Design of A Rich Internet Application For Gas Turbine Engine Simulationsjohnson2011

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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2011

June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada




Crosby Johnson, Christopher Paolini, and Subrata Bhattacharjee

Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.

Modeling the performance and emissions characteristics This paper describes a new Web based, rich internet
of gas turbine engines can involve sequentially solving multiple application (RIA) developed to simulate gas turbine engines. A
thermodynamic states of a representative fluid flowing through RIA is an internet browser based program that uses dynamic
the engine, evaluating cycle performance, and evaluating the user interfaces to control client-server communication
chemical equilibrium of the fluid at select states. The states are processes taking place behind the scenes. This RIA is designed
defined by the combination of specified thermodynamic to simplify the solution process for gas turbine engine
conditions, process assumptions derived from established modeling by functioning as a widely accessible and technically
theory of gas turbine engines, and thermodynamic properties of accurate application of thermodynamic data.
the representative fluid. Internet based applications such as The RIA is completely Web based, allowing users to
TEST allow experienced analysts to structure and evaluate access the RIA from multiple locations or computers without
thermodynamic models of gas turbine engines and separately the need to install and update any specific software. The RIA is
evaluate the chemical equilibrium of air-fuel mixtures to also designed to limit the exposure of complex thermodynamic
predict exhaust emissions. Although the TEST thermodynamic data to users. The interface only displays relevant input and
and chemical equilibrium data retrieval is automated, analysts output parameters. All other data used for thermodynamic
are required to first structure the system model. modeling is kept behind the scenes, limiting the interface’s
The Internet based software described in this paper allows complexity.
analysts to combine the modeling of performance and The solution structure used by the RIA is also kept behind
emissions characteristics of gas turbine engines without the the scenes. Since users only have access and visibility of input
need to first structure a model, broadening the range of and output variables, users are not required to understand the
potential analysts beyond the thermodynamic and chemical solution structure or thermodynamic relationships required to
equilibrium communities. The software presented in this work solve the model, potentially broadening the user base beyond
combines a visually rich and Internet based interface to input the thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium communities.
specifications and display results, a communication mechanism
to obtain Internet based thermodynamic and chemical PROJECT BACKGROUND
equilibrium data, and a solution architecture to autonomously This RIA is grounded in and dependent on Web based
interpret user inputs and Web based data and model engine thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium data. Without
parameters. This software also allows analysts to modify the thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium databases available
model complexity, accounting for irreversibilities and auxiliary in real time, fast and Web based thermodynamic computations
devices such as regenerators, reheaters, and intercoolers as would not be possible. To obtain Web based thermodynamic
required. Data reduction features such as graphical and chemical equilibrium data, the RIA uses Web services
representation of parametric studies and combustion product available from The Expert System for Thermodynamics
distribution are also available within the software. (TEST) [1, 2, 3] developed at San Diego State University.

