Frijoles Enlatados

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Ingeniería de la producción


 VARGAS DELGADO, Luis Fernando



 HUAMAN LENES, Flor Reyna
 VÍTOR COLCA, Milagros Isabel



1 SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ 4

2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5

3 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Stick bean (Cajanus caján L.) ...................................................................................... 6

3.2 Edaphoclimatic conditions for its cultivation.............................................................. 6

3.2.1 Temperature ......................................................................................................... 6

3.2.2 Nutritional composition ....................................................................................... 7

3.3 Tomato sauce............................................................................................................... 7

3.4 Canned ......................................................................................................................... 7

4 PRODUCT.......................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Product definition ........................................................................................................ 8

4.1.1 Stick beans in tomato sauce ................................................................................. 8

4.2 Technical sheet of the raw material, input and product .............................................. 8

4.3 Product formulation................................................................................................... 11

4.4 Product packaging ..................................................................................................... 11

4.4.1 Primary packaging ............................................................................................. 11

4.4.2 Secondary packaging ......................................................................................... 12

4.4.3 Tertiary container ............................................................................................... 13

4.5 Product Market .......................................................................................................... 15

4.5.1 Formulation of the market study ........................................................................ 15

4.5.2 Product description ............................................................................................ 20

4.5.3 Projection of demand ......................................................................................... 20

4.6 Commercialization channel ....................................................................................... 20

4.6.1 Forms of sale ...................................................................................................... 20

4.6.2 Internal of market ............................................................................................... 20

4.6.3 External market .................................................................................................. 21

5 PRODUCT ENGINEERING ........................................................................................... 21

5.1 Inputs and outputs diagram ....................................................................................... 21

5.2 Installed Capacity ...................................................................................................... 21

5.3 Blocks Diagram ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.4 Masses Diagram ........................................................................................................ 26

5.5 Activities Diagram .................................................................................................... 28

5.6 Gantt’s Diagram ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.7 Equipments ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.8 Summary table and determination of labor ............................................................... 10

6 CONTROLS ..................................................................................................................... 11

6.1 Controls on the product ............................................................................................. 11

6.2 Controls in the process .............................................................................................. 13

6.3 Critical control points ................................................................................................ 17

7 COSTS .............................................................................................................................. 19

7.1 Fixed Costs ................................................................................................................ 19

7.2 Variable Costs ........................................................................................................... 21

7.3 Total Costs................................................................................................................. 22

7.4 Costs Structure .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.5 Unit Cost ................................................................................................................... 23

8 PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................. 23

8.1 Label printed on the tin ............................................................................................. 23

8.2 Production of tomato sauce ....................................................................................... 25

9 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 27

10 ANEXO ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

11 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 28


Canned beans are an alternative for healthy eating, the product is intended for those who do
not have the possibility of having a variety of foods throughout the year, or for those who are
part of the busy work life, how and what to eat can be a problem in people's lives.
Canned food is an alternative for a healthy and nutritious diet for the whole family and for
different lifestyles.

The following work has the objective of making an alternative production of canned bean stick
in tomato sauce, the engineer analyzes the raw material, supplies and packaging material that
can be used to make the product.

The unit operations for the product processing, allow to identify methods to obtain a high
quality product through controls. The choice of equipment is also essential as it allows
compliance with the specifications of each stage of the treatment.
Finally, the expenses, investments and projections made presented positive results with


Palo’s bean is the main export product in green grain in Peru, it is harvested between May and
October, it is harvested in green and dry grain and it is characterized by its high productivity
and low cost (Valladolid, 2004). It is a source of protein, carbohydrates and minerals, as well
as having a large percentage of polyphenolic substances in its composition, which have a
protective effect against chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis,
diabetes, among others, and these contribute basic nutrients to the living organism for its correct
functioning (Quintanilla, 2007).
Velásquez (2017) mentions that Lambayeque exports an average of 130 million dollars in beans
per year, the most valued ones in the market being palo and castilla beans, whose treatment is
easier to grow for the small farmer.
Today the export of beans has diversified as they are exported fresh, frozen and canned. That
is why the drivers from Lambayeque have marked the road with added value (Velásquez,
The bean of palo is the most important variety that in the last years has experienced a great
productive, industrial and commercial development in the departments of Piura and
Lambayeque (MINAGRI, 2019).
Peru makes consignments of canned beans, frozen beans, dried beans, pallares, peas and beans
(OCEX, cited by GESTIÓN, 2019); that is why exporting canned beans made from stick beans
using government liquid tomato sauce is an alternative to generate added value to export seeds.
The present work aims to propose a production line of canned beans in tomato sauce destined
for export and the domestic market; also propose a cost structure for this line, determining the
unit cost for each can of preservation.

Stick bean (Cajanus caján L.)
According to Cedano (2006) it is a shrub legume of determinate and / or indeterminate growth,
of perennial cycle, it has alternate trifoliolate leaves distributed in spiral form along the stem.
The fruit is a legume or pod that has 2 -9 seeds, its shape is linear oblong with acute or obtuse
ends, has two compressed valves with light depressions more or less septate between seeds,
also have a kidney-shaped or rounded, can be white, brown, red or gray (Quintanilla, 2011).
In Peru it can be grown in the northern departments such as Lambayeque and Piura, it grows
and reproduces throughout the country and up to 4 annual harvests can be obtained
There are two varieties: El criollo and Sipán. The Creole is light brown and without dark spots,
it has a softer consistency. The Sipán variety is more even in size, characterized by dark brown
and more consistent pints (Chapoñan and Solis, 2017).

Edaphoclimatic conditions for its cultivation

3.2.1 Temperature
Cold temperatures lower than 17ºC retard the growth and development of the plant, affecting
production (Gómez, 2016). The high temperatures and environmental humidity produce the
exuberant growth of the plant. Cloudiness or shading causes spiky growth (Gómez, 2016). In
both cases, the performance decreases significantly, the ideal temperature is between 18-30º.
A. Solar radiation
24 hours a day
B. Pluviosity
Regions with rainfall average of 500 to 1,000 mm of rainfall well distributed during the
crop cycle.
C. Height
From 700 to 1800 m.s.n.m.
D. Water
It is tolerant to drought. However, it requires irrigation during the first month after
germination and during the beginning of flowering for the filling of the pod.
E. Ground
Preferably all types of deep soil, deep, fertile and well drained. The electrical conductivity
must not be greater than 6 mmhos / cm. They develop well in soils with a pH between 5 and
7. Excessive soil acidity can cause chlorosis or wilt due to deficiencies of phosphorus and

F. Nutrition
Due to its high hardiness, the bean or pigeon pea can be grown even in the poorest soils
with fertilizer residues. The pigeon pea responds very little to fertilization; however,
the application in the sowing of 100 kg of the formula 10-30-10 or 12-24-12 is
recommended, if the soils are deficient in these elements.

3.2.2 Nutritional composition

Next, the table N ° 1 is presented where the nutritional components that are in the bean of stick
are detailed.
Table 1. Nutritional composition of palo bean (per 100 grams of beans without pod).

Fuente: FUNIBER (2019)

Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce is the tomato concentrate that has a content equal to or greater than 24% of total
natural soluble solids (CODEX STAN 57, 1981).

A canning is the result of the process of handling the food with the objective of keeping the
food preserved from the action of microorganisms capable of modifying the sanitary and flavor
conditions of food (Rodriguez, 2007). The period of time that canned foods are maintained is
much longer than they would have if the preserves did not exist (Rodriguez, 2007).


Product definition
4.1.1 Stick beans in tomato sauce

The canned bean stick in tomato sauce is a product that can be consumed directly and is aimed
at the general public without consumption restriction. The packaging and presentation will be
in cans covered by paper labels. The presentation is 400 g. Useful life 2 years. (once opened it
should be kept refrigerated) it should be kept in a cool and dry place at room temperature.

