Page No. I
Second Edition, April, 2016
First Edition, July, 2000
Prepared by
Indian petroleum industry is the energy lifeline of the nation and its continuous performance is
essential for sovereignty and prosperity of the country. As the industry essentially deals with
inherently inflammable substances throughout its value chain upstream, midstream and
downstream Safety is of paramount importance to this industry as only safe performance at all
times can ensure optimum ROI of these national assets and resources including sustainability.
While statutory organizations were in place all along to oversee safety aspects of Indian petroleum
industry, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) was set up in 1986 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas, Government of India as a knowledge centre for formulation of constantly updated world-scale
standards for design, layout and operation of various equipment, facility and activities involved in this
industry. Moreover, OISD was also given responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these
standards through safety audits.
In more than 25 years of its existence, OISD has developed a rigorous, multi-layer, iterative and
participative process of development of standards starting with research by in-house experts and
iterating through seeking & validating inputs from all stake-holders operators, designers, national
level knowledge authorities and public at large with a feedback loop of constant updation based on
ground level experience obtained through audits, incident analysis and environment scanning.
The participative process followed in standard formulation has resulted in excellent level of
compliance by the industry culminating in a safer environment in the industry. OISD except in the
Upstream Petroleum Sector is still a regulatory (and not a statutory) body but that has not affected
implementation of the OISD standards. It also goes to prove the old adage that self-regulation is the
best regulation. The quality and relevance of OISD standards had been further endorsed by their
adoption in various statutory rules of the land.
Together we strive to achieve NIL incidents in the entire Hydrocarbon Value Chain. This, besides
other issues, calls for total engagement from all levels of the stake holder organizations, which we, at
OISD, fervently look forward to.
Jai Hind!!!
Executive Director
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Page No. IV
At the time of development of this document, 113 OISD standards, recommended practices
and guidelines are applicable to the Oil and Gas installations of Public sector Oil
Companies in India. 11 of these standards have been adopted by Petroleum and
Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) in various rules administered by them and thus the
provisions of these standards are mandatory for entire Oil & Gas sector to that extent.
A few serious accidents have occurred in the recent past in India and abroad including
vapour cloud explosion and fire at Oil terminal near Jaipur emphasised the need for the
industry to review the existing provisions of various guidelines and statutory requirements.
With the above in view the Government of India directed the Oil Industry Safety directorate
to develop a comprehensive document covering all the facets of Safety in Design,
Operation and Maintenance, of depots and terminals being run by marketing divisions of
Oil companies with an objective to strengthen the existing system.
Users are cautioned that no standard can be substitute to t judgment and experience of
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding. Suggestions are also invited from the users after it
is put into practice to improve the document further. Suggestions may be addressed to:
The Co-ordinator
In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the
preparation, review and finalisation of this Guideline.
Page No. VII
Shri A.K. Tandon EIL, New Delhi.
1. Shri U.M. Rao GAIL, Noida.
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Scope 1
3.0 Definitions 1
5.3 Housekeeping 5
5.7 Lighting 7
6.1 Excavation 10
6.5 Cutting/Welding 27
6.11 Electrical 40
6.12 Offshore 43
6.13 Demolition 48
6.14 Radiography 49
10.0 Documentation 56
12.0 References 57
Annexure I 58
Construction site:
A worksite involving new construction, modification or maintenance of
existing facility, shutdown related activity, demolition, housekeeping etc.
Environment includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which
exists among and between water, air and land and human beings, other
living creatures, plants, microorganisms and property.
Execution agency:
Any entity / person, having contractual obligation with the owner and who
employs one or more workers on a construction site.
Owner: Any entity / person for whom construction job is carried out.
It shall also include owner's designated representative/ consultant/ nominee/
agent, authorised from time to time to act for and on its behalf for supervising/
coordinating the activities of the execution agency.
5.1.1 All openings and other areas likely to pose danger to workers should be
clearly indicated and accident prevention measures taken as required.
The working area should be clearly de-marketed to keep the workers in
that area only.
5.1.2 Workers & Supervisors should use the safety helmet and other
requisite Personal Protective Equipment according to job & site
requirement as per OISD-STD-155 (Part I & II). They should be trained
to use personal protective equipment including their limitations.
5.1.3 Never use solvents, alkalis and other oils to clean the skin.
5.1.4 Lift the load with back straight and knees bent. The contractor shall
ensure at his construction site, no worker lifts by hand or carries
overhead or over his back or shoulders any material, article, tool or
pipelines exceeding in weight as per The Factory Act 1948 / Rule 38 of
Building & Construction Workers Regulation (BOCWR), unless aided by
another worker or device.
5.1.5 Ensure the usage of correct and tested tools and tackles. Don't allow
the make shift tools and tackles. Also the tools should be suitable for a
particular job and rated accordingly.
