams divides are broad
and flat with marshes, swamp and lakes.
Meanders if present develop over these broad
upland surfaces. These meanders may
eventually entrench themselves into the
uplands. Waterfalls and rapids may exist where
local hard rock bodies are exposed.

During this stage streams are plenty with good
integration. The valleys are still V-shaped but
deep; trunk streams are broad enough to have
wider floodplains within which streams may
flow in meanders confined within the valley.
The flat and broad inter stream areas and
swamps and marshes of youth disappear and
the stream divides turn sharp. Waterfalls and
rapids disappear.

Smaller tributaries during old age are few with Figure 7.1 : The Valley of Kaveri river near Hogenekal,
gentle gradients. Streams meander freely over Dharmapuri district, Tamilnadu in the form of gorge
vast floodplains showing natural levees, oxbow
lakes, etc. Divides are broad and flat with lakes,
swamps and marshes. Most of the landscape
is at or slightly above sea level.


Valleys start as small and narrow rills; the rills
will gradually develop into long and wide
gullies; the gullies will further deepen, widen
and lengthen to give rise to valleys. Depending Figure 7.2 : An entrenched meander loop of river Colorado
in USA showing step-like side slopes of its valley
upon dimensions and shape, many types of typical of a canyon
valleys like V-shaped valley, gorge, canyon,
etc. can be recognised. A gorge is a deep valley is wider at its top than at its bottom. In fact, a
with very steep to straight sides (Figure 7.1) and canyon is a variant of gorge. Valley types depend
a canyon is characterised by steep step-like upon the type and structure of rocks in which
side slopes (Figure 7.2) and may be as deep as they form. For example, canyons commonly
a gorge. A gorge is almost equal in width at its form in horizontal bedded sedimentary rocks
top as well as its bottom. In contrast, a canyon and gorges form in hard rocks.

Potholes and Plunge Pools River Terraces

Over the rocky beds of hill-streams more or less River terraces are surfaces marking old valley
circular depressions called potholes form floor or floodplain levels. They may be bedrock
because of stream erosion aided by the abrasion surfaces without any alluvial cover or alluvial
of rock fragments. Once a small and shallow terraces consisting of stream deposits. River
depression forms, pebbles and boulders get terraces are basically products of erosion as
collected in those depressions and get rotated they result due to vertical erosion by the stream
by flowing water and consequently the into its own depositional floodplain. There can
depressions grow in dimensions. A series of such be a number of such terraces at different
depressions eventually join and the stream heights indicating former river bed levels. The
valley gets deepened. At the foot of waterfalls river terraces may occur at the same elevation
also, large potholes, quite deep and wide, form on either side of the rivers in which case they
because of the sheer impact of water and are called paired terraces (Figure 7.3).
rotation of boulders. Such large and deep holes
at the base of waterfalls are called plunge pools.
These pools also help in the deepening of valleys.
Waterfalls are also transitory like any other
landform and will recede gradually and bring
the floor of the valley above waterfalls to the
level below.


In streams that flow rapidly over steep
gradients, normally erosion is concentrated on
the bottom of the stream channel. Also, in the Figure 7.3 : Paired and unpaired river terraces
case of steep gradient streams, lateral erosion
on the sides of the valleys is not much when
compared to the streams flowing on low and When a terrace is present only on one side
gentle slopes. Because of active lateral erosion, of the stream and with none on the other side
streams flowing over gentle slopes, develop or one at quite a different elevation on the other
sinuous or meandering courses. It is common side, the terraces are called non-paired
to find meandering courses over floodplains terraces. Unpaired terraces are typical in areas
and delta plains where stream gradients are of slow uplift of land or where the water column
very gentle. But very deep and wide meanders changes are not uniform along both the banks.
can also be found cut in hard rocks. Such The terraces may result due to (i) receding water
meanders are called incised or entrenched after a peak flow; (ii) change in hydrological
meanders (Figure 7.2). Meander loops develop regime due to climatic changes; (iii) tectonic
over original gentle surfaces in the initial stages uplift of land; (iv) sea level changes in case of
of development of streams and the same loops rivers closer to the sea.
get entrenched into the rocks normally due to
erosion or slow, continued uplift of the land DEPOSITIONAL LANDFORMS
over which they start. They widen and deepen
over time and can be found as deep gorges and
canyons in hard rock areas. They give an Alluvial Fans
indication on the status of original land Alluvial fans (Figure 7.4) are formed when
surfaces over which streams have developed. streams flowing from higher levels break into
foot slope plains of low gradient. Normally very
What are the differences between incised coarse load is carried by streams flowing over
meanders and meanders over flood and
mountain slopes. This load becomes too heavy
delta plains?
for the streams to be carried over gentler

gradients and gets dumped and spread as a as a low cone. Unlike in alluvial fans, the
broad low to high cone shaped deposit called deposits making up deltas are very well sorted
alluvial fan. Usually, the streams which flow with clear stratification. The coarsest materials
over fans are not confined to their original settle out first and the finer fractions like silts
channels for long and shift their position across and clays are carried out into the sea. As the
the fan forming many channels called delta grows, the river distributaries continue
distributaries. Alluvial fans in humid areas to increase in length (Figure 7.5) and delta
show normally low cones with gentle slope from continues to build up into the sea.

Floodplains, Natural Levees and Point Bars

Deposition develops a floodplain just as
erosion makes valleys. Floodplain is a major
landform of river deposition. Large sized
materials are deposited first when stream
channel breaks into a gentle slope. Thus,
normally, fine sized materials like sand, silt and
clay are carried by relatively slow moving
waters in gentler channels usually found in the
plains and deposited over the bed and when
the waters spill over the banks during flooding
Figure 7.4 : An alluvial fan deposited by a hill stream above the bed. A river bed made of river
on the way to Amarnath, Jammu and Kashmir
deposits is the active floodplain. The floodplain
above the bank is inactive floodplain. Inactive
head to toe and they appear as high cones with
floodplain above the banks basically contain
steep slope in arid and semi-arid climates.
two types of deposits — flood deposits and
channel deposits. In plains, channels shift
laterally and change their courses occasionally
Deltas are like alluvial fans but develop at a leaving cut-off courses which get filled up
different location. The load carried by the rivers gradually. Such areas over flood plains built
is dumped and spread into the sea. If this load up by abandoned or cut-off channels contain
is not carried away far into the sea or distributed coarse deposits. The flood deposits of spilled
along the coast, it spreads and accumulates waters carry relatively finer materials like silt
and clay. The flood plains in a delta are called
delta plains.
Natural levees and point bars (Figure 7.6)
are some of the important landforms found
associated with floodplains. Natural levees are
found along the banks of large rivers. They are
low, linear and parallel ridges of coarse deposits
along the banks of rivers, quite often cut into
individual mounds. During flooding as the
water spills over the bank, the velocity of the
water comes down and large sized and high
specific gravity materials get dumped in the
immediate vicinity of the bank as ridges. They
are high nearer the banks and slope gently
away from the river. The levee deposits are
coarser than the deposits spread by flood
Figure 7.5 : A satellite view of part of Krishna river waters away from the river. When rivers shift
delta, Andhra Pradesh laterally, a series of natural levees can form.

Meander is not a landform but is only a

type of channel pattern. This is because of
(i) propensity of water flowing over very gentle
gradients to work laterally on the banks;
(ii) unconsolidated nature of alluvial deposits
making up the banks with many irregularities
which can be used by water exerting pressure
laterally; (iii) coriolis force acting on the fluid
water deflecting it like it deflects the wind. When
the gradient of the channel becomes extremely
low, water flows leisurely and starts working
Figure 7.6 : Natural levee and point bars
laterally. Slight irregularities along the banks
slowly get transformed into a small curvature
Point bars are also known as meander bars. in the banks; the curvature deepens due to
They are found on the convex side of meanders deposition on the inside of the curve and
of large rivers and are sediments deposited in
erosion along the bank on the outside. If there
a linear fashion by flowing waters along the
is no deposition and no erosion or undercutting,
bank. They are almost uniform in profile and in
width and contain mixed sizes of sediments. If the tendency to meander is reduced. Normally,
there more than one ridge, narrow and elongated in meanders of large rivers, there is active
depressions are found in between the point bars. deposition along the convex bank and
Rivers build a series of them depending upon undercutting along the concave bank.
the water flow and supply of sediment. As the
rivers build the point bars on the convex side,
the bank on the concave side will erode actively.

In what way do natural levees differ from

point bars?

In large flood and delta plains, rivers rarely flow
in straight courses. Loop-like channel patterns
called meanders develop over flood and delta
plains (Figure 7.7).

Figure 7.7 : A satellite scene showing meandering

Burhi Gandak river near Muzaffarpur, Bihar, showing Figure 7.8 : Meander growth and cut-off loops and
a number of oxbow lakes and cut-offs slip-off and undercut banks

The concave bank is known as cut-off bank is more in the valley, channel bars and islands
which shows up as a steep scarp and the of sand, gravel and pebbles develop on the floor
convex bank presents a long, gentle profile and of the channel and the water flow is divided
is known as slip-off bank (Figure 7.8). As into multiple threads. These thread-like streams
meanders grow into deep loops, the same may of water rejoin and subdivide repeatedly to give
get cut-off due to erosion at the inflection points a typical braided pattern (Figure 7.9).
and are left as ox-bow lakes.

Braided Channels
When rivers carry coarse material, there can be
selective deposition of coarser materials causing
formation of a central bar which diverts the flow
towards the banks; and this flow increases
lateral erosion on the banks. As the valley
widens, the water column is reduced and more
and more materials get deposited as islands
and lateral bars developing a number of
separate channels of water flow. Deposition
and lateral erosion of banks are essential for Figure 7.9 : Satellite scenes showing braided channel
the for mation of braided patter n. Or, segments of Gandak (left) and Son (right) rivers
alternatively, when discharge is less and load Arrows show the direction of flow

Figure 7.10 : Various karst features


GROUNDWATER as solution forms first and if the bottom of a

sinkhole forms the roof of a void or cave
Here the interest is not on groundwater as a underground, it might collapse leaving a large
resource. Our focus is on the work of hole opening into a cave or a void below
groundwater in the erosion of landmasses and (collapse sinks). Quite often, sinkholes are
evolution of landforms. The surface water covered up with soil mantle and appear as
percolates well when the rocks are permeable, shallow water pools. Anybody stepping over
thinly bedded and highly jointed and cracked. such pools would go down like it happens in
After vertically going down to some depth, the quicksands in deserts. The term doline is
water under the ground flows horizontally sometimes used to refer the collapse sinks.
through the bedding planes, joints or through Solution sinks are more common than collapse
the materials themselves. It is this downward sinks. Quite often the surface run-off simply
and horizontal movement of water which goes down swallow and sink holes and flow as
causes the rocks to erode. Physical or underground streams and re-emerge at a
mechanical removal of materials by moving distance downstream through a cave opening.
groundwater is insignificant in developing When sink holes and dolines join together
landforms. That is why, the results of the work because of slumping of materials along their
of groundwater cannot be seen in all types of margins or due to roof collapse of caves, long,
rocks. But in rocks like limestones or dolomites narrow to wide trenches called valley sinks or
rich in calcium carbonate, the surface water Uvalas form. Gradually, most of the surface of
as well as groundwater through the chemical the limestone is eaten away by these pits and
process of solution and precipitation trenches, leaving it extremely irregular with a
deposition develop varieties of landforms. These maze of points, grooves and ridges or lapies.
two processes of solution and precipitation are Especially, these ridges or lapies form due to
active in limestones or dolomites occurring differential solution activity along parallel to
either exclusively or interbedded with other sub-parallel joints. The lapie field may
rocks. Any limestone or dolomitic region eventually turn into somewhat smooth
showing typical landforms produced by the limestone pavements.
action of groundwater through the processes
of solution and deposition is called Karst Caves
topography after the typical topography
developed in limestone rocks of Karst region In areas where there are alternating beds of
in the Balkans adjacent to Adriatic sea. rocks (shales, sandstones, quartzites) with
The karst topography is also characterised limestones or dolomites in between or in areas
by erosional and depositional landforms. where limestones are dense, massive and
occurring as thick beds, cave formation is
EROSIONAL LANDFORMS prominent. Water percolates down either
through the materials or through cracks and
joints and moves horizontally along bedding
Pools, Sinkholes, Lapies and planes. It is along these bedding planes that
Limestone Pavements the limestone dissolves and long and narrow
to wide gaps called caves result. There can be
Small to medium sized round to sub-rounded
a maze of caves at different elevations
shallow depressions called swallow holes form
depending upon the limestone beds and
on the surface of limestones through solution.
intervening rocks. Caves normally have an
Sinkholes are very common in limestone/karst
opening through which cave streams are
areas. A sinkhole is an opening more or less
discharged. Caves having openings at both the
circular at the top and funnel-shapped towards
ends are called tunnels.
the bottom with sizes varying in area from a
few sq. m to a hectare and with depth from a
Depositional Landforms
less than half a metre to thirty metres or more.
Some of these form solely through solution Many depositional forms develop within the
action (solution sinks) and others might start limestone caves. The chief chemical in limestone

is calcium carbonate which is easily soluble in GLACIERS

carbonated water (carbon dioxide absorbed
rainwater). This calcium carbonate is deposited Masses of ice moving as sheets over the land
when the water carrying it in solution (continental glacier or pidmont glacier if a vast
evaporates or loses its carbon dioxide as it sheet of ice is spread over the plains at the foot
trickles over rough rock surfaces. of mountains) or as linear flows down the
slopes of mountains in broad trough-like
Stalactites, Stalagmites and Pillars valleys (mountain and valley glaciers) are called
glaciers (Figure 7.12). The movement of glaciers
Stalactites hang as icicles of different
diameters. Normally they are broad at their
bases and taper towards the free ends showing
up in a variety of forms. Stalagmites rise up
from the floor of the caves. In fact, stalagmites
form due to dripping water from the surface or
through the thin pipe, of the stalactite,
immediately below it (Figure 7.11).

Figure 7.12 : A glacier in its valley

is slow unlike water flow. The movement could

be a few centimetres to a few metres a day or
even less or more. Glaciers move basically
because of the force of gravity.

We have many glaciers in our country

moving down the slopes and valleys in
Himalayas. Higher reaches of Uttaranchal,
Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and
Kashmir, are places to see some of them.
Do you know where one can see river
Bhagirathi is basically fed by meltwaters
from under the snout (Gaumukh) of the
Gangotri glacier. In fact, Alkapuri glacier
feeds waters to Alakananda river. Rivers
Alkananda and Bhagirathi join to make
river Ganga near Deoprayag.

Erosion by glaciers is tremendous because

of friction caused by sheer weight of the ice.
Figure 7.11 : Stalactites and stalagmites in a limestone cave The material plucked from the land by glaciers
(usually large-sized angular blocks and
Stalagmites may take the shape of a fragments) get dragged along the floors or sides
column, a disc, with either a smooth, rounded of the valleys and cause great damage through
bulging end or a miniature crater like abrasion and plucking. Glaciers can cause
depression. The stalagmite and stalactites significant damage to even un-weathered rocks
eventually fuse to give rise to columns and and can reduce high mountains into low hills
pillars of different diameters. and plains.

As glaciers continue to move, debris gets the glacier disappears. Such lakes are called
removed, divides get lowered and eventually cirque or tarn lakes. There can be two or more
the slope is reduced to such an extent that cirques one leading into another down below
glaciers will stop moving leaving only a mass in a stepped sequence.
of low hills and vast outwash plains along with
other depositional features. Figures 7.13 and Horns and Serrated Ridges
7.14 show various glacial erosional and Horns form through head ward erosion of the
depositional forms described in the text. cirque walls. If three or more radiating glaciers
cut headward until their cirques meet, high,
EROSIONAL LANDFORMS sharp pointed and steep sided peaks called
horns form. The divides between cirque side
Cirque walls or head walls get narrow because of
Cirques are the most common of landforms in progressive erosion and turn into serrated or
glaciated mountains. The cirques quite often saw-toothed ridges sometimes referred to as
are found at the heads of glacial valleys. The arêtes with very sharp crest and a zig-zag
accumulated ice cuts these cirques while outline.
moving down the mountain tops. They are
deep, long and wide troughs or basins with The highest peak in the Alps, Matterhorn
and the highest peak in the Himalayas,
very steep concave to vertically dropping high
Everest are in fact horns formed through
walls at its head as well as sides. A lake of water
headward erosion of radiating cirques.
can be seen quite often within the cirques after

Figure 7.13 : Some glacial erosional and depositional forms (adapted and modified from Spencer, 1962)

Glacial Valleys/Troughs Some amount of rock debris small enough to

be carried by such melt-water streams is
Glaciated valleys are trough-like and U-shaped
washed down and deposited. Such glacio-
with broad floors and relatively smooth, and
fluvial deposits are called outwash deposits.
steep sides. The valleys may contain littered
Unlike till deposits, the outwash deposits are
debris or debris shaped as moraines with
roughly stratified and assorted. The rock
swampy appearance. There may be lakes
fragments in outwash deposits are somewhat
gouged out of rocky floor or formed by debris
rounded at their edges. Figure 7.14 shows a
within the valleys. There can be hanging valleys
few depositional landforms commonly found
at an elevation on one or both sides of the main
in glaciated areas.
glacial valley. The faces of divides or spurs of
such hanging valleys opening into main glacial
valleys are quite often truncated to give them
an appearance like triangular facets. Very deep They are long ridges of deposits of glacial till.
glacial troughs filled with sea water and Terminal moraines are long ridges of debris
making up shorelines (in high latitudes) are deposited at the end (toe) of the glaciers. Lateral
called fjords/fiords. moraines form along the sides parallel to the
glacial valleys. The lateral moraines may join a
What are the basic differences between terminal moraine forming a horse-shoe shaped
glacial valleys and river valleys? ridge. There can be many lateral moraines on
either side in a glacial valley. These moraines
partly or fully owe their origin to glacio-fluvial
Depositional Landforms
waters pushing up materials to the sides of
The unassorted coarse and fine debris dropped glaciers. Many valley glaciers retreating rapidly
by the melting glaciers is called glacial till. Most leave an irregular sheet of till over their valley
of the rock fragments in till are angular to sub- floors. Such deposits varying greatly in thickness
angular in form. Streams form by melting ice and in surface topography are called ground
at the bottom, sides or lower ends of glaciers. moraines. The moraine in the centre of the

Figure 7.14 : A panoramic diagram of glacial landscape with various depositional landforms
(adapted and modified from Spencer, 1962)

glacial valley flanked by lateral moraines is

What is the difference between till and
called medial moraine. They are imperfectly
formed as compared to lateral moraines.
Sometimes medial moraines are indistinguishable
from ground moraines. WAVES AND CURRENTS
Eskers Coastal processes are the most dynamic and
hence most destructive. So, don’t you think it
When glaciers melt in summer, the water flows is important to know about the coastal
on the surface of the ice or seeps down along processes and forms?
the margins or even moves through holes in Some of the changes along the coasts take
the ice. These waters accumulate beneath the place very fast. At one place, there can be
glacier and flow like streams in a channel erosion in one season and deposition in
beneath the ice. Such streams flow over the another. Most of the changes along the coasts
ground (not in a valley cut in the ground) with are accomplished by waves. When waves break,
ice forming its banks. Very coarse materials like the water is thrown with great force onto the
boulders and blocks along with some minor shore, and simultaneously, there is a great
fractions of rock debris carried into this stream churning of sediments on the sea bottom.
settle in the valley of ice beneath the glacier Constant impact of breaking waves drastically
and after the ice melts can be found as a affects the coasts. Storm waves and tsunami
sinuous ridge called esker. waves can cause far-reaching changes in a
short period of time than normal breaking
Outwash Plains waves. As wave environment changes, the
intensity of the force of breaking waves changes.
The plains at the foot of the glacial mountains
or beyond the limits of continental ice sheets
Do you know about the generating forces
are covered with glacio-fluvial deposits in the behind waves and currents? If not, refer
form of broad flat alluvial fans which may join to the chapter on movements in ocean
to form outwash plains of gravel, silt, sand and waters.
Other than the action of waves, the coastal
Distinguish between river alluvial plains landforms depend upon (i) the configuration
and glacial outwash plains. of land and sea floor; (ii) whether the coast is
advancing (emerging) seaward or retreating
(submerging) landward. Assuming sea level to
Drumlins be constant, two types of coasts are considered
Drumlins are smooth oval shaped ridge-like to explain the concept of evolution of coastal
features composed mainly of glacial till with landforms: (i) high, rocky coasts (submerged
some masses of gravel and sand. The long axes coasts); (ii) low, smooth and gently sloping
of drumlins are parallel to the direction of ice sedimentary coasts (emerged coasts).
movement. They may measure up to 1 km in
length and 30 m or so in height. One end of HIGH ROCKY COASTS
the drumlins facing the glacier called the stoss Along the high rocky coasts, the rivers appear
end is blunter and steeper than the other end to have been drowned with highly irregular
called tail. The drumlins form due to dumping coastline. The coastline appears highly
of rock debris beneath heavily loaded ice indented with extension of water into the land
through fissures in the glacier. The stoss end where glacial valleys (fjords) are present. The
gets blunted due to pushing by moving ice. hill sides drop off sharply into the water. Shores
Drumlins give an indication of direction of do not show any depositional landforms
glacier movement. initially. Erosion features dominate.

Along high rocky coasts, waves break with Storm and tsunami waves cause drastic
great force against the land shaping the hill changes irrespective of supply of sediments.
sides into cliffs. With constant pounding by Large rivers which bring lots of sediments build
waves, the cliffs recede leaving a wave-cut deltas along low sedimentary coasts.
platform in front of the sea cliff. Waves
gradually minimise the irregularities along the The west coast of our country is a high
shore. rocky retreating coast. Erosional forms
The materials which fall off, and removed dominate in the west coast. The east
from the sea cliffs, gradually break into smaller coast of India is a low sedimentary coast.
fragments and roll to roundness, will get Depositional forms dominate in the east
deposited in the offshore. After a considerable coast.
period of cliff development and retreat when
coastline turns somewhat smooth, with the
addition of some more material to this deposit What are the various differences between
in the offshore, a wave-built terrace would a high rocky coast and a low sedimentary
develop in front of wave-cut terrace. As the coast in terms of processes and
erosion along the coast takes place a good landforms?
supply material becomes available to longshore
currents and waves to deposit them as beaches EROSIONAL LANDFORMS
along the shore and as bars (long ridges of sand
and/or shingle parallel to the coast) in the Cliffs, Terraces, Caves and Stacks
nearshore zone. Bars are submerged features
and when bars show up above water, they are Wave-cut cliffs and terraces are two forms
called barrier bars. Barrier bar which get keyed usually found where erosion is the dominant
up to the headland of a bay is called a spit. shore process. Almost all sea cliffs are steep
When barrier bars and spits form at the mouth and may range from a few m to 30 m or even
of a bay and block it, a lagoon forms. The more. At the foot of such cliffs there may be a
lagoons would gradually get filled up by flat or gently sloping platform covered by rock
sediments from the land giving rise to a coastal debris derived from the sea cliff behind. Such
plain. platforms occurring at elevations above the
average height of waves is called a wave-cut
LOW SEDIMENTARY COASTS terrace. The lashing of waves against the base
of the cliff and the rock debris that gets
Along low sedimentary coasts the rivers appear smashed against the cliff along with lashing
to extend their length by building coastal waves create hollows and these hollows get
plains and deltas. The coastline appears widened and deepened to form sea caves. The
smooth with occasional incursions of water in roofs of caves collapse and the sea cliffs recede
the form of lagoons and tidal creeks. The land further inland. Retreat of the cliff may leave
slopes gently into the water. Marshes and some remnants of rock standing isolated as
swamps may abound along the coasts. small islands just off the shore. Such resistant
Depositional features dominate. masses of rock, originally parts of a cliff or hill
When waves break over a gently sloping are called sea stacks. Like all other features,
sedimentary coast, the bottom sediments get sea stacks are also temporary and eventually
churned and move readily building bars, coastal hills and cliffs will disappear because
barrier bars, spits and lagoons. Lagoons of wave erosion giving rise to narrow coastal
would eventually turn into a swamp which plains, and with onrush of deposits from over
would subsequently turn into a coastal plain. the land behind may get covered up by
The maintenance of these depositional features alluvium or may get covered up by shingle or
depends upon the steady supply of materials. sand to form a wide beach.

DEPOSITIONAL LANDFORMS develop attached to headlands/hills. The

barriers, bars and spits at the mouth of the
Beaches and Dunes bay gradually extend leaving only a small
opening of the bay into the sea and the bay
Beaches are characteristic of shorelines that are
will eventually develop into a lagoon. The
dominated by deposition, but may occur as
lagoons get filled up gradually by sediment
patches along even the rugged shores. Most of
coming from the land or from the beach itself
the sediment making up the beaches comes
(aided by wind) and a broad and wide coastal
from land carried by the streams and rivers or plain may develop replacing a lagoon.
from wave erosion. Beaches are temporary
features. The sandy beach which appears so Do you know, the coastal off-shore bars
permanent may be reduced to a very narrow offer the first buffer or defence against
strip of coarse pebbles in some other season. storm or tsunami by absorbing most of
Most of the beaches are made up of sand sized their destructive force. Then come the
materials. Beaches called shingle beaches barriers, beaches, beach dunes and
contain excessively small pebbles and even mangroves, if any, to absorb the
cobbles. destructive force of storm and tsunami
Just behind the beach, the sands lifted and waves. So, if we do anything which
winnowed from over the beach surfaces will be disturbs the ‘sediment budget’ and the
deposited as sand dunes. Sand dunes forming mangroves along the coast, these coastal
long ridges parallel to the coastline are very forms will get eroded away leaving human
common along low sedimentary coasts. habitations to bear first strike of storm
and tsunami waves.
Bars, Barriers and Spits
A ridge of sand and shingle formed in the sea WINDS
in the off-shore zone (from the position of low
Wind is one of the two dominant agents in hot
tide waterline to seaward) lying approximately
deserts. The desert floors get heated up too
parallel to the coast is called an off-shore bar.
much and too quickly because of being dry
An off-shore bar which is exposed due to
and barren. The heated floors heat up the air
further addition of sand is termed a barrier
directly above them and result in upward
bar. The off-shore bars and barriers commonly
movements in the hot lighter air with
form across the mouth of a river or at the
turbulence, and any obstructions in its path
entrance of a bay. Sometimes such barrier bars
sets up eddies, whirlwinds, updrafts and
get keyed up to one end of the bay when they
downdrafts. Winds also move along the desert
are called spits (Figure 7.15). Spits may also
floors with great speed and the obstructions
in their path create turbulence. Of course, there
are storm winds which are very destructive.
Winds cause deflation, abrasion and impact.
Deflation includes lifting and removal of dust
and smaller particles from the surface of rocks.
In the transportation process sand and silt act
as effective tools to abrade the land surface.
The impact is simply sheer force of momentum
which occurs when sand is blown into or
against a rock surface. It is similar to sand-
blasting operation. The wind action creates a
number of interesting erosional and
Figure 7.15 : A satellite picture of a part of Godavari depositional features in the deserts.
river delta showing a spit In fact, many features of deserts owe their

formation to mass wasting and running water deposition of sediment from basin margins, a
as sheet floods. Though rain is scarce in deserts, nearly level plain forms at the centre of the
it comes down torrentially in a short period of basin. In times of sufficient water, this plain is
time. The desert rocks devoid of vegetation, covered up by a shallow water body. Such
exposed to mechanical and chemical types of shallow lakes are called as playas
weathering processes due to drastic diurnal where water is retained only for short duration
temperature changes, decay faster and the due to evaporation and quite often the playas
torrential rains help in removing the weathered contain good deposition of salts. The playa
materials easily. That means, the weathered plain covered up by salts is called alkali flats.
debris in deserts is moved by not only wind
but also by rain/sheet wash. The wind moves Deflation Hollows and Caves
fine materials and general mass erosion is
Weathered mantle from over the rocks or bare
accomplished mainly through sheet floods or
soil, gets blown out by persistent movement
sheet wash. Stream channels in desert areas
of wind currents in one direction. This process
are broad, smooth and indefinite and flow for
may create shallow depressions called
a brief time after rains.
deflation hollows. Deflation also creates
numerous small pits or cavities over rock
EROSIONAL LANDFORMS surfaces. The rock faces suffer impact and
abrasion of wind-borne sand and first shallow
Pediments and Pediplains
depressions called blow outs are created, and
Landscape evolution in deserts is primarily some of the blow outs become deeper and
concerned with the formation and extension of wider fit to be called caves.
pediments. Gently inclined rocky floors close
to the mountains at their foot with or without Mushroom, Table and Pedestal Rocks
a thin cover of debris, are called pediments. Many rock-outcrops in the deserts easily
Such rocky floors form through the erosion of susceptible to wind deflation and abrasion are
mountain front through a combination of worn out quickly leaving some remnants of
lateral erosion by streams and sheet flooding. resistant rocks polished beautifully in the
Erosion starts along the steep margins of shape of mushroom with a slender stalk and a
the landmass or the steep sides of the broad and rounded pear shaped cap above.
tectonically controlled steep incision features Sometimes, the top surface is broad like a table
over the landmass. Once, pediments are formed top and quite often, the remnants stand out
with a steep wash slope followed by cliff or free like pedestals.
face above it, the steep wash slope and free face
retreat backwards. This method of erosion is List the erosional features carved out by
termed as parallel retreat of slopes through wind action and action of sheet floods.
backwasting. So, through parallel retreat of
slopes, the pediments extend backwards at the
Depositional Landforms
expense of mountain front, and gradually, the
mountain gets reduced leaving an inselberg Wind is a good sorting agent. Depending upon
which is a remnant of the mountain. That’s how the velocity of wind, different sizes of grains are
the high relief in desert areas is reduced to low moved along the floors by rolling or saltation
featureless plains called pediplains. and carried in suspension and in this process
of transportation itself, the materials get sorted.
Playas When the wind slows or begins to die down,
Plains are by far the most prominent landforms depending upon sizes of grains and their
in the deserts. In basins with mountains and critical velocities, the grains will begin to settle.
hills around and along, the drainage is towards So, in depositional landforms made by wind,
the centre of the basin and due to gradual good sorting of grains can be found. Since

wind is there everywhere and wherever there are equally important. There can be a great
is good source of sand and with constant wind variety of dune forms (Figure 7.16).
directions, depositional features in arid regions
can develop anywhere. Barchans
Crescent shaped dunes called barchans with
Sand Dunes
the points or wings directed away from wind
Dry hot deserts are good places for sand dune direction i.e., downwind, form where the wind
formation. Obstacles to initiate dune formation direction is constant and moderate and where
the original surface over which sand is moving
is almost uniform. Parabolic dunes form when
sandy surfaces are partially covered with
vegetation. That means parabolic dunes are
reversed barchans with wind direction being
the same. Seif is similar to barchan with a small
difference. Seif has only one wing or point. This
happens when there is shift in wind conditions.
The lone wings of seifs can grow very long and
high. Longitudinal dunes form when supply
of sand is poor and wind direction is constant.
They appear as long ridges of considerable
length but low in height. Transverse dunes
are aligned perpendicular to wind direction.
These dunes form when the wind direction is
constant and the source of sand is an
elongated feature at right angles to the wind
direction. They may be very long and low in
height. When sand is plenty, quite often, the
regular shaped dunes coalesce and lose their
individual characteristics. Most of the dunes
Figure 7.16 : Various types of sand dunes in the deserts shift and a few of them will get
Arrows indicate wind direction stabilised especially near human habitations.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) In which of the following stages of landform development, downward cutting
is dominated?
(a) Youth stage (c) Early mature stage
(b) Late mature stage (d) Old stage
(ii) A deep valley characterised by steep step-like side slopes is known as
(a) U-shaped valley (c) Blind valley
(b) Gorge (d) Canyon
(iii) In which one of the following regions the chemical weathering process is
more dominant than the mechanical process?
(a) Humid region (c) Arid region
(b) Limestone region (d) Glacier region

(iv) Which one of the following sentences best defines the term ‘Lapies’ ?
(a) A small to medium sized shallow depression
(b) A landform whose opening is more or less circular at the top and
funnel shaped towards bottom
(c) A landform forms due to dripping water from surface
(d) An irregular surface with sharp pinnacles, grooves and ridges
(v) A deep, long and wide trough or basin with very steep concave high walls
at its head as well as in sides is known as:
(a) Cirque (c) Lateral Moraine
(b) Glacial valley (d) Esker
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do incised meanders in rocks and meanders in plains of alluvium
(ii) Explain the evolution of valley sinks or uvalas.
(iii) Underground flow of water is more common than surface run-off in
limestone areas. Why?
(iv) Glacial valleys show up many linear depositional forms. Give their
locations and names.
(v) How does wind perform its task in desert areas? Is it the only agent
responsible for the erosional features in the deserts?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Running water is by far the most dominating geomorphic agent in shaping
the earth’s surface in humid as well as in arid climates. Explain.
(ii) Limestones behave differently in humid and arid climates. Why? What is
the dominant and almost exclusive geomorphic process in limestone areas
and what are its results?
(iii) How do glaciers accomplish the work of reducing high mountains into low
hills and plains?

Project Work
Identify the landforms, materials and processes around your area.

This unit deals with
• Atmosphere — compositions and structure; elements of weather
and climate
• Insolation — angle of incidence and distribution; heat budget
of the earth — heating and cooling of atmosphere (conduction,
convection, terrestrial radiation, advection); temperature — factors
controlling temperature; distribution of temperature — horizontal
and vertical; inversion of temperature
• Pressure — pressure belts; winds-planetary seasonal and local,
air masses and fronts; tropical and extra tropical cyclones
• Precipitation — evaporation; condensation — dew, frost, fog,
mist and cloud; rainfall — types and world distributon
• World climates — classification (Koeppen), greenhouse effect,
global warming and climatic changes



an a person live without air? We eat Table 8.1 : Permanent Gases of the Atmosphere
food two - three times a day and drink
Constituent Formula Percentage by Volume
water more frequently but breathe
every few seconds. Air is essential to the Nitrogen N2 78.08
survival of all organisms. Some organisms like Oxygen O2 20.95
Argon Ar 0.93
humans may survive for some time without
Carbon dioxide CO2 0.036
food and water but can’t survive even a few
Neon Ne 0.002
minutes without breathing air. That shows the Helium He 0.0005
reason why we should understand the Krypto Kr 0.001
atmosphere in greater detail. Atmosphere is a Xenon Xe 0.00009
mixture of different gases and it envelopes the Hydrogen H2 0.00005
earth all round. It contains life-giving gases like
oxygen for humans and animals and carbon Gases
dioxide for plants. The air is an integral part of
Carbon dioxide is meteorologically a very
the earth’s mass and 99 per cent of the total
important gas as it is transparent to the
mass of the atmosphere is confined to the
incoming solar radiation but opaque to the
height of 32 km from the earth’s surface. The
outgoing terrestrial radiation. It absorbs a part
air is colourless and odourless and can be felt of terrestrial radiation and reflects back some
only when it blows as wind. part of it towards the earth’s surface. It is
largely responsible for the green house effect.
Can you imagine what will happen
The volume of other gases is constant but the
to us in the absence of ozone in the
volume of carbon dioxide has been rising in
the past few decades mainly because of the
burning of fossil fuels. This has also increased
the temperature of the air. Ozone is another
important component of the atmosphere found
The atmosphere is composed of gases, water between 10 and 50 km above the earth’s
vapour and dust particles. Table 8.1 shows surface and acts as a filter and absorbs the
details of various gases in the air, particularly ultra-violet rays radiating from the sun and
in the lower atmosphere. The proportion of prevents them from reaching the surface of the
gases changes in the higher layers of the earth.
atmosphere in such a way that oxygen will be
almost in negligible quantity at the height of Water Vapour
120 km. Similarly, carbon dioxide and water Water vapour is also a variable gas in the
vapour are found only up to 90 km from the atmosphere, which decreases with altitude. In
surface of the earth. the warm and wet tropics, it may account for

four per cent of the air by volume, while in the The zone separating the tropsophere from
dry and cold areas of desert and polar regions, stratosphere is known as the tropopause. The
it may be less than one per cent of the air. Water air temperature at the tropopause is about
vapour also decreases from the equator minus 800C over the equator and about minus
towards the poles. It also absorbs parts of the 45oC over the poles. The temperature here is
insolation from the sun and preserves the nearly constant, and hence, it is called the
earth’s radiated heat. It thus, acts like a blanket tropopause. The stratosphere is found above
allowing the earth neither to become too cold the tropopause and extends up to a height of
nor too hot. Water vapour also contributes to 50 km. One important feature of the
the stability and instability in the air. stratosphere is that it contains the ozone layer.
This layer absorbs ultra-violet radiation and
Dust Particles shields life on the earth from intense, harmful
form of energy.
Atmosphere has a sufficient capacity to keep The mesosphere lies above the stratosphere,
small solid particles, which may originate from which extends up to a height of 80 km. In this
different sources and include sea salts, fine soil, layer, once again, temperature starts
smoke-soot, ash, pollen, dust and disintegrated decreasing with the increase in altitude and
particles of meteors. Dust particles are reaches up to minus 100°C at the height of 80
generally concentrated in the lower layers of km. The upper limit of mesosphere is known
the atmosphere; yet, convectional air currents as the mesopause. The ionosphere is located
may transport them to great heights. The between 80 and 400 km above the mesopause.
higher concentration of dust particles is found It contains electrically charged particles known
in subtropical and temperate regions due to as ions, and hence, it is known as ionosphere.
dry winds in comparison to equatorial and Radio waves transmitted from the earth are
polar regions. Dust and salt particles act as reflected back to the earth by this layer.
hygroscopic nuclei around which water vapour Temperature here starts increasing with height.
condenses to produce clouds. The uppermost layer of the atmosphere above


The atmosphere consists of different layers with
varying density and temperature. Density is
highest near the surface of the earth and
decreases with increasing altitude. The column
of atmosphere is divided into five different
layers depending upon the temperature
condition. They are: troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, ionosphere and exosphere.
The troposphere is the lowermost layer of
the atmosphere. Its average height is 13 km
and extends roughly to a height of 8 km near
the poles and about 18 km at the equator.
Thickness of the troposphere is greatest at the
equator because heat is transported to great
heights by strong convectional currents. This
layer contains dust particles and water vapour.
All changes in climate and weather take place
in this layer. The temperature in this layer
decreases at the rate of 1°C for every 165m of
height. This is the most important layer for all
biological activity. Figure 8.1 : Structure of atmosphere

the ionosphere is known as the exosphere. This Elements of Weather and Climate
is the highest layer but very little is known about
it. Whatever contents are there, these are The main elements of atmosphere which are
extremely rarefied in this layer, and it gradually subject to change and which influence human
merges with the outer space. Although all life on earth are temperature, pressure, winds,
layers of the atmosphere must be exercising humidity, clouds and precipitation. These
influence on us, geographers are concerned elements have been dealt in detail in Chapters
with the first two layers of the atmosphere. 9, 10 and 11.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following gases constitutes the major portion of the
(a) Oxygen (c) Argon
(b) Nitrogen (d) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Atmospheric layer important for human beings is:
(a) Stratosphere (c) Troposphere
(b) Mesosphere (d) Ionosphere
(iii) Sea salt, pollen, ash, smoke soot, fine soil — these are associated with:
(a) Gases (c) Water vapour
(b) Dust particles (d) Meteors
(iv) Oxygen gas is in negligible quantity at the height of atmosphere:
(a) 90 km (c) 100 km
(b) 120 km (d) 150 km
(v) Which one of the following gases is transparent to incoming solar radiation
and opaque to outgoing terrestrial radiation?
(a) Oxygen (c) Helium
(b) Nitrogen (d) Carbon dioxide
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do you understand by atmosphere?
(ii) What are the elements of weather and climate?
(iii) Describe the composition of atmosphere.
(iv) Why is troposphere the most important of all the layers of the atmosphere?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Describe the composition of the atmosphere.
(ii) Draw a suitable diagram for the structure of the atmosphere and label it
and describe it.



o you feel air around you? Do you The solar output received at the top of the
know that we live at the bottom of a atmosphere varies slightly in a year due to the
huge pile of air? We inhale and exhale variations in the distance between the earth and
but we feel the air when it is in motion. It means the sun. During its revolution around the sun,
air in motion is wind. You have already learnt the earth is farthest from the sun (152 million
about the fact that earth is surrounded by air km on 4th July). This position of the earth is
all around. This envelop of air is atmosphere called aphelion. On 3rd January, the earth is
which is composed of numerous gases. These the nearest to the sun (147 million km). This
gases support life over the earth’s surface. position is called perihelion. Therefore, the
The earth receives almost all of its energy annual insolation received by the earth on 3rd
from the sun. The earth in turn radiates back January is slightly more than the amount
to space the energy received from the sun. As received on 4th July. However, the effect of this
a result, the earth neither warms up nor does variation in the solar output is masked by
it get cooled over a period of time. Thus, the other factors like the distribution of land and
amount of heat received by different parts of sea and the atmospheric circulation. Hence, this
the earth is not the same. This variation causes variation in the solar output does not have
pressure differences in the atmosphere. This great effect on daily weather changes on the
leads to transfer of heat from one region to the surface of the earth.
other by winds. This chapter explains the
Variability of Insolation at
process of heating and cooling of the
the Surface of the Earth
atmosphere and the resultant temperature
distribution over the earth’s surface. The amount and the intensity of insolation vary
during a day, in a season and in a year. The factors
SOLAR RADIATION that cause these variations in insolation are : (i)
the rotation of earth on its axis; (ii) the angle of
The earth’s surface receives most of its energy inclination of the sun’s rays; (iii) the length of the
in short wavelengths. The energy received by day; (iv) the transparency of the atmosphere; (v)
the earth is known as incoming solar radiation the configuration of land in terms of its aspect.
which in short is termed as insolation. The last two however, have less influence.
As the earth is a geoid resembling a sphere, The fact that the earth’s axis makes an angle
the sun’s rays fall obliquely at the top of the of 66½ with the plane of its orbit round the sun
atmosphere and the earth intercepts a very has a greater influence on the amount of
small portion of the sun’s energy. On an insolation received at different latitudes. Note the
average the earth receives 1.94 calories per sq. variations in the duration of the day at different
cm per minute at the top of its atmosphere. latitudes on solstices given in Table 9.1.

