Daily Planning: Plan - Do - Review

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Daily Planning

Plan Do Review
Campus Week Commencing Instructor Name Course Section
Riyadh 5 Ahmed Noor ENG301- 1
Weekly Objective Students will begin to decipher the meanings contained in signs and notices.
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur
By the end of the lesson By the end of the By the end of the lesson By the end of the lesson By the end of the lesson
students will be able to: lesson students will be students will be able to: students will be able to: students will be able to:
able to:
will match descriptions of
Understand signs and people to information
Understand signs and Understand short Will have practiced for
notices based-texts.
Objectives notices messages the PET exam. (Reading
part 1)
As would be written on the

Activities / - Warmer related Warmer- Show Warmer- show students Warmer- complete -Introduce the topic of
Assessments to previous students 2/3 signs and examples of short text two/three tasks from the short courses in further
Describe the activities you
week. (PET ask them what they (ID card / leaflet. Reading part 1. education.
will use to meet the exam) mean.
objectives and assess - Brainstorm what -Elicit examples of short Individual task- What kind of part-time
type of of -brainstorm- Ask texts- emails, street signs, Complete a timed mock courses are available in
signs/notices students to imagine adverts, menus etc. of reading part. Saudi Arabia?
they see outside. they are living for a -Pre teach vocab: Individual task- work Why do people do them?
- Individual task- while in an English- independently on
Where might allergies, nuts, time off, What sort of subjects
speaking country. What EnglishAula.com.
see the current, Human would you like to learn
signs, notices or (teacher will monitor
following signs- Resources, to schedule, which are not in your
instructions might they progress)
(In a street, in a to make a time or an present college
Daily Planning
building, in a see in a supermarket, appointment, to be into curriculum?
park) restaurant, museum, or different hobbies or
- Pair work- Look interests, jewelry, follow- Pre-teach vocab:
at a swimming pool,
at the symbols. up, unemployment, the
railway station, Elicitstudents
Where are you gang.
likely to see- doctors surgery or understandingofkey
Feedback on internet caf -Pair work- read the wordsinthetexttodo
board messages A-F and match witheducationand
-Pair work- Correct the them with the learning,e.g.coaching,
-Read the notices from signs and notices by descriptions 1-6.- qualified,introductory,
the previous Task-Match using the antonyms. Feedback basics,tuition,plusthe
each of the following (feed back on board) namesofthesubjects,e.g.
sentences with one of -Individual task- a list
the notices. If the Squash,IT,Conjuring.
sentence means the
Group work- rearrange of statements about Theymayalsowanttoask
the words to make the six messages. about:shy,court,
same as the notice, write
short messages. The They are in a energetic,phobia,
S; if it means something
quickest team with the vigorous,desserts,
different, write D. different order from
correct answers wins. magician,handson,
Feedback on board the messages. There
-Review on board. -Individual task- Write are two statements
notices to put up in for each message, but Individual task- Match
classroom only one of them is the description of the
correct for each courses with the course
message. Find the name- feed back on
correct statement and board.
write the letter next
to the appropriate Individual task-Read
message. theprofilesofthree
Individual writing tochooseacourse
task- Write an email fromthecollege
message to Tommy programme,butthey
(text D) to tell him arefindingitdifficult.
Daily Planning
that you wont be Helpthemtochoose
able to come to the bycompletingthe
extra training. sentencesaftereach
Apologize, and description.
explain that you
would still like to Pair work- Workin
play in the match pairs.Whichofthese
against Burwater.. courseswouldbethe

Teacher will utilise a

variety of feedback
Feedback Strategies strategies including:
Way you plan on offering
feedback on ways they can
improve their understanding
and abilities Monitoring
Verbal feedback
Written feedback (smart
board/white board)
Daily Planning
Peer correction

Describe the methods you Through effective grouping in the classroom. I will encourage stronger students to work with weaker ones this will allow for peer
intend to use throughout the
week modeling to take place.
I will control my pacing to allow all students to understand the lesson. I will repeat instructions when necessary.
I will ensure I have an extra activity for stronger students who finish their task quickly.

Learner &
Instructor Feedback

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