IHFG Part B Renal Dialysis Unit

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Part B – Health Facility Briefing & Design

270 Renal Dialysis Unit

International Health Facility Guidelines

Version 4 February 2014
Table of Contents
270  Renal Dialysis Unit .................................................................................................................... 3 
1  Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3 
2  Planning ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 
3  Design ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 
4  Components of the Unit............................................................................................................................ 9 
5  Schedule of Accommodation – Renal Dialysis Unit ............................................................................ 10 
6  Functional Relationship Diagram – Renal Dialysis Unit ...................................................................... 16 
7  References and Further Reading ........................................................................................................... 17 

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Renal Dialysis Unit

270 Renal Dialysis Unit

1 Introduction

Renal Dialysis is a medical process that becomes necessary when the normal functions of the
kidneys become compromised by reduced kidney function and kidney failure. This may be due to
disease, injury, infection or genetic factors. Renal failure may be classified as either Acute Renal
Failure or chronic Kidney Disease. Haemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis services involve filtering
the blood of excess fluid, and waste products normally filtered by the kidneys.

Haemodialysis is a treatment for end stage renal failure where the function of the kidneys to
remove substances from the blood is replaced by the use of a haemodialysis (dialysis) machine.
Haemodialysis requires the patient to have one of the following - arterio-venous fistula, vein graft
(artificial graft) or central line catheter inserted into their neck or upper chest for dialysis.
Haemodialysis management may require the patient to undergo dialysis for 3 to 6 hours on a daily
basis over 3 to 4 days a week.

Haemodialysis may be undertaken in the following locations:

 a hospital
 a Satellite unit
 a Stand-alone unit
 a Self-care unit
 at home.

Peritoneal dialysis is an alternative to Haemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis involves the exchange of

fluid to and from the abdominal peritoneum via an inserted peritoneal catheter 3 to 4 times each
day with this being undertaken either manually or with the assistance of a machine (Automated
Peritoneal Dialysis – APD) for 8 to 10 hours, generally overnight. Peritoneal dialysis is usually
performed at home after supported technical training and education either as an inpatient or
outpatient at a community dialysis unit.

The functions of the Renal Dialysis unit are:

 to receive and provide dialysis services to people who have been referred from the
community or a hospital inpatient unit
 to provide training for patients, family members and/or relevant others in procedures related
to haemodialysis and/or peritoneal dialysis (optional)
 to act as a resource to the community, other staff and agencies with regards to the
requirements of renal health services.

2 Planning

Operational Models
Operational models of care for a service will influence the functional planning components for the
unit. The role delineation of a hospital will determine the type and range of the renal dialysis
services that will be provided and the associated support systems and services. The Renal
Dialysis unit may be provided as:
 one of the departments in a hospital (in-centre care) and also support dialysis services as
required in an ICU, CCU or in a Renal Inpatient Unit
 a dialysis unit planned as a satellite unit which may be situated on the hospital site/campus
or a stand-alone unit located within a community setting.

Models of Care
Renal dialysis can be provided in a number of settings as described in the operational models and
Planning Models.

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Renal Dialysis Unit

The development of the models of care to deliver a renal dialysis service is provided by a
multidiscipline team to support the patient/client, their family and or carer. The important role of
education should also be considered in the development of models of care.

The development of clear documented models of care by the service for the proposed renal
dialysis unit should assist with the design development and planning, ensuring the future
functionality of the unit.
Hours of Operation
Units operate from early morning until late afternoon providing multiple sessions per day. Some
units may operate for extended hours to accommodate working patients/clients.