The second factor that determines the colour of the sky are the result of scattering of
amount of insolation received is the angle of light within the atmosphere.
Table 9.1 : Length of the Day in Hours and Minutes on Winter and Summer Solstices in the Northern Hemisphere

Latitude 0° 20° 40° 60° 90°

December 22 12h 00m 10h 48m 9h 8m 5h 33m 0
June 21 12 h 13h 12m 14h 52m 18h 27m 6 months

inclination of the rays. This depends on the Spatial Distribution of Insolation

latitude of a place. The higher the latitude the at the Earth’s Surface
less is the angle they make with the surface of
The insolation received at the surface varies
the earth resulting in slant sun rays. The area
covered by vertical rays is always less than the from about 320 Watt/m2 in the tropics to about
slant rays. If more area is covered, the energy 70 Watt/m2 in the poles. Maximum insolation
gets distributed and the net energy received is received over the subtropical deserts, where
per unit area decreases. Moreover, the slant rays the cloudiness is the least. Equator receives
are required to pass through greater depth of comparatively less insolation than the tropics.
the atmosphere resulting in more absorption, Generally, at the same latitude the insolation
scattering and diffusion. is more over the continent than over the oceans.
In winter, the middle and higher latitudes
receive less radiation than in summer.


There are different ways of heating and cooling
of the atmosphere.
The earth after being heated by insolation
transmits the heat to the atmospheric layers near
to the earth in long wave form. The air in contact
with the land gets heated slowly and the upper
layers in contact with the lower layers also get
heated. This process is called conduction.
Conduction takes place when two bodies of
unequal temperature are in contact with one
Figure 9.1 : Summer Solstice
another, there is a flow of energy from the warmer
The Passage of Solar Radiation to cooler body. The transfer of heat continues until
through the Atmosphere both the bodies attain the same temperature or
the contact is broken. Conduction is important
The atmosphere is largely transparent to short in heating the lower layers of the atmosphere.
wave solar radiation. The incoming solar
The air in contact with the earth rises
radiation passes through the atmosphere
before striking the earth’s surface. Within the vertically on heating in the form of currents
troposphere water vapour, ozone and other and further transmits the heat of the
gases absorb much of the near infrared atmsphere. This process of vertical heating of
radiation. the atmosphere is known as convection. The
Very small-suspended particles in the convective transfer of energy is confined only
troposphere scatter visible spectrum both to to the troposphere.
the space and towards the earth surface. This The transfer of heat through horizontal
process adds colour to the sky. The red colour movement of air is called advection. Horizontal
of the rising and the setting sun and the blue movement of the air is relatively more important

than the vertical movement. In middle latitudes, accumulate or loose heat. It maintains its
most of dirunal (day and night) variation in temperature. This can happen only if the
daily weather are caused by advection alone. amount of heat received in the form of insolation
In tropical regions particularly in northern equals the amount lost by the earth through
India during summer season local winds called terrestrial radiation.
‘loo’ is the outcome of advection process. Consider that the insolation received at the
top of the atmosphere is 100 per cent. While
Terrestrial Radiation passing through the atmosphere some amount
The insolation received by the earth is in short of energy is reflected, scattered and absorbed.
waves forms and heats up its surface. The earth Only the remaining part reaches the earth
after being heated itself becomes a radiating surface. Roughly 35 units are reflected back
body and it radiates energy to the atmosphere to space even before reaching the earth’s
in long wave form. This energy heats up the surface. Of these, 27 units are reflected back
atmosphere from below. This process is known from the top of the clouds and 2 units from the
as terrestrial radiation. snow and ice-covered areas of the earth. The
The long wave radiation is absorbed by the reflected amount of radiation is called the
atmospheric gases particularly by carbon albedo of the earth.
dioxide and the other green house gases. Thus, The remaining 65 units are absorbed, 14
the atmosphere is indirectly heated by the units within the atmosphere and 51 units by
earth’s radiation. the earth’s surface. The earth radiates back
The atmosphere in turn radiates and 51 units in the form of terrestrial radiation.
transmits heat to the space. Finally the amount Of these, 17 units are radiated to space
of heat received from the sun is returned to directly and the remaining 34 units are
space, thereby maintaining constant temperature absorbed by the atmosphere (6 units
at the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere. absorbed directly by the atmosphere, 9 units
through convection and turbulence and 19
Heat Budget of the Planet Earth
units through latent heat of condensation).
Figure 9.2 depicts the heat budget of the planet 48 units absorbed by the atmosphere
earth. The earth as a whole does not (14 units from insolation +34 units from

Figure 9.2 : Heat budget of the earth


terrestrial radiation) are also radiated back heat which is measured in terms of
into space. Thus, the total radiation temperature. While heat represents the
returning from the earth and the atmosphere molecular movement of particles comprising a
respectively is 17+48=65 units which substance, the temperature is the measurement
balance the total of 65 units received from in degrees of how hot (or cold) a thing (or a
the sun. This is termed the heat budget or place) is.
heat balance of the earth.
This explains, why the earth neither warms Factors Controlling Temperature Distribution
up nor cools down despite the huge transfer of The temperature of air at any place is influenced
heat that takes place. by (i) the latitude of the place; (ii) the altitude
of the place; (iii) distance from the sea, the air-
Variation in the Net Heat Budget at the mass circulation; (iv) the presence of warm and
Earth’s Surface cold ocean currents; (v) local aspects.
As explained earlier, there are variations in the
amount of radiation received at the earth’s The latitude : The temperature of a place
surface. Some part of the earth has surplus depends on the insolation received. It has been
radiation balance while the other part has explained earlier that the insolation varies
deficit. according to the latitude hence the
Figure 9.3 depicts the latitudinal variation temperature also varies accordingly.
in the net radiation balance of the earth — the
The altitude : The atmosphere is indirectly
atmosphere system. The figure shows that
heated by terrestrial radiation from below.
there is a surplus of net radiation balance
Therefore, the places near the sea-level record
between 40 degrees north and south and the
higher temperature than the places situated
regions near the poles have a deficit. The
at higher elevations. In other words, the
surplus heat energy from the tropics is
temperature generally decreases with
redistributed pole wards and as a result the
increasing height. The rate of decrease of
tropics do not get progressively heated up due
temperature with height is termed as the
to the accumulation of excess heat or the high
normal lapse rate. It is 6.5°C per 1,000 m.
latitudes get permanently frozen due to excess
deficit. Distance from the sea : Another factor that
influences the temperature is the location of a
place with respect to the sea. Compared to land,
the sea gets heated slowly and loses heat
slowly. Land heats up and cools down quickly.
Therefore, the variation in temperature over the
sea is less compared to land. The places
situated near the sea come under the
moderating influence of the sea and land
breezes which moderate the temperature.

Air-mass and Ocean currents : Like the land

Figure 9.3 : Latitudinal variation in net and sea breezes, the passage of air masses also
radiation balance affects the temperature. The places, which
come under the influence of warm air-masses
experience higher temperature and the places
The interaction of insolation with the that come under the influence of cold air-
atmosphere and the earth’s surface creates masses experience low temperature. Similarly,

the places located on the coast where the warm northern hemisphere the land surface area is
ocean currents flow record higher temperature much larger than in the southern hemisphere.
than the places located on the coast where the Hence, the effects of land mass and the ocean
cold currents flow. currents are well pronounced. In January the
isotherms deviate to the north over the ocean
Distribution of Temperature and to the south over the continent. This can
be seen on the North Atlantic Ocean. The
The global distribution of temperature can well presence of warm ocean currents, Gulf Stream
be understood by studying the temperature and North Atlantic drift, make the Northern
distribution in January and July. The Atlantic Ocean warmer and the isotherms bend
temperature distribution is generally shown towards the north. Over the land the
on the map with the help of isotherms. The temperature decreases sharply and the
Isotherms are lines joining places having equal isotherms bend towards south in Europe.
temperature. Figure 9.4 (a) and (b) show the It is much pronounced in the Siberian
distribution of surface air temperature in the plain. The mean January temperature along
month of January and July. 60° E longitude is minus 20° C both at 80° N
In general the effect of the latitude on and 50° N latitudes. The mean monthly
temperature is well pronounced on the map, temperature for January is over 27° C, in
as the isotherms are generally parallel to the equatorial oceans over 24° C in the tropics
latitude. The deviation from this general trend and 2° C - 0° C in the middle latitudes
is more pronounced in January than in July, and –18° C to –48° C in the Eurasian
especially in the northern hemisphere. In the continental interior.

Figure 9.4 (a) : The distribution of surface air temperature in the month of January

Figure 9.4 (b) : The distribution of surface air temperature in the month of July

Figure 9.5 : The range of temperature between January and July


The effect of the ocean is well pronounced the subtropical continental region of Asia,
in the southern hemisphere. Here the isotherms along the 30° N latitude. Along the 40° N runs
are more or less parallel to the latitudes and the isotherm of 10° C and along the 40° S the
the variation in temperature is more gradual temperature is 10° C.
than in the northern hemisphere. The isotherm Figure 9.5 shows the range of
of 20° C, 10° C, and 0° C runs parallel to 35° S, temperature between January and July. The
45° S and 60° S latitudes respectively. highest range of temperature is more than 60°
In July the isotherms generally run C over the north-eastern part of Eurasian
parallel to the latitude. The equatorial oceans continent. This is due to continentality. The
record warmer temperature, more than 27°C. least range of temperature, 3°C, is found
Over the land more than 30°C is noticed in between 20° S and 15° N.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) The sun is directly overhead at noon on 21st June at:
(a) The equator (c) 23.5° N
(b) 23.5° S (d) 66.5° N
(ii) In which one of the following cities, are the days the longest?
(a) Tiruvanantpuram (c) Hyderabad
(b) Chandigarh (d) Nagpur
(iii) The atmosphere is mainly heated by the:
(a) Short wave solar radiation (c) Long wave terrestrial radiation
(b) Reflected solar radiation (d) Scattered solar radiation
(iv) Make correct pairs from the following two columns.
(i) Insolation (a) The difference between the mean
temperature of the warmest and the coldest
(ii) Albedo (b) The lines joining the places of equal
(iii) Isotherm (c) The incoming solar radiation
(iv) Annual range (d) The percentage of visible light reflected by
an object
(v) The main reason that the earth experiences highest temperatures in the
subtropics in the northern hemisphere rather than at the equator is :
(a) Subtropical areas tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial
(b) Subtropical areas have longer day hours in the summer than the
(c) Subtropical areas have an enhanced “green house effect” compared
to equatorial areas.
(d) Subtropical areas are nearer to the oceanic areas than the equatorial

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) How does the unequal distribution of heat over the planet earth in space
and time cause variations in weather and climate?
(ii) What are the factors that control temperature distribution on the surface
of the earth?
(iii) In India, why is the day temperature maximum in May and why not after
the summer solstice?
(iv) Why is the annual range of temperature high in the Siberian plains?

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) How do the latitude and the tilt in the axis of rotation of the earth affect
the amount of radiation received at the earth’s surface?
(ii) Discuss the processes through which the earth-atmosphere system
maintains heat balance.
(iii) Compare the global distribution of temperature in January over the
northern and the southern hemisphere of the earth.

Project Work
Select a meteorological observatory located in your city or near your town. Tabulate
the temperature data as given in the climatological table of observatories :
(i) Note the altitude, latitude of the observatory and the period for which the
mean is calculated.
(ii) Define the terms related to temperature as given in the table.
(iii) Calculate the daily mean monthly temperature.
(iv) Draw a graph to show the daily mean maximum, the daily mean minimum
and the mean temperature.
(v) Calculate the annual range of temperature.
(vi) Find out in which months the daily range of temperature is the highest
and the lowest.
(vii) List out the factors that determine the temperature of the place and
explain the possible causes for temperature variation in the months of
January, May, July and October.
Observatory : New Delhi (Safdarjung)
Latitude : 28°35°’ N
Based on observations : 1951 - 1980
Altitude above mean sea level : 216 m

Month Mean of Mean of Highest Lowest

Daily Daily Recorded Recorded
Max.(°C) Min.(°C) (°C) (°C)
January 21.1 7.3 29.3 0.6
May 39.6 25.9 47.2 17.5

Daily mean monthly temperature

January = 14.2OC

May = 32.75OC
Annual range of temperature
Mean Max. Temperature in May - Mean Temperature in January
Annual range of temperature = 32.75°C – 14.2°C = 18.55°C


arlier Chapter 9 described the uneven the air at the surface is denser and hence has
distribution of temperature over the higher pressure. Air pressure is measured with
surface of the earth. Air expands when the help of a mercury barometer or the aneroid
heated and gets compressed when cooled. This barometer. Consult your book, Practical Work
results in variations in the atmospheric in Geography — Part I (NCERT, 2006) and
pressure. The result is that it causes the learn about these instruments. The pressure
movement of air from high pressure to low decreases with height. At any elevation it varies
pressure, setting the air in motion. You already from place to place and its variation is the
know that air in horizontal motion is wind. primary cause of air motion, i.e. wind which
Atmospheric pressure also determines when moves from high pressure areas to low
the air will rise or sink. The wind redistributes pressure areas.
the heat and moisture across the planet,
thereby, maintaining a constant temperature Vertical Variation of Pressure
for the planet as a whole. The vertical rising of
In the lower atmosphere the pressure
moist air cools it down to form the clouds and
decreases rapidly with height. The decrease
bring precipitation. This chapter has been
amounts to about 1 mb for each 10 m increase
devoted to explain the causes of pressure
in elevation. It does not always decrease at the
differences, the forces that control the
same rate. Table 10.1 gives the average
atmospheric circulation, the turbulent pattern
pressure and temperature at selected levels of
of wind, the formation of air masses, the
elevation for a standard atmosphere.
disturbed weather when air masses interact
with each other and the phenomenon of violent Table 10.1 : Standard Pressure and Temperature at
tropical storms. Selected Levels
Level Pressure in mb Temperature °C
Sea Level 1,013.25 15.2
Do you realise that our body is subjected to a
1 km 898.76 8.7
lot of air pressure. As one moves up the air
gets varified and one feels breathless. 5 km 540.48 –17. 3
The weight of a column of air contained in 10 km 265.00 – 49.7
a unit area from the mean sea level to the top
of the atmosphere is called the atmospheric The vertical pressure gradient force is much
pressure. The atmospheric pressure is larger than that of the horizontal pressure
expressed in units of mb and Pascals. The gradient. But, it is generally balanced by a
widely used unit is kilo Pascal written as hPa. nearly equal but opposite gravitational force.
At sea level the average atmospheric pressure Hence, we do not experience strong upward
is 1,013.2 mb or 1,013.2 hPa. Due to gravity winds.

Horizontal Distribution of Pressure purposes of comparison. The sea level pressure

distribution is shown on weather maps.
Small differences in pressure are highly
Figure 10.1 shows the patterns of isobars
significant in terms of the wind direction and
corresponding to pressure systems. Low-
pressure system is enclosed by one or more
isobars with the lowest pressure in the centre.
High-pressure system is also enclosed by one
or more isobars with the highest pressure in
the centre.

World Distribution of Sea Level Pressure

The world distribution of sea level pressure in
January and July has been shown in Figures
10.2 and 10.3. Near the equator the sea level
Figure 10.1 : Isobars, pressure and wind systems in pressure is low and the area is known as
Northern Hemisphere
equatorial low. Along 30° N and 30o S are
velocity. Horizontal distribution of pressure is found the high-pressure areas known as the
studied by drawing isobars at constant levels. subtropical highs. Further pole wards along
Isobars are lines connecting places having 60o N and 60o S, the low-pressure belts are
equal pressure. In order to eliminate the effect termed as the sub polar lows. Near the poles
of altitude on pressure, it is measured at any the pressure is high and it is known as the polar
station after being reduced to sea level for high. These pressure belts are not permanent

Figure 10.2 : Distribution of pressure (in millibars) — January


Figure 10.3 : Distribution of pressure (in millibars) — July

in nature. They oscillate with the apparent Pressure Gradient Force

movement of the sun. In the northern
The differences in atmospheric pressure
hemisphere in winter they move southwards
produces a force. The rate of change of pressure
and in the summer northwards.
with respect to distance is the pressure
Forces Affecting the Velocity gradient. The pressure gradient is strong where
and Direction of Wind the isobars are close to each other and is weak
where the isobars are apart.
You already know that the air is set in motion
due to the differences in atmospheric pressure. Frictional Force
The air in motion is called wind. The wind
It affects the speed of the wind. It is greatest at
blows from high pressure to low pressure. The
the surface and its influence generally extends
wind at the surface experiences friction. In
upto an elevation of 1 - 3 km. Over the sea
addition, rotation of the earth also affects the
surface the friction is minimal.
wind movement. The force exerted by the
rotation of the earth is known as the Coriolis
Coriolis Force
force. Thus, the horizontal winds near the
earth surface respond to the combined effect The rotation of the earth about its axis affects
of three forces – the pressure gradient force, the direction of the wind. This force is called
the frictional force and the Coriolis force. In the Coriolis force after the French physicist who
addition, the gravitational force acts described it in 1844. It deflects the wind to the
downward. right direction in the northern hemisphere and

to the left in the southern hemisphere. The The wind circulation around a low is
deflection is more when the wind velocity is called cyclonic circulation. Around a high
high. The Coriolis force is directly proportional it is called anti cyclonic circulation. The
to the angle of latitude. It is maximum at the direction of winds around such systems
poles and is absent at the equator. changes according to their location in
The Coriolis force acts perpendicular to the different hemispheres (Table 10.2).
pressure gradient force. The pressure gradient The wind circulation at the earth’s surface
force is perpendicular to an isobar. The higher around low and high on many occasions is
the pressure gradient force, the more is the closely related to the wind circulation at higher
velocity of the wind and the larger is the level. Generally, over low pressure area the air
deflection in the direction of wind. As a result of will converge and rise. Over high pressure area
these two forces operating perpendicular to each the air will subside from above and diverge at
other, in the low-pressure areas the wind blows the surface (Figure10.5). Apart from
around it. At the equator, the Coriolis force is convergence, some eddies, convection
zero and the wind blows perpendicular to the currents, orographic uplift and uplift along
isobars. The low pressure gets filled instead of fronts cause the rising of air, which is essential
getting intensified. That is the reason why tropical for the formation of clouds and precipitation.
cyclones are not formed near the equator.
Pressure and Wind
The velocity and direction of the wind are the
net result of the wind generating forces. The
winds in the upper atmosphere, 2 - 3 km above
the surface, are free from frictional effect of the
surface and are controlled by the pressure
gradient and the Coriolis force. When isobars
are straight and when there is no friction, the Figure 10.5 : Convergence and divergence of winds
pressure gradient force is balanced by the
Coriolis force and the resultant wind blows
parallel to the isobar. This wind is known as General circulation of the atmosphere
the geostrophic wind (Figure 10.4). The pattern of planetary winds largely depends
on : (i) latitudinal variation of atmospheric
heating; (ii) emergence of pressure belts; (iii)
the migration of belts following apparent path
of the sun; (iv) the distribution of continents
and oceans; (v) the rotation of earth. The pattern
of the movement of the planetary winds is
called the general circulation of the
atmosphere. The general circulation of the
atmosphere also sets in motion the ocean water
circulation which influences the earth’s
Figure 10.4 : Geostropic Wind

Table 10.2 : Pattern of Wind Direction in Cyclones and Anticyclones

Pressure System Pressure Condition Pattern of Wind Direction

at the Centre Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere

Cyclone Low Anticlockwise Clockwise

Anticyclone High Clockwise Anticlockwise

climate. A schematic description of the general The general circulation of the atmosphere
circulation is shown in Figure 10.6. also affects the oceans. The large-scale winds
of the atmosphere initiate large and slow
moving currents of the ocean. Oceans in turn
provide input of energy and water vapour into
the air. These interactions take place rather
slowly over a large part of the ocean.

General Atmospheric Circulation and

its Effects on Oceans

Warming and cooling of the Pacific Ocean

is most important in terms of general
atmospheric circulation. The warm water
of the central Pacific Ocean slowly drifts
towards South American coast and
replaces the cool Peruvian current. Such
appearance of warm water off the coast
Figure 10. 6 : Simplified general circulation
of Peru is known as the El Nino. The El
of the atmosphere Nino event is closely associated with the
pressure changes in the Central Pacific
The air at the Inter Tropical Convergence and Australia. This change in pressure
Zone (ITCZ) rises because of convection caused condition over Pacific is known as the
by high insolation and a low pressure is southern oscillation. The combined
created. The winds from the tropics converge phenomenon of southern oscillation and
at this low pressure zone. The converged air El Nino is known as ENSO. In the years
rises along with the convective cell. It reaches when the ENSO is strong, large-scale
the top of the troposphere up to an altitude of variations in weather occur over the
14 km. and moves towards the poles. This world. The arid west coast of South
causes accumulation of air at about 30o N and America receives heavy rainfall, drought
S. Part of the accumulated air sinks to the occurs in Australia and sometimes in
ground and forms a subtropical high. Another India and floods in China. This
reason for sinking is the cooling of air when it phenomenon is closely monitored and is
reaches 30o N and S latitudes. Down below used for long range forecasting in major
near the land surface the air flows towards the parts of the world.
equator as the easterlies. The easterlies from
either side of the equator converge in the Inter Seasonal Wind
Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Such
circulations from the surface upwards and The pattern of wind circulation is modified in
vice-versa are called cells. Such a cell in the different seasons due to the shifting of regions
tropics is called Hadley Cell. In the middle of maximum heating, pressure and wind belts.
latitudes the circulation is that of sinking cold The most pronounced effect of such a shift is
air that comes from the poles and the rising noticed in the monsoons, especially over
warm air that blows from the subtropical high. southeast Asia. You would be studying the
At the surface these winds are called westerlies details of monsoon in the book India : Physical
and the cell is known as the Ferrel cell. At polar Environment (NCERT, 2006). The other local
latitudes the cold dense air subsides near the deviations from the general circulation system
poles and blows towards middle latitudes as are as follows.
the polar easterlies. This cell is called the polar
Local Winds
cell. These three cells set the pattern for the
general circulation of the atmosphere. The Differences in the heating and cooling of earth
transfer of heat energy from lower latitudes to surfaces and the cycles those develop daily or
higher latitudes maintains the general annually can create several common, local or
circulation. regional winds.

Land and Sea Breezes as the valley breeze. During the night the
slopes get cooled and the dense air descends
As explained earlier, the land and sea absorb
into the valley as the mountain wind. The cool
and transfer heat differently. During the day the
air, of the high plateaus and ice fields draining
land heats up faster and becomes warmer than
into the valley is called katabatic wind. Another
the sea. Therefore, over the land the air rises
type of warm wind occurs on the leeward side
giving rise to a low pressure area, whereas the
of the mountain ranges. The moisture in these
sea is relatively cool and the pressure over sea
winds, while crossing the mountain ranges
is relatively high. Thus, pressure gradient from
condense and precipitate. When it descends
sea to land is created and the wind blows from
down the leeward side of the slope the dry air
the sea to the land as the sea breeze. In the night
gets warmed up by adiabatic process. This dry
the reversal of condition takes place. The land
air may melt the snow in a short time.
loses heat faster and is cooler than the sea. The
pressure gradient is from the land to the sea
Air Masses
and hence land breeze results (Figure 10.7).
When the air remains over a homogenous area
for a sufficiently longer time, it acquires the
characteristics of the area. The homogenous
regions can be the vast ocean surface or vast
plains. The air with distinctive characteristics
in terms of temperature and humidity is called
an airmass. It is defined as a large body of air
having little horizontal variation in temperature
and moisture. The homogenous surfaces, over
which air masses form, are called the source
The air masses are classified according to
the source regions. There are five major source
regions. These are: (i) Warm tropical and
subtropical oceans; (ii) The subtropical hot
deserts; (iii) The relatively cold high latitude
oceans; (iv) The very cold snow covered
continents in high latitudes; (v) Permanently
ice covered continents in the Arctic and
Antarctica. Accordingly, following types of air-
masses are recognised: (i) Maritime tropical
(mT); (ii) Continental tropical (cT); (iii) Maritime
polar (mP); (iv) Continental polar (cP);
(v) Continental arctic (cA). Tropical air masses
are warm and polar air masses are cold.

When two different air masses meet, the
Figure 10.7 : Land and sea breezes boundary zone between them is called a front.
The process of formation of the fronts is known
Mountain and Valley Winds
as frontogenesis. There are four types of
In mountainous regions, during the day the fronts: (a) Cold; (b) Warm; (c) Stationary;
slopes get heated up and air moves upslope (d) Occluded [(Figure10.8 (a), (b), (c)]. When the
and to fill the resulting gap the air from the front remains stationary, it is called a
valley blows up the valley. This wind is known stationary front. When the cold air moves

anticlockwise cyclonic circulation. The cyclonic

circulation leads to a well developed extra
tropical cyclone, with a warm front and a cold
front. The plan and cross section of a well
developed cyclone is given in Figure 10.9.
There are pockets of warm air or warm sector
wedged between the forward and the rear cold
air or cold sector. The warm air glides over the
cold air and a sequence of clouds appear over
the sky ahead of the warm front and cause
precipitation. The cold front approaches the
warm air from behind and pushes the warm
air up. As a result, cumulus clouds develop
along the cold front. The cold front moves faster
than the warm front ultimately overtaking the
warm front. The warm air is completely lifted
up and the front is occluded and the cyclone
The processes of wind circulation both at
the surface and aloft are closely interlinked.
Figure 10.8 : Vertical Sections of : (a) Warm Front; The extra tropical cyclone differs from the
(b) Cold Front; (c) Occluded Front tropical cyclone in number of ways. The extra
tropical cyclones have a clear frontal system
towards the warm air mass, its contact zone is
called the cold front, whereas if the warm air
mass moves towards the cold air mass, the
contact zone is a warm front. If an air mass is
fully lifted above the land surface, it is called
the occluded front. The fronts occur in middle
latitudes and are characterised by steep gradient
in temperature and pressure. They bring
abrupt changes in temperature and cause the
air to rise to form clouds and cause precipitation.

Extra Tropical Cyclones

The systems developing in the mid and high
latitude, beyond the tropics are called the
middle latitude or extra tropical cyclones. The
passage of front causes abrupt changes in the
weather conditions over the area in the middle
and high latitudes.
Extra tropical cyclones form along the polar
front. Initially, the front is stationary. In the
northern hemisphere, warm air blows from the
south and cold air from the north of the front.
When the pressure drops along the front, the
warm air moves northwards and the cold air
move towards, south setting in motion an Figure 10. 9 : Extra tropical cyclones

which is not present in the tropical cyclones. A schematic representation of the vertical
They cover a larger area and can originate over structure of a mature tropical cyclonic storm
the land and sea. Whereas the tropical cyclones is shown in Figure 10.10.
originate only over the seas and on reaching A mature tropical cyclone is characterised
the land they dissipate. The extra tropical by the strong spirally circulating wind around
cyclone affects a much larger area as the centre, called the eye. The diameter of the
compared to the tropical cyclone. The wind circulating system can vary between 150 and
velocity in a tropical cyclone is much higher 250 km.
and it is more destructive. The extra tropical The eye is a region of calm with subsiding
cyclones move from west to east but tropical air. Around the eye is the eye wall, where there
cyclones, move from east to west. is a strong spiralling ascent of air to greater
height reaching the tropopause. The wind
reaches maximum velocity in this region,
Tropical Cyclones
reaching as high as 250 km per hour.
Tropical cyclones are violent storms that Torrential rain occurs here. From the eye wall
originate over oceans in tropical areas and rain bands may radiate and trains of cumulus
move over to the coastal areas bringing about and cumulonimbus clouds may drift into the
large scale destruction caused by violent outer region. The diameter of the storm over
winds, very heavy rainfall and storm surges. the Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and Indian
This is one of the most devastating natural ocean is between 600 - 1200 km. The system
calamities. They are known as Cyclones in the moves slowly about 300 - 500 km per day.
Indian Ocean, Hurricanes in the Atlantic, The cyclone creates storm surges and they
Typhoons in the Western Pacific and South inundate the coastal low lands. The storm
China Sea, and Willy-willies in the Western peters out on the land.
Tropical cyclones originate and intensify
over warm tropical oceans. The conditions
favourable for the formation and intensification
of tropical storms are: (i) Large sea surface with
temperature higher than 27° C; (ii) Presence
of the Coriolis force; (iii) Small variations in the
vertical wind speed; (iv) A pre-existing weak-
low-pressure area or low-level-cyclonic
circulation; (v) Upper divergence above the sea
level system.
The energy that intensifies the storm, comes
from the condensation process in the towering
cumulonimbus clouds, surrounding the
centre of the storm. With continuous supply
of moisture from the sea, the storm is further
strengthened. On reaching the land the
moisture supply is cut off and the storm
dissipates. The place where a tropical cyclone
crosses the coast is called the landfall of the
cyclone. The cyclones, which cross 20o N
latitude generally, recurve and they are more Figure 10.10 : Vertical section of the tropical cyclone
destructive. (after Rama Sastry)

Thunderstorms and Tornadoes greater height. This causes precipitation. Later,

downdraft brings down to earth the cool air
Other severe local storms are thunderstorms and the rain. From severe thunderstorms
and tornadoes. They are of short duration, sometimes spiralling wind descends like a
occurring over a small area but are violent. trunk of an elephant with great force, with very
Thunderstor ms are caused by intense low pressure at the centre, causing massive
convection on moist hot days. A thunderstorm destruction on its way. Such a phenomenon is
is a well-grown cumulonimbus cloud called a tornado. Tornadoes generally occur
producing thunder and lightening. When the in middle latitudes. The tornado over the sea
clouds extend to heights where sub-zero is called water sprouts.
temperature prevails, hails are formed and they These violent storms are the manifestation
come down as hailstorm. If there is insufficient of the atmosphere’s adjustments to varying
moisture, a thunderstorm can generate dust- energy distribution. The potential and heat
storms. A thunderstorm is characterised by energies are converted into kinetic energy in
intense updraft of rising warm air, which these storms and the restless atmosphere again
causes the clouds to grow bigger and rise to returns to its stable state.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) If the surface air pressure is 1,000 mb, the air pressure at 1 km above the
surface will be:
(a) 700 mb (c) 900 mb
(b) 1,100 mb (d) 1,300 mb
(ii) The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone normally occurs:
(a) near the Equator (b) near the Tropic of Cancer
(c) near the Tropic of Capricorn (d) near the Arctic Circle
(iii) The direction of wind around a low pressure in northern hemisphere is:
(a) clockwise (c) anti-clock wise
(b) perpendicular to isobars (d) parallel to isobars
(iv) Which one of the following is the source region for the formation of air
(a) the Equatorial forest (c) the Siberian Plain
(b) the Himalayas (d) the Deccan Plateau
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What is the unit used in measuring pressure? Why is the pressure measured
at station level reduced to the sea level in preparation of weather maps?
(ii) While the pressure gradient force is from north to south, i.e. from the
subtropical high pressure to the equator in the northern hemisphere,
why are the winds north easterlies in the tropics.
(iii) What are the geotrophic winds?
(iv) Explain the land and sea breezes.

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) Discuss the factors affecting the speed and direction of wind.
(ii) Draw a simplified diagram to show the general circulation of the
atmosphere over the globe. What are the possible reasons for the formation
of subtropical high pressure over 30o N and S latitudes?
(iii) Why does tropical cyclone originate over the seas? In which part of the
tropical cyclone do torrential rains and high velocity winds blow and why?

Project Work
(i) Collect weather information over media such as newspaper, TV and radio
for understanding the weather systems.
(ii) Read the section on weather in any newspaper, preferably, one having a
map showing a satellite picture. Mark the area of cloudiness. Attempt to
infer the atmospheric circulation from the distribution of clouds. Compare
the forecast given in the newspaper with the TV coverage, if you have
access to TV. Estimate, how many days in a week was the forecast were


ou have already learnt that the air EVAPORATION AND CONDENSATION
contains water vapour. It varies from
zero to four per cent by volume of the The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere
atmosphere and plays an important role in the is added or withdrawn due to evaporation and
weather phenomena. Water is present in the condensation respectively. Evaporation is a
atmosphere in three forms namely – gaseous, process by which water is transformed from
liquid and solid. The moisture in the liquid to gaseous state. Heat is the main cause
atmosphere is derived from water bodies for evaporation. The temperature at which the
through evaporation and from plants through water starts evaporating is referred to as the
transpiration. Thus, there is a continuous latent heat of vapourisation.
exchange of water between the atmosphere, the Increase in temperature increases water
oceans and the continents through the absorption and retention capacity of the given
processes of evaporation, transpiration, parcel of air. Similarly, if the moisture content
condensation and precipitation. is low, air has a potentiality of absorbing and
Water vapour present in the air is known retaining moisture. Movement of air replaces
as humidity. It is expressed quantitatively in the saturated layer with the unsaturated layer.
different ways. The actual amount of the water Hence, the greater the movement of air, the
vapour present in the atmosphere is known as greater is the evaporation.
the absolute humidity. It is the weight of water The transformation of water vapour into
vapour per unit volume of air and is expressed water is called condensation. Condensation is
in terms of grams per cubic metre. The ability caused by the loss of heat. When moist air is
of the air to hold water vapour depends entirely cooled, it may reach a level when its capacity
on its temperature. The absolute humidity to hold water vapour ceases. Then, the excess
differs from place to place on the surface of the water vapour condenses into liquid form. If it
earth. The percentage of moisture present in directly condenses into solid form, it is known
the atmosphere as compared to its full capacity as sublimation. In free air, condensation results
at a given temperature is known as the relative from cooling around very small particles
humidity. With the change of air temperature, termed as hygroscopic condensation nuclei.
the capacity to retain moisture increases or Particles of dust, smoke and salt from the ocean
decreases and the relative humidity is also are particularly good nuclei because they
affected. It is greater over the oceans and least absorb water. Condensation also takes place
over the continents. when the moist air comes in contact with some
The air containing moisture to its full colder object and it may also take place when
capacity at a given temperature is said to be the temperature is close to the dew point.
saturated. It means that the air at the given Condensation, therefore, depends upon the
temperature is incapable of holding any amount of cooling and the relative humidity of
additional amount of moisture at that stage. the air. Condensation is influenced by the
The temperature at which saturation occurs volume of air, temperature, pressure and
in a given sample of air is known as dew point. humidity. Condensation takes place: (i) when

the temperature of the air is reduced to dew condition when fog is mixed with smoke, is
point with its volume remaining constant; (ii) described as smog. The only difference between
when both the volume and the temperature are the mist and fog is that mist contains more
reduced; (iv) when moisture is added to the air moisture than the fog. In mist each nuceli
through evaporation. However, the most contains a thicker layer of moisture. Mists are
favourable condition for condensation is the frequent over mountains as the rising warm
decrease in air temperature. air up the slopes meets a cold surface. Fogs
After condensation the water vapour or the are drier than mist and they are prevalent where
moisture in the atmosphere takes one of the warm currents of air come in contact with cold
following forms — dew, frost, fog and clouds. currents. Fogs are mini clouds in which
Forms of condensation can be classified on the condensation takes place around nuclei
basis of temperature and location. provided by the dust, smoke, and the salt
Condensation takes place when the dew point particles.
is lower than the freezing point as well as
higher than the freezing point. Clouds
Cloud is a mass of minute water droplets or
tiny crystals of ice formed by the condensation
When the moisture is deposited in the form of of the water vapour in free air at considerable
water droplets on cooler surfaces of solid elevations. As the clouds are formed at some
objects (rather than nuclei in air above the height over the surface of the earth, they take
surface) such as stones, grass blades and plant various shapes. According to their height,
leaves, it is known as dew. The ideal conditions expanse, density and transparency or
for its formation are clear sky, calm air, high opaqueness clouds are grouped under four
relative humidity, and cold and long nights. types : (i) cirrus; (ii) cumulus; (iii) stratus;
For the formation of dew, it is necessary that (iv) nimbus.
the dew point is above the freezing point.
Cirrus clouds are formed at high altitudes
Frost forms on cold surfaces when (8,000 - 12,000m). They are thin and detatched
condensation takes place below freezing point clouds having a feathery appearance. They are
(00C), i.e. the dew point is at or below the always white in colour.
freezing point. The excess moisture is deposited
in the form of minute ice crystals instead of Cumulus
water droplets. The ideal conditions for the
Cumulus clouds look like cotton wool. They
formation of white frost are the same as those
are generally formed at a height of 4,000 -
for the formation of dew, except that the air
7,000 m. They exist in patches and can be seen
temperature must be at or below the freezing
scattered here and there. They have a flat base.
Fog and Mist
As their name implies, these are layered clouds
When the temperature of an air mass
covering large portions of the sky. These clouds
containing a large quantity of water vapour falls
are generally formed either due to loss of heat
all of a sudden, condensation takes place within
or the mixing of air masses with different
itself on fine dust particles. So, the fog is a cloud
with its base at or very near to the ground.
Because of the fog and mist, the visibility
becomes poor to zero. In urban and industrial
centres smoke provides plenty of nuclei which Nimbus clouds are black or dark gray. They
help the formation of fog and mist. Such a form at middle levels or very near to the surface

of the earth. These are extremely dense and Precipitation

opaque to the rays of the sun. Sometimes, the
The process of continuous condensation in free
clouds are so low that they seem to touch the
air helps the condensed particles to grow in
ground. Nimbus clouds are shapeless masses
size. When the resistance of the air fails to hold
of thick vapour.
them against the force of gravity, they fall on to
the earth’s surface. So after the condensation
of water vapour, the release of moisture is
known as precipitation. This may take place
in liquid or solid form. The precipitation in the
form of water is called rainfall, when the
temperature is lower than the 00C, precipitation
takes place in the form of fine flakes of snow
and is called snowfall. Moisture is released in
the form of hexagonal crystals. These crystals
form flakes of snow. Besides rain and snow,
other forms of precipitation are sleet and hail,
Figure 11.1 though the latter are limited in occurrence and
are sporadic in both time and space.
Sleet is frozen raindrops and refrozen
melted snow-water. When a layer of air with
the temperature above freezing point overlies
a subfreezing layer near the ground,
precipitation takes place in the form of sleet.
Raindrops, which leave the warmer air,
encounter the colder air below. As a result, they
solidify and reach the ground as small pellets
of ice not bigger than the raindrops from which
they are formed.
Sometimes, drops of rain after being
released by the clouds become solidified into
small rounded solid pieces of ice and which
reach the surface of the earth are called
hailstones. These are formed by the rainwater
passing through the colder layers. Hailstones
have several concentric layers of ice one over
the other.
Types of Rainfall

Figure 11.2
On the basis of origin, rainfall may be classified
into three main types – the convectional,
Identify these cloud types which are orographic or relief and the cyclonic or frontal.
shown in Figure 11.1 and 11.2.
Conventional Rain
A combination of these four basic types can
The, air on being heated, becomes light and
give rise to the following types of clouds: high
clouds – cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus; rises up in convection currents. As it rises, it
middle clouds – altostratus and altocumulus; expands and loses heat and consequently,
low clouds – stratocumulus and nimbostratus condensation takes place and cumulous
and clouds with extensive vertical clouds are formed. With thunder and lightening,
development – cumulus and cumulonimbus. heavy rainfall takes place but this does not last

long. Such rain is common in the summer or the continents. The rainfall is more over the
in the hotter part of the day. It is very common oceans than on the landmasses of the world
in the equatorial regions and interior parts of because of being great sources of water.
the continents, particularly in the northern Between the latitudes 350 and 400 N and S of
hemisphere. the equator, the rain is heavier on the eastern
coasts and goes on decreasing towards the
Orographic Rain west. But, between 450 and 650 N and S of
equator, due to the westerlies, the rainfall is
When the saturated air mass comes across a first received on the western margins of the
mountain, it is forced to ascend and as it rises, continents and it goes on decreasing towards
it expands; the temperature falls, and the the east. Wherever mountains run parallel to
moisture is condensed. The chief characteristic the coast, the rain is greater on the coastal
of this sort of rain is that the windward slopes plain, on the windward side and it decreases
receive greater rainfall. After giving rain on the towards the leeward side.
windward side, when these winds reach the On the basis of the total amount of annual
other slope, they descend, and their precipitation, major precipitation regimes of the
temperature rises. Then their capacity to take world are identified as follows.
in moisture increases and hence, these leeward The equatorial belt, the windward slopes
slopes remain rainless and dry. The area of the mountains along the western coasts in
situated on the leeward side, which gets less the cool temperate zone and the coastal areas
rainfall is known as the rain-shadow area. It of the monsoon land receive heavy rainfall of
is also known as the relief rain. over 200 cm per annum. Interior continental
areas receive moderate rainfall varying from
Cyclonic Rain 100 - 200 cm per annum. The coastal areas of
the continents receive moderate amount of
You have already read about extra tropical
rainfall. The central parts of the tropical land
cyclones and cyclonic rain in Chapter 10.
and the eastern and interior parts of the
Please consult Chapter 10 to understand
temperate lands receive rainfall varying
cyclonic rainfall.
between 50 - 100 cm per annum. Areas lying
in the rain shadow zone of the interior of the
World Distribution of Rainfall continents and high latitudes receive very low
Different places on the earth’s surface receive rainfall-less than 50 cm per annum. Seasonal
different amounts of rainfall in a year and that distribution of rainfall provides an important
too in different seasons. aspect to judge its effectiveness. In some
In general, as we proceed from the equator regions rainfall is distributed evenly
towards the poles, rainfall goes on decreasing throughout the year such as in the equatorial
steadily. The coastal areas of the world receive belt and in the western parts of cool temperate
greater amounts of rainfall than the interior of regions.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following is the most important constituent of the
atmosphere for human beings?
(a) Water vapour (c) Dust particle
(b) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen

(ii) Which one of the following process is responsible for transforming liquid
into vapour?
(a) Condensation (c) Evaporation
(b) Transpiration (d) Precipitation
(iii) The air that contains moisture to its full capacity :
(a) Relative humidity (c) Absolute humidity
(b) Specific humidity (d) Saturated air
(iv) Which one of the following is the highest cloud in the sky?
(a) Cirrus (c) Nimbus
(b) Stratus (d) Cumulus
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Name the three types of precipitation.
(ii) Explain relative humidity.
(iii) Why does the amount of water vapour decreases rapidly with altitude?
(iv) How are clouds formed? Classify them.
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the salient features of the world distribution of precipitation.
(ii) What are forms of condensation? Describe the process of dew and frost

Project Work
Browse through the newspaper from 1st June to 31st December and note the news
about extreme rainfall in different parts of the country.



he world climate can be studied by related them to the distribution of vegetation
organising information and data on and used these values for classifying the
climate and synthesising them in climates. It is an empirical classification based
smaller units for easy understanding, on mean annual and mean monthly
description and analysis. Three broad temperature and precipitation data. He
approaches have been adopted for classifying introduced the use of capital and small letters
climate. They are empirical, genetic and to designate climatic groups and types.
applied. Empirical classification is based on Although developed in 1918 and modified over
observed data, particularly on temperature a period of time, Koeppen’s scheme is still
and precipitation. Genetic classification popular and in use.
attempts to organise climates according to their Koeppen recognised five major climatic
causes. Applied classification is for specific groups, four of them are based on temperature
purpose. and one on precipitation. Table 12.1 lists the
climatic groups and their characteristics
KOEPP E N ’ S SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION according to Koeppen. The capital letters : A,C,
OFCLIMATE D and E delineate humid climates and B dry
The most widely used classification of climate The climatic groups are subdivided into
is the empirical climate classification scheme types, designated by small letters, based on
developed by V. Koeppen. Koeppen identified seasonality of precipitation and temperature
a close relationship between the distribution characteristics. The seasons of dryness are
of vegetation and climate. He selected certain indicated by the small letters : f, m, w and s,
values of temperature and precipitation and where f corresponds to no dry season,
Table 12.1 : Climatic Groups According to Koeppen

