Identification and Salinity Tolerance of The Western Hemisphere Mussel Mytella

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Identification and Salinity Tolerance of the Western Hemisphere Mussel Mytella

charruana (D'Orbigny, 1842) in the Philippines

Author(s): Michael A. Rice, Paul D. Rawson, Ashley D. Salinas and Westly R. Rosario
Source: Journal of Shellfish Research, 35(4):865-873.
Published By: National Shellfisheries Association

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Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 35, No. 4, 865–873, 2016.




Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Rhode Island, 9 East Alumni
Ave., Kingston, RI 02881; 2School of Marine Sciences, 220 Murray Hall, University of Maine, Orono,
ME 04469; 3National Integrated Fisheries Technology and Development Center, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Bliss Rd., Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City 2400, Philippines

ABSTRACT Beginning in 2014, mussels have been found by shellfishers in parts of the Philippines that are morphologically
distinct from native mytilids. These mussels, with a thick black periostracum, were first found in Manila Bay near an international
shipping port, and later in 2014 appeared in western Tambac Bay (approximately 16.28° N, 119.9° E). The next year (July 2015),
they were found near the village of Tucok (Dagupan City; 16.0272° N, 120.3147° E), and more recently (early 2016) they have been
observed in Longos, San Fabian, Pangasinan (16.1887, 120.4043). About 50 mussels from Tucok were preserved in 95% ethanol
and sent to the University of Maine for genetic evaluation. Sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I polymerase chain
reaction products identified the nonnative mussels as Mytella charruana, the charru mussel, native to the tropical Caribbean and
western Pacific coasts of South America. Further analysis indicates that populations on the Caribbean Coast of South America
are the likely source of the Philippine charru mussels. Two salinity tolerance experiments were also conducted; in the first
experiment, Philippine charru mussels were conditioned at salinity 5 (similar to the salinity of the collection site) for 7 days, then
subjected to a salinity shock by directly transferring them to different salinity levels (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35) for 12 days. In the
second experiment, replicate groups of mussels were conditioned in 30 salinity, then for each replicate, salinity was gradually
increased by five increments every 5 days until all mussels had died. In both the experiments, all mussels survived at salinities below
35. In the rapid salinity change trial, byssus formation was absent in mussels subjected to salinity 35 shock, and all mussels in this
treatment died before the end of the experiment. In the acclimation trial, some mussels survived to salinity 60, but were inactive,
and all died when salinity reached 65. These salinity shock and acclimation trials suggest that charru mussels may be best suited to
Philippine waters during and after the monsoonal rainy seasons when salinities are routinely below 35, and may be spread among
different estuaries via larval transport during the monsoonal rainy season. On the basis of these criteria, charru mussels may be
a potential species for aquaculture complementing the culture of the native Perna viridis, a species with a higher preferred salinity
that is traditionally cultured in the dry season.

KEY WORDS: Mytella charruana, mtCO1, charru mussel, Philippines, exotic species, salinity tolerance

INTRODUCTION found in the Calmay River Estuary (16.0263° N, 120.3136° E)