5.1.6 No loose clothing should be allowed while at construction site.
5.1.7 Start work only after proper authorization viz Work permit etc.
5.1.8 Job safety analysis to be done for all critical works.
5.1.9 Hydra should not be used for transportation of hook loaded materials.
5.1.10 Rope ladders should not be used at construction sites.
Adequate and safe means of access (atleast two, differently located) to and
egress from all workplaces should be provided. Same should be displayed and
maintained. Escape routes should be marked prominently in workers friendly
language. The escape routes should not be blocked at any point of time and
same to be made understand to the workers.
5.3.1 General Housekeeping shall be carried out by the contractor and he will
i) proper storage of materials and equipment;
ii) removal of scrap, inflammable material, waste and debris at
appropriate intervals including slippery materials. (construction
sand on road, oil/ lubricants, resins, etc.).
iii) to provide containers for segregation of disposal of debris at
required places and regular cleaning of the same .
5.3.2 Removal of loose materials, which are not required for use, to be
ensured. Accumulation of these at the site can obstruct means of
access to and egress from workplaces and passageways.
5.3.3 Workplaces and passageways, that are slippery owing to oil, grease or
other causes, should be cleaned up or strewn with sand, sawdust, ash
5.3.4 All surplus earth and debris are removed/disposed off from the working
areas to officially designated dumpsites. The debris like plastics,
packing material, rubber items should not be allowed to burn. Trucks
carrying sand, earth and any pulverized materials etc. in order to avoid
dust or odour impact, shall be covered while moving.
5.5.1 Construction sites located in built-up areas and alongside vehicular and
pedestrian traffic routes should be fenced to prevent the entry of
unauthorised persons.
5.5.2 Visitors should not be allowed access to site(s) unless accompanied by
or authorised by a competent person. All authorized visitors should
report at the site o (helmet
with visitor sticker) and other PPEs like Safety Shoe, reflective jacket,
respiratory protection etc. as per requirement of the site. All the workers
to have photo IDs including the staff of vehicles used in the job.
5.6.1 All necessary measures should be taken by the executing agency and
owner to:
i) avoid the risk of fire;
ii) control quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire;
iii) bring out a quick and safe evacuation of persons.
iv) Inform unit/fire station control room, where construction work is
carried out within existing operating area.
v) DMP should be in place for the same.
5.6.2 Combustible materials such as packing materials, sawdust, greasy/oily
waste and scrap wood or plastics should not be allowed to accumulate
in workplaces but should be kept in closed metal containers in a safe
place. To be disposed periodically away from site at designated place
and assigned manner.
5.6.3 Places where workers are employed on works prone to danger of fire
should be provided with:
i) suitable and sufficient fire-extinguishing equipment, which should be
easily visible and accessible;
ii) an adequate water supply at sufficient pressure meeting the
requirements of various OISD standards.
iii) required PPEs.
5.6.4 To guard against danger at places having combustible material, workers
should be trained in the action to be taken in the event of fire, including
the use of means of escape.
5.6.5 At sites having combustible material, suitable visual sign boards should
be provided to indicate clearly the direction of escape in case of fire.
5.6.6 Means of escape should be kept clear at all times. Escape routes
should be frequently inspected and if possible marked in fluorescent
colours particularly in high structures and where access is restricted.
5.7.1 Where natural lighting is not adequate, working light fittings or portable
hand-lamps should be provided at workplace on the construction site
where a worker will do a job.
5.7.2 Emergency lighting should be provided for personnel safety during night
time to facilitate standby lighting source, if normal system fails.
5.7.2 Artificial lighting should not produce glare or disturbing shadows.
5.7.3 Lamps should be protected by guards against accidental breakage.
5.7.4 The cables of portable electrical lighting equipment should be of
adequate size & characteristics for the power requirements and of
adequate mechanical strength to withstand severe conditions in
construction operations.
5.7.5 For temporary lighting connection, mostly neutral and phases are
connected and insulation tapes are provided. It is better to stagger the
neutral and phase connection so that even if the tape gets removed from
the joints, there will be no short circuit/ spark between neutral and phase
due to staggering of neutral and phase.
5.7.6 All the temporary lighting/ machine connections are to be provided from
a three core cable for better safety.
i) Plant, machinery and equipment including hand tools, both manual and
power driven, should:
a) be of proper design and construction, taking into account health,
Safety and ergonomic principles.
b) be maintained in good working order;
c) be used only for work for which they have been designed.
d) be operated only by workers who have been authorised and given
appropriate training.
iii) Standard operating procedures should be established and used for all
plant, machinery and equipment.
v) Plant, machinery and equipment should be switched off when not in use
and isolated before any adjustment, clearing or maintenance is done.
vi) Where trailing cables or hose pipes are used they should be kept as
short as practicable and not allowed to create a hazard.
ii) Hose and hose connections for compressed air supply to portable
pneumatic tools should be:
a) designed and tested for the pressure and service for which they
are intended;
b) fastened securely on the pipe outlet and equipped with the safety
chain, as appropriate.
iii) Pneumatic shock tools should be equipped with safety clips or retainers to
prevent dies and tools from being accidentally expelled from the barrel.
iv) Pneumatic tools should be disconnected from power and the pressure in
hose lines released before any adjustment or repair is made.
