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(First Year) Basic Electrical Engineering

MCQs Unit 1
1. If the length of a wire of resistance R is uniformly stretched to n times its original value, its
new resistance is, (a) nR (b) R/n (c) n2R (d) R/n2

2. Two wires A and B of the same material and length L and 2L have radius L and 2L
respectively. The ratio of their specific resistance will be,
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2 (c) 1:4 (d) 1:8

3. The current through an electrical conductor is 1 ampere when the temperature of the
conductor is 0oc and 0.7 ampere when the temperature is 100oc. the current when the temperature
of conductor is 1200oc must be

(a) 0.08 amp (b) 0.16 amp (c) 0.32 amp (d) 0.64 amp

4. A length of the wire having resistance of 1 Ω is cut into four equal parts and these four
parts are bundled together side by side to form the wire. The new resistance will be,

(a) 1/4Ω (b) 1/16Ω (c) 4Ω (d) 16Ω

5. The hot resistance of the filament of a bulb is higher than the cold resistance because the
temperature coefficient of the filament is
(a) negative (b) infinite (c) zero (d) positive

6. The insulation resistance of the insulating material should be,

(a) high (b) low (c) zero (d) none of these

7. The resistance of a wire is R ohms; it is stretched to double its length. The new resistance of
the wire in ohms is,

(a) R/2Ω (b) 2RΩ (c) 4RΩ (d) R/4Ω

8. In which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with the increase in
temperature. (a) carbon (b) constantan (c) copper (d) silver

9. The resistance of the wire of uniform diameter d and length l is R. The resistance of another
wire of same material but diameter 2d and length 4l will be,

(a) 2R (b) R (c) R/2 (d) R/4

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10. The temperature coefficient of the resistance of the wire is 0.00125oC. At 300oK, its
resistance is 1 ohm. The resistance of the wire will be 2 ohm at,

(a) 1154 ok (b) 1100 ok (c) 1400 ok (d) 1127 ok

11. The resistance of the 20 cm long wire is 5 ohm. The wire is stretched to a uniform wire of 40
cm length. The resistance (ohm) now will be

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 200

12. The current of 4.8 amps is flowing in a conductor. The number of electrons flowing per
second through the conductor will be,

(a) 3×1019 (b) 76.8×1020 (c) 7.68×1020 (d) 3×1020

13. A carbon resistor has colored strips as brown, green, orange and silver respectively. The
resistance is,

(a) 15kΩ±10% (b) 10kΩ±10% (c) 15kΩ±5% (d) 10kΩ±5%

14. A wire has the resistance of 10Ω. It is stretched by one tenth of its original length. Then its
resistance will be,

(a) 10Ω (b) 12.1Ω (c) 9Ω (d) 11Ω

15. A 10 m long wire of resistance 20 ohm is connected in series with a battery of EMF 3 volts
(with negligible internal resistance) and a resistance of 10 ohms. The potential gradient along the
wire in volt per meter is,

(a) 0.02 (b) 0.1 (c) 0.2 (d) 1.2

16. The diameter of an atom is about,

(a) 10-10 m (b) 10-8 m (c) 10-2 m (d) 10-15 m

17. 1 cm3 of copper at room temperature has about……….. no of free electrons.

(a) 200 (b) 20×1010 (c) 8.5×1022 (d) 3×105

18. The electric current is due to flow of …………..charges.

(a) positive (b) negative (c) both (d) neutral.

19. The quantity of charge that will be transferred by a current flow of 10 amps over 1 hour
period is,

(a) 10C (b) 3.6×104 C (c) 2.4×104 C (d) 1.6×102 C

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20. The drift velocity of the Electrons is of the order of,

(a) 1 m/s (b) 10-3 m/s (c) 106 m/s (d) 3×108 m/s

21. Insulators have…………..temperature coefficient of resistance.

(a) zero (b) positive (c) negative (d) none of these

22. Eureka has almost………….temperature coefficient of resistance.

(a) almost zero (b) positive (c) negative (d) none of these

23. Constantan wire is used to make standard resistance because it has,

(a) low resistivity (b) high resistivity

(c) negligibly small RTC (d) high melting point

24. Two resistors A and B have resistances RA and RB respectively with RA < RB. The
resistivities of the materials are ρA and ρB, then

(a) ρA > ρB (b) ρA = ρB (c) ρA < ρB (d) unable to define

25. in case of liquids, ohms law is………..