Group Characteristics

A - Tropical Average temperature of the coldest month is 18° C or higher

B - Dry Climates Potential evaporation exceeds precipitation

C - Warm Temperate The average temperature of the coldest month of the (Mid-latitude) climates
years is higher than minus 3°C but below 18°C

D - Cold Snow Forest Climates The average temperature of the coldest month is minus 3° C or below

E - Cold Climates Average temperature for all months is below 10° C

H - High Land Cold due to elevation


m - monsoon climate, w- winter dry season and islands of East Indies. Significant amount of
s - summer dry season. The small letters a, b, rainfall occurs in every month of the year as
c and d refer to the degree of severity of thunder showers in the afternoon. The
temperature. The B- Dry Climates are temperature is uniformly high and the annual
subdivided using the capital letters S for steppe range of temperature is negligible. The
or semi-arid and W for deserts. The climatic maximum temperature on any day is around
30°C while the minimum temperature is
types are listed in Table 12.2. The distribution
around 20°C. Tropical evergreen forests with
of climatic groups and types is shown in
dense canopy cover and large biodiversity are
Table 12.1.
found in this climate.
Table 12.2 : Climatic Types According to Koeppen

Group Type Letter Code Characteristics

Tropical wet Af No dry season
A-Tropical Humid
Climate Tropical monsoon Am Monsoonal, short dry season
Tropical wet and dry Aw Winter dry season
Subtropical steppe BSh Low-latitude semi arid or dry
Subtropical desert BWh Low-latitude arid or dry
B-Dry Climate
Mid-latitude steppe BSk Mid-latitude semi arid or dry
Mid-latitude desert BWk Mid-latitude arid or dry
Humid subtropical Cfa No dry season, warm summer
temperate (Mid- Mediterranean Cs Dry hot summer
latitude) Climates
Marine west coast Cfb No dry season, warm and cool summer

D-Cold Snow- Humid continental Df No dry season, severe winter

forest Climates Subarctic Dw Winter dry and very severe
Tundra ET No true summer
E-Cold Climates
Polar ice cap EF Perennial ice

H-Highland Highland H Highland with snow cover

Group A : Tropical Humid Climates Tropical Monsoon Climate (Am)

Tropical humid climates exist between Tropic Tropical monsoon climate (Am) is found over
of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. The sun the Indian sub-continent, North Eastern part
being overhead throughout the year and the of South America and Northern Australia.
presence of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone Heavy rainfall occurs mostly in summer. Winter
(INTCZ) make the climate hot and humid. is dry. The detailed climatic account of this
Annual range of temperature is very low and climatic type is given in the book on India:
annual rainfall is high. The tropical group is Physical Environment.
divided into three types, namely (i) Af- Tropical
wet climate; (ii) Am - Tropical monsoon climate; Tropical Wet and Dry Climate (Aw)
(iii) Aw- Tropical wet and dry climate.
Tropical wet and dry climate occurs north and
south of Af type climate regions. It borders with
Tropical Wet Climate (Af)
dry climate on the western part of the continent
Tropical wet climate is found near the equator. and Cf or Cw on the eastern part. Extensive
The major areas are the Amazon Basin in South Aw climate is found to the north and south of
America, western equatorial Africa and the the Amazon forest in Brazil and adjoining parts

of Bolivia and Paraguay in South America, often causing famine. Rain occurs in short
Sudan and south of Central Africa. The annual intense thundershowers in deserts and is
rainfall in this climate is considerably less than ineffective in building soil moisture. Fog is
that in Af and Am climate types and is variable common in coastal deserts bordering cold
also. The wet season is shorter and the dry currents. Maximum temperature in the summer
season is longer with the drought being more is very high. The highest shade temperature of
severe. Temperature is high throughout the 58° C was recorded at Al Aziziyah, Libya on
year and diurnal ranges of temperature are the 13 September 1922. The annual and diurnal
greatest in the dry season. Deciduous forest and ranges of temperature are also high.
tree-shredded grasslands occur in this climate.
Warm Temperate (Mid-Latitude) Climates-C
Dry Climates : B
Warm temperate (mid-latitude) climates extend
Dry climates are characterised by very low from 30° - 50° of latitude mainly on the eastern
rainfall that is not adequate for the growth of and western margins of continents. These
plants. These climates cover a very large area climates generally have warm summers with
of the planet extending over large latitudes from mild winters. They are grouped into four types:
15° - 60° north and south of the equator. At (i) Humid subtropical, i.e. dry in winter and
low latitudes, from 15° - 30°, they occur in the hot in summer (Cwa); (ii) Mediterranean (Cs);
area of subtropical high where subsidence and (iii) Humid subtropical, i.e. no dry season and
inversion of temperature do not produce mild winter (Cfa); (iv) Marine west coast climate
rainfall. On the western margin of the (Cfb).
continents, adjoining the cold current,
particularly over the west coast of South Humid Subtropical Climate (Cwa)
America, they extend more equatorwards and
Humid subtropical climate occurs poleward of
occur on the coast land. In middle latitudes,
Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, mainly in
from 35° - 60° north and south of equator, they
North Indian plains and South China interior
are confined to the interior of continents where
plains. The climate is similar to Aw climate
maritime-humid winds do not reach and to
except that the temperature in winter is warm.
areas often surrounded by mountains.
Dry climates are divided into steppe or Mediterranean Climate (Cs)
semi-arid climate (BS) and desert climate (BW).
They are further subdivided as subtropical As the name suggests, Mediterranean climate
steppe (BSh) and subtropical desert (BWh) at occurs around Mediterranean sea, along the
latitudes from 15° - 35° and mid-latitude west coast of continents in subtropical latitudes
steppe (BSk) and mid-latitude desert (BWk) at between 30° - 40° latitudes e.g. — Central
latitudes between 35° - 60°. California, Central Chile, along the coast in
south eastern and south western Australia.
Subtropical Steppe (BSh) and Subtropical These areas come under the influence of sub
Desert (BWh) Climates tropical high in summer and westerly wind in
winter. Hence, the climate is characterised by
Subtropical steppe (BSh) and subtropical
hot, dry summer and mild, rainy winter. Monthly
desert (BWh) have common precipitation and
average temperature in summer is around
temperature characteristics. Located in the
25° C and in winter below 10°C. The annual
transition zone between humid and dry
precipitation ranges between 35 - 90 cm.
climates, subtropical steppe receives slightly
more rainfall than the desert, adequate enough Humid Subtropical (Cfa) Climate
for the growth of sparse grasslands. The rainfall
in both the climates is highly variable. The Humid subtropical climate lies on the eastern
variability in the rainfall affects the life in the parts of the continent in subtropical latitudes.
steppe much more than in the desert, more In this region the air masses are generally

unstable and cause rainfall throughout the Cold Climate with Dry Winters (Dw)
year. They occur in eastern United States of
Cold climate with dry winter occurs mainly
America, southern and eastern China,
over Northeastern Asia. The development of
southern Japan, northeastern Argentina,
pronounced winter anti cyclone and its
coastal south Africa and eastern coast of
weakening in summer sets in monsoon like
Australia. The annual averages of precipitation
reversal of wind in this region. Poleward
vary from 75-150 cm. Thunderstorms in
summer temperatures are lower and winter
summer and frontal precipitation in winter are
temperatures are extremely low with many
common. Mean monthly temperature in
locations experiencing below freezing point
summer is around 27°C, and in winter it varies
temperatures for up to seven months in a year.
from 5°-12° C. The daily range of temperature
Precipitation occurs in summer. The annual
is small.
precipitation is low from 12-15 cm.

Marine West Coast Climate (Cfb) Polar Climates (E)

Marine west coast climate is located poleward Polar climates exist poleward beyond 70°
from the Mediterranean climate on the west latitude. Polar climates consist of two types:
coast of the continents. The main areas are: (i) Tundra (ET); (ii) Ice Cap (EF).
Northwestern Europe, west coast of North
America, north of California, southern Chile, Tundra Climate (ET)
southeastern Australia and New Zealand. Due The tundra climate (ET) is so called after the
to marine influence, the temperature is types of vegetation, like low growing mosses,
moderate and in winter, it is warmer than for lichens and flowering plants. This is the region
its latitude. The mean temperature in summer of permafrost where the sub soil is permanently
months ranges from 15°-20°C and in winter frozen. The short growing season and water
4°-10°C. The annual and daily ranges of logging support only low growing plants.
temperature are small. Precipitation occurs During summer, the tundra regions have very
throughout the year. Precipitation varies long duration of day light.
greatly from 50-250cm.
Ice Cap Climate (EF)
Cold Snow Forest Climates (D)
The ice cap climate (EF) occurs over interior
Cold snow forest climates occur in the large Greenland and Antartica. Even in summer, the
continental area in the northern hemisphere temperature is below freezing point. This area
between 40°-70° north latitudes in Europe, receives very little precipitation. The snow and
Asia and North America. Cold snow forest ice get accumulated and the mounting pressure
climates are divided into two types: (i) Df- cold causes the deformation of the ice sheets and
climate with humid winter; (ii) Dw- cold climate they break. They move as icebergs that float in
with dry winter. The severity of winter is more the Arctic and Antarctic waters. Plateau Station
pronounced in higher latitudes. , Antarctica ,79°S, portray this climate.

Cold Climate with Humid Winters (Df) Highland Climates (H)

Cold climate with humid winter occurs Highland climates are governed by topography.
poleward of marine west coast climate and mid In high mountains, large changes in mean
latitude steppe. The winters are cold and temperature occur over short distances.
snowy. The frost free season is short. The Precipitation types and intensity also vary
annual ranges of temperature are large. The spatially across high lands. There is vertical
weather changes are abrupt and short. zonation of layering of climatic types with
Poleward, the winters are more severe. elevation in the mountain environment.

CLIMATE CHANGE crop failures, of floods and migration of people

tell about the effects of changing climate. A
The earlier chapters on climate summarised
number of times Europe witnessed warm, wet,
our understanding of climate as it prevails now.
cold and dry periods, the significant episodes
The type of climate we experience now might
were the warm and dry conditions in the tenth
be prevailing over the last 10,000 years with
and eleventh centuries, when the Vikings
minor and occasionally wide fluctuations. The
settled in Greenland. Europe witnessed “Little
planet earth has witnessed many variations in
Ice Age” from 1550 to about 1850. From about
climate since the beginning. Geological records
1885-1940 world temperature showed an
show alteration of glacial and inter-glacial
upward trend. After 1940, the rate of increase
periods. The geomorphological features,
in temperature slowed down.
especially in high altitudes and high latitudes,
exhibit traces of advances and retreats of Causes of Climate Change
glaciers. The sediment deposits in glacial lakes
also reveal the occurrence of warm and cold The causes for climate change are many. They
periods. The rings in the trees provide clues can be grouped into astronomical and
about wet and dry periods. Historical records terrestrial causes. The astronomical causes are
describe the vagaries in climate. All these the changes in solar output associated with
evidences indicate that change in climate is a sunspot activities. Sunspots are dark and
natural and continuous process. cooler patches on the sun which increase and
India also witnessed alternate wet and dry decrease in a cyclical manner. According to
periods. Archaeological findings show that the some meteorologists, when the number of
Rajasthan desert experienced wet and cool sunspots increase, cooler and wetter weather
climate around 8,000 B.C. The period 3,000- and greater storminess occur. A decrease in
1,700 B.C. had higher rainfall. From about sunspot numbers is associated with warm and
2,000-1,700 B.C., this region was the centre drier conditions. Yet, these findings are not
of the Harappan civilisation. Dry conditions statistically significant.
accentuated since then. An another astronomical theory is
In the geological past, the earth was warm Millankovitch oscillations, which infer cycles
some 500-300 million years ago, through the in the variations in the earth’s orbital
Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian periods. characteristics around the sun, the wobbling
During the Pleistocene epoch, glacial and of the earth and the changes in the earth’s axial
inter-glacial periods occurred, the last major tilt. All these alter the amount of insolation
peak glacial period was about 18,000 years received from the sun, which in turn, might
ago. The present inter-glacial period started have a bearing on the climate.
10,000 years ago. Volcanism is considered as another cause
for climate change. Volcanic eruption throws
Climate in the recent past up lots of aerosols into the atmosphere. These
Variability in climate occurs all the time. The aerosols remain in the atmosphere for a
nineties decade of the last century witnessed considerable period of time reducing the sun’s
extreme weather events. The 1990s recorded radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. After the
the warmest temperature of the century and recent Pinatoba and El Cion volcanic
some of the worst floods around the world. The eruptions, the average temperature of the earth
worst devastating drought in the Sahel region, fell to some extent for some years.
south of the Sahara desert, from 1967-1977 The most important anthropogenic effect
is one such variability. During the 1930s, on the climate is the increasing trend in the
severe drought occurred in southwestern Great concentration of greenhouse gases in the
Plains of the United States, described as the atmosphere which is likely to cause global
dust bowl. Historical records of crop yield or warming.

Global Warming it will take for earth’s atmospheric system to

recover from any change brought about by the
Due to the presence of greenhouse gases, the
atmosphere is behaving like a greenhouse. The
The largest concentration of GHGs in the
atmosphere also transmits the incoming solar
atmosphere is carbon dioxide. The emission
radiation but absorbs the vast majority of long
of CO 2 comes mainly from fossil fuel
wave radiation emitted upwards by the earth’s
combustion (oil, gas and coal). Forests and
surface. The gases that absorb long wave
oceans are the sinks for the carbon dioxide.
radiation are called greenhouse gases. The
Forests use CO 2 in their growth. So,
processes that warm the atmosphere are often
deforestation due to changes in land use, also
collectively referred to as the greenhouse effect.
increases the concentration of Co2. The time
taken for atmospheric CO2 to adjust to changes
The term greenhouse is derived from the
analogy to a greenhouse used in cold in sources to sinks is 20-50 years. It is rising
areas for preserving heat. A greenhouse at about 0.5 per cent annually. Doubling of
is made up of glass. The glass which is concentration of CO2 over pre-industrial level
transparent to incoming short wave solar is used as an index for estimating the changes
radiation is opaque to outgoing long wave in climate in climatic models.
radiation. The glass, therefore, allows in Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are products
more radiation and prevents the long of human activity. Ozone occurs in the
wave radiation going outside the glass stratosphere where ultra-violet rays convert
house, causing the temperature inside oxygen into ozone. Thus, ultra violet rays do
the glasshouse structure warmer than
not reach the earth’s surface. The CFCs which
outside. When you enter a car or a bus,
during summers, where windows are
drift into the stratosphere destroy the ozone.
closed, you feel more heat than outside. Large depletion of ozone occurs over Antarctica.
Likewise during winter the vehicles with The depletion of ozone concentration in the
closed doors and windows remain warmer stratosphere is called the ozone hole. This
than the temperature outside. This is allows the ultra violet rays to pass through the
another example of the greenhouse effect. troposphere.
International efforts have been initiated for
Greenhouse Gases(GHGs) reducing the emission of GHGs into the
atmosphere. The most important one is the
The primary GHGs of concern today are carbon Kyoto protocol proclaimed in 1997. This
dioxide (CO2), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), protocol went into effect in 2005, ratified by
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone 141 nations. Kyoto protocol bounds the 35
(O3). Some other gases such as nitric oxide (NO) industrialised countries to reduce their
and carbon monoxide (CO) easily react with emissions by the year 2012 to 5 per cent less
GHGs and affect their concentration in the than the levels prevalent in the year 1990.
atmosphere. The increasing trend in the concentration
The effectiveness of any given GHG of GHGs in the atmosphere may, in the long
molecule will depend on the magnitude of the run, warm up the earth. Once the global
increase in its concentration, its life time in the warming sets in, it will be difficult to reverse it.
atmosphere and the wavelength of radiation The effect of global warming may not be
that it absorbs. The chlorofluorocarbons uniform everywhere. Nevertheless, the adverse
(CFCs) are highly effective. Ozone which effect due to global warming will adversely affect
absorbs ultra violet radiation in the the life supporting system. Rise in the sea level
stratosphere is very effective in absorbing due to melting of glaciers and ice-caps and
terrestrial radiation when it is present in the thermal expansion of the sea may inundate
lower troposphere. Another important point to large parts of the coastal area and islands,
be noted is that the more time the GHG leading to social problems. This is another
molecule remains in the atmosphere, the longer cause for serious concern for the world

community. Efforts have already been initiated annual near surface temperature over land
to control the emission of GHGs and to arrest from 1856-2000, relative to the period
the trend towards global warming. Let us hope 1961-90 as normal for the globe.
the world community responds to this challenge An increasing trend in temperature was
and adopts a lifestyle that leaves behind a discernible in the 20th century. The greatest
livable world for the generations to come. warming of the 20th century was during the
One of the major concerns of the world two periods, 1901-44 and 1977-99. Over each
today is global warming. Let us look at how of these two periods, global temperatures rose
much the planet has warmed up from the by about 0.4°C. In between, there was a slight
temperature records. cooling, which was more marked in the
Temperature data are available from the Northern Hemisphere.
middle of the 19th century mostly for western The globally averaged annual mean
Europe. The reference period for this study is temperature at the end of the 20th century was
1961-90. The temperature anomalies for the about 0.6°C above that recorded at the end of
earlier and later periods are estimated from the the 19th century. The seven warmest years
average temperature for the period 1961-90. during the 1856-2000 were recorded in the
The annual average near -surface air last decade. The year 1998 was the warmest
temperature of the world is approximately year, probably not only for the 20th century
14°C. The time series show anomalies of but also for the whole millennium.

Write an explanatory note

on “global warming”.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following is suitable for Koeppen’s “A” type of climate?
(a) High rainfall in all the months
(b) Mean monthly temperature of the coldest month more than freezing
(c) Mean monthly temperature of all the months more than 18o C
(d) Average temperature for all the months below 10° C
(ii) Koeppen’s system of classification of climates can be termed as :
(a) Applied (b) Systematic (c) Genetic (d) Empirical
(iii) Most of the Indian Peninsula will be grouped according to Koeppen’s system
(a) “Af” (b) “BSh” (c) “Cfb” (d) “Am”
(iv) Which one of the following years is supposed to have recorded the warmest
temperature the world over?
(a) 1990 (b) 1998 (c) 1885 (d) 1950
(v) Which one of the following groups of four climates represents humid
(a) A—B—C—E
(b) A—C—D—E
(c) B—C—D—E
(d) A—C—D—F
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Which two climatic variables are used by Koeppen for classification of the
(ii) How is the “genetic” system of classification different from the “empirical
(iii) Which types of climates have very low range of temperature?
(iv) What type of climatic conditions would prevail if the sun spots increase?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Make a comparison of the climatic conditions between the “A” and “B”
types of climate.
(ii) What type of vegetation would you find in the “C” and “A” type(s) of climate?
(iii) What do you understand by the term “Greenhouse Gases”? Make a list of
greenhouse gases.

Project Work
Collect information about Kyoto declaration related to global climate changes.

This unit deals with
• Hydrological Cycle
• Oceans — submarine relief; distribution of temperature and
salinity; movements of ocean water-waves, tides and currents


an we think of life without water? It is the ocean to land and land to ocean. The
said that the water is life. Water is an hydrological cycle describes the movement of
essential component of all life forms that water on, in, and above the earth. The water
exist over the surface of the earth. The creatures cycle has been working for billions of years
on the earth are lucky that it is a water planet, and all the life on earth depends on it. Next to
otherwise we all would have no existence. Water air, water is the most important element
is a rare commodity in our solar system. There required for the existence of life on earth. The
is no water on the sun or anywhere else in the distribution of water on earth is quite uneven.
solar system. The earth, fortunately has an
Many locations have plenty of water while
abundant supply of water on its surface. Hence,
others have very limited quantity. The
our planet is called the ‘Blue Planet’.
hydrological cycle, is the circulation of water
within the earth’s hydrosphere in different
forms i.e. the liquid, solid and the gaseous
Water is a cyclic resource. It can be used and phases. It also refers to the continuous
re-used. Water also undergoes a cycle from exchange of water between the oceans,

Figure 13.1 : Hydrological Cycle


Table 13.1 : Water on the Earth’s surface crisis in different parts of the world — spatially
Reservoir Volume Percentage and temporally. The pollution of river waters
(Million of the Total has further aggravated the crisis. How can you
Cubic km ) intervene in improving the water quality and
augmenting the available quantity of water?
Oceans 1,370 97.25
Ice Caps 29 2.05
and Glaciers
Groundwater 9.5 0.68 The oceans are confined to the great
Lakes 0.125 0.01 depressions of the earth’s outer layer. In this
Soil Moisture 0.065 0.005 section, we shall see the nature of the ocean
Atmosphere 0.013 0.001 basins of the earth and their topography. The
Streams 0.0017 0.0001
oceans, unlike the continents, merge so
and Rivers naturally into one another that it is hard to
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004 demarcate them. The geographers have divided
the oceanic part of the earth into four oceans,
namely the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and
Table 13.2 : Components and Processes
the Arctic. The various seas, bays, gulfs and
of the Water Cycle
other inlets are parts of these four large oceans.
Components Processes A major portion of the ocean floor is found
between 3-6 km below the sea level. The ‘land’
Water storage Evaporation
in oceans Evapotranspiration under the waters of the oceans, that is, the
Sublimation ocean floor exhibits complex and varied
Water in the Condensation
features as those observed over the land
atmosphere Precipitation (Figure 13.2). The floors of the oceans are
rugged with the world’s largest mountain
Water storage in Snowmelt runoff
ice and snow to streams ranges, deepest trenches and the largest plains.
These features are formed, like those of the
Surface runoff Stream flow freshwater
storage infiltration
continents, by the factors of tectonic, volcanic
and depositional processes.
Groundwater storage Groundwater
discharge springs
Divisions of the Ocean Floors

atmosphere, landsurface and subsurface and The ocean floors can be divided into four major
the organisms. divisions: (i) the Continental Shelf; (ii) the
Table 13.1 shows distribution of water on Continental Slope; (iii) the Deep Sea Plain;
the surface of the earth. About 71 per cent of (iv) the Oceanic Deeps. Besides, these divisions
the planetary water is found in the oceans. The there are also major and minor relief features
remaining is held as freshwater in glaciers and in the ocean floors like ridges, hills, sea
icecaps, groundwater sources, lakes, soil mounts, guyots, trenches, canyons, etc.
moisture, atmosphere, streams and within life.
Nearly 59 per cent of the water that falls on Continental Shelf
land returns to the atmosphere through The continental shelf is the extended margin
evaporation from over the oceans as well as of each continent occupied by relatively
from other places. The remainder runs-off on shallow seas and gulfs. It is the shallowest part
the surface, infiltrates into the ground or a part of the ocean showing an average gradient of
of it becomes glacier (Figure 13.1). 1° or even less. The shelf typically ends at a
It is to be noted that the renewable water very steep slope, called the shelf break.
on the earth is constant while the demand is The width of the continental shelves vary
increasing tremendously. This leads to water from one ocean to another. The average width

of continental shelves is about 80 km. The Continental Slope

shelves are almost absent or very narrow along
The continental slope connects the continental
some of the margins like the coasts of Chile,
shelf and the ocean basins. It begins where the
the west coast of Sumatra, etc. On the contrary,
bottom of the continental shelf sharply drops
the Siberian shelf in the Arctic Ocean, the
off into a steep slope. The gradient of the slope
largest in the world, stretches to 1,500 km in
region varies between 2-5°. The depth of the
width. The depth of the shelves also varies. It
slope region varies between 200 and 3,000 m.
may be as shallow as 30 m in some areas while
The slope boundary indicates the end of the
in some areas it is as deep as 600 m.
continents. Canyons and trenches are observed
The continental shelves are covered with
in this region.
variable thicknesses of sediments brought
down by rivers, glaciers, wind, from the land
and distributed by waves and currents. Massive Deep Sea Plain
sedimentary deposits received over a long time Deep sea plains are gently sloping areas of the
by the continental shelves, become the source ocean basins. These are the flattest and
of fossil fuels. smoothest regions of the world. The depths
vary between 3,000 and 6,000m. These plains
are covered with fine-grained sediments like
clay and silt.

Oceanic Deeps or Trenches

These areas are the deepest parts of the oceans.
The trenches are relatively steep sided, narrow
basins. They are some 3-5 km deeper than
the surrounding ocean floor. They occur at the
bases of continental slopes and along island
arcs and are associated with active volcanoes
and strong earthquakes. That is why they are
very significant in the study of plate
movements. As many as 57 deeps have been
explored so far; of which 32 are in the Pacific
Ocean; 19 in the Atlantic Ocean and 6 in the
Indian Ocean.

Minor Relief Features

Apart from the above mentioned major relief
features of the ocean floor, some minor but
significant features predominate in different
parts of the oceans.

Mid-Oceanic Ridges
A mid-oceanic ridge is composed of two chains
of mountains separated by a large depression.
The mountain ranges can have peaks as high
as 2,500 m and some even reach above the
ocean’s surface. Iceland, a part of the mid-
Figure 13.2 : Relief features of ocean floors Atlantic Ridge, is an example.

Seamount receive more heat due to their contact with

larger extent of land than the oceans in
It is a mountain with pointed summits, rising
the southern hemisphere.
from the seafloor that does not reach the surface
(iii) Prevailing wind : the winds blowing from
of the ocean. Seamounts are volcanic in origin.
the land towards the oceans drive warm
These can be 3,000-4,500 m tall. The Emperor
surface water away form the coast
seamount, an extension of the Hawaiian Islands
resulting in the upwelling of cold water
in the Pacific Ocean, is a good example.
from below. It results into the longitudinal
variation in the temperature. Contrary to
Submarine Canyons
this, the onshore winds pile up warm
These are deep valleys, some comparable to water near the coast and this raises the
the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river. They temperature.
are sometimes found cutting across the (iv) Ocean currents : warm ocean currents
continental shelves and slopes, often extending raise the temperature in cold areas while
from the mouths of large rivers. The Hudson the cold currents decrease the
Canyon is the best known canyon in the world. temperature in warm ocean areas. Gulf
stream (warm current) raises the
Guyots temperature near the eastern coast of
It is a flat topped seamount. They show North America and the West Coast of
evidences of gradual subsidence through Europe while the Labrador current (cold
stages to become flat topped submerged current) lowers the temperature near the
mountains. It is estimated that more than north-east coast of North America.
10,000 seamounts and guyots exist in the All these factors influence the temperature
Pacific Ocean alone. of the ocean currents locally. The enclosed seas
in the low latitudes record relatively higher
Atoll temperature than the open seas; whereas the
enclosed seas in the high latitudes have lower
These are low islands found in the tropical temperature than the open seas.
oceans consisting of coral reefs surrounding
a central depression. It may be a part of the Horizontal and Vertical Distribution
sea (lagoon), or sometimes form enclosing a of Temperature
body of fresh, brackish, or highly saline water.
The temperature-depth profile for the ocean
TEMPERATURE OF OCEAN WATERS water shows how the temperature decreases
with the increasing depth. The profile shows a
This section deals with the spatial and vertical boundary region between the surface waters
variations of temperature in various oceans. of the ocean and the deeper layers. The
Ocean waters get heated up by the solar energy boundary usually begins around 100 - 400 m
just as land. The process of heating and cooling below the sea surface and extends several
of the oceanic water is slower than land. hundred of m downward (Figure 13.3). This
boundary region, from where there is a rapid
Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution decrease of temperature, is called the
The factors which affect the distribution of thermocline. About 90 per cent of the total
temperature of ocean water are : volume of water is found below the thermocline
(i) Latitude : the temperature of surface water in the deep ocean. In this zone, temperatures
decreases from the equator towards the approach 0° C.
poles because the amount of insolation The temperature structure of oceans over
decreases poleward. middle and low latitudes can be described as
(ii) Unequal distribution of land and water : a three-layer system from surface to the bottom.
the oceans in the northern hemisphere The first layer represents the top layer of

warm oceanic water and it is about 500m thick hemisphere record relatively higher temperature
with temperatures ranging between 20° and than in the southern hemisphere. The highest
25° C. This layer, within the tropical region, is temperature is not recorded at the equator but
present throughout the year but in mid slightly towards north of it. The average annual
latitudes it develops only during summer. temperatures for the northern and southern
The second layer called the thermocline hemisphere are around 19° C and 16° C
layer lies below the first layer and is characterised respectively. This variation is due to the
by rapid decrease in temperature with increasing unequal distribution of land and water in the
depth. The thermocline is 500 -1,000 m thick. northern and southern hemispheres. Figure
13.4 shows the spatial pattern of surface
temperature of the oceans.
It is a well known fact that the maximum
temperature of the oceans is always at their
surfaces because they directly receive the heat
from the sun and the heat is transmitted to
the lower sections of the oceans through the
process of conduction. It results into decrease
of temperature with the increasing depth, but
the rate of decrease is not uniform throughout.
The temperature falls very rapidly up to the
depth of 200 m and thereafter, the rate of
decrease of temperature is slowed down.
All waters in nature, whether rain water or
ocean water, contain dissolved mineral salts.
Salinity is the term used to define the total
content of dissolved salts in sea water
(Table 13.4). It is calculated as the amount of
salt (in gm) dissolved in 1,000 gm (1 kg) of
seawater. It is usually expressed as parts per
thousand (o/oo) or ppt. Salinity is an important
property of sea water. Salinity of 24.7 o/oo has
been considered as the upper limit to
Figure 13.3 : Thermocline demarcate ‘brackish water’.
Factors affecting ocean salinity are
The third layer is very cold and extends mentioned below:
upto the deep ocean floor. In the Arctic and (i) The salinity of water in the surface layer
Antartic circles, the surface water temperatures of oceans depend mainly on evaporation
are close to 0° C and so the temperature change and precipitation.
with the depth is very slight. Here, only one (ii) Surface salinity is greatly influenced in
layer of cold water exists, which extends from coastal regions by the fresh water flow
surface to deep ocean floor. from rivers, and in polar regions by the
The average temperature of surface water processes of freezing and thawing of ice.
of the oceans is about 27°C and it gradually (iii) Wind, also influences salinity of an area
decreases from the equator towards the poles. by transferring water to other areas.
The rate of decrease of temperature with (iv) The ocean currents contribute to the
increasing latitude is generally 0.5°C per salinity variations. Salinity, temperature
latitude. The average temperature is around and density of water are interrelated.
22°C at 20° latitudes, 14° C at 40° latitudes Hence, any change in the temperature or
and 0° C near poles. The oceans in the northern density influences the salinity of an area.

Figure 13.4 : Spatial pattern of surface temperature (°C) of the oceans

Red Sea, it is as high as 41o/oo, while in the

Highest salinity in water bodies
estuaries and the Arctic, the salinity fluctuates
Lake Van in Turkey (330 o/oo),
Dead Sea (238 o/oo), from 0 - 35 o/oo, seasonally. In hot and dry
Great Salt Lake (220 o/oo) regions, where evaporation is high, the salinity
sometimes reaches to 70 o/oo.
The salinity variation in the Pacific Ocean
Table 13.4 : Dissolved Salts in Sea Water is mainly due to its shape and larger areal
(gm of Salt per kg of Water) extent. Salinity decreases from 35 o/oo - 31 o/oo
on the western parts of the northern
Chlorine 18.97
hemisphere because of the influx of melted
Sodium 10.47
water from the Arctic region. In the same way,
Sulphate 2.65
Magnesium 1.28
after 15° - 20° south, it decreases to 33 o/oo .
Calcium 0.41
The average salinity of the Atlantic Ocean
Potassium 0.38
is around 36 o/oo. The highest salinity is
Bicarbonate 0.14 recorded between 15° and 20° latitudes.
Bromine 0.06 Maximum salinity (37 o/oo) is observed between
Borate 0.02 20° N and 30° N and 20° W - 60° W. It gradually
Strontium 0.01 decreases towards the north. The North Sea,
in spite of its location in higher latitudes,
records higher salinity due to more saline water
HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF SALINITY brought by the North Atlantic Drift. Baltic Sea
The salinity for normal open ocean ranges records low salinity due to influx of river waters
between 33o/oo and 37 o/oo. In the land locked in large quantity. The Mediterranean Sea

Figure13.5 : Surface salinity of the World’s Oceans

records higher salinity due to high evaporation. water to ice or evaporation, or decreased by
Salinity is, however, very low in Black Sea due the input of fresh waters, such as from the
to enormous fresh water influx by rivers. See rivers. Salinity at depth is very much fixed,
the atlas to find out the rivers joining Black Sea. because there is no way that water is ‘lost’, or
The average salinity of the Indian Ocean is the salt is ‘added.’ There is a marked difference
35 /oo. The low salinity trend is observed in in the salinity between the surface zones and
the Bay of Bengal due to influx of river water the deep zones of the oceans. The lower salinity
by the river Ganga. On the contrary, the water rests above the higher salinity dense
Arabian Sea shows higher salinity due to high water. Salinity, generally, increases with depth
evaporation and low influx of fresh water. Figure and there is a distinct zone called the halocline,
13.5 shows the salinity of the World’s oceans. where salinity increases sharply. Other factors
being constant, increasing salinity of seawater
Vertical Distribution of Salinity causes its density to increase. High salinity
Salinity changes with depth, but the way it seawater, generally, sinks below the lower
changes depends upon the location of the sea. salinity water. This leads to stratification by
Salinity at the surface increases by the loss of salinity.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Identify the element which is not a part of the hydrological cycle
(a) Evaporation (c) Precipitation
(b) Hydration (d) Condensation

(ii) The average depth of continental slope varies between

(a) 2-20m (c) 20-200m
(b) 200-2,000m (d) 2,000-20,000m
(iii) Which one of the following is not a minor relief feature in the oceans:
(a) Seamount (c) Oceanic Deep
(b) Atoll (d) Guyot
(iv) Salinity is expressed as the amount of salt in grams dissolved in sea
water per
(a) 10 gm (c) 100 gm
(b) 1,000 gm (d) 10,000 gm
(v) Which one of the following is the smallest ocean:
(a) Indian Ocean (c) Atlantic Ocean
(b) Arctic Ocean (d) Pacific Ocean
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Why do we call the earth a Blue Planet?
(ii) What is a continental margin?
(iii) List out the deepest trenches of various oceans.
(iv) What is a thermocline?
(v) When you move into the ocean what thermal layers would you encounter?
Why the temperature varies with depth?
(vi) What is salinity of sea water?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) How are various elements of the hydrological cycle interrelated?
(ii) Examine the factors that influence the temperature distribution of the

Project Work
(i) Consult the atlas and show ocean floor relief on the outline of the world
(ii) Identify the areas of mid oceanic ridges from the Indian Ocean.


he ocean water is dynamic. Its physical wavelength of the wave, the wave breaks. The
characteristics like temperature, largest waves are found in the open oceans.
salinity, density and the external Waves continue to grow larger as they move
forces like of the sun, moon and the winds and absorb energy from the wind.
influence the movement of ocean water. The Most of the waves are caused by the wind
horizontal and vertical motions are common driving against water. When a breeze of two
in ocean water bodies. The horizontal motion knots or less blows over calm water, small
refers to the ocean currents and waves. The ripples form and grow as the wind speed
vertical motion refers to tides. Ocean currents increases until white caps appear in the
are the continuous flow of huge amount of breaking waves. Waves may travel thousands
water in a definite direction while the waves of km before rolling ashore, breaking and
are the horizontal motion of water. Water moves dissolving as surf.
ahead from one place to another through ocean A wave’s size and shape reveal its origin.
currents while the water in the waves does not Steep waves are fairly young ones and are
move, but the wave trains move ahead. The probably formed by local wind. Slow and
vertical motion refers to the rise and fall of water steady waves originate from far away places,
in the oceans and seas. Due to attraction of possibly from another hemisphere. The
the sun and the moon, the ocean water is raised maximum wave height is determined by the
up and falls down twice a day. The upwelling strength of the wind, i.e. how long it blows and
of cold water from subsurface and the sinking the area over which it blows in a single direction.
of surface water are also forms of vertical Waves travel because wind pushes the
motion of ocean water. water body in its course while gravity pulls the
crests of the waves downward. The falling water
WAVES pushes the former troughs upward, and the
Waves are actually the energy, not the water
as such, which moves across the ocean surface.
Water particles only travel in a small circle as a
wave passes. Wind provides energy to the
waves. Wind causes waves to travel in the ocean
and the energy is released on shorelines. The
motion of the surface water seldom affects the
stagnant deep bottom water of the oceans. As
a wave approaches the beach, it slows down.
This is due to the friction occurring between
the dynamic water and the sea floor. And, when
the depth of water is less than half the Figure14.1 : Motion of waves and water molecules

wave moves to a new position (Figure 14.1). attraction of the moon is less as it is farther
The actual motion of the water beneath the away, the centrifugal force causes tidal bulge
waves is circular. It indicates that things are on the other side (Figure 14.2).
carried up and forward as the wave The ‘tide-generating’ force is the difference
approaches, and down and back as it passes. between these two forces; i.e. the gravitational
attraction of the moon and the centrifugal force.
Characteristics of Waves On the surface of the earth, nearest the moon,
Wave crest and trough : The highest and pull or the attractive force of the moon is greater
lowest points of a wave are called the crest than the centrifugal force, and so there is a net
and trough respectively. force causing a bulge towards the moon. On
Wave height : It is the vertical distance the opposite side of the earth, the attractive
from the bottom of a trough to the top of force is less, as it is farther away from the moon,
a crest of a wave. the centrifugal force is dominant. Hence, there
Wave amplitude : It is one-half of the wave is a net force away from the moon. It creates
height. the second bulge away from the moon. On the
Wave period : It is merely the time interval surface of the earth, the horizontal tide
between two successive wave crests or generating forces are more important than the
troughs as they pass a fixed point. vertical forces in generating the tidal bulges.
Wavelength : It is the horizontal distance
between two successive crests.
Wave speed : It is the rate at which the
wave moves through the water, and is
measured in knots.
Wave frequency : It is the number of waves
passing a given point during a one-
second time interval.

The periodical rise and fall of the sea level, once
or twice a day, mainly due to the attraction of
the sun and the moon, is called a tide.
Movement of water caused by meteorological
effects (winds and atmospheric pressure
changes) are called surges. Surges are not
regular like tides. The study of tides is very
complex, spatially and temporally, as it has great
variations in frequency, magnitude and height. Figure14.2 : Relation between gravitational
The moon’s gravitational pull to a great forces and tides
extent and to a lesser extent the sun’s
gravitational pull, are the major causes for the The tidal bulges on wide continental
occurrence of tides. Another factor is centrifugal shelves, have greater height. When tidal bulges
force, which is the force that acts to counter hit the mid-oceanic islands they become low.
the balance the gravity. Together, the The shape of bays and estuaries along a
gravitational pull and the centrifugal force are coastline can also magnify the intensity of tides.
responsible for creating the two major tidal Funnel-shaped bays greatly change tidal
bulges on the earth. On the side of the earth magnitudes. When the tide is channelled
facing the moon, a tidal bulge occurs while on between islands or into bays and estuaries
the opposite side though the gravitational they are called tidal currents.