5.8.5 Engines
i) Engines should:
a) be installed so that they can be started safely and the maximum
safe speed cannot be exceeded.
b) have controls for limiting speed.
c) have devices to stop them from a safe place in an emergency.
d) have their batteries top covered with insulating material.
e) have radiator fan covers in place.
Proof/Pressure Testing
Working at Heights
Handling & Lifting Equipment
Vehicle Movement
Shot blasting/ spray painting
Work above water
Work permit system as per requirement of OISD-STD-105 shall be followed for
various construction activities. As regards the activities at work places including
grass root project sites if not covered under OISD-STD-105, owner shall develop
a suitable methodology for execution of various construction activities under work
permit system for safe execution of the works.
The safe practices to be followed during the implementation of above construction
activities are given below:
6.1.1 All excavation work should be planned and the method of excavation and
the type of support work required should be decided considering the
i) the stability of the ground including the chances of seepage of water;
ii) the excavation will not affect adjoining buildings, structures or
iii) to prevent hazard, the Hydrocarbon lines, water, electrical and other
above ground & underground public utilities should be shut off, re-
routed or disconnected, if necessary; If such a presence is envisaged,
clearance to be taken from respective competent authority/ person.
iv) the position of culvert/bridges, temporary roads and spoil heaps
should be determined;
v) a signed rough sketch of the excavation site to be prepared and made
the workers understand
6.1.2 Before digging begins on site, all excavation work should be planned and
the method of excavation and the type of support work required should be
decided based on good engineering practices and recorded.
6.1.3 All excavation work should be supervised by a competent person.
6.1.4 Sites of excavations should be thoroughly inspected:
i) daily, prior to each shift and after interruption in work of more than one
ii) after every blasting operation;
iii) after an unexpected fall of ground;
iv) after substantial damage to supports;
v) after a heavy rain, frost or snow;
vi) when boulder formations are encountered.
vii) for cracks in the nearby buildings or area as the excavation
progresses and the same to be reviewed.
6.1.5 Safe angle of repose while excavating trenches exceeding 1.5m depth
upto 3.0m should be maintained. Based on site conditions, provide
proper slope, usually 45 ,and suitable bench of 0.5m width at every 1.5m
depth of excavation in all soils except hard rock or provide proper shoring
and strutting to prevent cave-in or slides.
6.1.6 As far as possible, excavated earth should not be placed within one
meter of the edge of the trench or depth of trench whichever is greater.
6.1.7 Don't allow vehicles to operate too close to excavated area. Maintain
atleast 2m distance from edge of excavation or depth of trench whichever
is greater. No load, plant or equipment should be placed or moved near
the edge of any excavation where it is likely to cause its collapse and
thereby endanger any person unless precautions such as the provision of
shoring or piling are taken to prevent the sides from collapsing.
6.1.8 Adequately anchored stop blocks and barriers should be provided to
prevent vehicles being driven into the excavation. Heavy vehicles should
not be allowed near the excavation unless the support work has been
specially designed to permit it.
6.1.9 If an excavation is likely to affect the stability of a structure on which
persons are working, precautions should be taken to protect the structure
from collapse.
6.1.10 Barricade at 1m height (with red & white band/self glowing caution board)
should be provided for excavations beyond 1.0 m depth. Provide two
entries/exits for such excavation through proper means. Lighting
arrangements to be made to avoid any accidental fall in the excavated
portion even when work is not in progress.
6.1.11 Necessary precautions should be taken for underground utility lines like
cables, sewers etc. and necessary approvals/clearances from the
concerned authorities shall be obtained before commencement of the
excavation job.
6.1.12 Water shall be pumped/ bailed out, if any accumulates in the trench.
Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent entry of surface water
in trenches.
6.1.13 During / after rains, the soil becomes loose. Take additional precaution
against collapse of side wall. During rains excavation should be avoided.
6.1.14 In hazardous areas, air should be tested to ascertain its quality. No one
should be allowed entry till it is suitable for breathing.
6.1.15 In case of mechanised excavation, precaution shall be taken to not to
allow anybody to come within one meter of extreme reach of the
mechanical shovel. This area of reach of mechanical shovel should be
marked / barricaded suitably. The mechanised excavator shall be
operated by a well-trained experienced operator. When not in operation,
the machine shall be kept on firm leveled ground with mechanical shovel
resting on ground. Wheel or belt shall be suitably jammed to prevent any
accidental movement of the machine. Suitable precautions as per
manufacturer guidelines should be taken for dozers, graders and other
heavy machines.