(a) fully obeyed (b) partially obeyed

(c) no relation between current and p.d. (d) None of the above

26. Three 9 ohm resistances are connected to form triangle. What is the resistance between any

Two corner

( a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

27. The thickness of insulation provided on the conductor depends on

(a) The magnitude of current flow through it.

(b) The magnitude of the voltage of conductor

(c) both a and b (d) none of above

28. Two heaters A and B are connected in parallel across a suitable supply. The heater A
produces heat 250 Kcal in 10 minutes while the heater B produces 500 kcal in 5 minutes. If the
resistance of heater A is 10 ohm, then the resistance of the heater B is

( a) 1.5 ohm (b) 2.5 ohm (c) 3.5 ohm (d) 4.5 ohm

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29. The electrical energy required to raised the temperature of a given amount of water is 700
Kwh . If heat losses are 30 % the total heat energy required is

( a) 900 kwh (b) 1000 kwh (c) 1100kwh (d) 1200 kwh

30. Five 100 W, 110 V heaters are connected in series across a 400v supply. The total power
consumed by heater under this condition will be

( a) 650 W (b) 540 W (c) 430 W (d) 320W

31. If a 230 v heater is used on 115 v supply , heat produce will be

(a) four times the normal (b) two times the normal

(c) one half of the normal (d) one fourth of the normal

32. For a given line voltage, four heating coil will produce maximum heat when connected

(a) all in series (b) all in parallel

(c ) with two parallel pairs in series (d) one pair in parallel with other two in series

Unit 1 MCQ Answers


1 C 17 c
2 B 18 c
3 B 19 b
4 B 20 b
5 D 21 c
6 A 22 a
7 C 23 c
8 A 24 d
9 B 25 a
10 B 26 C
11 C 27 b
12 A 28 b
13 A 29 b.
14 B 30 d.
15 C 31 d.
16 A 32 b.

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Unit 2 objective questions
1. When a current carrying conductor is brought into magnetic field, the force that moves the
Conductor depends upon
a. Direction of current c. Value of current
b. Length of conductor d. None of the these
2. Two current carrying conductors laying parallel to each other are exerting a force of attraction
on each other. The current are
a. Very high c. Low
b. In opposite direction d. In same direction
3. Two conductors are laying parallel and close to each other. They are carrying current in opposite
direction . The force between them is
a. Repulsive b. Attractive c. Zero d. None of above
4. Permeance is analogous to
a. Resistance b. Reluctance c. Conductance d. None of above
5. When a coil consisting of single turn rotates at a uniform speed in magnetic field, the induced
emf is
a. Steady b. Alternating c. Changing d. Reversing
6. The emf induced in a conductor of length 1 meter moving at right angles to a uniform magnetic
field of flux density 1.5 Wb/m square with velocity 50 m/s is
a. 0v b. 1.5v c. 75v d. 100v
7. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. Whenever the flux linking with the coil or circuit change , an emf is induced.
b. The direction of dynamically induced emf can be determined by Fleming’s right hand rule.
c. The coefficient of self inductance is proportional to the square of number of turns on it.
d. Coefficient of coupling for tightly coupled coil is zero.
8. The coefficient of self inductance of a coil is defined as
a. φ/NI b. NI/φ c. N /I d. ΦI/N
9. The induced emf in a coil of 0.08 mH carrying 2 A current reversed in 0.4 s is
a. 0.4 v b. 0.008 v c. 0.16 v d. 0.064 v
10. An iron cored coil of 10 turns has reluctance of 100 AT/wb. The inductance of the coil is
a. 0.1H b. 1 H c. 10 H d. 2 H
11. A coil of radius R has 400 turns and a self inductance of 32 mH. The inductance of similar coil of
300 turns will be
a. 4.8 A b. 0.1A c. 1.5A d. 2.2A
12. The self inductance of two coils are 3 H and 27 H. They are so wound that 50 % of the flux of one
coil links the other. The mutual inductance is
a. 4.5H b. 24H c. 10H d. 30H
13. The two coils have self inductance of 0.09 H and 0.01 H and a mutual inductance of 0.015 H. The
coefficient of coupling between coil is
a. 0.5 b. 1.0 c. 0.05 d. 0.75

