Families: Proiectarea Pe Unitati de Invatare An Colar 2019 - 2020

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Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.

22 Galaṭi Avizat,
Clasa a VIII-a A Director adj. prof. Pană Doina - Iuliana
Nr. Ore/săpt.: 2
Disciplina: Limba moderna 1 – limba engleza
Manualul: Snapshot Intermediate (Student’s Book)

An ṣcolar 2019 - 2020


Listening, Reading, Speaking

1.1 – to observe the order and Writing Textbook Individual Oral
UNIT 1 of the events from a
- Guessing exercise Pictures work practice
clearly articulated
- Listen and read/Useful phrases - Notebook Pair work Discussion
Families message
listen and repeat Blackboard and debate
2.2 - make up simple - Grammar snapshot - make
SEEING DOUBLE - questions
Interview - Complete the letter with the correct
3.1– to anticipate the
o Show interest or surprise theme/subject of a text tense
o Express feelings using the title, key words, - Complete the sentences with for and
o Give personal information images etc. since and the correct form of the verb
o Express agreement / in brackets Oral
3.4– to deduce from the Textbook Individual practice
disagreement context the meaning of - Complete the sentences with the
o Write about themselves correct tense of the verbs in brackets Notebook work Discussion
some unknown lexical
Blackboard Pair work and debate
o Start and maintain a elements - Phrasal verbs with get Portfolio Writing
conversation Reading, Speaking and Homework
4.1– to write short texts
o Write informal letters using linking words
 Present simple "Seeing Double"
- Memory bank - family relationships
and continuous - Guess the meaning of words
 Present perfect - Vocabulary exercises - relationships
simple with time - Communication - keep a conversation
adverbials for and since going
- Write a short description of the partner
 Verbs not based on the given description of a person
normally used in the - Write an informal letter using the cues
continuous tenses

Reading, Speaking, Listening

UNIT 2 – Nepal 1.1 – to observe the order
of the events from a
and Writing
- Guessing exercise - guess the meaning
Trek clearly articulated Notebook Discussi
message of the words on and
- “true or false” exercises debate
2.3– to talk about people, - Phrasal Verbs with go
WORLD - journal facts and events, using rk
o Talk about past journeys - Talk about trips
simple sentences
o Express feelings and states - Grammar snapshot - make
o Make suggestions, express 3.1 – to anticipate the rules Textbook Individual
opinions and give solid argumentation theme/subject of a text - List each time expression under the Board work
using the title, key words, correct tense heading Notebook Oral
o Ask and give details and PW
images etc. - Exercises using the past tense and the
explanations practice
o Ask, give or refuse permission present perfect Discussi
4.2– to write short,
 Past simple and familiar messages on and
Reading, Writing, Speaking debate
present perfect and Listening Homewo
 The definite - Travel Vocabulary rk
- Exercises using the travel vocabulary - Writing
article and the zero write paragraphs about a train journey and
article a boat trip
 Phrasal verbs - Interaction - make an interview Portfolio
- Write a description of a trip or a journey
with go - Exercises using the definite or indefinite
- Listen and read
- Asking, giving and refusing permission

- choose the correct verb to complete the text

- complete the sentences with the past simple or the present perfect simple
form of the verbs in brackets Textbook Individual Homewo
FAST REWIND UNITS 1 - complete sentences with the definite article or the zero article work rk
AND 2 - rewrite sentences Writing
- complete sentences with correct verbal phrases
- communication - work in pairs

1.1 – to observe the order Reading, Speaking and Textbook Individual Oral
UNIT 3– Lucky of the events from a
clearly articulated
- Multiple choice exercise
Day? message
- Vocabulary exercises
n and
GLASGOW BOY’S AMAZING 2.3– to talk about people, - Word building from verbs of emotion: Writing
WIN – narrative facts and events, using chart and chose the correct word
simple sentences exercises Oral
o Describe a place - Phrasal verbs with give practice
o Collect and organise ideas 3.1 – to anticipate the Writing
theme/subject of a text Reading, Writing and Homewor
o Talk about the past
using the title, key words, k
o Express a desire, a preference Speaking
images etc.
o Write about personal 3.3 – to extract specific - Grammar snapshot: make Textbook
experiences information from a text rules Board
o Announce and respond to good in order to solve a simple - “A strange vanishing act” – complete Notebook
and bad news task Grammar Individual
the story with the correct form of the
o Write a narrative composition 4.3 – to write simple book work Oral
instructions for every day verbs – past simple, past continuous and Portfolio PW practice
 Past simple situations with immediate past perfect Debate
 Time clauses communication - “How do you explain it?” – write a Writing
description of an occasion when good or Homewor
with when, while, as soon as, k
before, after bad things happened
 Word building - Write a description of an occasion
from verbs of when some good or bad news was Textbook Individual
announced in the family Board work
emotion - "True/false questions" Notebook
 Phrasal verbs
with give Reading, Speaking and
- Rewrite a story, making it more
- Write a story about an event where
something went wrong