Technical sheet of the raw material, input and product

4.2.1 Raw material
Table 2. General Characteristics of Raw Material
Denomination of Pigeon pea variety Sipan
the raw material
General Pigeon pea is the grain from “Cajanus cajan” species
Technical characteristics
Shape Oval and Small grain
Appearance Cream-colored grain with brown spots
Size 220/250
Mesh 6 mm
Moisture 13% max.
Sanitation and Accomplish the "Requirements of health and aspects" to obtain first
appearance quality grains (NTP 205.015.2009)
Microbiological Fulfill the "microbiological criteria of sanitary quality and safety for
criteria food and beverages for human consumption" (NTS N˚ 071-MINSA /

Maximum limit of Accomplish the maximum residue limits for beans (CODEX
pesticide residues database on pesticide residues in food).
Package Polypropylene bags

4.2.2 Supplies – Tomato Sauce

Table 3. Technical requirements of tomato sauce
Product Tomato Sauce
Product description Tomato sauce is a product prepared from substantially sound ripe red
or reddish tomatoes (Lycopersicon/Lycopersicum esculentum P.
Mill), tomato paste or puree highly seasoned with characteristic
ingredients such as pepper, onions, vinegar and sugar in quantities
that materially alter the flavour, aroma and taste of the tomato

Product The product shall be considered Tomato sauce, when it contains no

designation less than 18 % but less than 25 % of natural total soluble solids.

Ingredients Tomatoes (24%), water, sugar, salt, thickener (E1422), acetic acid,
citric acid, paprika extract]
Compositional requirements for tomato sauce / ketchup
Total soluble solids 18 - 25
content, % by m/m
Sodium chloride, % 6
by m/m.
pH Not higher than 4.5
Specific gravity at 1.050 – 1-111
20 ˚C
Quality criteria
Flavour The product shall have a good flavour characteristic of properly
processed tomato sauce and ketchup without any objectionable
flavour foreign to the product.
Colour The product shall have a natural red colour, (i.e. free from abnormal
colours of the product).
Texture The product shall have a homogeneous consistent texture indicative
of good manufacturing
Defects Tomato sauce and ketchup shall be practically free from the
following defects: Dark specks or scale-like particles, seeds or
particles of seeds, tomato peel, extraneous plant material and traces
of insecticides and mineral impurities.

Organoleptic The finished products shall have the characteristic taste and flavour
properties of tomato sauce and ketchup and shall be free from burnt or any
other objectionable flavours. It shall be of good keeping quality and
shall show no sign of fermentation.
Microbiological limits for tomato sauce
Total viable counts, 10
Yeast/moulds cfu/g Shall be absent
Escherichia coli Shall be absent
Salmonella sp. per Shall be absent
25 g
Mould filament, 50% positive fields
Packaging The products shall be packed in suitable food grade containers
having no action on the products. The containers shall be free from
other products that may lead to contamination and alter the quality,
composition, flavour, odour and taste of the products.
Containers shall be air tight and shall be provided with tamper- proof
seals and closures. Containers shall preclude contamination with or
proliferation of microorganisms in the products during storage and
Minimum fill The products shall occupy a minimum fill of not less than 90 % of
the water holding capacity of the container
Classification of A container that fails to meet the requirement of minimum fill should
defectives be considered as a defective.

4.2.3 Product
Table 4. Product characteristics
Product Pigeon pea in tomato sauce Canned
Product description Pigeon pea in tomato sauce beans are cooked and packaged with
tomato sauce in cans of 500 g. This product is manufactured using
good manufacturing practices and has been thermally processed to
achieve commercial sterility
Ingredients Pigeon pea (70%), tomato sauce (30%) [tomatoes (24%), water,
sugar, salt, thickener (E1422), acetic acid, citric acid, paprika extract]
Physical Characteristics
Net weight 400 g
Drained weight Greater than 70% of the declared net weight
Broken grains Less than or equal to 8% of the drained weight
Damaged grains Less than or equal to 12% of the drained weight

Dark grains or Less than or equal to 3% of weight occurred
Perforated grains absinthes
Vacuum pressure Greater than 5 cm Hg, 0.0658 atm, and 0.9668 psi
Foreign matter 7 10 000 cans (greater than 3mm diameter)
Chemical characteristics
pH 5.4 to 6.4 (correct)
Organoleptic characteristics
Consistency Soft
Taste Typical, no aftertaste (aftertaste)
Odor Characteristically, without external notes
Colour Characteristic,
Microbiological characteristics
Microbiological test Stable after incubation at 55 ° C x 37 ° C x 7 days and 14 days
Additional information
Storage Store at room temperature preferably below 35C
Useful life 36 months
Primary pack Metal can three-piece (75x110)
Secondary pack Corrugated carton boxes (24 cans per case)

Product formulation
Table 5. Formulation of canned beans in tomato sauce
Formulation Formulation (%)
Water 46.7%
Bean Stick 23.3%
Sauce Tomate 30.0%
Total 100.0%

Product packaging
4.4.1 Primary packaging Tin
Tinplate is a thin, low carbon steel sheet with both sides covered by a thin layer of commercial
tin, which works mainly to prevent corrosion and oxidation. The tin used in the protection of
the steel base is of high purity, with more than 99.80% of tin and less than 0.04% of antimony,
arsenic, bismuth of copper and other metals and are protected with an epoxy type varnish.
phenolic with an amount of 5 to 20 g / m2, with respect to the shape of the package which is of
the three-part cylinder type; top, body and bottom; a sheet of tin is cut in section and bent to
form the body, which is electrically welded. Next, the upper and lower beads are formed and

the ribs (also called strands) are formed which will give strength to the can. Finally, the lower
part is applied, so it is ready to pack, with respect to the thickness of the can from 0.20 to 0.30
To ensure the tightness of the container, it is essential that the double seal is formed correctly.
The double closure constitutes two operations in which the metal of the head (lid) and the body
are intertwined and pressed together in five layers to form a hermetic seal that holds the ends
of the lid on the body thereof. It consists of three thicknesses of the head and two of the body

Table 6. Technical characteristics of tinplate tin

Material Metal
Type of metal Hojalata
Number of pieces 3
Shape Round or Jar
Capacity 400g
Opening Easy opening (flat EOE)
Thickness (mm) 0.21-0.22
Diameter (mm) 75
Height (mm) 110
Thickness (mm) 0.17-0.21
Inner liner Golden

4.4.2 Secondary packaging Paperboard
According to Martínez (2009), corrugated cardboard is a material that is based on cellulose, is
a structure formed by a central rib of corrugated paper that goes through a process of corrugated
to create volume or thickness in the cardboard (flute or medium), reinforced externally by two
layers of paper (linings or faces) glued with adhesives on the crests of the waves.

Gaitán (2005) mentions that corrugated cardboard is today the number one in packaging
material, because it is the only one that simultaneously performs functions such as:

 Product grouping.
 Protection of these against impacts, vibrations, light, dust and theft during handling,
storage and delivery.
 Easy identification of the products.
 Presentation and promotion, through the use of external coverage as information and
advertising support.

Table 7. Technical characteristic of corrugated cardboard.

Description Sheet of cardboard consisting of
two sheets of bulky paper, one
smooth and one wavy, glued
together by vegetable adhesive
based on corn starch. This product
does not contain additives or dyes,
so it complies with the FDA
standard, for containers for contact
with food.

Product weight 14.59g

Wave type C

Wave height 2.8mm


Cash measure 30x45.5x11.2


4.4.3 Tertiary container Film

Paleglob (2017) mentions that among the first characteristics of plastic material is that it
protects surfaces and bulky products, prevents the passage of fluids and also, according to
requirements, there is a variety of densities that can support weight without breaking. Another
important point is that, being a ductile material, it can be adapted to any surface and is widely
used for shipping packaging. The film can be used for the coating of pre-packaged and grouped

products or for the protection of boxes and packages, as in the case of vegetables, meats, fruits,
etc. This film is known as stretch film.
Usually the stretch film is used for the coating of packaged or semi-packaged products.
Polyethylene compound. It adapts to the most different forms. It avoids the movement of the
products after its transport, as well as it avoids the dirt and the humidity in them. In addition,
it has a very good elastic memory to avoid that after the packing do not yield the products.
According to Martínez (2009), corrugated cardboard is a material that is based on cellulose, is
a structure formed by a central rib of corrugated paper that goes through a process of corrugated
to create volume or thickness in the cardboard (flute or medium), reinforced externally by two
layers of paper (linings or faces) glued with adhesives on the crests of the waves.

