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MOMENTO Revista de Física, No.

56E, Abril 2018 54





Eduardo V. Ludeña1,2, Mauricio Cornejo1,2, Haci Baykara1,2, Dick

Zambrano1,3, Peter Iza1,3, Darío Arroyo1,2, Javier Corregidor1,2
Center of Research and Development in Nanotechnology, CIDNA, Escuela Superior Politécnica del
Litoral, ESPOL, Km 30.5 vía Perimetral, Campus G. Galindo, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
School of Mechanical Engineering and Production Science, FIMCP, ESPOL, Km 30.5 via Perimetral,
Campus Gustavo Galindo, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Physics, FCNM, ESPOL, Km 30.5 Via
Perimetral, Campus Gustavo Galindo, Guayaquil Ecuador.

(Recibido: Noviembre/2017. Aceptado: Enero/2018)

Consideramos algunas aplicaciones de la nanotecnología a la
industria petrolera a nivel mundial y discutimos, en particular,
algunas aplicaciones recientes en Colombia. Consideramos
algunas aplicaciones potenciales de la nanotecnología en la
industria petrolera del Ecuador y describimos en forma sucinta
un proyecto para diseñar, sintetizar, caracterizar y probar
catalizadores basados en nano estructuras para la industria
petrolera ecuatoriana. Discutimos algunas perspectivas y
dificultades relacionadas con estas aplicaciones.
Palabras Clave: Nanotecnología, industria petrolera, proyecto de
catalizadores en Ecuador.

We consider some applications of nanotechnology to the oil
industry worldwide and in particular we discuss some recent
applications in Colombia. We consider some potential
applications of nanotechnology to the oil industry in Ecuador and
succinctly describe a project to design, synthesize, characterize
and test nanostructure-based catalysts for the Ecuadorian oil

Eduardo V. Ludeña: [email protected]

Nanotechnology and the oil industry: Potential Applications In Ecuador 55

industry. We discuss perspectives and difficulties related to these

Keywords: Nanotechnology, oil industry, catalyst project in Ecuador.

The impressive development of nano science and nanotechnology during the last
three decades has had and will continue to have an important impact in many
areas of industry and manufacturing. These areas may be roughly cataloged as:
medical/pharmaceutical, chemical/advanced materials, information and
communication technologies, energy, automotive, textiles and agriculture [1]. Of
course, these areas involve many specialized subareas. For example, in
agriculture we have agricultural production comprising: nutrient, plant
hormones, agricultural waste treatment. In medicine: new nano ways of detecting
and curing tumors, new drugs and nano drug delivery methods. A sub-branch of
the energy area is oil drilling and refining, just to mention a few related activities
[2]. Although it took some time for nanotechnology to reap benefits from market
production its potential to change manufacturing was already appreciated quite
early. As to its impact on oil industry already in 2006, Krishnamoorti predicted:
“… nanotechnology is an enabler that has proved to be a game changer for
exploiting fossil-based fuels and, over the next 30 years, will be a critical
component in developing fossil-based energy technologies” [3].

Nanoscience emerges from the realization that as size diminishes to the order of
nanometers, quantum effects become predominant. As a consequence, it is
observed that the properties of bulk matter no longer characterize those of
nanoparticles. Besides, as quite perspicuously noticed by Feynman [4], “There‘s
plenty of room at the bottom”, meaning that the size of nano-objects is such as to
provide the means to construct devices and structures of uncanny complexity and
minimal size. Of course, nature has already endowed us with the outcome of such
complexity by creating living structures out of the nano-molecules of life.
Hand by hand, nano science and nanotechnology are changing the face of the
world. Nano science by creating the theoretical tools and the crucial experiments
to provide an understanding of the quantum phenomena taking place in nano
systems, and nanotechnology by setting up the instruments for the synthesis,
development and handling of nano structures. A short list of the latter embraces,
for example: nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanoporous materials, fullerenes,
graphenes, quantum dots, nanostructured materials, nanofibers, nanocapsules,
nanofilms, nanofluids, etc.
In Section II, we concentrate on reviewing some of the current and prospective
applications of nanotechnology to different processes taking place in the oil
56 Eduardo V. Ludeña et al.

industry. In Section III, we comment on recent regional applications such as those

being implemented in Colombia. Finally, in Section IV, we discuss on
prospective applications in Ecuador, describe the innovative catalyst project
presented by ESPOL, and advance some conclusions.