6.1.16 In case of blasting, follow strictly IS:4081-1986 & Indian Explosive Act
and rules for storage, handling and carrying of explosive materials and
execution of blasting operation.
General Requirements
Light duty
Medium duty (General Purpose)
Heavy duty
For all such cases, but not limited to, in addition to checklist, a plant
specific procedure cum checklist based on additional risk is to be
prepared & validated by a competent person (example: procedure for
erection/ dismantling shall be prepared and followed. If need felt, help
from Engineering Cell/Third Party may be taken for checking proposed
scaffold in respect of design and load carrying capacity etc.).
Specifications of Scaffolds
4. Make certain that all scaffolds are in plumb and level at all times.
8. The members of scaffolds should extend at least 6" on either ends but
not more than 12". They should be fastened on both ends and laid
tight by clamps.
10. Scaffold which spread to 20 meter or more should have two accesses
preferably opposite side.
3. The top rail shall be at height of 900-1200 mm and Mid rails must be
installed approximately halfway between the top rail and the platform
surface. Toe boards (150mm) should be securely attached to the
working platform. Toe boards are generally applicable to working
platform and not for landing platforms.
4. The bay length & width depends on the height and the load to be
carried by the scaffold.
8. Base plate 150 x 150 x 6mm shall be used to support all vertical pipes
of Scaffolds.
9. Sole plate shall be used at all unpaved area to support base late.
10. Scaffolding platform Grating shall be tied with clamp at both ends, and
scaffolding platform Grating shall not overhang more than 150 mm
and shall be at least 150 mm away from hot surface.
11. Every scaffold shall be provided with certified ladder and extending its
free end shall be above platform by 1000 mm/ four rungs.
Design Criteria
o Purpose of scaffolding
o Required height
o Surrounding environment
Safety requirements
The presence of nearby electrical lines or process equipment (e.g. hot line,
vents, drains, etc.). Necessary safety distances shall be maintained as
specified in site level electrical safety procedure.
The condition and loading of working surfaces /platform /scaffold pipes and
other components or loose material such as clamps/ bolts on the working
The presence and activity of other people and equipment in the vicinity of
the work.
The weather (Heavy rain, high wind velocity-more than 20 knots, etc).
Scaffold collapse.
This assessment is a part of the work permit process but should also be
extended to the specific job planning of the crew performing the work.
Appropriate actions shall be taken to mitigate the hazards identified during the
The footing for supported scaffolds shall be sound, rigid, and capable of
supporting the maximum intended load, including the weight of the scaffold.
Scaffold platform grating shall be fastened on both ends and laid tight by
scaffold clamps/couplers.
There shall be firm foundation for all scaffoldings. All scaffolding shall be
made of sound material. Scaffolding material shall be inspected and used,
only if found in good condition. Avoid using equipment whose strength is
not known.
Provide adequate Base for scaffolding posts. Metal base plate is used
under all upright or standard scaffoldings. Correct type of couplers shall be
used for all connections. Use right angle couplers for joining vertical to
horizontal members and swivel type couplers for joining bracing with
Plumb and level scaffoldings as erection proceeds, so that braces will fit
without forcing. Fasten all braces securely.
Where scaffoldings are erected above walkways or work areas, the space
between toe board and railing should be screened (e.g. Safety net, Metal
Whenever work is being done over men who are working on scaffolding,
overhead protection should be provided on the scaffolding.
Ladder should be provided with tie rods/studs at top and bottom rungs and
secured to scaffolding with ladder clamps, at least 2 locations for a ladder
of length up to 4 m & at 3 locations for more than 4 m long ladder.
support or
cleat at both ends to prevent sliding.
Scaffold shall be removed from top bracings. Ties, rackers etc. should not
be removed from section lower than the one which is being dismantled.
Dismantled scaffold material shall be neatly stacked, away from the site
until whole of scaffold has been dismantled.
xvi) Portable ladders shall be used for heights not more than 4mt.
Above 4mt flights, fixed ladders shall be provided with at least 600
mm landings at every 6mt or less.
xvii) The width of ladder shall not be less than 300mm and rungs shall
be spaced not more than 300mm.
xviii) Every platform and means of access shall be kept free from
xix) If grease, mud, gravel, mortar etc., fall on platform or scaffolds,
these shall be removed immediately to avoid slippage.
xx) Workers shall not be allowed to work on scaffolds during storms or
high wind. After heavy rain or storms, scaffolds shall be inspected
before reuse.
xxi) Don't overload the scaffolding. Remove excess material and scrap
xxii) Dismantling of scaffolds shall be done in a pre-planned sequential
(a) platforms should be designed and built with dimensions that are
compatible with the stability of the structure as a whole, especially
the length;
(b) the number or anchorage should be compatible with the
dimensions of the platform;
(c) the safety of workers should be safeguarded by an extra rope
having a point of attachment independent of the anchorage
arrangements of the scaffold;
(d) the anchorage and other elements of support of the scaffold
should be designed and built in such a way as to ensure sufficient
(e) the ropes, winches, pulleys or pulley blocks should be designed,
assembled, used and maintained according to the requirements
established for lifting gear adapted to the lifting of persons
according to national laws and regulations;
(f) before use, the whole structure should be checked by a competent
6.3.3 Reinforcement
extend 1/3 of deck length or 1.5 Meters whichever is less and tied
with red flags/lights.
x) Reinforcement rods, cut pieces etc. should be properly stored at
identified locations and the scrap should be disposed off promptly
on regular basis.