near the village of Tucok (Dagupan City), with subsequent
Beginning in early 2014, shellfishers in the region of Bacoor
reports of them being found in late 2015 in Paombong, Bulacan
Bay (14.46° N, 120.89° E) near the Towns of Kawit and
Province in northern Manila Bay (14.7548° N, 120.7620° E),
Binakayan in the province of Cavite in Manila Bay were finding
and in the estuary of Ternate, Cavite (14.2951° N, 120.7164° E)
unusual mussels that were different from the familiar native
at the mouth of Manila Bay, and in January 2016 in Longos,
Philippine mytilids, Perna viridis, Modiolus philippinarum and
San Fabian, Pangasinan (16.1887° N, 120.4043° E).
Modiolus modulaides (¼Modiolus metcalfei). These mussels
This study aimed to use a DNA-barcoding approach to
attained moderately large sizes as adults, ranging from 5 to
identify this mussel, and reporting herein, it was determined
7 cm in valve length, and had a thick black periostracum similar
that this new Philippine mussel is the charru mussel Mytella
to that observed for mussels in the Mytilus edulis species
charruana. In addition to identifying this species, the purpose of
complex found in more northern waters of Asia (Inoue et al.
this study is to provide information on the source populations
1997). The northern area of Bacoor Bay is the location of the
and explore the environmental tolerances and invasion poten-
port facilities of Cavite City, which includes the primary naval
tial for Philippine M. charruana. On the basis of mussel growth
base for the Philippines and docking for numerous international
and times of appearance, the period of greatest dispersion and
seagoing vessels. This suggests that ballast water discharges
recruitment for M. charruana in the Philippines appears to be
from vessels may have been a mechanism for the initial in-
in the months after the seasonal southwest monsoon as salinity
troduction of this exotic mussel to Philippine waters. Sub-
in the estuaries gradually rises. Salinity is one of the most vital
sequent to the initial sightings in Bacoor Bay, these unusual
abiotic factors contributing to the temporal and spatial distri-
mussels were observed 230 km to the north of Manila Bay in
bution and survival of marine bivalve species (Dame 1996);
western Tambac Bay (16.2778° N, 119.9248° E) of Pangasinan
their distribution is profoundly affected by salinity as a result
Province by July 2014; transport to this new location was
of their limited mobility (Castagna & Chanley 1973). Thus,
possibly by local shipping activities. In early 2015, they were
salinity tolerance experiments were conducted to help deter-
mine whether this mesohaline/polyhaline, nonnative aquatic
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] species could thrive once introduced to habitats in the Philip-
DOI: 10.2983/035.035.0415 pines characterized by seasonally varying salinity levels, and


