Double Skin Facade

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Suitability of Dual Skin Glass in Hot Climates

Essam Omar Aasem

Department of Buildings and Energy Technologies
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

1 = Dual skin facades 2 = Spectrally selective glazing 3 = Energy savings 4 = Integrated simulation approach

Abstract design of office buildings have changed understand, it restricted the designer’s
dramatically over the past three flexibility to opt for large glazing areas
The concept of dual skin facade was
decades. Nowadays, one of the most without adversely affecting the quality
investigated to verify its suitability for
common and desirable features of of indoor thermal conditions. However,
Kuwait with respect to its impact on the
such buildings is large glazing areas. the technological advancements made
thermal performance of typical office
Such trends coupled with stringent in the manufacture of high performance
buildings. A common building trend in
energy conservation measures and glazing may allow the use of larger
Kuwait is to use large glazing areas in

Session 14
inappropriate glazing selections, may glazing areas but with an adverse effect
the exterior envelop of multi-story office
lead to the designing of buildings in on the availability of natural day lighting
buildings. This trend coupled with a
which a comfortable inside condition within the building space. It is mainly for
hot long summer and stringent code of
cannot be maintained. Since the this reason that the concept of dual skin
practice limits for energy conservation
heat gain from external glazing areas facades is gaining popularity; to impose
may result in inadequate performance
contributes directly to a building’s solar control, maximize the utilization
by the HVAC system of such buildings.
cooling and heating loads, the energy of day lighting, utilization of more
The technique of dual skin facades may
codes [1, 2 and 3] were aimed at neutral glazing configurations with the
therefore be considered for new designs
controlling a building’s maximum power advantage of increased comfort and
or for retrofitting existing buildings
demand for the heating, ventilation productivity of occupants. According
to overcome some of the problems
and air-conditioning (HVAC) system to [5], such facades can also include
associated with space cooling of office
by controlling the heat gain from the photovoltaic cells (PV) to enhance the
different building components. energy efficiency of such buildings.
In this study theoretical analysis
The present code of practice for In principal, the concept sounds ideal
were applied to study the thermal
energy conservation implemented by for hot climates and therefore warrants
performance of a typical office building.
the Ministry of Electricity and Water [4] an investigation to assess its suitability
Computer building models were
of the State of Kuwait sets out limits under such conditions. For this purpose,
developed for North-South and East-
for the capacities of air-conditioning a typical governmental office building
West orientations. The building was
(A/C) systems depending on the types was considered for the analysis and
fitted with clear IGU with a certain
of building under consideration. For was subjected to the climate conditions
glazing area. An exterior laminated glass
instance, the limit given for office in Kuwait. A comprehensive building
fitted with a spectrally selective film
buildings in terms of wattage per square energy simulation program, ESP-r [6],
was added to the model to represent
meter of conditioned floor area is 70 was used to develop the computer
the outer skin. A number of computer
W/m2 for air-cooled air-conditioning model for the building and then to
models were developed to represent
units. This limit, however, increases the carry out an annual energy analysis.
cases with different IGU areas in the
probability of having insufficient cooling For the office building considered in
presence of the outer skin. Hourly
capacity for buildings with large glazing the analysis, IGU with clear glass was
simulations were then conducted
areas, especially if the glazing type has used for the inner skin while for the
to determine the annual energy
poor thermal performance. The code outer skin; clear laminated glass with
consumption and peak-cooling load for
further sets general and basic limits a spectrally selective film was used.
the building. A comparison was then
on the glazing areas without giving The spectral property of the laminated
made between the cases considered to
much consideration to the type of exterior shell used in the analysis was
assess the thermal effectiveness of the
building being considered. Although extracted from the WINDOW 4.1 [7]
outer glass skin. In addition, simulations
this code was simple to implement and program.
were also carried out to determine the
acceptable IGU glazing area limit that
result in cooling loads within the limit
set by the code of practice. Table 1 Shape Rectangular shape, four-story building
It was found that in the presence Base Case building Floor area 1074 m2
of the exterior laminated skin, the Parameters (east-west
orientation) Living space area 4296 m2 (four floors)
maximum glazing area for clear IGU
Exterior wall area (includes glazing 2524 m2
was 60% for both north-south and
east-west orientations. For the latter,
this is an increase of more than 100% Roof area 1074 m2
in the IGU glazing area over the base window area 635 m2 (25% of total wall area)
case without the outer skin. In addition, Wall U-value 0.47 W/(m2.K)
annual energy consumption for the
Roof U-value 0.32 W/(m2.k)
cases with the outer skin and larger
Glass Type Double glazed clear glass
IGU areas was found to be the same as
that for the base cases with smaller IGU Lighting levels Fluorescent lights, 20 W/m2
areas and without the outer skin. People 130 per floor per building maximum
(equivalent to 9.3 m2/person)
Introduction – Challenges in new Fresh air rate 20 CFM/person
architectural design trends Equipment 21.5 W/m2
Air conditioning system Two air-cooled chillers
Current practices in the architectural