Nanotechnology in the Oil and Gas Industry

Let us start by quoting Coccuzza et al. [5], on some general reflections on this
matter: “Nanotech applications in the oil industry are not completely new:
nanoparticles have been successfully used in drilling muds for the past 50 years.
Only recently all the other key areas of the oil industry, such as exploration,
primary and assisted production, monitoring, refining and distribution, are
approaching nanotechnologies as the potential Philosopher's stone for facing
critical issues related to remote locations (such as ultra-deep water and artic
environments), harsh conditions (high-temperature and high-pressure
formations), nonconventional reservoirs (heavy oils, tight gas, tar sands). “

The oil industry has undergone a quiet but substantial transformation due to some
factors among which we may highlight the increase in oil consumption brought
about by the rapid industrial development of countries such as China, India,
Brazil, etc. Also, according to the US Department of Energy (DOE) about two-
thirds of the oil remains un-extracted (cited by Coccuzza et al. [5]). The increase
in oil demand requires tapping this reserve. This is not an easy technical problem.
Actually, its solution involves the development of enhanced oil recovery
techniques which, in turn, rely on nanotechnology. Moreover, many reservoirs
are located at considerable depths. Deep-drilling extraction techniques have been
developed. But, for example, the usual sensing devices and images which work
under milder conditions are not functional at high temperatures and pressures and
so, new techniques, generally involving nanosensors, have to be resorted to.
Hydraulic fracturing of shales, or fracking, has also opened previously untapped
resources into production and has spurred the development of new techniques.
Finally, environmental regulations have imposed much stricter standards on oil
and gas derivatives and have promoted research on new catalysts also based on
nano techniques for the removal of, for example, sulfur-containing compounds.

In general, strong and stable materials are needed in most processes employed in
the oil and gas industry. There is, therefore, an important area of applications for
nano materials designed and built to have these properties. For instance,
nanoparticles of silicon carbide can be used to create exceptionally hard materials
[6]. Similarly, there are many other examples of nanomaterials such as
nanotubes, nanoporous materials, nanostructured materials, nanofibers, etc.,
which have been found useful in the oil and gas industry.
Nanotechnology and the oil industry: Potential Applications In Ecuador 57

As reported by Kong and Ohadi [7], the need for the implementation of
technological solutions to the problems facing the oil and gas industry prompted
cooperation between academia and industry. To this purpose, the Advanced
Energy Consortium (AEC) was set up in the US in 2008. The leading oil and
service companies, such as BP, ConocoPhillips, Shell, Total and Schlumberger
participated in this venture.

Some of the main areas of collaboration between the oil and gas industry and
nanotechnology centers are listed below (for a more exhaustive and detailed
description of these issues, see [6-14]):

1. Exploration
a. Improved techniques for remote sensing and improved resolution of
subsurface imaging (nanosensors).
b. Controlled mobility of injectants and particle agglomeration (nano
2. Drilling
a. Increased strength, longevity and resistance to corrosion of drilling
components (nanomaterials and coatings).
b. Light density and high strength cements, hermetic seals (nano
materials and coatings).
c. Improved drilling fluids (nanofluids and nano membranes).
3. Production
a. In situ sensing (nanosensors)
b. Chemical detection (nanosensors)
c. Enhanced measurements in the borehole (nanosensors)
d. Leak detection and location in pipelines, downhole (nanosensors)
4. Enhanced oil recovery
a. Removal of oil droplets from pores in rocks (nanoparticles).
b. Removal of asphaltenes from pores in rocks (nanoparticles,
c. In-situ heavy oil upgrading and recovery enhancement (nano
5. Refining and processing
a. Oil refining (nano catalysts, mesoporous materials).
b. Removal of toxic or harmful substance from oil- derivatives (nano-
catalysts, nano-filters).

Of course, not all applications of nanotechnology to processes occurring in the

oil and gas industry are successful. The systems are so highly complex that
harnessing the variables to optimize the nano application is, indeed, a great
challenge. In this vein, let us quote Friedheim et al., [8]. “Initial studies have
been producing interesting and exciting data, one example is the nanoparticle
used to prevent water invasion into shales. More studies will be needed on
58 Eduardo V. Ludeña et al.

nanotechnology and applications the area of drilling fluids. Nanotechnology has

potential uses due to the physical properties intrinsic to these materials.
Additionally, the potential for modifications leading to new materials with unique
properties is endless. Nevertheless, several considerations such as viscosity
effect, flocculation tendencies and [Health, Safety and Environmental], HS&E,
profiles must be addressed before any decision to use nanotechnology solution in
a drilling fluid.”