Table 8. Technical characteristics of polyethylene plastic film


Caliber Mils 15 20
Micras 0.6 +/- 2 0.8 +/- 2
Width mm 50 +/- 2
Color Transparent
Punch N 17 19
Rupture Tension
Machine 40 44
address Mpa
Cross direction 3.5 4.5
Machine 400 500
address %
Cross direction 500 700

Table 9. Technical characteristics of plastic pallet

Plastic Pallet


Model CABKA Nest H1

Stretcher nestable recycling PO, with very light weight and
low height. Reduction of transportation cost due to a
Description reduction optimal volume: 24 pallets = 1 m high.
Resistant insects, fungi and bacteria. Needless to treatment
and is an environmentally friendly product 100% recycled
Long 1.2 m
Width 1.1 m
Height 0.15 m

Product Market
4.5.1 Formulation of the market study
The companies that decide to go out to the foreign market face, from a theoretical point of
view, 180 different possibilities, which is the number of countries that make up the world
economy. The first problem that the company must think about is deciding which of these
markets meets the minimum requirements and has enough demand to consider them interesting
to begin a deeper investigation.

As we can see see in the following table, the world imports of canned beans, beans, "Vigna
spp", "Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
freezing are shown.

Table 10. World imports of canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp", "Phaseolus spp", cooked,
prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without freezing are shown.

Source: Data Trade (2019).

We find that the countries with the highest growth rate are the United Kingdom, the United
States, the Republic of South Korea and Austria, however when analyzing each country, we
find the following information:

Figure 1: Market share of the imports of United Kingdom of canned beans, beans, "Vigna
spp", "Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
Source: Data Trade (2019).
For the United Kingdom, the main supplier is Italy with more than 50% of the market share of
the imports of this product.

Figure 2: Market share of the imports of United States of canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp",
"Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
Source: Data Trade (2019).

For the United States, the main supplier is Guatemala with more than 20% of the market
share in the imports of this product followed by Canada.

Figure 3: Market share of the imports of South Korea of canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp",
"Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
Source: Data Trade (2019).
For South Korea, the main supplier is China with more than 50% of the Market share in the
imports of this product followed by Italy.

Figure 4: Market share of the imports of Austria of canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp",
"Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
Source: Data Trade (2019).

For Austria the main supplier is Italy with more than 50% of participation in the imports of this
product followed by Germany.
With the above explained we can see that only in the analysis of imports from the United States,
Peru has a minimum percentage, this is reflected in the following figure.

Figure 5: Market share of the imports of Perú of canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp",
"Phaseolus spp", cooked, prepared or preserved without vinegar or acetic acid, without
Source: Data Trade (2019).
In this figure it can be seen that the United States represents more than 50% of exports of
canned beans, beans, "Vigna spp.", "Phaseolus spp.", Shelled, prepared or preserved without
vinegar or acetic acid, without freezing. That is why the United States is chosen as the market
for our product Canned Beans in tomato sauce.
The bean of palo is the most important variety that in the last years has experienced a great
productive, industrial and commercial development. The canned bean stick in tomato sauce has
an advantage for those who do not have time to cook and want to consume it as it is pre-cooked
and preserved, in addition to its lower price, which makes it much more accessible than the
fresh bean (MINCETUR, 2018).
The target market for the sale of canned beans will be the United States (70% in sales),
according to AgrodataPerú (2018). The export of canned beans in the form of preserves has led
in the last three years in comparison to other preserves, the export has been 11 549 062, 12 942
466 and 1 705 707 kilograms for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively, being one of the

countries with the highest demand in the United States. It will allocate 30% of the total
production for national sale.

4.5.2 Product description

The plant will be dedicated to the production of beans in tomato sauce packed in tinplate of
cylindrical shape with presentation of 400 g (net weight).

4.5.3 Projection of demand

In the United States, according to USDA data, the per capita consumption of beans is 3 kg
annually, sustained mainly by the consumption of the population of Hispanic origin. In Peru
per capita consumption of beans is 2.6 kg annually (INEI, 2012).

Behavior of the population variable: From the previous information it is clear that there is a
medium market, it is treated as indicated in previous paragraphs of mass consumer goods,
which supply a basic need such as food; On the other hand, given the economic value of their
price, they can be classified as easily acquired products for the social strata of lower purchasing

Commercialization channel

The placement of the products will be carried out directly, that is, from the factory to the client.
The company will have sales management and a force that is responsible for offering the goods
to the target market, either with personalized visits or the use of different means of
communication. For sale outside the country there will be direct commercial transactions with
the importer.

4.6.1 Forms of sale

The sale of our product will be cash for both the domestic and foreign markets.

4.6.2 Internal of market

The sale will be made in the same factory to the different intermediaries or distributors, as well
as the sale to warehouses, minimarket, supermarkets, hospitals, restaurants, etc., using means
of land transport.

4.6.3 External market
The cash sale process will be carried out by direct commercial transactions with the importer,
so the importer must process a letter of opening of bank credits, notifying the purchase
procedures, the importing bank will deposit the agreed price to the national bank and this will
make the payment to the producer (Guerra, 2001).

Inputs and outputs diagram

Installed Capacity
Table 11. Description of installed capacity
12000 cans / day
Dairy produce
500 boxes / day
Presentation 24 cans / box
Weight per can 0.4 Kg/lcans
Capacity 4800 Kg/day
8 h/day
Working day 2 shift / day
2 lots / day
Worked days 24 Days / month
500 Box/Day
12000 Box/Month
Production 288000 Cans/Month
144000 Boxes/Year
3456000 Cans/Year

Blocks Diagram

Figure 6. Flow diagram for the process of making canned beans in tomato sauce

Processing of canned beans
The processing of canned beans, industrially can be made up of the following stages: cleaning,
selection, hydration, blanching or pre - cooking, filling the sauce or brine, sealing cans, thermal
processing (sterilization), cooling cans and labeling (White & Howard, 2013). In this section
we will detail each stage of the canning process:
 Reception
It is the first stage for the elaboration of the canned, the raw material (wooden bean) will be
received in bags of 50 kilograms. At this stage we will proceed to make a sampling to verify if
the fundamental physicochemical characteristics such as the humidity percentage or the arrival
temperature of the food are the desired, as well as other sensory characteristics such as smell,
color, texture, etc.
 Weighing process
In this stage, the initial weight at which the process will start is verified.
 Cleaning
After receipt, the beans will be cleaned by using the vibrating sieve, which allows the
separation of impurities and strange things that may be contained in the grain (Posa-Macalincag
et al., 2002).
 Selection
In this stage the grains will be selected, depending on their degree of maturity, color and size;
all of them to ensure the quality of the product to be elaborated.
 Hidratation
At this stage of the process bean maceration occurs, it is one of the most critical processes in
the production of beans, since that depends on the quality of the beans after processing
(Yasmin et al., 2008). The purpose of this process is to promote the hydration of the cotyledon
grain, where the water passes through the capillaries informed in the teguments and the hilum;
this allows the grains to soften so that later they can be cooked; humidity should be in the range
of 12 and 16% (White & Howard, 2013). The process will be carried out at 15 minutes, with a
high temperature of 60 0C, to reach the moisture content of 53-57% by dry weight (Downing
1996), at a product and water ratio of 1 and 4. An important aspect is the quality of water used,
normally drinking water contains Calcium ions (Ca ++), which significantly influences the
absorption and texture of beans, is why soft water is used that causes or facilitates softening,
while a high concentration causes resistance to softening (White & Howard, 2013). This
process will be carried out in a rotating drum.