Planning Models
Some of the factors that should be taken into consideration when planning a Renal Dialysis Unit
 The operational model chosen as part of the planning model
 Age and mix of the patient group
 Acuity of the proposed or current patient group
 Comorbidity of the patient group
 Rate of infectious diseases to be expected in the patient group

Service Delivery Methods

This FPU is applicable to the following Operational Models:
 Hospital based unit – a unit within the hospital
 Satellite Unit – on a hospital campus but not in a hospital unit
 Stand-alone unit – positioned in a community setting

Functional Areas
The Dialysis Unit will consist of or have access to the following functional areas for all service
delivery methods:
 Main Entry / Reception Area
 Waiting
 Treatment Areas
 Staff Areas
 Support Areas
 Storage Areas:
- Clinical
- Non clinical
- Bulk items storage e.g. fluids, equipment and dialysis machine
- Service maintenance

Functional Relationships
Planning is to address the following key issues:
 Ease of access to the unit where the majority of people will arrive by car on a daily basis
 Separation of walking and stretcher/ ambulance patient arrivals
 Safe access to the Unit Store rooms for the delivery of bulk items e.g. fluids on a palette
requiring mechanical lifting, moving and storage
 Safe access for the delivery of food, clean linen, pharmacy, consumables, disposable items
and the related removal of bulk waste and soiled linen etc.

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The internal planning of the Renal Dialysis Unit should be planned by considering the units
functional areas/zones.

Some of the critical relationships to be considered include:

 staff work station requires an unobtrusive view of all patient treatment areas; the inclusion of
decentralised staff work areas may be considered in larger units that have multiple rooms or
treatment spaces
 Reception requires a clear view of entry and exit/egress points of the Unit
 easy access from the Waiting area to the Patient Treatment area for the convenient arrival
and departure of patients and family
 functional relationship of training and isolation rooms to the entry of the unit with access to
outdoor space

3 Design

The Unit shall be designed to provide:
 ease of public access for patients who may arrive either walking, using mobility equipment,
families with children, on an ambulance stretcher or patient trolley
 ease of access to public parking for patients who are often debilitated and who may need to
visit the unit on a regular basis
 ease of delivery of large amounts of fluids (dialysate) on palettes to the Unit on a regular

Patient Treatment Areas

Patients should be situated so that healthcare providers have direct or indirect visualisation. This
approach permits the monitoring of patient status under both routine and emergency
circumstances. The preferred design is to allow a direct line of vision between the patient and the

Environmental Considerations
Natural Light
Natural light contributes to a sense of wellbeing of patients, staff, visitors and other users. The use
of natural light should be maximised throughout the Unit.

Natural light and a view to pleasant and interesting outdoor areas is of particular importance for
patients who spend long periods of time sitting in dialysis chairs. Every effort should be made to
provide a view to all treatment areas either by locating treatment bays adjacent to a window or
enabling unobstructed sight lines through areas to an outdoor view.
Confidentiality for persons receiving treatment is a highly important consideration to be addressed.
The Unit should be designed to:
 ensure confidentiality of personal discussions and medical records
 provide an adequate number of rooms for discreet discussions and treatments to occur
whenever required
 enable sufficient space within each treatment space to permit curtains to be easily drawn
whenever required
 appropriately locate windows and doors to enhance visual and acoustic privacy
Many of the functions undertaken in the Unit require consideration of acoustic privacy including:
 family/ case conference/ interviews rooms
 isolation of noisy areas such as waiting rooms from clinical areas e.g. clean and dirty utilities

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Renal Dialysis Unit

 staff discussions regarding confidential matters (including Meeting rooms)

 noise sources may arise both within and from outside the dialysis unit and may include:
- sanitary facilities
- equipment
- other patients/clients
- staff activities
- traffic through the unit e.g. visitors, food, linen or other trolleys

Solutions to be considered include:

 selection of sound absorbing materials and finishes
 use of sound isolating construction
 planning to separate quiet areas from noisy areas
 review of operational management and patient/client flows. This may include separate areas
for patients with special needs
 location of the unit
Interior Design
This includes the style of design, furnishings, colour, textures and ambience, influenced by
perceptions and culture. The décor of the Unit should be of a standard that meets the expectations
of people using the services and make every effort to reduce an institutional atmosphere.
Cleaning, infection control, fire safety, patient care requirements and the patients’ perception of a
professional inviting environment should always be considered.