Spring tides : The position of both the sun and

Tides of Bay of Fundy, Canada
the moon in relation to the earth has direct
The highest tides in the world occur in bearing on tide height. When the sun, the moon
the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada. and the earth are in a straight line, the height
The tidal bulge is 15 - 16 m. Because of the tide will be higher. These are called spring
there are two high tides and two low tides tides and they occur twice a month, one on
every day (roughly a 24 hour period); then full moon period and another during new moon
a tide must come in within about a six period.
hour period. As a rough estimate, the tide
rises about 240 cm an hour (1,440 cm Neap tides : Normally, there is a seven day
divided by 6 hours). If you have walked interval between the spring tides and neap
down a beach with a steep cliff alongside tides. At this time the sun and moon are at
(which is common there), make sure you
right angles to each other and the forces of the
watch the tides. If you walk for about an
sun and moon tend to counteract one another.
hour and then notice that the tide is
The Moon’s attraction, though more than twice
coming in, the water will be over your
as strong as the sun’s, is diminished by the
head before you get back to where you
counteracting force of the sun’s gravitational
Once in a month, when the moon’s orbit is
Types of Tides closest to the earth (perigee), unusually high
Tides vary in their frequency, direction and and low tides occur. During this time the tidal
movement from place to place and also from range is greater than normal. Two weeks later,
time to time. Tides may be grouped into various when the moon is farthest from earth (apogee),
types based on their frequency of occurrence the moon’s gravitational force is limited and
in one day or 24 hours or based on their height. the tidal ranges are less than their average
Tides based on Frequency When the earth is closest to the sun
(perihelion), around 3rd January each year,
Semi-diurnal tide : The most common tidal tidal ranges are also much greater, with
pattern, featuring two high tides and two low unusually high and unusually low tides. When
tides each day. The successive high or low tides the earth is farthest from the sun (aphelion),
are approximately of the same height. around 4th July each year, tidal ranges are
much less than average.
Diurnal tide : There is only one high tide and The time between the high tide and low tide,
one low tide during each day. The successive when the water level is falling, is called the ebb.
high and low tides are approximately of the The time between the low tide and high tide,
same height. when the tide is rising, is called the flow or flood.
Mixed tide : Tides having variations in height
are known as mixed tides. These tides generally Importance of Tides
occur along the west coast of North America Since tides are caused by the earth-moon-sun
and on many islands of the Pacific Ocean. positions which are known accurately, the
tides can be predicted well in advance. This
Tides based on the Sun, Moon and the Earth helps the navigators and fishermen plan their
Positions activities. Tidal flows are of great importance
The height of rising water (high tide) varies in navigation. Tidal heights are very important,
appreciably depending upon the position of especially harbours near rivers and within
sun and moon with respect to the earth. estuaries having shallow ‘bars’ at the entrance,
Spring tides and neap tides come under this which prevent ships and boats from entering
category. into the harbour. Tides are also helpful in

desilting the sediments and in removing Differences in water density affect vertical
polluted water from river estuaries. Tides are mobility of ocean currents. Water with high
used to generate electrical power (in Canada, salinity is denser than water with low salinity
France, Russia, and China). A 3 MW tidal and in the same way cold water is denser than
power project at Durgaduani in Sunderbans warm water. Denser water tends to sink, while
of West Bengal is under way. relatively lighter water tends to rise. Cold-water
ocean currents occur when the cold water at
OCEAN CURRENTS the poles sinks and slowly moves towards the
equator. Warm-water currents travel out from
Ocean currents are like river flow in oceans. the equator along the surface, flowing towards
They represent a regular volume of water in a the poles to replace the sinking cold water.
definite path and direction. Ocean currents are
influenced by two types of forces namely :
(i) primary forces that initiate the movement of Types of Ocean Currents
water; (ii) secondary forces that influence the The ocean currents may be classified based on
currents to flow. their depth as surface currents and deep water
The primary forces that influence the currents : (i) surface currents constitute about
currents are: (i) heating by solar energy; 10 per cent of all the water in the ocean, these
(ii) wind; (iii) gravity; (iv) coriolis force. Heating waters are the upper 400 m of the ocean;
by solar energy causes the water to expand. (ii) deep water currents make up the other 90
That is why, near the equator the ocean water per cent of the ocean water. These waters move
is about 8 cm higher in level than in the middle around the ocean basins due to variations in
latitudes. This causes a very slight gradient the density and gravity. Deep waters sink into
and water tends to flow down the slope. Wind the deep ocean basins at high latitudes, where
blowing on the surface of the ocean pushes the the temperatures are cold enough to cause the
water to move. Friction between the wind and density to increase.
the water surface affects the movement of the Ocean currents can also be classified
water body in its course. Gravity tends to pull based on temperature : as cold currents and
the water down to pile and create gradient warm currents: (i) cold currents bring cold
variation. The Coriolis force intervenes and water into warm water areas. These currents
causes the water to move to the right in the are usually found on the west coast of the
northern hemisphere and to the left in the continents in the low and middle latitudes
southern hemisphere. These large accumulations (true in both hemispheres) and on the east
of water and the flow around them are called coast in the higher latitudes in the Northern
Gyres. These produce large circular currents Hemisphere; (ii) warm currents bring warm
in all the ocean basins. water into cold water areas and are usually
observed on the east coast of continents in the
Characteristics of Ocean Currents low and middle latitudes (true in both
hemispheres). In the northern hemisphere
Currents are referred to by their “drift”. they are found on the west coasts of continents
Usually, the currents are strongest near in high latitudes.
the surface and may attain speeds over
five knots. At depths, currents are Major Ocean Currents
generally slow with speeds less than 0.5
knots. We refer to the speed of a current Major ocean currents are greatly influenced by
as its “drift.” Drift is measured in terms the stresses exerted by the prevailing winds and
of knots. The strength of a current refers coriolis force. The oceanic circulation pattern
to the speed of the current. A fast current
roughly corresponds to the earth’s atmospheric
is considered strong. A current is usually
circulation pattern. The air circulation over the
strongest at the surface and decreases
oceans in the middle latitudes is mainly
anticyclonic (more pronounced in the southern
in strength (speed) with depth. Most
hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere).
currents have speeds less than or equal
The oceanic circulation pattern also
to 5 knots.
corresponds with the same. At higher latitudes,

Fig.14.3 : Major currents in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans

where the wind flow is mostly cyclonic, the Effects of Ocean Currents
oceanic circulation follows this pattern. In
Ocean currents have a number of direct and
regions of pronounced monsoonal flow, the
indirect influences on human activities. West
monsoon winds influence the current
coasts of the continents in tropical and
movements. Due to the coriolis force, the warm
subtropical latitudes (except close to the
currents from low latitudes tend to move to the
equator) are bordered by cool waters. Their
right in the northern hemisphere and to their
average temperatures are relatively low with a
left in the southern hemisphere.
narrow diurnal and annual ranges. There is
The oceanic circulation transports heat
fog, but generally the areas are arid. West coasts
from one latitude belt to another in a manner
of the continents in the middle and higher
similar to the heat transported by the general
latitudes are bordered by warm waters which
circulation of the atmosphere. The cold waters
cause a distinct marine climate. They are
of the Arctic and Antarctic circles move towards
characterised by cool summers and relatively
warmer water in tropical and equatorial
mild winters with a narrow annual range of
regions, while the warm waters of the lower
temperatures. Warm currents flow parallel to
latitudes move polewards. The major currents
the east coasts of the continents in tropical and
in the different oceans are shown in Figure14.3.
subtropical latitudes. This results in warm and
rainy climates. These areas lie in the western
Prepare a list of currents which are margins of the subtropical anti-cyclones. The
found in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian
mixing of warm and cold currents help to
replenish the oxygen and favour the growth of
How is the movement of currents is
planktons, the primary food for fish population.
influenced by prevailing winds? Give
The best fishing grounds of the world exist
some examples from Figure14.3.
mainly in these mixing zones.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Upward and downward movement of ocean water is known as the :
(a) tide (c) wave
(b) current (d) none of the above
(ii) Spring tides are caused :
(a) As result of the moon and the sun pulling the earth gravitationally
in the same direction.
(b) As result of the moon and the sun pulling the earth gravitationally
in the opposite direction.
(c) Indention in the coast line.
(d) None of the above.
(iii) The distance between the earth and the moon is minimum when the moon
is in :
(a) Aphelion (c) Perihelion
(b) Perigee (d) Apogee
(iv) The earth reaches its perihelion in:
(a) October (c) July
(b) September (d) January
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are waves?
(ii) Where do waves in the ocean get their energy from?
(iii) What are tides?
(iv) How are tides caused?
(v) How are tides related to navigation?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) How do currents affect the temperature? How does it affect the temperature
of coastal areas in the N. W. Europe?
(ii) What are the causes of currents?

Project Work
(i) Visit a lake or a pond and observe the movement of waves. Throw a stone
and notice how waves are generated. Draw the diagram of a wave and
measure its length, distance and amplitude and record them in your note.
(ii) Take a globe and a map showing the currents of the oceans. Discuss why
certain currents are warm or cold and why they deflect in certain places
and examine the reasons.


This unit deals with
• Biosphere — importance of plants and other organisms;
ecosystems, bio-geo chemical cycle and ecological balance;
biodiversity and conservation


y now you might have realised that all E COLOGY
units of this book have acquainted you
You have been reading about ecological and
with the three major realms of the
environmental problems in newspapers and
environment, that is, the lithosphere, the
magazines. Have you ever thought what
atmosphere and the hydrosphere. You know
ecology is? The environment as you know, is
that living organisms of the earth, constituting
made up of abiotic and biotic components. It
the biosphere, interact with other environmental
would be interesting to understand how the
realms. The biosphere includes all the living
diversity of life-forms is maintained to bring a
components of the earth. It consists of all plants
kind of balance. This balance is maintained in
and animals, including all the micro-
a particular proportion so that a healthy
interaction between the biotic and the abiotic
Life on the earth is found almost components goes on.
everywhere. Living organisms are found The interactions of a particular group of
from the poles to the equator, from the organisms with abiotic factors within a
bottom of the sea to several km in the particular habitat resulting in clearly defined
air, from freezing waters to dry valleys, energy flows and material cycles on land, water
from under the sea to underground water
and air, are called ecological systems.
lying below the earth’s surface.

The term ecology is derived from the Greek

organisms that live on the planet earth and their word ‘oikos’ meaning ‘house’, combined
interactions with the surrounding environment. with the word ‘logy’ meaning the ‘science
Most of the organisms exist on the lithosphere of’ or ‘the study of ’. Literally, ecology is
and/or the hydrosphere as well as in the the study of the earth as a ‘household’,
atmosphere. There are also many organisms of plants, human beings, animals and
micro-organisms. They all live together
that move freely from one realm to the other.
as interdependent components. A
The biosphere and its components are very German zoologist Ernst Haeckel, who
significant elements of the environment. These used the term as ‘oekologie’ in 1869,
elements interact with other components of the became the first person to use the term
natural landscape such as land, water and ‘ecology’. The study of interactions
soil. They are also influenced by the between life forms (biotic) and the
atmospheric elements such as the temperature, physical environment (abiotic) is the
science of ecology. Hence, ecology can be
rainfall, moisture and sunlight. The
defined as a scientific study of the
interactions of biosphere with land, air and interactions of organisms with their
water are important to the growth, physical environment and with each other.
development and evolution of the organism.

A habitat in the ecological sense is the totality ecosystem includes lakes, ponds, streams,
of the physical and chemical factors that marshes and bogs.
constitute the general environment. A system
Structure and Functions of Ecosystems
consisting of biotic and abiotic components is
known as ecosystem. All these components in The structure of an ecosystem involves a
ecosystem are inter related and interact with description of the available plant and animal
each other. Different types of ecosystems exist species. From a structural point of view, all
with varying ranges of environmental ecosystems consist of abiotic and biotic factors.
conditions where various plants and animal Abiotic factors include rainfall, temperature,
species have got adapted through evolution. sunlight, atmospheric humidity, soil
This phenomenon is known as ecological conditions, inorganic substances (carbon
adaptation. dioxide, water, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, etc.). Biotic factors include the
Types of Ecosystems
producers, (primary, secondary, tertiary) the
Ecosystems are of two major types: terrestrial consumers and the decomposers. The
and aquatic. Terrestrial ecosystem can be producers include all the green plants, which
further be classified into ‘biomes’. A biome is a manufacture their own food through
plant and animal community that covers a photosynthesis. The primary consumers
large geographical area. The boundaries of include herbivorous animals like deer, goats,
different biomes on land are determined mainly mice and all plant-eating animals. The
by climate. Therefore, a biome can be defined carnivores include all the flesh-eating animals
as the total assemblage of plant and animal like snakes, tigers and lions. Certain carnivores
species interacting within specific conditions. that feed also on carnivores are known as top
These include rainfall, temperature, humidity carnivores like hawks and mongooses.
and soil conditions. Some of the major biomes Decomposers are those that feed on dead
of the world are: forest, grassland, desert and organisms (for example, scavengers like
tundra biomes. Aquatic ecosystems can be vultures and crows), and further breaking
classed as marine and freshwater ecosystems. down of the dead matter by other decomposing
Marine ecosystem includes the oceans, coastal agents like bacteria and various micro-
estuaries and coral reefs. Freshwater organisms.

Figure 15.1 : Structure and functions of ecosystems


The producers are consumed by the aquatic and altitudinal biomes. Some features
primary consumers whereas the primary of these biomes are given in Table 15.1.
consumers are, in turn, being eaten by the
secondary consumers. Further, the secondary Biogeochemical Cycles
consumers are consumed by the tertiary The sun is the basic source of energy on which
consumers. The decomposers feed on the dead all life depends. This energy initiates life
at each and every level. They change them into processes in the biosphere through
various substances such as nutrients, organic photosynthesis, the main source of food and
and inorganic salts essential for soil fertility. energy for green plants. During photosynthesis,
Organisms of an ecosystem are linked together carbon dioxide is converted into organic
through a foodchain (Figure 15.1). For compounds and oxygen. Out of the total solar
example, a plant eating beetle feeding on a insolation that reaches the earth’s surface, only
paddy stalk is eaten by a frog, which is, in turn, a very small fraction (0.1 per cent) is fixed in
eaten by a snake, which is then consumed by photosynthesis. More than half is used for plant
a hawk. This sequence of eating and being respiration and the remaining part is
eaten and the resultant transfer of energy from temporarily stored or is shifted to other
one level to another is known as the food-chain. portions of the plant.
Transfer of energy that occurs during the Life on earth consists of a great variety of
process of a foodchain from one level to living organisms. These living organisms exist
another is known as flow of energy. However, and survive in a diversity of associations. Such
food-chains are not isolated from one another. survival involves the presence of systemic flows
For example, a mouse feeding on grain may such as flows of energy, water and nutrients.
be eaten by different secondary consumers These flows show variations in different parts
(carnivores) and these carnivores may be eaten of the world, in different seasons of the year
by other different tertiary consumers (top and under varying local circumstances. Studies
carnivores). In such situations, each of the have shown that for the last one billion years,
carnivores may consume more than one type the atmosphere and hydrosphere have been
of prey. As a result, the food- chains get composed of approximately the same balance
interlocked with one another. This inter- of chemical components. This balance of the
connecting network of species is known as food chemical elements is maintained by a cyclic
web. Generally, two types of food-chains are passage through the tissues of plants and
recognised: grazing food-chain and detritus animals. The cycle starts by absorbing the
food-chain. In a grazing food-chain, the first chemical elements by the organism and is
level starts with plants as producers and ends returned to the air, water and soil through
with carnivores as consumers as the last level, decomposition. These cycles are largely
with the herbivores being at the intermediate energised by solar insolation. These cyclic
level. There is a loss of energy at each level movements of chemical elements of the
which may be through respiration, excretion biosphere between the organism and the
or decomposition. The levels involved in a food- environment are referred to as biogeochemical
chain range between three to five and energy cycles. Bio refers to living organisms and geo
is lost at each level. A detritus food-chain is to rocks, soil, air and water of the earth.
based on autotrophs energy capture initiated There are two types of biogeochemical
by grazing animals and involves the cycles : the gaseous and the sedimentary cycle.
decomposition or breaking down of organic In the gaseous cycle, the main reservoir of
wastes and dead matter derived from the nutrients is the atmosphere and the ocean. In
grazing food-chain. the sedimentary cycle, the main reservoir is the
soil and the sedimentary and other rocks of
Types of Biomes the earth’s crust.
In the earlier paragraphs, you have learnt the The Water Cycle
meaning of the term ‘biome’. Let us now try to
identify the major biomes of the world. There All living organisms, the atmosphere and the
are five major biomes — forest, desert, grassland, lithosphere maintain between them a

Table 15.1 : World Biomes

Biomes Subtypes Regions Soil Flora and Fauna
Forest A. Tropical A1. 10° N-S A1. Temp. 20-25°C, A1. Acidic, A1. M u l t i - l a y e r e d
1. Equitorial A2. 10° - 25° N-S evenly distributed poor in canopy tall and
2. Deciduous B. Eastern North A2. Temp. 25-30°C, nutrients large trees
B. Temperate America, N.E. Rainfall, ave. ann. A2. Rich in A2. Less dense, trees
C. Boreal Asia, Western 1,000mm, seasonal nutrients of medium height;
and Central B. Temp. 20-30° C, B. Fertile, many varieties co-
Europe Rainfall evenly en-riched exis t. Insects,
C. Broad belt of distributed 750- with bats, birds and
Eurasia and 1,500mm, Well- decaying mammals are
North America, defined seasons litter common species
parts of and distinct winter. C. Acidic and in both
Siberia, C. Short moist moder- poor in B. Moderately dense
Alaska, ately warm nutrients, broad leaved trees.
Canada and summers and long thin soil With less diversity
Scandinavia cold dry winter; cover of plant species.
very low Oack, Beach,
temperatures. Maple etc. are
Precipitation mostly some common
snowfall species. Squirrels,
400 -1,000mm rabbits, skunks,
birds, black bears,
mountain lions etc.
C. Evergreen conifers
like pine, fur and
spruce etc. Wood
peckers, hawks,
bears, wolves,
deer, hares and
bats are common

Desert A. Hot and Dry A. S a h a r a , A. Temp. 20 - 45°C. Rich in A-C. Scanty vege-
desert Kalahari, B. 21 - 38°C. nutrients with tation; few large
B. Semi arid Marusthali, C. 15 - 35°C. little or no mammals,
desert Rub-el-Khali D. 2 - 25°C organic matter insects, reptiles
C. Coastal B. Marginal areas A-D Rainfall is less than and birds
desert of hot deserts 50 mm D. Rabbits, rats,
D. Cold desert C. Atacama antelopes
D. Tundra climatic and ground
regions squirrels
Grassland A. Tropical A. Large areas A. Warm hot A. Porous with A. Grasses; trees
Savannah of A f r i c a , climates, Rainfall thin layer of and large shrubs
B. Temperate Australia, 500-1,250 mm humus. absent; giraffes
Steppe South B. Hot summers and B. Thin floccu- zebras, buffalos,
America and cold winter. lated soil, leopards, hyenas,
India Rainfall 500 - rich in bases elephants, mice,
B. P a r t s of 900 mm moles, snakes
Eurasia and and worms etc.,
North America are common
B. Grasses; occ-
asional trees
such as cotton-
woods, oaks and
willows; gazelles,
zebras, rhin-

oceros, wild
horses, lions,
varieties of birds,
worms, snakes
etc., are common

Aquatic A. Freshwater A. Lakes, streams, A-B Temperatures vary A. Water, swamps Algal and other aquatic
B. Marine rivers and widely with cooler air and marshes and marine plant
wetlands temperatures and communities with
B. Oceans, coral high humidity B.Water, tidal varieties of water
reefs, lagoons swamps and dwelling animals
and estuaries marshes

Altitudinal ——— Slopes of high Temperature and Regolith over Deciduous to tundra
mountain ranges precipitation vary slopes vegetation varying
like the Himalayas, depending upon according to altitude
the Andes and the latitudinal zone

circulation of water in solid, liquid or gaseous dioxide and are returned to the atmosphere
form referred to as the water or hydrologic cycle (Figure 15.2).
(Chapter 13 of this book).

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is one of the basic elements of all living
organisms. It forms the basic constituent of
all the organic compounds. The biosphere
contains over half a million carbon compounds
in them. The carbon cycle is mainly the
conversion of carbon dioxide. This conversion
is initiated by the fixation of carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.
Such conversion results in the production of
carbohydrate, glucose that may be converted
to other organic compounds such as sucrose,
starch, cellulose, etc. Here, some of the
carbohydrates are utilised directly by the plant Figure 15.2 : Carbon Cycle
itself. During this process, more carbon dioxide
The Oxygen Cycle
is generated and is released through its leaves
or roots during the day. The remaining Oxygen is the main by-product of
carbohydrates not being utilised by the plant photosynthesis. It is involved in the oxidation
become part of the plant tissue. Plant tissues of carbohydrates with the release of energy,
are either being eaten by the herbivorous carbon dioxide and water. The cycling of
animals or get decomposed by the micro- oxygen is a highly complex process. Oxygen
organisms. The herbivores convert some of the occurs in a number of chemical forms and
consumed carbohydrates into carbon dioxide combinations. It combines with nitrogen to
for release into the air through respiration. The form nitrates and with many other minerals
micro-organisms decompose the remaining and elements to form various oxides such as
carbohydrates after the animal dies. The the iron oxide, aluminium oxide and others.
carbohydrates that are decomposed by the Much of oxygen is produced from the
micro-organisms then get oxidised into carbon decomposition of water molecules by sunlight

during photosynthesis and is released in the Other Mineral Cycles

atmosphere through transpiration and
Other than carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and
respiration processes of plants.
hydrogen being the principal geochemical
components of the biosphere, many other
The Nitrogen Cycle
minerals also occur as critical nutrients for
Nitrogen is a major constituent of the plant and animal life. These mineral elements
atmosphere comprising about seventy-nine required by living organisms are obtained
per cent of the atmospheric gases. It is also an initially from inorganic sources such as
essential constituent of different organic phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and potassium.
compounds such as the amino acids, nucleic They usually occur as salts dissolved in soil
acids, proteins, vitamins and pigments. Only water or lakes, streams and seas. Mineral salts
a few types of organisms like certain species of come directly from the earth’s crust by
soil bacteria and blue green algae are capable weathering where the soluble salts enter the
of utilising it directly in its gaseous form. water cycle, eventually reaching the sea. Other
Generally, nitrogen is usable only after it is salts are returned to the earth’s surface through
fixed. Ninety per cent of fixed nitrogen is sedimentation, and after weathering, they again
biological. The principal source of free nitrogen enter the cycle. All living organisms fulfill their
is the action of soil micro-organisms and mineral requirements from mineral solutions
associated plant roots on atmospheric nitrogen in their environments. Other animals receive
found in pore spaces of the soil. Nitrogen can their mineral needs from the plants and animals
also be fixed in the atmosphere by lightning and they consume. After the death of living
cosmic radiation. In the oceans, some marine organisms, the minerals are returned to the soil
animals can fix it. After atmospheric nitrogen and water through decomposition and flow.
has been fixed into an available form, green
plants can assimilate it. Herbivorous animals Ecological Balance
feeding on plants, in turn, consume some of it.
Ecological balance is a state of dynamic
Dead plants and animals, excretion of
equilibrium within a community of organisms
nitrogenous wastes are converted into nitrites
in a habitat or ecosystem. It can happen when
by the action of bacteria present in the soil.
the diversity of the living organisms remains
Some bacteria can even convert nitrites into
relatively stable. Gradual changes do take
nitrates that can be used again by green plants.
place but that happens only through natural
There are still other types of bacteria capable
succession. It can also be explained as a stable
of converting nitrates into free nitrogen, a
balance in the numbers of each species in an
process known as denitrification (Figure 15.3).
ecosystem. This occurs through competition
and cooperation between different organisms
where population remains stable. This balance
is brought about by the fact that certain species
compete with one another determined by the
environment in which they grow. This balance
is also attained by the fact that some species
depend on others for their food and
sustenance. Such accounts are encountered
in vast grasslands where the herbivorous
animals (deer, zebras, buffaloes, etc.) are found
in plenty. On the other hand, the carnivorous
animals (tigers, lions, etc.) that are not usually
in large numbers, hunt and feed on the
herbivores, thereby controlling their
population. In the plants, any disturbance in
the native forests such as clearing the forest
Figure 15.3 : Nitrogen Cycle for shifting cultivation usually brings about a

change in the species distribution. This change the ecosystem. This has destroyed its originality
is due to competition where the secondary and has caused adverse effects to the general
forest species such as grasses, bamboos or environment. Ecological imbalances have
pines overtakes the native species changing brought many natural calamities like
the original forest structure. This is called floods, landslides, diseases, erratic climatic
succession. occurrences, etc.
Ecological balance may be disturbed due There is a very close relationship between
to the introduction of new species, natural the plant and animal communities within
hazards or human causes. Human interference particular habitats. Diversity of life in a
has affected the balance of plant communities particular area can be employed as an
leading to disturbances in the ecosystems. indicator of the habitat factor. Proper
Such disturbances bring about numerous knowledge and understanding of such factors
secondary successions. Human pressure on provide a strong base for protecting and
the earth’s resources has put a heavy toll on conserving the ecosystems.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following is included in biosphere?
(a) only plants (c) only animals
(b) all living and non-living organisms (d) all living organisms
(ii) Tropical grasslands are also known as :
(a) the prairies (c) the steppes
(b) the savannas (d) none of the above
(iii) Oxygen combines with iron found in the rocks to form :
(a) iron carbonate (c) iron oxides
(b) iron nitrites (d) iron sulphate
(iv) During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide combines with water in the
presence of sunlight to form :
(a) proteins (c) carbohydrates
(b) amino acids (d) vitamins
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do you understand by the term ‘ecology’?
(ii) What is an ecological system? Identify the major types of ecosystems in
the world.
(iii) What is a food-chain? Give one example of a grazing food-chain identifying
the various levels.
(iv) What do you understand by the term ‘food web’? Give examples.
(v) What is a biome?

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) What are bio-geochemical cycles? Explain how nitrogen is fixed in the
(ii) What is an ecological balance? Discuss the important measures needed
to prevent ecological imbalances.

Project Work
(i) Show the distribution of the different biomes on the outline map of the
world with a note highlighting the important characteristics of each biome.
(ii) Make a note of trees, shrubs and perennial plants in your school campus
and devote half a day to observe the types of birds which come to the
garden. Can you describe the diversity of birds?


ou have already learnt about the the earth are today extinct. Biodiversity is not
geomorphic processes particularly found evenly on the earth. It is consistently
weathering and depth of weathering richer in the tropics. As one approaches the
mantle in different climatic zones. See the polar regions, one finds larger and larger
Figure 6.2 in Chapter 6 in order to recapitulate. populations of fewer and fewer species.
You should know that this weathering mantle Biodiversity itself is a combination of two
is the basis for the diversity of vegetation and words, Bio (life) and diversity (variety). In
hence, the biodiversity. The basic cause for simple terms, biodiversity is the number and
such weathering variations and resultant variety of organisms found within a specified
biodiversity is the input of solar energy and geographic region. It refers to the varieties of
water. No wonder that the areas that are rich plants, animals and micro-organisms, the
in these inputs are the areas of wide spectrum genes they contain and the ecosystems they
of biodiversity. form. It relates to the variability among living
organisms on the earth, including the
Biodiversity as we have today is the result variability within and between the species and
of 2.5-3.5 billion years of evolution. Before that within and between the ecosystems.
the advent of humans, our earth Biodiversity is our living wealth. It is a result
supported more biodiversity than in any
of hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary
other period. Since, the emergence of
humans, however, biodiversity has begun
a rapid decline, with one species after Biodiversity can be discussed at three
another bearing the brunt of extinction levels : (i) Genetic diversity; (ii) Species diversity;
due to overuse. The number of species (iii) Ecosystem diversity.
globally vary from 2 million to 100 million,
with 10 million being the best estimate. Genetic Diversity
New species are regularly discovered
most of which are yet to be classified (an Genes are the basic building blocks of various
estimate states that about 40 per cent of life forms. Genetic biodiversity refers to the
fresh water fishes from South America variation of genes within species. Groups of
are not classified yet). Tropical forests are individual organisms having certain
very rich in bio-diversity. similarities in their physical characteristics are
called species. Human beings genetically
Biodiversity is a system in constant belong to the homo sapiens group and also
evolution, from a view point of species, as well differ in their characteristics such as height,
as from view point of an individual organism. colour, physical appearance, etc., considerably.
The average half-life of a species is estimated This is due to genetic diversity. This genetic
at between one and four million years, and 99 diversity is essential for a healthy breeding of
per cent of the species that have ever lived on population of species.

Species Diversity ecosystem evolves and sustains without any

reason. That means, every organism, besides
This refers to the variety of species. It relates to
extracting its needs, also contributes something
the number of species in a defined area. The
of useful to other organisms. Can you think of
diversity of species can be measured through
the way we, humans contribute to the
its richness, abundance and types. Some areas
sustenance of ecosystems. Species capture
are more rich in species than others. Areas rich
and store energy, produce and decompose
in species diversity are called hotspots of
organic materials, help to cycle water and
diversity (Figure 16.5).
nutrients throughout the ecosystem, fix
atmospheric gases and help regulate the
Ecosystem Diversity
climate. These functions are important for
You have studied about the ecosystem in the ecosystem function and human survival. The
earlier chapter. The broad differences between more diverse an ecosystem, better are the
ecosystem types and the diversity of habitats chances for the species to survive through
and ecological processes occurring within each adversities and attacks, and consequently, is
ecosystem type constitute the ecosystem more productive. Hence, the loss of species
diversity. The ‘boundaries’ of communities would decrease the ability of the system to
(associations of species) and ecosystems are not maintain itself. Just like a species with a high
very rigidly defined. Thus, the demarcation of genetic diversity, an ecosystem with high
ecosystem boundaries is difficult and complex. biodiversity may have a greater chance of
adapting to environmental change. In other
words, the more the variety of species in an
ecosystem, the more stable the ecosystem is
likely to be.

Economic Role of Biodiversity

For all humans, biodiversity is an important
resource in their day-to-day life. One important
part of biodiversity is ‘crop diversity’, which is
also called agro-biodiversity. Biodiversity is
seen as a reservoir of resources to be drawn
upon for the manufacture of food,
pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products. This
Figure 16.1 : Grasslands and sholas in Indira Gandhi
National Park, Annamalai, Western Ghats — an concept of biological resources is responsible
example of ecosystem diversity for the deterioration of biodiversity. At the same
time, it is also the origin of new conflicts dealing
Importance of Biodiversity with rules of division and appropriation of
natural resources. Some of the important
Biodiversity has contributed in many ways to economic commodities that biodiversity
the development of human culture and, in supplies to humankind are: food crops,
turn, human communities have played a major livestock, forestry, fish, medicinal resources,
role in shaping the diversity of nature at the etc.
genetic, species and ecological levels.
Biodiversity plays the following roles: Scientific Role of Biodiversity
ecological, economic and scientific.
Biodiversity is important because each species
Ecological Role of Biodiversity can give us some clue as to how life evolved
and will continue to evolve. Biodiversity also
Species of many kinds perform some function helps in understanding how life functions and
or the other in an ecosystem. Nothing in an the role of each species in sustaining

ecosystems of which we are also a species. This The International Union of Conservation of
fact must be drawn upon every one of us so Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has
that we live and let other species also live their classified the threatened species of plants and
lives. animals into three categories for the purpose
It is our ethical responsibility to consider of their conservation.
that each and every species along with us have
an intrinsic right to exist. Hence, it is morally Endangered Species
wrong to voluntarily cause the extinction of any
It includes those species which are in danger
species. The level of biodiversity is a good
of extinction. The IUCN publishes information
indicator of the state of our relationships with
about endangered species world-wide as the
other living species. In fact, the concept of
Red List of threatened species.
biodiversity is an integral part of many human

Since the last few decades, growth in human
population has increased the rate of
consumption of natural resources. It has
accelerated the loss of species and habitation
in different parts of the world. Tropical regions
which occupy only about one-fourth of the
total area of the world, contain about three-
fourth of the world human population. Over-
exploitation of resources and deforestation
have become rampant to fulfil the needs of large
population. As these tropical rain forests
contain 50 per cent of the species on the earth, Figure 16.2 : Red Panda — an endangered species
destruction of natural habitats have proved
disastrous for the entire biosphere.
Natural calamities such as earthquakes,
floods, volcanic eruptions, forest fires,
droughts, etc. cause damage to the flora and
fauna of the earth, bringing change the
biodiversity of respective affected regions.
Pesticides and other pollutants such as
hydrocarbons and toxic heavy metals destroy
the weak and sensitive species. Species which
are not the natural inhabitants of the local
habitat but are introduced into the system, are
called exotic species. There are many
examples when a natural biotic community of Figure 16.3 : Zenkeria Sebastinei — a critically
endangered grass in Agasthiyamalai peak (India)
the ecosystem suffered extensive damage
because of the introduction of exotic species.
Vulnerable Species
During the last few decades, some animals like
tigers, elephants, rhinoceros, crocodiles, minks This includes the species which are likely to
and birds were hunted mercilessly by poachers be in danger of extinction in near future if the
for their horn, tusks, hides, etc. It has resulted factors threatening to their extinction continue.
in the rendering of certain types of organisms Survival of these species is not assured as their
as endangered category. population has reduced greatly.

Rare Species (i) Efforts should be made to preserve the

species that are endangered.
Population of these species is very small in the
(ii) Prevention of extinction requires proper
world; they are confined to limited areas or
planning and management.
thinly scattered over a wider area.
(iii) Varieties of food crops, forage plants,
timber trees, livestock, animals and
their wild relatives should be preserved;
(iv) Each country should identify habitats
of wild relatives and ensure their
(v) Habitats where species feed, breed, rest
and nurse their young should be
safeguarded and protected.
(vi) International trade in wild plants and
animals be regulated.
To protect, preserve and propagate the
variety of species within natural boundaries,
the Government of India passed the Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972, under which national
Figure 16.4 : Humbodtia decurrens Bedd — highly rare parks and sanctuaries were established and
endemic tree of Southern Western Ghats (India) biosphere reserves declared. Details of these
biosphere reserves are given in the book India:
Biodiversity is important for human existence. There are some countries which are
All forms of life are so closely interlinked that situated in the tropical region; they possess a
disturbance in one gives rise to imbalance in large number of the world’s species diversity.
the others. If species of plants and animals They are called mega diversity centres. There
become endangered, they cause degradation are 12 such countries, namely Mexico,
in the environment, which may threaten Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Zaire,
human being’s own existence. Madagascar, China, India, Malaysia,
There is an urgent need to educate people to Indonesia and Australia in which these centres
adopt environment-friendly practices and are located (Figure 16.5). In order to
reorient their activities in such a way that our concentrate resources on those areas that are
development is harmonious with other life forms most vulnerable, the International Union for
and is sustainable. There is an increasing the Conservation of Nature and Natural
consciousness of the fact that such conservation Resources (IUCN) has identified certain areas
with sustainable use is possible only with the as biodiversity hotspots. Hotspots are defined
involvement and cooperation of local according to their vegetation. Plants are
communities and individuals. For this, the important because these determine the
development of institutional structures at local primary productivity of an ecosystem. Most,
levels is necessary. The critical problem is not but not all, of the hotspots rely on species-
merely the conservation of species nor the habitat rich ecosystems for food, firewood, cropland,
but the continuation of process of conservation. and income from timber. In Madagascar, for
The Government of India along with 155 example, about 85 per cent of the plants and
other nations have signed the Convention of animals are not only found nowhere else in
Biodiversity at the Earth Summit held at Riode the world, but its people are also among the
Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. The world world’s poorest and rely on slash and burn
conservation strategy has suggested the agriculture for subsistence farming. Other
following steps for biodiversity conservation: hotspots in wealthy countries are facing

Figure 16.5 : Ecological ‘hotspots’ in the world

different types of pressures. The islands of that are threatened by introduced species and
Hawaii have many unique plants and animals land development.


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Conservation of biodiversity is important for :
(a) Animals (c) Plants
(b) Animals and plants (d) All organisms
(ii) Threatened species are those which :
(a) threaten others
(b) Lion and tiger
(c) are abundant in number
(d) are suffering from the danger of extinction
(iii) National parks and sanctuaries are established for the purpose of :
(a) Recreation (c) Pets
(b) Hunting (d) Conservation

(iv) Biodiversity is richer in :

(a) Tropical Regions (c) Temperate Regions
(b) Polar Regions (d) Oceans
(v) In which one of the following countries, the ‘Earth Summit’ was held?
(a) the UK (c) Brazil
(b) Mexico (d) China
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What is biodiversity?
(ii) What are the different levels of biodiversity?
(iii) What do you understand by ‘hotspots’?
(iv) Discuss briefly the importance of animals to human kind.
(v) What do you understand by ‘exotic species’?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) What are the roles played by biodiversity in the shaping of nature?
(ii) What are the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity?
What steps are needed to prevent them?

Project Work
Collect the names of national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves of the
state where your school is located and show their location on the map of India.
You have already studied ‘Geography as a
Unit-I Discipline’ in Chapter I of the book,
Chapter-1 Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT,
2006). Do you recall the contents? This chapter
has broadly covered and introduced you to the
nature of geography. You are also acquainted
with the important branches that sprout from
the body of geography. If you re-read the
chapter you will be able to recall the link of
human geography with the mother discipline
i.e. geography. As you know geography as a
field of study is integrative, empirical, and
practical. Thus, the reach of geography is
extensive and each and every event or
phenomenon which varies over space and time
can be studied geographically. How do you see
Human Geography the earth’s surface? Do you realise that the earth
comprises two major components: nature
Nature and Scope (physical environment) and life forms including
human beings? Make a list of physical and
human components of your surroundings.
Physical geography studies physical
environment and human geography studies
“the relationship between the physical/natural
and the human worlds, the spatial distributions
of human phenomena and how they come
about, the social and economic differences
between different parts of the world”.1
You are already aware of the fact that the
core concern of geography as a discipline is to
understand the earth as home of human beings
and to study all those elements which have
sustained them. Thus, emphasis is on study of
nature and human beings. You will realise that
geography got subjected to dualism and the
wide-ranging debates started whether
geography as a discipline should be a law
making/theorising (nomothetic) or
descriptive (idiographic). Whether its subject
matter should be organised and approach of
the study should be regional or systematic?
Whether geographical phenomena be
interpreted theoretically or through historic-
institutional approach? These have been issues
for intellectual exercise but finally you will
appreciate that the dichotomy between physical
and human is not a very valid one because
nature and human are inseparable elements
and should be seen holistically. It is interesting
to note that both physical and human
Agnew J. Livingstone, David N. and Rogers, A.; (1996) Blackwell
Publishing Limited, Malden, U.S.A. p. 1 and 2.
phenomena are described in metaphors using have already studied the elements of physical
symbols from the human anatomy. environment in class XI in the book entitled
We often talk of the ‘face’ of the earth, ‘eye’ Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT
of the storm, ‘mouth’ of the river, ‘snout’ (nose) 2006). You know that these elements are
of the glacier, ‘neck’ of the isthmus and ‘profile’ landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation
of the soil. Similarly regions, villages, towns and diverse flora and fauna. Can you make a list
have been described as ‘organisms’. German of elements which human beings have created
through their activities on the stage provided by
geographers describe the ‘state/country’ as a
the physical environment? Houses, villages, cities,
‘living organism’. Networks of road, railways
road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports, items
and water ways have often been described as
of our daily use and all other elements of material
“arteries of circulation”. Can you collect such culture have been created by human beings
terms and expressions from your own using the resources provided by the physical
language? The basic questions now arises, can environment. While physical environment has
we separate nature and human when they are been greatly modified by human beings, it has
so intricately intertwined? also, in turn, impacted human lives.

Naturalisation of Humans and

Human Geography Defined Humanisation of Nature
• “Human geography is the synthetic study Human beings interact with their physical
of relationship between human societies and environment with the help of technology. It is
earth’s surface”. Ratzel not important what human beings produce and
create but it is extremely important ‘with the
Synthesis has been emphasised in the help of what tools and techniques do they
above definition.
produce and create’.
• “Human geography is the study of “the Technology indicates the level of cultural
changing relationship between the unresting development of society. Human beings were
man and the unstable earth.” able to develop technology after they developed
better understanding of natural laws. For
Ellen C. Semple example, the understanding of concepts of
friction and heat helped us discover fire.
Dynamism in the relationship is the keyword
Similarly, understanding of the secrets of DNA
in Semple’s definition.
and genetics enabled us to conquer many
• “Conception resulting from a more diseases. We use the laws of aerodynamics to
synthetic knowledge of thephysical laws develop faster planes. You can see that
governing our earth and of the relations knowledge about Nature is extremely important
between the living beings which inhabit it”. to develop technology and technology loosens
the shackles of environment on human beings.
Paul Vidal de la Blache In the early stages of their interaction with their
Human geography offers a new conception natural environment humans were greatly
of the interrelationships between earth and influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates
human beings. of Nature. This is so because the level of
technology was very low and the stage of
human social development was also primitive.
This type of interaction between primitive
NATURE OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY human society and strong forces of nature was
termed as environmental determinism. At
Human geography studies the inter-relationship that stage of very low technological development
between the physical environment and socio- we can imagine the presence of a naturalised
cultural environment created by human beings human, who listened to Nature, was afraid of
through mutual interaction with each other. You its fury and worshipped it.

2 Fundamentals of Human Geography

human beings on nature for resources which
The Naturalisation of Humans sustain them. The physical environment for such
societies becomes the “Mother Nature”.
Benda lives in the wilds of the Abujh Maad
area of central India. His village consists of The people begin to understand their
three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds environment and the forces of nature with the
or stray dogs that usually crowd villages can passage of time. With social and cultural
be seen in these areas. Wearing a small development, humans develop better and more
loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly efficient technology. They move from a state of
surveys the penda (forest) where his tribe necessity to a state of freedom. They create
practices a primitive form of agriculture called possibilities with the resources obtained from
shifting cultivation. Benda and his friends the environment. The human activities create
burn small patches of forest to clear them
cultural landscape. The imprints of human
for cultivation. The ash is used for making
the soil fertile. Benda is happy that the activities are created everywhere; health resorts
Mahua trees around him are in bloom. How on highlands, huge urban sprawls, fields,
lucky I am to be a part of this beautiful orchards and pastures in plains and rolling
universe, he thinks as he looks up to see hills, ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the
the Mahua, Palash and Sal trees that have oceanic surface and satellites in the space. The
sheltered him since childhood. Crossing the earlier scholars termed this as possibilism.
penda in a gliding motion, Benda makes Nature provides opportunities and human
his way to a stream. As he bends down to being make use of these and slowly nature gets
scoop up a palmful of water, he remembers
to thank Loi-Lugi, the spirit of the forest for
humanised and starts bearing the imprints of
allowing him to quench his thirst. Moving human endeavour.
on with his friends, Benda chews on
succulent leaves and roots. The boys have
been trying to collect Gajjhara and Kuchla, Humanisation of Nature
from the forest. These are special plants
that Benda and his people use. He hopes Winters in the town of Trondheim mean fierce
the spirits of the forest will be kind and lead winds and heavy snow. The skies are dark
him to these herbs. These are needed to for months. Kari drives to work in the dark at
barter in the madhai or tribal fair coming up 8 am. She has special tyres for the winter
the next full moon. He closes his eyes and and keeps the headlights of her powerful car
tries hard to recall what the elders had taught switched on. Her office is artificially heated
him about these herbs and the places they at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The
are found in. He wishes he had listened more campus of the university she works in is built
carefully. Suddenly there is a rustling of under a huge glass dome. This dome keeps
leaves. Benda and his friends know it is the the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine
outsiders who have come searching for them in the summer. The temperature is controlled
in the wilds. In a single fluid motion Benda carefully and there is adequate lighting. Even
and his friends disappear behind the thick though fresh vegetables and plants don’t grow
canopy of trees and become one with the
in such harsh weather, Kari keeps an orchid
spirit of the forest.
on her desk and enjoys eating tropical fruits
like banana and kiwi. These are flown in from
warmer areas regularly. With a click of the
The story in the box represents the direct mouse, Kari can network with colleagues in
relationship of a household belonging to an New Delhi. She frequently takes a morning
economically primitive society with nature. Read flight to London and returns in the evening in
about other primitive societies which live in time to watch her favourite television serial.
complete harmony with their natural Though Kari is fifty-eight years old, she is
environment. You will realise that in all such cases fitter and looks younger than many thirty-
nature is a powerful force, worshipped, revered year- olds in other parts of the world.
and conserved. There is direct dependence of

Human Geography: Nature and Scope 3

Can you imagine what has made such a approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant
life style possible? It is technology that has nature of the discipline. Earlier there was little
allowed the people of Trondheim and others to interaction between different societies and the
overcome the constraints imposed by nature. Do knowledge about each other was limited.
you know about some other such instances? Travellers and explorers used to disseminate
Such examples are not difficult to find. information about the areas of their visits.
A geographer, Griffith Taylor introduced Navigational skills were not developed and
another concept which reflects a middle path voyages were fraught with dangers. The late
(Madhyam Marg) between the two ideas of fifteenth century witnessed attempts of
environmental determinism and possibilism. explorations in Europe and slowly the myths
He termed it as Neodeterminism or stop and and mysteries about countries and people
go determinism. Those of you who live in cities started to open up. The colonial period provided
and those who have visited a city, might have impetus to further explorations in order to
seen that traffic is regulated by lights on the access the resources of the regions and to obtain
cross-roads. Red light means ‘stop’, amber light inventorised information. The intention here is
provides a gap between red and green lights ‘to not to present an in-depth historical account
get set’ and green light means ‘go’. The concept but to make you aware of the processes of steady
shows that neither is there a situation of development of human geography. The
absolute necessity (environmental determinism) summarised Table 1.1 will introduce you to the
nor is there a condition of absolute freedom broad stages and the thrust of human
(possibilism). It means that human beings can geography as a sub-field of geography.
conquer nature by obeying it. They have to
respond to the red signals and can proceed in
• Welfare or humanistic school of thought
their pursuits of development when nature
in human geography was mainly concerned
permits the modifications. It means that
with the different aspects of social well-being
possibilities can be created within the limits
of the people. These included aspects such
which do not damage the environment and there
as housing, health and education.
is no free run without accidents. The free run
Geographers have already introduced a
which the developed economies attempted to
paper as Geography of Social well-being in
take has already resulted in the green house the Post Graduate curriculum’.
effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming,
receding glaciers and degrading lands. The • Radical school of thought employed
neo-determinism conceptually attempts to Marxian theory to explain the basic cause
bring a balance nullifying the ‘either’ ‘or’ of poverty, deprivation and social inequality.
dichotomy. Contemporary social problems were related
to the development of capitalism.
Human Geography through • Behavioural school of thought laid great
the Corridors of Time emphasis on lived experience and also on
The process of adaptation, adjustment with and the perception of space by social categories
modification of the environment started with the based on ethnicity, race and religion, etc.
appearance of human beings over the surface
of the earth in different ecological niches. Thus,
if we imagine the beginning of human
Fields and Sub-fields of Human Geography
geography with the interaction of environment
and human beings, it has its roots deep in Human geography, as you have seen, attempts
history. Thus, the concerns of human to explain the relationship between all elements
geography have a long temporal continuum of human life and the space they occur over.
though the approaches to articulate them have Thus, human geography assumes a highly
changed over time. This dynamism in inter-disciplinary nature. It develops close

4 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Table 1.1: Broad Stages and Thrust of Human Geography

Period Approaches Broad Features

Colonial period Exploration and Imperial and trade interests prompted the discovery and
description exploration of new areas. An encyclopaedic description of
the area formed an important aspect of the geographer’s

Colonial period Regional analysis Elaborate description of all aspects of a region were
undertaken. The idea was that all the regions were part of
a whole, ie (the earth); so, understanding the parts in
totality would lead to an understanding of the whole.

