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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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BIOLOGY 0610/51
Paper 5 Practical Test May/June 2018
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: As listed in the Confidential Instructions.


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For Examiner’s Use


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This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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1 Young mammals feed on milk. Milk contains protein.

Some mammals produce an enzyme called rennin. Rennin changes the protein in milk so that it
can be digested by another enzyme.

The action of rennin causes small lumps or clots to form in the milk.

You are going to investigate the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme rennin.

Read all the instructions but DO NOT CARRY THEM OUT until you have drawn a table for
your results in the space provided in 1(a).

Use the gloves and eye protection provided while carrying out the practical work.

Step 1 Label three test-tubes P, Q and R.

Step 2 Use a syringe to add 5 cm3 of milk into each of test-tubes P, Q and R.

Step 3 Add two drops of acid to test-tube P.

Step 4 Add two drops of distilled water to test-tube Q.

Step 5 Add two drops of alkali to test-tube R.

Step 6 Label another three test-tubes P1, Q1 and R1.

Step 7 Use a clean syringe to add 1 cm3 of 0.1% rennin solution into each of test-tubes
P1, Q1 and R1.

Step 8 Raise your hand when you are ready for water to be added to the beaker labelled

Step 9 Place all six test-tubes into the filled water-bath and leave them for three minutes.

Step 10 Pour the contents of test-tube P1 into test-tube P.

Pour the contents of test-tube Q1 into test-tube Q.

Pour the contents of test-tube R1 into test-tube R.

Step 11 Leave test-tubes P, Q and R in the water-bath.

Immediately start the stop-clock.

The empty test-tubes, P1, Q1 and R1 can be placed in the test-tube rack.

Step 12 After one minute, take test-tube P out of the water-bath.

Tip and rotate test-tube P as shown in Fig. 1.1.

Observe the milk, and decide which stage of clotting (no clotting, some clotting
or all clotted) it has reached.

Record your result in your table.

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milk drains back small clots stick most of the milk is

smoothly from to the sides of the solid and does not
the sides of the test-tube pour when the
test-tube test-tube is tipped

stage A stage B stage C

no clotting some clotting all clotted

Fig. 1.1

Step 13 Put test-tube P back into the water-bath.

Step 14 Repeat steps 12 and 13 for test-tubes Q and R.

Step 15 Repeat steps 12, 13 and 14 every minute for five minutes.

(a) Prepare a table in which to record your results.


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(b) State a conclusion for your results.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) (i) Suggest why, in step 9, all the test-tubes were placed into the water-bath for three
minutes before mixing the contents together in Step 10.



...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State two variables which have been kept constant in this investigation.

1 .......................................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................................

(d) Identify four sources of error in this investigation.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 ................................................................................................................................................


4 ................................................................................................................................................


(e) Identify one hazard associated with this procedure that required you to wear eye protection.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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(f) Clotting separates milk into a solid part and a liquid part.

Describe how you could find out if there was any protein remaining in the liquid part.




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(g) After rennin has changed the protein in milk into a white solid, protease enzymes can be used
to digest the protein. The digested protein forms a colourless liquid.

A hypothesis stated:

The optimum temperature for protease enzymes to digest changed milk protein
is 37 °C.

Describe a method that could be used to test this hypothesis.

Do not carry out this investigation.













.............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 22]

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2 A student wanted to investigate a garden ecosystem.

She counted the number of insects caught in spider webs in one small section of the garden.

She found six spider webs in the small section of garden sampled.

Diagrams of the spider webs are shown in Fig. 2.1. Each black dot represents one insect caught
in a spider web.




not drawn to scale

Fig. 2.1

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(a) (i) Use Fig. 2.1 to complete Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

spider web number of insects caught in each web



(ii) Calculate the average number of insects per web in the small section of garden, using
the information in Fig. 2.1 and Table 2.1.

Space for working

......................................... [1]

(iii) The student counted the total number of spider webs in the whole garden and found that
there were a total of 102 spider webs.

Use this information and your answer to part 2(a)(ii) to estimate the total number of
insects caught in webs in the whole garden.

Space for working.

......................................... [1]

(iv) Suggest one reason why the estimated total number of insects caught in webs in the
whole garden may not be accurate.



...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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(b) Fig. 2.2 is a photograph of a spider.

A spider’s body has two main parts. The legs are all attached to the cephalothorax which
is the upper part of the body and starts at label X on Fig. 2.2. The lower part of the body is
called the abdomen and is nearest to label Y on Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.2

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(i) Make a large drawing of the spider in Fig. 2.2 to show its outline, including its legs.

Label the abdomen.


(ii) Measure the length of the spider between points X and Y on Fig. 2.2. Include the units.

Length of line XY on the spider in Fig. 2.2 .......................................................................

Draw a line in the same position on your drawing and measure the length on your drawing.

Length of line XY on the spider in your drawing ...............................................................

Calculate the magnification of your drawing using your measurements and the following

length of line XY on your drawing

magnification =
length of line XY on Fig. 2.2

Space for working.

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(c) Table 2.2 contains some other data collected by the student from the garden ecosystem.

Table 2.2

type of organism number found in the garden ecosystem

trees 2
bushes 5
other plants 37
herbivores 118
carnivores 14

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(i) Plot a bar chart of the data in Table 2.2.


(ii) Herbivores and carnivores are animals.

Use the data in Table 2.2 to calculate the ratio of animals to plants.

Show your working and give your answer in its simplest form.


[Total: 18]

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