 Washed
This process occurs in a rotating drum, for the elimination of saturations that causes hydration.
 Scalding
After the elimination of damaged grains and foreign materials that may occur in the grain, the
industrial process of blanching takes place; which consists in the application of grains at high
temperatures in short duration. According to Yucel et al., 2010; Vegetable and vegetable
blanching is a pre-treatment method that aims to deactivate enzymes and eliminate surface
gases and intercellular spaces. In the same way, this heat treatment greatly influences the
elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, in turn this stage preheats the product before it
receives the sauce, which is the content of the package that is at a high temperature (Matella et
al., 2013). This process will be carried out in a rotating drum at a temperature of 820C, at a
time of 25 minutes; generally the relation between product and water is from 1 to 5 (Posa
Macalincag et al., 2002), so that in our line this relationship will be used.
 Fill
The filling will be produced in aluminum cans, which guarantee the protection and
conservation of the product, which will be distributed by means of conveyor belts to the filling
area for the packaging of water with beans, and then the filling of the sauce by means of the
dispensers which is already impregnated in the automation line. The relationship between salsa
and beans is 30 to 70; It is very important not to completely fill the can, as this space avoids
the imperfections in the package, such as the increase in the quantity of the beans.
 Evacuated
This process was carried out in the exhauster, where the cans are placed one after the other,
after filling by the conveyor belt. The process is carried out at a temperature of 110 0C. This
process is important since it has as its fundamental objective the elimination of dissolved air in
the product and the formation of ultra vacuum; since oxygen is very undesirable because it can
react with food, decreasing its quality, can cause corrosion of the can, reduces the nutritional
value (oxidizes lipids and destroys vitamins A and C) and can cause the perforation of the
container (Rees , 1994).
 Sealed
Closure or sealing of the can is done in the sealing machine. Bergeret (1963), notes that
hermetic sealing is a fundamental operation in the production of canned goods, since if the
packaging is not properly sealed, preliminary operations such as selection, hydration and
scalding, as well as its economic value, will be down.

 Sterilization
Sterilization is a vital step in the canning process, since cooking takes place, eliminating almost
99.99% of the microorganisms that may be present in the food; guaranteeing food security
(Matella et al., 2013). This operation will be carried out inside an industrial autoclave, where
steam water is applied in most cases; providing a heat transfer to the interior of the product
(Walters et al.,1997). The temperature of the process varies between 1210C at a time of 30
minutes, which may depend on the heating environment, and the applied pressure is usually
1.04 × 105 Pa, that is, 1.06 kgf / cm2. For the thermal resistance of microorganisms, the values
of D and Z must be taken into account; the value of D represents the time for the destruction
of 90% of the population of a microorganism at a certain temperature, while the value Z
indicates the amount of degrees centigrade at which the temperature must increase to make the
time of deterioration be ten times smaller. The heating means can be water or steam, everything
depends on the thermodynamic properties of this medium; in the case of beans, the pH is not
acidic (greater than 4.5), so in this range is the most harmful and resistant spore-forming
microorganism, Clostridium botulinum. This microorganism produces a botulinum toxin,
where its elimination is a minimum requirement for sterilization. (White & Howard, 2013).
 Cooled
It proceeds to the cooled with water, from 30 to 400C; due to thermophilic bacteria. The use of
cooling prevents deformation and tension in the sewn parts of the package (White & Howard,
 Coded, labeled and stored
The can is coded, with the identification of the batch and the date of processing, in the same
way its validity is completed after the can has been cooled. Then the can is labeled using a
labeling machine; Then the final product is palletized, to then store the finished product at room
temperature for later commercial distribution.

Masses Diagram

Figure 7. Mass diagram for the preparation of canned beans

Activities Diagram

Figure 8. Activity diagram of the process of canned beans

Table 12. Operations of the activity diagram


Operation and Inspection 5

Operation with transport 4

Transport 11

Operation 9

Storage 1

Gantt’s Diagram

Figure 9. Diagram of Gantt (First turn)

Figure 10. Diagram of Gantt (Second turn)

Next, we will proceed to present the tables that detail the technical specifications and the
operation of the machines used for the production of canned bean stick in tomato sauce.

Table 13. Data sheet of industrial balanc

Model Industrial balanc

Material Stainless steel
Power (HP) 0.05

Team size 1.2 m x1.2 m

Capacity 500-2000 Kg

+/- 500 g

Functioning: This equipment weigh raw materials and others.

Source: Ingesir (2018)

Table 14. Data sheet of Vibratory zaranda

Vibratory zaranda CV
60 – 80 – I/C
Brand Vulcano

Material Stainless steel AISI 340

Weigh 120 Kg

Productivity 250 kg/h

Power (HP) 0.20
Width: 1.65 m
High: 1.80 m
Zaranda to separate or classify grains, by density separates small and large impurities of
clean grains.
Source: Ingesir (2018)

Table 15. Data sheet of screw conveyor without end

Model Selector 6SXM-68

Material Stainless steel

Selection accuracy ≥ 99.99 %

Voltage 220V
Frequency 60 Hz
Dimensions 0.95m x 1.510m x
Capacity (output) 200 kg/h
Pressure 0.5 Mpa
Power (HP) 1.74

Functioning: The color sorter, through color sensors and compressed air eliminates beans
of another color (spoiled or immature).

Source: Ingesir (2018)

Table 16. Bean sorter technical sheet

Tolva cargadora de
Material Stainless steel

Power (HP) 1.07

Dimensions (screw
30 cm
Capacity 200 kg/h
Team size 180x40x280 cm

Speed 30 m/min
Functioning: The function of this equipment is to raise the beans from a low surface to a
high one with the help of an endless screw.

Source: Ingesir (2018)

Table 17. Rotary Drum Blancher technical sheet

Rotary Drum
Stainless steal
Power 1.5 HP
182.88 cm
Dimensions diameter x 2.44 m

Capacity (output) 600 Kg/H

The Rotary Drum Blancher is used to hot water blanch products with water at up to 98ºc.
Capable of rehydration of a wide range of materials, including navy beans.
Product is fed into the Blancher and gently fed through a drum suspended and rotating in
hot water. After the required dwell time, lifters fitted in the form of a Ferris wheel at the end
of the drum, discharge the product into the outfeed system.

Source: LycoManufacturing (2019).

Table 18. Rotary Drum Washer technical sheet

Rotary Drum
Stainless steal
Power 1 HP
0.3 m diameter x
21.22 m Length
Capacity (output) 600 kg/h
Rotary Drum Washer is used to remove the waste that arrives with the bean from the blancher
with water. Able to eliminate in the water antinutrients that are extracted in the blanching.
The product enters through a suspended drum which spins in cold water. After the required
dwell time, those at the end of the cylinder leave the system.

Source: Trading Company (2019).

Table 19. Bean Canning Machine technical sheet

Beans Canning

Stainless steal

Power 3KW

Dimensions 2 x 1.8 x 2 m

Capacity (output) 200 cans/min

A single-lane conveyor delivers containers to multiple stellar wheels that position them
positively under the rotating funnel wheel. Adjustable side guides on the conveyor ensure
containers move through the fill without jams or downtime

Source: Trading Company (2019).

Table 20. Automatic Tin Can Sealing Machine technical sheet
Automatic Tin
Name Can Sealing
Material Stainless steal
Power 0.38KW
Dimensions 2.8 x 0.8 x 1.5 m
Capacity (output) 35 cans/min

The machine has two pairs of (four) wheels roll seam sealing. Sealing the difference
specification circular cans, just changing the indenter, turntable, under cover device. High
production capacity, a wide range of applications, high degree of automation, easy to
adjustment. Suitable for canning production line equipment.

Source: Trading Company (2019)

Table 21. Technical sheet of the air compressor

Sonetto 10
Air flow released 0.92 m3/min
Dimensions 810x650x995 mm
0,95 MPa
Power (HP) 10
Tank volume 270 L

Functioning: High quality air inlet prevents larger dust particles from penetrating, by
using 2 micron encapsulated filters. The air inlet is given by the cold part of the
compressor ensuring an excellent operating temperature. The compression process
consists first of all in the progressive filling of a working chamber of volume V1, then
the rotary movement of the screws is given at constant pressure so that the working
chamber containing the volume of air V1 moves circumferentially without varying the
volume. Compression, in which each tooth of the conductor rotor meshes with the end of
each work chamber in question, progressively decreasing its size until, when its value is
V2, it is put in communication with the exhaust cavity, in which when continuing the
turn, the volume decreases from V2 to zero, producing the expulsion of the steam at the
outlet pressure. The oil separator ensures an oil drag less than 3 ppm thanks to the cyclone
separator, gravity and separation filter.

Source: Sonetto. (2019)

Table 22. Technical sheet of the bucket elevator

Model ECHV 2.5-1

Stainless Steel AISI
Material quality, Acrylic, Sanitary
Dimensions 0.45m x 2.5 m x 1.915 m
Capacity (output) 700 kg/ h

Power (HP) 1

Machine designed to transport and elevate the product to the next machine in the production
line. It transports diverse foods like: quinoa, cereals, snacks, flours, gelatins, among others.