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TEST, among many things, contains applications for users A computer based gas turbine engine model was developed
to model generic thermodynamic systems. These applications by Mathidouakis, Politis and Stamatis [5] in 1997, specifically
have the capability to model many thermodynamic devices for the purpose of teaching gas turbine engine operation theory.
such as nozzles, diffusers, pumps, evaporators, condensers, The model allows users to input component parameters using a
compressors, combustors, turbines, and even complete graphical user interface, rather than input files, for ease of use.
engineering systems such as turbochargers, vapor cycle Then the component parameters are used by the model to
systems, internal combustion engines and gas turbine engines. define the engine, and overall cycle performance parameters
However, modeling these devices and systems using generic are calculated. The model has the capability to display cycle
applications requires that the user possess the knowledge to performance parameters graphically, so that users can gain a
structure the thermodynamic relationships in order to correctly visual understanding of the data’s meaning. Changes to the
model the device or system. input data can be easily made, allowing for quick analysis of
Since the gas turbine engine system is not generic and is the effects that a device parameter has on the overall cycle
fully defined, the thermodynamic relationships do not change performance.
and are imbedded in the RIA’s solution procedure. This This computer based approach to the teaching of engine
embedded structure eliminates the need for a user to understand cycle operation has also been applied to a broader range of
and input thermodynamic relationships, which reduces the thermodynamic cycles beyond gas turbine engine cycle. In
opportunity for structural errors and expands the user base to particular, CyclePad [6] was introduced in 1999 by Forbus et
include those outside of the thermodynamic community. al. as an articulate virtual laboratory for constructing and
A similar RIA developed by Mark Patterson at San Diego analyzing thermodynamic cycle models. CyclePad
State University uses this same concept of imbedded solution incorporates a graphical design environment where users can
structure to model thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium graphically assemble thermodynamic devices to construct and
behavior of a constant pressure combustion chamber [4]. analyze open and closed cycle systems.
Patterson’s RIA also employs Web Services to compute Software such as CyclePad allows users to efficiently
thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium computations, and design and analyze complex thermodynamic systems, and
then provides tailored information to the user interface. Many investigate the consequences that assumptions and device
of the features developed for Patterson’s RIA such as a tabular parameters have on overall cycle performance. Incorporating
organization structure, drop down menus, and charts have been CyclePad into existing thermodynamics course curriculums has
incorporated into the gas turbine engine RIA. been experimented with at the university level, in particular at
Education Applications the United States Naval Academy [7].
While these software packages possess extensive utility by
Many other computer and Internet based thermodynamic virtue of their ease of data entry and computation power, they
and gas turbine engine simulators currently exist with varying are, however, subject to compatibility limitations inherent of all
levels of complexity and utility for educational purposes. standalone software. Users must have access to computers
Teaching gas turbine engine theory is an often in depth process with the specific operating systems that these software
that may begin with first teaching the thermodynamic packages are intended to operate with, otherwise an
principles that describe the operation of the various incompatibility may exist. An effective method of mitigating
components that a gas turbine engine is comprised of. These this potential compatibility issue is to design the computer
components, notably the compressor, combustor, and turbine, model for use in an Internet browser environment, which can
are then analyzed together to form a complete thermodynamic be accessed by all contemporary operating systems. A second
cycle, so that overall cycle parameters such as efficiency, advantage to designing the models for use in Internet browsers
power, and back work can be quantified. Depending on the is that the software can also be accessed across the Internet,
actual engine configuration, other devices such as jet nozzles or eliminating the need for users to download and install the
recuperative heat exchangers may also be included in the cycle. software locally.
A particular challenge associated with this method of teaching One such internet based gas turbine engine model is the
is that evaluating and analyzing overall cycle performance Java Gas Turbine Simulator developed by Reed and Afjeh [8]
parameters can be computationally intensive, and consequently and based on the Java programming language developed by
time consuming when employing traditional hand calculations. Sun Microsystems Inc. The Java platform allows the software
Automating this process through the use of computer based gas to be accessed across the Internet, broadening its accessibility.
turbine engine simulators can significantly reduce the work This gas turbine simulator is also intended for educational use,
associated with calculating cycle parameters, affording including direct use in the classroom.
instructors more time to demonstrate the effects that
assumptions and component properties have on the overall Design Applications
cycle performance, furthering a student’s understanding of Even though sophisticated analysis tools such as
engine cycles. computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis are
frequently and effectively used to analyze and design gas

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turbine engine components, traditional thermodynamic cycle The RIA understands user inputs and thermodynamic
analysis remains an important part or gas turbine engine relationships as they pertain to gas turbine engines, but does
development. Gas turbine engine design, analysis, and not have a local database of property values. To obtain this
optimization practices are still continually influenced by insight thermodynamic data, the RIA depends on Web Services [3] to
gained from thermodynamic cycle analysis. provide this information. The RIA translates this data into
Haikal and Higazy have presented work [9] on how a new relevant output parameters and displays them on the user
analysis of a gas turbine engine’s temperature ratio and interface. A flow chart of the communication between the RIA
pressure ratio can establish many cycle performance user interface and Web Services is shown in Figure 1.
characteristics. Among many things, this work shows that a
Joule cycle’s [10] efficiency is not dependent on the
temperature ratio, an insight that may not be readily intuitive,
especially given the direct correlation between efficiency and Web Service A

temperature ratio in the limiting Carnot efficiency.