whether an extended acclimation process would facilitate their resamplings was used to estimate the significance attached to
survival. This information about salinity tolerance may allow each node of the resulting phylogeny.
prediction of areas in Philippine estuaries that may be colo- Two highly divergent mtCOI sequences and three chromato-
nized, and may also aid in the assessment of potential aquacul- grams with numerous overlapping peaks were obtained. Marine
ture sites for this species. mussels in the family Mytilidae have a complex pattern of
doubly uniparental inheritance (Zouros et al. 1992, Rawson &
MATERIALS AND METHODS Hilbish 1995, Zouros, 2000), in which there are separately
transmitted female and male mitochondrial DNA lineages.
Genetic Studies
While most individuals carry female mtDNA (f-mtDNA) in
their somatic tissues, male mussels have a second lineage
Fifty of the exotic mussels collected from the Barangay (m-mtDNA) that is retained from the sperm and amplified in
Tucok site in Dagupan City on the Calmay River were pre- the gonad, which develops in the mantle, and is passed on to their
served in 95% ethanol and sent to the University of Maine for sons. Thus, it is not surprising to pick up overlapping sequences
genetic evaluation. Genomic DNA was isolated from a small when genomic DNA is isolated from the mantle in mytilids and
(;20–30 mg) portion of the mantle tissue of 10 individual used in PCR reactions targeting mitochondrial genes. Basic
mussels using a QIAamp DNA Minikit, following the manu- Local Alignment Search Tool searches to GenBank with the
facturers protocol (Qiagen Inc.). Quality and concentration of ;650 bp of unambiguous mtCOI sequence from the two
DNA were estimated by comparison with 200 ng of Hind III divergent sequences lacking overlapping peaks indicated these
mass ladder (New England BioLabs) run in parallel with the 5 ml sequences had 93% identity to bases 1–542 of two m-mtCOI
of the recovered DNA on a 1% agarose gel. A polymerase chain haplotypes from Mytella charruana reported by Alves et al.
amplification reactions were used to generate a ;720-bp (2012). Two m-mtCOI sequences (M. charruana Phil-2 and M.
fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) charruana Phil-3) and initial f-mtCOI sequence were aligned
gene using the primers LCO1490 (5#-GGTCAACAAATCA- with the M. charruana haplotypes given above, along with the
TAAAGATATTGG-3#) and HCO2198 (5#-TAAACTT- two m-mtCOI haplotypes reported by Alves et al. (2012). As
CAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3#; Folmer et al. 1994) mentioned earlier, an unrooted neighbor-joining tree was
from each DNA sample. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) estimated using MEGA6 (Tamura et al. 2013). A bootstrap
were performed in 25 ml volumes and contained 1 ml of DNA analysis with 500 resamplings was used to estimate the signifi-
extract, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 mM of each dNTP (Invitrogen), cance attached to each node of the resulting phylogeny.
0.5 mM each primer, 1 U of Taq polymerase (Invitrogen) in 13 The sequences were aligned for both m- and f-mtCOI
PCR buffer supplied by the manufacturer. The reaction condi- lineages with all of those available on GenBank for Mytella
tions included an initial denaturation step at 94°C for 2 min, charruana. In this alignment, we could not confirm the accuracy
followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 20 s, 42°C for 30 s, and 72°C of the f-mtCOI lineage-specific primers reported in the work of
for 2 min with a final extension step of 72°C for 10 min. The Gillis et al. (2009). Thus, the primers Mytel fCO1FOR (5#-
resulting PCR products were spin column purified using a Pure- TTTTCTAAAAAACGAAAGCTTGTAT-3#) and Mytel
Link Quick PCR Purification Kit (Invitrogen) following the fCO1REV (5#-GGAACCGAAATAATTAACAGAACA-3#)
manufacturers protocol. The purified PCR products were were designed to specifically amplify female-lineage haplotypes.
direct, cycle sequenced with the original PCR primers using Although these primers amplify a PCR product that is only
a BigDye v3.1 Kit [Applied Biosystems (ABI)] and an ABI 462 bp in size, they distinguish f- and m-mtCOI sequences within
3130XL Genetic Analyzer. The resulting chromatograms were M. charruana. These primers were used in PCR reactions
visualized using the program FinchTV ( following the protocol given above, with the exception that the
Upon obtaining 660 bp of unambiguous mtCOI sequence for annealing temperature was increased to 50°C. From these
one exotic Philippine mussel, Basic Local Alignment Search reactions, 397 bp of unambiguous f-mtCOI sequence were
Tool searches to GenBank indicated that a portion of this initial obtained from 10 M. charruana specimens from Barangay
sequence was 100% identical to bases 1–619 of Mytella Tucok. The statistical parsimony approach of Clement et al.
charruana mtCO1 haplotype A (accession no. EU917170) (2002) was used in the program Population Analysis with
reported by Gillis et al. (2009) with a type location of Reticulate Trees ( to esti-
Cartagena, Columbia. The next closest match in GenBank mate a haplotype network for inferring the source population of
(excluding all M. charruana sequences), was to a sequence from our Philippine M. charruana samples.
Modiolus brasiliensis (syn: Mytella guyanensis; accession no.
EU917193). The initial sequence (M. charruana Phil-1) was Salinity Tolerance Studies
aligned with haplotypes A and H1 from two divergent mtCOI
clades (accession nos. EU917170 and KP013759) that were For the first experiment on salinity tolerance of Philippine
reported for M. charruana by de Souza et al. (2015), haplotype Mytella charruana, protocols similar to those of Yuan et al.
EU917193 from M. guyanensis, and the native Philippine (2010) were used. Samples of M. charruana were collected along
mussels Perna viridis (accession no. KM373589) and Modiolus the Bued River Estuary in Barangay Longos, San Fabian,
metcalfei (syn: Modiolus modulaides; accession no. GQ480322). Pangasinan, on January 12, 2016, at 11:00 AM. The time,
The sequences were then aligned using Clustal Omega (Sievers weather condition, and environmental parameters of the site
et al. 2011); from this alignment an unrooted neighbor-joining collection (e.g., water salinity, temperature, and dissolved
tree was developed to investigate the relationship between M. oxygen) were recorded prior to sampling. Mussels were sampled
charruana and the other common Philippine mussels using from multiple locations along the river because each salinity
MEGA6 (Tamura et al. 2013). A bootstrap analysis with 500 trial (below) required 500 individuals, and one site did not have