Suggestions to achieve this balance include the following:

 use of design features such as colours and artworks to distract the sight from clinical areas
 inclusion of soft furnishings that act as a design feature such as screening, lounges, in
waiting areas and window treatments
 elimination of corridors through good design wherever possible
 inclusion of corridors at the minimum required widths to meet the service needs e.g. wide
corridors are a feature that potentiates institutional environments
 provision of a beverage bay for people to use while waiting
 background music through a piped system or a centralised unit
 television systems with head set access to reduce ambient noise in the Unit.

Space Standards and Components

Accessibility - External
There should be a weatherproof vehicle drop-off zone with easy access for less-mobile patients
and wheelchair bound patients. Consideration should be given to the separation of ambulant and
non-ambulant patient arrivals to enhance privacy of ambulance and or stretcher patients
frequenting the service.

Safety and Security

Equipment, furniture, fittings and the facility itself should be designed and constructed to ensure
that users are not exposed to avoidable risks or injury. A high standard of safety and security can
be achieved by careful configuration of spaces and zones to include:
 control access / egress to and from the Unit
 optimise visual observation for staff
 similar functions shall be co-located for easy staff management.

Access to public areas shall be considered with care so that the safety and security of staff areas
within the Unit are not compromised.

Refer also to Part C of these Guidelines.

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Renal Dialysis Unit

Floor and ceiling finishes shall be selected to suit the function of the space and promote a
pleasant environment for patients, visitors and staff.

The following factors shall be considered:

 aesthetic appearance
 acoustic properties
 durability
 ease of cleaning
 infection control
 movement of equipment.

Refer also to Part C and Part D of these Guidelines.

Fixtures and Fittings

Refer to Part C of these Guidelines and Standard Components of individual rooms for information
related to fixtures and fittings.

Building Service Requirements

Communications/ Information Technology
It is vital to provide reliable and effective Information Technology/ Communications service for
efficient operation of the Unit. The following items relating to Information Technology/
Communication to support the planning, design and the current and future expansion of the Unit
and support the development of technical and operational guidelines require consideration early in
the planning process:
 bar coding for supplies, x-rays and records
 data entry (e.g. scripts and investigative requests)
 email
 access to Picture Archival Communications System (PACS) viewing
 paging systems
 electronic medical records and medical record storage systems
 point of clinical care
 patient administration system
 building management system (BMS)
 videoconferencing, teleconferencing/ telemedicine
 wireless technology considerations including duress alarm systems – fixed and mobile units
 communications rooms and server requirements.

Nurse Call and Emergency Call facilities shall be provided in all patient areas (e.g. Bed/chair
spaces, Toilets and Bathrooms) and clinical areas in order for patients and staff to request for
urgent assistance. The individual call buttons shall alert to distributed identified ceiling mounted
annunciators and also to a central module situated at or adjacent to the Staff Station (s) or to a
paging system. The alert to staff members should be done in a discreet manner.

Provision of a duress alarm system is required for the safety of staff members who may at times
face threats imposed by clients / visitors. Call buttons will be required at all Reception/ Staff
Station areas and Consultation/ Treatment areas where a staff may have to spend time with a
client in isolation or alone. The combination of fixed and mobile duress units should be considered
as part of the safety review during planning for the unit.

Water Treatment Services

A key component of the Renal Dialysis Unit is the need to treat the water that will be used in the
haemodialysis process to remove any contaminants. Different commercial water treatment

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systems may undertake the water treatment activities in slightly different ways but in general the
main phases of water treatment occur in the following sequence:

Phase 1: Particle filtration to 20 microns.

Phase 2: Water softening to remove calcium and magnesium carbonate.
Phase 3: Carbon filtration to remove chlorine; chlorine is taken out as late as possible in the
process so that its disinfection properties are utilised.
Phase 4: Particle filtration to 5 and 1 micron.
Phase 5: Reverse Osmosis Process.

