Annual Gender and Development (Gad) Plan Accomplishment Report

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FDF Form 5 - Annual GAD Accomplishment Report

FY 2017

Region: VI Total Budget: P2,089,960,758.00

Province: ILOILO Total GAD Budget: P118,480,444.00 (5.67%)
City/Municipality: ILOILO CITY Note: Source of Budget - 2017 LGU Income

Gender issue or GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Actual Results Total Agency Actual Cost/
Program or Project Indicator and Target (OUTPUT/OUTCOMES) Approved Budget Expenditure
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 Rising trend of teenage To capacitate teen peer Adolescent & Youth Conduct orientation 3 Orientation trainings 5 activities conducted - 20,000.00 18,440.00 Active implementation of AHD
2 Activities(U4U), Program of the City Population
pregnancy among adoles- student facilitators in the Development Program training to peer facilitators conducted 3 Activities (Film Making) was Office *note: 2
conducted activities -OBR on process
cent/girl-child in Iloilo City. public high schools

2 Multiple burden gender (a)To maintain the Iloilo City Special project of the A. Maintenance of the Iloilo A. 30 children 30 children availed program 20,000.00 37,083.95 *Funds were used for the
and services of ICGCLC office supplies and
issue affecting employee's Government Children's Iloilo City GAD Team. City Government Children's maintenance of ICGCLC.
9 OB request for IGCLC supplies was
efficiency at work. Learning Center day care Learning Center for Iloilo facilitated
services provided to City Hall employees with
children of working City gender needs.
Hall employee. B. Skills enhancement of B. 2 teachers have 10,000.00 (not utilized) (not utilized)
teachers in the Learning attended special
Center. education courses.
1 Family Bonding Activity *Successfully celebrated
(b) To provide opportunities Special project of Iloilo Annual programmed 1 activity conducted. (Halloween Celebration) was 70,000.00 60,000.00
Family Bonday Day Activity last
for parent employees and City GAD Team. activity of City Hall conducted October 27, 2017
their children to spend employees with their
quality time together thru children @ City Hall.
activities promoting the
rights of children; develop
the parenting skills of
City Hall employees.
3 Need to have a contingency To provide financial assis- Social Protection 1. Provision of contingency 50 women and girl child- 390 clients served for 2017 20,000.00 (not utilized) (not utilized)
or emergency fund to tance to help address Program: fund to address emergen- ren served/assisted.
assist emergency needs of any emergency health - 1. Crises Intervention cy needs of women and
clients and other emergency related needs of VAWC Unit of City Social girl children such as me-
concerns of the center. clients and other concerns Welfare Office. decines and health labo- *Funds were used for the
of the center. 2. Iloilo City Police ratory. 535 VAWC clients assisted for 20,000.00 19,983.75 office supplies of WCPD - 4 OB
2017 request for WCPD was facilitated
Women & Children's
Desk CIU.
4 Need to recognize Women's Recognized and awarded 14 160,000.00 160,000.00 *Successfully conducted the
To recognize the outstand- The Outstanding Women 1.Identification & nomination 10 Outstanding Women Outstanding Women of 9th Year TOWIL awarding last
valuable contribution to the ing/exemplary contribution of Iloilo City (TOWIL) of outstanding women in from various sectoral Iloilo City from various March 24, 2017 at SM City
sectoral fields Iloilo
City's development during of women in various various sectoral fields. fields were recognized
the Women's Month Celeb- sectoral fields in Iloilo 2. Screening & awarding of and awarded.
ration. City. women with exemplary/
outstanding accomplish-
ments and contribution in

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Iloilo City.
1 Breastfeeding Activity was

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5 Lack of awareness of (a) To heighten public Infant & young program (a) 1 orientation session (a) 1 orientation/session *to be accomplished (based on 42,000.00 27,500.00 1 Breastfeeding Activity was
the no. of activity and conducted
mothers on proper and awareness particularly of CHO. for new mothers. conducted for 20 new meetings conducted by the
complete nutrition to infant/ young mothers on proper mothers. CHO in line with PPA
children resulting to low nutrition of infants/children. (b) Quarterly meeting of (b) 4 quarterly assess-
acceptance and practice (b) To conduct regular of program implementors ment meeting with
of breastfeeding program. monitoring & assessment program implemen-
of program implementation. tors.
*to be accomplished (based on *to be accomplished *to be accomplished
6 Inadequate logistics to To provide reproductive Reproductive health Provision of maternal and 6809 beneficiaries the actual beneficiaries availed 500,000.00
(based on the actual
address the reproductive health care services to care sevices to women child care services availed of reproductive of reproductive health services liquidation report of
of Lapaz Maternity Lapaz Maternity
health concerns of indigent indigent residents in and children health services. Reproductive Clinic -
residents of Iloilo City. Iloilo City.

7 Inadequate logistics to *to be accomplished (based on 6,850,000.00 *to be accomplished *to be accomplished
To provide basic medical Maternal & Child Provision of basic medical, 9322 beneficairies the actual beneficiaries availed (based on the actual
address the basic health & health services to Health & neonatal care dental and basic laboratory (3869 male and 5453 basic health services of CHO) liquidation report of CHO
- (MOOE)
care services of women & women & children thru program. supplies. female) availed of basic
children. provision of medicines, health services.
laboratory supplies and
maintenance and other
operating expenses.