–Fancy seeing 1.1– to observe the
order of the events
Reading, Speaking and
you again! from a clearly
articulated message - Listen and read the dialogue
PW Discussion
- Answer the questions Notebook k
MEET A TEEN DIVA - 2.2 make up simple - Grammar snapshot - make Writing
newspaper article 3.1– to anticipate the
- Write a response using the correct
theme/subject of a
text using the title, form of will, may/might, going to or the
key words, images present continuous
o Give, accept and refuse invitations etc.
o Express feelings and states 3.3– to extract
- Before reading – think of famous
o Collect and organise ideas specific information people
o Talk about the future from a text in order - ”Meet a teen diva" - read the text
o Talk about hobbies to solve a simple task and guess the meaning of the words
o Talk about themselves - complete the factfile for Charlotte
4.3– to write simple
o Characterise actions or persons instructions for every -talking about very young artists Textbook
 Future with will/won’t, day situations with
Speaking, Listening, Reading
Board Individual Oral
immediate Notebook work practice
may/might, going to or present continuous and Writing
communication PW Discussion
 Adjectives and - vocabulary exercises – adjectives and Homewor
prepositions prepositions Portfolio k
- discussion over the text Writing
- guess the meanings of the words
- complete a fact file for the character
of the story
- true or false exercises
- writing exercises

- complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
- choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence
FAST REWIND UNITS 3 - rephrasing Textbook Individual
AND 4 - complete the sentences using the correct part of speech from the verbs in work Writing
- complete the sentences using each of the adjectives Hallow
- work in pairs - dialogue een
- progress update Party

UNIT 5 1.1– to observe the order

of the events from a Reading, Listening, Textbook
The thirty-

clearly articulated
Speaking and Writing
- read and listen to the text and
nine steps
2.2 make up simple
answer the questions Portfolio Discussion
3.3– to extract specific - word study - find words and and debate
„THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS’ information from a text phrases which mean the same as the
by John Buchan– in order to solve a simple k
given ones
task Writing
narrative 2.2 make up simple - present participle as
questions sentence linkers
Consolidation of 2.4– to describe people, - write the milkman's statement to
language skills places, images, and the police using the present
events, in simple participle of the verbs
sentences Speaking, Reading, and
3.2 – to draw out the main Writing Individual Oral
ideas from a short Textbook work practice
- explain the picture
informational text
- discuss Board PW Discussion
4.3– to write simple
instructions for every day - answer the questions Notebook GW and debate
situations with immediate Portfolio
THE BIG PICTURE 1 // - role-play
communication GW Homewor
- project work - create a poster

UNIT 6 –

Edinburgh 1.2 -to find out the

Reading, Listening,
Speaking and Writing
EDINBURGH general meaning of a Board
- Read the text and guess which
simple message/of an Exercise Individual Oral
o Ask and give details and usual conversation clearly person said
book work practice
explanations pronounced, at a normal - Listen and complete the notes
Grammar PW Discussio
o Ask and give directions speed - Special uncountable nouns - book n
o Express a desire 2.2-make up simple complete the sentences
o Describe a place
3.2– to draw out the main - Grammar snapshot - make Homewor
ideas from a short rules k
informational text - Rewrite the sentences with Writing
 Clauses and although, however and in spite Textbook
linkers of contrast: 4.2– to write short, Board
familiar messages
although, however, in spite of/despite + - Memory bank - places in towns
gerund (- ing) – to manifest interest for Notebook Individual
knowing some aspects of - Write a short paragraph criticising work
 Special Anglo-Saxon one aspect of the home town or PW Oral
uncountable nouns geographical space capital city practice
Listening, Reading, Discussio
Speaking Textbook n
- Listen, read and answer the Board Individual Grammar
questions Notebook work Homewor
- Listen and repeat PW k
- Memory bank - clothes Portfolio Writing
- Talk about the questions
- Listen and read - shopping for
- Make a conversation using the
given phrases
- Writing skills - Description
of a place