Planning considerations for the design and installation of the water pre-treatment include:
 water feed quality
 pressure of the feed water
 maximum water flow – consideration of the growth of service activity
 average water flow per day – consideration of the growth of the service
 spatial requirement to safely install and operate the water pre-treatment plant
 drainage requirements
 weight of the water pre-treatment plant and the ability of the floor to safely support that
 water quality monitoring systems
 power supply requirements
 facilities and access to safely service and maintain the water pre-treatment plant
 water distribution loop

Components of water treatment services include:

 Feed water temperature control
- High feed water temperatures may require a heat exchanger to cool the feed water; if
the feed water is cold it can be heated by mixing hot and cold water with a
thermostatic mixing valve
 Back flow preventer
- All water pre-treatment systems require a form of back flow prevention device; this
device prevents the water in the pre-treatment system from flowing back into the
source water supply system; a reduced pressure zone device (RPZD) or a break tank
with an air gap may be used
 Multimedia depth filter
- Particulates of 10 microns or greater are removed by a multimedia filter (or depth bed
filter); these particulates can clog the carbon and softener tanks, destroy the Reverse
Osmosis (RO) pump, and foul the RO membrane.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a process of forcing water from one side of a semi-permeable
membrane to the other, producing purified water by leaving behind the dissolved solids and
organic particles. The equipment that performs this process is usually referred to as the RO
system. The aim of all the above processes is to improve the purity of the water to be used by
removal of particulates, salts and bacteria before it comes into contact with the person receiving

Booster pumps may also be required to ensure a certain speed of water (at least 10
metres/second) and a certain pressure of water (varies dependent on the concentration of the salt
solution on the reject side of the membrane) to enable these processes and to limit the ability of
tubing contamination by bacteria and moulds. These contamination processes are also reduced
by the application of heat (85 – 90 degrees Celsius), eliminating any right angle bends, ensuring
the internal surfaces of tubing have a high level of smoothness and by keeping tubing runs as
short as possible.

The Plant Room for water treatment is ideally located as part of the Renal Dialysis Unit to keep
tubing runs short and to make it easy for staff to monitor and service the water treatment systems.

The Design Team should gain expert input from the agency that will provide these services early
in the design process to ensure that all requirements are identified as early as possible during

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Renal Dialysis Unit

Drainage Systems
Services that facilitate the drainage of fluids from the haemodialysis machines must be ventilated
to prevent condensation and the subsequent growth of mould. This should be considered when
designing covers or screens for the drainage systems. Commercial models which comply with the
relevant Standards are available.

Infection Control
Infectious patients and immune-suppressed patients may be sharing the same treatment space at
the different times of the same day. The design of all aspects for the Unit should take into
consideration the need to ensure a high level of infection control in all aspects of clinical and non-
clinical practice.

Hand washing facilities for staff within the Unit should be readily available. Where a hand wash
basin is provided, there shall also be liquid soap, disposable paper towels and waste bin provided
and PPE equipment.

For further details relating to the Infection Control refer to Part D of these Guidelines.

4 Components of the Unit

The Renal Dialysis Unit will contain Standard Components to comply with details described in
these Guidelines. Refer also to Standard Components Room Data Sheets and Room Layout

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5 Schedule of Accommodation – Renal Dialysis Unit