6.3.4 Concreting
6.4.1 Site shall be barricaded and provided with warning signs, including night
warning lamps at appropriate locations for traffic diversion. This should
be done sufficiently advance as a warning to the approaching drivers for
the impending dander ahead.
6.4.2 Filled and empty bitumen drums shall be stacked separately at
designated places.
6.4.3 Mixing aggregate with bitumen shall preferably be done with the help of
bitumen batch mixing plant, unless operationally non-feasible.
6.4.4 Road rollers, Bitumen sprayers, Pavement finishers shall be driven by
experienced drivers with valid driving license.
6.4.5 Workers handling hot bitumen sprayers or spreading bitumen aggregate
mix or mixing bitumen with aggregate shall be provided with PVC hand
gloves and rubber shoes with legging up to knee joints.
6.4.6 At the end of day's work, surplus hot bitumen in tar boiler shall be
properly covered by a metal sheet, to prevent anything falling in it,
6.4.7 If bitumen accidentally falls on ground, it shall be immediately covered by
sprinkling sand, to prevent anybody stepping on it. Then it shall be
removed with the help of spade.
6.4.8 For cement concrete roads, besides site barricading and installation of
warning signs for traffic diversion, safe practices mentioned in the
chapter on "Concreting", shall also be applicable.
6.4.9 Any excavation for road work should be done only after surveying
underground utilities and after taking suitable precautions. The
underground utilities to be rerouted as required after approval of
competent person / authority.
6.4.10 All the raw material for road construction/ maintenance to be stored on
designated place which should be away from the running road. The
running road should not be used for storing the sand, hot bitumen, etc..
vi) The welding receptacles shall be rated for 63 A suitable for 415V,
3-Phase system with a scraping earth. Receptacles shall have
necessary mechanical interlocks and earthing facilities.
vii) All cables, including welding and ground cables shall be checked
for any worn out or cracked insulation before starting the job and
such cables shall not be used. Ground cable should be separate
without any loose joints.
viii) Cable coiling shall be maintained at minimum level, if not
avoidable. Criss-crossing of welding/electrical power supply
cables & gas cutting hoses shall be avoided. Care to be taken
against damage of gas cutting hoses.
ix) An energised electrode shall not be left unattended.
x) The power source shall be turned off at the end of job.
xi) All gas cylinders shall be properly secured in upright position.
xii) Acetylene cylinder shall be turned and kept in such a way that the
valve outlet points away from oxygen cylinder.
xiii) Acetylene cylinder key for opening valve shall be kept on valve
stem, while cylinder is in use, so that the acetylene cylinder could
be quickly turned off in case of emergency. Use flash back
arrestors to prevent back-fire in acetylene/oxygen cylinder.
xiv) When not in use, valves of all cylinders shall be kept closed.
xv) All types of cylinders, whether full or empty, shall be stored at
cool, dry place under shed.
xvi) Forced opening of any cylinder valve should not be attempted.
xvii) Lighted gas torch shall never be left unattended.
xviii) Store acetylene and oxygen cylinders separately.
xix) Store full and empty cylinders separately.
xx) Avoid cylinders coming into contact with heat.
xxi) Cylinders that are heavy or difficult to carry by hand may be rolled
on their bottom edge but never dragged.
xxii) If cylinders have to be moved, be sure that the cylinder valves are
shut off.
xxiii) Before changing torches, shut off the gas at the pressure reducing
regulators and not by crimping the hose.
xxiv) Do not use matches to light torches, use a friction lighter. Gas
torch should be ignited with the lighter only. It should not be
ignited by touching other hot surfaces.
xxv) Move out any leaking cylinder immediately and cap it. No hot work
should be permitted in the vicinity of such leaked cylinders.
xxvi) Use trolleys for oxygen & acetylene cylinder and chain them.
xxvii) Always use Red hose for acetylene and other fuel gases and
Black for oxygen, and ensure that both are in equal length.
xxviii) Ensure that hoses are free from burns, cuts and cracks and
properly clamped.
xxix) Avoid dragging hoses over sharp edges and objects
6.6.1 Following safety practices for working in confined space like towers,
columns, tanks and other vessels should be followed in addition to the
safety guidelines for specific jobs like scaffolding, cutting/welding etc.
