Electromagnetic Wave Lesson Plan

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School : SMA 1 Kradenan

Subjects : Science of Physics
Class / Semester :X/2
Topic : Electromagnetic Waves
Time allocation : 20 minutes

A. Competency Standards:
6. Understanding the concepts and principles of electromagnetic waves.

B. Basic Competence:
6.1 Describe the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

C. Indicators:
1. Identify the characteristics of the electromagnetic wave spectrum
2. Develop series of electromagnetic waves by frequency or wavelength.

D. Learning Objectives:
Students can:
1. Explained the electromagnetic waves.
2. Describes the amount of electromagnetic waves.
3. Explained the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.
4. Describes the characteristics of each spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

E. Teaching Materials:
The spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

F. Learning Methods:
- Direct Instruction (DI)

- Lecture
G. Learning Activity
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Opening :
Pray to the God
Greeting and pray to the God
3 minutes Listen to teacher explanation
Apperception basic understanding
of electromagnetic waves

Main Activities :

a. Eksploration
a) Explain the theory of Learners pay attention to the
electromagnetic waves. teacher's explanations regarding
b) Explain characteristics of the the amount of electromagnetic
15 minutes wave elecromagnetic waves.

b. Elaboration
a) Describes the movement of an
electromagnetic wave. Learners pay attention to the
b) Explain the spectrum of teacher explanations on the
electromagnetic waves. characteristics
c) Describes the characteristics of each of the electromagnetic wave
each spectrum of electromagnetic spectrum.
waves. Learners pay attention to the
d) Explian The propagation velocity teacher explanation on the
of electromagnetic wave. propagation velocity of
c. Confirmation
a) Teacher gives some problems to be students answer questions derived
done by learners from the discussion
a) Teachers guide students to make
the conclusion of the study.

2 minutes Closing :
Summarize the outcomes of class Summarizing the characteristics
discussion electromagnetic wave

H. Tool / Learning Resources:

Sources : Physics bilingual for senior hight scholl class X.
Materials : Presentation materials, Worksheet.

I. Type and Instrument of Evaluation:

Written test (essay)
Performance Test

Head Master Teacher

Yoga Wahyu Sasongko


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