Lewins has presented a thermodynamic analysis [11] of the RIA User RIA
Web Service B
Joule cycle that reveals a maximum specific work condition. Interface

Lewins notes that the maximum efficiency of a Joule cycle is Outputs

obtained when the pressure ratio is high enough such that the Web Service C

compressor’s outlet temperature is equal to the highest Web Service

temperature that the design will otherwise allow for. In this Data

case, no additional energy is added in the combustion chamber

to prevent a further rise in temperature, and the work output of
the engine is equal to zero. Lewins also notes that a pressure Figure 1. RIA communication flow chart.
ratio of unity also produces zero work output, and therefore
there must exist a pressure ratio somewhere in between these The RIA calculates four different engine configurations or
zero work conditions for which specific work is optimized, and models. The models vary in complexity, ranging from the
presents a solution for this optimum condition. simple model which contains the minimum amount of devices
Yilmaz has also furthered the thermodynamic cycle required to define a gas turbine engine, to the complex model
analysis of the Joule cycle [12], but rather than designing for which contains a variety of common auxiliary gas turbine
maximum specific work or maximum efficiency, he has engine devices. All of the models are variants of the Brayton
proposed a new design parameter referred to as the efficient cycle, and can be expanded to include irreversibilities
power criterion. This criterion is defined as the product of represented in the Joule cycle.
cycle efficiency and power output, and its optimization The simple model contains only 3 devices; a compressor, a
represents a compromise between maximizing efficiency and combustor, and a turbine. The fluid flow is analyzed at 4
maximizing power output. different flow states.
Guha has presented work that underlines the benefit of The regeneration model contains all of the devices from
including the effects of a real gas in the thermodynamic the simple model but also incorporates a regenerator which is a
analysis of gas turbine engine cycles [13], rather than perfect heat exchanger that uses available thermal energy in the
gas treatment. The work reveals that real gas treatment reveals exhaust gasses to pre-heat the compressed air entering into the
an optimum pressure ratio that maximizes cycle efficiency and combustor.
is a function of the high temperature, compressor efficiency, The multi-stage model splits the compressor and turbine
and turbine efficiency. This optimum pressure ratio is not processes into two separate stages. An intercooler is added
revealed under perfect gas treatment where heat capacity is between the compressor stages and a re-heater is added
assumed constant. between the turbine stages.
These examples of gas turbine thermodynamic cycle The complex model combines all of the devices from the
analyses indicate that thermodynamics is still an effective regeneration and multi-stage model and is the most
method of analyzing and improving gas turbine engine design. comprehensive model with respect to devices. The complex
Many of the insights presented in these examples can be model device configuration is depicted in Figure 2.
verified by use of the RIA, showing promise that the RIA or
similar applications may be of future use to test new hypothesis
or new methods of analyzing gas turbine thermodynamic cycles
and aid in the advancement of gas turbine engine design.

The RIA serves as an intermediary between the user and
the thermodynamic data required to model gas turbine engines.