Source: Vulcano (2018)

Table 23. Doser data sheet

Model Envasadora automatica

de piston
Material Stainless steel T-304
Conveyor belt 3.05m
Number of nozzles 1-3 boquillas
Electric consumición 59.22 KW/H
Electrical supply 110V
Dimensions Width: 1.30m
Long: 3.05
High: 2.20
Capacity 200 cans/min
Functioning: La envasadora dosifica frijoles cosidos en sus respectivos envases, puede
dosificar productos pastosos como salsas.

Source: Novamart (2017)

Table 24. Technical sheet of the water softener

Ablandador de Agua
Name WS-0.5 pie3 – Válvula
Performa por Tiempo
Flow 2,5 m3/h

Type of water Municipal

Operating pressure 0,15 – 0,3 Mpa

Entry temperature 1 °C – 45 °C

Power (HP) 0.07

Resin volume 20 L

Functioning: The softeners work under the principle of ion exchange, by means of a resin
that sequesters the calcium and magnesium ions, exchanging them for sodium ions in order
to reduce the hardness of the water and prevent the incrustations. Once the resin is saturated,
it regenerates, commanded by an automatic head. The backwash allows the resin to expand
to remove the suspended particles that are retained in it, then brine suction and rinse.

Source: Impac (2019)

Table 25. Technical data sheet of the conveyer belt

Name Conveyer belt

Width 110 mm

Long 1-50 m

Speed 0,8 -1,2m/s

Temperature -5 a 50 °C

Power (HP) 0.3

Weight that supports 100 Kg

Acero Inox AISI-304 y

Material PLC

Functioning: The transport system consisting of a belt that moves continuously between
two drums. This band is dragged by friction by one of the two drums, which is driven by a
motor. The other drum rotates freely and its function is to serve as a return to the band. The
material deposited on the belt is transported to the drum with drive motor, which is precisely
where the belt turns and turns in the opposite direction.
Source: Earis (2019)

Table 26. Can labeller technical sheet

Model Etiquetadora automática
Weight 90kg

Material Stainless steel 304

Voltage 110V
Width: 1.20 m

Dimensions Long: 3.05 m

High: 1.50 m
Capacity (output) 30-40 cans/min

Electric consumption 52.73 KW/H

Functioning: The equipment labels tin cylindrical containers

Source: Workers (2017)

Table 27. Coder technical sheet.
Name Codificador Videojet7510
Fiber laser
Power (HP) 0.067

Production speed 440 m/min ó 44 latas/ min

Focal distance 100/163/254/420 mm

System Software de PC
Functioning: The Videojet 7510 Encoder contains a CLARiTY laser controller which uses
a coded software, which features integrated productivity tools to help identify the main cause
of downtime and make sustainable improvements to processes. The system uses a fiber laser
to physically burn the top layer of the material. For the contrast of the quality code, normally
necessary to modify the containers with a dark ink printing window, usually known as
"filler". The laser with a wavelength ranging from 1.06 to 1.07 μm burns the upper layer of
dark ink and exposes the underlying substrate lighter.
Source: MAPER. Videojet (2019)

Table 28. Autoclave technical sheet

Name Autoclave AISI-304L
Capacity 2 to 10 cars
Diameter 1.5 m
T of work 140 C
Pressure 4 bar
Power (HP) 21.4
Heating Direct Steam
Cooling Cold Water (Plate

Functioning: The transport system consisting of a belt that moves continuously between
two drums. This band is dragged by friction by one of the two drums, which is driven by a
motor. The other drum rotates freely and its function is to serve as a return to the band. The
material deposited on the belt is transported to the drum with drive motor, which is precisely
where the belt turns and turns in the opposite direction.

Source: Fishbam (2018)

Table 29. Technical specifications of the pirotubular boiler

Model Pyro tubular gas boiler

Material 304 Stainless Steel
Installed potency 235.7 HP
Fuel type GLP
Dimensions 3.2Lx1.6Anx1.7Alt m
120 PSI

Steam production 518Lb/h

The smoke pipe boiler with two combustion hearths, with its separate flue gas ducts, is also
suitable for operation with a single burner. Design with separate steps for gases in each home.
Source: Bosch (2019)

Table 30. Technical specifications of the Exhauster

Model Exahuster FE-132

Material 304 Stainless Steel

Speed, temperature and
time, pressure and safety
Dimensions 300x70x90cm
Speed (output) Adjustable up to 0.1 m /s

Power 1 HP

The exhausting tunnel is a device that performs air removal function during packaging, but
before proceeding to hermetic sealing. Which is achieved by a thermal process that is carried
inside the team creating a vacuum which benefits the final product result because the air
bubbles that have raw material influence the oxidation process of the final product.
Additionally, it helps to perform a kind of thermal process to the raw material in process that
serves as a corrective measure if there is a critical point of control.

Source: Dokumen, (2018)

Summary table and determination of labor
Table 31. Summary table of the parameters of operations

Canned Amount Time x

Parameters Cont/Batch
Beans Approx. (Kg) Batch
Reception Technical sheet required 305.603 1C 25 min
Cleaning % waste 305.603 1C 45 min
Verification Weight of M.P 305.603 B 30 min
Selected Size, Color, Appearance 305.603 B 30 min
Hidratation R: 1:4; T=60oC; t=30 min 299.5 B 30 min
Washed % saturations 912.008 B 30 min
Scalding T=82oC; t=25 min 903.8 B 30 min
Fill Relationship: Bean: Sauce 894.8 B 120 min
Evacuated T=1100C 1262.5 D 120 min
Sealed Closed Double closing 1256.2 D 120 min
Sterilization T=121 oC; t=30 min; P=1.04x105 Pa 1254.9 D 120 min
Cooled T=25oC; t=20 min 1244.9 D 60 min
Encoded Label: Date and Lot 1220 D 60 min
Labeled Dosage of label 1220 D 100 min
Packaging State of the boxes 1220 D 100 min
Palletized N0 of stacked boxes 1220 D 90 min
Storage T0 ambient 1220 D -

Table 32. Labor requirement

Canned Beans Teams Approximate capacity Operators

Reception - - A
Cleaning Vibrating screen 0.25 TM/H B
Weighing Process Industrial Scale 2000 kg C
Selected Grain Sorter 0.6-1 (t/h) A
Hidratation Rotary Drum 400 kg/h D
Washed Washing machine Variable E
Scalding Rotary Drum 400 kg/h B
Fill Automatic Piston Packer 12-24 E.P.M FyA
Evacuated Exhauster V=0.1 m/s CyD
Sealed Automatic Sealer 35 latas/min A
Sterilization Autoclave 2 a 10 carros E, F y B
Cooled Autoclave cooling system - A
Encoded Encoder 44 latas/min C
Labeled Cans labeller 30-40 E.P.M B
Packaging - - F, E y A
Palletized - - DyB
Storage - - C

Controls on the product
Next, table 1 will be presented where the controls that will be carried out on the raw material
during its transformation process are detailed up to obtaining our final product.
Table 33. Product controls in the production process of canned beans in tomato sauce.
Controls on the product
Controls Kit/Method In charge Frequency
Compliance with the
requirements of the technical visual daily
Sacks that are not in contact
Reception Visual operator daily
with the floor
Moisture of the grain of 13% infrared balance daily
Heavy bean bags of 50 kg each Balance operator daily
Cleaning - - - -
Selection - - - -
Hydration Final humidity of 55%. infrared balance daily
Washed - - - -
Cooking - - - -
Fill - - - -
Evacuated - - - -
Observe defects in double
Sealed Visual operator daily
Temperature at the cold point Quality
Sterilization Temperature sensor By bach
of 121.1 ° C for 12 min (Fo) Analyst
Temperature at the coldest Quality
Cooled Temperature sensor By bach
point of 25 ° C Analyst
Dated - - - -
Labeled - - - -
Packaged - - - -
Good distribution of the
Boxes that are not in contact Visual operator daily
with the floor
Final humidity of 65-70%
pH of 5 Sampling

Color, flavor and characteristic Quality By Bach
texture. Analyst
Net weight of 400g and drained
weight of 280 +/- 1 g

The control of the cooling process has the purpose of preventing the quality of the product from
being affected. In some cases, and when this has been established in the heat treatment process,
the cooling prevents overcooking by residual heat. To ensure that the time and cooling
conditions are adequate for the product and format, and that this allows subsequent operations
to be carried out with ease, a cooling time appropriate to the format and the cooling medium
(water or air) will be used (Reynaga, 2014). In the present production process after the heat
treatment the final product was cooled inside the autoclave (with water) until the temperature
inside the container was below 40 ° C. Then it was cooled out of the autoclave through the
following operations, up to room temperature (about 25 ° C).