6.7.1 Review test procedure before allowing testing with water or air or any
other fluid. Testing should be done only after proper Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) and its approval.
6.7.2 Provide relief valves of adequate size while testing with air or other gases.
6.7.3 Ensure compliance of necessary precautions, step wise loading,
tightening of fasteners, grouting etc. before and during testing.
6.7.4 Inform all concerned in advance of the testing.
6.7.5 Keep the vents open before opening any valve for filling/draining of liquid
used for hydrotesting. The filling/draining should not exceed the designed
rate for pressure testing.
6.7.6 Provide separate gauges of suitable range for pressurising pump and the
equipment to be tested.
6.7.7 Provide gauges at designated locations for monitoring of pressures.
6.7.8 Check the calibration of all pressurising equipment and accessories and
maintain records.
6.7.9 Take readings at pre-defined intervals.
6.7.10 Arrangement to be made to ensure that the pressurizing system i.e.
motor-pump set is out of circuit so that the system under hydro testing is
not re-pressurized by the contractor due to pressure drop before a pre-
defined time.
i) While working at a height of more than 2.2 meters, ISI approved full
body harness shall be used.
ii) While working at a height of more than 2.2 meters, permit should
be issued by competent person before commencement of the job.
iii) Worker should be well trained on usage of full body harness
including its proper usage at the time of ascending/descending.
iv) All tools should be carried in tool bag/belt to avoid their falling.
v) If the job is on fragile/sloping roof, roof walk ladders shall be used.
vi) Provide lifeline properly designed, secured and anchored, wherever
required. Mock Drill of use of lifeline at regular intervals to be
carried out.
vii) Additional safety measures like providing Fall Arrestor type full
body harness, safety net should be provided depending upon site
conditions, job requirements.
viii) Keep working area neat and clean. Remove scrap material
ix) Don't throw or drop material/equipment from height.
x) Avoid jumping from one member to another. Use proper
xi) Keep both hands free while climbing. Don't try to bypass the steps
of the ladder. Same to be followed while climbing down. Further on
climbing down, front of the body to be towards the ladder.
xii) Try to maintain calm at height. Avoid over exertion.
xiii) Avoid movements on any structural member without fall protection.
xiv) Elevated workplaces including roofs should be provided with safe
means of access and egress such as stairs, ramps or ladders.
xv) Fall protection hierarchy to be followed as below:
(a) Elimination: Explore possibility whether job can be done
avoiding work at height.
(b) Prevention: Prevent fall of a worker by providing appropriate
fall prevention system.
(c) Fall arrest system: Arrest the fall using suitable fall arrest
system. Ensure to have a strong suitably designed anchor
(d) Warning Lines: Use a warning line using a rope or wire barrier
around roof to warn workers that they are getting close to the
roof edge.
(e) Safety Monitoring: Use a safety monitor to warn the workers.
(f) Administration: Prepare a written administrative procedure to
ensure workers are doing the best that they can.
xi) During extensive work on the roof, strong barriers or guardrails and
toe-boards should be provided to stop a person from falling off the
xii) Where workers are required to work on or near roofs or other
places covered with fragile material, through which they are liable
to fall, they should be provided with suitable roof ladders or
crawling boards strong enough and when spanning across the
supports for the roof covering to support those workers.
xiii) A minimum of two boards should be provided so that it is not
necessary for a person to stand on a fragile roof to move a board or
a ladder, or for any other reason.
Following are the general guidelines to be followed with regard to all types
of handling and lifting equipment in addition to the guidelines for specific
type of equipments dealt later on.
iii) Check thoroughly quality, size and condition of all lifting tools like
chain pulley blocks, slings, U-clamps, D-shackles etc. before
putting them in use.
iv) Safe lifting capacity of all lifting & handling equipment, tools and
shackles should be got verified and certificates obtained from
competent authorities before its use. The safe working load shall
be marked on them.
v) Check periodically the oil, brakes, gears, horns and tyre pressure,
lighting fixtures of all moving equipments like cranes, forklifts,
trailers, etc. as per manufacturer's recommendations.
vi) Check the weights to be lifted and accordingly decide about the
crane capacity, boom length and angle of erection.
vii) Allow lifting slings as short as possible and check packing at the
friction points.
xi) Only trained operators and riggers should carry out the job. While
the crane is moving or lifting the load, the trained rigger should be
there for keeping a vigil against hitting any other object.
xiii) Allow crane to move on hard, firm and leveled ground. Ensure that
all the crane pedestals/ hydraulic jacks taking weight of the crane
and load are on a firm compacted surface.
xv) Hook and load being lifted shall remain in full visibility of crane
operators, while lifting, to the extent possible.
xvi) Don't allow booms or other parts of crane to come within 3 meters
reach of overhead electrical cables.