A hospital based Unit with 6, 12, 24 and 30 treatment spaces

ROOM/ SPACE Standard Component RDL 2/3 RDL4 RDL5 RDL6 Remarks
Room Codes Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2
Entry/ Reception 6 spaces 12 spaces 24 spaces 30 spaces
Reception/ Clerical RECL-9-I RECL-12-I RECL-15-I 1 x 9 1 x 9 1 x 12 1 x 15 Size dependent on staffing numbers and activities
May be divided for Female areas as applicable; may include
Waiting WAIT-10-I WAIT-15-I WAIT-20-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 15 1 x 20
public phone & Beverage bay
Waiting - Family WAIT-10-I WAIT-15-I 1 x 10 1 x 15 1 x 15 May include a child Play Area
Consult CONS-I 1 x 14 1 x 14 2 x 14 3 x 14 Also for Interviews
Meeting Room MEET-12-I MEET-L-20-I MEET-L-30-I 1 x 12 1 x 20 1 x 30 1 x 30 Optional; See Note 1
Office - Nurse Manager OFF-S9-I 1 x 9 1 x 9 1 x 9 1 x 9
Store - Photocopy/ Stationery STPS-8-I (sim) 1 x 6 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 8 Printers, fax, records; may be combined with Reception
Store - Files STFS-8-I (sim) 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 x 8 Optional; not required for electronic records
Training/ Treatment Room TTRMT 1 x 14 1 x 14 1 x 14 1 x 14 Optional; See Note 2
Toilet - Accessible WCAC-I 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 x 6 Direct access from the Waiting room
Toilet - Public WCPU-3-I 1 x 3 1 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 Direct access from the Waiting room
Sub Total 83.0 109.0 149.0 131.0
Circulation % 35 35 35 35
Area Total 112.1 147.2 201.2 176.9

Treatment Area
Treatment Bay - Renal Dialysis TRMT-RD-I 5 x 9 11 x 9 22 x 9 28 x 9 See Note 3
Isolation Room - Type S TRMT-RD-S-I 1 x 14 1 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14 According to service plan & risk assessment
Ensuite - Standard ENS-ST-I 1 x 5 1 x 5 2 x 5 2 x 5 For Isolation Rooms
Shower - Accessible SHD-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 2 x 4 2 x 4
Toilet - Accessible WCAC-I 1 x 6 1 x 6 2 x 6 2 x 6
Toilet - Patient WCPT-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 4 2 x 4
Bay - Beverage BBEV-ENC-I 1 x 5 1 x 5 1 x 5 1 x 5 To receive and issue refreshments to patients
Bay - Handwashing, PPE BHWS-PPE-I 2 x 1.5 3 x 1.5 6 x 1.5 8 x 1.5 Refer to part D
Bay - Linen BLIN-I 1 x 2 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2
Bay - Resuscitation Trolley BRES-I 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 Adjacent to Staff Station
Clean Utility CLUR-12-I CLUR-14-I 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 14 1 x 14 Including medications and dressing set-ups
Dialysate Preparation Area BUT-2-I 1 x 2 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 Adjacent to Dialysate Fluid Bay
Dirty Utility DTUR-10-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10

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ROOM/ SPACE Standard Component RDL 2/3 RDL4 RDL5 RDL6 Remarks
Room Codes Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2
Staff Station SSTN-10-I SSTN-12-I 1 x 10 1 x 12 2 x 10 2 x 12 Subdivided in larger Units
Sub Total 123.5 181.0 327.5 392.5
Circulation % 35 35 35 35
Area Total 166.7 244.4 442.1 529.9

Storage Areas (Treatment Zone)

Bay - Wheelchair Park BWC-I BWC-8-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 8 1 x 8 May be subdivided
Dialysate Fluid Bay BS-1-I BS-2-I 1 x 1 1 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 See Note 4
Store - General STGN-4-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 4
Store - Main STGN-8-I STGN-16-I STGN-30-I 1 x 8 1 x 16 1 x 30 1 x 30 See Note 5
Sub Total 17.0 25.0 46.0 46.0
Circulation % 25 25 25 25
Area Total 21.3 31.3 57.5 57.5