In Peruvian Technical Standard 700.002: 2012, we detail that sampling plans are necessary to
evaluate one or more characteristics of a lot, because the whole lot can be inspected. The
sampling plans are designed to ensure the decision making, statistically valid, with respect to
the acceptance or rejection of a lot. That is why in the last production operation of the canned
bean stick in tomato sauce a sampling is done to evaluate the final characteristics of the product
and thus verify the data described in the technical sheet.

When a batch consists of pre-packaged products, each package, the package itself and the label
constitute a sample unit. When a sample unit is extracted for more than one analysis, ensure
that the sample unit has sufficient mass to perform all the required analyzes. When
microbiological analysis is required, the samples must first be submitted to these analyzes to
ensure the integrity of the analysis. If a leaking or swollen can is found during sampling,
sampling is discontinued until the lot has been evaluated to determine if the defect (s) is (are)
due to contamination during or after processing. Extract 200 sample units from a minimum of
40 boxes with no more than 5 sample units being selected from each box (NTP 700.002: 2012).
Tirado et al (2014) it explains that some authors have tried to find alternative methods for
determining moisture that make the process easier and more efficient, since the determination
of humidity by the muffle method is very extensive and can be influenced directly by many
factors (tare). Of crucibles, the manipulation of the sample and the environment) altering said

measurement. One of the emerging technologies for the determination of humidity in foods is
the use of infrared light, which is why it is considered as a measurement method to control the
humidity of the bean grain in the reception, hydration and storage.

In the storage operation, the conditions in which the final product will be exposed must be
controlled (fresh, aerated, clean and dry places in cardboard boxes). As a preventive measure
of possible alterations in the container during storage, the absence of incidents such as
humidity, leaks will be checked. Proper design of the machinery that avoids strong blows that
produce deformations that could put in risk the hygienic-sanitary integrity of the product. The
continuous visual control of the containers will be recorded (IICA, 1999).

Controls in the process

Next, Table 2 is presented, where the controls that will be carried out during the whole process
of transformation from the raw material to the obtaining of our final product are detailed.

Table 34. Controls in the process of transformation of the raw material until the canning of
bean in tomato sauce is obtained.
Operation Controls in the process
Controls Kit/Entity In charge Frequency
Reception Evaluation of the compliance of Quality Once a
the raw material technical - Analyst day
sheets, tomato sauce,
Heavy Calibration of the balance Accredited Quality Once a
laboratories Analyst year
cleaning - - - -
Pressure of 0.5 MPa Control panel Asistente By bach
Selection compressed air de
Temperature of 60°C Asistente
15-minute time de By bach
Hydration Steam pressure: 2,09 MPa Control panel Producción
Agitation speed of 100 RPM

Washed Speed of rotation 60 RPM Control panel Asistente Daily


Cooking Temperature of 82 ° C for 25 Control panel Asistente
minutes de
RPM stirring speed = 100 Producción By bach

Steam pressure on the jacket:

Security valve
Filling speed of 20 cans per
Fill Filling valve that doses 280 g of
beans and 120 g of tomato sauce Control panel Production By bach
per can assistant
Control 1cm of head space
Evacuated Vacuum pressure 0.0085MPa By bach
Retention time of 5 min Exhauster control Production
Saturated steam temperature of panel assistant
100 ° C
Sealed Sealing speed, 23 cans per Programming panel Production By bach
minute assistant

seal micrometer Quality Every

Verification of double closing:
Analyst 30min by
overlap> 1mm, overlap> 45%
and compactness> 75%
That the process of venting is Visual operator
carried out.
Sterilization Control of the safety valve Visual By bach
Check preheating reaches 104 °
Sterilization at 121 ° C from the PLCs Quality
coldest point for 12 minutes at (programmable Analyst
2.1 bar (2 atm) logic controllers)
Chilled up to 40 ° C
Dated Velocidad de latas 44 por Control panel Production By bach
minuto assistant
Labeled Dimensions, color, label letter Experimental by Quality By bach
taking samples Analyst

At a speed of 30 cans per minute Control panel Production

Packaged Verification of the . Quality By bach
characteristics of the film Analyst
through its technical sheet

(elongation, dimension,
Stored Distribution by production date Record sheet Production By bach
Humidity and temperature Sensor control panel Quality

The evacuated is commonly done with the mechanical equipment called exhauster. The
equipment consists of a steam tunnel and to effect the evacuation of the air contained in the
head space of the container, it is necessary that this container remains in the steam tunnel for a
suitable time to achieve the required vacuum, and also requires a constant supply of steam,
approximately 10 psig, which means that the secondary pipe of steam supply to the exhauster
must be equipped with a system that makes it possible to reduce the high pressure of the main
pipe (Navarrete, 2015).
Aranda (2015) explains that the evacuated is carried out in an evacuation or exhauster tunnel,
using saturated steam at 100 ° C. When the product is heated, the air inside the product is
evacuated, saturating the free space with steam. When the container is cooled after sterilization,
the condensation of the vapor creates the vacuum of the container. The vacuum will depend on
the size of the container. The vacuum to be established will be in relation to where the conserve
will be used: the higher the level of altitude, the higher the level of vacuum to be obtained.
Minimum vacuum pressure 2.5 pulg Hg equivalent to 0.0085MPa.
In the case of the dosing of cold water and before the canister enters the steam tunnel, the
exhausting time should be 3 to 5 minutes (Navarrete, 2015). Rocha (2008) to expel the air that
is contained in canned meatballs in tomato sauce, retains the cans that go through the exhauster
for 5 minutes until the product reaches a temperature of 80-85 ° C.
The establishment must guarantee the effectiveness of the double seal using a scientifically
recognized methodology such as: stamp micrometer, stamp projector, stamp magnifier and any
other recognized and validated. The evaluation of the double seal of the containers must be
carried out at intervals of no more than 30 minutes by trained personnel, through visual
inspection. The aspects to be evaluated through visual inspection are: cut or sharp seals,
defective skid seals, false seals, seal with slopes in the overlap or splice and the condition of
the inside of the depression wall of the bottom of the cap to determine if the jaw is broken
(Technical Regulation RTCR 459, 2011)
AIMPLAS and AINIA (2016) explains that an important aspect that should be included in the
technical sheet of a metal container is the closure. The most important parameters that must

appear for the determination of the quality of the metal closure are: Depth of bucket, height /
length of the closure, thickness of the closure, length hook body, length hook bottom or lid.
The Overlap or Overlap is the magnitude of the overlap generated in the closure between the
body hook and the bottom hook. Expressed as length It must be generally greater than 1 mm.
The overlap: It is the magnitude of the superposition generated in the closing between the hook
of the body and the hook of the bottom.
Expressed as a percentage. The optimal values for this parameter are close to 90% although the
acceptance limit is 45%. The compactness: Relationship between the five metal thicknesses of
the closure and the actual thickness of the same expressed in percentage. The optimal values
for this parameter are greater than 85% although the acceptance limit is 75%.

Figure 11. Structure of double closing

Source: AIMPLAS y AINIA (2016).

Rees and Bettison (1994) cited by Reynaga (2014) mention that the minimum treatment for a
canned food of low acidity should reduce the probability of survival of C. botulinum spores to
less than 1 in 1012 containers. This is usually interpreted as a minimum heat treatment which
corresponds to a value F0 = 3. In practice, industrialists usually apply thermal treatments higher
than F0 = 3 (eg, 6 - 7 or more) to ensure control of the alterative flora. On the other hand,
Toledo (1999) cited by Reynaga (2014) establishes F0 values for preserves of different
dimensions, for example for a conserve of 603x700 (153 x 178 mm) its F0 is 15 min while for
the dimensions of 307x409 (83 x 116 mm) its F0 is 9 min. Taking as a reference these
specifications mentioned by the authors, it was decided to determine a F0 of 12 min for the
sterilization process at 121.1 ° C in the coldest point of canned bean sticks in tomato sauce.