1930s through the Areal differentiation The focus was on identifying the uniqueness of any region
inter-War period and understanding how and why it was different from

Late 1950s to the Spatial organisation Marked by the use of computers and sophisticated
late 1960s statistical tools. Laws of physics were often applied to
map and analyse human phenomena. This phase was
called the quantitative revolution. The main objective was
to identify mappable patterns for different human

1970s Emergence of Discontentment with the quantitative revolution and its

humanistic, radical dehumanised manner of doing geography led to the
and behavioural emergence of three new schools of thought of human
schools geography in the 1970s. Human geography was made more
relevant to the socio-political reality by the emergence of
these schools of thought. Consult the box below to know
a little bit more about these schools of thought.

1990s Post-modernism in The grand generalisations and the applicability of universal

geography theories to explain the human conditions were questioned.
The importance of understanding each local context in
its own right was emphasised.

interface with other sister disciplines in social expanding realm of human geography. The
sciences in order to understand and explain boundaries between sub-fields often overlap.
human elements on the surface of the earth. What follows in this book in the form of
With the expansion of knowledge, new sub- chapters will provide you a fairly widespread
fields emerge and it has also happened to coverage of different aspects of human
human geography. Let us examine these fields geography. The exercises, the activities and the
and sub-fields of Human Geography (Table 1.2). case studies will provide you with some
You would have noticed that the list is empirical instances so as to have a batter
large and comprehensive. It reflects the understanding of its subject matter.

Human Geography: Nature and Scope 5

Table 1.2: Human Geography and Sister Disciplines of Social Sciences

Fields of Sub-fields Interface with Sister

Human Disciplines of Social Sciences
Social — Social Sciences – Sociology
Geography Behavioural Geography Psychology
Geography of Social Welfare Economics
Geography of Leisure Sociology
Cultural Geography Anthropology
Gender Geography Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s Studies
Historical Geography History
Medical Geography Epidemology
Urban — Urban Studies and Planning
Political — Political Science
Geography Electoral Geography Psephology
Military Geography Military Science
Population — Demography
Settlement — Urban/Rural Planning
Economic — Economics
Geography Geography of Resources Resource Economics
Geography of Agriculture Agricultural Sciences
Geography of Industries Industrial Economics
Geography of Marketing Business Studies, Economics, Commerce
Geography of Tourism Tourism and Travel Management
Geography of International International Trade

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following statements does not describe geography?
(a) an integrative discipline
(b) study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment

6 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(c) subjected to dualism
(d) not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.
(ii) Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?
(a) traveller’s accounts
(b) old maps
(c) samples of rock materials from the moon
(d) ancient epics
(iii) Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction
between people and environment?
(a) human intelligence (c) technology
(b) people’s perception (d) human brotherhood
(iv) Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?
(a) Areal differentiation (c) Quantitative revolution
(b) Spatial organisation (d) Exploration and description
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Define human geography.
(ii) Name some sub-fields of human geography.
(iii) How is human geography related to other social sciences?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Explain naturalisation of humans.
(ii) Write a note on the scope of human geography.

Human Geography: Nature and Scope 7

The people of a country are its real wealth. It
Unit-II is they who make use of the country’s resources
Chapter-2 and decide its policies. Ultimately a country is
known by its people.
It is important to know how many women
and men a country has, how many children are
born each year, how many people die and how?
Whether they live in cities or villages, can they
read or write and what work do they do? These
are what you will study about in this unit.
The world at the beginning of 21st century
recorded the presence of over 6 billion
population. We shall discuss the patterns of
their distribution and density here.

Why do people prefer to live in certain

The World Population regions and not in others?
The population of the world is unevenly
Distribution, Density and distributed. The remark of George B. Cressey
Growth about the population of Asia that “Asia has many
places where people are few and few place where
people are very many” is true about the pattern
of population distribution of the world also.

Patterns of population distribution and density
help us to understand the demographic
characteristics of any area. The term population
distribution refers to the way people are spaced
over the earth’s surface. Broadly, 90 per cent of
the world population lives in about 10 per cent
of its land area.
The 10 most populous countries of the
world contribute about 60 per cent of the world’s
population. Of these 10 countries, 6 are located
in Asia. Identify these six countries of Asia.
Not gold but only (Wo)men can make 110
Population (in crore)

a people great and strong. 90
(Wo)men who for truth and

honour’s sake, stand fast and suffer 60

long (Wo)men who toil while others 40
sleep – who dare while others flee – 20

ia 21.21

il 17.01



an 12.69


they build a nation’s pillars deep and 0





lift it to the sky.












Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fig. 2.1: Most Populous Countries
DENSITY OF POPULATION on every sq km. These are the North -Eastern
part of U.S.A., North-Western part of Europe,
Each unit of land has limited capacity to South, South-East and East Asia.
support people living on it. Hence, it is Other areas like those near the North and
necessary to understand the ratio between the South Poles, the hot and the cold deserts and
numbers of people to the size of land. This ratio high rainfall zones near the Equator have very
is the density of population. It is usually low density of population. These are the
measured in persons per sq km sparsely populated regions of the world with
Population less than 01 person per sq km.
Density of Population = In between these two types are the areas
For example, area of Region X is 100 sq of medium density. There are 11 to 50 persons
km and the population is 1,50,000 persons. per sq km in these areas. Western China,
The density of population is calculated as: Southern India in Asia, Norway, Sweden in
Europe are some examples. Look at the Fig. 2.2
1,50,000 and identify some other areas.
Density =
= 1,500 person/sq km FACTORS INFLUENCING THE
What does this tell you about Region X? DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION
Look at the map given below:
Do you observe that some areas are really I. Geographical Factors
crowded? These are the densely populated (i) Availability of water: It is the most
parts of the world with more than 200 persons important factor for life. So, people prefer

Fig. 2.2: World Density of Population, 2001

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 9

to live in areas where fresh water is easily amenities and the attraction of city life draw
available. Water is used for drinking, people to the cities. It leads to rural to
bathing and cooking – and also for cattle, urban migration and cities grow in size.
crops, industries and navigation. It is Mega cities of the world continue to attract
because of this that river valleys are among large number of migrants every year.
the most densely populated areas of the
(ii) Landforms: People prefer living on flat Yet city life can be very taxing…. think
plains and gentle slopes. This is because of some of the unpleasant aspects of city
such areas are favourable for the life.
production of crops and to build roads and
industries. The mountainous and hilly (iii) Industrialisation: Industrial belts provide
areas hinder the development of transport job opportunities and attract large
network and hence initially do not favour numbers of people. These include not just
agricultural and industrial development. factory workers but also transport
So, these areas tend to be less populated. operators, shopkeepers, bank employees,
The Ganga plains are among the most doctors, teachers and other service
densely populated areas of the world while providers. The Kobe-Osaka region of
the mountains zones in the Himalayas are Japan is thickly populated because of the
scarcely populated. presence of a number of industries.
(iii) Climate: An extreme climate such as very
hot or cold deserts are uncomfortable for III. Social and Cultural Factors
human habitation. Areas with a
Some places attract more people because they
comfortable climate, where there is not
have religious or cultural significance. In the
much seasonal variation attract more
same way – people tend to move away from
people. Areas with very heavy rainfall or
places where there is social and political
extreme and harsh climates have low
unrest. Many a times governments offer
population. Mediterranean regions were
incentives to people to live in sparsely
inhabited from early periods in history due
populated areas or move away from
to their pleasant climate.
overcrowded places. Can you think of some
(iv) Soils: Fertile soils are important for
agricultural and allied activities. Therefore, examples from your region?
areas which have fertile loamy soils have
more people living on them as these can POPULATION GROWTH
support intensive agriculture. Can you The population growth or population change
name some areas in India which are thinly refers to the change in number of inhabitants of
populated due to poor soils? a territory during a specific period of time. This
change may be positive as well as negative. It
II. Economic Factors can be expressed either in terms of absolute
numbers or in terms of percentage. Population
(i) Minerals: Areas with mineral deposits
change in an area is an important indicator of
attract industries. Mining and industrial
economic development, social upliftment and
activities generate employment. So, skilled
historical and cultural background of the region.
and semi–skilled workers move to these
areas and make them densely populated.
Katanga Zambia copper belt in Africa is
one such good example. Some Basic Concepts of
(ii) Urbanisation: Cities offer better Population Geography
employment opportunities, educational
Growth of Population : Change of
and medical facilities, better means of
population in particular area between two
transport and communication. Good civic points of time is known as growth of

10 Fundamentals of Human Geography

population. For example, if we deduct the thousand of population in a particular region.
population of India 1991 (84.63 crore) from CDR is calculated as:
population of 2001 (102.70 crore) then we
shall get the growth of population (18.07 D
CDR = ¥ 1000
crores) in actual numbers. P
Growth Rate of Population : This is the Here, CDR=Crude Death Rate; D= Number
change of population expressed in of deaths; P=Estimated mid-year population of
percentage. that year.
Natural Growth of Population: This is the By and large mortality rates are affected
population increased by difference between by the region’s demographic structure, social
births and deaths in a particular region advancement and levels of its economic
between two points of time. development.
Natural Growth = Births – Deaths
Actual Growth of Population : This is
Births – Deaths + In Migration – Out
Apart from birth and death there is another way
Migration by which the population size changes.
When people move from one place to
Positive Growth of Population: This another, the place they move from is called the
happens when the birth rate is more than Place of Origin and the place they move to is
the death rate between two points of time
called the Place of Destination. The place of
or when people from other countries migrate
permanently to a region. origin shows a decrease in population while the
population increases in the place of destination.
Negative Growth of Population: If the Migration may be interpreted as a spontaneous
population decreases between two points effort to achieve a better balance between
of time it is known as negative growth of
population and resources.
population. It occurs when the birth rate falls
below the death rate or people migrate to Migration may be permanent, temporary
other countries. or seasonal. It may take place from rural to
rural areas, rural to urban areas, urban to
urban areas and urban to rural areas.
Do you realise that the same person is both
Components of Population Change an immigrant and an emigrant?
There are three components of population Immigration: Migrants who move into a new
change – births, deaths and migration. place are called Immigrants.
The crude birth rate (CBR) is expressed as Emigration: Migrants who move out of a
number of live births in a year per thousand of place are called Emigrants.
women. It is calculated as:
Can you think of reasons why people
CBR = ¥ 1000 migrate?
Here, CBR = Crude Birth Rate; Bi = live People migrate for a better economic and
births during the year; P=Mid year population social life. There are two sets of factors that
of the area. influence migration.
Death rate plays an active role in The Push factors make the place of origin
population change. Population growth occurs seem less attractive for reasons like
not only by increasing births rate but also due unemployment, poor living conditions, political
to decreasing death rate. Crude Death Rate turmoil, unpleasant climate, natural disasters,
(CDR) is a simple method of measuring epidemics and socio-economic backwardness.
mortality of any area. CDR is expressed in terms The Pull factors make the place of
of number of deaths in a particular year per destination seem more attractive than the place

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 11

Observe the news items and think of some reasons why certain countries become attractive destinations for migrants.

Migration to cities are traditionally age and sex selective i.e. more men of working age groups move to cities.
Can you think of some reason why 22 per cent of migrants to Mumbai are kids?
of origin for reasons like better job opportunities grew very slowly. It is only during the last few
and living conditions, peace and stability, hundred years that population has increased
security of life and property and pleasant climate. at an alarming rate.
Fig. 2.3 tells the story of population
TRENDS IN POPULATION GROWTH growth. After the evolution and introduction
The population on the earth is more than six of agriculture about 8,000 to 12,000 years
billion. It has grown to this size over centuries. ago, the size of population was small – roughly
In the early periods population of the world 8 million. In the first century A.D. it was below
World Number of years for world
population population to increase
in billions by 1 billion
Technological revolutions 6 billion 1999 (12 years)
1650 to present 5 billion 1987
(12 years)
4 billion 1975
Information and computers (15 years)
3 billion 1960
Biotechnology (30 years)
2 billion 1930
Sanitation and Medical

(100 years)
Development and
spread of agriculture Age of European exploration,
colonisation and settlement
(0.25 billion)
(0.5 billion)
1 billion 1830
12000 years Birth of 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
before Christ Present

Fig. 2.3: Resource, Technology and Population Growth

12 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Table 2.1: Doubling Time of World Population

Period Population Time in which

Population Doubles
10,000 B.C. 5 million
1650 A.D. 500 million 1,500 years
1850 A.D. 1,000 million 200 years
1930 A.D. 2,000 million 80 years
1975 A.D. 4,000 million 45 years
2012 A.D. 8,000 million projected figure 37 years

300 million. The expanding world trade during it took only 12 years for it to rise from 5 billion
the sixteenth and seventeenth century, set the to 6 billion. See the Table 2.1 carefully which
stage for rapid population growth. Around shows that doubling time of world population
1750, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, is reducing fast.
the world population was 550 million. World There is a great variation among regions
population exploded in the eighteenth century in doubling their population. Table 2.2 shows
after the Industrial Revolution. Technological that developed countries are taking more time
advancement achieved so far helped in the
to double their population as compared to
reduction of birth rate and provided a stage for
developing countries. Most of the population
accelerated population growth.
growth is taking place in the developing world,
where population is exploding. Why is this so?
How Science and Technology
helped Population Growth? Table 2.2: Population Growth Rates (%) 1995-2000

The steam engine replaced human and High Low

animal energy and also provided
Liberia 8.2 Latvia –1.5
mechanised energy of water and wind. This Somalia 4.2 Estonia –1.2
increased agricultural and industrial Yemen 3.7 Russia, Ukraine –0.6
production. Saudi Arabia 3.4 Albania, Bulgaria
Inoculation against epidemics and other Oman 3.3 Croatia
communicable diseases, improvement in Slovania, Czech Republic
Germany, Portugal –0.1
medical facilities and sanitation contributed
Spain, Italy
to a rapid decline in death rates throughout
the world. Denmark 0


Population growth in different parts of the world
Human population increased more than ten times in can be compared. The growth of population is
the past 500 hundred years. low in developed countries as compared to
developing countries. There is negative
In the twentieth century itself the population has correlation between economic development and
increased four times. population growth.
Although the annual rate of population
Nearly 80 million people are added each year.
change (1.4 per cent) seems to be low (Table
2.3), it is actually not so. This is because:
DOUBLING TIME OF WORLD POPULATION • When a small annual rate is applied to a
It took more than a million years for the human very large population, it will lead to a large
population to attain the one billion mark. But population change.

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 13

Figure 2.4: Population Doubling Time

• Even if the growth rate continues to decline, these the depletion of resources is the most
the total population grows each year. The serious. Population decline is also a matter of
infant mortality rate may have increased concern. It indicates that resources that had
as has the death rate during childbirth. supported a population earlier are now
insufficient to maintain the population.
Table 2.3: Growth of Population 2004-05 over 1990-95 The deadly HIV/AIDS epidemics in Africa and
some parts of the Commonwealth of Independent
Growth Rate States (CIS) and Asia have pushed up death rates
Region 1990-95 2004-05 and reduced average life expectancy. This has
(Estimated) slowed down population growth.
World 1.6 1.4
Africa 2.4 2.6
Europe 0.2 0.0 The Doubling Story... It will
North & Central America 1.4 1.1 take 36 years
South America 1.7 1.4
Asia 1.6 1.4 The annual population growth rate in India
Oceania 1.5 1.3 is 1.9 per cent. At this rate India’s population
(Australia, New Zealand and Fiji) of over 1 billion will double in 36 years.
Some developed countries will take 318
years to double their population whereas
IMPACT OF POPULATION CHANGE some countries still do not show symptoms
A small increase in population is desirable in a of doubling their population.
growing economy. However, population growth
beyond a certain level leads to problems. Of

14 Fundamentals of Human Geography

DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION engaged in agriculture where large families are
an asset. Life expectancy is low, people are
Demographic transition theory can be used to mostly illiterate and have low levels of
describe and predict the future population of technology. Two hundred years ago all the
any area. The theory tells us that population of countries of the world were in this stage.
any region changes from high births and high Fertility remains high in the beginning of
deaths to low births and low deaths as society second stage but it declines with time. This is
progresses from rural agrarian and illiterate to accompanied by reduced mortality rate.
urban industrial and literate society. These Improvements in sanitation and health
changes occur in stages which are collectively conditions lead to decline in mortality. Because
known as the demographic cycle. of this gap the net addition to population is
Rural, Demographic Urban, In the last stage, both fertility and mortality
Agrarian Transition Industrial decline considerably. The population is either
stable or grows slowly. The population becomes
urbanised, literate and has high technical know-
The Fig. 2.5 explains the three-staged how and deliberately controls the family size.
model of Demographic Transition Theory: This shows that human beings are
High Fluctuating
extremely flexible and are able to adjust their
Stage Stage Stage
I II III In the present day, different countries are
BR at different stages of demographic transition.


Increase in Low Fluctuating
Family planning is the spacing or preventing
DR the birth of children. Access to family planning
services is a significant factor in limiting
population growth and improving women’s
Bangladesh Peru Sri Lanka Canada health. Propaganda, free availability of
Present Rainforest Kenya Japan
World tribes USA contraceptives and tax disincentives for large
examples Time families are some of the measures which can
help population control.
Thomas Malthus in his theory (1793)
stated that the number of people would
Fig. 2.5: Demographic Transition Theory increase faster than the food supply. Any
further increase would result in a population
The first stage has high fertility and high crash caused by famine, disease and war. The
mortality because people reproduce more to preventive checks are better than the physical
compensate for the deaths due to epidemics checks. For the sustainability of our resources,
and variable food supply. The population the world will have to control the rapid
growth is slow and most of the people are population increase

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 15

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of
(a) Africa (c) Asia
(b) South America (d) North America
(ii) Which one of the following is not an area of sparse population?
(a) The Atacama (c) Equatorial region
(b) South-east Asia (d) Polar regions
(iii) Which one of the following is not a push factor ?
(a) Water shortage (c) Unemployment
(b) Medical/educational facilities (d) Epidemics
(iv) Which one of the following is not a fact ?
(a) Human population increased more than ten times during the past
500 years.
(b) Nearly 80 million people are added to the world population each year.
(c) It took 100 years for the population to rise from 5 billion to 6 billion.
(d) Population growth is high in the first stage of demographic transition?
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Name three geographical factors that influence the distribution of
(ii) There are a number of areas with high population density in the world.
Why does this happen?
(iii) What are the three components of population change?
3. Distinguish between:
(i) Birth rate and death rate.
(ii) Push factors and pull factors of migration.
4. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the factors influencing the distribution and density of population
in the world.
(ii) Discuss the three stages of demographic transition.

Map Skill
On the outline map of the world, show and name the following.
(i) Countries of Europe and Asia with negative growth rate of population.
(ii) African countries with growth rate of population more than three per
cent. (You may refer to Appendix 1).

(i) Has someone in your family migrated? Write about her/his place of
destination. What made her/him migrate?
(ii) Write a brief report on the distribution and density of population in
your state.

16 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit-II People of any country are diverse in many
respects. Each person is unique in her/his own
Chapter-3 way. People can be distinguished by their age,
sex and their place of residence. Some of the
other distinguishing attributes of the population
are occupation, education and life expectancy.

The number of women and men in a country is
an important demographic characteristic. The
ratio between the number of women and men in
the population is called the Sex Ratio. In some
countries it is calculated by using the formula:
Male Population
× 1000
Female Population
or the number of males per thousand

Composition females.

In India, the sex ratio is worked out using the

Female Population
× 1000
Male Population
or the number of females per thousand males.

The sex ratio is an important information

about the status of women in a country.
In regions where gender discrimination is
rampant, the sex ratio is bound to be
unfavourable to women. Such areas are those
where the practice of female foeticide, female
infanticide and domestic violence against women
are prevalent. One of the reasons could be lower
socio-economic status of women in these areas.
You must remember that more women in the
population does not mean they have a better
status. It could be that the men might have
migrated to other areas for employment.

Natural Advantage v/s

Social Disadvantage
Females have a biological advantage over
males as they tend to be more resilient than
males yet this advantage is cancelled out
by the social disadvantages and
discriminations that they face.
On an average, the world population Fig. 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 show different types
reflects a sex ratio of 990 females per 1000 of population pyramids.
males. The highest sex ratio in the world has
been recorded in Latvia which is 1187 females Expanding Populations
per 1000 males. In contrast, the lowest sex ratio
The age-sex pyramid of Nigeria as you can see
occurs in U.A.E. which is 468 females per 1000
is a triangular shaped pyramid with a wide
base and is typical of less developed countries.
The world pattern of sex ratio does not
These have larger populations in lower age
exhibit variations in the developed regions of
groups due to high birth rates. If you construct
the world. The sex ratio is favourable for females
the pyramids for Bangladesh and Mexico, it
in 139 countries of the world and unfavourable
would look the same.
for them in the remaining 72 countries listed
by the United Nations. NIGERIA, 2003
In general, Asia has a low sex ratio. 80+
Countries like China, India, Saudi Arabia, 70-74
Pakistan, Afghanistan have a lower sex ratio.

Age Groups Years

On the other extreme is greater part of 55-59
Europe (including Russia) where males are in 45-49
minority. A deficit of males in the populations 35-39
of many European countries is attributed to 25-29
better status of women, and an excessively 20-24
male-dominated out-migration to different 10-14
parts of the world in the past. 0-4
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Per cent
Age Structure Data source: Demographic Year Book, 2003, United Nations Statistics Division.
Data refer to national projection
Age structure represents the number of people Fig. 3.1: Expanding Population
of different age groups. This is an important
indicator of population composition, since a Constant Population
large size of population in the age group of 15-
59 indicates a large working population. A Australia’s age-sex pyramid is bell shaped and
greater proportion of population above 60 years tapered towards the top. This shows birth and
represents an ageing population which requires death rates are almost equal leading to a near
more expenditure on health care facilities. constant population.
Similarly high proportion of young population
would mean that the region has a high birth AUSTRALIA, 2003
rate and the population is youthful. 80-84
Age-Sex Pyramid 65-69
Age Groups Years

The age-sex structure of a population refers 50-54
to the number of females and males in 40-44
different age groups. A population pyramid 30-34
is used to show the age-sex structure of the 25-29
population. 15-19
The shape of the population pyramid 5-9
reflects the characteristics of the population. 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
The left side shows the percentage of males while Per cent
Data source: Demographic Year Book, 2003, United Nations Statistics Division.
the right side shows the percentage of women
in each age group. Fig. 3.2: Constant Population

18 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Declining Populations The criteria for differentiating rural and
urban population varies from country to country.
The Japan pyramid has a narrow base and a
In general terms rural areas are those where
tapered top showing low birth and death rates.
people are engaged in primary activities and urban
The population growth in developed countries
areas are those when majority of the working
is usually zero or negative.
population is engaged in non-primary activities.
JAPAN, 2003 Fig. 3.4 shows rural urban sex composition
80-84 of selected countries. The rural and urban
differences in sex ratio in Canada and West
Age Groups Years

European countries like Finland are just the
opposite of those in African and Asian countries
45-49 like Zimbabwe and Nepal respectively. In
35-39 Western countries, males outnumber females
25-29 in rural areas and females outnumber the males
in urban areas. In countries like Nepal, Pakistan
and India the case is reverse. The excess of
0-4 females in urban areas of U.S.A., Canada and
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Per cent Europe is the result of influx of females from
Data source: Demographic Year Book, 2003, United Nations Statistics Division. rural areas to avail of the vast job opportunities.
Excluding diplomatic personnel outside the country and foreign military and Farming in these developed countries is also
civilian personnel and their dependants stationed in the area
highly mechanised and remains largely a male
Fig. 3.3: Declining Population occupation. By contrast the sex ratio in Asian
urban areas remains male dominated due to
the predominance of male migration. It is also
worth noting that in countries like India, female
Draw a population pyramid of the children in your school participation in farming activity in rural area is
and describe its characteristics. fairly high. Shortage of housing, high cost of
living, paucity of job opportunities and lack of
security in cities, discourage women to migrate
Ageing Population from rural to urban areas.
Population ageing is the process by which
the share of the older population becomes Literacy
proportionally larger. This is a new Proportion of literate population of a country
phenomenon of the twentieth century. In most
of the developed countries of the world, in an indicator of its socio-economic
population in higher age groups has increased development as it reveals the standard of living,
due to increased life expectancy. With a social status of females, availability of
reduction in birth rates, the proportion of educational facilities and policies of
children in the population has declined. government. Level of economic development is
both a cause and consequence of literacy. In
India – literacy rate denotes the percentage of
RURAL URBAN COMPOSITION population above 7 years of age, who is able to
read, write and have the ability to do arithmetic
The division of population into rural and urban
calculations with understanding.
is based on the residence. This division is
necessary because rural and urban life styles
differ from each other in terms of their livelihood
Occupational Structure
and social conditions. The age-sex-occupational The working population (i.e. women and men
structure, density of population and level of of the age group – 15 to 59) take part in various
development vary between rural and urban areas. occupations ranging from agriculture, forestry,

Population Composition 19
1129 Rural
1083 1063
1040 1051 Urban
986 1007 1012
941 935 908 939
Females per 1000 Males





Finland Canada New Zealand Brazil Zimbabwe Nepal

Fig. 3.4: Rural Urban Sex Composition, 2003 (Selected Countries)

fishing, manufacturing construction, sectors is a good indicator of the levels of

commercial transport, services, communication economic development of a nation. This is
and other unclassified services. because only a developed economy with
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining industries and infrastructure can
are classified as primary activities accommodate more workers in the secondary,
manufacturing as secondary, transport, tertiary and quaternary sector. If the economy
communication and other services as tertiary is still in the primitive stages, then the
and the jobs related to research and developing proportion of people engaged in primary
ideas as quaternary activities. The proportion activities world be high as it involves extraction
of working population engaged in these four of natural resources.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab
Emirates to be low?
(a) Selective migration of male working population
(b) High birth rate of males
(c) Low birth rate of females
(d) High out migration of females

20 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(ii) Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the
(a) 15 to 65 years (c) 15 to 66 years
(b) 15 to 64 years (d) 15 to 59 years
(iii) Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?
(a) Latvia (c) Japan
(b) United Arab Emirates (d) France
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do you understand by population composition?
(ii) What is the significance of age-structure?
(iii) How is sex-ratio measured?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Describe the rural-urban composition of the population.
(ii) Discuss the factors responsible for imbalances in the sex-age found in
different parts of the world and occupational structure.

Construct an age-sex pyramid for your district/state.

Population Composition 21
Unit-II The words ‘growth’ and ‘development’ are not
new to you. Look around you, almost everything
Chapter-4 that you can see (and many that you cannot)
grows and develops. These may be plants, cities,
ideas, nations, relationships or even you
yourself! What does this mean?

Do growth and development mean

the same thing?
Do they accompany each other?

This chapter discusses the concept of

human development as it pertains to nations
and communities.


Both growth and development refer to changes
over a period of time. The difference is that
growth is quantitative and value neutral. It may
have a positive or a negative sign. This means
that the change may be either positive (showing
an increase) or negative (indicating a decrease).
Development means a qualitative change
which is always value positive. This means that
development cannot take place unless there is
an increment or addition to the existing
conditions. Development occurs when positive
growth takes place. Yet, positive growth does
not always lead to development. Development
occurs when there is a positive change in
For example, if the population of a city
grows from one lakh to two lakhs over a period
of time, we say the city has grown. However, if a
facilities like housing, provision of basic services
and other characteristics remain the same, then
this growth has not been accompanied by
Can you think of a few more examples to
differentiate between growth and development?

Write a short essay or draw a set of pictures illustrating

growth without development and growth with
For many decades, a country’s level of
development was measured only in terms of its
Band Aceh, June, 2004 Band Aceh, December, 2004

Do you know that cities can also grow negatively? Look at the photographs of this tsunami
affected city. Are natural disasters the only reasons for negative growth in a city’s size?

economic growth. This meant that the bigger The concept of human development was
the economy of the country, the more developed introduced by Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq. Dr Haq has
it was considered, even though this growth did described human development as development
not really mean much change in the lives of most that enlarges people’s choices and improves
people. their lives. People are central to all development
The idea that the quality of life people enjoy under this concept. These choices are not fixed
in a country, the opportunities they have and but keep on changing. The basic goal of
freedoms they enjoy, are important aspects of development is to create conditions where
development, is not new. people can live meaningful lives.
These ideas were clearly spelt out for the A meaningful life is not just a long one. It
first time in the late eighties and early nineties. must be a life with some purpose. This means
The works of two South Asian economists, that people must be healthy, be able to develop
Mahbub-ul-Haq and Amartya Sen are their talents, participate in society and be free
important in this regard. to achieve their goals.

Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq and Prof Amartya Sen were close friends and have worked together under the leadership of Dr
Haq to bring out the initial Human Development Reports. Both these South Asian economists have been able to
provide an alternative view of development.

A man of vision and compassion, Pakistani economist Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq created the Human Development
Index in 1990. According to him, development is all about enlarging people’s choices in order to lead long,
healthy lives with dignity. The United Nations Development Programme has used his concept of human development
to publish the Human Development Report annually since 1990.

Dr Haq’s flexibility of mind and ability to think out of the box can be illustrated from one of his speeches where
he quoted Shaw saying, “‘You see things that are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why

Nobel Laureate Prof Amartya Sen saw an increase in freedom (or decrease in unfreedom) as the main objective
of development. Interestingly, increasing freedoms is also one of the most effective ways of bringing about
development. His work explores the role of social and political institutions and processes in increasing freedom.

The works of these economists are path breaking and have succeeded in bringing people to the centre of any
discussion on development.

Human Development 23
What is a Meaningful Life?

Which of these lives is a meaningful life?

Who do you think leads more meaningful life? What makes one of these more meaningful than the other?

24 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Leading a long and healthy life, being able For example, in any country, it is interesting
to gain knowledge and having enough means to see which group the most of the school
to be able to live a decent life are the most dropouts belong to. This should then lead to an
important aspects of human development. understanding of the reasons for such behaviour.
Therefore, access to resources, health and In India, a large number of women and persons
education are the key areas in human belonging to socially and economically
development. Suitable indicators have been backward groups drop out of school. This shows
developed to measure each of these aspects. Can how the choices of these groups get limited by
you think of some? not having access to knowledge.
Very often, people do not have the Sustainability means continuity in the
capability and freedom to make even basic availability of opportunities. To have
choices. This may be due to their inability to sustainable human development, each
acquire knowledge, their material poverty, generation must have the same opportunities.
social discrimination, inefficiency of institutions All environmental, financial and human
resources must be used keeping in mind the
and other reasons. This prevents them from
future. Misuse of any of these resources will
leading healthy lives, being able to get educated
lead to fewer opportunities for future
or to have the means to live a decent life.
Building people’s capabilities in the areas A good example is about the importance
of health, education and access to resources is of sending girls to school. If a community does
therefore, important in enlarging their choices. not stress the importance of sending its girl
If people do not have capabilities in these areas, children to school, many opportunities will be
their choices also get limited. lost to these young women when they grow up.
For example, an uneducated child cannot Their career choices will be severely curtailed
make the choice to be a doctor because her and this would affect other aspects of their lives.
choice has got limited by her lack of education. So each generation must ensure the availability
Similarly, very often poor people cannot choose of choices and opportunities to its future
to take medical treatment for disease because generations.
their choice is limited by their lack of resources. Productivity here means human labour
productivity or productivity in terms of human
work. Such productivity must be constantly
enriched by building capabilities in people.
Ultimately, it is people who are the real wealth
Enact a five-minute play with your classmates showing of nations. Therefore, efforts to increase their
how choices are limited due to lack of capability in the knowledge, or provide better health facilities
areas of either income, education or health.
ultimately leads to better work efficiency.
Empowerment means to have the power
THE FOUR PILLARS OF HUMAN to make choices. Such power comes from
DEVELOPMENT increasing freedom and capability. Good
governance and people-oriented policies are
Just as any building is supported by pillars, required to empower people. The empowerment
the idea of human development is supported of socially and economically disadvantaged
by the concepts of equity, sustainability, groups is of special importance.
productivity and empowerment.
Equity refers to making equal access to
opportunities available to everybody. The
opportunities available to people must be equal Talk to the vegetable vendor in your neighbourhood and
irrespective of their gender, race, income and find out if she has gone to school. Did she drop out of
in the Indian case, caste. Yet this is very often school? Why? What does this tell you about her choices
not the case and happens in almost every and the freedom she has? Note how her opportunities
society. were limited because of her gender, caste and income.

Human Development 25
APPROACHES TO HUMAN write and the number of children enrolled in
DEVELOPMENT schools show how easy or difficult it is to access
knowledge in a particular country.
There are many ways of looking at the problem
Access to resources is measured in terms
of human development. Some of the important
of purchasing power (in U.S. dollars).
approaches are: (a) The income approach; (b) The
Each of these dimensions is given a
welfare approach; (c) Minimum needs approach;
weightage of 1/3. The human development
and (d) Capabilities approach (Table 4.1).
index is a sum total of the weights assigned to
all these dimensions.
The closer a score is to one, the greater is
The human development index (HDI) ranks the the level of human development. Therefore, a
countries based on their performance in the key score of 0.983 would be considered very high
areas of health, education and access to while 0.268 would mean a very low level of
resources. These rankings are based on a score human development.
between 0 to 1 that a country earns from its The human development index measures
record in the key areas of human development. attainments in human development. It reflects
The indicator chosen to assess health is what has been achieved in the key areas of
the life expectancy at birth. A higher life human development. Yet it is not the most
expectancy means that people have a greater reliable measure. This is because it does not
chance of living longer and healthier lives. say anything about the distribution.
The adult literacy rate and the gross The human poverty index is related to the
enrolment ratio represent access to knowledge. human development index. This index
The number of adults who are able to read and measures the shortfall in human development.

Table 4.1: Approaches to Human Development

(a) Income Approach This is one of the oldest approaches to human

development. Human development is seen as being
linked to income. The idea is that the level of income
reflects the level of freedom an individual enjoys.
Higher the level of income, the higher is the level of
human development.

(b) Welfare Approach This approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries

or targets of all development activities. The approach
argues for higher government expenditure on
education, health, social secondary and amenities.
People are not participants in development but only
passive recipients. The government is responsible for
increasing levels of human development by
maximising expenditure on welfare.

(c) Basic Needs Approach This approach was initially proposed by the
International Labour Organisation (ILO). Six basic
needs i.e.: health, education, food, water supply,
sanitation, and housing were identified. The question
of human choices is ignored and the emphasis is on
the provision of basic needs of defined sections.

(d) Capability Approach This approach is associated with Prof. Amartya Sen.
Building human capabilities in the areas of health,
education and access to resources is the key to
increasing human development.

26 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Bhutan is the only country in the world to
officially proclaim the Gross National
Happiness (GNH) as the measure of the
country’s progress. Material progress and
technological developments are approached
more cautiously taking into consideration the
possible harm they might bring to the
environment or the other aspects of cultural
and spiritual life of the Bhutanese. This simply
means material progress cannot come at the
cost of happiness. GNH encourages us to
think of the spiritual, non-material and
qualitative aspects of development.

Since 1990, the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) has been International comparisons of human
publishing the Human Development Report development are interesting. Size of the territory
every year. This report provides a rank-wise and per capita income are not directly related
list of all member countries according to the to human development. Often smaller countries
level of human development. The Human have done better than larger ones in human
Development index and the Human Poverty development. Similarly, relatively poorer
index are two important indices to measure nations have been ranked higher than richer
human development used by the UNDP. neighbours in terms of human development.
For example, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and
Tobago have a higher rank than India in the
It is a non-income measure. The probability of human development index despite having
not surviving till the age of 40, the adult illiteracy smaller economies. Similarly, within India,
rate, the number of people who do not have Kerala performs much better than Punjab and
access to clean water, and the number of small Gujarat in human development despite having
children who are underweight are all taken into lower per capita income.
account to show the shortfall in human Countries can be classified into three
development in any region. Often the human groups on the basis of the human development
poverty index is more revealing than the human scores earned by them (Table 4.2).
development index.
Table 4.2: Human Development: Categories, Criteria
Looking at both these measures of human
and Countries
development together gives an accurate picture
of the human development situation in a Level of Human Score in Number of
Development Development Countries
The ways to measure human development
are constantly being refined and newer ways of High above 0.8 57
capturing different elements of human Medium between 0.5 up to 88
development are being researched. Researchers 0.799
have found links between the level of corruption Low below 0.5 32
or political freedom in a particular region. There Source: Human Development Report, 2005
is also a discussion regarding a political
freedom index and, a listing of the most corrupt Countries with High Index Value
countries. Can you think of other links to the Countries with high human development index
level of human development? are those which have a score of over 0.8.

Human Development 27
According to the Human Development Report You will notice that many of these countries
of 2005, this group includes 57 countries. Table have been the former imperial powers. The degree
4.3 shows the countries in this group. of social diversity in these countries is not very
high. Many of the countries with a high human
Table 4.3: Top Ten Countries with High Value Index
development score are located in Europe and
Sl. No. Country Sl. No. Country represent the industrialised western world. Yet
1. Norway 6. Sweden there are striking numbers of non-European
2. Iceland 7. Switzerland
3. Australia 8. Ireland
countries also who have made it to this list.
4. Luxembourg 9. Belgium
5. Canada 10. United States Countries with Medium Index Value
Source: Human Development Report, 2005 Countries with medium levels of human
development form the largest group. There are
Try to locate these countries on a map. a total of 88 countries in this group. Most of
Can you see what these countries have in these are countries which have emerged in the
common? To find out more visit the official period after the Second World War. Some
government websites of these countries. countries from this group were former colonies
while many others have emerged after the break
Providing education and healthcare is an
up of the erstwhile Soviet Union in 1990. Many
important government priority. Countries with
of these countries have been rapidly improving
higher human development are those where a
their human development score by adopting
lot of investment in the social sector has taken
more people-oriented policies and reducing
place. Altogether, a higher investment in people
social discrimination. Most of these countries
and good governance has set this group of
countries apart from the others. have a much higher social diversity than the
Try to find out the percentage of the countries with higher human development
country’s income spent on these sectors. Can scores. Many in this group have faced political
you think of some other characteristics that instability and social uprisings at some point
these countries have in common? of time in their recent history.

What could be
the reasons for
India to be
behind 125
countries in

28 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Countries with Low Index Value To understand why a particular region
keeps reporting low or high levels of human
As many as 32 countries record low levels of
development it is important to look at the
human development. A large proportion of
these are small countries which have been going pattern of government expenditure on the
through political turmoil and social instability social sector. The political environment of the
in the form of civil war, famine or a high country and the amount of freedom people
incidence of diseases. There is an urgent need have is also important. Countries with high
to address the human development levels of human development invest more in
requirements of this group through well the social sectors and are generally free from
thought out policies. political turmoil and instability. Distribution
International comparisons of human of the country’s resources is also far more
development can show some very interesting equitable.
results. Often people tend to blame low levels On the other hand, places with low levels
of human development on the culture of the of human development tend to spend more on
people. For example, X country has lower defence rather than social sectors. This shows
human development because its people follow that these countries tend to be located in areas
Y religion, or belong to Z community. Such of political instability and have not been able
statements are misleading. to initiate accelerated economic development.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following best describes development?
(a) an increase in size (c) a positive change in quality
(b) a constant in size (d) a simple change in the quality
(ii) Which one of the following scholars introduced the concept of Human
(a) Prof. Amartya Sen (c) Dr Mahabub-ul-Haq
(b) Ellen C. Semple (d) Ratzel
(iii) Which one of the following is not a country with high human development?
(a) Norway (c) Argentina
(b) Japan (d) Egypt
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are the three basic areas of human development?
(ii) Name the four main components of human development?
(iii) How are countries classified on the basis of human development index?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) What do you understand by the term human development?
(ii) What do equity and sustainability refer to within the concept of human

Human Development 29
Make a list of the ten most corrupt countries and ten least corrupt countries.
Compare their scores on the human development index. What inferences can
you draw?
Consult the latest Human Development Report for this.

30 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit-III All economic activities namely primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary, revolve
Chapter-6 around obtaining and utilising resources
necessary for survival.
Secondary activities add value to natural
resources by transforming raw materials into
valuable products. Cotton in the boll has limited
use but after it is transformed into yarn,
becomes more valuable and can be used for
making clothes. Iron ore, cannot be used;
directly from the mines, but after being
converted into steel it gets its value and can be
used for making many valuable machines,
tools, etc. The same is true of most of the
materials from the farm, forest, mine and the
Secondary Activities sea. Secondary activities, therefore, are
concerned with manufacturing, processing and
construction (infrastructure) industries.