Staff & Support Areas

Cleaner's Room CLRM-5-I CLRM-10-I 1 x 5 1 x 5 1 x 10 1 x 10 Includes dry storage for cleaning consumables
Communications Room COMM-I 1 x 0 1 x 0 1 x 0 1 x 0 Area as required and to be added to Engineering
Disposal Room DISP-5-I DISP-8-I DISP-10-I 1 x 5 1 x 8 1 x 10 1 x 10 Waste & dirty linen holding
For cleaning and servicing of haemodialysis and other
Equipment Clean-Up ECL-8-I ECL-10-I ECL-12-I 1 x 8 1 x 10 1 x 12 1 x 12
Discreet, secure location, adj to Staff Room; Include hanging
Property Bay - Staff PROP-2-I 1 x 2 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2
Staff Room SRM-15-I SRM-20-I SRM-25-I 1 x 15 1 x 15 1 x 20 1 x 25 Discreet location; may be shared
Toilet - Staff WCST-I 1 x 3 1 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 Discreet location
Water Treatment Plant Room WTPL-12-I WTPL-20-I WTPL-24-I 1 x 12 1 x 15 1 x 20 1 x 24 Close to treatment areas to reduce piping runs
Sub Total 50.0 58.0 82.0 91.0
Circulation % 25 25 25 25
Area Total 62.5 72.5 102.5 113.8

Grand Total 362.5 495.3 803.3 878.0

Note 1: Meeting Room; to support patient education, community training and other functions; should have teleconferencing capability; add 4m2 to room if including
a beverage bay
Note 2: Training/Treatment room; where there is a developed program of training for home based dialysis as approved in the Service Plan a dedicated space
should be provided; this space could also be used for related procedures such as the insertion of catheters etc.

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Note 3: Treatment Bays; Bay size needs to be 9 square meters with a clear width of 3 meters along the back of the bay to ensure appropriate service placement,
machine accommodation and curtain track placement; spaces of 12m2 will need to be considered where more than 50% of patients are receiving dialysis in patient
beds rather than chairs (particularly in RDL 5/6 renal services located in tertiary referral hospitals); bays will accommodate beds or chairs
Note 4: Dialysate Fluid Bay; to hold dialysis fluid in a convenient location close to treatment bays; temperature is important for some dialysate fluids and this area
may require air-conditioning
Note 5: Main Store Room; for general stores, fluids and equipment, to be located on the perimeter of the Unit and accessible by a palette lifter. Shelving must have
100 kg weight capacity and shelves need to be at least 400 mm apart and adjustable.

Please also note the following:

 Areas noted in Schedules of Accommodation take precedence over all other areas noted in the FPU.
 Rooms indicated in the schedule reflect the typical arrangement according to the Role Delineation.
 Exact requirements for room quantities and sizes will reflect Key Planning Units identified in the service plan and the policies of the Unit.
 Room sizes indicated should be viewed as a minimum requirement; variations are acceptable to reflect the needs of individual Unit.
 Office areas are to be provided according to the Unit role delineation, organisational office policy and the number of endorsed full time positions within the Unit
 Staff and support rooms may be shared between Functional Planning Units dependant on location and accessibility to each unit and may provide scope to
reduce duplication of facilities.

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A Stand-alone/ Satellite Unit with 12, 18, 24 & 30 spaces

Room Codes Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2
Entry/ Reception 12 spaces 18 spaces 24 spaces 30 spaces
Airlock- Entry AIRLE-10-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Covered Entry for Stand-alone Unit
Reception/ Clerical RECL-9-I RECL-12-I RECL-15-I 1 x 9 1 x 9 1 x 12 1 x 15 Size dependent on staffing numbers and activities
May be divided for separate Female areas as applicable; may include
Waiting WAIT-15-I WAIT-20-I 1 x 10 1 x 15 1 x 15 1 x 20
public phone & Beverage bay
Waiting - Family WAIT-10-I WAIT-15-I 1 x 10 1 x 15 1 x 15 May include a child Play Area
Consult CONS-I 1 x 14 2 x 14 2 x 14 3 x 14 Also for Interviews
Meeting Room, Medium/ Large MEET-L-20-I MEET-L-30-I (sim) 1 x 20 1 x 20 1 x 40 1 x 40 Optional; See Note 1
Office - Nurse Manager OFF-S9-I 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9
Store - Photocopy/ Stationery STPS-8-I 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 8 Printers, fax, records; may be combined with Reception
Store - Files STFS-8-I (sim) 6 1 6 1 x 6 1 x 8
Training/ Treatment Room TTRMT 1 x 14 1 x 14 1 x 14 1 x 14 Optional; See Note 2
Toilet - Accessible WCAC-I 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 x 6 Direct access from the Waiting room.
Toilet - Public WCPU-3-I 1 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 Direct access from the Waiting room.
Sub Total 109.0 141.0 169.0 151.0
Circulation % 35 35 35 35
Area Total 147.2 190.4 228.2 203.9