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14. Two coils X and Y are placed in a circuit such that a current changes by 2 A in coil X and the
magnetic flux change of 0.4 Wb occurs in coil Y. The mutual inductance of coil is
a. 0.8H b. 1.6H c. 0.2H d. 1H
15. Mutual inductance between two coils is 4 H . If current in one coil changes at a rate of 2 A/s,
then Emf induced in the other coil is
a. 8 v b. 1v c. 2v d. 0.5 v
16. Relative permeability of vacuum is
a. 4ℿ x 10 -7 H/m b. 1 H/m c. 1 d. 1/4ℿ
17. Unit of magnetic flux is Weber
a. Weber b. Ampere turn c. Tesla d. Coulomb
18. Point out the wrong statement-
The magnetizing force at the centre of a circular coil varies
a. Directly as the number of its turns c. Directly as radius
b. Directly as the current d. D inversely as its radius.
19. When a magnet is heated
a. Its gain magnetism c. Its neither gain nor loss the magnetism
b. Its loss magnetism d. None of the above
20. The magnetic material used in permanent magnet is
a. Iron b. Soft steel c. Nickel d. Hard steel
21. The magnetic material used in temporary magnet is
a. Hard steel b. Cobalt steel c. Soft iron d. Tungsten steel
22. Magnetic flux density is a
a. Vector quantity b. Scalar quantity c. Phasor d. None of the above
23. The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic material is 1000 its absolute permeability will be
a. 106 H/m b. 4ℿ x 10-3 H/m c. 4ℿ x 10-11 H/m d. None of the above
24. The main advantages of temporary magnet is that we can
a. change the magnetic flux c. decrease the hysteresis loss
b. use any magnetic material d. None of the above
25. One weber is equal to
a. 106 b. 1012 c. 107 d. 108
26. Magnetic field intensity is a
a. Scalar quantity b. Vector quantity c. Phasor d. None of the above
27. When the relative permeability of material is slightly less than 1, it is called a
a. Diamagnetic material c. Ferromagnetic material
b. Paramagnetic material d. None of the above
28. When the relative permeability of material is much greater than 1, it is called a
a. Diamagnetic material c. Ferromagnetic material
b. Paramagnetic material d. None of the above
29. The source of magnetic field is
a. An isolated magnetic pole c. Magnetic substances
b. Static electric charge d. Current loop
30. A magnetic needle is kept in a uniform magnetic field. It experience

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a. A force and a torque c. A torque but not force
b. A force but not a torque d. Neither a torque nor a force
31. The unit of pole strength is
a. A/m2 b. Am c. A m2 d. Wb/ m2
32. AT/m is the unit of
a. Mmf b. Reluctance c. Magnetizing force d. Magnetic flux density
33. A magnetic needle is kept in a non uniform magnetic field. It experiences
a. A force and a torque c. A torque but not force
b. A force but not a torque d. Neither a torque nor a force
34. Magnetic flux passes more readily through
a. Air b. Wood c. Vacuum d. Iron
35. Demagnetizing of magnet can be done by
a. Rough handling. b. Heating c. Magnetizing in opposite direction d. All the above
36. magnetic circuit has mmf of 400 AT and a reluctance of 2X10 AT/wb. The magnetic flux in the
magnetic circuit is
a. 3 X 10-5 Wb b. 2 X 10-3 Wb c. 1.5 x 10-2 Wb d. 2.5 X 10-4 Wb
37. A 2 Cm long coil has 10 turns and carries a current of 750 m A . The magnetizing force of the coil
a. 225 AT/m b. 675AT/m c. 450 AT/m d. 375 AT/m
38. The reluctance of a magnetic circuit is ………. Relative permeability of the material comprising
the circuit.
a. Directly proportional to c. Independent of
b. Inversely proportional to d. None of the above
39. MMF in a magnetic circuit corresponding to ……………. In an electric circuit.
a. Voltage drop b. Potential difference c. Electric intensity d. Emf
40. The magnitude of AT required for air gap is much greater than that required for iron part of
magnetic circuit because…..
a. A i r i s g as c. Air is a conductor of magnetic flux
b. Air has the lowest relative permeability d. None of the above
41. The reluctance of the magnetic circuit depends upon
a. Current in the coil c. Flux density in the circuit
b. Number of turns of coil d. None of the above
42. The B- H curves Curve of ……… will not be a straight line
a. Air b. Soft iron c. Harden steel d. Silicon steel
43. Whatever may be the flux density in ……….. the material will never saturate.
a. Soft iron b. Cobalt steel c. air d. Silicon steel
44. The B-H curve of …… will not be a straight line.
a. air b. copper c. wood d. soft iron
45. The B-H curve is used to find the mmf of ……. In a magnetic circuit.
a. Air gap b. Iron path c. Both air gap and iron part d. None of the above
46. The material used for the core of a good relay should have …….. hysteresis loop
a. Large b. Very large c. Narrow d. None of the above