6.9.2 Hoists
viii) Hoists should be provided with devices that stop the hoisting
engine as soon as the platform reaches its highest stopping place.
ix) Winches should be so constructed that the brake is applied when
the control handle is not held in the operating position.
x) It should not be possible to set in motion from the platform a hoist,
which is not designed for the conveyance of persons.
xi) Winches should not be fitted with pawl and ratchet gears on which
the pawl must be disengaged before the platform is lowered.
xii) Hoist platforms should be capable of supporting the maximum load
that they will have to carry with a safety factor.
xiii) Hoist platforms should be equipped with safety gear that will hold
the platform with the maximum load if the hoisting rope breaks.
xiv) If workers have to enter the cage or go on the platform at landings
there should be a locking arrangement preventing the cage or
platform from moving while any worker is in or on it.
xv) On sides not used for loading and unloading, hoist platforms should
be provided with toe-boards and enclosures of wire mesh or other
suitable material to prevent the fall of parts of loads.
xvi) Where necessary to prevent danger from falling objects, hoist
platforms should be provided with adequate covering.
xvii) Counterweights consisting of an assemblage of several parts
should be made of specially constructed parts rigidly connected
xviii) Counterweights should run in guides.
xix) Platforms should be provided at all landings used by workers.
xx) Following notices should be posted up conspicuously and in very
legible characters:
(a) on all hoists:
xxii) On each side in which access is provided, the cage should have a
gate fitted with devices which ensure that the gate cannot be
opened except when the cage is at a landing and that the gate
must be closed before the cage can move away from the landing.
xxiii) Every gate in the enclosure of the hoist shaft which gives access
from a landing place to the cage should be fitted with devices to
ensure that the gate cannot be opened except when the cage is at
that landing place, and that the cage cannot be moved away from
that landing place until the gate is closed.
6.9.3 Derricks
Stiff-leg derricks
Guy derricks
i) Where tower cranes have cabs at high level, persons, capable and
trained to work at heights, should only be employed as crane
ii) The characteristics of the various machines available should be
considered against the operating requirements and the
surroundings in which the crane will operate before a particular
type of crane is selected.
iii) Care should be taken in the assessment of wind loads both during
operations and out of service. Account should also be taken of the
effects of high structures on wind forces in the vicinity of the crane.
iv) The ground on which the tower crane stands should have the
requisite bearing capacity. Account should be taken of seasonal
variations in ground conditions.
v) Bases for tower cranes and tracks for rail-mounted tower cranes
should be firm and level. Tower cranes should only operate on
gradients within limits specified by the manufacturer. Tower cranes
should only be erected at a safe distance from excavations and
vi) Tower cranes should be sited where there is clear space available
for erection, operation and dismantling. As far as possible, cranes
should be sited so that loads do not have to be handled over
occupied premises, over public thoroughfares, other construction
works and railways or near power cables.
vii) Where two or more tower cranes are sited in positions where their
jibs could touch any part of the other crane, there should be direct
means of communication between them and a distinct warning
system operated from the cab so that one driver may alert the other
of impending danger.
6.10.8 All vehicles used for carrying workers and construction materials
must undergo predictive/preventive maintenance and daily checks
6.10.9 Driver with proper valid driving license shall only be allowed to
drive the vehicle
6.10.10 Routes shall be leveled marked and planned in such a way so as
to avoid potential hazards such as overhead power lines and
sloping ground etc.
6.10.11 While reversing the vehicles, help of another worker should be
ensured at all times
6.10.12 An unattended vehicle should have the engine switched off
6.10.13 Wherever possible one-way system shall be followed
6.10.14 Barriers/fixed stops should be provided for excavation/openings to
prevent fall of vehicle
6.10.15 Load should be properly secured
6.10.16 The body of the tipper lorry should always be lowered before
driving the vehicle off.
6.10.17 Signs/signals/caution boards etc. should be provided on routes.
6.10.18 All vehicles in a running process plants to use spark arrester on
the exhaust.
6.10.19 No material should be protruding outside the vehicle for the safety
of the public. If necessary, same to be marked as per RTO
6.10.20 Proper caution tag should be available on the vehicle for
hazardous material like oil,.LPG, explosives, nuclear material,
toxic fluids etc and the vehicle staff should be well informed about
the potential danger of the material being transported by them.
6.10.21 An earth chain for the discharge of static electricity generated
during transportation of specific material with the vehicle to be
6.10.22 Drunken driving should be prohibited.
6.11.1 General Provisions
6.11.3. Testing
6.12.1 General
6.12.3 Drilling
6.13.1. General provisions
6.14.1 All radiography jobs shall be carried out as per BARC Safety
6.14.2 During field radiography, nearby area around the radiation source
should be cordoned off.
6.15.1 Blasting for surface preparation should be used only after approval
from competent person.
6.15.2 Air Compressor used for grit/shot/slag blasting/painting should
have guard and positioned away from the work place.
6.15.3 Exhaust of the prime mover, if IC engine is used, should be fitted
with PESO approved spark arrester (in case of work in hazardous
area) and directed away from the work place.