8 Very low involvement/parti- 30 men trained and 20,000.00 20,000.00 2 Batches of activity was
To provide activities and MCHN program 1. Conduct of KATROPA 30 men attended the capacitated through KATROPA conducted last June 2017
cipation of male in the services involving partici- training in the barangays. training and participated Activty during the Population
MCHN program. pation of men in the in MCHN activities.
provision of MCHN
program implementation.

9 High incidence of domestic To lower the incidence of (Bantay Abuso Project) 1. Monitoring and documen- 1. Quarterly monitoring Quarterly monitoring of (no GAD budget alloted)
VAWC Reports - 4 reports c/o CSWDO budget
Violence cases against domestic violence cases Women & Children tation of reported and and documentation
women & children. against woment and their Protection Project. referred VAWC cases. of reported and reffered
(JMC 2016-01) children. VAWC cases.
2. Assessment/conference 2. Annual assessment Annual Assessment
conducted last December
with stakeholders to conference with stake- 2017 (Summit with VAW Desk
discuss project imple- holders/barangay offi- Officer)
mentation. cials in the 180 brgys.
3. Reporting & submission 3. Quarterly submission 4 Quarterly VAWC reports
of VAWC reports. of VAWC reports
4. Provision of Social 4. 50 VAWC clients 77 VAWC clients availed of
the services
Services to clients availed of the services
A. SUB TOTAL 8,075,007.70 Php 343,007.70

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1 Iloilo City has no local coun- To organize a local council Local Council of Women (a) Identification of NGO •Organizational Confe- Organizational conference 6,000.00 5,520.00 *Successfully organized the
conducted Iloilo City Council of Women
cil of women as required/ of women independent of of Iloilo City organizations to compose rence was conducted. composed of 9 members from
mandated in the Magna the Iloilo City GAD Team the LCW. •Organization of the Iloilo Organized Iloilo City Local different women organizations
Council of Women - Executive
Carta of Women. as one of the mechanics (b) conduct an organiza- City Local Council of Order No. 59 Series of 2017
for gender mainstreaming tional meeting Women membership
in Iloilo City. (c) identify role/functions
of LCW members
To organize a 9 LCW (d) facilitate the issuance
board members and an of an executive order
expanded LCW member- formalizing the functiona-
ship team. lity of the LCW.
2 Need to strengthen the To conduct regular GAD GAD Technical Working Regular TWG conference 4 TWG conferences 4 meetings conducted 6,000.00 9,000.00
newly organized City GAD TWG consultation and Group (TWG) conducted.
Team. Monitoring conference to
(JMC 2016-01) orient members with
current GAD updates &
monitor GAD plan
activities implemented.
1 GPB Activity conducted to *Successfully conducted
3 Enhancement of KAS of To enhance the KAS of GST Plus GST training for Focal •1 batch of training con- 29 members of TWG
55,000.00 54,620.00
Orientation on GAD Planning
City GAD Focal Point TWG GAD implementors. Point members. ducted (25 trained pax) 4 travel/activity and 1 IEC and Budgetting last July 2017
advocacy charged to GAD 82,250.00 93,269.44
& members. To benchmark GAD pro- Capability building Knowledge Sharing •10 TWG Focal Point
(JMC 2016-01) jects of other LGUs best of TWG/GAD Team - visits to LGUs with GAD Members
practices. Members good practices.
4 Incomplete GAD database To come-up with an Population/GAD (a) Sectoral sex disaggre- •Complete & updated 20,000.00 (not utilized) (not utilized)
to be used for GAD organized complete/ Database Project. gated data collection sex disaggregated
planning purposes. updated GAD database & encoding. database.
for gender analysis & (b) Maintenance and •Functional GAD
planning. updating of E-file for Database.
GAD Database.
5 Increasing number of urban To determine the migration Migration & developmentCommunity Population (a) Pre testing of mig- 2 computer set and 1 printer 50,000.00 50,000.00 reverted to Capital Outlay
for migration project (attached is the request letter
poor families migrating to trends,volume,direction & program of Iloilo City Migration Monitoring ration Questionnaire (obligated amount) for reversion)
Iloilo City posing a challenge characteristics/profile of the Government (Exec. Project. in the barangay
to provision of basic social migrants (sex-disaggrated, Order No. 23-2016) (b) Conduct baseline
services result to social socio-econommic profile of survey of internal &
problems & gender issues. migrants) as basis for international migrants
resource allocation, of Iloilo City
programs & training identi- (c) Quarterly monitoring
fication & assistance 4 migration reports
intervention. collected, consoli-
dated and analyzed
(d) Annual Project
Assessment & Eva-
luation Conference
with LCE & Stake-
B. SUB TOTAL 431,659.44 Php 212,409.44

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HGDG Design/Funding Total Annual
Title of LGU Program or Project Facility/Generic Checklist Program/Project Total Agency Approved Actual Variance/Remarks
Actual Results Budget Cost/Expenditure
Score Budget
(8) (9) (10)
*to be accomplished (based on *to be accomplished (based *to be accomplished
1. Women & Children Protection and Health Program the actual no. of regular on the actual obligated
a. Delivery of Maternal Child & Reproductive Health Services (Lapaz Maternity) HGDG - 16.32 20,374,755.00 employee of CHO and Lapaz 19,874,755.00 amount of budget office)
b. Delivery of Basic Health Services (City Health Office) HGDG - 18.17 97,504,439.00 90,654,439.00

C. SUB TOTAL 110,529,194.00 Php 555,417.14


Prepared by: Approved by:

MARY ANN A. RAMOS JOSE S. ESPINOSA III ________________________________
GAD Co-Chairperson City Mayor Date

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