sufficient mussels for the whole experiment. Collected mussels smaller mussels. In addition, one-way analyses of variance
were transported to the BFAR-NIFTDC Laboratory located in (ANOVA) were used to assess differences in survival among
Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City, less than a kilometer away from replicate salinity treatments using the data analysis package in
the collection site. The shell length, width, and height of MS-Excel, with significance reported at the P < 0.05 level.
individual mussels were measured; small mussels (#2.4 cm) Salinity profiling of surface waters at various stations in the
were segregated from large mussels ($2.5 cm). The small Dagupan City Calmay River Estuary system was carried out
mussels had an average of 1.54 cm length, 0.63 cm width, using a refractometer on a monthly basis during 2015 to provide
0.3 cm thickness, and 0.45 g wet weight, whereas the large a field comparison of ambient salinities in areas of potential
mussels had an average of 3.1 cm length, 1.4 cm width, 0.8 cm spread and colonization by Mytella charruana. Surface water
thickness, and 2.64 g wet weight. was also sampled during 2015 in Sual Bay, an area in the open-
Mussels were conditioned in water with a salinity similar to water Lingayen Gulf to gauge coastal salinities during the dry
that at the collection site (salinity 5) along with slight aeration and rainy southwest monsoon seasons.
for 7 days prior to the application of salinity shock. During
conditioning, the mussels remained undisturbed except for the RESULTS
removal and replacement of dead mussels. Mussels in each
aquarium were fed every other day by addition of 200 ml of Identification of Mussels
Isochrysis galbana (T-ISO) from stock cultures of approxi-
mately 30 million cells/ml, for a final concentration of 300,000 Genomic DNA was successfully isolated, and mtDNA
cells/ml in each aquarium. The salinity and temperature of the sequences were obtained from preserved specimens of an exotic
water in each aquarium were monitored daily. If an individual mussel species from the Barangay Tucok site on the Calmay
mussel remained gaping and did not respond to physical River. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool searches to GenBank
stimulation, they were considered dead, removed and replaced indicated that the mtCOI sequence (GenBank accession no.
with a live mussel; salinity shock experiments commenced only KX776480) initially obtained for one of these exotic mussels
after no mussel deaths were observed for four consecutive days. had highest affinity to female-lineage haplotypes from the
There were six experimental treatments with respective salinity charru mussel Mytella charruana. The Rawson laboratory at
levels of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 with three replicates for each the University of Maine had not worked with Mytella pre-
salinity group. A control group was also included in the viously, thus, there is little chance that this result is due to
experiment; this group was kept at a salinity of 5 that matched a prior contamination. This sequence had 100% identity with
the salinity at the collection site. Each plastic aquarium con- M. charruana ‘‘Haplotype A’’ reported by Gillis et al. (2009). de
tained 20 l water accommodating 10 small and 10 large mussels Souza et al. (2015) identified two divergent clades or hap-
with slight aeration. After 7 days of conditioning, individuals logroups of f-mtCOI sequences among M. charruana sampled
were randomly selected from the holding tanks and transferred from South America and the southeastern United States.
to each of the experimental aquaria. Feeding protocols Neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis was used to compare
remained the same as during the acclimation period. The the initial f-mtCOI sequence to sequences from the two di-
salinity shock trials ran for 12 days, with the water temperature vergent M. charruana haplogroups reported by de Souza et al.
at 25–26°C. No water changes were conducted, and salinity, (2015) and to sequences from other mytilids commonly found in
temperature, and mortalities were monitored twice daily, in the the Philippines. Our results clearly indicate that the ‘‘exotic’’
morning (9:00 AM) and afternoon (3:00 PM). mussels with shells with slightly purplish interior and a thick
In a second set of salinity tolerance trials, aimed at gauging black periostracum are not only morphologically distinct but
ability of the mussels to acclimate to higher salinity regimes, also genetically distinct from Perna viridis, the Asian green
Mytella charruana were collected from the Calmay River of mussel, and the horse mussel Modiolus modulaides (Fig. 1).
Dagupan City. Small mussels (#2.4 cm) were segregated from Furthermore, bootstrap analysis provides strong support for
large mussels ($2.5 cm). The biometric sampling conducted for this sequence belonging to Mytella haplogroup B.
small mussels yielded an average of 2.0 cm length, 1.0 cm width, In the initial effort to isolate mtCOI sequences from
and 0.54 cm thickness. Large mussels had an average of 4.3 cm Philippine mussels, two highly divergent sequences (Mytella
length, 2.0 cm width, and 1.2 cm thickness. Mussels were
transported to the laboratory in Bonuan Binloc and condi-
tioned as previously described with water salinity similar to the
salinity of collection site (salinity 30) for 7 days prior to salinity
increment trials. The salinity increment trials consisted of
a control group in which 20 mussels (10 each of the small and
large) were held and fed at salinity 30 throughout the entire
trial, and three replicate experimental groups in which salinity
was increased by a factor of 5 when water was changed; a 50% Figure 1. Neighbor-joining phylogeny illustrating the genetic distance
water change was conducted every 5 days for all aquaria. The relationships among female-lineage mtCOI sequences from Mytella
charruana, Modiolus brasiliensis (syn: Mytella guyanensis), Perna viridis,
water temperature was held at 27–29°C, and all mussels were
and Modiolus metcalfei (syn: Modiolus modulaides). Bootstrap support
fed T-ISO every other day at a concentration of 300,000 cells/ml based on 500 iterations is shown adjacent to nodes with >80% support. For
in each aquarium. The experiment lasted until no mussels were brevity, only haplotype A (Hap A) and H1 (Hap H1) are included from
left alive in the experimental tanks. Survivorship data from both each of the haplogroups A and B, respectively, that were reported for
salinity trials were analyzed by t test to detect significant f-mtCOI M. charruana sequences by de Souza et al. (2015). An asterisk
differences in mean salinity tolerances between larger and marks the f-mtCOI sequence obtained from a Philippine mussel.