Treatment Area
Treatment Bay - Renal Dialysis TRMT-RD-I 11 x 9 15 x 9 20 x 9 25 x 9 See Note 3
Isolation Room - Type S TRMT-RD-S-I 1 x 14 3 x 14 4 x 14 5 x 14 1 per 6 spaces
Ensuite - Standard ENS-ST-I 1 x 5 3 x 5 4 x 5 5 x 5 For Isolation Room
Shower - Accessible SHD-I 1 x 4 2 x 4 2 x 4 2 x 4 Patient use
Toilet - Patient WCPT-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 4 2 x 4
Toilet - Accessible WCAC-I 1 x 6 2 x 6 2 x 6 2 x 6 Patient use
Bay - Beverage BBEV-ENC-I 1 x 5 1 x 5 1 x 5 1 x 5 To receive and issue refreshments to patients
Bay - Handwashing, PPE BHWS-PPE-I 3 x 1.5 4 x 1.5 6 x 1.5 8 x 1.5 Refer to part D
Bay - Linen BLIN-I 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2
Bay - Resuscitation Trolley BRES-I 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 Adjacent to Staff Station
Clean Utility CLUR-12-I CLUR-14-I 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 14 1 x 14 Including medications and dressing set-ups
Dialysate Preparation Area BUT-2-I 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 Adjacent to Dialysate Fluid Bay
Dirty Utility DTUR-10-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10
Staff Station SSTN-10-I SSTN-12-I 1 x 12 2 x 10 2 x 10 2 x 12 Subdivided in larger Units

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Renal Dialysis Unit

Room Codes Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2 Qty x m2
Sub Total 181.0 276.5 345.5 420.5
Circulation % 35 35 35 35
Area Total 244.4 373.3 466.4 567.7

Storage Areas
Bay - Wheelchair Park BWC-I BWC-8-I 1 x 4 1 x 4 1 x 8 1 x 8 May be subdivided
Dialysate Fluid Bay BS-1-I BS-2-I 1 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 See Note 4
Store - General STGN-8-I STGN-10-I STGN-12-I 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 10 1 x 12 Size will be dependent on quantity of stock to be held
Store - Main STGN-8-I STGN-16-I STGN-30-I 1 x 8 1 x 16 1 x 30 1 x 30 See Note 5
Optional; not required for electronic records; size will be dependent on
Store - Medical Records STFS-20-I (sim) 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 20 1 x 25
quantity of records to be held
Sub Total 21.0 40.0 72.0 79.0
Circulation % 25 25 25 25
Area Total 26.3 50.0 90.0 98.8

