Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Physics Grade 7 (Third Quarter) I - Objectives

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I – Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Identify the different classification of waves.

2. Illustrate the amplitude, wavelength, frequency, period, crest, and trough of a
3. Differentiate mechanical waves between electromagnetic waves.
4. Solve for a sample problem of wave velocity.
5. Integrate the value of waves through a decisive use of materials such as cellular
phones and other gadgets.

II – Subject Matter

Topic: Waves

References: Silverio, A. (2007). Exploring Life Through Science: Physics. 927

Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House, INC. pp. 357

 Cards ● Pictures
 Scotch tape ● Neon
 Cut letters
 Whiteboard marker
 Manila papers

III – Procedure

A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer
 Picking up the pieces of paper
 Review of the last lesson

B. Activity Proper

Activity 1: Find Out What Word I am!

The class will be divided into five groups. Each group will be given cut letters
placed inside an envelope together with a few hints. All they need to do is arrange the
letters and find out what word is given to them. After they find out the word, each group
must have a representative to present their work and explain the word given.
Group 1 – Mechanical Waves

Group 2 – Electromagnetic Waves

Group 3 – Longitudinal Waves

Group 4 – Transverse Waves

Group 5 – Surface Waves

Activity 2: Matching Type

The class will be divided into five groups. Each members of the group must get a
¼ sheet of intermediate paper. Then, they will going to match column B to column A.
Column A shows the different types of electromagnetic waves, while column B shows
the examples of each waves. Each correct answer corresponds to 1 point.

IV – Analysis

A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from place to place. Waves are
classified according to their nature and to their direction of propagation. According to
their nature, waves are either mechanical or electromagnetic waves.

Waves according to their nature:

 Mechanical waves – waves that requires a material/medium to propagate.

Examples of the medium that the mechanical waves travel is water, air, and rope.
 Electromagnetic waves – waves that can travel in a vacuum and in material
media. Examples of electromagnetic waves are light, heat waves, radio waves,
and microwaves.

Electromagnetic waves are classified according to their frequency or wavelength.

Waves according to their direction of propagation:

 Longitudinal waves – is one in which the particles of the medium vibrate

parallel to the direction of wave propagation. The part of longitudinal wave that
are close together are called compression. The area that is spread out is called
 Transverse waves – is one in which the particles of the medium vibrates
perpendicularly to the direction of the wave propagation. The high point of the
wave is called the crest, and the low point is called the trough.
 Surface waves – the particles of the medium vibrate or travels in a circular
motion. These waves occur at interfaces or at the surface of a medium which
includes waves in the ocean and ripples in a cup of water.

Properties of Waves:

 Amplitude – is measure of the displacement of the wave from its rest position.
 Wavelength – is the distance between the two corresponding points on back-to-
back cycles of a wave.
 Frequency – is the number of times per second that the wave cycles. Frequency
is measured in hertz (Hz).
 Period – is the time between wave crests. The period is measured in time units
such as seconds.

Wave Velocity

Velocity is the displacement traveled by the wave per unit time.

- v is the velocity of the wave in m/s
- f is the frequency in hertz (Hz)
- λ is the wavelength in m
The equation shows that if velocity is constant, the higher the frequency, the
shorter the wavelength.

V – Abstraction

Ask the students with these questions:

 How can you differentiate mechanical waves from electromagnetic waves?

 What can you conclude about the wave?
 How can you prevent harmful effects brought by the use of gadgets?
 What do you think is the importance of knowing these waves?
Note: Synthesize the responses of the students, and then select a student to summarize
the lesson.

VI – Application

The class will be divided into five groups. Each group will illustrate the amplitude,
wavelength, crest, trough, the period, and frequency of a wave. They will place it in a
short bond paper provided by the teacher. The frequency, amplitude and wavelength
has corresponding given value, in that, they will solve for what is asked in the problem.

Questions/ Problems:

1. A transverse wave traveled in air has velocity of 5m//s. Having its frequency of 5
Hz, what is then the value of its wavelength?
2. A wave propagate in a rope has a frequency of 4 Hz with a wavelength of 3m.
What is its velocity?

VII – Assessment

Directions: read each sentence carefully and identify what is asked.

1. The only electromagnetic wave that is visible in our unaided eyes.

2. It is a disturbance that transfers energy from place to place or a disturbance
traveling through a medium or in a vacuum.
3. It is the measure of the displacement of the wave from its rest position.
4. Waves that requires a material/medium to propagate.
5. The waves that occur at the surface of a medium which include waves formed
when throwing a coin in the water.

VIII – Assignment

Research and read in advance about the sound waves. Its characteristics: pitch,
loudness, and quality. Write it in a one whole sheet of intermediate paper or it could be
printed out.

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