examine the variation among representative sequences from

the two M. charruana f-mtCOI haplogroups, one sequence from
Modiolus brasiliensis (Mytella guyanensis) and two male lineage
mtCOI M. charruana haplotypes (M. charruana 4M and 5M).
This analysis confirms that the two male-lineage sequences
obtained from Philippine M. charruana have closest affinity to
the male-lineage haplotypes reported by Alves et al. (2012) for
Figure 2. Neighbor-joining phylogeny illustrating the genetic distance M. charruana they sampled from Bragancxa on the northern
relationships among female- and male-lineage mtCOI sequences from coast of Brazil (Fig. 2). Even so, bootstrap analysis suggests that
Mytella charruana, along with a single f-mtCOI sequence from Modiolus the two Philippine m-mtCOI sequences are distinct from the
brasiliensis (syn: Mytella guyanensis). Bootstrap support based on 500 Brazilian m-mtCOI haplotypes. Further, this phylogeny sug-
iterations is shown adjacent to nodes with >80% support. As in Figure 1, gests that the male mtDNA lineage predates divergence between
here also only a single sequence from each of the two divergent M. charruana
M. charruana and M. guyanensis. The doubly uniparental
f-mtCOI haplogroups described by de Souza et al. (2015) was included, and
inheritance of mtDNA is however complex, and several reports
sequences identified in this study are marked with asterisks.
have indicated the loss of male lineages and subsequent
conversion of female haplotypes to male haplotypes in other
charruana Phil-4M and Phil-6M; GenBank accession nos. mytilids (Zouros 2000). Given the current paucity of male
KX781339 and KX781340, respectively) were obtained that sequences in M. charruana and the lack of male sequences for
differ from the previous f-mtCOI sequences for Philippine M. guyanensis, it is not feasible to date the origin of the male
Mytella by greater than 100 substitutions. These sequences lineage in Mytella.
are most closely related to haplogroup C of de Souza et al. The f-mtCOI sequences were obtained from nine additional
(2015) that contains two m-mtCOI sequences (M. charruana Mytella charruana from Barangay Tucok. Despite the shorter
4M and 5M) first identified by Alves et al. (2012). These results length of these sequences, haplotypes among the 10 total
confirm the presence of highly divergent male and female f-mtCOI sequences obtained from the Philippine charru mus-
mtDNA lineages in M. charruana, a feature shared with other sels were distinguished. Statistical parsimony network analysis
mytilids. A neighbor-joining phylogeny was constructed to (Fig. 3) indicated that sequences clustered with M. charruana

Figure 3. Statistical parsimony network among f-mtCOI sequences from South American, southeastern United States and Philippine populations. This
analysis is based on an alignment of 397 bp common to all sequences. Haplogroups A and B are indicated, as per de Souza et al. (2015). Missing or
inferred haplotypes are indicated by black circles. The size of each circle indicates the overall frequency of each haplotype in the combined dataset while
the color of each circle indicates the population in which each haplotype was observed. Haplotypes A and H1 are those used in the neighbor-joining
phylogenies in Figures 1 and 2; the box indicates the position of all Philippine Mytella charruana sequences in the network.