UNIT 7 -
1.1– to observe the
Listening, Reading,
Speaking and Writing
haw you go order of the events from Oral
- Listen and read Textbook practice
a clearly articulated
message - "True/False" questions Board Individual Discussion
MIND HOW YOU GO - Listen and repeat Exercise Grammar
1.2-to find out the work
o Ask and give details and general meaning of a - Vocabulary - motorbikes and cars book PW Homewor
simple message/of an Grammar Gw k
explanations - Phrasal
verbs with look
usual conversation book Writing
o Give, accept and question or refuse clearly pronounced, at a - Grammar flash - Verbs
advice normal speed should(n’t), ought(n’t) to, had
o Express discontent better (not)
2.3– to talk about
- Communication - listen, read and
people, facts and
events, using simple complete the tasks
 Verbs should(n’t), ought(n’t) sentences
to, had better (not) Textbook
Reading, Speaking ,
 Comparison of 3.1– to anticipate the Listening and Writing Board Individual Discussion
adjectives and adverbs theme/subject of a text
"Who Takes the Notebook work Grammar
using the title, key PW Homewor
 Comparatives with words, images etc. greatest risks?" k
much, a lot, far
- Before reading complete the tasks Writing
 Comparative 4.3– to write simple - Read and guess the meaning of the
instructions for
phrases: the … the everyday situations words Portfolio
 Obligation and with immediate - Grammar snapshot - make rules
prohibitions with verbs communication - Complete the sentences by making Textbook
must, have (got) to, needn’t comparisons Board
 Phrasal verbs with - Discuss about people
Individual Discussion
look - Listen to an interview
Portfolio work Grammar
- Write a paragraph PW Homewor
Reading, Speaking and
Writing Writing
- Grammar snapshot -
make rules
- Complete the instructions below
- Write a rules for young people in
- choose the correct modal verbs for the sentences
- make comparisons Textbook Homewor
FAST REWIND UNITS 6 - rewrite the sentences Individual k
AND 7 - complete the second sentence and keep the meaning work Writing
- odd one out
- communication - work in pairs
- progress update

UNIT 8 Ready - Reading, Speaking and

1.1– to observe the order Writing
for lift of of the events from a
clearly articulated
- Before reading complete the Textbook
Board Individual
message tasks
Exercise work Homewor
1.2-to find out the - "True/False" questions
general meaning of a - In pairs complete the Writing
simple message/of an questionnaire
o Agree and disagree
usual conversation
o Formulate hypothesis clearly pronounced, at a - Vocabulary - personality
o Ask and give an opinion normal speed adjectives - match each
2.3– to talk about people, Textbook Individual
positive adjective with the work
facts and events, using Grammar Discussion
negative one PW
 First conditional simple sentences book Grammar
if/unless clause + ‘ll (will)/won’t Listening, Reading, Board Homewor
3.3– to extract specific Notebook k
 First conditional: information from a text Speaking and Writing
imperative clauses with conjunction or in order to solve a simple - Listen and read
 Time clauses in the task - "True/False" questions
future with when/as soon as - Useful phrases - listen and
 Personality repeat
3.4– to deduce from the
- Grammar snapshot -
adjectives context the meaning of
some unknown lexical make rules Textbook
elements - Use conditionals to give warnings Board
in three ways
Notebook Discussion
4.1– to write short texts Portfolio Grammar
using linking words - Grammar flash - make Homewor
rules k
- Complete the sentences about Writing
the future with the correct form
of the verb in brackets
- Write an e-mail
- memory bank - jobs and
communication - listen and read
- Writing skills - semi -
formal letters