Manufacturing involves a full array of
production from handicrafts to moulding iron
and steel and stamping out plastic toys to
assembling delicate computer components or
space vehicles. In each of these processes, the
common characteristics are the application of
power, mass production of identical products
and specialised labour in factory settings for
the production of standardised commodities.
Manufacturing may be done with modern
power and machinery or it may still be very
primitive. Most of the Third World countries still
‘manufacture’ in the literal sense of the term. It
is difficult to present a full picture of all the
manufacturers in these countries. More
emphasis is given to the kind of ‘industrial’
activity which involves less complicated systems
of production.

Characteristics of Modern Large Scale

Modern large scale manufacturing has the
following characteristics:

Specialisation of Skills/Methods of
Under the ‘craft’ method factories produce only
a few pieces which are made-to-order. So the
costs are high. On the other hand, mass
production involves production of large Organisational Structure and Stratification
quantities of standardised parts by each worker
Modern manufacturing is characterised by:
performing only one task repeatedly.
(i) a complex machine technology
(ii) extreme specialisation and division of
labour for producing more goods with less
‘Manufacturing’ Industry and effort, and low costs
‘Manufacturing Industry’ (iii) vast capital
(iv) large organisations
Manufacturing literally means ‘to
make by hand’. However, now it (v) executive bureaucracy.
includes goods ‘made by machines’.
It is essentially a process which Uneven Geographic Distribution
involves transforming raw materials Major concentrations of modern manufacturing
into finished goods of higher value have flourished in a few number of places. These
for sale in local or distant markets. cover less than 10 per cent of the world’s land
Conceptually, an industry is a area. These nations have become the centres of
geographically located manufacturing economic and political power. However, in terms
unit maintaining books of accounts of the total area covered, manufacturing sites
and, records under a management are much less conspicuous and concentrated
system. As the term industry is on much smaller areas than that of agriculture
comprehensive, it is also used as due to greater intensity of processes. For
synonymous with ‘manufacturing’ example, 2.5 sq km of the American corn belt
When one uses terms like ‘steel usually includes about four large farms
industry’ and ‘chemical industry’ one employing about 10-20 workers supporting
thinks of factories and processes. 50-100 persons. But this same area could
But there are many secondary contain several large integrated factories and
activities which are not carried on in employ thousands of workers.
factories such as what is now called
the ‘entertainment industry’ and
Tourism industry, etc. So for clarity Why do Large-scale Industries choose
the longer expression ‘manufacturing different locations?
industry’ is used. Industries maximise profits by reducing
costs. Therefore, industries should be located
at points where the production costs are
Mechanisation minimum. Some of the factors influencing
Mechanisation refers to using gadgets which industrial locations are as under:
accomplish tasks. Automation (without aid of
human thinking during the manufacturing Access to Market
process) is the advanced stage of mechanisation. The existence of a market for manufactured
Automatic factories with feedback and closed- goods is the most important factor in the location
loop computer control systems where machines of industries. ‘Market’ means people who have a
are developed to ‘think’, have sprung up all over demand for these goods and also have the
the world. purchasing power (ability to purchase) to be able
to purchase from the sellers at a place. Remote
Technological Innovation areas inhabited by a few people offer small
Technological innovations through research markets. The developed regions of Europe, North
and development strategy are an important America, Japan and Australia provide large
aspect of modern manufacturing for quality global markets as the purchasing power of the
control, eliminating waste and inefficiency, and people is very high. The densely populated
combating pollution. regions of South and South-east Asia also

46 Fundamentals of Human Geography

provide large markets. Some industries, such Communication is also an important need
as aircraft manufacturing, have a global market. for industries for the exchange and
The arms industry also has global markets. management of information.

Access to Raw Material Government Policy

Raw material used by industries should be Governments adopt ‘regional policies’ to
cheap and easy to transport. Industries based promote ‘balanced’ economic development and
on cheap, bulky and weight-losing material hence set up industries in particular areas.
(ores) are located close to the sources of raw
material such as steel, sugar, and cement Access to Agglomeration Economies/
industries. Perishability is a vital factor for the Links between Industries
industry to be located closer to the source of
Many industries benefit from nearness to a
the raw material. Agro-processing and dairy
leader-industry and other industries. These
products are processed close to the sources of
benefits are termed as agglomeration
farm produce or milk supply respectively.
economies. Savings are derived from the
linkages which exist between different
Access to Labour Supply
Labour supply is an important factor in the These factors operate together to determine
location of industries. Some types of industrial location.
manufacturing still require skilled labour.
Increasing mechanisation, automation and
flexibility of industrial processes have reduced Foot Loose Industries
the dependence of industry upon the labours.
Foot loose industries can be located
Access to Sources of Energy in a wide variety of places. They are
not dependent on any specific raw
Industries which use more power are located material, weight losing or otherwise.
close to the source of the energy supply such They largely depend on component
as the aluminium industry. parts which can be obtained
Earlier coal was the main source of energy, anywhere. They produce in small
today hydroelectricity and petroleum are also quantity and also employ a small
important sources of energy for many labour force. These are generally not
industries. polluting industries. The important
factor in their location is accessibility
Access to Transportation and by road network.
Communication Facilities
Speedy and efficient transport facilities to carry
raw materials to the factory and to move finished Classification of Manufacturing Industries
goods to the market are essential for the Manufacturing industries are classified on the
development of industries. The cost of transport basis of their size, inputs/raw materials,
plays an important role in the location of output/products and ownership (Fig. 6.1).
industrial units. Western Europe and eastern
North America have a highly developed transport Industries based on Size
system which has always induced the
concentration of industries in these areas. Modern The amount of capital invested, number of
industry is inseparably tied to transportation workers employed and volume of production
systems. Improvements in transportation led to determine the size of industry. Accordingly,
integrated economic development and regional industries may be classified into household or
specialisation of manufacturing. cottage, small-scale and large-scale.

Secondary Activities 47
Classification of Industries

Based on

Size Inputs/Raw Materials Output/Product Size

Cottage Small Large Agro Mineral Chemical Forest Animal Basic Consumer Public Private Joint
or Scale Scale based based based based based goods Sector Sector Sector
Iron and

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Sugar, Petro- Timber, Leather, Steel
Artifacts edible oil, chemical, lac, wool
cotton textile, plastic, terpentine,
coffee, synthetic, paper
tea, rubber, fibre,
etc. salts,
fertilisers Biscuits Textiles Vehicles,
e.g. cars,

Metallic Non-Metallic

Cement, Pottery
Ferrous Non-ferrous

Iron and Copper,

Steel aluminium,
gems and

Fig. 6.1 : Classification of Industries

HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES OR Some common everyday products
COTTAGE MANUFACTURING produced in this sector of manufacturing
include foodstuffs, fabrics, mats, containers,
It is the smallest manufacturing unit. The tools, furniture, shoes, and figurines from wood
craftsmen or artisans use local raw materials lot and forest, shoes, thongs and other articles from
and simple hand tools to produce everyday leather; pottery and bricks from clays and stones.
goods in their homes with the help of their family Goldsmiths make jewellery of gold, silver and
members or part-time labour. Finished bronze. Some artefacts and crafts are made out of
products may be for consumption in the same bamboo, wood obtained locally from the forests.
household or, for sale in local (village) markets,
or, for barter. Capital and transportation do not Small Scale Manufacturing
wield much influence as this type of
manufacturing has low commercial significance Small scale manufacturing is distinguished
and most of the tools are devised locally. from household industries by its production
techniques and place of manufacture (a
workshop outside the home/cottage of the
producer). This type of manufacturing uses
local raw material, simple power -driven
machines and semi-skilled labour. It provides
employment and raises local purchasing power.
Therefore, countries like India, China, Indonesia
and Brazil, etc. have developed labour-intensive
small scale manufacturing in order to provide
employment to their population.

Fig. 6.2 (a) : A man making pots in his courtyard-

example of household industry in Nagaland

Fig. 6.3: Products of Cottage Industry on Sale

in Assam

Large Scale Manufacturing

Large scale manufacturing involves a large
market, various raw materials, enormous
energy, specialised workers, advanced
technology, assembly-line mass production and
large capital. This kind of manufacturing
developed in the last 200 years, in the United
Kingdom, north-eastern U.S.A. and Europe. Now
Fig. 6.2 (b) : A man weaving a bamboo basket by the
roadside in Arunachal Pradesh it has diffused in almost all over the world.

Secondary Activities 49
On the basis of the system of large scale
manufacturing, the world’s major industrial
regions may be grouped under two broad types,
(i) traditional large-scale industrial regions
which are thickly clustered in a few more
developed countries.
(ii) high-technology large scale industrial
regions which have diffused to less
developed countries.

Fig. 6.5: Tea Garden and a Tea Factory in the Nilgiri

Hills of Tamil Nadu

Agri-business is commercial farming

on an industrial scale often financed
by business whose main interests lie
outside agriculture, for example, large
corporations in tea plantation
business. Agri-business farms are
mechanised, large in size, highly
Fig. 6.4 : Passenger car assembly hires at a plant of structured, reliant on chemicals, and
the Motor Company in Japan
may be described as ‘agro-factories’.
Industries based on Inputs/Raw Materials
On the basis of the raw materials used, the (b) Mineral based Industries
industries are classified as: (a) agro-based; (b)
mineral based; (c) chemical based; (d) forest These industries use minerals as a raw material.
based: and (e) animal based. Some industries use ferrous metallic minerals
which contain ferrous (iron), such as iron and
(a) Agro based Industries steel industries but some use non-ferrous
Agro processing involves the processing of raw metallic minerals, such as aluminium, copper
materials from the field and the farm into finished and jewellery industries. Many industries use
products for rural and urban markets. Major non-metallic minerals such as cement and
agro-processing industries are food processing, pottery industries.
sugar, pickles, fruits juices, beverages (tea, coffee
and cocoa), spices and oils fats and textiles (c) Chemical based Industries
(cotton, jute, silk), rubber, etc.
Such industries use natural chemical minerals,
Food Processing e.g. mineral-oil (petroleum) is used in petro-
chemical industry. Salts, sulphur and potash
Agro processing includes canning, producing
cream, fruit processing and confectionery. While industries also use natural minerals. Chemical
some preserving techniques, such as drying, industries are also based on raw materials
fermenting and pickling, have been known since obtained from wood and coal. Synthetic fibre,
ancient times, these had limited applications to plastic, etc. are other examples of chemical based
cater to the pre-Industrial Revolution demands. industries.

50 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(d) Forest based Raw Material using INDUSTRIES BASED ON OWNERSHIP
(a) Public Sector Industries are owned and
The forests provide many major and minor managed by governments. In India, there
products which are used as raw material. were a number of Public Sector
Timber for furniture industry, wood, bamboo Undertakings (PSUs). Socialist countries
and grass for paper industry, lac for lac have many state owned industries. Mixed
industries come from forests. economies have both Public and Private
sector enterprises.
(b) Private Sector Industries are owned by
individual investors. These are managed
by private organisations. In capitalist
countries, industries are generally owned
(c) Joint Sector Industries are managed by
joint stock companies or sometimes the
private and public sectors together
establish and manage the industries. Can
you make a list of such industries?

Traditional Large-Scale Industrial Regions

These are based on heavy industry, often
Fig. 6.6: A pulp mill in the heart of the Ketchikan’s located near coal-fields and engaged in metal
timber area of Alaska
smelting, heavy engineering, chemical
manufacture or textile production. These
(e) Animal based Industries industries are now known as smokestack
Leather for leather industry and wool for industries. Traditional industrial regions can
be recognised by:
woollen textiles are obtained from animals.
• High proportion of employment in
Besides, ivory is also obtained from
manufacturing industry.
elephant’s tusks.
High-density housing, often of inferior
type, and poor services.
Industries Based On Output/Product Unattractive environment, for example,
You have seen some machines and tools made pollution, waste heaps, and so on.
of iron or steel. The raw material for such • Problems of unemployment, emigration
machines and tools is iron and steel. Which is and derelict land areas caused by closure
itself an industry. The industry whose products of factories because of a worldwide fall in
are used to make other goods by using them
as raw materials are basic industries. Can you
The Ruhr Coal-field, Germany
identify the links? Iron/steel machines
for textile industry clothes for use by This has been one of the major industrial
consumers. regions of Europe for a long time. Coal and iron
The consumer goods industries produced and steel formed the basis of the economy, but
as the demand for coal declined, the industry
goods which are consumed by consumers
started shrinking. Even after the iron ore was
directly. For example, industries producing
exhausted, the industry remained, using
breads and biscuits, tea, soaps and toiletries,
imported ore brought by waterways to the Ruhr.
paper for writing, televisions, etc. are consumer The Ruhr region is responsible for 80 per
goods or non-basic industries. cent of Germany’s total steel production.

Secondary Activities 51
Changes in the industrial structure have led to Iron and Steel Industry
the decay of some areas, and there are problems
The iron and steel industry forms the base of
of industrial waste and pollution. The future
all other industries and, therefore, it is called a
prosperity of the Ruhr is based less on the
basic industry. It is basic because it provides
products of coal and steel, for which it was
raw material for other industries such as
initially famous, and more on the new
machine tools used for further production. It
industries like the huge Opel car assembly
may also be called a heavy industry because it
plant, new chemical plants, universities. Out-
uses large quantities of bulky raw materials and
of-town shopping centres have appeared
its products are also heavy.
resulting in a ‘New Ruhr’ landscape.
Iron is extracted from iron ore by smelting
in a blast furnace with carbon (coke) and
Concept of High Technology Industry
limestone. The molten iron is cooled and
High technology, or simply high-tech, is the moulded to form pig iron which is used for
latest generation of manufacturing activities. It converting into steel by adding strengthening
is best understood as the application of materials like manganese.
intensive research and development (R and D) The large integrated steel industry is
efforts leading to the manufacture of products traditionally located close to the sources of raw
of an advanced scientific and engineering materials – iron ore, coal, manganese and
character. Professional (white collar) workers limestone – or at places where these could be
make up a large share of the total workforce. easily brought, e.g. near ports. But in mini steel
These highly skilled specialists greatly mills access to markets is more important than
outnumber the actual production (blue collar) inputs. These are less expensive to build and
workers. Robotics on the assembly line, operate and can be located near markets
computer -aided design (CAD) and because of the abundance of scrap metal, which
manufacturing, electronic controls of smelting is the main input. Traditionally, most of the steel
and refining processes, and the constant was produced at large integrated plants, but
development of new chemical and mini mills are limited to just one-step process –
steel making – and are gaining ground.
pharmaceutical products are notable examples
Distribution : The industry is one of the
of a high-tech industry.
most complex and capital-intensive industries
Neatly spaced, low, modern, dispersed,
and is concentrated in the advanced countries
office-plant-lab buildings rather than massive
of North America, Europe and Asia. In U.S.A,
assembly structures, factories and storage
most of the production comes from the north
areas mark the high-tech industrial landscape. Appalachian region (Pittsburgh), Great Lake
Planned business parks for high-tech start-ups region (Chicago-Gary, Erie, Cleveland, Lorain,
have become part of regional and local Buffalo and Duluth) and the Atlantic Coast
development schemes. (Sparrows Point and Morisville). The industry
High-tech industries which are regionally has also moved towards the southern state of
concentrated, self-sustained and highly Alabama. Pittsburg area is now losing ground.
specialised are called technopolies. The Silicon It has now become the “rust bowl” of U.S.A. In
Valley near San Francisco and Silicon Forest Europe, U.K., Germany, France, Belgium,
near Seattle are examples of technopolies. Are Luxembourgh, the Netherlands and Russia are
some technopolies developing in India? the leading producers. The important steel
Manufacturing contributes significantly to centres are Birmingham and Sheffield in the
the world economy. Iron and steel, textiles, U.K.; Duisburg, Dortmund, Dusseldorf and
automobiles, petrochemicals and electronics Essen in Germany; Le Creusot and St. Ettienne
are some of the world’s most important in France; and Moscow, St. Petersburgh,
manufacturing industries. Lipetsk, Tula, in Russia and Krivoi Rog, and

52 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Donetsk in Ukraine. In Asia, the important and the volume of production increases. Cotton
centres include Nagasaki and Tokyo-Yokohama textile mill sector is highly capital intensive and
in Japan; Shanghai, Tienstin and Wuhan in produces fine clothes in bulk.
China; and Jamshedpur, Kulti-Burnpur, Cotton textile manufacturing requires good
Durgapur, Rourkela, Bhilai, Bokaro, Salem, quality cotton as raw material. India, China,
Visakhapatnam and Bhadravati in India. U.S.A, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt produce
Consult your atlas to locate these places/ more than half of the world’s raw cotton. The
centres. U.K, NW European countries and Japan also
produce cotton textile made from imported
Cotton Textile Industry yarn. Europe alone accounts for nearly half of
the world’s cotton imports. The industry has to
Cotton textile industry has three sub-sectors face very stiff competition with synthetic fibres
i.e. handloom, powerloom and mill sectors. hence it has now shown a declining trend in
Handloom sector is labour -intensive and many countries. With the scientific advancement
provides employment to semi-skilled workers. and technological improvements the structure
It requires small capital investment. Why did of industries changes. For example, Germany
Mahatma Gandhi propagate Khadi as part of recorded constant growth in cotton textile
the independence movement? This sector industry since Second World War till the
involves spinning, weaving and finishing of the seventies but now it has declined. It has shifted
fabrics. The powerloom sector introduces to less developed countries where labour costs
machines and becomes less labour intensive are low.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following statements is wrong?
(a) Cheap water transport has facilitated the jute mill industry along
the Hugli.
(b) Sugar, cotton textiles and vegetable oils are footloose industries.
(c) The development of hydro-electricity and petroleum reduced, to a great
extent, the importance of coal energy as a locational factor for
(d) Port towns in India have attracted industries.
(ii) In which one of the following types of economy are the factors of production
owned individually ?
(a) Capitalist (c) Socialist
(b) Mixed (d) None
(iii) Which one of the following types of industries produces raw materials
for other industries?
(a) Cottage Industries (c) Basic Industries
(b) Small-scale Industries (d) Footloose Industries

Secondary Activities 53
(iv) Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(a) Automobile industry … Los Angeles
(b) Shipbuilding industry … Lusaka
(c) Aircraft industry … Florence
(d) Iron and Steel industry … Pittsburgh
2. Write a short note on the following in about 30 words.
(i) High-Tech industry
(ii) Manufacturing
(iii) Footloose industries
3. Answer the following in not more than 150 words.
(i) Differentiate between primary and secondary activities.
(ii) Discuss the major trends of modern industrial activities especially in
the developed countries of the world.
(iii) Explain why high-tech industries in many countries are being attracted
to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres.
(iv) Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most
backward continent. Comment.

(i) Carry out a survey in your school premises of the factory-made goods
used by students and the staff.
(ii) Find out the meaning of the terms bio-degradable and non-
biodegradable. Which kind of material is better to use? Why?
(iii) Look around and make a list of the global brands, their logos and

54 Fundamentals of Human Geography

When you fall ill you go to your family doctor
Unit-III or you call a doctor. Sometimes your parents
Chapter-7 take you to a hospital for treatment. While in
school, you are taught by your teachers. In the
event of any dispute, legal opinion is obtained
from a lawyer. Likewise, there are many
professionals who provide their services against
payment of their fee. Thus, all types of services
are special skills provided in exchange of
payments. Health, education, law, governance
and recreation etc. require professional skills.
These services require other theoretical
knowledge and practical training. Tertiary
activities are related to the service sector.
Manpower is an important component of the
Tertiary and service sector as most of the tertiary activities
are performed by skilled labour, professionally
Quaternary Activities trained experts and consultants.
In the initial stages of economic
development, larger proportion of people
worked in the primary sector. In a developed
economy, the majority of workers get
employment in tertiary activity and a moderate
proportion is employed in the secondary sector.
Tertiary activities include both production
and exchange. The production involves the
‘provision’ of services that are ‘consumed’. The
output is indirectly measured in terms of wages
and salaries. Exchange, involves trade,
transport and communication facilities that are
used to overcome distance. Tertiary activities,
therefore, involve the commercial output of
services rather than the production of tangible
goods. They are not directly involved in the
processing of physical raw materials. Common
examples are the work of a plumber, electrician,
technician, launderer, barber, shopkeeper,
driver, cashier, teacher, doctor, lawyer and
publisher etc. The main difference between
secondary activities and tertiary activities is that
the expertise provided by services relies more
heavily on specialised skills, experience and
knowledge of the workers rather than on the
production techniques, machinery and factory

By now you know that you purchase your
books, stationery from traders shop, travel by
Fig. 7.1: Service Sector

56 Fundamentals of Human Geography

bus or rail, send letters, talk on telephone and Periodic markets in rural areas are found
obtain services of teachers for studies and where there are no regular markets and local
doctors at the time of illness. periodic markets are organised at different
Thus, trade, transport, communication temporal intervals. These may be weekly, bi-
and services are some of the tertiary activities weekly markets from where people from the
discussed in this section. The chart provides surrounding areas meet their temporally
the basis for classifying the tertiary activities. accumulated demand. These markets are
held on specified dates and move from one
TRADE AND COMMERCE place to another. The shopkeepers thus,
remain busy on all the days while a large area
Trade is essentially buying and selling of items
is served by them.
produced elsewhere. All the services in retail
Urban marketing centres have more widely
and wholesale trading or commerce are
specialised urban services. They provide
specifically intended for profit. All this work
ordinary goods and services as well as many of
takes place in towns and cities also known as
the specialised goods and services required by
trading centres.
people. Urban centres, therefore, offer
The rise of trading from barter at the local
manufactured goods as well as many
level to money-exchange of international scale
specialised markets develop, e.g. markets for
has produced many centres and institutions
labour, housing, semi or finished products.
such as trading centres or collection and
Services of educational institutions and
distribution points.
professionals such as teachers, lawyers,
Trading centres may be divided into rural
consultants, physicians, dentists and veterinary
and urban marketing centres.
doctors are available.
Rural marketing centres cater to nearby
settlements. These are quasi-urban centres.
They serve as trading centres of the most
rudimentary type. Here personal and
professional services are not well-developed.
These form local collecting and distributing
centres. Most of these have mandis (wholesale
markets) and also retailing areas. They are not
urban centres per se but are significant centres
for making available goods and services which
are most frequently demanded by rural folk.

Fig. 7.3: Packed Food Market in U.S.A.


This is the business activity concerned with the
sale of goods directly to the consumers. Most
of the retail trading take place in fixed
establishments or stores solely devoted to
selling. Street peddling, handcarts, trucks,
door-to-door, mail-order, telephone, automatic
vending machines and internet are examples
Fig. 7.2: A Wholesale Vegetable Market of non-store retail selling.

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 57

particular route; and cost distance or the
More on Stores expense of travelling on a route. In selecting the
mode of transport, distance, in terms of time or
Consumer cooperatives were the first of cost, is the determining factor. Isochrone lines
the large-scale innovations in retailing. are drawn on a map to joins places equal in
Departmental stores delegate the terms of the time taken to reach them.
responsibility and authority to departmental
heads for purchasing of commodities and
for overseeing the sale in different sections Network and Accessibility
of the stores.
As transport systems develop, different
Chain stores are able to purchase places are linked together to form a
merchandise most economically, often network. Networks are made up of nodes
going so far as to direct the goods to be and links. A node or vertex, is the meeting
manufactured to their specification. They point of two or more routes, a point of origin,
employ highly skilled specialists in many a point of destination or any sizeable town
executive tasks. They have the ability to along a route, Every road that joins two
experiment in one store and apply the nodes is called a link or edge. A developed
results to many. network has many links, which means that
places are well-connected.

WHOLESALE TRADING SERVICE Factors Affecting Transport Services

Wholesale trading constitutes bulk business Demand for transport is influenced by the size
through numerous intermediary merchants of population. The larger the population size,
and supply houses and not through retail the greater is the demand for transport.
stores. Some large stores including chain stores Routes depend on: location of cities,
are able to buy directly from the manufacturers. towns, villages, industrial centres and raw
However, most retail stores procure supplies materials, pattern of trade between them, nature
from an intermediary source. Wholesalers often of the landscape between them, type of climate,
extend credit to retail stores to such an extent and funds available for overcoming obstacles
that the retailer operates very largely on the along the length of the route.
wholesaler’s capital.
Communication services involve the
transmission of words and messages, facts
Transport is a service or facility by which and ideas. The invention of writing preserved
persons, manufactured goods, and property are messages and helped to make communication
physically carried from one location to another. dependent on means of transport. These were
It is an organised industry created to satisfy actually carried by hand, animals, boat, road,
man’s basic need of mobility. Modern society rail and air. That is why all forms of transport
requires speedy and efficient transport systems are also referred to as lines of communication.
to assist in the production, distribution and Where the transport network is efficient,
consumption of goods. At every stage in this communications are easily disseminated.
complex system, the value of the material is Certain developments, such as mobile
significantly enhanced by transportation. telephony and satellites, have made
Transport distance can be measured as: communications independent of transport. All
km distance or actual distance of route length; forms are not fully disassociated because of the
time distance or the time taken to travel on a cheapness of the older systems. Thus, very

58 Fundamentals of Human Geography

large volumes of mail continue to be handled legislation have established corporations to
by post offices all over the world. supervise and control the marketing of such
Some of the communication services are services as transport, telecommunication,
discussed below. energy and water supply. Professional services
are primarily health care, engineering, law and
Telecommunications management. The location of recreational and
entertainment services depends on the market.
The use of telecommunications is linked to the
Multiplexes and restaurants might find location
development of electrical technology. It has
within or near the Central Business District
revolutionised communications because of the
(CBD), whereas a golf course would choose a
speed with which messages are sent. The time
site where land costs are lower than in the CBD.
reduced is from weeks to minutes and recent
advancements like mobile telephony have made
Informal/Non-Formal Sector
communications direct and instantaneous at
any time and from anywhere. The telegraph, Personal services are made available to the
morse code and telex have almost become people to facilitate their work in daily life. The
things of the past. workers migrate from rural areas in search of
Radio and television also help to relay employment and are unskilled. They are
news, pictures, and telephone calls to vast employed in domestic services as
audiences around the world and hence they are housekeepers, cooks, and gardeners. This
termed as mass media. They are vital for segment of workers is unorganised. One such
advertising and entertainment. Newspapers are example in India is Mumbai’s dabbawala
able to cover events in all corners of the world. (Tiffin) service provided to about 1,75,000
Satellite communication relays information of customers all over the city.
the earth and from space. The internet has truly
revolutionised the global communication
system .

Services occur at many different levels. Some
are geared to industry, some to people; and some
to both industry and people, e.g. the transport
systems. Low-order services, such as grocery
shops and laundries, are more common and
widespread than high-order services or more
specialised ones like those of accountants,
consultants and physicians. Services are
provided to individual consumers who can
Fig. 7.4: Dabbawala Service in Mumbai
afford to pay for them. For example the
gardener, the launderers and the barber do
primarily physical labour. Teacher, lawyers, PEOPLE ENG AGED IN
physicians, musicians and others perform TERTIAR
mental labour.
Many services have now been regulated. Today most people are service workers. Services
Making and maintaining highways and are provided in all societies. But in more
bridges, maintaining fire fighting departments developed countries a higher percentage of
and supplying or supervising education and workers is employed in provision of services in
customer -care are among the important contrast to less than 10 per cent in the less
services most often supervised or performed by developed countries. In U.S.A. over 75 per cent
governments or companies. State and union of workers are engaged in services. The trend

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 59

in employment in this sector has been tourists, because of the monument, heritage
increasing while it has remained unchanged or sites and cultural activities.
decreasing in the primary and secondary
activities. Factors Affecting Tourism
Demand : Since the last century, the demand
Some Selected Examples
for holidays has increased rapidly.
Tourism Improvements in the standard of living and
increased leisure time, permit many more
Tourism is travel undertaken for purposes of
people to go on holidays for leisure.
recreation rather than business. It has become
Transport : The opening-up of tourist
the world’s single largest tertiary activity in total
areas has been aided by improvement in
registered jobs (250 million) and total revenue
transport facilities. Travel is easier by car, with
(40 per cent of the total GDP). Besides, many
better road systems. More significant in recent
local persons, are employed to provide services
years has been the expansion in air transport.
like accommodation, meals, transport,
For example, air travel allows one to travel
entertainment and special shops serving the
anywhere in the world in a few hours of flying-
tourists. Tourism fosters the growth of
time from their homes. The advent of package
infrastructure industries, retail trading, and craft
holidays has reduced the costs.
industries (souvenirs). In some regions, tourism
is seasonal because the vacation period is
Tourist Attractions
dependent on favourable weather conditions,
but many regions attract visitors all the year Climate: Most people from colder regions expect
round. to have warm, sunny weather for beach
holidays. This is one of the main reasons for
the importance of tourism in Southern Europe
and the Mediterranean lands. The
Mediterranean climate offers almost consistently
higher temperatures, than in other parts of
Europe, long hours of sunshine and low rainfall
throughout the peak holiday season. People
taking winter holidays have specific climatic
requirements, either higher temperatures than
their own homelands, or snow cover suitable
for skiing.
Landscape: Many people like to spend
their holidays in an attractive environment,
which often means mountains, lakes,
spectacular sea coasts and landscapes not
completely altered by man.
Fig. 7.5: Tourists skiing in the snow capped
mountain slopes of Switzerland History and Art: The history and art of an
area have potential attractiveness. People visit
ancient or picturesque towns and
Tourist Regions archaeological sites, and enjoy exploring
The warmer places around the Mediterranean castles, palaces and churches.
Coast and the West Coast of India are some of Culture and Economy: These attract
the popular tourist destinations in the world. tourists with a penchant for experiencing ethnic
Others include winter sports regions, found and local customs. Besides, if a region provides
mainly in mountainous areas, and various for the needs of tourists at a cheap cost, it is
scenic landscapes and national parks, which likely to become very popular. Home-stay has
are scattered. Historic towns also attract emerged as a profitable business such as

60 Fundamentals of Human Geography

heritage homes in Goa, Madikere and Coorg No one can be sure where all this change
in Karnataka. will lead to but some patterns do point strongly
to the future. As ideas and freedom of
Empowered Workers information and communication grow, people
will expect their applications at the workplace.
Entrepreneurs are the empowered workers of
More employees will receive training and
the quarternary sector and the slowly emerging
become highly skilled. They will work more and
quinrary sector. They represent an important
more on their own initiative. Many will have
stage of development in the hierarchy of
flexible working arrangements. Some will
economic activity where the need for self-
choose work – paid and unpaid – that is
actualisation is not motivated by wealth and
personally fulfilling and accords with their
security alone but by other factors. They have
concern for natural environment and social
predominantly a value system which
emphasises quality of life and believe in
creativity and individual values.
These are just predictions. But part of
the future belongs to you. By the
The illiterate of the twenty first century will
choices made, you, too, can affect the
not be those who do not read or write but
changing patterns and work without
those who do not learn, re-learn and un-learn.
increasing the strain upon natural
–Alvin Toffler
resources and help save the planet.

Where Will it All Lead to?
What do a CEO of an MNC in Copenhagen, at
New York and a medical transcriptionist at
Bangalore have in common? All these people
work in a segment of the service sector that is
knowledge oriented. This sector can be divided
into quaternary and quinary activities.
Quaternary activities involve some of the
following: the collection, production and
dissemination of information or even the
production of information. Quaternary activities
centre around research, development and may
be seen as an advanced form of services
involving specialised knowledge, technical
skills, and administrative competence.

The Quaternary Sector

The Quaternary Sector along with the
Tertiary Sector has replaced all primary and
secondary employment as the basis for
economic growth. Over half of all workers
In developed economies are in the
‘Knowledge Sector’ and there has been a
very high growth in demand for and
consumption of information-based services

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 61

from mutual fund managers to tax may come down. Outsourcing countries are
consultants, software developers and facing resistance from job-seeking youths in
statisticians. Personnel working in office their respective countries. The comparative
buildings, elementary schools and advantage is the main reason for continuing
university classrooms, hospitals and outsourcing. New trends in quarternary services
doctors’ offices, theatres, accounting and include knowledge processing outsourcing
brokerage firms all belong to this category (KPO) and ‘home shoring’, the latter as an
of services. alternative to outsourcing. The KPO industry
Like some of the tertiary functions, is distinct from Business Process Outsourcing
quaternary activities can also be outsourced. (BPO) as it involves more high skilled workers.
They are not tied to resources, affected by It is information driven knowledge outsourcing.
the environment, or necessarily localised by KPO enables companies to create additional
market. business opportunities. Examples of KPOs
include research and development (R and D)
activities, e-learning, business research,
intellectual property (IP) research, legal
ARY profession and the banking sector.
The highest level of decision makers or policy
makers perform quinary activities. These are
subtly different from the knowledge based Outsourcing
industries that the quinary sector in general Outsourcing or contracting out is giving work
deals with. to an outside agency to improve efficiency
and reduce costs. When outsourcing
involves transferring work to overseas
Quinary activities are services that focus on locations, it is described by the term off -
the creation, re-arrangement and shoring, although both off - shoring and
interpretation of new and existing ideas; data outsourcing are used together. Business
interpretation and the use and evaluation of activities that are outsourced include
new technologies. Often referred to as ‘gold information technology (IT), human
collar’ professions, they represent another resources, customer support and call centre
subdivision of the tertiary sector representing services and at times also manufacturing
special and highly paid skills of senior and engineering.
business executives, government officials,
research scientists, financial and legal Data processing is an IT related service
consultants, etc. Their importance in the easily be carried out in Asian, East
structure of advanced economies far European and African countries, In these
outweighs their numbers. countries IT skilled staff with good English
language skills are available at lower wages
than those in the developed countries. Thus,
a company in Hyderabad or Manila does
Outsourcing has resulted in the opening
work on a project based on GIS techniques
up of a large number of call centres in India,
for a country like U.S.A or Japan. Overhead
China, Eastern Europe, Israel, Philippines and
costs are also much lower making it
Costa Rica. It has created new jobs in these profitable to get job-work carried out
countries. Outsourcing is coming to those overseas, whether it is in India, China or
countries where cheap and skilled workers are even a less populous country like Botswana
available. These are also out-migrating in Africa.
countries. With the work available though
outsourcing, the migration in these countries

62 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Outsourcing holds tremendous advantages for
patients, if it is focused on improving quality or
providing specialised care.
Describe the nature of work against each colour-name
Colour of the collar Nature of work
Medical Tourism
Red ?
Gold ? When medical treatment is combined with
White ? international tourism activity, it lends itself
Grey ? to what is commonly known as medical
Blue ? tourism.
Pink ?

Medical Services for Overseas Patients in India

About 55,000 patients from U.S.A. visited India
in 2005 for treatment. This is still a small Opportunities emerging from the Information
number compared with the millions of surgeries and Communication Technology based
performed each year in the U.S. healthcare development is unevenly distributed across the
system. India has emerged as the leading globe. There are wide ranging economic,
country of medical tourism in the world. World political and social differences among countries.
class hospitals located in metropolitan cities How quickly countries can provide ICT access
cater to patients all over the world. Medical and benefits to its citizens is the deciding factor.
tourism brings abundant benefits to developing While developed countries in general have
countries like India, Thailand, Singapore and surged forward, the developing countries have
Malaysia. Beyond medical tourism, is the trend lagged behind and this is known as the digital
of outsourcing of medical tests and data divide. Similarly digital divides exist within
interpretation. Hospitals in India, Switzerland countries. For example, in a large country like
and Australia have been performing certain India or Russia, it is inevitable that certain areas
medical services – ranging from reading like metropolitan centres possess better
radiology images, to interpreting Magnetic connectivity and access to the digital world
Resonance Images (MRIs) and ultrasound tests. versus peripheral rural areas.

Organise an informal debate session in your class about how could the emerging medical
industry of our country become a boom as well as doom?

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 63

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following is a tertiary activity?
(a) Farming (c) Weaving
(b) Trading (d) Hunting
(ii) Which one of the following activities is NOT a secondary sector activity?
(a) Iron Smelting (c) Making garments
(b) Catching fish (d) Basket Weaving
(iii) Which one of the following sectors provides most of the employment in Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
(a) Primary (c) Secondary
(b) Quaternary (d) Service
(iv) Jobs that involve high degrees and level of innovations are known as:
(a) Secondary activities (c) Quinary activities
(b) Quaternary activities (d) Primary activities
(v) Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary sector?
(a) Manufacturing computers (c) University teaching
(b) Paper and Raw pulp production (d) Printing books
(vi) Which one out of the following statements is not true?
(a) Outsourcing reduces costs and increases efficiency.
(b) At times engineering and manufacturing jobs can also be outsourced.
(c) BPOs have better business opportunities as compared to KPOs.
(d) There may be dissatisfaction among job seekers in the countries that
outsource the job.
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Explain retail trading service.
(ii) Describe quaternary services.
(iii) Name the fast emerging countries of medical tourism in the world.
(iv) What is digital divide?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern
economic development.
(ii) Explain in detail the significance of transport and communication services.


(i) Find out the activities of BPO.

(ii) Find out from a travel agent the documents you need to travel abroad.

64 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Natural resources, economic activities and
Unit-III markets are rarely found in one place.
Chapter-8 Transport, communication and trade establish
links between producing centres and
consuming centres. The system of mass
production and exchange is complex. Each
region produces the items for which it is best
suited. T rade or the exchange of such
commodities relies on transportation and
communication. Likewise, the high living
standards and quality of life depend on efficient
transportation, communications and trade. In
earlier days, the means of transport and
communication were the same. But today both
have acquired distinct and specialised forms.
Transport and Transport provides the network of links and
carriers through which trade takes place.
Communication TRANSPORT
Transport is a service or facility for the carriage
of persons and goods from one place to the other
using humans, animals and different kinds of
vehicles. Such movements take place over land,
water and air. Roads and railways form part of
land transport; while shipping and waterways
and airways are the other two modes. Pipelines
carry materials like petroleum, natural gas, and
ores in liquidified form.
Moreover, transportation is an organised
service industry created to satisfy the basic
needs of society. It includes transport arteries,
vehicles to carry people and goods, and the
organisation to maintain arteries, and to handle
loading, unloading and delivery. Every nation
has developed various kinds of transportation
for defence purposes. Assured and speedy
transportation, along with efficient
communication, promote cooperation and
unity among scattered peoples.

What is a Transport Network ?

Several places (nodes) joined together by a
series of routes (links) to form a pattern.

The principal modes of world transportation,
as already mentioned are land, water, air and
pipelines. These are used for inter-regional and
intra-regional transport, and each one (except
pipelines) carries both passengers and freight.
The significance of a mode depends on the type
of goods and services to be transported, costs
of transport and the mode available.
International movement of goods is handled by
ocean freighters. Road transport is cheaper and
faster over short distances and for door-to-
door services. Railways are most suited for large
volumes of bulky materials over long distances
within a country. High-value, light and
Fig. 8.1: Ropeway and Cable cars in Austria
perishable goods are best moved by airways.
In a well-managed transport system, these This means of transport is usually found on steep
various modes complement each other. mountain slopes and mines which are not suitable for
building roads.
Land Transport transportation and large freighters are the
cheapest. They are important in supplementing
Most of the movement of goods and services
modern channels and carriers which penetrate
takes place over land. In early days, humans
the interiors in large countries. In the densely
themselves were carriers. Have you ever seen a
populated districts of India and China, overland
bride being carried on a palanquin (palki/doli)
transport still takes place by human porters or
by four persons (Kahars in north India). Later
carts drawn or pushed by humans.
animals were used as beasts of burden. Have
you seen mules, horses and camels, carrying
loads of cargo in rural areas? With the invention Pack Animals
of the wheel, the use of carts and wagons
Horses are used as a draught animal even
became important. The revolution in transport
in the Western countries. Dogs and
came about only after the invention of the steam
reindeer are used in North America, North
engine in the eighteenth century. Perhaps the
Europe and Siberia to draw sledges over
first public railway line was opened in 1825 snow-covered ground. Mules are preferred
between Stockton and Darlington in northern in the mountainous regions; while camels
England and then onwards, railways became are used for caravan movement in deserts.
the most popular and fastest form of transport In India, bullocks are used for pulling carts.
in the nineteenth century. It opened up
continental interiors for commercial grain
farming, mining and manufacturing in U.S.A.
The invention of the internal combustion engine
revolutionised road transport in terms of road
quality and vehicles (motor cars and trucks)
plying over them. Among the newer
developments in land transportation are
pipelines, ropeways and cableways. Liquids like
mineral oil, water, sludge and sewers are
transported by pipelines. The great freight
carriers are the railways, ocean vessels, barges,
boats and motor trucks and pipelines.
In general, the old and elementary forms Fig. 8.2: A horse cart in a village Tefki,
like the human porter, pack animal, cart or in Ethiopia
wagon are the most expensive means of

66 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Roads the road network cannot cope with the demands
of traffic, congestion occurs. City roads suffer
Road transport is the most economical for short from chronic traffic congestion. Peaks (high
distances compared to railways. Freight points) and troughs (low points) of traffic flow
transport by road is gaining importance can be seen on roads at particular times of the
because it offers door -to-door service. But day, for example, peaks occurring during the
unmetalled roads, though simple in rush hour before and after work. Most of the
construction, are not effective and serviceable cities in the world have been facing the problem
for all seasons. During the rainy season these of congestion.
become unmotorable and even the metalled
ones are seriously handicapped during heavy
rains and floods. In such conditions, the high Think on these lines for a
embankment of rail-tracks and the efficient better tomorrow . . .
maintenance of railway transport service, is an
effective solution. But the rail kilometrage being
small cannot serve the needs of vast and Higher Parking Fee
developing countries at a low cost. Roads, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
therefore, play a vital role in a nation’s trade
and commerce and for promoting tourism. Improved Public Bus Service
The quality of the roads varies greatly Expressways
between developed and developing countries
because road construction and maintenance
require heavy expenditure. In developed
countries good quality roads are universal and Highways
provide long-distance links in the form of
motorways, autobahns (Germany), and inter– Highways are metalled roads connecting distant
state highways for speedy movement. Lorries, places. They are constructed in a manner for
of increasing size and power to carry heavy unobstructed vehicular movement. As such
loads, are common. But unfortunately, the these are 80 m wide, with separate traffic lanes,
world’s road system is not well developed. bridges, flyovers and dual carriageways to
The world’s total motorable road length facilitate uninterrupted traffic flow. In developed
is only about 15 million km, of which North countries, every city and port town is linked
America accounts for 33 per cent. The highest through highways.
road density and the highest number of
vehicles are registered in this continent
compared to Western Europe.
Table 8.1: Length of the Roads

Sl. Countries For every

No. 100 km2
1. India 105
2. Japan 327
3. France 164
4. U.K. 162
5. U.S.A. 67
6. Spain 68
7. Sri Lanka 151
Source : Encyclopedia Britannica – Year Book, 2005.