haplotypes A (accession no. EU917170) and K (accession no. surviving mussels were held and fed for another 2 wk after the
EU917174) in haplogroup B with the majority (n ¼ 8) being 12 days experimental period to determine whether there were
identical to haplotype K of Gillis et al. (2009). Both haplotypes any delayed behavioral changes or mortalities among mussels in
have been observed among M. charruana from Cartegena, the salinity 5 control and the treatment groups from salinities
Colombia, whereas haplotype A has also been observed among 10 to 30. No mortalities were observed in any of the treatments.
charru mussels at several locations in southeastern United States From this, it was concluded that Mytella charruana can readily
(Gillis et al. 2009). This analysis thus suggests that populations withstand a direct transfer into a wide range of salinity regimes
on the Caribbean Coast of South America have served as the (salinity 5–30), even without acclimation, but mussels trans-
source population for the M. charruana introduced indepen- ferred to salinities higher than 30 did not form byssal threads
dently to the southeastern United States and the Philippines, with and eventually died after few days.
the likelihood of the mussels being carried to the Philippines via In the higher salinity acclimation trials (Fig. 5), all the
shipping traffic traversing the Panama Canal. mussels in the three replicate treatment groups died after being
subjected to salinity 65 seawater. The results indicate that 100%
Salinity Tolerance Trials of the mussels survived in both the salinity 55 treatment and
the salinity 30 control aquaria. The experiment showed that
Throughout the 12-day salinity shock experiments, mortal- Mytella charruana can tolerate a wide range of salinities, and
ities were observed only in the aquaria with salinity 35. Results that these mussels have the ability to acclimate to salinities
of the t test between survivorships of smaller and larger mussels above the nominal salinity 30 threshold if the salinity change
were not significant (>0.05), so smaller and larger mussel data is gradual. Mussels tolerated salinity 55 with 100% survival
were pooled for reporting purposes. Although there was through gradual increase in salinity under controlled environ-
variation among the replicate tanks, there was a steady decline mental conditions. As salinities began to exceed 60, however,
in survival for the mussels directly transferred from 5 to 35 even with acclimation, significantly greater mortalities (P < 0.05
salinity, most of the mussels died after 4 days and all mussels ANOVA) occurred.
had died by 11 days posttransfer (Fig. 4). In addition, no byssus
formation was also observed for the mussels subjected to the Measurement of Estuarine and Coastal Salinity Levels
salinity 35 shock. The mussels remained closed and unattached
in the aquarium. In all other salinity treatments from the The salinity profiles at several stations on the Calmay River–
salinity 5 control up to 30, the mussels behaved normally Dagupan Estuary (Fig. 6) show peak salinities in the month of
including byssal attachment to the aquarium surface. The June at the hottest and driest part of the year just before the July

Figure 4. The mortality of Philippine charru mussels exposed to various salinity regimes after collection from salinity 5 estuarine waters and a 7-day
maintenance period in the laboratory at salinity 5. Survival data from the salinity 5 control and most test aquaria (salinity 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) are indicated
by diamond markers, whereas data from the salinity 35 test aquaria are indicated with square markers. Mortalities were noted only in aquaria with salinity 35
seawater. Most mussels died during day 4, and all mussels were dead by day 11. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (n$ 3).

Figure 5. The mortality response of charru mussel Mytella charruana acclimated to 30 psu salinity and subjected to a salinity 5 incremental increase
every 5 days. Diamond markers represent survival of mussels in the salinity 30 control tank, and square markers represent response of mussels in the test
tanks with the incremental salinity increases. Data from individual replicate experiments are shown with error bars indicating standard error of the mean
(n$ 3). Significant differences in means (P < 0.05 ANOVA) between the control and the treatment group by one-way ANOVA were only found once 60
and 65 psu salinities were reached.

onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season. Surface water areas primarily along the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts of
salinities may drop to zero during the rains, but gradually South America (Scarabino et al. 1975). Charru mussels have
increase over several months as the rains cease in August or great dispersal ability and appear to readily colonize a variety
September and oceanic salinities become reestablished in the of habitats; traits that no doubt have facilitated this mussel
early months of the following year. Some locations upstream becoming an important invasive species in several regions of the
from the mouth of the river and the saline waters of the world (Gillis et al. 2009).
Lingayen Gulf remain below salinity 30 even during the height Large numbers of charru mussels first appeared in the
of the hot dry Philippine summer. These are likely areas for United States in 1986 in the seawater intake pipe of a power-
year- around survival of charru mussels. One of the initial plant in Jacksonville, FL (Lee 1987). These mussels died out
charru mussel colonization sites in the Calmay River, Barangay in early 1987 and were considered extirpated from the state
Tucok, is one site that does not reach salinities above 35, and the at that time. Charru mussels were, however, reintroduced
charru mussels have remained alive there year-around so far. into Florida waters via the Mosquito Lagoon in the Indian
Salinity fluctuation of the coastal waters of the Lingayen River Lagoon system in 2004 (Boudreaux & Walters 2006),
Gulf was investigated by monitoring salinity at six stations in and they have spread considerably along the Atlantic Coast
nearby Sual Bay during 2015 (Fig. 7). Sual Bay is a highly from South Carolina to Central Florida since this secondary
flushed embayment along the coast of Pangasinan with rela- introduction (Spinuzzi et al. 2013). In their analysis of
tively modest freshwater input even during the height of the female-lineage mtCOI sequence variation, Gillis et al.
monsoon season because of no large river nearby. During the (2009) concluded that charru mussels in the southeastern
postmonsoon period, when the rains do stop, salinity remains United States originated from source populations on the
below salinity 30 for a couple of months, so this may be an Caribbean Coast of South America. Our analysis of 10
opportune time when charru mussel larvae could be dispersed female-lineage sequences suggests a similar origin for Phil-
to adjacent estuaries if carried by longshore currents. ippine charru mussels. The 10 female-lineage sequences
obtained in this study cluster with haplotypes A and K
reported by Gillis et al. (2009) in a statistical parsimony
network. Haplotypes A and K have been observed among
The charru mussel Mytella charruana is an epifaunal tropical charru mussels from Cartagena, Colombia; the former is
and subtropical mussel colonizing rocky substrates in estuarine also common among nonnative charru mussels in the

Figure 6. Surface salinity profile (unitless) in several locations in the Dagupan City Estuary–Calmay River from monthly measurements taken between
February and November 2015. Highest salinities above 30 were found at locations nearest the mouth of the estuary exchanging with the waters of the
Lingayen Gulf. Areas for highest likelihood of year-around survival of charru mussels were at locations further up the estuary that remained below the
salinity 30 threshold year-around.

southeastern United States. We have also observed that The shell color of the Philippine specimens inspected in this
divergent male-lineage mtDNA is common, at least among study tends toward the darker shades. Most specimens
the mussels sampled from Barangay Tucok. The two un- collected in the Philippines so far exhibit the iridescent
ambiguous m-mtCOI sequences obtained in this study were purple interior along with a thick black periostracum that
substantially divergent from the only other Mytella char- may occasionally tend toward dark brown in smaller
ruana male-lineage sequences on GenBank. Further analysis specimens.
is limited by the paucity of male-lineage sequences for After the 2004 reintroduction of Mytella charruana to
Mytella mussels. The results of this study, however, indicate Florida, they spread rapidly and became firmly established
that it is unlikely that Philippine mussels originated from in many estuaries along the southeast Atlantic Coast. In the
northern Brazil populations of M. charruana, consistent with Mosquito Lagoon area, they exhibit peak spawning during
the results obtained with the female-lineage sequences. To August, which corresponds with the period of peak in
our knowledge, this and preliminary reports (Rawson et al. precipitation for the area (Gilg et al. 2010). If the reproduc-
2016, Rice et al. 2016) are the first reports of an instance of tive pattern of M. charruana follows suit in the Philippines
a trans-Pacific introduction of this neotropical mussel species with spawning period maximum during the southwest mon-
into an Asian location. soonal rainy season, this may also be the period of most
Charru mussels can reach 65 mm in shell length; the likelihood of spread of the mussels from estuary to estuary
shells of this species are frequently characterized as having along the coast. Charru mussels collected from the Bued
a dark brown to black external color with semicircular rings River-Longos, San Fabian Estuary, for the salinity shock
and an iridescent purple interior. Close inspection of the trials are separated from the mouth of the Calmay River–
shell reveals a wavy dark (brown, purple, and dark green) Dagupan Estuary by a distance of 8 km by the waters of the
and light (cream) patterns in the shell (Spinuzzi et al. 2013). Lingayen Gulf that are usually greater than 30 salinity for
The holotype specimen in the Smithsonian Institution most of the year. Salinity dips in the Lingayen Gulf below
United States National Museum identified under the syn- the salinity 30 threshold during the rainy season (Fig. 7)
onym of Modiolus arciformis (Dall, 1909) (USNM Holo- however may provide ideal conditions for longshore dis-
type 207,756) is light in color with a cream-colored exterior. persal of mussels from estuary to estuary. Further studies of