UNIT 9 -
STAR QUALITY Reading, Speaking, Listening
and Writing
No stranger - Before reading complete the
to Hollywood - 1.3– to select particular
information from a clear
- Read the article and find words
Newspaper Interview and phrases which mean the same Textbook
oral message
as the following Board Individual Discussion
o Ask for and give positive and 2.3– to talk about people, - Vocabulary - adjectives Exercise work Grammar
facts and events, using book PW Homewor
negative opinions
simple sentences
formation with endings k
o Characterise persons 3.1– to anticipate the - y, -ive, -ful, -ent, - ant, (i)ous, -ic -
o Ask and give an opinion theme/subject of a text make adjectives by matching the
using the title, key first part of each word with the
words, images etc. correct ending Textbook
 Defining and non- - Discuss Grammar Individual
3.4– to deduce from the
defining relative clauses - Listen and answer the questions book work Discussion
context the meaning of
with who(m), which, that, where, whose some unknown lexical - Phrasal verbs with take Board PW Grammar
elements Notebook GW Homewor
 Present perfect Reading, Speaking, Writing Portfolio k
simple and continuous and Listening Writing
 Adjectives - Grammar snapshot -
formation with endings – make rules
y, - ive, - ful, - ent, - ant, - (i)ous, - ic - Join the sentences in two ways Christ
 Phrasal verbs with with and without using who or mas
take which/that Holida
- Memory bank - types of films y
- Write a sentences about the film
stars; write about the favourite
film or film star
- Communication - listen and read
- Grammar snapshot -
make rules
- Complete the conversation with
the present perfect simple or
continuous form of the verb in
- Match the questions with the

- complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in

FAST REWIND UNITS 8 - match the sentences halves Textbook Individual
AND 9 - use the cues to rewrite the sentences as one sentence work Homework
- complete the second sentence so that it means the same as Writing
the first one

UNIT 10 -

The horse 1.1– to observe the order

of the events from a
clearly articulated
Reading, Speaking, Listening
and Writing
- read and listen to the text and
whispere by message
answer the questions Textbook Individual
2.2- make up simple - word study – complete the Board work Discussion
Nicholas Evans questions sentences with an appropriate Exercise PW Grammar
adjective book Homework
- narrative 3.3– to extract specific
information from a text - first person narrative Writing
in order to solve a simple - write a paragraph in the first
Consolidation of language task
person about pilgrim from the Textbook Discussion
skills PW
point of view of Tom booker, Grammar GW Grammar
– to manifest curiosity
and interest for knowing grace or Annie. book Homework
some aspects of the Board
Anglo-Saxon customs Speaking, Reading, and Notebook Writing
Writing Portfolio
- explain the picture
- discuss
- answer the questions/- role play
THE BIG PICTURE 2 // - project work - create a website
EDUCATION FOR LIFE or a display to present your

Listening,Reading, Speaking
UNIT 11 - I and Writing
- Read the text and check the
meaning of new words
1.1 -to observe the order Textbook
The of the events from a - Answer the questions Board Individual Discussion
clearly articulated Exercise book work Grammar
new materialists – - In pairs complete the
message PW Homework
newspaper article Writing
1.2– to find out the - Vocabulary – electrical Textbook
general meaning of a
o Agree and disagree
simple message/of an
equipment – Grammar
o Formulate hypothesis usual conversation - Grammar snapshot - book Individual Discussion
o Ask and give an opinion clearly pronounced, at a make rules Board work Grammar
normal speed Notebook PW Homework
- Use second conditional
2.3– to talk about people, - Grammar flash - make
 Causative have
facts and events, using rules
 Second conditional: simple sentences - Complete the sentences about
if/unless clause + ‘d (would)/wouldn’t
the causative have
 I wish/If only +Past 3.3– to extract specific
- Write about wishes- If only/I
information from a text
tense in order to solve a simple wish+Past Tense Textbook
 Verb need +Gerund / task - passive with Board
Notebook Individual Discussion
perfect infinitive need+Gerund/perfect inf.
work Grammar
3.4– to deduce from the
 Phrasal verbs with - phrasal verbs with turn
context the meaning of PW Homework
communication - listen and read-
turn some unknown lexical Portfolio Writing
elements t reporting faults/responding
4.1– to write short texts Reading, Speaking and ne’s
using linking words Writing Day
- Writing skills – discursive
compositions- short magazine