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State 2
State 10
The interface is organized so that users can switch back
Inlet Outlet
and forth between models, comparing results without losing
State 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 State 7 State 8
Intercooler Compressor Combustor Combustor Reheater Reheater any data, and users can also easily switch between static
Outlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
State 1
composition and equilibrium solution modes at any time. The
State 9
four engine models each placed in separate tabs in the RIA and
are accessed by selecting the corresponding tab on the tab bar.
The tab bar is located at the top of the interface and remains
Intercooler Regenerator Combustor Reheater stationary throughout navigation. When a particular tab is
selected, its color changes slightly to distinguish it from the
others, indicating which engine model is being accessed.
The tab bar also includes a tab labeled “Graphical
Low Pressure High Pressure High Pressure Low Pressure
Results”. This tab is reserved for displaying any available
Compressor Compressor Turbine Turbine
graphical data that is generated in other portions of the RIA.
Figure 2. Complex model schematic. Graphical data includes trend study plots that are generated
from any of the models while in static composition mode, and
Each model can be computed with two types of solution combustion products charts that are generated while in
procedures: static composition or equilibrium composition. equilibrium mode. The two solution modes can be toggled by
With the static composition procedure the fluid flowing selecting the desired mode from the radio buttons located next
through the engine is the same at all states, the effects of added to the tab bar.
fuel are not included, and combustor outlet temperatures must Help pages, embedded throughout the RIA, are designed to
be specified. The equilibrium solution mode includes the provide the user with specific information about using the RIA.
effects of added fuel, and the fluid composition changes based Help pages can be accessed by selecting help buttons labeled
on chemical equilibrium theory [14, 15]. Also, combustor “?”. These help buttons are located at the top right hand corner
outlet temperatures are calculated directly in this solution of the RIA or sub-window. The help topics provide the user
mode. with information about the model, trend study setup, or
graphical results that the user is currently working with, and are
INTERFACE DESIGN context sensitive. Selecting the help button when the
The RIA layout is designed to be clutter free and intuitive. regeneration model tab is selected will provide information
Navigation conventions are adhered to throughout the model, specific to the regeneration model, whereas selecting the help
allowing for a consistent look and feel. The interface allows button when the complex model tab is selected will provide
users to show and hide discretionary features thus minimizing information specific to the complex model.
the amount of visual complexity while maintaining all of the Properties that are specifically tied to a flow state or device
utility. Access to help pages is also positioned throughout the are visually tied to that respective flow state or device. This
RIA, allowing users to obtain information on the features or visual linking of the data with the engine model schematic
learn more about the capabilities of the RIA. The default user helps the user to understand the source and relevance of the
interface is shown in Figure 3. data. The data is linked by graphical strings that connect the
property panel to its respective flow state or device.
If a specific property panel is not important to the user, it
can be minimized or collapsed by clicking the “-“ button next
to the flow state or device label. This will visually hide the
property panel and reduce the complexity of the interface. The
property panel can be accessed at any time by clicking the “+”
button next to the flow state or device label.

The RIA understands the relationships between
thermodynamic properties as they pertain to gas turbine
engines, but does not have a database of actual values. The
user inputs supply the RIA with some information to define the
gas turbine engine model, and the RIA uses Web Services to
retrieve all other unknown thermodynamic properties.
Thermodynamic parameters such as pressure, temperature,
Figure 3. Default user interface. enthalpy and entropy are sent to and retrieved from various
Web Services.

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These properties are evaluated at various states along the amount while keeping all other variables constant. The results
gas turbine engine flow path. Web Service requests for for each solution are collected for comparison. This allows the
thermodynamic properties of a flow state must include user to analyze the effects that changing a single variable can
definition of the flow composition, and two known have on the overall cycle. The RIA will plot the results so that
thermodynamic flow properties at that state. The Web Service users can view the trends of output variables. A trend study
will process that information, compute other thermodynamic results page is shown in Figure 5.
properties, and return requested property values to the RIA.
Each flow state for the complex model is plotted on a
temperature-entropy diagram shown in Figure 4.