Traffic Flows: Traffic on roads has

Fig. 8.3 : Dharmavaram Tuni National Highway,
increased dramatically in recent years. When India

Transport and Communication 67

In North America, highway density is high, Border Roads
about 0.65 km per sq km. Every place is within
Roads laid along international boundaries are
20 km distance from a highway. Cities located
called border roads. They play an important
on the Pacific coast (west) are well-connected
role in integrating people in remote areas with
with those of the Atlantic Coast (east). Likewise,
major cities and providing defence. Almost all
the cities of Canada in the north are linked with
countries have such roads to transport goods
those of Mexico in the south. The Trans- to border villages and military camps.
Canadian Highway links Vancouver in British
Columbia(west coast) to St. John’s City in Railways
Newfoundland (east coast) and the Alaskan
Highway links Edmonton (Canada) to Railways are a mode of land transport for
Anchorage (Alaska). bulky goods and passengers over long
The Pan-American Highway, a large distances. The railway gauges vary in different
portion of which has been constructed, will countries and are roughly classified as broad
connect the countries of South America, Central (more than 1.5 m), standard (1.44 m), metre
America and U.S.A.-Canada. The Trans- gauge (1 m) and smaller gauges. The standard
Continental Stuart Highway connects Darwin gauge is used in the U.K.
(north coast) and Melbourne via Tennant Creek Commuter trains are very popular in U.K.,
and Alice Springs in Australia. U.S.A, Japan and India. These carry millions
of passengers daily to and fro in the city. There
Europe has a large number of vehicles and
are about 13 lakh km of railways open for traffic
a well-developed highway network. But
in the world.
highways face a lot of competition from railways
and waterways.
In Russia, a dense highway network is
developed in the industrialised region west of
the Urals with Moscow as the hub. The
important Moscow-Vladivostok Highway serves
the region to the east. Due to the vast
geographical area, highways in Russia are not
as important as railways.
In China, highways criss-cross the country
connecting all major cities such as Tsungtso
(near Vietnam boundary), Shanghai (central
China), Guangzhou (south) and Beijing (north). Fig. 8.4: Tube Train in Vienna
A new highway links Chengdu with Lhasa in
Tibet. Table 8.2: Total Length of Railways in Selected
In India, there are many highways Countries (in 100 sq km)

linking the major towns and cities. For Sl. Countries For every
example, National Highway No. 7 (NH 7), No. 100/km2 area
connecting Varanasi with Kanya Kumari, is 1. U.S.A. 278.3
the longest in the country. The Golden 2. Russia 160.8
3. India 144.7
Quadrilateral (GQ) or Super Expressway is 4. Canada 93.5
underway to connect the four metropolitan 5. Germany 90.8
cities — New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, 6. China 70.1
Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. 7. Australia 40.0
8. U.K. 37.9
In Africa, a highway joins Algiers in the 9. France 34.5
north to Conakry in Guinea. Similarly, Cairo 10. Brazil 30.1
is also connected to Cape Town. Source : Encyclopaedia Britanica – Year Book, 2005.

68 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Europe has one of the most dense rail of South America’s total route length. Only Chile,
networks in the world. There are about among the remaining countries has a
4,40,000 km of railways, most of which is considerable route length linking coastal centres
double or multiple-tracked. Belgium has the with the mining sites in the interior. Peru, Bolivia,
highest density of 1 km of railway for every 6.5 Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela have short
sq kms area. The industrial regions exhibit single-track rail-lines from ports to the interior
some of the highest densities in the world. The with no inter-connecting links.
important rail heads are London, Paris, There is only one trans-continental rail
Brussels, Milan, Berlin and Warsaw. Passenger route linking Buenos Aires (Argentina) with
transport is more important than freight in Valparaiso (Chile) across the Andes Mountains
many of these countries. Underground railways through the Uspallatta Pass located at a height
are important in London and Paris. Channel of 3,900 m.
Tunnel, operated by Euro Tunnel Group In Asia, rail network is the most dense in
through England, connects London with Paris. the thickly populated areas of Japan, China and
Trans-continental railway lines have now lost India. Other countries have relatively few rail
their importance to quicker and more flexible routes. West Asia is the least developed in rail
transport systems of airways and roadways. facilities because of vast deserts and sparsely
In Russia, railways account for about 90 populated regions.
per cent of the country’s total transport with a
very dense network west of the Urals. Moscow
is the most important rail head with major lines
radiating to different parts of the country’s vast
geographical area. Underground railways and
commuter trains are also important in Moscow.
North America has one of the most
extensive rail networks accounting for nearly
40 per cent of the world’s total? In contrast to
many European countries, the railways are
used more for long-distance bulky freight like
ores, grains, timber and machinery than for
passengers. The most dense rail network is
found in the highly industrialised and Africa continent, despite being the
urbanised region of East Central U.S.A. and second largest, has only 40,000 km of
adjoining Canada. railways with South Africa alone accounting
In Canada, railways are in the public for 18,000 km due to the concentration of
sector and distributed all over the sparsely gold, diamond and copper mining activities.
populated areas. The transcontinental railways The important routes of the continent are: (i)
carry the bulk of wheat and coal tonnage. the Benguela Railway through Angola to
Australia has about 40,000 km of Katanga-Zambia Copper Belt; (ii) the Tanzania
railways, of which 25 per cent are found in New Railway from the Zambian Copper Belt to
South Wales alone. The west-east Australian Dar-es-Salaam on the coast; (iii) the Railway
National Railway line runs across the country through Botswana and Zimbabwe linking the
from Perth to Sydney. New Zealand’s railways landlocked states to the South African
are mainly in the North Island to serve the network; and (iv) the Blue Train from Cape
farming areas. Town to Pretoria in the Republic of South
In South America, the rail network is the Africa. Elsewhere, as in Algeria, Senegal,
most dense in two regions, namely, the Pampas Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia, railway lines
of Argentina and the coffee growing region of connect port cities to interior centres but do
Brazil which together account for 40 per cent not form a good network with other countries.

Transport and Communication 69

Trans–Continental Railways centre and Irkutsk, a fur centre. There are
connecting links to the south, namely, to Odessa
Trans–continental railways run across the (Ukraine), Baku on the Caspian Coast,
continent and link its two ends. They were Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Ulan Bator (Mongolia),
constructed for economic and political reasons and Shenyang (Mukden) and Beijing in China.
to facilitate long runs in different directions.
The following are the most important of these:
Trans–Canadian Railways
Trans–Siberian Railway This 7,050 km long rail-line in Canada runs from
Halifax in the east to Vancouver on the Pacific
This is a trans–siberian Railways major rail Coast passing through Montreal, Ottawa,
route of Russia runs from St. Petersburg in the Winnipeg and Calgary (Fig. 8.6). It was
west to Vladivostok on the Pacific Coast in the constructed in 1886, initially as part of an
east passing through Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk, agreement to make British Columbia on the west
Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk. It is the most coast join the Federation of States. Later on, it
important route in Asia and the longest (9,332 gained economic significance because it
km) double-tracked and electrified trans– connected the Quebec-Montreal Industrial
continental railway in the world. It has helped Region with the wheat belt of the Prairie Region
in opening up its Asian region to West European and the Coniferous Forest region in the north.
markets. It runs across the Ural Mountains Ob Thus each of these regions became
and Yenisei rivers Chita is an important agro- complementary to the other. A loop line from

Fig. 8.5: Trans–Siberian Railway

70 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Fig. 8.6: Trans–Canadian Railway

Winnipeg to Thunder Bay (Lake Superior) Another major north-south line connects
connects this rail-line with one of the important Adelaide and Alice Spring and to be joined
waterways of the world. This line is the economic further to the Darwin–Birdum line.
artery of Canada. Wheat and meat are the
The Orient Express
important exports on this route.
This line runs from Paris to Istanbul passing
The Union and Pacific Railway through Strasbourg, Munich, Vienna,
Budapest and Belgrade. The journey time from
This rail-line connects New York on the Atlantic
London to Istanbul by this Express is now
Coast to San Francisco on the Pacific Coast
reduced to 96 hours as against 10 days by the
passing through Cleveland, Chicago, Omaha,
sea-route. The chief exports on this rail-route
Evans, Ogden and Sacramento. The most
are cheese, bacon, oats, wine, fruits, and
valuable exports on this route are ores, grain,
paper, chemicals and machinery.
There is a proposal to build a Trans–Asiatic
Railway linking Istanbul with Bangkok via
The Australian Trans–Continental Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and
Railway Myanmar.
This rail-line runs west-east across the southern
part of the continent from Perth on the west WATER TRANSPOR
coast, to Sydney on the east coast. passing
One of the great advantages of water
through Kalgoorlie, Broken Hill and Port
transportation is that it does not require route
Augusta (Fig. 8.7).
construction. The oceans are linked with each

Transport and Communication 71

Fig. 8.7: Australian Trans–Continental Railway

other and are negotiable with ships of various Ocean Routes

sizes. All that is needed is to provide port
The oceans offer a smooth highway traversable
facilities at the two ends. It is much cheaper
in all directions with no maintenance costs. Its
because the friction of water is far less than that transformation into a routeway by sea-going
of land. The energy cost of water transportation vessels is an important development in human
is lower. Water transport is divided into ocean adaptation to the physical environment.
routes and inland waterways. Compared to land and air, ocean transport is a
cheaper means of haulage (carrying of load) of
bulky material over long distances from one
continent to another.
Modern passenger liners (ships) and cargo
ships are equipped with radar, wireless and other
navigation aids. The development of refrigerated
chambers for perishable goods, tankers and
specialised ships has also improved cargo
transport. The use of containers has made cargo
handling at the world’s major ports easier.

Important Ocean Routes

Fig. 8.8: The view of Seine River from the Eiffel Major ocean trade routes are shown in the Fig.
Tower (One can see how the river has become an 8.9. Some important ocean routes have been
important Inland waterway)
discussed in the following pages.

72 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Fig. 8.9: Major Ocean Trade Routes and Sea Ports

The Northern Atlantic Sea Route The Mediterranean–Indian Ocean Route

This links North-eastern U.S.A. and North- The trade route connects the highly
western Europe, the two industrially developed industrialised Western European region with
regions of the world. The foreign trade over this West Africa, South Africa, South-east Asia and
route is greater than that of the rest of the world the commercial agriculture and livestock
combined. One fourth of the world’s foreign economies of Australia and New Zealand.
trade moves on this route. It is, therefore, the Before the construction of the Suez Canal this
busiest in the world and otherwise, called the was the route connecting Liverpool and
Big Trunk Route. Both the coasts have highly Colombo which was 6,400 km longer than the
advanced ports and harbour facilities. Suez Canal route. The volume of trade and
traffic between both East and West Africa is on
the increase due to the development of the rich
natural resources such as gold, diamond,
Find out some of the important ports on the coast of copper, tin, groundnut, oil palm, coffee and
U.S.A. and Western Europe in your atlas. fruits.
This sea route passes through the heart The Cape of Good Hope Sea Route
of the Old World and serves more countries and
people than any other route. Port Said, Aden, This sea route is another important one across
Mumbai, Colombo and Singapore are some of the Atlantic Ocean which connects West
the important ports on this route. The European and West African countries with
construction of Suez canal has greatly reduced Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in South
the distance and time as compared to the earlier America. The traffic is far less on this route
route through the Cape of Good Hope. compared to that of the North Atlantic Route

Transport and Communication 73

because of the limited development and The Suez Canal
population in South America and Africa. Only
This canal had been constructed in 1869 in
southeastern Brazil and Plata estuary and
Egypt between Port Said in the north and Port
parts of South Africa have large-scale industries.
Suez in the south linking the Mediterranean
There is also little traffic on the route between
Sea and the Red Sea. It gives Europe a new
Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town because both
gateway to the Indian Ocean and reduces direct
South America and Africa have similar
sea-route distance between Liverpool and
products and resources.
Colombo compared to the Cape of Good Hope
Trade across the vast North Pacific Ocean
route. It is a sea-level canal without locks
moves by several routes which converge at
which is about 160 km and 11 to 15 m deep.
Honolulu. The direct route on the Great Circle
About 100 ships travel daily and each ship
links Vancouver and Yokohama and reduces
takes 10-12 hours to cross this canal. The tolls
the travelling distance (2,480 km) by half.
are so heavy that some find it cheaper to go by
the longer Cape Route whenever the
The North Atlantic Sea Route
consequent delay is not important. A railway
This sea route links the ports on the west-coast follows the canal to Suez, and from Ismailia
of North America with those of Asia. These are there is a branch line to Cairo. A navigable
Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and fresh-water canal from the Nile also joins the
Los Angeles on the American side and Suez Canal in Ismailia to supply fresh-water to
Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila Port Said and Suez.
and Singapore on the Asian side.

The South Pacific Sea Route

This sea route connects Western Europe and
North America with Australia, New Zealand and
the scattered Pacific islands via the Panama
Canal. This route is also used for reaching Hong
Kong, Philippines and Indonesia. The distance
covered between Panama and Sydney is
12,000 km. Honolulu is an important port on
this route.

Coastal Shipping
It is obvious that water transport is a cheaper
mode. While oceanic routes connect different
countries, coastal shipping is a convenient
mode of transportation with long coastlines,
e.g. U.S.A, China and India. Shenzhen States
in Europe are most suitably placed for coastal
shipping connecting one member’s coast with
the other. If properly developed, coastal shipping
can reduce the congestion on the land routes.

Shipping Canals Fig. 8.10 : Suez Canal

The Suez and the Panama Canals are two vital
man-made navigation canals or waterways The Panama Canal
which serve as gateways of commerce for both This canal connects the Atlantic Ocean in the
the eastern and western worlds. east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It has been

74 Fundamentals of Human Geography

constructed across the Panama Isthmus
between Panama City and Colon by the U.S.
government which purchased 8 km of area on
either side and named it the Canal Zone. The
Canal is about 72 km. long and involves a very
deep cutting for a length of 12 km. It has a six-
lock system and ships cross the different levels
(26 m up and down) through these locks before
entering the Gulf of Panama.
It shortens the distance between New York
and San Francisco by 13,000 km by sea.
Likewise the distance between Western Europe
and the West-coast of U.S.A.; and North-eastern
and Central U.S.A. and East and South-east
Asia is shortened. The economic significance of
this Canal is relatively less than that of the
Suez. However, it is vital to the economies of
Latin America.

Inland Waterways
Rivers, canals, lakes and coastal areas have
been important waterways since time
Fig. 8.11 : The Panama Canal immemorial. Boats and steamers are used as
means of transport for cargo and passengers.
The development of inland waterways is
dependent on the navigability width and depth
of the channel, continuity in the water flow,
and transport technology in use. Rivers are
the only means of transport in dense forests.
Very heavy cargo like coal, cement, timber and
metallic ores can be transported through inland
waterways. In ancient times, riverways were the
main highways of transportation as in the case
of India. But they lost importance because of
competition from railways, lack of water due to
diversion for irrigation, and their poor

Can you think of the impact on traffic in Panama Fig. 8.12: Inland waterways are a major source
canal after the Nicaraguan canal opens up? of transport wherever the river is wide, deep
and free of silt

Transport and Communication 75

The significance of rivers as inland
waterways for domestic and international
transport and trade has been recognised
throughout the developed world. Despite
inherent limitations, many rivers have been
modified to enhance their navigability by
dredging, stabilising river banks, and building
dams and barrages for regulating the flow of
water. The following river waterways are some
of the world’s important highways of commerce.

The Rhine Waterways

The Rhine flows through Germany and the
Netherlands. It is navigable for 700 km from
Rotterdam, at its mouth in the Netherlands to
Basel in Switzerland. Ocean-going vessels can
reach up to Cologne. The Ruhr river joins the
Rhine from the east. It flows through a rich
coalfield and the whole basin has become a
prosperous manufacturing area. Dusseldorf is
the Rhine port for this region. Huge tonnage
moves along the stretch south of the Ruhr. This
waterway is the world’s most heavily used. Each Fig. 8.14 : Rhine Waterway
year more than 20,000 ocean-going ships and
2,00,000 inland vessels exchange their cargoes.
The Volga Waterway
It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland,
Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands Russia has a large number of developed
with the North Atlantic Sea Route. waterways, of which the Volga is one of the most
important. It provides a navigable waterway of
11,200 km and drains into the Caspian Sea.
The Volga-Moscow Canal connects it with the
Moscow region and the Volga-Don Canal with
the Black Sea.

The Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway

The Great Lakes of North America Superior,
Huron Erie and Ontario are connected by Soo
Canal and Welland Canal to form an inland
waterway. The estuary of St. Lawrence River,
along with the Great Lakes, forms a unique
commercial waterway in the northern part of
Fig. 8.13: The Rhine Watereay North America. The ports on this route like
Duluth and Buffalo are equipped with all
The Danube Waterway
facilities of ocean ports. As such large ocean-
This important inland waterway serves Eastern going vessels are able to navigate up the river
Europe. The Danube river rises in the Black deep inside the continent to Montreal. But here
Forest and flows eastwards through many goods have to be trans-shipped to smaller
countries. It is navigable up to Taurna Severin. vessels due to the presence of rapids. Canals
The chief export items are wheat, maize, timber, have been constructed up to 3.5 m deep to
and machinery. avoid these.

76 Fundamentals of Human Geography

The Mississippi Waterways At present no place in the world is more
than 35 hours away. This startling fact has been
The Mississippi-Ohio waterway connects the
made possible due to people who build and fly
interior part of U.S.A. with the Gulf of Mexico
airplanes. Travel by air can now be measured
in the south. Large steamers can go through
by hours and minutes instead of years and
this route up to Minneapolis.
months. Frequent air services are available to
many parts of the world. Although, U.K.
TRANSPORT pioneered the use of commercial jet transport,
Air transport is the fastest means of U.S.A. developed largely post-War international
transportation, but it is very costly. Being fast, civil aviation. Today, more than 250
it is preferred by passengers for long-distance commercial airlines offer regular services to
travel. Valuable cargo can be moved rapidly on different parts of the world. Recent
a world-wide scale. It is often the only means developments can change the future course of
to reach inaccessible areas. Air transport has air transport. Supersonic aircraft, cover the
brought about a connectivity revolution in the distance between London and New York within
world. The frictions created by mountainous three and a half hours.
snow fields or inhospitable desert terrains have
been overcome. The accessibility has increased. Inter-Continental Air Routes
The airplane brings varied articles to the
In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a distinct
Eskimos in Northern Canada unhindered by
east-west belt of inter-continental air routes.
the frozen ground. In the Himalayan region, the
Dense network exists in Eastern U.S.A., Western
routes are often obstructed due to landslides,
Europe and Southeast Asia. U.S.A. alone
avalanches or heavy snow fall. At such times,
accounts for 60 per cent of the airways of the
air travel is the only alternative to reach a place.
world. New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam,
Airways also have great strategic importance.
Frankfurt Rome, Moscow, Karachi, New Delhi,
The air strikes by U.S. and British forces in Iraq
Mumbai, Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, San
bears testimony to this fact. The airways
Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago are the
network is expanding very fast.
nodal points where air routes converge or
radiate to all continents.
Africa, Asiatic part of Russia and South
America lack air services. There are limited air
services between 10-35 latitudes in the
Southern hemisphere due to sparser
population, limited landmass and economic

Pipelines are used extensively to transport
liquids and gases such as water, petroleum
and natural gas for an uninterrupted flow.
Fig. 8.15: An Aeroplane at Salsburg Airport Water supplied through pipelines is familiar
The manufacturing of aircrafts and their to all. Cooking gas or LPG is supplied through
operations require elaborate infrastructure like pipelines in many parts of the world. Pipelines
hangars, landing, fuelling, and maintenance can also be used to transport liquidified coal.
facilities for the aircrafts. The construction of In New Zealand, milk is being supplied through
airports is also very expensive and has developed pipelines from farms to factories.
more in highly industrialised countries where In U.S.A. there is a dense network of oil
there is a large volume of traffic. pipelines from the producing areas to the

Transport and Communication 77

Fig. 8.16: Major Airports

consuming areas. Big Inch is one such famous The proposed Iran-India via Pakistan
pipeline, which carries petroleum from the oil international oil and natural gas pipeline will
wells of the Gulf of Mexico to the North-eastern be the longest in the world.
States. About 17 per cent of all freight per
tonne-km. is carried through pipelines in U.S.A.
Human beings have used different methods
long-distance communications of which the
telegraph and the telephone were important.
The telegraph was instrumental in the
colonisation of the American West. During the
early and mid-twentieth century, the American
Telegraph and Telephone Company (AT&T)
enjoyed a monopoly over U.S.A.’s telephone
industry. In fact, the telephone became a critical
factor in the urbanisation of America. Firms
centralised their functioning at city-
headquarters and located their branch offices
in smaller towns. Even today, the telephone is
Fig. 8.17: Pipelines transporting natural gas the most commonly used mode. In developing
in Ukraine countries, the use of cell phones, made possible
In Europe, Russia, West Asia and India by satellites, is important for rural connectivity.
pipelines are used to connect oil wells to Today there is a phenomenal pace of
refineries, and to ports or domestic markets. development. The first major breakthrough is
Turkmenistan is central Asia has extended the use of optic fiber cables (OFC). Faced with
pipelines to Iran and also to parts of China. mounting competition, telephone companies all

78 Fundamentals of Human Geography

over the world soon upgraded their copper cable Challenger and INSAT I-B have made long-
systems to include optic fiber cables. These distance communication, television and radio
allow large quantities of data to be transmitted very effective. Today weather forecasting
rapidly, securely, and are virtually error-free. through television is a boon.
With the digitisation of information in the 1990s,
telecommunication slowly merged with Cyber Space – Internet
computers to form integrated networks termed
Cyberspace is the world of electronic
as Internet.
computerised space. It is encompassed by the
Internet such as the World Wide Web (www).
Satellite Communication
In simple words, it is the electronic digital
Today Internet is the largest electronic network world for communicating or accessing
on the planet connecting about 1,000 million information over computer networks without
people in more than 100 countries. physical movement of the sender and the
receiver... It is also referred to as the Internet.
Cyberspace exists everywhere. It may be in
Satellites touch human lives in many an office, sailing boat, flying plane and virtually
ways. Every time you use a cell phone to anywhere.
call a friend, send an SMS or watch a The speed at which this electronic network
popular programme on cable television. You has spread is unprecedented in human history.
are using satellite communication. There were less than 50 million Internet users
in 1995, about 400 million in 2000 A.D. and
Communication through satellites over one billion in 2005. The next billion users
emerged as a new area in communication are to be added by 2010. In the last five years
technology since the 1970s after U.S.A. and there has been a shift among global users from
former U.S.S.R. pioneered space research. U.S.A. to the developing countries. The
Artificial satellites, now, are successfully percentage share of U.S.A. has dropped from
deployed in the earth’s orbit to connect even 66 in 1995 to only 25 in 2005. Now the majority
the remote corners of the globe with limited on- of the world’s users are in U.S.A., U.K.,
site verification. These have rendered the unit Germany, Japan, China and India.
cost and time of communication invariant in As billions use the Internet each year,
terms of distance. This means it costs the same cyberspace will expand the contemporary
to communicate over 500 km as it does over economic and social space of humans through
5,000 km via satellite e-mail, e-commerce, e-learning and
India has also made great strides in e-governance. Internet together with fax,
satellite development. Aryabhatt was launched television and radio will be accessible to more
on 19 April 1979, Bhaskar-I in 1979 and and more people cutting across place and time.
Rohini in 1980. On 18 June 1981, APPLE It is these modern communication systems,
(Arian Passenger Payload Experiment) was more than transportation, that has made the
launched through Arian rocket. Bhaskar, concept of global village a reality.

Transport and Communication 79

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) The Trans–Continental Stuart Highway runs between
(a) Darwin and Melbourne
(b) Edmonton and Anchorage
(c) Vancouver and St. John’s City
(d) Chengdu and Lhasa
(ii) Which country has the highest density of railway network?
(a) Brazil (c) Canada
(b) U.S.A (d) Russia
(iii) The Big Trunk Route runs through
(a) The Mediterranean – Indian ocean
(b) The North Atlantic Ocean
(c) The South Atlantic Ocean
(d) The North Pacific Ocean
(iv) The Big Inch pipeline transports
(a) Milk (c) Water
(b) Liquid petroleum gas (LGP) (d) Petroleum
(v) Which one pair of the following places is linked by Channel Tunnel?
(a) London – Berlin (c) Berlin – Paris
(b) Paris – London (d) Barcelona – Berlin
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are the problems of road transport in mountainous, desert and
flood prone regions?
(ii) What is a trans–continental railway?
(iii) What are the advantages of water transport?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Elucidate the statement– “In a well managed transport system, various
modes complement each other”.
(ii) Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of
(iii) What are the modes by which cyber space will expand the contemporary
economic and social space of humans.

80 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit-III You are already familiar with the term “trade”
as a tertiary activity which you have studied in
Chapter-9 Chapter 7 of this book. You know that trade
means the voluntary exchange of goods and
services. Two parties are required to trade. One
person sells and the other purchases. In certain
places, people barter their goods. For both the
parties trade is mutually beneficial.
Trade may be conducted at two levels:
international and national. International trade
is the exchange of goods and services among
countries across national boundaries.
Countries need to trade to obtain commodities,
they cannot produce themselves or they can
purchase elsewhere at a lower price.
International Trade The initial form of trade in primitive
societies was the barter system, where direct
exchange of goods took place. In this system if
you were a potter and were in need of a plumber,
you would have to look for a plumber who
would be in need of pots and you could
exchange your pots for his plumbing service.

Fig. 9.1: Two women practising barter system in

Jon Beel Mela

Every January after the harvest season Jon Beel Mela

takes place in Jagirod, 35 km away from Guwahati and
it is possibly the only fair In India, where barter system
is still alive. A big market is organised during this fair
and people from various tribes and communities ex-
change their products.

The difficulties of barter system were

overcome by the introduction of money. In the
olden times, before paper and coin currency
came into being, rare objects with very high
intrinsic value served as money, like,
flintstones, obsidian, cowrie shells, tiger’s
paws, whale’s teeth, dogs teeth, skins, furs,
cattle, rice, peppercorns, salt, small tools,
copper, silver and gold.

The word salary comes from the Latin word Salarium

which means payment by salt. As in those times
producing salt from sea water was unknown and could
only be made from rock salt which was rare and
expensive. That is why it became a mode of payment.


In ancient times, transporting goods over long
distances was risky, hence trade was restricted
Figure 9.2 : Advertisement for Slave Auction, 1829
to local markets. People then spent most of their
resources on basic necessities – food and This American slave auction advertised slaves for sale
clothes. Only the rich people bought jewellery, or temporary hire by their owners. Buyers often paid as
costly dresses and this resulted in trade of much as $2,000 for a skilled, healthy slave. Such auc-
luxury items. tions often separated family members from one another,
many of whom never saw their loved ones again.
The Silk Route is an early example of long
distance trade connecting Rome to China – After the Industrial Revolution the demand
along the 6,000 km route. The traders for raw materials like grains, meat, wool also
transported Chinese silk, Roman wool and expanded, but their monetary value declined
precious metals and many other high value in relation to the manufactured goods.
commodities from intermediate points in India, The industrialised nations imported
Persia and Central Asia. primary products as raw materials and
After the disintegration of the Roman exported the value added finished products
Empire, European commerce grew during back to the non-industrialised nations.
twelfth and thirteenth century with the In the later half of the nineteenth century,
development of ocean going warships trade regions producing primary goods were no more
between Europe and Asia grew and the important, and industrial nations became each
Americas were discovered. other’s principle customers.
Fifteenth century onwards, the European During the World Wars I and II, countries
colonialism began and along with trade of exotic imposed trade taxes and quantitative
commodities, a new form of trade emerged restrictions for the first time. During the post-
which was called slave trade. The Portuguese, war period, organisations like General
Dutch, Spaniards, and British captured African Agreement for Tariffs and Trade (which later
became the World Trade Organisation), helped
natives and forcefully transported them to the
in reducing tariff.
newly discovered Americas for their labour in
the plantations. Slave trade was a lucrative
business for more than two hundred years till
Why Does International Trade Exist?
it was abolished in Denmark in 1792, Great International trade is the result of specialisation
Britain in 1807 and United States in 1808. in production. It benefits the world economy if

82 Fundamentals of Human Geography

different countries practise specialisation and cultures which are valued the world
division of labour in the production of over, e.g. China produces the finest
commodities or provision of services. Each kind porcelains and brocades. Carpets of
of specialisation can give rise to trade. Thus, Iran are famous while North African
international trade is based on the principle of leather work and Indonesian batik
comparative advantage, complimentarity and cloth are prized handicrafts.
transferability of goods and services and in (b) Size of population: Densely
principle, should be mutually beneficial to the populated countries have large
trading partners. volume of internal trade but little
In modern times, trade is the basis of the external trade because most of the
world’s economic organisation and is related agricultural and industrial
to the foreign policy of nations. With well- production is consumed in the local
developed transportation and communication markets. Standard of living of the
systems, no country is willing to forego the population determines the demand
benefits derived from participation in for better quality imported products
international trade. because with low standard of living
only a few people can afford to buy
Basis of International Trade costly imported goods.
(iii) Stage of economic development: At
(i) Difference in national resources: The
different stages of economic development
world’s national resources are unevenly
of countries, the nature of items traded
distributed because of differences in their
undergo changes. In agriculturally
physical make up i.e. geology, relief soil
important countries, agro products are
and climate.
exchanged for manufactured goods
(a) Geological structure: It determines
whereas industrialised nations export
the mineral resource base and
machinery and finished products and
topographical differences ensure
import food grains and other raw
diversity of crops and animals
raised. Lowlands have greater
(iv) Extent of foreign investment: Foreign
agricultural potential. Mountains
investment can boost trade in developing
attract tourists and promote
countries which lack in capital required
for the development of mining, oil drilling,
(b) Mineral resources: They are
heavy engineering, lumbering and
unevenly distributed the world over.
plantation agriculture. By developing
The availability of mineral resources
such capital intensive industries in
provides the basis for industrial
developing countries, the industrial
nations ensure import of food stuffs,
(c) Climate: It influences the type of flora
minerals and create markets for their
and fauna that can survive in a given
region. It also ensures diversity in finished products. This entire cycle steps
the range of various products, e.g. up the volume of trade between nations.
wool production can take place in (v) T ransport: In olden times, lack of
cold regions, bananas, rubber and adequate and efficient means of transport
cocoa can grow in tropical regions. restricted trade to local areas. Only high
(ii) Population factors: The size, distribution value items, e.g. gems, silk and spices
and diversity of people between countries were traded over long distances. With
affect the type and volume of goods expansions of rail, ocean and air
traded. transport, better means of refrigeration
(a) Cultural factors: Distinctive forms of and preservation, trade has experienced
art and craft develop in certain spatial expansion.

International Trade 83
Important Aspects of International Billion $ Goods Billion $
Trade 12000 Services 12000
10500 10500
International trade has three very important 9000 9000
aspects. These are volume, sectoral composition 7500 7500
and direction of trade. 6000 6000
4500 4500
Volume of Trade 3000 3000
1500 1500
The actual tonnage of goods traded makes up
0 0
the volume. However, services traded cannot be








measured in tonnage. Therefore, the total value

of goods and services traded is considered to
be the volume of trade. Table 9.1 shows that Source: WTO, Trade Statistics, 2002.
the total volume of world trade has been steadily Fig. 9.3: Exports of Goods and Services, 1980-2000
rising over the past decades.
The share of different commodities in total
global trade can be seen in the graph below.

Machinery and
Why do you think that the volume of trade has increased Transport Equipment
over the decades? Can these figures be compared? Fuels & Mining Road
Office/Telecome Equipment
What has been the growth in the year 2005 over the Chemicals
year 1955? Automotive Products
Agriculture Products
Other Manufactures
Composition of Trade Other Semi–manufactures
Iron & Steel
The nature of goods and services imported and Clothing
exported by countries have undergone changes Textiles
0 5 10 15 20
during the last century. Percentage to total value
Trade of primary products was dominant
Source: WTO, Trade Statistics, 2005
in the beginning of the last century. Later
manufactured goods gained prominence and Fig. 9.4: World Merchandise Exports By
Products, 2004
currently, though the manufacturing sector
commands the bulk of the global trade, service Looking at the graph above, we find that
sector which includes travel, transportation and machinery and transport equipment, fuel and
other commercial services have been showing mining products, office and telecom equipment,
an upward trend. chemicals, automobile parts, agricultural

Table 9.1: World Imports and Exports (in millions of U.S. $)

1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

Exports 95000 190000 877000 1954000 5162000 10393000

Total Merchandise
Imports 99000 199000 912000 2015000 5292000 10753000
Total Merchandise

Source: WTO, International Trade Statistics, 2005

84 Fundamentals of Human Geography

products, iron and steel, clothing and textiles exports, the country has negative or
make up the major items of merchandise which unfavourable balance of trade. If the value of
are traded over the world. Trade in the service exports is more than the value of imports, then
sector is quite different from trade in the the country has a positive or favourable balance
products of primary and manufacturing sectors of trade.
as the services can be expanded infinitely, Balance of trade and balance of payments
consumed by many, are weightless and once have serious implications for a country’s
produced, can be easily replicated and thus, economy. A negative balance would mean that
are capable of generating more profit than the country spends more on buying goods than
producing goods. There are four different ways it can earn by selling its goods. This would
through which services can be supplied. Table ultimately lead to exhaustion of its financial
9.2 shows different types of services and the reserves.
share of those services supplied to the
international market. Types of International Trade
Table 9.2 : Services and their Share to the International trade may be categorised into two
International Market types:
(a) Bilateral trade: Bilateral trade is done
Relevant Services Share in %
by two countries with each other. They
Commercial services excluding enter into agreement to trade specified
travel and construction services. 35
commodities amongst them. For
Travel 10 to 15
Construction services 50 example, country A may agree to trade
Labour flow 1 to 2 some raw material with agreement to
purchase some other specified item to
Direction of Trade country B or vice versa.
(b) Multi-lateral trade: As the term suggests
Historically, the developing countries of the multi-lateral trade is conducted with
present used to export valuable goods and many trading countries. The same
artefacts, etc. which were exported to European country can trade with a number of
countries. During the nineteenth century there other countries. The country may also
was a reversal in the direction of trade. grant the status of the “Most Favoured
European countries started exporting Nation” (MFN) on some of the trading
manufactured goods for exchange of foodstuffs partners.
and raw materials from their colonies. Europe
and U.S.A. emerged as major trade partners in Case for Free Trade
the world and were leaders in the trade of
manufactured goods. Japan at that time was The act of opening up economies for trading is
also the third important trading country. The known as free trade or trade liberalisation. This
world trade pattern underwent a drastic change is done by bringing down trade barriers like
during the second half of the twentieth century. tariffs. Trade liberalisation allows goods and
Europe lost its colonies while India, China and services from everywhere to compete with
other developing countries started competing domestic products and services.
with developed countries. The nature of the Globalisation along with free trade can
goods traded has also changed. adversely affect the economies of developing
countries by not giving equal playing field by
imposing conditions which are unfavourable.
Balance of Trade
With the development of transport and
Balance of trade records the volume of goods communication systems goods and services can
and services imported as well as exported by a travel faster and farther than ever before. But
country to other countries. If the value of free trade should not only let rich countries
imports is more than the value of a country’s enter the markets, but allow the developed

International Trade 85
countries to keep their own markets protected countries to set up a permanent institution for
from foreign products. looking after the promotion of free and fair trade
Countries also need to be cautious about amongst nation and the GATT was transformed
dumped goods; as along with free trade into the World Trade Organisation from 1st
dumped goods of cheaper prices can harm the January 1995.
domestic producers. WTO is the only international organisation
dealing with the global rules of trade between
nations. It sets the rules for the global trading
Dumping system and resolves disputes between its
member nations. WTO also covers trade in
The practice of selling a commodity in two services, such as telecommunication and
countries at a price that differs for reasons banking, and others issues such as intellectual
not related to costs is called dumping.
The WTO has however been criticised and
opposed by those who are worried about the
effects of free trade and economic globalisation.
It is argued that free trade does not make
ordinary people’s lives more prosperous. It is
actually widening the gulf between rich and
poor by making rich countries more rich. This
is because the influential nations in the WTO
focus on their own commercial interests.
Moreover, many developed countries have not
fully opened their markets to products from
developing countries. It is also argued that
issues of health, worker’s rights, child labour
and environment are ignored.

WTO Headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland.

149 countries were members of WTO as on December


India has been one of the founder member of WTO.

Regional Trade Blocs

Regional Trade Blocs have come up in order to
Think of some reasons why dumping is becoming a encourage trade between countries with
serious concern among trading nations? geographical proximity, similarity and
complementarities in trading items and to curb
restrictions on trade of the developing world.
World Trade Organisation
Today, 120 regional trade blocs generate 52 per
In1948, to liberalise the world from high cent of the world trade. These trading blocs
customs tariffs and various other types of developed as a response to the failure of the global
restrictions, General Agreement for Tariffs and organisations to speed up intra-regional trade.
Trade (GATT) was formed by some countries. Though, these regional blocs remove trade
In 1994, it was decided by the member tariffs within the member nations and

86 Fundamentals of Human Geography

encourage free trade, in the future it could get between different trading blocs. Some major
increasingly difficult for free trade to take place regional trade blocs have been listed in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: Major Regional Trade

Regional Head Member Origin Commodities Other Areas

Blocs Quarter nations of

ASEAN Jakarta, Brunei, Aug, 1967 Agro products, Accelerate

(Association of Indonesia Indonesia, rubber, palm oil, economic
South East Asian Malaysia, rice, copra, growth,
Nations) Singapore, coffee, minerals – cultural
Thailand, copper, coal, development,
Vietnam nickel and peace and
tungsten. Energy regional
– petroleum and stability
natural gas and

CIS Minsk, Armenia, — Crude oil, natural Integration

(Commonwealth Belarus Azerbaijan, gas, gold, cotton, and
of Independent Belarus, Georgia, fibre, aluminium cooperation on
States) Kazakhstan, matters of
Kyrgyzstan, economics,
Moldova, Russia, defence and
Tajikistan, foreign policy
Ukraine and

EU Brussels, Austria, Belgium, EEC- Agro products, Single market

(European Union) Belgium Denmark, March 1957 minerals, with single
France, Finland, EU - Feb. 1992 chemicals, wood, currency
Ireland, Italy, the paper, transport
Netherlands, vehicles, optical
Luxemburg, instruments,
Portugal, Spain, clocks - works of
Sweden and U.K. art, antiques

LAIA Montevideo, Argentina, Bolivia, 1960 — —

(Latin American Uruguay Brazil, Columbia,
Integration Ecuador, Mexico,
Association) Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay and

NAFTA U.S.A., Canada 1994 Agro products, —

(North American and Mexico motor vehicles,
Free Trade automotive parts,
Association) computers,

OPEC Vienna, Algeria, 1949 Crude petroleum Coordinate

(Organisation of Austria Indonesia, Iran, and unify
Petroleum Iraq, Kuwait, petroleum
Exporting Libya, Nigeria, policies.
Countries) Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, U.A.E.
and Venezuela

SAFTA Bangladesh, Jan-2006 — Reduce tariffs

(South Asian Maldives, Bhutan, on inter-
Free Trade Nepal, India, regional trade
Agreement) Pakistan and Sri

International Trade 87
Concerns Related to International Trade
Undertaking international trade is mutually
beneficial to nations if it leads to regional
specialisation, higher level of production, better
standard of living, worldwide availability of
goods and services, equalisation of prices and
wages and diffusion of knowledge and culture.
International trade can prove to be
detrimental to nations of it leads to dependence
on other countries, uneven levels of
development, exploitation, and commercial
rivalry leading to wars. Global trade affects
many aspects of life; it can impact everything
from the environment to health and well-being
of the people around the world. As countries Fig. 9.5: San Francisco, the largest land-locked
compete to trade more, production and the use harbour in the world
of natural resources spiral up, resources get
used up faster than they can be replenished.
As a result, marine life is also depleting fast, Types of Port
forests are being cut down and river basins sold Generally, ports are classified according to the
off to private drinking water companies. Multi- types of traffic which they handle.
national corporations trading in oil, gas mining, Types of port according to cargo handled:
pharmaceuticals and agri-business keep (i) Industrial Ports: These ports specialise in
expanding their operations at all costs creating bulk cargo-like grain, sugar, ore, oil,
more pollution – their mode of work does not chemicals and similar materials.
follow the norms of sustainable development. (ii) Commercial Ports: These ports handle
If organisations are geared only towards profit general cargo-packaged products and
making, and environmental and health manufactured good. These ports also
concerns are not addressed, then it could lead handle passenger traffic.
to serious implications in the future.


The chief gateways of the world of international
trade are the harbours and ports. Cargoes and
travellers pass from one part of the world to
another through these ports.
The ports provide facilities of docking,
loading, unloading and the storage facilities for
cargo. In order to provide these facilities, the
port authorities make arrangements for
maintaining navigable channels, arranging tugs
and barges, and providing labour and
managerial services. The importance of a port
is judged by the size of cargo and the number Fig. 9.6: Leningrad Commercial Port
of ships handled. The quantity of cargo handled
by a port is an indicator of the level of (iii) Comprehensive Ports: Such ports handle
development of its hinterland. bulk and general cargo in large volumes.

88 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Most of the world’s great ports are tanker ports. Abadan on the Gulf of Persia
classified as comprehensive ports. is a refinery port.
(ii) Ports of Call: These are the ports which
Types of port on the basis of location:
originally developed as calling points on
(i) Inland Ports: These ports are located away main sea routes where ships used to
from the sea coast. They are linked to the anchor for refuelling, watering and taking
sea through a river or a canal. Such ports food items. Later on, they developed into
are accessible to flat bottom ships or commercial ports. Aden, Honolulu and
barges. For example, Manchester is linked Singapore are good examples.
with a canal; Memphis is located on the (iii) Packet Station: These are also known as
river Mississippi; Rhine has several ports ferry ports. These packet stations are
like Mannheim and Duisburg; and exclusively concerned with the
Kolkata is located on the river Hoogli, a transportation of passengers and mail
branch of the river Ganga. across water bodies covering short
(ii) Out Ports: These are deep water ports built distances. These stations occur in pairs
away from the actual ports. These serve located in such a way that they face each
the parent ports by receiving those ships other across the water body, e.g. Dover in
which are unable to approach them due England and Calais in France across the
to their large size. Classic combination, English Channel.
for example, is Athens and its out port (iv) Entrepot Ports: These are collection centres
Piraeus in Greece. where the goods are brought from different
countries for export. Singapore is an
Types of port on the basis of specialised
entrepot for Asia. Rotterdam for Europe,
and Copenhagen for the Baltic region.
(i) Oil Ports: These ports deal in the (v) Naval Ports: These are ports which have
processing and shipping of oil. Some of only strategic importance. These ports
these are tanker ports and some are serve warships and have repair workshops
refinery ports. Maracaibo in Venezuela, for them. Kochi and Karwar are examples
Esskhira in Tunisia, Tripoli in Lebanon are of such ports in India.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Most of the world’s great ports are classified as:
(a) Naval Ports (c) Comprehensive Ports
(b) Oil Ports (d) Industrial Ports
(ii) Which one of the following continents has the maximum flow of global
(a) Asia (c) Europe
(b) North America (d) Africa

International Trade 89
(iii) Which one of the following South American nation, is a part of OPEC?
(a) Brazil (c) Venezuela
(b) Chile (d) Peru
(iv) In which of the following trade blocs, is India an associate member?
(b) OECD (d) OPEC
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) What is the basic function of the World Trade Organisation?
(ii) Why is it detrimental for a nation to have negative balance of payments?
(iii) What benefits do nations get by forming trading blocs?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words:
(i) How are ports helpful for trade? Give a classification of ports on the basis
of their location.
(ii) How do nations gain from International Trade?