6.15.4 In case of motor driven compressor, the body of the motor as well
as the compressor to be properly earthed.
6.15.5 The hoses used for compressed air should be of proper quality,
and health of the same to be ensured through regular check/ test.
8.1 Waste
The Contractor shall handle waste in a manner that ensures they are held
securely without loss or leakage thus minimizing potential for pollution
and fire. The Contractor shall maintain and clean waste storage areas
Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 (latest) shall be disposed off in a manner in
compliance with the procedure given in the rules under the aforesaid act.
The Contractor shall maintain the MSDS of the chemicals used / stacked
at site and same shall be handled as per the standard prescribed
procedure. The quantity shall be stored strictly as per the norms and
emergency handling procedure shall be known and displayed
8.4 Noise
i) Factory Act, 1948
ii) Indian Electricity Rules
iii) Safety & Health in Construction by ILO
iv) The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation, Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and Central Rules 1998
v) CSB guidelines
vi) IS 1161: 2006 or latest edition - Steel tubes for structural purposes
vii) IS 2750: 1964 or latest edition - Specification for steel scaffolding.
viii) IS : 3696 (Part 1) 1987 (Scaffolds) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders
ix) IS : 3696 (Part 2) 1987 (Ladders)Safety code of scaffolds and ladders
x) IS 4014 Part I: 2006 or latest edition - Code of practice for steel tubular
scaffolding - definitions and materials.
xi) IS 4014 Part II: 2005 or latest edition - Code of practice for Steel tubular
scaffolding - Safety regulations for scaffolding.
xii) Building & Other Construction Workers(Regulation on employment
&conditions of service) central rules, 1998 (Provision related to Scaffold).
xiii) OHSA Standard on Scaffold (CFR 1926.452)
Sr.no Code No. Title
01. IS : 818 Code of Practice for Safety and Health Requirements in Electric
and Gas Welding and Cutting Operations First Revision.
02. IS : 875 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry walls
03. IS : 933 Specification for Portable Chemical Fire Extinguisher, Foam
Type Second Revision.
04. IS : 1179 Specification for Equipment for Eye and Face Protection during
Welding First Revision.
05. IS : 1904 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Shallow
06. IS : 1905 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry walls
07. IS : 2171 Specification for Portable Fire Extinguishers, Dry Powder Type
Second Revision.
08. IS : 2361 Specification for Building Grips First Revision.
09. IS : 2750 Specification for Steel Scaffoldings.
10. IS : 2925 Specification for Industrial Safety Helmets First Revision.
11. IS : 3016 Code of Practice for Fires Precautions in Welding and Cutting
Operations First Revision.
12. IS : 3521 Industrial safety belts and harnesses
13. IS : 3696 Part I Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders : Part I Scaffolds.
14. IS : 3696 Part II Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders : Part II Ladders.
15. IS : 3764 Safety Code for Excavation Work.
16. IS : 4014 -Part I & II Code of practice for Steel tubular scaffolding
17. IS : 4081 Safety Code for Blasting and Related Drilling Operations.
18. IS : 4082 Recommendations on staking and storage of construction
materials at site
19. IS : 4130 Safety Code for Demolition of Buildings First Revision.
20. IS : 4138 Safety Code Working in Compressed Air-First Revision
21. IS : 4756 Safety code for Tunneling works
22. IS : 4912 Safety requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and
toe Boards First Revision.
23. IS : 5121 Safety Code for Piling and other Deep Foundations.
24. IS : 5916 Safety Code for Construction involving use of Hot Bituminous
25. IS : 5983 Specification for Eye Protectors First Revision.
26. IS : 6922 Structures subject to underground blasts, criteria for safety and
design of
27. IS : 7155 Code of recommended practices for conveyor safety
28. IS : 7205 Safety Code for Erection on Structural Steel Works.
29. IS : 7069 Safety Code for Handling and Storage of Building Materials.
30. IS : 7293 Safety Code for Working with Construction Machinery.
31. IS : 7323 Guidelines for operation of Reservoirs
32. IS : 7969 Safety code for handling and storage of building material
33. IS : 8758 Recommendation for Fire Precautionary Measures in
construction of Temporary Structures and Pandals.
34. IS : 8989 Safety Code for Erection of Concrete Framed Structures.
35. IS : 9706 Code of Practices for construction of Arial ropeways for
transportation of material
36. IS : 9759 Guidelines for de-watering during construction
37. IS : 9944 Recommendations on safe working load for natural and man-
made fibre rope slings
38. IS : 10291 Safety code for dress divers in civil engineering works
39. IS :10386 Part I Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance for
River Valley Projects.
40. IS :10386 Part II Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance of
River Valley Projects.
41. IS : 11057 Code of practice for Industrial safety nets
42. IS : 13415 Code of Practice on safety for Protective barriers in and around
43. IS : 13416 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at
working places