Staff & Support Areas

Cleaner's Room CLRM-10-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Includes dry storage for cleaning consumables
Communications Room COMM-I 1 x 0 1 x 0 1 x 0 1 x 0 Area as required and to be added to Engineering
Disposal Room DISP-8-I DISP-10-I 1 x 8 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Waste and dirty linen holding
Equipment Clean-Up ECL-10-I ECL-12-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 12 1 x 12 For cleaning and servicing of haemodialysis machines
Linen Holding - Clean STGN-8-I 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 8 1 x 8 Optional, for additional linen supplies
Loading Dock LODK-I (sim) x 10 x 10 1 x 15 1 x 20 May be shared
Office - Single Person, 12m2 OFF-S12-I 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 12 Practice/ Unit Manager
Office - 2 Person Shared OFF-2P-I 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 12 1 x 12 According to endorsed full time positions
Property Bay - Staff PROP-2-I 1 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 Discreet, secure location, adj to Staff Room; Include hanging space
Store - Gas Bottle STGB-F-I 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Optional, provide if medical gases required
Staff Room SRM-15-I SRM-20-I SRM-25-I 1 x 15 1 x 15 1 x 20 1 x 25 Discreet location
Toilet - Staff WCST-I 1 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 Discreet location
Water Treatment Plant Room WTPL-I WTPL-20-I WTPL-24-I 1 x 15 1 x 18 1 x 20 1 x 24 Close to treatment areas to reduce piping runs
Waste Holding/ Recyclables WACO-I (sim) 1 x 15 1 x 15 1 x 20 1 x 20 Satellite units may share common facilities
Sub Total 130.0 140.0 159.0 173.0
Circulation % 25 25 25 25
Area Total 162.5 175.0 198.8 216.3

Grand Total 580.3 788.6 983.3 1086.5

Health Facility Guidelines © TAHPI Part B: Version 4 2014 Page 14
Renal Dialysis Unit

Note 1: Meeting Room; to support patient education, community training and other functions; should have teleconferencing capability; add 4m2 to room if including
a beverage bay
Note 2: Training/Treatment room; where there is a developed program of training for home based dialysis as approved in the Service Plan a dedicated space
should be provided; this space could also be used for related procedures such as the insertion of catheters etc.
Note 3: Treatment Bays; Bay size needs to be 9 square meters with a clear width of 3 meters along the back of the bay to ensure appropriate service placement,
machine accommodation and curtain track placement; spaces of 12m2 will need to be considered where more than 50% of patients are receiving dialysis in patient
beds rather than chairs (particularly in RDL 5/6 renal services located in tertiary referral hospitals); bays will accommodate beds or chairs
Note 4: Dialysate Fluid Bay; to hold dialysis fluid in a convenient location close to treatment bays; temperature is important for some dialysate fluids and this area
may require air-conditioning
Note 5: Main Store Room; for general stores, fluids and equipment, to be located on the perimeter of the Unit and accessible by a palette lifter. Shelving must have
100 kg weight capacity and shelves need to be at least 400 mm apart and adjustable.

Please also note the following:

 Areas noted in Schedules of Accommodation take precedence over all other areas noted in the FPU.
 Rooms indicated in the schedule reflect the typical arrangement according to the Role Delineation.
 Exact requirements for room quantities and sizes will reflect Key Planning Units identified in the service plan and the policies of the Unit.
 Room sizes indicated should be viewed as a minimum requirement; variations are acceptable to reflect the needs of individual Unit.
 Office areas are to be provided according to the Unit role delineation, organisational office policy and the number of endorsed full time positions within the Unit
 Staff and support rooms may be shared between Functional Planning Units dependant on location and accessibility to each unit and may provide scope to
reduce duplication of facilities.

Health Facility Guidelines © TAHPI Part B: Version 4 2014 Page 15
Renal Dialysis Unit

6 Functional Relationship Diagram – Renal Dialysis Unit

Hospital based Unit

Stand-alone/ Satellite Unit

Health Facility Guidelines © TAHPI Part B: Version 4 2014 Page 16
Renal Dialysis Unit

7 References and Further Reading

 Australasian Health Facility Guidelines. (AusHFG Version 4.0), Part B Health Facility Briefing
and Planning, Rev 4, 2012; refer to website www.healthfacilitydesign.com.au
 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities; The Facility Guidelines
Institute, 2010 Edition; refer to website www.fgiguidelines.org .
 NSW Health – NSW Haemodialysis ‘Models of Care’ Program, NSW Renal Services
Network; 2008

Health Facility Guidelines © TAHPI Part B: Version 4 2014 Page 17
The International Health Facility Guidelines recommends the
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