UNIT 12 - Regrets 1.1 -to observe the order

Speaking and Writing
Textbook Individual Discussion
Board work Grammar
of the events from a
- Read the text and check the Exercise PW Homework
Liam’s story – clearly articulated
message meaning of new words book Writing
- Answer the questions Textbook
magazine article - In pairs discuss the main ideas
1.2– to find out the
-elicit ideas and discuss the
o Agree and disagree general meaning of a
simple message/of an questions
o Formulate hypothesis Grammar Discussion
o Ask and give an opinion
usual conversation - Grammar snapshot – book Individual Grammar
clearly pronounced, at a - Use modals in the Past for
normal speed
Board work Homework
regrets- should have+V3rd form Notebook PW Writing
 Modals in the past : 2.3– to talk about people, -discuss the situation in the article Textbook Grammar
facts and events, using -write a letter to the magazine Board Homework
should have +V3rd form simple sentences Notebook Writing
giving your opinion
 Verbs make, let, be Individual
3.3– to extract specific - Complete the sentences about
allowed to information from a text the make, let, be allowed to
 I wish/If only +Past in order to solve a simple Portfolio PW
- Write about wishes- If only/I
perfect wish+Past Perfect
 Phrasal verbs with 3.4– to deduce from the - phrasal verbs with make
make context the meaning of communication - listen and read-
some unknown lexical criticising/ making
 elements t excuses,apologising,accept
4.1– to write short texts
using linking words apologisies

- complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in

FAST REWIND UNITS 11 - match the sentences halves Individual
AND 12 - use the cues to rewrite the sentences as one sentence Textbook work Homework
- complete the second sentence so that it means the same as Writing
the first one
- choose the correct prefix

UNIT 13 - Guess 1.1 -to observe the order

of the events from a
Speaking and Writing
Textbook Individual Discussion
Board work Grammar
who? clearly articulated
- Read the text and check the
meaning of new words
PW Homework
1.2– to find out the
- Answer the questions Textbook
Physical appearance general meaning of a
simple message/of an - describe the appearance of Grammar
usual conversation famous people book
o Physical appearance
clearly pronounced, at a -Vocabulary- physical details
Board Individual Discussion
o Personality and mood adjectives normal speed Notebook work Grammar
o Ask and talk about personality and - Grammar flash– PW Homework
mood 2.3– to talk about people, - Use modals for conclusions- Writing
 Modals for drawing facts and events, using must/can’t
simple sentences
conclusions: must/can’t -put the adjectives in the correct Textbook
order Board Individual Discussion
 Verbs seem, look, 3.3– to extract specific
Notebook work Grammar
information from a text - Complete the sentences with
sound or like/as if in order to solve a simple seem, look, sound and use like/as if PW Homework
task Writing
 Adjective word 3.4– to deduce from the
- match the words given with an
order context the meaning of opposite meaning
some unknown lexical Listen and Read
elements t -communication - listen and read-
asking about personalities and
4.1– to write short texts
giving opinion Portfolio
using linking words
-use the notes to write a
paragraph describing people’s
Writing skills: descriptive
-write about a person you admire

UNIT 14 - They
emigrated to the Listening,Reading,
Speaking and Writing
U.S.A 1.1 -to observe the order Textbook
of the events from a Board Discussion
- Read the text and check the work
clearly articulated Exercise Grammar
message meaning of new words PW
The story of “The - Answer the questions
Textbook Writing
clearances” 1.2– to find out the
general meaning of a
- talking about different events in
the history
book Individual Discussion
simple message/of an
usual conversation - Grammar snapshot– Board work Grammar
o Background notes about British clearly pronounced, at a clauses of purpose Notebook PW Homework
history normal speed Writing
- join the sentences with – to, in
o Culture clash order to, so that Portfolio
o Talking about ancestors 2.3– to talk about people,
facts and events, using -write a letter giving reasons for Discussion
o Agree or refuse with reason
simple sentences emigrating Grammar
o Making polite requests
- discuss the letters
3.3– to extract specific -rewrite the sentences with- used Textbook
information from a text to/be used to/get used to Board Individual
 Verbs : used to/ be -talk about the differences Homework
in order to solve a simple Notebook work
used to/ get used to task Vocabulary- PW Writing
 Clauses of purpose 3.4– to deduce from the -make nouns from the verbs and
context the meaning of
with to, in order (not) some unknown adjectives using the endings
to, so that 4.1– to write short texts -complete the sentences with the
 Noun formation using linking words nouns that you have made
lexical elements
with endings :
-ing, -ion, -ment, -ance,
-ence, -ness
- complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
FAST REWIND UNITS 13 - match the sentences halves Textbook Individual Homework
AND 14 - use the cues to rewrite the sentences as one sentence work Writing
- complete the second sentence so that it means the same as
the first one
- choose the correct prefix