Case study building description Table 2 Glazing Type Visual Solar Heat Gain Light to Overall
Properties of Glazing Transmittance Tv Coefficient Solar Gain U-value
The office building is a simple Types Considered in SHGC Ratio W/m2C
rectangular shape with dimensions of the Analysis (glass
76m long, 14m wide and 14m high. thickness assumed is Clear Laminated 0.70 0.45 1.55 5.86
6mm) Clear double with 0.78 0.69 1.13 3.16
The base case shown in Table 1 was for
the east-west orientation and comprised 12mm air gap
of IGU glazing area ratio of 25% with
the glazing distributed equally on each Table 3 Glazing Type Property Incidence Angles
of the longer faces of the building. The Optical Properties at 0° 40° 55° 70° 80°
same parameters were specified for the Different Incidence
Angles. Transmittance 0.32 0.309 0.296 0.261 0.174
north-south orientation but with IGU Clear Laminated SHGC 0.449 0.44 0.426 0.381 0.271
area ratio of 35%. The geographical Absorptivity 0.49 0.499 0.493 0.461 0.378
location of the building site was 29.3°N
Transmittance 0.569 0.535 0.472 0.324 0.139
latitude and 48°E longitude and °0
Clear double SHGC 0.676 0.65 0.589 0.433 0.222
altitudes. Two orientations were selected
for the building depending on the
direction of the longer surfaces of the Absorptivity (1) 0.19 0.208 0.225 0.244 0.239
building. One was East-West while the Absorptivity (2) 0.136 0.144 0.144 0.126 0.084
other was North-South. More details of
the building are given in Table 1. The Fig. 1
constructions are typical of the building Climate severity in
Session 14

terms of degree days

practice used in Kuwait with the U- for Kuwait’s coastal
values for the walls and roof (given in zone [10].
Table 1) are well within the minimum
stipulated in the code of practice for
energy conservation in buildings [4],
which is 0.57 W/(m2.K) and 0.4 W/
(m2.K) for walls and roofs respectively.

Glazing details
ASHRAE recommends extracting the
optical properties of the glazing used
from the National Fenestration Research
amount of heat gained through them. values of 75 and 55 W/person were
Councils (NFRC’s) spectral data disk
Such parameters include heat absorbed specified. It was assumed that the
[8]. This was done using the WINDOW
in the glass, heat reflected, radiation weekend (Thursday and Friday) was a
computer program by arbitrarily
penetration, conduction, long-wave non-occupancy period. With respect to
choosing standard double clear glass
radiation exchange with other surfaces the weekday control strategy, cooling
and a film with spectrally selective
and heat convection to the zone. In temperature was set at 24°C and
properties for the clear laminated glass.
addition, since the sun’s position in heating temperature was set at 22°C
The resulting optical properties and
the sky is a function of the day under with 50% relative humidity. While for
thermal characteristics of the glazing
consideration, then the angle of the weekend, cooling temperature was
are listed in Tables 2 and 3. In Table
incidence of solar radiation relative to a set at 26°C and heating temperature
2, the data in the fourth column was
surface will change accordingly. For this was set at 20°C with 50% relative
obtained by calculating the ratio of
reason, the optical properties in Table 3 humidity.
visible transmittance (Tv) to the solar-
were given as a function of the angle of Figure 1 shows the severity of the
heat-gain coefficient (SHGC). This ratio
incidence of solar radiation. Unlike the climate in Kuwait in terms of degree
was included because of its physical
conventional way of calculating heat days. The results were based on a
importance since it implies that the
gain from glazing by way of using the heating base-temperature of 18°C and
higher the ratio the better the general
heat transfer coefficient and SHGC at a cooling base-temperature of 21°C.
performance of the glass in terms of
normal incidence, utilizing the detailed The dry-bulb temperature was extracted
daylight utilization and solar heat gain
data in Table 3 ensured an accurate from a typical meteorological year (TMY)
minimization. Glass manufacturers
representation of the heat transferred of climate data in a coastal region.
nowadays are aiming for ratios of higher
through the glazing. ESP-r requires The data consisted of the dry-bulb
than 2. It is important to note that the
the optical properties of glazing to be temperature, diffuse radiation, direct
other data like building location, hourly
available for five different incidence normal radiation, wind speed, wind
climate data, construction materials, and
angles, as shown. direction and relative humidity. The
casual gains, were the same for all cases
apart from the IGU glazing area and the ESP-r uses this set of hourly data, and
façade configuration (i.e. single or dual
Imposed Simulation Parameters for sub-hourly simulation, it interpolates
skin). A number of essential input data the data assuming linear correlations.
The relevance of Table 3 lies in its must be defined in order to be able The TMY was established from hourly
importance in allowing a detailed to simulate the building under typical weather files [10], which were collected
transient energy simulation to be Kuwaiti conditions. Such input includes continuously using the current setup
conducted. For the double clear glass, the building geometry, construction for the Kuwait Institute for Scientific
coefficients for the solar transmittance, details, hourly climate data used, Research’s (KISR’s) weather station. The
SHGC and absorptance for the outer the ground monthly temperatures, geographical location of the weather
external-facing glass (surface 1) and casual gains, control strategy and station was assumed to be similar
inner room-facing glass (surface 2) were operational schedule of the building. to that of the office building. The
obtained from the WINDOW computer This information was defined for a longitude and latitude for this location
program for the incidence angles listed typical governmental office building were 48°E and 29.3°N respectively. The
in the table. The ESP-r program treats with the occupancy period for the figure clearly shows that the cooling
windows as transparent, multilayered weekdays from 7:00 to 14:00 hours. season is predominant in eight months
surfaces and, therefore, accounts for Accordingly, both sensible and latent of the year and has the highest annual
all parameters that may influence the heat for which ASHRAE [9] recommends peak. For this reason the peak electric