Figure 5. Trend study results page.
If the user would like to plot another output variable as a
s function of the same trend variable, then the new output
Figure 4. Complex model T-s diagram. variable can simply be selected from the drop down menu
below the graph. When a new output variable is selected the
The flow composition (fluid mixture) is defined by a list of graph and legend are automatically updated.
comprising chemical species and their respective quantities. All of the trend study data is available to be exported for
Since the mixture represents a flow state, only the relative size use outside of the RIA. Selecting an “Export Data” button
of each species is regarded. Each species is supplied to the below the graph will open a data window containing all of the
Web Service in Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System trend study data presented in comma separated value (CSV)
(SMILES) notation [16]. The species’ SMILES is combined format.
with its respective quantity and packaged into a Java Script When the RIA is set to the equilibrium mode, products of
Object Notation (JSON) text string [17]. An example of a combustion are calculated by a chemical equilibrium Web
mixture composed of 1 kg of oxygen and 1 kg of nitrogen is Service. The RIA uses these products as the fluid composition
shown below in JSON format. for succeeding calculations and also makes the product
{“O=O”:{“kg”:1},“[H][H]”:{“kg”:1}} composition data available for display. The products can be
JSON strings such as this are sent to the Web Services viewed in terms of mass fractions or mole fractions by
along with 2 thermodynamic properties and the other selecting one of the radio buttons at the top of the products
thermodynamic properties are returned to the RIA, also in display page. The species which are small (less than 0.01% of
JSON format, where they are then decoded and used in local the mixture) in regard to either mass or mole fraction are
computations based on thermodynamic relationships. grouped together as “trace” species. The distribution of trace
species is given shown in a second pie chart. The products
DATA ANALYSIS display page is shown in Figure 6.
The output data is not just limited to the pairing of
parameters with calculated values. The RIA is also designed to
make this data easy to analyze. Trend studies allow a user to
plot the relationships between variables and visually identify
trends and optimizations. Combustion product displays allow a
user to quickly see how design changes can affect gas turbine
engine emissions.
Trend studies involve running an engine simulation
multiple times, each time changing a certain variable by a set

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Figure 7. Efficiency and work results comparison for
changes in pressure ratio.

The compressor efficiency was varied from 50% to 100%.

A cycle efficiency and work results comparison to TEST data is
given in Figure 8.

70 700

65 650

60 600

Cycle Efficiency & Back Work Ratio [%]

55 550

50 500

Net Work [kW]

45 450

40 400

Figure 6. Products display page. 35 Cycle Efficiency [%], RIA 350

Cycle Efficiency [%], TEST
30 Back Work Ratio [%], RIA 300
25 Net Work [kW], RIA 250
To verify that the RIA is calculating output parameters Net Work [kW], TEST
20 200
correctly, a comprehensive set of thermodynamic results have
been compared to results obtained from the TEST generic
Compressor Efficiency [%]
thermodynamic applications. These TEST applications were
first structured to mirror the exact function of the various RIA Figure 8. Efficiency and work results comparison for
models, and then the output results were compared to data changes in compressor efficiency.
obtained from the RIA. These thermodynamic data
comparisons were made by varying input parameters such as Modeling the equilibrium mode in TEST could not be done
pressure ratio or turbine efficiency over a range of values. The because an analogous TEST application is not readily available.
regenerator and multi-stage models were used to verify that The equilibrium results were, however, compared to the ideal
their specific input parameters such as regenerator and conditions which are easily modeled by the simple model in
intercooler effectiveness function correctly. static composition mode. Relevant equilibrium parameters are
The simple model was used to validate that input compared to the ideal static composition values to verify that
parameters such as pressure ratio and compressor efficiency are the parameters do not exceed or diverge from ideal values.
structured correctly. A standard set of constants were used to Cycle efficiency and fuel consumption results were
define the simple model in the RIA as well as TEST. The other compared to the ideal static composition mode. The pressure
selected parameters were then varied, one at a time, and output ratio was varied from 10 to 20 for each comparison. The cycle
parameters such as cycle efficiency, back work ratio, net work efficiency and fuel consumption results comparisons for
output, and state temperatures were charted to verify acetylene is shown in Figure 9. In all cases tested the ideal
correlation with TEST data. A cycle efficiency and work conditions (static analysis) were shown to consume less fuel
results comparison to TEST data is given in Figure 7. and operate more efficiently than the more realistic equilibrium
60 1000

55 900

50 800
Cycle Efficiency & Back Work Ratio [%]

45 700

40 600
Net Work [kW]

35 500

30 400
Cycle Efficiency [%], RIA
25 Cycle Efficiency [%], TEST 300
Back Work Ratio [%], RIA
20 Back Work Ratio [%], TEST 200
Net Work [kW], RIA
15 Net Work [kW], TEST 100

10 0

Pressure Ratio

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0.04 40
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