Reading, Speaking,

UNIT 15 -
1.1 -to observe the order
Listening and Writing
- read and listen to the text and
1h Discussion
and dust of the events from a answer the questions Homework
clearly articulated -find synonym words and phrases Writing
message Textbook
- word study – choose the Individual
appropriate word work
Heat and dust - 1.2– to find out the
general meaning of a - first person narrative -
narrative simple message/of an
usual conversation
write a paragraph in the first GW Homework
clearly pronounced, at a person about first impressions
normal speed from another country
Consolidation of language Textbook Writing
Speaking, Reading, and
skills 3.3– to extract specific Grammar
information from a text - explain the picture book
in order to solve a simple Board
task - discuss the things might be
unusual or difficult to get used to Notebook
– to manifest curiosity
and interest for knowing if someone go to live in other
some aspects of the country
Anglo-Saxon customs - discuss about major or minor
CRIME AND - causes for crime
PUNISHMENT - project work - create rules
and directions for young people Portfoli
-write a short report about crime o
amongst young people in your

UNIT 16 Struggle
- 1.1 -to observe the order
Speaking and Writing
of the events from a
for survival clearly articulated
- Read the text and check the
meaning of new words Textbook
Sea turtles in danger - Answer the questions Board
1.2– to find out the - talking about environment, Exercise
o The environment general meaning of a wildlife, endangered species book
Wildlife information simple message/of an Textbook Discussion
usual conversation
- Grammar snapshot–
o Wildlife protection Grammar Individual Grammar
clearly pronounced, at a the passive
o Endangered species book work Homework
normal speed - complete with the correct
o Agree or disagree suggestions Board PW Writing
passive form– Notebook
o Making suggestions 2.3– to talk about people,
-write a news report using the
facts and events, using Discussion
simple sentences prompts and ideas in the SB Grammar
Vocabulary- environment Textbook Individual Homework
 The Passive : all 3.3 – to extract specific -make verbs from nouns Board work Writing
tenses ;with modals, information from a text in
order to solve a simple -suggest actions that you can take Notebook PW
gerunds and infinitives task to be more environment friendly
 Phrasal verbs and 3.4– to deduce from the
-write a short news report about
expresions with do an incident (real or imaginary)
context the meaning of Individual Homework
some unknown - complete the sentences with
work Writing
4.1– to write short texts phrases and expressions with do
using linking words in Portfoli PW
Writing skills: letters of
lexical elements application
-write a letter of application for a

- complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in

FAST REWIND UNITS 15 - match the sentences halves
- use the cues to rewrite the sentences as one sentence
Textbook Individual
AND 16 - complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first one
- choose the correct prefix
- communication - work in pairs
- progress update

UNIT 17Don’t -
1.1 -to observe the order
Speaking and Writing Textbook Individual
panic ! of the events from a
clearly articulated - Read the text and check the
High-level performance meaning of new words book Homework
o Sports and sports locations 1.2– to find out the - Answer the questions /complete Writing
o Sports items, verbs and people general meaning of a the notes
o Expressing regrets about the past simple message/of an - talking about sports and famous Textbook Individual Discussion
Agree or disagree suggedtions usual conversation Grammar work Grammar
o people
clearly pronounced, at a book PW Homework
o Making helpful suggestions normal speed - Grammar snapshot– Board Writing
2.3– to talk about people, third conditional Notebook
 Third conditional : facts and events, using
if clause simple sentences - complete with the correct form–
-write a news report using the Individual Discussion
+’d(would)/might/could 3.3 – to extract specific
Textbook work Grammar
information from a text in prompts and ideas in the SB
have Board PW Homework
order to solve a simple -Grammar flash- I wish/If
 Regrets about the task Notebook Writing
only +Past perfect for regrets
past : 3.4– to deduce from the about the past
 I wish/If only +Past context the meaning of
-Vocabulary- sports and locations
perfect some unknown -write a background note about
4.1– to write short texts
 Phrasal verbs and using linking words in sports terms
expresions with keep lexical elements -suggest actions that can help
-write a short news report about a
spots person
- complete the sentences with
phrases and expressions with keep