Nanotechnology Applications to Enhanced Oil Recovery in

Oil prices plummeted from 2014 on due to overproduction mainly caused by
the incorporation of oil extracted by fracking from new shale reservoirs. This
led to a worldwide reduction of production in oil fields which were no longer
profitable due to the price collapse.

Of course, the profitability of any industry depends on the gap between

production and market prices of the goods offered. However, when the
market price cannot be changed, the smart answer is to reduce the production
price. This is precisely the response given by Colombian oil and gas industry
which reframed its goals by directing its investment toward strategies based
on new technologies in order to improve the industry´s effectiveness. [15].

As we have mentioned in this short review, a significan portion of the new

technologies having bearing on the oil and gas industry are founded on
nanotechnology. The reason clearly emerges from the exceptional properties
of nanoparticles. In addition, for processes involving the recovery of oil from
micro pores in the rocks, namely, enhanced oil recovery, [16] the fact that
nanoparticles are of the size from 1 to 100 nanometers allows them to freely
flow through porous media without the danger of clogging the pores. Besides,
nanoparticles show a highly increased ratio of surface area vs. volume, a
property which renders them very active for catalytic purposes. For enhanced
oil recovery, for example, nanoparticles have been used in order to change
the wettability of the rock surfaces and to reduce the surface tension between
water and oil interfaces. In addition, the use of surfactant and polymer
mixtures can efficiently contribute to the removal of asphaltenes in heavy oil
wells [9].

The use of nanotechnology and a concerted effort between academia and

industry has been a successful story in the Colombian oil and gas industry.
Let us quote to this purpose the conclusions set forward by Franco et al., [15]
“Nanotechnology-based developments in Colombia have shown great
potential for increasing the efficiency of different operations in the oil and
Nanotechnology and the oil industry: Potential Applications In Ecuador 59

gas industry. Experimental efforts conducted by the academic sector have

resulted in the realization of different nanoparticles and nanofluids specially
designed according to the problem of interest. Thus, it can be said that the
synthesis of smart fluids and particles is currently a reality. Approaches for
formation damage inhibition have led to the expansion of these nano-based
solutions in various wells and several fields in the country. NEOR
[Nanoparticles/nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery] approximations are
aligned with the current needs of the national oil and gas industry, and the
academic sector is prepared for the challenges involved.”

In order to place the present discussion in a proper perspective, we present in

Table 1, some comparative data concerning some oil-related facts plus the
Gross Domestic Product, GDP, for Colombia and Ecuador. For comparison,
Venezuela has also been included as a country in Latin America possessing
very extensive oil resources.

Oil Oil GDP
Proven Oil Exports
Oil Production Demand Exports (USD
Country Reserves (USD
(1000 b/d) (1000 (1000 10 6 /y)
(million b) 10 9 /y)
b/d) b/d) **

Colombia 2,002 883.3 324.4 613.5 8.0 282,357

Ecuador 8,273 549.0 247.0 414.7 5.1 98,0010

Venezuela 302,250 2,372.5 566.2 1,835.0 20.4 236,443

Source: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin 2017; * Source: World’s Top Exports,
http://www.worldstopexports.com/worlds-top-oil-exports-country/; ** Source:
TABLE 1. Comparative Chart of Oil-Related Data vs Gross Domestic Product, GDP 2016.

Nanotechnology Projects for the Oil Industry in Ecuador

In Ecuador, the story is quite the opposite. In the first place there has been
little interaction between academia and the oil sector, which is mostly
controlled by the State-owned Petroecuador and PetroAmazonas. In addition,
there are no research and development departments in these companies. There
have been some isolated actions such as the installation by PetroEcuador of
some equipment for catalyst characterization at the School of Chemical
Engineering at the Central University of Ecuador and a training course in
catalyst modeling given in Petroecuador by one of the authors of the present
work (EV Ludeña). However, to our knowledge, there has been no sustained
60 Eduardo V. Ludeña et al.

and significant interaction with academia. There have been, nevertheless,

outsourcing contracts for specific tasks related to oil production with service
companies such as Schlumberger.

