Honors Integrated Math 3: Mr. Barber

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Honors Integrated Math 3

Mr. Barber

Instructor Information
Name: Jeremy Barber Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bpsbarber
Website: www.mrbarbersmathclass.weebly.com

Classroom Expectations
While in this class, your success will be directly related to the effort you choose to put into it. I expect that we will
make learning the top priority, and consequently direct our energy and effort towards ensuring that every student
is successful.
While I intend to support and challenge you with a variety of learning opportunities, I want you to understand that
you are responsible for creating optimal learning for yourself!
This responsibility includes, but is not limited to:
 Coming to class on time and prepared.
 Engaging in meaningful discussion & productive struggle.
 Independently following classroom procedures.
 Following group norms set forth by the class/teacher.
 The Seaholm Student Code of Conduct applies

Mr. Barber’s Goal

My goal for students is that they worry less about the grade and more about what they have learned
throughout the year. I intend to create a classroom environment where students are encouraged to make
mistakes and learn from these.

Suggested Materials
Students should bring the following to class everyday, unless otherwise directed:
 Pencil (Please use pencil for everything)
 Colored pen or pencil for correcting work
 3-Ring Binder & Notebook
 Graphing calculator **highly suggested** (Ti-84 will be used in class)
 A positive attitude!

Grading Policy
Points are earned through tests, homework, classwork and team performance tasks.

Grading Scale: 87 - 89% B+ 77 - 79% C+ 67 – 69% D+

93 – 100% A 83 – 86% B 73 – 76% C 63 – 66% D
90 – 92% A- 80 – 82% B- 70 – 72% C- 60 – 62% D-
0 – 59% E

Trimester Grade: 75% Assessments Final Course Grade: 80% Trimester Grade
15% Team Performance Tasks 20% Final Exam
10% Homework/Classwork
Homework (Review/Preview)
Homework will be assigned nearly every day and is due at the beginning of the following class unless otherwise
noted. This is an invaluable opportunity to practice what is done in class and to assess your understanding of the
material. As such, students are expected to try every problem, show all work and diagrams, and make
corrections. If you get stuck, you are expected to use online/outside resources for additional help and show
evidence of this effort in order to receive credit. Homework answers will be provided in class and is part of the
student’s routine to check their answers at the beginning of class. Students who are found copying or sharing their
homework will receive 0 points!

Classwork will be done daily in collaborative groups and is a time for students to engage in meaningful
mathematical discussions. Students are expected to work together using the group roles and group norms to work
through problems while showing all work and diagrams. Classwork can be collected randomly and individuals will
be graded for participation/completion.

Assessment & Retake Policy

Tests and Team Performance Tasks (TPT) will be given throughout the trimester. Both Tests and TPTs will be
announced ahead of time. Near the end of the trimester, students will be allowed to select one test from the
trimester to retake. The retake will replace the score of that test.

If you are absent from class, you are responsible for finding out what was covered and turning in the necessary
work. All assignments will be posted on my website calendar (www.mrbarbersmathclass.weebly.com) Please make
arrangements with another student/group for missed notes.

Students are allowed two class periods for each excused absence to make-up work that was assigned on the day of
an excused absence. The return day is considered the first class period.
 Students who have an excused absence on the day of a quiz or test will be required to make up that quiz or
test in the testing center. The testing center is room A205 (Mrs. Harte) and is open from 5:45 to 7:15,
Monday through Friday. Any assessment missed due to an excused absence should be made up the
following morning. Ensure that you arrive at the testing center with enough time to complete the test (70
 Make-up work, quizzes, or tests will not be accepted for unexcused absences.

Cell Phones and Music

Cell phones will be traded-in at the beginning of the class for a calculator. Students may use their
phone with the teacher’s approval. Any electronic abuse will result in teacher taking the electronic
away for the rest of the day.

Additional Help
Even the best students get stuck or confused. Remember that sometimes 5 or 10 minutes of individual help
makes all the difference in understanding and learning. Please do not wait until the day of a quiz or test to get
extra help! Rather, talk to me as soon as you begin having difficulties.
 Mr. Barber is available during X-block and after school in the C102. (depending on time)
 There is an abundance of information online that covers most topics we’ll be studying!
 The online textbook has homework help for just about every problem.
 The CPM Parent Guide has plenty of additional problems and help!
Seaholm High School: Math 3

Course Description
Integrated Math 3 is the third course in a three-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses
leading to Pre-Calculus or AP Statistics. It aims to apply and extend what students have learned in previous
courses by focusing on exploring the properties of three-dimensional objects, proving basic theorems about
circles, finding connections between multiple representations of functions, transformations of different
function families, solving systems of equations and inequalities, and understanding the role of randomness and
the normal distribution in drawing statistical conclusions.

On a daily basis, students in Integrated Math 3 use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating,
analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying
their thinking. Under teacher guidance, students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information,
expertise, and ideas.

The course is well balanced among procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual
understanding, strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (extension and application).
The lessons in the course sequence meet all of the content standards of Appendix A of the Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics. The course embeds the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice as an integral
part of the lessons in the course.

Course Outline (tentative)

Trimester A
Chapter 9 through Chapter 11 of Math 2 text
Chapter 2 of Math 3 text
Trimester B
Chapter 3 through Chapter 7 of Math 3 text

Collaborative Learning
Students will be working in a team daily. Teams will mainly consist of four students and be determined
randomly. Teams will be changed periodically.

Mathematics Department, Seaholm High School Student Transfer Policy

Students may transfer to a different math course during the first three weeks (15 class periods) with teacher
approval. They will be graded only on subsequent work in their new course, but be responsible for all of the
content of the course in terms of future tests/quizzes and the final exam.

Students may transfer to a different math course between the three week point and six week point (30 class
periods) with teacher and department head approval. The grades from their previous course will count as 30%
of their trimester grade. The grades from their new course will count as 50% of their trimester grade. The
final exam will count as 20% of their trimester grade. Again, students will be responsible for all of the content
of the course in terms of future tests/quizzes and the final exam.

There will be no student transfers after the six week point (30 class periods). Students may do a Drop/Fail
from the course after six weeks.
Online Textbook Information

Accessing CPM Online Textbook

Identical to your paper textbook, but includes additional checks for understanding, videos, etc.

Go to https://ebooks.cpm.org and use the code CASJU to set up a log-in or add a new book.

Use the username and password you established in class or use the generic sign on.


Honors Integrated Math 3

Fall Trimester 2019/20
Instructor: Mr. Barber
Email: [email protected]

Syllabus Acknowledgement and Acceptance

After reading through the syllabus, please visit my classroom website at www.mrbarbersmathclass.weebly.com or
Google “Mr. Barber’s Math Class”. Next, hover over the home tab and select “Parent/Student Contract”. Please fill
out the following information and submit. After that you are done! Please take some time to look around the
website and become familiar with it, as this will be a place you will find most everything we will be doing in class.
If there is anything you would like to discuss, please feel free to email me.


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