UNIT 18 - I don’t
believe it ! Listening,Reading, Speaking Textbook Individual Discussion
and Writing
Instant marriage - Read the text and check the
meaning of new words
– magazine article - Answer the questions
book Writing
o Agree or disagree 1.1 -to observe the order
of the events from a - talking about major decisions in Discussion
o Elicit the main ideas
clearly articulated life Individual Grammar
o Giving own opinions about the Textbook work Homework
message -giving opinions
topic Grammar PW Writing
o Report news 1.2– to find out the
- Grammar snapshot– book
o Speculate about the past, agree and general meaning of a reported speech Board
disagree simple message/of an - report the news, statements or Notebook Discussion
usual conversation questions Individual Grammar
clearly pronounced, at a
 Reported speech : normal speed
-write a news report using the work
statements and 2.3– to talk about people, prompts and ideas in the SB using Textbook
different verbs of reporting Board
questions facts and events, using
 Modals in the past
simple sentences - Grammar flash- must
have/might have/ can’t have for
for drawing 3.3 – to extract specific
drawing conclusions
information from a text in Individual Homework
conclusions : must have, order to solve a simple -speculate about the past Notebook work Writing
might have, can’t have -agree or disagree
 Verbs of 3.4– to deduce from the Vocabulary- environment
reporting :various structures context the meaning of -complete the sentences with the
some unknown correct form of a verb of speaking :
 Verbs of speaking : 4.1– to write short texts say/talk/.tell Portfoli
say/talk/ tell using linking words in
lexical elements
-write a short news report about an
event (real or imaginary)
-Write a letter to a friend telling
him/her about a date, describing
the person you met and tell what
you said to each other

Writing skills : Reports

-write a report giving people’s
opinions of a new multi-screen
cinema in your town

1.2 – to find out the Listening,Reading, Textbook Individual Discussion

UNIT 19 - Caught in general meaning of a
simple message/of an
Speaking and Writing Board
Exercise book
- Read the text and check the meaning of
the Net usual conversation clearly
pronounced, at a normal
new words
- Answer the questions

The symptoms of speed

1.3 – to select particular
- talking about technology in our life
Board Individual
-giving opinions
Internet addiction information from a clear
oral message - Grammar snapshot–
Notebook work
o Internet background 2.1 – to formulate future tenses
o Elicit the main ideas affirmative, negative and - complete with the correct future form Textbook
o Giving own opinions about the interrogative utterances -talk about what we will have done by.... Board Discussion
2.3 – to talk about people, Individual Grammar
topic - Grammar flash- short work
facts and events, using
o Report news simple sentences answers with verb +so/not
-discuss predictions for future in five/ten
o Express and accept thanks 3.2 – to draw out the main PW
ideas from a short years’ time Notebook
o Computer technology Vocabulary- computer
informational text
4.2 – to write short, technology Individual
 Future tenses : familiar messages -complete the sentences with the correct work Homework
4.4 – to describe a person Portfoli Writing
Future Continuous and or an event regarding
Future Perfect texts
or personal
Listen and read – talk about
 Short answers with the Internet and e-mail
-express and accept
verb +so/not thanks
 Phrasal verbs with Writing– write two letters in different
- complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
- match the sentences halves
FAST REWIND UNITS 18 - use the cues to rewrite the sentences as one sentence
- complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first
Textbook Individual
AND 19 one
- choose the correct prefix
- communication - work in pairs
- progress update

Reading, Speaking,
UNIT 20 - Harry
1.2 – to find out the Textbook Discussion
general meaning of a Individual
Board Grammar
simple message/of an Listening and Writing Exercise
Harry by Rosemary Timperley usual conversation clearly
pronounced, at a normal
- read and listen to the text and answer the
- narrative speed - ghost stories
2.3 – to talk about people, -discuss the questions
Consolidation of language facts and events, using
simple sentences - first person narrative -
skills 3.2 – to draw out the main -write a similar paragraph Textbook
ideas from a short - style in the first person narrative Grammar
Individual Discussion
informational text Speaking, Reading, and book
3.3 – to extract specific work Grammar
Writing Board Homework
information from a text in PW
- explain the picture Notebook
order to solve a simple GW
- suggest the end of the story

IS IT REALLY SPORT ? 4.2 – to write short,

familiar messages
- discuss about particular/ certain sports
that involves animals or birds
4.4 – to describe a person - traditions between preserved and cruelty
or an event regarding - role play Portfoli
texts or personal
experiences - project work – prepare a o
newspaper advertisement about the TV

Final Revision Consolidation

of language
and skills

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