Piñeros (2014) explains that a programmable logic controller, better known by its acronym in
English PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), is a computer, used in automatic engineering
or industrial automation, to automate electromechanical processes, such as control of the
factory machinery in assembly lines or mechanical attractions. The PLC is designed for
multiple input and output signals, wide temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise and
resistance to vibration and impact. That is why in this work we decided to use these control
systems for the critical point of sterilization.
Sampling is for labeling issues, it may not be necessary to examine the product itself, and it
may only be necessary to collect a few intact units of the product. If the declaration of the
amount of content is the only difference on the label of various sizes of the product, take the
smallest unit available since it is the cheapest. Samples taken for most cases of labeling
deficiencies do not have to be selected at random. The inspector must ensure that proof of an
alleged violation in the labeling does not require analysis. Violations such as specifications of
false or misleading ingredients have to be demonstrated, usually by analyzing the product in
the laboratory. If this is the case, a sample of sufficient size should be taken at random to carry
out the analysis using the replacement method (FAO, 1986).

Critical control points

Next, table 3 is presented where the three operations where the critical control points are found
in the process of transforming the raw material to obtain the bean preserves in tomato sauce
are mentioned.

Table 35. Critical control points of the bean production process in tomato sauce.
Operation controls un the process
Controls Kit/Entity In charge Frequency
Reception Moisture of 12 to 14% of the Infrared Scale Quality By Bach
grain Analyst
Sealed Verification of double closing: Every
overlap> 1mm, overlap> 45% Quality 30min by
and compactness> 75% seal micrometer Analyst Bach
Sterilization Sterilization at 121 ° C for 12 PLCs Quality
anf minutes at 2.1 bar (2 atm) and (programmable Analyst By bach
cooled cooled at 40 ° C (T ° at the logic controllers)
coldest point for both)

The determination of the control control points The second principle of HACCP. Codex
guidelines define a CCP as a "phase in which control and an essential element can be obtained
to prevent and prevent a hazard related to food safety or to reduce it to an acceptable level". If
you have a hazard in a phase Where a control is warranted it is necessary to safeguard the
safety, and if there is no control measure in that phase or in anything else, then the product or
process must be modified in that phase, or in any previous or subsequent phase, in order to
include a control measure (FAO, 1997).
Taking into account the definition mentioned in the previous paragraph, it was determined that
the critical control points that would be evaluated in the process of production of the preserved
bean from stick to tomato sauce would be those corresponding to the operations of reception,
sealing, sterilization and cooling as can be seen in table 3. The grain bean stick should have a
moisture of 12-14% because if it were not so could break during the process (if less) or be
prone to microbiological attack (in case this is above this value). The sealing of the cans is
another operation that is considered a critical point, since it maintains the internal vacuum
(absence of O2) in the can avoiding the proliferation of pathogenic and altering
microorganisms. Finally, there is the sterilization operation, this is one of the most important
since here is determined by the Fo which is the number of minutes required to destroy a
specified number of spores of Clostridium botulinum (its toxin causes instant death) to 121, 1
° C, and thus obtain the denomination of "sterile commercially" and the product does not suffer
alteration during storage.
FAO (1997) explains that critical limits are established and specified at each critical control
point (CCP). Critical limits are defined as the criteria that allow distinguishing between
acceptable and unacceptable. A critical limit represents the dividing line that is used to judge
whether an operation is producing safe products. Among the criteria applied are usually the
measurements of temperature, time (minimum exposure time), physical dimensions of the
product, water activity (aw), humidity level, among others. The fact that these parameters are
kept within certain limits makes it possible to confirm the safety of the product. The
establishment of critical limits may be due to the need to meet the requirements of government
regulations, company regulations, or the observance of principles based on scientific data.

Fixed Costs
Table 36. Cost of machines and auxiliary equipment for canned bean production in tomato

OPERATION Machines / equipment Quantity Price (S/./uni) Total price (S/.) Useful life Monthly cost (S/.)

RECEPTION Plastic pallet Indirect Material

HEAVY PROCESS Floor scale 1 S/. 24,675.00 S/. 24,675.00 10 S/. 205.63
CLEANING Vibrating screen 1 S/. 80,934.00 10 S/. 674.45
S/. 80,934.00
Screw conveyor 1 S/. 88,830.00 10 S/. 740.25
S/. 88,830.00

Bean sorter 6SXZ-68 1 S/. 740,250.00 S/. 740,250.00 10 S/. 6,168.75

Air compressor 1 S/. 44,415.00 S/. 44,415.00 10 S/. 370.13

HIDRATATION Rotary drum scaler 1 S/. 98,700.00 S/. 98,700.00 10 S/. 822.50
Cylinder type washing
WASHED 1 S/. 740,250.00 S/. 740,250.00 10 S/. 6,168.75
SCALDING Rotary drum scaler 1 S/. 148,050.00 S/. 148,050.00 10 S/. 1,233.75
Bucket elevator 1 S/. 148,050.00 S/. 148,050.00 10 S/. 1,233.75
Dosing 2 S/. 48,735.00 S/. 97,470.00 10 S/. 812.25
EVACUATED Exhauster AISI-316 1 S/. 148,050.00 S/. 148,050.00 10 S/. 1,233.75
SEALED Selladora 1 S/. 197,400.00 S/. 197,400.00 10 S/. 1,645.00
Autoclave AISI-304L 1 S/1,480,500.00 S/. 1,480,500.00 10 S/. 12,337.50
STERILIZED Boiler 1 S/. 148,050.00 S/. 148,050.00 10 S/. 1,233.75
Water softener 1 S/. 24,675.00 S/. 24,675.00 10 S/. 205.63
Conveyer belt 1 S/. 18,259.50 S/. 18,259.50 10 S/. 152.16
ENCODED Videojet 7510
1 S/. 148,050.00 S/. 148,050.00 10 S/. 1,233.75
LABELED Labeling machine 1 S/. 108,570.00 S/. 108,570.00 10 S/. 904.75

STORED Plastic stretchers Indirect Material

Cost of machinery and equipment (S/./month) S/. 37,376.49

Table 37. Cost of labor for canned bean production with tomato sauce

Household Total monthly cost
Market Stall Quantity Monthly salary (S/.) Insurance (S/.) Gratification (S/.)
allowance (S/.) (S/.)
Production manager 1 S/. 3,000.00 S/. 270.00 S/. 300.00 S/. 545.00 S/. 4,115.00
Personnel in production area 6 S/. 1,200.00 S/. 108.00 S/. 120.00 S/. 218.00 S/. 9,876.00
Head of quality 1 S/. 3,000.00 S/. 270.00 S/. 300.00 S/. 545.00 S/. 4,115.00
Maintenance manager 1 S/. 1,500.00 S/. 135.00 S/. 150.00 S/. 272.50 S/. 2,057.50
Total employees / shift 9 Labor cost (S/./month) S/. 40,327.00

Table 38. Cost of services for canned bean production in tomato sauce
Total Daily
Operating time Equipment power Single phase or Total Monthly
Machinery Quantity Equipment power Apparent power Power (kW-
(hours) (kW) three phase Power (kW-h)
(HP) h)

Floor scale 1 1.7 0.05 0.04 0.80 0.05 0.08 2

Vibrating screen 1 1.5 0.20 0.15 0.80 0.19 0.28 7
Screw conveyor 1 1.5 1.07 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.50 36
Bean sorter 6SXZ-68 1 1.0 1.74 1.30 0.80 1.62 1.62 39
Air compressor 1 1.0 10.00 7.46 0.80 9.32 9.32 224
Rotary drum scaler 1 1.0 1.50 1.12 0.80 1.40 1.40 34
Cylinder type washing 1 1.0 1.00 0.75 0.80 0.93 0.93 22
Rotary drum scaler 1 1.0 1.50 1.12 0.80 1.40 1.40 34
Bucket elevator 1 1.0 1.00 0.75 0.80 0.93 0.93 22
Dosing 2 4.0 4.00 2.98 0.80 3.73 29.83 716
Exhauster AISI-316 1 4.0 1.00 0.75 0.80 0.93 3.73 89
Selladora 1 4.0 0.51 0.38 0.80 0.48 1.90 46
Autoclave AISI-304L 1 4.0 21.40 15.96 0.80 19.95 79.79 1915
Boiler 1 16.0 235.70 175.76 0.80 219.70 3515.23 84366
Water softener 1 1.0 0.07 0.05 0.80 0.07 0.07 2
Conveyer belt 1 3.0 0.30 0.22 0.80 0.28 0.84 20
Videojet 7510 Encoder 1 2 0.067 0.05 0.80 0.06 0.12 3
Labeling machine 1 3.3 4 2.98 0.80 3.73 12.30 295
TOTAL (kW-h) 87575

Table 39. Cost of services

* Water rate (S/./m3) S/. 5.571
** Electricity rate(S/./kWh) S/. 0.31
*** Industrial oil price 6(S/Gl) S/. 8.555

Source: * Sedapal (2018),** (Osinergmin, 2016), ***(REPSOL, 2019)

Table 40. Water requirement

Water requirement

Personal 9

Personal expense 414

Steam 52340

Total (L) 53754

Table 41. Monthly cost of the main services.