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47. The magnetic material used for ………. Should have a large hysteresis loop
a. Transformer b. Dc generator c. Ac motors d. Permanent magnet
48. The basic requirement for inducing emf in a coil is that
a. Flux should link the coil c. Coil should form a closed loop
b. There should be change in flux linking the coil. d. None of the above
49. The emf induced in the coil of N turns is given by ……..
a. dφ/dt b. N dφ/dt c. - N dφ/dt d. N dt/dφ
50. The direction of the induced emf in a conductor (or coil ) can be determine by ……….
a. Work law b. Ampere’s law c. Fleming,s right hand rule d. Flemin,s left hand rule
51. The emf induced in a ………. Is the statically induced emf.
a. Dc generator b. Transformer c. Dc motor d. None of the above
52. The emf induced in a ……………. Is dynamically induced emf.
a. Alternator b. Transformer c. Dc generator d. None of the above
53. Inductance apposes ……. In the current in a circuit.
a. Only increases b. Only decreases c. Change d. None of the above
54. If the relative permeability of the material surrounding the coil is increased, the inductance of
the coil…………….
a. Is increased b. Is decreased c. Remains unchanged d. None of the above
55. Inductance in the circuit…
a. Prevents the current from changing c. Causes power loss
b. Delays the change in current d. Causes the current to lead the voltage
56. The inductance of a coil is ….. the reluctance of magnetic path.
a. Independent c. Inversely proportional
b. Directly proportional d. None of the above
57. If the number of turns of a coil is increased two times, its inductance is ……………..
a. Increased two times c. Decreased four times
b. Decreased two times d. Increased four times
58. The direction of electromagnetically induced emf is determined by _____ or ____.
a.Current, Voltage b.Field, Voltage c. Field, Current d.Field, strengt
59. _____ can be used to obtain the direction of induced e.m.f.
a. Fleminig’s right hand rule b. Fleminig’s left hand rule c. Lenz’s law d.Right hand thumb rule
60. As per Lenzes law the induced emf will always oppose the _______ for inducing the emf.
a. Voltage responsibility c. Cause responsibility
b. Current responsibility d. Field responsibility
61. A coil of 100 turns is linked by a flux of 20mWb. If this flux is reversed in a time of 2 msec,
calculate the average e.m.f induced in the coil.
a. e=200V b. e=2000V c. e=20V d. e=2V
62. The self induced emf will last only till the ________ the coil is charging with time.
a. Voltage across b. Current through C. resistance of d. Inductance of
63. This property of the coil to oppose any change in current flowing through it is known as the
a. Self inductance c. Resistance

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b. Mutual Inductance d. Reluctance
64. The co-efficient of coupling is also called as _______.
a. Magnetic coupling co-efficient c. Mutual coupling co-efficient
b. Cross coupling d. Loose coupling
65. The maximum value of co-efficient of coupling k is _____.
a. Infinity b. one c. 0.5 d. -1
66. Two identical coil have self inductance of 0.3H each and coupling co-efficient of 0.8. The M=___.
a. 0.072H b.0.024H c. 0.072mH d. 0.024mH
67. It is _____ to define the path of magnetic flux.
a.Possible b. Mandary c. Not possible d. Eas

Answers Basic Electrical Engineering unit 2

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B

6. c 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B

11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. A

16. C 17 A 18 A 19 B 20 D

21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. D

26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C

31. B 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. D

36. B 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. B

41. C 42 A 43. C 44. D 45. B

46. C 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. D

51. B 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. B

56. C 57. D 58. C 59. A 60 C

61. B 62. B 63. A 64. A 65. B

66. B 67. C

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