load for cooling was chosen to be Description IGU Area Ratio
the parameter to base the glazing Percentage (%)
area limits on. In addition, during the Case 1: Base case for building with no outer skin, East and West glazing orientation 25
cooling season, the sky is clear most of Case 2: Base case for building with no outer skin, North and South glazing orientation 35
the time, which implies that the effect Case 3: Building with no outer skin, East and West glazing orientation 84
of solar radiation on the building’s
Case 4: Building with no outer skin, North and South glazing orientation 84
cooling load could be significant.
Case 5: Building with laminated outer skin, East and West glazing orientation 84
Modeling of air flow within the gap Case 6: Building with laminated outer skin, North and South glazing orientation 84
Case 7: Building with laminated outer skin, East and West glazing orientation 60
The external outer skin or shield is fixed Case 8: Building with laminated outer skin, North and South glazing orientation 60
about one meter away from the building
Case 9: Building with laminated outer skin, East and West glazing orientation 50
envelope. Due to buoyancy effects,
air flow is generated in the gap and Table 4
by keeping the lower and upper part
Description of the Cases Considered in the Analysis.
of the outer skin open, the hotter air
within the gap will escape through the Fig 2
top section of the outer skin openings
Percentage increase/
and thereby encouraging cooler air to decrease over the
enter the gap from the bottom. This base cases for ab-
configuration ensures minimum heat sorbed solar radia-
build up within the gap particularly in

Session 14
the summer season. To account for
this process, an air flow network was
established in the computer building
models with dual skin facades. During
the simulation process of the ESP-r, the
air flow balance calculation is coupled
with the energy balance calculations
per time-step to establish the resulting
thermal and electrical load within the
space of the building.

Results and Discussion Fig 3

Percentage increase/
The whole simulation process involved decrease over the
conducting an annual hourly analysis of base cases for annual
the energy consumption and peak loads electrical energy con-
requirements. For the peak load, only
the cooling load was looked at since
cooling is more of an issue for Kuwait
mainly due to the long hot summer
season. For the set objective for this
study, a number of different scenarios
were identified as described by Table
4. These cases were found adequate
to determine the maximum glazing
areas for the clear IGU considered.
Fig 4
The method adopted to determine the
maximum glazing area was based on Percentage increase/
decrease over the
the value of the peak electric power base cases for A/C
requirement for air-conditioning in peak cooling electrical
terms of Watt per meter square area of demand.
living floor area. The reason for this lies
in the fact that for office buildings, a
limit of 70 W/m2 is allowed by the code
of practice for energy conservation in
buildings. Therefore the analysis was
aimed at finding out the glazing area for
the IGU that will result in a peak cooling
power requirement not exceeding
the 70 W/m2 limit. In addition, the
calculation of the peak cooling power
requirement for the air-conditioning
was based on the assumption that the the effect of the outer skin shield on from 38% to 53%. It should be noted
indoor environment of the building was the amount of solar radiation entering here that the benefit of the outer skin
controlled by an air-cooled chiller with a the building space at the cooling peak can also be gained for opaque walls
total system power rating of 2.0 kW per hour. A comparison between the base as lower solar radiation levels will be
refrigeration ton (RT). cases and cases 3 and 4 indicate that absorbed by the walls which results
Default cases 1 and 2 resulted in a the increase in the IGU area resulted in lower heat gain through the wall
peak electric cooling load for the A/C in an increase in the absorbed solar construction.
that meets the code limit of 70 W/m2. radiation of 162% and 163% for the Figure 3 shows the percentage
For this reason they were referred to for east-west and north-south orientations change in the annual electrical energy
comparison with the other cases. The respectively. Whereas the cases with the over the base cases. It can be seen
results of the simulations for the cases laminated shield (i.e. cases 5 to 9) the that for the east-west case with 60%
considered above are shown graphically reduction in the absorbed solar radiation ratio of IGU (case 7) the increase in the
in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Figure 2 shows over the respective base cases ranged annual energy consumption is almost

negligible at 0.14%. While in the case same time providing high neutrality to References
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Session 14

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