Service Monthly (S/.)

LIGHT S/. 27,148.29
WATER S/. 7,187.18
Cost of services (S/./month) S/. 187,745.95

Variable Costs

Table 42. Requirement and cost of raw material / supplies for production of beans in canned
tomato sauce

% Formulation Formulation (%) Supplies kg/day Price ($/kg) Price (S//kg) Total (S/./día)
Water 46.7% Water 2450.069 - S/. -
Bean Stick 23.3% Bean Stick 1222.411 $ 0.44 S/. 1.45 S/. 1,772.50
Sauce of Tomato 30.0% Sauce of Tomato 1573.920 $ 2.23 S/. 7.34 S/11,547.38
Total 100.0% Total 5246.400
-9.3% Cost of raw materials / supplies (S/./day) S/13,319.88
Total 200.0% 0.0% Cost of raw materials / supplies (S/./month) S/319,677.00

Table 43. Cost of indirect materials for canned bean production in tomato sauce

Supplies Request (uni./month) Price ($/uni) Price (S/./uni) Total (S/.)

Tin 288000 0.182 0.6 172800
Label for tin (coil) 696 15.198 50 34800
Boxes (unit) 12000 0.912 3 36000
168 0.304 1 168
Scotch tape
Strech Film (rolls) 48 4.559 15 720
Plastic pallet 30 30.395 100 3000
Indirect materials cost (S/./month) 247,488.00

Total Costs
Table 44. Monthly cost of canned bean production in tomato sauce

Nº Category Monthly amount Percentage ( % )

1 S/319,677.00 38.39%
2 29.72%
MATERIALS S/247,488.00
3 S/. 37,376.49 4.49%
4 WORKFORCE S/. 40,327.00 4.84%
6 SERVICES S/. 187,745.95 22.55%

TOTAL S/832,614.44 100.00%

Costs Structure



Figure 12. Distribution of costs for the production of canned bean stick in tomato sauce

Unit Cost
Table 45. Unit cost
S/./canned bean
UNIT COST _0 2.89 stick

Label printed on the tin
Tin containers have the printed label as an alternative in the production process, they are
suppliers to obtain the printed impressions, this packaging reduces the production in the line
and the investment in the purchase of the labeling machine.
The alternative replaces the labeling operation and as regards the controls carried out in that
operation, thus achieving a product with a uniform and attractive presentation.
Table 46. Costo mensual de producción de salsa de tomate

Supplies kg/day Price ($/kg) Price (S//kg) Total (S/./day)

Ripe tomato 71.5% 2250.82 0.371 1.22 2746.0004
CMC 0.5% 15.74 28.571 94 1479.56
Salt 10% 314.8 0.699 2.3 724.04
Suggar 10% 314.8 0.173 0.57 179.436
Citric acid 3% 94.44 4.559 15 1416.6
Paprika Extract 5% 157.4 15.000 49.35 7767.69
100% 3148
Raw material / input cost (S/./day) 14313.3264
Raw material / input cost (S/./month) 343519.8336

Table 47. Monthly cost of machines for the preparation of tomato sauce
Equipment power
machines Capacity Price
Marmita with agitation 350 L 5000 2
pulper 250kg/h 3000 2
Washing Machine 200Kg/h 13000 1.5
Cost of machinery and equipment (S/./month) 21000

Table 48. Costo energético mensual de las maquinas para la elaboración de salsa de tomate

Operating time Equipment power Equipment power Single phase or Total Daily Total Monthly
Maquinaria Quantity Apparent power
(hours) (HP) (kW) three phase Power(kW- Power (kW-h)
Marmita con agitación 1 1 2 1.4914 0.8 1.8643 1.864 44.742
Pulper 1 0.5 2 1.4914 0.8 1.8643 0.932 22.371
Washing machine 1 0.5 1.5 1.11855 0.8 1.3982 0.699 16.77825
TOTAL (kW-h) 83.89125

Table 49. Cost of services in the preparation of tomato sauce

Service Monthly (S/.)
LIGHT S/. 624.15
WATER S/. 7,187.18

Cost of services (S/./mes) S/. 8,081.33

Table 50. Cost for the preparation of beans in tomato sauce (ALTERNATIVE 1)
Nº Category Rode Percentage ( % )
1 S/. 386,059.74 50.30%
2 32.25%
MATERIALS S/. 247,488.00
3 S/. 58,376.49 7.61%
4 WORKFORCE S/. 40,327.00 5.25%
6 SERVICES S/. 35,229.62 4.59%

S/767,480.85 100.00%

UNIT COST_1 2.66 S/./canned bean




Figure 13. Graph of distribution of cost in the production of canned bean stick in tomato

Production of tomato sauce

Tomato sauce to be a product of mass consumption, its production must be of quality, which
comply with sanitary and food standards. Being highly consumed, its production is also
consumed, therefore it is necessary to know how profitable the production of this product is.
This is evaluated by its productive performance, which for tomato sauce is 70 to 75%, and in
the price, this being an important component of the operating strategies and profitability of a
company, selling a product such as salsa Tomato involves a series of adjustments in the factors
of production and in the way of producing it to achieve low costs and exceptional quality. It is
for them that it is proposed as an alternative in the production of canned bean stick in tomato
sauce, develop our own sauce and thus determine if this change affects negatively or

Table 51. Costo mensual de producción de conserva de frijol de palo en salsa de tomate

Supplies Request (uni./month) Price ($/uni) Price (S/./uni) Total (S/.)

Tinplate with printed label 288000 0.274 0.9 259200
12000 0.912 3 36000
Boxes (unit)
Scotch tape 168 0.304 1 168
Strech Film (rolls) 48 4.559 15 720
Plastic pallet 30 30.395 100 3000
Indirect materials cost S/./month S/. 299,088.00

Table 52. Cost for the preparation of beans in tomato sauce (ALTERNATIVE 2)
Nº Category Monthly amount Percentage( % )
1 S/. 319,677.00 36.15%
2 S/. 299,088.00 33.83%
3 S/. 37,376.49 4.23%
4 WORKFORCE S/. 40,327.00 4.56%
5 SERVICES S/. 187,745.95 21.23%

S/. 884,214.44 100.00%

UNIT COST _2 3.07 S/./canned bean

Figure 14. Graph of distribution of cost in the production of canned bean stick in tomato


 The critical control points in the production process of canned bean sticks in tomato
sauce were in reception, sealing and sterilization - cooled, taking as control limits a
humidity of 12 to 14% in the material cousin; an overlap> 1mm, overlap> 45% and
compactness> 75% and a Fo at 121, 1 ° C of 12 minutes respectively.
 The unit cost of canned beans was determined to be 2.89 S /.
 As the first production alternative, the tomato sauce will be elaborated internally in our
plant, instead of outsourcing it; obtaining a unit cost per can of 2.66 S /.
 A second production alternative is to produce cans with the label already printed on
can, in order to obtain time savings in manufacturing; with this alternative, a unit cost
of 3.07 S /.
 The production line of canned beans has exported beans to an obejtivo market, which
is the United States.


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