Figure 7. Surface salinity profile (unitless) at several locations in Sual Bay, an embayment of the Lingayen Gulf at about 16.18 N and 120.18 E taken
between March and November 2015. The salinity profile of the Bay was lowest in August after the onset of the July onset of monsoonal rains, but
exceeded salinity 30 by November. When coastal salinity drops below the nominal salinity 30 mortality threshold for charru mussels, spread of larval
stages from estuary to estuary may potentially occur.

spawning times and salinity tolerances of the pelagic larvae of provided very similar results; however, we did not detect
the Philippine charru mussels should shed further light on this statistically significant size-based differences in salinity
speculative dispersion pathway. tolerances. Both studies indicate that charru mussels have
The charru mussel Mytella charruana is considered the capacity to invade a wide variety of saline environments
a mesohaline and polyhaline species that is found from with significant freshwater or marine input, possibly surviving
marine environments with salinities higher than 25 to wide salinity swings in Philippine estuaries associated with the
estuarine environments with salinities as low as 5. A rapid onset of abundant monsoonal rains. Their ability to
population of mussels at the Longos site was found that gradually adapt to salinities higher than 55 suggests that under
appears to be able to survive salinities as low as 2 for several some circumstances, the mussels may have potential for spread
weeks (A. D. Salinas, unpublished data). Salinity tolerance throughout the Philippine archipelago.
data, estimated for 36 bivalve species by Castagna and Results indicating that gradual acclimation over a 5-day
Chanley (1973), suggest that acclimation to small incremen- period allowed charru mussels to survive exposure to high
tal changes in salinity may allow species to broaden their salinities are consistent with previous studies with other
tolerance threshold. The salinity tolerance results show that mytilids. These studies have shown that mytilids adjust to
even without small incremental changes in salinity, charru high salinity by activation of metabolic pathways, such as the
mussels have a very broad tolerance for changing salinity. induction of peptidases to depolymerize proteins and activa-
Yuan et al. (2010) explored survival threshold of charru tion of enzymes catalyzing the alanine dehydrogenase re-
mussels by experimenting on the salinity tolerance of action that utilizes ammonia and pyruvic acid in the
mussels from the Florida population. In their study, large formation of free alanine, to increase the concentration of
M. charruana (20- to 54-mm shell length) survived best in osmotically active intracellular free amino acids in their
salinities from 2 to 23, with 100% mortality at 0 and 45 tissues (e.g., Baginski & Pierce 1977, 1978, Berger & Kharazova
salinities. Larger mussels were able to tolerate up to salinity 1997, Livingstone et al. 1979). Although the metabolic basis of
40 with gradual salinity adjustment. Smaller M. charruana salinity acclimation in Mytella remains unstudied, it is pre-
(3–19 mm) survived in a wider range of salinities (2–40 ppt) dicted that similar pathways are likely important for the
and could acclimatize to more extreme levels when salinity charru mussel.
was adjusted gradually. Their observations indicated that A previous report (Rice et al. 2016) discussed Philippine
charru mussels have the potential to invade a wide variety of mussel farmers successfully adapting some of their mussel
habitats particularly when they have an opportunity to culture gear primarily designed for the culture of green
acclimate to gradual changes in salinity. Acclimation ex- mussels Perna viridis for the culture of Mytella charruana
periments in this study on the Philippine charru mussels during and in the months after the rainy season. They

reported that green mussels die off during the onset of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
rainy season. Indeed, Nair and Murugan (1991) have shown
We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Chastity
that P. viridis have salinity tolerance thresholds of 19 and 44.
With data of this study and of others showing that M. Bowman of the University of Maine for conducting some of the
charruana are viable at much lower salinities, there is the genetic analyses of the charru mussels. Partial funding for this
possibility that mussel farmers in some sites will be able to project has been through the University of Maine Agricultural
expand mussel production into a two-season enterprise with Experiment Station, The Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and
alternation of the two species between the dry and wet Aquatic Resources, and the University of Rhode Island
growing seasons. Cooperative Extension.

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