Aware of the importance both of applications of nano catalysts to the oil

industry and the fact that Ecuador imports all of its catalysts, in 2016, the
Center of Research and Development in Nanotechnology, CIDNA, of the
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, ESPOL, presented a project to the
Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología,
SENESCYT, the National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Higher
Education, whose title was: “Design, modelling and synthesis of novel
catalysts for the oil industry”. The purpose and scope of this project are given
below, by quoting from the document submitted to SENESCYT:

“This Project focuses on the design, synthesis and testing of catalysts for
hydrodesulfurization, HDS, processes [17] used in national refineries,
promoting the change of the productive matrix and consolidating the
technological sovereignty and efficiency of the strategic sectors. In this sense,
it is aligned with Objectives 10 and 11 of the Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir,
PNBV, (see below), and in particular policies 10.1, 10.2 and 11.1 and its
policies 10.1f, 10.2a, 10.2 and 11.1f of the PNBV, as it will provide
Ecuadorian society with novel catalysts made with our own technology and
tailored to the country's refineries. In recent research [18] conducted by the
proponent group it was found that structures isolated from sulfides containing
Nb and V provide a viable alternative for the generation of HDS catalysts.
The results of this research will be obtained through: 1. - Theoretical design
of the structures of modified catalysts with niobium, Nb, and vanadium, V,
through the combination of theoretical simulation techniques. 2. - Synthesis
of the best prospects obtained in the theoretical design stage. 3. -
Characterization and tests in micro reactors of the synthesized catalysts. As a
result, at least one catalyst prototype based on Nb and V, suitable for the HDS
process, will be obtained in the conversion of distillates, residuals, heavy
crudes and fuels using domestic raw materials for both the catalyst and the
support. The socio-economic impact would be the reduction of imports of
catalysts, replacing them with a local alternative and the use of trained local
personnel.” (PNBV is “El Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir”, or “National Plan
for Good Living”, a document on policy priorities published by the
government of Ecuador).

As an example of the kind of simulation of novel catalysts that is being

performed in the context of this project, we present a graphical display of the
type of nano structure of promoted niobium sulfide catalyst that has been
used. In Fig. 1 we show a slab made up of 20 Nb atoms interconnected by a
network of 40 sulfur atoms. In Fig 2 we show a graph of just the first two
Nanotechnology and the oil industry: Potential Applications In Ecuador 61

upper rows of the slab, which in this case consists of 16 Nb atoms (in the four
lower rows), of 4 V atoms (in the upper row) and 38 S atoms connecting the
metal atoms. This slab has been used to determine the stability of the
nanostructure subject to hydrogenation on the sulfur edge under working
refinery conditions: 650K and a pressure ratio pH2S/PH2 of 0.05. By an
exhaustive modeling of a large number of structures, the relative stabilities
brought about by the inclusion of promoting transition metal atoms is

FIGURE 1. Schematic view of the slab of NbS 2

FIGURE 2. Schematic view of the 100V 75S corresponding to a 100 % replacement of the
first row with V and a sulfur coverage of 75% on the sulfur edge of the slab.
62 Eduardo V. Ludeña et al.

The above project, having passed the technical and economic evaluation by
SENESCYT was finally not funded as a result of a negative review on its
relevance by reviewers from one of the state-owned oil companies. Clearly,
a more proactive collaboration between academia and the state-owned
companies in Ecuador, would be desirable to set up common goals. This
might also help to avoid practices such as those recently revealed by the press
[19]. In the absence of open calls for projects during the present year, the
project has been reintroduced to the consideration of the Secretary- General

Summing up: Ecuador is in the same condition as Colombia concerning the

many problems related to lower oil prices. For this reason, it should follow
Colombia’s example and promote a strong connection between industry and
academia (which not necessarily has to be local) for applying nanotechnology
to the problems inherent to the local oil industry. Ecuador should create a
Petroleum and Energy Institute to foster and canalize research and to update
scientific applications of nanotechnology and other fields to the oil industry.
Engagement with the private sector in these endeavors might help to enhance
transparency in management and reduce improper use of resources.

Nanotechnology offers many actual and possible solutions to problems that
emerge when the oil and gas industries have to depart from the traditional
methods of drilling, refining and recovering. In fact, as a result of a combined
effort involving academic research centers, industrial labs and field
applications, some novel processes, materials and instruments which heavily
rely on nanotechnology, have been developed.

Nanotechnology has the power to contribute to optimization and cost

lowering in many of the areas making up the oil and gas industries. Hence,
it can be used to mitigate some of the effects of price collapse and ensure
adequate revenues for countries whose economy depends substantially on oil
production. This has been the case of Colombia, where a wise use of
nanotechnology has been crucial to maintaining a profitable production.

In Ecuador very little effort has been invested in the inclusion of

nanotechnology in the oil industry. There is a dire need to incorporate
nanotechnological solutions in the industry as well as to tighten relations
between the industry and existing research groups. The creation of a
petroleum and energy institute to monitor these efforts would be highly
Nanotechnology and the oil industry: Potential Applications In Ecuador 63

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