90 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit-IV We all live in clusters of houses. You may call it
a village, a town or a city, all are examples of
Chapter-10 human settlements. The study of human
settlements is basic to human geography
because the form of settlement in any particular
region reflects human relationship with the
environment. A human settlement is defined as
a place inhabited more or less permanently. The
houses may be designed or redesigned,
buildings may be altered, functions may change
but settlement continues in time and space.
There may be some settlements which are
temporary and are occupied for short periods,
may be a season.


It is widely accepted that settlements can be
differentiated in terms of rural and urban, but
there is no consensus on what exactly defines
a village or a town. Although population size is
an important criterion, it is not a universal
criterion since many villages in densely
populated countries of India and China have
population exceeding that of some towns of
Western Europe and United States.
At one time, people living in villages
pursued agriculture or other primary activities,
but presently in developed countries, large
sections of urban populations prefer to live in
villages even though they work in the city. The
basic difference between towns and villages is
that in towns the main occupation of the people
is related to secondary and tertiary sectors,
while in the villages most of the people are
engaged in primary occupations such as
agriculture, fishing, lumbering, mining, animal
husbandry, etc.

Sub Urbanisation
It is a new trend of people moving away from
congested urban areas to cleaner areas
outside the city in search of a better quality
of living. Important suburbs develop around
major cities and everyday thousands of
people commute from their homes in the
sub urbs to their work places in the city.
Differentiations between rural and urban (ii) Dispersed Settlements: In these
on the basis of functions are more meaningful settlements, houses are spaced far
even though there is no uniformity in the apart and often interspersed with fields.
hierarchy of the functions provided by rural and A cultural feature such as a place of
urban settlements. Petrol pumps are considered worship or a market, binds the
as a lower order function in the United States settlement together.
while it is an urban function in India. Even
within a country, rating of functions may vary
according to the regional economy. Facilities
available in the villages of developed countries
may be considered rare in villages of developing
and less developed countries.

The census of India, 1991 defines urban

settlements as “All places which have
municipality, corporation, cantonment board
or notified town area committee and have a
minimum population of 5000 persons, at
Fig. 10.2: Dispersed Settlements
least 75 per cent of male workers are
engaged in non-agricultural pursuits and a
Rural Settlements
density of population of at least 400 persons
per square kilometers are urban. Rural settlements are most closely and directly
related to land. They are dominated by primary
activities such as agriculture, animal
TYPES AND PATTERNS OF SETTLEMENTS husbandary, fishing etc. The settlements size
is relatively small.
Settlements may also be classified by their
shape, patterns types. The major types
classified by shape are:
(i) Compact or Nucleated settlements:
These settlements are those in which
large number of houses are built very
close to each other. Such settlements
develop along river valleys and in fertile
plains. Communities are closely knit
and share common occupations.

Fig. 10.3 : Siting near water

Water Supply
Usually rural settlements are located near water
bodies such as rivers, lakes, and springs where
water can be easily obtained. Sometimes the
need for water drives people to settle in otherwise
disadvantaged sites such as islands
surrounded by swamps or low lying river
banks. Most water based ‘wet point’ settlements
Fig.10.1 : Compact Settlements have many advantages such as water for

92 Fundamentals of Human Geography

drinking, cooking and washing. Rivers and Defence
lakes can be used to irrigate farm land. Water During the times of political instability, war,
bodies also have fish which can be caught for hostility of neighbouring groups villages were
diet and navigable rivers and lakes can be used built on defensive hills and islands. In Nigeria,
for transportation. upstanding inselbergs formed good defensive
sites. In India most of the forts are located on
higher grounds or hills.
People choose to settle near fertile lands suitable
for agriculture. In Europe villages grew up near Planned Settlements
rolling country avoiding swampy, low lying Sites that are not spontaneously chosen by
land while people in south east Asia chose to villagers themselves, planned settlements are
live near low lying river valleys and coastal constructed by governments by providing
plains suited for wet rice cultivation. Early shelter, water and other infrastructures on
settlers chose plain areas with fertile soils. acquired lands. The scheme of villagisation in
Ethiopia and the canal colonies in Indira
Gandhi canal command area in India are some
Upland which is not prone to flooding was good examples.
chosen to prevent damage to houses and loss
of life. Thus, in low lying river basins people Rural Settlement Patterns
chose to settle on terraces and levees which are Patterns of rural settlements reflect the way the
“dry points”. In tropical countries people build houses are sited in relation to each other. The
their houses on stilts near marshy lands to site of the village, the surrounding topography
protect themselves from flood, insects and and terrain influence the shape and size of a
animal pests. village.
Rural settlements may be classified on the
Building Material
basis of a number of criteria:
The availability of building materials- wood, (i) On the basis of setting: The main types
stone near settlements is another advantage. are plain villages, plateau villages,
Early villages were built in forest clearings where coastal villages, forest villages and
wood was plentiful. desert villages.
(ii) On the basis of functions: There may
be farming villages, fishermen’s villages,
lumberjack villages, pastoral villages etc.
(iii) On the basis of forms or shapes of the
settlements: These may be a number
of geometrical forms and shapes such
as Linear, rectangular, circular star
like, T-shaped village, double village,
cross-shaped village etc.
(a) Linear pattern: In such settlements
houses are located along a road,
railway line, river, canal edge of a valley
or along a levee.
Fig. 10.4 : House on stilts
(b) Rectangular pattern: Such patterns of
In loess areas of China, cave dwellings were rural settlements are found in plain
important and African Savanna’s building areas or wide inter montane valleys.
materials were mud bricks and the Eskimos, in The roads are rectangular and cut each
polar regions, use ice blocks to construct igloos. other at right angles.

Human Settlements 93
Linear Pattern Cross-shape Pattern Star-like Pattern

T-Shape Pattern Circular Pattern Double Pattern

Railway Road River Canal Well

Bridge Temple Village Pond Tree

Fig. 10.5: Rural Settlement Patterns

(c) Circular pattern: Circular villages settlements develop at tri-junctions of

develop around lakes, tanks and the roads ( ) while -shaped
sometimes the village is planned in such
settlements emerge as the places where
a way that the central part remains open
two roads converge on the third one
and is used for keeping the animals to
and houses are built along these roads.
protect them from wild animals.
Cruciform settlements develop on the
(d) Star like pattern: Where several roads
cross-roads and houses extend in all
converge, star shaped settlements develop
the four direction.
by the houses built along the roads.
(e) T-shaped, Y-shaped, Cross-shaped or
crucifor m settlements: T -shaped

Fig.10.6 : Linear pattern settlement Fig.10.7 : Y shape settlement

94 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(f) Double village: These settlements Urban Settlements
extend on both sides of a river where
Rapid urban growth is a recent phenomenon.
there is a bridge or a ferry.
Until recent times, few settlements reached the
population size of more than a few thousand
inhabitants. The first urban settlement to reach
a population of one million was the city of
Identify these patterns on any topographical sheet which London by around. A.D. 1810 By 1982
you have studied in Practical Work in Geography, Part approximately 175 cities in the world had
I (NCERT, 2006) in Class XI crossed the one million population mark.
Presently 48 per cent of the world’s population
Problems of Rural Settlements lives in urban settlements compared to only 3
per cent in the year 1800 (Table 10.1).
Rural settlements in the developing countries
are large in number and poorly equipped with
Table 10.1: Percentage of World’s Population Living
infrastructure. They represent a great challenge in Urban Areas
and opportunity for planners.
Supply of water to rural settlements in Year Percentage
developing countries is not adequate. People
1800 3
in villages, particularly in mountainous and
1850 6
arid areas have to walk long distances to fetch
drinking water. Water borne diseases such as 1900 14
cholera and jaundice tend to be a common 1950 30
problem. The countries of South Asia face 1982 37
conditions of drought and flood very often. Crop 2001 48
cultivation sequences, in the absence of
irrigation, also suffer.
Classification of Urban Settlements
The general absence of toilet and garbage
disposal facilities cause health related problems. The definition of urban areas varies from one
The design and use of building materials country to another. Some of the common basis
of houses vary from one ecological region to of classification are size of population,
another. The houses made up of mud, wood occupational structure and administrative
and thatch, remain susceptible to damage setup.
during heavy rains and floods, and require
proper maintenance every year. Most house Population Size
designs are typically deficient in proper
ventilation. Besides, the design of a house It is an important criteria used by most countries
includes the animal shed along with its fodder- to define urban areas. The lower limit of the
store within it. This is purposely done to keep population size for a settlement to be designated
the domestic animals and their food properly as urban is 1,500 in Colombia, 2,000 in
protected from wild animals. Argentina and Portugal, 2,500 in U.S.A. and
Unmetalled roads and lack of modern Thailand, 5,000 in India and 30,000 in Japan.
communication network creates a unique Besides the size of population, density of 400
problem. During rainy season, the settlements persons per sq km and share of non-agricultural
remain cut off and pose serious difficulties in workers are taken into consideration in India.
providing emergency services. It is also difficult Countries with low density of population may
to provide adequate health and educational choose a lower number as the cut-off figure
infrastructure for their large rural population. compared to densely populated countries. In
The problem is particularly serious where Denmark, Sweden and Finland, all places with
proper villagisation has not taken place and a population size of 250 persons are called
houses are scattered over a large area. urban. The minimum population for a city is

Human Settlements 95
300 in Iceland, whereas in Canada and urban centres which are located close to an
Venezuela, it is 1,000 persons. important trade route have experienced rapid
Occupational Structure
Functions of Urban Centres
In some countries, such as India, the major
economic activities in addition to the size of the The earliest towns were centres of
population in designating a settlement as urban administration, trade, industry, defence and
are also taken as a criterion. Similarly, in Italy, a religious importance. The significance of defence
settlement is called urban, if more than 50 per and religion as differentiating functions has
cent of its economically productive population declined in general, but other functions have
is engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. India entered the list. Today, several new functions,
has set this criterion at 75 per cent. such as, recreational, residential, transport,
mining, manufacturing and most recently
Administration activities related to information technology are
carried on in specialised towns. Some of these
The administrative setup is a criterion for
functions do not necessarily require the urban
classifying a settlement as urban in some
centre to have any fundamental relationship
countries. For example, in India, a settlement
with their neighbouring rural areas.
of any size is classified as urban, if it has a
municipality, Cantonment Board or Notified
Area Council. Similarly, in Latin American
countries, such as Brazil and Bolivia, any What would be the effects of Information
administrative centre is considered urban and Communication Technology (ICT) as
irrespective of its population size. a function on the development of existing
and new settlements?
Location of urban centres is examined with
reference to their function. For example, the
Prepare a list of cities where earlier functions have been
sitting requirements of a holiday resort are quite
replaced by newer ones.
different from that of an industrial town, a
military centre or a seaport. Strategic towns In spite of towns performing multiple
require sites offering natural defence; mining functions we refer to their dominant function.
towns require the presence of economically For example, we think of Sheffield as an
valuable minerals; industrial towns generally industrial city, London as a port city,
need local energy supplies or raw materials; Chandigarh as an administrative city and so
tourist centres require attractive scenery, or a on. Large cities have a rather greater diversity
marine beach, a spring with medicinal water of functions. Besides, all cities are dynamic and
or historical relics, ports require a harbour etc. over a period of time may develop new functions.
Locations of the earliest urban settlements Most of the early nineteenth-century fishing
were based on the availability of water, building ports in England have now developed tourism.
materials and fertile land. Today, while these Many of the old market towns are now known
considerations still remain valid, modern for manufacturing activities. Towns and cities
technology plays a significant role in locating are classified into the following categories.
urban settlements far away from the source of
these materials. Piped water can be supplied Administrative Towns
to a distant settlement, building material can National capitals, which house the administrative
be transported from long distances. offices of central governments, such as New Delhi,
Apart from site, the situation plays an Canberra, Beijing, Addis Ababa, Washington
important role in the expansion of towns. The D.C., and London etc. are called administrative

96 Fundamentals of Human Geography

towns. Provincial (sub-national) towns can also Towns and cities of developed and
have administrative functions, for example, developing countries reflect marked differences
Victoria (British Columbia), Albany (New York), in planning and development. While most cities
Chennai (Tamil Nadu). in developed countries are planned, most
urban settlements of developing countries have
Trading and Commercial Towns evolved historically with irregular shapes. For
example, Chandigarh and Canberra are
Agricultural market towns, such as, Winnipeg
planned cities, while smaller town in India have
and Kansas city; banking and financial centres
evolved historically from walled cities to large
like Frankfurt and Amsterdam; large inland
urban sprawls.
centres like Manchester and St Louis; and
transport nodes such as, Lahore, Baghdad and
Addis Ababa (The New Flower)
Agra have been important trading centres.
The name of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, as
Cultural Towns the name indicates (Addis-New, Ababa-Flower)
Places of pilgrimage, such as Jerusalem, Mecca, is a ‘new’ city which was established in 1878.
Jagannath Puri and Varanasi etc. are The whole city is located on a hill-valley
considered cultural towns. These urban topography. The road pattern bears the influence
centres are of great religious importance.
Additional functions which the cities
perform are health and recreation (Miami and
Panaji), industrial (Pittsburgh and
Jamshedpur), mining and quarrying (Broken
Hill and Dhanbad) and transport (Singapore
and Mughal Sarai).

Urbanisation means the increase in the proportion

population of a country who live in urban areas.

The most important cause of urbanisation is rural-urban

migration. During the late 1990s some 20 to 30 million
people were leaving the countryside every year and
moving into towns and cities.

Developed countries experienced rapid urbanisation Fig. 10.8: Morphology of Addis Ababa
during the nineteenth century.

Developing counties experienced rapid urbanisation

during the second half of the twentieth century.


An urban settlement may be linear, square, star
or crescent shaped. In fact, the form of the
settlement, architecture and style of buildings
and other structures are an outcome of its
historical and cultural traditions.
Fig. 10.9: Skyline of Addis Ababa

Human Settlements 97
of the local topography. The roads radiate from each with separate city functions. During the
the govt headquarters Piazza, Arat and Amist last few decades, the city has expanded to
Kilo roundabouts. Mercato has markets which accommodate several satellite towns, which
grew with time and is supposed to be the largest have their own centres. The city has wide-open
market between Cairo and Johannesburg. A spaces and many parks and gardens.
multi-faculty university, a medical college, a
number of good schools make Addis Ababa an Types of Urban Settlements
educational centre. It is also the terminal station
Depending on the size and the services available
for the Djibouti-Addis Ababa rail route. Bole
and functions rendered, urban centres are
airport is a relatively new airport. The city has
designated as town, city, million city,
witnessed rapid growth because of its multi-
conurbation, megalopolis.
functional nature and being a large nodal centre
located in the centre of Ethiopia. Town
Canberra The concept of ‘town’ can best be understood
with reference to ‘village’. Population size is not
Canberra was planned as the capital of
the only criterion. Functional contrasts between
Australia in 1912 by American landscape
towns and villages may not always be clear-
architect, Walter Burley Griffin. He had
cut, but specific functions such as,
envisaged a garden city for about 25,000 people
manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, and
taking into account the natural features of the
professional services exist in towns.
landscape. There were to be five main centres,
A city may be regarded as a leading town, which
has outstripped its local or regional rivals. In
the words of Lewis Mumford, “ the city is in fact
the physical form of the highest and most
complex type of associative life”. Cities are
much larger than towns and have a greater
number of economic functions. They tend to
have transport terminals, major financial
institutions and regional administrative offices.
When the population crosses the one million
mark it is designated as a million city.

The term conurbation was coined by Patrick
Geddes in 1915 and applied to a large area of
urban development that resulted from the
merging of originally separate towns or cities.
Greater London, Manchester, Chicago and
Tokyo are examples. Can you find out an
example from India?

This Greek word meaning “great city”, was
popularised by Jean Gottman (1957) and
Fig. 10.10 : Morphology of a planned city – Canberra
signifies ‘super- metropolitan’ region extending,

98 Fundamentals of Human Geography

as union of conurbations. The urban Table 10.3: Mega Cities of the World
(as on 28. 01. 2006)
landscape stretching from Boston in the north
to south of Washington in U.S.A. is the best Sl. Name of Country Population
known example of a megalopolis. No. the City (in millions)
1. Tokyo Japan 34.2
Million City 2. Mexico city Mexico 22.8
3. Seoul South Korea 22.3
The number of million cities in the world has 4. New York U.S.A. 21.9
been increasing as never before. London 5. Sao Paulo Brazil 20.2
6. Mumbai India 19.9
reached the million mark in 1800, followed by
7. Delhi India 19.7
Paris in 1850, New York in 1860, and by 1950 8. Shanghai China 18.2
there were around 80 such cities. The rate of 9. Los Angeles U.S.A. 18.0
increase in the number of million cities has been 10. Osaka Japan 16.8
three-fold in every three decades – around 160 11. Jakarta Indonesia 16.6
12. Kolkata India 15.7
in 1975 to around 438 in 2005. 13. Cairo Egypt 15.6
Table 10.2: Continent–wise Distribution 14. Manila Philippines 15.0
of Million Cities 15. Karachi Pakistan 14.3
16. Moscow Russia 13.8
Continent Early Mid Mid 17. Buenos Aires Argentina 13.5
1950 1970s 2000 18. Dhaka Bangladesh 13.3
19. Rio de Janeiro Brazil 12.2
Europe 23 30 58 20. Beijing China 12.1
Asia 32 69 206 21. London G. Britain 12.0
22. Tehran Iran 11.9
North and Central America 16 36 79
23. Istanbul Turkey 11.5
South America 8 17 43 24. Lagos Nigeria 11.1
Africa 3 8 46 25. Shenzhen China 10.7
Australia 2 2 6 Source:
World Total 84 162 438
Source: They also lack infrastructure such as,
electricity, sewage disposal, health and
Distribution of Mega Cities education facilities.
A mega city or megalopolis is a general term
for cities together with their suburbs with a
population of more than 10 million people. Rural/Urban Problems
New York was the first to attain the status of
a mega city by 1950 with a total population Can you identify the problems faced by your city/town/
of about 12.5 million. The number of mega village in terms of any one of the following?
cities is now 25. The number of mega cities Availability of potable water.
has increased in the developing countries
during the last 50 years vis-à-vis the Electricity supply.
developed countries.
Sewerage system.
Problems of Human Settlements Transportation and communication facilities.
in Developing Countries
Health and educational infrastructure.
The settlements in developing countries, suffer
from various problems, such as unsustainable Water and air pollution.
concentration of population, congested housing
and streets, lack of drinking water facilities. Can you think of solutions to these problems?

Human Settlements 99
Problems of Urban Settlements Economic Problems
People flock to cities to avail of employment The decreasing employment opportunities in
opportunities and civic amenities. Since most the rural as well as smaller urban areas of the
cities in developing countries are unplanned, developing countries consistently push the
it creates severe congestion. Shortage of population to the urban areas. The enormous
housing, vertical expansion and growth of migrant population generates a pool of un-
slums are characteristic features of modern skilled and semi-skilled labour force, which is
cities of developing countries. In many cities already saturated in urban areas.
an increasing proportion of the population
lives in substandard housing, e.g. slums and Socio-cultural Problems
squatter settlements. In most million plus
Cities in the developing countries suffer from
cities in India, one in four inhabitants lives in
several social ills. Insufficient financial resources
illegal settlements, which are growing twice as
fail to create adequate social infrastructure
fast as the rest of the cities. Even in the Asia
catering to the basic needs of the huge
Pacific countries, around 60 per cent of the
population. The available educational and
urban population lives in squatter settlements.
health facilities remain beyond the reach of the
urban poor. Health indices also, present a
gloomy picture in cities of developing countries.
Lack of employment and education tends to
aggravate the crime rates. Male selective
migration to the urban areas distorts the sex
ratio in these cities.

Environmental Problems
The large urban population in developing
countries not only uses but also disposes off a
huge quantity of water and all types of waste
materials. Many cities of the developing
countries even find it extremely difficult to
provide the minimum required quantity of
potable water and water for domestic and
industrial uses. An improper sewerage system
creates unhealthy conditions. Massive use of
Fig. 10.11: Slums traditional fuel in the domestic as well as the
industrial sector severely pollutes the air. The
What is a Healthy City? domestic and industrial wastes are either let
into the general sewerages or dumped without
World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests treatment at unspecified locations. Huge
that, among other things, a ‘healthy city’ concrete structures erected to accommodate
must have: the population and economic play a very
A ’Clean’ and ‘Safe’ environment. conducive role to create heat islands.
Meets the ‘Basic Needs’ of ‘All’ its
inhabitants. Urban Strategy
Involves the ‘Community’ in local
government. The United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) has outlined these
Provides easily accessible ‘Health’ service. priorities as part of its ‘Urban Strategy’.

100 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Increasing ‘Shelter’ for the urban poor. settlements. As the growth of rural population
Provision of basic urban services such as has outpaced the generation of employment and
‘Education’, ‘Primary Health care’, ‘Clean economic opportunities, rural-to-urban migration
Water and Sanitation’. has steadily increased, particularly in the
Improving women’s access to ‘Basic developing countries, which has put an enormous
Services’ and government facilities. pressure on urban infrastructure and services
Upgrading ‘Energy’ use and alternative that are already under serious stress. It is urgent
‘Transport’ systems. to eradicate rural poverty and to improve the
quality of living conditions, as well as to create
Reducing ‘Air Pollution’.
employment and educational opportunities in
rural settlements. Full advantage must be taken
Cities, towns and rural settlements are linked of the complementary contributions and linkages
through the movements of goods, resources and of rural and urban areas by balancing their
people. Urban-rural linkages are of crucial different economic, social and environmental
importance for the sustainability of human requirements.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side of
roads, rivers or canals?
(a) circular (c) cross-shaped
(b) linear (d) square
(ii) Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural
(a) primary (c) secondary
(b) tertiary (d) quaternary
(iii) In which of the following regions has the oldest well-documented urban
settlement found?
(a) Huang He Valley (c) Nile Valley
(b) Indus Valley (d) Mesopotamia
(iv) How many of the following cities in India have attained the million status at the
beginning of 2006?
(a) 40 (c) 41
(b) 42 (d) 43
(v) Sufficiency of which type of resources can help to create adequate social
infrastructure catering to the needs of the large population in the developing
(a) financial (c) natural
(b) human (d) social

Human Settlements 101

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) How would you define a settlement?
(ii) Distinguish between site and situation.
(iii) What are the bases of classifying settlements?
(iv) How would you justify the study of human settlements in human
(v) Identify the types of settlement shown in the photograph and write
a brief note on it.
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) What are rural and urban settlements? Mention their
(ii) Discuss the problems associated with urban settlements in
developing countries.

(i) Do you live in a city? If not, do you live nearby? Is your life
somehow linked to a city?
(a) What is its name?
(b) When was it first settled?
(c) Why was the site chosen?
(d) What is its population?
(e) What are the functions it performs?
(f) On a sketch of the city, try to identify the areas where
these functions are performed.
Each student should make a list of five things associated with the selected city;
things that cannot be found elsewhere. This is a mini definition of the city as each
student sees it. The lists should be shared with the class. How much agreement is
there between the lists?
(ii) Can you think of some ways by which you can single
handedly help reduce pollution levels of your settlement
Hints :
(a) Proper garbage disposal
(b) Using public transport
(c) Better management of domestic water consumption
(d) Planting trees in the neighbourhood

102 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit-III Human activities which generate income are
known as economic activities. Economic
Chapter-5 activities are broadly grouped into primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities.
Primary activities are directly dependent on
environment as these refer to utilisation of
earth’s resources such as land, water,
vegetation, building materials and minerals. It,
thus includes, hunting and gathering, pastoral
activities, fishing, forestry, agriculture, and
mining and quarrying.

Why inhabitants of coastal and plain

regions are engaged in fishing and
agriculture respectively? What are the
Primary Activities physical and social factors which affect the
type of primary activities in different

People engaged in primary activities are called red-

collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.


The earliest human beings depended on their
immediate environment for their sustenance.
They subsisted on: (a) animals which they
hunted; and (b) the edible plants which they
gathered from forests in the vicinity.
Primitive societies depended on wild
animals. People located in very cold and
extremely hot climates survived on hunting. The
people in the coastal areas still catch fish though
fishing has experienced modernisation due to
technological progress. Many species, now have
become extinct or endangered due to illegal
hunting (poaching). The early hunters used
primitive tools made of stones, twigs or arrows
so the number of animals killed was limited.
Why has hunting been banned in India?
Gathering and hunting are the oldest
economic activity known. These are carried out
at different levels with different orientations.
Gathering is practised in regions with
harsh climatic conditions. It often involves
primitive societies, who extract, both plants and
animals to satisfy their needs for food, shelter Gathering is practised in: (i) high latitude
and clothing. This type of activity requires a zones which include northern Canada, northern
small amount of capital investment and Eurasia and southern Chile; (ii) Low latitude
operates at very low level of technology. The zones such as the Amazon Basin, tropical
yield per person is very low and little or no Africa, Northern fringe of Australia and the
surplus is produced. interior parts of Southeast Asia (Fig. 5.2).
In modern times some gathering is market-
oriented and has become commercial. Gatherers
collect valuable plants such as leaves, barks of
trees and medicinal plants and after simple
processing sell the products in the market. They
use various parts of the plants, for example,
the bark is used for quinine, tanin extract and
cork— leaves supply materials for beverages,
drugs, cosmetics, fibres, thatch and fabrics;
nuts for food and oils and tree trunk yield
rubber, balata, gums and resins.

The name of the part of the chewing gum after the flavour
is gone? It is called Chicle — it is made from the milky
juice of zapota tree.

Gathering has little chance of becoming

Fig. 5.1: Women Gathering Oranges in Mizoram important at the global level. Products of such an

Fig. 5.2: Areas of Subsistence Gathering

32 Fundamentals of Human Geography

activity cannot compete in the world market. Pastoral nomadism is associated with
Moreover, synthetic products often of better three important regions. The core region
quality and at lower prices, have replaced many extends from the Atlantic shores of North Africa
items supplied by the gatherers in tropical forests. eastwards across the Arabian peninsula into
Mongolia and Central China. The second region
PASTORALISM extends over the tundra region of Eurasia. In
At some stage in history, with the realisation the southern hemisphere there are small areas
that hunting is an unsustainable activity, in South-west Africa and on the island of
human beings might have thought of Madagascar (Fig. 5.4)
domestication of animals. People living in Movement in search of pastures is
different climatic conditions selected and undertaken either over vast horizontal
domesticated animals found in those regions. distances or vertically from one elevation to
Depending on the geographical factors, and another in the mountainous regions. The
technological development, animal rearing process of migration from plain areas to
today is practised either at the subsistence or pastures on mountains during summers and
at the commercial level. again from mountain pastures to plain areas
during winters is known as transhumance. In
Nomadic Herding mountain regions, such as Himalayas, Gujjars,
Nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism is a Bakarwals, Gaddis and Bhotiyas migrate from
primitive subsistence activity, in which the plains to the mountains in summers and to the
herders rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, plains from the high altitude pastures in
tools and transport. They move from one place winters. Similarly, in the tundra regions, the
to another along with their livestock, depending nomadic herders move from south to north in
on the amount and quality of pastures and summers and from north to south in winters.
water. Each nomadic community occupies a The number of pastoral nomads has been
well-identified territory as a matter of tradition. decreasing and the areas operated by them
shrinking. This is due to (a) imposition of
political boundaries; (b) new settlement plans
by different countries.
Commercial Livestock Rearing
Unlike nomadic herding, commercial livestock
rearing is more organised and capital intensive.
Commercial livestock ranching is essentially
associated with western cultures and is practised
on permanent ranches. These ranches cover
large areas and are divided into a number of
parcels, which are fenced to regulate the grazing.
When the grass of one parcel is grazed, animals
are moved to another parcel. The number of
Fig. 5.3: Nomads taking their sheep up to the animals in a pasture is kept according to the
Mountains at the onset of summer
carrying capacity of the pasture.
A wide variety of animals is kept in This is a specialised activity in which only
different regions. In tropical Africa, cattle are one type of animal is reared. Important animals
the most important livestock, while in Sahara include sheep, cattle, goats and horses.
and Asiatic deserts, sheep, goats and camel Products such as meat, wool, hides and skin
are reared. In the mountainous areas of Tibet are processed and packed scientifically and
and Andes, yak and llamas and in the Arctic exported to different world markets.
and sub Arctic areas, reindeer are the most Rearing of animals in ranching is
important animals. organised on a scientific basis. The main
Primary Activities 33
Fig. 5.4: Areas of Nomadic Herding

Agriculture is practised under multiple
combinations of physical and socio-economic
conditions, which gives rise to different types of
agricultural systems.
Based on methods of farming, different
types of crops are grown and livestock raised.
The following are the main agricultural systems.

Subsistence Agriculture
Subsistence agriculture is one in which the
farming areas consume all, or nearly so, of the
Fig. 5.5: Commercial Livestock Rearing products locally grown. It can be grouped in
two categories — Primitive Subsistence
Reindeer rearing in the northern regions of Alaska where Agriculture and Intensive Subsistence
most of the Eskimos own about two-third of the stock. Agriculture.
emphasis is on breeding, genetic improvement, Primitive Subsistence Agriculture
disease control and health care of the animals.
New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Primitive subsistence agriculture or shifting
Uruguay and United States of America are cultivation is widely practised by many tribes
important countries where commercial livestock in the tropics, especially in Africa, south and
rearing is practised (Fig. 5.6). central America and south east Asia (Fig. 5.7).

34 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Fig. 5.6: Areas of Commercial Livestock Rearing

Fig. 5.7: Areas of Primitive Subsistence Agriculture

Primary Activities 35
The vegetation is usually cleared by fire, Basically, there are two types of intensive
and the ashes add to the fertility of the soil. subsistence agriculture.
Shifting cultivation is thus, also called slash (i) Intensive subsistence agriculture
and burn agriculture. The cultivated patches dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This
are very small and cultivation is done with very type of agriculture is characterised by
primitive tools such as sticks and hoes. After dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings
sometime (3 to 5 years) the soil looses its fertility are very small due to the high density of
and the farmer shifts to another parts and clears population. Farmers work with the help
other patch of the forest for cultivation. The of family labour leading to intensive use of
farmer may return to the earlier patch after land. Use of machinery is limited and most
sometime. One of the major problems of shifting of the agricultural operations are done by
cultivation is that the cycle of jhum becomes manual labour. Farm yard manure is used
less and less due to loss of fertility in different to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this
parcels. It is prevalent in tropical region in type of agriculture, the yield per unit area
different names, e.g. Jhuming in North eastern is high but per labour productivity is low.
states of India, Milpa in central America and (ii) Intensive subsidence agriculture
Mexico and Ladang in Indonesia and Malaysia. dominated by crops other than paddy:
Find out other areas and the names with which Due to the difference in relief, climate, soil
shifting cultivation is done. and some of the other geographical factors,
it is not practical to grow paddy in many
Intensive Subsistence Agriculture parts of monsoon Asia. Wheat, soyabean,
barley and sorghum are grown in northern
This type of agriculture is largely found in
China, Manchuria, North Korea and North
densely populated regions of monsoon Asia.
Japan. In India wheat is grown in western

Fig. 5.8: Areas of Intensive Subsistence Farming

36 Fundamentals of Human Geography

coconut and sugarcane plantations in the
Philippines. The Dutch once had monopoly
over sugarcane plantation in Indonesia. Some
coffee fazendas (large plantations) in Brazil are
still managed by Europeans.
Today, ownership of the majority of
plantations has passed into the hands of the
government or the nationals of the countries

Fig. 5.9: Rice Transplantation

parts of the Indo-Gangetic plains and

millets are grown in dry parts of western
and southern India. Most of the
characteristics of this type of agriculture
are similar to those dominated by wet
paddy except that irrigation is often used.
Fig. 5.10: Tea Plantation
The Europeans colonised many parts in
The slopes of hills are used for tea plantations because
the world and they introduced some other forms
of favourable geographical conditions.
of agriculture such as plantations which were
mainly profit-oriented large scale production
Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation
Commercial grain cultivation is practised in the
Plantation Agriculture interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid-
latitudes. Wheat is the principal crop, though
Plantation agriculture as mentioned above was
other crops like corn, barley, oats and rye are
introduced by the Europeans in colonies
also grown. The size of the farm is very large,
situated in the tropics. Some of the important
therefore entire operations of cultivation from
plantation crops are tea, coffee, cocoa, rubber,
cotton, oil palm, sugarcane, bananas and ploughing to
pineapples. harvesting are
The characteristic features of this type of mechanised (Fig.
farming are large estates or plantations, large 5.11). There is low
capital investment, managerial and technical yield per acre but
support, scientific methods of cultivation, high yield per
single crop specialisation, cheap labour, and person. Why does
a good system of transportation which links this happen?
the estates to the factories and markets for the
export of the products. Fig. 5.11: Mechanised
Grain Farming
The French established cocoa and coffee
plantations in west Africa. The British set up Combine crews are
large tea gardens in India and Sri Lanka, capable of harvesting
rubber plantations in Malaysia and sugarcane grain over many
and banana plantations in West Indies. hectares in a single
Spanish and Americans invested heavily in day.

Primary Activities 37
Fig. 5.12: Areas of Extensive Commercial Grain Farming

This type of agriculture is best developed building, extensive use of chemical fertilisers
in Eurasian steppes, the Canadian and and green manures and also by the skill and
American Prairies, the Pampas of Argentina, the expertise of the farmers.
Velds of South Africa, the Australian Downs and
the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand. (Locate Dairy Farming
these areas on the world map).
Dairy is the most advanced and efficient type of
rearing of milch animals. It is highly capital
Mixed Farming
intensive. Animal sheds, storage facilities for
This form of agriculture is found in the highly fodder, feeding and milching machines add to
developed parts of the world, e.g. North-western the cost of dairy farming. Special emphasis is
Europe, Eastern North America, parts of laid on cattle breeding, health care and
Eurasia and the temperate latitudes of veterinary services.
Southern continents (Fig. 5.14).
Mixed farms are moderate in size and
usually the crops associated with it are wheat,
barley, oats, rye, maize, fodder and root crops.
Fodder crops are an important component of
mixed farming. Crop rotation and intercropping
play an important role in maintaining soil
fertility. Equal emphasis is laid on crop
cultivation and animal husbandry. Animals like
cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry provide the main
income along with crops.
Mixed farming is characterised by high
capital expenditure on farm machinery and Fig. 5.13: A Dairy Farm in Austria

38 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Fig. 5.14: Areas of Mixed Farming

It is highly labour intensive as it involves There are three main regions of commercial
rigorous care in feeding and milching. There is dairy farming. The largest is North Western
no off season during the year as in the case of Europe the second is Canada and the third belt
crop raising. includes South Eastern Australia, New Zealand
It is practised mainly near urban and and Tasmania (Fig. 5.16).
industrial centres which provide
neighbourhood market for fresh milk and dairy
Mediterranean Agriculture
products. The development of transportation,
refrigeration, pasteurisation and other Mediterranean agriculture is highly specialised
preservation processes have increased the commercial agriculture. It is practised in the
duration of storage of various dairy products. countries on either side of the Mediterranean

Fig. 5.15 (a): A vineyard in Switzerland Fig. 5.15 (b): Collection of

grapes in a collective farm of Kazakhstan

Primary Activities 39
Fig. 5.16: Areas of Dairy Farming

sea in Europe and in north Africa from Tunisia links with the urban centre where high income
to Atlantic coast, southern California, central group of consumers is located. It is both labour
Chile, south western parts of South Africa and and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the
south and south western parts of Australia. use of irrigation, HYV seeds, fertilisers,
This region is an important supplier of citrus insecticides, greenhouses and artificial heating
fruits. in colder regions.
Viticulture or grape cultivation is a This type of agriculture is well developed
speciality of the Mediterranean region. Best in densely populated industrial districts of
quality wines in the world with distinctive north west Europe, north eastern United States
flavours are produced from high quality grapes of America and the Mediterranean regions. The
in various countries of this region. The inferior Netherlands specialises in growing flowers and
grapes are dried into raisins and currants. This horticultural crops especially tulips, which are
region also produces olives and figs. The flown to all major cities of Europe.
advantage of Mediterranean agriculture is that The regions where farmers specialise in
more valuable crops such as fruits and vegetables only, the farming is know as truck
vegetables are grown in winters when there is farming. The distance of truck farms from the
great demand in European and North American market is governed by the distance that a truck
markets. can cover overnight, hence the name truck
Market Gardening and Horticulture In addition to market gardening, a modern
Market gardening and horticulture specialise development in the industrial regions of Western
in the cultivation of high value crops such as Europe and North America is factory farming.
vegetables, fruits and flowers, solely for the Livestock, particularly poultry and cattle
urban markets. Farms are small and are rearing, is done in stalls and pens, fed on
located where there are good transportation manufactured feedstuff and carefully

40 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 5.17 (a): Vegetables being grown in the Figure 5.17 (b): Vegetables being loaded into a truck
vicinity of the city and cycle carts for transporting to city markets

supervised against diseases. This requires heavy is based on social ownership of the means of
capital investment in terms of building, production and collective labour. Collective
machinery for various operations, veterinary farming or the model of Kolkhoz was
services and heating and lighting. One of the introduced in erstwhile Soviet Union to improve
important features of poultry farming and cattle upon the inefficiency of the previous methods
rearing is breed selection and scientific of agriculture and to boost agricultural
breeding. production for self-sufficiency.
Types of farming can also be categorised The farmers pool in all their resources like
according to the farming organisation. Farming land, livestock and labour. However, they are
organisation is affected by the way in which allowed to retain very small plots to grow crops
farmers own their farms and various policies of in order to meet their daily requirements.
the government which help to run these farms. Yearly targets are set by the government
and the produce is also sold to the state at fixed
Co-operative Farming prices. Produce in excess of the fixed amount
is distributed among the members or sold in
A group of farmers form a co-operative society the market. The farmers have to pay taxes on
by pooling in their resources voluntarily for the farm produces, hired machinery etc.
more efficient and profitable farming. Individual Members are paid according to the nature of
farms remain intact and farming is a matter of the work allotted to them by the farm
cooperative initiative. management. Exceptional work is rewarded in
Co-operative societies help farmers, to cash or kind. This type of farming was
procure all important inputs of farming, sell the introduced in former Soviet Union under the
products at the most favourable terms and help socialist regime which was adopted by the
in processing of quality products at cheaper socialist countries. After its collapse, these have
rates. already been modified.
Co-operative movement originated over a
century ago and has been successful in many MINING
western European countries like Denmark,
The discovery of minerals in the history of
Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy etc. In
human development, is reflected in many stages
Denmark, the movement has been so successful
in terms of copper age, bronze age and iron age.
that practically every farmer is a member of a
The use of minerals in ancient times was largely
confined to the making of tools, utensils and
weapons. The actual development of mining
Collective Farming
began with the industrial revolution and its
The basic principal behind this types of farming importance is continuously increasing.

Primary Activities 41
as safety precautions and equipment is
relatively low in this method. The output is both
large and rapid.



Fig. 5.19: Methods of Mining

When the ore lies deep below the surface,

underground mining method (shaft method)
Fig. 5.18: Oil drilling operation has to be used. In this method, vertical shafts
in the Gulf of Mexico have to be sunk, from where underground
galleries radiate to reach the minerals.
Factors Affecting Mining Activity Minerals are extracted and transported to the
surface through these passages. It requires
The profitability of mining operations thus,
specially designed lifts, drills, haulage vehicles,
depends on two main factors:
ventilation system for safety and efficient
(i) Physical factors include the size, grade and
movement of people and material. This method
the mode of occurrence of the deposits.
is risky. Poisonous gases, fires, floods and
(ii) Economic factors such as the demand for
caving in lead to fatal accidents. Have you ever
the mineral, technology available and used,
read about mine fires and flooding of coal
capital to develop infrastructure and the
mines in India?
labour and transport costs.
The developed economies are retreating
from mining, processing and refining stages of
Methods of Mining
production due to high labour costs, while the
Depending on the mode of occurrence and the developing countries with large labour force and
nature of the ore, mining is of two types: surface striving for higher standard of living are
and underground mining. The surface mining becoming more important. Several countries
also known as open-cast mining is the easiest of Africa and few of south America and Asia
and the cheapest way of mining minerals that have over fifty per cent of the earnings from
occur close to the surface. Overhead costs such minerals alone.

42 Fundamentals of Human Geography

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?
(a) Coffee (c) Wheat
(b) Sugarcane (d) Rubber
(ii) In which one of the following countries co-operative farming was the most
successful experiment?
(a) Russia (c) India
(b) Denmark (d) The Netherlands
(iii) Growing of flowers is called:
(a) Truck farming (c) Mixed farming
(b) Factory farming (d) Floriculture
(iv) Which one of the following types of cultivation was developed by European
(a) Kolkoz (c) Mixed farming
(b) Viticulture (d) Plantation
(v) In which one of the following regions is extensive commercial grain cultivation
not practised?
(a) American Canadian prairies (c) Pampas of Argentina
(b) European Steppes (d) Amazon Basin
(vi) In which of the following types of agriculture is the farming of citrus fruit very
(a) Market gardening (c) Mediterranean agriculture
(b) Plantation agriculture (d) Co-operative farming
(vii) Which one type of agriculture amongst the following is also called ‘slash and
burn agriculture’?
(a) Extensive subsistence agriculture
(b) Primitive subsistence agriculture
(c) Extensive commercial grain cultivation
(d) Mixed farming
(viii) Which one of the following does not follow monoculture?
(a) Dairy farming (c) Plantation agriculture
(b) Mixed farming (d) Commercial grain farming
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Future of shifting cultivation is bleak. Discuss.
(ii) Market gardening is practised near urban areas. Why?
(iii) Large scale dairy farming is the result of the development of transportation
and refrigeration.

Primary Activities 43
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Differentiate between Nomadic Herding and Commercial Livestock Rearing.
(ii) Discuss the important characteristic features of plantation agriculture. Name
a few important plantation crops from different countries.

Visit a nearby village and observe the cultivation of some crops. Ask
the farmers and list the various operations.

44 Fundamentals of Human Geography

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